Our favourites

From Snowdonia 1890 and Coal House at War, to specially written Welsh mythical tales, we've gathered some of our favourite web pages that focus on children's lives in Wales.

Tommy and Leah Braddock

Snowdonia 1890

The Braddock and Jones families say goodbye to the 21st century and take their first steps into 1890.

Snowdonia 1890 kids

Meet the children living life in 1890s Wales.

Escape the Beast

A fun and frantic game. Can you help Sabrina escape the Beast of Bont?

Coal House at War

What did the children of Stack Square really think about life during World War Two?


Specially written tales of bygone times and characters from Welsh mythology.

My River

Children remember their relatives who fought in WWl

Iron Age Celts

Learn about the people who lived in Britain 2000 years ago.


Video audio and image resource for teachers.


Eric - Hands on history - The Normans

Meet the Normans

Adventure back in time to find out all about Norman life


Child with pram

Childhood in Wales

Archive clips capturing the daily lives of children in Wales.

Chwedlau Myrddin

Ynys Gudd Morgana

Stori Ynys Gudd Morgana

Ewch ar anturiaethau gyda'r cymeriadau yn ein straeon a gemau.

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