
UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈnɒk/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/nɑk/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(nok)

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Principales traductions
knock vi (rap on door)frapper, taper vi
 Larry knocked on the door.
 Larry a frappé à la porte.
knock [sth] vtr (hit)heurter, cogner vtr
  (un membre)se cogner [qch] v pron
 The punch knocked the wind out of Dan.
 Cette phrase n'est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. Dan s'est heurté (or: cogné) la tête sur une poutre au sous-sol.
knock [sth/sb] vtr (criticize)critiquer vtr
 Seth told Sean, "Don't knock quiz shows; you can learn a lot from them."
 Seth a dit à Sean : « Ne critique pas les jeux télé, c'est instructif ! »
knock n (noise at door)coup nm
 Tina went to answer a knock on the door.
 Tina est allée ouvrir la porte après avoir entendu un coup.
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Traductions supplémentaires
knock n informal, figurative (criticism)critique nf
 Ben's knock at the mayor's reputation was not well received.
 La critique de Ben sur la réputation du maire n'a pas été bien reçue.
knock n (sound like a knock) (bruit)coup nm
 The knock of the hammer against the wall woke everyone up.
 Le coup de marteau contre le mur a réveillé tout le monde.
knock n (setback) (familier)coup dur nm
  contretemps nm
 The loss of funding was a huge knock to the project's progress.
 La perte de financement fut un coup dur pour l'avancement du projet.
knock vi (car engine)cogner vi
 Tom took his car to the mechanic because his engine was knocking.
 Tom a fait inspecter sa voiture par un mécanicien parce que le moteur cognait.
knock vi (knees: shake with fear)s'entrechoquer v pron
 The boy's knees were knocking as he waited for the principal to call him into her office.
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Verbes à particule
knock [sb] about vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (punch or treat roughly)maltraiter, brutaliser vtr
knock [sth] about vtr phrasal sep UK, informal, figurative (consider, debate: an idea)débattre de vtr ind
knock [sb] around,
also UK: knock [sb] about
vtr phrasal sep
informal (punch or treat roughly)malmener, battre vtr
knock [sth] around,
also UK: knock [sth] about
vtr phrasal sep
figurative, informal (consider, debate: an idea)débattre de vtr ind
knock around,
also UK: knock about
vi phrasal
informal (idle, hang around) (familier)traîner vi
knock around with [sb],
knock about with [sb]
vi phrasal + prep
UK, informal (spend time with) (familier)traîner avec vi + prép
knock [sb] back vtr phrasal sep informal (impede progress of)retarder vtr
 The unexpected obstacle knocked her back and she was not able to finish on time.
 L'obstacle inattendu l'a retardée et elle n'a pas pu finir à temps.
knock [sth] back,
knock back [sth]
vtr phrasal sep
slang (drink greedily) (familier : une boisson)descendre vtr
 Il a descendu trois pastis d'affilée.
  (populaire : une boisson)s'envoyer [qch] v pron
 Il s'est envoyé trois pastis d'affilée.
knock [sb] back [sth] vtr phrasal sep UK, slang (cost)coûter (cher) à [qqn] vi
  (populaire)coûter la peau des fesses à [qqn] vi
 That new car must have knocked you back a fair amount!
 Cette voiture a dû te coûter très cher.
 Cette voiture a dû te coûter la peau des fesses.
knock [sth] down,
knock down [sth]
vtr phrasal sep
(demolish)démolir vtr
 The old office building was knocked down to make place for a new shopping mall.
 Le vieil immeuble a été démoli pour faire place au nouveau centre commercial.
knock [sth] down,
knock down [sth]
vtr phrasal sep
figurative (reduce the price of)baisser vtr
 No one was buying anything so they decided to knock down the prices.
 Personne n'achetait rien alors ils ont décidé de baisser les prix.
knock [sb] down,
knock down [sb]
vtr phrasal sep
(pedestrian: hit with a vehicle)renverser, faucher vtr
  (un animal surtout)écraser vtr
 The car knocked him down as he crossed the street.
 Une voiture l'a renversé alors qu'il traversait la route.
knock down [sth],
knock [sth] down
vtr phrasal sep
(cause to fall to the ground)renverser vtr
  faire tomber vtr
 The objective of bowling is to knock down as many pins as possible.
 Le but du bowling est de renverser (or: de faire tomber) autant de quilles que possible.
knock [sth] in,
knock in [sth]
vtr phrasal sep
(demolish, break down)abattre vtr
 Before adding the extra room to the house, they had to knock in the kitchen wall.
knock [sth] off vtr phrasal sep slang (finish rapidly)finir vtr
  (péjoratif)bâcler vtr
  (familier, péjoratif)torcher vtr
 I knocked off a politics essay while I was waiting for her to get ready.
 J'ai fini une dissertation de science po en attendant qu'elle se prépare.
knock [sth] off vtr phrasal sep UK, slang (brand: copy)copier vtr
 They're knocking off designer brands and selling the goods in the local market.
 Ils copient des marques de créateurs et vendent les articles sur le marché local.
knock off vi phrasal slang (finish day's work)arrêter de travailler loc v
  cesser le travail loc v
 When it rains, the boss lets us knock off work early.
 Quand il pleut, le patron nous permet d'arrêter de travailler plus tôt.
knock [sth] off vtr phrasal sep slang, figurative (price: reduce)faire une réduction, faire une ristourne, faire une remise loc v
 There's a button missing from this dress. Could you knock a couple of pounds off the price?
 Il manque un bouton à cette robe, pourriez-vous faire une réduction de quelques livres ?
knock [sb] out vtr phrasal sep informal (strike unconscious)assommer, mettre K.-O., mettre KO vtr
  (familier)sonner vtr
 The goalkeeper collided with the striker and knocked him out.
 Le gardien a percuté l'attaquant et l'a assommé (or: mis K.-O.).
knock [sb] out vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (send to sleep) (figuré)mettre K.-O., mettre KO vtr
  (familier)sonner vtr
 The chloroform knocked her out.
 Le chloroforme l'a mise KO.
knock [sb] out vtr phrasal sep (KO: defeat in boxing match) (Boxe)mettre K.-O., mettre KO vtr
 The boxer knocked out his opponent in the third round.
 Le boxeur a mis son adversaire KO au troisième round.
knock [sb] out vtr phrasal sep (competitor: eliminate) (Sports)éliminer vtr
  (Sports)sortir [qqn] (de [qch]) vtr
 In the semi-final of the competition, Manchester United knocked Liverpool out.
 En demi-finale, Manchester United a éliminé Liverpool.
 En demi-finale, Manchester United a sorti Liverpool (de la compétition).
knock [sb] out vtr phrasal sep slang, figurative (impress) (familier : impressionner)souffler, épater vtr
 Sophie knocked everybody out with her great singing voice.
 Sophie a soufflé (or: épaté) tout le monde avec sa magnifique voix.
knock [sth] out vtr phrasal sep slang (do hurriedly) (familier, péjoratif)torcher vtr
 Ben quickly knocked the essay out.
 Ben a torché sa dissertation à la hâte.
knock [sb] over,
knock over [sb]
vtr phrasal sep
(pedestrian: hit with a vehicle) (un piéton)renverser, faucher vtr
 The bus was delayed because a cyclist was knocked over by a car.
 Le bus a été retardé parce qu'un cycliste a été renversé par une voiture.
knock [sth] over,
knock over [sth]
vtr phrasal sep
(from upright position)renverser, faire tomber vtr
 I got mad at the little girl for knocking over my statue.
 Je me suis mis en colère contre la petite fille qui a renversé ma statue.
knock [sth] over,
knock over [sth]
vtr phrasal sep
informal (rob)voler vtr
  (familier)piquer vtr
knock [sb] up vtr phrasal sep often passive, slang (make pregnant) (familier)mettre en cloque vtr
  (familier)to get knocked up : se retrouver en cloque v pron
  to get knocked up : se retrouver enceinte v pron
 Her boyfriend knocked her up when she was 16, which put an end to her dreams of being an actress.
 Son copain l'a mise en cloque quand elle avait 16 ans, ce qui a mis fin à ses rêves de devenir actrice.
knock [sth] up vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (make or put together hurriedly)faire (à la hâte) vtr
  (familier : un objet surtout)bricoler vtr
knock up vi phrasal informal, UK (tennis: practise before game) (Tennis)s'échauffer v pron
  (Tennis)faire des balles loc v
knock [sb] up vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (call on)passer voir vtr
 Knock me up next time you're passing and we'll have a coffee together.
 Knock me up when you've finished work.
 Passe me voir la prochaine fois que tu es dans le coin et on se prendra un café. // Passe me voir quand tu auras fini le travail.
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Formes composées
hard knocks npl figurative, informal (real-life experience) (figuré)coups durs nmpl
 Dan brings to the job a life-long experience of hard knocks.
 Dan apporte au poste une longue expérience de coups durs.
hard knocks npl figurative, informal (difficult experiences)coups durs nmpl
 The advertising industry has taken some hard knocks in the recent economic downturn.
 Le monde de la publicité a pris quelques coups durs avec la baisse économique de ces derniers temps.
knock 'em dead,
knock them dead
v expr
figurative, informal (impress people)les épater loc v
 Don't be nervous about the job interview; with your qualifications and experience, you're bound to knock 'em dead.
informal (setback)contretemps, retard, imprévu nm
knock into [sb/sth] vi + prep (hit)heurter vtr
  (plus familier)rentrer dans vi + prép
 Rachel tripped and knocked into a coworker.
 Rachel a trébuché et a heurté son collègue.
 Rachel a trébuché et est rentrée dans un collègue.
knock [sth] into a cocked hat,
also US: beat [sth] into a cocked hat
v expr
figurative, slang (be far superior to)dépasser [qch] de très loin loc v
 Those coffee éclairs are delicious, but the chocolate ones knock them into a cocked hat.
Knock it off! interj slang (stop it)Arrête !, Arrêtez ! interj
 Knock it off! Go and play somewhere else--I'm trying to do some work!
 Arrête ! Va jouer ailleurs. J'essaie de travailler !
knock it off v expr slang (stop: doing, saying)arrêter vi
 Gary was whistling tunelessly until Dave told him to knock it off.
 Gary sifflait faux jusqu'à ce que Dave lui dise d'arrêter.
knock [sb/sth] off [sb/sth] vtr + adv (push [sb/sth] off [sb/sth] forcefully)faire tomber [qch] de [qch] loc v
 At the funfair, Jerry won a prize for knocking a coconut off its post.
knock [sb] off their pedestal,
knock [sb] off his pedestal,
knock [sb] off her pedestal
v expr
figurative (humble [sb] who is self-important)faire tomber [qqn] de son piédestal loc v
 Losing a game so early in the tournament knocked him off his pedestal.
knock on vi + adv UK, informal (grow old)vieillir vi
knock [sth] on vtr + adv (rugby: use arm illegally) (Rugby)faire un en-avant loc v
knock-on n (rugby: illegal use arm) (Rugby)en-avant nm inv
knock on wood (US),
touch wood (UK)
(said in order to avoid bad luck)je touche du bois expr
 Everything's going well so far—touch wood!
knock [sth/sb] out of the way v expr informal (shove aside)bousculer vtr
 He ran down the school hallway knocking people out of his way.
 Il marchait dans le couloir de l'école, bousculant tout le monde sur son passage.
  écarter de son passage vtr
  repousser vtr
knock [sb] sideways v expr figurative (astonish)en boucher un coin à [qqn] loc v
  épater, impressionner vtr
knock the rough edges off [sth/sb] v expr informal, figurative (refine) (figuré)dégrossir vtr
 The band have knocked the rough edges off their playing and now sound more professional.
 Le groupe a dégrossi son jeu et a un son plus pro maintenant.
knock [sth] together vtr + adv slang (assemble crudely)bricoler vtr
  (un repas)préparer, concocter vtr
 Helga knocked dinner together from whatever she could find in the fridge.
 Helga nous a préparé un dîner avec ce qu'elle a trouvé dans le frigo.
knock-up n informal, UK (tennis: pre-game practice) (Tennis)échauffement nm
  (Tennis)faire des balles loc v
Note: A hyphen is used when the term is a noun
knock [sb]'s socks off,
knock the socks off [sb]
v expr
figurative, informal (amaze, impress)épater, impressionner loc v
  (familier)en boucher un coin à [qqn] loc v
  (familier)laisser [qqn] baba loc v
Knock yourself out! interj slang, figurative (go ahead, do it)vas-y interj
  fonce interj
 "Could I try riding your bike?" "Sure, knock yourself out!"
 - Est-ce que je peux essayer ton vélo ? - Bien sûr, vas-y !
knock-on effect n UK (indirect consequence)répercussion, conséquence nf
  effet nm
 Inflation can be a knock-on effect of increased government spending.
 L'inflation peut être une répercussion (or: conséquence) de l'augmentation des dépenses gouvernementales.
knockdown price,
knock-down price
UK, informal (low cost, discounted price)prix cassé, prix bas, prix minimum, prix de réclame nm
 This holiday season, our store will offer the best knockdown prices of the year.
knockoff (US),
knock-off (UK)
slang (counterfeit)faux, fausse adj
  imitation nf
  de contrefaçon loc adj
knockoff (US),
knock-off (UK)
slang (bootleg copy)faux nm
  imitation nf
 It's not a real designer purse; it's only a cheap knockoff.
 Ce n'est pas un vrai sac de marque mais un faux bon marché.
take [sb] down a peg or two,
bring [sb] down a peg or two,
knock [sb] down a peg or two
v expr
informal (humble) (familier)remettre [qqn] à sa place, rabattre le caquet de [qqn] loc v
throw [sb] for a loop,
knock [sb] for a loop
v expr
(upset, shock)choquer vtr
  (moins fort)interloquer, stupéfier, déconcerter vtr
 The news of her brother’s death really threw Evie for a loop. Discovering his wife had been cheating on him with his best friend knocked Stuart for a loop.
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'knock' également trouvé dans ces entrées :
Dans la description anglaise :
Français :

Synonymes : hit, tap, rap, bang, pound, Suite...
Collocations : [two, loud, sharp, repeated, light, thunderous, furious] knocks (on the door), there was a (sudden) knock [on, at] the door, the knock [stirred, startled, woke] him, Suite...

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