How to Propagate Roses From Stem Cuttings

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 15 - 30 mins
  • Total Time: 2 - 3 wks
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Estimated Cost: $10 to $20

Learning how to propagate roses is a great way to grow new plants for your garden. The easiest way to propagate roses is by taking stem cuttings. Cuttings can be taken from softwood or hardwood, but softwood is the easiest.

You can propagate roses in the springtime or in the fall. Roses will begin blooming several years after propagation. There are other ways to propagate roses other than taking stem cuttings, such as through seeding or propagating in water.

Here is a step-by-step guide for how to propagate roses from stem cuttings.

How and When to Take Rose Stem Cuttings

A pink stem rose.

The Spruce / Claire Cohen

The best time to propagate roses by taking softwood cuttings is in the spring, late fall, or even in the winter. Cuttings can be taken at any time of the year, but they are more likely to root successfully after flowering.

"Success is much more likely during the cool months from November through February. Late fall is a favorite time because there are usually a few blossoms remaining on everblooming types to identify them," according to Dr. William Welch, professor and landscape horticulturist at Texas A&M University.

Also, consider outdoor temperatures. The ideal daytime temperatures would be above 55 degrees Fahrenheit but below 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The best temperatures overall would be between between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The early morning hours are the prime time to take rose stem cuttings because the plant is well-hydrated. Avoid taking cuttings when your plant is heavily blooming and concentrating its energy on flower production because it will not root.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Pruning shears
  • Stake
  • Grow lights (optional)


  • Mature rose plant for cuttings
  • Powdered rooting hormone (optional)
  • Plant pot
  • Sand and vermiculite or a rose potting mixture
  • Plastic bag or plastic wrap


Materials and tools photo composite to grow roses from cuttings

The Spruce / Michela Buttignol

How to Propagate Roses From Stem Cuttings

When choosing the right stem cuttings to propagate, look for healthy, green stems that measure about 5 to 9 inches long and have at least three leaf nodes. Remember to water the roses the day before you plant to take cuttings.


Sharp pruners are necessary when taking rose cuttings. Dull tools can crush the rose's woody stems instead of forming a clean slice, making the cutting susceptible to fungal rot. Furthermore, clean your pruners before and after each cutting to avoid transmitting diseases. 

  1. Cut a 5 to 9-Inch Stem

    • Start by taking a 5 to 9-inch segment of a newly blooming stem, and cutting it from the plant at a 45-degree angle. The stem should be about the width of a pencil. The best cuttings for rooting usually come from the sides of the bush rather than the center.
    • If you're taking multiple cuttings, place them in a water container to keep them hydrated until you're ready to propagate them.
    person taking a cutting from a rose bush

    The Spruce / Claire Cohen

  2. Remove Flowers and Leaves

    • Remove any flowers or flower buds along the cut stem. Flowers or buds on the cut branch will consume energy, and you want to encourage the stem to refocus its survival energy on sending out new roots. 
    • Remove all but the top two sets of leaves on the stem.
    • Cut off the remaining stem portion just above this top set of leaves. Removing the excess leaves will help the cutting divert energy to root production.
    A person removing leaves from a rose stem.

    The Spruce / Claire Cohen

  3. Cut the Bottom to Encourage Roots

    • Using sharp pruning shears, make a fresh cut on the bottom of the stem just below a stem node (a bump where new growth typically forms).
    • Slice into the bottom of the stem about a 1/4 inch up, splitting the stem into open quarters.
    Up close view of a rose stem prepared for propagation.

    The Spruce / Claire Cohen

  4. Apply Rooting Hormone (Optional)

    Although not necessary, applying a rooting hormone can encourage your rose plant to develop new roots. Rooting hormones can be found in powder, liquid, and gel forms. When working with roses, you'll succeed best with the powder version. To apply:

    • Slightly moisten the split end of the rose cutting.
    • Dip the cut end into the powdered rooting hormone.
    • Shake off any excess.
    A person dipping the end of a rose stem into rooting hormone.

    The Spruce / Claire Cohen

  5. Plant in Rose Potting Mix

    • Fill a small pot with at least 6 inches of a potting mix formulated especially for roses.
    • Poke a hole, using a finger, in the potting medium.
    • Insert the stem sliced-side down, careful not to rub off the rooting hormone.
    • Gently pack the soil around the stem.
    • Water well. 
    Rose stem in a pot of soil.

    The Spruce / Claire Cohen

  6. Cover With Plastic Wrap

    • Loosely cover the cutting, pot with plastic wrap to retain soil moisture. Do not let the plastic touch any remaining leaves on the stem, as this can cause them to remain wet and become susceptible to fungal disease.
    • Put a tall stake into the pot to help hold the plastic away from the leaves. The bag must also be slightly vented so condensation can escape—if you seal the bag too tightly, the stem can rot. 
    • Place the cutting under grow lights or near a bright window.
    Potted rose stem covered with plastic.

    The Spruce / Claire Cohen

  7. Monitor the Cutting

    • Keep the soil moist until roots form, which usually takes two weeks.
    • Check for roots by gently tugging on the stem—if there's resistance, roots are probably present.
    • When the roots are firmly established, or new leaf sprouts appear along the stem, transplant the new plant into a pot or the ground
    • Harden off the new rose plant by gradually exposing it to outdoor conditions before moving it or planting it outside.


    Be patient when growing roses from cuttings. It can take several years for your new rose to produce flowers.

Tips for Propagating Roses From Cuttings

  • Try heat mats: Heat mats can help accelerate rooting by providing heat from the bottom.
  • Apply mycorrhizal fungi: This type of fungi helps roses to create better root systems, which in turn leads to higher tolerance to drought and greater flowering.
  • Use fluorescent lights: Fluorescent lights used in grow lights can also help the propagation process for roses. This can work especially well during the winter months.

Other Ways to Propagate Roses

Other methods for propagating roses include:

  • Seeding: You can propagate roses through seeds. Seeding can deliver beautiful results. However, this method takes a lot of time and requires patience.
  • Water: You can place rose cuttings in water to propagate them. Place these cuttings in a clear, clean glass of room-temperature water. The bottom third of the stem should be submerged in the water. This method doesn't always guarantee propagation and is not usually recommended.
  • What is the easiest way to propagate roses?

    The easiest way to propagate roses is to take cuttings from softwoods ideally in the spring or fall.

  • When is the best time to propagate roses?

    Some experts recommend propagating roses from November to February. By fall, you can see which roses were healthy, vibrant, and lasted the longest. After the flowers fade, take a cutting from one of those long-blooming bushes and root it indoors under controlled conditions over the winter.

  • Can you successfully grow roses from cuttings in a potato?

    Viral memes showing a rose stem cutting growing by putting the cut end into a potato are accurate. You can take this approach; however, results are the same, if not likely faster, using only soil and water.

  • What is the fastest way to root rose cuttings?

    The fastest and easiest way to propagate roses is to take a cutting from young growth that's finished blooming and apply a rooting hormone to encourage the development of a root system.

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  1. Rose propagation from cuttings. Texas A&M University.