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For  tlie  use  of  European  Olfioers,  Soldiers  and  others  employed  in  the  several  Executive    ; 
Departments  under  the  Government  of  Madras. 









]  8C2. 

3  VH^S 




Jf  the  56  letters  of  the  Telugu  alphabet,  51  are  used  in  this  Dictionary, 
and  they  may  be  represented  in  the  Roman  character  as  follows: 



a,,  as  in  delta- 

mn>  ri,  as  in  ream. 


6,  as  in  father. 


e,  as  e  in  mendicant. 


i,   as  in  pin. 


e,  as  e  in  grey. 


i,  as  in  pique. 




u,5  as  oo  in  good. 


o5  as  oin  police 


u,  as  oo  in  food. 


6,  as  o  in  story. 


ri,  as  in  rill. 


an,  as  ou  in  foul 

Anuswara  m  or  n. 



§*  k,  as  k  in  king. 

sp  kh,  aspirate  of  the  preceding  as  kh  in  pack-horse, 

X  g,  as  g  in  garden. 

3»  gh,  aspirate  of  the  preceding  as  gh  in  gig-horse. 

a   n,  as  ng  in  angle. 


sfr»  h,  as  h  in  hunger, 


tf  ch,  as  ch  in  church  or  ts,  as  in  beats. 
^   chh,  the  aspirate  of  the  first  tf  as  in  coach-horse. 
83  j,  as  j  in  jelly  or  dz,  as  in  torridzone. 
Sep  jhj  the  aspirate  of  the  first  a  j. 
sy-  fi,  as  gn  in  mignon  or  ni,  in  onion. 
$    s,  as  s  in  sure. 

csss  y,  as  y  in  yellow. 

to   t,  as  t  in  trump. 

tf  th,  the  aspirate  of  the  preceding. 

£  d,  as  d  in  drum. 

#  dh,  the  aspirate  of  the  preceding. 
CT  n,  the  cerebral  n. 

tf    r,  as  r  in  rule. 

«w)   rr,  as  in  worry. 

$    1,  the  cerebral  1. 

&.  sh,  as  in  shop. 

€    t,  as  t  in  taper. 

#  th,  the  aspirate  of  the  preceding,  as  th  in  sweet-heart. 
zs  d,  as  in  divine. 

#  dh,  as  dh  in  adhere, 
$  n,  as  n  infancy  % 

3    s,  as  s  in  sin. 
o    1,  as  1  in  manly. 


s»  p,  as  p  in  pen. 

$y  ph,  the  aspirate  of  the  preceding,  as  ph  in  philosophy, 

a  b>  as  b  in  number. 

$  bh,  as  bh  in  abhor. 

ssb  in,  asm  in  demand. 

ss  v,  as  v  in  marvel. 

The  dismissed  letters  are  the  two  Iris  which  are  rarely    met  with 
in  the  language?  the  ef>Tr*so<S"vtf  ardhanuswara  which  although  a  nasal 

is  yet  almost  impreceptible  and  the  second  iS*  and  &, 





«  a,  The  first  letter,  of  the  Telugu 
Alphabet.  Prefixed  to  nouns  of 
Sanskrit  derivation  beginning 
with  a  consonant,  it  imphes  nega- 
tion; thus  *&&&>  surudn,  a  brave 
man,  e^r>«b^>  asuruchi,  a  coward. 

e^oS'rosfoa  ankanamu,  s.  The  space 
between  two  beams,  or  pillars. 

eo^j&a  aukamu,  s.   A  mark  or  spot. 

2.  A  numeral  figure  3.  The  inside 
Of  the  thigh. 

woS's&k  ankanima,         ) 
woT'f^  ankalamma,  l 

The  name  of  a  village  goddess. 

»o§e$"s5a>  ankitamu,  &c.  adj.  Mark 
ed  ;  numbered;  paged.  <y>c§^sSa> 
"^csco  ankitamucheyu,  v.  a.  To  de- 
dicate a  book. 

tsogotfsfco  ankuramu,  s.  A  germ,  a 
sprout ;  a  bud- 

fc?oSb3'sS»  ankusamu,  s.  An  ele- 
phant hook  ;  the  instrument  by 
which  the  driver  guides  an  ele 

t5o"§  anke,  s.  A  numeral  figure,  sign, 
or  mark. 

^olss^o  ankemu,  s.  A  stirrup  2.  Half 
of  a  bullock  load,  or  whatis  loa- 
ded on  one  side  ofabullock. 

wo^ffT^    ankevanne,  s.  A  stirrup. 

&oX  anga,  s.  A  long  stride. 

^oKcBsko    anganamu,     s.     A    court 

or   yard.    2.   The    open   square, 

forming    the    centre    of    native 


ef>oXftks5w    ans;adattainu,   s.    Draw- 
ee ° 

ers,  trowsers,  such  as  are  worn 
by  Mussulman  women,  or  Hindoo 

e3cKs5>i  angamu,  s.  The  body.  2.  A 
limb?  or  member  of  the  body.  3.  A 
part  or  branch. 

fc5oX"3cce>  angamola,  adj.  Naked. 

<t?o?(tf-5"*  angaraka,  s.  A  short  jacket, 
or  vest ;  such  as  is  worn  by  Hin- 
doos connected  with  Europeans. 

e5oKer°ft9i\angalartsu,  v.n.  To  grieve, 
to  lament,  to  cry,  to  weep. 


&oK$  X^&xi  angavastramu,  s.  A 
man's  upper  garment  generally 
thrown  over  the  shoulder,  or 
respectfully  tied  round  the  waist. 

e>oir>tfs5a>    angaramu,     .9.    Coal    2. 

Charcoal.  3.   A  live  coal. 
t5>oft®    angili,    s.   The  uvula,    wcftfe3 

i6x>€x>  angitimullu,  s.   A  disease  in 

the  throat,  generally  peculiar  to 


wo  ft,  wo  ft  angi,  angi,  s.  A  long 
gown;  a  robe  generally  worn  by 
Mussulmans  or  Hindoos  connect 
ed  with  Mohammedan  Govern- 
ments, wo  ft  «r*&>76r*js5  angitodu- 
gukonu,  v.  a.  To  put  on  a  robe. 
woW^iSb  angividutsu,  v.  a.  To 
take  off  a  robe. 

woft^oaSb  angikarintsu,  v.  a.  To 
consent,  acquiesce,  or  accept  a 
proposal.  2.  To  admit,  3.  To  ap- 

woft-^tfsSw  angikaramu,  s.  Con- 
sent, the  acceptance  of  a  proposal; 
admission,  approval. 

wofcs\£s$»  angikritamu,  Adj.  Ac- 
cepted, admitted. 

wcKo  angu,  adj.  Agteeable;  plea- 
sant; handsome.  This  word  is  al- 
so used  as  a  substantive,  when  it 
denotes  beauty,  agreeableness,  &c. 


WoKo^j&m  angulamu,  8.    A  finger  ;  a 

toe.  2.  The  thumb  or  great  toe.  3. 
An  inch. 

wo7&9  anguli,  s.  A  finger  or  toe. 
2.  The  thumb  or  great  toe. 
wo?fo§>  eT\c3&»  anguli  tranamu,  s. 
Apiece  of  leather  or  iron,  often 
in  the  form  of  abroad  ring,  placed 
on  the  fingers  of  the  right  hand, 
to  prevent  their  being  cut  by  the 
bow-string,  in  discharging  an 

«3>  o7fo&,s63o  angushthamu,  s.  The 
thumb,the   great    toe, 

woX^&'S&o  anguruchettu,  s.  grape 

wo^Fr*  antsana,  5.  An  estimate, 
a  valuation,  an  appraisement.  tso 
•i5"7r°t5crt^b,  wo-S'^'icc&o  antsana- 
tsutsu,  antsanaveyu,  v.a.  To  form 
an  estimate. 

woiS^^db^  antsanadarudu,  5.  A 
person  who  estimates  thequantity 
of  corn  in  a  field,  orsalt  in  a 
heap,  &c. 

wo^fo  antsu,  s.  The  or  namented 
border  of  a  cloth.  2.  The  edge, 
end,  or  selvage.  3.  The -bladeof 
a  sword. 

wo^  anche,  s.  A  relay,  or  post; 
atdifferent  stages. 



^>0  2j  andza,  s.  The  food  of  a  man. 
2,  The  mark  of  a  man's  foot.  3. 
The  measure  of  a  foot. 

fc?o2srfs$Do  anjanamu,  s.  The  smoke  of 
a  lamp  made  into  paint  used  by 
women  and  children  to  blacken 
the  eyes.  2  Conjuration,  e*c2stfir° 
&>  anjanakadu,  a  conjuror. 

£5o8®  anjali,  s.  The  palms  of  the 
hands  joined  together  in  worship 
2.   The  palms.  - 

tsosfoooo-ob  andzayintsu,  v.  To  delay 
to  be  in  doubt ;  to  hesitate. 

tJo^S^csS^ew  anjidoyalu,  s.  (used 
only  in  the  plural.)  A  play  with 
shells,  peculiar  to  women  and 

^cfeS^^  antichettu,  s.  The  plan- 
tain  or  banana  tree. 

ycto  antu,  vl  To  touch,  to  han- 
dle. 2.  To  be  joined,  to  come  in 
contact  with,  to  stick  3.  To  infect, 
to  be  contagious.  4.  To  be  attack- 
ed by  insects,  5.  To  anoint,  »o 
kos^^o  antudzodu,  s.  Ear-rings 
that  hang  close  to  the  ear,  touch- 
ing it  ec^oKfeo  aniagattn,  v.  a.  To 
fasten  or  join  together;  to  tighten. 

^5ofc3oi5b  antintsu,  v.  caus.  To  cause 
to  touch.  2.    To  join,  to  paste,  to 

glue,    3.  To    sting.  4.  To  light -or 
set  on  fire. 

£5o&»  antu,  s.  Touching.  2.  A  graft- 
3.  Imaginary  uncleanness,  or 
legal  impurity.  £jc&ow2&  antu- 
badu,  To  have  the  menses,  or  any 
other  impurity.  *$0&»$>£k-i5b,  ef>c&3 
ssj$bex>  antuvidutsu,  antuVaduh?,  To 
become  free  from  the  menses,  or 
from  any  other  impurity,  such  as 
that  arising  from  the  death  of 
a  relative,  &c. 

e>0^  anda,  s.  Proximity,"  vicinity, 
neighbourhood.  2.  n.  A  butt- 
ress; a  sloped  wall  built  to  support 

<if>o£fl*5M  andamu  s.  An  egg.  2.  The 
testicle.  <&o&?y>c&>$)  anuava'yuvu, 
The  disease  arising  from  the 
swelling  of  the  testicle. 

tso"3s&o  an r] emu,  s.  That  part  of 
a  sack  in  which  goods  are  put, 
when  placed  on  a  bullock.  2.  Half 
a  bullock  load. 

&c&  anta,  an  indeclinable  adjective 
and  substantive  pronoun.  So, 
so  many,  such.  thus.  2.  That.  «o 
eSltsg)  antasepu,  So  long,  eo^sfcoS 
antamandi,  so  many  persons.  «>o 
£3^1^  s$a>   antaini.tramu,   such  a 



quantity,  so  much.  t9o^s$b^Ȥb  an- 
tamattuku,  so  far  thus  far,  it  is 
sometimes  affixed  to  words,  as  &> 
&o£  duddanta,  such  as  a  copper 
piece  i.  e.  the  size  or  weight  of  a 
copper  piece.  <y>ce£er*  antalo,  with- 
in that  ;  in  the  mean  time.  e>o£ 
So"!:>  antakante,  Than  that.  &o$ 
go6o*oz$ti  antakumundara,  Beiore 
that.  <y  c^o^So  antakantaku,  By 
degrees.  £5 0^7^  antaga,  Much  ; 
frequently,  vide.  tsoeT*  anta. 

s$o$ko  antata,  The  inflected  abla- 
tive of  t9oe£  anta,  afterwards  ;  in 
the  mean  time. 

eo^sSw  antamu,  s.  An  end, 
consummation.  2.  Death,  destruc- 
tion. 3.  The  waist,  adj.  Beautiful. 

tsotftfTSfsfctf  antaradamara,  s.  A 
water  plant,  without  any  root  in 
the  ground,  floating  upon  the  sur- 
face of  lakes  &c. 

c3o5£tfsfc» 'antaramu,  s.  The  middle 
space  ;  interval.  2.  Difference.  3. 
Bank.  £?o^-cr»oS'tf;6*>  antarantara- 

mu,   difference,    or  distinction  of 

t5o£-o3f  s6^antaralamu,s.  The  middle 

space  ;  interval. 
bo^'&     nntastu,    s.      A    story,    or 

range i  placed  one  above  another; 

as  the  decks  of  a  ship,  the  stories 
of  a  house. 

<&ow  anta,  s.  Sometimes  written. 
e5>o£  anta5The  whole  ;  everything 
pro.  Ali-adv.  Completely,  alto- 
gether, wholly,  wo-^sstoa  antavat- 
tu,  In  all  parts.  &  otitic  antata, 
Every  where.  «0"3  ante,  That  is- 
all.  t?o"i?r»  antena",  Is  that  all? 
&owz>$-Zn>Q  anta  oka  sari»  All  at 

&c&)  antu,  s.  The  whole>  total,  or 
aggregate,    adj.    Total. 

t9oi£c;6M  antyamu,  &c.  adj.  Final; 
ultimate;  last,  concluding. 

sfotfsoS'  andanuka,  ado.  Till  that 
time,  as  far  as  that   place. 

woaisfcw  andamu  s.  Beauty ;  as 
-tr»sSx)$o3$ocS36s>  ramuniyanclamu, 
beauty  of  Rama.  adj.  Beautiful  ; 
as  -cr>s53o?i;&»4)sfcce556»)  ramunimu- 
khamandamu,  llama's  face  is 
beautiful.      ?3o&iv>&)    andagadu, 

A  handsome  man. 
fcjoesfcso  andarru,  indef.  pro.  All  men. 

*3o-nr>s   anclaka,  adv.  Till  that  time, 

as  far  as  that  place. 
woe-oBS  andiya,   s.   A  silver  or  gold 

ornament,  worn  by  women  round 

the  ankle. 

«3>o»»  andu,  adv.  There,  in  the  place. 


e§o^ Akku 

tpoab  andu,  postpos.  in.  -v^£xZ>a£o&> 
ramuniyanda,  in  Rama. 

t5o«b  andu,  v.  a.  To  reach.  2.  To 
take  hold  of,  to  obtain.  «o &>§"«& 
andu k on u,  v>  t.  To  reach,  aoafe 
s»o£5b  viyyamandu,  p.  a.  To  in- 

t5o$s$x>  andhamn,  cc//.  Blind. 

fcj>os$"3a-°ej  ampakola,  .?.  The  shaft 
of  an  arrow.  esos5?c&3  ampagarri, 
5.  The  feather  of  an  arrow. 

t5o$  ampu,  p.  a.  To  cause  to  go; 
to  send  away,  to  delegate.  2.  To 
forward;  to    dispatch. 

woo©  ambali,  s.  A  kind  of  pap, 
made  from  the  grain  called  tj*H6 
eo  rag ul u, 

«o-ertf<6x>     ambaramu,    .?.    A  heap, 

a  magazine.  2.  The  Government 
share  of  the  produce. 

tSQ-wb     ambari,     s.     A     Howdah. 

tsol^tf  ambeda,  ojcL  Helpless; 
poor.  2.  Unable  to  speak  when 
necessity  requires  it. 

t9o^rtfs>s$x>  ambharavamu,  s.  The 
lowing  of  cow. 

esoS"  amsa,  5.  A  share,  a  part,  a 
portion.  2.  Good  fortune  or  luck  ; 
as  ■sr»^ct6c'5,'^^a  vaniyamsa  dO- 
ddadi,  his  good  fortune  is  great. 

J  esoS'sSaa  amsamu,  s.  A  share,  a  part, 
a  portion. 
wg'feoa^fcJitfoa,  wS^aS'fcasSw  akata- 
vikatamu,  akatavikatamu,  ad/.  In 
verted,  topsyturvy,  zr>&>  ts^feoS) 
^60^)55^.  &>  ex>  s^kr*^*?"0^  vadu 
akatavikatapumatalu  matladutadu, 
He  speaks  invertedly  ;  he  preva- 
ricates, or  shuffles. 

tss'-^ro  &o  ir>  akasmattuga,  adv.  By 
chance  ;   by  accident ;  suddenly. 

e^-s^^sSw  akalamu,  s.  Improper  time. 
adj.  Untimely  or  out  of  season, 
as  fc9-g-°e)  sktfras&o,  ef>"S^e;  s&\&>c;g) 
akalamaranamu,  akalamrityuvu, 
s.  Untimely  or  premature  death. 

m^i  akka,  s.  An  elder  sister, 
tsSfr-^jgcgb  akkachellendlu,  sis- 
ters, including  both  elder  and 

eS'k-S  akka  da,  acfo.  There,  in  that 

&$)-.&  akkarra,  s.  Necessity.  2. 
Want;  need.  3.  Occasion.  ?r°&> 
tfjg'jj-w  6M  naku  akkara  unna- 
di,  1  want. 

e^&jj.-  akku,  s.  The  breast ;  tho 
bosom.  *r«a  t5gb^_ex>  "^Sb^ex)  Ao 
&tfs>  vani  akkulu  chekkulu  en- 
dinavi,  lit.  his  breasts  and  cheeks 
are   dried  up.  He  is  emaciated. 




«>  ^  s&&x>  akramamu,  adj.  Irre- 
gular, out  of  rank  or  order  s. 

« 4)0 2f 55w  akhandamu,  a^/.  Whole, 
entire,  without  interstice.  2. 

«3Pe>s6M  akhilamu,  acj;.  All,  whole, 

tsx^y&w  agatsatlu,  s.  This  word 
is  used  only  in  the  plural,  and 
denotes.  A  very  distressed  and 
helpless  state,  or  situation.  2.  Ca- 
lamity ;   adversity.     &K%r*bK&3 

a^atsatlabadu  v.  a.  To  suffer 
great  distress  ;  to  fall  into  ad- 
verse circumstances. 

eXdb  agadu,  s.  An  accusation. 
eiX'e&^fes-db  agaduparratsu,  v.  a. 
To   prefer  an  accusation. 

^K  &  agadta,  s.  Aditch,  or  trench; 
a  moat. 

eK^csSw  agalyamu,  s»  Necessity. 
»X^tfaoTr»  agatyamuga,  Necessa- 
rily, positively,  g^db  z3K&q&x>iv> 
*u»ss'B«Jo  miru  agatyamuga  ravale- 
nu,  You  must  positively  come. 

^X££o  agapadu,  v.  n.  To  appear; 
to  seem.  2.  To  be  found,  exss 
fc£»o5c>  agaparrutsn,  w.  a.  To  point 
out,  to  shew. 

«*&  agaru,  s.  A  red  sort  of  sandal 

»X^S,  ^X>*3o3n>^b  agasali,  aga- 
salevadu,  s.  A  goldsmith. 

&tv>&  agadi,  6-.  The  van,  or  front 
of  an  army.  2.  The  ropes  tying 
the  fore  feet  of  a  horse. 

&-k*$<6x>  ag^dhamu,  adj.  Deep, 
unfathomable.  2.   Abstruse. 

e?7^o$  agavu,  s.  An  advance  of 

«5\"*>^g>  agisechettu,  s.  The  lin 
plant,  e^^'^^'s  agisenune,  5. 
Linseed-oil.  e$A7>S3n»tf  agisekura 
The  leaves  of  the  Lin  plant,  which 
the  Hindoos  curry. 

ejr^tfsfo)  agocharamu,  adj.  In- 
comprehensible, imperceptible. 

e^K  ss^b  aggapadu,  e>.  n.  To  be  seized, 

or  taken. 
£5'Xs5co  aggamu,   at/;.    Possible,  sja 

*>-*&§  iiKsSw  idi    vaniki   aggamu, 

lit.  This   is   possible  to  him,   he 
can  do  this. 

«ft    aggi,    5.     Fire.  tsA  &fc<x,    e^ 
o       DO      .  o  o 

-cr>§b  aggidagulu,  aggidaku,  To  be 

kindled  by  fire  ;  to  be  fatigued. 

wKbtf  agguva,  adj.  Cheap,  of  small 

value,  easy  to  be  had.    s«?E-sfce» 


£)ds$c*5s>  SJoi^-D  eKoSf7r°  essS^-e^tf) 

vartakulu  biyyamu  mikkili  aggu- 
vaga  ammutaru?  The  merchants 
sell  rice  very  cheap.  &fo£-7v>&cs&> 
agguvagatiyu,  To  buy  at  a  cheap 
t55\v     agni,     5.      Fire.   wft^&ftSoofc 

agnitagilintsu,  To  kindle. 
t5,K.s5»    agramu,  s.  The  fore  part; 
the  front.  2.  A  peak  ;  end.  3.  The 

«».K.j6c»  agramu,  adj.  First.  2- 
Chief,  excellent,  eminent,  princi- 

€f>XKr3es5>3  agraganyamu,  adj.  Esti- 
mable ;  conspicuous,  command- 

e5>"^>j^^^w  aghoramu,  adj.  Horrid, 
frightful,  dreadful.  s3lpn>do&  a- 
ghorintsu,   v.    n.    To  grieve,    to 

lament.  2.  To  be  in  alarm  or  agi- 

«>-S)os£gsSx>  achintyamu,  adj.  Beyond' 
inquiry  ;  incomprehensible,  s. 
The  number  formed  by  a  unit, 
followed  by  thirty  one  cyphers, 
or  other  figures. 

v^titftin     achetanamu,  adj.  Inani- 
mate, stupid,  insensible. 
*5^  atstsa,  adj. Pure,  real,  unmixed. 

t5-s^"§£x>7fo  atstsatelugu,  s.  n.  pure 



e-£\  tf-7r>esS  atstsanagaya,  s.  A  round 
ball>  made  of  clay,  tamarind 
stones,  &c.  used  as  a  toy  by  chil- 

£f>^r°vtf£x»    achcharamu,    s.    Money 

given  to  make  a  bargain  firm  ; 
earnest  money. 
fcj-i&K  atstsu,  v.  To  be  indebted  ; 
as  £>&>  ~f>&  wa\75-*F°  nikuneno- 
achchinana,  am  I  indebted  to 
you  ?  2.  To  suffer  loss  ;  as  ^r^j 

o&s&wj  jfcp»fcgoss-tr»e>sy\-sr»s6  agrama- 
mukai  niirrnvaralachchinanu,  I. 
suffered  a  loss  of  100  Pagodas, 
on  account  of  that  village. 

£5>-&>^25e>,  ^-^k^^d  atstsudala,  ats- 
tsubatu,  s.  Debt  incurred  in  a 
former  existence. 

w-&>^  atstsu,  s.  A  weaver's  reed 
%  A  printing  t}^pe.  3.  A  mould.  & 
tfyy£crt»  atstsu veyu,  To  print,  to 

stamp.  $3^'"3s>tfoBo2$b  atstsuvesi- 
nayeddu,  A  bull  that  is  marked 
or  stamped,  allowed  to  wander  at 
large,  in  commemoration  of  a  de- 
ceased person,  or  as  consecrated 
to  the  deity.  ts-i&x'So  s6oa  atstsu- 
bellamu,  A  stamped  lump  of  jag- 
gory,  used  as  a  sweetmeat.. 
fc?-&\  achchu,  s.  A  vowel. 

«3t5o\7v*  atstsuga*  adv.  Agreeably. 

WtS^,  ^tS^^d  atstso,  atstsota,  adv. 
There,  in   that  place. 




^sr'tfsk)  ajnanamu,  s.  Ignorance. 
e>&>  ata,  adv.  There,  in  that  place 

vide.  fc?-Ck>  atsata, 
£?>&  ata,  a  particle.  It   is  said,    or 

they  say;  as   wS&s^tfto   vadu- 

vachchenata,  It  is  said,   or   they 

say,  he  is  come. 
&te£   Maka,   5.    A   space    above  a 

&te£&n>oX>c9     atakamamidi,    s.    The 

name  of  a  plant. 
e>&>-rBo3oo,£5b   afakayintsu,  v.  a.   To 

hinder  or  prevent,  2.  To   arrest, 

to  detain.  3.  To  molest. 
&&-&*$     atakavu,     s.     Prevention. 

2.  Detention.  3.  Molestation. 
esBs'  atika,  s.  A  small  earthen  pod, 

with  a  large  mouth. 
e>&»  atu,    particle.   There.  2.  That. 

3.  So,  as.  £2&o&-«  atupo,  go  there. 
wfe»^Tr»e^  atutarvata,  after  that. 
fcjfexs^ofeS  atuvanti,  like  that,  such. 
e&M^oooo  atuchoyyi,  do  so. 

w&oSo  atuku,  s.  vide,  efag'ataka* 
es&oSoex)  atukulu,  s.  pi.  Paddy, 
which,  after  having  been  scalded 
in  the  husk,  is  beaten  and  depriv- 
ed of  that  covering,  and  becomes 
bruised  or  flattened  rice. 

fc$k  aft  a;  s.  The  bodv.  2.  Theleather 

forming  the  sole  of  a  sandal. 
&te&tZ&x>      atfahasamu,      s.      Tho 

defiant  shout  previous  to  bat- 
tle. 2.  Affectation  of  superiority. 
es^sKS^^  raoofeo    attahasamuche- 

yuta,  i7.  To  give  one-self  airs. 

m3   atti,  acf/.  p?o?i.  Such. 

e^^o  attu,  s.  A  particular  kind  of 
cake,  baked  on  an  iron  plate. 

wfe»  attii, particle. This  word  is  acor 
ruption  of  eko  atu,  that  and  when 
added  to  the  indefinite  relative 
participle  in  "itf  keti,  or  to  the 
past  relative  participle  of  the 
verb,  expresses,  So  that,  so  as. 
2.  As.  3.  As  if.  -gisfc&S^a.©-! fctas 

skozfe  -&*  imanishi  bratiketattu 
mandu  f,  Give  medicine  that 
he  may  recover,  fcsg^a^tftoa     "^?5o 

^_&$  nfvu  cheppinattu  nenu  ches 
tini,  I  did  as  thou  saidst. 

ei>kr>  atla,  adv.  Thus,  in  that 
manner.  2.  So,  in  such  a  manner. 
e<kr>/fo  atlagu,  adv.  In  that  man- 
ner ;  in  such  a  way.  ef»^>JCoiS, 
fcsdj-*^  atlaganti,  atliu,  adj  Such, 
alluding  to  some  thing  written  or 
said  before. 

«£  ada,  5.  A.  lump  of  tama- 
rinds. 2.  Matted  hair.  y>£Kfc»  ada- 



gattu,  v.  n.  To  be  clotted  or  en- 
tangled, as  the  hair. 

&&V&>  adakottu,  5.  Scissors  for 
cutting  beetle  nut. 

t*>&Ko  adagu,  v.  n.  To  be  reduced  . 
to  be  depressed,  or  pressed  down 
vide.  e>c3  Ho  anagu. 

<y£3b,  &&%o&  adatsu,  adagintsu> 
v.  a.  To  reduce,  to  humble  &c. 
«^Sbtf  adakuva,  Humility;  sub- 
mission ;  modesty ;  politeness 
vide.  ^ra§b55  auakuva. 

?3&$&x>  adapamu,  s.  A  beetle-nut 
pouch,  w &-&-&*&>  adapakadu,  s. 
The  person  that  carries  his  mas- 
ter's beetle-nut-pouch. 

w^8x>  adalu,  v.n.  To  bawl ;  to  weep  ; 
to  cry  loudly.  2.  To  be  afraid. 

&b%£>  adavi,  5.  A  forest  ;  a  desert. 
zs&b'gots  adavikanda,  s-  An  escu- 
lent wild  root,  weSas^S  adavikodi, 
s.  a  jungle  fowl.  ts&a'BasoSb  adavi- 
cherruku,  5.  Wild  sugar  cane. 

t9xr55g)S  adavudi,  s.  An  alarm  or 

ef>&"&>  adime,  s.  bond  man  ;  a  slave  ; 

ft3&csr«e)s5s>    adiyalamu,  s.   A  mark, 

a  token   by    which   any   thing  is 

known.  2.  Any  symbol  used  as  a 
signature  by  those  who  cannot 
write  their  names. 

«>&>£o-°  adisala,  s.  The  obtaining 
goods  from  a  tradesman  in  order 
to  sell  them.  The  business  of  a 

&&>£>  aduku,   v.    a.    To  range-,  to 

pile  up. 
t9<£oSoe»   adukulii;    *•    v^e  &&*&*& 

&&fo  adugu,  s.  A  foot-step.  2.  The 

mark  or  measure  of  a  foot.  3.  The 

foot  or  bottom  of  any  thing.  4.  A 

&&>&>  adutsti,   v.   a.    To  beat ;  to 

«£&&>  adusu,  s.  Mire  ;  mud. 
ef>&  adda,  s.  A  small  measure,  equal 

to  two  mamkas. 

e>£o§  aldanki,  s.  Delay.  2.  Hin- 
drance ;  prevention;  obstacle. 
vide  ef&sSaa  addamu. 

&&£&  addakatta,  s.  A  dam,  to  shut 

up,  or  confine  water. 
wSsS'Sto.  addakammi,    s.   The  upper 

part  of  a  door  frame,  carved  in  an 

elegant  manner. 
e& Ac -55b  addagintsu,  v.  a.  To  stop  ; 

to  hinder  from  progressive  motion 

or  action  ;  to  prevent  ;  to  arrest. 

55  W  -Ana 



e^rfsfco  addanamu,    *.    A  shield:  a 

£5g?S2&  addapadu,  #.   n.  To  fall,  to 
obstruct,  to  impede,  to  block  up. 
2.  To  interfere  •  to  secure. 
&&W7S  addabasa,  s.    A  nose   orna- 

ment,  or  ring. 
«>&  addi,  s.  Delay.  2.  Opposition. 
tpStfex)   addigalu,     s.    plu.   A  gold 


e$cl  addi,  s.  A  deposit. 

<»&>  addu,s.  Any  thing  that  affords 

concealment.  2.  Any  thing  used  to 

exclude  cold  of  heat.  3.  A  cover. 

v>&>K  adduga,  s.  Half  a  fanam,  or  a 

bout  8-pice. 
e>  n$ko  anakatta,  s*    An  annicut  or 

&&•**&  anagaru,  v.  n.    To  be  extin 

&nfo  anagu,  v.   n.    To  be  pressed 
down.  2.  To  be  humbled,  'depres- 
sed, allayed,  appeased. 
fcJrefto-iSb,   £f>raa5b   anagintsu,   ariatsu, 
v.  a.  To  press  down.  2.  To  humble, 
subdue,  reduce,  allay,  or  appease. 
«>  caSbsr     anakuva,    s»     Modesty.    2. 
Politeness  civility.  3.  Submission, 
&z?  ana,  *.    An  anna,  the  sixteenth 
part  of  a  rupee. 

eraoSotf   anukuva,  s.    &&ofc  anugu, 

v»  a.  vide,  onfo  anagu, 

tscaocg)  anuvu,  s.  An  atom;  a  particle 

so  small  that   it  cannot  be  divi- 
ded ;  any  thing  extremely   small. 

e3e£-7r>e&9  e3>££o,  atagadu,  atadu,  pro. 

W5fo§b«£e>i6a>     atalakutalamu,     8.    A 

disorganized  or   confused    state. 

2.  A  tumultuous    disturbance  or 

noise.  3.  A  jolting. 

e>e£e)tfx>  ata'lamu,  s.  Hell  ;  the  re- 
gion which  is  supposed  to  be  be- 
low the  earth. 

e5©^ Soo-^5  atikramintsu,  v.  a.  To 
pass  over  or  beyond.  2.  To  surpass, 
to  excel.  3.  To  transgress  ]  to  in- 
fringe, v,  n.  To  elapse. 

fc98,S\£oew  atikramillu,  v.  n.  To 
pass  away.  2.  To  be  too  late. 

&®§  atithi,  s.  A  guest. 

e>8s&2£>#  s5k>  atimadhuramn,  adj.Very 
delicious  or  delicate  ;  affording 
delight ;  grateful  to  the  sense  or 
mind.  s.  Licorice. 

fcs©«5o-»^j6M  atimatramu,  adj.  Immo- 
derate ;  exceeding,    excessive. 

esSfftfcfto  atirasamu,  s.  A  sweet 
cake  made  from  a  mixture  of  rice- 
flour,  sugar  &c. 

«S8  3Vx>o  atiriktamu,  adj.  Exceed- 
ding  ;     excessive. 

e>  ©,s6-»,-Attimra 



£59<rr>tfsfe3  ativasamu,  s.  The  fast  ob- 
served on  the  day  preceding  the 
ceremony  in  which  oblations 
are  offered  by  the  Hindoos  to  the 
manes  of  their  ancestors. 

«©55\l\  ativrishti,  s.  Excess  of  rain. 
t50^oc5Ss5x)  atis'ayamu,  adj.  Excessive 
Wonderful ;  marvellous,  extraor- 
dinary. 2.  Excellent.  3.   Uncom- 

sf>2k§b  atuku,  v.  n.  To  be  joined, 
fastened,  united,  or  soldered  ;  to 
cling  together,  v.  a.  To  join,  fasten, 
unite,  or  solder  together. 

es©§o-dbatikintsu,  v.  a.  Has  the  same 
meaning  as  £f>e&>So  attiku,  in  its 
active  sense. 

e$&§o  atuku,  s.  Junction.  2.  A 
piece  sewed  upon  a  cloth,  to  cover 
a  hole  ;  a  joint  in  a  plank  &c. 

fcj&josSw  atulamu,  adj.  Unparallel- 
led,  unequalled. 

£9  &  atta,  s.  A  mother-in-law  2.  A 
maternal  uncle's  wife.  3.  A  pater- 
nal aunt.  This  last  is  termed  pro- 
perly ~£x>#  &,  £5>J^sj^s$bew  menatta^ 
attamamalu,  s.  plu.  The  father 
and  mother-in-law.  2.  A  mater- 
nal uncle  and  his  wife. 

ef>  &bb  attaru,  s.  Perfume,  fragrance- 

essence,  ottar  of  roses. 
£9  ©(s5cr>  i&  attimranu, 
merous  fig  tree. 

The  glo- 

w^eo&a&a  atyantamu,  ad).  Exces- 
sive, adv.  Very,  exceedingly. 

e>  ©  atri,  s.  Atri,  one  of  the  seven 
sages  ;  one  of  the  principal  stars 
in   ursa  major. 

&&<$&x>  adanamu,  adj.  Much;  great 
in  quantity ;  extra. 

&S&  adanu,  s.  An  opportunity ; 
a  critical  point  of  time  ;  a  junc- 
ture. ^^^^55-^13-^0  adanukuvach 
chinadu,  He  came  opportunely. 

estfcg)  adapu,  s.  Pvespect ;  polite- 
ness ;  awe.  ^scs^er^o-tfo  adapulo 
nuntsu,  To  keep  in  awe. 

esSsscrooooo-iSb  adamayintsu,  v.  a.  To 
frighten  ;  to  terrify. 

«>#&  adaru,  v,  n.  To  tremble  ;  to 
shake ;  to  palpitate  ;  to  start. 
*$S&  adaru,  s,  Trembling  ;  shak. 
ing.  «>tfSb"££&  adarubedaru,  s 
Fear  and  trembling.  £9a&Koo"S 
adarugunde,  s.  A  coward.  2. 
Habitual  timidity  ;  pusillanimity. 
fcs>se>&»  adaripatu,  s.  A  sudden 
twitch  or  start. 
e$tf©oo5b,  <?i>£ewx     adalintsu,  adaltsu, 

v.  a.  To  menace  threaten,  or  in- 

&-zr>bx>Tv°  adatuga,  adv.  By  chan- 
ce? by  accident.  2.  Suddenly.  3. 

t$  &&3-Addamu 




t?a  adi>  pro.  She.  2-  It.  3.  That. 
This  is  the  remote  demonstrative 
pronoun  of  the  third  person  sin, 
gular,  in  the  feminine  and  neuter 

ef>a7fo-°  adigo,  inter  j.  Look  there ! 
Lo !  behold !  adv.  yonder.  This 
word  is  used  when  we  direct  the 
eye  to  an  object  in  view. 

<aab§o  aduku,  v.  or.  s.  vide  e>«k§b 

e^tfbK"6  adngo,  adv.  vide  ea5T*  adigo, 

£$&*$»  adumu,  v.  a.  To  press  ;  to 

ef>&&aduru,  v.  n.  vide.  <y>&&,  ea&tk 
-£kx>  adaru,  aduruvetu,  A  kind  of 
native  petard,  used  as  a  firework. 

£s&^s*»  adrishtamu,  s.  Fortune  • 
luck.  2.  Fate.  3.  Casual  and  unseen 
danger.  &tf^xLs*»  duradrjshtamu, 
Bad  luck,  w^g.^ *»  adrishta- 
hinamu,  adj.  Unfortunate.  e^x 
g«&»tf^t  wtf^sfeos-ewTfc  adrishta- 
muvatstsu,  adrishtamu  kalue:u, 
To  become  fortunate.  tsts^wO 
adrishtasali,  A   fortunate  person. 

eg  adda,  adj.  Half,  esgsfc-gcoo  adda- 
mareyi,  s.  Midnight.  ° 

e>gs$*>  addamu,  s.  A  mirror;  a  looking 
glass.  egj6a>er»-T'^tf^  addamu- 
] I  okanavatstsu,  To  be  represented 
in  a   mirror. 

etfb  addu.  v.  a.  To  stain,  to  colour 

to  die.  2.  To  dip.  e&oaSb  addintsu, 
v.  a.  To  cause  to  stain  &c.  eftS'ska 


addakamu,  5.  Tincture  ;  colour  ; 

ts  "3  adde,  5.  Hire  ;  rent.  e$"asbs-ifc\ 
addekuitstsn,  To  let  out.  «>"3§o5 
T^r6^  addekutisukonu,  To  hire.  <«> 
"Sooosw  addeyillu,  A  rented  house. 

y><&\tks>>  adbhutamu,  5.  Wonder- 
surprize.  0$.  Wonderful  ;  surp- 
rizing ;  excellent. 

fc9$s&sfco  adhamamu,  adj.  Inferior; 
low  ;  vile  ;  base.  adv.  At  least. 

e>$tfs5fc>  adharamu,  adj.  That  which 
is  below  or  underneath,  s.  The 

£?##,**»  adharmamu,  5.  Injustice.  2. 
Want  of  charity  3.  Unrighteous- 
ness. 4.  All  behaviour  contrary 
to  the  Sruti  and  Smriti,  or  oral 
and  written  institutes. 

&$sr>  athava,  adv.  Otherwise. 

t3$!fs!k»  adhikamu,  adj.  Much; 
excessive  ;  extra  ;  superior  ;  great. 

y>  §-5-°tf&x>  adhikaramu,  s.  The  Go- 
vernment, or  ruling  power.  2. 
Authority  ;  power.  3.  A'  right  to 
property.  4;  An  employment.  5.  A 
chapter.  ^5  $-£-*# £x>^  adhikarami- 
tstsu,  To  entrust  with  power ;   to 

e^c^p-Adhyakshu  13 


authorize,  or  empower.  w^^tf  jfca 
"^otfo  adhikaramucheyu,  To  exer- 
cise power  ;  to  be  in  a  powerful 
situation.  ^-ytf^^ap,  ^-g^tf 
s5>o  frfo  adhikaramuchellu,  adhi- 
karamusagu,  Power  to  be  current* 
or  to  extend  to.  ^>^-^>q   adhikarb 

s.   A  Governor.  2.    One  invested 

with  authority  or  power;  a  public 

officer.  3.  The  rightful  owner  of  a 

&§Z®  adhipati,  s.    A  Governor  ;  a 

ruler  ;  a  king  ;  a  sovereign.  2.  An 

owner  or  master. 
ef>^^)db  adhipudu,  s.  A  sovereign  ; 

a   supreme  ruler  ;  a  lord.  2.  An 

owner  or  master. 
fcf>§tfsfco    adhmamu,     adj.     Subject 

to,  dependent  on  s.  Possession  or 

charge.  2.  Power. 

^S^S56*3  adhairyamu,  s.  Cowardice; 

ef>#cas5tfsSK>  adhyayanamu,  s.  Rea- 
ding •,  study.  This  is  generally 
applied  to  the  study  of  the  Vedas, 
or  of  the  arts  and  sciences,  in  San- 
skrit. es^cosS^sfco^cabaadhyayana- 
mucheyu,  To  study  the  Vedas. 

&$<?&$&>  adbyakshudu,  s.  An  over- 
seer ;  a  superintendent.  2.  A 
chief  ;  a  grandee. 

£$7pc3§o&>  adbyapakudu,  s.  A  tea- 
cher of  the  Vedas. 

yuccas s&>  adhyayamu,  s.  A  chap- 
ter ;  a  section  ;  a  lecture. 

»Tpo^\  s5m  adhvannamu,  adj.  Bad  ; 
corrupt  ;  spoiled. 

ts^o^ssoo  anantamu,   adj.   Endless  ; 

eternal;   infinite-    e>tfo&£scs65$co 

anantavijayamu,  s>    The  name  of 

the  conch  or  shell  of  Dharmaraja, 

in  the  Mahabharat. 

<j2tffeS^3&»   anatichettu,   s.      vide  &o 


fe5^&»  antichettu. 
asXtf  r^>  anargalamu,  adj.  lit.  with- 
out opposition.  Fluent  ;  voluble. 
2.  Abundant. 

&$&  S'sSm  anarthakamu,    adj.    Non- 

sensical ;  Useless  ;  to  no  purpose. 
ef^tfaSw  anarthamu,    s.     Calamity  ; 

distress  ;  danger. 

ef)(fos$M  analamu,  s.  Fire.  £5^ex>£& 
analudu,  The  god  of  fire. 

Wttetfoo  anavatillu,  v.  n>  Rice,  or 
other  grain,  after  it  is  boiled,  and 
separated  from  the  water,  to  set- 
tle, dry,  and  cool  a  little,  so  as  to 
be  fit  for  eating. 

t5tf£tf£s5M  anavaratamu,  adj.  Conti- 
nual ;  eternal ;  frequent,  adv.  Fre- 

e5(5r»-^8  anakari,  adj.  Ugly  ;  defor- 




e3^^tfo5wf;anacharamu,   s.    Irreli- 

gion.  2.  Rusticity  ;  incivility.  3. 
Uncleanness.  4.  Anything  contra- 
ry to  religious  custom,  or  to  esta- 
blished usage. 

&W%tin,  ef>^n»#tfs5w  anadarar.a,  ana 
daramu,  s.  Inattention ;  disres- 
pect ;  disregard ;  incivility. 

£f>(3~°&  anadi,  adj.  Without  begin- 
ning; eternal. 

Z3-F*<$  anatha,  s.  ^A  poor  helpless 
person  ;  a  vagabond  ;  used  as  a 
term  of  slight  or  contempt.  2.  A. 
widow.  €5>-?r>#^3k£b  anathana- 
thudu,  The  protector  of  the  help- 
less, God. 

ei>7r>sfc3o2&,  t57Ps&"^oa5o^b    anamaku 
du,  anamadheyudu,  s.    Ananony- 
mous  person  ;     one  who  has  no 
name.  2.  A  man  of  no  consequ- 

&■&*?&£    anamika,    s.    The    finger 

next  to  the  little  one. 
Wfj^sTv?^  anavrishti,  s.  A  failure  of 

rain;  drought. 
fcf>7r°tfs$o£b   anasapandu,  s.    A  pine 

ef>$  ani,  s.  Battle  ;   war  ;  fight, 
ei>$  ani,  The  past  verbal   participle 

of  the  v.  e?s5o  anu. 
e$s6'anu,  to  say.  This  word  is  of  very 

frequent    occurrence    in   Telugu. 

When  the  speaker  states  what  an- 
other has  said,  he  does  not,  as  in 
English,  use  the  infinitive  mood, 
but  repeats  the  words  of  the  origi- 
nal speaker,  adding  ws>  ani,  thus 
he  told  me  to  write  would,  in  Te- 
lugu, he  rendered  #  & ^  ^r»  a$»  sfc  » 
"S'^oSo  nannuvrayumanicheppenu 
viz.  tf*^  nannu,  me  ^  osoosSd* 
vrayumu,  write  thou  &$  ani,  ha- 
ving said  ^3-Sjrjo  cheppenu,  he 
told,  ess  ani,  is  used,  in  the  same 
manner,  when  we  address,  to  a 
second  person,  orders  to  be  deli- 
vered to  a  third  ;  as  g0l>o^ssb» 
"^sS^  pampintsumanicheppu,  Tell 
to  send.  lit.  send  thou,  having 
said,  tell. 

w$!>0"i$b  anipintsu,  v.  caus.  To  cause 
to  say.  2.  To  cause  to  give  out, 
or  pretend.  «3$Zio&F°&  anipin- 
tsakonu,  lit.  To  cause  to  say  for 
one's  own  advantage.  To  be  called, 
to  obtain  the  name  of.  2.  To  pass 
for.  e3-cP2*>  &°&-sy>&T>%o &>%*-&& 
aradzu  docblavadanipintsukonenu, 
That  king  was  called  a  great  man. 
e3s£>025b&>  &"zt\o&>  &&!!>o ■&>§""£>(& 
amandudu  vidvamsudanipintsu- 
konenu,  That  fool  passed  for  a 
learned  man. 

tsios'sko  anisamu,  ado.  Always;  con- 
stantly, adj,  Constant,  eternal. 




£J>$&8fo>  anishtamu,  adj.  Hated ; 
disagreeable  ;  injurious  ;  ominous 
of  ill. 

€f>s5b  ami,  v.  a.  To  say,  to  tell.  2.  To 
call  names.  &&^j&  anukonu,  lit 
To  say  for  one's  own  advantage,  To 
say  to  oneself.  ss^kxysb  matalanu, 
To  abuse,  vide  t?tf7r°  anaga,  e>& 
ani,  ef>»|)o-i5b  anipintsu. 

e>£S§o  anuku,  adj.  Of  a  consistence 
like  batter,  nearly  liquid,  but  not 

eso£n>e>s5M  anukulamu,  adj.  Favor- 
able. 2.  Salubrious.  -S^S'sSwiF0 
go  £5(&£p><l>sSk>  idesamu  naku  anu- 
kulamu. This  country  agrees  with 
me,  is  favorable  to  me. 

£5s>bScp>oj6a>  anukulamu,  s.  Consent. 
2.  Favor.  3.  Success. 

e$;&Kb    anugu,  5.  Dear. 

e>3brtbr3s5a>  anugunamu,  adj.  Sui- 
table, consistent  ;  conformable. 

<&<&>  X .s^>s5»  anugrahamu,  s.  Favor; 

regard.  2.  Kindness  ;  benignity. 
J3.  Indulgence.    ^sJb^s^sSx^^oa^ 

anugrahamuvaclayu,To  gain  favor. 
^sbXlr^otfb  anugrahintsu,   v.  a.  To 

grant  a  favor  ;  to  shew  mercy  ;  to 


t5s£tftfb£vj  anucharudu,  s.  A  follower; 

an  attendant  •,  a  servant ;  a  com- 

£5;&-£)e£s5oa  anuchitamu,  adj.  Impro- 

&>&&>  anutsu,  v.  a.  To  send;  to  dis- 
patch. 2.  In  books,  To  cause  to 

«>(xSo^a  anujivi,  s.  A  servant. 

<£>s5i^2&>  anujuclu,  s.  A  younger  bro- 

e35Jb^  anujna,  s.  Permission  ;  leave. 
2.  Command,  or  order,  ^j&gj-jS) 
^rxJb,  e5^>23§J3or°ssb  anujna-pu- 

tstsukonu,  anujna  tisukonu,  To 
take  leave.  e3;&2jooo-i&\    anujnayi- 

tstsu,  To  give  leave,  e&s^cow 
anujnacheyu>  To  order. 

e3Sb«r>;Ss5oo  anutapamu,  5.  Distress 
in  consequence  of  some  thing 
done  ;  remorse ;  repentance.  && 
w>z&x>$r°o&  anutapamupondu,  v* 
n.  To  repent. 

efftfb  ^s&s5m  anuttamamu,  adj.  Peer- 
less, most  excellent,  chief. 

t9s5batfste>  anudinamu,  adv.  Daily. 

esafctfcsSsko  auunayamu,  5  .An  apo 
logy.  2.Condolence.3.  Consolation. 
<y>;sotfooooT5b  anunayintsu,  v.  a.  To 

condole,  to  comfort,  to  console.  2, 
To  apologize. 




^ssoss-s^o*  anupakaya,  s.  The  pod  of 
a  certain  bean,  vide.  ^^sSao  anumu, 

t?^5b^s  8  anupapatti,  s.  Want  of  suc- 
cess. 2.  A  pretext,  an  excuse.  3. 
Inconvenience.    ^^sSSe&ew'SsS^  a- 

— o  c-> 

mipapattulncheppu,      To      make 
^^■^^sSooanupanamu,^.  Any  liquid 

used  as  a  vehicle  for  medicine,  to 
disguise  its  appearance   or  taste. 

anupanamukurtsu,  anupanamuche 
yu,   To    mix    medicine     in    any 
«*fc$  anupu,  v.  a.  vide.  e3>o^)  ampu. 

S5>s>$  anupu,  s.  A  toll.  2.  A  tax.  3 
Customs  payable  at  ferries  or  pas- 
ses, or  on  merchandize  exported 
or  imported.  4.  Ambuscade,  am- 

tssb^'sssSM  anubhavamu,  s.  Experi- 
ence ;  frequent  trial ;  knowledge 
acquired  by  practice.  2.  Experi- 
ment. 3.  Enjoyment.  4.  Suffering. 
b.  Carnal  connexion,  tftf-^sso^rss 
sfoo  narakanubhavamu,  The  suffe- 
rings of  hell.  ^>4rj^o^rs5s5a5  sukha- 
nubhavamu,  The  enjoyment  of 
happiness.  &Zqr>f£$zs&x>  duhkha- 
nubhavamu,  The  suffering  of  afflic- 
tion, pain,  or  grief,  tssb^rso-ck  a" 
nubhavintsu,  v.  a.  To  experience  : 
to  know  by  practice.  2.  To  enjoy. 

3.  To  surfer.  4.  To  copulate,  ipss 
£»jcfc;&#'£o-&)  papaphalamanubha- 
vintsu,  To  suffer  the  consequence 
oi  sin  ;  to  ba^punished  for  one's 
transgressions.  e£)e3c£ejs5b;£$&o-& 
punyxphalamanubhavintsu,To  en- 
joy the  reward  of  virtue,  f&tibq'ss 
sfeo^^r6^  anubhavamuchesuko- 
nu,  To  experience  or  enjoy. 

fcjj&^Ksfca  anubhogamu,  ,9.  Enjoy- 
ment. 2.  Copulation.  ^sfc^AoTSb 
anubhogintsu,  v.  a.  To  enjoy.  2. 
To  copulate. 

s*o5os$6©  anumati,  s.  Order.  2.  Con- 
sent. 3.  Permission.  4.  The  fif- 
teenth day  of  the  moon's  age, 
when  she  rises  a  little  less  than 

full.  <»s£s5b8o-i5b  anumatintsu,  v.  a. 
To  consent,  to  agree. 
e5R6sSrȣs5w  anumanamu,s.  Inference. 
2.   Conjecture ;  doubt ;  surmise.  3. 
Suspicion.  4.  Hesitation.  ;8  s-sfco^ 

ste&tfa  daivamu  pratyakshamu- 
o'adu-anumanamucheta  teliyavala- 
sinadi,  The  deity  is  not  obvious  to 
the  senses.  He  must  be  known  by 
inference.  es&sWsS&oanumanapa- 
du,  To  doubt,  hesitate,  suspect.  ^ 
esxr»&  efSSsj-^sSao^-tfo  okarimida 
anumanamutotsu,  To  entertain 
suspicion  of  another, 



ws^sko- Annamu 

^absSw  anumu,  s.  The  plant  produ- 
cing ws&s5»e»  anumulu,  s.  Plu.  A 
kind  of  bean. 

<i5x&i5a-»Boi5b  anumodintsu,  v.  n.  To 
consent,  to  agree,  to  approve. 

ssafctf  §,  ^Jssb-D^jCsSoa  anurakti,  anura- 

gamu,  s.  Attachment,  regard,  love, 
affection,  tenderness. 

e<&3r>3sS»  anurupamu,  adj.  Like. 
2.  Fit,  suitable. 

«(v5o"i5;stf  sfeo  anulepanamu,  s.  The  rub- 
bing of  ground  sandal  \?ood  on 
the  body. 

^(Sootf&s-^sSx)  anuvartanamu,  s.  Con- 
formity ;  the  act  of  following.  & 
jsotfSs-o-tfb  anuvartintsu,  v.  a.  To 
conform  to;  to  observe  ;to  adhere. 
2.  In  grammar,  to  be  implied  or 
understood,    not  expressed  ;  as  ts 

tsunnadi,  The  compound  word  is 
here  understood. 

«5«b«g)  anuvu,  adj.  Convenient ;  pro- 
per. 2.  Arranged;  well  made.  3. 
Delicious ;  delicate. 

&<&■&?&&>  anushthanamu,  s.  The  act 
of  making.  2.  Conduct.  3.  The  ob- 
servance of  prayer.  wiSo^tfsSwS^ 
^  anoshthanamntappaka,  Without 

failing  in  the  performance  of  pra- 
yer. &c.  wtfAoik  anushthintsu,  To 

&&7S&r*,  ef>«b^ws5K»  anusarana,  anu- 
sarariamu,  s.  The  act  of  following 
or  observing  2.  Assiduity,  attach- 
ment, or  servility  to  the  great. 
ef>s£3eot5b  anusarintsu,  v.  a.  To 
follow,  to  adhere  to.  2.  To  observe, 
to  imitate.  3.  To  wait  on,  or  make 
court  to  any  great  personage. 

&&+-&*$  aniiradha,  s.  The  name  of 
the  seventeenth  lunar  mansion. 

tptfx^sfco  anritamu,  adj.  False,  s.  A 
falsehood,  a  lie. 

f^lSrsko  anekamu,  ad/. -Many,  seve- 

fcstfx  anna,  s.  An  elder  brother.  This 
word  is  often  used  to  call  any  one, 
in  a  familiar  manner  ;  as  in  Eng- 
lish we  say  friend  !  I  say !  <fec 
Also  as  an  interjection,  denoting 
surprize.  <^?£s&c&o.s>o  annadammu- 
lu,  Brothers,  i.  e.  both  elder  and- 
younger,  brothers. 

es^^x  annanna,  inter j.  Denoting 

tss^N  sSs>  annamu,  5.  Boiled  rice,  food. 

w^x  s5wltfe»  annamu pettu,  v.  a.  To 

give  rice    or  food.    &&\  s£»so£b 

annamu vandu,  To  dress  victuals, 






«^s^  Jj5**»  annavastramu,  Food 
and  raiment.  ^"So-^es^sSoooo  anno 
dakamulu,  Meat  and   drink. 

t?^K  anni,  adj.  pro.  Collective,  In 
the  neuter  gender.  All.  2,  So 
many.  e-?r^\  &  annallu,  So  many 
days,  a  contraction  of  cssk  anni, 
and  the  plural  of  -^^b  nadu,  A 

y>^ot3&o£-*rc£&  annintitinclikada,  s. 
The  god  of  tire,  so  called,  because 
lie  consumes  every  thing  that  he 

wsfc^,  tJsJo^sff  annn,  aminva,  s.  A 

wsfi^tf  annuva,  ad/.  Very  minute, 
very  small. 

»sJ3^s$  annuvu,  s.  vide  Z5&\    annu 

ft5^Tjr»  anyatha.  «^.  Otherwise;  on 
the  contrary. 

^^cs5do  anyamu,  ad/\  Other,  diffe- 
rent, foreign. 

^-^■cosSsSm  anyayamu,  s.  Injustice. 

war^tfesfca  any6nyamu,ad/.  Mutual. 
2.  Reciprocal.  In  familiar  use,  it 
often  expresses  mutual  affection. 

e33-5-*tfsSM  apakaramu,  6-.  Malice, 
hatred.  2.  The  doing  any  mis^ 
chief,  injury,  or  harm  to  another. 
It  is  opposed  to    &£-g^tfo5oo  upa- 

karamu,  Beneficence.  ^5?g-s^a  apa- 

kari,  A  disobliging,  or  mischiev- 
ous person. 

eslSs-apakirtijS.  Infamy;  disho- 
nor ;  injury  to  one's  reputation- 
assise- "§050x^^0  apakirtitetststi- 
konn,  To  bring  infamy  on  one's 

e5^^qs5x>  apakvainu,  adj.  Unripe, 
raw,  immature,  green. 

^su^tfsSao  apacharamu,  s.  Impolite- 
ness ;  incivility  ;  insult  ;  an  af- 
front. rtb&§  efss^SsSao^i'Qoo  gudi- 
ki  Aapacharamucheyu,  To  profane 
a  temple. 

£5>s5z3c3S;&»  apajayamu,  .8.  Defeat  ; 
rout ;  loss  of  battle  ;  want  of 

es5e^Lsbe&  apatnikuchijS.  A  widower. 

e>^^os5oo  apathyamu,  s.  A  deviation 
from  prescribed  regimen. 

<&£$&)£  apanammika,  s.  Distrust. 
2.  Jealousy.  3.  Diffidence. 

&&$oz$  apaninda,  s.  An  unjust  re- 
proach or  censure.  2-  Defama- 
tion ;  calumny  ;  detraction. 

wsSs&Kefoc^  apamrityuvu,  s.  Unti- 
mely or  violent  death. 

essstfos?  aparanji,  s.  The  purest  gold* 

^s^tt'.b  aparatri,  s.  vide. 

&£-&*$&»  aparadhamn,  s.  A   fault, 

offence,  or  transgression.  2.  A  fine, 
or  amercement.  3.  Punishment. 

«>sstf-u-*  ft 




^sSS&j^ska  aparimitamu,  adj.  Imme- 
nse, infinite,  innumerable,  immod- 

«s?5cp'Ss5ck)  aparupamu,  adj.  Scarce  ; 
unfrequent ;  uncommon,  rare  ; 

e^s3*3^c5s5oo  apavadamu,  s.  An  unjust 
reproach  or  censure  ;  a  false  accu- 
sation. 2.  Detraction,  infamy, 
blame,  vide  wsSoes  apaninda- 

esa^sSw  apavitramu,  adj.  Impure; 

e^ir^Sco  apasabclamu,  s.  An  ungram- 
matical   word. 

ejsoSsSosSw  apasavyamu,  s.  or  adj. 
The  placing  the  sacerdotal  thread 
on  the  right  shoulder,  and  letting 
it  fall  on  the  left  side.  2,  A  religi- 
ous circum ambulation,  with  the 
left  hand  towards  the  object  circu- 
,  mambulated.  3.  The  motion  of  a 
star  contrary  to  the  order  of  the 
signs  in  the  zodiac.  4.  The  .Arabic, 
Persian,  or  any  other  language* 
of  which  the  character  is  written 
from  right  to  left. 

wss^.tftfx  apasmaramu,  s.  A  confu- 
sed state  of  mind.  2.  Any  violent 
passion,  approaching  to  madness. 

e$s5s^eo3o  apaharintsu,  v.  a.  To  take 
by  violence;  to  usurp;  to  plunder; 
to  rob  ;  to  pillage  ;  to  ravish. 

t*>Z£*Z?<&x>  apahisyanm,  s.  Derision, 
ridicule,  mockery. 

^f»^p^^»  apatrani'i,  adj.  Un- 
worthy, unfit,  fc9*-»^.srecB5&»  -apa- 
travyayamu,  Extravagant  or  foo- 
lish expense. 

^PtptfsSw  apananiu,  s.  The  funda- 
ment; the  anus.  2.  Breaking  wind. 

tj^osSdoo  apayamu,  s.  Calamity.  2. 
Danger,  peril.  3.  A  scrape. 

e3ir*tfs&»  aparamu,  adj.  Impassable. 
2.  Excessive  ;  unbounded  ;  infl 
nite  ;  immense. 

&tr°X6x>  apartkamu,s.Afalse  signifi- 
cation, misinterpretation. 

a $)th  apuclu,  adv.  vide.  wsSoJfo  ap- 

« 3^^5633  apupamu,  s.  A  cake;  a 
kind  of  bread  made  from  Hour. 

wsgptfos&w  apurvamu,  adj.  New, 
never  before  seen  or  existing,  s. 
Advantage  ;  excellence. 

e2"£&  apekska,  s.  Desire,  wish  ; 
want.  2.  A  coveting.  3.  Aid. 

<*£)&■* ss^sfco  apohamu,  5.  A  false  charge-, 
blame  ;  a  lie,  a  falsehood. 

£9^  appa,  s.  A  father.  2.  An  elder 
sister.  This  word  is  frequently 
added  to  the  proper  names  of  men, 
as  a  term  of  common  respect ; 
thus  tfotfs^,  sfcoKsS)  rangappa,  ma 
ngappa,  &c. 

w^fto-sfc  appagintsu,  v.  a.  To  deli- 
ver to  the  charge  of  another  ;  to 





put  into  another's  hands.  2.  To 
surrender  ;  to  resign  ;  to  make 
over.  3-  To  consign,  wj^ftoe*  ap- 
paginta,  5.  Delivery;  consignment. 

wsS^-SK  appachchi,  s.  vide  ^^sSsSdo 

«^6oj6k>  appatamu,  adj.  Pure,  un- 
mingled,  unmixed,  sheer. 

&£}&&»  appadamu,  s.  A  sort  of  pan. 


e>^tfs$M  appanamu,  s.  A  tax;  tribute. 
This  word  is  also  used  to  denote 
sums  of  money,  beyond  the  just 
revenue  due,  extorted  from  the 

w"£}%  appappa,  interj.  Denoting 
excessive  grief  or  pain,  Oh  ! 

efiss^sSw  appamu,  s.  A  kind  of  sweet 

esSjtfafca  appalamu,  s.  vide  ess^sfea 

ess^o-db  appalintsu,  v*  a.  To  beat 
with  the  open  hand  ;  to  slap  ;  to 

ess^appu,  s.  Debt.  ws^cxjSoj  es^ 
45b\§^«6»^«^^oB6o  appucheyu,  appu 
putstsukonu,  apputfyn,  To  bor- 
row. WoS^oooofc^  appuyitstsu,  To 
lend.  e^SsS^  appusappuiu,  The 
general  term  or  debt,  due  both 
by,  and  to  one.  wsSv*s&  appupadu, 
To  get  into  debt,  ^ss^-abe-  appu- 
tirtsn,  To  liquidate  a  debt. 

wsfoZfc  appudu,  adv.  This  is,  in  fact^ 
a  defective  noun,  as  the  derivation 
evinces:  in  the  nominative  case, 
here  given,  it  signifies  that  time, 
and  in  general  corresponds  with 
the  English  adverb  then,  or  if 
added  to  a  relative  participle,  it 
represents  our  term  when,  not 
used  interrogatively  ;  as  «>e£8SK 
tfss^b  atadichchinappudn,  When 
he  gave.  It  admits  of  inflexion 
as  ts^feS-g^xpcew  appatikaryalu, 
The  affairs  of  that  time.  wsSv*3a&o 
■S)  appatinunchi,  From  that  time, 
since  then.  e^tooSjtS!  appatappa 
tiki,  Now  and  then,  from  time  to 

&.£&:&  apratishtha,  $.  Infamy  ;  dis 
honor.  2,  A  bad  reputation,  or 

W3;^aw  apratyakshamu,  adj.  Im- 

e  ^s5cp-r355ooapramanamu,  5.  Perjury. 
tj^a^slSo^apramanikurlii,  A  per- 
jured man  ;  a  liar. 

^,3  cSo^aS'sSoa  aprayojakamu,  adj. 
Useless,  without  any  end  or 

w^.&tfsfea  aprasiddhamu,  adj.  Not 
famous,  secret ;  unknown. 

^^r j&QtSo  apr£syudu,  s.  A  man 
who  is  not  fit  or  worthy  to  sit 
with  others  to  eat. 




e$  &  oeSs&o  apriyamu,  adj.  Hated  ; 

esoostf  abandara,  adj.  Without  or- 
der, irregular,  imprudent. 

«5tto&>£>s£x>  abanisubamu,  s.  Good 
and  evil;  as   53t>  o^dSS    wwo&jsd 


-SjftoaX'^b  apillakaya  abamsubame- 
rrugadu,  That  lad  does  not  know 
good  and  evil. 

«»£  abaka,  s.  A  pot-ladle,  made  of 
the  shell  of  a  cocoa-nut. 

fc?&c5o5w  abaddhamu,  s.  A  lie  •,  a  non- 
sensical  expression.  e^tfT6^,  w 
»-cr>e;r*&,  t5^agb^a  abaddhakadu, 
abaddhalakoru,  abaddhikudu,  A 

wae;  abala,  s.  A  woman  ;  a  female. 

ess*^?  abodhavela,  s.  The  time  at 
which,  if  one  studies,  it  is  believ- 
ed no  instruction  can  be  obtain- 
ed •,  midnight. 

£923 x  abba*  s.  A  father,  vide  wsSv  ap- 
pa,  interj.  Ah  !  oh  ! 

«^x23x,  t5^Tv  abbabba,  abba.  interjm 
Denoting  great  surprize  or  grief, 
ah !  oh  ! 

wSj,  ef>S^7r°2&    abbi,    abbigadu,  s. 

A  familiar  term  of  address,  to  a 
young  boy. 

«$5»v  abbu,  v.  n.  To  come  into  one's 
enjoyment,  possession,  or  reach. 
2.    To  be  found,  to  be  obtained. 

This  verb  governs  the  dative  case; 
as  -g*  *2^cce6*£E-i£;aotf  ^tfes&o 
m5r>Z>£z>\&  ianyayarjitamaina  dra- 
vyamu  vanikabbadu,  This  money, 
procured  by  unjust  means,  will 
not  be  enjoyed  by  him.  ■&  o»ew 
■sr»$§"3v33  i  ilia  vanikabbena, 
This  house  became  his  property, 
or  came  into  his  possession. 
«>w5\tfs5»  abburamu,  adj.  Procured 
with  difficulty ;  not  easily  attain- 
able ;  excellent ;  rare  wonderful. 

essro&^rsfoa  abhamsubhamu,  s.  vide 
«>ao&>£>s53j  abamsubamu. 

ejects  sko  abhayamu,  s.  A  promise 
of  shelter  or  protection.  2.  Fear- 
lessness. ef»^o85^  tfsSoa  abhayaha- 
stamu,  5.  The  giving  of  the  hand 
to  another,  in  promise  of  protec- 

es^ofissfeo  abhandamu,  s.  vide  £5sS»r» 
tf<6x>  apavadamu, 

^^KcsSoa  abhagyamn,  s.  Misfortune; 
misery;  proverty. 

w^sssfco  abhavamu,  s.  Non  existence; 
nonentity  ;  a  chimera. 

w^Kx)  abhasu,  s.  Corruption,  an  ir- 

fcs$£r>tfsS»  abhigharamu,  s.  The  put- 
ting, a  little  clarified  butter, 
(ghee)  upon  rice  or  other  food,  be- 
fore it  is  eaten,  to  purify  it. 






**$e?3c&>  abhijanudu,  s.  An  old  re- 

es  $#«&**»  abhinayamu,  s.  The  indi- 
cation of  sentiment  or  passion,  by 
looks  or  outward  gestures.  2.  The 
motions  of  the  hands  or  eyes, 
used  by  dancing  women,  to  ex- 
press the  sentiments  contained 
in  the  verses  which  they  sing. 

<&$$  abhini,  s.  Opium. 

e>  $  ^^  obS  s5oo  ab h  i pray amu,  s  0  p  i  ni- 
on;  sentiment;  notion;  idea; 
thought.    2.    Design  ;    intention. 

3.  Meaning  or  signification. 
e3^s5bc£s$s>  abhimatamu,  s.  Consent ; 

approbation.    2.    Choice;    wish. 
adj.  Approved,  aggreeable,  desi- 
e^sfc^sfea  abhimanamti,  s.  Honor.  2. 
Protection.  3.  Affection  ;  regard. 

4.  Pride.  <&§&rao&>  abnimanin- 
tsu,  v.  a.  To  favor;  to  protect; 
to  regard  with  kindness. 

&^$>8  4)35k>  abhimukhamu,  s.  The 
front;  any  thing  opposite  to  the 
face.  2.  An  abatement  of  anger 
or  disease,  adj.  Present  t^ss*?^ 
s&fo  abhimukhamagu,  To  advance 
in  front.  2.  To  abate.  o^frloo^S"6 
mukhamainadi,  His  disease  is 

«$sn&,  w$gr»s£.'&a  abhilssha,  abhi- 
lashamn,  5.  Wish  ;  desire  ;  incli- 
nation, propensity. 

«$#)§  abhivriddhi.  s.  An  increase 
of  wealth  or  prosperity  ■  exal- 
tation to  some  new  honor  or  rank. 
2.  Improvement. 

^'IxS'sScm  abhishekamu,  s.  Unction; 
bathing.  2.  An  installation,  coro- 
nation, or  inauguration,  by  means 
of  unction,  or  bathing.  k^^VsSx) 
"tsIcc&o  abhishekamuchc'yu,  To  ano- 
int a  kins:  or  an  ima^e.  «s&r«S"fx. 
^s5oo  pattabhishekamu,  A  corp- 

«>^^55c»  abliishtamu,  adj.  Much 
beloved  •,  agreeable. 

»£)&&»  abliishtamu,  s.  Wish  ;  desire. 
2.  Inclination  ;  penchant.  ocp>S>t9 
&sx  sfc»  oox*"^~3  3b  vaniabhishtamuyi- 
derenu,  His  wish  is  accomplished. 
es&sx  sSwf&Tfcs-^ssb  abhishtamutfr- 
tsukonu,  To  accomplish  one's 

&$*2s#&x>  abhojanamu,  s.  Abstinen- 
ce from  food. 

es^oKsSw*  t5^co23^s5w  abhyangamu, 
abhyanjanamu,  s-  Unction  ;  the 
act  of  anointing  with  oil  ;  often 
applied  to  bathing  thft  whole 
body,  because  when  the  natives 
wash  the  head,  they  previously 
anoint  it,  as  well  as  the  body, 
with  oil. 

tjsfc  do-  Amaru 


*95*r«S> -Amani 

*33rco&tfsfc»  abhyantaramu,  5.  The 
space  included  between  two  bo- 
dies, or  points  ;  an  interval.  2. 
Delay.  3.  A  false  excuse. 

?f>^rc^^  abhyanujna,  s.  Leave,  per- 
mission. 2.  Command;  injunction. 

e>$rc&o%5b  abhyasintsu,  w.  a,  To  ac- 
custom one's  self  to  any  thing;  to 
practise.  2.  To  learn  ;    to  study. 

ts^cSSs&o  abhyasamu,  5.  Custom  ; 
usage  ;  practice.  2.  Exercise  ; 
study;  w&-o^c3s5a>  akshar  abhya- 
samu, The  study  of  the  letters  ; 
the  acquirement  of  the  first  prin- 
ciples of  learning. 

^5^occ$osd55do   abhyudayamu,    s.    In- 
crease   of    fortune  ;    prosperity  ; 
•  «>  ts  ^s5co  abhrakamu,  s.  Talc. 

i&&>o£  arnanji,  s.  Compelled  ser- 
vice ;  unpaid  labour.  £f>s5bo£s54jo 
amanjipattu,  To  press  workmen. 

tssfc&yo,  «s&2»02as»  amadalu,  plw,  a- 


madabiddalu,    s.  Twins. 
<*9Sktfs5x>  amaramu,  s.  The  name  of 
a  Sanskrit  Dictionary,also  termed 
the  &5s5b^^os^»s5w  amarasimhamu. 

T&&tf%zr°'Kc$$£xs  amarasila  gandha- 
kamu,  5.  A  particular  kind  of 

^s&&  amaru,  v.  n.  To  fit.  2.  To  be 
furnished.  3.  To  be  placed  or  em- 

ployed   in    service;  ^^o^^oK 

sxoer*tf$So"3(35  vaduudyogamulona- 

niarenu,  He  is  employed  in   ser- 

e£a&&-i&,  ^5^b9o-^  amarutsu,  ama- 
rintsu,  v.  a.  To  place  in  service. 
2.  To  furnish  or  supply  ;  to  pro- 
cure ;  to  collect,  ssbo^eStf^^a 
-ceT^ex^eJ*"*  tfs6b8o^;&  mantri- 
tanaputruni  radzukoluvulo  nama- 
rinchenu,  The  minister  placed  his 
son  in  the  service  of  the  king. 

e>s5b9^,  eisibQ"!  aniarika,  amarike,  s. 
Arrangement.  2.  'Tranquillity.  3. 
Eqanimity ;     presence    of  mind. 

4.  Modesty. 

fepsSodbv  amartsu,  9.  a.  vide.  £9sk&-&> 

e^s&TPcb"  amaryada,  s.  Incivility, 
disrespect  ;   dishonor ;  rudeness. 

«>x£r°o^s5M  amantamu,  s.  The  profes- 
sion of  a  hawker  or  pedlar,  also 
e3$£r°£>j  e>s5T»o^7r°^b  amani,  aman- 
tagadu,  s.  A  hawker,  a  pedlar. 

^^o^^Tpam&ntaimig^,  adv.  Un- 

s£s5jT>efcc£&  amatyudu,  s.  A  minister; 
a  counsellor ;  a  courtier. 

fcssfrofr  amani,  s.  This  is  a  revenue 
term,  used  to  denote  the  immedi- 
ate management  of  any  branch 
of  revenue  by  the  servants  of  Go- 
vernment, of  the  Zemindar,  or  of 



es&  -sr»>Ammava 

any  other  authority  ;  in  contra- 
distinction to  its  being  rented 
out.  Kb  ^■GT'&exD  ^e&*oootfojfc£  3 
sS^J^>«rDe)cr«»~5re«'sJj'&e5o»^a  gutta- 
darulu  paripoyinanduna  ippu- 
du  talukaamani  ayinadi,  As  the 
renters  have  decamped,  the  dist- 
rict is  now  under  amanee;  imme- 
diate management. 

es6r,sfcsx.ri»  amanushamu,  adj.  Sup- 
ernatural ;  beyond  the  power  of 
man.  s.  A  miracle. 

css£p>"5r>;Se  amavasya,  s.  The  change 
of  the  moon  2.  New  moon.  3.  The 
day  of  the  new  moon. 

«aas§  amiji,  vide.  e5>sfco2§  amanji. 

fc2aoe£s5w  amitamu,  adj.  Immode- 
rate ;  boundless;  exorbitant;  sup- 
erfluous ;  immense ;  innumerable. 

fc9&r»jj-*  amina,  s.  A  revenue  term, 
dinoting  a  person  who  has  charge 
of  any  thing,  and  applied  to 
petty  revenue  officers  ;  usually  to 
such  as  are  only  temporarily  em- 

*?s&»e»  amulu,  s.  A  revenue  term, 
denoting  the  collection  of  reve- 
nue. t9s&»e»ss&x>  amulupattu,  To 
seize  smuggled    goods 

«3*fc»e>:>-cr>&2&  amuludaruau,  ft.  A 
superior  revenue  officer,  employed 
immediately  under  a  Collector,  or 

<iS>skn>e-Qs$fci  amulyamu,  adj.  Invalu- 

esfc\&s5»  amritamu,  s.  The  imagi- 
nary food  of  the  gods  ;  ambrosia  ; 
nectar.  2.  Water.  3.  Clarified  but- 
ter. 4.  Exemption  from  transmi- 
gration. 5.  Gold.  6.  Milk. 

«>"&>£os5c»  amedhyamu,  adj.  Unclean. 
.9.  Human  excrement. 

issyn^^m  amoghamu,  adj.  Effec- 
tual ;  infallible  ;  unerring.  2.  Pre- 
cious, rare. 

«>sSb,  amma,  s.  A  mother.  This  word 
is  used  as  a  respectful  term  of  ad- 
dress to  females  in  general  ;  and, 
as  such,  is  added  to  the  proper 
names  of  women;  ks^,  lOtf*^, 
e;<4, sfc,  sitamma,  gauramma,  laksh- 
mamma,  &c 

<s>sk  S^Se)  ammakachella,  inter j.  De- 
noting lamentation,  pain,  fear,  or 
surprize,  ah !  alas  !  ;  because,  on 
such  occasions,  the  Hindoos  in- 
voke their  dearest  female  rela- 

ws&^sSoo  ammakamu,  s.  Sale  ;  the 
act  of  selling. 

ess&jo^tf)  ammavaru,  s.  A  female  di- 
vinity. 2.  A  village  goddess.  3.  A 
familiar  appellation  for  women  of 
the  brahmanical  caste.4.  The  small 
pox.  5.  The  goddess  of  the  small 
pox.  ^s&^tfbXS&oxk,  <a>s^-5r»tf> 
&*ccc»    ammavaruganipintsu,  am- 





mavarupoyu,-  v.  n-  To  have  the 
small  pox.   (y>sSbar>«b£r*oooo-&  am- 

— 0 

mavarupoyintsu,  v.  a.  To  inocu- 

«>sfr»  ft,  esSfc,  ammalu,  amini,  s.  A 
familiar  appellation  for  a  young 

^sSMj  amrau,  5.  An  arrow  ;  a  dart, 
e*  s&a,  ammu,  t\  a.  To  sell,  to  vend. 

— 6 

to  dispose  of;  opposed  to  r°«sb  ko- 

nu,  to  buy.  esSM.efcsy^ammiidii- 

bovu,  v.  n.  To  be  sold. 
t?osSa6oo   ayamu,  5.   Good  fortune.  2. 

A  tax. 
«>aso;^oe£s5M    ayaskantamu*      s.    A 

magnet,  or  load-stone,  because 
it  attracts  iron. 

s3oas&>\  ayassu,  s.  Iron. 

<^o»  ai.  The  past  verbal  participai 
of  «>•£)  avu,  To  become.  Lit. 
Having  become.  This  word  added 
to  pronouns,  and  sometimes  to 
other  words,  has  the  power  of  the 
emphatic  letter  "^  e,  Thus,  ^"S 
vadai,  He  himself.  It  sometimes 
corresponds  with  the  English 
word  like.  ^-3  »8^s&  manainili- 
chenu,  He  stood  like  a  piece  of 
wood.  It  is  also  used  in  express- 
ing such  phrases  as  about  to  go, 
come,  do  <fcc.  As  tflSx-snaSis  ofcotsa 
vachche  vadanai  untini,  I  was 
•about  to  come. 

eo»"i  aite,  The  conditional  form 
of  the  verb  *$$  avu,  To  become, 
used  as  a  conjunction  to  express 
condition,  and  corresponding 
with  the  English  terms  if,  suppose 
it  were  so,  but.  When  added  to 
the  past  relative  participle  of 
any  verb,  bx>  ttu,  is  inserted,  and 
it  then  expresses  the  conditional 
form  of  the  verb  to  which  it  is 
thus  affixed.  ^fttf£oo»"i  chesina- 
ttaite,  If  I,  thou,  he,  sho,  it,  we 
you,  or  they  do. 

^o»j5b  aidu,  adj.  Numeral  Five. 

fcpaooSb^a^coSo  aidupadicheyu,  v.  n. 
To  retire  from  a  superior  enemy: 
to  retreat. 

ei>ooo&tf  aiduva,  s.  A  married  wo- 
man, whose  husband  is  alive.  &caa 
&ss$tf<6x>  aiduvatanamu,  s.  The 
state  of  a  married  woman  ;  in  op- 
position to  widow-hood. 

£$o»2fc5S"o~°ex)  aiduvaralu,  s.  vide  & 
om&ss  aiduva. 

«>oootf  aina,  The  past  relative  par- 
ticiple of  the  verb    t95g).avu,   To 

become.  Lit.  That  became.  It  is 
affixed  to  nouns  of  quality  to 
convert  them  into  adjectives  ;  or 
sometimes  to  adjectives,  as  a  mere 
expletive.  It  expresses  the  con- 
junctions either,  or;  ■sr»"S^,  &"3  tf 

vadaina,?  vidairia.  Either  this,  or 




that  man.    Ad  Jed    to  interroga-  I 
tives  commencing  with  the  letter  j 
o),  ^*e,  e,  commonly  written  553,  I 
5§o  ye>  ye,  it  corresponds  with  the  | 
English  term  soever,  ciS^-dS  ekka- 
cta,  where?  oi^^-fitfcoo^  ekkada- 
naina,    wheresoever.      -?r*ra»tfssb 
»lx  nakainamanishi,  My    friend. 
ss>oootfs^feS§SK  ainappatikinni,  Ne- 
vertheless,   notwithstanding,    al- 
though. *^o2^55-cp"e5  tf   renduvara- 
laina,  At  least  two  pagodas. 

ef)o»^^)  aipovu,  v.  n.  To  be  ex 
hausted  or  drained  ;  to  be  finish- 
ed or  concluded. 

&cso£yrt&ir>  aimuluga,  adv.  Obli- 

«oaosS'&\  aivatstsu,  v.  w.  To  be  pros- 
perous, or  tend  to  prosperity.  2- 
To  agree  with  one's  health. 

£?a»ssg?>  aivadzu,  s.  Any  thing  sub- 
stituted for  another.  2.  Recom- 
pense ;  return. 

S5o3o3  S'sScw  ayuktamu,  adj.  Improper  ; 
unfit ;  unworthy. 

ef>oax>e£s5»  ayutamu,  s.  Ten  thousand. 

&afr*KQ s5ao  ayogyamu,  acfy'.  Unfit; 

es^ensfcosSskaayomayamu,  at/;.  Hard; 
not  easy  to  be  pierced  or  broken. 
2.  Difficult  •,  abstruse 

csc&Q  ayya,  s.  Pure  Telugu  castes, 
especially  the  Komati,  use  this 
word  to  denote  a  father  :  as  s$r»w 
c*6^sj©\7r°^  maayyavachchinadu, 
My  father  came.  But  it  is  general- 
ly used,  by  all  persons  and  castes, 
as  a  term  of  common  respect,  cor- 
responding to  the  English  word 
Sir;  &sfcoa3e    emayya,  what  sir? 

^oaSc-s^bb  ayyavarn,  is  a  phrase 
used  to  denote  a  brahman,  or  a  tea- 
cher who  is  always  held  in  great 
respect.  ectfiQ  ayya,  is  also,  in 
courtesy,  added  to  proper  names. 
£f>cssc7r°&,  A  preceptor. 
2.  The  planet  Jupiter,  the  precep- 
tor of  the  gods,  and  son  of  Angirsa. 

tscsSc^r*,  t5cs5^o?cr^  ayyayo,  ayyay- 
yo,  interj.  Denoting  Sorrow,lamen- 
tation,  pity,  or  pain, 

^c«5go  ayyalla,  s.  A  father.  This 
word  is  most  generally  used  by 
the  Komati  caste. 

fc2cB^Q~6  ayyare,  interj.  Denoting- 
Wonder,  or  praise. 

e>cdo?o  ayyu,co»;.  Although;  though; 
notwithstanding.  jq^©c£:je&oc  nir 
maluday^yu,   Though  he  be  pure. 

efj^oo"^  ayyeve,  An  emphatic  parti- 
cle :  as  "jStfao^i  nenayyeve,  I  my- 
self. w2sc§o^  vadayyeve,  He 




w3fcr*e  ayyo,    interj.    vide  eos^^ng 

^tfafa,   adj.    Half-    5.     A   moiety 

vufe  ts?<  ssso  ardhamti. 

^^r  araka,  5.  A  yoke  of  oxen,  with 

a  plough  and  all  other  imple- 
ments of  husbandry  appertaining 
eSTfo  aragu,  s.  A  high  seat,  or  sit- 
ting place,  built  along  the  outside 
of  a  house  ;  also  called  8%  tin- 
ne,  a  pial,  or  open   veranda. 

etf-tfto  aratsatta,  s.  A  jacket,  a  coat. 

aSosiM  arariamu,  s.  A  present  given 


the    father-in-law  to  his  son- 

in-law,  at  his  marriage. 
&&&csSi»  aranyamu,  s.  A    forest;  a 

etfs^  aradamu,  s.  A  car;  a  chariot. 

<i*S"^3£S"^3  aradesiparades'i,    s.    A 

traveller,  pilgrim,  or  foreigner. 
£5tf£3tf  aramara,  s.  Reluctance,  dis-  i 

«tfsSa>aramti,    s.    The  spoke    of    a 

wheel,  adj.  quick  ;  swift ;  speedy, 
ef) ^30oo  arayu,   ?;.   a.    To   search,  to 

examine  ;  to  inquire. 
«tf»r>oco  aravai,  s.  A  retreat. 
e>5"£o3sx>o    aravindamu,  s.  A  lotus. 
^tt'zs^sSm  arajakamu,  s.  A  state  or 

kingdom  without  proper  govern- 

ment? luterregumn 

.  2.  Anarchv. 

<&■&*&  arati,  s.  A  foe ;  an  eiien 

«e  ari,  A  particle  denoting  posses- 
sion ;  as  ■stfjg,  ~f&^  veravu,  ner- 
pu,  skill,  ^tfsss,  i$s\8  veravari, 
nerpari,  skilful! 

£?8  ari,  5.  A  bowstring.  2.  A  tax  pay- 
able  to  a  king ;  government  re* 
venue.  ts8"3&o  aripettu,  To  pay 
revenue.  »  eft"6  do  so  arigorulu,  6, 
p£w.  The  share  both  of  the  Go- 
vernment and  of  the  inhabitants} 
the  total  produce. 

&q  ari,  5.  A  foe,  an  enemy. 

tsas'iM  arikattu,    v.    a.   To   hinder; 

to  prevent,  to  obstruct. 
eQ-r0^)  arikapu,  5.  The  waiting  on 

a  great  personage. 
«81"f  arige,    5.  A  large  parasol,    or 

umbrella    of    a    peculiar    form ; 

generally    used    by    kings,    and 

sometimes  by  others  of  high  rank 

or  learning. 

ee'Sooo^  nicheyyi,  5.  The  palm  of 
the  hand. 

ef>9fe3^&s>  aritichettu,  s.  The  banana 
or  plantain  tree.  Musa  sapientum- 
vide  wtftS^Sioo  anatichettu. 

eeslfsko    aridalamu,     s.  A     yellow 

eaa  aridi,  5.  Wonder ;  astonishment r 


wtf  s&a-Arghamu 




e&fto  arugu,  v.  n.  To  go,  to  march; 

to  walk.  fc$&>Kb*3c-&arugudentsu, 

v.  a.  To  come, 
escibfib  arngu,     s.  An  open   veranda 

round  a  native  Jiouse.  vide  ej>tf;fo 

e&re&u  arunamu,    adj.    Of  a  dark 

red.  2.  Of  the  colour  of  the  dawn. 
e>ftc3o£o  arunudu,  ^;The  sun.  2.  The 

charioteer  of  the  sun. 
e*&&  arudu,  adj.  Rare  ;  scarce  ;  un- 
common. 2.  Excellent.  3.  Dear. 
e^&&>    arudu,  5.    Surprize,  wonder. 

vide  es»8a  aridi. 

^&>"Bo-&  arudenstu,  0.  «.  vide  e&fio 
"3o-t5b  arugudentsn. 

£?&«$  aruvu,  s.  Good  sense  ;  judg- 
ment ;  the  reasoning  faculty.  «& 
$)!&&,  wdb^^tfo  aruvuchedu,  a- 
ruvutappu,  To  lose  one's  reason, 
to  act  contrary  to  sound  reason 
or  judgment. 

estfc"3    aruvai,  adj.    Sixty. 

esCT^-og'aSN  arccbikamu,  s.  Tasteless- 
ness,  aversion  to  food,  we^-orsfoa 
wo&o  arochikamubuttu,  To  he  dis- 
gusted  with  food. 

e^bb  e^o  arkudu,  5.  The  sun. 

«tf  *&>  arghamu,  s.  Price.  2.  Cheap- 
ness. 3.  Reverence  ;  adoration. 

t5tf  cs5m  arghj^amu,  5.  Flowers, grass 
&c.  with  water,  offered  as  an  act 
of  worship,  or  of  reverence,  ts^oog- 

^r>-sr°ca  £)J^ex>  arghyap^dyadi  vi- 
dhulu,  Worship  or  reverence, 
evinced  by  offerings  of  flowers  &c 
washing  the  feet,  and  other  cere- 

wtf\tf,  ef>S\tfsSoo  archana,  archanamu. 
s.  Worship  ;  adoration.  t9tfv§b£fo 
archakudu,  s.  A  worshipper,  an 
adorer,  ^Oxo-Sb  archintsu,  v.  a.  To 
worship  ;  to  adore. 

«>8  arji,  5.  A  petition,  an  address,  a 

tstfb  ardju  s.  The  measurement  of  a 
heap  of  grain,  from  the  bottom  to 
the  top,  or  when  the  correctness 
of  a  previous  estimate  is  suspected. 

e&tfsfco  arjunamu,  adj.  White.  s. 
Whiteness.  2.  Gold. 

t9  2?>s-A5b£&  arjunudu,  s.  Arjoona,  the 
third  son  of  Pandoo,  friend  of  Kri 
shna,  and  brother  of  Dharmaraja 
in  the  Mahabharat.  %  A  king 
with  1000  arms. 

fcjtftfsfea  arnavamu,  s.  The  sea. 
fcstfsSw    arthamu,    s.     Signification, 

meaning.    2.     Money  ;    wealth  j 

prosperity.  3.   A  thing. 
«>tf  sSw  ardhamu,  s.  A  haft  •,  a  moiety ; 

a  part. 




ea^o-i5barpintsu,  s.  To  give,  bestow, 

dedicate,  or  offer  any  thing  to  the 

deity,  or  to  any  great  personage. 

£9^ca,  we^caifioa  arpana,    arpana- 

mu,  An  offering. 
ef)^xc5sSw  arbudamu,  s.  One  hundred 

&$\&?$q   arbhakudu,  s.  An  infant ; 

a  young  person.  2   An  idiot. 
e8j8  armili,  s.  Affection;  love  ;  ten- 
^5tf  ara,  s.   A  division  in  a  drawer  ; 

a  partition  in  a  box,    2.    A  small 

room  in  a  house. 
e$&  arlu,  s.  plu.  Excessive  fondness, 

Jove,  or  affection. 
ef>sr'£-a5c»  arhamu,   s.  adj.  Worthy  ; 

fit ;  proper. 
«5ed  arra,s.  An  apartment  in  a  house; 

a  chamber,     vide    ts  £\     arra.    2. 

Deceit,  guile,  secrecy. 
esea  arra,  adj.  Inner,  as   applied  to 

the  hand  or  foot  only.  wea^o»o 

arracheyyi,  The  palm  of  the  hand. 

fc5es-5-°e»  arrakalu,  The  sole  of  the 

«&93S  wwS'to  arraka,  arrakata*  adv. 

By  or  near  the  side. 
«f»fcs^j6w  arakamu,  s.  Indigestion. 
eesJT'eseS  arragorrata,  s.  Uneasiness, 

sorrow ;  dissatisfaction. 

£9es-&  arratsn,  v.  n.  To  make  a  loud 

noise  ;  to  roar. 
tS'esfeS^&a  arratichettu,  s.  vide  ^a^S^S 
(m  aritichettu. 

^fcsis^sx)  arradalu,  s.  Small  cross 
pieces  of  wood,  connected  by  two 
timbers,  by  which  the  lower  part 
of  a  marriage  palanquin  is  en- 

^oa^fcsdb  arraporradu,  s.  A  man  or 
woman  below  hte  common  size ; 
a  dwarf. 

tsesokefi,  t9&£5&eJ)g'  arramarra,  arrama 
rrika,  s.    Suspicion,  distrust. 

fc5&sss  arrava,  adj.  Tamil,  ^esas^sS^ 
arravadesamu,The  Tamil  country. 
«f>essssSx>  arravamn,  The  Tamil 

e>fc9£e5ew  arravarralu,  5  plu.  Bits  or 
pieces;  as  •sr>$i$&*5bzsZ<idtx^h 
vanidehamarravarraluche'si,  Ha- 
ving reduced  his  body  to  pieces. 

»el  arri,  s.  The  act  of  fixing  the 
arrow  to  the  bow. 

e$eJ£x>a  arrimini.  adj.  Armenian. 

eeJcitooeJ  arrimurri,  adv.  From  time 
to  time 

we§"S>  arrise.  s.  A  cake,  made  of 
rice-flour  and  jaggery. 

w«m  arm,  v.  n.  To  be  destroyed. 

tseaa  arru?  5.  The  neck. 




z*>x»fo  arrugu,  v.  n.  To  be  digested 

2.  To  be  wasted  by  use  or  time  ; 
to  wear  away. 

W6ao£  arruta,  postpos.  With.  TP-s^^b 
3^pa>v*k?tfe9o£"j§l?s6  rarnudu  vis- 
vamitrunarrutanegenii,Rama  went 
with  V"isvamitra. 

^eao^)  arrupu,  v.  n.  To  come  into 
one's  possession  ;  to  be  contained. 
^esoS-o'iQ^X'esjM  arraparanibhag- 
yamu,  Inexhaustible  wealth  or 

£3&£»=6c»  arrumu.  v.  a.  To  usurp  ;  to 

tsaaosgjgS  arruvullu,  s.  plu.  Holes. 

e>&M  arrru,  5.  Danger.  2.    Calamity, 

3.  Difficulty,  also  es&»  arm, 

£9<y  ala,  pro.  Used  in  books  only, 
that.  wsr°ch  alavadu,  That  man. 

«>e>  ala,  s.  A  wave  of  the  sea.  &c. 
the  surf. 

ssiyo-s^tfskj  alankaramu,  s.  An  orna- 
ment. 2.  Beauty.  3.  A  rhetorical 

ef> ?-o?Cj6m  alangamU,  s.  A  rampart.  2. 
A  watch  or  guard. 

exyo&tfb  alanduru,  v.  n.  To  moan  5 
to  lament ;  to  grieve. 

wZ  alaka,  5.  Displeasure,  anger, 
wrath,  indignation.  wZ&xb?-  ala- 
katirtsu,  To  appease  one's  anger 
or  displeasure. 

e>o§'^  alakana,  adj.  Light,  versatile, 
^^^jdaoexij^ej^ex)  alakamulu,  alakalu.- 

s.  plu.  Curls,  ringlets, 
e^-tfosew    alatsandalu,    s.    plu.    A 

species  of  pulse,  also  called  -s^tt* 

a$b&  karamailu.  Dolichos  catiang. 
»o3o  alatsu,  u.    a.    To  trouble  ;  to 

wasS    aladzadi,    s.    Mental    pain ; 

affliction  ot  the  mind. 
<t?e,£  alata,  s.  Fatigue,  lassitude. 
&e)d  alati,  adj.  Small,  petty, 
esoesb  aladu,    p.     a.    To  rub  sandal 

powder  &c.  upon  the  body, 
wasg)  alapu,   5.    Fatigue,  lassitude. 

vide  &v€  alata. 
e^aawsfcu    alabalamu,    5.     Anxiety ; 

distraction  of  mind,  perplexity. 
e>i's&&  alamita,   5.     Affliction  or  in 

quietude  of  mind;  chagrin;  vexa~ 

tion.  vide  e)e)2}^  aladzali, 
esejssbSTfb  alamaragu,    v.     n.     To  be 


«>2Js5cr»j5ox  alamartsu,  v.  a.     To  train 

bullocks,  buffaloes    &c.     To    the 
plough,  or  to  bear  burdens. 

e^sSx  alamu,  v.  a.  To  spread.  2.  To 

wash,  to  cleanse  with  water. 

y>e>s*»  alamu,  s.  Weeds  that  grow 

in  fields  of  dry  erain. 


o  1 


t9ee*&  alayu.  v.  n.  To  be  tired, 
wearied^  or  fatigued  ;  to  be  ex- 
hausted by  labour. 

waowS'  alaika,  s.    vide  »ej^  alapti. 

«e>«>  alaru,  «?.  ??.  To  shine.  2.  To  be 
pleased  or  delighted,  s.  A  flower. 
2-  Beauty.  eej&^S,  <s>e>&tf*eS 
alambodi,  alaruboni,  &  one 
whose  body  is  a  flower.  A  woman. 
<y>e;&>Soo2k  alarnviltulu,  The  god 
of  love,  because  his  bow  is  made 
of   flowers. 

^vssth  alavadu,  v.  n.  To  be  practi- 
sed in :  to  be  habituated,  or  ac- 
customed to.  «>y-5r>£oo  alavatu,  .*. 
Habit,  custom.  S3vs^kx$&g  alava- 
tutappu.  To  be  ou^  of  practice,  ts 
OS5S-&  alavaratsu,  To  habituate,  | 
accustom,  exercise,  or  teach. 

&vs  alava,  s.  A    basin    formed    of  I 
earth,  round  the  foot  of  a  tree. 
2.  A  railing:. 

«e;2>  alavi,  adj.  Able  to  do  or  effect. 
s^ai^§be)e;£)-7ro»b  idinakualaviga- 
du,  I  am  not  able  to  do  this.  This 
is  beyond  my  power. 

<a>o#6o,  «e;5^  alasata,  alasata,  g. 
Fatigue,  lassitude.  pic/e'esojg)— we> 
Xk37$&>  alapu-alasatapadu,  To  be 
wearied  or  fatigued.  wejtf&^kc? 
•£se:»s&tf$k^  alasatapnttu,    alasata- 

vatsts»j  To  feel  fatigued,  wetf&l) 
&vr.«b  aigsatatirtsukonu,  To  rest 
one's  self. 
&se>&ss5oD  alakshyamu,  ac/y.  Tri- 
fling, trivial,  worthless.  5.  Dis- 
regard, negligence,  w^&cs&a^caco 
alakshyamu  cheyu,  v.  a.  To  dis- 
regard, neglect,  slight,  or  despise. 

&tr>go  alaku,  s.  Desolation;  ravage: 
ruin,  wy-^&lScc&o  alaku  cheyu,  To 
ruin,  to  ravage,  to  lay  waste. 

Wir'ooox^  alaida,  adj.  Separate, 

wew§o  aluku,  v.  a.  To  rub  the  floor 
with  macerated  cow-dung.  This 
is  done  by  the  Hindoos  to  clean 
and  purify  the  house,  s-  The  wash- 
ing the  floor  with  macerated  cow- 

eex>5b  aluku,  s.  Fear;  terror;  dread. 

yw«b  alugu,  v.  n.  To  be  angry,  or 
provoked  ;  to  be  annoyed  or  dis- 
pleased, esoog'  aluka,  s.  Displea- 
sure, anger. 

ws»^  alugu,  s.  A  water  channel, 
for  carrying  off  the  excess  of 
water  from  tanks.  &c.  2. 1  he  sharp 
iron  point  of  an  arrow  or  lance. 

zsoo<$)  aluvu,  5.  Beauty;  comeliness  ; 

wzZo  alusu,  s.  Inferiority  ;  mean- 

<y>$  a-Allibi 



&~£zp'6x>  alekhamu,  s.  A  blank  book 
ofcadjan   or  pilmira  leaves. 

t5£P>  alka,    aofy".  Mean*  vile,  base. 

«9e^i5o9  alpamu,  <xd/\  Thin  ;  small; 
little  ;  2.  Mean  ;  trifling  :  slight- 
«ejA«»a  alpabuddhi,  A  mean  un- 
derstanding, exy^esrfjfo*  alpabho 
janamu,  A  light  repast.  wsr^-S'jfc 
tfs&o  alpachamanamu,The  common 
and  polite  term  for  making  water; 
because  a  little  water  is  sipped, 
as  a  purification  afterwards,  wen 
-g-otfbsfca  alpakaryamu,  A  trifling 

K3v  alia,  ^ro.  vide  we;  ala. 

we>  a"7fo-°,  wo  esbfr"*  alladig6,alladug6 
cwZ/,  Yonder  ;  at   a   distance  wi- 
thin view. 

wo  £  allana,  a$.  Gently  ;  softly. 

w^  s5m  allamu,  5.  Ginger. 

we>8  allari,  s.  Anarch v;  tumult;  com- 
motion,  noise,  quarrel.  we;  s^^sco 
'     allaricheyu,  To  commit  disturban- 
ces. 2.  To  expose  one's  vices. 

t?er°tf>s5oaab  allarumuddu,  ad)'.  Pe- 
lightfal  ;  beloved  by  all. 

wSS*  allika,  s.  A  twist,  a  plait,  a 
braid,  a  netting. 

wSOD  allibilli,  s.  Familiarity,  mu- 

no       mo  •>   ' 

tual  affection. 

wex>  allijj  v.  To  plait,  to  braid,  to 
twist,  to  interlace.  T^^wex)  tsapa- 
allu,  To  make  mats,  ^o^^ejeo 
vendrukalallu,  To  plait  the  hair. 

w£>-zr°oex>  abadhalallti,    To  fabri- 

9,.   "° 
cate  lies. 

wew&>  alludu,  s.  A  son-in-law.  "&># 
ex>£&  menalludu,  The  son  of  a 
man's  sister,  or  of  a  woman's 

W3  alle,  5.  A  bow-string. 


wl^sSw  allemu,  5.  An  entertainment 


given  by  the  bride's  parents  to  a 
bride-groom,  after  the  conclusion 
of  the  vv  hole-marriage  ceremonies. 

wtr^'&'^s&TStoa  allonereduchettu,    .s. 

en  ■    '  eo 

The  rose  apple  tree.  Eugenia. 

w9£s5»  alikamu,  5.  0-wfc.  wOS'sSwjsfli- 

w&sb  aluku,  v.  n  To  fear,  to  be 
afraid ;  to  be  diffident,  s.  Diffi- 

wf>  3"  allika,  s.  mc?e  wSS"  allika 


w&allu,  »;.  vide  £?ex>  allu. 

wtf-s^ska  avakasamti,    s.    An    in- 
termediate spot,  intermission. 
Leisure,  opportunity,  vide  ->s5-^ 

•r^esss-^S'sSwXgxjKb  s£vakasamu, 
avakasamugalugu,  To  have  leisure. 
wss?e£35a>  avagadamu,  s,  Mischief; 
evil.  2-  Disorder ;  confusion.  3, 




e^Tr^s&o  avaganamu,  s.  Immer- 
sion, bathing.  2.  A  trough  near 
a  well,  for  watering  cattle, 

t? 35  7^^550$  avagahamavu,  v.  w.  To 
be  understood,  or  become  the 
object  of  understanding.  -&>£oX© 
-js^gb  '3^7r6t555  7ro^55ba?o^aisanga 

ti  naku  lessaga  avagaha  mainadi, 
This  subject  is  fully  understood 
by  me,  or  I  fully  comprehend  this 
s  n  bj  ect.  w  55  -fc  s$->  sS^o  ^  &  r° &  a vaga 
hamuchesukonu,  v.  a.  To  under- 
stand ;  to  comprehend. 

t9S57tes5a>  avaguriamu,  s.  A  perni- 
cious quality  ;  a  bad  disposition  • 
a  defect ;  a  vice. 

ei>s5^i>o-&  avaghalintsu,  v.  a.  To 
^^er-look  ;  to  neglect;  to  dis- 

ei>s5&3o-&  avatarintsu,  v.  ?l  To  be 
incarnated  ;  to  descend. 

osS'er'tfKSoo  avataramn.  s.  An  incar- 
nation of  the  deity,  especially  of 
Vishnu,  of  which  the  Hindoos 
reokonten;  viz.  The  fish,  tortoise, 
boar,manlion,  dwarf,  Parasurama, 
Sri  Kama,  Krishna,  Buddha,  and 
one  yet  to  come  termed  Kalkee. 
2.  A  birth.  3.  A  metamorphosis.  4. 
The  bank  of  a  tank,  pond,  sea  <fcc, 
5.  The  act  of  descending.  essseT'tfio 
ek  aVataramettn,  To  be  incarna- 
ted. sfc&^gss-cT'tfsSw  manushyava- 

taramu,  Incarnation  as  man.  This 
term  is  applied  by  the  Native 
Christians,  to  the  incarnation  of 
the  Son  of  God. 

es5e£<y  avatala,  adv.  After,  after- 
wards, hereafter.  2.  Next  to,  fur- 
ther, beyond,  onward,  to  a  dis- 
tance. This  word  is  applied  either 
to  time  or  place. 

esss^sb  avaduru,  s.  Calumny  ;  defa- 
mation; false  accusation, 

£§>tf£eo-i5b  avadharintsu,  v.  a.  To  con- 
descend, to  hear,  or  listen,  ts^-rp-* 
&  avadharu,  The  2d.  person  sing, 
of  the  imperative  of  this  verb, 
irregularly  formed ;  is  used  in 
books  only  to  call  attention.  Lis- 
ten ! 

t5s>§  avadhi,  s.  A   border,  limit,  or 

tsssio  avani,  s.  The  earth. 

«s5s5bTPcc5  avamaryada,  s.  Incivility  ) 

e>55"s5^^s5w  avamanamu,  s.  Dishonour; 
disgrace ;  indignity  ;  insult  ;  aff- 

tsssss^tf^^ccfo,  ef>55s5cn>o)o-i5b  avama- 
mucheyu,  avamanintsu,  v.  a.  To 
despise;  to  disregard,  to  dishonour, 
to  disgrace,  to  insult.  ef>s>s*P>  #££&,, 
ef)S5sSrotfxxos5-°o«b  avamanapacln,  a- 
vamanamupondu,  To  be  disgacedi 
dishonoured,  or  insulted. 




&5s^os555s5»  avayavamu,  s,  A  mem- 
ber, a  limb. 

tjsscsk  avayu,  v,  n.  To  be  broken 
into  pieces ;  to  be  destroyed.  ess 
oooo-Jfo  avayintsu,  *.  a.  To  break 
to  pieces,  to  destroy.  «r>n%oZk><& 
sS&oQ  vanikandluavasindi,  His 
eye  sight  is  destroyed. 

«>sso&cr°Ks5oo  avayogamu,  s.  A  bad 
sign,  an  evil  omen,  an  unfortu- 
nate event. 

ef>558^s^s5w  avarohamu,  s.  A  fibrous 
root,  issuing  from  the  branches  of 
certain  trees  and  hanging  down 
from  them  ;  for  example,  that  of 
the  Indian  fig  tree  ;  also  called 
&&  uda,  2.  The  act  of  descend- 

ef>s5o  avala,  adv.  vide  e>ss£o  avatala. 

ef>#e>oa£s5M,  ft5  35e>o»s5w  avalambana- 
mu,  avalambamu,  s.  That  on 
which  any  person  or  thing  de- 
pends ;  an  asylum-,  refuge;  sup- 
port. wsteoQo-sfc  avalambintsu,  vm 
a.  To  depend  on  any  person  or 
thing.  2.  To  take  hold  of  any 
thing.  2J5'3aSp>k>t9tf<yoDo-&  okani- 
mata  avalambintsu,  To  concur  in 
opinion  with  another. 

esSw&essSw  avalakshanamu,  s.  A  bad 
sign,  an  evil  omen,  or  angary,  adj. 
Ugly.  2.  Dirty,  3.  Improper.   * 

<y>3$e)0  avdlila,  s.  Facility,  ease. 

essser^tfsfoa  avalokanamu,  s.  The  act 
of  looking  ;  surveying. 

e>s5^§b^s5w  avasakunamu,  s.  An  evil- 
omen  or  angury,  a  bad  sign. 

t? 55^^77°  avasattuga,  adv.  Unex- 
pectedly; abruptly  ;  suddenly.  2. 

fc$35SVsSx>  avasyamu,  adj.  Absolute 
or  indispensably  necessary  sfctf  « 
s5x>  fcso&OSesss'osfoa  maranamuan- 
darikiavasyamu,  Death  is  to  all  a 
matter  of  absolute  necessity,  e^a 
■^r'&wsss'Q^otfa  adinaku  avasya- 
mainadi,  That  is  indispensably 
necessary  to  me.  adv.  Certainly- 
without  fail.  ^SD^i^ss^Qstoss^jSo 
repatikiavasyamuvastanu,  I  shall 
come  tomorrow  without  fail. 

fcjoStftfsfo)  avasaramu,  s.  Occasion.  2. 
Urgency.  3.  Hurry.  4.  Necessity, 
fc935cStfs5M^ ^ssjo^e&itfo  avasaramu 
chestepanichedunu,  If  you  hurry, 
the  business  will  be  spoiled,  ^a 

■?ro§ot?s5^^s53o'^2Sb  adinakuavasara- 
muledu,  I  have  no  occasion  for 
this.  adj.  Urgent,  necessary,  ess 
7$tf&ooo<6Z$  avasaramainapani, Ur- 
gent business, 
ess  £  avastha55.  A  condition  or  state. 
2  Any  particular  stage  of  life,  as 




infancy,  youth  &c.  3.  Calamity, 
distress,  ^^esstf  balyavastha, 
Child-hood.  sktfwxrtf  maranavas- 
tha,  The  agony  of  death.  t5#tfs52& 
avasthapadu,  To  be  in  distress. 
t5^i«5^y^^^  annanikileka- 
avastha  padu,  To  be  reduced, 
through  want  of  food,  to  the  great- 
est misery.  <&zsx~z,i>x>   avasthapet- 

tu,  To  reduce  to  misery,  to  plunge 
another  into  difficulties.  tfSr°osS-cr> 

$  ^>s5£  ewss^b  sahimparani  avastha 

lupadu,  To  experience  insuppor- 
table calamity. 
ts>-5r»o^tfj6w    avantaramu,     adj.    In- 
tervening, s,  An  invasion  or   in- 

&?s*i3~n  avadza?  s.  A  voice,  a  noise, 

a  rumour,  a  report. 
«>»rooocn»  avai,  s.     A   sky-rocket.  & 

sr>  oxrv ^5bs5(%  avaitsuvva,  The  reed 

of  a  sky-rocket. 
£f>»r>8Tr»  avariga,     adv.    Profusely ; 

abundantly  ;  exuberantly. 

ef>a  avi>  s'  A  mountain.  2»  A 
8.  The  sun.  4 .  A  woman  in  her 

<jf>S9  avidhi,  $.  Calamity  ;  distress  ; 
trouble,  adj.  Illegal. 

«5©9  aviri,  s.  A  disease  in  the  eye. 

t5&~£g&x>  avivekamu,  s.  Ignorance. 

2.  Imprudence ;  indiscretion. 
«»S)1)"S&>d  avisechettu,  s.  vide    &%lo 

"Sfeo  agisechetfcu. 
e^  avu,  p.  n.  To  become.  2.  To  be 

finished,  vide  tsow,  £5a»tf}  £ec»li, 

ef>i§sso5  "5"°    ai»    aina,  aite,  avunu, 

ka,  and  -g^zfc  kadu. 

<&<$&>  avudu,  s.  The  lip.  ef>$S&X&s-t5b 
avudugarratsu,  To  bite  the  lips 
from  rage. 

ef>$e£e>  avutala,  adv.  vide&^&v  ava- 

t5^>s5o  avunu,  adv.  The  z?er6  £$£>  avu 
in  the  3d  person  singular  of  the 
affirmative  aorist.  2.  A  general 
term  of  affirmation,  in  reply  to  all 
questions,  synonimous  with  the 
English  word  yes  ;  but  properly 
confined  to  affirmations  respec- 
ting quality  and  essence  only,  and 
opposed  to  -5-°ab  kadu,  no.  s\a£)§o 
ts^p-0  idinikuavuna,  Will  this  be 
of  use  to  you  ?  sxra&^sS^tf  ftbis  rai- 
rucheppanagune,  May  you  say  so? 
■^^  &<$$)?£>  nachetanavunu,  I  can 

do  wjg^-g^w*  avunakada.  Is  it, 
or  is  it  not.  es^tf^sfc  avunavunu, 

yes,   yes. 

<&$>&>  avuru,  s,  A  long  coarse  grass, 
generally  used  for    thatch   or  to 




make  tats ;  it  is  also  called  s&sss 
vid  avail. 

e>s5cos5s5w  avyayamu,  s.  In  grammar, 
an   indeclinable  word,  a  particle 

es5o  avva,  s.  A  grandmother.  2.  A 

f&oypQir*  avvariga,  adv.  vide  &sr»0 
*7r°  avariga. 

<&$  ^s5x>  asaktamn  >  adj.  Impotent. 
%   Sick. 

<a>#  s'sfco,  esSf  I  asaktamn,  asakti,  s. 
Want  of  ability  ;  weakness  ;  fee- 
bleness ;  incapacity;    impotency. 

'is^^esSoa  asakyamu,  adj.  Impossible. 

«3S»,  es'sODtfoQ  asimi,  asimisanchi, 

s.  A  wallet. 
e*&©  asuch'i,  5.    Uncleanness.    adj. 


«5&tf  sfeo  asuddhamu,  s.  Human  ex- 
crement-  adj.  Impure. 

es^^rsfoo  asubhamu,  adj.   Inauspici- 
ous, s.  Inauspiciousness. 
^>^sxs5m  aseshamu,  adj.  All,  whole. 
«5  &'d  asraddha,   s.  Neglect. 

Co  ° 

fcssl  asha,  Indec.  Particle,  vide.  e^&> 

(iss^ashu,  adv.  So  ;  in  that  manner; 

in  that  way. 
c5s^2Jofe5  ashuvanti,    adj.    Such,  of 

that  kind. 

&%&  asadda,  s.  Inattention  ;  ne^li- 
gence ;  2.  Contempt,  disdain. 

estfab  asadu,  s.  Smallness.  2.  Thin- 
ness. 3.  Leanness. 

esS^rcsSw  asabhyamu, acZ/'.Unworfchy 
of  admission  into  an  assembly; 
vulgar  ;  mean. 

e>3s5c»  asamu.  s.  Reputation;  renown; 

<y>tfs5»  asamu,  5.  Excess. 

ef>#tf;oo"3  asarasande,  s.  The  dusk  ; 

because  giants  then  appear. 
eftfeT   asal,  adj.  Original  ;  radical ; 

prime.  5.  The  principal,  in  contra- 
diction to  the  interest. 

e>ssex>  asalu,  s.  Mud  ;  mire  ;  dirt  at 
the  bottom  of  water. 

fc5?SSr*sxo«£  asahishnuta,  s.  Envy  ; 
malice  ;  malignity. 

etfs^es&u  asabyamu,  adj.  Insup- 
portable ;  odious  ;  disgusting  ; 
ugly  ;  unpalatable.  zsTogreXtgo  asa- 
hyapachi,  To  be  disgusted,  to 

wfrvr^tin&n  asadharanamu,  adj. 
Uncommon  ;  -unusual ;  rare.  e3«o-° 
-Er>tfr3&xi-7r>  s^dj-^^b  asadharana- 
mugamatladu,  To  speak  fluently. 

tstfrotfcafca  asadhyamu,  adj.  Im- 
possible; impracticable.  ^^^06^ 
Xs5w  asadyha  rogamu,  Incurable 




&%&&*&>  asiyadu,  v.  n.  To  shake. 

e5^oofeo  asunta,  adv>  At  a  distance  ; 
farther  away- 

wsSc^,  t5  &>&>£&  asnra,  asurudu,  s.  A 

&&>s&>&>e&>  asurrusurru,  5.  Great  ex- 
haustion or  waste  of  one's  strength; 
excessive  weakness  or  fatigue. 

w&>s$  asuvu,  s.  Any  of  the  live 
breaths  which  the  Hindoos  belie- 
ve to  exist  in  the  human  body, 
and  consider  essential  to  life. 

w&t°csS  asiiya,  5.  Malignity;  hatred; 
detraction  ;   jealousy  ;  envy. 

£9  tfofcosSsSzu  astamayamu,  s.  Sun-set 
from  the  Hindoos  believing  that 
the  sun  disappears  behind  a  cer- 
tain mountain. 

«  tf  s*n>^s5w  astarnanamu,  5.  vide,  t?  tf 
s5bc5Ssfco  astamayamu. 

e^  tf  &  astaru,  s.  The  lining  of  a  gar- 
ment. 2.  A  patch. 

&ir°~3  £s5*>  astavestamu,  s.  Madness 

ef>  fb^^sSoo  astibharamu,  5.  The  foun- 
dation  of  an  edifice. 

<y>  rs  s5oo  astramu,  5.    A  missile   wea- 

pon  •,  an  arrow. 
<£*>§>  asthi,    5.  A  bone,  w&ir,^,  as- 
thipatra,  An    urn.  ^g^tfss*,    as- 
thijvaramu,  An  internal  fever. 

ti>s£*  o^  ^»  ^o  **»  aham b  rah  mat  vain  u, 
s.  Pride  ;  vanity  ;  arrogance. 

e>2^e£c63o  ahitamu,  ,?.  Injury  ;  harm-, 
enmity,  adj.  Unfriendly. 

£92^e£>2sb  ahitudu,  s.  An  enemy. 

^"^roroTP'^xSao  ahoratramu,  5.  An  en- 
tire night  and  day,  including  the 
space  of  twenty  four  hours. 

e><Ho^ex>j  e>&$£e>o  akshantalu ,  aksha 

talu,  s.  A  few  grains  of  rice,  mix- 
ed with  saffron,  put  on  the  fore- 
head of  an  image  when  it  is  ado- 
red, or  given  to  a  brahman,  when 
he  is  invited  to  any  auspicious 
ceremony.  They  are  also  given  by 
brahmans,  with  benedictions,  to 
any  one  who  performs  a  religious 
ceremony.  2.  Fried  grain  for  ob- 
lations. 3.  The  red  mark  worn  by 
Hindoos  on  the  forehead. 

t5^s&o  akshamu,  s.  A  die.  2.  An 
eye.  3.  An  axle-tree  4.  A  law 
suit.  t5&3tfo  akshaviclya,  s.  Play; 

e>&oc5$S:K>  akshayamu,  adj.  Imperish- 
able ;  durable  ;  permanent ;  inex- 
haustible. fc5&.oK$^r>^  akshayapa- 
tra,  lit.  An  inexhaustible  vessel. 
A  cap  for  alms. 

£$&tfsS>->  aksharamu,  s.  A  letter  0£ 
the  alphabet.  2.  Exemption  from 
transmigration ;  bliss,  adj.  Im- 
perishable. efi&tfg?3^  akaharajnu 

^o^-Andhra  38 


du,  A  learned  man.  tsd^-cp'^ro^sSDo 
aksharabhyasamu,  Beginning  to 
learn  the  first  principles  of  a  lan- 
guage. es&tfsSj&^toa  aksharapadu 

batu,   Orthographical  errors, 
«  JL  akshi,  s.  An  eye. 
ef>l\oe^w  akshintalu,  s.  vide  <"><I^££ex> 


e5  a,  The  second  letter  of  the  Telu- 
gu  alphabet.  2.  The  indeclinable 
remote  demonstrative  pronoun, 
That.    As,  e3££>  atalfi,   That   mo- 


ther.  e^r'^oSosw  akoclukulu,  Those 
sons.  The  connected  form  of  es  a, 
("~"°)  when  affixed  to  the  last 
word  in  a  sentence,  or  to  a  single 
word  alone,  denotes  interrogation; 
as  Hew&^r0  telusuna,  Is  it  under- 
stood ?  sxp>tp>  mira,  You  ?  •sr>T^> 
vada,  He  ? 

esofttftf  angirasa,  5.  The  sixth  year 
of  the  cycle  of  sixty. 

e-5oe£tfDs5x>  antaryamu,  s.  The  mind. 
2.  Opinion.  andhramu,  s.  Andhra,  the- 
Sanskrit  name  for  the  Telugu 
language,  eso^tStf'ska  andhrade- 
samu,  Telingana.  This  country 
seems  formerly  to  have  been   di- 

vided into  the  Calinga  and 
Andhra  provinces.  The  latter  was 
an  inland  subdivision  to  the  south 
of  the  Godavery,  and  the  people  ! 
are  described  by  Pliny  as  a  superi- 
or race  of  men. 

ess'to  akata,  adv.  Afterwards. 

esr^  akada,  adv.  vide  ^S^-^  akka- 

ess&w  ^kattu.  v.  a.    To   prevent,    to 

hinder,  to  stop. 
<3£w>c&  akataya,  s.  A  person  void 

of  principle  ;  a  wicked  person  ;  an 

insignificant  fellow. 

ess'tf  sfco  akaramu,  s.  A  mine.  2.  Foun- 
dation or  ground  for  an  assertion. 
3.  An  authority  for  the  meaning 
or  use  of  a  word. 

es£0  akali,  s.  Hunger.  2.  Appetite. 

e3£$o?g)  akalimpu,  s.  The  power  of 
the  mind  to  admit  and  contain 
many  ideas  at  once  ;  comprehen- 
sion, e^^o^^&r*^  akalimpu- 
chesukonu,  To  comprehend. 

es^tfsfco  akasamu,  s.  vide  ©"s^sSm 

liss'^s'sfo)  akasmikamn,  adj.  Sudden. 

e3-r*o&  akanksha,  s.  A -wish,  a 
desire.  t5-g-°oJLo^b  akankshintsu- 
To  wish  or  desire. 

t3-3r°tfs5M  akaramu,  5.  Form,  shape, 
figure,  mien. 



ei-s^'S'o&x)  ^kasamu,  s.  The  air,  the 
atmosphere,  the  other.  2.  The 
sky,  the  heavens,  the  firmament, 
ej-g^-r^casba  sikasabanamu,  A 
sky  rocket.  e-^-r*^  akasavani 
A  voice  from  heaven. 

&5&  aku,  s.  A  leaf.  2.  Betel  leaf.  « 
§oft5ejs5oo  akualamu,  The  second 
word  in  this  phrase  has  no  mea- 
ning in  itself,  but  added  to  Ǥb 
aku,  implies  Leaves,  and  other 
greens.  e?§bxcp>tfe»  akuguralu,  Pot 
herbs,  garden   stuffs. 

&3§bTT»o»  akurayi,  s.  A  file,  essb-o* 
^TP-t5bje5§bir*a»*Sfe>3  akurataratsu 
akurayipefctu,  To  file. 

esSoe>sko  akulamu,  flc£/.  Troubled, 
distressed  ;  confounded. 

e^©  akriti,  5.  A  form,  shape,  figure, 

£31  £ke,pro.  She. 

esr°ek  akottu,  s.  vide  (a&r'ek  ada- 

es^Stto-ifc  akramintsu,  v.  a.  To  en- 
croach; to  usurp  ;  to  seize.  &  % 
s5bras5x>  akramariamu,  Usurpation, 

e3$)o£ex>&>  akhandaludu,  s.  One  of 
the  names  of  Indra,  regent  of  the 

^3$)&  akharu,  s.  An  end,  a  termina- 

es$>c  akhya,  s.  A  name  or  appella- 

esXo&o§b£b  agantukudu,  5.  A  guest. 

esX2ssfo>  agadamu,  s.  A  jest,  a  joke^ 
2.  Mirth,  fun.  3.  Derision,  mockery. 
esK&sSM^osbo  agadamucheyu,  To 
deride,  to  mock.  2.  To  jest.  esxeS 
^skslx,  e3X&^&>  agadapumani- 
shi,  agadakadu,  A  jester. 

esK^s5b^)  agatamavu,  0.  r>.  To  be  ob- 
tained ;  to  come  into  one's  posses- 

£3Ks&s5m  agamamu,  s.  An  arrival,  a 
coming,  or  opproaching.  2.  A  Sas- 
tra,  or  work  on  sacred  science,  of 
divine  origin.  3.  The  ceremonies 
prescribed  in  the  Sastras.  4.  A 
grammatical  augment,  a  syllable 
or  letter  inserted  in  any  part  of 
a  radical  word.  5.  A  legal  title, 
a  voucher  or  written  testimony. 

Z3-K*gti&H  agakaratige,  s.  A  plant^ 
Momordica  Dioica. 

£57r°&cs5co  agatyamu,  s.  Obstinacy  ; 

esfo  agu,  v.  a.  To  stop,  prevent,  or 
hinder.  2.  To  support,  or  protect. 
3-  To  harbour.  4.  To  watch  or  pre- 
serve crops,  fruits  &c.  vide  esifo 




€5^23\©sx>  agubbatilu,    9.    n.    To  be 

elated.  e^Aowv  agubbu,  Elevation, 

e5lf^o55a§o^_    agneyadikku,   s.    The 

south  east  point,  of  which  the  god 

of  fire  is  regent. 
Z3~f^c$r>  jS*)  &x>    agneyastramu,  s    A 

weapon  of  fire, 
05  X  s^s$a>  a>rahamu,  5.  Anger,  choler, 

rage,  wrath.    2.  Trouble,    annoy- 

ance. ^  ^^Ow"b' 

. -t5b  agrahintsu,  To  be 
angry  or  inraged. 
e5£T*e£csS^  aghatyauiu,  s.  vide  z3Tr>3o 
sS»  agatyarnu. 

C5 -23* o ^75-°^, £ e- *x»  ac h andrar k amu,a^. 
During  the  existence  of  the  sun 
and  moon ;  as  long  as  the  world 
exists ;  for  ever. 

e3tf§k_  atsakki,  adv.  On  that  side. 

es-tfsfctfaSw  achamanamu,  s.  The  sip- 
ping of  water  three  times,  before 
religious  ceremonies,  or  meals  ;  or 
after  meals  or  the  necessities  of 
nature;  repeating  at  the  same 
time  the  24  principal  names  of 

o^tfsS^  acharamu,  s-  An  established 
rule  of  conduct.  2.  A  religious  in- 
stitute, or  observance.  3.  The  rules 
of  moral  conduct  among  a  people, 
or  nation.  4.  The   practice,   cus- 

toms, habits,  usages,  or  laws  of 
a  country,  or  of  any  particular 
class  of  men. 

euTQo^b  acharintsu',e\  a.  To  practise, 
or  do  habitually.  2.  To  put  in 
practice  the  precepts  of  religion. 
3.To  celebrate  a  religious  festival! 

e5Tj°tf)£gb  acharyudu,  s.  A  teacher 
or  instructor  of  the  Vedas.  2.  A' 
spiritual  guide.  3.  A  person  who 
invests  one  with  the  sacrificial 

e?-&>  atsii,  v.  a.  To  stop,  to  hinder,  to 
prevent,  to  whithhold.  2.  To  sup- 
port, to  protect.  3.  To  preserve  or 
watch  fields,  gardens  &c.  T&r-o^ 
&*&»&>  norachimatladu,To  speak 

considerately  or    cautiously,  vide 
esftb  agu. 

fc3&n>i  atsiiki,  s.  A  trace,  token,  or 
hint.  2.  A  cause. 

es^so^sjTM^b  ajanubahudu,  s.  A 
man  whose  hands  reach  to  his 
knees.  A  person  of  this  descrip- 
tion is  considered  not  only  hand- 
some, but  destined  to  be  a  hero. 

esfe  ajilu,  adj.  Ready,  present. 

ess  ajna,  s.  An  order,  a  command.  2. 
Permission,  3.  Punishment.  4. 
Custody.  €525  ooo^  ajnayitstsu/To 
give  an  order,   wssS^&iScafo  ajna- 

tosiveyu,    To    disobey   an   order 
wa^otf©  ajnacheyu,    To    punish, 




£38  ^owo^ajnaclieyiiitsu,  To  com- 

mit  to  cas tody  ;  to  cause,  to  pu- 
nish. t?2r°g)o-£)b  ajnapmtsu,  To  or- 
der or  command, 

wsqsSm  ajyamu,  s.  Clarified  butter, 

e5k>  ata,  5.  A  dance.  2.  A  play.  3.  A 
game.  e3<b-°^b  atadu*  To  dance  or 
play.  e3&>®o-o!&  atayodu,  To  lose 
a  game.  e3k>^ew-&  atagelutsu,  To 
win  a  game.  <y&>3-*k>  atap ata,  Dan- 
cing and  singing.  e5k>&&>«g)  atavi- 
dupu,  A  holiday;  a  play  day  grant- 
ed to  school  boys-  e3&>£]§  ataka- 
tte,  A  dancing  girl.  e3&o"s^^o  ata- 
kadu,  A  male  dancer,  a  gambler, 
£5fcoi>&>o3-'3s5oo  atapatavaddemu. 
Dancing,  accompanied  by  vocal 
and  instrumental  music.  £?£x°6o  a- 

tlata,  Play,  pastime,  a  joke. 
esfeooS'sSw  afankamu,   s.   Prevention, 

hinderance,  resistance.  2.  Molesta- 
tion. 3.  Hesitation. 
t?k>fr"°&£»  atao-orrru,    s.  A  rake>  used 

in  husbandary. 
e5^os5>j>3  atapattu,  5.  An  abode,  a  re- 

WfeSss-iky  esko  ativatstsn,    atu^    9.   n. 

To  last,  to  suffice. 
e?&o&-$£3D  atupotu,   5.   Severe  pain, 

caused  by  a  wound,  or  sore. 

e3^^s5M  atopamu,    s.   Pride,  pomp. 

2.  Fury. 
Z3,&jKTs°yo  atragadalu,  s.  vide.  £5§o?_ 

&  akkullu. 


y£  ad  a,  arf/.  Female,  s.  A  place, 
adto.  There,  es&^&eb  adaguturu, 
A  woman. 

t?&o/& e»  adangulu,  5.  pin.  Women. 
e52ao^l5§  adangileki,  A  man  who 
has  the  voice  and  habits  of  a 

e5  &o5»  tf  ^>o  adambaramu,  5.  A  charge 
sounded  by  musical  instruments. 
2.  The  roaring  of  elephants.  3. 
The  beginning.  4.  Pride,  pomp. 
■&>£n>&o;otf;6w  meghadambaramu> 
A  collection  of  clouds. 

esS^  adika,  £.  Infamy. 

ts&r8^  adibolu,  5.  A  rumour  or 
report,  generally  applied  to  such 
as  are  of  an  unfavorable  kind. 

£5<£o  adn,  v,  a.  To  play,  to  dance.  2. 
To  speak,  or  promise.  3.  To  per- 
form, v.  n.  To  shake,  to  totter,  to 
wag.  e3^rb^  adukonu,  v.  Comp. 

To  talk  to  one's  self,  to  play.  -&*& 
€T»  £0  fdula d  u ,  To  swim .  &  7fosr°  &> 
ijguladu,  To  swing,  to  hang,  to  be 
in  agitation.  e5&>£)o-*2sb  taduvuia- 
du,  To  grop,  to  seek  out,  or  search 
for.  %ir&>  nilladu,  To  bring  forth 
a  child,   because   water  precedes 

the  birth. 





G5u^>  adu,  adj.  Female,  vide.  %3&-  ada- 
es ^b S £  a dubi d d a,  A  fe m ale  child . 
2.  The  sister  of  one's  husband. 

tj^bo^o  adhyudu,  5.  A  lord,  a  mas- 
ter ;  one  who  is  opulent. 

eseaoKbyo  anangulu,  s.  vide.  55^0 
7*bex>  adangulu. 

«^  arii,  *.  A  pin,  or  nail.  adj.  round, 
as  applied  to  pearls  only. 

«£§,aiii,  5.  A  vital  part  ;  a  secret. 
£5^ -£■*£&  anikadu,  A  man  acqu- 
ainted with  secrets. 

e5^ors5w  atankamu,  s.  Disease,  Pain. 
2.  Fear. 

e^ivz&j  ese^i&atagadu,  atadu,  pro 
masc.  of  the  3-d.  person.  He.  This 
word  is  honoriflcally  applied  to 

tJ^eT'ooo  atatai,  5.  A  felon,  thief,  or 

ese£<&  atanu,  5.  n.  vide,  zs^&o    atadu. 

e5^^^s5oo  atapatramu,  s.  A  large 

fc3&#55c»  ataramu,  s.  Fare,  freight. 

esS^o^  atitbyamu,  s.  Food  given 
to  a  guest  ;  hospitality,  adj.  Pro- 
per for  a  guest,  hospitable. 

&5&3#j5m  aturamu,  s.  Haste,  hurry, 
precipitation.  2.  Eagerness,  avi- 
dity. ts^?8o^  aturintsu,  v,  a.  To 

hurry,  to  hasten.  e3£otfoS2&  ktura- 
padu,  z?.  n,  To  be  in  a  hurry,  or 

essktfsSw  aturamu,  ac?j.  Afflicted 
with  disease  2.  Devoted  to,  stron- 
gly inclined  to. 

ess^  atma,  s.  The  soul.  2.  Bramha, 
the  supreme  deity,  and  soul  of 
the  universe.  3.  The  body.  4.  The 
understanding,  the  intellect.  5. 
The  mind,  or  faculty  of  reason.  6. 
Life,  spirit,  the  vivifying  soul,  in 
opposition  to  the  sentient  one.  7. 
Self,  the  abstract  individual,  &$ 

©>^o  atmajudu,  A  son. 

w  s$.a6oa  atramu,  s.  vide  e3«&tfs5x>  atu- 

e^tf&j  adata,  s.  Satiet}r,  satisfaction, 

es&tfra  adarana,  5.  Consolation,  com- 
fort. 2.  A  kind  reception,  favo- 
rable treatment.  3.  Aid,  support. 
4.  Regard,  respect,  veneration. 

estfS^r'&tf  adarabadara,aefo.  In  great 
haste*  and  confusion. 

esestfs&o  adaramu,  s.  vide  esstfre,  zsti 
do&  adarana,  adarintsu,  To  con- 
sole, comfort,  or  caress.  2.  To  res. 
pect.  3.  To  assist,  support,  or  re- 
ceive kindly. 

£5£&=g)  adaruvu,  s.  Protection,  sup- 
port, aid,  refuge.  2,  Subsistence. 





wtfe^tfwadalabadala,  adv.  vide  ejtf 
tf^tftf  adarabadara. 

e?-sr»  ada,  «.  vide  esxyossskw  adayamu. 

e3-sr>^r>-s^  adabada,  acfo.  virfe  esastf 
■5r>£tf  adarabadara. 

es^osSsSw  Adayamu,  s.  Profit,  gain, 

e39  adi,  s.  A  mark  left  in  a  book,  to 
shew  the  place  where  the  reader 
left  off. 

e33  adi,  adj.  First,  prior,  s,  The  be- 
ginning, the  origin. 

e33"$s&>2&  adis'eshudu,  5.  The  chief 
of  serpents,  first  of  its  kind.  It  is 
understood  to  have  1000  Heads, 
upon  which  it  supports  the  earth, 
and  it  forms  both  the  couch  and 
canopy  of  the  god  Vishnu. 

e3&§"°£3  adukonu,  v.  a.  To  assist,  aid, 
or  protect. 

t5S^^  adoka,  adj.  lit.  In  the  form  of 
a   cow's  tail.     Oval,  sloping. 

^TptfsSw  adharamu,  s.  A  prop  ;  sup- 
port ;  aid  ;  protection.  2.  A  recep- 
tacle, location. 

e3$ss^c;6a>  adhipatyamu,  s.  Govern- 
ment. 2.  Authority, 

C3"^o85s5^  adheyamu,  adj.  Placed  ; 

C3tf  ana,  5.  An  oath.  2.  An  adjura- 
tion.  3.  A  protestation.  4.  A  cita- 

tion on  the  part,  or  in  the  name 
of  the  Government,  to  arrest  any 
one,  or  to  oblige  one  to  come  to 
-justice.  ess>"3fc»  anabettu,  To 

estf©  anati,  s.  An  order.  2.  Permis- 
sion, leave. 

e3s>©-&\  anatitstsu,  v.  a.  To  say,  tell, 
or  relate  ;  applied  to  superiors 
addressing  inferiors. 

«£*r»9o  ana  vain,  5.  A  mark  or  token. 

2.  Boiled  milk. 

&&  anu,  v.  n.  To  lean,  rest  or  recline 
upon.  2.  To  bear.  3.  To  drink,  ts 
SooSb  anintsu,  v.  a.  To  cause  to 
lean,  rest,  or  recline  upon.  2.  To 
place  against  a  wall  &c.  &p£  ani- 
ka,  s.  A  prop.  &&$*&  a'nukonu,  v. 
Comp.  To  lean,  rest,  or  recline 

ttpsSdoO?  anudubilla,  5.  A  semi-cir- 
cular pillow. 

&&&*£**»  anupurvakamu,  s.  Or- 
der, method. 

v&vo  anulu,  s.  Plu.  Naik  of  iron  &c. 

e^^^o,  e«£*  apattu,  apada,  s.  Cala- 
mity, misfortune,  adversity.  2. 
Danger,  peril. 

&3J&  apu,  v.  a.  vide  &&>  atsu. 

Z3$  apu,  s.  An  obstacle,  or  preven- 
tion. 2.  An  arrest.  3.  Watching 
oardens  or  field*,  vide    e^fio    agu, 


and  e*&  tits  a. 




e3l&  ape,  pro.  feminine,  demonstra- 
tive remote.  She,  applied  to  superi- 
ors only. 

«&*{$  apovu,    v.  n.  To  be  satisfied. 

t3&«3^s5»  aposanamu,  5.  The  sip- 
ping of  water  from  the  palm  of 
the  hand,  as  a  religious  ceremony, 
before  or  after  meals. 

oag  abaci  da,  s.  A  heifer,  two  years 

e3&£,  ts£)"3  abida,  abide,  p*o.  She, 
that  woman. 

e3^8,  S523o-o8  aburi,  aburi,  s.  Honour, 
character.  &7x>d$3}r.o&¥*&  aburi- 
dakkintsukonu,  To  save,  or  retain 
one's  character,  when  attacked. 

e3"3cBSe  abeyya,  s.  vide  &z>&  abaclda. 

e32S^^o  abo'tu,  s.  A  bull  which  is 
marked,  and  is  allowed  to  wander 
at  large >  in  commemoration  of  a 
deceased  person,  or  as  consecrat- 
ed to  some  deity,  es^sk^sk  abo- 

turautu,  Siva,  whose  vehicle  is 
the  bull.  £5£r*ek£ptfa6»  abotusora- 
mu,  One  of  the  seven  notes  in 

es^tfrasfca  abharanamu,  s.  Ornament, 
decoration.  2.  jewels. 

e^S^,  e3^&>  abhasamu,  abhasu, 
s.  Corruption.  2.  Disorder,  irregu- 
larity. 3.  An  indignity,  or  affront. 

e3s&2£  amada,  s.    The  greatest  Telu- 

gu  measurement  of  extent,  equal* 
to  four  coss,  or  about  eight 
English  miles. 

efsfcSo-db  amatintsu,  v.  a.  To  invite 
the  bridegroom  and  his  relations 
during  the  celebration  of  a  marri- 

ess&io  amani,  s.  The  season  of  spring 
or  summer. 

55s5bs5x>  amamu,  5.  Mucus;  bad  secre- 
tions of  the  bowels,  wafts' &>o  ama- 
katta,  A  collection  of  mucus. 

e5sSbs52a  amavada,  s.  A  cake  made  of 
the  pulse  termed  phaseolus  radf- 
atus,  soaked  in  curds. 

essSoo  a'mu,  5.  Fat. 

e^sfeocg^^&M  £mudapuchettu  s.  The 
castor  oil  tree.  wsfoaas&sSbS  amu- 
dapumaddi?  The  sediment  of  cast- 
or oil.  essfootfsxw  amudamu,  Castor 
oil.  e3s5ao"cr>ex>  amudalu,  Castor 
oil  seeds. 

es^  ame,  pro.  vide  e?*2>  ape. 

z$-gx>&  ameta,  s.  The  act  of  inviting 
or  calling. 

ejc&s'sSw  avakamu,  5.  The  mortgage 

of  houses,  land,  or  other  real  pro- 

efcss©  ayati,s.Future  time.  2.  Length- 

3.  Dignity.  e3oss$-r*&>  ayatikadu, 

A  man  of  rank. 




tsosS  ^s5»  ayattainu,  ad/.  Dependant. 
2.  Docile.    5.    Readiness,  prepara- 
tion, ssoss  £$&>  ayattapadu,  To  be 
C3a»^  ay  ana,   pro.   He.    The    masc. 

honorific,  demonstrative  remote. 
t3cx6sS,  G5c3Ss&     ayapa,    ayama,    joro. 
She.  .Fern,    honorific   demonstra- 
tive remote. 
e?ccSs5oo,  «0B&s5aaSto>  ayamu,   ayamu-   I 

pattu,  s.  A  vital  part. 
t5cc^3s5*>  ayasamu,     5.     Fatigue.  2. 

Trouble.  3.  Displeasure. 
&oso&>  ayittu,    s.     Convenience.    2. 

^5d8bo^s3»  ayudhamu,  5.  A  weapon  ; 
an  instrument ;  a  tool.  t?c«oo££>tfc 
ayudhavidya,  The  science  of  arms, 
fcyosw^^o  ayudhasala,  An  arsenal. 
Wca&oestfoak      ayudhasthudu,     An 
armed  man. 
ssctfu^  ayuvu,  s.  Age  :  duration  of 
life.  fc3oa6os^o$£s5oo  ayushmantamu, 
ac/;.  Long  lived, 
^oabo^ov  ayussu,  5.  »^e  escfloo^  ayuvu. 

e5Sopr»  ayena,  This  is  the  3d.  Person 
sing,  of  the  past  tense  of  &$>  avu, 
To  become,  with  the  final  ^  chang- 
ed into  — °.  ?5fex>  at tu,  Being  pre- 
fixed  to  it,  it  is  added  to  the  past 
relative  participle  of  any  verb,  to 

express  the  conditional  mood,  as 
T^3tf  £0-0^075-°  chesinattayena,  If  I, 
thou,  he,  she,  it,  we,  you,  or  they 

etf  ara,  s.    A  Shoe   maker's  awl  or 

knife,  vide  e3~3  are. 
estfctjrsSw    arambbamu,   s.    A  begin- 

nig;  the  commencement.  t?tfo^)o 

•tSb  arambhintsu,  To  begin,  to  com 

es?^  arakati,  s.  A  pilot. 
estfTC,  e3tf  tt*  araga,  araga,  «cfe.  Fully  ' 

completely,  vide  eft  am. 

<i5tf5\o3o  aragintsu,  v.  a.  To  eat.  estf 
ftoSsfoabo  aragimpajeyu,  e\  Caus. 
To  cause  to  eat.  etf  5\o$S)  aragimpu, 
Eating.  2.  An  offering  to  the 
deity.  These  words  are  in  common 
use  amongst  the  Yishnuva  sect  ; 
by  others  they  are  applied  only 
to  persons  of  rank. 

estfaska  arajamu,  5.  Foppishness. 

e?tfk>  arata,  s.  Rest,  repose. 

t5Sdos5M  aratamu,  s.  The  affliction  of 
lovers,  arising  from  separation. 

estf©  arati,  s.  An  offering  of  lights, 
or  of  water,  turmerick,  and  chun- 
am,  in  honor  of  a  deity  ;  or  to 
any  individual,  to  take  ,  off  the 
supposed  ill  effects  of  evil  looks. 
This  ceremony  is  performed  at 
marriage,  or  on  other  happy  occa- 




^stfcsco  araya,  v.  a.  To  inquire,  seek, 
or  search  for. 

^s-o-'&s&o  aratamu,  s.  vide  e^tffeoss^ 
aratamu,  2.  Violent  pain,  torment, 
aneruish.    es-o-*  &)-£»§£>    aratamettu, 

O  O 

To  suffer  the  affliction  of  lovers, 
arising  from  separation.  2.  To 
suffer  violent  pain,  or  torment. 

£5TT>$tfs5o3  aradlianamu,  s.  Worship, 
prayer.  ^-ct-$o^>  aradhintsu,  To 
worship,  to  pray.  e?-o^c£Q«6c»  ara- 
dhyamu,  adj.  Worthy  to  be  wor- 

t5Tr>2jSocex)  aradhyulu,  s.plu.  A  sect  of 
Brahmans  who  wear  the  lingam, 
and  worship  Siva  exclusively. 

€5-cps^s5m  aramamu,  s.  A  grove  ;  a 

%3-<r>e&>  arayu,  v,  a.  vide  estfcaco  ara- 

ea§&>  aritiru,  v.  n.  To  perfect  one's 
self ;  to  be  perfect,  qualified,  ac- 
complished, or  well  versed  in  a 

?5d~£tftix>  ariveramu,  s.  An  inclina- 
tion to  excite  quarrels.  2.  Anxie- 
ty. 3.  Confusion,  esa^ tfo $)&&%> 
ariverampu  tapasi,  Narada,  one 
of  the  great  sages. 

^s&  aru,  v.  n.  To  be  full.  This  verb 
is  used  in  composition  only,_affix- 
ed  to  another   word,    as  #-*o-sp& 

somparu,  To  be  full  of  excellence, 
e^tf  ara,  adv.  Well,  fully  ;  as.  "=3 
$er*tf£ofe3$  chevularavintini,  I 
heard  it  well.  lit.  With  my  ears 
fully.  o3-°£o-£ptfi&r°  %$  nakandla- 
ratsustini,  I  saw  it  with  my  own 
eyes.  Lit.  with  my  eyes  fully. 

t3&>  aru,  s.  A  line  of  hair,  extending 
from  the  navel  up  towards  the 

es"3  are,  inter j.  expressive  of  appro- 

ts -3,  are,  s.  vide,  tstf  ara, 

e5"3§oew  arekulu,  s.  plu.  Watchmen. 

esS^KreSoo  aroganamu.  s.  Eating,  ey 
S^Kra-goo^b^  arogana  monartsu, 
To  eat. 

we^tfcsfco  arogyamu,  s.  Health-  2. 
Recovery  of  health,  adj.  Salutary, 

esS^sSra  aroparia,  s.  An  accusation. 
2.  A  false  charge.  3.  An  imputa- 
tion. ssS^o-ifo  aropintsu,  To  ac- 
cuse falsely.  2.  To  impute- 

wS^s^resSoa  arohanamu,  5.  Rising, 
ascending.  2.  A  stair.  3.  The 
treble  in  music. 

£55"  tf,  ^tf^s&o  arjana,  arjanamu,  s. 
Acquisition,  gain,  accumulation. 
ej?Q  o-&>  arjintsu,  v*  a.  To  acquire, 
to  procure,   to f  get,  to   amass,  to 

accumulate,  zstf  Sodk  arjakudu, 


£5 fcft5\  _AlTt.SU 



man  who  acquires  or  procures. 
ej8  ^s&o  arjitamu,  adj.  Acquir- 
ed, gained. 

e^-rr'x&sdoo  arbhataniu,  5.  A  dreadful 
cry  ;  a  fearful  noise. 

*3~~dz6o  arlevadlu,  s.  A  particular 
species  of  paddy. 

e3&s&  arracli,  s.  Infamy,  scandal.  2. 
Uselessness.  e3&3cl_r*s$  arradibo- 
vu,  To  be  useless,  to  be  the  subject 
of  scandal. 

t$€3^e>o  arrapulu,  s.  -plu.  A  great 
noise,  a  shout. 

e5fcB"^e»  arrikelu,  s.  plu.  A  species 
of  grain,  Paspalam  frumentaceum. 

€5aj»  arru,  v.  n.  To  be  quenched, 
extinguished,  or  dried  up.  2.  To 
be  mollified,  appeased,  or  allayed. 
3.  To  grow  cool.  4.  To  heal' up. 
5.  To  be  lost  or  destoyed.  As,  r6 
SsSr'fcltfa  kopamarrinadi,  Anger  is 
allayed.  w^_vr»_li_r*i5b;^La  anna- 
marripotsunnadi,  The  food  grows 
cold.  -n^csS^j-s&M-ift^a  gayamarru 
tsunnadi,  The  wound  heals  up. 
^S^SsxcsSr."!^  vanibhavishya- 
marrenu,  His  honour  is  lost. 

t?ftso\  arrtsu,  v.  a.  To  quench,  extin- 
guish, or  dry  up.  2.  To  appease 
or  allay.  3.  To  cool.  4.  To  cure 
a  wound.  5.  To  destroy.  6.  To 
move  the  evelid.  v.  n.  To  cry  a- 

loud,    to    shout.    €5«w^°-X),    «ea^oo 

arrupulu,  arrpulu,  5.  plu.  Loud 
cries,  shouts.  esea^  arrpu,  v.  a. 
The  same  as  esom    arrfcsn.  In  its 


active  sense, 
esaso  arru,  adj.  Numeral    Six.  e&jw9 

gfr-gj^sr^rtb   arrurikkalaprogu,    s. 

The  third  lunar  mansion.  es^iccr- 

sSooe;-^^    arruniomulasanii,  s.  Lit. 

The  six  faced  god. 
e3«x>$5b<^£:£  arruruudavu,  v.n.  To  be 

at  sixes  and   sevens  ;    to  be    in 

e3<y§o-db  alakintsu,    v.     a.   To   hear 

listen,  or  attend  to. 

e3<y£rSi9o  alapotu,  s.  A  bull,  vide  e3 
00  alu. 

e5e)s5w  alamu,  s.  War,  battle.  2.  Dis- 

&5e)OSS<6M  alayamu,5.  A  house,  abode, 
or  edifice.  2.  A  temple.  3.  A  place 
of  refuge. 

es^a  atari,  adj.  Independent,  without 

esossfeosfeo  alavattamu,  s.  A  large- 
parasol,  which  hangs  perpendicu- 
larly from  its  staff. 

tsejtfcsSw  alasyamu,  5.  Sloth,  inactivi- 
ty, procrastination,  idleness,  adj. 
Idle,  slothful.  Q3v%o&  alasintsu, 
To  delay,  defer,  or  stop.  2.  To 
trifle  time  away. 





?3ij-°)  £5iP»^b,  ?3cr>fotf  ala,  alagu,   ala- 
guna,  adv.  Thus, so, In  that  manner.  | 
e?er*t3,  y^KotS      alati,    alaganti,  ■ 
adf  Such. 

e3°r°sstf  alapana,  5.  The  humming  of  I 
a  tune.  2.  Reflexion,  thought. 

«er^s5s5»  alapamu,  s>  Conversation, 
discourse.    2.  Expression  of  grief,  j 
eser°S)o-i5b^lapintsu,  To  grieve,  to  \ 
cry.  I 

ejer^ososs^  alayamu,  s.  Readiness,  pre 
paration.   es^osSsSo^)  alayamavu,   ; 
v.  n.  To  be  ready  or  prepared.       | 

^5Do?C^s6xt  alinganamn,  s.  An  em-  ! 

esSo-tfo  alintsu,?.  a  .To  hear  or  listen,  j 
vide  es&So-tfb  alakintsu. 

fcsS&s^  alichippa,  5.  A  bivalve  shell.   I 

esew  alu,  5.  A  wife.  This  word  in  j 
composition  is  converted  into  -o*  ; 
00  ralu,  and  expresses  a  female  ! 
in  general.  e3©3So^s3-*&>  alivanka-  ; 
varu,  lit.  Those  of  the  wife's  side.  I 
Relations  by  marriage.  £3 DloS"5^  I 
alisaidodu,  A  wife's  brother  or  j 

f3°)o  alu,  5.  flu.   Cows,  feine.   Z3v-r^ 
ssa  alagapari,  A  cow-herd.  2.  Vi-  \ 
shnu,  in  his  incarnation  as  Krish-   | 
na,  because  he  was  then  for  some   j 
time  a  cowherd. 

C3err*g'tfa6N>  fc5er*£s5a>  alokanamu,  alo 
kamu,  5.  Sight,  looking.  2.  Light. 
es^§o-&>  alokintsu,  v.  a.  To  see 
or  look. 

eser^-srtf  alochana,  s.  Looking  at,  or 
examining  any  thing.  2.  Consul- 
tation, consideration,  reflexion, 
deliberation.  3.  Advice,  council. 
4.  View,  intention.  This  word  has 
now  become  applied  to  the  council 
of  Government,  and  eser^-js'tfg'^s- 
alochanakarta,  Is  the  usual  term 
for  a  member  of  council.  <^er*£)o-&> 
alochintsu,  v.  a.  To  view,  consider, 
consult,  deliberate,  or  reflect. 

esg)  aliu,  s.  A  species  of  gram,  vide 

e5fe3"l2w  arrikelu. 
esss"  ava,  5.  Low  ground   outside  of 

a  village.    2.    Mustard   seed.    3. 

Recollection  essy^ab   avaparu,  v. 

n.  To  come  to  one's   recollection. 

e3tfaSrȣoclT*csS      avamamidikaya. 

Mangoe  pickle,  made  with  mus- 
tard seed  and  oil. 
e5ssfeSo-t5D  avatintsu,  0.    n.  To  inhale 

air  ;  as  »r»2&  tv®  e?ss*3o-£)  ^©"Issb 
vadu  gali  avatinehi  l;-ratikenu,  He 
lived  upon  air.  i.  e.  He  had  no 
means  of  subsistence. 

Z5$&z)tf^bx>  avadabirachettu,  s.  A 
bitter  acute  angled  cucumber. 

fcssSsSoo  avamu,  s.  Mustard  seed,  vide 
esss  ava,  2.  A  kiln,  for  burning- 
bricks,  pots,  tiles,  <fce. 




zsztfn&x)  aVararamu,  s.    The  space 
■losed  round  a  house,  or  gai 
€55  8  o-i53  avarintsuj    To  surround 

or  encompass. 
ess  tftfoo   avartamu,  s.  A    whirlpool 

2.   Hair  naturally  curled, 
essfej  avala,  ocfo.  e?i«fe.  es?  d'*:  avatala, 

ii   p.    n    To  yawn. 
to  gape.  s.  e3ss£o3  avalinta,  ^  aw- 
W*r»sfr»«S*tao  fv  -,  s.  The  : 

cation  of  the  deity,  or  of  evil 
spirits,  by  mystical  words.  2.  The 
bringing  down  the  spirit  of  the 
deli;  iols. 

es  avi.  s.  Vapour,  exhalations  irom 

.       ! 

t5£&,  ye  "3  avi  la,  a  vide,  pro, 
e?£)£  abida. 

was  aviri,  5.  Steam  or  vapour.  2. 
The  heat  of  the  breath. 

e3S>$rE-£o^b,  t''fr f  00  av  rid- 
tea,avirbhaviliu,  y.  ,7.  To  be  born. 

es^  avu,  g.  A  govt.  ^p»Soc^»^)  fcaudi- 
yavu,  A  cow  with  calf.  ^g0^^ 
padiyavu,  A  mi  ch  cow-  &$(&%&>. 
&  avunupituku,  To  milk  a  cow* 

w«gSo-&  avulintsu,  v.  n.  tide.  ejtfSo 

er^tftfsSab  gvesanamu,  5.  A  manufac- 
tory, or  work-shop. 

es^^sSx  avesamsi,  s    Inspiration  by 

the  deity.    2.    Possession   by  evil 
rits.  3.  Fury;  demoniacal  frenzy. 
esamuvatstsu,   do 
be  inspired  by  the  deity  ;  to  be 
possessed  by  an  evil  spirit. 
S3?    asaij    s.    Love,    ati  nt.    2. 

Desi  y  kind  ;    curi- 

ae   S.  Hope-   ts^iS^b  a- 
Eapadu,  To  f  11  in   love     2.    To 
:     :      etj  or  long  for.  ts$T;ex> 
re,  encourage, 
r  give  hope?,  y^^-s^do  as 
takuciu,  A  very  ambitious  or  av- 
aricious man. 
t5l^-ss*^s5ai,  Z3§Tr>*is&&   asirvachana 
inn,  asirvadamu,  s.  A  blessing,  or 
r&oiSd  asirvadm- 
tsu,  'jo  bless,  to  give  a    benedic- 
tion. e3#3ov  asTssu,  A  blessing. 
?3W  '  :■:-  .  m,    s.    The 

term  of  ■mourning  on  the  death  of 
a  relative,  or  of  imaginary  pollu- 
tion, proceeding  from  the  birth 
of  a  child  :  during  which  the  Hin- 
doos c  uisider  themselves  impure. 
The  f  .rrn^r  is  corn  lionly  tei 
o5b>v  w° w° tS b^  mritasauchamn,  The 
lat  ter  gr°  •&*  W°  ■£ sSx  j  i  t  a sa  u  el  1  am  ■ . 
t5S\tf<;s&»  ascharyamn,  5.  Wonder, 
astonishment.  2.  Surprize  3.  Ad- 





e3"^sls5x>  asleshamu,  s.  An  embrace. 
e3*^txo-&  asleshintsu,  To  embrace; 
to  clasp. 

e3*octfo2s;6M,  ^Sotfsko  asvayujamu, 
asvinamu,  5.  The  7  th.  Telugu 
lunar  month-,  that  in  which  the 
moon's  change  takes  place,  when 
the  sun  is  in  Libra. 

wt^SsSw)  as'vasamu,  s,  A  chapter  or 
section.  2.   Consolation. 

C3sS^(^^»  ashadhamu,  s.  The  4  th. 
Telugu  lunar  month ;  that  in 
which  the  moon's  change  takes 
place  when  the  sun  is  in  Cancer. 

t5#  asa,  .?.    vide.  es^  asa. 

e3tf  I  asakti,  5.  Ardent  attachment 
to  one  object  or  pursuit ;  inclina- 

e3^^ssoo  asanamu,  s.  Any  thing   to 

sit  upon  ;  a  mat,  tiger  skin,  seat, 
stool.  &c.  2.  The  anus. 

eitf^jSp.tfsSM  asaprasamu ,  s.  Hard 
breathing,  from  great  oppression 
or  fatigue. 

pjrSxy  asara,  s 

t5^r»,«j    &sanu,   £ 

e3^n>&^  asami,    5.  An  individual.  2. 

An  employment. 
t53o  as  it,  5     Three  sticks,  in  a  line, 

fixed   in   the   ground,   on    which 

vide  e3  ^.o^sSw  asra- 

support,    pro  tec- 

cotton  thread  is  placed,  always 
passing  the  middle  one  so  as  to 
form  the  figure  8  ;  this  is  done  to 
prepare  the  warp,  without  entan- 
glement, for  the  loom.  ts&'S^s 
asukovi,  A  small  hollow  bamboo, 
through  which  ihe  thread  is  pass- 
ed, when  placed  as  above. 

Z3$*-Gr>  asoda,  s.   Rest,  refreshment. 

e3^H>k_tfs5x>  askaramu,  s  Basis, 
ground,  foundation.  2.  Support, 

e3  %  asti,  .<?.  Property,  effects,  wealth, 
capital,  riches,  estate.  Z3%-5^$) 
astikapu,  A  rich  person  ;  a  rich 

t5  %&&>  astikullu,  s.  A  man  who 
acknowledges  the  existence  of  a 
god,  in  opposition  to  ^r>  %$c£o  na- 
stikudu,  An  atheist. 

!  e^£  astha,  s.  Regard,  fondness. 

\  '■  9 

I  w^tfa^,  e3^r»J)  asthanamu,   asthani, 

s.  A  hall  of  audience.  2.  A  court 

of  justice.  3.  The  assembled  court 

of  a  prince. 
t3^8s5w  aspadamu,  s.   Place,    room. 

2.  Situation.     3.    Basis,    ground, 

authority.    4.  Support. 
o?x€  aha,  inter j.  Denoting  Wonder, 

sorrow,   gladness, 
e^tf^oo  aharamu,  s.  Food,  nourish  7 

ment.  2.  Taking,  conveying. 



e3^8  ahuti,  s.  Offering  oblations, 
with  fire. 

wsH^sfoa  ahvanarau,  s.  A  summons; 

e3"S\^A»  akshepamii,  s.  Censure, 
blame,  reproach.  2.  A  criticism. 
3.  Objection.  4.  A  quest  I  on.  tsli* 
gjo-db  akshepintso,  To  criticise,  to 
object,  to  question.  »-a*"<t\;S<6w  ni- 
rakshepamu,  Above  all  question; 
blame,  or  reproach. 


sj  i,  The  third  letter  in  the  Telngu 

3,c^  inka,  adv.  Hereafter.   2.  More. 

s>o"t*  inka,  adv.  Yet;  still.  2.  More. 

spsb  inku,  v.  rc.  To  evaporate,  or  dry 

goK*fc»  ingamu,  5.  Any  thing  move- 
able, or  locomotive.  2.  A  hint, 
sign,  or  gesture. 

3oXe>s5x>  ingalamu,  s.  Fire.  2.  Char- 

30  -7^^5500  ingalamu.  s.   Charcoal. 

e[oAc£'s&»  ingitamu,  5.  A  hint,  sign, 
or  Gesture.  2.  Inquiry,  research. 
3.  Motion, 

goA^sfoo,  gc^Ss'ofoo  ingilamti,  ingili- 

kamn,  s.  Vermilion. 
i|o7«o55,s|o^)sgingnva.  inguvu,  .<?.  As- 


sioi5b^  intsuka,  acfy".  Very  little. 

^oa&Sfco-C^  intsumintsavu,  p.  n>  To' 
be  a  little  on  either  side  of  a 
certain  limit,  as  regards  quantit}-, 
or  time,  sjo  oSb &3o-3D7r°  intsumintsu 
ga,  On  either  side  of  a  certain 
limit,  as  regards  quantity, or  time. 

sjo"35"°:xft>  in  deb  a  yu,  -y.  ?i.  To  be 
cracked,  or  split. 

s|o$$  inta,  An  indeclinable  adjective 
and  substantive  pronoun.  So, 
many,  so  much,  such.  2.  This;  as 
many  as  this,  as  much  as  this,  such 
as  this.  It  is  the  proximate  of 
t5ce£  anta,  q.  v.  This  word  is  some 
times  used  in  the  plural  ;  as  s>o«£ 
ex>r^oN  ewintalukannulu,  Byes  such 
as  these.  Mann  Charitra.  qq6  ~6 
Sussex)  intalesi  panulu,  So  many 
great  affairs  as  these.  3 oil  inte, 
This  is  all. 

sic©  inti,  s.  A  woman. 

Qo&^bn  intotu,  pro.  vide.  s>o^  inta. 

sjocS  inda,  inter j.  Come  here.  2. 
Here  it  is  ;  hold.  qo&'oS  indancli, 
Is  used  honorificallyfor  30S  inda. 

sfoesaaS',  qo75-**f  indannka,  indaka, 
adv.  As  far  as  this,  until  this  time. 
2.  Just  before  this  time.  The  proxi- 
mate of  &o-zr>g  andaka,  q.  v. 

gotfeao  indarru,  Indef.  pro.  So  many. 




30&  inda,  pro.  Defective,  This  *,  the 
•proximate  of  «■$$&  andu,  q.  v.  ado. 

6j..o.abor»tf*fea  indayaramu,  &  /if.  The 
day  of  the  moon.   Monday. 

qo^er^sfoo  indrajakmir,  5.  dag- 
gling. 2.  Enchantment. 

si 0 ,s  o8o-sS>3  i i.s d riya inn ,  s.  A ny  of  the 

five  senses.  2.  Any  of  the  passions. 
3.  The  seminal  fluid* 

cjo  ab.^b  indrudii,  5.  Ii  dra,  the  deity 
presiding  over  Swarga,  or  the 
Hindoo  paradise,  and  over  the  se- 
condary divinities. 

siosg)  impn,  adj.  Agreeable,  delicious,, 

sjY,  q^?5S,  qg'sxro^^  ika,  ikanu,  ika- 
mida'a,  acfo?.  In  future,  -hencefor- 
ward,, hereafter. 

^S^-  ikka,  $.  A  house. 

$§^-2*  ikkada,  ado.  Here  ;  the  proxi- 
mate of  ws^-.^  akkada,  g.  #; 

SiKsfoa  igainu,  5.  Frost,  pide  ^Sj5» 

si^SoxSb  igilintsu,  v.  n.  To  grin,  to 
shew  the  teeth.  2.  To  neigh.  q% 
80$  igilimpn,A  grin.  2.  Neighing, 

53K0&  iguru,  v.  n.  To  be  deep 
2.  To  be  evaporated,  or  dried  Lip. 
ssi?CS13*:»  igarabotjn,  To  prepare 
rice  with  such  a  quantity  of  water 
as  nearly  evaporates  by  the  time 
the  rice  is  boiled. 

£;>&&>  iguru,  5.  A  sprout,  or  young 
leaf.  2.  The  gum.  vide^rfoti-^fci 
&-tir>ti  chiguru-igurugera,  Curry, 
generally  made  of  young  vegeta- 
bles, without  any  tamarind  juice  in 
it.  s|/fo&>'<sr8&,  q.^bbes^cS  igurubo- 
di,  iguruboni,  A  young  woman, 
because  she  is  compared  to  a  ten- 
der leaf.  £j?*b?5o\  igurtsu,  To  bud, 
to  sprout*  to  shoot  forth.  aAaNoiob 
igirpintsu,  To  cause  to  bud,  &c. 

q^o  iggu,  v.  a.  To  pull,  to  drag,  to 
draw.  £;/foy-°<b  -iggu  lata,  Mutual 
pulling.  £,y£)ir°£o  igguladu,  To  pull 
mutually,  to  drag  each  other. 

qtf&o  itsata,  a<&>.  Here.  It  is  the 
proximate  of  wtf&>  ast'ata.  c.   p. 

sjSS^jSm  itstsatamu,  5.  Flattery.  2. 
Coaxing,  wheedling,  cajoling,  gj 
#  v  £  «6ac  er»  ^0  i  t  s  t  sa  k a  m  a la d u ,  To 
flatter,  coax,  wheedle,  cajole,  or 

q  -ET>  ft  0  %fc  itstsagint&u,  p .  «.  C  on  sent ; 
to  agree. 

q^\  itstsu,  e;  a.  To  give.  I  his  verb 
is  irregular  in  the  infinitive,  and 
2d.  Person  of  the  affirmative  im- 
perative. In  the  former,  it  makes 
©,.x'n,  sioBSg  ivva,  iyya,  To 'give  ;  in 
the  latter,  e?,qx>§  ivyi,  give  thou, 
and  g^csSgoS  iyyand',  give  ye, 




a  ^&-Ittadi 

xT'vfe-s^v,  st^to     itstsoia-ifs- 

■^  ^  A 

tso,  itstsota,  ftt/y,  *icfe  s^to  itsak. 

a-S\  ichchha,  a-.  Wish,  desire.  2.  Love. 
3.  Will,  pleasure.  ^omoiId  ich- 
chhayintsu,  To  wish,  desire,  Or 
love-  ln^7P  sweehchhaga,  advi 
A ccord  ing  to  one's  own  pleasure ; 
at  liberty. 

q^T'-^p'  idaapha,  5.  Air  increase  or 
augmentation.  2.  A  surplus  or 

qar0^  idzara,  s.  An  income  of  vari- 
able amount,  rented  for  a  fixed 
sum  ;  a  farm  ;  a  rent,  s;  2^-0^  it* 
&>&>  idzaradarudu,  A  renter  or 
farmer,  s  st9 -a*  3  oaC»  idzaracheyu, 
To  rent  or  farm. 

eizf'db  idzaru,  5.  Long  drawers,  or 
trowsers  ;  such  as  are  worn  by 
Mussulmans,  or  Hindoo  dancing 

sts»Xb  idzugu,  s.  Distress,  misfortune, 

oto  ifca,  flcZt\  Here,  in  this  place.  The 
prox'mate  of  &bo  ata,  q.  v. 

a,fc3~§  itike,  .<?.  A  brick. 

a,&o  itu,  particle.  Here.  2.  This.  3. 
So.  ncfe  tsfeoo-s;^^DfeS  atu-ituvan 
ti,  Like  this;   such  as  this. 

3&oen5>o  ittalamu,  a$.   Great. 

s^3  itti,  adj.  pro.  Such  ;  like  this. 
The  proximate  of  e*3  atti,  q.v. 

3fc»e»-s&r»-®&r»7«b,  saw  ittula-itla, 
itlagu,  itlu,  a<iy.  Thus,  in  this 
manner  ;  so,  in  a  manner  such  as 
this;  the  proximate  of  «&r»  alia, 
q.  v. 

^%3&>  idiyu,  v.  n.  To  be  split  or 
cracked.  sjS&Sdfo  idisipadu,  To 
fall  to  pieces.  si&osJr,4»  idiyago- 
ttn,  To    demolish. 

sj&j  idu,  e>.  «.  To  give.  2.  To  place 
or  put-  s;£&r*xfo  idukonu,  To  place 
for  one's  own  use. 

gjS&.sfco  idumu,  s.  Difficulty;  trouble; 

q"3tf  iddena,  5.  A  c%ke  made  of  flour, 
and  boiled  m  steam. 

gSSStfafca  itahparamu,  <%&>.  Here- 

a^^o  itadu/pra  He.  Applied  hono- 
riflcally.  It  is  the  proximate  of 
&£&>  atadu,  q.  v. 

a.£tf*»o  itaramu,  aefc;.  Other  ;  diffe- 

qSsfrftfsfcw    itihasamu,    s.    History; 

traditional    accounts    of    former 

events;  ancient  legends, 

a  s>&  ittadi,  .?.  Brass,  a$.  Brazen. 
0  • 

"s|;fc£>:-Inumi  54 


s^a  idi,  pro.  She.  2.  It.  3.  This,  the 
proximate  of  e^a  Mi  q.  v.  s^ay^^bo 
<^b  idTgantmdir. 

£>a"7fo-°5  QtSoTkr'  idigo,  idugo,  inter, 
Look  here.  2.  Here  it  is.  the 
proximate  of  &SK*  adigo  q.  v. 

s256o  iddaru,  The  masc.  and  fern,  of 
the  neuter  numeral  ~$c£k  rendu, 
Two,  whether  used  as  an  adjective 
or  substantive.  When  the.  final 
vowel  is  lengthened,  or  pronoun- 
ced with  emphasis  or  when  &^ 
nnn,  is  added  to  this  word,  it 
denotes  Both. 

g."3tf  iddesa,  adv.  On  th:sside;  here. 

gp-;6*>  inamu',  s.  A  present  or  gift. 
2.  An.  alienation  by  Government, 
to  an  individual,  of  the  whole  of 
the  revenue  payable  to  them  from 
a  denned  portion  of  land. 

3 {So So  inuku,  v.  n.   vide.  s^o§b  inku. 

qsfcs&&  mmnadi,  adj.  Double,  two 
fold.  ^|So55oao^b  inumadintsu  v.  a. 
To  double. 

sjf&s&tfs&^b  inumanamadu,  5.  lit--  A 
second  grandson.  A  great  grand" 
son.  s^s&tfs&Tr>£K>  inumanamaraiu 
A  great  grand  daughter. 

s|;&3p«»  inumarrn,  adv.  Twice. 

s!^b3^§^_D  inumikkili,  adv.  Twice 
as  much. 

qsbsSro  inumu,  s.  Iron,  s^sS  inupa, 
inflected  adj.  Iron,  $£&$&oefoexi 
inupakundulu,  Iron  pivots,  placed 
in  the  wall,  upon,  which  the  hinges 
of  a  door  or  shutter  turn. 

q^  inni,  adj.  Collective,  in  the 
neuter  gender.  So  many,  as  many 
as  this.  It  is  the  proximate  of  e>$^ 
anni  'q.  v. 

Qi&n>\  mo  irmurru,  A  numeral  adj.  or 
sub.  Two  hundred.  When  inflec- 
ted as  a  subs.  It  makes  su$t^l*3 

ssfft*  6-tfb  ippintsu,  v.  caus.  To  cause 
to  give  ;  the  causal  form  of  s}3b\ 
itstsu,  p.  v. 

SisSsi^i  ippudu,  adv.  Now  ;  at  this 
time.  It  is  the  proximate  of  tj^^o 
appndn,_p.  v.  and  admits, like  it,  of 
inflexions^  ^^o^ippativandlu. 
The  people  of  these  days.  s^sVefas 
-SK  j3r°2&  ippudevachchinadu,  He  is 
just  come. 

su-xcaibbandi,  6*.  Distress,  calamity, 

«  dificulty.  2.  A  period  of  distress 
&c.  3.  Ambiguity. 

si»\oa-7r»&>  ibbandigadu,  s.  A  bear. 

sj»v^  ibbadi,  adj.  vide.  sj&skS  inu 

sjs5m^o  imudu,  v.  w.  To  be  held,  con- 
tained, or  comprized,  within  a  cer 
tain  limit  of  extent,  or  space  of 




time.  sj<sao?.&\  iniudtsu,  v.  a.  To 
hold,  retain,  or  include,  within  a 
certain  limit  of  extent  or  space  of 
time.  2.  To  abridge,  retrench,  or 
abbreviate,  Q-&&)  £of  &  hnuduko- 
nu,  To  reserve  within  one's  self. 
s,s<o_,<S  immadi,  adj.  vide  s;psSj&&  inu 

s^(  immn,  s.  A  house.  2.  Favor,  3. 

A  favorable  conjuncture. 
sja8Scr°?»  iyyakomi,  v.  a.  To  consent. 
siaE6o§"°ex>^)    iyyakolupu    v.    cans. 
To  cause  to  consent. 
S.S3)  iravu,  5.  A  house,  an  abode 
£;$■%)  o&  iravondu,  v.  a.  To  shine 
s.tf7r°2»  irasalu,  s.  A  remittance.    «>  iru,  adj.  Two.  2.  Both,  a.?fc*7?«:o 
Spew,  a&-^>j-  iragelankulu,  iru 
fcsakki,  both  sides,   gj&jr*^  irugo 

ru,  Both  the  Government  and  the 
inhabitants,  share  of  the  produce. 
s^dbT^ewefcl^.      irutsaludukki,    A 
e  ploughed  field. 

^&fo  irugu,  s.  The  neighbourhood, 
the  vicinity,  adj.  Neighbouring, 
adjoining.  a.&?fo^«b7fo  ifuguporu- 
ga,  8.  Neighbours,  adj.  Neigh- 
bouring. The  first  part  of  this 
puraBe  refers  to  those  on  the  right 
hand  or  behind  :  the  other  to 
those  on  the  left,  or  in  front. 

si&Tfc&^fex  iruguduchettu.s.  A  tree, 

a.boex>  irulu,  s.  plu.  Darkness. 

q^to  irusa,  s.  A  measure  of  capacity, 

equal  to  half  a  tooin. 
s^eJ  irri,  s.   Smallness,  littleness. 

s^eJoco)  irrivu,  v.  a.  To  be  united 
or  joined  with.  2.  To  be  squeezed, 
crushed;  or  smashed.  3.  To  be  re- 
duced to  powder. 

gs3o§o,  a.eJ3o3b  irruku,  irrikintsu,  v. 
a,  To  press,  squeeze,  or  crush, 
between  two  substances.  2.  To 
insert  with  difficulty.  s.  Strait ; 
difficulty;  distress;  narrowness, 
s,  69  %  o  S  irrakan  d  i ,  S  tr a  i  t,  difii cu  1- 
tj,  distress,  aess&ssSoo,  Q<b9-r*&&» 
krakatatttu,  irrakatamu,  Strait- 
ness,  narrowness,   closeness,  ael§ 

§^sb,  a/wxj&r^ssb,  st«ttr»k_s6  irriki- 
konu,  irrukukonu,  irrukkonu,  To 
get  one's  self  entangled;  as  ^s^eK" 
sSooer*  s}M»r°  sb  udyogamulo  irru- 
kkonu, To  get  one's  self  appointed 

to  a  situation,    ^otfeser^aaacr*  so 

^      xr~ 

tondarralo  irrukkonu,  To  be  en? 
tangled  in  difficulty. 
s^mo^o  irrusu,  *,  An  axle  tree. 

aeJ  irrri,  5.  A  de-er. 

s^o|os£w  irrrinkalu,  5.  _p/w.  Staring. 

aag'esTfc  ilakarratsu,  ?;.  a.  To  gnash 

the  teeth. 

».<r*g  ilakodi.  s.  An  old  cricket. 

sjsxafoa-Ishtamu  I 

sje>3StfsS»  ilavaramu,,s.  A  hut  without 

s^-s^ilaka,  s.  Depend  en  ce,  relation, 
connexion,  2.  Charge,  possession, 

sjwSb  iluku,  s.  The  cramp  2.  A  sprain 
TS^Sb  s^e»§bo«tfa  naka  ilnkubatti- 
nadi,  The  cramp  has  seized  me. 

©ej^sfce)  illanialli,  5.  A  tell-tale.  2. 

Sjew  illu,  s.  A  house.  This  word  is 
irregular  in  its  inflexion. 

s^3e>  ivatala,  odo.  This  side.  2.  He- 
reafter. 3.  Nearer.  The  proximate 
of   wtf;iw  avatala,  q>  v. 

s>s?&o  ivamu,  $•  Frost.  siss£a>e&r»^> 
ivamusuduj  The  sun.  fi^e  ^xja&o 

st#«fc  ivuru,  5.  A  shoot  or  sprout. 

sjtxS'  ishika,  *•  A  painter's  brush.  2. 
A  blade  of  grass.  3.  A  reed  or  pen. 

s^sfc  ishu,  «;zde  s^fe»j  s;ssp#ofe3  itii,  ishu 
vanti,  Like  this,  such  as  this. 

ssxs5*>  ishtamu,  s.  "Wish;  desire,-  2- 
Pleasure  ;  will.  3.  Love ;  loudness. 
4.  An  act  of  sacrifice  ;  an  offer- 
ing, adj.  Beloved,  fond  of.  2.  De- 
sired. 3.  Agreeable,  q-^JT6!*  isk- 

0  SJ  G 

tagoshthi,  An  agreeable  company, 
s^^sssfoc  ishtalapamu,  Agreeable 



Q&g  isuka,  s.  Sand.  adj.  Sandy. 
pSar©"^,  S^Joo^a^,  S^S/ftwH  isuka 
tinr.e,  isukadinne,  isukadibba,  A 
sand  bank.  2.  Hillocks  of  sand.  3. 
An  island  of  alluvial  formation. 
ei&>g'£r,,o&>  isukadon'u,  A  kind 

si^csfcoel  is u mania,  rvr/j.  Small  ; 

sj^og  isullu,  .<?.  plu.  A  species  of 
winged  ant  which  flies  to  the 
light,  generally  in  the  evening, 
after  rain.  It  is  easily  caught  in 
swarms,  and  being  deprived  of  its 
wings,  is  fried  and  eaten  by  the 
fclower  classes  of  Hindoos,  who 
esteem  it  a  delicacy.  I  believe  it 
is  the  Termes  in  a  particular  state. 

Z{h\  issi,  inter j.  Expressive  of  dis- 
gust, pain,  or  sorrow, 

s^rooss,  £}<&;£  istava,  istuvu,  s.  Pro- 
perty ;  estate. 

SjsKafco  ihamu,  s.The  present  world; 
our  present  state  or  existence  ; 
in  oppostion  to  £$s$3o  paramu,  A 
future  state. 

s^q&isb  ikshvakudu,  s.  The  first 
monarch  in  the  line  of  Surya,  or 
the  sun,  winch  commenced  with 
the  second  Yuga,  or  age  of  the 




&>  f,  The  fourth  letter  in  the  Telu- 
gu  alphabet.  2.  The  indeclinable 
proximate  demonstrative  pro- 
noun, This  :  as  -&>£S)  italli,  This 


mother.    4&r°2&&2»    ikodukulu, 

These  sons. 

■&>o  &  »r>&>  indravadu,  5.  A  toddy- 
drawer  .;  any  individual  of  that 
caste  whose  profession  it  is  to  ex- 
tract the  juice  of  the  date  palmy- 
ra, or  cocoa-nut  tree.  They  are 
otten  employed  as  palankeen 

-&S£  ikacla,  adv.  vide  sjSfr-tf  ikkada. 

-S*§b  iku,  v.  n.  ride  g.0&  inku. 

-£i§b#  ikuva,  s.  Dampness,  wetness. 

-£*""§  ike,  s.  A  feather. 

-g*"1  ike,  pro.  Fern,  vide  -gi-a  ipo. 

.g^  iga,  *,  A  fly.  -gvtf^D  igapuli,  A 
spider.  -£*?Oyo£*rox>&r,,£>La  igalu- 
musurukonnavi,  The  flies  fixed  or 
settled,  lit.   Covered. 

■£**  fgi,  s.  Giving ;  a  gift.  2.  Genero- 
sity, vide  ^hti  ivi,  and  sj-eSon  itstsu. 

-£*ftb  igu,  p.  a.  To  lose.  v.  n.  To  be 
subordinate  or  subject  to  another. 

-&>-s'^«&>e>  itsachetula,  adj.  Lean- 
armed,  wither-arrned. 

^aSb^sb-*^  itsukapovu,  v.  n.  To  mis- 
carry, to  have  a  premature  birth. 
This  word  is  applied  to  animals 
only,  not  to  the  human  species. 

-&>!o  ite,  s.  A  spear  ;  a  barbed  dart. 
-&2»  ida,  adv.  Here,    vide    s^?_£ 

ikkada,    -gigar*^    idabovu,    To 

retire,  to  retreat. 

-g*c!ft<ya£&   idigilabadu,    v.    n.    To 

stop  or  halt,   from   weariness  in 

■&>&!? T>y>&>  idigevadu,  s-  vide  -&>o,£, 

sro&i  indravadu. 
-&>&>  idn,  s.  Age.  2.  Time  of  life.  3. 

Puberty.  4.  Pawn,  mortgage. 
-&>2& o&  iclntsu,  ^.  a.  e?iJg-^>^v  idtsu. 

-&s>&><6*>os£  idumunta,  s.  An  earthen 
pot,  in  which  milk  is  ustiall}*  drawn 
from  the  cow. 

-&>^tfb  ideru,  v.  n.  To  reach  the 
age  of  puberty.  2.  To  be  effected, 
accomplished,  or  fulfilled.  -&>"^tf^ 
iderstu,  v.  a.  To  fulfil,  accom- 
plish, or  effect. 

•&&>\  idtsu,  v.  a.  To  draw,  pull,  or 
drag.  -S*£&*2),  -gi^  iclupu,  idpu, 
Pulling,  dragging,  2.  Hard  brea- 
thing previous  to  death.  3.  A  pain 
in  the  side.  4.  The  contraction  of 
a  limb. 

-g4e£  ita,  adj.  Of  or  belonging  to  the 
date  tree.  -S^^ew  itakallu, Toddy, 
the  fermented  liquor  drawn  from 
the  date  tree.  s.  Swimming.  2. 
The  act  of  bringing  forth,  as  ap- 
plied to  animals  only,  not  to  ths 




human  species,  -gig-gooss  itakaya, 
A  canoe  formed  from  the  trunk 
of  the  palmyra  tree.  2.  A  long- 
gourd,  dried,  used  in  swimming. 
-^sSJr&w  itagottu,  To  swim. 

■&.&7T1  &>,-&%&&>,  -&>$£;&  itagadu,  lta- 
du,  itanu,  pro.  He,  this  man,  used 
Jionoiifically  ;  it  is  the  proximate 
of  Z3&-7r>&>  atagadu,  q.  v. 

•&>&$  idara,  s.  The  east  wind. 

•g4&>  idu,  v.  n.  To  swim.  -&>&zr>&> 
iduladu,  To  swim.  s.  The  date 
tree.  -S}&>^feo  idulata,  Swimming, 
spor^ng  in  water, 

-£-*&  sg)fis'inapuclaka,5.  A  blade  of  Jong 
grass,  of  which  brooms  are  made. 

-£%s6  inu,  v.  a.  To  produce,  as  flejds 
of  grain.  2.  To  bring  forth  young, 
applied  to  animals  only,  not  to 
the  hn  m  an  s  p  ecies -  •£*§>$  &&>  $  ini- 
kayavu,  A  cow  about  to  calve. 

•£*"<&  ine,  s.  The  fibre  of  a  leaf. 

-&*a  ipi,  s.  A  nit. 

4;i~Sj  ipe,  pro.   Fern.   Demonstrative 

She;  applied  to  superiors  only;  it 
is  the  proximate  of  t3~a  ape,  q.  v. 

-&>%&,  -£*£)"S  ibida,  ibicle,  pro.  She, 
this  woman  ;  it  is  the  proximate 
of  e50&  abida,  q.  v- 

^5x9  imiri,  s    Wet,    moist. 

-e-%-30  iriie,  ;?ro,  vide  -g*"3>ipe. 

-&>c*6tf  lyana,  ^ro.  He,  this  man  ; 
the  masc.  Honorific  demonstra- 
tive, proximate  of  eocstf  ay  ana, 
q.  v. 

-&>osS3,  -&°oK5s5b  iyapa,  lyama,  pro. 
She.  this  woman;  the  fern.  Honori- 
fic demonstrative,  proximate  of 
efocSsfc  ayama,  q  v. 

-£i#s5*>  iramu,  s.  A  bush. 

-&>Tj-*eso  irarru,  a  J;'.  Numeral  Twelve. 

-^»8^e»  irikalu,  s.  _pfo.  Pieces,  bits. 
remnants,slices.  2.  Sprouts,  shoots, 

-&,&  iru,  5.  A  nit.  2.  Flesh,  meat, 
a/y.  Two  2.  Low,  mean,  ^m  Yon. 
-&>*& "3>tf,  -^"BjjS'  irupena,  irpena, 
A  comb  for  extracting  nits  or  lice 
-^."SewAo    irehigu,  A   Jow    voice. 

-&>&>\  irtsn,  To  comb  out  nits. 

-&.&-5P&  irubaru,  adv.  Freely,  at 

•&>tiw° tfvo  irataralui  s.  plu.  More  or 

■&>&  lia,  .5.  Whistling.  -&>e^d3oo  ila- 
veyn,  To  whistle. 

-g*e)§'ef>-&  llakarratsu,  v.  n.  vide.  qe> 
£e3-&  ilakarratsu. 

-g*er>, -&>er»7fc,  &°r>fo#  Ha,  ilagu,  i- 
laguna,  adv-  Thus,  so,  in  this  man- 
ner ;  the  proximate  of  e3-y»    ala, 

&C.  £.  v. 
•£*e»7fc  ilug'T,  v.  rc.  To  die,  to  lose  life. 




-&>sx>$  iluvu,  s. Courage. 

-&>5So  ivala,  adv.  vide  qs5^e>  ivatala 

-£*&  ivi,  s.  A  gift.  e?to  -&>ft  igi. 

-&,$  ivu,  ^>ro.  Thou. 

-^^«.sscr»j«b  fvulamranu,  5.  The  fabu 

lotis  tree  in  Indra's  heaven,  which  j 

yields  whatever  is  desired. 
■£*&&>  ishattu,  a<8/.    Slight,   small,- 

-&>?5&ot5o  isadintsu,  v.    a.    To    hate, 

abhor,  Or  dislike.  -£%s&o$j)  Ssadi- 

mpu,  Dislike,  hatred. 

&  u,  The  fifth  letter  in  the  Telugu 

^rolo^  unkintsu,  v.    n-  To  endeav- 
our. 2.  To  be  read}r,  or  prepared. 
^roSosS'  unkuva,  5.  A  marriage  porti- 
on, or  dowry  ;  the  peculiar  pro- 
perty of  a  woman,  given  to  her  at 
her  marriage  by  her  father-in-law, 
or  other  relatives. 
&oXtfs5»  ungaramu.  5.  A  ring.  ^oXtf 
^)^ex>  imgarapnvrelu,  The    ring 
finger,  that  next  the  little  one. 
&o%&  ungidi,  s.  A  disease  amongst 
cattle,  arising  from  their   grazing 
on  the  sprouts  of  cut  JonnaLu;  the 
great  millet  or  Hulcns  Sacchara- 
tus  ;  or  from    their    eating    the 
leaves  of  the  castor  oil  tree,  Palraa 

6ro-&  untsa,  v.  a.  To  place,   to  put. 

2.  To  keep,  to  retain,  to  preserve. 

3.  To  leave.  ^o©r°s&  unchikonu, 
■v.  Gomp.  To  keep  or  retain  for 
one's  own  use  ;  to  entertain  in  a 
service  or  employment. 

&o&h  &o&  unta,  un  ]a,  s.  A  round 
earthen  bail,  a  pellet.  2.  A  pill. 
&060S00  untavillu,  A  pellet-bow. 

£ro&-£)g>"^o3oo  undachitluveyu,  To 

&o2&  undu,  v.  n.  To  be,  to  exist.  2. 
To  reside  or  remain.  This  verb 
governing  the  dative  case,  expres- 
ses the  English  verb  to  have,  or 
possess.  T^&>oooo&rs&-F°t^rr>  va- 
dumtlounnada,  Is  he  at  home  ? 
sxr»e£o,&. a-^N  Xs^mitandriunnada, 
Is  your  father  alive  ?  iStfsy^r^^ 
sSwer*  5SaatfsS»ex>^ofe3$  nenu  agra- 
mamulo  padidinamulu  untini, 
I  remained  in  that  village  ten 

&o  &  ,  60  2s 1  sd»  unclra,  undramu,  s. 
vide  &ob  unta,  adj.  Round. 

dramulu,  undralu,  undraiiu,  s.  plu. 
Round  cakes,  like  balls,  parti- 
cularly such  as  are  used  as  offer- 
ings to  Ganesa. 
e^s^L  ukka,  5.  Closeness  ;  sultriness; 
confined  heat ;  still   warmth. 

&X  &o-Uggadin 



^^ifsSw  ukkalamu,  s.  An  intrench- 
ment,  round  a  camp.  2.,  An  ad- 
vanced guard  in  front  of  a  camp. 

& §/,_ e©  1^. Bess $  ukkiribikkiriya vu, 
v.  n.  To  be  suffocated ;  to  be  op- 
pressed by  a  close,  sultry,  or  still 

^S^-ss^m  ukkivamu,  adj.  Inferior,* 
low,  mean, 

&%_  ukku,  s.  Steel.  2..  Strength. 
3.  Pride.  ^§o^_^l?  ukkutige,  Steel 
wire.  &gok_&>$oso  ukkutuniya,  lit. 
A  piece  of  steel.  A  brave,  sharp, 
or  active  man.  ^g^ss-flo  ukkana- 
gu,  To-  suffer  a  diminution  of 
strength,,  or  a  reduction  of  pride-, 
to  be  disheartened.  ar^_.ra^o-i5bj 
^s^-ra-ab  ukkanagintsu,  ukkaria- 
tsu,  To  weaken  another's- strength, 
or  humble  his  pride,  to  dishearten. 

d&'l^iw  ukkerra,  s.  Baked  flour,  ge- 
nerally mixed  with  sugar,  used  as 
a  sweetmeat. 

£r  S'sSsj  uktamu,  adj.  Spoken,  said. 

a-  §  ukti,  s.  Speech.  2.  Speaking. 
3.  A  word,  an  expression. 

^7r°a  ugadi,  $.  The  first  day  of  the 
Telugu  year. 

&X  &o^c>  uggadintsu,  v.  a.  To  "begin 
&.  conversation.  2.  To  plead  eloqu- 

ently. 3.  To  remember.  4.  To  cal- 
culate or  multiply  mentally,  with- 
out using  any  figures. 

&tf  sfca  uggamu,  s.  A  rope  or  cord 
attached  to  any  thing,  for  the 
purpose  of  carrying  it  about,  or 
suspending  it. 

&XS>o-&  uggalintsu,  v.  a.  vide  &t 
clo-ifo  uggadintsu. 

&%  oi&  uggintsu,  v.  a.  To  weave 
a  close  texture,,  so  that  there  be 
no  interstice  between  the  threads; 
either  of  the  woof  or  warp. 

^rftb  uffffti,.  s.  A  wrinkle  in  cloth,  2. 
A  drink,  given  morning  and  eve- 
ning? to  infants*  consisting  of  the 
nurse's  milk,  mixed  with  castor 
oil.  &-ftb^3fc»  uggubettu,  To  give' 
this  drink  to  children. 

e^Kowspbo  uggulubaru,  v.  n.  To  run 
into  a  knot,  in  ginning,  or  twist- 

&^*&»  ugr  antra,  ad/.  Angry,  wrath- 
ful, fierce,  furious,  violent.  2.  Cruel. 
3.  Terrific. 

&.iv>  ,cas6oo  uo-ranamu,  s.  A  Store- 
house. 2.  A  pantry.  &.  A  treasury. 
^  C^V/  ws&^  ugranap  u  vadu,. 
One  who  has  charge  of  the  family 
provisions  ;  a  steward  ;  a  butler.. 
2.  A  store-keeper.  3.  A  treasurer.. 

&t Kb .2sb  ugrudu,  s.  A  man  of  a  mixed 
tribe,    from  a  Chattriya  father,. 




and  Siidra  mother.  The  employ- 
ment of  this  tribe  is  to  kill  animals 
that  iive  in  holes  ;  some  of  them 
are  bards;  and  others  have  charge 
of  treasure,  or  of  hill  forts. 

6©«S*&o  uchitamu,  adj.    Proper.  2. 

Convenient.  3.  Fit,  suitable.  4. 
Agreeable,  s.  A  gratuity  ;  a  pre- 
sent. &£)$£s$*>7v*  nchitamuga,  adv. 

Gratis,  without  any  recompence, 
for  charity. 

£>-ET\  utstsa,  s.  Urine,  ^-sTv^ctfo  uts- 

staboyu,  To  make  water. 

&-S^t6»  uehchamu,  s.  The  zenith  •  the 

meridian  ;  the  vertical  point  in 
the  sky.  adj.  Vertical.  2.  High, 

&%5\8o-&  uchcharintsu,  v.  a.  To  pro- 
nounce? articulate,  or  utter.  2.  To 
recite.  3.  To  say.  <a^-<\  tf  re  u click a- 
rana,  Pronunciation,  utterance.  2. 
Recitation  of  prayers. 

&-£^  uchchi,  s.  The  crown  or  top  of 
the  head. 

6x^o^  uchehinta,  adj.  Of  or  belong- 
ing to  the  gigantic  swallow  wort, 
Asclepias  Gigantea. 

£r-&^  utstsu,  v.  To  enter  by  force  • 
to  rush  in. 

6r3o}  utstsu,  s.  A  noose,  a  snare. 

^■SKSxsfoa  uchchhisbtamu,  s.  Spittle. 
2.  The  leavings  or  fragments  of 
the  table. 

6-tfV\o$>e>!6M  uchchhrinkhalamu,aG?/\ 
Operated,  perverse.  2. Unrestrain- 

&  -£5\  csSxSm,  ^  tT°n  oe6j6m  uchchhra- 

yainu,  uehckhrayamu,  s.  Height. 
%  The  highest  point  of  prosperity,, 
riches,  or  power. 

£-=sp\  <^i6»uchehhwasamu,s. Breath, 
breathing.  2.  A  sigh. 

&sfto-t5budzdzagintsur0.-a.  To  quit; 
to  leave. 

^sfoooos^  udzdzayinrrpti,  5.  Conjec- 
ture, guess,  estimate. 

&f  ujji,  s,  A  match  to  another ; 
any  one  able  to-  contest  with 
another  ;  any  thing  equal  to 
another.  6>f.iie&>  ujjiveyu,  To 
pitch  two  oi  equal  talents,  against 

.     each  other. 

&j?Q?jsko  "ujjwalanra,  adj.  Splendid, 
&  oi  *  ...  y 

bright,  luminous,  radiant.*.  Love,- 


&&jo§,  &&0S0  utanki,  utanku,  adj. 
Clever,  active,  nimble. 

<^feoc§o-&  utankintsu,  v.  <x.  To  abstra- 
ct ;  to  abridge  v  to  shorten. 

&&  utti,  s.  A  coarse  net  work,  made 
of  rope  or  rattan,  in  which  pots 
and  other  vessels  are  suspended 
from  the  beams  of  a  house,  or  from 
a  stick  thrown  across  the  shoulder, 
by  which  they  are  carried  about, 




^  feSsS^o  uttipadu,  v.  n.  To  fcome,  or 
nappen. suddenly,  or  accidentally. 

&ta>  ufctu,  5.  Ground  fit  for  the  cul- 
tivation  of  salt.  On  the  coast,  salt 
is  cultivated  riot  manufactured. 
Brackish  water,  communicating 
with  the  sea,  is  introduced  upon 
a  peculiar  salt  soil,  previously 
prepared,  and  after  evaporation 
by  the  sun,  the  salt  remains  crys- 
tallized on  the  surface. 

&^35  8cs&s&»ex>  utravadiyamulu,  s. 
plu.  A  rich  dish,  consisting  of  the 
Hour  of  pulse  of  various  kinds, 
seasoned  with  chilly,  <fcc.  And 
made  into  little  balls,  which  are 
fried  in  ghee  or  oil. 

&iF>g>  uthani,  adj.  High,  tall. 

ez-G^&Q  uihauthi,  adj.  In  constant 
or  quick  motion,  without  rest.  £■ 
-crj^9~S)^s5M  uthauthipainamu,  A 
forced   march; 

£;"CsrBa»OTft  urUyintsu.  v.  a.  To  seize 
suddenly,  or  by  surprize.  2.  To 
deny  what  one  had  just  before  as- 

£r&§ew  udikilu,  v.  n.  To  be    angry 

or  provoked,  in  consequence  of 
beinoj  ridiculed. 

£rS  &-*;&,  agc^  udipovu,  udivovu. 
v.  n.  To  become  blunt;  to  be 

&zk£o  uduku,  v.  n.  To  boil,  to  bub- 
ble with  lie  at,  to  seeth.  2.  To  be 

feverish  from  heat.  3.  To  boil 
with  rage  or  anger,  *.  Boiling.  2. 
Heat.  adj.  Hot.  &S§o-t5b  udikintsu, 
p:  a-  .To  dress  or  cook  Victuals  ; 
to  boil,  to  place  on  the  fire.  &>!&> 
Sbatib  udukubattu,  To  begin  to 
boil.  &e&~^cioa$b  udukadintsti.  To 
vex  one  for  amusement.  &&$<&* 
d3co  undnkaboyu,  To  be  oppressed 
with  heat.  2.  To  pour  into  a  pot, 
in  order  to  boil. 

&c&Xtf  udu'gara,  s.  Any  present 
given  to  a  bride,  or  bridegroom, 
during  the  celebration  of  their 

&r&>fo  udugu,  v.  n.  To  grow  thin, 
lean,  or  emaciated.  2.  To  be  ex- 
hausted, v.  a.  To  leave,  quit,  or 
relinquish.  2.  To  stop,  or  cease. 

£>&>&  uduta,  s.  A  squirrel. 

£>&>$tix>  udupamu,  s.  A  float  or  raft. 

£>&>}&  udupu,  v.  a.  To  efface.  2.  vide 
&'&fto-#b  udigintsu,  under  &e&fib 

&&>$>  udupu,  s.  A  dress,  or  suit  of 
clothes.  2.  A  suit  of  clothes  be- 
longing to  another,  borrowed  from 
a  washerman,  in  order  to  be  worn. 
This  is  a  very  common  custom,  on 
all  occasions,  among  the  lower 
castes  of  Hindoos;  and  even  among 
poor  brahmans,  as  regards  their 
women,  when  unclean  after  child 

&  #o2»-Uttanda 


6-  ^-c-Uttara 

&£&sSm  udumu,  5.  The  iguana.  && 
js&ej   udupapilla,  A  young  iguana. 

&TT*  udda,  5.  An  assemblage,  or  col- 
lection. 2.  A  heap  of  four  or  five 
tamarind  stones,  little  balls,  or 
other  similar  articles,  with  which 
boys  play,  in  a  manner  similar  to 
those  in  Europe  with  cherry 
stones.  ^-Td^dax*  uddacheyu,  To 
collect  in  a  heap  or  crowd. 

^^§b^b-j5b  uddukudutsu,  v.  n.  To  be 

&$g  utaka,  s.  The  common  native 

doors  have  no  hinges  ;  they  turn 
upon  a  pivot,  fixed  to  the  top  and 
bottom  on  one  side,  and  inserted 
above,  m  the  beam  which  passes 
over  the,  door  way,  and  below,  in 
a  small  piece  of  wood  placed  in 
the  ground,  at  the  corner  of  the 
door  way.  This  is  the  Telngu  name 
for  that  piece  of  wood,  which  is 
thus  placed  at  the  bottom  of  the 
door  way. 

^^-s^er°(^b  utakaladu,  v-  a.  vide.  &zs 
Tetn>ih  udakaladu. 

&&>&  utuku,  v.  a.  To  wash  or  bleach. 
&8§o-&>  utikintsu,  v.  caus.  To 
cause  to  wash,  <fcc. 

^^.tf  s5o»  utkarshamu,.?.  Excellence. 

<&j£  utta,  adj.  Mere.  2.  Empty.  3. 
Useless.  4.  False. 

&  ^o&Swew  uttandamulu,  s.  plu  A 
gold   necklace,  worn  by  women.  ; 

£-j£s6s53>  attamamu,  adj.  Excellent, 
best,  virtuous.  2.  Chief,  prin- 
cipal, first.  &  ^s5b^)dbsx.  uttamapu- 

rusha,  In  grammar,  The  first  per- 

^rj^tf^osSso  uttarakriyalu,    s.  plu. 

Funeral  rites,  or  obsequies, 

&-_gtfso"3s5M  uttaradzandemu,  s.   A 

gold  chain,  which  Hindoos  of  all 
classes  may  wear,  in  the  same 
manner  that  those  of  the  superior 
castes  wear  the  sacred  thread. 

&  ^tfs5co  uttaramu,  s.  The  north.  2. 
A  letter.  3.  An  answer,  or  reply. 
i.  An  order  or  command,  adj. 
Northern.  2.  Excellent.  3.  Superi- 
or, high.  4.  Subsequent. 

£r  ^»p6  uttaravadi,  s.  A  respond- 
ent, or  defendant.  2.  A  security. 
adj.  Responsible-  £rj£tff>-o-*ctfb"zr» 
?5b^o  uttaraphiiwadudarudu,/i£.  A 
defendant  who  complains,  An  ap- 
pellant. £r  gpTSi?  uttarasabha,  A 
superior  court.  &  <£tf  *j-*2Sx$co  uttara- 
vadamu,  Responsibility,  security, 
^j^xna  uttaradi,  5.  The  north 
adj.    Northern. 

&  $  -access  c3sS>3  uttarayanainu,  s.  The 
sun's  progress  to  the  north  of  the 
equator.  2.  The  period  of  the  year 
during  which  he  js  north  of  it. 

&  ^-cr»6oe»  uttarasulu,  <<?.  plu.  The 
beaur  above,  and  piece  of  wood 

#j$<  -©-Utpatti 



below  the  door  way,  in  which  are 
inserted  the  pivots,  upon  which 
the  door  turns,  vide.  &&g  utaka. 

&  ^8o-db  uttarintsu,  v,  a.  To  cross 
or  pass  over.  2.  To  separate  a 
number  of  handkerchiefs  or  cloths 
wove  in  one  piece,  into  their  proper 
number,  by.  cutting  the  selvage. 

<&-  ^6osSs>3o  nttariyamu,  &  An  upper 
or  outer  garment,  vide.  &  ^-o-°tfo 
Ki^oo  uttarasangamu. 

&  <£&$  utt&ruvu,  5.  An  answer  or 
reply.  2.  An  order  or  command. 
3.  Permission,  leave.  &  #&s$^;S<j 
uttaruvucheppu,  To  answer  or 
reply.  &  #&s$s|Tfc\  utfaruvuitstsu, 
To  give  leave ;  to  permit  2.  To 
answer:  to  direct.  &  j|  &>£,;£) -&v,r° 
^  uttaruvuputstsukonu,  To  take 
leave.  &j$&$r3&»  uttamvucheyu, 
To  order. 

&  $&*  «£tf  uttarottara,  adv.  At  any 
_p     — ° 

future  time. 

<£-  ^"j^r=too  uttalapatu,  s.  Perturba- 
tion ;  disquietude  of  mind. 

&&\  ®  utpatti,  s.  Birth,  creation,- 
production,  origin,  a-e^  j>cso$  nt- 
pattiyavu,  To  be  born,  created, 
formed,  or  framed.  £^  ©^oooo  ut- 
patticheyu,  To  create  ;  to  fabri- 
cate :  to  produce. 

&wy£6y>  utpatamu,  s.  A  prodigy, 
or  phenomenon,  as  an  earthquake, 
a  comet  &c. 

&  ll$  &  utpreksha,  s.  An  extravag- 
ant hyperbole. 

fe«^s5s5»  utsavamu,  $.  A  festival,  or 
public  rejoicing,  such  as  on  the 
celebration  of  a  marriage,  or  of  a 
religious  ceremony  at  a  temple.  2* 
Elevation,  joy,  festivity. 

&-"5r\s^s5oo  utsahamu,  s.  Encourage- 
ment. 2.  Perseverance.  3.  Joy, 
triu  m  ph.  &  <§\  °r°  o  o5d  utsahintsu,  v. 
72.  To  persevere.  2.  To  rejoice, 
to  triumph. 

^S'sSm  udakamn,  s.  Water. 

^s^er^  udakaladu,  v.  a.  To  bring 
forth  a  child  ;  because  water  pre- 
cedes the  birth,  vide  &&s-*zn>&) 

^•a'oaas^M  udayamu,  s.  The  rising  of 
the  sun,  or  of  other  heavenly 
bodies.  2.  The  morning.  6r  as  ear*  a 
udayadri,  The  eastern  mountain, 
behind  which  the  sun  is  supposed 
to  rise. 

^rftooootfb  udayintsu,  v.  n.  To  rise, 
as  applied  to  the  heavenly  bodies. 
2.  To  be  born. 

£res&';6oo  udaramu,  s.  The  belly. 

&ftQ£:&  udaripadu,  v.  n.  To  start. 


&  T^tfc&o  udanamu,  s.    One   of  the 

five  airs  which  the  Hindoos  be- 
lieve to  be  essential  to  life,  and 
which  is  understood  to  rise  up 
the  throat. 

&-&°8&>z,  &75-*Q  udaraniu,  udari,  adj. 
Liberal,  bountiful,  generous,  mu- 
nificent 2.  Excellent. 

&tf>%<6&&  ucl£sinaniu,  s.  Abusive, 
or  foul  language.  &tt>%o&  uda- 
sintsu,  To  abuse.  2.  To  disgrace. 
esTs^h-^^zfo  udasfnaladu,  To  a- 

&Tr°%&?£o  udasfntidu,  5.  A  stranger. 
2.  A  common  acquaintance. 

6-T5"°sS-*tfr3,  £rv7*S3-*tfro5&:>o  udahararia, 
udabaranainu,  s-  An  example,  in- 
stance, or  illustration,  of  any  rule 
or  precept.  2.  A  quotation.  3.  An 
apposite  argument.  &is*&do&s 
udaharintsu,  v.  a.  To  illustrate, 
or  give  examples.  2.  To  quote 
a  rule?  as  authority  for  an  ex- 
ample, or  an  example,  in  illustra- 
tion of  a  rule. 

&©9  udiri,  s.  Pure  gold. 

£r*£e;sSJ&>  uclilapaclu,  v.  n.  To  reflect. 

2.  To  grieve,  to  regret. 
e»b -a  udichi,  s.  The  north. 
£r^§b  uduku,  v.  a.  vide  &&>&  utuku. 
w-?5ot3o  uduiu,  adj.  Firm,    strong,  s. 


65  &£9o-Uddharin 


&2&&&>c&§o  udurumicluku,  5.  A  dis- 
obedient, impudent,  or  self-willed 

£-  z  o  &  sfroudd  and  a  mu,  5. Violence,  fier- 
ceness'.  2.  Insolence,  3.  Tyranny. 

6-258  uddari,  s.  A  bank,  or  shore,  on 
which  one  cannot  land,  or  from 
which  one  cannot  embark,  on  ac- 
count of  its  natural  difficulties. 

£rc5&$  udclaruvu,  5.  The  pawning  or 
mortgaging  of  grain,  or  other  such 
perishable  articles. 

<£&£&  uddavadi,  6.  Great  celerity, 
or  quickness. 

&a  uddi.  s.  vide  &£  nii'i.  2.  Alow 
ri  dge,  in  tilled  ground,  for  retaining 
the  water  introduced  into  it.  So  A 
bank,  raised  above  the  level  of  a 
tank,  with  a  channel  upon  it,  on 
which  water,  having  been  raised. 
is  conveyed  from  the  tank  to  fields 
of  a  higher  level. 

£r&>ex>  uddulu,  5.  The  -pulse  termed 
Fhaseolus  Mungo. 

6r'cS3'?65>  uddesanm,  s.  Determinati- 

m  on,  resolution.  2.  Yiew,  intention, 
obiect-  £r7§$o-&>  uddesintsu,  v.  a. 
To  determine  ;  to  resolve.  2.  To 
have  in  view.  3.  To  destine  or  in- 
tend for  another.  4.  To  fix  the 
mind  upon  a  particular  object. 

&£s#8&»'    udclhatamu,     adj.     Rude, 

arrogant,  ill  behaved. 
e^-Keo^  uddharintsu,  v.  a.  To  raise 





or  lift  up.  2.  To  support ;  to  up- 
hold. 3.  To  re-establish ;  to  renew; 
to  restore;  to  found.  4.  To  rescue; 
to  deliver.  5.  To  preserve,  to  pro- 

£r^tfgb£2o  uddharakudu,  s.  A  deli- 
9  . 

verer ;  one  who  protects,  preser- 
ves, upholds  &c 

^c5\%-sSw  udbhavamu,  s.  Birth,  pro- 
duction, feewao^,  &tf\££>o  udblia 

vintsu.  udbnavillu,  v.  n.  To  be 

&&'cxk35oo  udyamamu,  5.  Effort ;  ex- 
ertion. 2.  Perseverance.  3.  Readi- 

&tt°c  tf  sfos  udyanamu,  5.  A  royal  pub- 
lic garden- 

e^r-cpcsstf  udyapana,  s.  The  perfor- 
mance of  any  meritorious  act  of 
devotion,  or  of  any  penance,  aus- 
terity, or  privation-  2.  The  cere- 
mony which  takes  place  at  the 
conclusion  of  the  same. 

£j&o  S'sSw  udyuktamu,  adj.  Zeal- 
ously active.  2.  Prepared. 

^-e^oKs&w  udyogamu,  s.  Exertion.  2. 
An  employment,  occupation,  cal- 
ling;, service,  or  trade.  3.  An  office 
or  situation.  ^e^gTCsS^cs^  udyo- 

gamucheyu,  To  exercise  an  office. 
£rS^QKj6ooer*tf5fc«b  udyogamulona- 
mara,  To  be  employed  in  an  office 
&£-*<?  jCsfc»er«£«&bo^  udyogamulo- 
namartsu.  To  procure  for  another 

an  employment.  6-sr*c?Ci6ao€r**2»ii3 
r°^)  udyogamulopettukonU)  To 
place    in  an  office.  &8^o>03o£&  u- 

dyogasthudu,  A  person  holding  a 
situation.  s5j*#o,&,  6-o-atf  a  sosba 
<§"*  ar^eK^^i&^o&oF^sb  ma- 
tandri  unchina  dravyamuto  udyo 
gamuchesukontunn^nu,  I  am  trad- 
ing with  the  money  which  my 
father  left. 

£rjo§  uniki,  s.  Being;    existence.  2. 

Residence.  3.  State  or  condition. 
£r!0§;o&a  unikipattu,  Ahouse. 

&i$\&}&x>  unnatamu,  adj.  High,  lofty. 

£t?k  unni,  s.  Wool. 

^7^  &&*>  uumidamu,  s.  Insanity.  2. 

&££tfr3*>*>  upakaranamu,  s.  An  ap- 
pendage, material,  or  implement; 
as,  the  utensils  of  a  kitchen,  the 
tools  of  a  trade,  or  the  furniture 
of  a  house.  <fcc 

&ss-s"°tfs53o  upakaramu,  s.  Beneficen- 
ce, favor,  kindness.  2.  Aid,  help. 
£r£S'eo-&>  upakarintsu,  v.  To  con- 
fer a  benefit,  to  contribute  to  a 
charity.  2.  To  serve,  to  be  of  use 
to,  to  assist.  £rtf-^°a  upakari,  adj. 
Beneficent,  kind,  disposed  to 
charity,  assisting.  &ss-y>tf«&»s6eaffi 

Xsr*zh   upakaramnmarrachinava- 

ud,  An  ungrateful  man. 




^r£.&.s6sko upakramainu,  s.  A  begin- 
ning or  commencement.  ^sS^S^o 
•t5b  upakramfntsu.  To  begin,  to 

^S^r^sSM  upacharamu,  s.  Civility  ; 
politeness  ;  honor.  2.  Service,  ob- 
liging conduct,  kindness.  dsfi-S^o-ifc 
upacharintsu,  v.  a.  To  be  oblig- 
ing, kind,  or  polite.  2.  To  shew 
respect.  3.  To  serve,  to  assist. 

^sS^'TsSm  upadesamu,  s.  Instruction; 
advice.  2.  Initiation  in  sacred 
rites,  by  the  communication  of 
prescribed  formulas,  or  mystical 

&3^3oa5b  upadesintsu,  v.  a.  To  in- 
struct, to  teach,  to  advise.  2.  To 
initiate  as  above  explained. 

&3  s .sssSm  upadravamn,  s.  Annoy- 
ance, trouble,  molestation.2.  Grief, 
affliction.  3.  Suffering,  sickness. 

££tfc3btfo6oo  upanayanamu,  s.  The 
ceremony  of  investing  a  young 
Hindoo,  o±  any  of  the  first  three 
classes,  with  the  sacred  thread, 
worn  by  them  over  the  left  shoul- 
der, across  the  body,  and  passing 
under  the  right  arm. 

&3*£  e£  ss»  upanetramu,  s.  A  pair  of 

&sSsS8  upapati,   s.  A  paramour;  a 

&SSSS  8  upapatti,  s,  Obtaining.  2.  Aid, 

assistance,  help.  3.  Convenience. 

&3->e£rs$3o  upapatakama,  s-  Crimi- 
nality in  the  second  or  third  de- 
gree ;  as  killing  a  cow,  selling  a 
daughter  in  marriage,  atheism,  &c. 

&3s$b  upama,  s.  Resemblance.  2. 
Comparison.  3.  A  simile  or  para- 
ble. 4.  Dexterity,  artfulness,  skil- 
fulness.    arsSsfc^csco    upamacheyu, 

To    contrive  ;    to  project.  &$&>q 

upamari,  s.  A  dexterous,  skilful, 
or  artful  person. 

&3&r°tfo53o  upamanamu,  s.  vide  &;$s5b 

£rsSosoo  g'sSoo  upayuktamu,  adj.  Con- 
venient. 2-  Serviceable#  <£s$  oofo  § 
upayukti,  s.  Convenience.  2.  Ser 

£rs$oeco_s*»£)  upaj^uktamavu,  v.  n.  To 
be  convenient,  or  serviceable. 

£r£^croK ss>3    upayogamu,    s.  Utility. 

2.  Advantage.  3. |^Ser viceableness 
adj.  Useful.  2.  Advantageous.  3. 
Serviceable,  &-;5^h>5\ot5o  upayo- 
gintsu,  v.  n.  To  be  useful,  or  of  ser- 
vice to  another. 

&s$sstfs5s>  upavanamUjs.  A  garden  or 

^^«y^s5w  upavasamu,  5.  Fasting.  2. 
A  fast. 

&sS<?sfctfsko,  &£<rs5bs5a}Upasamanamu, 
upasamamu,  s.  Tranqaillity,  calm- 
ness. 2.  Patience.  3.  Alleviation; 

&fn>  ^r§-U  padhya  68 

abatement.  £>$tfsxo-&>  upas'amin- 
tsu,  v  n.  To  be  calmed  or  pacifi- 
ed. 2.  To  be  alleviated,  abated,  or 


e^S  #o,3)  upasruti,  s.  A  good  or  bad 

omen,  as  gathered  by  two  persons 
in  consultation  together,  from  in- 
cidentally over  hearing  what  is 
said. by  a  third  person.  2.  Judicial 
astrology  ;  aspect  of  the  stars?  for- 
tune-telling, &c. 
££$^$e-&xi  apasparsamu,  s.  Touch- 
ing, contact.  2.  Bathing,  ablution. 
3.  vide  es-Efsfctfsko  achamanamu. 

&•&>•&» ct&xs  upadanamu,  s.  Abstrac- 
tion, restraining  the  organs  of  sen- 
se and  perception.  2.  Cause,  mo- 
tive. 3.  Commonly  a  handful  of 
raw  rice,  given  in  alms ;  begging. 

£r-2r°TT°tf-Soe£>  upa-danamettu,  To 
beg  raw  rice 
&ir°§  upadhi,  s.  Virtuous  reflection. 
2.  In  the  Yedanta,  the  mortal 
forms  or  properties  which  disguise 
the  spirit.  3.  A  person  attentive 
to  the  support  of  the  family.  4. 
Commonly,  pain,  trouble,  sickness. 
5.  Prevention. 

fair>-zF>QG&)?20  upadhyayudu,  5.  The 
brahman  who  performs  family  cer- 
monies.  2.  One  choseto  to  represent 
Bramha  at  a  sacrifice.  3.  A  spiritu- 
al preceptor.  4.  A  school  master. 
This  word  is  honorificaliy  used  in 


the  plural,  ^^-^com  upadhyayi, 
The  wife  of  a  teacher. 
ct-^os5s5cx>  upayamu,  *,  A  stratagem, 
artifice,  contrivance,  or  expedi- 
ent. 2.  A  plot.  3.  A  method  or 
means.  4.  A  remedy.  -S'ifo&irasS 
s5oosx>  chaturupayamulu,  The  four 
means  of  success,  against  an  enemy. 
viz.  "^s&sSoo  samamu,  Conciliation. 

*sr,^'s5o3  danamu,  Presents,  or  gifts. 
^c5sr>*>  bheclamu,'  Dividing;  crea- 
ting dissension  :  and  sc&sSm  dan- 
dam  u,  Chastisement.  &-£r>cx£^e) 
upayasali,  A  contriver,  £>-Zr°a£&u 
g^o-rfc  upayamu  kalpintsu,  To 
form  a  plot,  to  contrive.     - 

&-Zr7$tix>  npasamu,  s.  vide  e^;5o^tf;6c» 

£r~£&  upeksha,  8.  Contempt;  disre- 
gard. 2.  Inactivity,  indolence.  3. 
Abandoning.  4.  Indifference.  &-£ 
Ix.o-db  upekshintsu,  v.  m  To  dis- 
regard, to  contemn.  2.  To  be  in- 
different. 3.  To  abandon. 

£rs^s!o&»  uposhyamu,  S*  A  fast.  &> 
£r*sics6x>  ^a2&  uposhyamu  undu, 
To  abstain  from  food  ;  to  fast. 

£r£^  uppata,  s.  Dilating  on  the  ex- 
traordinary prosperity,  qtialificati- 

'  ons,  or  beauty  of  another.  This-is 
always  blamed  by  the  natives,  be 
cause  it  is    believed  that  -injury 



will  thence  arise  to  the  person 
referred  to.  £>^&ou<b  uppatintsu, 
To  dilate  as  above. 

gsX^Q  uppati,  s.  Birth,  production. 
vide  ^^^g,  ds-^feSoo^s^Sejo  utpa- 
tti,  uppatillu,  uppatillu,  v,  ».  vide 
&e^  jjoasJfo  utpattiyagu,  Under  & 
du  %  utpatti. 

^^tftfsfoo,  £-3jtf  nppadanamu,  uppa 
na,  s.  Saltness'. 

^-s^tfsfoo  upparamu,  s.  The  sky  or 

•&3Svtfwr»«&,  e^8  upparavadu,  up  pa- 
ri, 5.  A  male  of  the  caste  of  tank 
diggers.  The  female  is  termed  fes^ 
tf  a  upparacli,  They  are  employed 
in  digging  tanks  or  wells,  repair- 
ing water  channels  and  raising 
embankments*  and  are  said  to  be 
descended  from  a  Soodra  man  and 
Soodra  woman,  united  by  the 
marriage  termed  Rachasa,  where 
the  female  is  forcibly  seized  after 
the  destruction  of  her  relatives,  or 
captured  m  war. 

ds-^ei?  upparige,  s.  The  upper  story 

of  a  house.  2.  A  house  of  more 
than  one  story. 

&^e>s5oo,  ^^ysto  uppalamu,  uppala- 
mti,  s.  salt-marsh;  the  soil  which 
is  cultivated  to  produce  common 
salt.  vide.  &&>  uttu. 

&oSj©  uppalij  8,  Calamity  ;  misfor- 


&§^9  ^-S^toa  uppi,  uppichettni   $, 

A  thorny  shrub, 
^rs^uppu,  v.  a.  To  scald  paddy,  '&c. 

^sS^Soss^sSm  uppudubryyamu, 
Rice  scalded  in  the  husk. 

^sS^uppu,  s.  Salt. 

£-~5urf  uppena,  s.  A  sudden  rising  or 
overflow  of  the  sea,  Causing  in- 

&£r^otfo  nppongu,  v.  n.  To  be  trans, 
ported  with  joy  ;  to  exult.  2.  To 

&aer°fe3  3&»ubalaUnm,  s.  Regret,  from 

missing  any  thing  or  person. 
&200&  ubuku,  v.  n.    To  overflow.  2. 

To  swell. 
&-ex>&>  ubusu,  5.  Rest,  repose. 
^a.   ubba,    s.     Excessive    heat    or 

warmth.  2.  Closeness. 
^zdvc^o^o    ubbadangu,  v.  %*  To  be 

lessened,  humbled,  or  abated. 
&2>vtfsa»  ubbaramu,  5.  Swelling,  in* 

flation.  2,  Tympany.  c^eo^bub- 

barintsu,  v.  n.  To  swell,  v.  a.  To 

£r»\e)  ubbali,  5.  Mire,  mud. 

£r»\tfs53o  ubbasamu,  5.  Asthma. 

&2»\  ubbu,  5.  Swelling,  protuberan- 
ce. 2.  Being  puffed  up  with  joy, 
or  pride. 

£r£u\  ubbu,  v.  n.  To  swell.  2.To  be 
puffed  up  with  joy  or  prid%  &%h  o 




•&  ubbintsu,  v.  a.  To  inflate,  or 
make  to  swell.  2.  To  puff  up  with 
joy;  to  flatter. 

£r$rcs5^  ubhayatra,  adv.  On  both 
sides  ;  in  both  placesw  G.  <£r$-os5 
^ex>  ubhayatralu,  s.  plu-  Both 

^•^oc3s6ao  ubhayamu,  adj.  Two  s. 
Both.  £r$-as»ex>  ubhayalu,  Both 
parties.  &8*r»tfa6w  umidamu,  s.vide 
&-eraJKi6x>   unmadamu. 

— o 

£raoctf5o  umiyii,  0.  a.  To  spit ;  to 
spit  out. 

^tsSm^  umuka?  5.  The  husk  of  paddy. 
e^rsSM^dbfio  umukacherugu,  To 
winnow  paddy  after  it  is  beaten. 

&-"&o2fcsr<>5~  umeduvar,  5.  An  expec- 
tant, a  dependant,  a  candidate  ; 
a  person  attendant  on  another,  in 
the  hope  of  obtaining  some  em- 

^•s^^ew  ummagilu,  v.  n.  To  become 
fully  boiled,  by  confinement  in  its 
own  steam.  This  is  applied  to  rice, 
nearly  boiled,  which  it  strained, 
and  confined  in  its  own  steam. 

&sk,&s5s>  ummadamu,  5.  Closeness; 
confined  heat.  adj.  ^ao-Sjiim- 

madintsn,    v.    n.    To  be  affected 
by  close  heat;  to  feel  warm  from 
the  closeness  or  confined  heat  of 
a  room. 
&J&J&&  ummaniru,  $.   The    water 

which   precedes   the    birth    of   a 
£rs5^e)ir  ummalika,  5.  Uneasiness,  dis- 

^s5j^o&^2^ummayamuttemu3  -5. 

An  artificial  pearl. 
£rS&  ummi,  s.  Spittle.  &&>  -£-&>  um- 

mrveyu,  To  spit. 
^"^  j!  ummetta,  s.  The  thorn  apple. 

Datura  fastuosa.    2.  The   Indian 

nightshade,   Solanum  Indicum. 
&-^csoo  ummeyu,  v.  a.  vide  £r£oc3co 

^-^oge)  uyyela,  s.  A  swing.  2.  A  piece 

of  cloth  suspended  from  the  roof 

of  a  room,  wherein  children  are 

placed,  as  in  a  cradle. 

&tf^o-tfcuradintsu,  v.  n.  To  extend, 
spread,  or  expand. 

&&&*>  uramu,  s.  The  breast,  the  bo- 

&-£<*>  uralu,  p.  n.  To  roll.  2.  To  fall 

6tfS>o-tft  uralintsu,  v.  n.  To  shine. 

&a  uri,  s.  A  running  knot.  2.  A 
noose  ;  a  snare  ;  the  rope  with 
which  people  are  hung,  £r8&ccbo 
uridiyu,  v.  a.  To  hang  another. 
^a^^r°^>  uribosukonu,  To  hang 
one's  self. 

&-8cc^&>  uriyadu,  v.  n.  ToHremble, 

&actfo  uriyu,  9.  n.  To  get  loose. 




£r&£?ar»?5S  urudzamfnu,  s.  A  sort  of 
fish.  Sparus  spilotus. 

£&a  urudi,  adj.  Positive.  2.  Strict,- 
rigid.  3.  Loud. 

&&(7z\>&>  urudfadu,  s.  A  rope  with 
which  a  calf  is  tied  to  a  cow, 
when  she  is  milked.  This  is  always 
done  in  India;  otherwise,  the  cow 
will  not  allow  her  milk  to  flow. 

^&sjm  urumu,  v.  n.  To  roar. 

£rbbsscl  uruvadi,  s.  Violence,  impe- 
tuosity. 2.  Alacrity.  3.  Loudness. 

^&tf&o-i5b  uruvariintsu,  v.  a.  To  ap- 
pal another,  by  heroic  deeds  in. 
battle,  &c. 

£rtfb$  uruvu,  adj.  Great,  large. 

£>e$sg>  urravu,  s.  Beauty.  2.  Abun- 
dance, excess. 

£reJ  urn,  An  affix  denoting  possessi- 
on ;  as  ttsys&weJ  balamurri,  strong, 
from  wsSco  balanin,  strength. 

£reJs*>&r°-3b  urrimitsutsu,  v.  a.  To 
look  earnestly,  steadfastly,  or  se- 
verely, in  consequence  of  anger. 

razees  urriya,  s.  A  brave  man. 

<£&8ctfo  urriyu,  v.  n.  To  leak  ;  to  drop 

£r&*>  urru,  v.  n.  To  be  fit.  2-  To  re- 
treat ;  to  retire,  or  withdraw:  v. 
a.  To  regard,    honor,  or  esteem. 

6rcso&  urruku,  v.  n.    To  run.  2.  To 

jump  ;  to  vault.  e^Sc^x^  urru 
kudugappa,  s.  A  species  of  frog 
which  is  constantly  in  motion. 
&&»&'&*  do  urrukuboddu,A  navel 
which  protrudes  from  the  belly. 
Many  native  children  have  navels 
which  protrude  one  or  two  inches, 
proceeding,  it  is  said,  from  some 
awkwardness  in  cutting  the  navel 
string,,  at  their  birth. 

£-&*£  urruta,  s.  vide  £r^£  udu'ta. 
£r&93$  urrupu,'  s.  Leaking,  vide    & 
eJc«5o  urriyu. 

^ra»s5x>  urrumu,  s.  Thunder,  v.  n. 
To  thunder,  v.  a.  vide  &e£sx>&n& 

&fr|ex7*7fo,  ^&5>a-°ife>y<>7fc  urralugu,  ur- 
ru talugu,  v.  n.  To  swing  violently. 

2.  To  persevere.  3.  To  please,  to 
delight.       , 

&v%cS  ulakana,  adj.  Light.  2.  Easy. 

3.  Contemptible. 

&vssvd  ulavalu,  s.  vide  ^ew^ex*  ulu- 

&>£>  uli,  s.  A  chisel. 

6rD§;S2k  ulikipadu,  v.  n.  vide  &ooSb 

^Si^pfco  ulikipatu,  $.  A  start. 

£r£H>,  <£  ©&£"*&»  nlipi,   ulipigotiu.  s. 

A  wild,  extravagant,  impudent,  or 
mischievous  person. 
&©«$  ulivu,  a,  Beauty. 




&ex§b  uluku,  v.  n.  To  startf-  to  move 
suddenly,  from  alarm  ;  to  awake 
abruptly  from  sleep,  <5re)§££3o  uli- 
kipadu,  To  start>  &c.  As  above. 

^ew-^gij^^)  nlutsamfnu,  s.  A  fish, 
resembling  a  porpoise. 

£^ex>-^  ulupha,  .<?.  Supplies  furnished, 
gratis  to  any  great  personage,  on 
a  journey,  by  those  who  reside  on 
the  route. 

£-e>os5"  uluva,  s.  A  crop  of  the  pulse 
termed  Glycine  tomentosa,  or  horse 
gram.  adj.  Of,  or  belonging  to 
that  pulse.  £rex>sse>3  uliivalu,  s.  plu. 
The  pulse  itself. 

&•«  o^tf,  &o  o^^sSw  ullanghana,  u- 
Uanghanamn,  s.  Transgression  ; 
the  act  of  deviating  or  passing 
over.  2.  Disgrace.   3.    Contempt. 

6ecfooo^  ullan ffhini su,  v.  a.  To 
<■>■>    >  '-j 

pass  ois£r»  to  deviate,  to  trans- 
gress. 2.  To  disgrace.  3.  To  despise. 

fe?^&  ullda,  s,  An  awning  or  canopy. 

6e^^fB5oa  ullabhamu,  s.  A  canopy 
borne  over  marriage  offerings,  or 
over  the  bride  or  bridegroom,  as 
they  go  in  procession. 

&e>  s5oj  ullamu,  s.  The  mind.  2.  The 

&-er»&  ullakn,  .v.  A  written  memo- 

randum,  left  with  goods  or  grain, 

specifying  the  quantity,  and  the 


&er°#;£oa  ullasamu,  s.  A  chapter  or 
section.  2.  Joy,  pleasure?  gaiety, 
delight,  amusement. 

&£>    ulli,    adj.    Of  or  belonging   to 

garlick  or  onion. &s  x£  ulliejadda, 
Onion  or  garlick.  ft&©  nirulli, 
Onion.  -3008  vellulli,  Garlick.  & 
gj^yo^b  ulliolutsu,  To  peel  an  oni- 

£©-£p&?c3&>3  ullipasnanairiu,  5.  lit. 
onion-stone.  Arsenic. 

^^S^_  ulakki,  adj.  False. 

^Sq^aso  uvvilluru,  v.  n.  To  be  very 

fond  of.  2.  To  be  covetous. 

&"3n^  uvvettu,  adj.  All. 

^sxj&w    ushnamu,  adj.  Hot.    .9.  Sun- 

shine,  warmth,  heat.  &sxtf3  ush- 

,    .  £9   ~^ 

narasmi,     The    sun.    6ss.7sr»tfra$fco 

usnnavarariamu,  An  umberella.  s- 

2\ot&  ushnintsu,  9,  ?z.  To  be  hot. 

^rS>r*ex^  usikolpu,  v.  a.  To  hiss,  set- 
on,  or  excite  a  dog.  2.  To  incite 
one  against  another. 

&%Q?$  usirika,  adj.  Of,  or  belonging 

to  Emblic  inyrobalan.  Phylian- 
thus   emblica. 

^ftes'sS-Ef^fi  usirikapatstsadi,  s.  A 
sort  of  food  made  like  pap,  com- 
posed of  sour  milk,  mustard,  and 
emblic  myrobalan.  & %bg  6&&x>rr> 
ob5  usirika  rirrugaya,&  Pickle  made 
of  the  emblic  myrobalan. 




&%%o  usillu,  s.  White  ants,  or  termes, 
with  wings,  vide  a^^b  isulln. 

fe&>s*»  usumuj  v,  a.  To  clean  or  wash 

&&>tf>  usuru,  5.  Life ;  vitality.  2. 
Breath.  3.  Strength.  &tfatfs6  usu- 
ranu,  v.  a.  lit.  To  invoke  life,  to 
be  much  vexed.  ^Joo&^^r0^  u- 

suruputstsukonu,  To  kill.    2.   To 
injure  or  annoy  severely. 

£r&ex>  usulu,  s.    Becovery  of  health. 

2.  Facility,  adj,  Better  in  health. 

2.  Easy. 

dr^j    tiste>    adj.     vide    fe^ioj^  uch- 

^-&oxtf?$o  ussuranu,  -y.  rc.  wc/e-  £r6o£tfS 

usuranu,  Under  ^-^obb  usuru. 

&  u,  The  sixth  letter  in  the  Telugu 

£i?T  uka,  s.  The  husk  of  paddy,  vide 

£>i6xig  umuka. 
£4 §o^b  ukintsu,  v.  a.   To  shake  ;   to 

agitate,  or  move.  2.  To  endeavour* 

or  make  an  effort. 
Or^,  ^r*^  ukottu,  ukonu,   v.    a. 

To  make  a  sort  of  noise,  so  as  to 

shew  that  one  is   listening  to  a 

speaker.  2.  To  listen,  or  hear. 

^?*o  ligu,  v.  n.  To  swing  ;  to  be  agi- 
tated, or  shaken.  S*?fcen»2&  Qgula- 

du,  To  swing.  &>?&zr°is  ugulata,  s> 
Swinging.  ^fto-sfo  ugintsu,  v.  a.  To 
shake  ;  to  move  ;  to  swing  or  rock. 
Otf  utsa,  s.  The  stalk  of  the  Holcus 
saccharatus  or  great  millet,  com- 
monly termed  Jonnalu,  before 
the  grain  is  ripe.  2.  The  tender 
inside  of  the  plantain  tree,  ter- 
minating in  the  stalk,  which 
bears  the  fruit.  ^^Oossq^  utsa- 

biyyamu,s.  Tender  or  unripe  grain 
of  the  Jonnalu  or  great  millet. 

£4  3o  utsu,  v.  n.  The  falling  off  of  tho 
hair  from  sickness. 

£*xfcut&ti,  v.  a.  vide  £45\o%&  ugintsu, 
Under  £Afo  ugu,. 

&&  uta?  5.  A  natural  spring  or  foun- 
tain of  water.  2.  The  sap  of  plants, 
3.  The  juice  of  fruits.  4.  The 
liquor  of  pickles,  adj.  Heavy.  2. 
Abounding  in  springs,  moist.  3. 
Full  of  sap.  4.  Juicy. 

&&r*&  litadu,  v.  n.  To  move  as  the 
waves  of  the  sea,  to  be  violently 
agitated,  or  shaken. 

£a£  udas   5.    Fibrous   roots*  which 

grow  downwards  from  the  bran- 
ches of  the  banyan,  and  other 

&4&Ks5w  udigamu,  s.  Slavery.  2.  Do- 
mestic service.  &>&X$)or*&i  lidiga- 
pnvadu,  A  slave  ;  a  vassal.  2.  A 
domestic  servant. 





&>Z$o  udu,  v.  n.  To  be  separated, 
loosened,  or  unfastened.  2.  To 
take  flight.  3.  To  be  dismissed. 

&*£&•&,  &>zk>\  udutsu,  lidtsu,  v.  a.  To 
sweep.  2.  To  relax,  loosen,  or 
slacken.  3.  To  transplant.  £4&>$ 
udupu,  s.  Sweeping.  2.  Transplant- 
ing. &&>%)&&  udupumadi,  s.  A 
plot  or  field  in  which  grain  has 
been  transplanted. 

£4&  lita,  s.  A  fishing  hook,  2.  Sup. 

port,  e^&r^  utakola,  A  walking 

£a 3  uda,  s.   Envy.    2.  A  swelling,  a 

tumor.  &$$&$  udakadupu,  s.  A 

pot  belly. 
&>&&  udara,  s.  A  great  smoke.  (~i><$ 

tf"3£s>  udarabefctu,  To    smoke    an 

animal  in  a  hole,  in  order  to  de- 
stroy it. 

£* -sr°  uba,  adj.  Of  a  brown  colour. 

£i2$b  udu,  v.  a.  To  blow.  2.  To  blow 
a  fire  with  the  breath,  or  with  a 
bellows.  3.  To  blow  out  a  light. 
The  natives  seldom  extinguish  a 
light  with  the  breath,  because  fire 
is  deemed  a  minor  divinity.  4.  To 
blow  or  'sound  any  wind  instru- 
ment. 5.  To  lean  upon.  v.  n.  To 
be  sweln.  &>tSosr>-%c$x>  uduvadde- 
mu,  A  wind  instrument.  £*3o-t5b 
udintsu,  v.  Caus.  To  cause  to  blow, 
as  above.  £&$&•*$  udipovu,  To  be 

swoln.  2.  To  be  puffed  with  wind, 
£iatf"3o&  udinavendi,  Eure  silver. 

&4tf8&»  unamu,  adj.  Less.  2.  Defec- 
tive, s.  Defect ;  maim.  2.  Injury. 

£4(33,  £*s&\  unu,  untsu,  v.  a.  To  fix 
firmly,  to  place  steadfastly.  &>$*&* 
&r>zk  unimatlada,  To  speak  firm- 


&>S>0  upiri,  s.  Breath;  respiration. 

£*s&  upu,  v.  a.  vide  ^i$b  utsu. 

&>^tfs5s>  upuramu,  s.  The  protuber- 
ance or  hump  on  the  neck  of  In- 
dian oxen. 

^a«r>e^ubavaclu,  s.  A  eunuch. 

£*£)  ubi,  s.  Mud,  mire. 

^AS'S'  uraka,  adv.  Commonly  written 
OQ~§  urike,  Without  emotion  of 
any  kind;  quietly,  silently,  peace- 
ably. 2.  At  leisure,  in  idleness, 
without  employment.  3.  "Without 
cause,  reason,  or  meaning.  4.  Only. 
5.  Gratis.  6.  For  pastime.  7. 
Without  success.  8.  Constantly. 

&>ti£o&  lirakanda,  s.  The  root  term- 
ed Tacca  pinnatifida,  often  used 
as  food  by  the  natives, 

£itf&o-db  uradintsn,  v.  a.  To  Comfort; 
to  console;  to  appease.  2.  To  con- 
dole with. 

Otf&sw,  Otf&sw  uradilu,  uradilln,  v. 
n.  To  be  consoled,  comforted,  or 

&tf  c-Urdhwa 


&>  &>  o-Uhin 

^i^^oa  urapandi,  5.  The  tame  or 
domestic  hog,  opposed  to  the  wild 

£*tf  fiats'  urapitstsuka,  5.  A  sparrow. 

£*tt»&^  urartsu,  v.  a.  vide  £4tfcio-t$b 

£*8^§  urike,  adv.  vide  OS'S'  uraka. 

&i&  uru,  s.  A  village.  £i&so*e3e>o  uru- 
pallelu,  s.  Villages,  great  and 

Otfb$  urupu,  s.  Breath.  s<bj-»&^ 
nitturupu,  A  sigh. 

&>~67fo  uregu,  v.  n.  To  go  in  proces- 
sion, through  a  village,  or  town. 
This  is  applied  to  marriage,  or 
religious  processions. 

&"35\o-&  uregintsu,  v.  Caus.  To  cause 
to  go  in  procession.  <fcc.  £&~3Ao£> 
uregimpu,  A  procession,  &c.  As 

£*&\  urtsu,  v.  a.  To  respire.  2.  To 
sigh.  3.  To  rub  together,  and  col- 
lect with  the  hand  the  remains  of 
food,  on  a  plate,  or  in  a  vessel,  or 
any  liquid  that  falls  on  the  ground, 

&8«£s5to  urjitamu,    adj.    Confirmed; 

strengthened.  2   Stable. 
&>$  os5»s  urdhwamu,  adv.  On  high, 


^  9  S  er*  *  *™  urdhwa  lokamu,    s. 

£*&j  urpu,  s.  vide  ££&;£)  urupu,  2.  A 
thick  preparation  of  tamarinds^ 
with  various  vegetables. 

OtfoS,  ^*8q?>  urvas'i,  urvasi,  s.  Oor- 
vasi,  one  of  the  celestial  nymphs. 

Oesfco  urrata,  s.  Leisure.  2.  Aid,  help. 
£*es&ex>,  O-efBev)  urradilu,  urradillu. 

'  CO  •  •  ' 

v.  72.  vide  Otf&yo  uradilu. 

£iM3  urru,  v.  n.  To  be  pickled.  2. 
To  be  puffed  or  fat.  3.  To  spring, 
as  water  from  its  source.  4.  To 
sink  into,  enter,  or  penetrate,  as 
ink  into  paper.  5.  To  be  soaked. 
6.  Medicine  to  affect  the  body. 

£*&-7r°css  urugaya,  s.  Pickled  fruit. 
£4&a-S\fi  urubatstaadi,  s.  Fruit  first 
mashed,  and  tben  pickled. 

£*&£)ocl  urubindi,  s.  Any  pulse, 'fried 
with  ghee  and  chill}-,  then  ground, 
and  made  iuto  a  thick  mixture,  by 
the  addition  of  salt,  and  water. 

£4!^  ulika,   s.  The  litter  generally 

called  a  Looly. 
£*Stf"3S  usaravelli,*.  Anoldchameli- 

£*sS?  uha,  s.  Thought,  reasoning,  2. 

A  guess. 
&*!r*oi5b  uhintsu,  v.  a.  To  think  ;   to 

reason.  2.  To  guess. 




<&x>  ri  The  seventh  letter  in  the  Te- 
lugu  alphabet. 

2^00  2^^)  ridzuvu,  adj.  Straight. 

scODrasSoo  rirtamu,  5.  A  debt.  worasSao 
^ook  rinamucheyu,  To  contract 
debt ;  to  borrow,  wcxmsS^o  rinapa 
du,  To  get  in  to  debt.  soxrasSaof^ 
TinamutirtsQ,  To  pay  a  debt.  s^Ora 
&>&>  rinasthudu,  A  debtor. 

a>ao«&$  rituvu,  s-  The  menstrual  eva- 
cuation. a>:o&>srfio  rituvagu,  v.  %. 
To  become  menstruous.  wco«&>a£8 
ritumati,  A  woman  in  her  courses. 
2.  A  season,  the  sixth  part  of  a 
year,  comprising  two  months. 

©xx> &o §0^-,  vod®o?p?&>  ritvikku,  ritvi 
judu,  s.  An  officiating  priest  •,  one 
who  is  hired  to  perform  the  grand 
sacrifice,  called  Yaga. 

woosx^rsfoo  rishabhamu,  s.  A  bull  or 
ox.  2.  The  second  of  the  seven 
notes  in  the  Hindoo  gamut. 

£>dd?x  rishi,  s.  A  saint,  a  sage. 

o3  e,  The  tenth  letter  of  the  Telugu 
alphabet.  It  is  often  used,  before 
words  beginning, 
for  long  &  e ;  In  this  case,  the 
following  consonant  is  doubled; 

thus,  ae§s"s5»  ede&'amu,  Is  often 
written  o^^sSw  eddesamn,  Which 
country  ? 

ojo^D  eogili,  s.  Irregular.  Inflex.  sing. 
^o5vD>  oio^feS  engili,  engiti ;  nom. 
plu.  o3o5\g,  doAo^o  engillu,  engi- 
ndlu,  The  spittle.  2.  Any  thing 
that  has  become  impure  by  touch- 
ing the  mouth.  3.  The  refuse, 
crumbs,  or  remains  of  victuals. 

o)  o-ifo  entsu,  v.  a.  To  count,  to  reckon. 
2.  To  esteem,  to  regard.  3.  To 
think,  believe,  or  imagine.  oJoiSb 
§"(33  entsukonu,  v.  Oomp.  To 
count,  reckon,  think,  or  believe, 
for  one's-self.  2-  To  reflect  ;  to 
revolve  in  one's  mind. 

oiods^nda,  s.  The  suii-shme ;  the 
heat  of  the  sun.  "6  So  c  So  reyenda, 
Moon-shine.  £o&iv>crtx>  endagayu, 
To  be  sun-shins.  ojcSflSfc-^ex)  enda- 
mavtilu,  Excessive  heat  produces 
an  appearance,  at  a  distance,  re- 
sembling a  sheet  of  water,  which 
is  thus  named ;  it  is  termed  by  the 
French   mirage. 

^  o^o  endu,  v.  '/.•.  To  become  dry,  to 
dry  up.  2.  The  body  to  become 
lean  or  thin.  3.  Trees,  plants,  lea- 
ves, &q.  To  wither  or  die.  eio^o-^ 
endintsu,  v.  a.  To  dry. 

^o<3b  endu,  adj.  Dried.  cio&b'S^ew 
endudevulu,  A  lingering  disease, 
gradually  reducing  the  body. 




oio^b^^to  enduputatta,  s.  A  large 
basket,  in  which  things  are  spread 
to  dry. 

oio  2£,~s-*o&,  o^o^S  endrakaya,  endri, 
s.  A  crab.  o)o^-cr>3  endrirasi.  The 
sign  Cancer. 

c3o£  enta,  An  adjective  or  substan- 
tive pronoun,  not  declinable,  ex- 
cept in  a  few  cases.  It  is  the  in- 
terrogative offc9oe£  anta,  and  30  £ 
inta,  q.  v.  How  ?  how  much  ? 
how  many  ?  2.  what?  It  may  be 
used  in  an}7  interrogation  respect- 
ing time,  number,  wei'iht,  or  qu- 
antity. oio^"lcg)  entasepu,  How 
long  a  time  ?  o}oe£o5oo&  entarnan- 
di,   How  many  people  ? 

^ol§3  enteni,  adv.  Much,  extremely. 

c^o&^&o  entofo,  adj.  pro.  How?  how 
much  ?  how  many  ? 

oio&eas  endarrn,  Indef.  pro.  The  in- 
terrogative of  tso£e£»  andarru, 
and  s^o£ea>  indarru,  q.  v.  How 
many  ? 

0)0  &>  endu,  pro.  Defective.  What? 
oiossbSo  enduku,  For  what  ?  why? 
wherefore  ?  adv.  Where  ?  what 
place  ?  oSotsyg,  cdotfjsoS'  endaka, 
endanuka,  How  far?  how  long? 
as  far  as  what  place  ?  until  when? 

c5o"3eJ§'s5M,  o}o"3&§§  emberrikamu, 
emberriki,  adj.  Ugly.  2.  Loath- 
some, disgusting. 

Ag  eT°l>  ekatali,  s.  vide  ^xnr§  egataii. 
ois'^l^-sSoa  ekasakkenm,    s.  A  joke. 

2.  Mockery. 
oi-g-°^a§  ekaeiri,  adj.  Sudden,  speedy. 

2.  Alone,  single. 
oJ§E>cr>2&   ekimidu,  5.   A   master,   or 

lord.  2.  A  king,  or  ruler.  3.   An 

oi^feS  ekkati,   adj.  Alone. 

<3£k_&  ekkada,  adv.  Where?  Ag^S 
&&\  »  o^'k--^  ekkaclanunnu,  ek- 
kada, Every  where,  d  §"(,_£»^, 
p3r^_T^."efj5b  ekkaclanunnu,  ekka- 
da-ledu,  No  where,  ^^-^aboS), 
<h£lr.&&o&  ekkadanunchi,  ekkada 
nundi,  Whence,  <,}  sf^eSis-p-0  ekka- 
danaina,  Any  where.  oiar^-^S  ek- 
kadiki,  whither?  fr^s^S  or»2»^> 
nivekkadi  vadavu,  What  country 
man  art  thou?  fr^s^eS  ^"S^^ 
nivekkada  vadekkada,  What  a 
great  difference,  or  distance,  there 
is,between  thee  and  him.  ^<>  &sr* 
ekkadano,  &c.  Where  I  Know 
not,  or  am  in  doubt,  where. 

o}§k-8o-&  ekkirintsu,  v.  a.  To  make 
faces  ;  to  mock  j  to  deride.  ^%>r_ 
8oe5  ekkirinta,  s.  Making  faces, 
mockery,    derision.   2.  A  vehicle. 

^I^e)  ekkili,  s.    The  hiccough. 

oi&k-  ekku,  v.  a.  To  ascend,  mount, 
or  climb.  2.  To  embark,   ride  up- 




on,  or  to  get  into  any  conveyance. 
v.  n.  To  rise,  to  be  augmented, 
increased,  or  accamulated.  a^-go 
gb^_  vishamekku,  Poison  to  rise 
or  mount.  j&^sb^  mattekku,  To 
get  intoxicated,  tit.  Intoxication 
to  rise.  s&^-aoSo^madamekkUjTo 
become 'lesherous.  lit.  Lust  to 
mount,  tfcla&gbjj-  vaddiyekku,  In- 
terest. To  accrue.  oi§k-o<tfc  ekkin- 
tsu,  v.  Caus.  To  cause  to  ascend. 
&c.  v.  a.  To  raise,  augment,  &c.  2. 
To  export. 

£&k_  ekku,  s,  A  bow  string.  2.  A 
hiccough.  o^§o^_aoa53  ekkudintsu, 
v.  a.  To  unbend  a  bow-  oi§o^_  £>&» 
ekkubettu,  To  bend  a  bow. 

o^Sol-^  ekkudu*  adj.  Noble  ;  chief, 
great  2  Exorbitant,  si  An  ascent. 
2.  Greatness,  o)§b^_^ba^o^b  ekku- 
dudigudu,  s.  Ascent  and  descent; 
unevenness  of  ground,  adj.  Un- 

^Sc^-^D'gteS'sSM    ekkudumekamu,  s. 

An  elephant. 

oi§o?_ex>"3toa  ekkulubetta,  *?.  a.  To 
excite  ;  to  instigate.  2.  To  pro- 

o>  &(,-£>,  <a&k_$  ekkuva,  ekkuvu,  s. 
Eminence,  superiority.  2.  Excess, 
exaggeration.  3.  Any  thing  ex- 
traordinary.  adj.  More.  2.  High, 
eminent,  superior.  3.  Excessive, 
exaggerated,  superfluous.  4.  Ex- 

traordinary, remarkable.  5.  Ex- 
cellent, noble.  6.  Valuable.  «5§ol_ 
tf&§ok_ss  ekkuva  takkuva,  More 
or  less,  eigo^^o^^"  ekkuvavadu, 
An  eminent  or  extraordinary  man. 

<0K  ega,  adv.  Above,  up,  upwards. 
It  is  opposed  to  a£  diga,  below. 
eiK^&o  egagottu,  w  a.  To  toss  up. 
2.  To  deny.  3.  To  disregard  what 
another  says.  4.  To  turn  another's 
words  into  ridicule.  5.  To  refute. 
£?C^<g)  egajepu,  v.  a.  T&  draw  up 
or  retain  one's  milk  ;  as  e?cgi!p"e3X' 
■^"^^>  avupalegajepenu,  The  cow 
retained  her  milk,  s.  The  act  of 
retaining  one's  milk. 

ciKoaoo  egayu,  v.  n.  vide.  &%c&>  egiyu. 

StXtiy  eiK^T"^  egasana,  egasana,  adv. 
Above,  up,  on  high.  ^XStfS^csco 
egasanadoyu,  To  lift  up.  2.  To 
push  in.  3.  To  pull  out,  and  dress 
the  wick  of  a  lamp. 

o)5\cx&  egiyu,  v.  n.  To  fly  2.  To  rise 
in  the  air  ;  to  rise  upwards.  3.  To 
fly  at  another,  in  order  to  attack 

o3762&afib2&egududigudu,  s.  cp  adj. 
vide  casbk-SkSKb^b  ekkududigudu, 
Under  the  head  of  asfy-Sk  ekku- 



«376sSbD  egumati,  s.  Exportation, 
shipment.  ^Tfbs&^aKbskS  egumati- 
digumati,  Exportation  and  impor- 

<37fo&  eguru,  v.  n.  vide  oiftcoSj  egiyu, 
For  ciftes^jg)  egiripovu,  vide  £%h 
&*$>  egisipovu,  And  for  AkQzzSo 
egiripadu,  vide  *>*&£&>  egisipadu, 
Both  under  o^csfio  egiyu,  For  oixtf 
JT'toa  egaragottu,  vide  ^Xfr^too  ega- 
gottu,  Under  *jX-d  a  s^ceco  ega-e- 
garaveyu,  To  toss  or  throw  up  in 
the  air. 

oi  7fos5  eguva,  5.  The  top  ;  the  upper 
part  of  any  thing. 

ci  Tfoss  eguva,  adv.  Above,  up,  on  high. 

o};fo  eggu,  s.  Shame,  disgrace.  2.  Re- 
proach, blame.  3.  Injury,  mischief,  - 

oi-tfto  etsata,  adv.  Where  ?  in  which 
place  %  It  is  the  interrogative  of 
£?-#  to  atsata,  and  s^to  itsata,  q.  v. 

oi-D5\eo-&  etstsarintsia,  v.  a.  To  hint  ; 
to  mention  imperfectly  ;  to  bring 
to  mind  by  a  slight  mention  ;  to 
put  one  in  mind  of  any  thing.  2. 
To  forewarn  ;  to  caution.  d-;5\8o 
-t$br°,v»  etstsarintsukonu,  v.  Comp. 
To  challenge,  as  guards  do ;  to 
give  a  caution. 

oi-CxQ^  etstsarika,  s.  A  hint,  the  act 
of  mentioning   slightty,   intima- 


tion.  2.  Caution,  circumspection; 
vigilance,  precaution.  0iiS^a§'sS^> 
etstsarikapadu,  To  be  cautious  ; 
to  be  aware  of.  N  tf\Q%^a&>  etstsa- 
rikacheyu,  To  caution  or  warn. 
^tf^QS'^sSv  etstsarikatappu,  To  be 
careless,  inattentive ;  to  be  off 
one's  guard. 

di5b\  etstsu,  v.  n.  vide  ~^r>^\  hetstsu. 

^-tS^xto,  ^tS^\?  d-^xto  etstsota,  ets- 
tso,  etstsota,  adv.  Where  ;  at 
whicfe  place.  It  is  the  interroga- 
tive of  wtS^v  atstso,  and  sjtS^x  to 
itstsota,  q.  v. 

o5  to  eta,  adv.  Where?  in  what  place  ?" 
It  is  the  interrogative  of  esto  ata, 
and  sjto  ita,  q.  v» 

oitoD  eti j,  particle.  Where  ?  2.  What? 
3.  How.  It  is  the  interrogative  of 
estoo  ata,  and  g&»  itu,  q.  v.  AkxsSc 
feS,  oi^s^o^  etuvanti,  eshuvauti, 
What  like  ?  what  sort  ? 

oitooejo  etulu,  adv.  vide  dto-*  etla. 

dto~is)  ettakeni,  adv.  With  difficulty. 

dtolfoSo  ettakelaku,  adv.  For  a  long 
time?  for  a  great  while, 

dtoSo&&>  ettayeduru,  s.  The  very 
front,  the  point  directly  opposite. 

o5fe3  etti,  adj>  pro.  What  like?  What 
kind  ?  It  is  the  interrogative  of 
«£  atti,  And  &>&  itti,    q.    v. 



^  ©§r*_Ettik6 

^&r°,  o)kr°;6,  o3fc»  etla,  etlasru,  efclu. 

CO  on  CO  -  o       y  •  ' 

adv.  How?  In  what  manner?  In 
what  state  or  way?  It  is  the  in- 
terrogative of  &&r°  atla,  And  q&t* 

itla,  q.  v.  oi<Jx°i^,  dkr0^1^  etla- 

■'•  CO       Q '  CO        Q 

gaina.  etianaina,  In  any  manner 
whatever ;  by  any  means  ■  any 

^2s  eda,  s.  Place,  space.  2.  Medium, 
interval.  3.  A  distance.  4.  Time. 
esSocS  ayeda,  That  time.  o}£^>&o 
-7r°  edayedanga,  Separately. 

o52s«  edada, .?.  Inner  thought ;  secret 
opinion  ;  real  sentiment. 

oi&ss'  edapaka,  adv,  This  is  the  ne- 
gative verbal  participle  of  »>£$ 
edapu,  The  causal  form  of  oi&cobo 
edayu,  To  separate,  it  signifies 
literally,  without  causing  to  sepa- 
rate, but  in  common  use  is  equiva- 
lent to  continually  without  inter- 
ruption, incessantly,  always. 

ci&sfc  edama,  adj.  The  left.  <0&s&  ~i 
ex>,  ci^sSb'^cwe  edama  kelu,  edama- 
cheyyi,  The  left  hand. 

.si&i&M  edamu,  s>  Space,  spot,  room. 

2.   Cause,  ground,  foundation.  3. 

Opportunity,  occasion.  4.  Means. 

^&»D-£b\  edamitstsu,  To  give  an 


oi&o&o  edayu,  v.  a.  To  separate  v.  n. 
To  be  broken,  separated  or  dis- 
united. A&$)  edapu,  v.  caus.  To 

cause  to  separate,  v.  a.  To  break, 
separate  or  disunite,  vide  asfoss' 

<3e£{fc  edaru,  s.  An  interval.  2.  An 

oV&ex)  edalu,  v.  n.  To  go. 

At9°Q  edari,  s.  A  desert  or  wilder- 

oi^b  edu,  A  particle  denoting  quan- 
tity, affixed  to  words,  and  corres- 
ponding to  the  English  affix  full, 
in  such  phrases  as  a  handful,  a 
mouthful,  &c. 

da£  edda,  s.  vide,  d&s  edada. 

d"g  edde,  adj.  Stupid.  2.  Obstinate. 
oi"3£tfs£»  eddetanamu,  s.  Stupi- 
dity.  2.  Obstinacy. 

oJ&>  edlu,  s.  plu.  of  oie5b  eddu,  q.  v. 

ro  '  Ci 

Bulls,  oxen.  ^&  r0  £  j-^  ska  ecllakot- 
tamu,  A  stall  for  bulls  or  oxen. 

d&^a-sr0^  etubarikadu,  .?.  A  thief; 
a  rogue. 

ei^o  ettu,  5.  Height.  2.  Weight.  3. 
A  burden.  4.  A  quantity  of  two 
vis,  or  6}  pounds.  5.  A  wreath  of 
flowers,  adj.  High.  2  Heavy,  v.  a, 
To  lift  up  ;  to  raise.  2.  To  seize; 
to  take  away.  3.  To  assume.  4.  To 
begin.  5,  To  obtain  or  procure.  6. 
To  find  out  an  item  in  an  account* 
v.  n.  To  rise. 

o)  ©§^00  ettikolu,  s.  Endeavour,  ex- 




3&K&  ettugada,  s.  A  project;  a 
contrivance.  2.  An  endeavour  or 

A&K&vo  ettugaddalu,  s.   The  two 

— °       C9 

clods  of  earth  forming  a  fire  place 
or  hearth. 
3s  eda,  s.  The  mind.  2.  The  breast, 
3.  The  heart.  ^-sp^csSo  edanave- 
yu,  v.  a.  To  take  any  thing  unlaw- 
fully or  unjustly. 

cd&Tfo  edagu,  v.  n.  -To  grow  ;  to  ve- 
getate ;  to  increase  in  stature,  d  a 
5\tfsS£o-i$b  ediginapadutsu,  A  girl 
who  is  marriageable. 

oi^^)  edavu,  5.  A  cow  ready  for 
the  bull. 

oi  jfo«b  edurn,  s.  The  front,  that  which 
is  opposite-  2.  Presence.  3.  A  pa- 
rallel or  comparison. 

oitfcl  edcladi,  s.  Poverty,  indigence. 
2.  Scarcity. 

cOssb  eddu,  s.  An  ox,  or  bullock.  %  A 
bull.  oij5bK>&><$  eddubaluvu,  A  bul- 
lock load,  A&?r*&  eclduvadu.  A 
bullock-driver,  or  owner.  To  geld 
a  bull. 

«dtf  ena,  adj.  Equal. 

dtfsS  enapa,  adj.  vide  £$&&&  enumu, 

©)tfg  enabhai,  adj.  Eighty. 
dZ&oZsoj  enamandru,  s.  plu.  Eight 

3 Stores©  enamannurru,  adj.  Eight 

citfcsk  enayu,  v.  n,  To  be  united,  or 
attached  to  ;  to  be  joined,  or  mix- 
ed. 2.  To  be  on  intimate  terms  of 
friendship.  3.  To  be  in  coitu.  4. 
To  be  mixed,  as  ingredients  in 
food.  5.  To  be  of  one  accord,  in 

olio^enike,  s.  A  thread,  composed 
of  four  single  spun-threads  united. 

oiioaoa  enimidi,   adj.  Eight. 

dSctfco  eniyu,  v.  n.  vide  cOtfctfo  enayu. 

■Js&afc,  o^ssotg)  enutsu,  enupu,  v.  a.  To 
mix,  or  mingle.  2.  To  stir  with  a 
stick,  as  ingredients  in  a  dish.  & 
sfcs&ifc  ennpudu,  The  act  of  mix- 
inor,  or  of  stirring  as  above. 

Afr&i&a  enupotu,  s.  A  male  buffalo. 
o^sSoo,  oisso-ao*5  enumu,  enupenti, 
A  female  buffalo.  <D;5b3  enupa,  aclj< 
Of,  or  belonging  to,  a  buffalo,  as 
e5tf>Stfr>&  enupadiida,  A  buffalo- 

J ss&aa  enubadi,  a$.  Numeral. Eighty, 

Si^efe  ennadu,  adv.  lit.  What  day? 
When  %    2.  Always,  ever. 

^SK    enni,   adj.  vro.    Collective,  in 
the  neuter  gender.  How  many  ? 
It  is  the    interrogative   of   «l^ 
anni,  and  3?^  inni,  q.  v... 




c5  sks1  ennika,  s.  The  act  of  counting. 
2.  A  thought.  3.  An  opinion.  4. 
Esteem,  regard.  5.  Conjecture, 

<Ds&\  ennu,  s.  The  ear  of  paddy,  or 
of  other  similar  grain. 

•JaoN  ennu,  p.  a.  To  count,  to  reck- 
on. 2.  To  esteem,  or  regard.  3. 
To  think,  believe,  or  imagine,  vide 
oio-ifc  entsu. 

o)^\Q  enbadi,  adj.  Numeral.  Eighty. 
cdcg)2&,  o^sSyj^o  epuclu,  eppudu,   adv. 

When  ?  At  what  time. 
^"SxoSSsfca  ebberrikamu,  aefy*.  Ugly, 

loathsome,  disgusting. 
o)sx>~§  emike,  s.  vide  cOsS^S'  emuka. 
o)S)oSsex>,  ^StossS'-^sSaoew    emidikalu, 

emidikapainulu,  s. Worms,  (Teres) 

such   as   are   engendered   in   the 

human  species. 

3s5a>s'5    eisfoa.  emukar    emmu,    s.   A 

— 0 

bone.  ^s5oo§'e;55G£X3  emukalavarrru, 
A  person  reduced  by  disease  to 
mere  skin  and  bone. 

oiifc  ernme,  s.  Beauty. 

cjtf  era,  s.  Sorrow,  grief.  2.  Bait,  or 
prey  of  any  kind,  used  to  catch 
fish,  wild  beasts,  &c    3.  Food. 

£9otfo  eriyu,  v.  n.  To  burn  ;  to  be 
consumed.  2.  To  grieve.  oitfK®, 
c^tfsse)  eragali,  eravali,  s.  Fire  in 
a  forest,  or  jungle. 

<dtfb$  eruvu,  s.  A  thing  lent  or  bor- 
rowed, for  temporary  use.  2. 

cies  erra,  s.  Redness.  2-  Food.  c^'. 
Red.  2.  possible- 

oiesrew  errakalu,  s.  pi.  Wings. 

c5&srto  erragu,  p.  a.  To  prostrate 
oneVself ;  to  bow. 

<Des-S)  errachi,  5.   Flesh. 

e^fe5^eJ^s5w  erraparrikamu,  s.  Reluc- 
tance, disinclination.  2.  Aversion, 
repugnance;  disgust.  3.  Contempt. 

<0&3sfcok>ew  erramantalu,  5.  A  great 
heat.  2.  Inflammation. 

<3e5l  errike,  5.  m'cfe  oiesoJfo  errugti. 

oieasg'o-sr'd^),  ©)  eso So -53-° £sb  errukalava- 
c]u,  errukuvadu,  5.  Zi£.  One  who 
knows.  The  male  of  a  certain  tribe, 
inhabiting  forests  and  mountains, 
of  which  tfye  females  are  renown- 
ed as  fortune-tellers.  They  speak 
a  language  different  from  that 
used  by  the  people  of  the  plains, 
and  in  their  habits  much  resemble 
the  gypsies. 

ciasoTfo  errugu,  v.  a.  To  possess  a  pre- 
vious knowledge  of.  2.  To  be  ac- 
quainted with.  3.  To  understand, 
or  know.  This  verb  is  chiefly  us-id' 
in  the  aorist. 

c^s^osg)  errupu,  $*  R.edness- 




^ea  erra,  adj.  Red,  2.  Of  a  fair  colour. 
s.  A  red  earth-worm,  used  as  bait. 
o)es£)sS>  erracliima,  A  red-ant.  <0e$ 
»"3ew^)  erranivelupu,  ft£.  The  red 
deity,  the  sun.  Jm^K^  erra- 
vullioadda,  Onion,  2>ide  &£>  ulli. 

O         .      .  CO 

^e»  ela,  adj.  Tender,  delicate.  AvsxrS 

elaniavi,  A  young  mango.   oiej-jafK 

elanaga,  A  female    of  a   delicate 

Av?C*zx>    elagolu,  5.  The  van-guard 

of  an  army. 
o5e>&>  elami,  s.  Joy;  pleasure;  delight, 
o^oooo-db  elayintsu,  v.  a.  To  gladden, 

or  exhilarate.  2.  To  give, 
a 8 "3  elike,  5.  vide  £&>£  eluka, 
oiewo^o'cT'e^^   elunguralpada,    s.    A 

low  inarticulate  expression  of  joy 

or  grief. 

Aoog  eluka,  s.  A  rat,  oSoogasS^sfc  elu 
kalabonu,  A  rat-trap.  ^sws'^SsSS  s' 
elukackevipallika,  lit.  The  rat-ear- 
ed plant.  The  evolvulus  emargi- 

<0ex>7&  elugu,  5.  The  human  voice.  2. 
The  cry  of  any  animal.  3.  Sound. 
4.  A  bear.  o)sx>5\^  elugitstsu,  To 
make  a  noise;  tw  roar,  or  cry.  £vo 
l?e^  elugettu,  To  raise  the  voice. 
cisw/fb-cpco&j  eluguriyu,  To  become 

oiswJfcff*^,  oiexj^osSbotS  eluguffoddu. 
elugunianti,  s.  A  bear. 

»ta   ella,  adj.  All.  5.  A  limit,  or  bound- 

ary.  otasS^efo  ellappudu,    Always, 

frequently.   J  abb     ellaru,   Every 

one.  0)0  tpom  ellarayi,  A  boundary 

stone,  oio  a^ea-ifc  ellaerparratsrs 

To  fix    a   boundary.   £v  zs^&ir*^) 

elladatipovu,  To  transgress  a  bo- 

dS  elli,  s.  To-morrow. 

pi©  S55m  ellidamu,  s.  Astonishment, 
surprise,  wonder. 

o)oooS  ellundi,  s.  The  day  after  to- 

oiso^  evvadu,  _pro.  Interrogative, 
masc.  Sing.  Who?  its  fem.  and 
neuter  form  is  £)a  edi. 

^sJcl  evvate,  pro.  Interrogative, 
tern-  sing.  Which  woman?  vide 
i)a  edi.  *"* 

^&  evvaru,    pro. 


masc.  &  fern.  pi.  Who  ?  its  neuter 

form  is£)3  evi- 
pissp  eshu,  rtc?2?.How?.in  whatmanuer? 

in  what  way?  e^tfofeS  eshuvanti, 

adj.    What  kind  or   sort?  cJs&ss-g 

eshu  vale,  Like  what? 
Azg&»  esakavnu,  s.   Exaggeration. 
.\37fc  esagu,  v.  n.  To   resemble,  to 

agree  with. 

ftflo^gu  84 


c5tf&  esaru,  s.  Water,  boiled  for  the 
purpose  of  dressing  victuals,  &c 
£$u  esala,  s.  Aflat  earthen  vessel. 
o)£a-°&  esalaru,  v.n.  To  be  adorned. 

&  e,  The  eleventh  letter  of  the  Telu- 
gu  alphabet.  2.  The  indeclinable 
interrogative  pronoun  Which  ? 
what?  as.  £)atf8too  edinamu,  What 

S)Sto  ekata,  s.  Hope?  desire,  expec- 
tation.- 2.  Intention,  design. 

&$£»  ekamu,  adj.  One.  2.  Alone, 
single,  o.  Solitary.  4.  Joined,  com" 
bined,  &g&x>~r?>  ekamuga,  adv.  As 
one.  2.  In  a  body.  3.  Altogether, 
all  at  once.  4.  Combinedly.  5. 
Compactly.  6.  Singly,  alone. 

^-^tfb  ekaru,  v.  n.  To  whimper  or 
beg  for  any  thing  in  alow  voice. 

J)gp  eku,  v.  a.  To  defame;  to  pub- 
lish another's  faults.  2.  To  clean, 
pick,  or  beat  cotton,  s.  A  roll  of 
'cleaned  cotton,  prepared  for  the 

D  ir>*>  egani,  s.  A  Hindoo  copper  coin, 
of  the  value  of  ten  cash- 

e)Kb  egu,  v.  n-  To  go.  l)Ao-&  egintsu, 
v.  Gam.  To  cause  to  go.  vide  &> 
ISflo  uregu? 

&-J?  etsa,  aefy'.  aide  &%-tiX£cg&&g 
esa-etsakankatitsukka,  The  twenty 
first  of  the  lunar  mansions,  lit. 
The  crooked-bed  constellation.  & 
■Xsfako  etsamata,  Ungrammatical 

$)£b  etsu,  v.  a.  To  torment,  trouble 
annoy,  or  harass- 

<)£  eti,  adj.  What  sort  ?  what  kind  ? 
This  is  also  the  inflection  singular 
of  two  irregular  nouns,  viz.  ^ea> 
erru,  A  river,  and  £)  *fo  erju,  A  year. 

^^S'^p'sSw  etikapamu,  s.  vide  <a$x>&$od 

$bx>  etu,  s.  A  blow. 

tit&joti  etrinta,  s.  The  small  black 
bird,  generally  termed  the  king- 

£)a£  eda,  adv.  Where? 

$&z>  edava,  Ordinal  number.  Se- 

^-c^r^sfoa  edakodamu,  s.  Contra- 
diction. 2.  Opposition.  &T9V3JV& 
s5»-7V°  edakodamuga,  adv.  Con- 

Dxr»a  edadi,  8.  A  year. 

^gr5^  edikola,  5.  The  pole  or  shaft 
of  a  plough. 

^H  edi,  phrase.  Where  is  ]ie  ? 

£2&  edu,  s.  A  year.  <2<i/.  numeral. 
Seven,  o^e&f^jg'olb  ^oo^Scex)  <^£ 




•tfQ&$?v>£o  vadu  vmikante  yeda- 
kulu  ega  tsadivinavadii.  lit.  That 
man  has  read  seven  leaves  more 
than  this  man.  That  man  is  seven 
times  worse  than  this  man- 
^^7C2fl  edugada,  s.  Protection,  re- 
fuge. 2.  Interest.  3-  Quarter  in 

$)£&-&  edutsu,  v.  n.  To  cry,  to  weep. 
^S&o-ifc  edipintsu,  v.  .  Cans  To 
cause  to  cry  or  weep.  &£&$  edu- 
pu,  Weeping. 

S)&r»&  ediidi,  s.  A  ceremony  perfor- 
med by  the  Hindoos,  for  the  de- 
ceased, after  the  expiration  of  one 
year  from  his  death. 

^^edo,  Ordinal  number,  vide  &&$ 

£)"§<»  edterr%  s.  Excess.  2.  Perseve- 

£)£s5x>,  ^eT»s5w  etamu,  etamn,  s.  An 
engine,  on  the  principle  of  the 
lever,  for  drawing  up  water.  It  is 
usually  termed  the  picotah  at 
Madras.  ^eJ^sSw^^-tf  etamubo- 
kkena,  The  leathern  vessel,  in 
which  water  is  thus  drawn. 

.^lo-tSb  etentsu,  v.  n.  To  come.  g.  To 

y^es&a  etwamu,  5.  The  name  of  the 
connected  vowel  "^  e. 

$)"Z5"»er»a*Saa,  ^■cr»y-°^s5w  edalabamu 
edalabhamu,  s.  Inattention.  This 
is  a  vulgarism  for  csSTpo-^sSw 

£}&edi,  pro.  Interrogative,  sing.  Fern, 
and  neuter.  Who  %  Which  ?  ^"S  w 
edaina.  Any  thing.  ^afc^a*  edin- 
nlledu,  Nothing.  S)  sr"*  sr  edoka,  Any. 

&ab  edu,  v.  a.  To  cherish;  to  pro- 

o)*b,  Dabtfoa  edu,  edupandi,  s.  The 
porcupine,  lit.  The  hog  which  pro- 
tects itself.   £)&s5oooo  edumullu,  A 


porcupine's  quill. 

S)>r>ae3-*bb  enadivaru,  s.  pi.  A  cast  of 
savage  people,  residing  in  forests. 

c)^g  enallu,  s.  The  usual  presents 
sent  by  the  parents  of  the  bride 
and  bridegroom,  respectively,  to 
their  son  and  daughter  in  law, 
after  the  whole  ceremonies  of  the 
marriage   are  completed. 

&$  enf,  Particle.  It  is  added  in  the 
superior  dialect  to  the  first  forms 
of  the  several  affirmative  tenses, 
to  express  condition  or  conting- 
ency. aSu3y<Sr)  vachcheneni,  Sup- 
pose he  come.   -kp>£o^s5w  slsifo 

vadupamu  patteneai,  Suppose  he 
catch  the  snake. 



£3<01?  enige,  s.  vide  S);&Kb,  SbHS^o 
i5^<6od   enngu,  enigetondarnu,  An 

elephant's  proboscis. 
&&  enu,adj.  numeral-  Five, 
^a*  enu,  pro.  This  word  is  frequently 

used  in  books  for  i§s6  nenu,  I. 
^^o^b  enugu,  s.  An  elephant.  S&fo 

IgvK  enugujelaga,  A  cockle,  ^sso^b 

ssif  do    enugupalleru,  The  prickly 

fruited  pedalium.  Pedalium  mii- 

3&r>*»  enurru,  adj.  Numeral.  Five 

£)f>  epi,  5.    A  Dog-  It  is  generally 

applied  to  that  species  used  by  the 

Hindoos  in  hunting. 

£)$  epu,  5.  A  great  or  sudden  in- 
crease, or  augmentation.  2.  Ar- 
dour, impatience,  fury. 

&~Z>  epe,  pro.  Fern.  Honorific.  Which , 
female  ?  It  is  the  interrogative  of 
e3"S)  ape,  and  ■&>"?>  ipe,  q,  v. 

i^^oo  epechettp,  s:  The  saul  tree. 

eo  *' 

Shorea  robusta. 
&»a  ebadi,  adj.  Numeral.  Fifty. 
M#,  &a"3  ebida,   ebide,   pro.   vide 

;)~^>  epe. 
D^ro<s»  ebhyamu,  5.  Nastiness  ;  fil- 

thiness.     £)$g-cr*9,    &r?*s    ebhya- 

rasi,   ebhrasi,  5.    A  na^ty,  filthy, 

person-  2.  An  idiot. 

^s&ssu,  ^)rfj»i£»  emami,  einarru,  v.  n, 
To  be  surprized.  2.  To  be  deceived. 
3.  To  be  without  vigilance  or 
attention. asfceJo-rib  emarrintsu,  v. 
a.  To  surprize.  2.  To  deceive.  3. 
To  divert  one's  thoughts-  ^sfc^*- 
to>  emarripatu.  Surprize.  2.  Inat- 
tention, forge tfuln ess,  negligence, 

a  a>  end,  ^ro.  Iuterrogative-defective. 
What?  It  is  used  chiefly  in  the 
nominative  and  dative  cases,  and 
accasionally  with  other  affixes. 
£)a>&§en*itiki,  For  what  ?  Why? 
Wherefore?  $&&  emiti,  Of  what 
country,  cast,  or  description. 

&-go  erne,  pro.  Interrogative,  vide 
&"5>  epe. 

o)  zsti  eyu,  v,  a.  To  throw,  vide  -$^a 

&-a*e»  eralu,  s.  Joint  sisters  in  law. 
The  relationship  which  the  wives 
of  two  brothers  bear  to  each  other. 

&S  erf,  phrase.  Where  are  they  ? 

Stfc  eru,  v.  a.  In  compos.  To  attain. 
vide  -e^tfb  idem. 

£)&  eru,  5.  A  plough,  with  draught 

oxen*  and  .the  other  implements 
of  husbandry. 

&&/£>  erugu,  v.  n.  To  stool;  to  void 
excrement,  s,  Excrement. 




S  ikons'  eruvaka,  s,  The  commence- 
ment of  cultivation. 
£)&\  ertsu,  v.  a»  To  burn;  to  consume. 

£)tfv£&  erpadu,  v.  n.  To  be  selected. 

2.  To  be  separated.  3.  To  be  dis- 
tinguished. 4.  To  be  established, 
fixed,  or  settled.  5.  To  be  arrang- 
ed," or  placed  in  order.  6.  To  be 
prepared,  or  ready.  7-  To  assume 
a  shape,  form,  or  appearance. 

£)^  &*>•£&>  erparrutsu,  v.  a.  To  choose, 
or  select.  2.  To  separate,  or  divide. 

3.  To  distinguish.  4.  To  establish, 
'  fix,  or  settle.  5.    To   arrange,  or 

place  in  order.  6.  To  keep  ready, 
or  prepare.  7-  To  put  into  a  shape, 
form,  or  appearance. 

^-tr^fco  erpatu,  s.  A  selection.  2.  A 
decision,  or  rule.  3.  A  condition,  or 
agreement.  SJ-o^too^o&o  erpatuche 
yu,  vide  ^tfx&sa-ab  erparrutsu. 

&ao>  erru,  v.  n.  To  glean,  gather,  or 
pick  up,  2.  To  select,  or  choose,  a 
eJo-db  crrintsu,  v.  cans*  To  cause 
to  glean,  &c.  $«»!>£ Sao  errupida- 
kalu,  Gleaned  pieces  of  dry  cow- 
dung,  used  as  fuel. 

&sa»  erru,  s.  A  river.  This  noun  is 
irregular,  making  the  inflexion 
singular  £(£  eti,  and  the  nom.  'plu. 
»&  ellu. 

£)"»#  erruva,  5.  A  country. 

^uvs  elalu,  6.  A  kind   of  cry,   used 

by  boatmen,  or  by  coolies  or  lasc- 

ars,  to  encourage  their  labour. 
Jdej-o  ela,  adv.  Why  ?  for  what  reason? 

2.  How,  in  what   manner.  Ser*fe3, 
£)yKcfe3  elati,  elaganti,  What  sort 

or  kind?    Sznfo  elagu,  How  ?   In 

what  manner. 
SD&  elika,  s.  A  ram.  2.  vide  &sx>  elu. 
Sex>  elu,  v.  a.    To  govern,  rule,    or 

reign.  2.  To  protect. 
a©o4&  elintsu,  v.  cans.  To  cause  to 

govern,  &c 

» Dr  elika,  s.  ' A  ruler;  a  king,  or 
queen,  aooag,  Se^S  elubadi,  elba 
di,  Government,  2.  A  reign. 

»^n6!»    elnurru,   Numeral.     Seven 

&£**»  evamu,  .< Ugliness.  2.  Disgust. 
£)s>fto-&  evagintsu,  v.  a.  To  hate. 
&"3  eve,  particle,  denoting  emphasis ; 

as,  -fi>-£  neneve,  I  myself. 
SZ  esa,  adj.  Crooked. 
<) *,  esi,  particle,  Denoting  at  the  rate 

of  ;  as,  A$Sx>l%%  enimidesi,  At  the 

rate  of  eight. 


S3  ai,  The  twelfth  letter  in  the  Te- 
lugu  alphabet,  representing  the 
sound  of  ai  as  in  the  word  aisle. 




SDo  #,£"*©&£&  aindrajalikudu,  s.  A 

8Drc5S>3  aikyamu,  s.  Union.  Tliis  word 
is  often  used  to  express  the  union, 
which  the  Hindoos  believe  to  take 
place,  after  death,  of  the  souls,  of 
the  perfect,  with  the  deity. 

soefc  aidu,  adj<  Numeral,  vide  t?owtfb 

SOafcsJ,  S0e5bs5-cpex)  aiduva,  aiduvaralu, 
s.  vide  esoooifcss  ayiduva. 

SDTP^dSToo  airavatamu,  s.  An  orange. 
2.  vide  SD-o^^^sSx)  airavarjamu. 

SD^o^osSoo  ais'waryamu,  s.  Prosperity. 
2.  Riches. 


Zj  o,  The  thirteenth  letter  of  the  Te- 
lugu  alphabet,  representing  the 
short  o. 

2oo"i  onke,  5.  A  wooden  hook,  or 
peg,  fixed  in  a  wall. 

2ao£D  onjili,  s.  Calamity,  misfortune. 
2.   Embarrassment. 

2jo6o&>  on;  ami,  s.  Enmity,  hatred,  lit. 
Disagreement,  vide  z,okx>  ontu. 

2jo4o9  ontari,  adj.  Alone.  2.  Single. 

?^ofeo9K"§    ontarigatte,    A   single 

woman.  ^o&Qtt'&i  ontarigadu,  A 

single  man.  z>otodir>kx>  ontaripatu, 

s.  Solitude,  loneliness-    itoto&w 

ontarulu,  s.  plu.  Foot  soldiers  j 

Zjofe3  onti,  adj.  Alone.  2.  Single.  3. 
One  of  a  pair  or  couple.  This  is 
also  the  inflexion  of  a,  &  ollu,  the 
body,  ijo^n^-r^^yi  oiitikantiga- 
mu,  lit.  The  one  eyed  planet.  The 
planet  Venus,  the  son  of  Bhrigu. 
loc&ifrstf)  ontikipovu,  To  go  to 
make  water,  lit.  To  go  alone.  2jo 
feSr^ska,  "&ss&  ontikommu  devara, 
The  deity  with  one  tooth,  viz. 
Ganesa.  &ofe3M»  ontipatu,  Lone- 
liness, solitude.  Zi o&^rs  ontipora, 
A  single  fold,  or  plait. 

ZiOfeBo^)  ontimpu,  s.  Convenience.  2. 
Aid*  help,  -^go  8cr»rex>  ^0^0^-5-° 
■^«o  naku  rukalu  ontimptikaledn, 
I  have  no  money  at  hand. 

2j  o^3 085,  2aol5  ontiya,  onte,  s.  A 

ejotoo  ontu,  v.  n.  To  agree  with  one's 
health;  to  be  salubrious. 

z>okK>  ontlu,  s.  plu.  Figures,  numeri- 
cal signs, 

ZiO&o  cvnclu,  adj.  One.  2.  Other,  s. 
Alluvial  soil,  deposited  by  water, 
after  inundation. 

Zjc<sr°&yo  ondorulu,  adv.  Reciprocal- 
ly; mutually. 

&o»$  ondili,  s.  vide  kosSS)  onjili 


2joj5o  ondu,  v.  a.  To  obtain.  °2.  To 

So  IT  oka,  Numeral.  One.  2.  Single. 
This  word,  in  Telugu,  expresses 
the  indefinite  article  A>  an. 

ZjS'o.^d,,  2og"o^b  okandru,  okandlu,  s. 

p/^.  Several.  2.  Others.  3.  Strang- 
Zi£&  okati,  Numeral,  One.  a^a^aSo 
okaticheyn,  &7.  To  make  one.  To 
mix,  or  join  together,  ^r^otf^ 
okatiyavu,  To  be  combined.  z,g& 
"efssb  okatiledu.  Nothing.  l$s^ajjv& 
sSog'tS  *r*&>^£>tfa2oS'£3  nenu  chbp- 
pinadi  okati,  vaduchesinadi  okati, 
I  told  him  one  thing,  and  he  did 

t>$£o  okadu,  s.  One  man  ;  a  person* 
2o§"g  okate.  One  woman;  a  female. 
So^bo  okaru,  flu.  Applied  in  an 
honorific  sense,  to  express  any  in- 
dividual, male  or  female,  of  re- 

2a§k_e3  okkana,  s.  The  honorific  ad 
dress  in  a  letter. 

fc*S'(r.vd-*,  25b  okkaproddu,  s.  A  religi- 
ous fast  ;  eating  but  one  meal,  on 
any  religious  occasion.  2oS^_  &-° 
&>o&>  okkaproddundu,  To  fast.  2. 
To  eat  but  one  meal. 

2o~5^k_£3oa&  okkai.iintsn,  v.  a.  To  say- 
to  tell  •  to  describe ;  used  in  books 

8$  2ofc».0ttu 

2a§^_  okki,  adj.   Lean,   thin,  emacia 

ted,  dried  up. 
2o§k_oe£'Okkinta,  adj.  Ever  so  little, 

snort,  or  trifling. 
£j§bk_    okkn,    s.  Any    unripe    fruit, 

preserved  by  drying  in  the  sun. 
&§*/—  okko,  Particle,  used  in  books 

only,  and  expressing    doubt ;    as 

e&e&ss-&K3'*§'*(J-  ataduvatstsuno- 

kkOj  He  may  perhaps  come. 
&Keb  ogaru,  5.  An  astringent  taste. 

adj.  Astringent. 
fciKSbN  ogartsu,  v.  n.  To  breathe  hard; 

to  respire   with  difficulty.  2aK&^> 

ogarupu,  Difficulty  of  respiration. 

^5\  ogi,  s.  A  range,  or  line. 

'isfoeso  ogudu,  s.  The  straw  of  the 

great  millet,  or  Holcus  sacchara- 

£jfto  oggu,  v.  n.  To  be  ready,  or  pre- 
pared. 2.  To  yield,  to  submit. 

So'SssSw  ochchemu,  s.  Disgrace;  dis- 
honor ;  opprobrium ;  indignity.  2. 

2j|  odzdza,  s.  A  tutor,  a  teacher,  or 
instructor.  2.  A  priest. 

£,fc»  ottu,  s.  An  oath.  2.  A  vow.  %» 
ipo-Sjkar8^  ottupettukonu,  To  take 
an  oath,  to  swear.  2.  To  make  a 
vo\v>  or  solemn  promise.  2^fc»"S>t» 

12      a  " 


ottupettu,  To  adjure.  2.  To  impose 
a  vow  or  solemn  promise. 

Sjfcw  ottn,  v.  n.  To  grow  dry  ;  to  be 
dried  up. 

ii&ovZso  odambadu,  v.  a.  To  agree 
to  ;  to  comply  with  ;  to  consent. 
ftj2*oa eao-iSb  odambarrutsu,  v.  cans. 
To  prevail  upon  ;  to  make  one 
agree,  or  consent.  •Zo&o»&1§  odam 
badike,  An  agreement)  compact, 
or  treaty.  2.    A  bond. 

2o&*f&»  odakattu,  v.  a.  To,  strain,  to 

to^^>^o  odagiidu,  v.  n.  To  happen; 
to  chance  ;  to  fall  out. 

2o&£sSo  odapappu,  .<?.  A  species  of 
pulse,  commonly  termed  green 

Zj  as *sto  odame,  s.  Wealth,  riches.  2. 

2o&o33£&>  odayadu,  s.  A  lord,  sovere- 
ign, king,  master,  or  governor.  2. 
A  possessor, 

2j^2x>  otlalu,  a-.  The  body,  sjtfejotfb^ 
£-°&o&J&  odalutsupodayadu,  /if- 
one  who  has  eyes  in  his  body. 

&S  odi,  s.  The  lap.  2.  A  pouch  in 
front,  formed  by  the  mode  in 
which  the  cloth  of  a  Hindoo  i> 
tied.    Zi&KtM   odigattu,   To  gird 

one's  loins  :  to  prepare  one's-self.- 

90  fc&.Oddu 


Zi&^Kci  odisegadda,  s.  A  bubo 
2j2&-&   odutsu,  v. 

2jg^*M  odikattu,   s.  Pudendum   mu- 

fc&S'sSw    odikamu,    adj.    Fit,    right, 

2jSoaba  odiyu,  v.  a.  To  take  by  force; 

to  snatch.  2.  To  drop,  to  drip. 

a.   To  defeat,  to 

2j&5\e>o  oddasulu,  v.  n.  To  incline,  or 
lean  on  one  side. 

2j^rd!63o  oddariamu,  ,?.  The  arrange- 
meat  of  troops  in  various  -positi- 
ons ;  as  in  a  line,  in  a  square,  in 
a  circle,  &c. 

Soi^raaSso  oddariamu,  s.  A  gold  or 
silver  zone,  worn  by  Hindoo 
women.  „ 

2j-cr>ti&x>  oddaramu,  s.  Obstinacy.  2. 


&&e»  ocldilu,  s.  Pigeons;  doves. 

z>6o  oddu,  v.  a.  To  bet,  or  lay  a 
wager.  2.  To  throw,  fix,  or  plant 
a  net-  a  A  bank  ;  the  shore.  2.  A 
stake  at  play.  3.  The  multiplic- 
and, or  sum  multiplied,  in  arith- 
metic, adj.  Large,  stout,  big.  %» 
#o "i&r* Soaooo £?o  odduvesikoniyun- 

du,  To  lurk,  or  lie  in  wait ;  to  lay 
an  ambuscade  ;  to  wait  for  an  op- 
portunity. 2o>5cAoo^o  oddu^undlu, 

x  Cs  rv>         *   *  * 

lit.  Large  balls.  Books  fallen  from 
a  mountain. 




Zj^o r5^  oddukonu,  jp,  a.  To  take 
into  one's  possession  ;  to  sDatch. 
2.  To  beg  or  intreat. 

.2o"g  odde,  adj.  Of  or  belonging  to 
the  Orissa  country,  or  to  the  tribe 
of  tank-diggers,  who  are  supposed 
to  have  emigrated  thence. 

.^dS^Ksfea  oddolagamu,  s.  &  great 
assembly.  2.  Pomp,  state.  3.  Tri- 

a>_g.fte»,  z,  g^ex>  ottigilu,  ottigillu, 
v.  n.  To  lie  on  one's  side. 

2o_gex>  ottilu,  v.  n.  To  go  aside;  to 
give  way. 

Zj&>  ottu,  s.  The  aspiration  of  a 
letter.  2.  Closeness  of  texture.  3. 

,2j*fc  ottu,  v.  n.  To  give  way,  or  step 
aside,  v.  a.  To  aspirate  a  letter. 
2.  To  press  or  squeeze  ;  hence, 
to  shampoo,  or  press  the  limbs 
with  the  hand,  to  excite  the  cir- 
culation of  the  blood,  as  is  prac- 
ticed in  India.  3.  To  foment.  4' 
To  cut,  or  break  beetle-nut.  5.  To 
wipe  off  the  sweat.  6.  To  blow  a 
conch.     2oj£&tfs5cw   ottaksharamu, 

An  aspirated  letter.  2jSkr°*&  ottti- 
konu,  To  feel  pain  from  pressure* 

^oek^go,     2oe^T5^§0     Ottlltaku,     otftl- 

daku,  s.  The  blank  palmyra  leaf, 
held  under  that  upon  which  the 
writer  writes  with  an  iron  style. 

ZjS&ex*  ottulu,  s.  plu.  Gold  bracelets, 
worn  by  children. 

2o»^j  cdavu,  v.  n.  To  be  serviceable, 
useful,  or  subservient.  2.  To  per- 

&8bfto  odugu,  v.  n.  To  shrink  aside.; 

to  step  aside  from  fear.  2.  To  be 
of  use,  or  convenient.  3.  To  assist. 
4.  To  be  at  hand.  s.  Swelling, 
from  being  boiled,  as  rice*  &c. 

2)8  odda,  Pqstpos.  Near  ;  with  ;  by; 

Zj&g  oddika,  s.  Friendship,  intima- 
cy, familiarity.  2-  Union.  3.  Con- 
cord. 4.  Reconciliation.  5.  A  col- 
lection of  requisite  articles. 

2oQ  oddi,  adj.  Near. 

Zj -3  odde,  s.  Plenty  ;  abundance. 

Zj $->&>&)  onagudu,  v.  n.  To  be  effec- 
ted, successful,  or  completed.  2. 
To  be  obtained,  or  procured. 
Zjtifai&s-  onagurtsu,  v.  a.  To  eff- 
ect, succeed,  or  complete.  2.  To 
obtain  or  procure. 

2otf&  onaru,  s.  Beauty.  2.  Elegance. 
ad].  Beautiful.  2.  Fit,  agreeable, 
acceptable.  3.  Elegant. 

fctftib  onaru,  v.  n.  To  happen.  2.  To 
be  agreeable,  or  pleasant,  ?o$Qoi& 
onarintsu,  v.  a>  To  do,  to  make. 
2.  To  compose.  2otfS^ocfc>  onara- 
cheyu.  To  make  fit  or  proper.  2. 
To  accommodate. 




£;^&^  onartsu,  v.  a.  vide  2utf8o-t& 
onarintsu,  Under,  ^.tftfo  onaru. 

2»^o««5»  oppandamu,  s.  A  contract. 
2.  A  convention,  or  agreement. 
fc^oessfco^ceSo  oppandamu  cheyu, 

To  enter  into  a   contract.  2.  To 
close  a  bargain. 

Zi  ^  ft  o -x5b  op p agin t s u ,  e? .  a.  vide  &#, 

fto-i&  appagintsu. 

a^fto^  oppaginta,  s.  wefe  wsS^o£ 
appaginta,  Under.  &£^.Ao$&  appa- 

^^^tfsSw  oppacharamu,  s.  Agree- 

ZjZg  oppu,  s.  Fitness.  2.  Dexterity, 
cleverness.  3.    Beauty,  elegance 

2^*  oppu,  adj.  Fit.  2.  Dexterous.  3- 
Beautiful ;  handsome. 

^^So  oppu,  v,  n.  To  be  fit,  or  proper^ 
2.  To  consent,  or  agree,  e^oift 
oppintsu,  v.  Caws.  To  cause  to  con- 
sent ;  to  prevail  upon.  v.  a.  To 
assign,  or  make  over  to  another. 

Zi^Vti)  oppukonu,  v.  comp.  To  con* 
fess,  or  own  ;  to  admit,  or  ac- 
knowledge. 2.  To  consent,  or  com- 
ply with.  3.  To  accept. 

i2j2>^«s5»  oppidamu,  s.  Consent,  com- 

2o^ew  oppnlu,  s.  pi.  An  elegant  spe- 
cies of  the  areca,  or  beetle-nut 

2j»\fe»  obbatlu.  s  vlu.  Sweets  cake 

made  of  flotir,  jaggory,  split-pulse, 
and  cardamoms. 
2o?)iS  obbidi,  s.  The  treading  out  of 

grain,  by  means  of  cattle  ;  thrash- 
ing, adj.  Complete  ;  finished.  2. 

Zj£x>  ommuj  adj.  Thick,  big.  v.  n. 
To  agree  with  one's  health,  as. 
-^j^sa^Sb^ssb^jsb  ibhuminaku- 

Qmmaledu,  This  country  does  not 
agree  with  me.  &&>  cafoo^b  ommi- 
yundu,  To  be  salubrious.  &&>  s5^5bv 
ommivatstsu,   To  be  prosperous. 
2ocB3n>^s5w    oyaiamu,    s    Beauty.  2. 

Haughtiness, pride.  3.  Affectation, 
coquetry,  foppery. 

2jcc6^8  oyari,  s.  A  haughty  person. 
2.  A  coquette,  a  fop. 

Zjotfnd  oyari,  adj.  Haughty.  2.  Affec- 
ted. 2jcc^>^§"§  oyarakatte,  A  co- 
quette. Zjc8r>$is-T>&>  oyarakadu.  A 
fop.  £jc«r*tfi(5)s5i-*fcoex>  oyarapumata- 
lu,  Boasting  expressions. 

fcjofltotf  oyyana,    adv.  Slowly. 

^tfXa&Tfo   oragarlugu,   s.    Water,   in 

which  rice  is  the  second  time  wash- 

£,&&>  oragu,  v.  n.  To  fall.  2-  To  in- 
cline, or  lean  upon  ;  to  be  bent. 

ZjXc&s,  Soesoooa  orayu,  orrayu,  v.  a. 
To  rub  ;  to  move  one  body  upon 


Zsv  ^-OlLiba 

another.  2.  To  try  metal,  by  a 

,2otf  ora,  s,  Rubbing.  2.  Trying  metal 
by  a  touch-stone.  s^&iSor*^  2o«b 
7&g$r*$)  orusukoni?  orasukapoyu, 
To  touch  lightly  ;  to  graze. 

.2J&2&  orudn,  s.  A  stranger 

^tfosSx.  orumti,  v.  n.  To  be  mixed  ; 
to  be  united.  2.  To  meet  together. 

ZjQZx>£  orimika,  s.  Union  ;  friend- 
ship ;  being  on  good  terms  to- 

2065  orra,  $.  Touching,  rubbing.  2. 
A  scabbard  ;  a  sheath,  or  case* 
for  any  thing.  • 

2o&5^feouSDo,  Soes^feosSao,  Zj^K^-6^  orra- 
katamu,orrakatamu,  orra^ad  damu, 
s  Unevenness,  inequality,  crag- 
gedness  •,  usually  applied  to  ine- 
qualities in  the  surface  of  a  coun- 

2jtfXex>  orasrallu,  5.  A  touch  stone. 
z> mo^o  orrugu,  v*  n.To  prostrate  one's 
self.  2.  vide  Zjtf  Kb  oragu. 

z>&»foi)$    orrugubiiia,    s.    A   semi- 

circular  pillow. 
2oef>^  orrapu,  s.  The  act  of  rubbing, 

vide  ZjtfocSo  orayu,  2.  Beauty,  adj. 

Handsome,  beautiful. 
2owex>  orralu, 'V.    n.  To  lament;   to 

grieve ;    to  be   sorrowful.   2.    To 

croak  ;  to  complain  without  rea- 

son. 3.  To  chatter,  or  talk  without 
any  object. 

20&9S",  Zo&B  orrava,  Orri,  adj.  Crook- 
ed ;  curved  ;  bent.  &eJl)ssSx>  orri- 
bijamu,  A  swelled  testicle. 

2je£oxg  orriyika,  s.  Rubbing. 

2o&m  orrn,  s.  Abundance,  2    Excess. 


2o~%  orre,  s.  A  heap  of  grain  in  the 
straw.  2.  An  opening  or  crack  in 
the  ground,  from  excessive  heat, 
or  false  soil. 

&  Ik)  orre,  s.  A  mischievous  rogue  3 
a  blackguard;  a  rascal,  adj.  Black- 
guard.; as,  2o~^)Scp>£  orrekuta,Black- 

giard  conversation. 
Zjv3*x>  olayu,  v.  n.  To  be  fit,  or  pro- 
2oe)§    oliki,  5.  A    funeral   pile    and 

corpse,  burnt  to  ashes. 
2o£X>&  oluku,  v.  n.  To  be  dropped  or 

spilled,  from  being  over-full. 
z>°jg$rsG&>  olakapoyu,  v.  a.  To  spill, 

or  let  fall. 
^wiSb  olutsu,  v,  a.  To  peel,  or  pare 

off ;  to  flay. 
k.e>V  ollaka,  adv.  Without  consent- 

ing.  This  is  the  negitive  verbal 

participle   of  the  defective   verb 

2oex>  ollu,  to  consent. 
i*i>  &*$  ollabovu,  v.  n.  To  grow  pale, 

or  change  colour. 



lr*  &9l Jot,  ami 

^pys^  ollami,  5.  The  not  consenting. 

2jU  olle,  5.  A  child's  garment. 

■fc'Ssn&o  ollevatu,  s.  An  upper  gar- 
ment, placed  round  the  neck,  and 
thence  gracefully  arranged. 

■Zi$$)  olavu,  s.  Secrets  of  state.  2. 

State  of  affairs.  3.  The  neck  of  a 
stringed  instrument. 

2o&&  oluku,  s.  A  crime  or  fault.  2. 
A  lawsuit. 

2og  ollu,  s.  The  body. 

SoSfto  osagu,  v.  a.  To  give  ;  to  pre- 
sent ;  to  bestow. 

2oJo£6,  2j^^59^^sSx>  osapari,  osaparita- 
namu,  5.  Agreeableness,  prettiness. 


i,  6  The  fourteenth  letter  in  the  Te- 

lugu  alphabet,  which,  prefixed  to 
all  vocatives,  corresponds  with 
the  English  interjection  oh  ;  as, 
&,tt,s5^  orama,  Oh  Rama  !  k,j5£>  6- 
talli,  Oh  mother! .  The  connected 
form  of  this  vowel  (<**)  (6)  affix- 
ed to  the  last  word  of  a  sentence, 
or  to  a  single  word  alone,  denotes 
ignorance  or  doubt;  as  bs^sr*^ 
nivovado,  I  know  not  whether  it 
was  you,  or  he.  When  it  is  added 
to  the  conditional  form  of  the 
verb  ending  in  7§  te,  the  drutup- 
rukrutika  affix  W  d,  intervenes, 
and    jar*  no,    then  represents  the  1 

English  phrases  but  if,  on  tbe  con- 
trary ;as,  ^ds-s5oo  £>dc&$fr6~§  $& 

s»$>sS2&ab&  varshamu  kuriyakapo- 
te  janulunasinturu  varshamuku- 
risteno  janulu  sukhapaduduru,  If 
it  does  not  rain,  the  people  will 
suffer  severely  ,  but  if  it  rains, 
they  will  be  happy. 

k,$^(g>  okachettu,  s.  A  small  tree, 
bearing  an  acid  fruit.  Carissa  Ca- 
rondas.  Ls-^oaSsS^S  okakayapa 
tstsadi,  A  sort  of  pap,  composed 
of  tamarind-juice,   mustard,  and 

the  fruit  of  this  tree. 


is  8o-&  okarintsu,  v.  n.  To  retch  ■ 
to  feel  inclined  to  vomit.  L$ti-i, 
&o#,  ir£)o££  okara-okarinta,  oka 
linta,  s.  A  retching  to  vomit  ; 

£."*»*§*$»  ogatyamu,  s.  Annoyance 
or  vexation,  at  expressions  of  an 
unpropitious  kind.  adj.  Unlucky. 

L^Vtix,  ogiramu,  s.  Food.  2.  Boiled 

Lfo  ogu,  s.  Evil ;  misfortune. 

Ls  odza,  s.  A  row,  line,  or  range. 

L&zx),  Lb&xi  otami,  6tamu>s.  Defeat 

Ldcn»ft9o  otarru,  v.  n.  To  be  split ;  to 

be  broken  into  fragments. 





L&o  otu,  5.  Defeat,  L&dsS&>  otupaclu, 
z?.  n.  To  be  defeated.  2.  To  stand 
motionless,  from  fear,  &c. 

L&  6c]  a.  s.  A  ship,  a  vessel.  ^^r°S 
S'oasxjo  odakodikambamu,  A  main 
mast.  Lg-^sg  odarevu,  The  sea- 
shore, or  beach. 

i^>  odu,  t?.  7*.  To  lose,  to  be  defeat- 
ed. 2.  To  be  afraid.  3.  To  drop, 
or  trickle  out.  s.  Want  of  success, 
defeat.  2.  A  crack,  chink,  or  hole. 

L&o-ifc  odintsu,  v.  a.  To  defeat,  to 

iSAo-ifo  odigintsu,  v.  a.  To  pour  out 
all  the  liquid  in  a  vessel,  by  turn- 
ing the  mouth  downwards. 

L&)S)f  ex-i  odabillalu,  s.  plu.  Tiles. 

CO  ...  L 

kk  &>jvz  oclhrulu,  5.  plu.  The  people 

of  Orissa. 
&,?fc*b3    otwamu,   s.  The  connected 

form  of  L  6,  viz.  **  6. 
i,*s5:»  odamu,  s.  A  pit,  for  catching 


L&&\,  k/n^tfn  odartsu,  odartsu,  v.  a. 

To  comfort;  to  console:  to  condole 

i"3  ode,  s.  A  small  heap  into  which 
grain  is  thrown,  as  it  is  cut  with 
the  sickle.  L~3$*cK  oclekonga,  A 
kind  of  crane,  which  frequents 
the  fields  at  harvest-time. 

i^)  opu,  v.  n.  To  be  able  ;  to  poss- 
ess the  power  of  doing,  i&s*  opi- 
ka,  Abstract  nonn.  Ability,  acti- 
vity, diligence,:  assiduity.  2.  Pa- 
tience. ■&,&$&  opami, negative  noun. 
Inability,  indolence,  laziness,  is 
"S^ss^^o  opalenivadu,  A  helpless, 
sick,  or  impotent  man. 

Ls5os5do    omamu, 

The  seed   of 

Bishop's-weed.  Sison  Ammi. 

L?6ao  omu,  v.  a.  To  preserve,  to  che- 

iooo  oyi,  inter j.  O  !  This  particle  is 
often  prefixed  to  the  vocative 
case,  or  used  in  other  instances, 
when  we  address  persons  of  equal 

i.$  ora,  s.  The  side,  edge,  end,  or 
border.  2.  The  bank  of  a  river. 

Ltfeasko  6rariamu,s.  A  hawk;  a  falcon. 

itf&^o,  Ltf&ex>  orasilu,  orasillu,  v.  n. 
To  move  aside. 

Ha  ori,  interj.  O!  This  particle  is 
often  prefixed  to  the  vocative,  or 
used  in  other  instances,  when  we 
address,  or  call,  a  person  of  infe- 
rior rank. 

£,&>  oru,  s.  Sound,  noise.  2.  The  red 
painting  upon  the  lower  part  of 
the  walls  of  a  native  house,  used 
during  festivals  or  other  auspici- 
ous ceremonies,  as  a  decoration  to 
the  dwelling. 


IT"  tf- Aura 

L&-&  orutsu,  v.  a.  To  conquer,  to 
vaDquish.  2.  To  suffer,  endure,  or 
."bear.  3.  To  take  patiently.  4.  To 
pardon.  5.  To  be  free  from  envy. 

L&3b§nBab  orutsukonu,  v.  Comp.  To 
conquer  or  control  one's  own  pas- 
sions. 2.  To  suffer,  or  bear.  3.  To 
be  patient.  L«b^>  orupu,  Abstract 
noun.  Endurance,  tolerance,  pa- 

L"Ss5c»  oremu,  s.  Boiled  rice. 

&>&>£  ortsu,  v.  a.  vide  &,&-&>  orutsu. 

&_tf  6rta;  s.  One  woman.  2.  Another 

£>%9  orpari,  s.  A  patient  person. 

k&>"  orpu,  wcfe  i?5b^)  orupu,  Under 
2j&t5o  orutsu. 

L<yXsSx>  olagamu,  s.  An  assembly  ;  a 

Losfo  olamu,  s.  Shelter  ;  cover.  Le> 
s^tf^tfo  olamasagonu,  0.  72.  fo'£. 
To  desire  shelter.  To  be  defeated; 
to  retire. 

L°)tr>&i  olaladu.  v.  n.  To  play,  or 
sport,  in  water. 

&,£)  oli,  s.  A  marriage,  portion,  or 
dowry  ;  the  peculiar  property  of 
a  woman,  given  to  her,  at  her 
marriage,  by  her  father-in-law,  or 
other  relations.  2.  A  range  or 

iWo   ovari,  s.  Civility,    politeness, 

respect.  2.  A   place  of  cohabita- 
tion. 3.  A  bush. 

L#8o-i5b  osarintsu,  v.  n.  To  move 

&>tf8e>  osarila,  adv.  Aside. 

£,&  osi,  inter j.  0 !  This  particle  is 
prefixed  to  the  vocative  case,  or 
is  used  in  other  instances,  when, 
we  address  or  call  females  inferior 
to  one's- self,  among  whom  a  wife 
is  always  included  by  the  Hindoos. 

Is^»fc3p-t5b  ohatintsu,  v.  n.  To  retreat, 
retire,  or  go  backwards. 

Ls^8-£r°sS-*9  oharisahari,  adv.  In  con- 
fusion, or  disorder.  This  is  applied 
chiefly  to  the  state  of  an  army, 
when  defeated. 

i"^TDcr»ow  ohoyi,  interj.  Hola  !  ho  ! 

L"3jw^"3rer»  ohoho,  interj.  Denoting 

17s  an,  The  fifteenth  letter,  and  last 

vowel  of  the  Telugu  alphabet. 
W^tiz&x  auchityamu,  s.  Propriety  -f 

aptness  ;  fitness.  2-  The  context. 

3.  Circumstances  of  time,  or  place. 
IT*  isb K&9 ok  audugarratsu,  vide  e><£&> 

fT^'fe  audala,  adv.  Ontlie  head. 
%?6  aura,  interj.    0  !  This  particle 

is  prefixed  to  ;the  vocative  case, 

£c  4r»  ca-Kankhantj 



or  is  used  on  other  occasions,  in 
calling  a  person  of  very  low  de- 
gree ;  it  is  occasionally  an  inter- 
jection denoting  wonder, or  praise. 
IG^sx^sSm  aushadhanxu,  s.  Medicine; 
any  remedy,  drug,  herb,  or  miner- 
al, used  for  the  cure  of  disease. 


S"  lea,  The  sixteenth  letter,  and  first 
consonant,  in  theTelugu  alphabet. 

go£&£x>  kankatamu,  s.  A  cuirass.  2. 
Armour  ;  mail. 

g'oS'fcS  kankati,  5.  A  bedstead. 

^o^ras6oo  kankanamu,  s.  A  bracelet 
or  ornament  for  the  wrist.  2.  A 
consecrated  string  tied  round  the 
wrist,  at  the  commencement  of  a 
marriage  &c-  ^'oS'ra^s^easko  kan 
kanagrahanamu,  A  central  eclipse. 

S'o^^sSw  kankapatramu,  s.  An  ar- 

S'oS'sSx)  kankamu,  s-  The  lotus.  2.  A 

S'oS'tf  kankara,  s.  Gravel. 

£o'gtf~Tr>&~3  kankaragadide,  5.  A 

^o-s^fsSw  kankalamu,  5.  A  skeleton. 

£o%  kanki,  s.  An  ear,  or  head  of 

?f  cSb  kanku,  v.  a.  To  scold ;  to  abuse. 

£o4pc3S&>  kankhamirnu,  5.  A  horse. 

g'oTfoS  kanguni,  s.  One  particle  of 
the  grain  termed  Panicum  l£ali- 

Sofibsw  kangulu,  s.  plu<   The    grain 

g'o-S'sSco  kantsamu,  s.  A  small  metal 

plate,  turned  up  at  the  rim,  out 

of  which  the  Hindoos  usually  eat 

their  victuals. 

go-£&~K*&~3  kantsarag'aclide,  s.  vide 
gcg$ir>&~3  kankaragadide. 

S'o-ift  kantsu,  s.  Any  am&lgam  of  zinc 
and  copper  ;  queen's  metal ;  bell- 
metal.  g'o-Sftfsr'^j  S'o-Cu-ecr*^  ka- 
ntsaravadu,  kantsalavadu,  A  bra- 
zier ;  a  copper-smith. 

SooSbS's&a  kantsukamu,  s.  A  sort  of 
short  bodice,  or  tight  jacket,  worn 
by  Hindoo  females,  to  confine  the 
breasts.  2.  A  man's  jacket.  3.  A 
serpent's  skin.  4.  Armour,  mail. 

^o^  kanche,  s.  A  hedge.  2.  Waste 
or  fallow  ground. 

S'o^sj  kan  chela,  s.  A  tight  jacket, 
confining  the  breasts,  Worn  by- 
Hindoo  women. 

£c&>£&x>  kantakamu,  s.  A  thorn.  2, 
Hatred  ;  detestation.  3.  Severity.. 
4.  The  erection  of  the  hair  upon 
the  body.  3rofc>&£sb  kantakuclu,  A 
man  hated,  detested,  or  abhorred. 
sTofeofto^  kanfagintsu,  To  hate, 
or  detest. 

3*0  £ -Kan  da 


^oto^a  kantasari,  5.  A  necklace. 
S'okn'^.sSM   kantalamu,    s.   A  pack- 
saddle,  placed  on    a  bullock,  or 
horse,  in  which  a  Hindoo  carries 
his  baggage   on  a  journey.  2.  A 
load  of  cotton. 
S'o&jo  kantu,  s.  Antipathy ;  aversion; 
hatred.  rcfc»~S;&>:>   kantupettu,  To 
have  an  antipathy  towards  another, 
^olo  kante,  adv.   Than,  the  adverb 
of  comparison,  as  ■sr^S'ola  vani- 
kante,  than  him:    For  the  deriva- 
tion of  this  word,  vide  g^.  karma. 
s'olo  kante,  s,  A  thin  narrow  plate 
of  solid  gold,  or  silver,  bent  so  as 
to   fit  the  neck,   arid  worn  as  a 
necklace   by  Hindoo  women,    or 
go&>&x>  kantlanuv  si  vide   g'o&r^lfsSw 

kantalamu . 
?To^^xj  kanthamu,  s.  The  throat. 
go$-ir$&x>':&G&>  kanthapathamu- 
cheyu,  lit.  To  make  the  lesson  by 
the  throat.  To  get  by  heart. 
S  o2»  kanda,  s.  Flesh;  a  piece  of  flesh 
2.  The  solid  or  fleshy  part  of  a 
mangoe,  peach,  &c.  or  of  the 
cucumber,  as  distinguished  from 
the  skin,  and  stone,  or  seed.  This 
word  is  not  applicable  to  the  soft 
pulp  of  oranges,  &c,  goti~%b»  kan- 

dapettu,  To  grow  fat.  S'o&T'tftfsSw 



kandakavaramu, Pride?  from  supe- 
rior strength,  or  stoutness. 

^o^-^H^tf  kandatsakkera,  *.  Sugar- 
Xodatftixi  kandanamu,  s.  Bran. 
^oe£>  o3-»  kanduva,  5.  The  cloth  which 
the   Hindoos   usually  wear  over 
the   upper  part  of  the  body,   or 
occasionally  tied  round  the  waist. 
^oaSb-sj^afc^sfooejo  kanduvadulamulu, 
s.  The  cross  beams,  supporting  at 
the  bottom  those  which  form  a 
shelving  roof, 
g'o^o^,  £otkr>®  kanduvu,    kanduti, 

s.  An  itching.  2.  The  itch, 
go~3  kanrle,  s.  The  ear  or  head  of 
the  grain  termed  mokka  jonnalu. 
2.  A  ball  of  thread. 
^ o /cs*; s  k an 4 r a v i,  &• .  A  melancholy 
event  ;  a  tragical  catastrophe,  adj. 
Sad,  melancholy,  tragic. 

£o&>  kandlu,  s.  plu.  The  plural  of 
the  irregular  noun.  S'so^  kannu, 
the  eye.  Eyes.  g'o&S'aS'  kandiaka. 
laka,  s.  Ophthalmia.  ro&^^r0^ 
kandlakappukonu,  v.  a.  lit.  To 
cover  with  the  eyes.  To  receive 
or  treat  one  with  great  kindness, 
or  affection,  g'o^^^b  kondlabadu, 

on  * 

v.  n.  To  appear;  to  be  discover- 




£o$  kanta,  s.  A  hole,  cleft,  or  open- 
ing. 2.  A  present  given  by  the 
bridegroom  to  the  bride,  on  the 
fourth  night  of  the  marriage-cere- 
mony. 3.  A  present  bestowed  on 
a  daughter  by  her  parents,  dar- 
ing the  nuptial  or  other  auspici- 
ous ceremonies. 

^o©  fcanii,  s.  A  wen  or  excrescence. 

ro«&>£o  kantudu,  5.  The  Hindoo 
Cupid,  or  god  of  love. 

g'oS  kanda,  s.  A  bulbous  root  of  any 
kind.  2.  The  root  termed  Tacca 

gotfsfca  kandamu,  s.  vide  s'otf  kanda. 

S'oa^sr^  kandarpudu,  s,  Kama,  the 

Hindoo  god  of  love;  because  he 
inflames  even  the  first  of  gods. 

goa^sSw  kandalamu,s.  A  sort  of  quilt, 
placed  under  a  bullock-saddle. 

^oTs^cxsasSw  kandayamu,  s.  A  space  of 
four  months. 

S'oa  kandi,  s.  A  crop    of  the   pulse 

termed  Doll,  or  pigeon  pea,  Citys- 
us  cajan. 

go£>6K  kandiriga,  s.  A  bee-,  because 
it  stings. 

S'oab  kandu,  5".  An  infant.  2.  Sugar 
of  a  light  colour,  adj.  Black.  2- 
Being  red  or  inflamed.  Soefc^oS 
kanduvendi,  Impure  silver. 

ro&  kandu,  v.  n.  To  be  scorched, 
or  burnt,  by  the  sun*  or  by  fire. 
2.  To  become  red,  or  be  inflamed, 
by  a  blow. 

S'otfbssko  kandukamu,  s.  A  ball  to 
play  with. 

go&ek  kandu du,  s.  Kumiraswami 
son  of  Siva,  and  the  Mars  of  the 
Hindoos.  2.  I\ama,  the  god  of  love. 

S'o'&ex)  kandulu,  s.  The  pulse  produ- 
ced by  the  crop  termed  roa  kan- 
di, q.  v. 

£o&>#  kanduva,  s.  A  hint  or  token. 
2.  Address,  finesse,  trick,  artifice* 
adj.  Specious,  artful. 

so&>;$  kandu  vu,  s.  An  iron-plate, 
used  as  a  cooking  utensil,  for 
baking  cakes,  &c 

g'o'Stf  kandena,  s.  Grease,  or  oil,  used 
in  greasing  wheels. 

^oAK  kandriga,  s.  vide  ^oaStf  ka- 

S'oS  kampa,  si  Dried  brambles,  thorns, 
or  bushes-  So3r*6o  kampakota,  A 
hedge  of  such  brambles,  round  a 
fort,  or  city.  gcZK6^  kampagoda, 
A  hedge  of  dried  brambles.  goZ 
&"0*&76,3,osS&',2&$  kampatodugu, 
kampatocluvu,  s.  A  large  bundle 
of  dried  brambles,  drawn  by  a 
pair  of  yoked  bullocks. 




g'osSaks  kampamu,  s.  A  trembling, 
shaking,  agitation,  or  tremor. 

g'o&o-^b  karcipintsu,  f.  n.  To  tremble, 
or  shake  ;  to  be  agitated  ;  to  have 
a  tremulous  motion. 

^o^e5"j6»  kampitamu,  adj.  Trembl- 
ing, shaking.  rosS^s5s>  kampana- 
mu,  s.  A  trembling,  moving,  or 
shaking  ;  a  tremulous  motion,  adj. 
Trembling,  shaking.  $S^osSs$x> 
bhiikampamu,  An  earthquake. 

got&  kampu,  s.  A  smell  of  any  kind- 
2.  Fragrance.  3.  A  stink  or  bad 
smell.  It  is  generally  used  in  this 
last  sense,  adj.  Stinking.  | 

£ocg)R"*6*>  kampugottu,#  n.  To  stink- 

^0^)^05^ ^fco  kamputummachettu,  s. 
A  fetid  mimosa  tree. 

g'oasfea  kambamu,  s.  A  post,  pillar,  or 

gonV&n  kambalamu,  s.  A  blanket ; 
termed  by  Europeans  in  India  a 
cumbly.  The  Indian  blankets  are 
usually  of  a  dark  colour. 

gonP  kambali,  s.  vide  S'oa^sSwitfe^ 
S'oaP  kambalamn.  ratnakambali, 
lit.  An  ornamented  blanket.  A 

roD  kambi,  s.  Wire,  2.  The  lines, 
or  border,  at  the  ends  of  a  Hin- 
doo's cloth. 

£oj$t&\  kambetstsu,  s.  A  plate,  with 

holes,  used  as  an  instrument  for 
drawing  wire. 

S'oswsx)  kambulu,s.  The  grain  termed 

Holcus  spicatus,    and  in   Hindu- 
stani Bajra. 

gctf&xs   kambhamu,    s.  vide  ^o^s5» 

So?  £v$  kanllakalaka,  s.  vide  $o&£o 

£  kandlakalaka,  Under  ^o£b  ka- 

g'o&S  kanllu,  s.  vide  ^o£o  kandlu. 

g'o^P'fyo^&j,  ^o-£r°g)  kamsalavadu, 
kamsali,  5.  A  gold  or  silversmith; 
a  worker  in  the  precious  metals. 

ST^- kakka,  $.  A  father. 

ggi—%  kakkara,  s.  The  Numidian 

g^lj-Xsxo  kakkasamu,  s.  Harshness. 
2.  Dunning  a  person  for  a  debt 
due.  rSk_tfsSK>er*£&  kakkasamula- 
r]u,To speak  harshly.  ^S^-cSss^  ka- 
kkasapadu,  To  be  harsh.  2.  To  be 
very  importunate  for  money  due. 

S^k-fro-eft  kakkasintsu,  v.  a,  To  use 
harsh,  or  cruel  expressions.  2.  To 
Qun  for  debp. 

r&k-  kakku,  s.  The  teeth  of  a  file, 
or  saw  ;  the  rough  part  of  a  mill- 
stone. 2.  Vomiting.  3.  The  thing 
vomited,  v.  a,  To  vomit.  ^Sb^- 
-^&»  kakknpettu,  To  sharpen  the 




teeth  of  a  file  &c.  sfSofc-^sfc  kak- 
kuveyu,  To  cut  or  make  rough,  a 
mill-stone<  by  indenting  it.  g'J^) 
Z&^vo  kallepukakkulu,  The  bit 
of  a  bridle. 
#jkr.o'*Si  kakkintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause 
to  vomit.  2.  To  make  another  re- 
.gorge,  or  give  back.  ^So^^b  kak- 
kudu,  Vomiting.  ^So^-^^ex)  kak- 
ku  devulu,  The  vomiting  di- 
sease. This  is  a  name  which  the 
Hindoos  give  to  £he  vomiting 
produced  in  children  by  hiccough, 
and  among  grown  up  persons  from 
bile,  or  other  causes. 

.S'Sb^-el©,  £S5r*k_e38  kakkurriti,  kak- 
kurriti,  s.  Precipitance.  2.  Impor- 
tunity. 3.  Want,  indigence.  4.  In- 

,S"3fr_tf  kakkera,s.mZ£  S^^tf  kakka- 

^K  s5»  kaggamu,  s.  A  sword  ;  a  scy- 

o  -       -        -  >        ....-.., 


g"3§8     kacheri,   s.    A    cutchery,    or 

public  office,  for  the  transaction 
of  business.  2.  The  bride,  or  bride- 
groom, or  both,  sitting  in  state, 
with  dancers  amusing  them. 
^■5\  kachcha,  5.  The  end  of  the  lower 

garment,  which,  after  the  cloth  is 
tied  round  the  body,  passes  bet- 
ween the  legs,  and  is  tucked  up 
behind,  into  the  waist-band. 

S'vf^&tfu  katstsadamu,  s.  The  act  of 
moving  the  pieces,  in  the  Hindoo 
game  termed  Sogataloo,  in  some 
degree  resembling  back-gammon. 
2.  A  bullock  cart.  o.  vide,  s'-s'a  ka- 


^\o$  kachchimpu,  s.  vide  % <&>&£» 
katstsadamu,  No. 

s'-SK  %  kachchika,  s.  A  burnt  cake  of 
dried  dung. 

S'tSov  katstsu,  v.  a.  To  move  the 
pieces,  in  the  Hindoo  game  term- 
ed Sogataloo. 

^afc\ex>  katstsuln,^.  plu.  Splendour  ; 
glittering.  2.  Lies ;  frivolous  ex- 

S^x  kachche,  s.  A  dispute,  quarrel, 
noise,  or  disturbance. 

S^tfM  kachchhamu,  adj.  Contiguous 
to  water  ;  watery,  s.  The  hem  of 
a  garment. 

g2T°a&6x>  kajjayamu,  s.  A  sweet- 
cake,  fried  in  ghee. 

gbsgfyr*  katakata,  inter j.  Expressive 
of  sorrow,  or  grief.  Ala? !  alas  ! 
ir&srfeaoaZk  katakatambadu,  To 
grieve,  or  lament- 
s' feos  5 j^rsfoa,ex>,  g'&S'dr'ew  katakata- 
kammtilu,  katakataln,  s.  pi.  Alow- 
railing,  about  two  feet  high,  gene 
rally  found  in  the  verandas  or 
halls  of  Mohammedans,  and  used 




as  the  back  of  a  couch,  of  which 
the  seat  is  the  ground. 

g&gxSoo  katakamu,    s.  The  town  or 

province  of  Cuttack.  2.  A  brace- 

S'kr0  kata,  interj.  vide  s'&s'&r*  kata- 

^kr*a   katari,  s.    A  dagger,  with  a 

handle  which  runs  up  the    arm, 

on  each  side,  when  it  is  seized  by 

the  hand. 

^do-"IL563dkatakshamii,  s.  A  glance  or 
side  look.  2.  Favor,  regard,  com- 
passion, kindness.  3.  Protection. 
In  Telugu  it  is  used  chiefly  in  its 
second  meaning. 

S'krojko^  katakshintsu,  v.  a.  To 
favor,  or  regard. 

^  kati,  s.  The  hip  or  buttock.  g& 
&p>  «£  sS»  katisiitramu,  s.  The  small 
string  tied  round  a  Hindoo's  waist, 
whence  is  suspended  the  bit  of 
cloth  which  covers  the  privities. 

£3$  katika,  adj.  Mere,  quite,  entire, 
total.  2-  Cruel,  horrid.  g'fe3§'-&s'fe8 
katikack£kati,Total  darkness,  g&g 
'^oS'sSm  katikamekamu,  The  rhino- 

g&g«r>&>  katikavadu,  s.  An  atten- 
dant or  watchman  over  the  apart- 
ments of  the  king's  women.  %  A 

S'feSS  katiki,  s.  vide  g&g  katika. 

^&>Dok&  katumarlu,  s.  pi.  The  cheek 

gkx>t$  katuvu.  s.  A  pungent  taste. 
2.  Solidity,  hardness,  adj.  Pun- 
gent. 2.  Solid,  hard. 

g&w$  katuvu,  s.  A  bier. 

g-feo  katta,  s.  A  bundle.  2.  A  bank, 
or  shore.  3.  A  dam,  or  embank- 
ment. ^koTtkxi  kattagattu,  To  tie  a 
bundle  ;  to  pack  up.  2.  To  dam  or 
embank.  r^'SKJr'fcw  kattategagro- 
ttu,  To  break  an  embankment. 
S"toli7fckattategu,An  embankment 
or  dam,  to  be  broken.  g&~iz$&> 
kattaveyu,  To  raise,  or  throw  up, 
an  embankment. 

£ko,  S'&n*  katta,   katta,    interj.   vide 

g&gkr*  katakata,  s.  A  kuttah,  or 

custom    house,    for  the    levy  of 

sko£&  kattakada,  adv.  At  the  far- 

thest  point ;  at  the  very  end. 

S'toS  kattacla,  5.  An  order,  or  corn- 
er        ••    • 

mand,  2.  A  law,  rule,  or  ordin- 
ance ;  a  precept.  3.  A  custom,  gko 
&^£o£o  kattadacheyu,  To  give  an 
order.  2.  To  make  an  enactment  ; 
to  establish  a  law. 
S,&r°t37fco2&     kattanigundlu,    5.   A 


klace  of  small  gold  beads. 



^&>g  kattadi,  adj.  C  i"ueJ,  hard-heart- 
ed, unfeeling.  2.   Inflexible. 

g*«ao  kattu,  5.  A  tie,  or  bond.  2.  A 
knot  or  bandage.  3.  A  rule,  regu- 
lation; or  law.  4.  A  system.  5.  A 
plot.  6.  Prohibition.  7.  Preven- 
tion, or  restraint.  8.  A  charm,  or 
enchantment.  9.  A  ferrule,  or  any 
ornament,  on  a  stick.  10.  The 
water  in  which  any  sort  of  pulse 
is  boiled. 

gkx  kattu,  v.  a.  To  tie,  bind,  or  con- 

nect.  2.  To  affix,  or  attach.  3.  To 
build,  erect,  or  construct.  4.  To  be 
with  young  as  applied  to  cattle 
only.  5.  To  charm?  or  fascinate.  6. 
To  fly  in  an  inauspicious  manner. 

r&»§^s6  kattukonu,  ».  Comp.  To  tie, 
or  bind,  round  one's  own  body.  2. 
To  do,  or  commit,  an  action.  3.  To 
embrace.  4.  To  marry.  5.  To  con- 

s  &o&  kattintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause 

to  tie,  or  bind.  2.  To  cause  to  build. 

^k>2ss5w  kattadamu,  s-  An  edifice,  or 
eo  ... 

^bni^bo^c&o  kattubatucheyu,  v.  a. 

To  lay  down  a  system.  2.  To  es- 
tablish a  law.  r&o§^o7fo  kattukon- 
gu,  That  part  of  a  female  Hindoo's 
garment,  which  she  ties  round  her 

^fex£>c3  kattubadi,  adj.  lit.  Having 
fallen  into  a  bond-    Tied,  fixed, 

permanent,  invariable.  This  is  a 
revenue  term,  usually  applied  to 
lands  on  which  a  fixed,  invariable, 
and  favorable  rent  is  assessed; 
and  which  have1  commonly  been 
granted,on  that  tenure, or  to  peons, 
liable  to  be  called  out  occasional- 
ly for  the  service. 

S"l3  katte,  s.  A  stick,  or  staff.  2.  A 

piece  of  wood.  3.  Firewood. 

s&>^s$:>o  katnamu,  s,  A  building,  or 

edifice.  2.  Presents  given  by  re- 
lations to  each  other,  during  the 
celebration  of  a  marriage,  &c.  3. 
Presents  formerly  given  by  zemin- 
dars and  others,  to  the  governor  of 
a  province.  4.  A  reward;  or  re- 

'   compense. 

Zkofosoxs  katlagudiya,  5.  A  club,  or 

cudgel,  bound  with  iron  rings,  at 

g&z$o&  katladanda,  *'  A  necklace  Of 
alternate  gold  and  black  beads, 
strung  in  four  or  five  rows. 

r&oi§>3ofo  katlapurugu,  s.  A  danger- 
ous snake  striped  with  black. 

g'fei  katli:  s.  That  species  of  litter, 
which  is  generally  termed  a  Dooly. 

g&blt  katlatige,  s.  A  plant.  Cissam- 
pelos  hexandra. 

g"?->ex>  katlelu,  s.  plu.  Weights.  This 
is  generally  applicable  to  those 
with  which  the  precious  metals  are 




g-w*Q  kathari,  s.  vide  §"<^>8  katari. 
S'QtfsS*)  ka£hinamu,  adj.  Hard,  firm, 
solid.  2.  Difficult.  3.  Severe,  cruel, 
inflexible,  rigid,  un tractable. 
g^tfifto  kathoranru,  adj.  Hard,  solid. 
2.  Difficult.  3.  Frightful,  horrible. 
4.   complete,  full ;  full  grown. 
S'eS    kada,  s.  Place.  2.   Quarter  or 
direction.  3.   End,   or  extremity. 
4.  Side,  or  corner,  adj.  Last.  Post- 
pos.  Near.    When  this   word   is 
affixed  to  the  infinitive  of  verbs, 
it  forms,  with  it,  an  abstract  noun. 
stS'k-dS  ikkada,   In  this  place,  or 
here.  ts^aS,  ws^fi  akada,  akka- 
da;  In  that  place,  or  there.  jn$j& 
nakada,  Near  me.  -xr>^Sa  rakada, 
Coming,  &*sf£  pokada,  Going,  g 
SoS'cS  kattakada,  At  the  very  end. 
not  too  late.  "633  &  repakada,  In 
the  morning.  S&K&  veligada,  Dry 
ground ;  soil  not  watered  artificial- 
ly, but  by  the  rains.  ;5tfXd£  pafa- 
gada,    A  field  which  is  situated 
close  to  a  village.  "^(MgzS  chettu- 
kada,  The  end,  or  top,  of  a  tree. 
S'&ofib,  S^Kb  kadangu,  kadagu*  v.  u. 
To  display  courage,  or  evince  in- 
trepidity, in  battle,  &  To  strive, 
or  endeavour, 

g£o£  kadanka,  s.   Bravery.   2.  The 

display  of  courage  in  battle. 

g&tioZk  kadagandlu,  s.  ply.  Calami- 
ties, evils,  dangers,  afflictions,  mis- 
eries, persecutions. 

S'&sS  kadapa,  s.  The  under  timber 
of  the  door  frame.  2.  The  thresh- 
old, or  entrance,  sts'ao^tf  frs&sS 
e^S'k-ssb  ikamida  nikadapa  tokka 
nu,  lit.  I  shall  not  hereafter  kick 
the  under  timber  of  thy  doorframe. 
I  shall  never  again  enter  your 
threshold.  $d£$zsy(M  kadapadatu, 
To  cross  the  threshold ;  to  go  out. 

S'&sSk)  kadapata,  adv.  vide  Under  %& 

g'&ssb  kadama,  s.  The  remainder,  rest, 
or  residue,  adj.  Remaining. 

§"&£>  kadali,  5.  The  sea.  ^©so^fo 
kadalikuturu,  Lakshami,  the  wife 
of  Vishnu,  and  goddess  of  prospe- 
rity ;  because  she  was  produced 
from  the  churning  of  the  ocean. 
^£©"3^  kadalivenna,  The  moon; 
because  it  was  also  produced  by 
the  churning  of  the  ocean. 

S'&ss  kadava,  s.  A  large  earthen  pot, 

in  which  water  is  generally  carri- 

gz»°b  kadani,  s.  Massy,  or  pure  gold. 

r&  kadi 5  s.  A  morsel  ;  a  mouthfuL 

2.  A  stool  of  cow-dtfng. 



STnoSb- Kariudu 

rS^s5»  kaditamu,  s,  A  book  made 
of  folded  cloth,  covered  with  a 
black  paste?  on  which  accounts 
and  memoranda  are  written, 
with  a  kind  of  soft  stone,  used 
chiefly  by  merchants.  The  writing 
may  be  effaced  by  a  wet  cloth;  it 
resembles  a  slate,  in  this  respect, 
as  well  as  in  the  appearance  of 
the  white-  writing. 

r&a  kadidi,  adj.  Large,  great,  big. 

r§sx>  haclimi,  s.  Valour,  bravery, 

sf&csSsSM  kadiyamu,  s.  A.  bracelet,  or 

Sfe&  kadu,  adj.  Much  ;  great,  g'jkr* 
&  kadukonu,  v.  n.  To  be  disting- 
uished, or  signalized  in  battle. 

%&>!&  kadugu,  v.  a.  To  wash,  or 
lave.  2.  To  cleanse,  s>  The  water 
in  which  rice  has  been  washed. 
3"  &  ft  oik  kadigintsu,  v.   Cans.  To 

cause  to  wash,  or  cleanse.  £&> 
^V-s&  kadukkonu,  p*  Comp.  To 
wash,  or  cleanse. 
S'e&sg)  kadnpu,  s.  The  belly,  or  sto- 
mach. 2.  Pregnancy.  3.  The  foetus. 
StfXskjg)  paragadupu,  This  applies 
to  the  state  of  the  stomach,  before 
a  person  has  broken  his  fast.  An 
empty,  or  fasting  stomach.  ££&<£) 

#*&o£&>  kaduputoundu,  To  be 
pregnant,  ^^^©o-ik  kadupudin- 
tsu,  To  cause  to  miscarry;  to  cause 
an  ajbortiom  ^^b^aK^^o  kadupu- 
digabadu,  To  miscarry,  or  have 
an  abortion. 

g'j&sfcoo^  kadumunta,  s.  A  small 
pot,  or  pitcher,  with  a  large 

££&>#  kaduva,  s.  vide  s'&sS,  s^stf-crfc 

kadava,  kaduvarasi,  The  sign  of 

S'S&sff  §&»kaduvatitu,  s.  A  small  drum. 

gX9°oss<Sx>  kaddayamu,  s.  Compul- 
sion, force,  violence,  constraint. 

£&  kaddi,  s.  An  ingot,  or  bar  of 

£&g  kanaka,  s.  vide  g&og  kadanka, 

Under  r£o7fo  kadansro. 

r^Ko  kanagu,  v.  n.  vide  r&oKo  ka- 
il angu. 

g'rBajsSaj  kanadzamu,  s.  A  barm  or 
magazine?  for  grain. 

S'n^  kanata,  s*  The  temple  of  the 

g&s$x>  kanamu,  5.  A  small  particle, 
or  atom. 

^©kaniti,  s.  The  animal  which  is 
usually  called  an  elk. 

S'raoK*  kanudzu,  5.  An  elk.  2.  A  hawk. 

r?3otfbtf>  kanuduru,  s.  vide  ^oAK  ka»* 






^esosg)  kanupu,  s*  A  knot,  knuckle, 
or  joint. 

^&  kata,  5.  wcZe  g$  katba. 

££<&,  *?«&&>  kataku,  katuku,  v.  a.  To 
lap  with  the  tongue. 

t&#  katana,  postpos.  By,  by  means 
of.  2.  Because.  3.  On  account  o£ 

%&&»  katamu,  s.  Cause- 

^  tfer^a  kattalani,  5.  A  horse. 

^  ^fs5>5  kattalamu,  s.  Armour,  mail. 

g  8  katti,  A  sword  or  sabre.  2.  A 
knife..  3.  A  razor.  g"  ©e&foafokatti- 
duyuj  To  draw  a  sword,  g  ©&»<» 
kattiorra,  A  sword's  scabbard,  or 
sheath,  ^^y  banakatti,  A  dou- 
ble-edged sword.  sboKoZ  ©  man- 
galakatti,A  barber's  knife,  a  razor. 
gj&h&g  kattipidaka,  The  case 
hung  to  the  side  of  a  toddy  drawer, 
containing  a  knife,  and  other 
implements.    ^_©l)^  kattipita,  A 

large  kitchen  knife,  fixed  perpen- 
dicularly in  a  stool,  against  the 
edge  of  which  vegetables,  &c.  are 
cut;  g'^ex>«rs-&><xr>2&  kattulutome- 
vadu,  A  knife-grinder, 
g'ekss  kattuva,  5.  A  wooden,  pointed", 
spade  ;  the  lower  part  of  which 
is  not  square,  but'  triangular,  one 
of  the  angles  forming  the  point. 
It  is  much  used,  in  the  Northern 
Circars,  in  digging  large  clods? 
when  the  earth  is  wet. 

SH  katte,  5.  In  compos,  only,  used 
as  an  affix,  to  denote  A  female  : 
as  ^8Sj§  chelikatte,  A  female 
friend.  The  corresponding  male 
affix  is  -r°e&,  -7f>&>  kadu,  gadu. 

S  Htf,  £  HS^o  kattera,  katterako- 
la,  s.  Scissors.  SlS8pifc,  W  ©So-tfo 
katterintsu,  kattirintsu,  To  shear, 
or  cut  with  scissors.  s"gtfer*oX' 
kattera  donga,  A  pick-pocket, 
who,  in  a  crowd,  or  at  a  festival, 
secretly  cuts  off  any  ornament 
from  the  person  of  another,  with 

sflltf^b^,  Slltfe^  katteratsuk- 
ka,  katterarikka,  s.  The  third 
lunar  mansion,  corresponding 
with  the  Pleiades,  g  "S^er^."^^ 
katterarikkanela,  The  8th  Telugu 
lunar  month  ;  that  in  which  the 
moon's  change  takes  place  near 
the  Pleiades,  when  the  sun  is  in 
Scorpio,  vide  &j^&  ugadi. 

S"  "g»'^r,S)l)ew  katterabavililu,  s.  flu. 


An    ornament,,  set  with  precious 
.  stones,  worn  by  Plindoo  females, 
near  the  top  of  the  ear. 

%%  katha,  s.  A  story,  tale,  or  fable. 
2.  A  narrative,  or  relation.  3.  A 
chronicle  or  history.  ^§&£&  kathi- 
kudu,  A  narrator  of  ancient  tales. 




g$  kada,  particle,  vide  gzr  kada\ 
sc5o£3s53o  kadambamn,  s.  A  flock,  or 
multitude.  2.  An  arrow.  3.  A  col- 
lection of  perfumes.  rc5o»&*&  ka- 
dambapodi,  A  sort  of  perfumed 

g'&Sb,  ^25b§o  kadaku,  kaduka,  v.  a. 
vide  §"^go  kataku. 

£z$-2r>  kadapa,  s.  4  counter-agree- 

S"tfeo  kadalu,  v.  n.  To  move,  stir,  or 
shake.  %&§£  kadalika,  s.  Motion. 

S'sSoiSb,  S'esoox  kadalintsu,  kadaltsu, 
v.  a.  To  move,  stir,  or  shake;  in 
an  active  sense. 

g-&*i  S'es  kacla,  kada,  particle.  This 
is  a  corruption  of  the  interroga- 
tive form  of  the  negative  particle. 
-3-° &  kadu,  Not,  and  literally  de- 
notes Is  it  not  so  ?.  It  corresponds 
in  use  fwitk  the  English  words- 
Since,  as,  neither,  indeed,  even 
really,  entirely  &c.  Added  to  in- 
finitives it  expresses  the  precative 
imperative  ;  and  has  many  other 
variations  of  moaning,  to  be  ga- 
thered  from   the    context,   syi&o 

osScsslJ^  va'du  yogyudugacla  va- 
nito  snehamu  cheyyavalenu,  As  he 
is  a  worthy    man,   I  must    con- 

tract friendship  with  him.  &r°£>( 
SosSe  tsudagadayya,  Pray  look, Sir. 

rupayiledugada  okakasugddaledu, 
I  have  neither  a  rupee,  nor  even 
a   cash.  ^2&^-°. •£■*£& K^  ^so"^ 

«5jSo  vaduvrastadugada  yemichep- 
panu,  I  am  unable  to  express  my 
admiration  of  his  writing.  r^o^sSao 

konchemu  sambalagadugada-oka 
varahayichchinadu,Even  a  person 
on  a  small  salary,  gave  one  pagoda. 

"e5&-.X'£sScs5oo  mfto  matladudamante- 

I  wish  to  speak  with  you,  I 
have     not    leisure.     -^gbfr^s^Q 

&>  &coo&z$-xF><Dd  sSofjo-tfo  nakani- 
vu  ivvavalasinadi  padivaralnga- 
da  andulo  ippuclu  ayidu  varalu 
pampintsu,  You  know  that  you 
must  give  me  ten  pagodas  ;  of 
these,  send  me  five  at  present, 
rscooj  kadiyu,  v.  n.  To  touch,  to  be 
contiguous,  to  meet  to  join,  to  ap- 
proach. 2.  To  be  pressed  or  squeez- 
ed. 3.  To  copulate,  v.  a.  To  obtain. 
?fao»otft  kadiyintsu,  To  cause  to 
touch,   &c. 




sfeSo-ab  kadilintsu,  v.  a.  vide  s'&So 
•&>  kadalintsu,  Under,  g'esex)  kadalu. 

g'sfo^)  kadupu,  s.  A  herd  of  cattle,  or 
flock  of  sheep. 

^efos5w  kadumu,  s.  The  coagulated 
blood,  suffused  under  the  skin, 
after  a  bruise,  v.  a.  To  push  a 
way.  2.  To  extend. 

tfaotfykaduru,  5.  A  spindle.  2.  An 
awl,  or  puncheon. 

g'&ex)  kadulu,  v.  n.  vide  s'csoo  kadalu. 

%&  kaddu,  The  third  person  neuter, 
in  the  singular  number,  of  the  af- 
firmative aorist  of  ^ewKb  kalugu, 
To  be  possessed  ;  to  exist.  It  is, 
there  is.  In  reply  to  questions  re- 
specting existence,  this  word  re- 
presents the  general  English  af- 
firmative yes,  as  opposed  to  "e$&> 

;  ledu,  p.  v.  ;  thus,  g'-es-*,  if 73^  kad- 

cla,  leda.  Is  it,  or  not  ?  With  the 
dative  case,  g&  kaddu,  Express- 
es possession,  as  ^gog'jsb  nakuka- 
ddu,  I  have. 

%$t-$zr>&>  kanakanaladu,  v.  n*  Live 
coals,  to  burn  red-hot. 

£tf»2&  kanabadu,  v.  n.  vide  g&Xth 
kanupadu,  Under,  g'sfc  kanu. 

g'tfsfc  kanama,  s.  A  defile,  or  pass, 
between  two  mountains, 

Ktftfb  kanaru,  s.  An  acrid,  bitter,  or 

*  disagreeable  taste. 

g'tfew  kanalu,  v:  n.  To  be  angry,  s 

S'SS'SsSm  kanikaramu,  s.  Pity,  com- 

S'jso  kanu,  v.  a.  To  see  or  look  ;  to 
regard  ;  to  perceive  ;  to  observe. 
2.  To  meet.  3.  To  bring  forth  ;  To 
bear  young.  4.  To  beget.  5.  To 
produce,  as  applied  to  fruit  trees, 
or  crops.  6.  To  yield  a  revenue,  or 

§>  kanu,  s.  The  eye.  g&,  sftfsSJk 
kanu,  kana-padn,  To  appear  ;  to 
seem.  It  is  used  impersonally, 
with  the  dative  case. 

S'sfc,  s"tf sSeM-db  kanu,  kanaparrutsu,  v. 
a.  To  shew,  or  point  oat. 

S'jtfo,  g'sfxD-sSb  kanu,  kanipintsa,  v. 
Coals.  To  shew,  or  point  out.  2.  To 
deliver  a  female,  or  animal,  in  la- 
boar.  This  verb  is  also  used  im- 
personally, with  the  dative  case  ; 
and  then  denotes.  To  seem  ;  To 
appear.  2.  To  be  sensible  of  pain, 
to  feel.  3.  To  be  afflicted' with,  or 
labouring  under,  any  disease  ;  as 
-5r>a§  £e>sr°§aS's>ao-£)tfa'variiki  ta- 
lanoppi  kanipinchinadi,  He  has  a 
head-ache.  ^g-eSts^-s^bb  *f$E>o-t& 
okariki  ammavaru  kanipintsu, 
Any  one  to  have  the  small  pox. 
sr»r*;$>  kanikonu,  Yulgarly  writ- 



s£v  $5s>=Kannamu 

g&g*lr.&  kanukkonu,  v.  comp.  To 

see,  to  look,  to  regard,  to  perceive, 
to  observe.  2.  To  bring  forth 
young.  3.  To  find  out,  detect,  or 
discover.  g&?Ti&  kanugoiiu,  To 
see,  look,  or  perceive.  £»"£>&»  ka- 
nipettu,  To  watch,  or  take  care 
of.  2.  To  expect,  or  look  out  for. 
3.  To  find  out,  to  discover.  4.  To 
divine.  g'sft^SS  kanukoliki,  The 
corner  of  the  eye. 

^&hbx>  kanugitu,  v.  a.  To  wink,  or 
make  signs  with  the  eyes.  ^<332S° 
s5b,  g&TS*'^  kanuboma,  kanubo- 
mnia,  The  eye  brow- 

g'ssb  /sr jsS»  kanubramu,  v.  a.  To  con- 
ceal; to  put  out  of  sight. 

S'sfc'Swofcsftb  kanumorragu,  v.  n.  To 
disappear,  to  vanish.  g'jSolk)^  ka- 
nurreppa,  The  eye-lid. 

S'pSoa-ifcx  kanuvitstsu,  v.  n.  To  awake. 

^^b*3-c\  kanuvetstsa,  s.  lit.  eye- 
warmth.  Gentle  heat,  or  warmth. 

gf&t&fC-tot  kanupugottu,  v.  a.  To  cut 
into  pieces. 

S'i&sfc  kanuma,  s.  A  gap.  2.  A  pass 
through  hills. 

S\tfSs5»  kanumu,  s.  The  day  after  the 
Pongal  feast,  or  after  any  eclipse^ 

Sjtfx  kanna,  adv.  Than.  This  word, 
and  So!j  kante,  which  is  syiioni- 

mons  with  it,  are  the  common  ad- 
verbs of  comparison,  It  is  very 
generally  believed  that  the  former 
is  the  relative  past  participle,  and 
the  latter  the  subjunctive,  of 
the  verb.  £•&  kanu,  to  see  &c. 
When,  g"^  kanna,  is  used  as  the 
past  relative  participle  of  g&  ka- 
nu, q.  v.  it  may  occasionally  be 
translated  own  ;  thus,  g^ $££> 
kannatalli,  One7s  own  mother,  lit. 
the  mother  who  bore,  rtfx  £)&  ka- 
nnabidda,  One's  own  child,  lit. 
The  child  born,  ^s\  &0  g  kanna- 
tandri,  One  s  own  father,  lit.  The 
father  who  begot. 

£$\&  kannada,  s.  Contempt,  disre- 
gard. 2.  Indifference ;  negligence. 

S'tfN  2»sfc»  kannadamu,  5.  The  langu- 
age of  Carnataca,  improperly  term- 
ed the  Ganarese.  ^^^  kannada, 
adj.  Of  or  belonging  to  the  coun- 
try of  Carnataca.  S'tf^JI  kannadi, 

s.  An  inhabitant  of  the  Carnataca 

£$k  s6m  kannamu,  s.  A  hole.  2.  A  hole 

made  by  thieves  in  a  wall.  This  is 

the  manner  in  which  burglary  is 

usually  committed  in  India^sfx  tt» 

£&,  ¥"<tf\  &?&)  kannagadu,  kannadi- 

du,  A  thief  as  above  defined.  A 




person  who  has  committed  bur- 
glary. S'tf^^s'jl ,  r#\  "§o^><i>  kanna- 
pukatti,  kannapukola,,  Theinstru" 
ment  with  which  a  thief  commits 
burglary,  as  above  defined  §"#%  sSm 
"^aaco,  S'sTn  s*»*s>&>d  kannamuveyu, 
kannamupettu,  To  commit  bur- 
glary, as  above  explained. 

S  ?^So  kannaku,  s.  A  noble,  or  ex- 
cellent, person. 

S'rK  osS  kanniya,  s.  vide  g'tfo  kanya. 

g&±  kannu,  s.  Irregular,  making  in 
the  inflex.  Sing.  §"ofeS  kanti,  And 
in  the  nom.  nlu.    goth    kandlu, 

L  to  • 

The  eye.  52.  The  joint  or  knot  in  a 
cane,   or   in    the  stalk  of  a  reed, 

or  plant.  3.  The  mesh  of  a  net.  4. 
A  vital  part,  vide  g'so  kanu,  When- 
ce this  word  is  derived.  £^«» 
kannirru,A  tear.  g'sso^firSooo  kannu- 
doyi,  A  couple  of  eyes. 

g~3\  kanne,  s.  vide  ^tfo.s'i^els'sfco 
kanya-kannerrikamu,  s.  Virginity. 
2.  The  act  of  first  cohabiting  with 
a  female. 

5ftf<?  kanya,  .5.  A  girl  of  eight  years 
of  age.  2.  A  virgin.  3.  The  sign 
Virgo  in  the  zodiac 

t$v^  kanyaka,  s.  A  little  girl.  2.  A 
maiden,  or  virgin. 

ss$k>s$:»  kapatamu,  s.  Dissimulation, 

artful  concealment  of  one's  inten- 

tions. 2.  Cunning,  artifice.  3.  A 
feint,  or  trick.  4.  Deceit,  cheating. 
^sSfeS,  S'Sto^So^b  kapati,  kapatasthu 
du,  A  cunning  person  ;  a  cheat. 

g'&'gj  kapile,s.  This  is  the  name  given 
to  an  engine,  of  very  simple  con- 
struction, used  for  drawing  up 
water  from  wells.  A  large  'pulley, 
supported  by  strong  pieces  of 
wood,  is  raised  on  the  highest  side 
of  the  well  ;  and,  by  means  of  it, 
the  water  is  drawn  up  in  a  lea- 
thern bucket,  by  two  yoked  bul- 
locks, which  pulldown  an  artifici- 
al descent,  formed  for  the  pur- 

S^tfs&o  kapuramu,  s.  Camphor. 

g^  kappa  s.  A  frog. 

S^©«S^2»  kappachippalu,  a-  A  bi- 
valve shell. 

S'sSvsfco  kappamu,  s.  Tribute,  g^sfoa 
S'feo  kappamu kattn,  To  give  or 
pay  (lit.  To  tie)  tribute. 

S^^afea  kapparamu,  s.  A  variegated 

S'sSjj  kappu,  v,  a.  To  cover,  v.  n.  To. 
spread,  or  extend.  2.  To  collect  or 
settle  in  a  thick  covering,  as  the 
clouds  before  heavy  rain,  or  smoke 
^>ver  a  large  cit}T. 




^s5v  kappu.  s.  A  covering.  2.  Thatch. 
3.  Black  colour.  4.  The  black  com- 
position, with  which  the  Hindoos 
rub  their  teeth,  and  which  covers 
the  interstices  between  them.  adj. 
Black.  £&j,  £#£r°&  kappi,  kappu- 
konu,  v.  Comp.  To  envelope  one's- 
self;  to  cover  one's- self.  2.  To 
spread,  extend,  or  collect,  as  above 
explained.  g^-gpra&»  kappatala- 
mu,  A  pad  lock. 

&&gtfs&»  kappuramu,  s.  vide  §^£&» 

£"2^  tf  kappera,  s.  An  earthen  vessel, 
used  as  a  plate  for  victuals,  at 
the  meals  of  the  lower  classes  of 
Hindoos.  The  superior  classes  in- 
variably use  metal  vessels.  2.  A 
pot  used  in  begging  alms. 

f^s5»  kapramu,  s.  vide  g^tfssa  ka- 

S'so^skw  kabaiamu,  s.  A  mouthful,  a 
morsel  .2.  Physic- ball  for  horses, 
g'a&o-ik  kabalintsu,  v.  a.  To' swal- 
low, to  devour,  to  gulp. 

^■©•^sSoakabadamu,  s.  A  bullock-load 
of  grass,  or  straw.  2.  Forage. 

S'ttofr  kaburu,  5.  News,  intelligence. 
2.  Eeport.  3.  A  message. 

ifPxsSw  kabbamu,  s.  Poetry. 

S£KS*r>£&  kabbilivadu,  5-.  A  toddy- 

S'sfco&ejsSw,  S'sSbo&exjjg)  kamandala- 
mu,  kamandalupu,  s.  The  water- 
pot  of  an  ascetic,  or  hermit. 

g'sfc^sSw  kamatamu,  s.  The  cultiva- 
tion which  the  owner  carries  on 
with  his  own  farming  stock,  by 
means  of  another.  2.  The  land  of 
which  the  zemindar,  jaghiredar, 
shotriumdar,  inamdar,  &c.  him- 
self retains  the  farm  in  his  own 
hands,  or  causes  to  be  cultivated 
with  his  own  farming  stock,  in 
contradistinction  to  the  land  rent- 
ed out  by  him  to  others-  ^8fc5£-rc* 
eso  kamatagadu,  s.  The  person  em- 
ployed to  cultivate,  with  the  farm- 
ing stock  of  the  owner. 

S'sSbifc  kamaru,  v.  n.  To  be  singed,  or 
burnt,  as  applied  to  hair  or  lea- 
ther, and  to  the  body  if  burnt 
black,  s.  The/  act  of  burning  as 

^55oe)s5w  kamalamu,  s.  The  lotus,  or 
Nymphcea  nelumbo.  2.  Water.  3- 
An  antelope. 

Sfs6£r>sSo&>  kamalapandu,  5.  A  small 
sweet  orange,  usually  in  India, 
termed  the  hill  orange.. 

^^j  TV-Kammaga- 



— i 

^s5bex>  kamalu,  ?;.?z.To  fade,  or  wither. 

2.  To  be  scorched  by  the  sun.  3. 

To  be    burned  hy  fire,    without 

coming  in  immediate  contact  with 

S'sfc *r°!3i>y>2h  kamasalevadu,  s.  vide 
goir*vGr*&)  kamsalavadu. 

£"££§&  kamikili,  s.  The  hand,  held 
with  the  fingers  bent,  and  sepa- 
rated. This  word  is  much  used 
with  the  affix,  dgb  edu,  And 
is  chiefly  affixed  to  words  denot- 
ing food,  to  express  a  handful ;  as 
g'Stol^tss^sSao  kamikeduannamu, 
A  handful  of  boiled  rice. 

S"j6cm-^)  kamutsu,*?.  a.  To  swallow,  to 

STs^tfo  kamurti,  v.  n.  vide  £&&>  ka- 
rri ar  a. 

^s&,  kamma,  s.  A  branch  or  bough 

— e  o 

of  any  tree  of  the  palm  species. 
2.  A  letter  of  correspondence, 
written  upon  thft  palm  leaf.  3.  A 
kind  of  ear-ring  worn  by  Hindoo 
women,  adj.  Delicious,  pleasant. 
g',  g'sSo  tf  kammadanamti, 
kammana,  A  delicious  odour  or 

3^-tp  kammaga,  adv.  Well,  in  good 

g'sfc  ^ot^^o,    S'sSd.Q       kammaravadn, 

—6  —6 

kammari,s.An  iron  or  black-smith, 
g's&^e^,  £s6,tfa  kammarata,  kam- 
maradi,  A  female  of  that  caste. 
This  is  one  of  the  five  castes  of 
artificers,  vide  go-fr°v5T*?&>,  "SfeS^ 
s&,tf«£raoe&  kamsalavadu,  baitika- 
mmaravandlu,  Itinerant  black- 

s'o^-o^bb  kammavaru,  s.  phi.  The 
kammavars,  a  numerous  caste  of 
Telugu  Sudras,  usually  employ- 
ed in  agriculture. 

%&>  .8§"sta>  kammarikama,5.The  caste 
itself  in  the  abstract. 

g£».  kammi,  5.  Wire.  2.  A  bar.  3.  The 

— o 

line  or  border  at  the  ends  of  a 
Hindoo's  cloth,  vide  s'oSj  ^^ 
&d  kambi,  inapakammi,  An  iron 
bar.  s'&sSsfS*)   kadapakammi,  The 


threshold.  s»a&»__§'sx>,  s5do^_Sd 
mukkukammi,mnkkammi,  A  gold 
or  ornamented  ring,  worn  by 
women,  and  suspended  from  the 
side  of  the  nose,  which  is  perfor- 
ated for  this  purpose.  gSn-^X&a&a 

— d 

kammi  sagadiyu,  To  draw  wire. 
£&>■&£  kammichfra,  A  woman's 
cloth,  with  a  stripe  on  it's  border. 
sf&j&oaSo  kammicliyu,  To  draw 
wire.  2.  To  flee  away. 




^s5m>  kammu,  v.  a.  To  cover.  2.  To 
spread,  or  extend.  3.  To  over- 
spread. 4.  To  surround.  TT'o&og 
ss^  gontukammu,  To  become 

S'sSw  c5w  kammudala,  s.  Covering.  2. 
Concealing.  3.  An  escort.  4.  Aid. 
cloud  overspread.  •sr>jo§-g©g's6;WxSto 

° D 

tf a  vanikimaik amugamminadi , He 
is  completely  intoxicated,  I&sfoog' 
S>o  £s>  senalukamminavi,The  troops 

S'-^tpSo  kammeraku,  s.  A  kind  of 
beetle  leaf,  darker  and  stronger 
than  the  common  one. 

?fooo  kayi,  s.   The  hand. 

lfo*>  kayi,  s.  A  poet,  sTom^,  row^s&o 
kayita,  kayitamu,  Poetry,  ^ooo-o3 
^j^  kayisarudu,  A  poet. 

^o»$j  kayiphu, &  Drunkenness. 

S"c*6g  kayya,  5.  A  brook,  or  running 
stream.  2.  A  paddy  field. 

?f csSgsSw  kayyamu,  s.  Battle,  combat. 
2.  A  quarrel  or  dispute.  3.  War. 

SfS  kara,  s.  A  hedge.  2.  An  embank- 
ment, vide  £&9  karra. 

if  srtf  karakara,  5.  Sharpness.  2.  The 
noise  made  in  chewing,  or  by  the 
iron  style  in  writing  on  the  pal- 
myra leaf. 

gtfgd  k^irakari,  s.  Confusion.  2.  Mix- 

£%£•&*  karakas£,  s.  A  dispute  regard- 
ing boundaries. 

S'tf-g-'k-ctfD  karakkaya,  s.  The  fruit 
of  the    g'tfs^to)  karakachettu,   g. 

£0  m  J 

v*  There  are  some  curious  phrases 
in  which  this  word  is.  used,  viz. 
$T*6oS'tf-2-*k_cs3£>db  notakarakkaya 
badu,  lit.  This  fruit  to  fall  in  the 
mouth.  To  be  prevented.  !&r>b>g 

tf-s^J_c8$-i?r)&)o,  ~£rrtx>  notakarakka 
ya-gottu,  vey'u,  lit.  To  force  this 
fruit  into  the  mouth.  To  prevent. 

S'tfKtfsfco  karagasamu,  s.   A  saw. 

S'STfo  karagu,  v.  a.  or  n.  To  melt,  dis- 
solve, or  waste.This  verb,  like  the 
English  verb  to  melt,  is  used  ei- 
ther in  an  active,  or  neuter  sense. 
ss>#&>Xtffio  manasugaragu,  To  feel 
compassion,  ts  %ti$rk>  astifearagtr, 
An  estate  to  be  wasted. 

S'tf  ■&'  karatsu,  v.  a.   To  melt. 

g'tffto-tfo  kara  gin  tsu,  v.  Cans.  To 
cause  to  melt,  &c. 

^^^p?6oo,  ^tf£b  karadamu,  karadu,  s. 
A  wave. 

5ftfn>;&»  karanamu,  s.  An  organ  of 
sense.  2.  Cause.  3.  An  instrument 
or  means  of  action.  4.  A  curnum 

or  village  accountant.  In  Telinga,- 




na,  these  are  generally  Brahmans; 

in  the  Tam]l  country,  Sudras  of 

the  Pilly  tribe.  g'tf^g'sfea  karanika 

ruu,  The'office  of  a  village  account- 

^ti&  kararii,  s.  Manner,  way,  mode. 
2.  Similarit}7,  likeness. 

g'tf.sfoa  karamu,  s.  The  hand.  2.  A 
ray.  3.  A  tax. 

£#s5m  karamu^  adj»  Much,  great. 

S'tfsn-aja  karavayi  s.  An  instrument 
used  by  gold-smiths. 

^tf  oyosfco,  rtf-^ew  karavalamu,  kara 
valu,  5.  A  scymitar*  or  sabre, 
thirty  inches  long. 

§^&  kararu,  s.  Agreement,  engage- 

Stp&^oqco  kararu  cheyu,  v.  a,  To  en- 
gage, to  agree. 

£-&*&$&>  kararupadu,  v>  n.  To  be 

^-o-*?5b  j3-°s5o-°  kararunarna,  5.  A  written 
agreement,  ©r  engagement. 

s  9  kari,  s.  The  pudendum  of  any 
female,  either  of  the  human  or 
brute  species.  2.  A  sharp  weapon. 

§6$  karini,  s.  A  female  elephant. 

g'e^^o&D  karinevandlu,  s.    plu.    A 

CO  4 

particular  caste  of  weaver?, 
re  a  karidi,   s.  The  bridge    of  the 
Yina>  a  t.brt  of  Hindoo  guitar. 

S^sfoa  karisemu,  s.  Agriculture 

S'&So  karuku,  s.  Medicinal  drugs- 
burnt  to  ashes,  which  the  Hindoos 
use  with  a  mixture  of  water,  dur- 
ing sickness. 

Z&fo  karugu,  s.  Melted  gold,  &c  2. 
The  vessel  in  which  gold  is  melted. 
3.  Liquified  or  clarified  butter,  &c. 
vide  gtifo  karagu. 

§*&&>  karudu,  .?.  A  lump  of  boile^i 
rice,  or  of  turf.  2.  A  wave.  3.  A 
daily  account.  This  term  is  also 
applied  to  what  we  term  the  sur£ 
which  is  distinguished  by  the 
name  of  ~%o&g&?k>  pentikarudu, 
Or  the  female  surf,  and  the  &-*&> 
r&&>  potukaruclu,  Or  the  male 
surf.  The  former  denotes  the  in- 
ner or  inferior  surf,  the  latter  the 
out  ward  or  larger  one. 

r&rc  karuna,  s.  Compassion,  mercy, 
clemency,  pity,  tenderness.  2.  Par- 
don.  3.   Favor. 

^&£3oi5b,  g'&ra'^osoo  karunintsu,  karu 
najeyu,  v.  a.  To  have  compassion, 
&c.  2.  To  favor, 

g&zyrv^&ss&is;  karubudzadosatfge, 
5.  The  creeping  plant  of  the  melon. 

"s'^-e^  karoda,  s.  An  officer  employ- 
ed to  superintend  a  Tanadar,  <fcc. 




rtf^osSex)  karjakayalu,  5.  pi  A  sort 
of  sweet  meat. 

^tfsSrw'karnamu,  s.  The  ear. 

g'cas— qr°bb^)      karnadharudu,    s.     A 

rtf  £  e£,s*»ejo,  r^^^s5^ex>  karnapat- 
ramulu.  karnapuramum,  s.  An  ear- 
ornament  worn  by  Hindoo  women. 
g&s-g  kir.iika,  5.  A  trinket  for  the 
ear.  2.  A  roll  of  palm  leaf,  thrust 
through  the  lobe  of  the  ear. 
g-  tf  karta,    s.    An    agent,    doer,    or 
maker.  2.  A    lord   or  master.  3. 
An  owner.    4.    An  author.  5.  An 
heir.   6.  In    grammar,    the  agent 
of  the  action  denoted  by  the  verb. 

g*tfr^tfs5ao    karpuramu,  s.    Camphor. 



Karpuramu,     s. 


^tf  8&»  karmamu,  s.  An  act  or  a'ction. 
2.  A  lot  or  destiny.  3.  Moral  duty; 
the  religious  obligations,  or  cere- 
monies, imposed  by  peculiarities 
of  tribe  or  occupation.  4.  Funeral 
rites.  5.  In  grammar,  the  subject, 
cr  object  of  the  action  denoted  by 
the  verb,  r-q^  o^tfcSw  karmantara 
mil,  s.  Funeral  rites. 

§"e$  karra,  s.  A  stain  ;  dirt ;  black- 
ness, adj.   Black. 

r&sr  o  &  &»  karrakaiithamu,  s.  A  spar- 

r&sg'c&.^o  karrakanthudu,s.  The  god 
Siva,  because  his  neck  is  black. 

S'ssS'eJ)  karrakarri,   s.  Force. 

re^So  karraku,  s.  Roughness,  in- 
equality, sharpness  ;  as  of  the  file, 
or  teeth  of  a  saw,  or  of  any  rough 
surface,  adj.  Sharp,  rough,  hassh. 

g'cxslSo^.  karrakekku,  v.  n.  To  be 

s  &5§b^>  karrakuttu,  s.  Boasted  meat; 

because  it  is   fixed  on  a   spit,    or 


S'es-db  karratsu,0.  a.  To  bite,  to  gnaw. 
2.  To  learn,  study,  or  acquire,  any 
art,  science,  or  business. 

^es;£)  karrapu,  v.  a.  To  teach,  to  in- 

S'esSo-^b  karrapintsu,    v.    Cans.    To 

cause  to  bite,  or  gnaw.  2.  To  cause 
to  teach. 

g'w&ao  karratalu,  s.  phi.  Childish 

^&3c5  karrada,  s.  Wickedness. 

sTes  &r$  s5w  karradupamu,  s.  A  cobweb. 

^e#;g)  karra vu,  s.  A  famine  ;  scarcity, 

Sel  karri,  s.  Blackness,  adj.  Black. 

S'eJ'ia^  karnvelpu,  5.  The  god  Vish- 
nu, in  his  incarnation  as  Krishna. 

sQM~£-&i%toQ,  ^eJ^ska  karrivepachettu, 
karri vemu,  s.  The  Berjera  kcenigii, 




of  which  the  leaves  are  used  to 
give  a  flavour  to  certain  dishes, 
and  are  deemed  tonic. 

^6£)o&  karruku,  s.  vide  £&&>  karraku, 

%w  karra,    5.    A   staff,   or  walking 

stick.  %  The  stalk  of  grain-  3.  A 

g$3  karri,  ,9.  One  of  the  names  of 
Arjuna  the  third  son  of  Pandu. 

£ea>  karru,  s.  A  plough-share.  This 
noun  makes  in  the  sing.  Inflex.  ^ 
G^-^eJ"^e)  karrti-karrtinela,  Such 
a  quantity  of  ground  as  may  be 
cultivated  by  one  plough*  g'&g-acotf 
ka-rrtimona,  The  point  of  the 

§'  eJ^oDoexj  karrtimolalu,  5.  plu.  The 
iron  cramps  which  fasten  the 
plough-share  to  the  wooden  part 
of  the  plough. 

Sfo  kala,  6.  A  dream.  This  word  is 
also  the  irregular  relative  partici- 
ple of  g'ewTfo  kalwgu,  And  may  then 
be  translated  possessing.  Added 
to  substantives,  it  becomes  x"e;  ga 
la,  by  the  rules  for  the  permuta- 
tion of  letters,  and  converts  the 
substantive  into  an  adjective. 

%oK#o  kalaganu,  v.  h.  To  dream*     ' 
^<yo-s-*6  kalankari,  5.  Chintz-paint- 
^ejo-sfo  kalantsu,  v.  a.  vide  So-jfojkala- 
t'm,  Under  s^/fo  kalagu, 

Swots*^  kalandanu,  s.  An  inkstand. 

S'ejg'oSs,  g<Dgoz&*  kalakanda,  kalaka- 
nda, s.  Sugar-kandy. 

S'og'e)  kalakala,  s.  The  warbling  of 
birds,  sTaS^^o  kalakalanavvu, 
To  laugh  heartily,  or  loudly. 

S'wS'ejsSoo  kalakalamu,  a.  A  confused 
sound?  as  the  buzz  of  a  crowd,  &c. 

gv-^v&x>  kalakalamu,  adv.  Perma- 
nently, constantly. 

g'ofto  kalagu,  v.  n.  To  be  in  agita- 
tion, confusion,  disorder,  disquiet, 
or  trouble.  2.  To  be  turbid,  as 
water.  3.  To  be  embarrassed  or 

s'o-tfb  kalatsu,  v.  a.  To  put  in  agita- 
tion, &c.  2.  To  make  turbid.  3. 
To  embarrass,  &c.  ^<yS"&so  kalaka 
niru,  Turbid  water.  §'©§'*•  eao  ka- 
lakap&rru,  To  be  turbid,  troubled; 
or  confused.  g'otf.ff1 '  §ok_r°tf>  kala 

gadrokkukonu,  To  retire,  in  alarm 

or  confusion.  r^Aoo^o  kalagundu, 

The  turbidness  of  water. 
ge>&   kalata,    5.  The  turbidness  of 

water.  2.    Perplexity,  confusion. 

3.  A  quarrel  or  dispute.  4.  A  false 

fabricated  story. 
S'tyXcrotf  kalagura,   s.  Greens  of  four 

or  five  sorts,  mixed   and   cooked 


g'e>a$  -Kalava 

J 17 


^ot£o  kaladu,  The  irregular  third 
person  singular,  in  the  masculine 
gender,  of  the  affirmative  aorist  of 
rewfio  kalugu,  q.  v.  There  is,  was 
or  will  be. 

g'ey&j  kaladu,  jpartf.  vide,  ^^>  kaddu, 

§*e;ssb  kalanii,  s.  Battle;  war;  combat. 

g"e>;S  kalapa,  s.  The  materials  for  a 
house.  2.  The  materials  for  a 
plough,  g'ejsss'^j  kalapakatte,  ft. 
A  reed-pen. 

sfosk  kalama,  s.  A  gap. 

$&&>  kalamu,  s.  A  ship.  2.  A  reed- 

S'ejosSoS)  kalayampi,  s.  Water  which 
is  sprinkled  on  the  ground,  after 
it  has  been  swept. 

&e>#  kalava,  5.  The  water-lily. 

S'atfofeag'aSoaex)  kalavantakamulu,  *. 
plu.  Boiled  rice  which  is  separate- 
ly mixed  with  four  different  in- 
gredients, and  thus  forms  four 
distinct  dishes.  These  ingredients 
are.  Tamarind  juice.  2.  Curds.  3. 
The  flour  of  G-ingili  or  Sesamum 
seeds.  A.  That  of  the  seeds  of  the 
Phase  olus  mango- 

g^sstf  sfcokalavaranm,  s.  Fixed refi&xi- 
on,  or  thought. 

£e>s59oo$b  kalavarintsii;  v.  a.  To  fpc&k 
jn  one's  sleep, 

Sos5aoe£  kalavarinta,  s.  Speaking 
in  one's  sleep. 

ge^sto  kalasamu,  s.  A  water-pot. 

^e>^»ssx>  kalakamu,  S;  Disturbance, 
trouble,  %  A  quarrel  or  dispute. 
3.  A  tumult,  revolt,  or  insurrec- 
tion. 4.  War,  combat,  battle. 

tfe>sho£d£  kalahantarita,  s.  An  an- 
gry ..wife,  a  scold. 

£«■»©•  kalacM,  $,  A  spitting-pot- 

&r*8  kalapi,  s.  The  peacock.. 
£V»I)  kalili,  atij*  Of  or   belonging 

to  arrack.  This  is  a  revenue  term, 

sometimes  used  as  a  substantive, 
to  denote  the  arrack-  farm  itsel£ 

^D  kali,  *•  The  fourth  age   of  the 

world,  according  to  the  Hindoo's; 

the  Iron  age,  or  that  of  vice  ;  the 

commencement  of  the  kali-yug  or 

age  is  placed  about  3,  000  Years 

anterior  to  the  Christian  gsra  ;  the 

number  of  it's  years  are  432,000, 

At  the   expiration    of  -which  the 

world  is  to    be    destroyed,    and 

again  renewed 

£g)  kali,  «s.  The  water  in  which  riee 

has  been  washed,   kept  until  it 

g©r  kalika,  &  An  unblown  flower  ; 

a  bud. 
g®^s&»  kalikamu,  s.  An  eye-salve. 




^©§  kaliki,  s,  A  woman,  adj.  Beauti- 
ful, agreeable. 

r©£o  kalimi,  s.  Wealth,  riches,  pos- 
session. 2.  Existence.  g'exi^o^osSe 
S  kalumitoyyali,  The  goddes  of 
riches.  sfSaoSoa&X'  kalimidandu- 
ga,  s.  An  unjust  tax,  exacted  from 
the  rich  inhabitants. 

^Dcooo  kaliyu,  v.  n.  To  mix  or  mingle. 
2.  To  be  joined,  united,  or  con- 
nected. 3.  To  be  included  in.  4. 
To  be  on  terms  of  intimate  famili- 
arity. 5.  To  be  in  the  act  of  copu- 
lation, v.  a-  To  join,  unite,  con- 
nect, or  ally  one's- self,  with 
another.  2.  To  meet.  3.  To  over- 
take. 4.  To  copulate. 

IfDoaor  kaliyika,  s.  The  act  of  join- 
ing, &c.  rScss5tfp>2&  kaliya-giidu, 
To  add  up  figures,  tf^Sfctfa  sa- 
bhakalisinadi,  The  assembly  is 
dissolved,  or  broken  up. 

gex>&>W*&  kalnsukonu,  v.  Comp.  To 
meet-  2.  To  associate  with.  3.  To 

S"ex>Ko  kalugu,  s.  A  hole. 

^e?G7&  kalagu,  This  is  an  irregular 
verb,  of  very  extensive  use  in  Te- 
lugu.  As  a  neuter  verb,  it  denotes. 
To  be>  or  exist.  2.  To  be  born,  3. 
To  happen.  Used  impersonally 
with  the  dative  case,  it  denotes. 
To  have,  to  possess. 

g'ewjg)  kalupu,  v.  Caus.  of  rScafckali 
yu,  q.  v.  To  mix  or  mingle,  in  an 
active  sense-  2,  To  join,  unite,  &c. 
3.   To  include.  4.  To  form  an  in- 


§fex>$  kalupu,  s.  Mixing.  2.  Weeds. 

3.  Curds. 
^ex><£)~3cp>ex>^tf;6:x>  kalupukolutanamu, 

s.  Intimacy,  friendship, 
^ooss"  kaluva,  s.  vide  £&$  kalava. 
^ex)SSe>~i9i&     kaluvalarredu,    5.    The 

moon,  who  is  termed  the  ruler  of 

the  water-lily,  which  his  beams 

are  supposed  to  expand. 

g'ewsseo-ESbkaluvarintsu,  v.  n.  vide  go 
ssao-tfo  kalayarintsu. 

§'«o^s5oo  kalushamu,  s.  Sin.  adj.  Tur- 
bid, foul,  muddy. 

re^sSaa  kalkamu,  s.  Sin.  2.  Fraud. 
3.  Dirt,  sediment,  ordure.  4.  The 
Hindoos  in  febrile  and  bilious 
affectionSjSometimes  starve  them- 
selves for  many  days,  and  then 
take  a  decoction  of  drugs  to  which 
they  give  this  name,  after  which 
they  no  longer  refrain  from  food. 

g'&jp.  kalki,  s.  A  woman,  vide  §*£>§ 

£v\#  kalpana,  s.  Fabrication, inven- 
tion. 2-  Fiction. 

re^tf^asac,  r£>  o-&  kalpanacheyu, 
kalpintsu,  v.  a.  To  fabricate,  in- 
vent, or  contrive.   2>  To  produce, 



r^  s5x-Kallamu 

form,  or  atiake.  3.  To  institute, 
or  establish.  4.  To  restore  to  life. 

§*e^s&»  kalpamu,  s.  A  day  and  night 
of  Bramha,  a  period  of  432,000,000 
years  of  mortals?  measuring  the 
duration  of  the  world,  adj,  In 
compos.  Like,  but  with  a  degree 
of  inferiority.  g'en&c&sSN  kalpak- 
shayamu,  The  destruction  of  the 

^e^sxsSw  kalmaskamu,  s.  Sin.  2.  Un- 
cleanliness.  3.  The  matter  of  a  sore. 

gV^ratibo  kalyanamu,  5.  Good  for- 
tune, happiness,  prosperity.  2. 
Marriage.  3.  The  name  of  a  city. 

g"o  kalla,  s.  Untruth,  falsehood,  a 
lie.  g&  a  kalla ri,  A  liar.  g'oQg'll 
kallarikatte,  A  woman  who  tells 
lies,  to  6^0  kallaridu.  A  man  who 
tells  lies. 

roo  kallu,  s.  Toddy,  the  liquor  ex- 
tracted  from  the  cocoanut,  pal- 
myra, or  date  tree.  2.  A  stone.  3- 
A  wheel.  When  it  is  used  in  either 
of  the  two  last  senses,  it  makes 
the  innex.  Sing.  g'ctS  kanti,  And 
the  nom.  plu.  ^oe&,  sex>~^cho  kan- 

dlu,  kallupenta,  A  toddy-shop. 
g'ew'SQ     kalluvelli,    One    of  the 

no  OO 

seven  seas,  viz.  That  of  toddy. 
rir^sSw  kallolamu,  s.  A  surge  ;    a 

$v<*  kalwa,  s.  vde  rotf  kalava. 

^e^&o  kalwamu,  s.  A  small  grinding 
stone,  or  mortar,  used  chiefly  for 

§*?  kala,  s.  Splendour,  brightness, 
eclat.  2.  A  part,  or  division.  3. The 
sixteenth  part  of  the  moon'"s  dia- 
meter. 4.  The  phases  of  the  moon. 
5.  A  mechanical  art.  6.  Literature. 
7.  In  Telugu  grammar,  a  particu- 
lar class  of  words.  ss&^rS"  mukha- 
kala,  Sweet  features  ;  a  fine  air. 
r V*  S>  §  kalanidhi,  j  he  moon. 

£$cg&x>  kalankamu,  s.  A  spot,  stain, 
or  blemish.  2.  Rust.  3.  Defamation. 
4.  Suspicion. 

stf  s£.s5w  kalatranm, s.  A  wife. 

s$~S)$  kalapela,  s.  The  sound  of  boil- 

ZW®Z  kalachika,  s.  A  box,  with  a 
lid  or  cover. 

r"!s2tfs*»  kalebararnu,  s.  The  body. 
2.  A  corpse. 

r^QessSw  kalyanamu,  5.  tide  gv-o » 
s5ao  kalyanamu. 

r^  £w,  g^sSw  kallamu,  kallamu,  5. 
The  spot  of  ground  in  the  open 
fields,  in  which  cattle  tread  the 
grain  out  of  the  ear  ;  the  thrash- 
ing floor. 



g'sgoo -Kavulu 

O  oe&sSaa  kalliyamu,  s.  vide  g"  5os5s&» 

^-§  kalle.  s.  Thick  phlegm. 

g*U  s&»  kalle  mu,  s.  A  bridle ;  #£cfe 
g*^  o35s5c»  kaUiyamii. 

g-^  kava,  *•  A  couple,  or  pair,  ^sr© 
•sr»?k,  S*sSex>  kavalavara,  kavalu, 

£*&-£*  sS»  kavachamu,s.  Armour^  mail, 
abo  ^  ^sj-tf  «S»  mantra  kavaehainu, 
Ad  amulet,  or  charm  worn  on  the 

rsstfsScx*  kavanamu,  s.  Poetry.  *3&-g 
s^^»,  £"S)s£ns5c»  asu-kavananui,ka- 
vitwanan,  An  extemporary  poem 
or  verse.  &^  £xs#&»  chitrakava- 
namu,  A  poem  written,  and  to  be 
read,  according  to  some  fantastic 
shape  ;  as  that  of  a  snake,  chess- 
board, &c. 

t^te^™  kavafamo,  ,9.  A  door. 

r  a  kavi,  5.  A  poet,  2.  A  bird.  3.  The 
planet  Yenus. 

§"s^,  S'a^osSw  kavita,  kavitw&mu,  $♦ 
A  poem,  poetry. 

^&ci&>  kaviyu,  v,  n.  To  excite,  to  at- 
tack. 2.  To 'let  loose  to  battle.  3. 
To  throw  one's-self  on  the  enemy. 

g*&8cJfc>o&so  kaviriyundalu,  .*.  pltu 
Small  balls  made  of  the  sediment 

arising  from  the  boiling  of  beetle- 
nut,  which,  being  dried,  are  used 
with  the  beetle-nut  when  chewed- 

g"©"3  kavile,  s.  An  account  book  of 
the  palm  or  cadjan  leaf,  such  as 
those  used  by  the  Cuprums,  or 
village  accountants,  in  the  Nor- 
thern Circars,  and  the  Tamil 

r$&  kavuru,  s.  A  light" shade  of  any 

C$**>  kavulu,  s/A  special  agreement, 
promise,  or  convention.  2.  A  fa- 
vorable condition,  stipulation,  or 
assurance.  3.  A  capitulation.  4. 
Quarter  in  battle.  r$S3bj  kavu- 
litsiso,  To.  give  kavulu,  is  usually 
applied  to  the  safe  guard,  or  fa- 
vorable assurance,  given  to  an  ab 
sconding  person,  that  he  may  ap- 
pear free  from  all  apprehension  o 
danger  •  thus,  a  rebel  sometimes 
comes  in  on  kavulu.  To  give  lands 
on  cowl,  means  to  grant  them  on 
special  agreement.  In  the  districts 
of  Beliari  and  Cuddapah,  this  ex- 
pression is  applied  to  waste,  grant- 
ed on  favorable  terms  for  a  ce- 
rtain number  of  years,  and  after- 
wards subjected  to  full  rent. 





S'-sfrS  kavvadi,  s.  A  name  of  Arjuna, 
g'sfo&'SD  kawadiclieli,  Krishna, 
because  he  was  the  friend  of  Ar- 

r^csS^o  kavvamu,  5.  Achurniiig-stick. 
g^o^&xy  kavvapnmala,Tlie moan- 
tain  Mandara  ;  because  the  Suras 
andAsuras  used  it  as  a  cliurning- 
stick,  in  charging  the    ocean,  in 

order  to  recover  the  sacred  things 

lost  at  the  deluge. 
§-$,  §-&  kasi,  kasi,  s.  Wrath,    anger, 
rage,  fury.  r&sfctfoKb    kasimasan- 

gu,  v-  a.  To  destroy. 
S'S' os5c»  kas'malamu,  s.   Fainting.  2. 

— o 

A  village  inhabited  by  the  Oa&9o§'e> 
•*r°o^b  errukalavandlu,  q.  v. 

S^OBSsfca  kashayamu,  5.  Astrin- 
gent taste.  2.  A  decoction,  fhfusi- 
oii,  or  extract.  g'-aSroa&.^-g'^i  ka"- 
shayamukatsn,  To  decoct,  or  in- 
fuse. g^o&s&o-s-oTfo  kashayarnuka 
gUj  To  be  decocted,  or  infused. 

g"sx=6cw  kaslitamu,  s.  Bodily  pain,  or 
suffering.  2.  Labour,  fatigue.  3. 
Hardship,  difficulty.  4.  Trouble, 
affliction,  calamity,  vexation,  sor- 
row. 5.  Danger,  adj.  Painful.  2. 
Laborious..  3.  Hard,  difficult.  4. 
Afflicting,  vexations,  5.  Danger- 

v    ons. 

g'tf&oo  kasatu,  s.  Impurity,  or  dirt,  in 
any  liquid,  2.  The  dark  spots  in 
the  moon's  disk. 

g'tftfb  kasaru,  s.  Anger,  rage.  %  A 
storm.  3.  Profit  or  loss  on  the  ex- 
change of  coins.  4.  Bad  humours 
of  the  body. 

g'tf  tf>  kasaru,  v.  a.  To  revile,  or  abuse. 

§"#$  kasavu,  s.  Grass.  2.  Straw.  3. 
Sweepings,  rubbish. 

g-Zr*cxxr>  kasayi,  s.  A  butcher. 

S'ifo  kasn,  part.  Used  in  compos. 
Only,  Small,  little.  r&>Koe5b  kasu- 
gandu,  To  fade  a  little.  r&>-7r*c*ss 
kasugaya,  A  young  or  unripe 

s  :-6o^3^  kasuba,  s.  The    chief  city,  or 

head  station  of  a  talook. 
S'tocsb  kasaru,    s.   ride  ££&  kasaru. 
S"SsSao  kasemn,  s.  An  infusion,    from 

a   mixture   of    iron,    toddy,    and 

chebulic   myrobolan,   Terminally 

g  %  kasti,  s.  vide  r«5Ls5»    kashtamu. 
gifrvd  kasturi,  s.  Musk.   s'&r°8&S)   ka- 

— o  — o  00 

stiiripilli,  A  civet  cat.  s^pesSo^ 
kasturipasupu,  A  sort  of  scented 

^.JU  kakshi,  s.  One  party  as  opposed 
to  another.  2.  Objection  or  reply 

in  aroTimi'ivu 


"T*o"8S\--Kamlekka  122 




-r*  ka,  part.  This  is  the  infinitive  of 
the  irregular  verb  wzfr  avu,  q.  v. 
And  being  generally  affixed  to 
nominatives,  or  to  words  of  the 
class  drutuprukrutulu,  it  is  then 
changed  by  the  rules  of  grammar 
into  7r>  ga,  Added  to  any  adjec- 
tive, or  to  a  substantive  it  con- 
verts them  into  adverbs ;  thus, 
nr*$)rt&iir>&*ta*&>tf£Q  gali  tsallaga 

kottutunnadi,    The    wind   blows 

-gyotftf&X)  kanchanamu,  s.  Gold.  2. 
The  tree  termed  Michelia  cham- 

-sr°o-&>  kantsu,  v.  a.  To  see  ;  to  look- 
2.  To  be  brought  to  bed  of  an  in- 

-w*o£  kanta,  s.  A  beloved,  or  lovely 

-s^o^sftw  kantamu,  adj.  Pleasing, 
agreeable,  beautiful,  s.  A  stone  ; 
in  which  case  it  is  compounded 
with  ckPtfc-.-ft'o^,  efocfiS"  s'urya- 
chandra,  ayas,  As  tfrstfcis^o^sSco 
suryakantanm,  A  crystal  lens,  &c. 

-ir'oS  kanti,  s.  Splendour,  light, 

-s-"oe5o^o  kantudu,  s.  A  husband. 

-5^0*3  ?fy-  kamlekka,  ,9.  A  rough  ac- 
count, as  opposed  to  a  fair  one. 

^otfesSwkamsyamu,  s.  Queen's  me- 
tal. 2.  A  cup  or  goblet. 

in>o&  kanksha,  s.  Wish,  desire,  in. 
clination,  passion,  appetite. 

■^ol^o'^kankshintsu,  p.  a.  To  wish- 

-s-g-  kaka,  s.  Warmth,  heat.  2.  Au- 

-^§-    kaka,    This   is    the    negative 

participle  of  the  verb  t?^  avu,  To 
become,  q>  v.  It  is  used  as  a  parti- 
cle, deno^ng-Besides,  else,  except, 
unless,  sta^^  cfc&!c§oSx>ctf>op5$  -?rgo 
"e$25b  idigaka  marriyemiyunu  naku 
ledu,  I  have  nothing  besides  this. 

-g^g£r*$>  kakapovu,  v.  n.  To  be  un- 
finished, unaccomplished,  or  un- 
successful, -jrrctfaoo^  kakayundu, 
To  disagree,  to  differ.  -^?fo  o~f> 
kakunte,  If  it  be  not  so.  2.  Other- 
wise. -^^s5b9^oso,  -^°~izx  kaka- 
mariyemij  kakcmi,  Why  not? 

-r^ssx)  kakamu,  s*  A  crow. 

-s^g-tf  kakara,  s.  The  plant  termed 
Momordica  charantia. 

-2-°l  kaki,  s.  A  crow.  -s-*§£)0"7r*&> 
kakibangaru,  Tinsel ;  brass-leaf, 
glittering  like  gold.  2.  Talc. 

-^§^£0^00, -3-* §&>;£),  -3nc§£rSa*r.e»  kaki- 
chemmalu,  kakitfpu,  kakisomalu? 
5.  The  epilepsy. 

~s-*!^k5w  kakitaniUj  s.  Paper,  2,  A 
playing  card. 




-rc§"S9^?J_ex>  kakirrekkalu,  s.  lit. 
Crow's  wings.  A  particular  spe- 
cies of  paddy. 

-5*Ktt>  kagada,  s.  A  torch. 

-3^5\3s5ao  kagiclamu,  s.  vide  -5"*§^s5oo 

-r°«b  kagu,  5.  A  large  earthen  pot. 

-3^76  kagu,  v.  7i.  To  boil,  to  simmer. 
2.  To  grow  hot,  to  be  feverish. 

tt-Z5V<»  kachanm,  s.  A  glass.  2.  A 
rope  network,  to  carry  any  burden 
with.  3.  A  disease  arising  from 
some  affection  of  the  optic  nerve, 
or  gutta  serena. 

-3^.$b  katsa,  v.  a.  To  boil.  2.  To 
warm,  to  heat.  3.  To  have  fever. 
4.  To  protect,  or  preserve.  5.  To 
watch  or  tend  cattle.  6-  To  for- 
give, or  excuse-  7,  To  produce.  8. 
To  shine,  as  the  sun  or  moon.  9. 
To  wait  in  expectation  or  atten- 

-s'&S'sSw  katakamu,  s.  Famine. 

-t°Is*  kata,  s.  Scales  for  large 

-^Tt3  5p>Se)oT»ogD  katipapalavandlu, 
s.  plu.  Jugglers. 

-s^&o  katu,  s.  A  bite ;  a  cut  or  notch. 
-5TtT*£o  katladu,  To  wrangle,  or 
fight  as  dogs,  vide  £?»&,  -3-^00 £r*$ 
fud,  katnpovn,  To  be  singed,  as 

applied  to  milk  or  victuals.  T*bx> 

-sr>}5#  katuvasana,  A  signed  smell. 

-3-*ko ~s&>3    k&tupettu,    To    notch, 

w         ■  ,-  .  * 
cut,  or  open. 

-s-^r  katuka,  s.  Black  smoke,  mix- 
ed with  oil,  which  native  women 
apply  to  the  edges  of  their  eyes. 
2.  Mildew  in  e rain,  -g^feoos  ab&o  ka- 
tukapitta,  A  wag-tail.  -g^&»rTPo» 
katukarayi,  Sulphuret  of  anti- 

round  a  city  or  fort. 

-&*c&  kada,  s.  The  stalk  of  lonff-srow- 
ing  vegetables  or  flowers,  such  as 
the  lily,  &c. 

-s-o^  kada,  s.  This  word  is  used 
chiefly  in  the  dative  case,  to  de- 
note-Condition,  state,  or  quantity; 

as    «ro  S-g^tf  sfoo  ociyoV*^!    tf-Qxtfa 

vanikap'Jramu  yikadiki  vachchina 
di,  His  house  is  reduced  to  this 
State,  -g*^  #r=Soo  ^^>gi  a»;>£) 
ipustakamu  yekadikiyistavu,  For 
how  much,  will  you  give  this  book? 
This  word,  used  as  a  postposition, 
denotes-Near,  at,  to  ;  as  sjofe5~rt^ 
in  ti  kada,  Near,  at,  or  to  the 
-r°&  kadi,  s.  A  yoke.  T^&jdx  kadi- 

gattu,    The   ridge   between    two 
!       fields. 




"T*<^>.  kadu,  s.  Regular,  making  it's 
inflexion  sing.  -3-°$  karri ;  It  is 
used,  instead  of  -53-°  £&  vadu,  To 
denote  the  agent,  when  he  is  fa- 
miliar or  contemptible  ;  thus  &&> 

~3-°2Sb  vitakadu,  A  rake.  inK^-^0 
e&>    sogasukadu,    A    coxcomb,    a 
good  looking  fellow. 
s* &>  kadu .  s .  Irregular,  which  mak es 
it's   inflexion   sing.  -5-°  43  kati,   A 

.  funeral  pile.  2.  A  cemetery,  a  "place 
where  dead  bodies  are  burnt  or 
buried.  -3^<>$§-^g^-&res>  oafcjar^ 
2&  katiki  kallutsatsukoni  yunna- 
du,  This  corresponds  with  the 
English  phrase  He  has   one  foot 

•     in  the  grave. 

T^sS^ob  kadupadu,  v.  n.  To  be  in- 
sensible. 2.  A  person  to  disappear. 

ir*$  karri,  s.  A  cawny  of  land,  be- 
ing something  more  than  an  acre. 
2.  In  arithmetic,  the  fraction  of 
one  sixty-fourth. 

~r*&  kadu,  This  is  tire  verb  £9$  avu, 
q.  v.  In  the  3d  person  singular, 
neuter  gender,  of  the  negative 
aorist,  used  as  a  common  negative 
in  denial  of  quality  or  essence  •  it 
is  tf)  be  distinguished  from  *^tf> 
ledu?  Which  denies  existence,  and 
is  opposed  to  e>sgsfc  avunu,  Yes  g. 

v.  £5as5bo-£)a-3~°25o    adimanchidikg.- 
du,  That  is  not  good.  &$-?*-&*■&* 

avunakada,  Yes  or  no  ?  ^P2o$  §^> 
*b  naollikikadu,  It  does  not  agree 
with  my  body.  7r»3bicn>S)§-s-c2$>  na- 
kuvanikikadu.  I  and  he  are  upon 
bad  terms.  ^©^#0  -s^cb  adinava 
llakadn,  lit.  It  cannot  be  done  by 
me.  I  cannot  do  it.  -g-°#x5b  kadanu, 
v.  a.  To  deny,  refuse  or  reject.  2. 
To  forbid  to  do. 
-£-<>#  kana,  The  irregular  infinitive  of 
the  verb  ir<&  kanu,  In  its  first 
sense,   as  given  under   g&   kanu, 

t*s>  kani,  This  is  the  negative  rela- 
tive participle  of  the  verb  &&  avu, 
q.  v.  And  is  used  as  a  particle,  to 
denote-Either*  or,  unless,  only, 
except,  although  ;    as  w° &T*$osxn> 

takumfdagani-ka  gitamumidagani- 
vrayi,  Write  either  on  cadjans,  or 
on  paper.  ^efca»^a§tfJ£i5-s-«!0 
oi»-osSS>"3"c"3tftfb  vaduyikkadikivaste 
nekani  yipanikaneradu,  This  busi- 
ness cannot  be  effected,  unless  he 
come  here.  -S^j^Vxm  ft"lir*s>o3-* 
sSss^sfc  ipustakamu  nlkekani  va- 
nikivvanu,  I  will  give  this  book 
to  you  only,  not  to  him.  ctO^o  tt» 
£  -g*£S-i5'§'k_»£j5b  vanivallagani 
Ipani  tsakkabadadu,  This  busi- 
ness cannot  be  well  done  except 
by  him,  ?»&&&&*  frfnwb  »y>Zh&s 




2&  medabattitosinaganivaclupodiT, 
Although  you  push  him  by  the 
neck,  he  will  not  go.  -s^ss  kani 
pani,  Bad  business.  -^^^3  kani- 
vadu,  A  person  on  bad  terms  with 
another;  an  enemy.  ^§e£-s-°s>oT*2& 
chetakanivadn,  A  useless,  helpless, 
or  stupid  person. 

-s^S)  kani,  s,  vide  -r*&  kani. 

-3^30  kanu,  s.   Curds. 

-SOSes'  kanuka,  s.  Any  gift  offered 
by  an  inferior  to  a  superior. 

-^pfc^)  kanupu,  s.  The  bringing  forth 
a  child. 

-s^tffc^sSM  kapatyamu,  s.  vide  s,ss&>s5» 

-i^s^sSx)  kapadamu,  s.   Fomentation 

-s^-^^b  kapadu,  z>.  a.  To  preserve, 
to  protect.  2.  To  patronize.  3.  To 
watch,  guard,  defend,  or  take  care 

*g-°jg)  kapu,  s.  A  husbandman,  culti- 
vator, ryot,  or  inhabitant,  -^sss^ 
-s^a  kapata,  kapudi,  A  female  of 
that  description. 

-^^kapu,.s.  Heat,  waraith.2. Produc- 
ing fruit.  3.  Watching,  guarding. 
4.  Protection,  preservation.  5.  Do- 
micile, residence.  6,  A  guard  at 
chess.-^°^9  kapari,A  watcher,from 
659  ari,  Particle  q.  v. 

-5"*  £  tf  sSoo  k  &p  uramu,  s .  A  reside  nee, 
habitation,  or  dwelling.  2.  A  per- 
son's family,  or  house. 

-s-°K>fe3  kabat.ti,  adv.  Therefore,  conse- 

-g^2Tee>0RSa  kabolunu,  adv.  Perhaps, 
probably,  vide  t8  ka. 

-5-*s6  kama,  s.  The  handle  of  a,n  axe, 
hoe,  or  other  such  instrument,  also 
of  an  umbrella. 

-^s&sSw  kamamu,  s.  Wish,  desire.  2. 
Love,  lust,  concupiscence. 

-s^s5o-ok§  kamatf,  s.  A  pioneer;  a  per- 
son who  works  with  the  pick- axe, 
spade,  or  hoe. 

-g-* &v> 47*  kamukhi,  At  all  events,  at 
any  rate,  certainly,  positively. 

-^cS^tio  kamudu,  s.  llama,  the  Hin- 
doo Cupid,  or  god  of  love. 

-g^c&  kaya,  s.  Any  unripe  fruit,  or 
nut.  2.  The  unripe  produce  of 
such  vegetables  as  form  a  head, 
or  pod.  3.  A  wart,  thick  skin,  or 
callosity.  4.  A  piece  at  chess.  ~*r° 
esascp>tfe>o  kayakuralu,  Vegetables, 
^o»-^°oc3  chempakaya,  A  slap  on 
the  cheek.  -gnofeS-g^oss  mottikaya, 
A  blow  with  the  fist.  Ibe^-g^acS 
pillakaya,,  A  child.  ^*dt©^>^cs5oa 
kayadhanyamu,  Pulse;  all  sorts  of 

-graces.  Kariya 




grain  contained  in  pods-  -^cssSS' 

#3^  kayakannu,  An  eye  of  which 

the   pupil  is   destroyed  ;  a  blind 

-&*a&t&x>  kayamu,  s.  A  medicine,  com- 
posed of  long  pepper,  common 
black  pepper,  and  seeds  of  bish- 
op's weed,  given  to  women  in 

-g^osSsSw  kayamu,  adj.  Firm,  fixed, 
durable.  -g-ocsSsfo^caoo  kayamuche 
yu,  To  fix,  establish,  or  constitute. 

-r°ooo^553o  kayikamu,  adj.  Slight>  not. 

-^cx»-sp»  kayida,  s.  Custom.  2.  Regu- 
lation, ride. 

-5^DaS>  kayu,  v.  n.  To  be  feverish.  2. 
To  bear  fruit,  or  become  ripe.  3. 
To  shine,  as  the  sun  or  moon.  v. 
a.  To  tend  cattle. 

rw*tin£x>  karariamu,  5.  Cause,  as  op- 
posed to  effect.  2.  Reason,  purpose, 
motive.  3.  Lot,  destiny,  fatality. 

-s^tfsSao  karamu,  s.  A  pungent  or  hot 
taste,  adj.  Pungent,  hot,  spiced. 

-^-°8o^  Hrintsu,  v.  a.  To  cause  pain, 
to  afflict. 

-s^e^sSw  karikamu,  $.  The  dark  co- 
lour of  unbleached  new  cloth. 

-s^eosssSw    kariyamu,    s.    Business, 

affair,  work.  2.  Cause,  motive.  3. 
Effect,  as  opposed  to  cause ;  result. 
-^«b  karu,  5.  Pincers,  tongs.  2.  Age. 
adj.  Dark,  obscure.  2.  Salt.  3. 
withered  ;  as  -3-*?5b-3co;foe>o  karu- 
mogulu,Black  clouds,  ^tfotfo^sks 
karusandramu,  The  salt  sea,  -g^-o^ 
§be»  karakulu,  Withered  leaves. 
T'tfbr0^  karukonu,  To  spread  or 

cover,  as  applied  to  dark  or  black 


-§-? &>  karu,  v.  n.  To  flow,  to  run  or 
fall  out,  to  drop  through.  2.  To 
distil.  3.  To  cough  up  phlegm,  in 
spitting.  -sr»a5bs-  kartsti,  v.  Cans. 
To  make  flow,  &<?. 

-s^&©^  karuchitstsu,  s.  Wildfire, 
in  forests. 

-^°^^cs5w  karudyamn,  s.  Ridicule, 
satire.  2.  Folly.  ir>&&oi^&>  ka- 
rudyamadn,  To  ridicule  or  laugh 
at.  -g»&&£t&&n>b>  karudyapumata 
A  silly  or  foolish  speech. 

-g-o&socgjjex)  karunnvvulu,  s.  plu.  The 
seed  of  the  wild  sesamum. 

-g-^bbsSok  karupanta,  s.  Paddy  sown 
in  the  wet  season.  It  is  the  great 
crop  of  the  Tamil  country. 

ist>&-vp&  karubaru,  s.  Basin  ess,  occu> 
pat  ion. 




*s^"8t5i» 'karerau,  s.  The  hollowed 
trunk  of  the  palmyra  tree,  used 
in  the  Norther  a  Circars  in  water- 
ing- fields  from  tanks. 

^  Qg<6x>,  ~t°  d%£t5ao  kartikamu,  kar-^ 
tikikamu,  s.  The  8th  Telugu  lunar 
month  ;  that  in  which  the  moon's 
change  takes  place  when  the  sun 
is  in  Scorpio. 

-3^13  karte,  5.  The  particular  con- 
stellation of  the  27  in  which  the 
sun  happens  to  be. 

•"Sr^e^j&o  karpanyarnu,  s.  Poverty, 
parsimony.  2.  Malice. 

^tfcs5x>  karyaum,  s.  vide  -&*da£&>i 

-s^eJcsS  karriya,  s.  Corporeal   pain. 

"-3"°e£»  karru,  adj.  Impenetrable  ;  as 
-s^es&a  karradavi,  An  impenetra- 
ble forest.  2.  difficult,  hard  ;  as 
"5^e£»sscr»&>  karrumata,  A  difficult0 
word.  3.  wild  ;  as  -^esozsbtfN  karru- 
dunna,  A  wild  buffalo.  ~^&Mr°z$x> 
v  "SsS'sSookarrakomniula  mekamn, 
A  deer. 

-s^ofeog"  kalataka,  s.  A  stick  serving 
aS  a  shelf  to  support  pots,  &c. 

-rr^^  kalamu,  s.  Time.  2.  Occas:on, 
conjucture,  season.  3.  Tense.  4. 
Death.  5.  Black  colour,  -g^otf  g  ss*, 

ialachakramu.  The  circle  of  time. 

-$*e>"^\^s5x>^dac»  kalakshepamuche 
yu,  To  pass  time,  ~s^  g' osSsSanT* 
-£•*$  kalakrayamu  tsoppuna,  At 
;the  current  price. 
-s-t>ex>  kalu,  s.  A  leg.  2.  A  foot.  3.  A 
claw  or  talon.  4.  A  quarter  or 
fourth  part.  i^-s-cex>  mokalu,  The 
knee,  foa-^ex)  gudikalu,  The  heel. 
s\r»-7vex>  migalu,  The  upper  part 
of  the  foot.  £x»o&Q-5-t,&  mundari- 


kallu,  Theiore-feet  of  quadrupeds. 
"3^-^/  $>  venakkaliu,  The  hind 
feet  of  quadrupeds,  -s^o^ew-^^ewa 
e35*>--g^e>xos5cx>,  -g^S^ofe^  kalaruhi- 
Infantry.  -^D-sr*^,  -g^©-Ty»8  kali- 
dova, kali-dari,  Afoot-path.  -^er»a 
kalari,  A  poll-tax  ;  bo  much  per 
-§^ftT*Qsr>&>    kalari  vadu,    A 

kalivrellu,  The 

toes.    -^jyoKclceS    kalugadiya,    A 

quarter  of  a  Hindoo  hour.  ~3^ewt> 

&>e>o  kalusetulu,  Hands  and  feet" 

■r*  er°  §b^_kaldrokku,  v.  a.To  marry. 

s.  Marriage  ;  because  at  a  marri- 
age the  bridegroom  treads  upon 

the  foot  of  the  bride-  -r^sSocI  ka- 
lumadi,  Urine. 
■3-«ew  kalu,  v.  n.  To  burn,  to  be  con- 
sumed.   2.  To  be  baked,  -^oo® 


traveller,  -^8,-£  A 


pu,  Si  Burnino;.  -s-*ex>\  kaltsu. 




0.  a.  To  burn.  2.  To  roast,  or  bake- 
3.  To  fire  a  gun,  or  cannon. 

it1©}  o-3b  kalpintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause- 
to  burn,  &c. 

-5-°^  kallu,  s,  flu.  The  plural  of  -g^s» 
kalu,  A  leg,  or  foot,  q,  v.  -s^f  -% 
&>,  -g^^-§"^  kalla-katta,  kalla-ka- 

eo  00 

da,  That  part  of  a  bedstead,  where 
the  feet  are  placed. 

"^°&  A>^\  kallagrntststi,  v.  a.  To 
kick,  to  struggle. 

-s-° 9"  2§eJ  kailaierri,  A  centipede  of 
the  largest  species. 

-s^&cl  kavadi,    s.  A  piece  of  wood, 

,  with  ropes  suspended  from  each 
end,  placed  upon  the  shoulder,  for 
carrying  a  burden,  like  that  used 
by  milk-maids  in  England.  -g^ss^S 
cxooip  kaVatiyutlu,  The  rope  net 
work,  by  which  burdens  are  sus- 
pended from  this  piece  of  wood. 
-^ssfeS&es  kavatibadcla,  The  pole 
or  wood  only.  -^s5fe3s&fex>  kava?i- 
mattu,  The  bottom  of  the  rope,  or 
rattan  net  work,  in  which  bar- 
dens  are  thus  suspended. 

-s^stfsSx)  kavaramu,  s.  Pat.  2.  Pride- 

-s-^Oo-rfo  kavarintsu,  'v:  n.  To  be, 
come  fat,  or  proud. 

-g-^ojctfod  kavalayu,  v.  n,  This  is  a 
compound  verb,  formed  of  --^>  ka, 
The  infinitive  of  e>^   avn,   q.    v. 

And  ssvatfa  valayu,  q.  v.  Used  im- 
personally, wdtkout  a  nominative, 
and  governing  the  dative  case,  it 
denotes.  To  wish,  want,  or  desire. 

2.  To   be  requisite  or   necessary. 

ts a 75^ §0-3"* £  "3afc  adinakukavalenu, 
I  want  that.  ^2>§os3a;tf-tF»ex>-3"T>ssl3s>i 
nelaku  padivaralu  kavalenu,  It 
will  require  ten  pagodas  per 
month.  But  if  used  with  a  nomi- 
native governing  it,  it  denotes-To 
stand  in  relationship  :  to  be  con- 
nected by  blood,  or  marriage.  -53-* 
2so  $>  §b 5)  So ~w°ss "3pS  vadu  nikuemika 
valenu,  In  what  relation  does  he 
stand  to  you?  how  is  he  con- 
nected with  you  ?.73-"^bs£o  S,-^D£ 
">  na,kritandril:avalenn,  He  is 
my  fiith er. 

TF"tfe)  kavali,  s.  A  guard.  2.  Custody. 
"S^ss?)ss^sh  kavali  vadu,  A  sentry, 
centinel,  or  watchman! 

-s^ar>  kava,  s.   The  lunging  a  horse. 

-3-0$  kavi,  s.  Redness'.  2.  A  red  cloth, 

such  as  is  worn  in  India  by  those 
religions  orders  who  profess  chas- 
tity, adj-  Red. 

-^So^do  kavintsu,  v.  a.  To  make,  or 
cause.  2.   To  fabricate,  or  invent. 

3.  To  build;  or  construct.  4.  To 

-^°aa  kaviri,  5.  Black  vapour  ;  any 

thing  that  appears  like  smoke. 




%*$  kavu,  s.  A  "black  spot,  or  mark, 
on  the  forehead. 

-s^tf  kavuna,  adv.  Therefore. 

T°$)ir&}S  kavupatara,  s.  A  pit  for 
securing  grain,  of  which  the 
mouth  is  narrow. 

"s^6  kaveri,    s.  The  Can  very. 

"^tfcsfco  lcavyamu,  s.  A  poem,  or  po- 
etical composition. 

-3^i.s5x>  ka\skthamu,  s.  Wood.  It  is 
commonly  applied,  in  Telugu,  to 
the  wood  of  the  funeral  pile. 

-3-°-^  kasa  s.  A  son  by  a  female  slave. 

~s-°&>  kasu,  s<  A  cash,  the  smallest 
copper  coin.  -3-^0 $£  kasanta,  of- 
ten pronounced  is^jo  kista.  Little, 
short,  small,  concise. 

-3^ lb  kase,  s.  The  end  or  corner  Of  a 
garment,  tucked  up  behind,  into 
the  waist  band. 

-^~%*r>&o  kasevaclu,  s.  A  stone-cutter, 
a  carver,  or  sculptor. 

§  ki;  posipos.  To,  one  of  the  signs  of 
the  dative  case,  added  to  inflexi- 
ons in  *  e,  ^  i,  or  ~p  ai. 

So^&iso  kinkarudu,  s.  A  male  ser- 
vant, or  slave.  §0ro  kinkari,  A 
female  servant,  or  slave. 

§o-£>e£>  kinchittti,  adv.  A  very  htm 
the  smallest  possible  quantity. 

§otf  kinda,  a dv.  Below,  under,  dowra 
go-cpsw-oxs^  kinclamida,  Topsy  inr- 
vy.  §oc5&>  kindata;  Formerly.  ^ r 
S^Dlo^  okanichetikinda,  Under 
one's  power.  §oSx5o-»^)  kinditsirpu, 
A  down-cast  look.  §o£fe5  kiudati, 
adj.   Former. 

§§oao-j£>  kiknrintsu,  v\  a.  To  caress* 
2.  To  cajole,  to  deceive. 

ii^elcafo  kikkirriyu,  v.  n.  To  be  in 
close  order,  to  be  pressed^  or 
squeezed  together. 

§i5"§x5"  kitsakitsa,  5.  The  chirping  of 
birds,  rats,  <fec. 

§£)<§  kichidf,  s.  RiceVaiid  split  pulse, 
mixed  and  dressed  with  clarified 
batter,  &c. 

its!  kitiki,  s,  A  window. 

§&»§b  kituku,  s.  Ah  artifice,  or  trick: 
2,.  A  secret. 

§433  kittu,  v.  To  approach.  2.  To  be 
crowded,  squeezed,  or  shut  to- 
gether. 3.  To  agree.  ifeS^  Intti- 
kola,  The  hand-torture,  composed 
of  two  pieces  of  wood,  tied  at  Ohe> 
end  ;  one  is  passed  over,  and  the 
other  under  the  hand,  and  then 
the  two  open  ends  arc  squeezed 




together.  It  was  formerly  applied 
to  Kyots  who  refused  to  pay  their 

S'ST'tta  kitabu,    s.  A  title. 

§  e£]o-*tf£)&>  kittanarabatta,s.  CanvaSs- 

§  tiVfttoi  kittalichettu,  s.  The  orange 

S&drto  kiniyu,  t>.  rc.  To  be  angry,  or 
irritated.  2.  To  demand  with  im- 
portunity, to  dun.  3.  T©  approach, 
Ij&S',  §#£,_  kinuka,kinka,s.  Anger. 
wrath,  rage. 

Sl&^tf  kinnera,  s.  A  sort  of  small  fid- 
dle? or  shrill  violin,  used  by  the 

§-£p>cbss&  kiphayatu,  s.  Benefit,  pro- 
fit, advantage. 

§s&^«fc  kimmatu,  s.  Price,  value. 

§tftts$»  kiranamu,  *.  A  ray. 

§tf-£r»;&  kirast&nu,  adj.   Christian. 

§-T^tf5"^#s*w  kiratakadee'amn,  s.  The 
name  of  a  barbarian  country,  One 
of  the  fifty-six  enumerated  by  the 

§-cr>&3&>  kiratuoiu,  s.  Any  individu- 
al of  the  race  of  savages,  found  in 
the  hills  in  India,  .who  wear  the 
feathers  of  the  peacock  as  an  or- 
nament in  their  heads. 

%-cr* coo  kirayi?  .v.   Rent,  hire,  fare. 

§§&*&»  kiritamu,  s.  A  diadem,  or 

!ef>§&9  kirrakirra,  s.  The  noise  pro- 
duced by  the  rattling  of  a  wheel- 
ed carriage,  or  by  creeking  shoes. 

§aa5^>  kirrupu,  v.  n.  To  wink. 

§&9o-gaktf  kirrumethv*.  pL  A  sort  of 
sandals,  which  are  made  so  as  to 
produce  a  creeking  noise,  in  walk- 

§esex>  kirralu,  s.  pi.  The  turning  of  a 
wheel,  &c» 

§&m  kirru,  s.  vide  §&s§e3  kirrakirra. 

§y§y  kilakila,  s.  The  sound  of  loud 

SSKsxsko  kilbishamn,  s,  Sin,  crime. 

Stfdb  kisaru,  s.  A  disease,  believed  to 
arise  in  children,  from  the  touch 
of  a  menstruous  female,  or  of  a 
woman  impure  after  child-birth. 

§;-$osxn>&>  kisumisu,  s.  The  raisin,  or 
dried  grape. 

5  £>  kisti,  s.  An  instalment.   §  £>wo& 

—o  ° 

kistibandi,  The  settlement  of  the 
revenues,  or  taxes,  by  instalments. 

I  ki\  part.  Below,  down,  lower,  i* 
s5o\  klgannu,  A  down-cast  eye.  i 
fr&  kinid&,  One's  shadow-  Itftfo^ 
Jdgadupu,  The  lower  part  of  the 




f-Ctfsp-cs'tf  kitsarabatsara,  s.  Con- 
fusion. 2.  Any  matter  thrown  in- 
to disorder,  by  bad  management. 
ltftfTT*-£5'tf-7r»  s*ro<kr»&>  kitsarab&- 
tsarag£  ni&tladu,  To  speak  without 
rhyme  or  reason. 

I>7%  i:vT°o»  kftsa,  kltsayi,  s.  A 

Ii5b  kitsu,  adj.  Shrill.  §3bisba6  kitsu- 
manu,  To  make  a  shrill  noise. 

§&s&>  kitamu,  s.  A  worm  or  insect. 

|&»  kftu,  s.  Disregard,  contempt.  2. 
Inactivity.  3.  A  range  or  divisi- 
on in  a  mud-wall. 

§2&  kidu,  s.  Evil,  misfortune.  2. 
Danger,  mischief.  §£&-&>  «6  kfda- 
mellu,  Evil  and  good, 

§«&>  kltu,  s.  A  branch  of  the  cocoa- 
nut  tree,  with  the  leaves  plaited, 
so  as  to  form  a  sort  of  mat. 

I  tftf  kirtana,  s.  Praise,  encomium. 
2.  A  hymn. 

I  a  kirti,  s.  Fame,  reputation,  glory 
renown.  I  ao^fo  klrtintsu,  v.  a.  To 
praise,  eulogize,  or  glorify. 

ioS'sko  kilakamu,s.  vide  Sfe»8bkituku. 

le^sto,  §e>s5a>  kilakamu,  kllamu,  s. 
A  gnomon,  a  pin.  2.  A  wedge. 

§yo  kilu,  s.  A  joint.  2.  A  hinge.  3. 
Pitch,  tar.  ^a§&  chetikillu,  The 
joints  of  the  hand,   lolo  §&  pette- 

killu,  The  hinges  of  a  box.  ■5r>&§g^ 
vadafcllu,  Ship  tar  or  pitch,  iex^ 
•'&  kilukatti,  A  knife  wiiich  folds 


into  the  handle.  §e»x'ofew  kilugan- 

tu,  A  tuft  of  knotted  hair. 
i»r»£a  kivSda,    *.    A   tract    of  land, 

round  a  village,  where  its  suburbs 

formerly  stood, 
itftfkisara,  t.  vide  lnj°  kitsa\ 

Soku,  postpos.  To.  One  of  the  signs 
of  the  dative  case,  added  to  all  in- 
flexions, except  such  as  terminate 
in  •  e,  $  i,  or  "^   ai. 

Soo^  kunka,  s.  A  widow. 

SboS'&^tf)  kunkativeru,  s:  A  small  or 
fibrous  root. 

SooS'&w  kunkatlu,  s.  plu.  Curls  or 
ringlets  of  hair. 

&o&*5o^5&»  kunkuduchefctu,  s.  The 
soap-nut  tree,  Sapmdus  emargina- 

SboSbS&^&Kb  kunkudupurugu,  s.  A 
sort  of  red  insect. 

SboSb^^d?  kunkuduvern,  s,  vide  Sco 
S'feS'^eb  kunkativeru. 

SooSosfc  kunkuma,  s.  Turmerick,  mix- 
ed with  allum  and  lime  juice, 
which  forms  a  fine  crimson  colour, 
much  used  by  the  Hindoos,  in 
rnarking  the  forehead. 



§o  o  &>  "&£>-  KunduiTO 

ggpsos&s&»  kunkumamu,  s.  Saffron. 
(Crocus  satiyus. 

ffopfio  knngu^  v.  n.  To  become  less, 
2.  To  sink.  3.  To  be  -humbled,  de- 
pressed, or  decreased- 

soo-db  kuntsu,  v.  a.  Or  sbo©o-ifc  kun- 
phintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  make  less, 
shorten,  or  abridge.  2.  To  sink.  3. 
To  humble,  abate,  reduce,  de- 
crease, or  diminish.  4:  To  draw 

S&o-S'sfoa  kuntsamu,  s,  A  measure 
equal  to  4  manika. 

goo -So)  kunchini,  s.  A  painting-brush, 
or  pencil. 

goo^  kunche,  s.  A  fly-flap,  usually 
made  of  the  white  hair  from  the 
tail' of  the  cow  of  Tartary.  2.  A 
piece  of  wood,  to  prepare  the  warp 
without  entanglement. 

goo^'So?©  kunchekola,  s.  An  iron  rod, 
of  which  the  end  is  bent,  used  to 
•unlock  the  doors  of  Hindoo  tem- 

go ofo  kunla,  s,  A  pond.  2.  A  square 
land  measure. 

goc&w  kuntu,  v.  n.  To  limp.  go0fe5 
kunti,  adj;.  Lame,  crooked.  goofcw 
kuntu.  Lameness,  crookedness,  goo 
-  &iv>&x>  kuntigamu,  Saturn  ;  on 
account  of  the  lameness,  or  slow- 
ness, of  his  motion. 

Soolotf  kuntena,  s.  The  profession 
of  a  pimp,  or  bawd.  Soolotfs'  II 
kuntenakatte,  A  bawd.  gbolbtf^ 
eib  kuntenakadu,  A  pimp. 

gbo"lo£&T5b^ex>   kuntenakutstsulu,    s. 

plw.  A  kind  of  ornament  for  the 
top  of  the  ear. 

good*  kunda,  s.  An  earthen  pot,  Sbo 
tiT^o-spoo^  kundagoladalpu,  A 
person  who,  in  token  of  his  re- 
nunciation of  worldly  enjoyments, 
assumes  the  staff  and  pot  of  a  re- 
cluse. 3cod»-o^8>  kundarasi,  The 
sign  Aquarius. 

gooaSejsSw  kundalamu,  s,  An  ear- 

Soo&>  kundu,  s.  A  cistern. 

gooes  kunda,  s.  A  pillar. 

&o8S'*fo3  kundakamu,  s.  Impedi- 
ment, hindrance.  2.  Defect,  want. 

Sboestfs5M  kundanamu,  s.  Pure  gold. 

gooQ  kundi,  s.  A  sort  of  rim  placed 
upon  a  mortar,  to  prevent  the  fal- 
ling of  rice,  &c.  When  beaten  in 

So oeso  kundu,  5.  Affliction,  grief,  dis- 
quietude. 2.  Repentance,  v.  w.  To 
be  grieved  to  sink  Under  affliction. 
2.  To  die. 

§o.o2fe"%fx>?CS  kundurrellugaddi,  s.  A 
kind  of  reed,  of  which  pens  are 
made  in  the  east. 



go  0^00  kundeln,  s.  A  hare.  This 
noun  is  irregular,  and  makes  the 
inflexion  sing.  §oo"^fe3  kundeti. 

SboSfeS  kumpati,  s.  A  chafing-dish  ; 
a  portable  stove.  2.  A  portable 

&ch  kumbi,  s.   Bleaching. 

gbo^rsSw  kunibhamu,  s.  An  earthen 
pot.  2.  The  frontal  globe  of  an 
elephant's  head.  3.  The  sign  A- 
quarius.  4.  A  heap  of  boiled  rice. 

go o^i $  kimibhini,  s.  The  earth. 

0c r^-  kukka,  s.  A  dog.  £5&&§k_ 
adakukka,  A  bitch,  Sbs^gjo  kuk 
kapilla,  A  whelp.  sbs'k-fr'^Tfo 
kukkagodugu,  lit.  A  dog's  um- 
brella. A  mushroom.  gb§k_&>°j?b 
kukkatulasi,  lit.  Dogtoolasee.  The 
white  basil,  or  countiy  tea,  Ocy- 
mum  album,  as  distinguished  from 
the  toolasee  proper,  Ocymum san- 

go§k-  kukki,  s.  A  small  bedstead,  of 
which  the  tape  is  loose,  or  slack. 

go§o^_  kukku*  v.  a.  To  suppress.  2. 
To  push.  3.  To  beat.  4.  To  kill.  5. 
To  fill  up ;  to  make  fall  •,  to  stuff. 

gotT5c5os5cx>  knchodyamu,  s.  Fraud, 
deceit.  2.  Pastime,  fun. 

^o-SK  kuchchi.  s.  A  small  hut. 

§o£)\^s5do  kuchcliitamu,  adj. Wicked, 

cunning,  g.  Wickedness,  cunning, 

£o-wb\ej "So §"s5m    kutstsula  mekamu,  s. 

The  quadruped  called  Bos  grunni- 

§ot5onsx>  kutstsulu,   s.  phi.    Tassels, 

So^xe)  kuchchela,    s.  A  heap  oi  cut 

corn,   in  its  straw.    2.  A  certain 

land  measure. 
§b^\^}  §o-sv&  kuchchcliu,  kuchchi- 

llu,  s.  pla.  The  folds  of  the  lower 

cloth,  which  the  Plindoos  tie  round 

their  loins. 
SofeS,   gbfe§Ss5oo    knti,    kuUranru,   s.  A 

hut  ;  a  cottage. 
gbfe3?j&50  kutilamu,  adj.  Crooked, cross. 

s.  A  trick. 2.  Imposture,  o.  Treason. 
gb^Dososfeo  kutumbarrra,  s.  Family.  2. 

A  wife. 
§oko o£>  kutumbi,  s.  The  father  of  a 

family,  a  householder.  §c&oo£)a  ku- 

tumbini,  A  matron;  a  woman  who 

has    both  her  children,   and  her 

husband,  alive. 
3ofe3iO  kuttiiii,  s.  A  procuress. 
§0^0  kuttUj  v*  a.   To  sew  or  stitch. 

2.  To  sting,  or  bite,  as  applied  to 

insects.  3.  To  bcre.  s.  A  seam-  2. 

Sewimr,  needle-work.  3.  Acholic, 




or  stitch,  go  &o&  kuttintsa,  v.  Cans. 
To  cause  to  sew,  <fec.  2.  To  cause- 
clothes  to  be  made,  or  sewn.  g"e<b 
t&Stf&sk  kadupukuttettu,  The 
belly  to  ache.  §o&»2r*otfo  kuttupo- 
yu,  To  sew  slightly ;  to  stitch.  ^3 
^>ew§b&x3  chevulukuttu,  To  bore 
the  ears.  5ofc»&>&  kuttusuru,  The 
point  of  death,  picfe  &-&>&,  lfe»&&» 
usuru,  telukuttu,  A  scorpion  to 
sting.  a&yeoSb&Jo  battarakmtu,  To 
sew  clothes,  sfcg£)&fc>a  madichiku- 
ttu,  To  hem.  "S^yogb&o  cheppu- 
lukuttu,  To  make  shoes.  &>&&& 
sr>&>,  &^$^2&kuttadapuvadu, 
kutrapuvadu,A  tailor.  Sbtoj-I>&s'a, 
tfaQtfb  kutlu-vidinavi,  vadilina- 
vi,  The  seam  is  unript.  tftf^go&x) 
sannakuttu,  A  fine  seam.  sfoo^g'So 
&»  mutakakuttu,  A  coarse  seam. 
"Bfeo§ofcx>  rettakuttu,  A  double  seam, 
§b"?3  kutte,  s.  The  amis. 

3b,feo,  kutra,  s.  Intrigue. 

Sb^S*  kudaka,  s.  A  vessel  in  which 
sandal,  &c,  are  kept. 

So  a  kudi,  acZy.  The  right.  So&;53ffr- 
kudipakka,  The  right  side.  sbS'^ 
ojo^  kudichcyyi,  The  right  hand. 

go &&  kuditi,  s.  The  water  with 
which  rice,  or  any  split  pulse,  has 
been  cleaned. 

gogsoa^db  kudimivadu,  s.  A  man 
who  cures  persons  bit  by  poison- 
ous animals.  2.  A  snake-catcher. 

§o^b^>  kudutsu.  v.  a.  To  suck.  2. 
To  eat.  gbakcg)  kudupu,  v.  Cans. 
To  cause  to  suck,  &c. 

So&>;g)  kudupu,  s.  Eating.  2.  Food. 

goJ&sfco  kudumu,  s.  A  sort  of  cake» 
boiled  in  steam. 

Sods',  Sbjgs',  gba&S'  kutika,  kuttika, 
kuttuka,  s.  The  throat.  Soss'oka 
kutikantu,  A  necklace,  lied  close 
round  the  throat,  so  as  to  touch  it* 

2o&e>"3>&>3  kutilapettu,  v.  a.  To  afflict. 

So8^&s5»  kutsitamu,  adj.  Low,  vile. 

Sbao-iSo,  §oao»o-i5b  kudintsu,  kudiyi- 
ntsu,  v.  a.  To  abate,  to  lessen.  2, 
To  shake  grain,  &c.  in  a  sieve  or 
pot,  so  as  to  throw  the  upper  un- 
der the  lower  grain. 

Soacsft)  kudiyu,  v.  n-  To  become  tight, 

as  a  knot,  &c. 
Soa®OT$b  kudilintsu,  v.  a.  To  shake 

as  water  in  a  bottle. 
£o&£,  §b&3  kudupa,  kudapa,  5.  One 

of  the  bits,  or  portions,  into  which 

curds  divide. 

§0  25c  s?  -Kudu  va 

&  f^  o  oSb-Ku  ppintsu 

§o«b$  kudupu,  v,  a.  To  shake.  s. 

gbjsbtfc  kuduru,  v.  rc.  To  be  re-esta- 
blished, or  restored.  2-  To  be  set- 
tled or  arranged.  3.  To  be  cured  ; 
to  recover  from  illness.  4.  To  be 
pacified  ;  to  be  made  calm,  or 
quiet.  5.  To  be  fixed,  or  placed. 
6.  To  become  firm,  or  resolute,  in 
any  opinion.  7.  To  be  got,  or  ob- 
tained, s.  Health.  2.  Beauty.  3. 
A  garden-bed.  4.  Any  thing  plac- 
ed under  a  vessel,  to  prevent  its 
falling,  as  a  straw  rope,  &c.  5.  A 
rim  placed  over  a  mortar,  to  pre- 
vent what  is  beaten  in  it  falling 
out,  vide  §boa  kundi,  This  word, 
when  used  as  a  substantive,  makes 
it's  infleX.  Sing.  §b&fe5  kuduti, 
adj.  Healthy. 2.  Beautiful.  3.  well- 
arranged.  4.   Calm,  quiet. 

§bafc£5o\  kudurtsu,  v.  a.  To  re-estab- 
lish, or  restore.  2.  To  settle,  or  ar- 
range. 3.  To  cure,  or  recover.  4. 
To  pacify,  calm,  or  quiet.  5.  To 
fix,  or  place.  6.  To  make  resolute, 
or  firm.  7.  To  procure  for  another. 
•i^&xSoStf  eftfb  tsotukudaraledu,  A 
place  is  not  obtained.  §b«o&TT'£x 
kudurubatn,  Settlement,  arrange- 
ment. sfctf;5ovgb&>&>  manassukudu- 
ru,  The  mind  to  be  firm,  or  re- 

Sc&sr,  So £ss  knduva,  kudava,  s.  A 
pawn-  2.  Mortgage,  gb«,tf"3&»  ku- 

duvabettu,  To  mortgage ;  to  pawn. 
&abss  sS&o-tfc  kuduva  vidipintsu, 
To  redeem  from  pawn. 

&SS\,  gbs&jk.  kunishti,  kunushtu,  s. 
An  obstacle,  or  impediment ;  a 
pretext  urged  to  prevent  anything. 
adj.  Gross,   crooked,  lame. 

£}&&>  kunuku,  v.  n.  To  slumber,  or 
dose.  s.  A  slumber,  or  sleep.  sbs>§ 
■£pkD  kunikip^tu,  Drowsiness. 

SbsSj  kuppa,  s.  A  collection,  heap,  or 
assemblage.  2.  Filth  or  sweepings, 
go^xo-otf  knppagura,  adv.  All  of  a 
heap,  goss^tfb  kuppadngu,  The 
grains  which  fall  from  a  corn  heap, 
when  it  is  removed.  §o^  HsS\ex>Tv« 
kuppa  teppaluga\  adv.  lit.  Like 
floats  of  heaps.  Abundantly, .  as 
§os5}  Ha^e»"K»  •5r*tfKb9fttf&  kuppa- 
teppaluga  vauagurisinadi,  The 
rain  fell  abundantly. 

So^sSaD  kuppamu,  s.  A  small  village, 
or  hamlet. 

Sbs^Po-Ek  kuppalintsn,  v.  a.  To  wash 
a  cloth,  by  beating  it,  in  a  heap, 
against  a  stone. 

Sbs^tfaSoa  kuppasamu,  5.  A.  woman's 

Sbl>\oo5b  ku ppintsu,  v.  n.  To  fix  the 
feet  firmly*  when  about  to  jump- 

§Q&2,tf-Kummara  136 

gofb^Xo^o  kuppigantu,  A  leap.  gj>& 
Kos^-ioooo     knppi  gantuveyn,   To 

gb*a^  kuppe,  s.  An  ornament  worn 
by  Hindoo  females,  in  their  plait- 
ed hair.  2.  A  jar. 

SbwaSrioa  kubusamu,  s.  The  skin  of  a 
serpent.  2.  A  jacket.  3.  The  pivot 
of  a  door. 

3bsSr»8,  Sorbs'  kumari,  kurnarika,  s. 
A  girl  of  eight  years  of  age.  2.  A 

§bs5o^&e&  knmarudu,5.  A  son.  2.  One 
of  the  names  of  gbs5cr«>&^cs*>  ku- 

Scsfi™  "3  kumarte,  5.  A  daughter. 

gbsS^ew  kumulu,  v.  n.  To  be  consum- 
ed, or  inwardly  burnt. 

2os&.§ok_  kmnmakkUj  5.  Aid,  assist- 

kummarao-iwva,  si  A  was 



Sbs&i  tf  •5r>2k,§o;&  8 kumniarava"cln :ktim- 
man,  .9.  A  potter.  §o^tf&,  iJs^&a 
kummarata,  kummaradi,  A  female 
potter.  go^S^&ftb  kumniarapuiu- 
gu,  A  sort  of  insect.  Soss^StW,  & 
s£>tfir*-5  kummarasana,  kummara- 
sare,  A  potter's  wheel.  gbs£>  tf-£r*~3 
•s&Sk-  kummarasare  tsnkka,  The 
sixteenth  of  the  lunar  mansions  ; 


from  it's  supposed  similitude  to 
the  potter's  wheel.  sbss^tftf^tfr'sSaSw 
kummara  swarupamu,  An  earthen 

§bs&jOo^bkiimmarintsti,«.c.  To  pour 
out  of  a  sack,  or  basket.  2.  To 
empty  ;  to  discharge. 

§cs5»    kumnm,   v.    a.    To  beat  in  a 

—4  v_ 

mortar.  2.  To  butt,  or  strike,  with 
the  horns.  3.  A  blow  from  the 

is5^  kummu,  s.  Smoking  ashes  • 
fire  not  extinguished. 

Socco,  Sbo*>e  kuyi,  kuyyi,  3.  An  ex- 
clamation of  complaint,  or  sorrow. 

SbtfoKfcj  Sbtfofco  kurangata,  kuranta, 
adv.  Near., 

gcQo-a  kmrinclii,  Postpos.  ^c?e  fio8o-S); 

go 8-&j  kurichi,  5.  A  chair. 

§be.&  kuridi,  s.  The  kernel  of  the 

§bosx>clKfc>o  kurirriidia-attu,  s.  A  bank, 

GO  "  4 ' 

for  retaining  water,  in  a  field. 
SbScfl&o  knnyo,  v.  ft.  To  rain. 
Sb8oi»©4Sb,  §b8l>o-&>  kuriyintsn.  kuri- 

pintsu,  v.  a.  To  cause  to  rain. 
£2^eX)§b8S>o-&      nippulukuripintsu, 

lit*  To  cause  fire  to  rain.  To  be  in 
a  great  passion,  or  hurry. 
Sotf>$  kuruvn,  s.  The  act  of  raining 




§b&c2»ex>  kurundzulu,  s.  phi.  Small 
perpendicular  posts,  by  which 
short  beams  are  raised  upon  longer 
ones,  and  thus  form  a  shelving 
roof,  in  the  native  houses. 

§b&2§  kuruji,  5.  A  small,  s'okn'fsSM 
kantalamu,  g.  v. 

gb&S3  kurudzu,  s  A  hawk. 

&&>s&TT'l3  knrumagorre,  s.  A  sheep, 
with  long  wool. 

So?5bs6b»3^^o  kurumavadu,  5,  A  man 
who  weaves  blankets*  or  cumblies> 
as  they  are  termed  in  India. 

go&$    kuruvu,  5.  The  thigh. 

§o3cr>35s»  kurupamu,  s.  Deformity, 

§oe3?5o;g)qew  kurrinuvvulu,  s.  pin.  A 
particular  species  of  the  Sesamum 

gb&as  kurru,  s.  Shortness.  2.  A  little. 
3.  Haste,  gba^r^ssb  kurrukonu,  v.  n, 
To  be  in  a  hurry. 

&)<&■>&  kurruku  s.  A  heap. 

Sbaaa-S"  ktirrutsa,  s.  Shortness.  2.  A 
dance,  adj.  Diminutive,  short. 

Sbft£»^)  kurrupn,  s.  A  sore,  or  boil. 
&eaos*r»2&  kurrumadu,  5.  A  shelving 

§069000  kurrulu,  s.  plu.   Hairs. 
§oea3"^e5o:3fc»  kurru  verm  chett.u,  s.  A 

plant,  with  a  fragrant  root. 

goes  kurrra,  .9.  An  infant.  2.  A  boy, 
or  lad.  3.  A  young  buffaloe. 

Somo  kurrn,  v.  To  cry;  to  make  a  loud 

gbe;x5cw  knlamu,  s.  Race,  tribe,  caste, 
or  family-  2.  A  multitude  of  ani- 
mals of  the  same  species.  gb^£& 
kulasthudu,  A  male  of  the  same 

caste  with  one's-self.&e>i£>TPex>  ku- 

lasthuralu,  A  female  of  the  same 
caste.  §o<y  j>  J  kulastrl,    A    chaste 

woman.  §bl)tfb£b  knlmudu,  A  man 
of  honorable  descent,  of  respecta- 
ble family. 

Soex)So  kuluku,  s.  Affected  gestures ; 
foppish  airs.  v.  n.  To  affect  such 

gooo^TPcwo  kulupurayi,  5.  A  sort  of 

gb^  fto^b  kullaffintsu,  v.  a.  To  dig 

gb^ooo  kulla-yi,  s.  A  cap. 

gog  kullu,  v.  n.  To  putrify,  decay, 

or  grow  rotten.  2.  To  envy.  3.  To 
grieve  in  secret,  s.  Putrescence. 
§b#Q  kuvva,  s.  A  heap. 

gb*©e£  kusalata,  s.  Cleverness.  2.  Pre- 
sence of  mind. 

gbtftysS*)   kusalamu,   s.    Well-being, 
welfare,   happiness,    safety,    adj. 
Happy,  well,  right. 




bo$'<y$fo»  kusalanm.  adj.  Skilful  ;  con- 
versant, expert. 

gbs^sswkttshthama,  s.  The  leprosy. 
2.  The  plant  termed  Costus  spe- 

go?)  kusi,  s.  That  portion  of  the  ends 
of  a  bed  frame,  which  is  insert- 
ed, in  the  leg  of  the  bedstead. 

§o&Don&  knsilintsu,  v.  n\  To  be  dis- 
contented with  what  is  paid,  or 

&&>o^;£)$£,  So^o^kSm  kusumbapu- 
vvu,  kusumbhamu,  s.  The  saf- 
flower.  Carthamus  tinctorius. 

§brSas5bs5w>  kusumamu,  s.  A  flower,  & 
SSosfcX^e-sSw  kusumagarbhainu,  A 
female's  hair?  tied  in  a  tuft,  and 
enveloped  in  flowers.  §b&>'&><&i£b 
luisurneshiidu,  lit  He  whose  ar- 
rows are  flowers.  Cama,  the  god  of 
love,  sbtfosfcsftf  ska  kusumavarsha- 
mu,  A  shower  of  flowers. 

§b<3as6e»  kusumalu,  s.  plu.  A  kind  of 

§b  £8o^£  kustarintsu,  v.  a.  To  car- 
ess; to  sooth. 

SbJL  kukshi,  8.  The  belly  ;  the  cavi- 
ty of  the  abdomen.  sbJLo^ra  ku- 
kshimbhari,    adj.   Voracious   eat- 


gcrog'feS  kukati,  s.  A  small  lock  of  hair, 
under,  or  above,  the  long  lock, 
which  the  Hindoos  leave  on  the 
erown  of  the  head. 

§cn>H'fe3s5btf-°x'  kukatimuga,  s.  The  fork 
tailed  shrike. 

S&'g'ex)  kiikaln,  s.  plu.   Cries,  noises. 

&-°§e)o  kukilu,  s.  plu.  Doves,  pige- 

Sfr»tf*»a  kutsamu,  8.  A  pillar,  or  post. 

Scp>©  kucki,  adj.   Sharp  pointed. 

gcn>£)  kiichi,  s-  A  march. 

gj-otf-0  kudza,  s.  A  gugglet. 

&-«>&>  So  kutami,  s.  Copulation.  2.  Uni- 
on, junction.  3.  Society,  assembl- 

&r°tos5c»}  s&T>&r«»s5c»kiif;amu,  kutamu,  s. 

A  hall. 
Sor*k>s5*>  kiitamu,  s.  The    summit.  2. 

A  house.  3.  A  hammer.  4.  A  heap 

of  grain,  &c.  5.  An  assemblage.  6. 

Fraud,  deceit- 

So-o &>&>£&  kutasthudu,  s.The  first  an- 
<p  • 

cestor  of  a  race  or  lineage.  2.  The 
common  ancestor  of  different  fa- 
Scp>£*>x>  kutuva,  s.  An  army,  consist- 
ing of  cavalry,  infantry,  chariots? 
and  elephants.. 





3cr*&c&»&»  kudanrnttu,!?.  a.To  pursue, 
to  over -run. 

S^>&£>  kudali,  .9.  The  meeting  of  di- 
fferent limits.  §5r»2g©TT»Qkudalid£- 
ri,  The  meeting  of  four  roads. 

&r*-cr>  kuda,  adv.  Along  with,  accom- 
panying. 2.  Also.  This  word,  which, 
in  fact,  is  merely  the  infinitive  of. 
§5-°£sb  kudu,  q.  v.  Lengthened,  is 
usually  added  to  the  postposition- 
&*  to,  With,  to  strengthen  the 
connexion.  In  books,  however,  it 
may  occasionally  be  met  with  al- 
one in  this  sense  ;  but,  when  used 
alone,  denotes  in  general  also.  *r> 
*5b5a-*-C9o35-S)\^r>c&  varukiidavachchi- 
naru,  They  also  are  come.  So-*^ 
£r*^)'kudap6vu,  To  go    together. 

&r°Zso  kudu,  s.  Food,  victuals.  2.  Boil- 
ed rice.  This  word,  as  a  noun, 
makes  it's  inflexion.  $r°&  kiiti, 
Thus,  $r°&&o&  kutikunda,  A  pot 
for  boiling  rice.  &-oj»s£>&  kudnillu. 
Sour  gruel,  v.  a.  To  associate  with. 
2.  To  copulate.  3.  To  add,  or  sum 
up,  figures,  v.  n.  To  be  joined.  2- 
To  agree,  to  be  on  good  terms  ;  to 
be  unanimous.  3.  To  be  amassed, 
or  accumulated,  4.  To  be  assem- 
bled or  met. 

j   35^  kuta,  5.  A  cry  or  exclamation. 
2.   A  clamour  or  disturbance.  The 

j  noise  made  by  any  animal ;  as 
barking,  braying,  crowing,  mew- 
ing ;  also  the  note  of  any  bird. 
§ct°^d,  §o-°<&&>  kiitu,  kuturu,  s.  A 
daughter.  The  second  word  makes 
it's  sing.  In  flex.  Sj*$fce_Sj*«fce£)2£ 
kuturi-kuturibidcla,^Y.  The  daugh- 
ter's child. 

&t>#  kiina,  s.  An  infant.  2.  A  kitten, 
or  whelp. 

So-*£3co  kuyu;  v.  n.  To  cry  or  exclaim. 
2.  To  make  a  clamour,  or  distur- 
bance. 3.  To  make  any  noise  ;  as 
bray,  crow,  mew,  croak,  call,  or 
sing.  v.   a.  To  call. 

g^tf  kiira,  s.  A  vegetable  ;  any  gar- 
den greens.  2.  Curry.  The  green 
produce  of  a  garden  is  divided  in- 
to the  ejgb*cr*tfe>o  akuguralu,  Leaf 
vegetables,  and  the  -^osSXcrotfex* 
kayaguralu.  Or  those  of  which  the 
produce  assumes  the  shape  of  a 
head,  pod,  or  fruit. 

$r>-&>?£o  kiiradn,  *.  Infiex.  Sing,  *&* 
-o-*fe5  kurati,  Water  in  which  rice 
has  been  washed,  grown  sour,  and 
boiled  ;    vinegar. 

So-°Q-£)  kurichi, 

&-°8£>d  kurimi, 

postpos.     vide    Sj-*8v 



ition,  love,  2 




&n>&  kuru,  v.  To  attain.  2.  To  sleep. 
3.  To  fill  or  stuff  any  thing  ;  to 
load  fire  arms. 

3S-*tf>Sb,  Scn»«b^-  kuruku,kurku,s.  Sleep. 
v.  n.  To  sleep. 

Sj*8x  kurchi,  postpos.  Towards.  2. 
On  account  of.  3.  Respecting,  re- 
garding. It  converts  nouns  to 
which  it  is  affixed  into  the  ac- 
cusative case. 

&-c8^  o^&>,  §5-o&ysr»&>  kurchiuava- 
du,  kurtsuv5dut  5.  A  friend. 

§5-*tf>\  kurtsu,  v.  a.  vide  §o-»e&  kudu. 

Scro«b\o^b  kurtsundu,  v.  n,  To  be 
seated  ;  to  sit  down. 

§fr*Q^  kurmi,  s.  Affection,  love.  2.  Pity. 

3cr°e>K>2&  kulabadu,  v.  n.  To  fall  down 

3S-»©  kuli,  5.  Daily  hire,  or  wages  ; 
cooly-  2.  Daily  labour. 

s3^e»  kultt,  v.  n.  To  fall  down,  or  be 
overturned.  2:  To  die.  Sj^exn  kul- 
tsu,  e?.  a.  To  cause  to  fall,  &c.  2. 
To  kill. 

Sfroif  kula,  a$.  Inferior,  low.  2.  Wick- 

3cn>if'tf»  kulamu,  5.  Chaff. 

&r°Ss5a>  kusamu,  s.  »f6?e"Sb«»iSs5w  ku- 
busamu,  , 


r  \  4 23  *5m  kri  ta j  namu,  adj.  Gratef u  1 , 
thankful,  s'v^k^  kritainata.  s. 
Gratitude.  ?\8^  kritaghnata, 
Ingratitude,  ^f^sfe)  kritagh- 
namu,  adj.  Ungrateful. 

g\&  kriti,  si  Wise,  learned.  2.  A  suc- 
cessful, fortunate,  or  happy  man. 

^\©  kriti,  5.  A  composition  or  work. 
2.  A  dedication. 

g\.8 •  j£>s5do  kritrimamu,  ad;.  Artifici- 
al, deceitful,  s.  Artifice,  deceit ; 
a  trick. 

^\£cs5»  krityamu,  s.  An  act.  2.  Bu- 
siness, duty.  3.  Conduct.  4.  Any- 
thing proper  to  be  done.  3#og\£o 
j6a>ex>  nityakrityamulu,  Daily  du- 

S\s5  kripa,  5.  Tenderness  ;  favor  ; 
grace.  r^e^Sx  kripadrishti,  A 
tender  look. 

^tfrasfoa  kripauamu,  adj.  Avaricious, 
miserly.  2.  Fraudulent,  deceitful. 

r^a*ft$  kripaluvu,  adj.  Compassi- 
onate, kind,  tender. 

jr^sfca  krisamu,  adj.  Little,  small. 
2.  Thin,  lean,  emaciated  ;  feeble. 
^3o-&,  if^oooo-ifc  krisintsu,  kri- 
siyintsu,  v.  n.  To  become  lean,  to 
be  in  a  languishing  state- 





g\S\  krishi,  5.  Agriculture,  husband- 
ry. 3\!\§o&>,  *f^s>ew£&  krishiku- 

du,  krishivaludu,  A  husbandman, 
or  cultivator. 

s\s1s5m  krishrianiu,  adj.  Black,  s. 
Blackness.  s\&.3&5&o  krishnapak- 
shamu,The  dark  half  of  the  month; 
the  fortnight  of  the  moon's  de- 
crease, ^gtfg^e-  krishnavartma, 
s.  The  god  of  fire.  g\x.Z£srs$x>  kri- 
shriasarpamu,  s.  A  kind  of  black 
serpent.  S\  &.-£>-*  tfs5*>  krishnasararnu? 

s.  A  black  antelope,  r^g^ 
krishnajinamu,  s.  The  hide  of  the 
black  antelope. 

~§o  kem,  adj.  Red.  los&Dj,  lo^ 
s&tf  kendammi,  kendamara,  The 
red  lotus. 

~§o&  kempu,  s.  A  ruby.  2.  Redness. 
adj.  Red.  "io^^ots  kempukanti, 
s.  The  black  cuckoo  ;  because  it's 
eyes  are  red.  1o^)7r'c6w  kempuga 
mn,  Mars  ;  because  he  is  red.  lo 
?§tf3J&>  kempusavatu,  The  15th  of 
the  lunar  mansions,  consisting  of  j 
the  star  Arcturus  ;  because  it  is  j 

"^^osao  kedayu,  v.  n.  To  die,  to  ex 
pire.  -§&;&  kedapu,  v.  a.  To  kill 
2.  To  push  aside.    ,^ 

"Itfoo  keralu,  v.  n.  To  increase.  2.  To 
spread.  3.  To  come  out.  4.  To  be 
angry  or  enraged. 

"^e>s&  kelanu,  s.  A  side,  or  part.  This 
word  makes  in  the  plural.  "lejoSbew, 
~§v&vo  kelankulu,  kelanulu. 

"I^SsSw  kelasamu,  s.  Wish,  desire. 

~§sjo§b^keluku,  v.  a.  To  stir.  2.  To 
scratch.  3.  To  mix. 

~§^*o^>,  ^f^o^b  kellagintsu,  kella 
gintsu,  v.  a.  To  kindle.  2.  To  ex- 

1?$  kelavu,  $•  Distance,  space. 


"it  keka,    s.    A  cry  or  shout ;    also 

that  of  the  peacock. 
^s8on5b  kekarintsu,  v.  n*  To  hawk, 

in  spitting, 
"i&o-ab  kedintsu,  v.  n.  To  turn  aside. 
~t~B6x>  kedemu,  s.  A  shield. 
"!&  keru,  v.  n.  To  laugh  loudly,  v. 

a.  To  deride. 
"iex>  kelu,  5.  The  hand.  "isos&j,  ke- 

— o 

ludammi,  A  hand  resembling  the 
lotus.  "ie^&»  kelpattu,  Marriage. 
~isr\foT&i  'ier^fo&Q  kelmogu- 
tsu,  kelmogudtsu,  To  shew  res- 
pect to  any  one,  by  joining  the 
palms  of  both  hands. 

"1  ab-Kaidu 



~iv*$F>$  kelakuli,  s.  A  large  square 
well,  with   steps   on  each  side. 

~f  &>,  ~£$g  keli,  kelika,  s.  Sport,  play, 
amusement,  dancing. 

~f£<ys5*>  kevalamu,  aij.  Absolute, 
mere,  entire*  sole.  adv.Very  much; 
entirely,  wholly. 

~f  $  kevu,  s.  Freight.  ~f^a  kevari, 
The  freighter  of  a  ship. 

~§$Qss&)  kesarivadlu,  s.  plu.  A  parti- 
cular kind  of  paddy,  of  which  the 
rice  is  reddish. 

~%  kai,  s.  The  hand./? os tpos.  To,  for, 
on  account  of.    ~1  g*tfb  kaikonu,  v. 


a.  To  take,  receive,  or  accept.  2. 
To  possess,  to  obtain.  3.  To  un- 
dertake, 4.  To  assume  a  form,  or 
.  shape.  "1  eso&kaidanda,  The  hand? 
or  arm,  given  for  support,  in  walk- 
ing. ~%  eT>  If  sfca  kaitalamu,  A  cym- 

!§  c£$Q&x)  kainkaryamu,  5.  Service. 
2.  Slavery. 

"i^^oT'o^b  kaikolavandlu,    s.  plu. 

The  kycola  caste,  generally  weav- 

"?  j^°  kaija,  s:  The  motion  of  a 
horse's  head. 

-3  &  kaidu,    5.     Confinement,    res- 


traint.  -§  ^"^oco>  kaiduchcyu,  9.  a 
To  confine,  to  imprison. 

ll&sg^kaiduvu,  s.  A  weapon  or  in- 

II  ^  kaipu,  s.  vide  s'ooo^)  kayipu. 

~§tfss$6  kairavallu,  5.  »Zw.  vide^&o 
cofoo&sx)    kaviriyundalu. 

1  er»&>o$w  kailatamu,  5.  Deceit,  fraud. 

~§  ex>  kailu,  s.  The  actual  measure- 
ment of  the  crop,  after  it  is  thrash- 
ed, and  before  the  gross  produce 
is  divided  between  the  cultivator, 
and  those  entitled  to  the  govern- 
ment share. 

jtf&  kaivadi,  adv.  Probably,  like- 


"1  «t*#s5m  kaivaramu,  s.   Encomium- 


praise,  commendation.  2.  Circum- 
ference- "I<53^^s5c»^d36c»  kaivaramu 
seyu,  v.  a.  To  praise,  to  commend. 
~§3§kaisiki,  s<  A  poetic  composi- 
tion, expressive  of  love. 

g^ogtfgij-  konkanakka,  $.  A  kind  of 

r°o^^  konkara,  adj.  Crooked,  bent. 
S^oS'tfssoS'tf  TV*  konkaravankaraga, 
All  crooked  ;  in  complete  disorder. 

§^o§  konki,  s.  A  hook,  for  suspend- 
ing any  thing  from. 

r°o&  konku,5.  Timidity,  fear,  shame. 

v.  n.  To  be  timid?  fearful,  or  bash- 






A  crane.  S^oX"  ~^? 
kongakalla,  Long  shanked,  lit. 

r°oftb  koDgu,  s.  The  hem,  or  border 

of  a  garment. 
r>ctf  kontsa,  s.  vide  F°^0^s5wi  krautr 


^o-tf-'ir*^,  ss-&\  kontsa-pova,  vats- 
tsu,  «7.  a.  ^zcfe  r0,^  konu. 

§^o"Ss5oo  konchemu,  5.  A  little,  a  few, 
some.  2.  Contempt,  adj.  Little, 
as  to  quantity  only  ;  few,  some. 
2.  Trifling,  of  no  consequence.  3. 
Short,  as  to_  time  only.  4.  Low, 
vile,  mean.  r^o^sSoo^oaoo  konche- 
mucheyu,  To  diminish.  r^o^a&oTro 
6330a5b  konchemugayentsu,  To  es- 
teem lightly  ;  to  slight,  or  con- 
temn. r*o^s5oor°o':3s53o-7r>  konche- 
mukonchemuga,  Little,  by  little, 
r^o^^j-ss^^b  konchepuvadu,  A  low 
or  mean  fellow.  r°o^xSooer*  kon- 
chemulo,  In  a  few  words  :  for  a 
low  price.  r'o^sfcai)^)  konchemu 
sepu,  A  short  time. 

r*olb  kont.e,5.  A  wicked,  depraved, 
roguish,  or  impudent   person. 

r^oSS  konda,  5.  A  mountain,  hill, or 
rock,  g^oti-^odg  kondakaluva,  A 
cascade,  s^ofir'sko,  kondakommu, 
The  summit  of  a  mountain.  r°0& 

§^60  kondakota,  A  hill  fort.  S^oSS 
TTb'%&  kondagorre,  A  wild  sheep,  or 
kind  of  deer. 
S^ozr0^  kondadu,  v.    a.    To  praise, 
commend,  or  applaud. 

§-°o&  kondi,  s.  A  sting,  or  bite. 

§^o&£  kondika,  s.  An  infant. 
i  r°o"as5c»  kondemu,  s.  Anaccusation, 
dentmciation,  or  complaint;  gene- 
rally applied  to  such  as  are  false. 
2.  Slander.  r*o<le&,  r^o'U-j^th  ko- 
ndfdu,  kondegadu,  An  accuser,  or 
informer.    2.   A  slanderer. 

§^0^.  kondra,  s.  The  oval  space  de- 
scribed by  the  plough,  at  it's  first 
wide  turning  ;  the  ground  within 
which  is  subsequently  ploughed,, 
by  turning  the  plough  more  ab- 

§^0^  konta,  s.  A  little  ;  a  part  ;  a 
few  ;  some.  adj.  Little,  few,  some, 
short.  r^ocS^g*  kondoka,  adj.  A 
very  little.  2.  Another. 

§~*o&<m»  koiidzLYTUy  Indef.  adj.  pro.  in. 
or,  f.  Making  in  the  n.  S^sw  kon- 
nij  Some,  a  few. 

r^o^o^ao  kondalamu,  s.  Perturba- 
tion. 2.  Sorrow. 

r°o£  kompa,  s.  A  house. 

^gfj-.-cr'ott')  r^^tf  kokkarayi,  kok- 
kera,  s,  A  crane. 




§^§0^  kokku,  s.  A  crane.  2.  An  im- 
mense rat,  usually  termed  at  Mad- 
ras the  bandy-coot 

S^x &r*b>vo  koehcheinatalu,  s.  Words 
pronounced  with  a  lisp. 

r°4j^t5b  kotaru,  s.  A  cotaur,  or  col- 
lection of  salt  heaps. 

r°fc3r  kotika,  5.  A  village.  2.  A  miser. 

§^6os5»,  S^do-'sSco  kotiamu,  kottamu, 
s.  A  sta]]. 

r>kx>  kottu,   s.  A  blow.   2.    A  store- 

house?  a  granary. 

r^&w  kottu,    ?;.   <z.    To  beat,    strike. 
smite,  flog,  or  lash.  2.    To  break. 

3.  To  kill,  or  destroy.    4.  To  cut. 

5.  To  fix,  or  affix.  In  composition, 

it  makes  some  neuter  verbs  active, 

vide-&Zo$T'toa  udagottn,  Under  &> 

2^3  lidu,  It  has  also  a  vast  variety 
of  other  meanings,  which  will  be 
best  explained  by  the  examples 
given  below. 

r*fe8o-tSb  kottintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause 
to  beat,  &c. 

r^r^  kottukonu,  v:  Comp.To  beat 
one7s-self.  2.  To  strike  by  accid- 
ent against  any  thing,  r'toag;,  r° 
bnV"S$r€c£>  kottuka,  kottukonipo- 
vu,  To  be  carried  or  swept  off,  by 
a  flood,  wind,  &c.  r" 45 "i  0800  kotti- 
veyu,  To  strike  out,  or  cut  off.  2. 
To  Exclude.    3    To  dismiss,  ^r»^ 

r*feS"3cflSa  matakottiveyu,  To  strike 
out  a  word.  2.  To  defeat  in  argu- 
ment. •5yQ23cs5ao§^fe3"3aoc»  vyajya- 
mukottiveyu,  To  dismiss  a  suit.  e> 
^,r^  atstsukottu,  To  print,  o 
«\^r°&»  adnshtamugotfcu,  To 
have  eood  fortune,  -&>&jr-fe»  ita- 
gottu,  To  swim,  e^r*^  ukottu,  To 
listen.  O&fr"^  lidagottu,  To  take- 
any  thing  forcibly  out  of  its  fasten- 
ing. 2.  To  depose  or  turn  out  of 
office.  oiKJT'fco,  cOKSK^tM  egagot-i? 
tu,  egaragottu,  To  toss  up.  2.  To 
deny  or  disregard  what  another 
says;  to  turn  another's  words  in- 
to ridicule  ;  to  refute.  d£>g'jr'to> 
elikagofctu,  A  rat  to  eat.  or  destroy. 
ga&lCkXi  kampu gottu,  A  smell  to 

stink.  sbs^iT'toJ  kuppagottu,  To 
thrash  a  heap.  r^r0^  korru- 
gottu,  To  impale.  r°o  JCtx>  kolla- 
gottu,  To  reap,  or  gain,  a  great 
profit.  Koc^JT'^  gantugottu,  To 
die,  or  expire.  Kok>fTfc»  gantago- 
ttu,  A  clock  to  strike,  x-tfnewr6^ 
gatstsulukottu,To  boast,  or  vaunt. 
•^Srg  galigottu,  The  wind  to 
r°&  kothi,  s  A  soucar's  or  banker's 
place  of  business  5  a  bank.  r*&i§ 
ct&  kothfveyu,  To  open,  or  estab- 
lish,   a  bank. 

r°  ^-Kottada 



§"£»©  kodavali,s.  Inflex.  Sing-  §"£ 
sstS  kodavati,  A  sickle. 

r*a  kodi,  s.  The  flame  of  any  light. 
2.  A  flag,  standard,  or  colour. 
^^"^rccp^^r0^  agnihotrapuko- 
di,  The  flame  of  fire.  r°&£-°a»?  ko- 
dipoyyi,  A  hearth  or  fire  place. 
r°S^c«5o  kodiveyti,  To  hoist  a  flag. 
§^ <S jo o^sSw  kodistambhamu,  A 

r°&>§o  koduku,  s.  A  son. 

r6^^)  kodupu,  5.  That  part  of  a 
bamboo  which  is  between  two 
joints.  2.  An  iron  thimble,  placed 
on  the  finger  when  one  pkys 
upon  the  vfna,  or  Hindoo  guitar. 

r^tf**  konadzajs.  A  kind  of  terrace, 
over  the  gate,  or  entrance,  of  a 

r*3"5?  konige,  5.  A  heap. 

r°jSat>  konidili,  s.  Half  a  handful. 

r°c3o^  konudzu,  s.  A  tick. 

r°©sx>8,  r^-Sotf  kotimiri,  kotimera, 
s.  The  coriander  plant. 

§">«&&  kotuku,  v.  n.  vide  r*^§b  kodu- 

r°  &  kotta,  adj.  New,  recent. 

r*  <5&s5x>ex>,  r*  c^^s5wex)  kottadamulu, 

kottalamulu,  &  pltt.  The  bastions 
of  a  fort. 

r°  e£&otoa  kottamuttu,  s.  The  joining 
of -a  broken  thread,  in   spinning. 

r°H;6»  kottemu,  5.  The  pulp  of  the 
palmyra  fruit. 

§"#  koda,  s.  The  residue,  or  remaind- 
er, adj.  Remaining. 

S^tfssb  kodama,  s.  The  }roung  of  any 
brute,  adj.  Younsf. 

r°ess5  kodava,  vide  r'sbss  koduva. 

§^&§o  koduku,  v.  n.  To  hesitate  in 

r*&ss  koduva,  s.  The  rest,  remaind- 
er, or  residue.  2.  Want,  defect, 
deficiency.  3.  Discontent,  dissatis- 
faction, adj.  Remaining.  2.  Other. 
r°2fc35tf?<5ko  koduvasagamu,  The 
other  half. 

r>a  koddi,  s.  A  little-  adj.  Little, 
few,  small.  2.  Mean,  vile,  low,  in- 
ferior, trifling,  postpos.  To  the  full 
extent  of.  2.  In  proportion  to  ; 
suitable  to.  r*as$$  koddipani,  A 
trifling  business.  r*&s5bo&  koddi- 
rnandi,  Few  people.  5r»s>ae>6»rBa 
r**>S7r*&>  vanibalamukoddi  kotti- 
nadu,  He  beat  him  to  the  extent 
of  his  strength. 

r0^  kona,  s.  The  point,  end,  or  ex- 
tremity. §^k>r°tf  kottakona,  The 
very  point  or  end-  §*£^a  kftna- 

chevi,  The  tip  of  the  ear 





r°  $■&>]&  konasagu,  v.  n.  To  be  effect- 
ed,  accomplished,   or   concluded. 

S^SOcs^dSb  koniyadu,  v.  a.  To  com- 
mend, approve,  or  praise. 

f6^  konu,  v.  a-  To  buy  or  purchase. 
2.  To  take. 

rTS>S>o-&>  konipintsu,  v.  Cans.  To 
cause  to  buy. 

r*sSo  koppu,  s.  A  female's  hair,  tied 
in  a  tuft.  2.  The  middle  thatch.  3. 
The  bend  of  a  bow. 

r^S^^tf  kobbari,kobbera, c  The 
white  kernel  of  the  cocoanut.  adj. 
Of  or  belonging  to  the  cocoanut. 

V&&  komaru,  s.  Beauty.  2.  Youth 
adj.  Beautiful.  2.  Youthful,  r"^ 
-o^ex)  komaralu,  s.  A  beautiful,  or 
young,  woman. 

r'abbb^)  r*s5j-°&23o  komarudu,  koma 
rudu,  s.  A  son.  2.  A  young  man. 

S^sfc&ex)  komarulu,  s.  plu.  vide  sb&o 
233 ex>  kurundzulu.  2.  The  plural 
of  S^sSb&aSb  komarudu,  <^.  v. 

r'sfc&^ao  komarusami,  s.   A  name 

of  Kartikaya,  the  god  of  war. 
S^sfrollsr  komarte,  s.   A  daughter. 
r^Sfc^  komire,  5.  A  woman, 
r'sfc,  komma,  5.  A  branch,  or  bough. 

2.  A  woman.  3.  The  pointed  bat- 
tlements of  a  fort. 

r*^  kommu)  s.  The  horn  of  any 
animal.  2.  The  tusk  of  any  animal, 
as  of  the  elephant,  or  wild  boar. 
3.  A  trumpet,  or  blowing  horn.  4. 
The  name  of  the  connected  vowel 
<  o  u.   5.    A  piece  of  certain  dried 

roots.  6.  The  end  cfabank.  £r»o 
tSTi^  sontikommu,  A  piece  of 
dried   ginger.  ^tfc$ros$>3    chern- 

— D 

vukommu,  The  end  of  the  bank  of 
a  tank.r6^ <ss&»  kommupattu,  To 

blow  a  trumpet.  s^oSw^^s^&j-tfo 
kommulatopodutsu,  To  gore  with 
the  horns,  r^ska-s^o^b  kommu- 
vandlu,  A  caste  of  the  chucklers, 
who  are  trumpeters. 

§^s5m,-^i'^"^cok5  kommukakaraka- 
ya,  s.  A  species  of  the  Momordica 
charentia,  used  as  a  pot  vegetable 
by  the  Hindoos. 

r°s5x>  s^tf^ssb      kommumasa  kamma 

— -&  D  f 

s.  A  woman  having  breasts,  but 
who  never  is  menstruous. 
r*c«5g  koyya,  5.  Wood.  2,  A  staff  or 
stick.  3. .A  ship's  mast.  adj.  Wood- 
en, r^osfc-s^ejo  koyyakalu,  liU  A 
wooden  leg.  Stubble.  ^o^cX^&t^ 
£m  koyyagutamu,  lit.  A  wooden 
pin-  A  mallet.  2.  A  piece  of  wood, 
with  which  the  clods  of  earth  in 
the  fields  are  beaten,  after  plough- 




r°o3Se)6-°S,  r*csSc«S^^Scn'S  koyyagu- 
ra,  koyyatotakura,  s.  The  Amaran- 
thus  tristis. 

r°tf§o  koraku,  postpos.  To,  for  ;  on 
account  of,  for  the  sake  of. 

§^tf^  korada?  s,  A  whip. 

r°tf£b  koradu,  s:  An  owl. 

r°tf2&^tf>  koradu  para,  v.  n.  To  be 
benumbed,  or  deadened. 

r°fef)  korra,  5.  A  defect.  2.  A  maim- 
3.  A  little.  4.  Dissatisfaction.  5. 
Use.  r*w7r»»j  §^fe9s5cr^Sf^  korraga- 
ni,  korramalina,  Useless,  adj.  Im- 
perfect, incomplete,  r^i^sko  ko- 
rranomu,  An  imperfect  meritori- 
ous act,  or  one  not  completed.  r*e£> 
. ■>.  eaafoj  korrapranamu,The  point 
of  death. 

^e3"go&  korrakantsu,  5.  A  fire- 
brand, after  it  has  been  exting- 

§^e6>§o  korraku,  postpos.  vide  r°#gb 
koraku . 

S^wS^w  korrakorra,  s.  An  angry 
countenance.  ^°^r°ts^>ch  korra- 
korraladu,  To  have  an  angry  coun- 

§"°fc9&>  korradu,  s.  Indra's  rainbow 
unbent,  invisible  to  mortals. 

r°e3&  korrata,  s.  A  defect,  2.  A 
maim.  3,  Dissatisfaction. 

i  r*fc5«Ss5M    korrapamu,    s.    A  ciirry- 
i       comb. 

I  r*e5s53ofe»  korramuttu,    s.   Materials, 
implements,  tools. 

r°e*£w  korralu,  v.  n.  To  abound. 

r°fe?a  korravi,  s.  A  firebrand. 

§^&9o§b  korruku,  v.  a.  To  gnaw,  to 
bite,  to  grind,  or  gnash.  §"e9osbs& 
tfrotio  korrukudupundu,  A  cancer. 

r^eo  korrralu,5.j9^.  The  grain  term- 
ed Panicum  Italicum. 

r°&9o  korrru,  s.  Making  its  inflex. 
sing.  T°eJ  korrti,  An  impaling 
spike  ;  a  spike. 

r°e>  kola,  s.  Measurement.  2.  Sin. 
§>x5\rT,<y  pitstsakola,  False  mea- 

r°e)o§oex>  kolankulu,  s.  plu.  The  ir- 
regular plural   of  r°e;s5o    kolanu, 

q-  v, 

The  mingled 

r^r6^   kolakola,    6-. 
sound  of  birds. 

r*e;^,  r°_o  kolata,  kolta,  s.  Measure- 

r*e)a  koladi,  s.  Depth.  2.  Power, 
glory.  3.  Means.  ~&n -&*&&>&&  mo- 
katikoladi,  The  depth  of  the  knee. 
$>r*e>&au«»oXS'  nikoladiyerrnno-a- 
ka,  Without  understandicg  thy 
power  or  glory.  cSoSr^uaj^yeko 
ladinaina,  By  aBy  means. 




r'^jvSS  kolanu,  s.  A  tank,  or  pond. 
r°e)s5x»  kolamu,  s,  A  race?  tribe,  caste, 

family,  or  lineage. 
r*8§  koliki,  s.  The  corner  of  the  eye. 

2.  A  clasp.  r°e)§s5M£  kolikimudi,A 

loosened  knot. 

§"£)&>  kolimi,  s.  A  forge,  r°g>s»©  @ 
kolimititti,  The  bellows. 

r°e)o-i5b  kolutsu,  27.  «.  To  measure.  2. 
To  serve,  to  worship. 

r'SaooSbkolipintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause 
to  measure,  &c. 

r^eHbo-tSbr0^  kolipintsukonti,?;.  Cans- 
Comp.  To  cause  one  to  measure, 
&c.  For  one's  own  benefit. 

r"ex)a5b  kolutsu*  s.  Grain. 

r°e»^)  kolupu,  s.  The  festival  of  any 
goddess ;  generally  applied  to 
that  of  the  village  goddess. 

r*ewsg)  kohipu,  v.  a.  To  excite,  en- 
courage, set  on,  or  prompt.  2.  This 
verb,  added  to  some  neuter  verbs 
in  r°jSo  konu,  Makes  them  active  ; 
as  "ioejor*^  melukonu,  v.  n.  To 
awake  one's-self. 

"&>ex>roe)o$  melukolupu,  v.  a.  To 
wake  another,  from  sleep.  sfctfKSovr* 
ex>^)  manassukolupu,  To  be  inclin- 

^)8r*€w^)  purikolupu,  v.  a-  To  ex- 
cite, or  proyoke.  &&r°ex>$  nsiko- 

lupu>Tohiss,  set  on,  or  excite  a 
dog  ;  to  incite  one  against  a- 

g^ex)^)  koluvu,  s.  Service.  2.  An  em- 
ployment or  place.  3.  A  hall  of 

r°o    kolla,  5.  Pillage,  plunder.  r*e> 

O  .'.'..  CO 

JT'&b  kollagottu,  To  reap  or  gain 
a  great  profit,  r^tf^  kollabovu, 
To  be  plundered  or  robbed-  r°o 
o^i£o  kollaladu,  To  attain,  as  -3** 
•^s^S^o  o^ekm6kshamukollala(lu, 
To  attain  eternal  happiness. 

r°£K  kovvu,  s.  Fat.  2.  Presumption, 
pride,  arrogance. 

kovvu,  v.  n.  To  be  fat.  2.  To 
be  presumptuous,  proud,  or  arrog- 
ant, efos^aotf  talakovvina,  adj. 
lit  Head-proud.  Headstrong,  un- 

r^  kosa,  s.  The  end,  point,  or  edge. 
2.  A  piece  of  string. 

£*$&,  S^&otfc  kosaru,  kosuru,  v.  a. 
To  ask  any  thing  gratis,  in  addi- 
tion to  what  has  been  bargained 
for  ;  to  demand  something  to  boot. 
s.  That  which  is  obtained  in  this 

r6^  koka,  s.  A  woman's  cloth.  2.  A 




r^w,  'Bcp'IosSm    kokila,    kokilamu,  st 

The  black  cuckoo.  2,  A  parrot, 
■^o^tf  kotsa,  s.  A  coward. 
§-$&>  kota,   s.  A  fort    ^feoi^s^ex)  ko 


takornmalu,   The  pointed   battle- 
'  merits  of  a  fort. 

§^£3  koti,  s.  A  crore,  or  ten  milli- 
ons. 2.  The  edge  or  point  of  a 
sword  ;  the  end  of  a  bow.    3.    A 

multitude,   r*&n>tf§*fe»  kotanakot- 

lu,  Innumerable  persons  or  things. 

i^ioeb  koteru,  s.  The  plough  placed 

on  the  top  of  the  yoke,  as  is  done 
when  the  cultivator  carries  it  to, 
or  brings  it  back  from,   the  field. 

S^&oo  kodalu,  5.  Making  it's  inflexi- 
on sing.  "gcn>^D  kodali,  And  it's 
nom.  <plu.  ^r*&o&)j  kodandru,  A 
daughter-in-law.  r€&tfis5<»_"§a-*k>eJ 
3fs5x-r*£ofe3rs5ao,  1a-«>£el>3's5»  kota- 
ramu-kotarrikamu-ko  dand  k  a  mu, 
kodarrikamu, The  duty  of  a  daugh- 

§*&  kodi,  s.  A  cock,  or  hen. 

rs&soo"3sSM    kodipandemu,     s.    The 

game    of  cock-fighting.    g^&SS-oeS 

kodikuta,  The  crow  of  a  cock.  S* 

&&e^  kodipilla,  A  chicken,  r6^^ 

&»  kodidzuttu,  A  cock's  comb,  h 

o  <y"So-*&  pillalakodi,  A  brood  hen. 
^skr6^  simakodi,  A  Europe  fowl, 

generally  applied  to  a  turkey,  r* 

S^.0233  kodipundzu,  A  cock.  "3o-°& 

"Sjfeo  kodipetta,  A  hen. 

r6^  kodiga,  5.  A  score  ;  it  is   used 

chiefly    in  •  counting    rubies,   or 

W*&K&&  kodigamu,  5.  Ridicule. 

r^cl  kodi,  s.  A  flag,  banner,  or  ensign. 

"3o-°a&  kodu,  v.  a.  To  separate  broken, 
from  unbroken  rice.  2.  To  move 
the  tongue,  as  a  snake,  s.  A  rivul- 
et ;  the  branch  of  a  river.  2.  A 
place  overgrown  with  ef>$&  avu- 
ru,  q.  v. 

^jr.^b  kodu,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex^ 
Sing.  "^rofeS  koti,  The  leg  of  a  bed- 

§^"3  kode,  5.  A  young  bulk 

§^"3  kode,  adj.  Male,  young,  r6"^ 
2$r»&  kodeduda,  A  bull  calf.  §^-3 
-&*■&>  kodetatsu,  A  male  serpent. 
t^^s^Sk  kodekadu,Ayoung  man. 

S^raoft  konangi,    s.     A  person  who 

wears  a  mask,  and  exhibits  as  a 

^casSw  konamu,  s.  A  corner,  or  ang- 
le. 2.  The  sharp  edge  of  a  sword. 
3.  The  quill  or  bow  of  a  lute,  a 
fiddle  stick. 

§^«£  kota,  s.  Reaping,  cutting.  S*& 
-3-°e>s5w  kotakalamu,  Harvest  time. 




r5©  koti,   s;    A  monkey.    sKp>&a"$x 

kotivanne,  A    brown,  or  monkey 

r^eso&sSoo  kcdaudamu,  s.  A  rope  sus- 
pended to  any  pole,  or  beam,  in 
order  to  punish  school-boys,  by 
making  them  continually  keep 
hold  of  it. 

§"*#  kona,  s.  A  village  in  a  forest.  2. 
A  herd  of  cows. 

§*"&&  koneru,5.*A  square  pond,  with 
steps  for  descending  on  each  side. 

r*s5s5x>  kopamu,  s.  Anger,  wrath, 
rage,  indignation,  r^sstf  kopana, 
A  passionate  or  angry  woman. 

r^sSsSZk  kopapadu,  v.  n-  To  be  angry, 
or  enraged.  t*h  kopi,  A  passion- 
ate or  angry  person. 

r^o-tSb,  r^Ao-tSb  kopintsu,  kopagin- 
tsu,  v.  a.  To  be  angry  with  another. 

r6^)  kopu,s.  A  side.  2.  Manner,  mode. 
adj.   Extraordinary,  uncommon. 

S^-zyobb^)  kopndarudu,  s.  A  cop- 
dar,  or  contractor  for  long  cloths. 

r^ofeS  komati,  s.  The  caste  termed 
the  Komtee.  It  is  one  of  the  sub- 
divisions of  the  Vyasya,  or  third 
pure  caste,  among  the  Hindoos. 
Their  profession  is  trade. 

g^sSb  9  komali,  s.  A  woman. 

§^o«><y  koyila,  s.  The  black   cuckoo. 

1cp>cfloo  koyu,  v.  a.  To  cut,  sever,  or 
amputate.  2.  To  pluck,  to  gather. 

s^So^-^o^koyevandlu^.^Zw.  A  caste 
of  fowlers,  or  huntsmen. 

^j-°$  kora,  s.  A  cup. 

r%&  koradi,  s.  A.  wall  of  loose 

r^xp  kora>  adj.  Unbleached,  as  ap- 
plied to  cloth;  as  applied  to  gold, 
it  denotes  impure,  or  mixed  with 

"gcro-rp^b  koradu,  v*  a.  To  turn  up 
the  earth,  as  is  done  by  a  rat,  hog, 

"§j-«>&>  torn,  s.  The  ryot's  share,  or 
portion  of  the  crop. 

r5^  koru,  v>  a.  To  wish.  2.  To  hope; 
to  expect.  3.  To  choose,  to  select. 
4.  To  prefer,  to  like. 

~&n>do-&)  korintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause 
to  wish,  &c. 

§^8*1  korike,s.  Wish,  desire,  or  long- 
ing. 2.  Hope,  expectation.  3.  Se- 
lection. 4.  Preference,  r^loaro"^ 
&-"§cp>8"1&&,  -3o-°8~§  ^es^ea*  kori- 

keyideru-koriketiru,  korikenerra- 
verru,.  A  wish,  to  be  accomplish- 
ed. r*8^-Oo»V^tfc^-&S^-T&es3ea^ 

k  orike-  y  ider  tsu-tirtsu  -  nerraverr- 
tsu,  To  accomplish  one's  wish. 

"5o-o&5  korra,  s.  A  tusk  or  fang. 



if  &n  s^.Kautu  ha 

We)  kola,  s.  An  arrow.  2.  A  staff,  or 
stick,  adj.  Long. 

r^feoska  kolatamu,  s.  A  kind  of  play, 
with  Small  pieces  of  stick,  in 
which  dancing  girls  or  school 
boys,  by  moving  in  different  di- 
rections, plait  into  one  rope  sepa- 
rate strings  held  in  one  hand, 
while  they  keep  time,  by  beating 
the  sticks  held  in  the  other,  a- 
gainst  each  other. 

r§&°<>)$~&(ir°  kolatapela,  s.  A  sort  of 
brass  pot. 

■^roe)^  kolana,  s.  Length. 

r^s^sSM  kolahalamu,  s.  A  low  and 
confused  sound ;  an  uproar ;  a 
great  and  indistinct  noise. 

g*ex>-r*efc  kolukadu,  5.  A  kolkar,  or 
inferior  officer,  in  the  custom  de- 

S^ewr'so  kolukomi,  v.  n.  To  be  re- 
stored to  strength,  or  to  a  former 
good  state. 

^oosfctfXb  kolumasagu,  a.  n.  To  be 
distinguished,  or  signalized. 

r*  oer^csoo  koltalacheyu,  v.  a.  To 
prepare  for  battle. 

r^efo,  r*^^  kolpaclu,  kolpovu, 
v.  n.  To  be  lost.  2.  To  be  ruined. 
r8^  ^x  kolputstsu,  v.  a.  To  lose. 
2.  To  deprive,  to  destroy,  to  ruin. 

r5^©  kolpuli,  s.  A  royal  tiger. 

§"*£>  kovi,  s,  A  hollow  tube. 

-§cr>"3y  kovela,  §,  A  Hindoo  temple* 
2.  The  black  cockoo. 

§^"Sej^p^s5M  kovelasoramu,  s.  The 
seventh  musical  note,  called  Pan- 
chama  ;  because  it  is  said  to  be 
formed  by  air,  drawn  from  five 
places  ;  the  navel,  the  thigh,  the 
heart,  throat,  and  forehead. 

rV-Sw  kosamu.  5?.  Treasure.  2.  A 
bud.  3.  A  sheath  or  scabbard. 

r6^  kosu,  s.  A  coss,  or  a  distance  of 
two  thousand  fathoms. 


F°5\S  kangili,  s<  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing.  fAfeS  kaugiti,  The  breast, 
lit.  the  place  of  embrace. 

f^5\So-"3b  kaugilintsu,  v.  a.  To  em- 
brace ;  to  clasp. 

F^So^,  ^ftSojg)  kaugilinta,  kau- 
gilimpn,  s.  An  embrace. 

F°2«  kaudzii,  s.  A  partridge. 

f^eks's-xw  kautukamii,  s.   Eagerness, 

vehemence,  impatience.  2-  Joy  ; 
pleasure,  happiness.  3.  Wish,  in- 
clination. 4.  The  marriage  thread, 
or  ring.  5.  A  shew,  or  spectacle. 

ir&y>&>v£x>  kautuhalamu,  5.  Eager- 
ness, vehemence. 

£■  s&K$»-.Kramamu 



§^S&  kaunu,  s.  The  waist. 

IP&tfsfoa  kaupinamu,  s.  The  small 
piece  of  cloth  concealing  the  pri- 

IPsfrotfaS-x)    kaumaramu,    5.    Youth, 

T°*x>  kaulu,    s.  vide  £^ex»  kavulu. 
¥*&>  kausu,  s.  Flesh,  meat. 

^o-sffts  krantsarra,  adv.  Quickly, 

^oz5b  krandu,  adj.  Much,  excessive. 
5.  Excess. 

^s.-£5\es  kratstsarra,  aJv.  Purely, 
clearly.  2.  Quickly,  swiftly. 

v£/^  kratstsu,  s.  Impurity,   dirt. 

1^1  ^\  kratstsu,  v.  a-  To  wish,  to  de- 

jf  ^0^  kratuvu,  s.  A  sacrifice,  or  ce- 
remony in  which  oblations  are  pre- 
£  tf±g  krannana,  adv.  Quickly,  spe- 
edily, swiftly. 
g  s&sSw  kramamu,  5.  A  sacred  pre- 
cept, or  practice  prescribed  by 
the  vedas.  2.  Order,  method,  un- 
interrupted progress,  regularity, 

XaJo-tSb  kramintsu,  v.  n.  To  pass  as 

the  time.   2,  To  pass  over]  3.  To 

^s^*a>  kramraarru,  v.  n.  To  return. 
<jf,5^el!o-&>  krammarrintsu,  v.  a  To 

recall,  to  revoke- 

,Jf,s&  es  krammarra,  adv.  A  gain. 

.£,8500,  krammu,  v.  a.  vide  ssSoo,  ka- 

.S 'a&&x>  krayamu,  s 
chase,  2.  price,  value. 

^-5^oaS§o^b  krayakudu,  s.  A  pur- 
chaser, a  buyer.  ^ossa  ^cxsSsSoo 
krayavikrayamu,  Trade,  traffic,  lit. 
Buying  and  selling. 

^ir^ejo  kralu,  v.  n.  To  shine,  to  spa- 

C^jV  °&  kralganti,  s.  lit.  The  spa- 
rkling-eyed. A  woman. 

.§.o&  krinda,  adv.  vide  §o#  kinda. 

n.  vide  § 

Buying,   pur- 

.  §.sL-eJcx&>  krikkirriyu?  0. 

§k_eJcfl6o  kikkirriyu. 
§  cssS  kriya,  s.  An  act  or/  action.  2. 
Means,  expedient.  ?.  Worship.  4. 
Physical  treatment  or  practice.  5. 
A  religious  initiatory  ceremony.  6. 
Obsequies,  rights  performed  im- 
mediately after  death.  7.  Purifica- 
tory rights,  as  ablution,  &c.  8..  In 
grammar,  a  verb". 




4>o  Soifi- Khan  dintsu 

§£»5-kriya,  5.  Manner  or  mode-    %  j   ^"S^s  krovveda,  s.  A  female's  hair 

Advantage.  3.  Effect. 
I  £  krida,    5.    Sport,    amusement, 

play,  pastime,  pleasure. 

.§b.c §o  krunku,   v.   n.    To  drown,  s. 

§o  ofo  krangu,  v.  n.  vide  §bo7fo  kun- 


.go.^eso  kruinmarru,  v.  n.  To  roam, 

to  wander,  to  ramble,  to  haunt. 
Scp>  tfo5oc>  kruramu,  adj.  Terrible,  for- 
midable, ferocious,  destructive.  2. 
Cruel,  pitiless,  hard,  harsh.  3. 
Sharp.  4.  Hot.  ^IPtfcsSw  kraurva- 
mu,  s.    Cruelty,  tyranny. 

<jf;ta^  kregannu,    s.     The    outer 

corner  of  the  eye. 
<ji.<g)  krepu,  s.  A  calf, 
vj^g)  krellu,  s.  plu.  Leaps. 
^,55"  kreva,  s.  A  side. 
&\o  krom,  adj.  New,  fresh,  recent. 

spjOTS^s  krondavi,  A  fresh  scent. 

r*  $  krotta,  adj.  vide  r°  g  kotta. 
.§^.8533, S  krommudi,  s.  A  tress;  a  fe- 

male's  knot  of  hair. 
.r°,^e&  krovvadi,  adj.  Very  sharp. 
.§^1^0  krovvu,  v.  n.   videt9-^  kov- 


tied  in  a  tuft. 
r3o-°j ^S'ao-^D  krodikarintsii,  v.  a.  To 

abstract,  to  abridge,  to  shorten. 
C&r°J £s5w  krodhamu,  s.  Anger ,  wrath. 

{  lo-M^So^b,  {yv°J§    krodhanudu, 
krcdhi,  A  passionate  man. 

!  ,§^j€X)  krolu,  v.  a.  To  drink. 

|   i  lo-MS    krovi,  s.    A  hollow  tube.  2. 

A  flute.  3.  The  plant  termed  Ga- 
ledupa  arborea. 

js»s5cx>  kjibaum,  s.  The  neuter  gen- 

~%$?5o*  klesanru,  s.  Pain,  affliction,  or 

sV-5)e£>  kvachittu/cc^,  Somewhere. 

^>  kha,  The  seventeenth  letter,   and 

second  consonant,  in  the  Telugu 

ipo&tf&x>  khandanamu,  s.  Division. 

2.  Dissertation,  criticism. 
4>o£s5m  khandamu,  s.  A  piece,  part, 

fragment  or  portion.  2.  A  chapter 

or  section. 
$>  o  &  o  ok  khandint su,  p . '  «s .   To  en  t  in  • 

to  pieces,  divide,  tear,  or  break 
off.  2.  To  reject,  to  confute,  or 
render  ineffectual.  3.  To  settle  a 






$)oclosg)  khandimpu,  s.  The  lowest 
price,  ^o&o^^ccco  khandimpu- 
cheyu,  To  settle  a  bargain. 

3)o&e£sfc»  khanditamu,  at//.  Cut, 
torn,  broken.  2.  Strict,  rigid. 

$)S)^$&:>  khacbitamu,  adj.  Mixed, 
blended,  combined.  2.  Inlaid,  set. 

^sr^  khajana,  s.  Treasure,  or  mo- 
ney. 2.  A  treasury.  •$%-*  ^"^Ij 
khaj^napette,  A  cash  chest.  qtT'o 
s§  khajanji,  A  cash  keeper. 

$>Td*cMo&  khadayintsn,  v.  a.  To 
erect  or  raise,  "§-a*3)Tr,ooooa&  dhe- 
r£khadayintsu,  To  raise  or  pitch 
a  tent. 

$)2£s5m  khadg^mu,    .?•     A  sword   or 

scymetar.  2.  A  rhinoceros.  3.  The 

4>cl  khaddi,  s.  vide  g'g  kaddi. 

$)&  khani,  s.  A  mine. 

4)S)^»s5w  khanitramu,  s.  A  spade,  or 

3)s»&  khaburu,  s.  wie  S'aoSb  kaburu. 

^>-tr»  khara,  adj.  True,  exact,  certain 
2.  Honest. 

3)626  kharidu,  5.  Price,  value.  3)6  & 
^d3oo  khariducheyu,To  set  a  price; 
to  value. 

3>&\  khartsu,  s.  Expenditure,  or  ex- 

4r>$ft  khanigf,  adj.  Private,  cland- 

sp-ei)  khali,  adj.  Empty,  vacant. 

4x*s*o&>  khavandu,  5.  Master ,  lord. 

$r>"*r>  khas^,  adj.  Own,  private. 

ipejsSw  khilamu,  5.  Waste,  or  un- 
ploughed  land. 

3xp>£)  khuni,  s.  Murder,  s^b^te  khii 
nikhoru,  A  murderer. 

35552603  khedamu,  s.  Sorrow,  grief, 
affliction,  distress,  repentance,  re- 
gret.  • 

3§aex»  3§ao-&>  khedillu,  khedintsu,  v. 
n.  To  grieve,  to  lament,  to  regret. 

4P>o  ©  khyati,  s.  Reputation,  renown, 
fame,  celebrity,  notoriety. 

47*0 ^sfo>  khyatamu.  a$.  Known,  ce- 
lebrated, famous,  notorious. 

K  ga,  eighteenth  letter,  and  third 
consonant,  in  the  Telugu  alphabet. 

^oX"  ganga,  s.  The  river  Ganges,  or 
its  personification  as  a  goddess. 
Xo-7v#&db  gangadharudu,A  name 
of  Siva ;  because  the  Ganges  is 
said  to  have  alighted  oq  his  head 
in  it's  first  descent,  and  continued 
for  some  period  entangled  in  his 

XoK-»^ew  gangachippalu,  s.  plu. 




XoX&^oo  gangadolu,  s.  The  dewlap. 
X,oX"Soer°sg)  gangainailavu,  s.  A  cow 
of  a  black  and  yellow  colour. 

Xo-7r>$&xt  gangalamu,s.  A  large  braz- 
en vessel,  which  is  used  for  con- 
taining water. 

XcA"3*b,  XoT?&  gangireddu,  gange- 
ddu,  s.  A  bullock  taught  to  dance. 

Ko83  gandza,  s.  Arable  land. 

Xo£  ganji,  s.  Rice  gruel,  commonly 
termed  conjee.'  2.  Starch.  Xo«^ 
tf  ^  ganjitoraka,  The  cream  of  con- 
jee. Xo25"38jtf»&>  ganjivesinabatta, 
Starched  linen. 

Xote  ganta,  s.  A  bell.  2.  The  circu- 
lar plate  of  mixed  metal,  on  which 
the  Hindoos  strike  the  hours.  3. 
An  English  hour-  4.  A  bunch  or 
tuft.  sjg^2&  £%\Xob>zx>  ippudu- 
ennigantalu,    What  o'clock  is  it  ? 

Koko£x>  gantamu,  5.  An  iron  style. 

XofeS  ganti,  s.  A  wound,  sore,  or  hurt. 
KotSoZfo  gantibadu,  To  be  wound- 
ed,  hurt,  or  bruised. 

Xokx>  gantu,  s.  Animosity,  hatred.  2, 

A  knot  of  hair.  3.   A  bag;  or  bun- 

Xoto  gante,  s.  A  spoon,  or  ladle- 

Kol^ex)  gantelu,  s.  plu.  The  grain  of 

the  Holcus  spicatus. 

Xo&r°&>  gantladu,  v.  To  pull  mutual- 

Xc&&>  gandadu,  s.  A  robust,  or  stout 

Xo£~3>ol§tf  «*»  gandapenderamu,  s.  A 
ring  worn  round  the  ancle,  as  an 
honorary  distinction. 

X  otitic  o  gandamala,  s.  Inflamma- 
tion of  the  glands  of  the  neck,  &c. 

Xo&sSoa  gandamuj  .<?.  The  cheek.  2. 
Imminent  danger,  great  extremi- 
ty, peril,  a  fatal  accident.  3.  One 
of  the  twenty-seven  portions  of  a 
circle,  on  the  plane  of  the  ecliptic. 

Xo£9o-&>  gandarintsu?  v.  n.  To  issue 
forth,  to  spring. 

Xo&Sbex)  gandarulu,  s.  plu.  Frag- 
ments, pieces,  chips. 

Xo&  gandi,  s.  A  breach  in  the  bank 
of  a  tank, or  artificial  lake,  through 
which  the  water  has  forced  it's 
way.  2.  The  opening  of  a  sore.  3. 
A  hole,  or  chink.  4.  A  lane,  or 
narrow  passage. 

Xo&>  gandu,  s.  Bravery,  adj.  Brave, 
heroic.  2.  Great,  large.  3.  Male. 
Xo&>-b&  ganduchlma,  s.  The  large 
black  ant. 

Xofi,  gandra,  adj.  Cunning,  sharp, 
quick.  2.  Large. 

Xo£  ganta,  s.  A  pack-saddle. 

Xc^*5  «£-Gandhotta 



Xo«&  gantu,  5.  A  jump,  leap,  or  vault. 

xoekr*&»,  Xo  ^o5r°(3o  gantukottu,  ga- 
ntugonu,  v.  n.  To  die,  to  expire. 

Xo&ss"?:>e>o  gandapattelu,  s.  phi.  Pie- 
ces of  wood  nailed  horizontally, 
across  the  perpendicular  planks  of 

a  door,  to  make  it  strong. 

Xo&SR^fsfoi  gandaragolamu,  s.  Con- 
fusion. Xotftfjr^sko^tffcj  gandara 
golauiucheyu,  To  throw  every 
thing  into  confusion. 

Xo^sSw  gandhakamu,  s.  Sulphur. 

Xo#o53o  gandhamu,  s.  Often  written 
Xotfsfoa  gandamn,  A  smell-  2.  A 
perfume.  3.  The  sandal.  4.  Ground 
sandal  wood,  or  any  other  wood 
ground,  and  used  in  medicine,  or 
as  a  perfume,  adj.  Fragrant. 

Xo5>bbo£b  gandharvudu,  s.  A  Gan- 
dharva,or  celestial  musician. These 
are  demi-gods,  who  inhabit  In- 
dra's  heaven,  and  form  the  orche- 
stra at  all  the  banquets  of  the 
principal  deities. 

Xo$oS®  gandhava^i,  s.  The  mother 
of  Vyasa.  2.  The  name  of  a  city  .3. 
The  earth. 

Xo$e>s*x>  gandhilamu,  s.  An  old  fox. 

Xo^r5  e£s5b  gandhottama,  s.  Spiritu- 
ous or  vinous  liquor.  2.  Toddy,  or 
fermented  liquor,  extracted  from 
the  cocoantit,  palmyra  tree,  &c. 

Xo^P  gandholi,  s-  A  wasp. 

XosSgampa,  s.  A  wicker  basket.  Xo 
sS^ewftb  gampapulugu,  s.  A  wild 
cock  or  jungle  fowl  because  they 
are  constantly  brought  into  vil- 
lages, by  the  jungle  people,  in 

Xo2sr°tfs5c»  gamburamu,  s.  Camphor. 

Xo^tfsSw  gambhiramu,  adj.  Deep, 

Xo2J)tf!§s  gambhiravedi,s.  An  intoxi- 
cated, or  restive  elephant. 

XX^sfoa  gaganamu,  s.  The  sky,  or  at- 

X7&&  gaguru,  s.  The  erection  of  the 
hair  on  the  body. 

X-25\  gatstsa,    s.  A  thorny  plant. 

Xo5b\  gatstsu,  s.  Yaunt,  boast,  vain 
ostentation,  false  promises.  2. Mor- 
tar or  plaster  of  chunam,  or  lime. 
X%&sizr>8>  gatstsuladi,  A  boasting 
or  vaunting  female. 

Xo5b\  g>-»\  Kb  gatstsupitstsagu,  v.  n.  To 
be  disordered,  or  discomposed;  to 
be  thrown  into  confusion. 

Xzsl>^D  gajapippali,  s.  A  large  spe- 
cies of  long  pepper. 

K2366co  gajamiu  s.  An  elephant. 

Xe?s5*>  gajamu,  s.  The  measure  term- 
ed a  yard. 




K<5  cLGadidc 

X 23 a  29  gajibiji,  s.  Entanglement,  con- 
fusion, intricacy.  2.  Trouble. 
Xsew  gadzdzalu,  s,  plu.  The  groin, 

the  pubic  and  iliac  regions- 
X£  gajji'    s-    ^ne  ^cn  5  aD7  cutane- 
ous eruption.  x^sSJod  gajjipattu,  To 
have  the  itch. 
X2?ex>  gajjelu>  s.  plu.  Bells,  tinkling 

Kteg  gataka,  s.  Paste. 
X&o^^cjboo  gattanacheyu,  v.  a.  To  ram 

"down.  2.  To  beat. 
X&  gatti,  ad/\  Hard,  solid,  firm.    2. 

Strong,  able,  clever.  3.  Loud. 
Xfe5  o^d  gattintsu,  v.  a.  To  load  a  gun. 
2.  To  beat  into  a  hard  mass.  3.  To 
rub  out  what  is  written  on  a  plank, 
used  in  Hindoo  schools.   Xfe3s5£  ga 
ttipani,    A  substantial  work.   X& 
a£r°k>  gattimata,  A  loud  talk.  -£r># 
s5^Xfe3^c*ft>  pathamugatdcheyu,To 
get  a  lesson  by  heart.     xfe3s&sf\ 
gattimanishi,  A  strong  man,  x  feS  iv> 
gattig&,  Loudly.  XfeS^tfsSw  gattita- 
namu,  Cleverness,  ability.  XfeTBo 
&?6c»-53-T>eSb    gattidendamuvadu,    A 
brave  man  ;  a  man  of  fortitude. 
X&st*  gattiva,  5.  lit.    A  loud  speak- 
er. A  deceitful  female.  X^-s^^tf 
gattivatsana,  An  adultress,  a  lewd 
woman . 

Xfca  eattii;  5.  A  mountain.  2.  A  bank 
or  shore.  3.  A  bank,  dam  or  mound 
of  earth.  X iix>~u*Z&    gatturapatti^. 

lit.  The  child  of  the  mountain 
king  or  of  Himalaya.  Parvati, 
the  wife  of  Siva,  and  daughter  of 
the  king  of  the  snowy  range.  2. 
The  name  of  the  mountain  Mina- 
ka.  xkx>v~%3&>  2;attularredu,  s.  The 
chief  of  the  mountains,  viz.  The 
snowy  range  in  the  north  of  In- 
dia, termed  the  Himalaya, 
Xc£  gada,    s.  A  cane,  stick,  or  stalk. 

2.  A  long  and  thick  bamboo.  -3*0 
iSdX&  vedurugada,  A  bamboo  stick. 
ar°tf^  X^  jonnagada,  The  stalk  of 
jonnaloo.  "^e^gcXSa  cherrukugada, 
The  s agar- cane- X^sSbo^  gadainan 
die,  A  stand  or  wooden  horse. 

X&cS  gadana5  s.  An  acquirement  or 

acquisition.   2.  A  regard,  esteem. 

3.  An  account. 

X&sS  gadapa,  -s.   The  threshold. 

X<%  gadi,  adj.  Strong,  able,  powerful. 
Xcl  ir'j&i  gaditradu,  A  strong- 
rope  which  ties  two  cattle  toge- 
ther, to  prevent  their  wanderings 

X&"^«»  gadiderru,  v.  n.  To  come 
to  the  age  of  puberty,  or  strength. 
2.  To  be  experienced.  XclS^oXga 
didonga,  A  notorious  thief. 




X&o^  gadintsu,  v.  a.  To  acquire  ; 
to  amass,  or  gain. 

X&^kSm  gaditamu,  $.  A  plaited  garm- 
ent, a  folded  cloth. 

X&a&  gacliya,  s.  A  bolt.  x&o&-£ctix> 
gadiyaveyu,  To  bolt. 

X&otf  gadiya,  s.  A  Hindoo  ghuree, 
or  hour  of  twenty-four  English 
minutes.  X&coS-°tfs5,-»  gadiyaramu, 
A  watch  ;   a  clock. 

X^o-^  gadutsu,  v.  n.To  pass,  as  time. 
v.  cc.  To  pass  over.  2.  To  transgress. 
3.  To  exceed,  or  surpass.  4.  To  exL 
pire,  or  elapse. 

X^o^)  gadupu,  v.  a.  To  pass  time. 
2.  To  put  off  or  defer.  3.  To  finish. 
v.  caus.  To  cause  to  pass  over,  &c. 

X>sb^)  gaduvu,  s.  A  fixed  or  expired 
term.  2.  An  instalment. 

X&>$)  gaduvu,  s.  A  hump  on  the 
back.  X£&ex>&>  gaduludu,  A  hump- 
backed man, 

X£3o6o  gadusa,    s.    A  mean   person. 

adj.  Mean.  2.  Cruel,  inflexible, 
pitiless.  3.  Evil.  4.  Difficult. 
X&s;adda,  s.  A  bulbous  root.  2,  A 
lump,  or  clod.  3.  A  boil  or  ulcer. 
&XUK&  uralagadda,  A  potatoe. 
X&s$ex>fib  gaddapalugu,  s.  A  pick- 
axe, or  instrument  for  breaking 
cjods.  x&'^ptf  gaddapara,  An  iron 



x&sko  gaddamu,  s.  The  chin.  2.  The 

X&  gaddi,  s.  Grass,  straw,  x&stfsf 
gaddiparaka,  A  blade  of  straw. 

X^b  gaddu,  s.  Force,  violence-  2.  Di- 
fficulty,  adj.  Bare,  scarce. 

Xr3§b^b  ganakudu,  s.  An  astrologer. 
2.  A  letter  carrier. 

XrcXe,  ganagana,  s.  The  tinkling  of 

Xeatf  ganana,  s.  Calculation.  2.  Re- 

X*»s5m  ganamu,  s.  A  flock,  multitude 

or  assemblage.  2.  A   tribe,    class 
or  troop. 

X^o-tk  ganintsu,  v.   a.  To  calculate. 

2.  To  acquire,  or  gain: 
X£?fgariika,    s.    A  harlot ;    because 

she  prostitutes  herself*  for  gain. 

X?S£oSx>  ganitamu,  Arithmetic. 

X^sSw  ganemu,  s.  Ornaments  made 
of  wax,  worn  by  maskers. 

Xs£sSc»  gatamu,  adj.  Gone,  past,  an- 
tecedent. 2.    Known. 

KB  gati,  5.  Going,  moving,  motion. 
2.  A  march.  3.  An  expedient,  a 
means  of  success.  4.  A  course  of 
events,  fate,  fortune,  lot,  destiny. 
5.  Protection.  6.  Salvation.  7- 
State,  condition,  situation.  8. 
Help,  aid.  9.  Ability,  power. 


"J  59 


X&&  gatukn,  v.  a.  To  lap,  as  a  dog. 

j(^  gattara,  s.  Disturbance*  vex- 

Xtf  gada,  s.  A  club,  a  mace. 

Xa  gadi,  s.  The  space  between  two 
beams.  2.  A  closet,  bed-room, 
chamber,  or  apartment. 

Xe5bs5^  gadunm,  v.  a.  To  push,  to  ex- 

X  25b  &  gaduru,  e\  a.  To  obtain,  to  ex- 
tend. 2.  To  brow- beat.  K^t5br°ssc> 
gadurukonu,  v.  Comp.  To  brow- 

X#£skD  gadgadamu,  s.  Alow,  inarti- 
culate, sobbing  sound,  expressive 
of  joy,  or  grief. 

X£  gaclda,   s.    A  vulture.  tfSsfoaSb?.- 

©  CO  u 

gacldaniukku,    A   sharp    nose,   a 

nose  like  a  vulture's  beak. 
XtfeJ-§-°2&  gaddarrikadu,s.  vide  Xzkrto 

Xao-tfb,  X^55o-»o»o^5bgaddintsu,  gada- 

niayintsu,    v.    a.    To   brow-beat, 

scold,  or  threaten. 

Xaotf  gaddiya,    s.    A    chair.   2.   A 

X&sf  gaddnva,  s.  The  chin. 
?C3  gadde,  5.  A  chair.  2.  A  throne. 

3.  The  coin  termed  a  pagoda.   4. 

Fortune  telling,  by  a  gipsey. 
X^^o?f^wgaddeponkainulu5s  £>?■«. 

Boastings,  vauntings,  expressions 

unsuitable  to  one's  situation. 

X^,  X£os5k>  gadya,  gadyamu,  s- 

Xtf§\  Xfcg  ganaka,  ganuka.  acfc. 
Therefore,  because,  since,  as. 

X$  gani,  s.  A  mine. 

X$sSb,  X$"£o  ganima,  ganime,  5.  A 

XlS^&j  X^db  ganneru,  ganneru,  s. 
The  oleander,  or  Nerium  odora- 
tum.  The  root  is  used  by  Hin- 
doo women,  as  a  poison,  to  destroy 
themselves,  on  any  sudden  ex- 
citation of  the  passions. 

X£)\e>55M  gabbilamu,  s.  A  bat. 

Kzmx  gabbu,  s.  A  stink. 

Xfptfs&u  g^bhirsimu.,  adj.  vide.  Kc$tftix> 

Xs5b^s5w  gamanamu,  s.  Motion,  go- 
ing, moving,  marching.  2.  Move- 
ment, course.  3.  Attention. 

XsSb^  -5T*&>  gamallavadu,  s.  A  toddy- 
drawer.  The  origin  of  this  tribe 
is  traced  to  the  progeny  of  a 
Soodra  man,  by  a  woman  of  the 
Rajah,  or  2d  pure  Hindoo  caste. 

XsSbcsDoo  gamyamu,  adj.  Accessible, 

XccS-*i>  gay ali,  s.  A  very  wicked  or 
crafty  female. 

Xc8^>&  gayalu,  s.  Land  unfit  for  cul- 

X^&u-Garbhamu  160 

XS  gara,  adj.  Rough,  rugged. 

KtfXQS'  garagarika,  s.  Commodious-  j 

ness.   2.    Intelligence,    attention,  j 
skill,  adj.    Convenient,  commodi- 
ous, cleanly. 

7\tt*£o   garasu,    s.    A    very    wicked 

Xd  gari,    s.  Hardness,    stiffness.    2. 

Sharpness.  3.   The  feather  at* the 

end  of  an  arrow. 
X81?  garige,  s.  A  small  earthen  pot. 
X61d  garite,  s.  Atpoon,  or  ladle. 
?C8<I  garidi,  s.  A  fencing-school,  or 

a  place  of  exercise.   2.  Fencing. 
Xa^  garita,  s.  A  woman. 
X8#  garisa,    s.  A  garee,  a  measure 

containing  400  marcals. 
Xfo  gara,  5.  The  erection  of  the  hair 

on  the  body. 
Xbbex>  garulu,  s*  <plu.  Wings. 
XbosssSw  garuvamu,    &  «ic?e.  x«qs5k> 

X&$,  X&£~f><i)  garuvu,    garupanela, 

s.  Stony,  or  sandy  soil,  mixed  with 



m  O 

Xtf  Q  gargari,  s.  A  churn. 
X8SE-,  K8^s5m 

garja,  gar  ]  it  am  u,  ,s\ 
The  roaring  of  elephants,  or  lions. 
2.  The  rolling  of  thunder. 

XQotfb  garjintsu,  v.  n.  To  thunder. 
Xtf^sScw  garb  ham  u,  5.  The  belly.   2. 
The  womb  or  uterus.  3.  A  foetus 

or  embryo.  4.  A  child-  5.  The  in- 
side; the  middle.  xq^&  garbhiiii, 
A  pregnant  woman. 

Xtf^sko  garvamu,  s.  Pride,  arrogance, 
haughtiness, presumption.  KQo o-db, 
Xtfjjtfgb  garvintsu,  garvapadu,  To 
be  proud. 

XwXesgarragarra,  s.  Hardness  ;  stiff- 
ness ;  crisp  ness. 

X'fesJT'es  garragorra,  adj.  Imperfect, 
deficient,  less.  s.  Diflciency. 

KeJ  garri,  s.  A  wing.  2.  A  feather. 

X&slfc  garrise,  s.  vide  xo$  garisa. 

K^^^i,^  garrrunatrentsu,  v.  a.  To 
belch,  with  a  great  noise. 

X&gala,  part  vide  §0  kala,  And  *foo 
Tfo  kalugu. 

KejTTe;  galagala,  5.  The  tinkling  of 

Kej^ao%5b  galatarintsu,  v.  n.  To  be 
struck  with  a  panic. 

?C<yweo-&  galabarintsu,  v.  a.  To  rinse, 
or  shake  loosely,  in  water. 

tfsas  galibili,  s.  Tumult,  confusion, 

Xe>  0^0,  X<d  &>  gallantu,  gallattu,  a. 
Disturbance,  noise. 

Ker°    galla,  s.    Grain. 

*S,  &aUa;  s-  Phlegm. 

X$6K&>  gallugallu.  5.  The  tinkling  of 
small  bells. 

X  l-l 




KssSex)  gavaralu,  s.  phi.  Dice. 
7\£v5r>Zfo  c-'avalavadu,  s.  vide  K&$  o^ 

e&  ganiallavadu. 
K^<Hs5o5,  K^-olx  gavakshamu,  gav- 

vakshi,  s.  An  air  hole,  a  loop  hole, 

a  window. 

XS)  gavi,  s.  A  cavern. 

XSS,  X^s  gavini,   gavuni,    s.     The 

o*ate  of  a  fort,  or  fortified  place. 
X£"3s5oo^  gavilemulu,  5.  pZw.  A  sort 

of  black  seed,  usually  mixed  with 

©round  sandal  wood. 

Xa^tf  gavisena,  s.  A  case  or  cover, 
made  of  cloth. 

JCs^gw  gavulu,  s.  A  stink. 

X^)l>  gavnli,  s.  A  lizard. 

Ks5"c56c»  gavvamu,  adj.  Of  or  belong- 
ing to  a  cow.  s.  Butter,  milk,  &c. 

Xtfo  gavva,  s.  A  cowry,  or  small 
shell,  which  passes  for  money  in 
Bengal,  and  some  other  parts  of 

XtfX^oogasagasalu,  s.  phi.  The  seeds 

of  the  poppy  plant. 
X&  gasi,  s.  The  sediment  of  clarified 

butter  or  oil. 
X&*f  gasika,  s.  A  stake,  or  peg.  2.  A 

Xjo,  Xcoo    gastT,  gastu,  s.  A  patrole. 

X  jbS&Tfo  gastitirugu,  A  patrole  to 

go  it's  rounds- 

-7^0^.0^50  gandrintsu,  v.  n.  To  have 
a  face  enflamed,  or  slightly  swel- 

7r>c^-53^^b  gandlavadu,  5.  An  oil 

7^o^5"os53o  gambhiryamu,  s.  Depth, 
profundity.  2.  Magnificence,  gran- 

Tr*r  gaka,  part,  vide  -^r  kaka,  This 
word  is  also  added  to  the  aorist 
of  any  verb  to  express  the  opta- 
tive mood;  as  h%)&spt>oo-Tr>&ot&& 
iv>g  nivu  sukhamuga  nunduvuga- 
ka,  May  you  be  happy, 

t^Kit5  gagara>  s.  A  female's  under 
garment,  like  a  petticoat. 

tt*2»  gadzu,  s.  Glass,  or  China  ware. 
2.  A  bracelet.  -77^ "7?  13^  gadzugin- 
ne,  A  glass  cup,  or  China  vessel. 
-7r*2»;S>£  gadzuppu,  The  refuse  of  a 
glass  work.  -7v»2»<yo3-*o2&  gadzula- 
vandlu,  A  certain  caste  of  the  Sii- 
dras,  whose  profession  is  to  deal 
in  glass  bracelets. 

tt*  2!  gaje,  s.  vide  tt>"3  gade. 

tt'&sSm  gatamu,s.  Difficulty.  2.  Seve- 
rity. 3.  Hardness. 

-7v°cl  gadi,  s.  A  drinking  trough,  or 






-7r°(S"3  gadide,  s.  An  ass.  i^8>'&-w°$ 

gacjidekalla,  atfy.  Bandy-legged. 
-r^h  gadi,    5.    A  carriage,   chariot, 

chaise,  cart,  or  native  hackery. 
nv>&>  gadu,  This  word  is  used  instead 

of  ^£&     vadu,    q.  v.  When  the 

agent  to  be  denoted  is  familiar,  or 

contemptible;  as  -£t&.-k*z<o  vesha- 

gadu,  A  masker. 
t^Zsq  gadu,  v.  n.  Or  v.  a.  To  pierce, 

used  either  in  a  neuter,  or  active 

7r>£b  gadu,  ,9.    Gross  lechery  ;  furor 

-7^2&$,  tt»^  gadupu,  gadpu,  s,The 

wind.  • 

iv>  z>  garia,   s.  A  singer. 
-7^^  gata,  part,  vide  -k*£  gaka. 
-7r>^.sfoa  gatramu,  s.  The  body.  2.  A 

member?  or  limb. 
-7f^  gatha,  s.  A  verse,  or  stanza.  2» 

A  history  of  holy  men. 
7r>g>s5x»    gadamu,    s.     Grass    which 

grows  in  fields  of  dry  grain.     . 
T^aD  gadili,  s.  Love,  affection,  adj. 

Affectionate  ;  dear. 
7P-3  gade,  5.  A  very  large  and  high 

basket  of  wicker  work,  used  for 
securing  grain. 
t^  gana,  adv.  vide  X#£  ganaka. 

-7r*#s£»  ganamu,  s.  Vocal  or  instru- 
mental music. 

ir>&K,  tc^Ko  ganuga,  ganugu,  s.  A 
■  press  such  as  is  used  in  India  for 
expressing  oil,  or  the  juice  of  the 
sugarcane.  Tr>x&7C  2>  o&  ganugapin- 
di,  The  husk  of  the  sesamumseed, 
after  the  oil  is  expressed. 

tpwtp  gabara,  s.  Confusion,  per- 
plexity, adj.  Confused, perplexed. 

iv&o  gaum,  s.  A  planet.  2.  An  evil 
spirit.  iv>&x>v~is$k>  gaimilarredu, 
The  sun.  iY°)6x><>)~i5%,&&  gamularre- 
nipaiti,  The  planet  Saturn  ;  be- 
cause he  is  the  child  of  the  sun, 
according  to  the  Hindoos. 

7r5ossrs5M  gayakamu,  adj.  Dear  in 
price.  2.  Clever,  s.  Good  sense, 

-7r°cttS§b£o  gayakudo,  5.  A  singer  or 
cymbal  player,  supposed  to  be 
descended  from  Brahmans,by  the 
marriage  termed  -7r>o$gQ>&-sr>&goz 
gandharvavivahamu,  q.  v. 

-7vo55s5m  gayamu,  s.  A  wound. 

Tr°c55Ss&x)_s£;foex),  ■eT'gogayamu-tagi'ilu, 
taku,  v.  n.  To  be  wounded. 

7r°tf  gara,   s.  Plaster,  or  fine  lime. 

Tvtf&sSM  garadamu,  5.  Conjuration. 
2,  Trick.  3.   Trifling. 

7rtfi  garadf,  s.  Conjuration. 



5\  e5-Gitta 

iv>tf£&x>  garavarnu,  s.  Love,  affecti- 
on, fondness. 

^tf£o-wb  garavintsu,  v.  a.  To  love, 
caress  or  fondle. 

garabamu-garabu-garaniu,  gara- 
ruu,  s.  The  fondling,  or  caressing 
of  children. 

7r°&>  garu,  part.  This  is  an  honorific 
affix,  added  to  any  noun  denoting 
a  person,  in  token  of  respect ;  as, 
St^i^te  doragaru,  Master. 

-Tr^yo  garelu,  s.   phi.    Cakes  made 

of  the    pulse   termed   Phaseolus 

t^sSm  galamu,  s.  A  hook. 
-7v*e)   gaJi,    5.  The  wind.  2.  An  evil 

spirit.    3.    An   infectious    disease 

among  cattle. 

"7r°£)0T5b  galintsu,  v.  a.  To  seek  or 
search  for.  %.  To  separate  grain 
from  the  refuse,  by  washing,it  in 

TfOo^)  galimpu,  s.  The  act  of  doing 

-7v*£>-7r>£sb  galigadu,  s.  An  ass. 

-TT^^gb^o  galakudu,  s.  A  clever  man. 

tp^)^  givata,  adv.  vide  7^^  gaka. 

t^QcS  gavuna,  adv.  vide  xtis  ganaka. 

T\*%  gasi,  s.  Toil,  pain,  fatigue,  trou- 
ble. ir-%z&>  g&sipadu,  v.  n.  To 
take  pains  ;  to  be  fatigued. 

5\os  gindza,  s.  A  seed,  or  grain. 

%o&%*&>  gindzukonu,  v.  n.  To  move 
convulsively  the  hands  or  legs. 

5\-&\  gitstsu,  v.  a.  To  scratch.  2.  To 
Seize  with  the  nails. 

5\e&,  ^\s5°c5b  gidzaru,  gidzuru,  s.  The 
pulp  of  certain  fruits,  or  vegeta- 

5\23  7r*£&jft£-7^£&  gijjigadu,  gijigadu, 
s.  The  small  bird,  which  builds 
the  very  curious  hanging  nest, 
with  the  entrance  at  the  bottom, 
generally  termed  the  Tailor-bird. 

%&£  gitaka,  adj.  Short  in  size.  5\ks 
-&-*&  gitakaparu,  To  become  short. 

5\&x>  gittu,  v.  n.  To  die,  or  expire. 
2.  To  consent  or  agree. 

5\£o£o  gittami,    neg>    Verbal    noun- 

eo  " 

Enmity,  variance,  disagreement. 

^&  gidda,  s.  A  short  person,  adj. 
Short  in  size. 

ft2a£tf  s5»  giddatanamu,  is.  Shortness. 

ft&oft  giddangi,  s:  An  out-house.  2. 
A  granary,  store-house,  or  ware- 
house. 3.  A  jail  or  place  of  con- 

5\£,  eiddi,  s.  A  cow. 

5\&>'eiddu,  s.  A  hawk,  or  falcon. 

ft  j£  gitta.  s.  A  young  bull. 




5\g,  ft"3  gidda,  gidde,  s.  The  smal- 
lest dry  measure,  varying  in  ca- 
pacity in  different  parts  of  the 
country,  equal  to  the  quarter  of  a 

&*o  sola. 

ftl^  ginne,  5.  A  cup,  or  goblet, 

5\£3x  gibba,  s.  A  bull,  allowed  to  wan- 
der at  large,  in  commemoration  of 
a  deceased  person,  or  as  consecrat- 
ed to  the  deity. 

fttfg'  giraka,  adj.  Short,  s.  A  short 

5\tf*f&tfs*»  girakatanamu,  s-  Short- 

fttffttf  giragira*  adv.  Circularly,  in 
a  revolution. 

5\tf75-*c»oo"i$b  giradayintsu,  v.  a.  To 

fttf$  giravu,  s.  Mortgage."  2.  A 
pledge,  a  hostage,  security. 

ftesS'  girraka,  5.  A  pulley. 

fte§  girri,  s.  A  circle.  fteHJT'so  girrigo- 
nu,  i7.  a.  To  surround,  to  encircle. 

ft&a>tf  girrruna,  adv.  Circularly,  in 

%v£  gilaka,  s.  A  child's  rattle. 

xerogb  giluku,  adj.  Sounding. 

%od-zr>&)  gilubaduj  v.  a.  To  rob,  or 

?\c>o  gillu,  p.  a.  To  pinch. 


&§o  giku,  17.  <x.  To  scrape,  scratch, 

or  erase. 
&•&>    gitsu,  0.  a.  To  draw  lines;  to 

draw  toddy.  2.  To  scrape,  scratch, 

or  erase.  3.  To  shave.  4.  To  tear 

with  the  nails. 

ft&>£oo$b  gitadantsu,  v.  a.  To  kill. 
&&»  gitu,  s.  A  line,  mark,  or  stroke- 

2.  Disregard,  ftjgatf  gitlabadda,  A 

flat  ruler. 
fcfe»  gitu,  17.   «.    To  push   aside,   or 

throw  away,  s'ss&n  fc&»  kannugitu, 

To  wink  or  make  signs  with  the 

kg  gita,  5.  A  line- 

fte£sfo>  gitamu,5.  Yocal  music,  a  song. 

&"£)&»  gipettu,  i7.  n.  To  cry,  to  weep. 

&»fo>  gimu,  s.  A  house. 

ftctfw  giyu,  17.  a.  To  draw  lines  ;  to 

dr^w  toddy, 
ftes  girra,  s.  A  line. 
&&M  girru,  g?.  a.    To  tear  with  the 

teeth.    2.    To    scratch   with   the 

nails.  3.  To  shoot  an  arrow.  4.  To 


^e9or"s5b  girrukonu,  17.  Comp.  To 
give  one  a  hint,  by  touching  him, 
or  by  any  other  sign. 

ftewg^ssb  gilukonu,  v.  n.  To  be  inclin- 
ed towards, 




^2»r*ex^,  fter0^©^  gilukolpu,  gi- 
Ikolupu,  v.  a.  To  cause  to  be  in- 
clined ;  to  allure.  2.  tTo  place 
flowers  in  the  hair,  as  an  allure- 

ftbos    gunja,    s.     The    small   shrub 

termed  Abrus  precatorius.  2.  Salt 

floes  gundza,  s.  A  pillar,  or  post. 
7fooe»  gundzu,  5.  The  inside  or  pulp 

of  a  fruit. 
TfooK*  gundzu,  v.  a.  To  pull.  2.  To 

wash  clothes. 
ftbos^wcSo  gundzuladu,    v.    ?i.     To 

7foo£r°;&  giinjikonu,    v.    Comp.  To 

draw  or  pull  by  force. 

foo&>  gunta,    s.    A   small ;  artificial 

pond,  or  tank.  2.  A  pit.  3.  Any- 
deep  hole.  4.  A  square  land  mea- 

/foods'  guniaka,  s.  An  instrument 
for  levelling    ploughed    ground. 

7foofe3  gunti,  s.  A  piece  of  land,  allot- 
ted for  cultivation . 

Tfoo&sSoo  guncjamu,  s.  vide  §bo2ssfc» 
kunclamu,  No.  2.  2.  Any  fire-pit. 

T'vooxf0  gunda,  postpos.  Through;  by; 

by  means  of.  adj.  Brave,  courage- 

TfooclX  gundiga,  5-.  A  large  brass,  or 
copper  vessel,  or  pot. 

Kbo^b  gundu,  adj.  Round,  globular, 
spherical,  s.  Any  thing  round,  or 
spherical.  2.  A  ball  or  bullet.  3. 
A  mountain.  4.  Weights,  of  any 
form  or  size.  5.  A  stallion. 

7fbo"§  gunde,  s.  The  heart,  either 
in  a  moral  or  physical  sense.  2. 
Courage,  boldness.  fc0-S-s-oaS 
gundekaya,  The  heart,  in  a  physi- 
cal sense  only. 

Tfo  o  ^  ,^bo  ^  3  gnndra,  gundrani,  adj. 
Round,  circular,  globular.  7fo0.& 
&>oXX&  gundratungagaddi,  s.  A 
sort  of  long  rush.  Tfoo^cStf  £».  foo 
^tf  gundradanamu,  gundrana,  5. 
Roundness  ;  a  circle. 

Aoo^o-^)  gundrintsu,  v.  n.  The 
stomach  to  turn,  or  feel  sick. 

Abo^o^)  gundrimpn,  s.  The  act  of 
the  stomach  turning,  or  feelino- 
sick.  2.  Malice,  envy.  3.  Dissatis- 

Kbo^  gunta,  s.  A  pit,  any  deep  hole. 

Tfoo^o^b  gumpintsu,  v.  a.  To  speak 
with  harshness,  malice,  or  con- 

/&ocg)  gumpu,  5.  A  crowd,  a  mob,  a 
multitude,  a  flock  ;  an  army  con- 
sisting of  foot  soldiers,  horse,  ele- 




phants,  and  chariots.  2.  A  knot. 
In  the  plural,  this  word  some- 
times denotes  a  quarrel. 

ftbc^ToS^  gumbhamu,  s.  Tying,  string- 
ing, as  a  garland,  <fec.  7foo$&s&» 
gumbhitainu,  adj.  Tied,  strung. 

Ko§k-  gukka,  s.  A  single  inspiration, 

or  breathing. 
7foS|,_$ew<£),  Tfos^ss.feM  gukkanilupu, 

gukkapattu,  v.  n.  To  hold  in  the 


fto"^*-^0  gukkedu,  adj.  As  much  as 

the  mouth  contains, 
fioft  osrxw,  Kb?foe;j6*>  guggiiamu,  guggu- 

lamu,  s.  The  fragrant  gum  resin, 

termed  Bdellium. 
7fo%  s£  guggillu,    s.  plu-  Grain,  half 

dressed,  not  reduced  to  a  pulp. 
;&-&k  gutstsu,  v.  a.  To  pierce.  2.  To 

string,  or  thread.  3.  To  prick.  4. 

To  take  hold  of  another's  hand, 

and  interlace  one's   fingers  with 

his,  m  iioken  of  intimacy. 

ftbsTfoesew  gudzagudzalu,s.  plu.  Whis- 
^oa>,    7foa?&>    gudzasta,    gudzastu, 

adj.  past.  This  is  a  revenue  term, 
usually  applied  to  express  the 
year  lately  expired  ;  the  last,  or 
past  year,  in  contradistinction  to 
the  present  year,  or  to  those  pre- 
cedipg  the  last 

T&sT'eJ  gudzarri,  s.  An  opulent,  or 

rich  man. 
?&&&>  gudzuru,  s.vide  foots*  gundzu. 
A^s^Xo-o^b  gudzdzanagudu,  s.  Food, 

dressed  by  children,  for  their  a- 

7fo^  gudzdzu,  Si  A  short  person,  a 


foz?&<S£x>  gudzclzutanamu,  s.  ShorL- 



^o2SD"Sex%)  gudzdzu velp u,  s.  A  name 
of  Ganesa ;  because  he  is  repre- 
sented as  a  short  fat  personage. 

fito  gudzdzu,  s.  One  of  the  small 
perpendicular  posts,  by  which 
short  beams  are  supported  upon 
longer  ones,  and  thus  form  the 
shelving  roof  of  a  native  house, 
vide,  gobbo^ex).  kurundzulu,  2.  The 

thick  juice  of  any  fruit. 
Ko&S'  gutaka,    s.  A  single  gulp,  or 

swallow.  TfofeooSo*  Tfoto&k-  gutuku, 

gutukku,The  sound  of  swallowing. 
ftbfco?&feo  gutaguta,  s.  The  bubbling 

of  boiled  rice. 

Hofcark-sfc,  7fotoJ%-85bs5o    gutukkanu, 
n.  To  die,   or 

gutukkumanu,  v, 

fo&>  ffut.ta,  8-.  A  hillock,  unevenness 
in  ground,  ftbk>x<roex\  gutfagultsu 
To  ruin,  to  trouble,  lit.  To  cause 
the  hillock  to  fall  down. 


C9  •  ' 



Kb&a  o-nttu,  s.  The  real  state  of  one's 

affairs.  2.  One  s  private  secrets.  3. 

Reputation,  honor,  public  esteem. 
7fcTT>tf**».,  76i^&gudaramu,gudaru, 

s.  A  tent. 
fo&  gudi,  s.  A  temple.  2.  The  con- 
nected form  of  the  vowel  q  i,  viz. 

3  i. 
fc%tfobx>  guditsuttu,   5.  The  disk  of 

the  sun,  or  moon. 
76&"£)  gudise,  5.  A  cottage,  or  hut. 
7foe&&>  gudusu,  s.  Any  round  thing. 

2.  The  connected  form  of  the  vowel. 

sj  i,  viz.  3    i,  ad;.  Circular,  ;&£& 

-&~^&$)    gudusukaiduvu,    5.    The 

weapon  of  Vishnoo. 
;&>&'  ffudda,  s.  A  cloth.  2.  A  bit  of  I   fib  £  gutta,  $.  A  rent,  or  farm. 

cloth.  |  /fib  ^  gutti,  s.  A  cluster  of  flowers 

fioT^sSw  guddamu>  5.  Part  of  afield 

kartsukonipovu,  Quadrupeds  to 
miscarry.  fc&>§cXx>  gudlutiyu,  To 
pluck  out  the  eyes. 

Hb£?fr*K>  gudlaguba,  s.  An  owl. 

^b^^sSaa  gunakamu,  5.  The  multi- 

Kbrc-^tf s5oo  gunakaramu,  s.  Multipli- 

fio^sdoo  gunamu,  s.  A  quality,  attri- 
bute, or  property,  in  general. 

fib£o-&>,  fib^oooonft  guriintsu,  gurtiyi- 
ntsu,  v.  a.  To  multiply,  or  calcu- 
late. 2.  To  spell. 

;foi§£s*>3,  Kbrfot£s5^  gunitamu,  gunin- 
tamu,  5.  Multiplication.  2.  Spel- 

5      S. 

of  dry  land. 

;&&  guddi,  adj.  Blind.  Kba^tfsSao  gu- 
dditanamu,  s.  Blindness. 

Kbg^&oTV0  guddivetuga,  adv.  By 
chance,  without  exertion,  unde- 

foB>f£iT-Tr>oa*  guddikokkarayi,  s. 
The  lap- wing. 

7*b£&  guddu,  5.  An  egg.  2.  The  eye- 
ball. fib£w"S>fe>3  gudlupettu,  To  lay 
eggs.   Tfcgo-s^sr-r*^^  guddu- 

fib  ©ss?os5M^nttikavvamu,  5.  A  kind 
of  churning  stick. 

7to7toy-£2o  gudagudaladu,  v.  n-  To 

fib&Xes  gudigarrra,  s.  A  block  of 
wood  suspended  from  the  neck  of 
any  animal,  to  prevent  it's  wander- 
ing far. 

Kba-T^ex)  gadigaluj  s.  The  heel. 

fibSKbosex)  gudigundzalu,  5.  phi. 
Posts  fixed  perpendicularly  in  the 
ground,  at  the  door  of  a  cow-house. 




fo&{ir°j&>  guditradu,  g.  The  rope  by 

which  a  calf  is  tied- 
TfoScsS,  Tfo  "3  gudiya,  gude.  s.  vide  7fo 

aXz*>  ffiidigarrra.  2. A  club  or  mace. 

7(b "3  "sr9 «^  gudedalpu,  5.  Yama,  the 

regent  oi  the  dead. 
AoSc^srww  gudiyakarrralu,    5,  phi. 

Sticks  placed  horizontally,  across 

the  TfcacBSrtbossew  gudiyagundzalu, 

q.  v, 
TfoaooooiSb  gudiyintsu,  v.  a.  To  stop, 

v  to  prevent. 
Tto  eudda,  s.  The  anus. 
foz&  guddali,  5.  Making  in  the  in- 

flex.  Sins:,   tfbtffeS  guddati,  And  in 

the  wow.  »^m.  fioso^b  s;uddandlu, 

A  small  hoe. 

a.  To  dig 

7to  So-i^  ffuddalintsu, 

with  a  hoe. 
7fo2*>  guddu,  5.  A  blow  with  the  fist. 

«?.  tf.  To  box  with  the    fist.  7fos5b 


er*feo  guddulaia,  5.  Boxing.2.  Quar- 
ftogSbo-oSSo  gudduladu,  ?;.   n.    To  box 

mutually  ;  to  quarrel. 
7fotfse>o  gunakalu,    5.  plu.  A  sort    of 

grain, growing  wild,  without  culti-# 

vat  ion. 
fotiTStfg* a>  gunapanakodij  s.  A  wild? 

or  jungle,  fowl. 

Tfo^sS s$*>  gunapamu,  s.  An  iron  crow. 
TfbScsk  gnniyu,  v.  n.  To  grumble,  or 

7&;&§os5&7to  gunukuparugu,  s.  The 
act  of  running  slowly. 

Tvbp^  gunna,  adj.  Young.  Tfbtf^^soX 
gunnayenuga,  s.  A  young  ele- 
phant. Tw^oSoa  gunnapandi,  A 
young  hog. 

fibsS^tf^S  giippanagura,  adv.  Di- 
sorderly ;  in  a  confused  manner. 

KbS^o-tfc,  75o^fe3oa5bguppalintsu,gu- 
ppatintsu,  v.  a.  vide  gbsS^o-^b  ku- 
ppalintsu . 

Tws^S  guppili,  s.  Making  in  the  in- 
flex.Sing.7fet>\  tS  guppiti,  The  hand 

7fc£v  guPPu>  Q>  n-  To  spread  as  a 
smell,  v.  a.  To  pound  or  beat 
paddy.  2.  To  throw  or  fling  to  a 
distance.  3.  To  throw  any  thing 
contained  in  the  closed  hand. 

foS^o-Sb  guppintsu,  v.  n.  To  spread 
as  a  smell,  v.  Gaus.  To  cause  to 
beat  or  pound,  v.  a.  vide.  XooSo 
guppu,  No.  2  &  3. 

ftb^tf  guppuna,  atfV  Quickly,  hasti- 
ly. 2.  Clearly. 

KbwKbwex>  gubagubalu,  5.  plu.  The 
noise  of  running. 




fc-zpoztf    gubaluna,    adv.     Quickly, 

Kb^Po-tf)  gubalintsu,  v.n.  To  sbine.    j 
«oOD  gubili,  s.  The  wax  in  the  ear.    J 
7&7M&  gubuku,    v.    a.   To   box  ;  to    ( 

beat  with  the  fist. 
Kb^&guburu,s.  The    thick  foliage 

of  a  tree  or  shrub  &c 
«b»\  gubba,    s.  A  woman's  breast.   | 
7fc©}-&Sbs»  gubbameknlu,    s.  plu.   i 
The  nails  driven  into  the    Xo££  j 
f:>s»  gandhapatfelu,  q.  v. 
«b»\D  gubbali,  s.  A  mountain. 
Kbsx>  sumi,  s.  A  multitude,  or  flock. 
7fos6cȤb  gumuku,    v.    a.  To  box  ;    to 

beat  with  the   fist. 
7fos5b    gumma,   s.   One  spirt   of   the 

— i 

milk  from  the  teats  of  a  cow,  &c. 
^bs6,5oogi.immatilu,  s.plu.A  female 

ornament  worn  in  the  lobe  of  the 

Kb^sSw  gummamu,  5.  A  door-way, 

gate-way,  or  entrance. 
^£0$  garami,  s.  A  granary. 

^"Ste,^ &»  gummetamu,    s.    A  small 

flotfTfotf  guragnra,  s.  An  itching. 
ftoff!>cl  gurapidi,  s.  A  wild  cow. 
Tfotfs^tk  gurapotui  s.  A  wild  bull. 

Kbeo-$  gurinchi,  postpos.  vide   &*B\ 

Ao85\  gurigi  ,s.  A  very  small  earthen 

Kba  Aoe  gnrigindza,  5.  The  seed  of  the 

Kb&"3o£  guruvenda,  ?.  v. 

Kb&£&  gnru'du,  s.  A  spiritual  parent, 
from  whom  the  youth  receives  the: 
initiatory  Mantras,  or  prayers.  2. 
A  religious  teacher;  one  who  ex- 
plains the  law  and  religion  to  his 
pupil," instructs  him  in  the  Sastras, 
&c.  3.  A  name  of  Brahaspati,  the 
regent  of  the  planet  Jupiter,  who 
is  considered  as  the  preceptor  of 
the  inferior  deities-  4.  A  father, 
or  any  venerable  male  relation. 

?&&&>,  Kb  &  gnrutu,  gurtu,  s.  A  mark, 
a  sign.  2.  An  idea.  3.  Recollec- 

Kb&$  guruvu,  s.  vide  7*b&£&  guru- 
du.  2.  A  long  vowel,  adj.  Impor- 
tant? heavy,  weighty,  great,  diffi- 
cult, arduous. 

7fo«b?£os$M  gurutvamu,  s.  Esteem,  re- 
gard, distinction.  2.   Indigestion. 
7&ab$e>o  guruvulu,  s.  plu.  Running. 
Tfo&tfo    gurusu,  s.  That  part  of  an 

animal's  tail,-,  where  the   hair  is 

fibers'  gurraka,  s:  Snoring. 

Kbfcsfoes  gurragurra,  s.  ride  fo$fo$ 





^OfcB  gnrri,  s.  A  mark.  2.  An  aim,  3. 
Certainty.  4.  Trust,  confidence.  5. 
Esteem,  adj.  Certain.  Tfo^a^-ab 
gurridzutsu,  To  take  aim.  Tfoe^tfs. 
gurritappu,  To  miss  aim. 

7$b&37r>;&o£3b  gurriganundu,  v.  n.  To 
be  trustworthy.  7fceJatf>oo&>  gurri- 
yunclu,  To  esteem  or  regard.  KbeJ  4 
ht°2&  gurrikadu,  A  good  marks- 

76eJ^*oS  gumkondi,  s.  A  vital  part. 

7foeaor°«&  gurrukonu,  v.  a.  To  try,  or 

7foe£»&>  gurrutu,  s.  vide  ?&&$&  gurutu. 
7foea>s5c»ex>  gurrumulu,  s'.  plu.  Seeds. 
Tfo^sfcoi  gurrramu,  s.  A  horse, 
fibea*  gurrru,  s.  Snoring.  2.  Anger. 
76«x>sSbs5o   gurrrumanu,    v.    n.  To  be 

angry.   7&<*»"3>fes>   gurrrupettu,   p. 

w.  To  snore. 
fov°&x>  gulamu,  s.  A  slave. 

floer^ews&'S  gulaTupodi,  5.  A  sort  of 
crimson  powder,  with  which  some 
Hindoo  women  mark  their  fore- 
heads ;  and  which  the  natives,  who 
observe  the  festival  of  Cania, 
throw  at  each  other,  during  that 

7&D£>,  7&S&>  gulibi,  gulimi,  s.  The 
wax  in  the  ear. 

/6©StoS'2fc&  gulimikaduru,  s.  An  in- 
strument for  taking  out  the  wax 
in  the  ear. 

7&o  gcilla,  s.  An  oyster.  2.  A  shell. 
3.  A  white  pustule.  7fo->  r«  gulla 
karrra,  s.  A  hollow  stick. 

«bo  coo!^s5x»  gullasunnamu,  s.  Shell 
chunam.  ^oj^'^l  gullaputike,  s. 
A  small  basket,  -ao&Tfoe)  chinfcagu 
11a,  s.  Tamarinds  in  the  shell  or 
pod.  Kber°fib2&;oo  gullagudusu,  5. 
A  cant  word,  denoting  jewels 
when  mentioned  in  a  careless  or 
trifling  manner,  or  when  their 
value  is  meant  to  be  depreciated. 

foVZ  golika,  s.  A  ball ;  a  pill «  any 
small  globular  substance. 

7to£  guvva,  s.  A  dove  or  pigeon. 

KbSKbtf  gusagusa,  5.  A  whisper. 

TfosS*  guha,  s.    A   cave,  cavern,   or 



x^»4os5w  giitamu,  s.  A.  wooden  mallet. 
2.  A  stake,  a  tent  pin. 

fa&  guda,  s-  A  basket  used  for  rais- 
ing water  for  irrigation.  2.  A  bas- 
ket, with  a  cover,  in  which  the 
Yaishnavas  keep  their  household 
idol.  3.  A  flower  basket.  4.  The 
mat  used  by  natives  to  protect 
them  from  rain. 




yfr>&>  gudu,  s.  A  nest.  2.  A  small 
niche  made  in  th©  wall  for  lights, 
&c.  3.  A  heap  of  cut  Jonnalu,  or 
suzzalu,  or  of  their  straw. 

Xcro"Ss5oo  gudemu,  s.  A  small  hamlet, 
near  a  village. 

yfr*$  guna,   s.  A  large  earthen  pot. 

Xcr°<33  gunu,  5.  A  crooked  or  humped 
back.  2.  A  knot  in  wood. 

Xcr°sD  guba,  s.  An  owl.  2.  The  drum 
of  the  ear. 

X\s£»sS»  grihamu,  s.  A  house,  adj. 
Domestic.  2.  Domesticated.  3. 
Household.  x\sfr»s$s  grihapati,  s. 
A  householder.  2.  A  mail  in  the. 
second  stage  of  life,  or  who,  after 
having  "finished  his  studies,  is 
married  and  settled.  3.  A  house- 
holder of  particular  merit,  giving 
alms  and  performing  all  the  pre- 
scribed ceremonies,  &c.  7<\sfrs£vK 
j5a»  grihamrigamu,  s.  lit.  A  do- 
mesticated animal.  A  dog. 

K\&>&>  grihasthu,  s.  vide  jC\^»sS8  gri- 
hapati, Under  X\s$"*x5<»  grihamu. 
2.  An  honest  man, 

?\tr*  grihi,  s.  vide  y\&>$Q  grihapati, 
Under  K^sfo  grihamu. 

"Ko&>tfsSx>  gentasamu,s.A  cruel,  harsh, 
or  cross  speech. 

l?ofe»  gentu,  v.  a.  To  push, 

Ifola  gente,  5.  vide'Xolo  gante.  . 

7oto  gentlu,  v.  n.  To  be  unsteady; 
as  a  box,  chair,  or  table,  from  the 
unevenness  of  the  ground,  or  in- 
equality of  it's  legs. 

IT&gedda,  s.  vide  X&  gadda, 
~%&&&o-&  genusudurnpa,  s.  The  root 

termed  Dioscorea  aculeata. 
H&  gerra,  s.  vide  %&>  girra. 
l?e)  gela,  s.  A  bunch. 
*7?02>  gelivi,  s.  A  pleased,    healthy, 

or  bright  countenance,  adj.  Pleas- 
•  ed,  healthy,  bright. 
"Kyosk  gelutsu,   v.   a.  To  win,  gain, 

conquer,   or   overcome.     ~^D§>o^5b 

gelipintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause  to 

win,  &c. 
~%zx>%)  gelupu,  s.    Gain  ;  victory. 
"XewigsSbtfb  geluvumanu,  v.  a.  To  send, 

or  dispatch. 
I?©  gelli,  s.  A  salt-heap. 

-i&o&  gedintsu,  .v.  a.  To  drive  be- 
fore ;  to  drive  aside  ;  to  defeat. 

~fi"&-r°$  gedekalla,  adj.  Spindle- 




~/f&ft  gedagi,  s.  The    caldera  bush, 
Pandamus  odoratissimus- 

"^"3  gede,  5.  A  female  buffalo..  ~i~3 
&y&  gededuda,  *.  A  buffalo -calf, 
not  a  year  old.  "^"ScBS&r  gedepe- 
yya,  s.  A  young  female  buffalo, 
about  two  years  old.  i?"3^3e>3  ge- 
dechelapa,  s.  A  young  buffalo,  a-' 
bout  three  years  old.  "^"Sss^  ffede 
padcla>  s.  A  young  female  buffalo 
about  four  years  old. 

~i&  geli,  s.  Ridicule,  mockery,  de- 
rision, joking,  sportive  insult, 

~ir$o  gestu,  s.  From  K\sJ»s>3  grihasthu, 

Under  X\s£°s5do  grihamti,  y.  «;. 


2_"f)db5a  gaiseyn,  e>.  a.'  To  adorn,  to 
ornament.  iri>&  gaiseta,  s.  The 
act  of  adorning. 

K^oK  gonga,  s.  A  natural  enemy. 
.  X"°oK£?  fi^oX^  gongadi,  gongali,  s. 
The  native  woollen  ■  cloth,  or 
blanket,  commonly  termed  a  comb- 
ly.  5T*oK$>sg>?fc7fo  gongalipurugu,  &. 
A  species  of  rough -or  hairy  eater- 
pillar,  the  touch  of  which  inflames 
the  skin. 

r° csS£oJ&  gonjipandu,  s.  The  fruit 
termed  Limonia  pentaphylla. 

JT'o&o  gontu,  *.  A  mean  person.  jr°o 
tools'  gontupoka,  An  inferior  sort 
ofareca  nut. 

JT^oek  gontu,  8.  The  throat  or  neck. 
2.  The  voice.  jr,o&>§a-°T&s-o&)  go- 
ntukurtsundu,  To  sit  on  the  hams. 
?To^o-^d35o,  §"s5od  gonturayu,  tarn 
mu,  To  be  hoarse.  5Poefo§^s>  gou- 
tiikovi,  The  gullet. 

JT'oe&S'  gontuka,  s,  The  neck. 

JT*oa  gondi,  ~s.  A  lane,  or  narrow 
passage.  2.  A  harbour. 

K*oP  gonli,  $.  A  festival.  2.  A  dance. 

fC°%  goggi  cwi;.  Uneven.  JP'ftSo^b 
goggipandlu,  Uneven  teeth. 

TT'^Koo  gojjegalu,  s*  plu.  The  name 
of  a  flower. 

JT^sSw  gottamu,  s.  A  long  round 
hollow  case.  8,  The  barrel  of  a 
musket.  £"*&>  ^tT'fsSoo  goLtaputa- 
lamu,  A  long  narrow  padlock. 

ft-°&»  gottu,  adj-  Difficult  of  recollec- 
tion.  "2.  Dear  in  price. 

Tr&TdS-sy&i,  Tr-GrQ'sr>&  godagarava 
du,  godarivadu,  s.  A  shoe -maker, 
descended  from  a  female  of  the 
barber  caste,  by  a  pot-maker. 




JT*daSf  godava,  s.  Danger.  2.  Difficul- 
ty. 3.  Trouble,  annoyance.  4.  A. 
caste-dispiite.    adj.    Difficult. 

JCzkrto  godugu,  s.  An  umbrella.  TC 
db«bx&    golugugaddi,    A  mush- 


room.    lit.    The.  umbrella    grass. 
,  ff^dfortbTpS)  godugugali,  5.  A  whirl- 

JT'dtS)  goddali,  s.  Making  in  the  in- 

flex.  Sing.  j^^feB  goddati,  And  in 

the  nom.  phi.  jc^o^o  ffoddand- 
,  lu,  An  axe,  or  hatchet. 
5^^)  goddu,  adj.  Barren,   sterile.  5. 

Any  horned  cattle.  2.  Sterility. 
JT'r^Tfb  gonugu,  v.    n.  To  murmur, 

or  mutter. 
TT^sSdc  gormemu,  s.  vide  5T0"?  s5oo  go- 

jr°e&  gottu,  s.  A  bunch,   or  cluster. 

2.  Determination. 
K"°c5  goda,  s.  Hunger. 
IT'tf^a  gonakoni,  adv.  Suitably. 
5TYe»in&>  gonabupata,  s.  Vocal  and 

instrumental  music. 
jC#&»  gonamu,  s.  vide  fc&&n  guua 

mu,  No.  1. 
jr^o&sSw  gonayamu,  s.  The  knot  at 

the  end  of  a  bow-string. 
S^%  g°PPa»  *$•  Large,   great,  big, 

high,  eminent,  noble, 

jr°S\gobbi55.  A  Hindoo  goddess  wor- 
shipped in  the  mouth  of  Poosh- 
yum.  A  lump  of  cow  duug,adorned 
with  flowers,  is  placed  in  the  door 
way  ;  and,  in  the  evenings  of  that 
month,  young  females  go  round 
it,  singiug  songs. 

^»3vtfgobbuna,a<#0.Quickly,  swiftly. 

JT'cooc  goyyi,  *■  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing.  R*&  goti,  And  the  nom.  plu. 
JT^ex)  gotulu,  A  hole  in  the 
ground  ;  a  pit. 

JTW  goraka,  s.  The  name  of  a  beast. 

JT'tfsSxSoa  gorapamti,  5.  vide.  r*fc9SS<6w 

TCtix'og  goravanka,  s.  A  bird,  usually 
termed  the  Myna. 

JT81,  JT'QT)  gorije,  gorise,  s.  A  hoof. 

JT'esS'S"?;)  gorrakakatte,  s.  A  cane, 
or  stick,  with  a  ferule. 

yT'eooKb  gorrugu,  v.  a.  To  shave.  K"°ei> 
ftoofo  gorrigintsu,  v.  Caus.  To  cause 
to  shave. 

JT'&m  oorrru,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing.  K^eJ  gorrti,  An  instrument 
of  husbandly,  used  sometimes  as 
a  harrow,  to  reduce  the  deep  fur- 
rows of  ploughed  fields  into  small- 
er furrows  ;  sometimes,  as  a  drill 
plough,  for  sowing  ;  and  some- 
times, for  weeding,  after  the  grain 
is  in  stalk.  2.  A  land  measure. 




JT"^  gorrre,  s.  A  sheep.  ?6>?s3&k, 

5T>"^-S)0^;§'ep  gorrrenutstsu,  go- 

rrrepentrukalu,   The   dried  dung 
of  sheep. 

3r*ei  gola,  s.  A  bunch. 

5T°ewj6o  golnsuj  s.  A  chain. 

^°^>  golla,  5.  A  peon  or  guard  over 

JT^efo,  jT'o-sn^  golladu,  gollava- 
du,  5.  A  shepherd  ;  a  man  of  the 
cow-keeper5  or  shepherd  caste. 
JCo  «£,  TT&  a  gollata,  golladi,  A 
female  of  that  caste.  jrv>  afr*&>  go- 
llamata,  &.  "Vulgar  language. 

JT'oo  gollu,  5.  A  confused  noise.  2. 

JT^tf  erollena,  s.  A  small  tent. 

CO  ° 

JTHPj&o  gollemu,  5.  A  hasp  for  shut- 
ting upon  a  staple,  where  a  pad- 

lock is  used. 


J^o.  S,o^>  gondrintsu,  ?>.  n.  To  roar, 
as  a  wild  beast. 

l^o<&>,rs^  gondrukappa,  s.  A 
very  large  and  noisy  frog. 

K*So  goku,  v.  a.  To  scratch  with  the 

K^-u)  gochi,  s.  A  piece  of  cloth  to 
conceal  the  privities,  %  That  part 
of  the  under  garment  which  a 
Hindoo  tucks  up  behind. 

"7^2?-* &  godzaru,  v>  a. To  ask,  or  beg, 

TC*z*>  godzu,  s.    Paste,    or  gum.    2, 

Confusion,  trouble,  dispute. 
ft"6??3,  K*2Po^&>  godzu,  godzuladu,  v. 

n.  To  be  constantly  annoying,  or 

plaguing  one. 

K*bx>  gotu,   s.  A  border,  chiefly   as 

applied  to  that  of  a  female's  jacket. 
2.  Gold  or  silver  lace.  3.  A  gold 
bracelet  worn  by  women.  4.  Self- 

~&r°&  go  da,  s.  A  wall. 

JT6^  godige,  s-  A  mare. 

fif^-a&w  godipettn,  s.  A  blow  on  the 

JT6^  godi,  s.  Manner,  regularity. 

fr"6^  godu,  s.  Perturbation,  disquiet, 
affliction,  distress.  2.  The  cause, 
matter,  or  circumstances  of  dis- 
tress, or  grief 

"&r°T3°s53o  goriamu,  5.  vide  TT5©  gochi, 
No.  1. 

8**3  gorii,  s.  A  bull. 

~far>  er'sSw  gotamu,  s.  A  coarse  bag  - 
a  gunny.  Bag. 

TkrvJg.&x  gotramu,  s.  A  family,  tribe, 
or  lineage.  No  Hindoo  can  marry 
a  wife  of  his  own  gotramu,  she  must 
be  of  another  race.  2.  A  mountain. 

jr5^  goda,  s.  Any  horned  cattle. 




K*TS°d  godari,  s.  The  sediment  of 
butter,  newly  melted- 

JT6^  godu,  s.  Gum  ;  paste. 

jr*#b8fcwo,  7kr>c^>356s5^ex)  godhumalu, 
godhumamulu,  5.  pM-  Wheat. 

^a-iS'o^tfsSoogopicliandanamu,^.  Yel- 
low ochre. 

5r*$tfs&»  gopuramu,  s.  A  town  or 
city  gate.  This  word- is  now  com- 
monly applied  to  the  high  towers 
over  the  gates  of  Hindoo  temples. 

fr^socs^  gopyamu,  adj.  Cherished, 
preserved.  2.  Secret. 

R^s&osSsSm  gomayamu,  s.  Cow-dung. 

*7^r»s5>8  gomari,  s.  A  kind  of  tick, 
infesting  cattle. 

K*£x>  gomn,  s.  A  good,  flourishing, 
vigorous,  or  thriving  state,  or  con- 
dition ;  as  applied  to  the  growth 
of  children,  trees,  crops,  <fec, 

R^jfeo^sfco  goinukhamu,  s.  The  act  of 
smearing  the  floor  over  with  cow- 

5rG"^>?rs5M  gomedhikamu,  si  A  gem, 
of  a  yellowish  or  tawny  colour. 

"7So-otfs5a>  gorarou,  s.  Danger,  peril. 

JTte^  gorasamu,  s.  Mill?.  2.  Co- 
agulated milk,  butter  milk. 

5^6  gori,  s.  A  tomb. 

?T&  goru,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing.  JT6*!  god,  And  in  the  nom. 

plu.  !&«$>  gollu,  The  nail,  or  claw, 
of  the  fingers,  or  toes.  jr*&Xex> 
gorugallu,  ,9.  An  instrument  for 
cutting  the  nails.  s$g)7fa-otf>  puligo 
rjj,  s,  A  tiger's  claw.  7?^  &■&,&»• 
gorutsuttu,  The  whitlow. 
5r6efc$&{r-e&-5Tca&  goruchikknduka- 
ya,  s.  The  bean  termed  Bolichos 

Iterv&^iStf&n  gorochanamu,  s.  The  bi- 
liary concretions,  of  a  bright  yel- 
low colour,  occasionally  found  in 
the  gall  bladder  of  cows  or  bul- 
locks in  India,  much  used  by  the 
natives  in  medicine,  for  their  to- 
nic and  cordial  qualities. 

"tSo-^o-eTn  gorvetstsa,ad/. Tepid,  luke- 
warm. .9.  Gentle  warmth. 

R^esajaSM  gorrajamu,  s.  The  name 
of  an  animal. 

R^&fj&sSw   gorradamu,    s.    Ridicule  ; 

mockery,  derision. 
T^o  gola,  s.  An  ignorant,  innocent, 

silly,  or  foolish  female.  2.  A  loud 

JT8!)  golf,  9.  A  marble,  or  round  ball, 

with  which  boys  play. 
r^sSm  golemu,  ,9.  An  earthen  vessel 

for  water. 
KStf&a  golamu,  s.  A  globe,  ball,  or 

any  thing  round,  or  globular.  2. 

A  hoi 





JT^b-Sbgolintsu,  v.  a.  To  fry. 

K^-s^ti  govalu,  s.  A  young  man. 

fr"*$  govu,  s.  A  cow.  K*ir°vo&>  go- 
paludu,  A  cowherd.  2.  A  name  of 

TTl\  goshthi,  6-.  An  assembly,  or 
meeting.  2.  Conversation,  dis- 

K*3oK-5r>o&)  gosangivandlu,  s.plu.A. 
caste  of  the  Chundalas  or  Chuc- 
klers,  viz.  The  shoemakers,  or  tan- 

J^-^roQxr^ew  gosayilu,  s.plu.  A  parti- 
cular class  of  religious  persons, 
called  Gosawyees,  who' never  mar- 
ry, and  whose  profession  is  traffic ; 
the  profits  of  which  go  to  their 
Guru,  called  a  Mahant. 

T°tf$S*>  gauramu,  adj.  Pale-red.  2. 
White.  3.  Yellow,  s.  These  colours 

TPtfsSsSw  gauravamu,  s.  Reputation, 
respectability.  2.  Importance,  con- 
sequence, weight.  3.  Esteem,  re- 
gard. 4.  Distinction. ' 

"7r°tf>  gauru,  s.  An  elephant. 

lCve>-sr>&)  gaulavadu,  s.  vide  XsSbCf 
■znth  gamallavaclu. 

TC*?  gauli,  s.  A  lizard. 


K  o$rs5a>  granthamu,  s.  A  book,  work, 
or  composition,  in  prose  or  verse. 
2.  The  peculiar  alphabet  in  which 
the  Sanskrit  language  is  written 
in  the  Tamil  country.  3.  Thirty  - 
two  letters,  or  syllables.  Xo^S" 
e£s-  granthakarta,  An  author. 

K^ij-Xod  grakkadalu,  v.  n.  To    be 

"  much  moved,  or  shaken. 

^  %-*-&§*>  ^s$^  grakkuna- 
graddana,  grammuna,  adv.  Speedi- 
ly, hastily,  quickly,  immediately. 

,X\  £sS*>  grastamu,  adj.  Inarticulate- 
ly pronounced;  slurred;  uttered 
with  the  omission  of  a  letter,  or 
syllable.  2.  Eaten. 

X  s£»as&»  grahanamu,  s.  Taking,  sei- 
zure. 2.  Reception,  acceptance.  3- 
An  eclipse  of  the  sun  or  moon.  4. 
Comprehension,  the  taking  or  re- 
ceiving of  instruction. 

^sfr>sfeo  grahamu,  s.  A  planet.  2.  A 
name  of  Rahu  or  the  ascending 
node.'  3.  An  evil  spirit.  ^sMfr 
grahapati,  lit.  The  lord  of  the 
planets.     The   sun.     ^t^^titi*) 

grahacharamu,    s?  The  motion  of 
the  planets.  2.  Destiny,  fate. 
(§r*oi5b  grahintsu,    v.  a.    To  seize 
or  take.  2.  To  receive,  or  accept. 

3.  To  comprehend  or  understand. 

4.  To  learn. 





. -7v«  sdbsSao  gramamu,  s.  A  village. 
{j^j^>foo^r»i6x>  gramasimhamu,  s. 
lit.  The  lion  of  a  village.  A  do2\ 

ii^jS&vo&sSto  gramantamu,  s.  The 
suburbs  of  a  village,  in  which 
outcastes  dwell.  t^>  5ko$5w  gramya- 
mu,  adj.  Produced  in  a  village. 
-7r>  skbsSMew  gramyamulu,  s.  plu. 
Fowls,  &c. 

. -7r°.tf*x»  grasamu,  s.  A  mouthful,  or 
a  quantity  equivalent  to  a  mouth- 
ful. 2.  Subsistence  ;  forage  for 


A  .&. s5x>  grishmamu, s . Heat,  warmth. 
2.  The  hot  season,  comprizing  the 
months  of  ^cs5Ls5w  jyeshthamu, 
And  t3^c°<^si»  ashadhamu,  vide. 
2a»&>$  rituvu.  adj.  Hot,  warm. 

^T^oSo  grunkuj  s.  The  act  of  drown- 
ing. 2.  Immersion. 3.  Sun-set.  v.  n. 
To  sink.  2.   To  droAvn.  3.  To  set. 

<Ko,Sfr-  grukka,  s.  vide  ^r^_.  ^ 
S'k-jT'ao  gukka,  gmkkagonu,  p.  «. 
To  swallow  or  devour. 

^^  grutstsu,  v.  a.  vide  Xb^by.^ 
^^©o-sfo  gntstsu-gruchchikau- 
gilintsu,  To  embrace  closely. 

(jfij^  greni,  5.  Ridicule,  mockery,  de- 

<^/^  grotstsu*  v.  a.  To  dig. 
,J^^oiSbgroppmtsu,  v.  Caus.    To 

cause  to  dig. 


&  gha,  The  nineteenth  letter,  and 

fourth    consonant  in   the  Telugu 

&okz  ghanta,  s.  veWeXofe?  ganta,  No. 

1.  And  2. 

cpoo&>s5w  ghantamn,    s.    vide  Xo£os5aj 

gantamu.    . 
^ofeosSw  ghatamu,  s.  A  large  earthen 

water  jar.  2.  The  body. 
cpofeSo^,  ^feSoooo-vSb  ghatintsu,  ghati- 

yintsu,  v.  n .  To  occur,  to  happen. 

2.  To  be  obtained,    vl  a.  T©  ac- 

^ofeSoo  ghatillu,  0.  n.  vide  ^43o-t& 
ghatintsu,  In  its  neuter  sense. 

«j»6otf  ghattana,  s.  Going,  moving.  2. 

^otfsSw  ghanamu,  s.  Honor.  2.  A 
cymbal,  bell,  or  gong.  3.  A  mode 
of  dancing,  neither  quick  nor  slow. 
4.  A  cloud.  5.  Extension,  diffusion. 
6.  Hardness,  solidity,  matter  sub- 



■£To  &  tf -Tsai  idxira 

stance,  adj.  Honorable,  noble, 
great, important.  2. Material,  solid. 
3.  Qoarse.  4.  Hard,  firm.  5.  For- 
tunate, auspicious.  6.  Permanent, 

<(»tfe£  ghanata,  s.  Greatness,  glory,' 

#nkx>  ghatu,  adj.  Strong.  < 

^^"sSao  ghatama,  s.  Killing,  murder- 
ing, slaughter.  2.  A  blow,  or 
stroke.  S,  A  square  reservoir  for 

j-Sroe&g'oSM  ghatukamu,  adj.  Mischiev- 
ous, hurtful.  2.  Cruel,  savage,  vio- 
lent, ferocious. 

^ro»s5»  ghasamu,  s.  Grass. 

1pn>^  ghosha,  s.  A  noise,  or  sound. 
"^xr*S\Qift  ghoshintsu,  v.  n.  To 
make  a  great  noise. 

*^resl&5cw  ghoshamx^  s.  A  station  of 

#  n,  This  is  the  twentieth  letter, 
and  fifth  consonant  in  the  Telosru 
alphabet  ;  but  no  word  in  the 
language  commences  with  it. 

t    -cS 

if  cha,  The  twenty-first  letter,  and 

sixth  consonant  in  the  Telugu  al- 
'  phabet. 

■SoS"  tsanka,  s.  The  armpit. 

iSoTfo^  tsanguna,  adv.  Quickly,  soon. 

-tfotfasSw  chanchalamu,  adj.  Fickle, 
trembling,  shaking,  moving, incon- 
siderate, inconstant,  unsteady,  un- 

-Efo'cr,ew2&  chandaludu,  s.  An  oat- 
caste,  a  chandala,  a  man  of  the  low- 
est caste  of  the  mixed  tribes,  born 
from  a  Sudra  father,  and  brahman 
mother ;  a  scavenger. 

-Cotftf  s&to  chandanamu,  s.  Sandal,  Si- 
rium  myrtifolium  ;  it  implies  ei- 
ther the  tree,  the  wood,  or  the  unc- 
tuous preparations  of  the  wood, 
held  in  high  estimation  as  perfum- 

-£'o&'s£r'S&  tsandamama,  5.  The  moon. 

2.  The  name  of  a  part  cut  from 
the  centre  of  the  sprout,  first  is- 
suing from  the  palmyra  nut,  which 
the  natives  eat. 

•tfocSsfoo  tsandamu."  s.  Manner,  way- 
%  State,  condition. 

-fcS'o'sr'  tsanda?  s.    Subscription. 

-tfo-sr>"^d36o  tsandaveyu.  v.  a.  To  sub- 

■tfo&tfs&o  tsanduramu,  s.  p£<fe§boSbsfc 

W^-Tsakka  179 

ifocc^»  tsanduva,  s.  The  cloth  which 
forms  the  under  ceiling  of  a  room- 

tfo^^tfo^sfcaek  chandrudu,chan 
dramudu,  s.  The  moon.  -Cost's; 
chandras'ala,  An  upper  house,  an 
apartment  on  the  house  top.  2. 

-tfojg)  tsampu,  v.  a.  To  kill,  murder, 
or  slay.  It  is  the  causal  of  "ff-t&x 
tsatstsu.  q.  v. 

^Soho^  tsampintsu,  v.  cans.  To 
cause  to  kill,  &c. 

tSXk-  tsakka,  part.  This  word,  in 
composition,  is  prefixed  to  many- 
others;  and,  by  the  addition  of  » 
ni,  becomes  an  adjective  ;  or,  by 
the  addition  of  tp  ga,  An  adverb. 
As  a  particle  prefixed  to  other 
words,  it  generally  denotes, 
straightness,  good  order  or  condi- 
tion, propriety,  improvement,  a- 
mendment,  repair,  correction,  re- 
storing to  a  good  state,  as  -SS^- 
&*<&  tsakkabovu,  To  go  straight 
away  ;  to  go  away  suddenly.  ■& 
§k_l£cQ6:>  tsakkajeyu,  To  amend, 
repair,  reform,  correct,  cure,  or  ar- 
range. %  To  do  well.  As  an  adjec- 
tive, it  becomes  i5%^_s>  tsakkani, 
And  then  denotes.  Straight.  2. 
Good,  proper.  3.  Handsome, 
beaut  iful. 

**T3T\  ^-Tsatstsauka 

■XZlj-ti  tsakkana,  s.  Beauty.  2.  Pro- 
priety, adv.  Well. 

•C s^y-fa)  tsakkadu,  v.  a.  To  kill. 

■cri^.  tsakki,  5.  A  side,  a  part. 

'$%lr.v&»  tsakkilamu,  s.  A  sort  of 

tfi^Sfco^*  -CTi^S^e)  tsakkiliginta, 
tsakkiligili,  s.  Tickling.  •tf^Sfto 
^"^&»tsakkiligintapettu,To  tickle. 

t5"I/_  tsakki,  s.  A  small  bedstead. 

tfi/J_3o-3'-Er>tf  tsakkipantsadara,  5. 
Refined  sugar. 

-S'&k-  tsakku,  s.  Six.  It  is  generally 
used  in  counting  at  games.  •S'gbj 
3X2*  tsakkupagada,  s.  Seven. 

■K^/j-ti  tsakkera,  s.  Sugar. 

-C^sSm  chakramu,  s.  A  ruddy  or 
Brahmany  goose.  Anas  casarca.  2. 
A  realm,  or  region.  3.  A  multitude, 
a  heap.  4.  A  wheel.  5.  A  potter's 
wheel.  6.  An  oil  mill.  7.  A  dis- 
cus, or  sharp  circular  missile  wea- 
pon. 8.  A  whirlpool.. 9.  A  prov- 
ince^ a  number  of  villages. 

x$K&i  tsagadu,  s.  Puller's  earth. 

■Cokv  tsatstsu,  v.  n.  To  die,  or  ex- 
pire.        ^ 

■C-ikx&oyogb  tsatstsudivandlu,5.^/?'. 
A  caste  of  scavengers. 

^^°\ % b5n  foatstsaukamn ,adj. Square. 




tf&  tsatta,  s.  A' small  sack.  2.  The 
outside  of  the  thigh.  3.  A  jacket, 
or  coat. 

-tf&cS  tsattana,  adv.  Hastily,  quickly. 

■tfte&o  tsattamu,*.  A  regulation,  rule, 
or  law.  2-  A  plan,  a  system. 

>%&  tsatti,  s.  An  earthen  pot,  with 
a  broad  mouth. 

«•  too  tsattu,  s.  A  mountain. 

-^fe>3^ex>  tsattuvalu,  s*  nlu.  Wings.' 

•2S".  6x°.o8o  tsatrayi,  &  A  black  stone. 

-£>8§e;2o&>  tsatikilabadu,  v.  -n.  To  fall 
down,  from  fatigue,  or  weakness, 

-tf&>tfoX»e>afoo  chaturangabalamu,  s. 
The  four  kinds  of  Indian  troops, 
composing  an  army;  viz.  Infantry, 
cavalry,  elephants,  and  Avar  cha- 

•tf.«$otfoX<6*>  chaturangarau,  s.  Chess. 

•tf&DtfsSao  chaturamu,  adj.  Dexterous; 

-xS'tftfoXsko  tsadarangamu,  s.  A  chess 
board.  2.  Chess.  -o-2*>  radzu,  The 
king.  s6o.9.  mantri,  The  queen. 
'oj^bX  enuga,  The  castle.  tfgtM  sa- 
katu,  The  bishop.  TtesSw  gurrra- 
mu,  The  knight,  »0^,  bantu,  The 

Sf&tfidcxj  tsadaramu,  «o[/.  Square.  2. 
Level,  even. 

tftftfsSMex)  tsadaramulu,  5.  <plu.  The 
beams  of  the  roof,  supported  by 
the  §odbo23°ew  knrundzulu,  q.  v. 

-S"#?5b  tsadaru.  5,  An  assembly.  2. 
The  court  of  a  princp. 

■C&eo  tsadalu,  s.  The  sky.  -J3"aex)^^?) 
£*xx>  tsadalumanikamu,  The  sun. 

-■tf"a§e^2&  tsadikilabadu,  v.  n.  To  fall 
down,  from  debility. 

•tfactfo  tsadiya,  v.  n.  To  be  bruised 
to  death.  2.  To  be  reduced  to  a 
palpable  powder. 

-Caao-db  tsadivintsu,  0.  The  causal 
of  i5'«>^)  tsaduvu,  q.  v.  2.  An  ac- 
tive verb,  denoting  to  give  hono- 
rary presents  during  any  festival, 

-srasos^ex)  tsadivimpulu,  s.  phi.  The 
act  of  giving  such  presents- 

-tf&sfc  tsadunu,  s.  Evenness  ;  level- 
ness.  adj.  Even,  level.  •Cabso'^crtM 
tsadunucheyu,  To  level. 

-tftfbsg)  tsadupu,  v.  a.   To  kill. 

•iSao$)  tsaduvu,  v.  a.  To  read.  2.  To 
study,  s.  Learning. 

■tfas>o-&>  tsadivintsU,  v.  Causal.  To 
cause  to  read  or  study.  2.  To  teach. 
-Ccfo^r*^  tsadavukonu,  v.  Comp. 
To  learn. 

tfa  tsaddi,  s.  Rice  cooked  at  night, 
and  not  eaten  until  next  day. 



^3&  "eT"^— Chamatka 

<£&  tsanu,  v.  n.  To  go,  to  depart.  2. 

To  pass.  3.  To  advance  in  age.  4. 

To  be  fit,  or  deserving, 
-s'iosrsjg)  tsanipova»  v,  n.  To  die.  ■&& 

•3o3b  tsanudentsu,  ».  ?,.  To  come; 

to  arrive. 

-:s"£b  tsanu,  s.  oide  -3"^  tsannu.. 

-tf;&3  tsaniipa,  s.  A  body  of  travel- 

~S&&>  tsanuyu,  s.  Amity,  friendship. 

2.  Favor.  3.  familiarity,  freedom. 

•3"Su  $>  tsannlllu,  s.  Cold  water,  as 
opposed  to  hot. 

-S'sfcx  tsannu,  s.  Making  in  the  in- 
flex.  Sing.  -€5"ofe3  tsanti,  And  in  the 
nom.  plu.  tfogotsandlu,  The  nip- 
ple, pap,  or  teat.  2.  The  breast 
of  a  man  or  woman.  ■S'pSoS'&o  tsa- 
nukattu,  The  breast  of  any  female, 
either  of  the  human  or  animal  spe- 
cies. -^s5os6cw§b^_.,  -S^-Sootf  tsanu- 
mukkti,  tsanumona,  The  point  or 
nipple  of  the  breast.  -Cabx  Tfosk-aa 
tsannugudutsu,Tosuck  the  breast. 
-3*ofe5S>«  tsantipilla,  An  infant  at 

CO  •     L 

the  breast. 

■tfsSysSoo  chapalamu,  adj.  TrembliDg, 
fickle,  tremulous,  wavering,  un- 
steady. 2.  Quick,  swift,  expediti- 
ous. 3.  Momentary,  instantane- 
ous. 4-  Agitated,  violently  over- 
come with   alarm,  &c.    s.  Quick- 

*    silver,  mercury.  2.  Perplexity. 

xf^j,  -3*23} ?>  tsappa,  tsappani,  adj.  In- 
sipid. •5*^-7^  tsappaga,  adv.  Insi- 
pidly. iSX^zuk  tsappabadu,  To  be 
in  a  state  of  inactivity. 

-s^a^sfe^  -sT^tf  tsappadanamu,  tsa- 
ppana,  ,?.  Insipidity. 

•3"^  J*3  tsappatlu,  s.  plu.  The  clap- 
ping, of  the  hands.  tfx.k^TCtos 
tsappatlugottu,  To  clap  the  hands. 

tfs^tfsfca  tsapparamu,  s.  A  thatched 
roof,  a  shed.  2.  A  covered  seat  in 
which  an  idol  is  carried  about. 

-3"s$x8o-3b  tsapparintsu,  v.  a.  To 
smack,  to  suck  with  a  noise. 

-3^ex>  tsappalu,  s.  plu.  The  outer 
part  of  the  thigh. 

-3"^  tsappa,  s.  A  mark,  or  impres- 
sion, as  from  stamping,  or  prin- 

•ST&jS  tsappidi,  s.  A  noise,  adj.  Void 
of  any  salt  taste.  tfl^gsSwSb^ 
tsappidimukkn,  A  flat  nose. 

■3"3sy&  tsappudu,  s.  Noise,  sound. 
-CsSo^o^aak  tsappuducheyu,  To 
make  a  noise. 

-sfwoSotsabuku,  s.  A  whip. 

-3* 56b "eT° {j-tisSx*  chamatkaramu,  s-  A- 
stonishment,  surprize.  2.  dexteri- 
ty. 3.  Eloquence,  wit.  4.  Any 
thing  curious,  ingenious,  or  ex- 




■SjTjAwbb  tsamuru,  v. a.  To  rub,  or  bes- 
mear, s.  Clarified  butter.  2.  Oil, 

■uo&etf  tsayyana,  acfo.  Quickly, 
speedily,  soon. 

WraxsSo  charanamu,  5.  The  foot.  2. 
The  root  of  a  tree.  3.  Wandering, 
roaming,  going  round,  or  about. 

§b  tsari,  s.  Paste.  -XQ^pj&o  tsarivii- 

yu,  To  paste. 
■x5d3— -Ca^,  -tfe^ y6*>  charita-chari- 

tra,  chuitramu,  s.  A  fixed  insti- 
tute,  a  peculiar  observance.  2. 
Good  conduct.  3.  A  history,  chro- 
nicle, or  tale. 

•i^dbnbdo  tsarugudu,    s.  A  bundle  of 

Jonnalu  straw,  drawn  by  two  bul- 

v5'f5bs5c»  tsarumu,  i\  a.  vide  -cs*s53ot5b 

■tf&jg)  charuvu,  s.  An  oblation,  chie- 
fly of  milk  and  butter,  with  fire, 
to  the  gods  or  manes. 

•Sftf^sSoa  charmamu,  s.  The  skin.  2.  A 
hide.  3.  The  bark  of  a  tree. 

tftf?  charya,  s.  Perseverance  in  re- 
ligious austerities  ;  due  and  regu- 
lar observance  of  all  rites,  or  cus- 
toms. 2.  Conduct.  3. Action. atf-tftf? 


dinacharya,  A  diary. 
XeSo&oo  tsarriyalu,  s.  plu.  Fiat  spots 
of  ground,    under    the    tops    of 
jni ,untaiiis..2. Cracks  in  the  ground, 

#««•&  tsarrutsu,  v.  a.  To  beat.  2. 
To  clap  with  the  open  hand,  x&a 
•&  tsarrutsu,  A  clap  with  the 
open  hand. 

•tfesoewtsarrulu,  s.  pla.  vide  -CeJori^yo 
tsarriyalu,  No.  1. 

-tf<ys$w  tsalamtf,  s.  Malice.  2.  Obsti- 
nacy. 3.  Firmness.  tfysSwc^aoSfc 
tsalamusadhintsu,  To  affirm,  or 
deny,  obstinately.  -iSo&kx>  tsala- 
pattu,  To  be  firmly  resolved. 

•tf<y3-a  tsalapadi,  s.  An  obstinate 

-tfe;Kk>  chalamu,  adj.  Trembling, 
tremulous,  unfixed,  or  unsteady. 

■SfSoik  chalintsu,  v.  n.  To  shake,  or 
move.  2.  To  hesitate. 

■S^ss  tsala va,  s.  Cold.  2.  Any  thing 
of  a  cooling  or  refreshing  nature. 
3.  Bleaching,  adj. -Cold.  2.  Cool- 
ing. 3.  Bleached,  white,  ^^sstSoqo 
tsalavapandili,  s.  A  canopy  sup- 
ported by  pillars,  raised  in  the 
high  road,  and  decorated  with 
flowers.  &c.,  as  a  place  for  the 
honorary  reception  of  an  idol.  -&v 
tfex)Xa5*>  tsala  valagammu,fo7. Colds 
to  cover.  To  be  deadly  cold  •  to 
be  in  the  extremities  of  death. 

^wspa  tsalavadi,  s.  A  person  who» 
among  the  Sudra  caste,  goes  from 
house  to  house,  to  give  informa- 
tion of  -aiiy  death. 

ife)  -tr°-Tsallara 



-CS  tsali,  s.  Cold.  o$.  Cold.  ■s'Ss^ 
tfsfoo  tsaltjwaramu.  Ague. 

-ETSX&jg)  tsaligaruvUjS.Soil  of  a  sandy 
surface,  with  black  earth  under- 

■X&£)£)  tsalichima,  s.  A  sort  of  ant. 

-ffStfsSw  chalitamu,  adj.  Shaking, 
trembling.  2.   Gone,  departed. 

•S'Sa  tsalidi,  s.  vide  era  tsaddi. 

-^I)£»S  tsalimidi,  s.  The  flour  of  raw 
rice,  mixed  with  milk,  or  water 
and'  jaggory,  and  used  in  offerings 
to  the  deity. 

•S'SSoBtsalimiri,  adj.  Cold.  2.  Damp, 

■STD 0000-^5  chaliyintsu,  v.    n.  vide  & 

Do-*5b    chalintsu,    Under,     tfv&n 

•tfSsr-jg)  tsali vSpu,    «?.   To  sooth,   to 

console,  to  encourage. 
•Efewss  tsaluva,  s.  vide  •%■&$  tsalava. 
•ff©  tsaldi,  s.  vide  tfDa  tsalidi. 


•S54)   tsalla,  $•  Butter-milk. 

"^>  *%,&  tsalla,  tsallani,  adj.  Cold; 
cool.  -2fe>  fts^tf  tsallanidora,  Zztf.  A 
cold  gentleman.  This  is  a  term  of 
great  praise,  and  expressive  of 
entire  satisfaction,  applied  by  the 
people  to  any  popular  ruler. 

^ott»^  tsallaradu,  s.  The  post 
round  which  the  string  passes, 
which  works  the  churning  stick. 

tfLr>&t&z  tsalladamu*  s.  Drawers  ox 
breeches,  which  reach  as  far  as 
the  middle  of  the  thigh. 

■Cer'eaa   tsallarru,     v.     n.     To  g-row 

,v->  (       ».  »  O 

cool,  or  calm.  g.  To  be  allayed, 
restrained,  or  pacified.  3.  To  be 
extinguished.  xTsr^&a^  tsallarrtsu, 
v.  a.  To  cool,  or  calm.  2.  To  allay, 
restrain,or  pacify. 3.  To  extinguish. 

-Coo    tsallu,   v.  a.  To  throw   awav, 

CO  ' 

pour  out,  or  sprinkle.  2.To  water- 
3.  To  sow. 

x5"exr*tf>  tsalkikonu,  v.  Comp.  To 
sprinkle  upon  one's-self,  or  upon 
another.'  2.  To  sow  for  one's  own 

■ST 352&J  tfjgj^  tsavadu,  tsavudu,  s. 
Making  in  the  inflex.  Sing.  -CsstS, 
-STs^feS  tsavati,  tsavut.i,  Fuller's 
earth.  ■s'sSfeScx&tfv  tsavatiyUppu,  s. 
Earth  salt. 

tSsSv&h  tsavalamu,  s.  The  fraction  of 

*V«  or 

J.  of  a  pagoda. 

•3*8  tsavi,  s.  Taste. 

■CS"?  tsavike/s.  A  square  shed.  2. 
A  single  square  room,  separate 
from  the  house. 

-CS8  tsavi  ti,  s.  vide  ■&$&  tsavuti, 
2.  The  relationship  of  a  man's  two 
wives  to  each  other.  •zs"a8#'g)  tsa- 
vititalli,  s.  A  step-mother. 




-T5*©*3  tsavile,  s.  Four  dubs,  or  coins, 
of  the  value  of  twenty  cash  each. 

C$  tsavu,  s.  A  chow  ;  the  weight 
by  which  pearls  are  estimated. 

•C^  tsavuka,  adj.  Cheap. 

Cj^sSw  tsavukainu,  adj.  Square.  5. 
A  square. 

Cjg>&S>o-i5b  tsavukalintsu,  v.  n.  To 
leap,  or  run,  like  the  antelope. 

■C$8  tsavuti,  s.  The  fourth  lunar 
day,  from  the  new,  or  full  moon. 

tSsSotp  tsavvaga",  adv.  Insipidly. 

C&o£>  ckakshuvu,  s.  The  eye.  -C&? 
S^tfsfco  chakshussravamu,  s.  A 
snake;  because  his  eyes  are  deem- 
ed to  be  his  ears  also. 

%r>oa&  chandini,  s.  vide  Coafc*r> 

T^^bb  chakaru,  s.  A  servant. 

Tj*§'e)ar>^b  tsakalavadti,  s.  A  washer- 
man. This  caste  is  traced  to  the 
offspring  of  a  female  weaver,  by 
a  gold-smith.  1 

Tj°gW,  o5^re>a  tsakalata,  tsakaladi, 
s.  A  female  of  this  caste. 

nj°§  tsaki.  adj.  Of  or  belonging   to 

this  caste.  ly^WcS    tsakibana,.  .9. 

A  washerman's  pot.  2,  The  name 
of  a  bird, 

tT*§6  chakiri,  s.  Service. 

nj^gb  chaku,  s.  A  pen- knife. 

lyXis^Zso  tsagakadu,  s.  Kubera,  the 
god  of  riches.  2.  A  generous  man. 

^Xtfb^  tsagadubbu,  s.  A  sort  of 
creeper>  Sanseviera  zeylanica. 

tP'Ks&o  tsagamu,  s.  Liberality,  gene- 

tJ^-S)  tsachi,  s.  The  nipple. 

u°£)"^e£  tsachi veta,  s.  Procrastina- 
tion, delay. 

tT*-^  tsatsu,  v.  a.  To  stretch. 

^yfeSotfb  tsatintsu,  v.  a.  To  proclaim $ 
to  publish  by  beat  of  drum.  ^ 
&ot&  tsatimpu,  5.  Proclamation. 

^yofc»  tsatu,  s.  Sheltgr,  covering.  2. 
A  screen,  or  shade  ;  any  thing  con- 
cealing another,  adj.  Secret,  hid- 
den, v.  a.  To  proclaim. 

^r>fc»;$  chaiuvu,  s.  Pleasing,  or  grate- 
ful discourse. 

13- &  tsadi,  s.  An  accusation.  2. 
Slander.  if>&~&f>&,  iJ°&K%toa  tsa- 
dfkoru,  tsadfgottu,s.  A  tale-bearer. 

W&>%)>  "=&*&£  tsadupu,  tsadpu,  s.  A 
way  or  manner.  2-  Similitude. 

Ty°«r°(C5oex>  tsatanulu,  s.  A  caste  of 
Siidras,  who  worship  Vishnu  ex- 
clusively, and  whose  profession  i*s 
to  sell  flowers. 




-&*&&  chaturi,  s<  vide  ^SktfesSw 

^y^o^eoS^  chaturyamu,  s.  Eloquence, 
2.  Dexterity,  address.  3.  Ability, 

^sfctfoncs-afoa  chaturvarnyanru,  s. 
The  four  original  castes, viz. Bram- 
han,  Chatriya,  v^asya,  and  Sudra. 

ij^zs  tSi&»  chadastamu,  s.  Entire  ig- 
norance of  the  world,  simplicity. 

Tj«e5b  tsadu,  v.  a.  To  bruise  any  small 
substance,  with  the  fingers. 

is*  &  tsadu,  s.  The  black  ashes  of 
burnt  rice,  &c,  with  which  Hin- 
doo females,  or  children,  mark 
their  foreheads  with  a  spot. 

u^tf  tsana,  s.  A  woman. 

tJ^sS  tsapa,  s.  A  mat-  •sr»&!S*$  vada- 
tsapa,  The  sail  of  a  ship. 

^s5s$*>  chapamu,  s.  A  bow. 

t3"°oS-o-*c»o  tsaparayi,  s.  A  large  fiat 

■^T'ssew  tsapalu,    s.  plu.  Intricacies. 

^•£e;c<6M  chipalyamu,  s.  Fickleness. 

^"^  tsapu,  s.  Length,  extent.  2.  A 
long  cloth,  containing  two  or  more 
garments,  v.  a.  vide  ^r>&  tsatsu. 

^r°a$j  tsama,  s.  A  kind  of  boat.  2.  A 

^e&^T^oss  tsainanatsaya,  s,  Black, 
dark  blue. 

tT°^5's$»  chamaramu,  s.  A  fly  brush, 

or  chowri,  composed  of  the  tail  of 
the  bos-grunniens. 

"=£"°s56£)o  tsamalitj  s.  plu.  The  grain 
called  millet.  Panicum  miliaceum. 

^cas  tsaya,  s.  A  shadow,  or  shade. 
2.  Colour,  paint.  3.  A  side. 

■^jftsr0^  charujama,  s.  A  pad,  used 
as  a  saddle. 

^es,  ^y°&S"l  tsarra,  tsarrike,  5.  A 
line.  £•  A  spot.  ^r>  visas' ska  tsa- 
rralamekamu,s.  The  tiger;  because 
it  is  spotted. 

^zsgots  tsarrakanda,  5.  An  esculent 
and  medical  root,  described*  as 
sweet,  cooling,  and  diuretic. 

■^eeoSsta  tsarrapappu,s.A  sort  of  arid 

■^r>e>$  chalani,  s.  A  sieve,  or  strainer. 

"^er0  tsala,  adv.  Much. 

Ty°S o-db  tsalintsu,  v.  a.  To  cease.  2. 
To  leave,  or  quit.  3.  To  postpone* 
4.  To  adjourn.  ^pSonftr1^  tsalin- 
tsukonu,  v.  Com  p.  To  resign,  to 
give  up. 

^j°ew  tsalu,  5.  A  line,  or  row  ;  a  fur- 
row, v.  n.  To  suffice.  2.  To  be 
able.  3.  To  be  sufficient.  The  af- 
firmative and  negative  aorists  of 
this  verb  are  added  to  other  in- 
finitives, as  auxiliaries,  to  denote 


the  possession  or  Want  of  power 
and  ability.  I  can,  &c.  I  cannot, 

tJ*sS&  tsavadi,  s.  A  hall;  a  choultryy 

or  caravansary. 
^<g>  tsavu,  s.  Death,  demise; 

•£)o-&>  enintSu,  v.  a,  To  tear  or  rend. 

•ao-uvb^sb  chintsukonu,  v.    Gomp. 

To  retrea't.  2.  To  tear  any  thing 
belonging  to  one's- self. 

•g)oe£  chinta,  s.  Reflection,  thought, 

consideration.  2.  Recollection.  3. 
Grief,  sorrow. 

•©o&biSb  chintinteiiy  pd  a.  To  reflect 
or  consider,  v.  n.  To  grieve. 

■©o&ex),  ^oStX)  cbintilu,  ehintillu,  v. 
n.  To  grieve,  or  to  be'  afflicted. 

■E)oe£  chinta,  s.  The  tamarind  tree. 
adj.  Of  or  belonging  to  the  tama- 

^)oSsSm  chindamrM.  A  shell,  a  coneh. 

-fDo&ff  chindara,  & ,  A  fragment,  a 
piece.  2.  Illness,  bad  health.  3. 
Ugliness,  dislike,  adj.  Ugly.  -syccS 

tig o  8 tfex> iv  dilndaravandaralrigaV 
adv.  At  random,  in  confusion.  -&o 
K  tf  as  o  s  ff  ^  co6o  ch  indar  avandar  achie- 
yu,  To  spoil  ;  to  cut  into  pieces.- 
•IDozfc  chindn,  s.  A  dance.  2.  A  drop. 
0.  n,  To  be  spilled,  -ao^^osjw  chin 

tM  &!%_:.Chikku 

daboyu,  To  spill.  ^c&to^t>,&^ 
chinduludrokkn,  To  dance. 

•©o$  chimpu,  p.'  #.  To  tear,  or  ren'dy 
vide  -syo-ifo  chintsu. 

■Oo  h  ehimpi,  s.  A  rent,  or  tear. 

4y%$£  chikitsa,  $.  The'  practice'  Of 
medicine  ;  healing,  curing,  admi- 
nistering, or  applying  remedies1. 

-S)l^§o^b  ehikitsaktidu,  6\  A  phy- 
sician, a  snmeon. 

-S)§So-&  chikilintsu,  v,  n.  To  neigh. 
■©SDo^)  chikilimpn,  Weighing. 

■5)iDi5cro^)  chikilitsiipu,  s.  A  piercing 
or  severe  look.  2.  An  nnsteady, 
or  occasional  glance. 

sylf)  chikili,  5.  The  grinding  of 
knives,  &c.  or  cleaning  of  arms. 
■&  §£)  K&  chikiligar,  A  knife-grinder, 

polisher,  armourer. 

•©i'^-ckw  chikkantu,  s.  A  species  of 
comb,  with  three  or  four  teeth. 

^ij-S  cbikkani,  adj.  Thick,  -o^s 
tfsSx>,  ^it^tS  ehikkadanamu,  chik- 
k&na,  si  Thickness. 

^(j-^^b  c'hikkabadu,  s.  To' be  en- 
tangled, or  ensnared. 

ftS'k-.sfo)  chikkamu,  s.  A  bag  of  net- 
work; a  net  work  to  muzzle  beasts. 

^Sfyy-  ehikku,  s.  Entanglement,  per- 
plexity, intricacy,  confusion.  2. 
difficulty,   distress,  trouble,  adj. 

JO.iS  S-Chitiki 



Entangled.  2.  Difficult.  3.  Trouble- 
some, v.  n.  To  be  ensnared,  g.  To 
be  seized,  or  apprehended.  3.  To 
be  found.  4.  To  remain.  5,  To 
grow  thin,  or  lean..  Ǥb(r.e>'Sg? 
chikkulabettu,  To  involve  in  dif- 
ficulties. -S)^b^_§oo63.chikkutiyn,To 
disentangle.  -©go^-TPjftoe^)  chik- 
kuganundu,  To  be  troublesome. 

~<®&]JJZr>&  ehikkukonu,  v.  Comp.  To 
be  seized,  apprehended,  caugbt,or 

-S)&k_--eJ^s5oo  chikkutalamu,*?,,  A  pad- 
lock -,  a  staple,. 

©^^o  chikjkola,  s,  vide  W^-cta?. 

-&?&&  chiguru,  s.  A  sprout,  or  shoot. 
2.  The  gums.  3.  The  tender  part 
of  the  flesh  under  the  nail.  adj. 
Young,  tender,  delicate. 

3Dft3o-&>,  -OA-iSbs-  cfcigirintsu,  chigir- 
tsn,  v.  n.  To  sprout,  or  bud. 

-S-tfbv  chjtstsu,  s.  The  fire,  -ft^w  cbi 
tstsarra,  adjf  Fiery,  ©x^aagw  clii- 
tstsubudlu,  $.  flu.  A  kind  of 

£)&>-£&,  ■$>.&>&*&  chifachita,  ehitapo- 
ta,  s.  A  noise  of  burning.  -u)feo-£k>sk 
sw  chitachitamanu,  To  look  sulky. 

$fc3§tf^e»chitikinavrelu>s.  The  little 
finger,  or  toe. 

-S)fe5""§  chitike,  s.  A  snap  of  the  fingers, 
2.  burning  the  body  with  a  piece 
of  hot  turmerick,  xfec-,  in  order  to 
cure  particular  diseases.  It  is  spe- 
cially applied  to  children. 

■£)^er°^s6M  chititalamu,  s.  A  small 
cymbal,  made  of  bell  metal. 

®&&x>-&°ysx)  cfritimutyalu,  &.  plw.  A 
kind  of  grain?  so  called. 

■£)&»§b)  -S)k»§o&*&o§b  chuHiku,  cliitu- 
kupotuku,  s;  The  noise  made  by 
the  fall  of  drops  of  water  from 
jbrees,  &q. 

£)fcSf  s$w  chittakamu,  5.  Trick,  deceit. 

-©Ig-^sstf  chittachivara,  s.  The  extre- 
mity, or  utmost  point. 

■©feoSa  ehittadivi,  s.  An  impenetrable 

■a&r°i6»tftf»  ehifctamudamu.s.  Castor 

•S^S  chitti,  adj.  Little,  young,   s.  A 
certain  measure,  the  fourth  part 
of  a  &-%  sola.  2.  A  small  high  ves* 
i       sel,  made  of  brass  or  copper. 
i  £)439  chittu,  s.  Coarse  bran. 
i   -Dfc>o2&gbS>&)  chittudukunillu,s. Water 
taken  out  from  that  in  which  rice 
is  boiled,  just  as  it  begins  to  sim- 
j       mer. 
1   g)&>55w  chittamu,  s,  The  rust  of  iron* 

©  ^fto-Chittagin 



0*^300  chittelu,  s>  plu.  Coloured  bord- 
er ••  -1 
ers,  about  three  or  four  inches  in 

length,  at  the  ends  of  a  cloth.  2. 

Pictures.  3.  Projects  4.  Invention. 

5.   Conspiracies, 

•Oka  chitlu,  v.  n*  To  split  ;  to  crack. 

•©-$-<»  chiththa,  s-  A  rough  daily  ac- 
count particulars,  a  daybook. 

.©&§>  chidipi,  adj.  Small,  little. 

•ft&ss^cl  chidirnudi,  s.  Trouble,  confu- 
sion. 2.  Vexation,  anger. 

$)&'&>&,  chidugudu,  s.  A  ring-worm. 

2.  A  kind  of  play  among  young 

•O^osSso  chidumu,  s.  The  itch. 

^)e^6gb  chitaliku,  s.  Invention.  2, 

-©$&>&  chituku,  v.  n.  To  burst,  as  a 
ripe  fruit,  or  a  sore. 

■©  ^  chitta,  5.  The  fourteenth  of  the 
lunar  mansions. 

■o  £<§>  chittadi,  a^/\  Cloudy.  2.  Kainy . 
s.  Rain. 

.©  &s5oa  chittamu,  5,  The  mind,  pr  fa- 
culty of  reasoning.  2.  The  heart, 
considered  as  the  seat  of  intellect. 

3.  Inclination.  4.  Will,  pleasure. 
<&  &fto-s$b  chittagintsu,  t'.  a.  To  keep 

or  retain  in  mind.  2.  To  listen,  or 
attend  to.  3.  To  peruse,  sxro-a  j£s5w 
michittamu,  lit.  Your  pleasure. 

-S)  e£&£i  chittaruvu,  s.  A  picture, 
painting,  or  drawing.  -&_&&$  sSk> 
s5x>  chittaruvupatamu,  The  canvas, 
or  paper,  of  a  picture. 

■©  ##v  ©  chittavritti,  5.  Disposition. 

■©^  chittu,  5.  A  foul  draft,  or  copy. 
2.  A  blot,  or  erasure. 

•©^sSw  chitramu,  s.  Wonder,  surp- 
rise, astonishment.  2.  Painting, 
delineation,  writing,  &c.  3.  A  pic- 
ture, variegated  colour,  adj. 
Wonderful,  surprising.  2.  Varie- 
gated, spotted,  speckled. 

■S).^ .~3-°&&>  chitrakarudu,  5.  A  pain- 

^^sSmSo^  chidakamukku,  s.  A  flat 

-©tfJT'&ex)  chidagodalu,  5.  plu.  Do- 
mestic quarrels. 

-&25b§b  chiduku,  v.  n.  vide  -g) &> go  chi- 

-a ab'Tfo w  chidugulu,  5.  #fe  Small 

■pab^)  chidupu,  p.  a»  To  squeeze  a 
fruit,  or  a  sore.  2.  To  kill,  or  mur- 

-©&>s5m  chidumu?  v.  a.  vide  ©26^)  chi- 
dupu, No.  1. 

•SJafetf,  -^tf>&>3  chiclura,  chidtirupa,  s. 
A  piece,  bit,  fragment,  or  atom. 

-£)3o3b  chinuku,  s,  A  drop  of  rain.  v.. 
n.  To  rain. 




£&&$>  chinugu,  v.  n.  To  he  torn,  or 
rent*  s.  A  rent,  or  tear. 

5)^n  chinnaj  adj.  Small,  little,  short. 
2-  Young,  3.  Mean,  trifling. 4.  Nar- 
row. 5.  Disgraceful.'  -©^-g^&chi- 
nnakaru,  Childhood,  youth. 

■£)tf\  &$&>*  chinnatananiu,^.  Infancy. 

2.  Littleness,  smallness.  3.  Dis- 
grace, dishonor. 

■fttf^fi  chinnadi,  s.  A  girl,  ^tf^-^tio 
chinnavadu,  A  boy. 

-£)^n  ^oi5b\  chinnabutstsu,  v.  a.  To 
disgrace.  ©sr^y*jg  chinnabovu, 
To  be  disgraced.  sfo^sSoo©^^^ 
§^^0  mukhaaiuchinnajesukonu,  To 
be  disgusted,  or  ashamed. 

^^A3  chinnailiu,  s.  A  weight,  equal 
to  oiiQ  eighth  part  of  the  coin  ter- 
med a  pagoda. 

-©SK  cs55,  -£15^  ckinniya,  chinne,  5.  A 
token,  mark,  or  sign.  £.  A  scar. 

3.  Affectation.  ■©"^wcS  chiuneladi, 
5.  A  coquette.  Ql$\zn>;h  chinnela- 
du,  A  fop. 

•£)#s  chippa,  x.  A  shell.  s5x>l|$-©s^ 
muttepuchippa,  The  pearl  oyster- 
shell.  •eT,"^feS^)^  tabetichippa,The 
tortoise  shell. -^-s^feS-Os^  mokati- 
chippa,  5.  The  knee-pan.  Ibo"-^ 
css-ftss^,  ^"Sx^-asSj  tenkayachippa, 
kobberachippa.  Half  of  a  broken 

cocoanut,  including  both  the 
pnd.tfre  kernel,  or  the  shell  only. 
■asS^sfooHsSaa    chippamuttemu,    An 
artificial  pearl.  * 

•asS^&oSfeS  ehippakunkati,  s.  A  small 
lock  of  hair,  either  below  or  a- 
bove  the  long  lock,  left  upon  the 
crown  of  the  head,  by  all  Hindoo 

-£)£x7fe§)  chippaguddali,  s.   An  axe. 

•OsSx~5>c3^  chippapenaka,  s.  Either 
side  of  a  shelving  roof. 

■asSvskj  chippamu,  s.  A  parcel,  or 
small  bundle. 

•©E^ex)  chippilu,  v>  n.  To  rise,  as  joy; 
which  is  often  figuratively  repre- 
sented, by  Telugu  authors,  as  ris- 
ing, like  sap  in  a  tree. 

£)~^ooo  chippemu,  s.  vide  -a^sSoo 

-£)~s»^db  chippevadu,  5.  A  tailor, 
This,  caste,  among  the  Hindoos,  is 
said  to  be  descended  from  a  female 
c  h  uokler,  b  y  a  b  r  ahman. 

■©3&k>  chimata,  5.  A  moth. 

■S)5&-*;r°,  .©Sfc&r0  chimata,   chimita,   s. 

The  extracting  of  the  hair  on  the 

f    3.  2.  The  instrument   used  to 

extract  it.  -£)s$b6;r°&c$ft>  chimatadf- 

To  pull  out  the  hair  from  the 

£)s$c»t:o  chimutu,  v,  a.  To  wink. 




•©sSw^o  chimudu,  v.  n.  To  overboil.  © 
s6ooeso\  chywcjltsu,  v.  a.  To  over- 

OsSo.tffr^sfeo,  ^s^.tf^S  chinimana- 

— t5  eo  —i 

gottamu,  chimmanagovi,  s.  A  syr- 

©S»,to  chimmita,  5.  #icfe  -Osfcfc)  clii- 
id  at  a. 

•©»>  9  chimmiri,  &  Fried  sesamum 
seeds,  ajad  jaggory,  pounded  to- 
gether, which  the  Hindoos  eat  as 
a  delicacy. 

S)s5o>  chiinmu,  v.  a.  To  sweep.  2. 
To  sqnirfc  or  spirt. 

■©ito  &a  chimmeta,  5.  vide  $& &>  chi- 

-S)tfo2§2)  chiranjivi,  $.  A  crow-  adj. 
Long  lived.  This  is  a  term  of  kind- 
ness, implying  a  blessing  of  long- 
life,  often  used  by  superiors  to  in- 
feriors, by  fathers  to  children*,  or 
by  elder  to  younger  brothers. 

®ti&  chirata,  s.  A  cudgel.  2.  The 
rourid  piece  of  wood  at  the  end  of 
a  canoe.  In*  the  plural,  this 
word  denotes  the  instrument  used 
for  the  hand  torture,  vide  §£r*.y 
kittikola,  Under  §4*>  kittu. 

:p-orȤb  chiraku,  $.  Anger,  wrath. 

$9^ sb  chiriveru,  s.  The  chay  root, 
which  produces  a  red  die. 

Wfbrtb  chirugu,  0,  rc.  $  $;  ^d<?  -©s&jfo 

-Q&Kbek  chirugudu,  $.  A  species  of 

half  leprosy,  which  causes  large 

round  spots  all  over  the  body.  2. 

The  ring  worm.. 
•Obb^ew^j^o  »  £)&«£ex>os*&  chirutalu- 

grammu,  chirutaluyarii,  v.  n.  To 


■£)fe5-S)&5  chirrachirra,  s.  Anger.  2.  Sul- 
lenness,  morose ness.  ^Dw-Qfeser'Sib 
chirrachirraladu,  To  be  angry,  sul- 
len, or  morose. 

&eJ,  5>e»  chirri,  chirru,  ad/j.  Little, 
small,  short-  -£)&<»#;£)<>  chirrunav-. 
vii,  lit,  4-  young  laugh.  A  smile.. 
^)~»<ar»ex>r  chirr unaluka,,  $.  Z#.The 
sm $11  tongue..  The  uvula. 

$&$>$  chirruta,  ?.  A  child.  #<$.  Little, 
small, short.  2.  Young.  £)«»i£x'o2k, 
■0«»sf^)8  chirrutagandlu,  chirruta^ 
puli,  5.  Tlje  cheeta,  or  small  hunt- 
ing tiger. 

peassSw  cl^irrumu,  p.  «.  To  burst. 

$ea>"i&  chirruyerru,  5.  vide  -©a^tf 

-£),«»,  -S)e^  chirrra,  chirrru,  $.  Anger 


chirrru  mi)  rrradu,  chirrruburrradu, 
p.  w.  To  be  angry,  sullen,  or  mo- 



■Oo  tf- Chillara 

0^^*^2fe«x>\  chirrrikuradubbtiys,  The' 
root  of  the  Amaranthus  ca'mpe- 
stris,  used  as  a  remedy  in  stran- 

-OaS*  chilaka,  s.  A  parrot.  ■©«S'"aro9 
chilakatali,  5.  A  breast  ornament, 
in  the  form  of  two  parrots,  adorn- 
ed with  precious  stones. 

■uXD^te,  ■oaS'S  ehilakata,  chilakada,  s- 
A  piece  of  seriiicircular  wood,-  like 
a  ring,  at  the  end  of  the  rope  used 
as  the  girth  of  the  bullock  saddle, 
through  which  the.  other  end  is 
passed,  to  fasten  the  saddle.  -Dog' 
2s«r»do  chilakadatadu ,  The  rope 
used  as  a  girth,  as  above  described. 

-S)o&8o-t$o  chilakarintsu,  v.  a.  To 
sprinkle;  from.  £)ex>&  chiluku,  q.v. 

£pj£<yr°S§  chilakalakoliki,  s.  A  wo- 

-£)e>r°k_ceSc  chilakkoy3ra,  s.  A  wooden 
pin,  fixed  in  the  v^all,  on  which 
articles  are  suspended. 

£>0t>  chilipi,  5.  A  wicked,  depraved, 
roguish  or  impudent  person.  -£>£)§> 
'  &tf^chilipitanamu,s.  Depravity, 
roguery,  impudence. 

£)Sssxs5m   chilivishamu,    s.    Malice, 

wickedness,  adj.  Malicious,  wick- 
^swsr  chiluka,  s.  vide  %>v%  chilaka. 

•£)e»sr°cc5o  chilukakpyya,  s.  vide  £> 

wr^e  chilakkoyya. 

^>ex)§o  chiluku,  s.  An  arrow.  2.  The 
residue  or  remains.  3.  vide-  JT°1?  ss» 
gollemu,  v.  a.  To  churn.  2.  To 

-fcawsSftewsfrfG  chilupachiiupanillu,  s- 
Water  scattered  in  spots,  here  and 

•aoosix  chilumu,  s.  Yerdigrease. 

-S)e>D55  chiluva,  s.  A  snake.  ©ews^S'SK 
otg,  chiluvakanniya,  s.  A  female  of 
the  serpent  race,  having  a  hu- 
man face,  with  the  tail  of  a  ser- 
pent. ^ex>sse-*ff  chiln vaclora,  The 
chief  of  the  serpent  race,  who  has 
a  thousand  heads. 

S)e>k_  ehilka,  s.  vide  %>ug  ehilaka. 

•Sex>k_  chilkti,  v.  a.  &  s.  vide  £e»3o- 

©ocfeffla,  adj.  Empty.  2.  Trifling, 
useless,  -ffie^^^ex)  chillachevulu, 
Bored  ears,  without  ear-rings,  -©o 
"So So,  ■©e^o-tSb  chillapenku,  chil- 
lapentsu,  s.  A  small  piece  of  a 
broken  earthen  vessel.  -©e^eXgsSaa 
chilladzagadamu,  Useless  disputes. 

•g)e)  ftoss  chillagindza,  s.  The  clearing- 
"nut.  Strychnos  potatorum. 

•Ste  tf  chillara,  adj.  Trifling,  mean.  2. 
Sundry.  s.  Odd  sums.  ^sb^s&sS 
divarala  chillara  yivvavalenu,  He 
owes  me  ten  and  odd  pagodas. 




■OS   chilli,  5.  A  small  hole,  in  a  pot? 

OO  ■»- 

paper,  &c. 

■OF  chiila,  s.  That  of  v/hich  the  end 

divides  into  two  or  more  from  the 
main  body  ;  thus,  -£)$"  §^0  chilla- 

kola,  A  whip  with  several  lashes. 
-£)^  -^otf0^)  ehillatsandlavu  A  cow, 
the  ends  of  whose  teats  branch  in- 
to two. 

■©ss tf  chivara,  s.  The  end,  extremity, 
or  point. 

■©^  chivuka,  s.  A  coin  of  the  value 
of  a  quarter  rupee. 

•a ^ §"§>&>  chivukapitta,  5.  A  bat. 

•O^Sb  chivuku,  9.  ».  To  be  damaged, 
or  spoilt.  5.  The  spoiling  or  rot- 
ting of  goods. 

•O^tfb  chivuru,  s.  vide  ©ftbtfo  chiguru. 
-©#0  chivva,  si  "A  battle,  combat. 
-©^~  chivvu,  d.  a.  To  sharpen,  make 

round,  or  polish",  with  a  knife  ;  to 

mend  a  pen. 

®q$£  chivvuna,  adv.  Quickly, 

■©8fr»\  ?  -a^^sSoa  clrihna,  chihnamu,  s, 
A  mark,  spot,  or  stain.  2.  A  sign, 
or  symbol.  K^s-^^jsx>  garbha- 
chihnalu,  The  signs  of  pregnancy. 

■ft  phi  interj.  Expressive  of  disgust, 
contempt,  or  shame.  Fie !  &c. 

•©g'feS  chikati,  5.  Darkness,  adj.  Dark. 
-©^  7r°55^chikatigamu,The  moon's 
•ascending  node,  reckoned  by  the 
Hindoos  as  the  eighth  planet. 

£>-&*£>$&>  chikakupadui.  v.  n.  To  be 

puzzled,  or  confounded. 
-©§£>  ehikili  s.  A  broom. 
-©§0  chiku,  s.  A  blind  person,  adj. 

■fcfgb  chiku,  gcZ;.    Damaged,   spoiled 

by  damp,  &c   v.  a.   To  suck.  25. 

P'&dfe  tf  £>§b  tsavu'ku. 

-©§o&-5r>eoo  chikuruvayi,  s.  A  cricket. 
■&^«r»e»  chikuvalu,  s.  Darkness. 
&&>  -ftfeS    chiti,  chiti,  >.  A  note,  or 

small  letter.   2.    Chintz,  painted 

J  _■©£   chida,    s.  "A   disease  ;    applied 

either  to  those  of  animals,  or  of 

I  ■©<&>  ehidu,   s.   A  bundle  of  thread, 
'  consisting    of  seven  punjums,  or 

two  hundred  and  ten  ^S^  enike, . 
i        q.  v. 
J  £y$&  chidara,  s.  Abhorrence,  loath- 

I  ing.  2.  Perplexity,  distraction  of 
j       mind. 

&a>  chidu,  v.  a.  To  blow  the  nose. 

■©$&  chipuru,  s.  A  broom. 

©j&  cliima,  s.  An  ant. 

©s^&  chimidi,  ®.  The  mucus  of  the 

-5  0^  o  -&-  Cli  ilpintsu 



•£)sSx>  chimu,  s.  Matter  from  a  sore  ; 

-£)#  chira,  s.  A  female  garment. 
&$%&— £)£-&;&,   &tf£r*&>    chirapitta- 

chirapenu,  chirapotu,  5.  A  white 

■&tfs5M   chiramu,    s.  Lead.    2.    Bark, 

rind.  3.  A  cloth  made  of  bark. 
■£>9§-  chirika,  5.   A  moth,  a  cricket, 
•^ag'oo  chirikalu,    s.  phi.  Remnants 

orbits  of  cloth;  tatters.  2.  Slices. 
-&5S  chfriki,  5.  Regard,  esteem.  -&a§ 

JT'sjs  chirikigonu,  v.  a.  To  regard. 

or  esteem. 
4b&  cki'ru,  ?;.   c.  To  cut  in  slices.  2. 

To   scratch.  3.  To  tear  with  the 

claws  or  tusks-  4.  To  hiss  like  a 

4b"3  chire,  s.  wtfe  ^S  chfra. 
-£>£<»  chfrru,  v.  w.  To  call,  to  invite. 
hv  chila,  s.  An  iron  nail ;  A  wooden 

-£><ys6o&  chilamanda.  5.  The  ankle. 
•§)£>  chili,  s.  Acat. 

^>g)"Ssx>  chilikel,!!,  s.  wZe  hb^vo  chi- 
■6e»  chilu,  v.  a.  To  split,  or  open.  2. 

To  part  from  company. 
-&yo-£b,  -u)2w\  chilutsu,  chiltsu,  v.   a. 

To  divide,  or  split. 
■&£>£  o -do  ch ilpintsu,  t\  (7ews.  To  cause 

to  split. 

•tfboKo^   tsttngudu,  s.  A   trifling  or 

small  balance,  or  arrear. 
■tkoTfow  tsimgulu,  s.  plu.   The  ends 

of  a  garment. 
n&o-&>  tsuntsu,  5.  vide  ■QsS^&oS'feS  chi- 

ppakunkati-   2.  The  musk  rat.  3. 
v  A  mouse,  adj.  Young,  -&0^o-?t* 

ex>^b  tsumtsumbaludu,   A    young 

■&o&>  tsundiij  s.  The  dandruff,  v.  n. 

To   be  decocted,    evaporated,   or 

dried  up.  o<boSoa5b  tsundintsu,  To 

decoct,  or  dry  up. 
^oooo  chumyi,  s.  The  noise  made  by 

fire,  when  it  comes  in  contact  with 


&t\y-  tsukka,  s.  A  drop,  dot,  or  spot. 
2-  The  round  mark  worn  on  the 
forehead,  by  Hindoos.  3.  A  star. 
■sSbSk-sr^fco  tsukkabottu,  An  orna- 
mental spot  worn  on  the  forehead, 
by  Hindoo  women;  also  the  round 
sectarialmark,  worn  by  both  men 
and  women. 

^Sb-s^k-vO  tsukkani,  s.  The  helm  or 
rudder  of  a  vessel. 

-&&>   tsufcta,  5.  A  round  roll  of  any 

thing;.  2.  A  roll  of  tobacco.  &&-&» 

?fb-3bk>3&»,    -t$b£oi>2>0\  tsuttadasju* 

tsuttapattu,  tsryttapiltsu,  To  smoke 

aclie  root. 




n&k>s5w  tsutfcamu,  s.  A  relation.  -t$bk>a 

,  s'sSsj   tsuttarikamu,    Relationship, 

consanguinity,  affinity. 

■xfctoa    tsuttu,  v.  a.   To  roll  round :  to 

wrap  up.  2.  To  go  round,  to  roam, 
wander,  or  travel. 

•s&&3>r°s6  tsuttukonu,  v.  Comp.  To' 
surround.  2.  To  roll,  or  wrap  up. 
8.  Circumference.  2.  A  toe  ring, 
worn  by  women,  adv.  Around.  2. 
Round  about ;  out  of  the  direct 
way,  •Sr'-TPofofca  pagatsuttu,  To  tie 
a  turband. 

J&>H?-°cx>iioJ&>  tsonayintsu,  v.  ei.  To 
plait,  or  fold,  any  part  of  the  dress. 

nSbfe9-s$b&9"3"»e»  tsurratsurrakalu,  v.  n. 

To  burn  quickly,  with  a  crackling 


■5&&9o§b  tsurruku,  ^.Excessive  heat.  2- 
Force,  violence-  3.  Sharpness.  4. 
Haste,  impetuosity,  speed.  5.  Pain. 
adj.  Hot.  2.  Violent.  3.  Sharp.  4. 
Quick,  impetuous.  5.  Painful. 

•t&69oi§a5b\  tsurruputstsu,    v.    a.  To 

burn,  or  consume. 
45b<ystf   tsulakana,    s.  Lightness.    2. 

"Want  of  importance  or  difficulty. 

3.  Disregard,  contempt. 

4&e>!TS>  tsulakani,  adj.  Light.  2.   Un- 

.  important,  easy.  3.  Contemptu- 

■iSbsjoS's&a  chulukamu,  s.  The  hand 
hollowed,  so  as  to  hold  water,  &c. 

oSbsSo  tsuvva,  s.  A  small  supple  stick, 
or  "cane  ;  a  slip  of  wood. 

-;fo"3£  tsuwe,£>ar£.  This  is  a  particle, 
denoting  reality  or  certainty,  used 
in  the  superior  language  only  j  as 

■i5b"3Q  dharmambuchesina  punya- 
phalambu  nonduduvu  tsuvve,  If 
you  practise  virtue,  you  will  cer- 
tainly obtain  it's  fruit. 


x&r>-i5b  tsutsu,  v.  a.  To  see  ;  to  look; 
to  perceive.  2.  To  observe.  3.  To 
visit.  4.  To  meet.  5.  To  wait.  6. 
To  try.  7.  To  consider.  8.  To  take 
care,  or  be  on  one's  guard.  This 
verb  also  expresses  the  exercise  of 
any  of  the  five  senses,  and  there- 
fore occasionally  denotes  either  to 
see,  to  taste,  to  smell,  to  feel,  or  to 
hear,  according  to  the  context. 

•&r°-&rB(3S  tsutsukonu,  v.  Comp.  To 
see  ;  tp  see  each  other. 

•^ro^),  &r°S>o-i&  tsupu,  tsupintsu,  v, 
Cans.  To  cause  to  see,  or  look  ;  to 
shew,  or  point  out. 

•&n>2&  tsudu,  s.  Pregnancy,  as  ap- 
plied to  cattle  only.  &r°&<sgr*%) 
tsiidiyavu,  A  cow  with  calf. 

&r>&>  tsudu,  v.  a.  To  burn. 

%&-°&fe-  tsudki,  s.  A  look.  2.  An  eye, 

"SoKe) -Chen  gal  i 



tfcn>sS8  tsupari,  s.  A  handsome  person. 
"tinig)  tsupu,  s.  Si glit,  a  look. 
t$3^#£  ©,  scabs'  ©  tsiirakattij  tsuru- 

°  ~3 

katti,  s.  A  small  knife.  2.  A  creese, 
or  small  dagger. 
■&r"C5b  tsiiru,  s.  The  border  of  a  shelv- 
ing roof.  2.  Powder  of  any  kind, 
■sSoro&s'Sto,   tsurukammi,  A    board 

nailed  on  the   end  of  a  shelving 

\$n>"Se»S'  tsureluka,  s.  A  kind  of  rat. 

4£r°tf  s5w  ehurnamn,  s.  Powder  ;  dust; 

any  pulverized  substance. 
T&n>es  tsiirra,   5.  Plunder. 
&r°sx>  tsulu,  s.    The  womb.    2.   The 

foetus.  3.  A  child,   x&r°£r=yo  tsula- 

lu,  A  pregnant  woman. 
•J5cr»"3  tsuve,  part,  vide  t5o*Sc  tsuvve. 

"=30  cheni,  adj.  Red  ;   as  ^SoXews?,  ^o 

6^55",  chengaluva,  chendova,  The 

red  water  lily.        % 
^osf  chenka,  5.  The  cheek.  2.  A  small 
.   part  of  a  field.^osfiotfo  chenkave- 

yu,  To  slap  on  the  cheek. 
^oX&>  chebgata,  adv.  Near,  nigh. 
^oX^ew  chenganaluy  5.  piu.  Leaps 

in  running. 
^SoKSo-db   chengalints'j,    p.     ??,.    To  \ 

^cKS^sk     chengalikoshtu,    s.    A 

drug  ;  a  sort  of  costns.  ' 

"So^b  chengu,p.  n.  To  lose  at  a  game; 

to  be  thrown  out  of  the  game.  2. 

To    be  loosened,  as  applied  to    a 
^o7fo  cheiigu,  s.The  border,  or  edge, 

of  a  cloth. 
^o-xko^e&  cheutsuvandlu,  s.  A  cer- 

en  * 

tain  caste  of  half  savage  Hindoos, 
dwelling  in  the  hills,  and  forests. 

^3oB,ir*&>  chendip6tu,s.  A  very  wick- 
ed man. 

^otio  chendu,  s.  A  ball  of  cloth, 
flowers,  &c-,  used  in  play.  -p.  a.To 
cut  in  pieces,  v.  n.  To  rise,  as  ap- 
plied to  any  excessive  smell.  ?r>z 

^oS&e&^a  vasanachendutnnna- 
di,  It  smells  excessively. 
"Soe^  clienta,  adv.  vide  "^oXk  clien- 

^b&tfsSw  chendirarnti,  s.  vide  §bo§os6o 

"Soab  chendu,  v.  a.  To  accrue.  e^> 

,  c3cs5oo-5^>£§\  :So"S(3o  apunyamuvan- 
nichendenu.  That  virtue  accrued 
to  him. 

"Soao^  chendintsu,  v.  Cans-  To  ob- 
tain, or  attain. 

■^0  3  ehempa,  5.  The  cheek.  2.  The 
side.  ^oS-g-^cfiS  chempakaya,  s.  A 
slap,  or  blow,  on  the  cheek. 

^oa^^  chembadivadu,s.  A  fisher- 

^do^cwo-Chetayin  196 


■^o-jdo  chembu,  s.  A  small  round  me- 

_    tal  vessel. 

^£tt>  chekada",  s.  h  cart. 

^sfcoi  chekamuki,  s.\  The   bit   of 

steel  with  which  fire  is  struck-  ^ 

^^SlScefc  chekamukiveyu,   v.    a. 

To  strike  fire  with  it.  ^3Srs5oo§Tr,a» 

chekamukirayi,  .?.  Flint, 
^k-  chekka,  6-.  A  piece,  slice,  chip, 

cutting,  or  splinter  ;  as  applied  to 

wood,  or  large  gourds.  2. The  bark 

of  trees. 

^Sg'k-.&reoe3  chekkapiriudzu,  st  vide 
'7fo-*s£p>8  gomari. 

"^§^.0  chekkili,  s,  Making  in  the 
inflex.  Sing.  ^S^tS  chekkiti,  The 

^Sb)_  chekku,  v.  a.  To  plane,  pare, 
chip,  slice,  or  make  thin,  2.  To 
cut  off,  to  cut  out  ;  to  engrave.  3. 
To  slip  into  a  cleft,  or  interstice. 
4.  To  set  as  precious  stones.  5. 
To  dig  slightly.  ^os6^^§b^_  kala- 
muchekku,  To  make  a  pen.  s.The 
rind  of  cucumber  and  similar 
fruits.  2.  Half  a  bullock  load  of  to- 
bacco. 3.  The  cheek. 

"^^vtf  chechchera,  ado.  Quickly, 
hastily,  speedily,  precipitately. 

"S^oooo-ek  chetayintsu,  v.  a.  To  re- 
ject a  petition,  or  request  ;  to  re- 
fuse  advice  ;  to  disapprove  a  sug- 

•^|o  chetta,  s.  Evil.  2.  The  hand,  adj 
Bad.  ^£>s5-4x>  chetta  vattu,  s.  A 
marriage,  v,  a.  To  marry,  lit.  To 
take  by  the  hand.  T3&gs&r-c»3 
|^r^cheftapattalupattukonu,  To 
take  hold  of  each  other's  hands, 
in  walking- 


^kx>  cbettu 

s.  A  tree,  bush,  or  plant. 

^^o  chedu,  v.  n.  To  become  bad, 
rotten,  or  putrid.  2.  To  be  spoiled, 
damaged,  or  destroyed.  '6.  To  be 
ruined.  4.  To  be  expelled  from 
one's  caste.  5.  A  woman  to  £o 
as  ur  ay. 

"S&soifo,  "Sesotg)  cherrutsu,  cherrupu, 
v.  a.  To  make  bad.  2.  To  spoil,  or 
corrupt.  3.  To  ruin,  or  injure.  4. 
To  defile,  or  violate,  a  female. 
"^tiK^bx)  chedagottu,  To  spoil.  ^3£ 
Xtf  s5oo  chedagaramu,  adj.B&d,  wick- 

^efo,  ^ti  chedu,  checlda,  adj.  Bad, 
wicked.  2-  Spoilt,  damaged,  rot- 
ten. 3.  Defiled.  4.  Excessive,  much, 
very,  ask,  "S^- $»»&>'  chedu,  che 
dda-pulusu,  Very  sour. 

^&»  ^^-^tfsSw  chedu,  chedda-ta 
namuj  s.  Badness,  wickedness. 

"3  th  eheddu,  s.  The  clapping  of  the 
hand  on  the  thigh.  This  is  a  irode 
of  expressing  defiance,  amongst 




^r^,  ^ScaoSo  chenaku,  cheiiuku,  v.  a. 
To  touch.2.  To  provoke,  s.  A  small 
particle  or  atom.  2.  A  touch. 

'ScaX'tfsSM  chenagararnu,  adj.  vide  ^3 
2sX^!6x>  chedagaramu.  Under  "s&> 

"=3^0 da  cheturu,  s.  An  equivocal,  or 

ambiguous   expression,  a  double 
entendre.  2.  Eloquence- 
's £  cbetta,  s.  Rubbish,  dirt.  ^-cF*^ 
i^tfsSw  chettachedaramu,   Sweep- 
"3^&j  "Stfstfb  chedaru,  cheduru,  v.  n. 
To   be  dispersed,    dissipated,    or 
spent.  2.  To  fall  in  drops.  3.  To  be 
dazzled.    "ScStfJr0^  chedarao-ottu, 
To  disperse,  route,  or  defeat. 
"3esoo  chedalu,  s.  White  ants.  Term- 
es.  "S&ewss&w  chedalupattu,  White 
ants  to  attack  any  thing. 
"S^&s  chenati,  s.  A  wicked  person. 

^S^cooo  chenayu,  v.  a.  To  touch. 

~&&\  chennu,  s.  Beauty.  2.  Joy.  adj. 

Beautiful,  2.  ,  Joyful. 

^3  go  cheppu,  r,  a.  To  say,  or  tell.  2. 

To  teach,  or  instruct.  3.  To  relate, 
or  recite. 

"3^o-i5b  cheppintsu,!'.  Cans.  To  cause 

to  say,  or  tell,  &c. 
tSsSv^so  cheppukonu,  #.   Comp.    To 

address,  to  represent,  to  announce. 

2,  To  learn  a  language,  or  task. 

"EsS^ew  cheppulu,  s.  jpfofc.  Shoes.  2. 

^$5b&  enema;  a,  s.  Sweaty  perspira- 
tion. "S^fej"^^,  ^^b^-s^ocs  che- 
matakaya,  chemarakaya,  s.  A 
pimple,  lit.  The  fruit  of  perspira- 

^56x^0  chemudu,  s.  Deafness. 

"^s^  chemma,  s.  Damp,  moisture. 
adj.  Damp,  moist. 

^Ss&^ex)  chemmagilu,  v.  n  To  be 

^ 000,  ^ 0000  cheyi,  cheyyi,  s.  making 
in  the  inflex.  sing.  ^©  cheti,The 
hand.  2.  The  arm.  3.  A  sleeve.  4. 
Dung  cakes,  used  as  fuel. 

*3tf?focheragu,  s.  The  hem  of  a  gar- 

"Stf^tf  cherachera,  5.  Anger,  rage. 

^tfsSe^  cherapalu,  s.  plu.  The  cheeks. 

"fitfss&x  cheravamu,  s.  A  large  pot, 
chiefly  of  brass  or  copper. 

"3  a  cheri,  part.  Prefixed  to  words 
denoting  quantity  or  number,  to 
denote  each  of  two  only  ;  as  s^o 
££&  ^Q-sSQ^Tyoooaooxo  vandlaku- 
cheripadivaraluyiyyi,Give  ten  pa- 
godas to  each  of  them. 

^&£o  cherukn,  s.  vide  *3«»§o  che- 

~^&fo  cherugu,  y.   a.  To  winnow.  .9. 

viae  "^tffib  cheragn. 



i3er°  H  Xhellache 

■^bb^)  chertivu,  s.  An  artificial  lake, 
or  tank,  v.  a.  To  put,  stick,  or  slide, 

"3tf  §1*0  cherlakola,  s.  vide  ©?  -^r°v 
chillakola,  Under  -a ?  ch ilia. 

^3&s  cherra,  s.  Captivity,  imprison- 

^fcsKo  cherragu,  s.  vide  ^tfKb-^ef  Ko 
sfr«&tfa  cheragu-cherragurnasina- 
di,  ^i  A  woman  whose  cloth  is 
stained.  A  menstruous  female. 

^esy^^b  cherralaau,  v.  n-  To  wander 
about ;  to  roam. 

^eJ,"Se^rcherri,cherruk;>,  part,  vide 
■=38  cheri. 

^&£»gb  cherruku,  s.  The  sugar  cane. 
:3aao&,trBex)  cherrukupalu,  The  juice 
of  the  sugar  cane-  ssoto'a&sb  van- 
tacheruku,  5.  £&£.  Cooking  sugar 
cane.  Fuel  for  cooking. 

^3eaj-i5b,  "SftMsg)  cherrutsu,    cherrupu, 

v.  a.  vicZe  ^s^o  chedu. 
"Sa£»s5oo  cherruinu,  0.  a.  To  rub. 
^&m$  cherrtivu,s.«?ic?e^«b^  cheruvu. 
"SejTfo  chelagu,  v.  n.  To  shine,  or  be 

splendid.  2.    To  be'  pleasant,  or 

agreeable.  3.  To  resound. 

"Busk  chelama,  .9.  A    hole  dug  in  a 
'  dried  up  tank,  or  in  the  dry  bed 
of  a  river,  so  as  to  collect  water 
from  the  spring  below: 

^er^Jfe  chelaregu,  v.  n.  To  be  scat- 
tered, or  spread  over,  a  country. 
2.  To  be  arrogant,  or  insolent. 

^cr^sseS  chelavani,  adj.  Current,  as 
applied  to  coin. 

^3D  cheli,  .9.  A  friend.  2.  A  female 
friend,  or  companion.  ^38  SIS  che 
likatte,  A  female  friend,  or  com- 
panion. "^S-s^a^j  chelikadu,  A 
male  friend,  or  companion. 

i32)1  chelike,  s.  A  field  after  its  crop 
has  been  cut,  and  the  gleanings 
gathered.  2.  A  field  ploughed,  and 
left  fallow. 

"^Oa  chelidi,  s.  A  troublesome  kind 
of  itch. 

^38£o  chelimi,  s.  Friendship,  ^gilao 
g"§  chelimi katte,  A  female  friend. 
^esDir^  chelimikadu,  A  male 

"SSosa^  cheliyalu,  s.  vide  ^w  che 

llelu.        .     • 
^SotfSS'k)     cheliyalikatta,    s.   The 

^ex)s5  cheluva,  s.  A  woman, 
^ewsssfoa,  "3e»<£  cheluvamu,  cheluvu. 

s.  Beauty,  adj.  Beautiful. 
^votytfo  cheluvudu,  s.  A  lover. 
,?8q)  ,  "=3e)  2T5  chella,  chellabo,   inter j. 

Expressive  of  grief,  alas,  &c. 
^t^^tite  chellachedaru,    adv.    In  a 

disordered,  or  dispersed  state. 



&- Chedu 

^S'er«4oa5aa  chellafcamu,  s.  Sport. 

^33,  "iSScaSex)  chelli>  chelliyalu,  s. 
vide  *s^ejo  chelleln. 

^ex>  chellu,  p.  w.  To  pass,  as  regards 
time.  2..  To  pass  as  money  ;  to  be 
current.  3.  To  pass  by  general 
consent ;  to  be  valid,  fit,  or  proper. 
4.  To  pass  from  one  to  another  ; 
to  be  paid,  or  liquidated.  5-  To 
pass  from  this  world ;  to  die.  6. 
To  come  to  pass  ;  to  be  accompli- 
shed. 7.  To  be  extended,  s.  A  sum 
paid  ;  a  collection. 

^e)o-i$b  chellintsu,  o.^a.  To  cause  to 


be  current,,  valid,  or  extended.  2. 
To  pay,  or  liquidate.  3.  To  per- 
form, or  accomplish. 

^3 "Sew,  iScf    chellelu,    chelle,    s.    A 

on  CO 

younger  sister, 
^a  chevi,  5.  The  ear.  ^ss^-3o,  chevi 

— a 

tamme,  The  lobe  of  the  ear.  "^a 
S^nS'  chevikonaka,  The  tip  of  the 
ear.  ^a$"£&»  chevinibeUu,  To 
"Ssgj&j  chevudu,  s.  Deafness.  ^a&3 
cheviti,  adj.  Deaf. 

"£  che,  postpos.  vide  ^4  cheta,  s.  The 
hand ;  as  ^  $  o  a  chesamjna,  A  sign 
of  the  hand.  ^go«»-^§j^(^>,^§cro^b 
cheknrru-chekudu,  chekiiclu,  To 
succeed.  2.  To  obtain  ;  to  acquire. 

"^fco  ehekatlu,  s.  Bracelets,  compos" 
ed  of  coral  and  gold  beads. 

■$X  chega,  5.  Strength.  ^Xa-feoSsfco 
chegalamekamu,  An  elephant. 

■^feo  cheta,  s.  A  winnowing  basket. 
^to'S^e/SoS'sfca  chetachevnlaine- 
kamu,  s.  lit.  The  beast  with  ears 
like  a  winnowing  basket. 

^k>r°er°&  chetakollaru,  s.  A  square 
yard,  with  houses  on  three  sides. 

"h3&>3  chetu,  s.  Destruction,  ruin,  per- 
dition. 2.  Misfortune,  disaster. 
■^^tt-'osSw  chetugalamu,  A  disa- 
strous period. 

"^SoaS,  ^"3  chediya,  chede,  ■  s.  A 

"^  cheta,  j905^)05.This  postposition^ 

sometimes  contracted  into  "^  che, 

is  the  sign  of  the  ablative  termed 

1%&  cheta,  s.  Doing;  an  act  :  action. 

*^e^s5M    chetanamu,    s.  An  animal, 

or  existent  being. 

"^S   cheti,   adj.    Bitter.    ^8  &*&>§!? 

chetipotlatige,  The^  plant  termed  laciniosa,  used  as  a 
stomachic  laxative  medicine. 

~<>z5r°8&>s  chedaramu,  s.  Loss,  waste, 

^&  chedu,  5.  Bitterneess.  adj.  Bitter. 

■^2&  chedu,  v.  a.  To  draw  in,  or  up, 
with  each  hand  alternate!  v  ;  as  in 

^&- Cheru 



pulling  in  the  string  of  a  paper 
kite,  or  drawing  up  water  in  a  pot, 
from  a  deep  well. 

^tf  cheda,  s.  Drawing  in.  or  up,  as 

"$&  chenu,  s.  A  field  of  dry    grain 

only.   2.  A  crop. 
^^  chepa,   s.  A  fish.   "^;S-cr>§  chepa- 

rasi,  The  sign  Pisees. 
■^^>  ch^pu,  v.    n.    Milk  to  flow.  s. 

The  act  of  milk  flowing. 

■^£o9  chemiri,  s.  The  sour  milk  cast 
into  fresh  milk,  to  make  it  curdle. 

^o»  cheyi,  s.  vide  ^o»e  cheyyi. 

^0800  cheyu,  v.  a.  To  do.  2.  To  make. 
3.  To  cause.  4.  To  perform.  5.  To 
frame,  v.  n.  To  be  worth. 

^cooo-iSb  cheyintsn,  v.  Cans.  To  cause 
to  do,  &c  StX-s^ti  &v^ctix>  upaka- 
ramucheyu,  To  do  a  favor.  sr>zh 
^k^Trtf^^-fr*^  vadumata- 
prakaramrichesinadu,  He  perform- 
ed his  promise. 

"^Sb  cheru,  s.  The  native  soup,  usual- 
ly termed  Muligatany  ;  more  pro- 
perly Melugutannir,  from  melugu, 
Tam.  pepper,  and  tannfr,  water. 

"^db  cheru,  v-  n.  To  arrive ;  to  reach 
a  destination;  to  De  received  ;  to 
come  to  hand.  2.  To  be  attached 
to  ,  or  connected  with.  3.  To  be 
added,  or  joined  to.   4.  To  be  in- 

cluded in.  5.  To  be  assembled,  or 
collected.  6. To  enter  as  a  member, 
among  any  particular  class  of  men, 
or  into  any  sect,  or  profession,  v. 
a.  To  lean  upon. 

r$tiw&>  cherabaru,  v.  n.  To  arrive- 

2.  To  assemble  together. 
^&r°?53  cherukonu,  v.  Comp.  To  lean 


"^&n&,  ^&}  cherutsu,  che'rtsu,  v.  a. 
To  cause  to  arrive,  or  reach.  2. 
To  join,  unite,  mix,  combine,  in- 
clude, add  to,  or  accumulate.  3.  To 
assemble,  or  collect  others,  in  a 
body.  4.  To  admit  as  a  member,in- 
to  any  class,  sect,  or  profession. 

^Qg  cherika,  s.  Junction,  union.  2. 
Approach,  contiguity,  proximity. 

3.  Familiarity. 

■^&ss  cheru va,  s.  Neighbourhood.  2. 
An  assemblage  ;  an  army,  consi- 
sting of  infantry,  cavalry,  eleph- 
ants, and  chariots, 

^bbJT'oS  cheru  gondi,    s.    A   female 

treated  as  a  wife,  without  the  re- 
gular marriage  ceremony. 

^&>dc£)o35cs5co  cheru dnbiyyarnu,    s. 

Bice  not  perfectly  pounded. 
"^65  cherra,  s.  The  hand,  held  so  as 

to  contain  any  thing,  ^~&&>  che- 

rredu,  A  handful, 
^sso  cherru,    s.  A  string  of  flowers, 

&c.  2.   A  chain.  3.  A  rope. 




^#  cheva,  s.  Strength,  courage,  for- 
ce. 2.  Hardness.  3.  The  heart  of 
a  tree- 

!%-5r>  &-§"*&>  chevadikadu,  s.  A  thief, 
one  of  the  light  fingered  caste  ; 
also  an  off-hand  story  teller. 

^si  cheshta,  s-.  Gesture,  posture.  2. 
Grimace.  3.  Behaviour,  manners. 

^g>  chesi,  postpos.    From,  by.  This 

postposition  is  found  in  books  only, 
subjoined  to  verbal  nouns,  or  to 
nouns  denoting  inanimate  things. 
This  word  is  also  the  past  verbal 
participle  of  the  verb  ^oaoo  cheyu, 



g^  ?1s5m  chaitramu,  s.  The  first  Telu- 
gu  lunar  month  ;  that  in  which 
the  moon's  change  takes  place 
when  the  sun  is  in  Aries. 

"^cSsfco,  2. a  chaidamu,  chaidi,  s.  A 
trade,  or  profession. 

tS^oX  tsonga,  s.  Saliva*  spittle. 

iS^g'^.&DsScx)  tsokkatamu,  s.  Beauty. 
adj.  Beautiful,  handsome. 

tS^S^-sSm  tsokkamu,  s.  Beauty,  adj. 
Handsome.  2.  Pure. 

t^-^-,  tS^-r^^oM  tsokka,  tsokka- 
yi,  s.  A  jacket. 

tS^So^  tsokku,^.  Intoxication,  stupe- 
faction. Faintness.  v.  n.  To  be  in- 

,       toxicated,  stupified,  or  faint,  2.  To 
die-TS^-s-^gbex)  tsokkakulu,I>ead, 
or  dried  leaves. 
•sS^-iSox,-^  Hook  .tsotstsu,, 

0.  a.  To  enter  by  force?  to  pene- 
trate. 2.  To  interfere  in  any  busi- 
ness, or  matter  ;  to  embark  in  any 
undertaking,  or  enterprise. 

■&*&  tsotia,  adj.  Withered,  or  lame, 
as  applied  to  any  limb,  8.  A  dent, 
or  bend. 

tS^sSj  tsoppa,  s.  The  straw  of  the 
Holcus  saccharatus,  or  Holcus 
spicatus?  jonnalu,  or  sudzalu. 

-tS^obx  oa5b  tsoppintsu,  v.  a.  The  causal 
of  tS^-i^N  tsotstsn,  q.  v.  To  pierce. 
2.  To  string  or  thread. 

-&*  l^oo  tsoppillu,  u.  n.  To  shine. 

tS"0^  tsoppu,  s.  Manner,  way.  tS^sSo 
#  tsoppuna,  adv.  Agreeable  to, 
according  to,  at  the  rate  of.  zs-fir9 
%£$  atsoppuna,  In  that  manner  or 

■jS^aosko  tsobalamu,  s.  The  foetus  of 
the  mare. 

■tS^tf  ss  tsorava,  s.  Introduction,  pene- 
tration. 2.  Boldness,  confidence, 
firmness.  ■«r>$%&^-&t>$zs~3&>  vani 
kiannatsoravaledu,  He  has  no  in- 
clination for  food. 

•fcT'&f)  tsorra,  s.   A  species  offish. 

oS^ejo,  -iS^g  tsollii,  tsollu,  .  s.  vide 
tS^oX  tsonga. 

'  26 


•fit*  tso,  5.  A  place.  2.  A  time,. 
tS^&o  tsotu,  5.  A  place.  -sS^k)  tsota, 

adv.  In  a  place. 
^tfcsdM  chodyamu,  5.  A  curiosity.  2. 

Surprize,  adj.  Curious.  2.  Surpriz- 

-&*&t&>  chorudu,  s.  A  thief,  a  robber. 

tS^Sj  chollu,  s.  £>£u.  The  grain  usual- 
ly termed  Natchenny.  Cynosurus 


202  gjoX-Dzanga 

I  iT'&o®  tsatidanti,  5.  vide  tf^So© 
^>e58  tsaudari,  s.  A  Chowdry  ;  the 
head  of  a  village,  purganah,  or 
caste,under  the  former  Mussulman 

^tf£oS»  chauryamu,  s.  Theft,  rob- 

^osSao  choulamu,  s.  The  ceremony 
of  tonsure  ;  shaving  off  the  hair 
of  a  child,  three  years  old ,  with 
the  exception  of  one  lock,  left  on 
the  crown  of  the  head. 


^°  tsau,  adj.   Four.  s.  vide  rt$-^ 

-s^Si>&>    tsavu,    tsaukalipita,     A 

chair  ;  lit.  A  seat  with  four  legs. 

^tfoiS"  tsauvantsa,  Five. 

^°g  tsanka,  adj.  vide  •#;#§'  tsavuka. 

W£&x>  tsaukamu,  adj.  Square,  s.  A 

■  square. 
^S&o-tfc  tsaukalintsu,  v.    n.  vide  -js" 

^Po-sfc  tsavu kalintsn. 
S'l  tsauki,  s.  A  custom  house.  2.  A 

watch  house.  A  watchman. 
^2&  tsaudu,  s.  vide  &$&>  tsavadu. 
^cS^ew  tsaudolu,  s.  A  howdah,  or 

seat  on  the  elephant. 
^"er0  tsautl,  8.  The  litter  generally 

called  a  dooly^ 
^8  tsauti,  s.  vide  -CjgQ  tsavu ti. 

tf  chha,  The  twenty- second  letter, 

and  seventh  consonant  in  the  Te- 
lugu  alphabet.  « 

-^^sfca  chhidramu,  s.  A  hole,  vacui- 
ty, or  perforation.  2.  Fault,  defect, 

Xv^>-Ox^s5»    grihachchhi- 


dramu,  Domestic,  foibles. 


?s  ja,  The  twenty- third  letter,  and 
eighth  consonant,  in  the  Telugu 

esoSo  dzanku,  s.  Fear,  terror,  appre- 
hension, v.  n.  To  fear,  to  be  afraid. 

ssoSo-ifo  dzankintsu,  v.  a.  To  frighten. 

gjo^-pr0  dzankhana,  s.  A  carpet. 

2soX  dzanga,  s.  vide  esoX  anga. 

so  &  *5»-Dzantramu 



ssoXs&sSw  jangamamu,  adj.  Locomo- 
tive, moveable,  s.  Any  thing  which 
has  motion,  as  opposed  to  that 
which  is  stationary. 

£5oXs5*>  dzangamu,  s.  A  caste  among 
the  Suctras,  who  worship  Siva  ex- 
clusively ;  some  of  them  follow 
the  profession  of  tailors. 

^oKo&S  dzangapilli,  s.  A  wild  cat  of 
a  large  species- 

esoc^SosSm  dzandzatamu ,  s.  The  trou- 
ble, or  annoyance,  arising  from  a 
large  family. 

2502?*$  dzandzali,  s.  A  dagger,  with 
a  handle  covered,  for  defence. 

sjo&o  dzanta,  s.  A  pair,  or  couple. 
2soto-3cr*s*x>e>£o&>  dzantamomulada 

,  nta»  The  god  of  fire,  who  has  two 
faces,  s  o&j-cp^dzantarasi,  The  sign 

£?o«T§sx>  dzantikeln,  s.  plu.  Cakes 
made  of  baked  flour,  in  the  form 
of  a  thin  rope,  so^l  dzantike,The 

vessel  upon  which  these  cakes  are 

C3o&>o$  jantuvu,  s.  An  animal,  or  liv- 
ing creature  ;  any  being  endowed 
with  animal  life  ;  it  is  more  usual- 
ly applied,  however,  to  those  of 
the  lowest  organization.  * 

2?o^s5s>  dzantramu,  s.  A  machine. 
8o^^ ^ s&  dzantrapubomma,  A 

23o"3sSm  dzandemu,  s  The  sacerdotal 

aosg)  dzampu,  5.  Indolence,  laziness. 
2.  Procrastination.  3.  Length.  4. 
An  ornament  worn  by  Hindoos, 
from  the  tip  of. the  ear.  adj.  Long- 
aoc&tfSsjg)  dz  am  puna  dap  u,  v.  a, 
To  procrastinate. 

23  0MO  dza-mbu,  s.  A  reed. 

230£»s's5c»  jambukamn,  s.  A  jackal.   • 

gjo^rsSw  jambhamu,  s.'  Grandeur, 
pomp,  pride?  presumption.  The 
meaning  of  this  word,  in  Telugu, 
is  quite  different  from  what  it  has 
in  Sanskrit. 

22~i-cr>  dzakera,  s.  A  store,  or  hoard. 

k^j-55  dzakkava,  s.  The  ruddy  goose. 
23  $ij-  ss  g£  a  ^v,  dzakka  vaka vavippu, 
The  moon  ;  because  this  bird  is 
said  never  to  couple  during  moon- 
light. 22s'k_s$'<y"&>ex>  dzakka valame- 

lu,  The  sun  ;  as  favorable  to  this 

e§k-  dzakki,  s.  A  horse. 

ai^-Oofo  dzakkintsu,  v.  a.  To  be  in 

error,  or  in  fault. 

s§k_$  dzakkini,  s.  A  married  female, 
who  dies  during  -her  husband's 

sSojj-.ex)  dzakkulu,  *.  plu.  I)emi-gods; 
or  nymphs,  attendant  on  On 




e&k-ersroogw  dzakkulavandlu,  s- 
phc.  People  who  worship  the  god- 
dess of  Kameswari 

gjft'sofco  dzagadzambu,  s.  Excess  ;  a 

great  deal. 
kX^sSw  dzagadamu,  s.  War,  battle, 
combat.  2.  A  quarrel,  or  dispute. 
gjK2ss5cr»^o  dzagadamadu,  v.  n.  To 
fight,  quarrel,  or  dispute, 
aft©  dzagati,  s.  A  raised  open  ve- 
sXsfc,  kXs5do  jagattu,  jagamu,  s.  The 
world,   the   universe,    2.   People, 
23ft"32&   dzagrvedu,  *.  The  relation- 
ship of  the  husband  of  one  sister, 
to  that  of  another. 
K^bs^sso  dzaggumanu,    v.    n.    To  be 

agreeable,  or  acceptable. 
25^  dzadzdzu,  s.  A  rag,  or  tatter  ; 
any  thing  torn.  2.  Laziness^  adj. 
23k  jata,  s.  The  hair  matted,  as  worn 
by  Siva,  or  by  the  Hindoo  ascetics. 
2.  The  fibrous  root,  growing  down 
from  the  branches  of  certain  trees, 
in  India.  afeSejs$*>    dzatilamu,    adj. 
Having  matted  hair. 
KfeB  dzatti,  s.  Handsel,  earnest  money. 
2.  A  bargain,  or  agreement. 

dzattuj    s.  An    assemblage,  or 
body  of  people. 


2?&  jada,  5.  Plaited  or  braided  hair. 

2,  Matted  hair. 

2&s£  jadanu,  s.  Stupidity,  apathy.  2. 

g?&s5x>  jadamu,  adj.  Cold,  frigid,  chil- 
ly. 2.  Stupid,    apathetic,   idiotic 

3.  Inanimate. 

ssg  dzadi,  s.  Rain.  g?&sr*tf  dzadivana, 
Heavy  rain. 

?3&ct&>  dzadiyu,  v.  n.  To  fear,  or  be 
afraid.  ejS&o-tSb  dzadipintsu,  To 
frighten,  threaten,  or  alarm. 

ai^o $g)  dzadupu,  s.  Fear,  fright. 

gj^  dzadda,  s.  One  consonant  writ- 
ten below  another  •,  as  when  the 
consonant  is  doubled,  or  when  two 
consonants  come  together,  with- 
out the  intervention  of  a  vowel. 

23<lXs5co  dzaddigamu,s.  A  sowing  ma- 

2s£  dzata,  s.  A  pair.  2.  A  set.  3. 
Equality  of  shape,  adj.  Equal. 

gj&tfsSw  dzatanamu,  s.  Endeavour.  2. 
Stratagem,  expedient.  3.  Effort, 
exertion.  4.  Perseverance,  energy. 

ejtftf  s5m  jananamu,  s.  Birth,  produc- 
tion. 2.  F amity,  race,  lineage. 

2stf&x>  janamtt,  s.  Man,  individually, 
*or  collectively;  a  man  ;  mankind; 
an  individual,  a  person  ;  people, 
population,  community. 

23&&>  janudu,  5.  A  man. 




ssx6s5s>  dzanumu,  s.  The  hemp  plant, 
Cannabis  sativa. 

js^sSm  dzannamu,  s.  A  sacrifice,  or 
ceremony,  in  which  oblations  are 

ES»\  zssSm,  »SK  dzannidamu,  dzanni, 
s.  The  sacerdotal  thread. 

sj&N  oft,  ssl3^  dzanniya,  dzanne,  adj. 
Consecrated,  or  devoted,  to  the 

Ksf  s5do  janmamu,  s.  Birth,  produc- 

essSsSw  japamu,  5.  Repeating  inaudib- 
]y  passages  from  the  Yedas,  charms, 
or  the  names'  of  the  deity  ;  count- 
ing silently  the  beads  of  a  rosary* 

S2&0-&,  2sl)ooooo3b  japintsu,  japiyin- 
tsu,  v.  a.  To  repeat  inaudibly 
prayers,  &c.  as  above. 

83 _i>  dzapti,  s.  Sequestration. 

83Wv  dzabba,  s.  The  outer  side  of  the 
thigh.  2.  The  arm. 

e?«o\  dzabbu,  s.  Inattention,  negli- 
gence, carelessness,  2-  Delay,  adj. 
Inattentive,  negligent,  2.  Slow.  3. 

8sfc  dzama,  s.  A  revenue  term,  signi- 
fying collection,  or  assessment,  g? 
sfc^ctfoo  dzamacheyu,  To  collect.  & 
s£r $)•&>£"  dzamakhartsu,  An  ac- 
count of  receipts,   and   disburse 

ments.  s^^^w^i  dzarnavasu- 
lubaki,  Demand  or  assessment, 
collection,  and  balance.  sBss^o»o& 
dzamabandi,The  settlement  of  the 

a&re)  dzamili,  ac£/.  Double.  js&dDsSm 
"^°k_D  dzamilimukkali,  A  bee, 
which  has  six  feet. 

gsSoSS'  dzamilika,  s.  A  kind  of  tabor. 

?3$xn>&  dzaminu,  s-  The  land,  ground, 
earth,  or  soil.  8sar»§— s*tf>£b  dza- 
mindarudu,  A  zamindar. 

esj&»2go  jamuda,  s.  Yama,  the  regent 
of  the  world  below,  and  the  judge 
of  departed  souls.  23s5ao^§^_ao^ 
jamunekkirinta,  A  buffalo ;  be- 
cause it  is  the  steed  of  Yama. 

e?s5x>tf  jamuna,  s.  The.  river  Jumna, 
which  joins  the  Ganges  below  Al- 
lahabad. gjsSwtfcBSo  jamunayya,  The 
sun  ;  in  mythology,  the  father  of 
the  Jumna. 

easbaex}  dzamulu,  s.  A  couple. 

23s5^  dzammu,  s.  vide  ssoso  clzambu. 

ko^56do  jayamu,  &•.  Conquest,  victory, 

triumph,   success*.  2?o»o-&>  jayin- 

tsu,  To  conquer,  or  win  ;  to  be 
successful.  1 

2s5  dzari,  s.  Gold  or  silver  thread, 

or  lace- 
gjQw  dzaribu,  s.  The  mensuration  of 





S2&7&  dzarugu,  v.  n.  To  pass,  elapse, 
or  expire.  2.  To  get,  or  move,  on  ; 
to  creep.  3.  To  slip,  or  slide.  4. 
To  flee. 

£?&;£)  dzarupu,  v.  a.  To  spend,  as 
time.-,  to  procrastinate.  2.  To  pass 
time.  3.  To  move,  or  push,  forward. 

23tfx°&  dzaruru,  adj.  Necessary,  re- 
quisite, urgent.  s.  Necessity,  occa- 
sion, urgency. 

ssessea  dzarradzarra,  s-  The  noise 
arising  from  dragging  along  the 

22033 tf  dzarrruna,  adv.  Quickly. 

sjaS'^b^o  dzalaka&ngu,  v.  To  wash 
earth  for  gold,  diamonds,  &c.  zso 
g&>fovsr>o&>  dzalakadugulavan- 
dlUj  5.  p/u.  A  caste  of  people  who 
search  for  articles,  in  drains,  &c. 

€sej^sxwdzalakamu,5.  Ablution,  bath- 

23vW&>  dzalataru,  s.  vide  g?S  dzari. 

23e>T3^a  dzaladari,  s.  A  drain,  a  ken- 

sse>s5co  jalamu,  s.  Water,  ssej-sp^s  jala- 

badha,  Inclination  to  make  urine. 
ssw-ST  tftf^ewjalacharamulu,  Aquatic 
asxi^o  dzalubtt,  s.  A  cold.  #$.  Cold. 
83s»2w^ob6o  dzalubucheyu,.  To  take 
or  catch  cold- 

sy  dzalla,  5.  A  long  narrow  basket, 
placed 'on  a  cart,  to  contain  any 
thing  loose,  which  is  carried  on  it. 

ese^s&j  s?e>os5b?SS  dzallanti,  dzallumanu, 

v.  n.  To  tremble,  perspire,  ©r  have 
one's  hair  stand  on  end,  from  any 
involuntary  affection  of  the  pas- 

230  dzalli,  s.  Broken  tiles,  little  ston- 
es.  2.  Boasting  lies,  idle  talk. 

ssD  o-db  dzallintsu,  v.  a.  To  sift. 

goex)  dzalla,  s.  A  shower,  sj^e-c^ 
g3oo  varshapuclzallu,  A  shower  of 

25 1$ &  dzalleda,  s.  A  sieve. 

225$  dzava,  s.  A  frame,  or  setting.  g» 
sss'kjo  dzavakattu,  To  set  or  frame. 
23^sr°kx>  dzavadatu,  To  transgress 
prescribed  limits. 

ssssfeo,  K3£#  dzavata,  dzavara,  s.  A  net- 
like substance,  which  surrounds 
the  palmyra  tree,  at  those  parts 
whence  the  branches  expand. 

gjsstftf  dzavarana,  s.  Straightness, 
smoothness.  essstfaSw  dzavramu, 
adj.  Straight,  smooth. 

gstf-cew,  2S££»  dzavaralu,  dzavvani,s. 
A  young  female. 

z=sr>Q  dzavadi,  s.  Civet,  e3<cr>af>e) 
dzavaclipilli,  The  civet  cat. 

2Zot*&  javanu,  s.  A  peon. 




£j»r>£»  dzavabu,  5.  An  answer.  23or*  . 
2mtt>&2&.  clzavabudarudu,  A  sure-  | 
ty;  a  person  responsible,   e?  o^ao 
•^r»Qew  dzavabuswalu,Discourse,  ar- 
gument. 2?  <ep>  *»$!)&>  dzavabunivi-  ■ 
su,  A  writer  of  orders,  or  replies,  j 

82$ So  dzavuku,  v.  n.  To  become  soft,  1 

or  ripe,  as  a  boil.    adj.  Swampy, 
b  rakish. 

ej$&  dzavuru,  v.  a.  To  lash.  2.  To 
collect  any  thing  scattered. 

sstfQtfsSN  dzavvanamu,  s.  Youth. 

gjcg)^  dzavvu,  s.  Beauty,  adj.  Beauti- 

st3-^  dzaga,  s.  A  place,  or  station. 
2-  Land,  ground. 

ss^AosSw  dzagilarnu,  s.  A  dog. 

ss^bb  jagiru,  s.  A  grant  of  the 
land  revenue  payable  to  govern- 
ment, from  an  extensive  tract  of 

2r°^b  dzagu,  s.  Delay. 

sr»^  jagrata,  s.  Vigilance,  careful- 
ness, caution.  '2.  Activity,  adj. 
Yigilant,  careful,  cautious.  2.  Ac- 
tive, ready,  sr^&^cpoa  jagrata- 
cheyu,  To  take  care,  to  be  care- 
ful. 2-  To  make  ready. 

£"*g-sr°<s6  dzajikaya,  s.  The  nutmeg. 
?T's33_§q  dzajipattiri,  s.  Mace. 

er,833  dzadzu,  s.  Red  chalk, red  colour. 
adj.  Red. 

2^2*  dzada,  s.  The  mark  of  a  footstep ; 
a  track  ;  a  trace.  tiriiiv'iSX*,  sr° 
^-^^Iboak  dzadagaeheppu,  dza- 
dagatsupintsu,  To  give  a  hint.  &* 
&7r>'£r*cg>  dzadagapovu,  To  slink 

TT'&otf)  dzadintsu,  v.  a.  To  flap  a- 
bout  as  a  horse  does  his  tail.  2. 
To  throw  suddenly  out  the  arms 
or  legs.  3.  To  rinse  about  in  water. 
4.  To  reprove  by  speech, 

ar*2&  dzadu,  s.  The  tender  stalk  of 
the  great  millet. 

zT'ascsfo  jadyamu,  s.  Coldness,  apa- 
thy. '2.  Folly,  stupidity,  dulness. 
3.  A  disease,  sickness. 

2r°cB  dzana,  s.  A  clever  or  skilful 

zr^tf  dzatara,  s.  The  festival  of  any 
deity,  but  chiefly  of  the  village 

tr3®  jati,  s.  A  kind,  sort,  class,  tribe, 
or  caste.  2.  The  nutmeg  tree.  3. 
Birth.  ss-SoS^  jatipatri,  Mace.^» 
§£e>x*»  jatiphalamu,  The  nutmeg. 

er®  dzati,  s.  Splendour,  brightness. 

zr'esb  dzadu,  s.  vide  8T°2?>  dzadzu. 

82"°  tf  jana,  s.  vide  l£tf  jena. 

??*(&  dzanu?  s.  Beauty,  adj.  Beauti- 




2r°s6te)  dzanngaln,  s.  plu.  Ears. 

7r>&$)  januvu,  s.  The  knee. 

s^ss^  dzapatri,  s.  vide  gj-'sSoSjga 

s?^s5os5m  japyamu,  adj.  LoiteriDg.  s. 
Loitering,   delay. 

g^&w0  jabita,  s.  A  list. 

25^>£)D  dzabilli,  5.  The  moon.  g^OD 
s5fe3  clzabillipatti,  The  planet  Mer, 
cury.  cJ^aS)  QS'^-  dzabillirikka- 
The  fifth  of  the  lunar  mansions. 

-as-* 2w  dzabu,  s.  A  letter  of  correspond- 

£-°s&3o&)  dzamapandu,  5.  The  fruit 
of  the  guava  tree. 

S^afc-otf)  jamarn,  s.  A  long  cloth, 
without  any  coloured  border. 

2T,g*r>s6  dzaminu,  5.  Security,  bail. 

zr'sSw  dzamu,"  s.  A  space  of  time 
equivalent  to  three  English  hours- 

23-°&a>  dzarru,  v.  n.  To  slide,  or  slip. 
2.  To  trip,  or  stumble-  3.  A  knot 
to  slip  open;  or  become  loose.  4. 
To  drop  -as  water.  5.  To  flee. 

sr^sfco  dzalamu,  s.  Delay,  loitering. 
zj^osSw^dCco  dzalamucheyu,  v.  a. 
To  shuffle  off. 

zrv$>  jalaru,  s.  Net-work,  fringe. 
&*v&g&±  jalarukannu,  The  mesh 

of  a  net. 
^er«8  dzalari,  s.  vide  23^"sr°5   dzala- 

s^S  dzali,  5.   Pity,    commiseration, 

2.  Begret,  sorrow.  3.  Wrath. 
2r°ex>  dzalu,  s.  The  gentle  flowing  of 

water.  sT'e^asb  dzalgonu,  To  flow 

gently  as  water. 
^-S-^PcxsSxba,  gr^sfoa   dzale-dzali- 

yamu,  dzalemu,  5.  A  purse. 
s^&sr*  dzakiva,  s.  Gold. 
25*°^  dzava,  s.  A  thipk  drink,  made 

of  boiled  rice,  pr  wheat. 
j^jb  jasti,  a$.  More,  much. 
sr^tfo  jahiru,  adj.  Obvious.  ?r>$r°& 

■^ocsoo  jahirucheyu,  To  explain. 

220^  jink  a,  s,  An  antelope. 
£*&,£&>&  jigata,  jiguru,  s.  Paste, 

or  gum. 
gft  jigi,  s.  Brightness,  splendour,  adj. 

Strong.  s2ftss$  jigipani,  Substantial 

g"todb  jittedu,  adj.  Equal  in  extent 

to  a  span,  measured  by  the  thumb 
and  forefinger. 
££0  jiddu,  sy  Grease,  oil,  &c.  Swim- 
ming upon  water,  or  besmearing 
any  thing,  adj.  Greasy,  oily.  $&> 

g'&e)  jiddukadali,  The  sea  of  milk; 
one  of  the  seven  fabulous  seas. 
£s£oS£o  jitapadu,  v.  n.  To  be  salubri- 
ous. 2.  To  be  subdued.  3.  To  be 
qualified.  4.  To  be  accustomed. 



&  o&>*5b-Dzumdzuru 

^^^ft3-i5b  jitaparratsu,  v.  a.  To  sub- 
due. 2.  To  qualify.  3.  To  accustom. 

£gb  jittu,  s.   Craft,  cunning. 

£e5b  jiddu,  s.  Quarrel,  dispute.  2.  En- 

gtf&K  jinassu,  5-  A  thing,  an  article. 

£axn>    jimma,   6'.  Possession,  charge. 

23-cr»jira,  s.  Armour,  mail. 

?3-cp>o333  jirayati,  s.  Agriculture,  cul- 

£££tttf  jirrruna,  adv.  Swiftiy,  speedily. 

*Se>  jila,  5.  An  itching. 

gg)£)S)35e>o§b  jilibilipaluku,  s.  A  low 
but  pleasing  sound. 

29e>o7^b  jiKigu,  adj.  Very  small,  and 
close.  2.  Troublesome,  v.  a.  To 
write  in  a  very  close  and  small 

s2"e5!)ex>  jilebilu,  s.  phi.  A  kind  of 

£  e5i&  jilledu,  adj.  Of  or  belonging 
to  the  gigantic  swallow  wort. 
Asclepias  gigantea.  s.  The  plant 

£$&  jivuru,  s.  vide  £K&  jigata. 

^o^sSm  jindramu,    5.    Misfortune, 

2§&jidi,  s.  The  juice  which  exudes 

from  the  stalk  of  the  mango  fruit, 

immediately  after  it  is  cut  from 

the  tree. 

2§i£o5m  jitamu,  s.  Salary?"  wages,  pay. 

£$b  jinu,  5.  An  anchor.  2.  A  horse 

^wojibu,  .s.  A  net-like  substance 
which  surrounds  the  cocoannt, 
and  other  similar  trees,  at  those 
parts  whence  the  branches  ex- 

<£$  jira,  s.  A  line.  2.  A  crack,  or  flaw. 
sftfg'sSoo-^tfras&w,    2§tfs5c»  jirakamu-ji- 

rariamu,  jiramu,  s.  Cummin  seed. 
2§tfb-2§TT>e&,  2§&"3r*eso  jfru-jiradu,  ji- 

rukadu,  v.  n.  To  hang  down,  or 

trail,  on  the  ground. 

s^e^ea  i il akarrra,  s.  vide  'i&g&ys  ifra- 

igsSoz  jivamvi,  s.  Life,  existence.  2. 
The  soul.  ^sStfsSw  jivanamu,  s. 
Life,  existence.  2.  "Water.  3.  Live- 
lihood, means  of  subsistence.  4. 

2P0  2T°o  dzumdzam,  s.  A  torch  made 
of  Jonnalu  straw,  used  by  the 
young  people  on  the  new  moon  of 
the  month  of  es rococoes  asvayu- 

epos^o  dzumdzum,  s.  The  buzzing 
of  bees,  &c. 

23>ozP&g&  dzumdzurukatta,  s.'  A 
torch  made  of  sticks,  tied  together 
in  a  bundle. 





wowkhzx  dzUmdzurrulu,  s.  A  lion's 

«»o83»ft9o'3ovt»;§'ex)    dzumdzurruven- 

trukalu,  s.  phi.  Dishevelled  hair. 
g?6o^  [i  ex> dzuttanavrelu,  s.  The  fore- 


js3^  dzuttu,  5 
of  hair 

A  long  lock,  or  tuft, 
eft  by  the  Hindoos  on 
the  crown  of  the  head,  the  rest  of 
which  is  close  shaved.  2.  A  pea- 
cock's crest. 

s^^fo  dzunagu,  v.  n.  To  retire,  with- 
draw, or  retreat. 

g»  &  dzutta,  5.  A  short  span,  measur- 
ed from  the  thumb,  to  the  tip  of 
the  ring  finger. 

g^tfb^  dzunnu,  s.  Honey,  2.  Cheese. 
&&\  "spsw  dzannubalu,  The  milk 
of  a  cow  which  has  newly  calved, 
until  seven  days  after  the  birth, 
#    dzubbuna,     adv.     Swiftly, 

flu.  A  kind 
of  birds. 

s?bbs5^(sr°  dzurumana,  s.  A  fine. 

^^  dzurrru,  v.  a.  To  drink  with  a 
sipping  noise. 

2?>2x>s5s>  dzulumu,  s.  Oppression,  in- 
justice, gpfiws&a^dtfo  dzulumuche- 
yu,  v.  a.  To  oppress ;  to  distress. 

«Ps^ex)  dzummalu, 

vp&cht)  dzavvidivi,  s.  One  of  the 
seven  dwipas,  or  continents,  into 
which  the  world  is  divided. 

s^esSdo,  s^tfsSw  dziidzamu,  dzuda- 
mu,  s.  A  game.  2.  Gambling,  play. 
c?^22&,  2?^&a  dzudzari,  dzudari, 
A  gamester.  2?r~*2*?£r>&>  dziiclzama- 
du,  To  play  a  game. 

g?*-^  dzuji,  s.  A  procuress. 

gp-*e>3  dztilu,  5.  The  mane  of  a  horse. 


"Sotr*  jenda,  s.  A  flag,  or  banner. 
«?ozri3cTfc\ex>  jenclakutstsulu,  The 
tassels  of  a  flag. 

~go&  jenta,  5.  A  wicked  young  fe- 

"SX  jega,  s.  Greatness,  ad/.  Great. 

^fe3  jetti,  s.  A  brave  man,  a  gallant 


"i^  ietti,  5.  A  wrestler,  "g^ssfcw  fettl- 
esJ    "•  u     w    '     "^ 

pattu,  "Wrestling.  "^-^Soss  jettf- 
penukuva,  A  combat  of  wrestlers. 

"g&  iedda,  5.  vide  &£  dzadda. 

a  J     *  *  Ca 

"%■$  jena,  s.  The  yolk  of  the  egg. 
3?35oa2&  jemudu,  5.  The  milk-hedge 

plant.  Euphorbia  tirucall', 
2§&5$  jerrabhi,  s.  An  old  woman. 
"^e|  jerrri,  s.  A  centipedes 





i*eJ£r«&>  ierrripotu,    a 

£3  off 

£fe>  jela,  s.  A  spring. of  water. 
"SaK  jelaga,  5.  A  leech. 
??«-«» S'cfta  jelakante,   s.  A  hawk 

13  ss  jeva,  *-.  Strength. 
"2§sl  jeshta,  s.  Misfortune.     . 

1§q,&  o^ogp  jendravandlu,  s.  plu.  A 
certain  caste  of  weavers. 

sfflbtfc  jeguru,  s.  Red  chalk.  sfftbao 
-&  jegurintsu,  To  grow  red. 

^  jeje,  6-.  A  deity,  male,  or  female. 
"j§l§e>X&3  jejelagattu,  The  mounta- 
in Meru,  the  abode  of  the  gods. 
?^e>3&»  jejelapattu,  The  heaven 
of  Indra. 

jfjfjeje,  interj.  Expressive  of  jo}T. 

^tf  jena,  s.  A  span. 

"^200  jebu,  s.  A  pocket. 

^ «# &  j e  vur u ,  s .  0 icfe  "^^bbb  j egur u , 

"^^)?5bKog3  jevurugaudlurs.  pZw.  Em- 

s?^oSs5cx>  dzompamu,    s.  z»iete     ftossobb 

c^>  ©e»  dzottillu,  v.  n.  vide  ^ftbao-& 

jegurintsu?  Under  "sffotfb  jeguru. 

A  kind  of  1  ar°£\  dzonna,  5.  The  jonna  grain,  or 
great  millet.  Holcus  saccharatus. 

aT">£Kex>  dzobbilu,  v.  n.  vide  -S>g)vex5 

a^^Jx"  dzorrriga,  5.  vide  ar^eJx  dzo 

ap*ex>  dzollu,  s.  Saliva,  spittle. 

CO  -1- 

ar^ta  dzoham,  s.  Prostration,  salu- 
tation, infer/-  Expressive  of  joj^. 

"&-*£  dzoka,  s.   Independence,    pos- 
"^>§b  dzoku,  v.  a.  To  abuse,  or  re- 

vile ;  to  use  imprecations. 



s^S^&jo  jokottu,  v.  a.  To  lull  a  child 
to  sleep. 

"S^KsSw  dzogamu,  s.  Abstraction  of 
mind,  intense  meditation  on  one 
object.  1^5\  dzogi,  5.  A  devotee, 
or  religious  mendicant.  "^Tfo-o^ex) 
dzognraln,  A  female  devotee. 

c^rtb  dzogu,  s.  A  float,  or  raft,  for 
crossing  a  river. 

"S^ar6  dzodzo,  interj.  Expressive  of 
blessing.  Be  happy,  <fec.  It  termi- 
nates each  line  of  every  song  used 

.  for  lulling  children  asleep  ;  hence 
"3"§"*4»  dzokottu,  7,  v. 

"S^a,  dzoti,  s.  A  woman, 


srs^j  dzodu,  s.  A. pair,  or  couple.*2. 
Equality  of  size.  3.  Shoes,  sandals. 
4.  Armour,  mail. 

s^ab  dzodu,  s.  A  brave  person. 

ar6^  dzopu,  v.a.  To  flap  away  flies. 

£**&,  "S^ -0*55 6  dzoru,  dzoravari,  5. 
Force?  compulsion. 

"^eJK  dzorriga,  s.  The  dog-fly. 

■^°e>  dzola,  s.  A  song  for  lulling  in- 
fants asleep. 

ar8©,  ^°l>  dzoli,  dzoli,   5.  Purpose, 

business,  intention,  design.   ok*£>§ 

s5t5ov,     ar6!)  §&-*:$     dzolikivatstsu, 

dzolikipovu,    To  meddle  in  one's 

"JS3-0^  dzole,  s.  A  small  bag  foEjalms. 

&*h  dzosi,  5.  An  astrologer,  or  as- 
tronomer. ar^osSw  dzosyamu,  s. 
Astrology,  or  astronomy. 

c^^tfb  dzoharu,  s.  vide  ar^bo  dzo 

^-    ■ 
&  %)  jnapti  s.  Understanding,  com- 
prehension ;  the   exercise  of  the 
intellectual  faculty.   2.  Recollec- 

"er°©  jnati,  s.  A  collateral   relation,' 

or  distant  kinsman  ;  one  who  does 

-   hot  participate  in  the  oblations  of 

212  2»Q#5&>-Jwaramu 

food,  or  water,  offered  to  deceased 

sftfsSw  jnanamu,  s.  Knowledge  in 
general.  2.  Knowledge  of  a  speci- 
fic and  religious  kind,  that  which 
is  derived  from  meditation,  and 
the  study  of  philosophy. 

ar*?)  jnani,  s.  An  astrologer,  a  for- 
tune-teller. 2.  A  sage,  one  possess- 
ing religious  wisdom,  or  gnanum. 

2T's^s6oajnapakamu,s.  Remembrance, 
recollection.  sr5;S§'s$>o^o36o   jnapa- 

kamucheyu,  To  remind,  to  recol- 

vTq  jya>.  The  earth.  2.  A  bowstring. 

"S^e SsxsS^o  jyotishamu,  s.  Astronomy, 

astrology-  ^S^Ssspjp.^  jyotishku. 

du,  An  astronomer  or  astrologer  ; 

a  fortune-teller. 
"S^ca&v  jyotissu,  s.  Light.  2.  Fire. 

3.  The  sun.  4.   The  moon.   5.    A 



eqS'jd-w  jwaramu,  s.  Feveiy-srSaptfaSaa 
chalijwaramu,Z^.  Cold  and  fever. 
An  ague.  Sb  j^ajotfsStf  pitta  jwaramu, 
A  bilious  fever. 





^S®'   s^c^^w   jwala,    jwalamu,    s. 

Flame,  blaze. 

5bp  jha,  The   twenty-fourth    letter, 

and  ninth  consonant,  in  the  Telu- 

gu  alphabet. 
Sbo o -3^ tfs»o -Sbp or^s5Do,  bbpo^8jhan 

karamu-jhankritamu,  j  hankriti,s. 

A  buzz,  or  humming.  2.  The  loud 

noise  of  anger. 
SbpoSop  jhamjha,    s.    A   tempest,   or 

Sbpl>S)o-£5b  jhalipintsu,  v.  a.  To  brand- 

sf-  na  This  is  the  twenty-fifth,  letter, 
and  tenth  censonant,  in  the  Telu- 
gu  alphabet,  but  no  word  in  the 
language  commences  with  it. 

feo  ta,  The  twenty-sixth  letter,  and 
eleventh  consonant,  in  the  Telu- 
gu  alphabet.  It  is  often  added  to 
the  root  of  the  verb,  to  form  the 
verbal  noun  ;  as,  ^otfok?  cheyuta 
Doing.  , 

feocS'sSM  tankamn,  s.  An  imaginary 
coin  of  the  value  of  16  copper 
clubs,  or  four  silver  fanams. 

koc$ s5x>  tankamu,  s.  Pride.  2,  A  stone 
cutter's  chisel.  3.  Borax. 

feooS^e*  tankasala,  s    A  mint. 

feoSo^  takku,  s.  Deceit,  cunning.  2. 
Dissimulation,  hypocrisy,  pre- 
tence, v,  a.  To  deceive  ;  to  pre- 

fco^k-9,    SoS'&xDSb    takkari,   takatan- 

ku,  s.  A  deceitful,  or  fraudulent 

£otr°§,  &>^r>&>    tapaki,   tapasu,    s.  A 

to-tr^  tappa,  s.  The  post,  generally 

termed  the  T appal,   in  Southern 

&>u^owo^5b  talayintsu,  v.  n.  To  take 

a  walk.  2.  To  delay,  or  put  off, 

&n>§o  taku,  s.  A  ring  used  to  retain 
others  on  the  finger.  2.  The  end 
or  point  of  a  pen. 

Sokes'*  &»  tatotii)  5.  Deceit,  pretence. 
fe3eJ  tirrri,  s.  A  beast  of  burden. 

&g  tika,  s.  A  commentary. 

&s*  tika,  s.  Inoculation.  2.  The  small 
pox  by  inoculation.  3.  An  orna- 
ment, hanging  from  the  hair  down 
upon  the  forehead.  ^-3"°-^ 360  tika- 
veyu,  To  inoculate, 



&  o»  s5x  -  D  am  bam  u 

^$  tip1^  5-  Money,  deposited  as  se- 
curity for  good  conduct, 


&x3-o|  tuki,  5.  An  abstract  of  the  con- 
tents, or  purport,  of  a  letter. 

"loos'  tenka,  5.  The  stone  of  the 
mango  fruit. 

loo-^csS  tenkaya,  s.  A  cocoanut. 

1oo§  tenki,  s.  A  house. 

"laol  tenke,  s.  A  shoemakers  awl. 

Ib&k-ex)  tekkulm,  s.  jpfo.  Airs  of 

Iblk-sSw  tekkemu,  s.  A  flag,  or  ban- 

dr*i>  topi,  5.  A  hat.  2.  A  cap. 

tf  tha,The  twenty-seventh  letter,  and 
twelfth  consonant,  in  the  Telugu 

^TPooooa5b  tharayintsu,  v.  a.  To  re- 
solve, settle,  or  fix. 

&3S&3S  thavathava,  $.  Obstacle,  or  im- 

&sss5  thavarie,  s.  A  great  drum. 
$s»&  thavara,  s.  A  deceitful  female. 
£sss>  thavali,  s.  Deceit,  fraud. 

-st3  £3*  thana,  s.  The  head  place  of  a 
district.  2.  A  watch  house.  tet»3 
•sr»tf>  thanedaru,  One  appointed 
to  superintend  a  district. 

T2P!$  thavu,  5.  A  place,  house,  lodg- 
ing, or  residence 


8t«w  thikana,  s.  A  place  of  resi- 
dence, or  resort  ;  abode,  station. 

§gb  thlku,  atZ/.  Proper,  just,  fit.    2. 

Exact,  complete.  3,  True. 
6 &  thivi,  5.  Generosity,  liberality.  2. 

Posture,  state. 


~£ss  theva,  s.   G-lory,  £ower. 

o^§b  tkoku,  5.  A  great  sum. 

o^ej-t.  thola,  *.  A  body,  or  company. 

&  da,  The  twenty-eighth  letter,  and 
thirteenth  consonant,  in  the  Te- 
lugu  alphabet. 

SSoasfco  dambamuj  s.  Ostentation, 
adj.  Ostentatious.  ca*c£>&&>  dam- 
bikudu,  A  coxcomb, 



£ft  oaS-piggiya 

2^o^  dambu,  s.  Splendour,  bright- 

-  ness,  brilliance. 

Ssl^-  dakki,  s.  A  small  drum,  shap- 
ed like  an  hour  glass. 

&Ktf  daggara,  adv.  Near;  used  in 
books  only. 

&7fo  _§£"  dagguttika>  s.  A  low,  chok- 
ed, interrupted,  or  sobbing  sound, 
expressive  either  of  joy,  or  grief. 

&$£  dappu,  5.  A  large  noisy  drum. 

&b\  dabbi,  s.  A  small  box  ;  a  vessel 
kept  in  Hindoo  temples,  for  the 
reception  of  presents  from  pil- 
grims ;  or  in  which  the  custom 
servants  keep  the  collections  made 
by  them. 

2s230\  dabbu,  5.  A  dub,  or  copper  coin 
of  the  value  of  twenty  cash.  2, 

-  Falsehood,  a  lie-  3.  Riches,  eclat, 
ostentation.  4.  The  noise  of  a  drum. 
&»<uXe>-5r>2&  dabbugalavadu,  A 
rich  man. 

e£sxy*tfs>M    damaramu,    s.   A  pair  of 

kettle  drums. 
%&.&  dammanu,  v.  n.  To  die. 


efioc6oo  dayyu,  v.  n.  To  be  fatigued, 
tired,  wearied,  or  weakened. 

&zn>a&&>  dalayatu,  s.  A  deloyet,  or 

c£$)Vo  davulu,  5.  vide  ^ew  dauln. 

"c^Ab  dagu,  s.  A  stain,  spot,  blot,  or 

rr>fo  4%u>  v-  ^.  To  hide,  vide  •sr'Xb 

•<^s5e>  dapala.  adv.  On  the  left  side. 

Tr>oSD  dapali,  adj.  Left- 
tt'-zp  daba,  s.  Blame,  censure, 
"c^^o  dabu,  s.  A  catalogue,  or  list.  2^ 

A  physician's  recipe.  3.  A  female's 

zone,  of  silver,  or  gold. 
T5-*ctfo  dayu,  v.  n.  To  approach. 
•cr°oo  dala,  s.  Splendour,  brilliance. 

2.  A  shield.  3.  A  banner  or  flas;. 

cloX&e&  dingarudu,  s.  A  servant  ;  a 

slave.  2.  A  fat  man. 
&o&  dintsn,  v.  a.    To   let,  or  put, 

down.  2.   To  leave  another,  vide 

ao-db  dintsu. 

&oitfsSx>  dindframu,  s.   Froth  foam. 

&o&>  dindu,  s.  Meanness.  2-  Defeat. 
v.  n.  To  die  or  expire  2.  To  be 
defeated.  SojSbsSea^)  dinduparra- 
tsu,  v.  a.  To  defeat  in  battle. 

SKb,  &Kb  digu,  diggu,  v.  ».  To  de- 
scend, or  alight,  tide  a 76  digu. 

&*  oc5  diggiya,  *.  A  large  and  long- 




^e^^s^b  dillapadu,  v.  n.  To  be   im- 
moveable. 2.  To  be  astounded. 

&&*&  dikonu,  v.  a.  To  butt. 

&e»oSdb  dilupadu,  v.  n*  To  become 
lean,  weak,  or  feeble.  2.  To  be  de- 
feated. kzx)$ts>&>  diluparratsu,  v. 
a.  To  weaken.  2.  To  defeat. 

C&s5b  duma,  ^)ar£.  This.word  is  found 
in  books  only,  added  to  verbs,  to 
express  the  optative  mood ;  as  es> 
c&o&><&  ayyeduma,  May  it  be  so. 

&>o&e  duyyu,  v.  a.  To  draw  a  sword. 
2,  To  open  out  auy  thing.  3.  To 
retire,  or  retreat.  4.  To  pierce. 

£&«o-©}  durrruchehi,  inter j.  Expres- 
sive of  defiance  to  battle. 

£&ex>  dullu,  «?.  n.  To  fall,  as  reaves 
from  a  tree,  dbwrfo  dulutsu,  v.  a. 
To  cause  to  fall ;  to  slacken. 

°So£5s5oo  dendamu,  5.  Mind,  heart, 

'SS'/—  dekka,  5.  A  hoof. 

"SSb^-  dekku,  t>.  a.  To  hinder,  pre- 
vent, or  arrest. 

-g3S\tfs&3  depparamu,  ae?;.  Unattain- 

"S^a,  "S"S\  debbadi,  debhbhai,  adj. 

^X  dega,  s.  A  hawk,  or  falcon. 

"^7T°&  degata,  s.  On  the  fifth  day 
after  a  marriage,  the  bride  and 
bridegroom,  with  all  their  rela- 
tions, throw  perfumed  powder  at 
:  each  other,  and  this  is  the  name 
given  to  that  pastime. 

el^p  dera,  s.  A  tent. 

^o^  donka,  s.  A  bush.  2.  A  road, 
amidst  cultivated  fields,  left  for 

cS^oSb  donku,  v.  n.  T0  be  degraded 
or  decreased,  s.  Crookedness. 

eS^r^.  dokka,  s.  The  belly.  2.  The 
outward  shell  of  a  cocoanut. 

cS^g,  cS^to  dorlu,  dollu,  p.  n.  To 
tumble,  or  roll  over  ;  to  fall  down. 

<£"«   dolla,  adj.   Hollow. 

fir6  ; 

cS^-csp  dokada,  5.    The  hundredth 

part  of  any  coin. 
cS^Sb  doku,  v.  a.  To  dig  slightly  ;  to 

root  up  grass. 
(S^e)  dolf,  5.  A  litter,  or  dooly,  vide 

^w  chauta. 
dS^ew  dolu,  s.  A  kind  of  drum. 

£o*o -Tanta 




2T°e»  daulu,  s.  An  estimate.  2.  Ap- 

^  dha,  The  twenty-ninth  letter,  and 
fourteenth  consonant,  in  the  Te- 
lugu  alphabet. 

<^o§"  dhanka,  s.  vide  #£]-.  dhakka. 

tfs^-  dhakka,  s.  A  double  drum. 

"qr*^  dh£ka,  s.  Formidable  appear- 
ance. 2.  Rigorous  authority. 

qr*T°  dhok&,  *.  Doubt,  fear,  sus- 


ca  na,  This  is  the  thirtieth  letter,  and 
fifteenth  consonant,  in  the  Telugu 
alphabet,  but  no  words  in  the 
language  begin  with  it. 

tf  ta,  The  thirty-first  letter,  and  six? 

teenth  consonant,  in  the  Telugu 

&oto,  s£o£t°  tanta,  tanta,  s.  Difficul- 
ty, trouble.  2.  Dispute,  conten- 
tion. 3.  Slander,  false  report.  4. 
Trick,  knavery.  5.  Debt. 

^o2*fcs&o  tandasamu,     s.    An  instru 

ment  for  pulling  out  hair  by  the 
.     root. 

e£oxs^  tanda,*.  A  heap  of  filled  sacks* 

2.  A  troop  of  Brinjaries,  or  Lum- 

s£o&>  tandu,  v.  a.  To  collect,  to  de- 
mand. i£o£ex>  tandalu,  s.   Collec- 
^o^pjs5c»e)otandt)lamulu,5.  plu.  Rice. 
&o!*?x>  tandelu,  s.  A  tindal,  or  native 

officer,  in  a  ship,  or  vessel. 
e£o^  tandri,  s,   A  father.    &o.&.~* 
^dfo  tandrisaidodu,  5.  A  father's 
brother,   or  sister.    "j^oS    pet- 
tandri,  5.  A  father's  elder  brother, 
a^o^S,  pinatandri,    A    father's 
yonger  brother. 
&o9  tanti,  s.  The  wire,  or  string,  of 
a  musical  instrument.  s£o©o3^"8s5oo 
tantivaddemu,    Stringed    instru- 
&o&>  tantu,  s.  Craft,  cunning,  sub- 
til ty.  2.  Device,  shift. 
s£o7iex>  tantela,    s.    plu.  The   little 

steps,  or  bridges,  in  the  handle  of 
the  Vina,  a  sort  of  guitar. 

$£0  ^  j6»  tantramu,  5.  Craft,  cunning, 
subtilty.  2.  Device,  or  trick.  3. 
An  intrigue,   or  plot. 

#0  ©    tantri,  &  vide  e^oS  tanti. 




e£o£tf  tandara,  s.  Hesitation.  2.  Per- 
plexity, confusion.  3.  Trembling. 

#o&  tampi,  5.  A  fire  pit,  used  for; 
boiling  water. 

^o^&s,  ^o^es*  tamburra,  tamburra, 

s.  A  musical  instrument,  with  five 
strings,  resembling  a  guitar. 

e£^-cr>&  takararu,  s.  Dispute,  alter- 
cation, quarrel. 

#-*■*£>  takavi,  s.  Taccavy ;  advanc- 
es for  cultivation. 

ti^lr-  takka,  adv.  Except. 

^§o^_  takku,  v.  n.  To  remain.  2.  To 
stop,  or  cease.  3.  To  refrain  from. 
"  4.  To  give  oneVself  airs.  *.  Defi- 
ciency, residue.  2.  Affected  ges- 

^  tures,  foppish  airs. 

e£ &{,-#,  ti&ij-^)  takku va,  takkuvu,s. 
Deficiency,  defect.  2.  Dearness  in 
price.  3.  Inferiority,  adj.  Defici- 
ent, defective.  2.  Dear  in  price, 
scarce.  3.  Mean,  inferior,  low.  oi 


or  less. 
&""§£,_&  takkeda,  s.  A  pair  of  scales; 

a  balance. 
&~§k_£&>  takkeclu,  5.  A  weight  of  two 

&~§i—<±5  takkerra,a$.  Little,  trifling. 
^tto  takya,  s.  A  pillow. 
&$»  takhtu,   s,    A  throne,   or  royal 


^X<£o,  t£7fb&)  tagadu,  tagudu,    s.    A 

thin  flat  piece  of  metal  ;  a  plate. 
^XtfsSw  tagaramu,  s.  Tin. 
#;(&  tagaru,  s.  A  ram. 

^-7^-35-*  tasrada,  s.    A  claim,  suit,  or 



gfo  tagu,  v.  n.  To  be  becoming,  de- 
cent, suitable,  fit,  proper,  worthy, 
or  deserving.  2.  To  fit ;  to  suit. 

$£ftb<ysko  ta^jlamu,  s.  Lust.  2.  Love. 

e£?foex>  tagulu,  v.  n.  To  touch,  or  come 

in  contact  with.  2.  To  be  seized? 
caught,  ensnared,  or  entangled.  3. 
To  be  affected  with  sickness.  4. 
To  be  found.  5.  To  cost.  v.  a.  To 
touch  or  hit.  2.  To  pursue.  £K«k>&> 
tagalabadu,  To  be  caught,  or  en- 
snared. 2.  To  burn.  ^K^"3^  taga 
labettu,  To  burn,  or  set  on  fire.^K 
oKg>  tagalagattu,  To  tie  on. 

e£Xb°-x>20&  tagulubadi,  s.  Charges,  cost. 

^ftSoTSb  tagilintsu,  v.  Gaus.  To  cause 
to  touch.  2.  To  stick  to,  suspend 
from,  or  hang  upon.  3.  To  set  on 
fire.  4.  To  give,  or  affect,  with  any 
disease.,  s5$er*^ft$o-i5b  panilotagi- 
lintsu,  To  employ,  in  business.  -3 
ajex>£5\So-&  debbalutagilintsu,To 
flog  or  beat. 

& !&&>&* &  tagulukonu,  v.  Comp.  To 
get  one's- self' entangled  in.  2.  To    | 




take  fire  of  itself.  tfo~§|\3&fte)o-tk 
r*sfc  sankellutagilintsukonu,  To 
get  fettered.  &^X&»&K£)o:&r*& 
rogamutagilintsnkonu,  To  get  di- 

e£Kb$,  &K$)  taguvu,  tagavu,  s.  A 
dispute.  2.  A  Law  suit.  3.  The 
presents  given  by  parents  to  Iheir 
daughter,  on  her  marriage,  e^fio^ 
a,  e^Ksse  taguvari,  tagavari,  A 
judge  •  an  arbitrator. 

&&>  taggu,  s.  Deficiency.  2.  Defect. 
adj.  Deficient.  2.  Defective.  3. 
Short,  low."*,  n.  To  be  degraded; 
to  be  abated  ;  to  be  humbled,  v. 
a.  To  put  down. 

&%  o-^b  taggintsu,  v.  a.  To  decrease, 
diminish,  abate,  or  lessen. 

6%  os£)  taggimpu,  s.  A  reduction,  or 

#-S\tf  tatstsana,  s.  Craft,  cunning, 
subtilty.  2.  Device  or  trick.  3.  De- 
rision ;  a  joke.  c$-3\tfer»e&  tatstsa- 
naladu,  To  joke,  or  deride. 

titeTosxifo,  e£feo§>o^£>  tatasthaniagu,  ta 
tasthintsu,  v.  n.  To  succeed.  2,  To 

& &>$?&;)  tatasthivdu,  s.  An  indifferent 
man,  neither  a  friend  nor  a  foe. 

ef&n»S'i6oatatakamu,  s,  A  tank,  pond, 
or  pool. 

tikj^votf  tataluna,  adv.  Swiftly?  qu- 
&k*  tatta,    s.  A  small   basket.   2.   A 

eo        " 

metal  plate. 

&£  tatti,  s.  A  small  metal  plate, 
turned  up  at  the  rim,  out  of  which 
the  Hindoos  eat  their  victuals. 

e£&3d  tattu,  s.  A  bank,  or  shore-  2.  A 
side,  or  direction.  3.  A  pony.  4- 
Measles,  v.  a.  To  beat  or  knock  at 
a  door.  2.  To  pat.  3.  To  clap.  4. 
To  touch  the  heart,  or  mind.  && 
"Seek  tattiveyu,  To  make  a  thing- 
fall  out  of  one's  hand.  #£&**&  ta- 
ttipovu,  To  be  disappointed.  £&a 
s6oofc>3  tattumuttu,  Utensils,  house- 
hold stufi*. 

& fc»ss  tattu  va,  s.  A  pony. 

&  &>  o^e^b  tatravadu,  5.  A  gold-smith. 

$££  tada,  f.  Delay.  2.  Hesitation, 
doubt,  suspicion,  3.  Confusion, 
embarrassment,  3&k&)  tadabadu, 
To  be  impeded,  or  obstructed.  2. 
To  be  embarrassed.  3.  To  stutter 
or  falter.  4.  To  be  infirm  in  walk- 
ing. &&r^  tadakattu,  To  stop  by 

&£r  tadaka,  s.  A  Tatty,  or  straw 
blind  ;  it  is  also  used  as  a  door  to 
huts,  <fec. 

&£3  tadapa,  s.  A  small  piece  of  any 
loose  fibrous  substance,  such  as 
hemp,  &c. 

&  ^es-Tatiarra 



ti&c&)  tadayu,  v.  n.  To  loiter,  or 
trifle  away. 

s^ss  tadava,  s,  A  time  ;  as  Zjgg&g 
okatadava,  Once. 

&&$  tadavu,  v.  a.  To  look,  or  search 
for  ;  to  feel  for,  or  grope:  s.  Hin- 
drance, delay,  loss  of  time. 

ef&  tadi,  s.  A  wetting.  2.  Damp, -wet. 
adj.  Wet,  damp. 

&&0&0  tadiyu,  v.  n.  To  be  wet;  to 

'  get  wet. 

#£&$  tadupu,  v.  a.  To  wet.  8.  A 
wetting,  ti  Wet,  damp. 

i£Ss\  £<S~§  tadika,  tadike,  5.  vide 
&&$  tadaka. 

i^^^taduvn,??.  a. vide  &&$>  tadava. 

^cbK?5k>,  ^E9ir°j6a>  t&jiagamu,  tanaga 
mu,  s.  A  leathern  bag  for  water, 
carried  on  bullocks.  ^7p"S5^ 
,tarjagameddu,  A  bullock  which 
bears  water,  in  a  bag  of  that  kind. 

^S  tati,  s.  Proper  season,  or  time. 

^Ds£r°.  tatimma,  s.  The  remainder. 

— 0 

#  *£&  tattadi,  5.  A  horse. 

&  ^&9j6c»,  c£  e^-Jp&o  tattarramu,  tat- 
tarpap£tu,  s.  Perplexity,  distur- 
bance, confusion,  embarrassment. 

llu,  tattarrilu,  v  n.  To  be  perplex- 
ed, disturbed,  confused*  or  emba- 
rrassed. 2.  To  tremble. 

e^dTjJsSoo  tatvamti,  s.  Essential  nature; 
the  real  nature  of  the  human  soul, 
considered  as  one  and  the  same 
with  the  divine  spirit  animating 
the  universe. 

s£$fc;6oo  tathyamu,*.  Truth,  adj.  True. 

«£&tfoe£tfs6ootadanantaramu,  adv.  Af- 

&TF>t$$'c  tadarabhya,  adv.  From  that 
time  ;  since  then. 

€£&o3ootaddayu,«c//.  Exceeding,  much, 

*£fij£s5a>  taddinamu,  s.  The  annual 
ceremony  for  ancestors,  lit.  That 
day,  the  day. 

&c5tf  ,s5m  tadhdharmamu,s.The  aorist 
of  the  verb. 

e££\sss$3o  tadbhavamu,  adj.  Corrupt- 
ed from  the  Sanskrit. 

i£tf&  tanaku,  v.  n.  To  shine.  2.  To 
be  joined. 

e^4r*  tanakha,  s.  An  assignment  on 
the  revenues. 

^tfss^o  tanamu.^>ar£.  This  particle  is 
added  to  t§3Vs5c»  desyamu,  Adjec- 
tives, and  sometimes  to  si<?c*x» 
desyamu,  Nouns^  or  even  occasion- 
ally to  the  relative  participles  of 
tSs'eii&a  desyamu,  Verbs,  in  order 
to  form  abstract  nouns  ;  thus 
sfto-os^sSoo  manchitanamu,  Good- 




ness.  &e)  sStf^pillatanamu,  Child- 
hood. "§So33»^^sSix>  teliyanitana- 
rau,  Ignorance.  • 

^^oobo^c  tanayudu,  s.  A  son. 

&$&>,  ££tf>\  tanaru,  tanartsu,  v.    n. 

To  shine. 
£tf&x  tanarpu,  5.  Breadth,  width. 

&»s  taniki,  s.  A  revenue  term,  sig- 
nifying examination,  or  compari- 
son, of  an  account,  &c.  ;  or  the 
ascertaining  it's  correctness. 

6$o&)  taniyu,  v.  n.  To  be  satisfied, 

or  contented.  ^^^>  tanupu,  v.  a. 

To  satisfy. 
eSfta  tanivi,  s.  Satisfaction,  satiety, 

&&\  tanna?  v.  a.  To  kick.  2.  To  flog. 

.t.  A  kick. 
«$<&\  r**&  tannukonu,    v.   Comp.   To 

struggle.  &tfo*j>r>&  tannuladu,  To 

fight  together.  #s&Ne>»2&  tannula- 

badu,  To  be  beaten- 

^sSsfr  £&  tapanudu,  8.  The  sun. 

&3sSm,    &<5&\    tapamu,   tapassu*    s. 

Beligious  austerity,  penance,  or 
mortification;  the  practice  of  men- 
tal or  personal  self-denial. 

e$2>o-&,  &S>o»o-iSb  tapintsu,  tapiyin- 
tsQ,  v.  n.  To  burn  ;  to  be  inflam- 
ed ;  to  be  hot. 

&-&zr»  tapela,5.  A  brass  pot,  in  which 
the  Hindoos  generally  cook  their 

£&*$&&  tapodhanudu,  s.  A  de- 
votee, an  ascetic,  one  who  per- 
forms religious  penance. 

^*\  tappa,  adv.  The  infinitive  of 
i£sSo  tappu,  q.  v.  Is  often  used  as 
an  adverb,  to  denote  Except,  un- 
less, without  ;  as  ;  Bcrufctf^  miru- 
'  tappa,  Without  you.  ^ss^-^cca  tap 
pakaya,  Fruit  without  a  heart  ; 
such  as  a  nut  without  a  kernel. 

«£sSv -outfox  tappadaltsu,  v.  n.  To  pre- 
tend, to  tell  lies. 

i5s5vew  tappalu,  s.'phv.  Corn  of  which 
the  ears  are  empty,  from  disease, 
or  want  of  rain. 


vide    s£s?. 

£2>vi£s5!»    tappitamu, 

£s$v  tappu,  s.  An  error,  or  mistake. 
2.  A  fault.  3.  A  crime,  any  thing 
improper,  v.  a.  To  err,  or  mistake. 
2.  To  miss.  3.  To  fail  in  an  engage- 
ment, or  promise.  4,  To  escape, 
to  elude,  adj.  Bad,  wrong.  Tfca&S 
vSo  gurritappu,  To  miss  aim.  rr>Q 
&$g  daritappu,  To  miss,  or  devi- 
ate from  the  road,  sfroto&ss^  m&ta- 
tappn,  To  fail  in  one's  word. 

^2)xo-v5b  tappintsu,  p.  Cans.  To  cause 
to  err,  &c.  ;  to  extricate,  or  save. 

«$S»\oiSbr*56  tappintsukonu,??.  Comp. 
To  save  or  extricate  oneVself. 





^s$^tf  tappuna,  adv.  Quickly,  spee- 

i£"^&>  tappeta,  s.  A  large  drum. 

sS-j£pss&>  taphavattu,  s.  A  difference, 
a  disparity. 

&f>6§b  taphiriku,  s.  An  extra  assess- 
ment, subdivided  upon  many. 

e£f)f>ew  taphisilu,  s.  Detail,  anal}Tsis. 

&2o tf-g-0  tabaraka,  s.  A  time. 

&£»§b  tabuku,  5.  A  salver,  or  flat 

#"^er°  tabela,  s-  A  stable. 

e££)\«3\  tabbibbu,  a$/.  Distracted. 

e^j&s  sow  tamakamu,  s.  Lust.  2.  Love. 

#sfcSo  &&>*&>  tamaku,  tamuku,  v.  n. 
To  hesitate.  2.  To  recede  from  a 
promise,  purpose,  bargain,  &c.  3. 
To  be  in  a  hurry,  to  be  precipi- 

e£sfcXsS»  tamagamu,  5.  A  raised  open 
building,  with  a  high  canopy,  ge- 
nerally termed  a  mantapnm. 

^s6ofeo56x.  tama'amu,  s.  A  large  drum. 
&s£>&  tamarn,  pro.   One  of  the  phi 
rals  of  eJ^ssb  tanu,  q.  v. 

e£s$oe>-&-°§b  tamalapaku,  s.  The  beetle 
leaf.  ds&os5w  tamalamu,  The  beetle 
and  nut  together. 

$fs*r»a6  tamanu,  s.  Long  drawers,  or 
trousers,  such  as  are  worn  by  pe- 
ons, bullock's  neck 

^s5j-»s5:»  tamamu,  s.  The.  whole. 

£sfr»ooooo5b  tamayintsu,  v.  n.  To  reco- 
ver one's-self  ir/rai  falling. 

e^sij^^?  tamasha,  s.  A.  show,  or  spe- 

e£so  tami,  s.  Love.  2.  Lust. 

#Sto"3-iX)  tamidelu,  s.  _pfo&.  The  grain 
usually  termed  Natchenny.  Cyno- 
surus  coracanus. 

e£&>~3  tamire,  s.  A  nail  fixed  in  the 
middle  part  of  a  yoke. 

e£s5c»§b  tamuku,  s.  A  dram.  2.  A  tam'- 

e£s5o^  tamma.  s.  Beetle  leaf,  and  nuts, 

which  have  been  chewed.  &s$o  ^63 

tammakarra,    The    red   stain    of 


e£s&,k>s5*)    tammatamu,    s.    A 

e^£&o&_°5s^3&K,  e£sfc^  &?(«*»  tam- 
matasuku-tammapadiga,  tammapa 
digamu,  s.  A  spitting  pot. 

tammi,  5.  The  lotus.  £&>  g'ofeS 
tammikanti,  lit.  Lotns-e}?ed.  Vish- 
nu. eS&r  ~f  ew  tammi kel  11,  ^t  Lotus- 

— c 

hands.  This   is    a  complimentary 
mode  of  mentioning  the  hands, 





e'o5w,^b  tammudu 

o  • 

^"afe,  tamme,  5.  The  lobe  of  the  ear. 


2.   That  part  of  the  rope  round  a 
lich  fastens  it. 



^8JT*-Tai  g 

^cctf-°&  tayaru,  adj.  Beady,  s.  Readi-  | 

q'ooo^I)  tavinatf.^.  Attendance  upon 

sstfo/XsSac,  i^Stf  tarangamu,  taraga,  s. 
A  wave,  or  surge. 

£tfrtfs5oo,  ^5s>  tarakasamu,  taraka 
sa,  s.  A  quiver. 

^tfKSftbe^  taragatigundlu,  s.  j»&i. 
A  kind  of  neck  ornament. 

s£tfr3$5x>  taranamu,  s.  A  raft.  2.  Gross- 
ing, or  passing  over. 

^tfttsSw,  £&n&x>  taranamu,  taruua- 
mu,  5.   Opportunity. 

e£tf!$tf  taratara,  s.  Beginning,  com- 

s'tfiStfcwo  tarataranibu,  adv.  Day-by- 

£{f3&r>&  tarataraladn,^  n.  To  fear, 
or  be  afraid. 

$$&*&  taraddudu,  s.  A  revenue 
term,  signifying  active  exertion, 
or  contrivance  ;  especially  to  pro- 
mote cultivation  ;  and  thence  ap- 
plied sometimes  to  denote  cultiva- 
tion itself. 

gti$)  tarapu,  s.  A  side.  adv.  Towards. 

&tf<6y>  taramu,  s.  A  class,  or  sort.  2.  j 
A  generation.    3.    A  number    of 
persons,  or  animals,  adj.  Equal.  2. 
Possible,   tftfxS  taragati,  Classifi- 
cation, rank,  order.  sfoaSUS'k-ao 

tarabadilekkalu,  The  accounts  of 
classification.  e£-u*«$tfsfcw-7rBwsso$rs>o 
-&  tarataramug-aanubhavintsu,  To 
possess,  or  enjoy,  by  uninterrupt- 
ed, hereditary  succession,  ^-o~>dtf 
&x>H>°:&&^&j-°&>  tarataramutelisi- 
matladu,  To  speak  according  to 
the  rank  of  the  person  addressed. 

e£tfex>  taralu,  v.  n.  To  move,  or  pro- 
ceed.  2.  To  set  out. 

gtisyS)  taravani,  s.  Sour  gruel. 

e£tf-5P>ooo  taravayi,  s.  A  time. 

£tf-5y*9  taravari,  s.  A  Sword. 

£•$£$  taraha,  s.  A  sort,  or  kind.  2. 
Manner,  fashion. 

&Tr?Pi  e£-aT&>  taradzu,  tarasa,  s.  vide 
&"§k_<S  takkeda, 

&Q  tari,  s.  Butter,  adj.  Churning. 
e^BS'oasSos  tarikambamu,  vide  -So 
tt°£o.  $dXzr>$)  tsallaradu.  tariga- 
lavu,  A  cow  whose  milk  is  rich  in 
butter,  gdf^v  tarigola,  A  churn- 
ing stick. 

£8o3b,s£9a»o3b  tarintsn,  tariyintsu, 

v.  n.  To  cross,  or  get  over.  2-  To 
get  through.  3,  To  obtain  salva- 
tion, by  crossing  all  the  Hindoo 
^a^esScptf  tarigorrrakura,  s.  A  sort 
of  pot-herb. 




^8fe§  tariti,  s.  A  large  sack,  which 
joins  the  two  loads  placed  on  each 
side  of  a  bullock. 

«58&sg)  taritipu,    5.  Affection  ;  love. 

&dh&r&  taripiduda,  s.  A  calf  one 
year  old. 

&&>•&  tarutsu,  z>.  a.  To  churn.  2.  To 
search,  examine,  or  investigate.  & 
e^^Sbtarichitsiits'u,  To  consider 

eStibeasfco  tarunama,  adj.  Young,  ju- 
venile. 2.  New,  fresh,  novel. 

«£&$  tarupu,s.A  calf,  one  year  old. 
2.  An  artificial  diamond. 

&&>sf>&  taruvata,  adv.  Afterwards? 
after.  £&*r>8  taruvati,  adj.  Next,; 
the  following. 

&&$  taruvu,  s.  Dunning.  £tfc#^cc6o 
taruvucheyu,  To  dun. 

^tf^-sSM  tarkamu,  s.  Doubt.  2.  Dis- 
putation, discussion,  reasoning.  3. 
Supplying  an  ellipsis.  4.  The  sci- 
ence of  logic.  ^e^_o^5b  tarkintsu, 
v.  a.  To  argue,  or  declaim.  2.  To 
reflect,  or  be  in  contemplation. 

£&s£r.  tariuma,  5.  A  translation,  or 

^&  tarlu,  v.  n.  vide  &tfex>  taralu. 

^fesS'ex)  tarrakalu,  s.  plu,  vide  «£s^ex> 

$£&9So£&  tarramidu,  v.  a.  To  whirl 

sSfcssS^,  ^aws53o  tarrama,tarrumu,  v. a- 
To  pursue.  2.  To  turn,  or  form  by 
the  lathe. 

e£e3crtx>,  e£e!dceo  tarrayu,  tarriyu,  v.  n. 
To  enter.  tfegooSay-ifcx  tarriyadzo- 
tstsu,  To  intrude  or  enter  in  ;  to 
engage  in. 

e£fcf>ex>  tarralu,  v.  n.  To  set  out,  or 
start,  for  a  place  ;  to  proceed.  2. 
To  be  afraid. 

s£e3  tarri,  s.  A  time,  or  season. 

&e£7!*ex>\  tarrigolpu,  v.  a.  To  excite, 
or  incite. 

tfe3"Stotf"3&»  tarrimenabettu,  v.  a.  To 
turn,  or  form  by  thev  lathe. 

^6£»Xb,  e£esrto  tarrugu,  tarragu,  s.  Bro- 
kerage. 2.  The  deduction  from 
all  payments,  termed  in  India 
custom.   3.  Wastage,  deficiency. 

e£ea>Kb,  e^fesXb  tarrugu,  tarragu,  v.  a. 
To  cut.  v.  n.  To  become  less  ;  to 
waste.  e£fcsoX8,  ^tsKQ  tarrugari, 
tarragari,  s.  A  broker. 

#«»■&>  tarrufcsn,  adj.  Close,  thick.  2. 
Frequent,  often. 

e£eo>ex>  tarrulu,  5.  plu.  Wrinkles. 

£w ,  #eao  tarrra,  tarrru,  s.  A  low,  or 
mean  person. 




&v,  &o-r°c&  tala,  talakaya,  s.  The 
head.  &ejckx>  talantu,  5.  Anointing 
the  head.  v.  a.  To  anoint  the  head. 
#e>§oz5b  talakindu,  s.Disorder.  adv. 
Topsyturvy.  ^JT^ss^Q  talagotla 
mari,  An  insolent  or  wicked  per- 
son, inclined  to  beat  every  one. 
e£e;0&-oo  talabirusu,  s.  Stubborn- 
ness, pride,  adj.  Stubborn.  &vsr* 
§£>  talavakili.  The  principal  door, 
or  entrance,  to  a  house. 

#&sSosg)ex>  tala  vamp  uln,  s.  plu.  Dis- 
grace, lit.  Bendings  of  the  head. 
«£e.©sSj2»A»  talatippadamu,  Giddi- 
ness, swimming  in  the  head. 

e£ejss&)  talapadu,  v.  n.  To  begin.  2. 
To  appear  for  the  first  time  in 
the  season.  3.  To  meet  together, 
in  battle.  <6uir>ir>  talapaga,  A  tur- 

&vs$ys  taladannu,  v.  «.  To  excel. 
#e)~s>&)0  talapettu,To  endeavour,  or 

«fe  £)  %  X  s*  ess  talab  ikarak  ay  a,  adj.  Per- 
plexing, intricate.  e£e>sstf£  tala  vara 
sa,  The  pavement. 

e£e>£r*co6o  talapoyu,  v.  a.  To  examine 
one  measure  of  capacity  with  a- 
nother.  2.  To  soliloquize  ;  to  re- 

sfoS'fta,  tiivKtM  ■  talakattu,talagattu,  s. 
An  excellent  berson.  2.  The  name 
of  the  connected  vowel.  *  ■». 

&&$&&,  «£e>&>7foe»  talakadatsu,  tala- 

migulu,  v.  n.  To  push  before  ano- 

$v&>  talaku,  v.  n.  To  fear,  or  be 

«for"s>  talakoni,  gc£u.  Excessively, 

#«Xb  talagu,  5.  A  cord  to  tie  cattle. 

#e>Xb  talagu,  v.  n.  To  move,  or  re- 
move. 2.  To  lose. 

e£e>-i$b-$£ex>o$b,  &«c\  talatsu-talutsu,  ta- 
Itsu,  v.  a.  To  think,  or  reflect,  2. 
To  imagine.  3.  To  intend.  4.  To 

tfe;§>o\Sb  talapintsu,  v.  Caws.  To  cause 
to  think,  &c. 

«^€>^)  talapa,  s.  Thought,  g.  Inten- 

«fo»3  talabu,  5.  Pay,  wages. 

e^^jsrsex)  talabralu,  s.  The  throwing 
of  rice  over  the  head  of  the  bride 
and  bridegroom,  as  an  auspicious 
ceremony,  during  that  of  marri- 
age. 2.  The  rice  itself  thus  used. 

e£a>bb  talaru,  v.  n.  To  be  agreeable,  or 

s£e>3S8  talavari?  s.  vide  &y-«e  talari. 

&S  -Talli 



e£er»  tala,  part.  Each  ;    perhead,  as 

o3^o&&e£er*2$asstfsj^ex)c»6a»q  vand- 

laku  talapadivarahaluyiyyi,  Give 

ten  pagodas  to  each  of  them,  or 

ten  pagodas  per  head. 

&er° a  talari,  s.  A  village  watchman. 

&8i  taliki,  adv.  Before,  previously. 

&g)&  taliru,  s.  A  sprout,  or  shoot. 
£S«b2y*&j  tfSefcss^  talirubodi,  ta 
liruboni,  A  young  female. 

e£$&\  talirtsn,  v.  n.  To  sprout,  or 
shoot  forth. 

&ex>$  talupu,  s.  A  door.  £ew;g)-&cc&9 
^ew^H&^tSb  talupu-tfyu,  talupu- 
terutsu,  To  open  the  door.  &ew$- 
"^csoo,  ^yo^)^r«'ja6o  talupn-veyu, 
talupumuyu,  To  shut  the  door. 

«£e)  &3&>-e£e>  &OT$b-«fo  C3ex>-efe>  o52&,  e£ 

fO  CO  CO  OO  CO 

e>  SSb^b^talladapadu-talladintsu- 
talladillu,  tallapadu,  talladaku- 
dutsii,  v.  n.  To  be  perplexed,  or 
#8  talli,  5.  A  mother.  &Dtfote&,ex> 
tallidandrulu,  Parents.  %$$&  pi- 
natalli,  A  mother's  younger  sister. 
%  The  wife  of  a  father's  younger 
brother.  "5>  j£€)  pettalli,  A  mother's 
elder  sister.  2.  The  wife  of  a  fa- 
ther's elder  brother.  s6-&s>S,  7$ 
a  &©  marudalli,  savittalli,  A  step 

n  CO 


s£ife£if  talatala,  s.   vide  e£$6§b  taluku. 

#S>?C,  £i>c83  taliga,  taliya,  5.  A  vessel 
in  which  boiled  rice  is  measured 
in  Hindoo  temples.  %  vide  ro-8" 
sSw  kantsamu. 

e£§6§o  taluku,  5.  Glitter,  lustre,  flash- 
ing,   shining.    s£&r"e£>,  &$>&;5b?53 

talukottu,  talukumann,  To  glitter, 
gleam,  flash,  or  shine. 

t£j§  tallu,  5.  War.  2.  Incursion,  in- 

e£sstf  3x>  tavaramu,  6*.  vide  e£Ktf  ;&  ta- 

e£»j-*c»o  tavayi,  s.  War. 

^^)^b  tavudu,  s.  Bran.  v.  e&.  To 
search,  or  feel  for ;  to  grope,  vide 
&&$)  tadavu. 

i^^yo  tavulu,  v.  n.  vide  ^rtbew  tagulu. 

&*S  tavva,  s.  A  measure  of  capacit}r, 
equal  to  half  a  manika. 

i£cgo  tavvu,  v.  a.  To  dig. 

£S)qo-T$btavvintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause 
to  dig.  &$oK*v  tavvugola,  An  in- 
strument for  digging  holes  in  the 

s£o^o&>s5cx>  tavvatamu,  s.  Digging. 

^j6o§b  tasuku,  s.  Trick,  wile  ;  deceit- 
ful promises. 



ir>  e^  tic  .Tatparya 


&;fy_tib2&  taskarudu,  s.    A  thief, 
robber.   ^tf^Qo-ufc  taskarintsu,  v. 
a.  To  steal. 

&sj-°£s^>  tahataha,  s.  Distress,  fati- 

^^^ewTs^db^o  tahasiludarudu,  v.  A 
Tahsildar,  Or  native  collector,  of 

&&f3s5M  takshanamu,  adv.  Instant- 
ly, this  instant.  It  is  properly  writ- 
ten &&  wsSdo  tatkshanamu. 


w°c&£&xi  tandavamu,  5.  Dancing, 
especially  with  violent  gesticula- 
tion, and  particularly  applied  to 
the  frantic  dance  of  Siva. 

iroo'sro?'s6w  tambalamu,  s.  A  large 
metal  vessel,  or  plate. 

iT'owr^sSw  tambulamu,  s.  Beetle  and 

w°£t!X>  takattu,s.A  pawn,  or  pledge. 

■er°l<&  takidu,  s.  An  order  -,  an  in- 

«r>So  takn,  v.  a.  To  touch  or  hit.  2. 
To  oppose  in  battle. 

■gn»§o-db  takintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause 
to  touch.  -sr>$l!S<y-5rȤtfa  vanikita- 
ladakinadi,  lit.  To  him  his  head 
touched.  He  is  now  sensible  of 
bis  error. 

!T>if>&,  «T°7P£3  tagadi,  tagarii,  s.  A 

beam,  placed  across  the  mouth  of 

an  open  well. 
•*r>fo  tagu,  v.  a>  To  drink.  eT^o-tSb, 

^r»$  tagintsu,  tapu,  p.  Cans.  To 

cause  to  drink, 
er^rtb^ek  tagubotu,  s.  A  drunkard. 
"eT^-db   tatsu,    5.    A  deadly    hooded 

snake,  termed  the  Cobra  de  capel- 

«r°-»fo  tatsu,  v.  a.  To  kick. 
'WiT'  tadza,    adj.    Fresh,   new.    2. 

e^feo  tafa,  s.  The  bark  of  a  tree.  2. 

The  human  skin. 
w°£  tati,  adj.  Of  or  belonging  to  the 

palmyra  tree. 
iT'feSo'tSb  tatintsu,  v.  a.  To  move  the 

cheeks,  as  in  chewing.  2.  To  flut- 
ter with  the  wings. 
er°&5-s&>D  tatotu,  s.  Deceit,  knavery. 
«r°&>  tadu,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex. 

sing.  ir>&  tati,  The  palymra  tree. 

2.  A  rope.  8"*$%w>&>  janakitadu, 

The  match  of  a  matchlock. 
eT°^tata,  s.  A  grandfather,  eT^sSb. 

tatamma,  A  grandmother,  great 
grand-mother  on  the  father's  side. 
lit.  The  third  mother. 
eT^tfcsSx)  tatparyamn,  a-.  Object, 
desigD,  purpose,  intent. 2. Opinion, 
sentiment.  3.    Purports 




^•tfsfco  tanamu,  s.  An  ablution  ba- 
W&  tanu,  pro.  He,  she,  or  it.  This 
is  what  ma}?  be  termed  the  reflec- 
tive pronoun,  as  it  is  always  used 
with  reference  to  some  nominative 
of  the  third  person  preceding  it  in 
the  same  sentence  ;  and  no  other 
pronoun  in  the  language  can  be 
used,  more  than  once  in  the  same 
sentence,  with  reference  to  the 
same  person  or  thing.  In  the  plu- 
ral, it  makes  eT'bb,  «r*sko,  e^sSbbb 
taru,  tamu,  tamaru. 

i^sS  tap  a,  s.  A  ladder.  In  the  plural, 
this  noun  denotes  Steps*  stairs. 

TgPSSs^  tapamu,  s.  Heat,  burning.  2. 
Inflammation;    fever.  3.  Distress. 

«r°i>,  eT^  tapi,  tapf,  s.  A  trace.  2. 
A  secret.  3.  A  bricklayer's  trowel. 

"er°^r°  tapha,  s.  A  set,  or  company. 

Wnotb  tabandu,  s.  A  species  of  pet- 

W^ivo  tabeln,  s.  A  turtle  ;  a  tor- 

■g^sSoS  tamara,  s.  The  lotus.  2.  The 
ring  worm.  «r°s$b #«&■*£&  tamaratu 
dn,  The  fibre  of  the  lotus,  ir'sbtf 
lix  tamaratega,  It's  bulbous  root; 
a  lotus  plant. 

"SPs&tfcSosSsfoa    tamaradampamu,     s> 

Prosperity,  improvement,  or  in. 
crease  of  a  family.  "eT'sktfcSoSsk^ 
tamaradampamavu,  To  prosper. 
These  words  are  derived  from  the 
foregoing,  and  allude  to  a  compa- 
rison with  the  lotus,  which  is  al- 
ways deemed  a  most  auspicious 
tT'skSsSw  tamasamu,<zr/?'.  Affected  by, 
or  appertaining  to  the  third  qua- 
lity, that  of  darkness  or  vice.  s. 
Indolence,  laziness.  2.  Anger, 
wrath.  "5r°ss6&  tamasi,  An  angry 
person.  er°sk&>£&  tamasudu,  An 
incendiary,  a  malignant  or  mis- 
chievous man. 

■er°s£>&o-ifo  tamasintsu,  v-  n.  To  delay, 

tarry,  or  linger. 
W°a6&>>  tayamu,  s.  A  rarity. 
eT'oaae^,  ir0^^  tayittu,  tayettu*  s. 

An  amulet. 
"UMg'sSx)  tarakamu,  s.  Protection, 
er^s^e^  taratamyamu,  s.  More  or 

less.  2.  State  or  condition.  3.  Com- 
parison, or  distinction. 

"ST'tftfsSbKb—  «^tf&oa5o,  eT'tfS.oo  tarasa- 
magu--t'^rasintsu,  taiasillu,  v.  a. 
To  meet,  or  approach.  2.  To  en- 
gage in  battle. 

"5T°§3»  tarikhu,  s.  Date,  era. 




sr&tari,  r.    n.    To  lurk,  or  lie  in 

wait.  2.  To  wander.  3.  To  move 
about,  in  a  busy  officious  manner. 
4.   To  become  lean  or  emaciated. 

"S"°tks5a-*&  taruinarii,  s.  Disorder,  con- 
"«ro-xrok_ra  tarkaria,  5.  Proof. 

■^0Tr°^_£?o-l5b  tarkar.intsu,  v.  a.  To 
convince  ;  to  prove. 

ir'&v  tartsu,  v.  a.  To  join  as  planks, 
&c.  2.  To  set  as  precious  stones. 

1T6:\  t.rpu,  s.  Joining  as  planks, 
&:c.  2.  Setting*  as  precious  stones, 

eT'eao  tarru,  v.  n.  To  run.  2.  To  ab- 
scond. 3.  To  lurk,  or  lie  in  wait. 

"ePeJo-Jk  tarrintsa,  v.  Cans.  To  cause 
to  run  etc. 

IT'Dc^b  talintsu,  v.  a.  To  season 
food.  ■€F°Do^)talimpu;5. The  season- 
ing of  a  dish. 

ePSg  talika,  s.  Any  substance  rol- 
led into  a  round  shape,  between 
the  fingers,  or  bands. 

ir>£)z<mx>   talibotfu,    s.    The    small 

piece  of  gold  tied  by  the  bride- 
groom, at  the  marriage  ceremony, 
round  the  neck  of  the  bride. 

■^"°ex>  tain,  s.   vide  sSss^ao  tappalu. 
U'ex^  taltsu,  v*  a.  To  dress,  or  put 
on.  2.  To  assume  a  form,  or  shape. 

3.  To  twist  thre  d  by  the  spindle. 

4.  To  fan,  or  winnow,  in  a  basket.  I 

X$rs-sfoo-<3-»2x^  garbhamudaltsu,To 

conceive  a  child.  oi*<-sr>ex>\  egadal- 

tsu,  'l'o  deceive. 
"eT'fg'cdw  talakamu,  s    Yellow    orpi- 

Mr8  if  3  ©  §*  talapatrika,  s.  A  cymbal- 
iT'fr-ax)  talamu,  s.  Beating   time   in 

music.2.  Musical  time,  or  measure. 

3.  A  short  span,  one  measured  by 
the  thumb  and  the  middle  finder. 

4.  A  cymbal  of  bell  metal,  or  brass. 

5.  The  palmyra  tree.  w*$£\c£&x> 

talavrintamu,  A  fan   of  palmyra 

w°$ s6ao  talamu,  s.  A  lock.  2.  A  key; 
but  the  latter  meaning  is  more 
properly  expressed  by  u'Ss'sSm^ 
a,  «r°f  scw^oooo  talamuchevi,  tala 

w>P  tali,  s.  A  breast  plate.  2.  vide 
"€ro©irefe>D  t'.libottu. 

w°&  talu,  v.  n.  To  bear,  or  suffer.  2. 
To  forbear,  or  take  patience.  3. 
To  wait,  or  stop. 

-&°&r°&  tdlukonu,*.  Comp.  To  take 

"eT'PSo  tilimi,  s.  Forbearance,  pati- 

iTV'oti&x,  'eT'o^^sSM  talwaramu,  ta- 

varamu,  s.  A  shelving  roof,  sup- 
ported by  pillars. 




«T°s5^s5oo  tavaramu,  adj.  Fixed,  sta- 
tionary, stable,  immoveable. 

w°£v&>i  tavalamu,  s.  A  place.  2.  A 
house,  residence,  or  abode. 

w*  ssfsSw  tavalamu,  5.  A  string  of 
beads,  &c. 

•ej°s  tavi,s.  Fragrance,  scent,  odour. 
-§r»&&P>15  tavinune,  Uttur. 

"eT0^  tavu,  s.  A  place.  2-  An  abode, 
residence,  or  bouse. 

©0g  tindi,  s.  Food,  eating.  ©o&5f_2 
tindikatte,  A  female  glutton.  ©0& 
-r°&b-©o  &&*«&>,  ©o^^b  tindikadu- 
tindipotu,  tindidu,  A  male  glut- 

©3fk_  tik^a»  s-  Madness.  G^'-  Mad. 
SS^-afca  tikkabatiu,  To  become 

©K  tiga,  5.  Three.  ©Ks>  otf  tigavan- 
tsa,  Four.  These  words  are  gene- 
rally used  at  games. 

©Xb%5b  tigutsu,  v.  a>  To  take,  or  lift 

8&  titta,  5.   A  heap  of  straw. 

©k»  tittu,  0.  a.  To  abuse,  or  revile. 
s.  Abuse,  bad  language.  ©gisS"5^ 
tittubotu,  A  person  who  gives 

©J)  titti,  s.  A  purse.  2.  A  leather 
bag.  3.  A  sheep  or  goat  skin.  4. 
The  bag  of  a  bag  pipe.  r°£>&)©  © 
A  pair  of  bellows. 

©§  tithi,  5.  A  lunar  day,  of  variable 

length  ;  being  that  period  during 
which  the  moon  travels  through 
twelve  degrees  of  her  orbit ;  it 
commences  at  different  periods  of 
the  solar  day,  with  which  it  by  110 
means  corresponds.  2.  The  annual 
ceremony  which  Hindoos  perform 
to  their  deceased  ancestors. 
©&  tinu,  v.  a.  To  eat.  &&%o&i  tini- 
pintsn,  v.  Caus.  To  cause  to  eat ; 
to  feed.  "Swxex>©s5bdebbalutinu,  To 
receive  blows,  or  be  beaten.  ^>s5c» 
©x6  sommutinu,  To  make  away 
with  property,  ©£>©;&  titlutinu, 
To  suffer  abuse,  ^^xas^^va 

dugadditinnadu,  lit  He  ate  straw. 
He  is  a  fool,  or  a  silly  fellow,  he 
talks  foolishly 

©(&&  tinuku,  v.  n.  To  strain,  in  eas- 
ing nature. 

Qtf\  tf,  Stf^tf^j&a  tinnana,  tinnadana- 
ma,  s.  Slowness.  2.  Straightness. 
3.  Merit,  worth.  Ss^a  tinnani,a(i/\ 
Worthy,  good,  excellent.  2.  Slow. 
3.  Straight. 

®$\tt»  tinnaga,  adv.  Slowly.  2. 
Straightways,  directly.  3.  Proper- 
ly. 4.  Well,  in  good  health. 

©s&  tf-Timmana 

— 6 



^■^  tinne,  s.  A  high  raised  seat,  or 
sitting  place,  outside  of  the  house 
&c.  A  pial. 

©•3^  tippa,  s.  A  hillock. 

§^§1?  tippatige,  s  The  creeper 
termed  Heartleaved  moon  seed. 
Menispermum  cordifolium. 

©sS^tippu,  v.  a.  The  causal  form  of 
© & fio  tirugu,  q.  v.  To  turn  round; 
to  turn  back  ;  to  turn  over.  2-  To 
wind  up  as  a  watch.  3-  To  change, 
or  alter  ;  to  revoke  as  an  order, 
&c.  4.  To  turn  away  the  face.  5. 
To  put  off,  or  make  one  often  re- 
turn. 6.  To  make  to  move,  turn, 
or  wander  about-  7.  To  be  giddy. 
8.  To  stop,  or  check,  a  disease,  or 
the  effects  of  poison.  ©sS\&>  tippata, 
Walking,  wanderirjg. 

ths**^***  tippukonu,  v.  Comp.  A  per- 
son to  return.  2.  To  retire.  3.  To 
oppose.    © l^otfo   tippiveyu,    To 

reject,  or  return  any  thing. 
©sSaotfb  timuru,  5.  Numbness.  2.  The 

palsy.  3.  Pride 5  arrogance,   v.  n. 

To  be  pround 
©sk^  timmadu,  s.  A  monkey. 
©s&^  timmana,  s.  Goodness. 
©sS^tfsSss  timmanamu,  s.    A  mixture 

— <5 

of  milk,  jaggory,  and  flour,  boiled 

©dSS§,   ©c*6§$   tiyya,     tiyyani,     adj. 

Sweet.  2.  Not  sour.  ©as&§£,©aB8gS 

tfsSw    tiyyana,   tiyyadanamu,    s. 

Sweetness.  ©o85§^,;&  tiyyamra- 

nu,  The  sugar  cane. 
©csScsSm  tiyyamu,  adj.  Acceptable. 

©tftfe)  tiragali,  s-  A  hand  mill. 

©tf  sSx>  tiramu,  adj,  Immoveab]e,  firm, 

2.  Constant. 
©^->^_^55oo,  ©tf  %    <sso   tiraskaramu. 

tiraskriya,  s.  Disrespect,  contempt, 
reproach,  abuse,  insult. 

©tf#k_ao-3b  tiraskarintsu,  v.  a.  To 
abuse,  insult,  or  reproach. 

©6"5i>«5»  tiripemu,*.  Alms.  ©8*5>tt>2& 
tiripegadu,  A  beggar. 

©9£2&3  ©eibKb^sjJsb  tirivadu,  tiru- 
gudupadn,  0,  n-  To  be  in  disorder, 
or  confusion;  as  applied  to  a  crowd 
army,  &c 

©&Kb  tirugu,  v.  n.  To  turn  ;  to  turn 
round,  to  turn  back,  to  return.  2. 
To  change,  as  the  wind  ;  to  be  re- 
voked, as  an  order.  3.  To  move, 
wander,  or  travel  about.  4.  To  be 
giddy.  5.  To  go  back,  go  away, 
or  cease  ;  as  applied  to  diseases, 
or  the  effects  of  poison. 

©55\,  ©&K  tirigi,  tiruga,  ado.  A  gain. 
©&Ka&>  tirugabadu,  To  change  or 
alter.  2.  To  revolt,  to  oppose.  3. 




To  fail  in  a  promise.  8&&sS-*s&> 
tirugubotu,  A  gallant ;  as  being 
constantly  moving  about.  ©& "^^ 
otfo  tirugacheyu,  To  do  over  again. 

©&•&  tirutsu,  v.  a.  To  beg  alms, 

©tib^?"  tirunalla,  s.  Any  festival  at 
a  Hindoo  temple. 

©&£tfcXsS*>ex>  tiruvarangamulu,  s. 
plu.  A  kind  of  paddy. 

©5  r  tirlika,  s.  A  light.  2.  A  lamp. 

©eJ  tirri,  s.  Twist. 

©eaaXsS-^  tirrugabota,  s.  Seasoning 
in  meat. 

©woXex)  tirrngallu,  s.  vide  ©tfX©  tira- 

©eao^o  tirrugu,  p.  w.  To  whirl  round. 

©*»Koe&  tirruguclu,  s.  vide  ©&?fo£o 
tiruguclu,  Under  ©«bxb  tirugu. 

©e45  tirrri,  s.  A  sort  of  basket,  for 
catching  fish. 

SteSo-tSb  tilakintsu,  v.  a.  To  see,  to 

©eiex)  tilalu,  s.  plu.  The  gingily  oil 
seeds.  Sesamnm  orientale.  ©w^r* 
eS&d&tilaghatakudu,  An  oil-mong- 
er. ©aocsSo^sSw  tilayantranm,  An 
oil  press. 

©DoXsSdo,  $£;2\x5m  tilingamu,  tilipsa- 
mu,  s.  A  very  large  snake. 

&oy£  tivasf,  s.  A  carpet. 

t>$3b  tivutsu,  v-  a.  Me  ©&-&  tigu 

&$&  tivuru,  ?;.  a.  To  wish. 

§o  #  ex>  tindralu,  5-  £>/w.  Splendour, 
brightness,  lustre. fe^oifc  tmdrin 
tsu,  To  shine,  glare,  or  gleam. 

§X,  5 1?  tiga,  tige,  s.  Any  vine,  or 
creeping  plant.  2.  'Ihe  string  of  a 
lute,  &c.  B.  A  golden  ornament 
which  Hindoo  women  wear  about 
their  neck.  &HKe££  tigeganika, 
The  creeping  bent  grass. 

&&>  tit  a,  5.  The  itch.  2.  An  itching. 

§S>,  &%)  tfpi,  tfpu,  5.  Sweetness.  The 
latter  word  also  denotes  a  stretch- 
ing pain,  or  pain  in  general ;  and 
in  this  latter  sense,  is  derived  from 
&oaoo  tiyu,  q,  v. 

§-:sfc>  tiyu,  v.  a.  To  draw,  or  pull.  2. 

To  take.  3.  To  draw  out  4.  To 
draw  back  ;  to  open.  5.  To  with- 
draw from  an  office  •,  to  dismiss,  or 
discharge.  6.  To  draw  out  from  ; 
to  discover,  or  find.  7.  To  draw, 
or  rub,  one  substance  upon  an- 
other ,  so  as  to  grind  down  the 
softer ;  as  sandalwood,  upon  stone. 
8.  To  take,  buy,  or  purchase,  for 
money.  9.  To  take,  receive,  or 
collect.  10.  To  take,  or  pull  off; 
to  carry  away.  11.  To  take  out; 




to  excavate,  or  dig.  v-  n.  To  with- 
draw, diminish,  go  away,  disap- 
pear, or  cease.  2.  To  draw  up  or 
pain,  as  applied  to  any  member  of 
the  body. 

t^oooo-db  tfyintsn,  v.   Cans.  To  cause 

to  draw,  or  pull,  &c. 
&tf<6:«  tiramu,  a*.  A  shore,  or  bank. 

&tf>,  §«»  tint,  tfrru,  v.  n.  To  be  finish- 
ed, completed,  concluded,  or  ended. 
2.  To  elapse-  3.  To  be  qualified, 
or  skilled.  4.  To  be  settled,  decid- 
ed, or  solved.  5.  To  be  liquidated. 

5&j  tfrpu,  s.  A  decree,  award,  or  de- 
cision. 2.  An  agreement.  3.  A 
settling,  or  final  arrangement. 

&&}*  «Wn  tirtsu,  tfrrtsu,  v.  a-  To 
finish,  complete,  conclude,  or  end. 
2-  To  qualify  another.  3.  To  settle, 
decide,  or  solve.  4.  To  liquidate. 
5.  To  adorn  an  idol. 

58jo-iSb  tirpiutsu,  v.  C'aus.  To  cause 
to  finish,  &o.  oar»cxjo^s53o5eo\  vayasa 

mutirtsu,  A  crow  to  cross  from 
the  left,  to  the  right  side,  which 
the  Hindoos  consider  a  goocl  omen. 
aXbe»&&v  digulutirtsu,  To  remove 
fear.  s5X§«o^  pagati'rtsu,  To  reven- 
ge. sSo*otf«6x&tf^  samsayamutlr- 
tsu,  To  solve  a  doubt.  tt»^»s5c»5 
^r°sbdahamutirtsukonu,  To  qu- 
ench thirst. 

&&S5"  tiruva,  s.  Duty,  customs. 
§tfsx»  tfrthamu,  s.  Water.  2.  Water 

in  which  an  idol  or  sacred  stone 
has  been  bathed,  used  in  admi- 
nl-terinr  oaths  to  Sudras,  and 
constituting  the  common  drink 
the  Brahmans.  3.  Any  holy  place, 
or  place  of  pilgrimage  ;  but  espe- 
cially such  as  are  situated  along 
the  course  of  s.icred  streams,  or  in 
the  vicinity  of  some  sacred  spring, 
or  piece  of  water. 

§mo  tirru,  s.  Beauty.  2.  Manner, 
mode,  way.  adj.  Beautiful.  ^%b 
esosfc^lx  okatirrumanishi,  A  per- 
son of  peculiar  temper,  or  habits. 

&ss  tiva,  s-  vide  &K  tiga. 

^sso-^  tivantsa,  s.  vide  SKsSo-iS'  tiga- 
vantsa,  Under  9K  tiga. 

§5525s5so  tivaramu,  s.  Speed,  swift- 
ness, haste,  hurry,  adj.  Speedy, 
quick.  ^S8oo5btivarintsu,  v.  a.  To 
hasten,  or  hurry. 

5£cj6,  5 "3  tiviya,  tive,  s.  vide  &K 

9  SS"  «6»  tivramu,  s.  vide  &sstf:6x>  ti- 
varamu. 2.  Heat.  adj.  Hot.  adv. 
Much,  excessively. 

%£k&x>  tikslinamu,  §.  Heat,  warmth, 

pungency.  2.  Haste,  hurry,  adj. 
Hot.  warm,  pungent.  2.  Zealous, 
active,  keen,  intelligent.  3  Sharp. 
4.  Quick. 

30     - 

«fc  o  » &a  -Tumbamu 


&>  ©8-Tuttiri 


&>o-i5b,  3&o$S)  tuntsu,  tumpu,  v.  «.  To 
pluck  ;  to  gather ;  to  break  off. 

&>o&)  ttinta,  s.  A  piece  of  sugar  cane. 
adj.  Wicked,  mischievous,  impu- 
dent. «kofeo£^sfc»  tuntatanamu,  s. 
Impudence.  &>chd  tuntari,  s.  A 
wicked  or  impudent  person.  &00& 
s^^  tuntavilkadu,  s.  The  Hin- 
doo cupid,  whose  bow  is  of  sugar 

&>oto>  ttmtlu,  s.  plu.  The  hips,  or 

&oo2&,  «^)o"S55m  tundu,  tundemu,  s.  A 

piece.  &>o3o-&>  tundintsu,  v.  a.  To 
cut  into  pieces. 

&>o25**x>  tundamu,  s.  The  belly.  &,0 
a  tundi,  ad/.  Pot-bellied.  2.  Hav- 
ing a  large  or  prominent  navel. 

&>o2$b£&Sb  tunduduku,  s.  A  wicked, 
or  mischievous,  person. 

«&>o$&e»,  &>o$&  tumpurulu,  tum- 
purlu,  s.  plu.  Thin  rain.  2.  Spittle 
accidentally  ejected,  when  one 
speaks  with  emphasis. 

&>o~t$zr>&i  tumpesaladu,  v.  To  agi- 
tate, or  move. 

&>o£>8$m  tnmbamu,  s,  A  long  gourd. 
&>c£)  tumbi,  s.  The  plant  itself. 


&>rsk>  tukamu,  s.  Estimate,  or  va- 

«k&k_  tnkku,  s.  Any  worthless,  or 
useless,  thing,     adj.  Useless. 

e^b§o^—  tukku,  s.  Offspring,  children 

&»4ty_tfs5w  tukkharamu,  s.  An  ar- 

«&-£5\ste>  tuchchhamu,ad//.  Void, emp- 
ty. 2.  Small,  little.  3.  Abandoned, 

&02» flb  tudzugu,  5.  Haste,  hurry. acZ/. 
Hasty,  hurried. 

&okp>o»o-&  tutayintsu,  v.  n.  To  spoil 
v.  a.  To  disregard,  or  contemn. 

€&&0c63o  tutumu,  5.  t'lde  -tf&jffoKaejsSM 

&>"?o  tutte,  s.  A  bee-hive.  2.  A  small 
quantity  of  spoilt  grain,  useless 
hair,  cfec. 

2k>1bsg)8b>fo  tuttepurugu,  s.  A  snake, 
so  called. 

&>&>3b  tudutsu,  #.  a.  To  wipe,  to 
rub,  to  clean.  &>&>?&  tudupu,  s.  A 
wiping.  2.  An  erasure,  or  blotting 
out.  &>&>$&&  tudupubadu,  To 
be  blotted. 

5&&)s6c»  tudumu,  s.  A  kind  of  drum. 

&>  ©8^3  fc»  tuttirichettu,  s.  The  pop- 
lar leaved  sida.  Sida  populi  folia. 




&>%  tuda,  s.  The  end,  or  point.  &>&> 
&>a  tuttatuda,  The  very  point.  &>  ! 
tfso  tudanu,  At  last. 

^rSSS  &o»cssS  tunaka,  tuniya,  5.  A 
piece,  or  bit.  &>$o3k  tuniyu,  v.  n. 
To  be  cut  to  pieces,  v.  a.  To  cut 
to  pieces. 

&>;&Kb  tunugu,  v.  n.  To  be  broken 
to  pieces. 

^o^bsfoa  tunumu,  e?.  a.  To  cut  to 
pieces  ;  to  kill. 

tfcsr6©  tunikola,s.  A  peculiar  weigh- 
ing machine. 

&>*-*!  tupaki,  s.  A  gun,  musket,  or 
matchlock.  &>irltffe5oa$b  tupakiga- 
ttintsu,  To  load  a  gun.  &>2r»#-5r* 
ex>-&  tupakikalutsu,  To  fire  a  gun, 

&;$}  tuppa,  s.  A  small  bush. 

&)^tfex>  tupparalu,  5.  vide  eko^tfbew 

^b^  tuppu,  s.  Rust. 

&>-^p>?53  tuphanu,  5.  A  violent  gale,  or 

^bsfcotfc,  «fc  «&  ^»  do  tumuru,  tuttumu- 
ru,  s.  vide  «&&o5m  turumu. 

^sSwosSw  tumulamu,  s.  A  mingled, 
or  tumultuous  combat  ;  uproar, 
tumult  ;  tumultuous  sound,  or 
noise,  adj.  Tumultuous,  noisy. 

^sSw^  turamu,  v.  a.  To  sneeze.  £  A 

&>^  a  tummeda,    s.    A  very  large 

black  wild  bee. 
&>tfg  turaka?  s.  A  mussulman.  adj. 

Of  or  belonging  to  that  tribe. 
&)tt>oqf>  turayi,  s.  A  head  ornament, 

in  the  shape  of  a  feather.  2.  A  no- 
&>a&oS»,  &>&«&  turitamn,  turutu,  s. 

Speed,  haste,  adj.  Quick.  &>&&§ 

tf>j  turututirpu,    Quick   time   in 

&>&fo  turugu,  v.  a.  To  stuff  in. 
&>t5bs5w    turumu,    s.    Powder,    dust, 

small   bits.    v.    a.   To   reduce  to 

small  bits,  or  to  powder. 
5k&s&k_2&  turushkudu,  s.  vide  &>tfs* 

^btfcsfco  turyamu,    adj.   Fourth.    2. 

Speedy,  hasty. 
&>esoX£>,  ^oefKSturrangali,  turragali, 

s.  Splendour,  brightness. 
&eao;cDo-&  turrangalintsu,  v.  a.  To 


<& <*»**»  turrumu,  v.  a.  To  dress  with 

flowers,  s.    A  female's  hair,  tied 
in  a  tuft. 

&>«*>  turrru,  5.  Speed,  haste. 

sfce>s*»  tulamu,  5.  The  weight  \>fon« 

rupee,  or  30  Canteroy  fanams. 

&>sx)ZS  tuluva,  5.  A  low,  impudent, 
or  mischievous  person,  adj.  Im- 

&s>cj5m  tulyamu,  adj.  Like,  resembl- 
ing, equal,  or  analogous. 

&>&  tullu,  v>  n.  To  be  elated:  to 
shew  pride,  s.  Pride  ;  joy- 

«&tfotf  tuvvara,  s.  A  shower,  or  driz- 


zling  ram. 

&ro&>  tuku,  s.  Hanging.  «fcr» &&■=<£> 
tukutlyu,  v.  o.  To  hang.  *&>&&* 
s6  tuknmauu,  s.  A  gibbet. 

&r°fo  tijgu,  e>»  w.  To  sleep.  2.  To  be 
weighed,  s.  Sleep,  drowsiness.  <5on> 
45i>  tutsu,  v.  a.  To  weigh. 

&r*  lb o3b  tu  pintail*  P.  CWs.  To  cause 
to  weigh. 

&r>^  tunika,  .?•  A  weight. 

&p>k»  tutu,  5.  A  hole.  &r*&T*&i  tiita- 
du,  To  make  holes. 

«Jcr»fewS'>«  tutnkattu,^.  ?z.  To  be  torn; 
to  have  holes.  e£p>&x;S>&>  tutupa- 
du,  v.  n.  To  have  holes.  %  To  sus- 
tain loss. 

&nth  tucju,  s.  The  film  or  fibres  of 
the  lotus.  **r»e&aoS  tududindi, 
The  swan,  which  is  said  to  feed 
on  these  fibres. 


&r°£>?<,  &r>%K  tuniga,  tuniga,    s 
kind  of  butterfly,  often  seen  be- 
fore rain. 

&r»c&  tiipu,  s.  An  arrow.  ikr°$)&r>%) 
tt(j-  tupurupurikka,  The  22d  lu- 
nar mansion,  from  it's  similitude 
to  an  arrow. 

dbn>^)TT'^  tupurasi,s  A  drain,  a  water 

s£r°<&>o  tumu,  s.  A  sluice,  or  flood  gate. 
2.  A  drain,  or  water  course.  3.  A 
certain  Indian  measure,  in  the  Ta- 
mil termed  a  markal. 

&r>K  tura,  s.  Drizzling  rain.  %  A 
kind  of  aquatic  animal.  &n&  tura, 
??.  «.  To  drizzle  as  rain. 

&r>Q  turi,  s.  A  time  ;  -as  Zjg&r*Q 
okaturi,  Once. 

&r»&sg),  dcntf^  turupu,  turpu,  s.  The 
east.  iwgf.  Eastern. 

efo-*~o)e£>t  t^r»Tr^^io&»  turpettu,  tur- 

parabattu,  v.  2.  To  winnow  grain 
lit.  To  lift  to  the  eastward. 

&r»«»  tii  itu,  v.  n.  To  enter  in. 

&r*e>fT°£&  tulanadu,  v.  a.  To  speak 
contemptuously  of  another. 

e&r-oDS'  tuiika,  5.  A  painting  brush, 
or  pencil.  2.  A  pen.  3.  A  mattress, 
or  quilt.  4.  .A  bed  ;  a  down  or  cot- 
ton bed. 




^r»e)o  tulu,  v.  n.  T*o  faint,  grow  fee- 
ble, stagger,  or  reel.  2.  To  hang 
down.  &r°e)o-&)  tulintsu,  v.  Cans. 
To  cause  to  faint,  &c 

&\n&o  triii amu,  5.  Grass,  or  any 
gramineous  plant, including  reeds, 
corn,  &c.  2.  Any  thing  contempti- 
ble as  grass,  or  straw. 

tfv  lb  tripti,  s.  Satisfaction;  content, 
pleasure,    tf*  z&*    triptamu,    adj 

Satisfied,  pleased. 

*§o3  tenki,  s.  vide  l^ol  tedk'i. 

Ho-ifc,  "§o$  tentsu,  tempu,  v.  a*  The 
causal  form  of  Hfo  tegu,  q.  v.  To 
break,  or  tear,  as  applied  to  ropes, 
threads,  &c,  or  to  the  artificial 
holes  bored  in  the  ear  or  nose  for 
ornaments.  er'&illo^b  tadutentsu, 
To  break  a  rope,  or  string  ;  figura- 
tively, this  phrase  denotes  either 
to  ruin  a  person,  to  destroy  every 
support  he  may  have,  or,  apj.-l.ed 
to  females,  to  become  a  widow, 
from  the  custom,  on  a  husband's 
death,    of    breaking     the  string 

which  ties  the  wdTS^ba  talibottu, 
q.  V. 
15o2&  tendu,  v.  n.  To  sleep. 

Ho«&  tempu,  s.  Bravery,  daring.  2. 
Liberality.  3.  A  breaking,  vide 
Ho^-l^oSQ  tentsu-tempari,  5.  A 
brave  or  liberal  person. 

H$"§tf  tekatera,  adv.  Undesignedly, 

H§k_e)-^e&  tekkalikadu,  s.  Making 
in  the  plural.  ir^STT0^  tekkali- 
karru,  A  thief. 

•§X  tega,  s.  Sort,  kind,  or  class. 

■SK^-do  tegataru,  v.  n.  To  die,  or 
expire.  Hx&ntf^  tegatartsu,  v.  a. 
To  kill,  or  assassinate. 

"§?(<&>  tegadu,  v.  a.  To  censure,  or 

Htfb  tegu,  v.  n.  To  be  broken,  as 
applied  to  ropes,  threads,  &c,  or 
to  the  holes  in  the  nose  or  ears  for 
ornaments,  also  to  the  banks  of 
lakes  or  tanks.  2-  To  be  cut  with 
a  sharp  instrument. 3  To  be  sharp; 
to  cut,  as  applied  to  such  instru- 
ments. 4.  To  die. 

Urtbifc  tegutsu,  v  a.  To  kill.  2.  To 
dare.  3.  To  break  a  rope,  &c  H?C 
£>>&,  "Sfto-ifctegabadu,  tegintsu, i/. 
n.  To  dare  or  venture-  Hx^£b  te- 
ganadu,  To  speak  rigorously.  "§jc 
"^occo  tegaveyu,  To  cut  off.  "SrtbaS 
tegubadi,  Ploughing. 

Hfio^o  tegulu.  s.  Disease,  sickness. 




HKbsS"  teguva,  s.  Sharpness.  2.  Libe- 
rality, daring. 

H-ifc\  tetstsu,  v.  a.  To  bring. 

H-ifc\r,tfo  tetstsukonu,  v.  Comp.  To 
bring:  for  one's  own  advantage. 
£X3&H-L5bv§^sfc  buddhitetstsukonu* 
To  recover  one's  senses.  ssbtf&>\Sb 
~%&\&*&>  manassukutetstsukonu. 
To  understand,  to  recollect,  lit. 
To  bring  to  one's  mind. 

Hf^oofo teppintsu,  v.  Caus.To  cause 
to  bring.  2.  To  send  for  any  thing. 

"§&»  tettu,  s.  A  bound-hedge,  round 
a  city,  or  fort. 

H£&>  teddu,  s.  An  oar,  or  paddle.  2. 
A  wooden  ladle. 

II as  Kb  tenugn,  s.  vide  Hex>Kbl5$5\o-i5b 

telugutenigintsu,  To  translate  or 
turn  into  Telugu. 

H^  tennu,  s.  Way,  road. 

"^Hi  teppa,  si  A  raft,  or  float. 

&a>    tepparralu-tepparru-teppirrlu- 
teppirrulu,  teppirru,  v.  n.  To  re- 
cover from   illness.  2.  To  escape 
from  danger.  3.  To  bo  cautious. 
Htf^olSex),  UsS^tflSex)  teppaladelu,  te- 

ppunadelu,   v.    n.   To  increase,  or 

°@tf*tf  teppuna,  adv.  Quickly. 

"^j&£  temada,  s.  Phlegm. 

Hsfc&o-tfb  temalintsu,  v.  a.  To  move, 
or  shake. 

13ss>,  temma,  s,  vide  "is&  tema,  Wet. 
adj.  Wet. 

H-30^  e5  temmerra>  s.  The  wind  ;  as 
dispelling  wet-- 

Itf  tera,  s.  A  screen,  curtain,  or 
blind.  Itf ^r°;s  teratsapa,  A.  screen- 
mat.  2.  A  ship's  sail.  HtfHtf7r»  te- 
raterag^,  adv.  At  intervals. 

Htf  Kb  teragu,  s.  A  way,  road,  or  path. 

2.  Mode,  manner. 

"§tf£-l§tf S>,  "Be a  terapa-terapi,  teripi, 
s.  vide  lies  3  terrapa,  Under  H&s^b 

Htfe>7r»  teralaga,  adv.  Loudly. 

Htfew  teralu,  v.  ra.  To  open,  or  dis- 
appear, as  clouds.  2.  To  move. 

"§tfs$,  Ht&$  teravu,  teruvu,  s.  An 
opening.  2.  A  way,  road,  or  path. 

3.  Manner,  means.  4.  Order,  ar- 
rangement. Htfbssa  teruvari,  A  tra- 
veller. Htfc-srofeM-g-6^  teruvatuka- 
du,  A  high  way-man.  ■sr»»'3tf>$gb 
^ss'jfo  vaniteruvukupovaddn,  Dont 
go  near  him.  Have  nothing  to  say 
to  him. 

Hbb?g)s6?5b;g)  terupumarupu,  s.  Con- 
fusion of  mind. 




Hw,  ^3»  terra,  terrra,  a  J/.  Open.  5. 
A  plain. 

Hfcs&ss  terrakuva,  s.  Wisdom,  pru- 

HesKo  terragu,  s.  vide  Htf;$  teravu. 

Hw-tfb,  "3eoi-t5b  terratsu,  terrutsu,  v.  a. 
To  open.  H&sss  terrapa,  s.  An  open- 
ins:.  2.  Disclosure.  3.  Cessation, 
suspension.  4.  An  interval.  5.  Lei- 

HesexD  terrain,  v.  n.  To  pervade,  as 
scent,  or  perfume.  2.  To  flow  over, 
in  boiling.  Hea^ex^  terrakolpu,  v. 
a.  To  cause  a  perfume  to  pervade. 

"lea 55  terrava,  s.  A  woman. 

Ha"7T°oo  telagalu,  s.  plu.  vide  Hsxjfib 

HD  teli,  5.  0«de  Ho  tella. 

USS'&oS  telikapindi,  s.  The  flour  of 
the  sesamum  seed,  after  oil  has 
been  expressed  from  it. 

HS0360  teliyu,  v-  n.  To  be  understood, 
known,  conceived,  or  comprehen- 

Hswjg)  telupu,  v.  a.  To  explain,  or 
make  known. 

Hoo^r0**  telusukonu,  v.  Comp.  To 
understand,  to  know. 

Hsa,  H©a&  telivi,  telividi,  $,  Under- 
standing, intellect, 

Hex>§be><cp2&  telukulavadu,  s.  An  oil- 

HwKb  telugu,  Si  The  Telugu  langu- 
age, adj.  Of  or  belonging  to  that 
language,  or  country. 

H"3  tele,  s.  vide  s'o-S'sSm  kantsamu. 

Ho  ,H£>  tella,  teli.s.The  colour  white. 
Ho  -US,  "Bo  »  tella-teli,  tellani,aefy\ 
White,  fair.  "galiwsy^  telatelabo 
vu,  To  become  pale. 

Hoocg)  telupu,  8.    Whitness. 

Ho  *^ea>  tellavarru,  v.  n.  To  dawn, 
to  grow  white. 

Ho  -s^eJ  tellavarri,  5.  The  dawn,  the 
morning.  Hoboes-  tellavarlw, Un- 
til dawn,  or  morning.  Ho  s^Qo-db, 
Ho  oa^tibv  tellavarintsujtellavartsuy 
To  wake  until  dawn,  or  morning. 
oSioHo  -5r>&  panitellavaru,  lit.  Bu- 
siness to  become  white.  To  be  dis- 
appointed, or  ruined  ;  to  become 

Hoo  tellu,  v.  n.  To  overflow,  in  boil- 

H$oo  tevulu,  s.  vide  Hriboo  tegulu. 

"i§os5  tekuva,  s.  Understanding,  in- 

~§X  tega,  s.  The  sprout  of  the  pal- 
myra nut,  when  first  planted. 




"Sxdfl  tegada,  adj.  vide  II35S0  teyu. 
Wasted  by  use,  as  applied  to  coins. 
"ix&tfr>£  tegadaruka,  A  smooth, 
rubbed,  or  wasted  fanam. 

"«§?(sk»  tegamu,  s.  vide  iT'cX^oo  tya- 

~§  23  sSoo ,  1§  as  <xk  tej  ami]  ,tej  a  ssu,  s.  Splend- 
our, ligbt,  lustre.  2.  Fame,  glory. 
~id3dvo>  ~§2sdox)  tejarilu,  tpjarillm 
v.  n.  To  shine,  or  gleam. 

~§£,  Hd?  tpji,  tcji,   s.  A  horse. 

ll&>  teta,  s.  Clearness,  purity.  2. 
Beauty.  3.  A  clear  understanding. 
adj.  Clear,  pure.  2.  Handsome, 
beautiful.    3.    Evident,  obvious. 

"^6o^fe9n5D  tetaparratsu,  To  clear  up, 
to  explain.  li6oss&>  tetapadu,  To 
be  clear,  or  evident. 

"itB  tefci,  s.  vide  &-& >  &  tummeda. 

1§C30\  tentsu,  v.  a.  To  belch.  ~§&t& 
tenupu,  5.  A  belch. 

l§a  tedi,  s.  The  day  of  the  solar 

-§-*,  tene,  s.  Honey.  ~$-3&K  tenetig?), 
A  bee.  ~lis1B5-lll$£&»,  Hl3&o"^:> 
tenetera-tenepattu,  ienetutte,  5. 
Honeycomb-  "i*^e^e;ex>  tenetola- 
lu,  s,  plu*  A  kind  of  sweet- 11. eat. 
^^■freTr*  tenesara,  A  spirituous  li- 
quor, made  of  honey. 

I  ~§&  tepa,  5.  A  raft,  or  float-  2.  In- 
crease. 3.  Lightness,  slightness. 
4.   A  time. 

~$$)  t ■■pu,  v.   vide  lirsox  tentsu. 

Hak  tema,  s.  Wet,  damp.  acfy*.  Wet; 

lls&tfsSM  tsmanamu,  s.  i;i^e  ©ssb-tfaSoa 

"ioaoa  teyu,  v.  n.  To  waste,  by  being 
handled,  used,  or  rubbed. 

"©tf  tera,  a-ofy'.Free  of  cost,  or  charge. 
"itf§c,lltf  TV  teraku,  teraga, Gratis; 
for  nothing. 

ifdb  teru,  s.  An  idol  car  ;  a  car.  v. 
n.  To  be  saved  from  danger,  tore- 
cover  from  illness.  2.  To  reach-  if 
£!§&>  kadateru,  To  be  finished, 
or  ended.  Hbor*^  tcrukonu,  To 
recover  one's  strength  ;  to  be  con- 

^&J<&  terugada,  s.  The  settlement 
of  an  account  ;  a  conclusion. 

l!eiir*#-&j-°nft,  llelxfcnikterrikonatsu 
tsu,  territsiitsu,  v.  a.  To  gaze  ear- 
nestly, to  look  steadfastly. 

~i&x>  terra,  v.  n.  To  be  clarified,  li 
eo)x  terrtsa,  v.  a-  To  clarify. 

llew  telu,  s.  A  scorpion.  9.  n.  To 
float.  2.  To  be  settled,  or  arrang- 
ed. 3.  To  settle,  or  fix,  on  a  per- 
son. "^ewr'oS  telukondi*  The 
scorpion's  sting; 




"<§©o-i5b  fcelintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause  to 
float,  &c.  2.  To  glance,  as  applied 
to  the  eyes. 

llss"  telika,  s.  Lightness,  adj.  Light. 

2.  Easy,  simple. 


2^ws6do  tailamu,  5.  Oil.  2.  Ointment. 

<§"°o?Ce)  tongali,s.  Splendour,  bright- 
ness, adj.  Splendid,  bright,  sparkl- 

^o/fo  tongu,  v.  n.  To  sleep.  «S^o 
7foo&>  tongundu,  v.  n.To  lie  down, 
or  recline.  ^oA^fo-o^b  tongitsii- 
tsu,  v.  a.  To  peep. 

&*ok%  tonti,a<i/.Former.  s.  The  joint 
of  the  hip. 

<>T*o29  tonda,  s.  A  chamelion.  2.  That 
animal,  of  the  lizard  kind,  com- 
monly at  Madras  termed  the  blood- 

^o&oSm  tondamu,  s.  An  elephant's 

<§"oT5->£5b  tondadu,  v.  a.  To  be  con- 
stantly hurr\  ing  another. 

^o&tf  tondara,  s.  Trouble,  amnyy- 
ance,  plague,  vexation.  2.  Danger. 

3.  Pis  tress. 

^o^^sSdo  tondalamu,  s. Boiled  juice 
of  tamarinds,  mixed  with  two  or 
three  kinds  of  vegetables. 

&**y-  tokka,  s.  The  skin.  2.  A  hide. 
3.  The  rind  of  fruit.  4.  The  bark 
of  a  tree. 

^r/j-fc)  tokkata,  s.  Distress. 

^%-tokku,  v.  a.  To  tread;  to 
step.  2.  To  trample  on.  3.  To 
pound,  or  bruise,  certain  fruits, 
or  certain  grains  with  a  little 

^§0?^  tokkti,  s.  Any  thing  thus 

<§"§k_oa&  tokkintsu,  v.  Cans.  To 
cause  to  tread,  &c. 

£~*X  toga,  s.   A  water-lily. 

^K&,  £-*;&&  togaru,  toguru,  s. 
Red  colour.  2.  Bed  coloured 
thread,  adj.  Bed.  tS^X&s^&k-^) 
ewfio  togarumukkupulugu,  A  par- 
rot ;  from  it's  red  beak. 

<§-°fe3  totti,  s.  A  manger  *  a  trough. 
Postpos.  Together  with,  in  com- 
pany with. 

^°  fcSrfctf  toUikattu,s.  An  open  square, 
with  buildings  on  each  side,  of 
one  or  more  of  which  the  native 
houses  consist. 

(S^^so^-eT^ex),  eT9^^  totra- 
padn-totrilu,  totrnpadu,  v.  n.  To 
be  perplexed,  or  confused. 

^>,fc»,^r5^>,  ^.So.tnfcoo  totrupat:.:,  to 
trapatu,  s.  Confusion,  perplexity. 
#••&>  tot  la,  s.  A  child's  cradle. 




^Stoda,  s.  The  thigh.  3-°£sg)fcp$ 
todaputtuvu,  s.  The  merchant  or 
Vysya  caste  ;  as  sprung  from  the 
thigh  of  Bramha. 

&»&ofo  ,<3^&Xb  todangu,  todagu,  v. 
a.  To  dress,  or  pat  on,  as  clothes, 
&c  2.  To  prepare. 

&*&££*$  todakapovii,  v.  a.  Con- 
tracted from  (T^r^d-s^  toduko 
nipovu,  Under  «§-*£&  todu,  q.  v. 

£">&&  todaru,  v.  a.  To  obtain.  2. 
To  excite,  to  provoke.  3.  To  hesi- 
tate in  speaking. 

3"°aK>e&  todibadu,  v.  n.  To  be  per- 
plexed, or  confused. 

&*&!!*  todime,  s.  The  foot  stalk  of 
a  leaf,  fruit,  or  flower. 

«S^^b§o  toduku,  s.  A  cow. 

#*C&«o  todugu,  v.  a.  To  dress,  or 
put  on  as  clothes.  2.  To  place  the 
arrow  on  the  bow. 

£-*&>7&  toclugu,  s.  A  dress;  dress. 

<r°SAo^5b  todigintsu,  v.  Cans.  To 
cause  to  dress,  &c 

^a&for^^^r^  todugukonu, 
todukkonu,  v.  Comp.  To  dress, 
tto-^&^^osg)  bangarutodupu,  A 
gold  covering. 

£r°£o-fri  todusu,  s.  Carnal  connexion- 

<§^rc>fo  tor.agu,    v.     a.    To  begin,  or 
commence.   &°zx>%)  tonnpu,  v.   a. 
To  be  constantly   repeating  the 
same  words. 

^ewSo  tonuku,  v.  .n.    To  wave,  or 

be  agitated,    as  water.  v>    a.    To 
agitate  water  with  the  hand. 

<§"&>  tottu,  s.  A  female  maid- ser- 
vant* or  slave. 

^°rf  tona,  s.  One  of  the  divisions 
in  an  orange,  and  in  other  similar 

^sss^oiSo  tonnundUj^.w.Tolie  down, 

or  recline  ;  to  repose  one's-self. 
^55cr»  60  tommadu,  v.  a.   To   spoil. 
gr>c&o 8  toyyali,  s.  A  woman. 
«T°^  tora,  *.  From  s.  «^-?r»  twara,  q.  v. 
^tfKo  toragu,   v.  n.  To  shed. 
^tfsSrtsSw  torapariamu,  s.  Agimblet. 
<§**&&>  toralu,  v.  n.    To  be  mixed. 
8r>d8~°Q  toritori,  adv.  Well,  proper- 


£~°a  o&>  torlintsn,  v.  a.  To  reduce 
the  heat  of  boiling  water,  by  pour- 
ing cold  water  into  it. 

e^esTfo  torragn,  v.  n.  To  slacken,  or 
become  loose. 

(S^&sfeo-^*?,  &*&  tarrata-torrra,  to 
rra,  s.  A  hole,  or  cavity  ;  a  hol- 

&^e|  torrri,  s.  A  maim,  or  defect. 

&»<^<do  torrrulu,  s.  plu.  Cattle.  £r> 
e£»s^»  torrrupattu,  A  cow-house. 

(§^0  tola,  s.  vide  &*$  tona. 

#*  ©  o  3b  -Tollintsu 



<§^<yftb  tolagu,  «.  n.  To  remove,  or 
go  from  one  place  to  another.  2. 
To  move,  or  step  aside  ;  to  get 
out  of  the  way.  v.  a.  To  transgress. 
&»vKo-&  tolagintsu,  v.  a.  To  re- 
move, or  change  from  one  place 
to  another. 

&"°e)  toli,  s.  A  hole,  or  cavity  ;  a 
hollow,  adj.  Former,  previous.  2. 
Old,  ancient.  3.  First. 

<§~°S)axr*£c8S-*jg>  toliyitayavu,  s.  A 
cow  which  has  calved  for  the  first 

<§-*e»  tola,  adj.  First,  ^ewsra,  eT^ew 
-^>&  tolukari,  tolukaru,  The  first 
rainy  season.  eT°ex>§8o-i5b  toluka- 
rintsu,  v.  n.  To  rain  for  the  first 
time  in  the  season.  £*°  ex>  §o  &>  sg> 
tolukudupu,  The  ceremony  of  gi- 
ving solid  food  to  a  child,  for  the 
first  time  ;  generally  performed 
in  the  sixth  month,  ^ewfir*  e>  to- 
ludolta,  At  first. 

^°ejo«o  tolugu,  v.  n.  vide  eT'oTfo 

^ewofo,  ^°e>3v  tolutsu,  toltsu,  «\  a. 

To  perforate.  2.  To  carve  wood. 
3.  To  cleanse,  or  rinse,  a  pot,  or 

<§"*©  tolli,  adv.  In  former  times.  &* 


SofeS  tollinti,  adj.  Former. 
<$**£)  o-tfc  tollintsu,  p.  a.  wrfe  3^8  oxfo 

^"H  tollika,  s.  A  small  instrument, 

for  digging, 
^s  tova,  s.  A  water-lily. 

tS^sssb  tovaru,  s.  vide  ^Xtfc  togaru. 
^^  tovvu,  v.  a.  vide  g^*  tavvn. 

&-*-<§"*£,  3"*2&£  to-toda,  toduta, 
postpos.  With,  along  with  j  the 
sign  of  the  social  ablative. 

&*g  toka,  s.  A  tail,  S^r-dbs^-  to- 
katsukka,  5.  A  comet,  lit.  A  tail- 
ed star.  &*g%3&OTS}  tokaadintsu, 
To  wag  the  tail. 

<&r*F°i&  tokonu,  v.  vide  <§**$&  r^afc 
todukonu,  Under  £^e&  todu. 

&*&>  toga,  v.  n.  vide  &r>7&  tugu. 

<§**;&  totsu,  v.  n.  This  verb  is  used 
impersonally,  with  the  dative 
case,  and  denotes  To  think,  con- 
jecture, or  conceive.    pT°§b«)Jr««S^ 

<oos^a    nakuatla     tostunnadi,    I 
think  so.  It  appears,  or  seems  so> 
to  me. 
<§^&>  tota,  s.  A  garden.    <>r$&>oT*2&, 

&*t£>3Q  totavadu,  totidu,  s.  A  gar- 

^dcn»  tota,  s.  A  squib  or  cracker. 
2.  A  cartridge. 

&*&  toda,  postpos.  vide  ^-^^zw 

ftxtfr^^sM*30^*^*^^  to-toda 
buttuvu-todabattugu,  todabuttn, 

&*£  s5s>-T6tramu 



A  sister,  or  brother;  as  born  with 
one's-self.  &*  Sr5 2*ex>  todikodalu, 
The  wives  of  two  brothers  ;  joint 
sisters-in-law.  <§^&os5ex>&>  tocli- 
yalludu,  The  husbands  of  two 
sisters;  joint  brother-in-law. 

«T*&>  todu,  s.  A  companion,  or  as- 
sociate. 2.  Assistance,  aid.  3.  A 
word  equivalent  to  an  oath,  cor- 
responding with  the  English  by, 
in  such  phrases  as  by  heaven,  &c. 
v.  a.  To  draw,  or  take  up,  as  water 
from  a  well  or  pot.  2.  To  draw 
aside.  3.  To  wind  up  as  thread. 4. 
To  dig.  &*6o^&  todukonu,  v.  a. 
To  take  with.  v.  n.  To  curdle,  as 
milk-  S^&>§^s>d*^)  todukonipovu, 
To  take  away,  along  with  one's- 
self  ;  to  lead,  or  conduct,  away. 
eT^r^ss^bv  todukonivatstsu,To 

bring,  along  with  one's-self. 
^■gsSM  todemu,  s.  A  little,  a  small 

£"*7§*x>  todelu,  s.  A  wolf. 
&*&*&,  S^o^ti  todtoda,    todtona, 

O  .__0 

adv.  Immediately,  forthwith. 

eT^Trsfeao  todpatu,  s  Assistance,  aid. 

^loiib  totentsu,  v.  To  come.  2  To 

#*#  !6»  tdtramu,  s.  A  stick,  or  bam- 
boo* with  a  short  iron  head,  used 
for  guiding  the  elephant,  2.  Any 
goad,  or  pike,  for  driving  cattle. 

j  e^sS  topa,  s.  Batter,  paste. 
|  cT*S>  topi,  s.  A  cap  ;  a  hat. 
j  &*%>  topu,  5.  A  grove,  or  tope  as  it 

I       is  termed  in  India ;  a  tuft  of  trees. 

2.  A  push.  adj.  Red 
#*ao&»;g)  tobutuvu,  8.    vide  fr^ti^ 

toassstodabuttuvu, Under  <§~*£toda. 

^55b-oe>  tomala,  s.  A  string  of  flowers, 


&*&»  tomu,  v.  a.  To  rub    2.  To  clean. 

3.  To  beat. 

G^Sttoik  tomintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause 
to  rub,  &c.  So^oeT*s5>a  pandluto- 
mu,  To  clean  the  teeth. 

^o«5s5m  toyamu,  s.  A  rarity;  any 
thing  strange.  2.  Association. 

&"*cs6>  toyu,  v.  a.  To  push,  propel, 
thrust,  or  shove.  2.  To  reject.  3. 
To  annul,  to  dismiss.  4.  To  deduct, 
^ft^afio  tosiveyu,  To  push,  &c. 
Out ;  to  reject,  annul,  &c  Alto- 

^tfras-xw  toranamu,  s.    A    string  of 

leaves,  flowers,  &c.  Or  sometimes 
of  cloth,  hung  over  the  door-way, 
or  across  the  high  road,  on  joyful 
or  triumphal  occasions. 

eT^tfskO  tt'ox   toramallirayi,    s.     A 

false  diamond. 
eT^tf&Do  toramu.  s    A  bracelet.   2.  A 

string  worn  on  certain  religious 

occasions,    round    the    wrist.    3. 

Beauty.  4.  Largeness. 



^  oSb.Trotsu 

<§^ew  tolu,  s.  The  skin  of  man  or 
beast;  the  rind  of  fruit  ;  the  bark 
of  a  tree. 2-  Leather,  v.  «.  To  drive; 
to  drive  away. 

£**8o-i5b  tolintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause 
to  drive,  <fcc.  &**»•&*&£  toludal- 
pu,  Siva,  as  clot  lied  in  skin. 
^sxdo^'SsSx)  toluvaddemu,  A 

&*#  tova,  6.  vide  s^ss"  dova. 

^g^oo5b  tyajintsu,  v.  a.  To  abandon, 
quit,  leave,  or  resign. 

TB^jCsfca  tyagamu,  s.  Gift,  donation. 
•2.   Generosity,  liberality,  munifi- 
cence. 3.  Relinquishing,  resigna- 
tion of.  er5^  tyagi,  s.   A  giver,  a 

{&j&>\  tratstsu,  v.  a.  To  churn. 
3»  osssfca  trayainu,  adj.  Three,  s.  The 

^,^)c  travvu,  v.  a.  vide  &$<%  tavvu. 

"ST'.iSb   tradu,    5.   write     "ar°£&  tadu, 

No,  2. 
y^^ra   trana,   s.    Strength,    power, 

ability,  capacity* 
."eTT>.$  travu,  v.    a.  vide  w°fo  tagn. 

v^r°,&>  trasu,  *.  A   pair   of  scales,  a 

A tf«3  ^r '  PP  U  >    V-   °-   V ^e  © 53 >J  ti PP a- 

^s&rseke-ex)  trimtirtulu,  s.  plu.  The 

three  principal    Hindoo  deities  ; 

viz.  Bhramha,  Vishnu,    and  Siva. 
,©,s5b.tfc  trimmaru,  v.  n.  To  wander; 

to  travel. 
©  e)oKs5x>  trilingamu,  adj.  vide  "§ex>7& 


s^b.o^b  trungu,  ».  ra.  To  die,  2.  To 
be  broken,  ^o-sfc  truntsu,  p.  <z. 
To  kill.  2.  To  break,  vide.  sko^Sb 

.«&> ,«6  trullu,  v.  n.  vide  &>$■>  tulln. 


/el^k-Sb  trekkonu,  #.   a.  To  attain, 

to  obtain. 
.H.36  trellu,  v.  ».  To  fall. 

V ^ro 

H.s^"  trevvana,  s.  Beauty,  adj' 

L^§b^.  trokkn,  y.  a-  0wfo  ^§0^- 

^^t5o,  <g^^egb  trotsu,  tropadn,  v. 
a.  To  push. 




<&*jig)  tropu,  s.  A  push. 

. «§^.cx5c»  troyu,  v.  a.  vide  «§^ort»  toyu. 

y&*j°S  trova,  s.  vide  &*$  dova. 

^S^'  ^8^!5m   twara,  twaritamu,   s. 

Haste,  hurry,  speed,  swiftness. 
#ctfssa&  twarapadu,  v.   n.  To  be  in  a 

#o$7P  twaraga,acfo.  Quickly  ,hastily, 

$•  tha,  The  thirty-second  letter,  and 
seventeenth  consonant,  in  the  Te- 
lugu  alphabet  •,  no  word  in  the 
language  commences  with  it. 

#  da,  The  thirty-third  letter,  and 
eighteenth,  consonant,  in  the  Telu- 
gu  alphabet. 

&o3b  dantsa,  v.  a.  To  pound,  bruise, 
or  beat  in  a  mortar.  £o7&&>  dan- 
gudu,  adj.  Pounded. 

&ofeo  danta,  s.  A  dexterous,  clever, 
or  intriguing  person.  2.  A  couple, 
or  pair.  adj.  Two.  This  word,  af- 
fixed to  others  in  composition,  de- 
notes an  agent,  or  possessor.  &o&> 
So  ew  dantapillalu,  Twins.  &ob>$&> 
dantapadu, To  league,  or  combine. 

&ofew  dantu,  s.  A  stalk. 

a'o£  danda,  s.  A  garland,  wreath,  or 

necklace  of  flowers,   &c.  Postpos. 

zso&gi&x,  dandakamu,  s.  A  sort  of 
metre,  the  stanza  of  which  ex- 
ceeds 27  syllables,  and  may  ex- 
tend to  200. 

tio&K  dandaga,  5.  vide  XoSsoK  dan- 

ao2sX^o!6s5oiew  dandagadiyamulu,  s. 
phi.  A  kind  of  bracelet,  worn  by 
Hindoos  between  the  shoulder 
and  the  elbow. 

eSo&^cxwe  dandacheyyi,  s,  The  arm, 
between  the  shoulder  and  the  el- 

tfc&ssw  dandamu,  s.  A  stick,  or  staff. 
2.  Punishment,  castigation.  3.  A 
fine.  4.  A  measure  of  four  cubits. 

So&sSm  dandamu,  s.  Prostration, 
salutation,  compliments,  respects; 
the  joining  of  the  palms  of  the 
hands,  in  token  of  respect. 

tfoTr0^  dandata   s.    vide  ~^-r^ka  de- 

&o&  dandi,  adj.  Abundant,  plentiful. 

So&OT5b  dandintsu,  v.  a.  To  punish 

to  chastise. 

sso^o,  £o2&cg)  dandn,  danduvn,  s.  An 

arm}7,   a  military  force,    a  camp. 
c5o6^io  dandubata,  A  high  road. 

eso"§5&>  dandettu,  v.  n.  To  levy  an 

army  ;  to  wage  war. 



&*  e-Daggiri 

tfo2&X  danduga,   *.   A   fine.    2-    An  r 
extra,  and  unjust  assessment. 

so"3sS*>  dandemu,  s.  A  rope,  &c. 
Upon  which  clothes  are  hung  to 

ftox^e  dandy  a,  5.  A  peon,  under  a 

ftoe£s5s>  dan  tarn  n,  a-.  A  tooth.  2.  Ivory, 
fto^-zptftfsfoo  dairtadhavanamu,  A  I 
tree  yielding  an  astringent  resin,   j 
Mimosa  catechu.  2.  A  tooth  brush.  , 

£oll  dante,  s.  An  implement,   with  i 
wooden   teeth,    used    for   hoeing 
up  the  ground,    round  corn,    after 
the  plants  have  risen  a  little  in 
the  stalk. 

Soes&    dandadi,    adv.    Exceedingly, 


tfotftf,  fto^tf  dandana?  dandhana,  s. 
Procrastination,  delay,  putting  off 
by  false  but  specious  promises.  2. 
Indolence,  tardiness,  adj.  Indo- 
lent, lazy. 

«oo3^^>  dampakarrru,  s.  The  plough- 
share with  which  wet  ground  is 

&o£&>ex>  dampatulu,  s.plu.  Husband 
and  wife. 

&osg)  dampn,  v.  a.  vide  &cn&  dantsu, 
s.  Beating,  pounding,  or  bruising. 

tfo^rsSaa  dambbamu,  s.  Fraud,  deceit, 
cheating.  2.  Hypocrisy.  3.  Sin, 
wickedness.    4.   Arrogance,  pride. 

e^^jfos  dakkinamu,  s.  The  south. 

ego^-  dakku,  v.  n.  This  verb  is  used 
impersonally,  with  the  dative 
case,  and  denotes,  To  come  into, 
or  remain  in,  one's  possession.  2. 
To  be  preserved.  3.  To  be  digested. 

s^o-^r^dakkintsukonu,  v. 
Comp.  To  obtain,  take,  or  retain 
possession.  2.  To  appropriate  to 
one's-self  what  belongs  to  others. 
3.  To  preserve,  or  defend,  what 
is  one's  own.  4.  To  digest. 

£§k_oo5b  dakkintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  place 
in  the  possession  of  another.  2.  To 
defend,  or  preserve  what  is  an- 

ess^k-ex)  dakkolu,  adj.  Occupied  un- 
justly. 2.  Free  of  cost,  gratis. 

&r°k_?53  dakkonu,  v.  a.  To  hide,  to 

z$K  daga,  s.  Thirst. 

tfXesK  dagadaga,  s.  Gleam,  dazzling. 

& KV°  dagala,  s.  A  double  quilted 

Sir*  daga,  s.  Deceit,  trick,  chicanery^, 

aft  tf,  zliti  daggira,  daggera,  postpos. 

Near/ towards,  to,  with.  zs%  8oo$b 

daggiriutsu,  v.  n.To  draw  near,  to 


$%  a  daggiri,  adj.  Near.  •&*£%$!§& 

nadaegiraledu,  lit.  It  is  not  near 

me.  I  have  not  got  it. 

8  e££M-Dattaniu 


&  ^85*  ox  o  &  -  Dabay  intsu 

£?&  daggu,  v.  «.  To  cough,  s.  A 

esKsSw  da^dhamu,  adj.  Burnt,  scorch- 
ed,  consumed  by  fire. 

& £k  dachchi,  5.  The  number  eight.  It 
is  used  chiefly  in  games,  es&yg&jo 
dachchikadalu,  The  eight  points, 
or  quarters,  of  the  world. 

ftkr°o»o-&>  datayintsu,#.  a.  To  threa- 
ten, reprimand,  or  scold- 

£ feos5a:>  dattamu,  adj.  Thick.  2.  Close. 
3.  Coarse,  s.  A  body,  or  multitude. 

%&>$  dattna.  s.  Thickness.  2  Close- 
ness.  3.  Coarseness. 

z$&r»  dafcta,  s,  The  covering,  or  cork? 
of  large  leather  bottles,  &c. 

£fe§  datt],  s.  A  zone,  girdle,  or  waist 
band,  of  cloth  :  a  sash.  #4$  rfe»rsi 
dattlkattukonu,  To  gird  the  loins; 
to  prepare. 

&2S  dada,  s.  Fear,  trembling. 

&g  dadi,  5.  A  wall  of  twisted  palm 
leaves,  &c. 

es^**»  daniiemu.  s.  vide  zso~&&x> 

e5  e^sS^o  dattamu,  adj.  Given,  presen- 
ted, made  over,  assigned.  2.  A- 
dopted.    3.  Preserved,  protected. 

c5^2lb  dattudu,  An  adopted  son. 
asfc&x  "^KSor^jBo  datturmi  chesuko- 
nu,  To  adopt.  &  &$■>  &'  e£e£os5s> 
dattata,  dattatvamu.  s.  Adoption. 

cS&S'sSw  daddalamu,  5.  A  flat  ceiling. 

esaaex),  &&&>  daddirillu,  daddirlu,  v. 
w.  To  be  alarmed,  perplexed,  con- 
fused, or  confounded  ;  to  start. 

z$&>  daddu,  x.  A  scar  :  an  inflamed 
mark  on  the  skin,  from  the  bite  of 
a  musquitoe,  &c.  &8Qo-J5b  dadda- 
rintsu.  v.  n.  To  be  scarred,  or  in- 

&&>&  dadduru,  s.  The  cutaneous  di- 
es ' 

sease,  named  Herpes. 
&§  dadhi,  s.  Milk  curdled,  or  coagu- 
lated, spontaneously,  by  heat,  or 
by  the  addition  of  butter-milk. 
s^otftfsSM  dadhyodanamu,  Boil- 
ed rice,  mixed  with  curdled  milk, 
and  seasoned  with  mustard  seeds, 
and  ginger. 

tftfS'  danaka,  adv.   Until,   as  far  as. 

cSs^skm  dappamu,  s.  vide  c$£ox*»  datta- 

tfoS^SfsSaj  dappalamu,  5.  The  boiled 
juice  of  tamarinds,  mixed  with 
any  kind  of  vegetables. 

a&j  dappi,  8.  Thirst,  aa^sfc  dappi- 
gonu,   To  be  thirsty. 

g-^n>  dapha,  s.  A  time,  or  turn.  2. 
A  certain  number  of  peons. 

c523  8£>  dabadaba,  s.  The  noise  of 
knocking,  or  running. 

^^oooo-tfo  dabay  intsu,  v.  a.  To  fright- 
en, threaten?  or  alarm. 




8z:i  dabba,  s.  A  piece  of  split  bam- 
boo, or  palm  tree.  2-  A  slice  of 
any  fruit. 

SEj\&o-i5b  dabbadintsu,  v  a.  To  beat 
with  open  hands.  2.  To  close  the 
mouth  of  a  pot. 

3&xtfo6co  dabbanamu,  s.  A  bodkin ; 
a  large  pack  needle. 

£z>xfc9  dabbarra,  s.  A  falsehood,  or 
lie.  2.  A  sort  of  basin,  adj.  False- 

aCK^sSj  dabbichippa,  s.  A  wedge,  to 
split  palmyras,  &c. 

&£»*  dabbu,  .?.  vide  %kzv>  dabadaba, 
2.  The  cover  of  a  large  pot,  or 

Sttoitf  dabbuna,  ado.  Quickly,  im- 

&ijr.titt  dabhramu,  adj  Little,  small. 

&o&&»   damarnu,    s.    Self-command, 

self-restraint;  endurance  ofpain- 
fnl  austerities,  mortification  of  the 
flesli.  &  Taming,  sr 

s£fe\'&  dammid  Tje  quarter  of  a 

dub:  five  cash. 

^s5^    dammu,  s.    Wet  ground,  mud> 

mire.  £«&»  ^fttf^psj^  dammuche- 


sinapolamu,  A  field  watered  and 
prepared  for  plants. 

5<3&  day  a,  s.  Favour?  goodness,  re- 
gard, kindness,  graciousness.  2- 
Pity,  tenderness,  clemency.,  com- 
passiou.    &a&*iS7$&xi    (layarasamu, 

The  quintessence  of  favour,  kind- 
ness, <fcc.  so&^a&o  dayacheyu,  To 
favour,  to  oblige.  2.  To  be  so  good 
as,  to  do  any  thing-,  to  be  graci- 
ously pleased,  to  do  any  thing. 
3.  To  do  one  the  honor  to  visit, 
or  come. 

tfcefr»&5$)  dayaluvu,,  adj.  Favorable, 
compassionate,  tender. 

£os5os5oo  dayyamu,  s.  A  deity.  2.  A 
demon,   or  evil  spirit,  tfcftcxfoostoo 

dayyamupattu.  An  evil  spirit  to 
possess    one.    accoesSx-s^ew,    sS£e> 

r*g>  dayyamu-dolu,  vadalagottu, 

To  drive  out,  or  expel,  an  evil 

estf  dam,  s.   Price,  value. 

zXqr*  7$a    darakhastu,  s.    A  revenu6 

term,  signifying  a  proposal,  or  offer 
a  rent,  or  farm. 

stfnrioo  daranamu,  s.  An  imaginary 

€oin,  of  the  value  of  6  dubs,  or 
two  fanams. 

tfsdari,  si  The  bank,   or  shore,  of  a 
river,  <fec.  2.  A  point  or  end.  3.  A 
side.  4.  Support,   shelter,  refuse 
5-  Means  of  subsistence. 

csr\>5odarikonu,  v.    n.   To] 
or  consumed, 

aer^ex^  darikolpn.  v.  a.  To  burn,  or 
consume.  2.  To  kindle. 

&Qi£  dariji,  s.  A  tailor. 




^O^sfos  daridramu,  adj.  Poor,  needy, 
indigent,  distressed.  ■c5«e6» 
daridryamu,   s.  Poverty. 

&&>£>  daravu,  s.  Time,  or  cadence, 
in  music. 

KS^HTfc  darobastu,   adj.  All,  whole. 


adv-  Entirely. 
d"o-*\  «b  darbaru,  5.  A  court,  or  hall  of 
audience-  2,  A  public  office.  e$-*rs 
&$>-&&-  darbarukhartsu,  Durbar 
expense  implies  the  sums  paid,  as 
bribes,  to  public  servants  ;  or 
douceurs,  given  to  them,  in  gene- 
ral without  stipulating  for  any 
positive  favor,  but  to  ensure  gene- 
ral countenance  and  support. 

estf^tfafco  darsanamu,  s.  Sight,  seeing. 
2.  A  visit.  3-  A  sastra,  or  one  of 
six  religious  or  philosophical  sy- 
stems ;  viz.  The  Yedanta,  San- 
khya,  Vysheshica,  Nyaya,  the 
mimamsa  and  thepatanjaka. 

£8}0-i$b  darsintsu,  v.  a-  To  shew.  2. 
To  see.  3.  To  visit.  4.  To  pay  un- 

tf<Lr°e>  dalalf,  s.  Brokerage,  the  busi- 
ness of  a  broker.  2.  A  broker. 
e5er»&85j*fc>e»  dalalimatalu.  Deceit- 
ful words. 

a^sSw  dalamu,  s.  Thickness,  solidity. 
2.  vide  •jr&otfoKsaasSM  chaturanga- 

balamu,  adj.  Thick,  solid.  zsV-Zntio 

dalamettu,   To  levy  troops.  a?^ 

000  dalavayi,  A  general. 

z$3Q    dalasari,    adj.    Thick,   solid, 

coarse,     s.     Thickness,     solidity, 

ass&  davada,  s.  The  jaw.  2.  The 
cheek.  tfss^sSogrc  davadapandlu, 
The  double  teeth. 

essstfaSw  davanamu,  s.  A  kind  of  frag- 
rant leaf;  a  sort  of  balm. 

s-arof)  davali,  s.  The  belt  of  a  peon. 

#$>  c5^)p  davu,  davvu,  s.   Distance. 

£$£&  davudu,  s.  A  military  expedi- 
tion, or  incursion.  2.  A  gallop. 

c$c$&  davurn,  s.  That  part  of  a  jacket 
which  hangs  below  the  waist. 

tf»g  davva,  s.  Pith  ;  the  soft  part  of 

# $*  das'a,  s.  Power,  authority.  2.  The 
influence  of  a  planet  ;  luck,  for- 
tune. 3.  A  stage  of  life.  4.  The 
ends  of  a  cloth.  5.  A  wick. 

ftS'S'sSx)  dasakamu}arf;\  Numeral  ten. 

ssSsSo^  das'iripanche,  s.  A  flowered 
silk  garment. 

ftrS  &>  daskhatu,  s.  Signature. 

tf  j£§o  dastaku,   s.  A  pass,  or  order. 

tf  5?  dasta,  s-  A  quire  of  paper.  2.  A 
bundle  of  24  arrows. 




s-^^e*  dastavedzu,  s.  A  document 
of  any  kind  ;  a  proof,  or  docum- 
ent, in  one's  own  hand  writing. 

Sr&  dastu,  s.  lit.  That  which  has 
reached  the  hand.  The  money  col- 
lected, in  contradistinction  to  the 
§^oo  Sistu,  or  money   outstanding 

unrealized.  In  revenue  language* 
the  dust  balance  is  that  which  has 
been  realized  by  some  one,  as  the 
Redely,  Curnnm,  &c.  from  the 
Ryots,  but  has  been  withheld  by 

them  from  the  Government  trea- 
sury ;  the  shist  balance  is  that 
which  is  still  due  by,  and  outstand- 
ing against,  the  Ryots  themselves- 
s&n>6  dasturi,  s.  Custom,  manner. 


&  ts^&o   dastramu,   s.  A  bundle   of 

written  documents,  tied  together 
in  a  cloth. 

asfrotfsfca  dahanamu,  s.  Fire.  2.  Burn- 
ing ;  especially  the  burning  of  a 

s  JLra  dakshina,  s.  A  present  or  gift, 
of  ready  money,  offered  either  to 
the  deity,  or  to  brahmans. 

s<!xr3s*»  dakshinamu,  s.  The  south, 
adj.  Southern.  2.  Right,  as  distin- 
guished from  left. 

■Gr*§*  dafka,  s.  A  pot,  with  wide  mouth- 
•cr»-^  daka,  adv.  Until :  as  far  as. 

-er>r*;&  dakonu,  v.  n.  To  approach. 
2.  To  meet,  or  encounter.  3.  To 

75*sp?x>  dakhalu,  s.  A  revenue  term, 
which  denotes  an  entry  or  inser- 
tion. 2.  An  arrival.  Tr>spyo-$a&> 
dakhalucheyu,  v.  a-  To  enter  •&*$) 
<*>«> 3)  dakhaluavu,  To  arrive  ;  to 
be  entered. 

•cr>xtf  dagara,  s.  A  large  winnowing 

-s^X-©  dagali,  s.  An  anvil. 

T5-°76  dagu,  v.  n.  To  be  hidden,  or 
concealed  ;  to  abscond,  or  disap- 
pear. T^-ab  clatsu,  v.  a.  To  hide, 
or  conceal ;  to  secret. 

■55-o-ar*(&  dachikonu,  v.  comj).  To  hide, 

or  conceal  one's-self,  or  any  thing 
for  one's  own  advantage. 

zr°ho-&)  dapintsu,  v.  Caus.  To  cause 
to  hide,  &c.  -s^5\S&xr*i£  dagilimiita, 
s.  Blinchnan's  buff. 

-sr'&w  datu,  s.  A  jump.  v.  a.  To  jump, 
or  leap.  2.  To  pass,  or  cross  over. 
3.  To  copulate;  as  applied  to  cat- 
tle. 4.  Togo  beyond,  or  transgress. 

-sr^oafc  datintsu,  v.  Caus.  To  cause 
to  jump,  &c. 

zr°S,  ts^g  dacli,  dadi,  s.  A  beard. 

-cr»g  d::)di,  s.  A  military  expedition* 
incursion,  irruption,  or  campaign, 
-zs^&^joxdadicheyi?,  To  prepare 
for  battle. 




•zftp  dan  a,  s.  Corn  ;  horse  gram,  &c. 
■&*&  data,  s.  A  generous,  or  liberal, 

person.  tj»«£\5£ps5m  datritwamu,  s. 

Generosity,  liberality. 
7T>®g&  datikarrra,  s.  The  piece  of 

wood,  nsed  to  support  that  which 

a  carpenter  cuts. 
is* a  dadi,  s.  A  nurse. 
tt»^s5x>  danamu,  5.  Donation.   2.   A 

gift,  or  present.  3.  The  fluid  which 

exudes  from  an  elephant  in  rut. 
i&*$&2&!$)  daparamavu,  v.  n.  To  bap- 
pen,  or  occur.  2.  To  be  under  the 

influence  of  misfortune. 
tpsSo  dapala.  adv.    On  the  left  side, 

or  hand.  -cpsss  dapali,  adj.  Left. 
^r»^>  dapu,   5.   Protection,  covering^ 

adj.     Neighbouring,    next.     adv. 

Near.    v.    a.   To  set  as  precious 

-&*$)$ &»    dapuramu,    s.    Concealed 

property;  from  T5-*Kb  dagu,  q.    v. 
"2P"So^^23;^o  damenatradu,5.  A  long 

string,  to  tie  cattle  in  a  line- 
-75*  &&  day  a,  s.  An  enemy,  or  foe. 

"xr«ccs3-»a  dayadi,  s.  A  distant  relation- 
a  descend  ant  from  the  same  origi- 
nal male  stock. 

7sr» ox  dayi,  5.  An  anvil,  vide  tt**?) 
dagali,  2.  Any  thing  on  which  ar- 
tificers place 

-apoor*  dayi,  s.  A  nurse,  vide  -sr»s 

73^0200  dayu,  v.  n.  To  approach,  or 
come  near. 

•sr»tf2so£s5*>  darabandamu,  9.  A  door- 

•srtf&n  daramu,  s.  A  thread,  cord, 
string,  or  rope. 

-era  dari,  s.  A  way,  road,  or  path.  2. 
Manner,  mode.  3-  Conduct,  cha- 
racter. 4.  In  composition,  it  is  af- 
fixed, to  denote,  a  possessor. 

-cr&$,  -nptfc  daruvu,  daru,  s.  Wood, 


-syS.dali,  s.  Aheap  of  dung  cakes 

used  as  fuel,  piled  up,  in  order  to 
cook  any  thing. 

-7^9  dali,  s.  vSplit  pulse. 

"zyfc  dalu,  s.  A  tinge,  or  slight  shade^ 
of  any  colour. 

tpSosS"  daluva,  s.  The  cheek,  or  jaw- 

tt»s^>  d£va,  *.  A  claim,  suit,  or  com- 

•sT'ks'sSao  dashtikamu,  s.  Power,  au- 


thority.  2.  blustering. 

Tr°38  dasari,  s.  An  individual  of  that 
peculiar  caste  of  Hindoos,  worsh- 
ipping Vishnu  exclusively,  who 
go  about  begging  alms,  and  often 
dance  in  a  frantic  manner,  with 
fire  in  their  hands. 

-cr;s8^sSx>  dasaripamu,  a.  A  very 
large  species  of  snake. 


253  ab-tfb\-g)x-Ditstsumo 

-sr°k  dasi,   s.    A  female  per v ant,  or 

slave.  2.  A  prostitute. 
■ff»;fcdb  dasudu,  s.  A  male  slave,  or 

servant.  2.    A  fisherman.  -cptfgsSw 

dasyamu,  s.  Slavery. 
15-sS-s^  dahamu,  s.  Thirst  2.  Drink. 

3.  Ardent  desire.  •sr,^s$b$,  -&»&> 
sfcoJTsss  dahamavu,  dahamugonu, 
To  be  thirsty.  ^s^sSmcoo-^  daha- 
muyitstsu.  To  give  drink. 

•zs-lxrag^o  dakshiriyamu,  s.  Pity,  com- 
passion, complaisance.  2.  Concord, 
harmony,  agreement.  3.  Partiality. 


ao^b,  fio^)  dintsu,  dimpu  ,v.  a.  The 

causal  form  of  a  Kb  dign,  q.  v.  To 

lower  :  to  let,  or  put,  down.  2.  To 
unload  from  a  ship,  to  disembark, 
or  land,  goods,  &c.  3.  To  distil,  or 
extract.  4.  To  cause  a  miscarriage, 
or  abortion. 

ao&>  dindu,  s.  A  pillow,  cushion,  or 
bolster,  adj.  Much. 

aSo^_  dikku,  s.  Region.  2.  Space  3. 
A  corner,  or  quarter,  of  the  world. 

4.  A  point  of  the  compass.  5.  A 
side,  or  direction.  6.  Shelter,  asy- 
lum, refuge,  protection. 

aKb  digti,  v.  n.  To  descend;  to  come 
down,  or  off;  to  go  down.  2.  To 
alight,  or  dismount.  3.  To  land 
from  a  ship,  as  applied  to  persons: 

to  be  unladen,  landed,  or  disem- 
barked, as  applied  to  goods.  4  To 
halt  ;  to  take  up  one's  residence. 

sKs^^o  digabadu,  v.  n.  To  sink,  or 
give  way.  2.  To  miscarry.  aK^efo 
diganadu,  To  forsake-  axs^-da 
digavidutsu,  v.  a.  To  leave,  q%0& 
digintsu,  v.  a.  To  make  one  des- 
cend, &c.  vide  ao-db-axaock  din- 
tsu-digadiyu,  To  decrease,  or  grow 
less.  2.  To  draw  down,  or  expel, 
an  evil  spirit,  &?c.  axstf  digasana, 
adv.  Down,  below. 

afoak  digudn,  s.  Descent,  adj.  Mean, 
base,  low. 

afosiba  digumati,  8.  Disembarkation, 
landing.  2.  Import.  afojkS^oaco 
digumaticheyu,  To  land,  to  import. 

afloew  digulu*  s.  Fear,  teror,  alarm. 
2.  Cowardice. 

aTte  diguva,  adj.  Inferior,  lower. 
adv.  Down,  below,  under. 

diofSfuna,    adv. 

aKtf,  aftotf  dWana 

°         9-      ^ 

A  large    oblong 

a^csS    diggiya, 

afto22o8&*S3o  diguijayamu,  s.  Universal 

8-j5o\-^mXo5c»  ditstsumogamu,  s.  Dis- 
appearance. avfr^-^XsSbjg)  ditstsu- 
mogamavu,To  vanish. 




a&>  ditta>  s.  A  courageous,  firm,  gal-  i 
lant,  sfcout,  or  clever  person,  a  60  j 
ska,  a&>jg>  difcamu,  ditavu,  s.  Cou- 
rage, bravery.  ©&>&#**»  dittatana- 
mu,  5,  Cleverness,  ability. 

afeosSDo  dittamu,  s.  Firmness.  2.  Good 


©&>££&  difctapadu,  v.  w.  To  be  regu- 
lated, or  put  in  order  ;  to  agree 
exactly.  &&%&■&>  dittaparratsu,  v. 
a.  To  regulate,  or  put  in  order  ;  to 
make  right,  or  proper. 

©&ojt§£>  diddivakili,  s.  Aback  door; 

a  sally  port. 

?ja5b  diddu,  v  a.  To  correct,  orrecti- 

fy.  2.  To  alter  3.  To  erase-  4.  To 
adorn.  5.  To  teach. 
aesb^feoo  diddubatu,  $.  Alteration. 
eaoiSb  diddintsn,  v.  Caus.  To  cause 

to  correct,  &c. 

atfsfco  dinamu,  s-  A  solar  day.  2.  Day, 
as  distinguished  from  night. 

atf-Ctfc  dinacharya,  s.  A  diary.  atfa 
tfsfco  dinadinamu,  Bay  by  day. 

&#&>,  a«6?So  dinasu,  dinusu,   s.  Sort, 


ai?>\  dinne,  s,  A  covered  raised  ter- 
race. 2.  A  sand  hillock. 

a^v  dibba,  *.  A  hillock  or  eminence; 
a  heap. 

a20\&s5w  dibbadamu,  .?.  An  earthen 
cork,  or  covering,  of  a  vase. 

a"S\sfo>  dibbemu,  s.  A  light?  a  lamp. 
a;5a-*§b  dimaku,  5.  Haughtiness,  arro- 
gance, pride,  disdain,  insolence. 

q^o,  dimma,  s.  Thoughtlessness,  gid- 

■ — 6 

diness.  as^S  dimmari,  A  thought- 
less, giddy  person.  ~&#6i&  Q  desa- 


dimmari,  A  constant  traveller. 

©sSw,  dimmu,  s.  Pain  ;  as  ^ejasSw^ 
taladimmu,  The  headache. 

a*ao^  dimme,  s.  A  sort  of  rocket.  2. 
A  wooden  cork. 

aer*-£p>  dilasa,  s.  Comfort,  encourage- 
ment, consolation. 

assSsSao  divasamu,  5.  A  day. 

a»r>casSoa  divanamu,  5.  A  palace,  or 

&sr>o-°  divala,  s.  Bankruptcy,  a<n-*er*- 
^oaoo-Si^  divala -tiyu-yettu,  To 
become  bankrupt  ;  to  declare 
one's-self  bankrupt 

as  divi,  s.  Heaven.  2.  The  sky. 

aa^  diviti,  s.  A  flambeau,  or  torch. 

as5c;6oo  divyamu,  ad;.  Celestial,  di- 
vine. 2.  Beautiful,  agreeable,  su" 
pernatural,  excellent. 

a"Sq  divve,   s.    A  light.  2.    A  lamp. 

a^Q&xSdivvesudi,  A  wooden  lamp. 

stand,  fastened  to  the  wall, 
ass-swej  disamola,  s.  Nakedness,  adj. 





&&  diti,  s.  vide  &&t!  diviti. 

6tM  ditu,  s.  Equality,  conformity, 
resemblance,  adj  Eqnal,  conform- 
ing with,  resembling.  &kx>r°&  di- 
tukonu,  To  be  eqnal,  resembling, 
or  in  conformity  with. 

6tfs5w  dinamu,    adj.  Poor,  indigent, 

needy,  distressed,  miserable,  piti- 

6tfe£,  S^efcsfoa  dfnata,  dinatwamu,  s' 

Poverty,  wretchedness,  misery. 
&sS#sfo>  dipanamu,  s.  Hunger.  2.  The 

power  of  digestion. 
&3s$m  dipamu,  s.  A  lamp.  2.  A  light. 
&$  ska    dirghamu,  adj.  Long.  s.    A 

long  vowel.  2.  The  connected  form 

of  es  a  viz.  "* 

&3  divi,  5.  An  island. 

63o-&divintsu,  v.  a.  To  bless,  &"3tf 
dlvena,  s.  A  blessing,  or  benedic- 

25bo?C  dunga,  s.  A  block  of  wood. 
25bo&Ks5*>  dundagamu,  s.  Dishonesty, 

craftiness.  &o&%&>  dundagidu,  A 

fraudulent,  or  crafty,  man. 
#boe£  dunta,  s.  A  male  buffalo. 
abosS  dumpa,  s.  A  root.  2.  A  vegetable. 

2$bo5srx°tf   dnmpakura,    An  edible 


zsbosoTT'SxSsSoa  dumparashtramu,  *.  A 
medicinal  root,  so  called- 

abg$)55*>  duhkhamu,  s.  Pain.  2.  Sor- 
row, affliction,  distress,  unhappi- 
ness.  2Sb§^>o-i5b,  25bS$>sS£&  duhkhin- 
tsu,  duhkhapadu,  v.  n.  To  grieve; 
to  be  afflicted.  2.  To  regret,  cfcg^r* 
Xtf&tfsSoz  duhkhopasamanamu, 

25b-5^cas5Do  dukanamu,  s.  A  shop,  250-5-* 
ra&»-~S>&»,  ~£crtxi  dukanamu  -  pettu, 
veyu,  To  set  up  a  shop.  &-r°n-Gr> 
&Z&  dukanadarudu,  A  shop-keeper. 

«fe§cn.e)s6o3  dukularnu,  s.  A  silk  cloth. 
2.  Any  fine  cloth. 

25b i^-  dukki,  s.  Ploughed  ground.  2. 
Ploughing.  j5b§k_X*b  dukkiteddu, 
A  ploughing  ox.  2fc§^_^ejs5»  du- 
kkipolamu,  A  ploughed  field. 

abX  duga,  s.  A  couple,  or  pair ;  a 
deuce  at  games. 

25bX<ys5a>,  2fc7fo<ys5M  dugalamu,  dugula- 
mu,  s.  The  sixteenth  part  of  the 
coin  termed  a  pagoda. 

8b"7r°;o  duggani,  s.  A  copper  coin,  of 

the  value  of  ten  cash. 
25b  ?fo  duggu,  s.  Spoilt  grass,  or  straw. 

25b  K  dugdha,  5.  Enmity,  hate.  2.  Vain 

25b2&&  dudukn,  s.  Inconsiderateness. 
2.  The  follies  of  children,  adj.  In- 
considerate, foolish.  2.  Wicked. 




«£&>  duddu,  s.  A  coin,  of  the  value 
of  ten,  or  twenty,  cash.  2.  A  club. 
&&o£*&  ducldukarrra.A  laree stick, 
or  staff. 

£&  &  dutta,  s.  An  earthen  pot,  with 
a  small  mouth. 

&>&  duddu,  s.  A  sort  of  ear-orna- 
ment,  worn  by  women. 

jsof^j,  »&£&*&>  dunna,  dunnapotu,  s. 
A  male  buffalo. 

tfbaso^  dunna,  v.  a.  To  plough. 

&z^kos$x>  duppatamu,  s.  Armour, 

2&;Svfe5  duppati.  s.  A  cloth  thrown 
loosely  over  the  body,  and  some- 
times tied,  round  the  waist,  sss'k- 
2fo£\£3  pakkaduppati,  A  cloth,  or 
sheet,  for  sleeping  on. 

sfc  S)^  dnppi,  s.  A  male  spotted  deer. 

tfc2XK  dubbu,  5.  A  tuft,  or  bunch. 

26s5jxtfs53o  dumaramu,  s.  Dust. 

ffcj&»&,  2$bs5M§ber>2&  dumuku,  dumu- 
kuladu,  v.  n.  To  leap. 

■2fcs&»§b  dumuku,  s.  A  leap.  ekSDlo-tfo 
dumikintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause  to 
leap  ;  to  leap  a  horse,  &c 

jfcsSMj  dummu,  s.  Dust  2.  A  bone. 

£fos$^e)5T>o^  dummulagondi,  s.  A 

fcfeoB&oe  duyyu,  v.  a.  vide  &*c&o  duyu. 
efctffeSw  duratillu,  0.  %.  To  regret,  to 

!  aotftf  durada,   s.  An  itching. 
I  ^tfifctf  duradura,  s.   Great  haste. 
I  aotf^ctf^  durabhyasamu,  6*.  A  bad 
J      practice,  or  custom. 
!  &tf**»  duramu,s.  Battle,  combat,  war, 
!  efc-cpoar-o  durayi,  s.  vide  estf  ana. 
I  &-ut&  durasa,  s.  Vain  hope  ;  unat- 
tainable desire 
abe^sSx)  dnritamu,  s.  Crime.  2.   Sin. 

tfo&?oo  dnrusu,  s.  Haste,  speed. 

tfotf  osSsSoo  dur°:ai<dhamu,  s.  A  stink. 

o        ,  ° 

efctf  »5oa  durgamu,  s.  A  hill  fort. 

o  ° 

tfc&ra^  durgunamu,  ac^'.Ill  natured. 

s.  Ill  nature. 
*fcS\e>s5»  durbalamu,  adj.  Weak. 
e5b t^a&. durbhasha, s.  Abuse;  oppro- 
brious language. 
25b -tr°. tf  sfo>  durmargamu,  ad/\  Vicious, 

wicked,  s.  Yice,  wickedness. 
&ew^)  dulupu,  v.  a.  To  shake,  so  as 

to  throw  off  the  dust- 
2Sbs^S>oo$b  duvalintsu,  v.  n.  To  shine, 

to  glitter. 
^ssooosj  duvvaluva,    s.   A  sheet,  to 

cover  the  body. 
**.£)£    duvvu,  v.   a.  To  comb.  2.  To 

stroke,  to  rub  gently,  or  tenderly. 
*5b"3o£f  duvvena,  s.  A  comb, 
tfoss^-tfsfoo  dushkaramu,  ae?/.  Difficult 

to  be  done. 




s&sxxSm    dushtamu,    or.   zfcsk  dnshtu, 

adj.    Low,   vile.  2.  Weak,  impo- 
tent. 3.  Bad,  wicked,  depraved. 

25b&>  dustu,  s 

A  suit  of  clothes,  <£c 


t&r>V&  dukonu,  v.  c.  To  penetrate, 
pierce,  or  enter  in.  From  ^ooco 
duyu,  q,  v. 

2$r>Xtf  dugara,  5.  The  dust  of  paddy. 
2.  A  cobweb. 

afc*&  diita,  s.  The  interior  tender  sub- 
stance of  the  plantain  tree. 

d$y&  duel  a,  s.  A  calf. 

&*&  data,  5.  A  messenger,  a  spy. 

s$r>®  duti,  s.  A  procuress. 

#sr*a  dudi,  s.  Cotton,  after  it  has  been 
cleared  from  the  seed.  ^a^o&, 
zSr>i$&  dudiyeku,  dudeku,  To  clean 
cotton.  e&»"£§oe>*r»2&dudekulav5du, 
A  cotton  cleaner. 

i5cr-s  diipa,  s.  Thirst. 

«r»»tfaoa  dubaradindi,  adj.  Extra- 

efc-ss^a  dumudi.  s.  A  looped  knot. 

«j*c&d  di'jyu,  v.  a.  To  enter,  penetrate, 
or  pierce.  2.  To  draw,  as  a  sword, 
&c.  3.  To  strip  leaves,  &q.  Off,  by 
pulling  through  the  hand. 

tfr»tf;6cx>  diiramu,  s.  Distance,  adj. 
Distant,  far . 

&r»tf  §jJ    durastri,  s.    A  menstruous 

^490  durru,  v.  a.  To   enter.  2.   To 

penetrate,  or  pierce.  3.  To  creep 
iD,  under,  or  through.  4.  To  re- 
proach, blame,  or  abuse.  &*&»& 
diirutsu,?.  Cans.  To  cause  to  enter. 
dfr»&M  durru,  s.  Abusive  language, 
reproachful  words,  ill  usage, blame. 

&r*y  dula,  5.  An  itching. 

tfb^^oS,  tir°vK*'3v  dulagondi,  dii- 
lagovela,  5,  The  plant  termed  Co- 
witch.  Dolichos  pruriens. 

&rv&»  dulamu,  s.  A  beam  of  timber. 
I  c&'Sxci,  aScpsxrasS-o  dushana,  dusharia- 
mu,  s.  A  curse.  2.  Blame,  reproach. 
3.  A  fault,  or  defect.  a^txoift  dii- 
shintsu,  v.  a.  To  curse,  blame,  cen- 
sure, or  reproach. 

e£p&cxxK>  dushyamu,  adj.  Reprehensi- 
ble, contemptible,  vile,  bad,  accur- 
sed, s.  A  tent. 


&^36w  dridhamu,ac?;.  Much, exceed- 
ing. 2.  Hard,  firm.  3.  Able,  po- 
werful.  4<,  Bulky,   massive,   solid. 

^s^?oosfe)  drjshtantamu,  5.  An  ex- 
ample, illustration,  instance,  proof, 
evidence.  2.  Science,  a  sastra. 

*)9£  drishti,  s.  An  eye.  2-  Sight,  see- 
ing; a  look,  tfvixs^sxssw  drishti- 
,  v  to 

doshamu,    The    influence   of 





"3  tf  »5~Daivata 


T5i^tfaS»  depparamu,  s.  Danger,  per- 
il, difficulty. 

•ass^  deppu,  v.  a.  To  taunt,  jeer,  or 

"3»%  debba,  s.  A  Blow ;  a  stroke. 
-3^e>o8;&  debbalutinu,  To  be  bea- 
ten. -3»xex>-ictf»,  r'fco  debbalu- 
veyu,  kottu,  To  beat. 

*3ct6cs5M  deyyamu,  5.  A  demon,  or 
evil  spirit. 

"%$  desa,  s.  vide  &&{,-  dikku. 


■£&  deku,  v.  w.  To  creep,  or  slide, 
along  the  ground,  on  the  posteriors. 

-%$6  devata,  s.  A  deity.  2.  A  god- 

•tssti  devara,  s.  Making  in  the  noon. 
<plu.  "£x>tfex>,  "^£>g  devaralu,  deva- 
llu,  A  deity,  male,  or  female.  This 
Word,  among  the  natives  who  wear 
the  lingam,  is  often  applied  as  an 
honorific  title,  to  their  priests  ;  it 
is  also  used,  by  all  persons,  when 
much  deference  is  meant  to  be  paid 
to  men  of  superior  age,  rank,  or 
learning,  and  may  be  said  to  cor- 
respond with  the  English  phrases 
Sir,  My  Lord,  &c. 

•^ssS'sScx)  devalamu,  s.  vide  -&-5r*vc&&x> 

■2§w»e>cx6rii»  devalayamu,  s.  A  temple. 

-^&  devi,  s*  Any  female  deity. 

T§5#  devu,  v.  To  take  rice,  <fcc.  With 
the  hand,  out  of  water  in  which  it 
has  been  washed.  2.  To  search  for; 
especially  in  water.  "^^er»2^>  devu- 

ladu,  To  dive  into  water.  2.  To 

"&$)£o  devudu,  s.  God,  the  supreme 
being.  2.  Any  deity.  3.  A  cloud. 

t§$8o-ifo  devurintsu,  v.  n.  To  beg 
humbly  ;  to  implore,  or  solicit. 

t§"^a  deveri,  s.  A  queen. 

"^#sfo>  desamu,  s.  A  country,  terri- 
tory, land,  or  district ;  a  region, 
whether  inhabited,  or  uninhabit- 
ed. t§£"&>2&  desasthudu,  A  man  be- 
es* •   ' 

longing  to  any  particular  country; 
an  inhabitant.  2.  The  appellation 
of  a  particular  tribe  among  the 

I§3§b2&  desikudu,  s.  A  Guru,  or  spi- 
ritual teacher. 
"c^cKfoa  desyamu,  s.  The   language 

of  a  country,  or  land.  adj.  Of  or 
belonging  to  a  land,  or  country. 
t§s5-**>x>  dehamu,  5.  The  body. 

•g^ess^  dainyamu,  s.  Meanness,  co- 

vetousness.  2.  Poverty,  humility. 

"8  ss£«5oo  daivatamu,s.  A  god, or  deity. 




"S  tfs5x>  daivamu,  s.  God.  2.  Destiny, 
fate,  luck,  fortune,  adj.  Divine- 
J 5>K9,  ;s  sscfcr*Ks5»  daivagati,  dai- 

vayogamu,  Chance,  accident.  13  sJ 
efr»sxre  daivaduskana,  Blasphemy. 
"3  o3-?5b  daivaru,    v.  n.  To  be  agree- 
able, or  pleasant.   2.  To  be  born. 


fir»oK  donga,  s.  A  thief,  a  robber.  2. 
A  rogue,  or  rascal, 

fi^oftDoofc,  £T*ofce>o  dongilintsu,  don- 
gilu,  v.  a.  To  rob;  or  steal.  fi^oX" 
s£x>s*»,  fir^oXersfea  dongatanamu, 
dongarikamu,  s.  Theft. 

fir*o£&l?  dondatige,  5.  The  plant 
termed  Bryonia  grandis. 

e»o&  dondi,  s.  A  hole.  sr°oS£p2&3b 
dondipodutsu,  To  bore  a  hole. 

er*o©  donti,  s,  A  heap  of  pots,  one 
above  another. 

fir*  o25  £  dondadi,  s.  The  confusion  of 
battle.  2.  A  mingled  noise. 

£**£  dodda,  adj.  Great,  large,  big, 
eminent.  2.  Excellent,  good.  3. 
Rich,  powerful.  6r*££tfs5c»  dodda- 
tanamu,  s.  Greatness.  2.  Excel- 
lence. 3.  Riches,  power- 

6T*g  doddi,  s.  A  backyard.  2.  A  cow 

fir^&r&w  doddikattu,  s.  vide  «§*»£$'&» 

6^a-^°r  doddikadla,    <3c?i.    Bandy- 

&*#  dona,  5.  A  deep  fountain.  2.  A 

6-»tf?&   donagu,    s.    Evil,   mischief, 

fir»^&  donaru,  «$:  Worthy,  fit. 
6-*!^\ ,  sr*^  donne,  doppa,  s.  A  cup 

made  of  leaves. 
er^sSjfir*^  doppadogti,  v.  *z.  To  sink, 

to  be  drowned  ;    to  be  severely 

wet  by  rain. 

er°£>ux  dobbu,  v.  a.  To  push.  fir»^<y 
«5S&  dobbulapadu,  v.  ?i.  To  be  pu- 
shed, 2.  To  be  abused-  fir°«»*e)13&a 
dobbulabettu,  v.  a.  To  abuse. 

6r°o^  domma,  s.  A  fainting  disease, 
which  affects  cattle. 

&*&_JSkf>o&>  dommaravandlu,  s. plu. 
Tumblers,  rope  dancers. 

SP&d,  donrmi,  s.  A  mingled  or  con- 
fused  noise.  2.  The  confusion  of 

fir^tf  dora,  s.  A  master,  lord,  superior, 
ruler,  governor,  or  king.  2.  Equa- 
lity, similarity.  fir*tf£f$s5a>  dorata- 
namu,  s.  Government.  2.  Reign. 
frM-fro^  dorasani,  s-  A  queen,  or 

er^o'^'so  dorakonu,  v.  a.  To  attain, 
or  obtain.  2.  To    begin,  or  com 




mence.  &-*tf"§o-*ex>  dorakolu,  s.  At- 
taining. 2.  Commencement. 

S^tfr^tf^x  %  dorakolusannasi,  s.  A 
thief,  a  robber. 

£"*tfoc*»  dorayn,  t>.  w.  To  resemble. 

&-*tf<yo  doralu,  «?.  «.  To  roll  ,  figu- 
ratively, to  die,  or  expire.  £~*Se-o 
■&>  dorlmtsn,  v.  a    To  roll. 

ST*?5b^b  doruku,  v.  n.  vide  s^eooSo  do- 
rr uku. 

6r*dbrf>,  £"*&£  doruvu,  dorvu,  s.  A 
spring-  2    A  large  well. 

e"»&3)»Tb2»  doruvupatteda,  s-  A 

fi^asogb  doiruku,  v.  n.  To  be  found, 
gotten,  procured?  or  obtained,  sr* 
el So-dbr* ssb  dorrikintsakonu,To  ap- 
prehend, seize,  or  secure. 

a^^o  doku,  v,  a.  To  smooth  the  earth*, 
to  dig  up  grass  by. the  root,  er6^ 
r'ssb-5^  dokukonipovu,  To  be  gra- 
zed, as  applied  to  the  skin. 

£-5/6,  e^7r«db    dogu,  dogaMu,  v.    n- 

To  creep  on  the  knees,  as  an  in- 

fi^-iSc?  8* 3br* sso  dotsu,  dotsukonu,  v. 

a.  To  plunder,  rob,  or  commit  de- 

£■**>§  doti,  s.  A  long  pole  with  a  hook 

at  the  end  of  it,    used  to  pluck 
fruit  from  high  trees. 

a^sSw  donamu,  s.  A  large  heavy 
mallet,  for  driving  wedges  into  the 
clefts  of  the  palmyra-tree,  when  it 
is  split. 

&*~%  done,  s.  A  native  vessel  with 
a  single  masfc.  2.  A  boat. 

fi^^b  &*&&>  dopu,  dopudu,  5.  Plun- 
der, devastation,  pillage.  &*$&> 
tzt>&>  dopuctuvadu,  s.  A  robber,  a 

#*jg)  dopu,  v.  a.  To  place,  or  stick, 
in  ;  to  thrust  in ;  to  insert. 

tf*s5b  doma,  *  A  musquitoe,  a  gnat. 
S^a&litf  domatera,  A  musquitoe 

fi^ooo  doyi,  5.  A  couple,  two. 

fi^eooS  doyili,  s.  The  two  hands  join- 
ed together,  so  as  to  hold  any 
thing.    £^Q»£>o-i5b   doyilintsu,    To 

hold  the  hands  joined  together,  in 
that  manner. 

&s$ir°c&  dorakaya,  s.  A  fruit  almost 

tf*tf ft«yo,  ST*tf ftex>  doragilu,  doragillu, 

v.  n.  To  be  bent,  as  applied  to 

trees;  to  be  nearly  ripe,  as  applied 

to  fruit. 

6"$tfe*K*»  doranamu,  s.  vide  #*tfc3*5w 

■%*&>.&  ..Paubitru 


a  s^a-Brimmar 

G*ti&x>  doramu,  s.  A  gate,  door,  or 

erStfssl^x  doravanne,  s.  A  bay  colour. 

£-*&  doru,  v.  n.  To  be  bent,  as  ap- 
plied to  trees.  2.  To  die. 

£T*s5  dova,  s.  A  road,  path,  or  way. 
2.  Means,  mode,  manner.  3.  An 
expedient,  vide  {&*,£  trova,  s*ss 
&&£&*$)  dovatappipovu,  To  miss 
one's  way.  s^s5-5°jo  dovachilu,  To 

part,  or  go  off,  as  one  road  from 

6T*,s©  dovati,  s.  A   Hindoo's    lower 

garment ;  the  cloth  round  his  loins. 
#**"  dosa,    s.   A  particular   kind  of 

cake  baked  on  an  iron  plate.  fi^S" 

£r*otfo  dosapoyu,To  bake  this  cake 

on  an  iron  plate. 

S^sIsSm  doshamu,  s.  Fault,  defect^ 
blemish.  2.  Sin,  offence,  crime. 

&€Xs-°a&  dusakaya,  s.  A  cucumber. 

G*%®  dosili,  s.  vide  srSo»I)  doyili. 
8*1>&>  desedu,  adj.  As  much  as 
the  two  hands  joined  can  contain. 

&*lb  dose,  s.  vide  fir**"  dosa. 

^"°£  dauda,  s.  The  cheek,  vide  »#£ 

Z*£o  daudu,  s.  vide  &;#&>  davudu, 

S'Sr*^^  dauhitrudu,  s.  A  daugh- 
ter's son. 

.tfjSSs&o  dravamu,   s.    Juice,  essence, 

exudation,  wetness.  2.  Spittle. 
#  3o-&  dravintsu,  v.  To  drop. 

&  s5cs5oa  dravyamu,  6*.  Wealth,  pro- 
perty, riches,  substance.  2.  A 
thing.  3.  Elementary  substance, 
nine  kinds  of  which  are  reckoned, 
viz.  Earth,  water,  fire,  air,  aather, 
time,  space,  soul,  and  intellect. 

^^j^    drabha,  s.  An  awkward,  or 

useless  person. 
(-sr>  tfS'sfeo  dravakamu,  s.  Ointment- 

2.  Distillation. 

(7S*/s>2a'^S's5a>,  ^»  S^^jfej  dravi- 

dadesamu,  draviladesamu ,  s.  The 
Tamil  country,  on  the  south  eas- 
tern side  of  the  Indian  peninsula, 
below  the  Ghauts,  from  Madras, 
to  Cape  Comorin. 

^j®  dravu,  v.  a.  To  push. 

.Ty*  &  draksha,   x.  The  grapevine. 

a  s5b  &  drimmaru,  v.  n.  To  wander. 
,a,s&.8  drimmari,  s.  A  wanderer  of 

either  sex.  ^ss^Sfifo  drimmarfdu, 

5.  A  male  wanderer. 




.&joKb  drungu,  v.  n>  To  become  less; 
to  decrease. 

/B^k-So  drekkonu,  e>.  a.  To  oppose, 

or  resist, 
^otfog  dreyyu,  p.  n.  To  be  broken. 


6T*  s^s5w  drohamu,  s.  Treason,  re- 
bellion, revolt.  2.  Mischief,  malice, 
trespass,  injury.  3.  Treachery,  be- 
traying confidence  or  trust  repo- 
sed in  one.  ^St^s^sSw^c&j  droha- 
mucheyu,  To  act  treacherously. 
^^gp>  drohi,  s.  A  traitor,  a  betrayer. 

#oo&c>s&>  dwamdwamu,  s.  A  couple, 
pair,   or  brace.  2.  Strife,  dispute. 


-o^e  tf  *&»  dwaramu,  5.  A  door,  or  gate. 
2.  A  means ;  an  expedient.  3.  A 
medium,  or  way  by  which  any 
thing  takes  place,  or  is  effected .  4. 
A  hole. 

&otfift»  dwlpamiv.  An  island-  2.  Any 
of  the  seven  dwipas,  into  which 
the  Hindoos  divide  the  earth. 

#  dha,  The  thirty-fourth  letter,  and 

nineteenth  consonant,  in  the  Telu- 

gu  alphabet. 
£^  dhanf,  s.  A  master,  superior,  ruler, 

or  owner. 
#tfx5cx>  dhanamu,  $.  Riches,  wealth. 

treasure,  property. 
$%cx&*vo  dhaniyalu,  s.  plu.  Coriander 


#s6$,  #;&&£  dhanuvu,  dhanussu,  s. 
A  bow. 

$$&  dharani,  s.  The  earth. 

#0  dhari,  s.  vide  %q  dari. 

#8o-*fc,  ^8c»oo^5b  dharintsu,  dhariyin- 
tsu,  v.  a.  To  wear.  2.  To  dress,  or 
put  on.  3.  To  assume  a  form,  4.  To 
retain  in  mind.  5.  To  hold. 

#5^  dharitri,  s.  The  earth. 

#tf\*5a>,  $&,$)  dharmamu,  dharmuvu, 
s.  Virtue ;  moral  and  religious 
merit,  according  to  the  law  and 
the  Vedas. 

^J^sf^sr-  dharmakarta,  s.  An  arbitra- 
tor, or  judge. 
^ss^jSm  dhavaianru,  s.  White  colour. 

TP*3  dhati,  s.  Advancing  towards,  or 

confronting,    an  enemy. 
tjt>s£,  7p<>3\&i  dhata,  dhatridu,  s. 

Bramha,  the  creator. 

§£^8o^-Phikkarintsu  263  -^ctfsko-Dhyanamu 

-^•^o^dhatuvu,  s.  A  fossil,  or  mineral 

2.  Bed  chalk.  3.  The  pulse.  4.  A 

grammatical  root. 
■qr>.©.  dhatri,  s.  The  earth.  2.   The 

tree  termed  emblic  myrobalan.    3- 

A  foster  mother,  a  nurse. 
-qr>tfcsS3o  dhanyamu,  s.  Grain  ;   corn 

in  general  but  especially  paddy. 

•?p-*tfe->tfs5x>  dhanyasaramu,  Grain 

after  thrashing, 
-qptf  dhara,  s.  Distillation,  dripping, 

the  oozing  or  issuiDg  of  any  sub- 
stance, by  continued  dropping.  2. 

The  sharpness  of  a  sword  or  any 

cutting  instrument. 

-qptin  dharana5  s.  Price,    valuation, 

-qr«tfr335a>  dharanamu,  s.  Holding,  ha- 
ving, maintaining,  wearing. 

-jytfoSw  dharamu,  s.  vide  -5T>#  *5a>  da- 

-tp*Ty>$s&xi  dharalamu,  s.  Fluency  of 
speech.  2.  Generosity,  liberality. 

-5r>tfc&  dharuni,  s.  The  earth. 

-jp8  ^"sSoa  dharmikamu,  adj.  Virtu- 
ous, pious,  just. 

-^s>o^s5c»  dhavantamu,  s.  Grief.  2. 

Tpss?>  dhavali>  s.  A  kind  of  woolen 


$§k_eoS&  dhikkariutsu,  v.  a.  To  send 
off,  or  dismiss,  abruptly.  2.  To 
speak  contemptuously.  3.  To  dis- 


$  dhi,  .<?.  Understanding,  intellect- 
ual os£s5w  dhimantamu,  adj.  Sensi- 
ble, intelligent.  §s&©  dhimati,  s. 
A  female  of  understanding. 

$tfo5w  dhiramu,  adj.  Brave.  2.  Firm, 
steady.  3-  Wise,  sensible,  learned. 

§35&>a&  dhivarudu,   5.    A  fisherman. 

$j*tfs&»  dhupamu,  s.  Incense-  $**$£ 
e>  *"«&»,  ^»>8r  dhupakalasamu, 
dhuparti,  A  censer. 

>£r*sks5co  dhumama,  s.  Smoke. 

2^n»s5b"^^o^)  dhumaketuvu,5.  A  comet. 

^pdhuli,  s.  Dust.?^n.|)gob5s5i)55cw  dhu- 
likuttimamu,  A  mound,  or  rampart. 


-9  tfeaSoo  dhairyamu,    5.    Steadiness, 

firmness.  2.  Bravery,  courage,  gall- 

^tfsS  dhorani,  s.  Line,  range.  2.  way. 
3.  Style.  4.  Tradition.  5.  Experi- 



ipr>otf&x>  dhyanamu.  s.  Meditation, 
reflection,  but  especially  that  pro- 
found and  abstract  consideration 
which  brings  it's  object,  fully  and 
undisturbedly,  before  the  mind. 




#oo#s6w  dhwamsamu,s. Loss,  destruc- 
tion, extinction.  #  o  o  tf  s6*>  ^  oak 
dhwamsamucheyu,t\  a.  To  destroy, 
to  ravage,  to  desolate,  to  annihi- 
late. , 

^2j«Sw>  dhwajamti,  5.  A  flag,  or  ban- 
ner, ^a^afctfoa  dhwajadrumamu, 
The  palm  tree. 

$~  3  dhwani,  s.  Sound,  noise,  report, 
voice.  ^8£q&  pratidhwani,  An 

tf  na,   The  thirty-fifth  letter,    and 

twentieth  consonant,  in  the  Telu- 
gu  alphabet. 

tfortb  nangu,  v.  n.  To  speak  through 
the  nose.  ^o5\s5<r»6o  nangimata,  A 
nasal  sound  ;  a  word  pronounced 
through  the  nose. 

^o«  nanja,s.  Irrigated  ground  ;  land 

cultivated  by  artificial  irrigation, 
and  producing  what  is  technically- 
termed  the  wet  crop. 

tfoz?5  nandzu,  v.  a.  To  eat,  from  dis 
gust,  a  very  little  at  a  time,  tfcts* 
r*?3o  nandzukonu,  To  eat  a  litte  of 
any  thing,  like  pickle,  &c.  As  a 
reMsh  to  the  principal  food. 

tfos?3  nandzo,  s.  A  lingering,  or  dor- 
mant, disease.    ^o2»^r»eb   nandzu - 

paru,  To  grow  pale;  to  swell. 
tfoa*>&>  nandzu du,  s.  Flesh-meat, 
^o^-s^oss  nandrakaya,  s.  A  crab. 

tfossb2&  nandanudu,  s.  A  son. 

tfoO*x*£&  nambivadu,  s.  A  priest  in 
the  temples  of  Vishnu;  his  caste 
is  traced  to  the  descendant  of  a 
chatriya  female,  by  a  brahman. 

tfS"ew  nakalu,  s.  A  copy.  tf**«yo-^jxr° 
ctf»,  ^csfc>  nakalu- vrayn,  cheyu.  To 
copy.  #  goo  ^ o»o  -&  nakalucheyin- 
tsu,  To  get  copied. 

tf-r°ff&-»ex>  nakarapollu,  s.  The  sign 
of  n  final ;  viz.  §"~. 

tf§!\;$&  nakishlpani,  s.  Work  in  ena- 

tfSk_,  rBoS'sr^r.nakka,  konkanakka, 
s.  A  jackall.  >footo'tf§V  guntanak- 
ka,  A  fox.  ^r^„^§  nakkajittu, 
Deceit,  trick. 

^"§^-§6  nakkillu,  s.  plu.  The  joints, 
of  the  jaws. 

tfgbL_  nakku,  s.  A  lump  or  mass  of 
iron.  2.  A  notch  made  in  trees,  to 
try  their  fitness  for  being  cut.  v.  h. 
To  hide,  or  conceal  one's-self.  2. 
To  crouch  down.  3.  To  lie  in  wait. 

iSgptix,  tf$3tfi6*>  nakhamu,nakharamu, 
s.  A  nail,  or  claw.  A  cat.  2.  A  lion. 

$K  naga,  s.  A  robe,  or  long  gown.  2. 
A  bullock  load,  as  applied  to  ghee, 




oil,  tobacco,  or  cotton.  3.  A  jewel 
or  ornament.  4.     A  metal  vessel. 

tfXafc  nagadu,  s.  Ready  money. 

^Ks&a  nagamu,  s.  A  tree.  2.  A  moun- 

cSXtfsSw,  tf?(a  nagaramu,  nagari,  s.  A 
city,  or  town. 

tfKtfb,  tiKtf)  nagaru,  nagalu,  s-  Mak- 
ing in  the  inflexion  singular.  #KQ 
nagari,  A  palace. 

^•7t»tp  nagara,  s.  A  large  drum. 

t*76  nagu,  v.  n.  To  laugh,  vide  £$<>, 
*>*«$  navvn,  nagavu,  s.  Laughter. 
^«b-5T»&»  nagubatu,  s.  A  joke. 

tf  o^  natstsu,  v.  a.  To  confide  in  ;  to 
trust,  or  believe  ;  to  have  faith  in. 
s:  Delay.  2.  Trifling.  3.  Annoyance*. 
adj.  Troublesome,  ^sfnachchika, 
s.  Confidence,  belief,  faith. 

tf  jstfc  nadzaru,  s.  An  offering,  or  pre- 
sent, made  by  an  inferior  to  a  su- 

tf  |o  natta,  s.  The  middle.  This  word 
is  used,  in  composition,  only  pre- 
fixed to  others  ;  as  ?f6otf&>sk  na- 
ttanaduma,  In  the  very  middle. 
ife»  nattillu,  The  middle  of  the 
house.  **  *  natteru.  The  middle 
of  the  river. 

tffco  natfcu,  s.  Residence.  2.  Obstacle, 
hmderanee.3.  Procrastination,  he- 
sitation. 4.  The  bent  grass,  Nuth. 

tfknT*&  nattukonu. 
main  :  to  reside. 

o.  n.  To  re- 

#&>o$  nattuvu,  s.  Dancing.  ^w^-sr*^ 
nattuvukadu,  A  dancing  master, 
^few^^ag  nattuvutsavidi,  A  dan- 
cing school.  tSknQ&yofc  nattuvu- 

pulugu,  The  peacock  ;    from   it's 
elegant  pace. 

tf  6ar*oex>  natwalu,  s.  plu.  An  amble.  2, 

#&  nada,  s.  Walk,  pace,  or  step.  2. 
A  trip.  s£>$S\tfe$  manishinada,  A 
man's  walk.  Tfo$s<§>$&  gurrrapuna- 
da,  A  horse's  paces-  ss&sfssxr^tfdf 
ewsf^^a  padavamudunadaluvach- 
chinadi,  The  boat  has  made  three 
trips,  tf&spa  nadabavi,  A  deep 
well,  with  steps  down  to  it. 

X&Z  nadaka,  s.  Walking.  2.  Walk.  3. 
Conduct,  behaviour,  vide  $  t&>  ■& 

tf£iT-tfa8-tf£tfg,  tfe&s>&  nadata-na- 
diti-nadavadi,  naduvadi,  s.  Con- 
duct, behaviour,  demeanour,  vide 
#£&>#b  nadutsu. 

tf  &Ho-&  nadatentsu,  v.  n.  To  come,  to 

#&*&  nadama,  ado.   In   the  middle  ; 

betwixt,    between.    $&&&*$?*&> 

nadamamatladu,  To  interrupt  one 
in  speaking.  2.  To  intercede  as  a 





#&$  nadava,  s.  The  first  passage,  at 
the  entrance  of  a  native  house; 
which  leads  from  the  street,  into 
the  inner  court. 

#&,  tfzh  nadi,  nadu,  s.  The  middle. 
adj-  Middle,  tf&sffea  nadikattu,  A 
man's  waist  band,  girdle,  belt,  or 
sash.  tfSr&pS'ex)  nadinukalu,   Kice 

broken  in  the  middle,  tfclis  8  na- 

dinetti,  The  middle,  or  crown  of 
the  head.  #&r£.&>  nadivrelu,  The 
middle  finger.  ^b^ooo  nadureyi, 
#&>&  nadutsa,  v.  n.  To  walk,  to  go, 
to  move.  2.  To  proceed  forwards, 
to  go  or  move  on.  3.  To  happen, 
occur,  pass,  or  take  place.  4.  To 
behave  or  conduct  one's-self.  5.  To 
take  effect.  6.  To  continue,  to  be 
in  existence,  to  be  going  on  with- 
out hinderance. 

#&>$,  #SSio-&  nadupu,  nadipintsu, 
v.  a.  To  cause  to  walk,  &c.  In  all 
of  the  above  meanings.  2.  To 
break  in  a  horse  to  his  paces.  3. 
To  navigate  a  vessel.  4.  To  manage 
a  family. 

tf2&n5br*x&  nadufsukonu,  v.  Comp.  To 
behave,  or  conduct  one's-self. 

$&>Q  nadupu,  s.  Walking.  2.  Apace, 
or  step. 

^&>s5»  nadumu,  s.  The'middle.  2.  The 
waist.  #&£»  nadimi,  adj.  Middle. 

tf£ks5a>§'fe»rT,;3o  nadumukatfcukonu, 
To  gird  the  loins,  i.  e.  To  be  ready 
to  do  any  thing. 

tf&  naddi,  s.  The  back  of  the  waist. 

adj.  Bent,  hollow,  crooked,  turned 

tf  e^^bo  e»,  tf  &vo  nattagullalu,  natta- 

lu,    s.   plu.  The  small  shell  fish, 

termed  muscles. 

tf  € o&oo  nattamillu,  v.  n.  To  lie  down, 
or  recline. 

tf  8  natti,  s.  Stammering ;  stuttering. 

#«&>  nattu,  v.  n.  To  stammer  or  stut- 
ter, s.  The  nose  ring  worn  by  In- 
dian females. 

ties  nadi,  s.  A  river. 

#tf  nana,  s.  A  flower.  %  A  sprout. 
tf^sS^jS  nanaboni,  A  female. 

#£-%■*&  nanakaru,  s.  Spring  ;  the 
first  of  the  six  seasons  into  which 
the  Hindoos  divide  the  year. 

tftftfb,  tftfotfo  nanatsu,  nanayu,  v.  n. 
To  expand,  or  bloom  ;  to  sprout, 
or  blossom. 

tftf^o°a»  nanabayi,  adj.  Imperfectly 
boiled,  as  applied  to  rice  only. 

#?£>$  nanupu,  v.  n.  To  agree  with 
one's  health,  or  constitution,  as. 
-&>  "^2'jfoofr,§ctftf;5"£2fc  idesamu- 
n£kunanapaledu,This  country  does 
not  agree  with  me. 

#09S*«fe»  -Nayanamu 



tftfr^eaj  nannurru,  adj.  Numeral. 
Four  hundred. 

#15\  8  nannetti,  5.  vide  ^<§"3_§  na- 
dmetti,  Under,  tf  &  nadi. 

XQoX&th  napumsakudu,6\A  eunuch. 
2.  An  impotent  man,  ^oSS^cako 
napumsakatwamu,  s.  Impotency. 

$%)o%gg>oX&x>  naputosakalingamu, 
The  neuter  gender. 

cS^r>  naphi,  s.  Profit,  gain,  advan- 

tfs&S)  namali,  s.  A  peacock. 

cfs&°x>,  tfs&:>ex>  namalu,  namulu,  v.  a. 
To  chew,  masticate,  or  gnaw. 

tfsfc-Sr^-tfsS&s,  tfsfcr5k_\©  namaskara- 
mu,  namaskriti,  s.  Prostration,  sa- 
lutation. f5>s5b^^_Qo^5b;  tf  jSb^^tfsSoo 
"^dak  namaskarintsu,  namaskara- 
mucheyu,  To  prostrate  one's-self ; 
to  salute  another. 

^sS^Sb  nammaku,  s.  Salt. 

tfsSMj  nammu,  v.  a.  To  believe,  or 
give  credit  to.  2.  To  trust,  or  con- 
fide in  ;  to  rely  on  ;  to  have  faith 

tfS^o-ab  nammintsu,  v.  Cans,  To  cause 
to  believe,  &c. 

XSd^Z  nammika,  s.  Belief.  2.  Faith, 
confidence,  assurance,  dependence 
on.   adj.  Trust-worthy,    faith-ful. 

jfcsstfska  nayanamu,  s.  An  eye. 

tfotf&a  nayamu,  adj.  Cheap,  s.  A 
sound  or  good  state ;  good  health. 
^oaSs5oa-7r»^r»6r»db  nayamugamatla- 

du,  To  speak  with  kindness;  ^os5 
*5x>-7r>$o£&  nayamu gavundu,  To  be 
convalescent,  tfoss^csss s&gt^  naya- 
bhayamuga,  By  means  of  both 
kindness  and  threats  ;  both  by 
coaxing,  and  threatening. 

tfosSaSw  nayamu,  s.  Guiding,  direct- 
ing, either  literally,  or  figurative- 
ly as  in  morals,  &c. 

tf tf  nara,  5.  vide  tfs  $  narapu. 

tf  tf  *f&>  narakadu,  s.  A  low,  or  mean, 

tftfS'sfo  narakamu,  s.  Hell;  the  infer- 
nal regions.  tftf-^o^SoeSb  narakan- 
takudu,  Yishnu. 

tftf?C  naraga,  s.  A  drum. 

tftftgb  tfefc^)  narapu,  narupu,  s>  The 

greyness  of  the  hair. 
tftfsfeo  naramu,  3.  A  vein.  2.  A  nerve,. 

tendon,    or  muscle  of  the  body. 

tf-a*e>o£>  foToz^Xi  naralubigusukonu, 

The  tendons  to  contract. 
<Sd3&>  nariyu,  v.  n.  To  grow  grey,  as 

applied  to  the  hair. 
tf&3b  naruku,  v.  a.  vide    tf«»gb  ua- 


r$o&>&>  narruku,  v.  a.  To  cut;  to  hew; 
to   fell  ;    to    sever.    st    A   cut  ;  a 




wound.    E3o^s»^«oSbjambhaluna- 

rruku,  To  boast. 
^690  23s  narrudzu,  adj.  Little,  small, 
^esew  narrralu,  s.  flu.  Horned  beasts- 
n.  To  wander. 

<S^°tk  narrradu,  v 
2.  To  travel. 


tfeK&tfsSw  nalatsadaramu, 

tfoS'  nalaka,  s.  vide  tf  ?)  nali 

naltsadaramu,  adj.  Square. 

#3)  nali,  s.  Bust,  powder.  2.  Indispo- 
sition,   illness. 

tfSS'o^^psfe?  nalikandlapamu,  5.  A 
species  of  lizard. 

tfOS'sSw  nalikamu,  adj.  Little,  small  ; 
thin,  trifling,  s.  Smallness,  little- 
ness ;  thinness. 

tfex>  nalu,  adj.  Four ;  as.  tfex>"3;5e» 
naludesalu,Four  quarters  or  sides. 

jfooSbss'  nalukuva,  s.  Illness,  sickness, 

tfaoKo  nalugu,  s.  The  act  of  rubbing 
the  body  with  the  flour  of  green 
gram,  Phaseolus  radiatus,  in  order 
to  cleanse  and  purify  the  skin.  v. 
n.  To  be  bruised,  or  crushed.  2. 
To  be  weak  from  sickness.  3.  To 
be  withered. 

fteo-ifo,  tfex>$  nalutsu,  nalupu,  v.  a. 
To  crush,  or  bruise.  2.  To  rub  any 
part  ofthe|body. 

£ex>7fc&  nalu  guru,  adj.  Numeral.  Four. 

tfeajg)  nalupu,  s.  Blackness,  adj  Black. 
v.  a.  vide  This  word  under  tfex>fto 

tfew&a  nalubadi,  adj.  Forty. 

tfooss  naluva,  s.  Bramha,  the  crea- 
tor ;  as  having  four  faces. 

tfe»s$  naluvu,  s.  Beauty,  adj.  Beauti- 

tfex>&>  nalusu,  s.  An  atom.  tfzx>t$c& 
nalusanta,  As  much  as  an  atom. 

<$<d  nalla*  adj.  Black  ;  often  in  it's 
adjective  form.  $v  3,  g&  a  nallani, 

*    CO  CO 

nallati,  s.  Blackness.  2.  Charcoal. 
3.  Blood,  tfo  Hb&>  nallaguddu,  The 
pupil  of  the  eye.    tfosfcotfb  nalla- 

mandu,  Opium,  lit.  Black  medi- 

tfo ztf&x),  tfo  tf  nalladanamu,  nallana, 

s.  Blackness. 
Hosr8  nallavo,  interj.  Expressive  of 

sorrow,  Alas!  &c. 
£8  nalli,  s.  A  bug. 
tfg>o&  nallinllu,   s.  plu-  Residence, 

oo     co 

^"3&>  nalledu,  adj.  Of  the  size  of  a 

span,  or  of  four  fingers  breadth. 
#35"  nava,  s.  An  itching. 
tfssJT^  navagonu,  v.  n.  To  itch. 
##&£*&>  navanltamu,  s.  Fresh  butter. 
#ssc&s,    tfScsak  navayu,  naviyu,  v.  n. 

To  have  any  lingering  disease  ;  to 

be  weak  from  it's  effects. 




£tfer»  navala,  s.  A  woman. 

$■<&*&>  navatu,  s.  Refined  sugar. 

tfsr»tf>  navaru,  s.  Broad  and  strong 
cotton  tape. 

tfar»£r°X&s$x>  navasagaramu,  5.  Sal- 

^.nawu,  v.  n.  To  laugh.  5.  Laugh- 
ter ;  in  this  sense  it  is  also  written 
$$)  navu. 

^©Qo-^bnavvintsu,  v.  Caus.  To  cause 
to  laugh, 

»'^>o&p»ew  navvutalu,  5.  £>Zm.  Laugh- 
ing, joking.  tf$Qer>&>  navvulata,  s. 
Laughter  ;  amusement ;  fun. 

tf$o-&  nasintsu,  v.  n.  To  be  ruined, 
or  destroyed. 

tfsxsfoa  nashtamu,  adj.  Lost,  destroy- 
ed, annihilated,  s.  Loss,  damage, 
injure,  detriment,  destruction. 

j67S  nasa,  s.  vide  tfss  nava. 

#tfes5a>  nasyamu,  5.  Snuff.  2.  Any 
powder  or  liquid  which  physici- 
ans prescribe  to  be  snuffed  up  into 
the  nose.  ^tfgsSw&e&^b  nasyamupi- 
dutsu,  To  express  the  juice  of  any 
herb  into  the  nose. 

tf&^s&w  nakshatramu,  s.  A  star.  2. 
A  constellation,  or  lunar  mansion, 
of  which  the  Hindoos  reckon.  27. 

•p*  n£,  pro.  My.  This  is  the  possessive 
pronoun  of  "^Sab  nenu,  T.  -^a  nadi, 

(vT°go  naku,  v.  a.  To  lick. 

cT> §o%&  nakintsu,  v.  CWs,  To  cause 
to  lick. 

^Xsfco  nagamu,  s.  A  serpent,  or 

■paxes' :6m  nagarikamn,  5.  Neatness  in 
dress,  elegance.  %  Prudence. 

■jy*X©  nagali,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing.  tpX^S  nagati,  A  plough,  -^x 
feSoS'eso  nagatimkarrru,  A  plough- 
share. ^XofeS-Os^  nagantichippa, 
The  wooden  part  of  the  plough? 
upon  whieh  the  iron  share  is  fixed. 

TpXssID  nagavalli,  s.  The  beetle  vine. 
2.  The  ceremony  which  terminates 
a  Hindoo  marriage,  generally  per- 
formed on  the  fifth  day  from  the 
commencement  of  the  marriage 

7r°X3r»tfs5x>  nagavasamu,  s.  The  infer- 
nal regions. 

-fT>X*s*Xi6*>  nagavasamu,  s.  A  staple 
for  a  hasp.  2.  A  dancing  school.  3. 
A  set  of  dancing  girls. 

7T>Xb  nagu,  s.  Interest  paid  in  grain, 
on  account  of  grain  lent. 

^■ar0^  nachikonu,  v.  a.  To  usurp  ; 
to  seize  unjustly.  7P'-S)r6ao  nachi- 
kolu,  s.  Usurpation ;  an  unjust 

7r>-&  n£tsu,  s.  The    aquatic    plants 

te  rmed  vallisneria  octandra. 


-fT*tegs$x>  nalakamu,  s.  A  drama,  *or 


7r»fc>3  natu,  v.  a.  To  plant.  2.  To  trans- 
plant- 3.  To  fix  firmly,  v.  n.  To 
prick ;  to  pierce. 

.«r°*5o-?$b  natintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause 
to  plant,  &c. 

fr°t>x>  natu,  adj.  Of  or  belonging  to 
the  country. 

7T°fc)c85oo  nafyamu,  s.  Dancing.  2.  A 
dance.  3.  A  play. 

•{5r>&  nadi,  s.  Any  tubular  organ  of 
the  body  ;  as  an  artery,  vein,  or 
intestine.  2.  A  Hindoo  hour  of  24 
English  minutes.  T^&aSa^nfo  nadi- 
tsutsu,  To  feel  the  pulse. 

-$*&  nadu,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex- 
sing.  -&-•&  nati,  Time,  as  -ssK -^^b 
chinnanadu,  Infancy.  &■$•*&>  ana- 
dn.  That  time.  t^^S^So-©  n^tinun- 
chi,  Since  then.  2.  A  day  ;  as  *3o 
&oS<^&>  rendavanadu,  The  second 
day.  7r°^b"3v»^ex)  nadumodalu, 
From  that  day  forwards.  3.  A 
country;  as  &ro&^&> turpnnadu, 
The  eastern  country.  4.  A  general 
assembly  of  the  people,  isr-Tr"^ 
nanadu*  Now  and  then.  -&*■?*&§ 
nanatiki,  Pay  by  daj^. 

-^"3  nade,  ,?.  A  weaver's  shuttle. 

^"axSao-^^sSx),  7o-°caes5w  na'demu-na" 
riemu,   na'nyamu,   s.    Fineness,  as 

270  ^a^&.Napachenu 

applied  to  the^texture  of  cloth,  pu- 
rity of  metal,  &c.  2.  Ascertaining 
the  quality  of  anything.  3.  Ho- 
nesty.4.  Coin.  adj.  Fine.  2-  Good, 

•jt»8  nati,  s.  A  woman. 

Tr^Jfo  nathudn,  s.  A  husband,  ma- 
ster,  or  lord. 

7r°£sfco  nadamu,  s.  Sound  in  general. 
(3-°ao-v3b  nadintsu,  To  sound. 

TT'-z^tib  nadaru,  adj.  lit.  Not  posses- 
sing. Poor,  helpless,  weak.  v.  n. 
To  be  poor,  helpless,  or  weak. 

•j3-°tf  nana,  s.  Shame,  modesty 

•p^-?p  nana,  adj.  Many,  various,  diffe- 

■&*&>  nanu,  s.  A  sort  of  neck  orna- 
ment, worn  by  Hindoo  women,  v. 
n.  To  be  soaked,  or  steeped. 

7T°;&2&  nanudu,  adj.  Moist,  wet.  2. 
Soaked,  steeped.  t?$  tfg'sko^Sb  73-* 
&&>r7F>sSi&\tfi  apustakamunakuna- 
nudu  gavatstsunu,  I  recollect  that 
book,  by  heart,  but  not  so  as  to 
repeat  it  without  some  errors. 

■pr»j3S$  nannpu,  v.  a.  To  bleach.  7r»s> 
So  -do  nanipintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause 
to  bleach. 

^S^s&napachenu,  5.  A  field  of  the 
great  millet,  of  which  the  stalks, 
having  been  cut,  have  since  thrown 
out  sprouts. 




7^*$  nabhi,  s.  The  navel.  2.  Musk.  3. 

7r»;5b-$ osSxSoo,  -?r>ifcs*>a   namadheyamu, 

namamu,  s.  A  name,  or  appellation. 

■jr'skstftt^  namakaranamu,   The 

ceremony  of  giving  a  child  it's 
73-*sfowM  namamu,  5.  The  white  clay, 
with  which  the  worshippers  of 
vishnu  mark  their  foreheads.  2. 
The  mark  itself,  thus  made,  in  the 
shape  of  a  trident,  of  which  the 
middle  line  is  yellow  or  red,  and 
the  rest  white,  of  this  clay.  -xrOS 
fjS&T^sksSw^feSTs-'^o  vanikividuna- 
mamu  pettinadn,  He  deceived  him. 
lit.  He  marked  him  with  the  Na- 

73^0600  namu,  $.  The  new  sprout,  grow- 
ing from  the  stalks  of  the  great 
millet ;  after  they  have  been  cut. 

-^ssxrolx  namiishi,  s-  Disgrace.  2. 

T^csssss  *r>&  nayakavadi,  .9.  A  peon  ap- 
pointed by  a  collector,^  or,  amil- 
dar, to  superintend  the  husband- 
men, in  their  cultivation. 

^osSSb^  nayakudu,  5.  A  guide,  lea- 
der,or  conductor.  2.  A  chief,  head, 
or  general.   7^000^   nayika,   s.    A 
mistress,  wife,  or  female. 
pT>csotf  nayana,  s.  A  father. 

•pT»csa)£so  nayudu,  s.  A  title  annexed 
to  the  proper  names  of  certain 
castes,  among  the  Soodras. 

73-^tf  nara,  s.  The  hemp  of  plants,  or 
fibrous  bark  of  trees  of  the  palm 
species,  -^tf-fotfew    narachfralu,    A 

garment  of  bark,   worn    by  holy 

•js^Q  nari,  s.  A  woman,  in  general. 

7or»a  nari,  s.  A  bow-string 

^Q£&s&o  narikadamu,  s.  The  cocoa- 
nut  tree 

73~DQ~2"*tf6e)o  narikayalu,  s-  plu.  Scars- 
2.  Warts. 

7T°8&&;g)  narikurupu,  s.  The  guinea 

•tr>d~i$s$*>  narikelamu,  s.  The  cocoa- 
■p^esa  narru,  s    A  young  plant,  fit  to 

be  transplanted. 
(3-»e)i  nalaki,  s.  A  sort  of  sedan  chair* 

termed  in  India  a  ton  jon. 
oT^ss,  T^ewXsS"  nalava,  nalugava,  adj. 

Numeral.  Fourth. 
7T°D    nali,  5.  Strength,    adj.  Slight> 

-p*&ir>&  naligali,  A  soft  breeze. 
7T°©3b&;g)   naliknrupu,  5.  vide  ^r°8§b 

&>;&  narikurupu. 
(j^Dw^^s^,   73-*SiS3g-&k    nalibutamu, 

nalimutstsu,  s.  A  deceitful  person. 

soots' bb-Nindaru 



^ex)^,  pr°e)"i  naluka,  nalike,  s.  The 
tongue.  r°o2«?r'e)oS'  kondanaluka, 
The  uvula. 

7r*ooKo  n£lugu,  adj.  Numeral.  Four. 
This  word  is  sometimes  fiigurative- 
ly  used,  to  express  every. 

■ja-ofs&oew  nalamulu,  s.  plu.  Horse- 

7o^s5,  •&*&  nava,  navi,  s.  A  ship,  boat, 
or  vessel,  -?n>£§b&>  navikudu,  5.  A 
pilot,  or  steersman. 

^r°c$e&  navudu,  adv.  vide  wtf-rr*  ana- 
ga,  No.  1. 

^f^xSw  nasamu,  s.  Destruction,  ruin, 
loss.  2-  Annihilation,  death. 

?)o"§e3  ninkerra,  adv.  Speedily,  swif- 

Soft  ningi,  s.    The  sky,  atmosphere, 

or  air. 
S>OT&-£c&o-t$b,  $0$  nintsu-nindintsu, 

nimpu,  y-  a.  To  fill.  The  causal 
form  of.  So&>  nindu,  </.  v. 

$o£©  ninjili,  .9.  Uneasiness,  grief, 

?jots*j  ninda,  ae^.  from.  ftodb  nindu, 
9.  2?.  Full,  abundant.  2.  Excessive, 
exceeding,  great,  much.  s.  Much, 
a  great  deal.  adv.  Much,  greatly. 

ftoTS^tfb,  $o&>  nindarn,  nindu,  s.  Ful- 
ness, completion. 

$o2&  nindu,  v.  n.  To  be  filled.  2.  To 
be  full.  SDosk^tfo  nindukonu,  v. 
Comp.  To  be  pacified,  to  be  silent. 
In  books,  instead  of.  $oe&  nindu, 
We  sometimes  find.  $oTr»?k  nin- 
daru,  used,  as  a  verb. 

Sotf  ninda,  s.  Blame,  censure.  2.  Re- 
proach, reproof.  3.  Abuse.  4-  Ac- 

sooao-rfo  nindintsu,  v.   a.  To  blame* 

abuse,  vilify,  or  accuse. 
sg'&sSoo  nikatamu,  s.  Force,  compul- 
sion. 2.  annoyance. 
$£&&»  nikatamu,  adj.  Near,  proxi- 
SS'b'tfM  nikaramu,  s.  A  flock,  or  mul- 
titude. 2.  The  pith,  sap,  or  essence. 
Sg'tfoSw  nikaramu,  adj.  Selected,  ex- 
cellent, s.  Net  balance. 
a~ie$tfs5M  niketanamu,  s.  A  house. 
$g>®\  nikkachchi,  s-  Trouble,  an- 
ftS^sSx-s"^^,  $&k-tfs5oonikkamu- 
nikkemu,   nikknvamu,   s.    Truth, 
certainty,  reality,  adj.   True,  &c. 
S)§b^_  nikkn,   v.   n.  To  walk  erect  ; 
to  strut  ;     to    stand    on    tiptoe  ; 
to  be  proud  or  presumptuous,  s. 
Walking  erect,  &c.  pride,  presump- 

o>X&£(v5on  nigadadannu,  v.  To  stretch 
forth,  as  the  arms  or  legs. 

»  a  5&o -Nijamu 




SX'SX'  niganiga,  s.  Glittering,  shining.  | 
adv.  Brightly. 

joxtfsfeasx)  nigaranmlu,    s.    plu.    The  , 
dried  rind  of  any  fruit. 

f3-7T°,  $^  niga,  nigha,  s.  Superinten- 
dence, control. 

$-7v°  or* (&  nigavanu,  s.  The  head  of  a 

jofioSo-ifc  nigudintsn*  v.  a.  To  dis- 
charge, or  shoot,  as  an  arrow.  2. 
To  draw,  as  deep  sighs. 

Zfotk  nigadu,  v.  n.  To  grow  high.  2. 
To  be  increased. 

Sfowa  nigurru,  s.  The  ashes  that  re- 
main overlive  coal. 

s>fo  uiggu,  s.  Great  splendour.  2. 
Sap,  essence,  pith.  v.  n.  To  be  ma- 
naged. $ft  o-&  mggintsii,  v.  a    To 


3$oo&o;g)inghantuvu,s.  A  dictionary, 

or   vocabulary  ;     a   collection    of 
words,  or  names. 

$-S\,  s>-s\ex>  nitstsa,   nitstsalu,    adv. 

Always,  constantly,  continually. 
$*3x  tf  nichchena,  s.  A  ladder. 
$aj;6tt>    nijamu,    s.    Truth,   veracity, 

certainty,   sureness,   reality,  adj. 

True,  certain,  sure,  real. 

3 a s5k>  nijamu,  at/;.  Own,  perpetual, 
eternal.  $«Scp>;5;&k>  nijarupamu, 
One's  own,  or  natural,  shape. 

SfcousSw  nittalamu,  s.  Certainty,  adj. 


s&>°x>  nittalu,  s.  plu.  Banks,  shores, 
eo  * 

3^o^)^3^b  nittavodutsu,  p.  n.  To  over- 
flow. 2.  To  stand  erect,  as  the  hair 
on  the  body,  from  fright,  joy,  &c. 

$&»  nittu,  s.  Thirst. 

»&xr»&\  nitturpu,  *.  Difficult,  or  hard, 
breathing  •,  loud  sobbing  ;  deep 

3^-»  ^o  nitradu,  s.  The  post,  or 
pole,  of  a  tent,  or  of  a  hut. 

s>SS-3^oc5,  $£b^$)  nidivi-niduda,  ni- 
dupu,  s.  Length,  adj.  Long. 

3^o55^o  nidupaclu,  s.  A  snake. 

S0e£o£>s5*>  nitambamu,  s.  A  woman's 
buttocks.  2.  The  buttocks  or  po- 
steriors in  general ;  the  circumfe- 
rence of  the  hip  and  loins.  3.  The 
side  of  a  mountain. 

so^csfc)  nityamu,  adj.  Eternal,  ever- 
lasting, continual,  perpetual ;  past, 
present,  and  future.  2.  Regular, 
fixed,  invariable,  adv.  Daiiy,  al- 
ways, continually,  constantly.  aiTo 
*ftf,s*»  nityakarmamu,  Daily  acti- 

»6-?&-tfs5M  nidarsanamu,  s.  An  ex- 
ample, or  illustration.  2,  Evidence; 
an  instance. 

a-cptfsSM  nidanamu,  s.  A  first  cause, 

a  primary  or  remote  cause.  2.  Dis- 
appearance, cessation,  or  removal 

$  » \  tf  sbo  -Nibbaramu 



of  a  first  cause.  3.  Purification, 
purity,  or  correctness.  4.  Ascer- 
taining the  cause  of  disease  ;  the 
study  of  symptoms.  5.  Judgment. 
&-sr»iooT5b  nidanintsn,  To  examine 
carefully  ;  to  consider,  to  judge. 
2.  To  wait  or  stop  a  little ;  to  take 
patience.  s»-sptf^&>  nidanasthudu, 
A  just  man. 

Sefctf,  szsbtf  nidura,  niddura,  s.  From 
s.  SjX   nidra,  j. «;. 

StfsSw   niddamu,  adj.   Coarse,  gross. 

$  X  nidra,  s.  Sleep,  drowsiness,  sloth. 

$-qr*tfs»4  nidhanamu,  s.  A  Nidhi,  or 

divine  treasure,  belonging  especi- 
ally to  Kubera,  the  god  of  wealth. 
2.  A  receptacle,  a  place,  or  vessel 
in,  or  on,  which  any  thing  is  col- 
lected, or  deposited,  3.  Concealed 

#j£v  ninna,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing-    $tf^£3  ninnati,    Yesterday. 

S&tfi<C\tf«s»  nippatstsaramu,  s.  Pover- 
ty, indigence. 

S>s^*5,  $3}&>o  nippati,  nippattu,  s.  A 
sort  of  cake. 

s>o$v>  SsM'  nippu,  nippuka,  s.  Fire. 
»^j-/r>e)  nippulagali,  The  hot 

SwQ,  »a6  nibaddi,  nibaddhi,  s. 
Truth, certainty,  True. 

jowxtfsfco  nibbaramu,  adj.  Firm  ;  im- 
moveable, s.  Firmness  of  mind. 

S^oooo^bnibhayintsu,  v.  a.  To  suf- 
fer, endure,  or  bear. 

foanr6^  nimakala  s.  Remainder. 

£&dj£;6^  nimittamu,  s.  Cause,  reason, 
instrumental  cause.  2.  Mark,  sign, 
spot, trace, token.  3.  Object,  motive, 
purpose.  4.  Necessity,  need,  want. 

Sotosx3$x>,  <0-&>&j5*>  nimishamu,  nime- 
shamu,  5.  The  twinkling  of  an  eye, 
a  second,    instant,  or  minute. 

$s»o &>  nimuru,  v.  a.  To  pass  the  hand 

gently  over  another,  out  of  kind- 

^sk^ss^  nimmalamu,  s.  Ease,  quiet, 
patience,  freedom  from  annoyance 
or  grief,  adj.  Easy,  quiet,  happy. 

Ss^C>oa$bnimmalintsu,  v.  n.  To  be  at 
ease,  quiet,  or  patient. 

%a&&g&»  niyatakamu,  s.  Drawers,  or 
trowsers,  which  reach  as  far  as  the 
knee;    vide  tSv*&&x>  tsalladamu. 

7  on  • 

SosSsfcsSao  niyamamu.  s.  An  agreement, 

contract,  or  engagement.  2.  As- 
sent, promise.  3.  Any  religious  ob- 
servance, voluntarily  practised;  as 
fasting,  watching,  pilgrimage,  &c. 

K»tf&£>Do-&>  niyamintsu,  p.  a  To  di- 
rect, or  order.  2.  To  appoint. 

»oB&^55i>5o^b  niyamakuclu,  s.  A  boat- 
man ;  a  sailor  ;  one  who  rows, 
steers,  or  keeps  a  look  out  from 
the  mast  head  ;  a  pilot,  or  steers- 

itfxotfs&a-Nirbandliamu  275 



$tic£tixx»  nirantaramu,  adj.  Coarse, 
gross  ;  without  interstice.  2.  Con- 
tinned,  continuous-  adv.  Always, 
constantly,  frequently,  generally. 

stf $» -^550^  nirakhunama,  s.  An  ac- 
count of  the  price  current. 

stftf^sSco  nirarthakamn,  adj.  Vain, 
fruitless,  unprofitable,  unmeaning. 

&#&&&&  niraksharakukshi,  s.  An 
illiterate  person. 

s>Tr»£cr»&>K&»  rnraghatamu,  adj.   Easy, 

unobstructed,  without  hesitation. 

s>-u^niraSa,s. Despair,  despondency. 

»-D^5^6^c6ai  nirahararau,  s.  Fasting. 

s>&&  niruku,  s.  Fixed  rate  ;  price 
current ;  tariff  ;  assize. 

S&db  nirudu,s.  Making  in  the  innex. 
Singi  2&fe5  nirnti,  The  last,  or  past 

&&©*;;*  ska  nirudyogamu,  adj.  Cause- 
less, groundless. 

%&*&  nirudhi,  s.  Thorough  under- 
standing ;  skill  ;  fluency. 

s-rj-'tfraa^  nirdhar^namu,*.  jCertaint}r, 
or  ascertainment. 2. Determination, 

resolution.  a-uTtfca^cSoo    nirdhara- 

nacheyu,  To  determine,  or  resolve. 

$S>e-£o  e^sSoa  nirnimittamu.acfo.  With- 

— o 

out  cause  ;  for  no  reason. 
3tf\o#*i»  nirbandhamu,  s.  Intent,  or 
pertinacious,  pursuit  of  anything. 

2.  Seizure  ;  laying  violent  hold  of 
anything.  s^o^o-tSb,  s^o^sfc^ 
ctfo  nirbandhintsu,  nirbandhamu- 

cheyu,  v.  a.  To  constrain,  or  op- 

$tf\cjsb?x>o  nirbhayamu,  adj.  Fearless, 


s^«ys&»  nirmalamu,  adj.  Pure,  trans- 
parent, clear,  clean;  free  from  dirt 
or  impurities. 

aTT^easjoo  nirmanamu,  g.  Manufac- 
ture, production,  creation,  inven- 
tion. j& 8,o^>  nirmintsu,  v.  a.  To 
create,  or  invent. 

$-sr>  e>os&»   nirmalyamu,  s.  The  re. 

mains  of  an  offering,  presented  to 
a  deity. 

£tfr^e>s$M  nirmulamu,  s.  Extirpation. 

SJ-cPQrasSao  nirvanamu,  s.  Nakedness. 

^"o'ps^sSoo,  S)'T7»£S^»§'§5>3  nirvahamu, 
nirvahakamu,  5.  Management.  2. 
Power  or  ability  to  perform,  ex- 
ecute, sustain,  &c  £tfeSr<»~-s$b  nir- 
vahintsu,  v.  a.  To  manage,  or  tran- 
sact. 2.  To  sustain.  3.  To  effect. 
S)T7*osSTo§b£so  nirvahukudu,  s.  A 

S>&£»  nirru,  adv,  Very,  much,  4 




R>»&e»  nirrranflgu,  v.  n.  To  hold  up, 
or  erect,  the  head  ;  to  twist  back 
the  body,  &c.  From  affected  pride, 
or  insolence. 

Sosstfafoo  nilavaramu,  s.  Truth,   cer- 
tainty, adj.  True,   certain. 
$£»§'£,  $wg£  nilukala,  nilakacla,  s. 

From  joew-&nilatsu, 

q.  v. 


cy, firmness,  steadiness. 

S>sx>aft  nilntsu,  v.  n.  To  stand.  2-  To 
remain,  halt,  or  stop. 

Sex>^  nilnpu,  v.  a.  To  stop,  or  cause 
to  stand.  2.  To  stop,  or  interrupt 
in  progress  ;  to  adjourn,  to  post- 
pone. 3.  To  stop,  or  cause  to  cease. 
4.  To  set,  or  place,  upright.  5.  To 
place,  or  repose,  as  faith  in  an- 
other. 6.  To  preserve  or  save.  7. 
To  reserve  part  of  a  whole.  8.  To 
repress,  allay,  humble,  or  abate. 

^ejoss",  $o<ytf  niluva,  nilava,  s.  From 
s>e>o-i$b  nilutsu.  q.  v.  Residue,  ba- 
lance, remainder. 

£>ew;s8o-i5b  niluvarintsu,  v.  a.  From 
joswiSb  nilutsu,  q.  v.  To  cause  to 
stand.  2.  To  support,  manage,  or 
sustain.  3.  To  make  proceed,  to 
cause  to  go  on. 

$ex>s$  niluvu,  s.  A  man's  height,  with 
his  hand  held  upright.  2.  The  un- 
reaped  portion  of  a  field  partly 
reaped.  3.  Height,  adj.  High,  tall. 

•5r>^§S)exi"Sen>S)sx?6M  vanikiniluve- 
llavishamu,  He  is  a  very  deceitful 
scoundrel,  lit.  His  height  is  all 

»35"  6o^  nivartintsu,  v.  a.  To  aban- 


don,  or  quit.y.w.To  cease,  or  leave 

o>*r>tfre;6M  nivaranamu,  5.  A  remedy; 
a  cure.  2.  Ave rting,  driving  a  way. 
3.  Deliverance.  4.  Prevention.  S>«r» 
ao-&>  nivarintsu,  To  cure,  or  re- 
medy. 2  To  avert,  or  dissipate.  3. 
To  deliver.  4.  To  prevent. 

o>*r>§>  nivali,  s.  Taking  away  the  ef- 
fect of  evil  looks. 

%>sr*Po&i  nivalintsu,  v.  a.  To  take 
away  the  effect  of  evil  looks. 

$«r>tfs$M  nivasamii,  s.  A  house. 

£>$&  nivuru,  v.  a.  To  touch,  to  feel. 
?>%)<&)  nivurru,  s.  The  ashes  upon  live 

(O^tfsSM  nivesanamu,  s.  Ground  to 

the  extent  of  2,400  feet  square.  2. 

vide  £>~£&ste>  nivesamu,  3.  A  camp. 
ss'otBex)  nivvatilin,*;.  n.  To  overflow; 

to  be  too  fall. 
S>»r°^f>  nivvali,  s.  vide  £»r°f>    nivali. 
»"3S&p>  » "Sc  esfto  nivverra,nivverragu, 

s.  Wonder,    surprise,  amazement. 

S>"3owXo26  nivverragandu,  To 

wonder,  to  be  surprised,  or  asto- 




3^S>  nisani,  s.  A  flag,  or  banner.  2. 
A  mark,  or  sign. 

»|^sSm  nisithamu,  s.  Midnight. 

S)§*\oasj6oo  nischayamu,  s.  Certainty, 
ascertainment,  positive  conclusion. 
2.  Positive  resolution,  settled  de- 

$#\oooo-i$b  nischayinfcsu,  v.  a.  To  set- 
tle, resolve,  or  determine.  2.  To 

8>«^«£s$m  nischitanm,ad/.  Ascertained, 

ft«\ irx  &-»  nischitarthamu,   5.    The 

u        cp 

ceremony  of  betrothing  two  per- 
sons, in  which  the  terms  of  the 
future,  marriage  are  settled. 

j&^slsSaa  nis'seshamu,  s.  Whole,  com- 
plete, entire,  all. 

a?\#sSc>o  nishiddhamu,  adj.  Prohibi- 
ted, forbidden. 

ja-fxS'&w  nishekamu,  s.  Consumma- 
tion of  marriage. 

£-£>.$s5k>  nishedhamru  s.  A  prohibi- 
tion. s>-|>.ao3b  nishedhintsu,  To 

a&k-tffojfoonisblcapatamu"*  adj.  Sin- 
cere ;  without  deceit. .%.  Sincerity. 

&&k_sx£-  nishkarsha,  s.  Determina- 
tion, settlement,  final  arrange- 
ment. 2.  Certainty.  ftsx^^E-o-tf) 
nishkarshintsu,  To  determine,  set- 
tle, fix,  or  resolve. 

Ssx^-if  nishkala,  s.  A  woman  past 

$&.  nishtha,  s.  The  catastrophe  of  a 
drama,  the  conclusion  of  a  fable. 
2.  Conclusion  in  general,  end,  ter- 
mination. 3.  Disappearance,  loss, 
destruction.  4.  Confirmation,  com- 
pletion. 5.  Ordinary  and  uniform 
practice,  or  profession.  6.  Good 
conduct,  excellence.  7.  Religious 
practice,  devout  and  austere  ex- 

$^tfoS:»  nishthuramu,    adj.  Cruel, 

harsh.  2-  hard,  solid. 
afr  nisi,  s.  Night. 

$&>;$  nisuvu,  s.  The  young  of  any 

animal,  or  of  the  human  species. 
&tfv«k$  nissattuvu,    s*    Weakness  ; 

$-£p^tfe6w  nissaramu,   adj.   Sapless, 

pithless,  dry. 
3"tl\£s5Do  nikshepamu,    s.    A  deposit, 

or  pledge. 


§>  ni,  'pro.  Thy.  This  is  the  possessive 
of  &$  nivo,  q.  v.   &  a  nidi,  Thine. 

ftsfsSw  nichamu,  adj.  Low,  base,  vile, 

ftfe33br*S    nftitsuli,    s.    Fire,    who  in 

Hindoo  mythology  is  represented 
-is  the  parent  of  water. 




§&w&  m'dtata,  s.  The  wind  ;  the 
father  of  fire,  and  grand  father  of 

£>&m  nitu,  s.  Vanity,  pride  of  dress, 

$>&  nida,  s.  Shade.  2.  Shadow. 

£>2&  nidu,  s.  A  Telugu  title,  added 
to  the  proper  names  of  the  Kum- 
ma  caste  ;  as.  <t2>o%frtk>    ankinidu, 

b®  niti,  s.  Ethics,  moral  qhilosophy; 
morals.  2.  Guiding,  directing.  3. 
Obtaining,  acquirement,  acquisi- 

£)-tr>£sb  nivalin,  s.  Boiled  water,  to 
mix  with,  gro-cp^b  kuradu,  q,  v. 

&&  niru,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing,  ha  niti,  Water.  This  word  is 
generally  used  in  the  plural  num- 
ber, &?o  nillu,  ft&s'ko  "Ssftew  niru- 
kai£(i  devulu,  A  stoppage  of  urine. 

fo&r^-^sSoo  nirukattepamu,  s.  A 
watersnake.  s,o^&"§&»ro3b  kan- 
dlanfllupettukonu,  To  shed  tears. 
%>"&*&>  nilladu,  To  be  brought 


to  bed;  frc5o-2:»K,  £o£  niru-bu- 
gga,  baclda,  A  water  babble.  £>& 
t&&>§o  nirutsurukti,  Ardor  urine. 
abS$>s5aaT§e£frl5  pT»^  duhkhamuche- 
tanirainadu,  He  has  wasted  away, 

from  sorrow.  «o7v»&$)&  bangaru- 
nlro,  lit.  gold-water.  Gilding.  && 
Sim  nlruvattu,  s.  Thirst. 

&&>-g^&  nirukaru,  s.  A  kind  of  pin- 
cers, or  tongs. 

&&>&  nirudi,  s.  Urine. 

ftbb©  nirulli,  s.  An  onion. 

£>&$»  nlrru,  s.  A  tear ;  water  from  the 
e3^e.  2.  Ashes  over  live  coal. 

r^ejs^  nilarnu,  s.  The  sapphire.  2- 
Black,   or  dark  blue,  colour. 

&©  nilij  5.  The  indigo  plant.  Indigo- 
fera  tinctoria.  2.  Dark  blue  colour. 
ftS^o&iig)  niliyedupu,  False  wee- 
ping ;  crocodile  tears.  &s«p^r 
nilivarta,  A  false  rumour- 

ftwoTfo,  &sx>  nilugu,  nilgu,  o.  n.  To 
strut,  to  walk  proudly.  2.  To  die. 
3.  To  yawn.  s.  Strutting. 

&g  nillu,  ^.  £>/w.  vide  ft&  niru. 

&$  nivu,  pro.  Thou. 

sfcofo  nungu,  s.  The  edible  seed  of 
,    a  palmyra  fruit,  while  unripe- 
j&o-©,  ;&o&  nunchi,   nundi,  postpos. 
From,    away    from;  out  of;    by; 
s5b7T°^b  nuggadu,  v.  a.  To  kill,  assas- 
sinate, or  slaughter. 




s?c«o  nuggu,  v.  a.  To  pound,  or  re- 
duce to  powder.  2.  To  speak  flu- 
ently, in  confutation  of  others.  §. 
Powder.  2.  A  dung  cake,  used  as 
fuel.  xJbKbjan-S'Tro  nuggunutsaga, 
adv-  Into  powder,  or  pieces. 

j3o-E5bN^r»e5ew  nutstsupatalu,  s.  plum 
Bits  of  cloth,  with  which  the  na- 
tives tie  the  teats  of  sheep,  &c. 

&&,  <&&><£)  nudi,  nuduvu,  s.  A  word 

or  expression. 
&&<$  nuduvu,  v.  a.  To  say,  express, 

or  tell. 

jSS©  nuti,  5.  Praise,  eulogium,  com- 
mendation, panegyric,  applause, 
encomium.  s5b8o-&>,  sfcScooo-eSb  nu- 
tintsu,  nutiyintsu,  v.  a.  To  praise, 
or  applaud. 

sbribtf)  nuduru,  s.  Making  in  the  in- 
flex.  Sing.  sa&feS  nuduti,  The  fore- 

sfcsfccg)  nunupu,  s.  Smoothness,  adj. 

j&j^tf  nunnana,  s.  Smoothness.  j&tf^ 
»j  sfctf^  nunnani,  nvjnna,  adj. 

satf^csfc)    nunnaeheyu,   p.   «.  To 

smooth  ;  to  level.   2.    To  destroy, 

or  ruin. 
■sbooog  nuyyi,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex. 

Sing,  j^,©  nuti,  A  well. 
sfc&Hb,  &&>%)  nurugtr,    nuruvu,  5. 

Froth,  foam. 

ssbww^b  nurrutsu,  v.  a.  To  thrash  corn, 
by  trampling  it  under  the  feet, 
either  of  men,  or  cattle. 

s&iMsSw  niirrumu,  v.  a.  To  pulverize; 
to  reduce  to  powder,  or  dust.  s. 

Powder,  dust.  R5bea3s6w^ccoo,  ;&e£o 
s5:r°£b  nurrumuche}7u,  nnrrumadu, 
To  kill,  or  assassinate. 
j&oS'  nulaka,  s.  A  sort  of  rope,  or 
string,  of  which  the  net  work 
which  forms  the  bottom  of  the 
common  native  bedsteads  is  com- 

ssbD  nuli,  .<?.  Griping  pain  in  the  in- 
testines, adj.  Little,  gentle.  &&-& 
few,  sfcDfr^afc  nulipettu,  nuligonu, 
To  have  griping  pains. 

ssbS)£>?5b7foe,\5  nulipurugulu,  s.  flu. 
Worms  found  in  the  intestines. 
sfcS-S-O^nulivetstsa,  Gentle 

ssbScg)  nulivu,  s.  Sound  in  general. 

sbexi-&),  |Soew^)  nulutsu,  nulnpu,  v.  a. 
vide.  sbasooSb  nurrutsn. 

sjosx)o5c»  nulumu,  v.  a.  To  twist  round 

the  flesh. 
so$,  ?5b$o  nuvu,  nuvvu,    s.   A  crop 

of  sesamum.    In  the  plural,   this 

word  denotes  the   sesamum  seed 


sotfex>,  j&i&ejo  nusaia,  nusulu,  v.  n. 
To  trifle  away  time. 




&%  nusi,  s.  The  dust  into  which  wood 
is  reduced,  by  insects.  p5o&$&7fo 
nusiptirugu,  An  insect  found  in 

#b&>e&  ntisuma,  s.  The  eye-fly. 

•Sr*  nu,  s.  A  contraction  of  (&$*  nuv- 
vu,  q.  v.  As  t^OoS  nubindi,  The 
flour  of  the  sesamum  seed. 

tfr^eo  nukala,  s.  phi.  Broken  pieces 
of  rice,  or  of  similar  substances. 

!&;*&>  nuku,  v.  a.  To  push  violently ; 
to  thrust  out.  i>o£o?&^§b  pentanuku, 
To  sweep  away  the  dust,  or  dirt. 

&r>7^&>  nugaru,   s.    A  line- of  hair, 

from  the  navel  to  the  breast. 
tfrofio  nugu,  s.  A  sort  of  dust,  which 

covers  the  grain  of  the  great  millet. 

Holcus  saccharatus. 
&r°e£tfs5w,  tfj^efs  sfo>  nutanamu,  nutna- 

mu,  adj.  New,  fresh,  recent,  youug. 
7&r>H)  nune,  s.  Oil  in  general, 
rfyfsso  nurru,  §.  Making  in  the  inflex. 

Sing.   ;s^fe5  uuti,  A  hundred,  adj. 

One  hundred. 
-&p>£9o  nurru,  v.  a.  To  grind.  sf_§tfr>*» 

kattinurru,  To  sharpen,  or  grind 

a  knife, 
j&pa^x  nurrtsu,  v.  a.  vide  (&<y»T&,  $r> 

esttv,  j^eJ^S  nurru  tsu,  nurrpu,  nu- 


^n»ex)  nulu,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing.  Either.  t&p>w,  ?&■*£  nulu,  nu- 
li,  Thread.  t&p>w£o"3  nulukande, 
An  oblong  roll,  or  ball,  of  thread. 
tftf^;&n>ex>  sannanulu,  Fine  thread. 
&n>e>o3S£So§o  nuluvadukti,  To  spin 

^>ewr°R6  nulukonn,  v.  n<  To  be  ex- 
cited, or  incited.  2.  To  be  rallied 
in  battle.  3.  To  recover  one's  senses. 

£v  jjafoo,  tf\#csfc»  nrittamu,  nrityamu, 

s.  Dancing. 
^\^)^b5  tfsssnripudu,  nripati,  s.   A 

ruler  ;  a  king. 

s.  Thrashing  corn. 

75  ne,  part  This  is  a  syllable  prefixed, 
in  composition  only,  to  substan- 
tives, to  denote-Soft,  smooth  ;  as- 
"a-acr*  ssao  nemmomUjA  smooth  face. 
The  consonant  following  it  is  al- 
ways doubled. 

-3r*k_?$3nekkont!,p-  n.  To  be  spread. 

-3K&  negadi,  s.  A  large  fire,  lighted 
for  warmth  in  cold  weather,  or  for 
keeping  off  wild  beasts. 

UXdo  negadu,  .9.  A  shark,  v.  n.  To 
be  encreased  or  promoted.  &.  To 
spread,  or  extend.  3.  To  be  publi- 





~3K&o&  negadintsu,    v.    Cans.    To 

cause  to  increase,  or  extend.  2.  To 

15?Ccc&>  negayu,  v.  n.  To  fly. 

l$>fo°x>  negulu,  s.  Perturbation,  dis- 

15?fo  neggu,  v.  n.  To  be  managed,  or 
ended,  v.  a.  To  push  one  forward. 
135\  o-db  neggintsu,  v,  a.  To  manage. 

ISSSbv  netstsa,  5.  A  quantity  of  very 
small  broken  rice,  &c 

1&t3^8  neclicheli,  s.  A  friend  ;  either 
male,  or  female. 

15&*  nettana,  adv.  Exceedingly,  ex- 

75&>5ac<b  nettapanta,  adv.  Destitute  of 
cause,  or  reason. 

15&*  netfcu,  i7.  a.  To  push,  or  thrust, 
away  violently. 

"j3&*>r°s&  nettukonu,  v.  Comp.  To 

rush  in. 

■^fe3oT5a  nettintsu,  v.  Cam.  To  cause 
to  push,  or  thrust,away  violently. 

15  jjj&w  nettamu,  s.  Elevated  ground; 
a  table  land.  2.  Gaminp-. 

15  J),  "S_§-r°c«5  netti,  nettikaya,  «. 
The  head,  ^^fo  nettimiita,  A 
burden  carried  on  the  head. 

ias&>&  net  turn,  s.  Blood,  u&&?(& 
netturugadda,   A  boil.  Ts^o&ttoS' 


netturubanka,  The  Woody  flux. 

15tf  &  nenaru,  s,  Affection,  tenderness, 

ISsSsSm  nepamu,  s.  Blame.  2.  Accusa- 
tion. 3.  A  pretence. 

"3;$*  neppu,  s.  The  destined,  fixed,  or 
usual  place.  2.  Contrivance,  expe- 
dient. 3.  Good  order,  or  arrange- 

15s£§o  nemaku,  v.    a.  To  search,   or 

look  for. 
"^jfctfb  nemara,  s.  The  chewing  of  the 

cud.  i53Sa&>-"2>ko,  ~ia^a  nemaru-pe- 

ttu,  veyu,  To  chew  the  cud. 

ISsfoe)  nemali,  $.  A  peacock. 

"SsSaotfb  nemuru,  v.  a.  To  rub  the  body 
with  unguents. 

"j53fc,a  nemmadi,  $.  Quiet,  or  ease,  of 
mind.  2.  rest,  repose. i3:^aTr>8joogb 
nemmadiganundu,  To  be  free  from 
all  disquietude. 

TSS&j  nemmi,  s.  Happiness.  2.  Meek- 
ness. 3.  friendship    4.  A  peacock. 

"S-^co-  e»  nemmulu,  s.  ^^.  Iron  nails, 
sharp  pointed  at  both  ends* 
whereby  boards  are  conjoined. 

"So33ct5cK»  neyyai&'*j  s.  Affection,  ten- 
derness. '^cfi3co^)&oews'  neyyampu- 

taluka,  Displeasure  towards  an  ob- 
ject beloved. 

!§©a>Q  neyyi,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex* 
Sing.  -f&  neti,  Clarified  butter. 





~8>ticXx>,  "^aoaoo  nerayu,  neriyu,  v.  n. 
To  extend  ;  to  pervade.  2.  To  be 
published.  8.  To  grow  grey  as  hair. 

13>S$,  13&^  neravu,  nerupu,  v.  a. 
To  spread  or  scatter.  2.  To  pub- 
lish* 5.  The  act  of  spreading.  2. 
greyness  of  hair. 

IStfjoo  nerasu,  s.  An  atom.  2.  A  fault, 
or  mistake. 

1S9  neri,  s.  A  sympathetic  swelling, 
caused  by  a  wound  or  sore,  but 
in  a  part  of  the  body  different  from 
the  precise  place  where  the  wound 
or  sore  is. 

•^&s6a>  nermnu,  v.  n.  The  tendons 
or  intestines,  to  pain.  v.  a.  To  turn 
or  twist  round  a  weapon,  in  a 
wound,  after  it  has  been  thrust 
into  the  body. 

"3&ig>  neruvu,  v.  a.  To  distribute  any 
thing  among  a  company,  either  in 
equal  or  unequal  shares,  according 
to  their  rank,  2.  To  make  even,  to 
3&9  nerra,  adj.  This  is  a  word  al- 
ways prefixed  to  substantives,  and 
denoting- Great,  entire  ;  as.  is&s 

s&o&>  nerramanta,    A  great  flame, 

or  pain.  iSesS)^  nerravidde,Mimic- 

^tag-en  nerrakalu,  s.  plu.  Vital  parts. 

2.  Hair. 

Ibeso^o  nerrayu,  v.  nr  vide  i&jsx) 

nerayu,  No.  1,  &  2. 

"Seas^  nerra vu,  s.  Breadth.  2.  Nobi- 
lity, adj.  Noble,  excellent. 

"^ea^cso  nerraverru,  v.  n.  To  be  ac- 
complished, perfected,  completed 
or  fulfilled.  ises^ean  nerraverrtsu, 
v.  a.  To  accomplish,  Or  fulfil. 

lSe*3  nerri,  s.  Merit,  goodness,  excel- 
lence. 2.  Greatness,  eminence,  ex- 
cess, adj.   Good,  excellent. 

ISeJg'  nerrika,  s.  A  female's  under 

i  "3&3os3,  !s~U  nerriya,  nerre,  s.  A  crack 
I  ^ 

in  the  ground. 

i  "3eJc«r»  nerriya, adv.  Entirely,  totally. 
>   "^aassx)  nerrulu,  5.  phi.  The  hair. 

Sv  nela,  5.  A  month. 

-3<yr°;&  nelakonu, «?.  n.  To  be  exten- 
ded ;  to  be  scattered.  2,  To  stand, 
or  stop. 

Svtf,  IS^S'  nelata,  nelatuka,  s.  A 

•3e>^)  nelavu,  5.  A  house,  dwelling,  or 
residence,  is^r0^  nelavukonu. 
To  reside. 

•^^cg),  "&$5ag>  nelavu,  neluvu,  5.  Infor- 
mation, acquaintance,  knowledge, 
experience.  n>$ssQ  nelavari,  s.  a 
well  informed,  experienced,  or  cle- 
ver person.  2.  A  person  well  known. 

"$*©  nevali,  8.  vide  "^^bD  nemali. 

=$£<>,  1$%o&k  nevva,  nevvamu,  s. 
Calamity,  distress,  misfortune.  2, 
danger,  peril. 




■^22™  neja,    s.  A  short  spear  »or  lance. 

-fm  netu,  «4/.  Noble,  excellent. 

-§&>  nedu,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing.  -^63  neti,  To-day,  this  day. 

S6  neta,  s.  Weaving.  2.  Texture. 
-^^tv°^o  netagadn,  A  weaver 

-^^sfeo  netramu,*.  The  eye.  2.  blea- 
ched or  woven  silk,  ^^rtyti&xt 
netrachchhadamu,  The  eye-lid. 

-jS^o  nenu,  pro.  Making  in  the  nom. 
plural.  •&>«*»  memu,  or  in  books 
sometimes.  -§&*,  Ssx»  nemu,  emu. 

-^2X)  nebu,  s.  A  coin,  of  the  value  of 
40  cash. 

"^Sc&S'sko  nemakamUjS.  Choice,  deter- 
mination. 2.  A  rule,  or  law. 

~f&>&x>  nemamu,  $.  vide  Scs&sfcsba  ni- 

"^ddo-jSd  nemintsu,  v.  a.  To  determine, 
or  fix.  2.  To  appoint ;  from, 
~&s5i>o5M  nemamu  5  q.  v*  This  verb  is 
also  the  causal  form  of  "^sSx>  nemu, 
q.  v. 

"i§s5x>  narau,  v.  a.  To  sift,  to  winnow. 

-fate  neyn,  v.  a.  To  weave.  -^o»o-i5b 
neyintsu,  v.  C'aus.  To  cause  to 
weave.  sSb  o-CsSx)  ~^afco  mantsamune- 
yu,  To  lace  a  cot,  x&-|§csfc>  gaddi- 
neyu,  To  thatch  with  grass. 

l§tf£o  Derami,  s.  Stupidity.  2.  Mis- 
take, fault.  3.  Failing.  This  is  the 
nagative  noun  from  iStfcsk  ncru- 
tsUj  q.  V. 

l§tf  s$w  neramu,  s.  A  crime,  or  offence, 
£.  A  fine.  -jStfsswar*^  neramumo- 
pu,  To  charge,  lit.  To  load,  with  a 
crime  ;  to  accuse.  •5^$2>r»Q~fti&» 
•^pSjoq  vanimidaneramu  mosindi, 
He  has  been  found  guilty  of  the 
crime,  lit.  The  crime  has  been 
laden  upon  him.  "^tftfod&nerasthu- 

du,  A  criminal, culprit,  or  offender. 

"^tfcnft,  ~f>&£  nerutsu,  nertsu,  v.  a. 
To  learn.  The  affirmative  and  ne- 
gative aorists  of  this  verb  are  ad- 
ded to  other  infinitives,  as  auxili- 
aries, to  denote  the  possession,  or 
want  of  power  or  ability.  I  can,  &c. 
I  cannot,  &c. 

l§9\r*3b,  "^«o\r°jso  nerchikonu,  ner- 
tsukonu,  v.  Gomp.  To  learn,  or  ac- 
quire knowledge,  -g^  nerpu,  v. 
Gaus.  To  teach,  to  instruct,  s. 
Skill,  knowledge,  information.  2. 
Dexterity,  ability.  3.  Contrivance. 
4.  Merit.  i§&:$e,  ~^^8  nerupari, 
nerpari,  A  clever  person. 

"^9^0^50  nerpintsu,  v.  Gaus.  To  cause 
to  teach  ;  to  educate.  "^9^  ^rimi* 
s.  Skill,  dexterity. 




T§e>  nela,  s.  Land,  soil,  earth.  ^vgoK* 

e>&"3i5b\  nelakugolakudetstsu,  To 

turn  topsyturvy.  T§e)Kex>?g)  nelaga- 

lupu,    To    kill,    to  ruin.  *&e>sfc^!>X' 

nelamaliga,  A  subterraneous  a- 

-&£&x  nevanm,  5.  Fraud,  trick,  decep- 
tion. 2.  Pretence. 

TSsr^sSw  nevalamu,  5.  A  kind  of  neck- 
lace, worn  by  women. 

"&  7$£x>  nestamu,  s.  Friendship.  -g  rs 
-T°t£o  nestakadu,  A  male  friend, 
or  companion.  "^&>-u"»ex>  nesturalu, 
A  female  friend. 


2_-S"c!6»  naichyamu,  s.  Meanness,low- 
ness,  pretended  humilit}?-. 

15"^£>'ea6s>  naivedyamu,  &  An  obla- 
tion, or  offering,  to  the  deity. 

&°o&  nontsu,  v.  a.  To  pain,  or  hurt. 
^°Sb^-  nokku,  s.  A   dent,  or  bend. 

v.  «.  To  press  down,  to  compress. 

S^§k-.e3&>ftb  nokkiadugu,  To  ask 

rigidly,  or  severely. 
£"*§(,_ o-&   nokkintsu,    v.    Cans.   To 

cause  to  press  down,  &g> 
Sr°Xex>  nogalu,  s.  plu.  The  poles  con- 
necting a  carriage  with  the  yoke. 
Sr°/foe)o  nogulu,  v.  n.  To  be  wearied, 

or  fatigued. 

2T*£V\>  nochchillu,  5.  plu.  Saliva. 

$r°£o\  notstsu,  v.  w.  To  smart,  pain, 
or  ache.  $"*e&£b  nodutsu,  To  hurt, 
torment,  or  cause  pain.  s&tf&^JT* 
^5v  manassunotstsu,  The  mind  to 
be  displeased.  S^^r0^  notstsu- 
konn,  To  repent  of;  to  be  sorry, 
or  afflicted  ;  to  regret. 

&>£&>&  noduvu,  v.  a.  To  say,  tell,  or 
express,  s.  Saying,  ^s^a&^ew 
tolinoduvulu,  s.  plu*  The  Vedas. 
lit.  The  first  sayings. 

$*o>\  noppi,  s.  Bodily  pain,  or  ache, 
^g^o-tknoppintsu,?.  a.  To  hurt, 
or  pain.  2.  To  afflict,or  torment.  3. 
To  displease,  or  offend.  £  tfssj& 
^°s5^e>oX^ao^5  prasavapunoppulu- 
ganipintsu,  The  pains  of  labour 
to  appear,  or  commence- 

&*$&}  nosalu,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing.  $*#&  nosati,  The  forehead. 

-&n>&  notsti,  v-  a.  To  perform  a  me- 
ritorious act. 

S^SosSm  notamu,  s.  Examination  of 
coin  by  sight.  ^^i^>^o  notagadu, 
A  shroff,  or  money  changer. 

Ito-o^fcw  nonatu,  v.  a.  To  pierce,  so 
as  to  cause  pain.  -&n>-jr>zk  nonadu, 
To  offend  ;  to  cause  pain,  or  sor- 
row-  Tkr>lScsco  noneyu,  To  throw. 




so  as  to  cause  pain.  These  three 
words  are  compounded  of  $*  no, 
The  irregular  infinitive  of  3"°-&>\ 
notstsu,  To  pain,  and  the  verbs. 
7t°^d,  es&>  natu,  adu,  And.  ^docu  e- 
yu,  q.  v. 

!br°&»  nomu,  s.  A  vow.  2-  A  merito- 
rious act.  3.  Fasting,  v.  a.  To  lose. 
2.  To  perform  a  meritorious  act. 

£"*&  nora,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing.  "Sopd fe3  noti,  The  month.  $*& 
s5«>o»?  norumuyyi,  Hold  your  ton- 

•j5"°£6  naukari,  s.  Service,  TS'S'tib  nau- 
karu,  A  servant. 

•£t>c03Ss5m  nyayamu,  s.  Propriety,  fit- 
ness.  2.  Justice,  equity.  3.  Law.  4. 
Morality.  5.  Logic.  6.  A  reason,  or 
cause.  ■?p,cc$6c55m  iryayyamu,  adj. 
Eight,  proper,  fit,  jnst. 

3  pa,  The  thirty-sixth  letter,  and 
twenty-first  consonant,  in  the  Te- 
lugu  alphabet. 

3o"^  panka,  s.  A  fan. 

&o§o$fc  pankintsu,  v.  n.  To  receive 

attention  ;  to  possess   weight,  or 


So  I  paiikti,  s.  A  line,  row,  or  range. 

53 oX  panga,  s.  The  forked  branch  ol 
a  tree.  ^oXfeSoiSb-^oKSo^b,  sSoXOo 
-tfo  pangatintsu,  pangadintsu,  pan- 
galintsu,  v.  a.  To  open  the  legs. 
sSoXfe5"5"cif  pangatikalla,  adj.  Ban- 

eSoX7^s5b55ao  panganainamu,  s.  videT. 
•p-sfc&o  namamu,  No.  2. 

Softci  pangidi,  s.  A  deep  pit,  for  cat- 
ching elephants, 

3oKo  pangu,  s.  Pudendum  mnliebre. 

3otf  pantsa,  s.  A  veranda. 

sSo-S'S' sS>3  pantsakamn,  s.  The  quan- 
tity of  5  tooms  of  grain. 

tfo-S'-sr'tf  pantsadara,  s.  Sugar.  4b<^> 
%&g-$otf-&*$  china,  patika-pantsa- 
dara,  Sngar  candy. 

•So-2T-£pf>,  ssoi^a  pantsapalf,  pantsa- 
di,  s.  The  roof  of  a  veranda  or  bal- 

#oiSz>oiv>$&x>  panchabangalamu,  5. 
Disappearance,  vanishing. 

s5o-E)S£<6x>  panchitamn,  s.  Cow's  urine. 

sSoo&  pantsu,  v.  a.  To  distribute, 
divide,  or  share.  2.  To  dispatch,  or 
send.  3.  To  command. 

sSo^  panche,   s.    A  Hindoo's  lower 

oSostfsSw  pandzaramu,  s,  A  cage- 

s  o  §>  o  tfb-Pandintsu 



sSog*3  pandzu,  s.  A  torch. 

£o*g  panje,  «cZ;  Poor,  helpless,  s.  A 
helpless  person.  s5og?e5tf;6o3  panje- 
tanamu,  5.  Helplessness. 

%ok>  panta,  s.  Produce  ;  crop.  s5o&> 
z5vo&  pantavalantb  s.  The  earth. 

s3ok>£r°^  pantasala,  s-  A  granary  or 

;Sofe3  panti,  s.  A  large  earthen  pot, 
with  a  wide  mouth. 

Sola  pante,  s.  A  distaff. 

£o  k>  §^ej  pantrakola,  5.  A  harpoon. 

s3o-cr,-sr*o£&>  pandavandlu,  5.  plu.  A 
certain  caste  of  Hindooos,  named 

^oS«^^3  panditudu,  s.  A  pundit,  or 
learned  brahman. 

3o&>  paudu,  5.  Making  in  the  in- 
flex.  Sing-  ;$ofc3  panti,  And  in  the 
nom.  plu.  ;So&>  pandlu,  A  fruit. 
v.  n.  To  ripen.  2.  To  produce.  3. 
To  lie  down.  4.  To  be  accompli- 
shed. ^o^o^r*§05  5Sot^§o  pandu- 
taku,  pandaku,  A  yellow  or  ripe- 
ned leaf. 

£o£&"315n  <u  panduvermela,  .9.  lit.  Ri- 
pened moon  light.  The  height  of 
the  full  moon. 

So&otfa  pandintsu,  v,  Cans.  To 
cause  to  ripen  ;  to  cultivate,  or 
raise  a  crop. 

sSods^ptf)  pancjabaru,  v.  n.  To  begin 
to  ripen.  2.  To  grow  pale,  or  white. 

£o<3or*;co  panclukonu,  v.-  Comp.  To 
lie  down,  or  recline. 

£o£oX  panduga,  .v.  A  feast. 

&o&>ss,  ^0^3^)   panduva,    panduvu, 

5.  vide.  s5o2ooK  panduga. 
sSo/B,o2&»  ^o^lo^o   pandrendu,  pan- 

clhendn,  adj.  Numeral.  Twelve. 
*&o6tix>  pantamu,  «v.  A  vow,  promise, 

or  engagement.  2.  A  wager.  3.  Ob- 
stinacy, firmness,  perseverance. 

£o^fto-&>  pantagintsu,  v.  n.  To  vow. 
2.  To  wager,  3.  To  persevere. 

s5o$oe>o  pantulu,  s.  plu.  A  title  affix- 
ed to  the  proper  name,  and  assum- 
ed by  brahmans  in  the  northern 
circars,  when  employed  by  go- 
vernment. 2.  A  schoolmaster. 

sSo«  panda,  s.  A  coward. 

sSoapandi,  s.  A  hog.  ;SoarB§b(r-  pan- 
dikokku,  s.  An  immense  rat,  com- 
monly termed  a  bandy  coot.  sSoft 
r°s$M,   pandikommu,  The  tusk  of 

— o 

the  wild  boar,  ica^olo^  pan- 
digondrintsti,  To  grunt  as  a  hog. 

sSoaofcsfco  pandiyamu,  s.  vide  ^o"3j6x> 

xSoaO,  3oa£>  pandiri,  pandili.  s.  Ma- 
king in  the  inflex.  Sing.  ^oftfeS  p au- 
di ti,    And   the   nom.   plu.    sSoa#S 

'  L  CO 

pandillu,  A  shed  made  of  leaves, 
of  wicker  work  ;   a  pandol 

ss'k Pakka 



So&sfco  pandumu,  .?.  Ten  tooms. 

sSo'B&w  pandemu,  s.  A  wager,  stake, 
or  bet.  fioca;g);So"3s53o  gurrrapu  pan- 
demu, A  horse  race.  3o"3sSx<s^o 
pandemu  vodo,  To  lose  a  wager. 
so"35^^ewu5bparidenTugelutsu,  To 

win  a  bet. 

sSoS"*^)  a,  So^TS^a  pandommidi, 
pandhommidi,ad/.  Numeral.  Nine- 
teen. SofiT's^o^  pandomman- 
dru.  *.  £>/w.  Nineteen^persons. 

^osSg's^  pampakarau,  s.  Division, 
sharing.  2.  Sending.  3.  Dismission. 
4-  Contrivance,  means,  expedient. 

5So t&,  3 o a o ■?&  pampu,  pampintsu,  0 . a. 
tfi'de  t9osg)  ampu,  The  former  word 
is  $lso  a  substantive  noun,  and  de- 
notes. Sending,  dismissing.  2.  A 
certain* weight  equal  to  five  eighths 
of  a  seer.  ZoQ^o&z  pampu cheyu, 

To   send  evil  spirits  to   torment 

■S5'sS3'«opakapakalu,s.pZw.Loud  bursts 

'of  laughter.  3Sss&tf£)P,  sssss§'er<>2& 

To  laugh  very  loudly. 

SagfrJ.  pakka*  s.  The  side.  2.  A  side 
or  direction.  3.  A  page.  4.  A  bed, 
or  bedding,  adj.  Near,  next,  neigh- 
bouring. sss'k-ajoGX)  pakkayilhi,The 
neighbouring  house.  s5^,_^ogo 
pakkapanrllu,  The   side   teeth,  as 

distinguished  from  those  in  front. 
S5Sk_ae>*fc»  pakkabalamn, Auxiliary 
force  ;  assistance,  help,  sS^tp^ 
$  pakkagabovu,  To  walk  along- 
side. s5§'k_Sa'6xg'pakkayemuka,  s. 
A  rib.  33^^^2S^&)3bpakkap6t- 

lubodutsu,    To    tickle   one  in  the 

sss'k-sfo)  pakkanru,  s.  A  side.  2.  The 

lunar  fortnight, either  of  the  moon's 
increase,  or  decrease. 

ssi^_  pakki,  5.  A  bird. 

3§ok_  pakku,  s.   A  scab. 

ssgo^tf   pakkuna,  adv.  Suddenl}-.  2. 

Inconsiderateh'.  3.  exceedingly. 

%s~^^-bo  pakkerra,  $,  Armour,    mail. 

ss^oska  pakvamu,  adj.  Ripe,  mature. 
2.  Dressed,  cooked.  3.  Fit  for  use; 
fit,  convenient.  £S'ps5cx>^c*ft>  pakva- 
mucheyu,  To  cook  or  dress  vituals, 
&c.  2.  To  bring  any  thing  to  a 
proper  settlement.  sS^qsfc^  pakva- 
magu,  To  become  ripe?  or  mature. 

SX"  paga,  s.  Hatred,  hostility,  enmity. 
2.  an  enemy,  or  foe.  ssjc  &•&£-§*«& 
pagadirstukonu,  To  revenge ;  to 
avenge,  lit.  To  vent  one's  enmity. 
ssKafcw  pagabattru,  To  entertain  or 
conceive  hatred. 

3X2»   pa-gad  a,    s.    An    ace  ;    one   in 




^sx^s5w  pagadamu,  s.  Coral.  2.  vide 
$K&  pagacla.  sSX&os&eg^    paga- 

dampurikka,    The    sixth    of  the 

lunar  mansions. 
S)K&o£&  pagatudu,   s.  An  enemy,  or 

foe.  This  word,  in  the  nora.  plu. 

Makes,  sSXes,  ssK&xyo  pagarra,  pa- 

£Ksx>,  ssrtbtw  pagaln,  pagulu,  v.  n.  To 

break,  crack,  or  go  to  pieces  ;  to 

be  broken,  or  fractured,  as  a  limb; 

to  break,  or   burst,  as  a  sore.  s. 

Making  in  the  inflex.Sing.sKfcS  pa- 

gati,  Day,  day-time. 
SKe>o£>_§  pagaluvatti,  s-  A  blue  light. 
s5KSo-3c-;SftSo-i5b,   sSKewx    pagalintsu- 

pagilintsu,    pagaltsu,    v.     a.    To 

break,  or  crush.  sSKe^fco  pagala- 

goftu,    To   break  into   pieces,   to 

break  open,  to  break,  off. 

ssftogs  pagullu,s  plu.  Crevices,  cracks. 
Tr»^s5Kex>  ratripagalu,  Day  and 
night.  sS£o;3Xex>  pattapagalu,  Mid- 

s$fte>  pagidi,  s.  Mode,  manner,  way. 

&K  sfo»  paggamu,  s.  A  rope,  rein,  or 

£Ac&,  31?  paggiya,  pagge,  s.  Arro- 

3tfao3b  pacharintsu,  v.  n.  To  walk 
about  ;  to  wander.  2.  To  cause  to 

..-&-&>&  pacharw,  s.  Walking. 

;5i5^  patstsa,  s.  An  emerald.  2.  Any 
figure  punctured,  or  tattooed,  into 
the  skin,   adj.   Green.  2.  Yellow. 

sS -C5\£,  s$-vT\8tfsxx>  patstsana,  patstsa- 
danamu,  6*.  Green  or  yellow  colour 
•s-e\  »  patstsani,  adj.  Green,  yellow- 
•>  -ST^  »  £>  o  Tr°«b  patstsanibangaru, 
Yellow,  or  pure,  gold. 

sS-zs^&jSm  patstsadamu.  s.  A  particu- 
lar kind  of  cloth,generally  twenty- 
four  cubits  long,  and  two  cubits 
broad.[2.Two  cloths  sewn  together. 

5$-S5\&  patstsadi,  *,  A  sort  of  pap, 
made  of  vegetables,  or  cards,  mix- 
ed with  tamarind  juice,  salt,  chil- 
lies, &c. 

;$-0 x  pachchi,  s.  A  bird.  adj.  Raw, 
unripe,  unboiled,  fresh,  new. 

sSSuS'  pachchika,  s.  Grass,  verdure. 

sS'SvsSm  pa,ehchemu,  s.  Robbery  com- 
mitted in  public.  sS^Svi&o^do  pach- 

chepuvadu,   A  man  who  robs  in 
sSs  padzdza,  adv.  Near. 

SS&-3-*  pataka,  s.  A  sash. 

s5^-y&  patakuru,  s.  A  pair  of  tongs, 
or  pincers. 

s$&>s5x>  patamu,  s.  Cloth.  2.  A  picture, 
when  finished  and  mounted.  3.  A 
particular  sort  of  cloth  ;  coarse 
thick  cloth,  canvas.  tvDsS&sjw  ga- 
lipatamu,  A  paper  kite.  ss&a-s^&ak 
patakarudu,  A  weaver. 



*£&w  -Pattu 

31r°s$o-25'ex>  patapantsalu,  s.  phi.  Dis- 
persion, defeat.  3kr°3ox5'e>5S)  pata- 

pantsalava,    To  be    dispersed,  as 
an  army,  &c. 
^feS^sSo)    patikamu,  5.  Crystal.    ^^§" 
-s-^sSw  patikakaramu,  s.  Alum,  lit' 

Astringent  crystal. 

^fe5§"Sos5w  patikabellamu,    s.  Sugar- 

5S6w7r°&  patugaru,   s.    vide  *£&>-s"°?fc 

£&>  patta,  s.  The  inner  bark  of  a  tree. 
\  Sackcloth. 

SfeoE3s5ov,  £k>\  s5w  pattanamu>  patna- 
mu,  s«.  A  city. 

-^k^Xew  pattapagalu,  5.  Vide  under. 
t>%oo  pagalu. 

Sk^-s^ek  pcittapuvadu,  5.  A  boat- 

3ks5*>  pattamu,  s.  A  stone  for  grind- 
ing. 2.  A  diadem.  3&>$"z5a  patta- 
pudevi,  s.  A  queen.  s*3"^sbJC  patta- 
penuga,  A  royal  elephant.  ss&os&a 
x*>3  pattamngattu*  To  crown  ;  to 
invest  with  a  high  dignity.  3>&~£x> 
ex>  pattamelu,  To  reign. 

3£;r°  pafcfca,  «v.  The  Inner  bark  of  a 
tree.  2.  Sackcloth.  3. The  puttah  or 
written  document  given  to  ryots, 
cultivators,  &c- 

;S&n»$ix§'55c»  pattabhishekamu,  s.The 
coronation  of  a  king,  or  installa- 
tion of  any  one,  by  means  of  unc- 
tion, or  bathing. 

sSfeS  patti,  postpos.  Through.  This  is 

the  past  verbal  participle  of  the 

verb,  ssfeo  pattu,  q-  v. 
£fe3  patti,  s.  A  child, ;  an  infant.  && 

$&  pattipatti,  s.  A  grand-child. 
?Sfe§  patti,  s.  A  written  list  of  abuses, 

committed  by  public  servants.  2. 

A  roll  of  beetle,  &c.  Tied,  up. 

£&m  pattu,  5.  Silk.  2.  Any  external 
application  to  allay  pain,  or  to  a 
sore,  &c.  3.  A  hold,  gripe,  or  grasp; 
seizing.  4.  A  place  ;  A  house,  an 
abode.  5  Cause,  reason,  or  ground, 
for  a  proceeding. 

Sato  pattu,  v.  a.  To  seize,  or  appre- 
hend )  to  catch,  or  take  hold  of. 
2.  To  hold,  or  take,  possession  of 
a  country.  3.  To  hold  in,  or  retain, 
as  breath,  &c.  4.  To  undertake.  5. 
To  find  out,  discover.  6.  To  press, 
depress,  repress,  or  suppress.  7. 
To  begin.  8.  To  be  dependant  on. 
9.  To  stop,  as  pay.  10.  To  blow, 
as  a  trumpet.  11.  To  admit,  ss  a 
law  suit.  12  To  take*  or  receive, 
as  a  bribe,  v.  n.  To  be  attacked 

by  insects    2.  To  cost,  3.  To   fit, 
or  suit. 




*£"&>  patte,  $    The  wooden  part  of  a 

bedstead.  2.  The  tape  of  a  bed- 
stead. 3.  A  streak,  or  stripe,  w°a 

sib  tatipatte,  A  palmyra  spar. 

•&"%>&  pattecla,  s.  Broad  and  strong 
tape.  2.  An  ornament  for  the  neck- 
3.  An  anvil. 

•ZTh &>  pattedu,  s,  A  handful. 

##s5m  path  an.  u,  s.  A  picture. 

-&&£  padaka,  s.  A  bed.  2,  Reclining. 

S&K'  paclaga,  5.  The  hood  of  the  hood- 
ed Bnafee-  2-  A  flag  or  banner. 

^&£bs  padatstsu,  s.  A  puncheon,  or 
tool  having  some  figure  on  it,  by 
which  impressions  are  struck. 

SS&8  padati,  s.  A  woman. 

"SSssbbs  padamarra,  s.  Making  in  the 
infle^.  Sing.  s^sbfeS  paclamati,  The 
west.  2.  The  west  wind. 

tf  &?£>  pada)7U,  v.  a.  To  obtain  or 
acquire.  2.  To  possess. 

3£*>  padava,  5.  The  end  of  a  Calpa, 
or  destruction  of  the  world.  2.  A 

ss£i*r»e)o  padavalu,  s.  The  leader,  com- 
mander, or  general,  of  an  army. 

3£-£r°i>  padas^la,  s.  A  hall. 

sS  padi,  s.  A  measure  of  capacity, 
containing  a  seer  and  a  half. 

*£S*ffc»  padikattu,  s.  A  stair,  or  step. 
2.  A  weight.  3.  A  degree. 

]  ss£"5?  padige,  5.  «;iete  sS2*X  paclaga. 
s&"3  padide,  5.  Clothes  of  another 
borrowed,  without  his  knowledge, 
from  the  washerman. 

sSSoxs  padiya,  s.  A  puddle  ;  a  dirty 

S^l^xj  padisemu,  s.  A  cold,  or  ca- 

3!&  padu,  v.  ?z.  To  fall-  2.  To  occur, 
or  happen.  3.  To  be  caught  in  a 
snare,  &c.  4.  To  be  killed  in  battle. 
5.  To  lose  the  power  of  any  limb. 

3&>§"*p5o,  «S£&r*k_sb  padnkonu.  pa- 
du kkonu,  v.  Comp.  To  lie  down, 
or  recline. 

ZZkK  paduga,  5.  vide  jggtf  paclaga. 

cSJ&rto  padugu,  s.  The  threads  which 

run  the  whole  length  of  the  web. 
2.  A  heap  of  cut  corn,  whence  p  irt 
has  been  carried  away. 

£&■&>  padutsu,  s.  A  girl.  2.  A  virgin. 
adj.  Young,  v.  a.  To  prostitute 
one;s-self.  ss^-&£^s*»  padutsuta- 
namu, .?.  Puberty.  2.  Youth. 

sS2&*ȣa>  padupatn,  s.  Ruin,  waste.  2. 
Omission;  mistake,  adj.  Useless, 

Ztkib  padupa,  .9.  Prostitution.  z&>%> 
$&®  padupu  padati,  A  prostitute. 

3&>sS  paduvari,  .9.  Sprouts  produ- 
ced by  seeds  of  paddy,  sprinkled 
by  chance,  as  the  crops  are  cut. 




3g  padda,  8.  A  female  buffalo,  or  cow, 

fit  for  breeding. 

;3ra8  panati,  5.  A  woman. 

sS^sSn  patakamu,  5.  An  ornamental 

breast    plate,    set    with  precious 

38  pati,  s.  A  master,  or  owner  ;  a 
lord  or  ruler  ;  a  husband. 

«SD^sf,e£  pativrata,  5.  A  chaste  and 
virtuous  wife. 

s$  ©  patti,  5.  Cotton. 

s$©i  patni,  s.  A  wife. 

tf^sfeo  patramu,  s.  A  leaf  of  a  tree, 
or  of  a  book.  2.  A  written  bond. 

35  A^  Pa^rl^a'  s-  ^  letter  of  corres- 
pondence. 2.  A  leaf. 

sS£s*»  pathamu,  s.  A  road,  or  way. 

3£c£x>  pathyamu,  adj.  Proper,    fit, 

suitable,  agreeing  with,  but  chief- 
ly applied  medically,  with  res- 
pect to  diet,  or  regimen,  s.  Diet, 

sSss'idM  padakamu,  s.  vide  js^xSm  pa- 

^SiJr'oigb,  %'6g*o&>  padakondu,  pa- 
ddakondu,  adj.  Numeral.  Eleven. 

Zxio&»  padatamu,  s.  Precipitation. 

tf£e&  padadu,  s.  Ashes. 

•SStfo  padanu,    s.  vide  $&>&>  padunu. 

3SSS3&  padapadi,  adv.  Afterwards. 

sessSw  padamu,  s.  A  foot.  2.  A  foot- 
step, the  mark  of  a  foot. 

$x&r»!h   padamudu,  adj.  Numeral* 

Thirteen,  vide  z&^tk  padhmudu. 

oSS &,  sStfadb  padaru,  padurn,  v.  n.  To 

be  overhasty,  or  precipitate, 
sssebew  padarulu,  5.  plu.  Angry  ex- 

j   sSas  padivi,  s.  Fortune,  luck. 

j   sStf£-6&  padaharu,  adj.  Numeral.  Six-. 

I       teen. 

;   soTy©  padati,  s.  A  foot  soldier. 

j   3'nr*tf3$x>  padarthamu,  s.  Thing;  sub. 

stantial  or  material  form  of  be- 

ga  padi,  adj.  Numeral.  Ten.  ssas&oa 
padimandi,  lit.  Ten  persons.  Seve- 
ral or  many  people. 

£ae>afo>  padilamu,  s.  Care,  caution, 

ssa<ysS>j^c3Cco  padilamucheyu,  v.  a.  To 
secure,  or  take  care  of. 

•£a^>e&  padiyedu,  adj.  Numeral.  Se- 

•^a-^^,  ssa^ssb  padihenu,padiyenu, 
adj.  Numeral.  Fifteen. 

•^tsb-^ew  fib  padunalugu, adj. Numeral. 

•£&>;&  padunu,  s.  Moisture,  damp- 
ness. 2.  Sharpness.  3.  Quickness. 
4.  A  certain  measure  of  rain  ;  a 
quantity  of  it  sufficient  to  render 
the  earth  fit  for  ploughing. 

■oSfiki&ioaoa  padunenimidi.  adj.  Nu- 
meral. Eighteen. 




"£&>$  padupu,  5.  A  herd  of  cattle. 
•£#b  paddu,  s,  A  vow ;  a  promise.  2. 

Ad  entry  in  account. 
SSft©  paddhati,  s.  A  road,  or  way.  2. 
.    A  line,  row,  or  range.  3.  Manner, 

mode.  4-  Custom,  habit. 
•&'d5,i6x>  padmamu,  5.  The  lotus. 
#<5^:Se;3ke»  padmaveiamalu,  s.   plu. 

A  certain  Soodra  tribe. 
^escs6oo  padyamu,  s.  Metre,  verse.  2. 

A  poem.  #zrytx:--ir>&>i  rt&$)  pa-~ 

dyrlu-padu,  tsaduvu,  To  read  or 

sing   poetry. 

•Sir^Le>  Ab  padhnalugu,  adj.  Numeral. 

«5e$r^2&  padhmi'idu.  adj.  Numeral. 

%$  pana,  s.  A  sheaf  of  corn. 

oStffeS  panati,  s,  e^efe.  sots  p?nti. 

3?*$  panavu,  0.  a.  To  encompass, 
it  surround. 

£tf#wo2&  panasavandlu,  5.  p/w.  A 
particular  caste  of  people,  who 
live  upon  alms  received  from  gold- 

£$  paui,  s.  Business,  work,  employ- 
ment. 2.  An  affair,  or  matter.  3. 
Service.  4.  Use,  utility.  5.  State, 
condition.  6.  An  act.  s5$6&\  pani- 
dirtsti,  To  finish  a  business.  2.  To 
kill.  oS£"S&»  pauibettu,  To  employ, 
or  give  work.  sfco-SoSft  manchipa- 
ni,  A  good  or  praiseworthy  act. 

^^cflco  panicheyu,  To  work,  or 
serve,  ssslss^  panikivatstsu,  To 
be  useful,  or  serviceable. 

oSSItpS)  panikirani,  adj.  Useless,  un- 

jssssao&x  panimutlu,  s. plu.  Tools. 

3S3S&  panivadi,  adv.  Exceedingly, 

£$£>;£>  panivinu,  v.  n.  To  go. 

s5(3o-&>  panutsu,  v.  a.  To  send.  2.  To 
command,  vide  &&&  anutsu. 

sS;3bS&>  panupacju,  v.  n.  To  be  ac- 
customed, inured,  or  qualified.  ;Ss6-£ 
&>o$o  panuparutsn,  v.  a.  To  inure, 
to  accustom. 

3&;g)  panupu,  s.  Sending.  2.  Com- 
mand, order.  vide$o$  pampu. 

oS?t°n  Xaw  pannagamu,  s.  The  canopy 
over  an  open  native  palankeen, 
usually  made  of  fine  scarlet  cloth. 

sSSKS'  pannika,  «.  Yoking  cattle,  or 
joining  together  instruments  of 

sS«0n  zskSm  pannidamu,  s.  vide  55o"3s5>i 

ss $k&  pannirn,  s.  Making  in  the  in- 
flex.  Sing.  sft^feS,  ssfr^tib  panniti, 
pannlru,  Rose-water. 

sSsson  pannu,  v.  a.  To  make,  to  form. 
2.  To  invent.  8.  To  feign  or  pre- 
tend. 4.  To  yoke  cattle,  or  join  to- 
gether instruments  of  husbandry, 




X&\  pannu,  5.  A  tax.  2.  Rent- 

Zfe\~K°  pannuga,  adv.  Properly. 
nicely,  neatly  ;  in  good  order. 

s"%l  Panne>  s-  ^n  instrument  used 
by  weavers. 

3"^>  od*b  pannendu,  adj.  Numeral. 

^Hi  PaPPa>  s-  ^  cake. 

?S^pappu,.s.  Split  pulse  of  any  kind; 
split  almonds,  <fcc. 

S^sko  pabbamu,  s.  Particular  pe- 
riods of  the  year,  such  as  the 
equinoxes  &c,  When  offerings  are 
made  by  the  Hindoos  to  the  manes 
of  their  ancestors. 

•£&>32»<y3'KkJe>o    pamudzulakammalu, 

— o 

$.  plu.  A  large  kind  of  ear-rings, 

worn  by  Hindoo  females. 
-6os5S  payara,  s.  A  southern  wind.  2. 

A  cool  breeze.  3oa&tf£ok>  payara- 
panta,  s.  Pulse,  or  other  crops,  to 
the 'growth  of  which  a  stroDg 
wind  is  favorable. 

-£oao,  s$o»tf  payi,  payina,  acfa-  On  the 
top,  upon,  over,  above.  2.  Upon, 
against.  3.  In  future,  hereafter, 
sooaor*^  payikonu,  To  advance 
against  another  in  battle. . 

"^ooeJC  %  payigasti,  s.  A  person  pla- 
ced over  a  patrole  to  controul  it. 
vide  K%  gasti. 

^ojoS'stoo  payikamu,  s.  Money,  cash, 

treasure.  2.  Wealth,  property.  3. 
A  coin  of  the  value  of  five  cash. 

•£oao2?"*e»E-  payidzarlu,  s.  plu.  Shoes. 

*^ooofeo  payita,  s.  That  part  of  the  gar- 
meat  of  a  Hindoo  female  which 
c  3 vers  the  breast. 

■£ooo&  payidi,  s.  Gold.  sSaoo&sSwi&ift 
payilimudutsu,  To  betroth-  lit. 
To  tie  gold.  -&ox>Sk.z>x>&>'Q)  payicli- 
mudupu,  Affiance. 

•£;*»g-£ofe5,  S"ol3  payidi-kanti,  kante, 
s.  A  certain  bird,  the  notes  of 
which  are  considered  ominous. 

•£o»tfsiw    payinamu,    s.  A  journey  ; 

departing  or  setting  out  from  any 

•£oo©&  payiru,  5.  vide  ~^bb  pairu. 

-<>aoo&>  payenta,  s.  vide  So»b  payita. 

-£aoctf  payyera,  s.  vide  ssoabff  payara. 

•£?*§'  paraka,  s.  The  fraction  one- 
eighth,  or  two-sixteenths.  2.  Gold 
of  two  grains  weight.  3.  The  128th 
part  of  a  pagoda-  4.  The  cream 
on  curds. 

■Sjtf^sssl  parakhavani,  s.  Shroffing, 
or  examining  money  by  sight. 

-6&K&  paragada,  s.  A  field  oatside  of 
a  village.  2.  Another's  possession. 

■£tf?(2s-7r>  paragadag£,  adtf.  By  means 
of  another. 

^IfX'Ssbsg)  paragadupu,  s.  The  state  of 
the  stomach  before  a  person  has 
broken  his  fast.  An  empty.,  or 
fasting  stomach. 




*^tfKw»  paragana,  s.  A  purgunah,  or 
division  of  a  country,  of  which 
several  form  a  zillah. 

•itfKb  paragu,  v.  ri.  To  resemble,  or 
be  alike.  2.  To  shine.  3.  To  be  a- 
greeable.  xStfK  paraga,  adv.  Agree- 
ably, pleasantly. 

*6tf-i$3,  3bb-i5b  paratsu,  parutsu,  0.  a. 

To  spread;  to  extend  ;  to  scatter. 
vide  sSea-ifc  parratsu. 

-sStf^o^sfco  paratantramu,  ac?;.  Sub- 
servient, obedient,  dependant. 

"£ffese>:>  paradalu,  s.  plu.  A  sort  of 

"*$£  cp  parada,  s.  A  curtain,  blind,  or 

^$■£0,  s&s$£c;6*>  parapati.parapatya. 
mu,  5.  Credit,  trust. 

*&$!&  parapu,  s.  Extent,  v.  a.  vide 
•$#-&  paratsu. 

"£#^8  parabhari,  s.  Assignment,  s$tf 
?^Q7r>  pnrabhariga,  adv.  Separate- 
ly. 2.  Indirectly. 

■£tfsfcs&»  paramamu,  ad/.  Best,  most 
excellent.  2.  Principal,  chief. 

•£# sfr*^,  paramatma,  5.  The  supreme 
being,  considered  as  the  soul  of 
the  universe. 

*£tfs*r»?^j&»  paramannamu,  s.  Milk, 
boiled  with  a  mixture  of  sugar, 
rice,  &c,  and  used  as  a  delicate 
food  among  the  Hindoos. 

-&&&»  paramu,  adj.  Other,  different- 

2.  Distant,  remote.  3.  Subsequent. 
4.  Best,  pre-eminent.  5.  Hostile. 
6.  Excessive,  s.  Salvation,  final 

•£#■&>*£&£&  parameswarudu,  s.  One 
of  the  names  of  Siva. 

•&&XO&  paravandzu,  v.  n.  To  be 
spread,  scattered,  extended,  or 

•&tiss$<&x)  paravasamu,  adj.  Subservi- 
ent to,  dependant  on,  or  subject 
to  another.  2.  Out  of  one's  own 
control  from  joy,  ecstacy,  or  sor- 

•^Uo^tt0  paravana,  s.  A  written  order, 

mandate,  precept,  or  warrant. 
•&#&>  parasu,  s.  Means.  2.  Way,  mode. 

3.  Opportunity. 

•^tf^tfxSw  parasparamu,  adj.  Mutual, 
reciprocal,  interchanging.  2  tf  tf^tf 
*SM-7r»  parasparamuga,  adv.  Reci- 
procally. 2.  By  some  means  or 

oS-cr»&  paraku,  5.  Forgetfulness,  neg. 
lect,  want  of  attention. 

oS-o-*  £  s6s5»  parakramamu,  s.  Power, 
strength.  %  Exertion.  3.  Valour, 

-&v*§<$&»  paradhinamu,  adj. Depen- 
dant on,  subject,  or  subservient, 
to  another*  s.  Possession!  by  an- 




^-cr'rfaSS'  paramarika,  s.  Care.  2.  Ex_ 

^Tr-sSbaoT^  paramarintsu,  v.  a.  To 
take  care  of,  to  support.  2.  To  ex- 

"£-a*sfc8\  paramarsa,  s.  Inqairy,  in- 
vestigation. 2.  Care,  watching.  3. 
Consolation.  ^-cPs&e^ooSb  par  a  mar - 
sintsu,  v.  a.  To  investigate.  2.  To 
take  care  of,  or  watch-  3.  To  con- 

3 tpoxp»  parayi,  adj.  Strange,  foreign 

28  pari,  s.  A  time-  2.  vi^e  tf&tf  oXa 
oss»  chaturangabalamu- 

SBIo^b  parikintsu,  p.  a.  To  seek  for, 
enquire  into,  examine?  or  investi- 

tf  8"iff  parige,  s.  Gleanings  of  corn.  sS8 
"7?^^>  parigechenu,  A  reaped  field- 

38"7?ek,  £&■;?«&  parigettu,  pamgettu, 
v.  n.  To  run. 

38"ftex>  parigelu,  5.  A  species  offish. 

■^SJT'ss  parigonu,  o.  a.  To  encompass, 
or  surround.  2.  To  obtain  or  attain. 

SS9 ^s^sfco  parigrahamu,  s.  Accep- 
tance, taking.  sa^t^oofc  parigra- 

hintsu,  v.  a.  To  take,  accept,  or 

SB-CcsssSx  paricha}^amu,  s.  Acquain- 
tance, knowledge. 

■^a^r* tf §b&>  paricharakudu,  s.  A  man 
servant,  sa^er  paricharika,  s.  A 
maid  servant. 

i  -£aS)S  parichiti,  s.  w'ota  ssa-CceSsS^ 

£S"?o;£)&Kb  paritepurugu,  s.  The  spot- 
ted beetle,  usually  termed  a  cock- 

;59<£aex>  paridhavillu,  v.  n.  To  shine. 

ssas£S>o-&>  paritapintsu,  v.  n.  To  be 

£5e£e£o-&>  parityajintsu,  «?.  a.  To 
abandon,  or  quit. 

Zdwydfoa  parityagamu,  s.  Abandon- 
ment, quitting,  desertion. 

35sSSVsta>  paripakvamu,    s.    Perfect 

maturity,     adj.   Perfectly  ripe  or 

In  all  sorts  of  ways. 

ssa^tS  paripati,  s.  Order,  method, 
arrangement.  sS83pfe37r*  paripati- 
ga,  Tolerably. 

Zdix*v$  paripalana,  s.  Protection* 
fostering  care.  2.  Performance  of 
any  act.  3.  Government. 

S8^r»©o-r5b  paripalintsa,  v.  a.  To  pro- 
tect, or  cherish.  2.  To  perform.  3. 
To  govern,  or  rule. 

sS8^r^*»  paripurramu,  adj.  Com- 
plete,  full.  38£r_8  panpiirti,  s. 
Completion;  fulness  ;  satiety,  sa- 

38s£i£sfoo  parimalamu,  s.  Fragrance, 
perfume.  sSBafc&o-tSb  parimalintsu, 
To  be  fragrant. 




?S8s5b^^ss>i  parmianamu,  s.   Measure, 

^8sscn»e9o\  parimarrtsu,  v.  a.  To  kill, 

or  assassinate. 
ssecc^-S'S's**)  pariyatsakamu,  s.  From 

s.  ssasretf s5x>  parihasamu,  q.  v. 
%Qss&)&x>  rarivattamu.  s.  vide  Z3v£&> 

ej  L  "  (Li 

*5>3  alavattamu. 

s69<jr>tf;6M  par i vara  m  u,  .9.  A  depen- 
dant. 2.  A  train,  or  retinue. 

38$ e>tf  parisilana,  s.  An  enquiry,  in. 
vestigation,  or  scrutiny.  £8^e)o-&> 
parisilintsu,  v.  a.   To  investigate. 

S58^c5s6*>  parisuddhamu,  ad/\  Sacred, 

holy.  2.  Pure,  clean. 

^e-T^oik  parisodhiutsu,  z>.  a.  To  ex- 
amine,   or  investigate.  %  To  try. 

ZQ'g&^ti&x  parishkaramu,  s.  Deco- 
ration. 2.  Cleanness,  purity.  3.  Set- 
tlement. ;S8&k_8o-&>  parishkarin- 
tsu,  To  make  clear,  or  evident  ; 
to  settle,  arrange,  or  adjust. 

%dh$r*$)  parisipovu,  v.  n.  To  be 
rescued,  or  saved,  from  danger,&c. 

5Se?r€tfsS*>  pariharamu,  s.  Remedy,  2. 
pretence.3.  Objection.  4.  Quitting. 
38s5^8o-&>  pariharintsu, v.  a.  To 
throw  off,  or  away  ;  to  quio  ;  to 
discard,  or  reject.  ^8^6^-s>&»  pa- 
riharapettu,  To  pretend,  or  object. 

SSsj-eSsfoo  parihasamu,  .9.  Mirth,  sport, 

pastime,  jocularity,  merriment, 
jesting,  raillery. 

sS8&,  *§&  pariksha,  pariksha,  s.  Dis- 
crimination, investigation,  exami- 
nation, test,  trial,  experiment. 

;s6JLo-&>  parikshintsu,  v.  a.  To  ex- 

ss&o<!&  parundu,  v.  n.  To  lie  down; 
to  recline. 

s&ftb  parugu,  5.  Running.  2.  A  coss, 
cr  distance  varying  from  2  to  3 

3&l?&>  parugettu^-.w.Torun.^Sbb^  @ 
£r*$  parugettipovu,  To  flee  ;  to 
run  away. 

£&■&>  parutsu,  v.  a.  To  spread.  2. 
To  scatter.  •£&;&  parupu,  s.  Bed- 
ding, A  mattress. 

;Stf>&>  parudu,  s.    A  stranger.  2.  An 

excellent  man.  3.  God.  4.  An  ene- 

S5&S5&  paruvadi,  adv.  Well,  proper- 
ly. 2.  Much,  excessively. 

3&sss5c»  paruvamn,  5.  Ripeness,  ma- 
turity. 2.  Youth. 

;S&3Ss*»  parnvamu,  .9.  vide  sstf^sto  pa- 

£&;#  paruvu,  s.  Running.  2.  Ripe- 
ness. 3.  Dignity,  rank.  4.  Season. 
adj.  Ripe,  mature. 

sS&3.s*»  parushamu,  ad)'.  Harsh,  a- 
busive.  2.  Rough,  rugged.  3  Se- 
vere, cruel,  unkind. 

;S&£fttfs5cx:-3tfb£s&>o,  3tfb3o  parusada- 
namn,  parusamu,  parusu,  s.  Harsh- 
ness, or  severity,  in  word  or  deed. 




z>~6~&gz$xi  paretsakamu,  s,  vide  s.  s»9 
sHSsSw  parihasamu. 

sse^&ss^  parokshamu^  ad/\  Imper- 
ceptible, invisible,  unperceived. 

3tfeo?5;&x>  paryantamu,  adv.  Until; 
as  far  as  ;   up  to. 

£tt>c c*6*»o  paryayamu,  s.  Order,  ar- 
rangement, regular  and  methodi- 
cal disposal  or  succession.  2.  Man- 
ner, kind. 

3  tf  parra,  s.  A  swamp,  marsh,  bog, 
or  fen.  '<'.  A  measure  of  capacity,  a 
parah,  forty  of  which  make  one 

StfqsSw  parvamu,  s.  A  knot  ;  a  joint 
in  a  cane,  or  body,  &c.  2.  A  name 
given  to  certain  days  in  the  lunar 
month,  as  the  full  and  change  of 
the  moon. 

3&*p  parvu,  v.  n.  To  extend,  or 

-£fcsfto-t5a  parra gintsu,  v.  a.  To  shoot 
arrows,  &c. 

3e#o5b  parratsu,  v.  To  flee,  desert,  or 
run  a  way.  2.  To  flow  as  water. 

-£fe9"3oa5b  parratentsu,  v.  n.  To  come. 

-<jea^)  parrapu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause  to 
flee.  2.  To  shoot  arrows,  &c.  3.  To 
annoy  or  vex. 

•^e^sx*  parrikalu,  s.  plu.  A  particu- 
lar species  of  birds. 

^eJJT'tf)  parrigonu,  v.  a.  To  surround, 
or  encompass.  2.  To  obtain. 

I  *£*§cfiS  parriya,  s.  A  piece,  or  bit.  2 
A  chink  ;  an  opening,  or  crack, 
in  the  ground.  3.  A  pit. 

sSeJ-^j*^  parrivovu,  v.  n.  To  be  cor- 
rupted, or  spoiled,  v.  a.  To  en- 
croach, upon  ;  to  usurp. 

•£«»$  parrupa.  s.  Bedding  ;  a  mat- 

-6&  parra,  s.  vide  *&£  parra,  ^poBoo-^ 
parrayuppu,  s.  Salt  spontaneously 

-6~%3  parre,  s.  vide  ^eDoss  parriya- 

-&v%  palaka,  s.  A  plank.  2.  A  gam- 
bling table.  3.  A  board  for  writing 
on.  4.  The  side  of  a  wooden  pillar. 

*£y£"s5x>  palakamu,  s.  A  small  bed. 

•^s-S'QoaSb  palakarintsu,  v.  a.  To  ask, 
beg,  or  solicit.  2.  To  hint,  or  re- 
mind. 3.  To  call  aloud. 

•^ejtftf  palatsana,  s.  vide  ^sw-JS'tf  pa- 

-£e>s5M  palamu,  s.  A  weight,  equal  to 
that  of  ten  pagodas.  2.  Flesh. 

ijvzs  palava,  s.  vide-&yoss  paluva. 

^ossao-i&palavarintsu,  v.  n.  To  speak 
in  one's  sleep.  -&vssqo&  palavarin- 
ta,  s.  Speaking  while  asleep. 

^v&o-tfo  palavintsu,  v.  n.  To  lament. 

•£ex>  palu,  adj.  Many,  several,  s.  vide 
-6ex>  pallu. 

•£«»£  paluka,    *.    A  shield.    2.   A 
part  of  a  weaver's  loom.   3.   vide 

*£*»j-  8  o  ^  -Pa  1  k  a  r  i  n  tsu 



■£e>g*  palaka. 

^SewSb,  -^yo^-  paluku,  palku,  s-  A 
word.  2.  Speaking,  warbling.  3. 
Sound,  especially  of  music.  4.  A 

^t»-7T>§  palugaki,  s-  A  wicked,  or 
bad,  person. 

*£ex>7&  palugu,  s.  vide  ~6°x>ir>%  palu- 
gaki, 2.  An  iron  crow. 

^w^d^'om  palugurayi,  5.  A  white 
sort  of  stone, 

•^sjo-tftf  palutsana,s. •Thinness,  spare" 
ness,  leanness.  ^e»-jrs>  palutsani, 
ad/. Thin,  spare,  lean.  2.  Not  close, 
not  thick,  -&?x>tfti&r*b>°Jo  palutsani- 
matalu,  Contemptuous  expressions. 

•690^  palupu,  s.  A  halter  for  cattle. 

■62»a6&M,  ^2»s^so3  palumarru,  palu- 
marru, acfa.  Often,  frequently,  con- 
stantly, repeatedly. 

■£•»*  paluva,  s.  A  wicked,  or  bad, 
person,  adj.  Wicked,  bad.  aexsss" 
8fc»  paluvatitlu,  s.  flu.  Obscene 

-£e>osS8o%k  paluvarintsu,  v.  n.  vide 
*£e>ss8o-&  pal&varintsu. 

^s^o^k,  *£e»$&  paluvundru,  pa- 
luvura,  s.  p&z.  Many  persons,  vide 
«£*»  palu. 

^0^.80 4ft  palkarintsu,  v.  a.  vide 
^g'So-db  palakariptsu. 

-£>ew£&>  palgudu,  s.  Low  ground. 

■^sj^  pallakamma,  s.  The  name  of 
a  village  goddess. 

*%>§'  *%,^  pallaki,  pallaki,s.A  palan- 

•Ao^TS  pallagede  6*.  A  white  female 

*£e^£32x>  pallatilln,  v.  n.  To  be  reduced 
to  distress. 

"£o  fcSoo  pallatilu  *.  /?Zw.  Poves. 

*£<y  *&»  pallamu  *,  A  saddle.  2.  A  pit. 
3.  Low  ground.  ~6v  ^-ioto  pallapu- 
panta  s.  The  wet  crop. 

•£«e$^)sx>  pallarrapulu,  s.  plu.  Use- 
less, or  vain,  expressions. 

•^DoaS,  T$J  palliya,  palle,  s.  A  "village. 

*£"e3sfc-*&>  pallemata,  A  provincial,  or 
vulga^,  term. 

•£e3<KT*2&  pallevadu,  s.  A  villager.  2. 
2.  A  fisherman. 

-&&>  pallu,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing.  -&C&  panti,  A  tooth.  -6c  £sr»  2k 
pandlanoppi,  s.  The  toothache. 

■£e»  pallu,  ^.  Low  ground,  ad;.  Low; 
on  a  low  level, 

*£e3Scp>k>s5M  pallekutamu.  s.  A  school. 

-6$  £  pallika,  s,  A  small  round  flat 

4T?afoa,  -^"?^«fco  pallemu,  palleramu* 
a-.  A  small  metal  plate. 

-&ss&£»  pavadamu,  s,  Coral. 




-c5^ex>  pavalu,  s.  Day  ;  day  time,  vide 
^SjCew  pagalu. 

^s^cPo-db  pavvalintsu,  v.  ;-i.  To  lie 
down,  or  recline. 

-£3  pasi,  a<i;'.  Young,  tender,  infant. 
4*^>6»  pas'itanamu,  5.  Infancy, 

*£$&>  pasimi,  s.  Yellow  colour. 

-Sj^j^)  pasuvu,  5.  An  animal  in  gene- 
ral.  2.   A  beast.  3.  Horned  cattle, 

4.  A  Goat. 

•^'TSeS^sSM  paschattapamu,  s.  Re- 
morse, repentance.  2.  Pity,  com- 

•£$vj&x5m  paschimamu,  s.  The  west. 

adj.  Western.  2.  Hinder,  behind, 


•£3  pasa,  s,  Brightness,  splendour.  % 

effect,  result.  3.  Ability,  qualifi- 

*&5oao  pasandu,  adj.  A  greeable,  plea- 
sing, handsome,  comely. 

-£tfstfss»3  pasadanamu,  s.  Decoration, 

-&r$$)  pasapu,  s.  Turmerick.  ^S^sbok 
pasapukunta,  A  certain  extent 
of  low  land  in  which   tnrmerick 
grows.  -Sjtf^^oss  pasaputs&ya 
Yellow  colour. 

^tftf  s5x>,  -^tfwsSoa  pasaramu,  pasalamu> 

5.  A  quadruped.  It  is  usually  appli- 
ed to  horned  cattle. 

•itftfo,  *£&tfc  pasaru,  pasuru,  s.  The 
expressed  juice  of  leaves.  2.  Bili- 
ous vomiting.  -&$&ir>a&  pasaru- 
tsaya,  Green  colour. 
I  £^s<6>:>  pasadamu,  s.  Food,  especi- 
ally such  as  has  been  offered  to 
idols.  Kindness. 

•£*•■£  s&  pasapadu,  v.  a.  To  eat. 

I  Zh  pasi.  adj'  vide  -£$  pasi,  s.  Frag- 
rance, smell.  2.  Cattle. 

i  *£&&  pasidi,  s.  Gold.  adj.  Golden. 

I  -6hao&  pasidindi,  s.  A  tiger. 

I  *^R)S»  pasimi*  s.  vide  *£3£>d  pasimi. 

:  *^&3§"  pasirika,  s.  Young,  or  tender, 
grass.  -^^ar^sSw  pasirikapamu, 
A  greenish  snake. 

sSr&;g)  pasapu,  s.  vide  -6x$  pasapu. 
•£&><ys&-*e>*7r°e&  pasulapoligadu,  s.  vide 
o)^l  oe£  etrinta. 

■^^r»oooo^  pastayintsu,  i\  n.  To  feel 

shame,  or  regret.  2.  To  bear    or 

•£&Kk3  pakshamu,  s.  The  bright,  or 

dark,  half  of  the  lunar  month.  2- 

A  wing- 

•5poS^s6m  pandityamu,  .5.  Learning^ 

ir>£  paka,  s.  A  house  built  without 

large  beams,  with  a  shelving  roof. 




•£•»£»&»  pakamu,  s.  Maturity  ;  natu- 
ral, or  artificial,  as  the  state  of  be- 
ing cooked*  or  ripened.  2.  The 
young  of  any  animal. 

•>§,  ■ir*%?r°&>  pakf,  pakivadu,  s.  A 

•SpSo  paku,  v.  n.  To  creep,  or  crawl. 

^i^e&pakodu,  s.  A  raised  wooden 

-tr>X,  -ir-n*  paga,  paga",  s.  A  turband. 
2.  A  stable.  ^r»7r»-^>fc»  pagatsuttu, 
v.  a.  To  tie  on,  or  form,  a  turband. 

■irK&&*  pagadamu,  s.  A  silver  orna- 
ment, worn  by  Hindoo  females, 
round  the  ankle. 

■£— J$"&2&  pachakudu,  s.  A  cook. 

ir>%>  pachi,  s.  Dirt,  filth.  2.  The  un- 
clean substance  which  covers  the 
teeth.  3.  The  green  stuff  produced 
in  stagnant  water.  4.  Mouldiness. 
adj-  Dirty,  unclean.  Water  is  dee- 
med by  the  Hindoos  to  be.  $-£) 
pachi,  Or  unclean,  unless  it  be 
brought  from  the  well  on  the 
same  day  on  which  it  is  used. 

■£r*r*iSo  pakonu,  v.  n.  Dirt  to  attach 
itself,  or  to  stick. 

-^•OS-  pachika,  s.  Dice. 

-&&  pachu,  v.  n.  To  putrify,  or  be- 
come corrupted  or  rotten.  From 
this  verb  comes.  ■&»•©  pachi,  q.  v. 

ir-&  pata,  5.  A  song.  2.  A  poem. 

•£r»&>sssfcv>  patavamu,  s.  Cleverness 
talent.  2.  Health.  3.  Eloquence. 

ir>br°  pata,  s.  Erasure,  blotting  out. 
tr»da^-r*fc»,  ^oooo  pata-kottu,  tfyu, 
To  erase, 

ir*A  pati,  s.  Computation,  as  applied 
to  number,  weight,  measure,  ex- 
tent, or  value.  2.  Kind,  sort,  or 
description.  3.  Justice,  adj.  Ex- 
act, as  applied  to  number,  weight, 
measure,  or  extent.  a^rris^aSw 
epatijanamu,  How  many  people? 
-&wo7T*tfb^o-^feS  ibangaruyepa- 
ti,  Of  what  weight,  or  value,  is 
this  gold?  -&*-5T>tfcsSx>  ^otr>feS  i- 
dhanyamu  yep&ti,  "What  quantity 
is  this  grain?  S&>?g)c8o-£pfc3  nidupu- 
yepati,  What  length?  &£&  ^>*r»fe5 
-or>&>  viduyepativadu,  What  kind 
of  man  is  he? 

■Sp>i>5onSb  patintsu,  v.  a.  To  obtain.  2. 
To  regard,  observe,  or  pay  atten- 
tion to. 

•SpfeSex)  patillu,  v.  n.  To  be  obtained- 
2.  To  shine. 

->fes>  p&tu,  s.  A  fall.  2.  Suffering, 
distress,  misfortune,,  pain.  3.  La- 
bour, work.  4.  A  declining  state. 
5.  The  falling  back,  or  ebb,  of  the 
tide.  6.  Manner,  mode.  7.  A  time, 
or  occasion.  8.  Pride,  arrogance, 



>^  -Pair  a 

*2p#sk>  pathamu,s.  A  lesson.  2.  Bea- 
ding, perusal  in  general. 

^g  padi,  s.  A  bundance  of  the  pro- 
duce of  cattle  ;  as  milk,  &c.  2. 
Equity,  justice,  adj.  Just,  equi- 
table.   •&>&&&*$>   padiyavu,    s.    A 

milch  cow. 

-an»2&  padu,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing.  -^nfeSpati,  Ruin,  destruction. 
adj.  Ruined,  destroyed,  v.  a.  To 

■Sr&o-tfc  padintsu,  v.  Gaus.  To  cause 
to  sing.  -2pfeSi§<y  patinela,  Land  on, 
which  formerly  a  village  stood ; 
inwhich  tobacco  and  other  such 
plants  are  generally  grown.  -ir>& 
-6$  patirevu,  The  ruined,  or  bro- 
ken, part  of  a  bank,  from  which 
a  person  can  descend  to  a  river. 
-£r»&e»  padilla,  A  deserted,  or  rai- 
ned bulding.  ir*&ifr>to  padumata, 
An  inauspicious  expression. 

■Sr*"g  pade,  s,  A  bier.  2.  The  funeral 

->£esx>  padyami,  s.  The  first  lunar 

day  of  either  the  dark,  or  bright, 

lunar  fortnight. 
•%*$  pata,  adj.  Old,  decayed,  worn 

out.  5.  Cloth.  2.  Old  cloth. 
■in&%zx>  patagilu,  v.  n*  To  grow  old? 

or  stale.  •2n>&8S'5Sa>    p^tarikamu, 

Oldness,  staleness. 

->^sSw  patakarnu,  s.  Sin,  crime.  %' 

The  cause  of  falling,   literally  or 
figuratively  ;  alighting. 

•Sn&tf,  ■Zrti&'iCcooQ  patara,  patarago- 
yyi,  s.  A  pit,  in  which  grain  is 

•^p^tfer0^,  -ir>$zr°z-tik>  pataralad  n  , 
patarladu,  v.  n.  To  dance.  2.  To 
walk  about  in  search  of  some- 

irtir0  $  sko  patalamu,  s.  Hell;  the  infer- 
nal regions  under  the  earth,  and 
the  abode  of  the  Nagas,  or  ser- 

•SrSS'j  >S1  patika,  patike,  s.  The 
fourth,  or  quarter,  of  any  thing  2. 
The  six.ty-fourth  part  of  the  coin 
termed  a  pagoda. 

■^©^.^cstopativratyamu,  s.  Chasti- 

■$■»§&  patu,  v.  a.  To  fix,  or  fasten,  in 
the  ground,  s.  That  portion  of  the 
thing  so  fastened,  which  is  under 

■Zr®1ikx>  patipettu,  v.  a.  To  bury  in 
the  ground. 

•Sr*^  patra,  s.  A  vessel  in  general : 
a  plate,  cup,  or  jar.  2.  A  sacrificial 
vase,  or  vessel,  comprising  various 
forms  of  cups,  plates,  spoons,  lad- 
les, cfec,  So  used.  3.  A  dancing 




ir>&j&x>  patramu,  adj.  Worthy,  fit, 
capable,  adequate. 

^r»dSto)  padattu,  s.  A  cob  web. 

-^tfafcopa'datriu,  s.  A  foot.  2.  A  quar- 
ter. 3.  A  hill  at  the  foot  of  a 
mountain.  4.  A  ray  of  light.  5. 
The  root  of  a  tree.  6.  The  "foot,  or 
line,  of  a  stanza. 

^estftfsSw  padarasamu,s.  Quicksilver, 

>5  padi,  s.  A  machine  for  crossing 

rivers.  2.  A  garden  bed. 
-£paKtoa  padigattu,  v.  To  divide  into 

-Zr>&  padu,   5.  A  garden  bed.    v.  a. 

vide  •£-*&>  patu. 
•SpabS'ew  padukalu,  s.   plu.   Wooden 

•^p^sSm  panakamu,  s.  The  juice  ex  - 
pressed  from   the  sugar  cane.  2. 
Water  in  which  jaggory,  or  sugar, 
has  been  dissolved,  used  by  the 
Hindoos  as  a  cooling  drink - 
•Srtfsfca  pa'namu,  s.  Drinking.  -ZrtfK* 
%\g  panagoshthika,  A  dram-shop; 
a  place  where  people   drink  to- 
gether. «j^/a-»-j3-°2&ex>  annapanadu- 
In,  s-  plu.  Food  and  raiment* 
Sr*$6x>  panamu,  s.  Life, 
Or#&>  panalu,  s.  plu.  Doubts,  objec- 
*3-°fte&>s533  panavat[amu,6'.The  lower 
part  of  the  lingam. 

i  -£r>?SSs6co  panasamu,  .?.  A  kitchen,  -*-» 

#%&  panasidu,  s.  A  cook. 
I  ^p»pr»e^s5w   panaramu,   s.    A  kind   of 

i       beetle-nut. 


|  tr-a6$,  -Zr*&$  panupu,  panpu,  s.  Bed- 
ding. ■ir&^&ss^'Doss  panpuduvva- 
luva,  A  sheet. 
-^*£  papa,  *.  A  child.  2.  The  reflexi- 
on of  objects  on  the  pupil  of  the 

->«$&>  papata,  s.  The  parting  of  the 
hair,  on  a  female's  head.  ■&-&& 
7S*kx>  papatabottu,  A  kind  of  head 
ornament,  suspended  on  the  fore- 
head, from  the  parting  of  the  hair. 

•2p>ss&*5m  papatamu,  s.  A  harrow,  or 
hoeing  instrument. 

•£ps$s5oa  papamu,  s.  Sin,  crime, 
wickedness.  This  word  is  also  used 
as  an  interjection,  denoting  com- 
passion, what  a  sin!  what  a  pity! 
poor  thing!  &c.  ;  as.  ^p^sSooy-O^^r* 
*%l  ^kssab  Papamu  a  chinnavarmi 
kottavaddu,  Poor  thing  !  don't 
beat  that  child. 

frsStfs&a^  paparammu,   s.  An  arrow, 

in  the  form  of  a  snake. 
^pfi"i9^b    paparredu,    s.    Sesha,    the 

king  of  snakes. 
ir>&  papi,  adj.  Sinful,  or  wicked,  vide 

^psssfco  papamu. 




tp$  papu,  v.  a.  To  free,  or  deliver. 
2.  To  dissipate,  or  remove.  3.  To 
expiate,  or  efface.  4.  To  liquidate, 
or  pay.  vide,  ^o&o  payu. 

•^^r*^  papukoriu,  v.  Corap.  To  free, 
&c.  one's-self. 

-£rsfctfs5w  pamarama,  adj.  Wicked. 
2.  "Vile,  low,  base.  3.  Stupid,  foo- 

-2r>&x>  pamu,  s.  A  snake,  or  serpent. 

-2ps5»  pamu,  v.  a.  To  rub. 

•5r?.oas  P*ya>  s-  Tbe  branch  of  a  river. 
2.  The  divisions  in  garlick,  or 
those  in  onions,  and  similar  sub- 
stances. -^osSSoSb}  payavitstsu,  A 
branch  of  a  river  to  break  off 
from  the  main  stream. 

•^ncssstfska  payasamu,  s.  Rice,  mixed 
with  sugar  and  milk. 

•&■<&•  paya,  s.  Manner  ;  mode. 

ir»cs&>  paya  v.  n.  To  separate.  2.  To 
leave,  or  quit.  3.  To  be  rotten.  4. 
To  be  defeated 

-Zr>K  para,  s,  A  short  hoe,  or  marnaty. 

-^>tf  para,  part.  The  infinitive  of. 
■a-ta  paru,  q.  v.  Prefixed  to.  other 
verbs,  to  add  force  or  emphasis  to 
their  previous  meaning  ;  and 
corresponding  with  off,  away,  out, 
&c  In  English  ;  as,  -^fos^otfo  pa- 
raboyu,  v.  a,  To  pour  or  empty 

-&ti~icrtx>  paraveyu,  v.  a.  To  throw 
away.  2.  To  lose. 

-£r*tfS~5€x>  paradolu,  v.  a.  To  drive 
out  or  away.  2.  To  defeat,  ^r-tfeew 
paradzallu,  To  pour  or  empty  out. 

-^tfosstfesSw  paramparyamu,  s.  Tra- 
ditional instruction  ;  tradition.  2. 
Continuous  order,    or  succession. 

■>tf  re  parana,  s.  Eating  after  a  fast. 

■Zr°$-F*&>  paranadn,  v.  To  speak  con- 

■5p5's5^gs6M  parapatyamu,  s.  The  su- 
perintendence of  a  village. 

ir°-u*&  param,  s.  The  decoration  of 
the  feet  with.  §oo§osSb  kunkuma,  &. 

^-cpsSo^b  paranintsu,  v.  a.  To  de- 
corate the  feet,  in  that  manner. 

-£r° -<r»03S re s5*>  parayanamu,  s.  Rea- 
ding a  holy  book  at  so  much  a 
day.  2.  Totalhvv,  entireness. 

-Sr>tfc  paru,  v.ti.  To  run.  %.  To  purge. 

3.  To  fly,  or  rise,  in  the  air.  4.  To 

;       begin.  5.  To  grow  or  become.  6. 

To  flow  as  water,  vide  -tr&x>  parru, 

■$r>Q$r*t&  pa*ripovu,  v.  n.  To  run 
|  off,  or  a  way ;  to  escape  Sjo&spco 
|       yendabaru,  To   begin  to  dry,   or 

heal.  ;So£-srt5b  pandabaru,  To  be- 
I  gin  to  ripen.  K2&&>^ifcgadusupa- 
I       ru,  To  grow  hard.  &&6o^r>&  ki^ 

rusuparu,  To  grow  stiff. 




-><ros-s5>3  pairsvamu,  s.  A  side-  2.  A 
part.  3.  The  body  below  the  arm- 
pit. 2j£?i^^oE-5foo*7r*£>j*&r*&>  oka- 
niparsvamuga  matl&du,  To  speak 
in  favour  of  one. 

>es  parra,  part,   vide  -irti  para. 

^eas  parru,  v.  n.  vide  -&>&  paru. 

^pfcw^b  parrudu,  x.  The  flowing  of 

•Sp aw ^b  parrudu,  5.  A  brahman. 

■£r>&93"Boa&  parrutentsu,  *'.  n.  To  come 

■jpe>  pala,  s.  A  small  bird,  whose 
flight  is  consulted  in  omens. 

•&°e;§  palaki,  s.  A  palankeen.  -SpoI 
^oTfcaSk-  palakibongurikka,  The 
tenth  stellar  mansion;  because  it's 
shape  resembles  that  of  the  bam- 
boo of  a  palanqueen. 

-£pe>&£3b  palakudu,  s.  A  cherisher, 
preserver,  protector,  or  guardian. 

-£pe>X&;#  palagaruvu,  s.  A  soil,  con- 
sisting of  sand  above,  and  clay 

-£r>e>""fD§o,  -£r>e>1§3b  palateku,  palateku, 

s.  A  particular  species  of  the  teak 
■>^s5Mpa],anamu,    s.  Protecting, 

nourishing,  cherishing,  preserving, 

^pej3J"S\  palavanne,  s.  Pale-red  co- 

^o"3©  palavelli,  s.  The  sea  of  milk, 
from  -£-°jyo  palu,  q.  v.  2.  A  small 

decorated  shed,  erected  in  the 
houses  of  the  Hindoos,  in  which 
an  idol  is  placed,  and  worshipped, 
on  particular  festivals. 

-£pe;&>2&  palasudu,  s.  A  wicked  man. 

■£r»e>;oo-o-»ex>  palasuralu,  s.  A  wicked 

^p>Do-{5bpalintsu.  v.  a.  To  preserve, 
cherish,  or  protect. 

^p>«w  palu,  5.  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing,  ip  jd  pali,  and  in  the  nom.  plu. 
^pgpallu,  A  share,  or  portion ;  a 
division,  or  allotment  ;  a  part.  2. 
The  ryot's  share  of  the  whole  pro- 
duce of  the  crop.  3.  Possession, 
charge.  ^S-g-ojg)  palikapu,  A  part- 
ner, or  sharer. 

irvz>&>  palabadu,  v.  n.  To  fall  to 
one's  share. 

^waotfb}  palubutstsu,  v.  a.  To  di- 
vide into  shares. 

•£pgx>  palu;  5.  flu.  Making  in  the  in- 
flex. >o  pala,  Milk.  2.  Milky  jui- 
ce ;  juice. 

■ir>ex>  palu,  v.  n.  To  become  pale  from 

disease.  z,$>-ir°&$&  ollupalinadi? 

The  body  has  become  pale  from 

^exjas^ewpalumalu,  v.  n*  To  be  idle, 
or  lazy. 



S>  o  2a  tfx  -Pindamu 

^exj^&S"   palumalika,   sj   Laziness. 
-?r>~8iv£fo  pa-Iegaduj  s.  A  poligar. 
■^efeso  pal  err u,   s     The  river  Palar, 

which  runs  through  the  province 

of  Arcot. 

•^p"«fg,  i£p"e$g>  palerlu,  palellu,  s.  plu.   \ 
Ryots    who    cultivate    with   the 
farming  stock  of  another. 

ir°$sx»  palamu,  s.  A  manner,  or  me-  j 
thod.  2.  A  lump,  or  mass,  of  metal.    | 

-ir*C>  pali,  s.  The  slit  of  a  pen.  2.  A   j 
cloth  marked  with  squares,  upon 
which  games  are  played. 

-$-*"? -*-*£&  palegadu,  s.  A  poligar. 

^p>"?sSm  palemu,  s.  A  Paliam,  or  coun- 
try under  a  poligar. 

-3-°"?s5M;Sfcx>  palemu pattu  j  s.  An  en-  j 

•frssoif  pavantsa,  s.  A  stair,  or  step,   j 

3r»5J§*g3- ■&*?$§*&,  iriosv&o  pavakollu-  | 
pavukollu,  pavalu,  s.  plu.  Wooden  ■ 

■inss&  pavada,  s.  A  petticoat,  vide  iv>  j 
7Ctt>  gagara- 

-^rsstfsSw  pavanamu,  adj.  ¥ure>  puri-  I 
fled.   s.   Purification.  2.   Penance. 
3.  Water. 

i^^  pavu,  s.  A  quarter.  2.  The  quar- 
ter of  the  coin  termed  a  pagoda. 

•Sr^tf  *&>;>,  -ir-^-x^ooo  pavuramu,    pa- 
vurayi,  s.  A  dove,  or  pigeon. 

■^p^ero  pavu  I  a,    s.    The  quarter  of  a 

•SpS'sSm  pasamu,  5.  A  fetter,  chain,  or 
tie  ;  the  string  for  fastening  tame 
animals,  or  a  net  or  noose  for 
catching  birds,  deer,  <fcc. 

^psxoc&a&  pashandudu,  s.  A  heretick- 

an  impostor  ;  one  who,  not  con- 
forming to  the  orthodox  tenets  of 
Hindoo  faith,  assumes  the  exter- 
nal characteristics  of  tribe  or 
sect ;  as  a  Jaina,  <fcc. 

■Sp^wsSm  pashanamu,  s.  A  stone. 

--^frg'ex)  pasikalu,  s-  plu.  Dice. 

-fr*H>&x>  pasemu,  s.  vide  -tr°G&$gy>  pa- 


Ijott0^  pingani,  5.  China  ware  oi 
any  kind  ;  as  plates,  cups,  sau- 
cers, <fcc. 

aotfafcapintsamu,  s.  Pride- po-tfs&ra-ab 

pintsamanatsu,  To  suppress  an- 
other's arrogance.  2.  To  kill. 

S>o£"°5  pinjari,  s.  A  useless,  poor,  or 
helpless  person. 2.  Acotton  cleaner. 

S>o  ?§  pinje,5.The  feathered  part  of  an 
arrow.  2.  The  end  of  a  cloth  plaited 
up,  or  drawn  together,  in  folds. 

|)o^s5od  pindamu,  s.  A  lump,  heap, 
cluster,  quantity,  or  collection.  2. 
A  ball,  or  globe.  3.  A  mouthful,  or 
roundish  lamp  of  food,  considered 
as  equivalent  to  a  mouthful.  4.  An 
oblation  to  deceased  ancestors  ; 
as  a  ball  or  lump  of  meat,  or  rice, 
mixed  up  with  milk,  curds,  flow- 
ers, &Q. 





S>o&e)  pindali,  s.  A  lump,  or  mass. 
S>cS  pindi,  5.  Flour.  2-    A  flock,  or 
multitude.    2>o&sfo4aex>    pindi van- 

talu,  5.  plu.   Cakes  made  of  any 
kind  of  flour. 

%>oZso  pindu,  v.  a.  To  press,  squeeze, 

or  to  wring.  2.  To  milk. 
S>o£-S>oaoa5,  &o"3  pinda-pindiya,pin- 

de,  s.  Young,  or  unripe,  fruit. 
%o%i#>  pimpiilu,  s.  plu.  Leaps. 
SS'/j-  pikka,  s,  The  calf  of  the- leg. 

ar^-^w.*  ^6-*^$  pikkatilu,  pikka- 
tillu,  v.  n.  To  be  overflowing  ;  to 
be  full,  or  bursting,  from  the  in- 
creasing size  of  what  is  confined. 

S»Sb^_  pikku,  v.  a.  To  cheat,  or  de- 
ceive.  5.  Ambiguity.  a4/.  Ambiguous. 
^So^sSnk  pikku  mata,  Double  en- 

!>ftoex>  pigulu,  v.  n.  To  be  burst,  by 

S-J5\  pitstsa,  s.  vide  &©v  pichchi.  2. 
Shortness  of  measurement,  adj. 
vide  g)©v  pichchi. 

5>«\;sta>  pitstsapattu,  0.  w.  Madness 
to  seize,  or  attack  one.  s.  Exces- 
sive frugality,  or  economy.  8>-e\;S 
&>:>-7r*$o£&  pitstsapattugavundu, 
To  be  a  miser.  %>tfytr> &$v &*&>%* & 
pitstsapatitalaposukonu,  lit.  To 
pour  on  the  head  both  shortness, 

and  exactness,  of  measurement.  To 
relate  to  another  all  one's  adven- 
tures, both  fortunate  and  unfor- 

8>-3Ya«Se>o  pitstsapesalu,  s.  plu.  A 
small  species  of  the  pulse  termed 
green  gram,  or  Phaseolus  radiatus. 

&-8\Do-&>  pitstsalintsu,  v.  n.  To  be 
in  great  pain,  distress,  or  anguish. 

8>€k  pichchi,  s.  Madness,  lunacy, 
folly-  adj.  Mad,  lunatic,  foolish. 

S>-S)\^  pichchika,  s.  A  sparrow. 

a -Shew,  S-Shc»  pichchiiu,    pichchillu, 

v,  n.  Juice  to  flow  from  pressure* 
a-ifcxS'  pitstsuka,  s.  A  sparrow,  vide 

§>SK5f  pichchika,  l>£b\r&ofeS  pits- 

tsukakunti,  adj.  Lame,  or  halting, 

like  a  sparrow. 
2>&  pitta,  s.  A  bird. 

Sbfcw  pittu,  5.  Flour  boiled  by  steam. 

%&£  pidaka,  s.  One  of  those  cakes 
of  dried  dung,  which  are  used  for 
fuel.  gj&S'eweS&R  pidakalutattu,  To 

form  these  cakes  of  duDg. 
& 2b S" "Stoatf©  pidakamosali.s.  The  Gan- 

getic  porpoise.    Delphinus  Gan- 

&&iS  pidatsa,  5.  A  quantity  of  boiled 

rice,  sufficient  to  be  held  in  one 
&&&•&&  pidatsapata,  s.  A  piece  of 
cloth,  used  in  besmearing  with 
macerated  cow  dung  the  floor  of 
Hindu  dwellings. 



g)v  -Pippi 

?>£»$£  pidata,  s.  A  very  small  earthen 

SjS  picli,  5.  A  handle,  or  hilt. 

gjg  pidi,  s.  A  female,  as  applied  to 
animals  only. 

&3§d  pidikili,  s'  Making  in  the  m- 
flex.  Sing.  &S§*3  pidikiti,  And  in 
the  nom.  plu.  §>&§&  pidikillu,  The 
fist,  &&"§&>  pidikedu,  Such  a  qu- 
antity as  can  be  held  in  the  clen- 
ched hand. 

!>&Xb2&  pidiguddu,  5.  A  fisty  cuff*  or 
blow  with  the  fist.  t>&S£>o-&  pidi- 
kilintsn,  To  close  the  fist.  ^^^ 
e»afl§toaSfe»§r*p5o  pranalupidikita- 
pattukomi,  lit.  To  hold  one's  own 
life  in  one's  own  fist.  To  be  in  the 
greatest  state  of  alarm,  or  fear. 

fb&JT0^  pidigottu,  v.  a.  To  geld  a- 

l)S*^»asfeo  pidivadamu,  5.  Obstinacy  5 

i>&-^tf  pifiisana,  s.  An  auger,  or 
carpenter's  tool,  for  boring  holes. 

!)&3  7fo    pidugu,  s.  A  thunderbolt. 

2>d&-tfc  pidutsu,  v.a.  vide  hoih  pindu, 
No.  1.  ' 

&ek§o  pituku,  v.  a.  To  milk,  vide  fbo<&> 
pindu.  2.  To  squeeze  a  sore. 

&&\8$  pitritithi,  s-  The  day  of  the 
new  moon,  011  which  she  rises  in- 
visible,   and    on   which    offerings 

are  made  to  the  manes  of  one's 

I)  °§£>*>  pittamu,  s.  Bile  ;  the  bilious 

&e£>  pittu,  v.  a.  To  oreak  wind  be- 
hind, s.  Breaking  wind  behind. 

&£ss  pidapa,  adv.  Afterwards,  adj. 
Frugal,  economical.  2.  Degenerate. 

t)25b§b  piduku,  v.  a.  vide  s>s^go  pituku, 

1)^,  &tf  pinna,  pin  a,  adj.  Young.  2. 

'Small.  &<^T&e5ex>  pinnapeddalu, 

Both  old  and  young;  both  great 

and  small.  &#>##»&»  pinnatanamu, 

s.  Childhood,  infancy.  S^oS 
pinatandri,  A  father's  younger 
brother.  2.  The  husband  of  a  mo- 
ther's younger  sister.  8>rf£©  pina- 
talli,  A  mother's  younger  sister.  2. 
The  wife  of  a  father's  younger 

8>tf^ 5""§(r-tf  pinnakakkera,    s.     The 

partridge  termed  Perdrix  sylva- 

a^l)  pippali,  s.  Long  pepper.  g^© 
sla  pippalikatte,  The  dried  long- 
pepper  vine.  gj^S&cS  pippali- 
dumpa,  The  root  of  long  pepper. 
S^^ibcrvcl  pip  p  alia  modi,  The 
thick  part  of  the  long  pepper  vine. 
pippi,  s.  The  remaining  solid 
part  of' any  thing,  of  which  the 
juice  has  been  expressed,  or  strai- 
ned out. 




a© -Piiii 

&s^k>  pimmata,  adv.  Afterwards  . 

&©»c  piyyij  *•  Making  in  the  inflex- 
Sing-  l)©piti  Human  excrement; 
also  that  of  dogs,  crows,  &c-,  But 
not  applied  to  that  of  cattle. 

atfoft,  S>tfofc  pirangi,  pirangi,  s.  A 
great  gun,  or  cannon,  &£.  Of  or 
belonging  to  Franks,  or  Europe- 
ans. §>tfo**n»tf"3fe»  pirangivatabet- 

tit ,  To  blow  off  from  the  muzzle 

of  a  gun.   lit.  To  place  one  at  it's 

fbtfo5\"3Sk-    pirangichekka,    s.    The 

plant  termed  Mimosa  octandra. 
«>9jr>s&  pirigonu,   v.  To   encompass, 

or  surround. 
S>TPcssb  piryada,  s.  A  complaint. 

fbTr>e&  piryadf,  A  plaintiff. 

I)&9  pirra,  s.  The  fourth  fraction  in 
descent  by  fours  from  unity  ;  the 
two  hundred  and  fifty-sixth  part 
of  a  whole. 

g>6l§  pirriki,  s.  A  coward,  adj.  Co- 
wardly, timid,  ae^faotfaoa  pirriki- 
mekamu.  The  antelope,  lit.  The 
timid  animal. 

§>«»,  l>fc?»5S  pirru,  pirruda,  acfe.  Be- 
hind. §bfc9o©^)-z5b  pirrutivutsu,  v.  n. 
To  retire,  or  withdraw. 

*>  &££&>,  ?)B  pirrudu,  pirra,  s.  The 
buttock,  or  back  side. 

Sew-tib  pilutsu,  v.  a.  To  call  another 
to  come,  or  approach.  2.  To  invite 
to  an  entertainment.  |>  ex>  ■&>  r°  ;& 
pilutsukonu,  -y.  Comy.  To  call 
for  one's  own  advantage,  or  for 
one's  own  purposes.  2.  To  call 
each  other  mutually. 

2>ex>$  pilupu,  s.  A  call,  or  cry.  2.  An 

!>©&o*fc,  S>exg>o^>  pilipintsu,  pilu- 
pintsu,  v.  Caus.  To  cause  one  per- 
son to  call,  or  invite,  another. 

&e>  pilla,  s,  A  child,  or  infant.  2.  The 
young  of  any  animal,  adj.  Young, 
small,  tender.  i)c^-3^ctfS  pillakaya, 
s.  A  child  or  infant;  applied  to 
the  human  species  alone.  g><y  afr^s&o 
pilladulamu,  A  small,  or  cross, 
beam,  gb^&a  kukkapilla,  A  pup- 
py. liyTP^b  pillagadu,  A  boy,  or 
lad.  tiv~£a&>  pilla veyu,  To  bring 
forth  youno;. 

8»«^  5T6  ft,  l)e;o"7^S)  piilanagrovi, 
pillamgovi,  5.  A  flute. 

So  ffio8oc3Ss5»  pillamiriyamu,  5.  A 
summerset,  or  leap,  heels  over 

!>er*o&  pillanllu,  s.  plu.  Ornaments 

worn  on  that  toe  which  is  next  to 
the  little  one. 
*)©  pilli,  s.   A  cat.  !>©  5jt>&  pillikuta, 
Mewing,  as§a-°tf  pillikiina,  A  kitt- 

0  CO  l 





S)^8  pllari,   s.  A  name  of  Ganesa. 

Ij^-cTsSoo,  S>^£)  pisachamu,pisachi,  5. 
A  demon,  evil  spirit,  fiend,  or 
malevolent  being,  always  descri- 
bed as  fierce  and  malignant.  |>^ 
-#§  pisachaki,  s.  One  possessed  by 
an  evil  spirit. 

!>$7r-8  pisinari,s.A  miser,  or  niggard 

S>3$^tfo$*>  pisinitanamu,  s.  Avarice  ; 
the  quality  of  a  miser. 

!>£&  pisaru,  s,  A  bit,  particle,  or 
small  quantity.  2.  The  refuse  of 
washed  grain.  §>3«b"3g  pisaruve- 
llu,  lit.  A  particle  to  go.  The 
strength  to  be  exhausted. 

!)£r°f>  pisali,   s.   A  wicked,   or  mean? 

Zi-fr*Vo&  pisalintsu,   v.  n.   To  emit 

perfume,  or  scent. 

l)?So§b  pisuku,  v.  a- To  press,  squee- 
ze, knead,  or  shampoo,  with  the 

2>&§ft  pisikillu,  5.  plu.  The  tender 
unripe  grain  of  dry  crops,  depri- 
ved of  it's  husk,  by  being  press- 
ed in  the  hand,  and  thus  eaten. 


l)§b  piku, *v-  a.  To  pluck  up,  or  away; 
to  root  up,  or  eradicate  ;  to  wrest 
out  of  another's  hand.  2.  To  turn 
out  of  a  situation,  or  employment. 
t>Sber»2&  pikuladu,  To  quarrel,  or 

i>~%  pike,  s.  The  windpipe.  2«  The 

reed  used  in  blowing    particular 

wind  instruments. 
%X&k>  pitsamu,    s.    Pride-  l^sSora-So 

pltsamaratsu,     To    subdue  one's 

pride.  2-  To  kill,  or  assassinate. 
I-STsSdo  pitsarnn,  s.  The  peacock's  tail. 

!>-&  pitsu,    s.    The  fibrous    part    of 

£>&>  pita,   s.  A  seat,  chair,   or  stool. 

i)fc>13fc»  pitabettu,  To  reside  per- 

man  entry. 
i^jflos  pfthamn,  s.    A  seat,  chair,  or 

stool.  2.  A  throne. 
I>©g*  pithika,  s.  vide  f)#s5w  pithamu, 

2.  A  preface,  or  preamble. 
!>2i  pida,  s.  Pain,  anguish,  suffering. 

f>£tf*s»    pidanamu,    s.   Inflicting 

pain  ;  paining.   ISsSsSm  piditamu, 

adj.    Pained  ;    suffering  pain,  or 

I>&ot5o  pidintsu,  v.    a.    To  torment, 

teaze,  or  importune. 
f>£  pita,  s.  A  crab.  f>^"as,^_e»  pita- 

dekkalu,   s.   plu.  The  claws  of  a 


sbtftf  pinasa,  s.  Cough,  catarrh;  cold 

affecting  the  nose. 
fbsK-tiaoX,  i)(S37fo  piniga-pinuga,  pi- 

nugn,  s.  A  corpse,  or  dead  body. 

f>j&7foe>"ao&>     pinugula  penta,    A 

heap  of  dead  bodies. 

$i>    ©-Pukkili 



|)e>  pila,  adj-  Thin,  slender.  2.  Spare, 
scanty.  Ixd&o&>  pilapanta,  A  scan- 
ty crop. 

f)£>  pili,    s.    The, rudder  of  a  vessel. 

iSg'  pilika,  s.  A  rag,  piece,  or  bit. 

||)-g^^o  pilikadu,  s.  A  steersman, 
or  pilot. 

f>e»-tfcpilutsu,  v.  a.  To  suck  up.  2. 
To  inhale,  as  snuff,  smoke,  &c. 

fbewsg)  piluvu,  6*.  An  elephant. 

f)£>ov  piltsu,  v.  a.  vide  f>t»4S>  pflutsu, 

^)o«^»  pundzamu,|  s.  A  poonjam. 
or  certain  number  of  threads. 

$  ©e?  punji,  6-.  Crops  cultivated  with- 
out artificial  irrigation,  commonly 
termed  the  dry  crop. 

^ogp  pundzu,  s.  A  cock. 

?&o£o  pundu,  s.  Making  in  the  in- 
flex.  Sing.  <&ofe5  punti,  And  in  the 
nom.  plu.  ^060  pundlu,  An  nicer, 
bile,  or  sore,  ■xr*Jtf$c&>  ratsapun- 

du,  The  large,  or  rajah,  bile  or 
sore,  which  rises  on  the  back,  and 
affects  the  spine,  so  as  to  be  deem- 
ed mortal  by  the  Hindoos.  ^oe&> 
^oa&opunducheyu,  To  raise  a  blist- 

sg)o&  punta,  s.  A  path,  or  road,  for 

*g)§k-8  pukkili,  s.  Making  in  the  in- 

Hex.  Sing,  ^i^.ta  pukkiti,  The  in- 
side of  the  cheek.  ^i^Doofc  pu- 
le k.ilintsu,  To  rinse  the  mouth,  or 
gargle    the  throat. 

$-S\cls'  putstsadika,  s.  A  virgin;  a 

j§nfc\  putstsu,  v.  a.  To  send.  2.  To 
command.  3-  To  divide,  v.  n.  To 
decay;  to  dry  up,  or  become  rot- 
ten, s.  The  sediment  of  castor  oil 

s^^r8^,  ^>«K§f  s&  putstsukonu,  pu- 

chchikonu, v.  a.  To  take.  2.  To  re- 
ceive.   3.  To  take,    or  eat,  food. 

^^\  ptichche,  s.  The  young  unripe 
fruit  of  the  palmyra,  cocoanut,  or 
other  palmtree.  2.  The  skull. 

<£)-£\s&o  puchchhamu,  s.  A  tail  ;  the 

tail,  the  hinder  part. 
^&>  puta,  s.  The  leaf  of  a  book. 

$feo;5b8o^b  pntamarintsu,  v.  n.  To 
rise,  or  swell  up,  as  a  sore- 

$&»sfeo  putamu,  s,  A  folding,  or  dou- 
bling, of  any  thing,  so  as  to  form 
a  cup,  or  concavity.  2.  The  eye- 
lash. 3-  The  purifying,  or  calcin- 
ing, metals  by  fire.  4.  The  bury- 
ing of  medicine  in  the#earth,  &c, 
in  order  to  improve  it's  quality. 

jg)&r*&tf35c»  putaksharamu,  s.  An  ab- 
breviated letter. 

^feSsf,  $a  %  putika,  puttika,  5.  A 
small  basket. 



s§)  £^c  £  o  -Pu  n  y  a  van 

putta,    5.   An    ant   hill.    2.    A 
snake's  hole. 
$£o*x»  puttamu,  s.  Cloth. 

sg)*3  ptitti,  s.  A  certain  measure  of 
capacity,  termed  candy,  or  poot- 
tee,  which  is  divided  into  twenty 
smaller  measures,  called#  <fer»8S»>ex> 
tumulu,  2.  A  round,  or  circular, 
basket  boat,  covered  with  leather. 

^)fco  pnttu,  v.  n  To  be  born,  or  pro- 
duced. 2.  To  arise,  issue,  or  spring 
from.  3.  To  get,  or  obtain.  & 
Birth,  slaws',  *£)&»£>  puttuka,  pu- 
ttuvU;  5.  Birth,  production,  origin. 

c^faw^Sc^co^)  puttucheyuvu,  s>  The 
Hindoo  ceremony  performed  at  a 
birth.  s£)&x>sfc-s$\  puttumatstsa,  s. 
A  natural  mole,  or  mark,  from 
one's  birth.  %&&>&&  puttubadi,  s. 
Produce.   ^feSooSD   puttintsu,   v. 

Cans.  To  create,  generate,  form, 
or  raise. 

3)££ew  pudakalu,  s.plu. Small  sticks; 

:$&ao  pudami,  s.  The  earth.  ^&ga 
xs^swjg)  pudamidalupu,  Sesha,  the 
king  of  snakes,  and  bed  of  Vish- 
nu ;  because  he  supports  the 
earth.  ^eScDStS  pudamipatti,  The 
planet  Mars,  the  son  of  the  earth. 

sg)2s»o"s»o^n>sw  podamimolanulu,£z7. 

The  waistband  of  the  earth.  The 

%)&%>&  p*udisili,  s.  Making  in  the  in - 
flex.  Sing.  $g&a  pudisiti,  The 
palm  of  the  hand,  held  in  such  a 
manner  as  to  contain  any  thing- 
placed  in  it.  ^&"3>e&  pudisedu,  A 

ig)^>§o  puduku,  v.  a-  To  give.  s.  Gi- 
ving, ^)2&&>er*e&&  pudukudodu- 
ku,  Tbe  celestial  cow,  which  gives 
all  that  is  desired. 

^reg'So^k  punakarintsu,  v,  a.  To 
give  an  insufficiency,  v.  n.  The  fin- 
gers to  be  convulsed  in  the  ex- 
tremities of  death.  j^esS'ao^ecs  sg> 
£§§ao^e>o  punakarintalu,  puniki- 

rintalu,  s.  plu.  The  giving  an  in- 
sufficiency. 2.  The  convulsion  of 
the  fingers,  in  death. 

s&ewlo  punuku,  v.  a.  To  spread  oat 
the  fingers  of  the  hand,  and  then 
draw  them  in  again,  as  in  taking 
up  a  handful  of  any  thing.  2.  To 
touch,  to  feel.  3.  To  give  an  in- 

i&nz&x*  punyamu,  s.  Virtue,  moral 
or  religious  excellence,  or  merit.  2. 
A  good  action.  3.  Purity,  purifi- 
cation, adj.  Virtuous,  good,  pure, 
righteous,  excellent.  2.  Beautiful, 

^)c3£5Soi£{6co  punyavantamu,  adj.  For- 
tunate, well  fated;  virtuous,  pious, 

sg)  15^85 

&x  -Punriemu 



tg>  &&,  %>  &S>  puttadi,  puttali,  s. 
Gold.  "* 

^IBo^Sb  puttentsu,  q.  a.  To  send, 
dispatch,  or  forward,  vide  ^-^ 

^^  putri,  s.  A  daughter.  }&&* 
putrika,  s  A  daugher.  2.  A  pup- 
pet. 3.  A  copy.  eg)j&,a&  putrudu, 
«.  A  son. 

^tfsgrf^sbo  punarjanmamu,  s.  Me- 
tempsychosis, or  transmigration 
of  the  soul. 

^)7P>8  punadi,s.  Foundation;  ground- 
work.   . 

3$)7r*?s  punasa,  s,  The  poonasa  crop, 
consisting  of  corraloo  or  Panicum 
Italicum,  guntaloo  or  Holcus  spi- 
catus,  and  alatsundaloo  or  Doli- 
chos  catiang,  and  other  similar 

$■(&£,  &*{j-  punuka,  punka,  s.  The 
skull.  $s&r-sr>8  punukadari,5.Siva, 
who  begs  with  a  skull  in  his  hand. 

j&sfcte  punugu,  6'.  The  civet  produ- 
ced by  the  cat  of  that  name,  ter- 
med, j&tfbfiol)©   punugupilli. 

^^"isw  punnatelu,  s.  A  small  scor- 

^tf^sfc  punnama,  s .  The  lunar  day 
on  which  the  moon  is  full. 

?g)l^*S»  punnemu, $.  vide  s.  j^rao^ 

tg^&M  puppamu,  s.  A  flower. 

sg)8)^  pup  pi,  s.  Decay,  vide  -$)&\  pn- 
tstsu, t&S^&fio  puppipurugu,  s# 
An  insect  found  in  rotten  timber- 
?g)&v"62»  puppipallu,  A  decayed 

$$n>\&  puppodi,  s.  The  pollen,  or 
farina,  of  a  flower. 

?§)tfE3ca&  puranintsu,  v.  a.  To  disre- 
gard. 2.  To  oppose. 

c&tf^tf^&k-  purapurabokku,  ?;.  n. 
To  be  in  excessive  grief,  or  sorrow : 
to  be  severely  afflicted. 

7&tf$>tizr°&>  purapuraladu,  v.  n:  To 
have  a  desire,  longing,  or  incli- 

^)Tr>ws5w  purariamu,  5.  A  poorana, 
or  sacred  and  poetical  work,  sup- 
posed to  be  compiled,or  composed, 
by  the  poet  Vyasa. 

sg)-tr°^^s5>3  puratanamu,  adj.  Old, 

jg>8  puri,  s.  Pack-thread,  twine, 
twist.  2.  The  straw  basket  in 
which  seed  grain  is  preserved. 
jg)8"S&»  puribettu  To  twine,  or 

$8r°tf>  purikonu,  v.  n.  To  recollect- 
2.  To  be  careful,  cautious,  or 
watchful,  ^er'ew^)  purikolupu, 
v.  a.  To  remind.  2.  To  excite, 
provoke,  or  instigate. 




t£)6£^  purivitstsu,  v.  n.  To  sepa- 
rate. 2.  To  loosen.  3.  To  retreat, 
or  withdraw. 

$&7Sb,  $«>'#  purugu,  puruvu,  s.  A 
worm.  2.  Any  insect,  or  reptile  ; 
and  applied  sometimes  to  snakes. 

*§&£&  purudu,  s.  Making  in  the  in- 
Hex.  Sing,  ^eapuriti,  An  imagin- 
ary pollution,  proceeding  from  the 
birth  of  achild.  adj.  Equal.  ^QfeSoo 
puritillu,  s.  The  house  in  which  a 
woman  has  been  brought  to  bed. 

5$)&s&>2&  purushudu,  5.  A  man, 
generally,  or  individually  ;  a  male, 
mankind.  2.   A  husband. 




A  short  letter,  or 


$eJc*s,  Q'ts  purriya,  purre  s.  The 

^m^omo  purracheyyi,  s.  The  left 

$e&>  purrn,  s.  Any  solid  substance 
reduced  to  a  certain  state  of  liqui- 
dity ;  as  miry  clay,  or  excrement 
in  a  looseness  of  the  bowels. 

<$<y,  ^>ew,  §<&> Copula,  pulu,  kadugu, 
v.  a.  To  wash  pearls.  This  is 
derived  from  the  verb  s'c&fib  ka- 
dugu, To  wash  ;  but  the  word 
here  prefixed  to  it  has  no  mean- 
ing when  used  separately  by  it- 

$v%X&x>  pulakaramn,  *'.  Fever. 

$e>S8o-i$b  pulakarintsu,  v.  n.  To  be 
attacked  with  fever. 

^e>;cs5a>  pulagamu,  .?.  Bice  and  split 
pulse  boiled  together,  with  which 
ghee,  or  clarified  butter,  is  some- 
times mixed. 

$u$  pulapa,  s.  An  acid  dish,  made 
of  various  edible  roots.' 

?&e;£tfs5oo  pulasaramn,  s.  Indigestion. 
2.  An  acid  taste. 

3>8  puli,  A.  tiger.  ^S^tfb  puligoru* 
The  claw  of  a  tiger.  $>£>&*&>  pu- 
litolu,  A  tiger  skin.  "ss^iD  pedda- 
puli,  s.  A  royal  tiger,  lit.  A  large 
tiger.  ©Baa&^schirrutapnli,  s.The 
hunting  leopard,  or  cheeta.  -&>K 
4D  igapnli,  s.  lit.  I  he  fly  tiger. 
The  spider  ;  as  devouring  flies. 
sg>©  puli,  Is  sometimes  used  as  an 
adjective  to  denote-Sour,  acid. 

$©&&  puliniilu,  s.  The  matter,  or 
pns,  from  a  sore. 

$£>&S  pulisiri,  s.  A  sort  of  wart; 

$)®Z£$)&\  pnlimiputstsn,  v.n.  To  tu- 
rn off  conversation,  with  the  view 
of  concealing  the  subject  which 
has  been  mentioned. 

^)£)"2»ejo  pulimef.tu,  5*.  The  sediment 
e>  ....   . 
of  water  in  which  grain  has  been 

^)£>ci£}  puliyu,  v.   n.   To  be,  or  be- 
come, sour. 


-&  sx?y_  w  -  Pushkaia 



^wo  pulu,  s.  Grass.  2.  A  blemish  in 
precious  stories,  vide  ;£)ex>  pullu. 

^)s>ds6oo  ptilumu,  v.  a.  To  rub.  2.  To 
beat,  or  lash.  3.  To  wash  with 
both  hands. 

3)e»3o  pulusu,  s.  Acidity,  sourness. 
2.  The  juice  of  tamarinds,  adj. 
Acid,  sour. 

^)e>  ,  ^>e>  $  pulla>pullani,  a<ij.  Sour. 
sg>e^  «*«*»»  ^>o^ pulladanamu,  pu- 
liana,  s.  Sourness,  acidity. 

s&e^  pull  a,  s.  A  small  bit,  or  piece, 
of  stick,  reed,  or  stiff  grass. 

^o8  pullari,  s.  A  tax  for  pasture. 

$>v  ss2&  pullavadu,  v.  n.  To  stand 
fixed,  or  immoveable,  from  amaze: 

£>£o  pnllu,  s.  Grass. 

<£)oo&"^y  pullu  dinela,  5.  Land  which 
is  only  occasionally  fit  for  culti- 

^>$Q>  $$)  P^vvu,  puvu,  s.  A  flower. 
^)^)^e>sS>3^c^  puwulamudnpu,  s. 
A  ceremony  among  the  Hindoos, 
in  which  flowers  are  placed  on  a 
pregnant  soman's  head. 

^)&k_ecl  pushkarini,  5.  A.  square,  or 
lar^e,  pond ;  a  pool  where  the 
lotus  does,  or  may,  grow. 

^)si>  <ys5*>  pushkalamu,  arf/.  Excell- 
ent, eminent,  .chief,  best.  2.  Much, 
many.  3.  Full,  filled,  complete. 

s^lx  pushti,  s.  Increase,  advance, 
thriving,  prosperity.  2.  Strength. 
adj.  Strong,  ablebodied,  fat. 

s^sxs&w  pushpamu,  s.  vide  sg)j$jj  puv- 
vu,  2.  The  menses.  ^^tf^ss^  pu- 
shparathamu,  s.  A  car  of  any 
kind,  not  used  in  war.  ^^tfSssxj 
pushparasamu,  The  honey  of 

j&sxctt'X^w)  pushyaragamu,  s.  The 

cg)tfer°oooO"&  pnsalayintsn,  v.  «.  To 
coax,  wheedle,  or  persuade.  ^£<vp> 
o»o^  pusalayimpu,  5.  Coaxing, 
wheedling,  persuasion. 

#j&  pusi,  *•  The  rheum  of  the  eyes. 

3$)  ^sScw,  7&  £s5^  pustakamu,  pusta- 
mu,    s.  vide  &■»  tfg'sS*)  postakamu, 

^  ~S»  puste,  5.  The  bit  of  gold  worn 
round  the  neck  by  married  women- 
vide   -er^ss^ftM   talibottu,   &  ~z$x> 

eo  "a         — ° 

2&jg>    pustemudupu,  5.  A  woman 
twice  married. 

$p  pu,s.  A  flower,  vide  ^^  puvvu, 
$r°fo  ®  pugutti,  s.  A  cluster  of 
flowers,  a  nosegay. 

s^-a^KS  puchikagaddi,  .9.  A.  sort  of 

long   and    stiff  grass,     of   which 
brooms  are  made. 
o3r-£)  puchf,  s-  Responsibility. 




^T-t5b  putsu,  v.  n.  To  bloom  blos- 
som, bud,  shoot  out,  or  expand. 
^ex>$fs£r-&>  nalukapiitsu,  The 
tongue  to  blister,  or  to  become 
sore,  or  discoloured,  g'^oosgrifc 
kannuluputsu,  The  pupil  of  the 
eye  to  become  discoloured  by 

^ej,  ^Patfa*  pu>,  pujanamu,  g. 
Worship,  reverence,  respect ;  Ho-  j 
mage  of  superiors,  or  adoration  of  j 
deity.  $y°£o-&  pujintsu,  v.  a.  To  | 
worship,  or  adore;  to  do  homage,  j 
or  evince  reverence. 

^■gsxj-gjfca  pujelupefctu,  v.  a.  To  or- 
nament, or  illuminate,  a  book,  &c., 
with  nourishes,  painting,  or  gild- 

sSTfc  piita,  s.  Half  of  the  day.  2.  A 
time  ;  as  two  times,   three  times,  j 
&c.  3.  Security,  surety,  bail.  &*&>  \ 

3fr»&  putakullu,  Food  obtained  by  I 

daily  contract,  ^ytegretf  a»«x>  pu-  ! 

takullayillu,  An  inn,   or -boarding  j 

?<rp  &>  &fa  p utamu ,.v. Heaviness,  weight,  i 
&>&>  puclu,    v.    n.    To  be  filled,  or  \ 
closed  up.s$f°i&-$5b  piidutsu,    v.    a.  j 
To  fill,  or  close  up.  2.  To  bury  ; 
to  conceal  under  ground  7§p8>\o& 
piidpintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause  to  fill 
up,  or  bury. 

■&>6  piita,  s.  Rubbing,  besmearing. 
2.  blooming,  budding.  3.  Flowers 

sgTtfel  pudarri,  s.  Spring. 
^p"3  pude,  s.  A  round   ball 
^b&>  piinfrti,  s.  Rose-water. 

$y°&>  piinu,  v»  n.  To  undertake,  en- 
gage, or  interfere,  in  any  enter- 
prize.  2.  To  bear  a  burden.  sgp^, 
3§r^oifc  puntsu,  piinpintsu,  v. 
Cans.  To  cause  to  undertake,  &c. 
?grsar,  c^r»i  punika,  puniki,  s.  An 
enterprize,  or  project.  %  A  vow. 

■&"&  pupa,  ^.  A  tender  fruit,  just 
formed  from  the  blossom. 

cgrsr&S,  ^r^£§  pubodi,   puboni,  s. 

A  handsome  female,   lit.    Flower- 

^Tcsjco  puyu,  v.  a.  To  smear,  bes- 
mear, daub,  anoint,  plaster,  or 
lay  on  by  rubbing.  *>.  vide  &>& 
putsu,  sgr*o»oi5bpuyiiitsu^.  Cau>. 
To  cause  to  smear,  &c. 

£r-a-  para,  adj.  Full.  c£p8o«&  purin- 
tsti,  v.  a.  To  complete,  to  make 
full.  ^o^scoeSpQo-ck  sankhamupii- 
rintsu,  To  blow  a  conch. 

sgp>5  purl,  £  Grass,  or  straw.  ^dox> 
purillu,  A  thatched  house. 

£p"c5££ofb&o  p  u  red  u  pitta,  s.  Any  bird 
which  calls  those  of  its  own  kind 



i)oa&>  -Feudal  a 

s§ptfo6»  purvamu,  ady.  Fjrst,  for- 
mer, prior,  preceding,  initial,  be- 
fore, in  front  of.  2.  East,  eastern. 
$.  Former  or  ancient  times  ;  days 
of  old. 

<&-*&>  ##«&»  purvottaramn,  5.  The 
former  and  future  particulars,  cir- 
cumstances, or  incidents. 

&*$  puvii,  s.  A  flower,  vide  &°  pu. 

$y>$  pusa,s  A  bead.  "Stfx  sgptf  venua- 
piisa,  s.  Butter.  "Saa^fSeo  vennu- 
pusalu,  The  joints  of  the  back 

tgrtfg'^iftw  pusakajjemu,  s.  A  very 
sweet  cake. 

"&0&  penku,  s.  A  tile.  2.  A  broken 
piece  of  pot.^€j"g)0§b  talapenku,  lit- 
The  head-tile.  The  skull. 

"3>o"?  penke,  adj.  Obstinate,  stub- 

■?>o-&>  pentsu,  s  vide  "s>o§b  penku, 
v.  a.  To  nourish,  or  foster.  2.  To 
bring  tip,  or  educate.  3.  To  sup- 
port, or  maintain.  4.  To  increase, 
or  improve,  -^o-tfcr*^  pentsukonu, 
v.  Corrvp.  To  nourish,  &c.  For 
one's  own  advantage.  %  To  adopt 
as  one's  own. 

~~&o?3tf  pen j era,  5.  A  species  of  rock 

^ofc>  penta,  s.  Sweeping,  dirt,  filth, 

2.  Manure. 

"sbofeS  penti,  5.  The  female  of  any  a- 
nimal,  or  plant,  "3>ofe5£tfcSk  penti  - 
karudu,  s.  The  female,  inner,  or 
smaller,  surf. 

"^ofeSS'  pentika,  s.  Hard  excrement 
in  shape  like  that  of  sheep. 

~^o£   penda,  s.  The    excrement    of 
horned  cattle. 

"S>od»e>*xx>  pendalamu,  s.  The  yam. 

"^oT5-°6  pendari,  5-  Pindary,  or  armed 

"3>o"S  pende,  s.  A  lath.  2.  Half  a  bul- 
lock load  of  tobacco,  &c 

-S)0^sSx>  pendemu,  s.  The  gate  of  a 

"^olitf^ao  penderamu,  s.  An  orna- 
ment, worn  round  the  ankle. 

~S>o;eps*»,  "s>o^*5»  pendlamu,  penlla- 
mu,  s.  A  wife. 

"3o^,  *^>o^,  ^o£&pendli,penlli,pen- 
dili,  s.  Making  in  the  nom.  <plu. 
"5>o&  o£so,  l>ogo^   pendlindlu, 

no        no    '  no       co       x  •  "  ' 

pendlinllu,  Marriage;  a  wedding. 
"Sjois^^o,  "3>o&  ^toor*^    pendladu, 

no  «~i  J.  •  .        ' 

pendlichesukonu,  To  wed,  or  mar- 
ry, as  applied  to  a  hasband  or 
wife  only.  ^qS^ceoo  pendlicheyu> 
To  marry,  or  unite  a  husband  and 
wife,  as  applied  to  their  relations; 
to  celebrate  a  marriage. 
~1iO&v%l&,  "Soa^S  pendalakada. 
pendaladi,  adv.  Early,  betimes, 




*3,oSr*fi  pendoda,  s.  The  thigh,  vide 

&*&  toda. 
*5>o$  pempu,  s.  Nourishing.  2.  Edu- 
cation   3.   Maintenance,  support. 
4.  Increase,  or  improvement.  "So 
$e&  pempudu,  adj.  Nourished.  2. 
Adopted.    3.    Adoptive.    ~&oir>&> 
pemparu,  to  be  increased,  or  aug- 
mented,   "aosw   pemparrru*   In- 
crease, or  improvement,  to  cease,  i 
"sbS'SoaSb,  ""as'aox    pekalintsu,  pekal-  I 
tsu,   v.   a.    To  root  up,    or  eradi-  I 
cate  ;  to  pluck  up  by  trie  roots ;  l 
to  pull,  tear,  or  force  out  by  the  j 
■feS'ew,  "S>Sbex>  pekalu,  pekuln,    v.  n. 
To  come  out  by  the  root ;  to  be 
plucked,    or   pulled,    out  by  the 
"^So^-.  pekku,  adj.  Many,  several.  ~5> 
^Ij-o^Oj^  "5>&k_&  pekkandru^ 
pekkura,  s.  plu.  Many  persons. 
"aX2*ex>  pegadalu,   s.  plu.    Great,  or 

elderly,  persons. 
"Sj-s&v  petstsu,  s.  The  rind  of  a  fruit. 

2.  An  excess  in  value,  or  measure- 
ment ;  premium,  or  profit,  in  the 
exchange  of  coins 

"S>fc>  petta,  s.  A  hen. 

"Sfco  pettu,  v.  a.  To  place,  or  put;  to 
lay,  or  put,  down.  s.  Placing,  put- 
ting.    / 

"S>1d.  "a^osa  pette,  pettiva,  s,  A  box, 
or  chest. 

■&£*>,  "s.fow  petlu,  petalu,  v.  n.  To 
fire,  or  go  off,  as  a  gun,  or  any 
thing  made  of  gunpowder.  2.  To 
crack,  or  open.  "S>fe»»vPe^uPPu, 
s.  Saltpetre. 

"%&  peda,  adj.  Hinder,  back,  behind. 
2.  Wrong,  erroneous."S>£":3c»oQ  pe- 
dacheyyi,  The  back  of  the  hand. 
•2>2s-5T>a  pedadari,  A  wrong  way- 
"S)2s^£-s&)o  pedarthamu,  An  erro- 
neous meaning,  ^^sfcesew  peda- 
marralu,  To  turn  back.  s»a"S>2»#w 
k(lx>  buddhipedatalabattu,  To  be 
wanting  in  sense. 
-g>2»sy*a>\  pedabobba,  s.  A  loud  roar, 

or  cry. 
~2>&#&s5<»  pedasaramu,  s.  Obstinacy, 

~&nW  penaka,  s.  A  pent  roof. 
-^>i£&e?o  petarulu,    s,  plu.  Ancestors. 
"5>&tfce>-ifoS'k_  petarulatsukka,  s. 
The  tenth,  of  the  lunar  mansions. 
"3>e£tfbe>-£r«>sx>    petarulasami,  Yama, 
the  regent  of  the  dead. 
"5>ss),  "aas,  "sa-ste  pedavi,  pedivi? 
pedime,  s.  The  lip.  loa"S)25a    kin- 
dipedavi,    The   under   lip.    aroa 
-s>ss>  midipedavi,  The  upper  lip. 
"5tf,  "a&  pedda,    peda,   adj,    Great, 
large,  big,  spacious,  extensive.  2. 
Chief,  principal  3.  Wise,  sage,  4. 




Old,  ancient.  5.  Long.  (i.  Loud- 
"Z&^o^ji  'Zitii&j  pedatandri,  pe- 
ttandri,  A  father's  elder  brother. 
2.  The  husband  of  a  mother's  elder 
sister.  -2>tf&8  ,  "3>  &g>    pedatalli 

no  o  rr\      x  ' 

pettalli,  A  mother's  elder  sister. 
2.  The  wife  of  a  father's  elder 

§>ltf\  "3>tfe»  pinnapeddalu,  s.  plu.  vide 
§>k5s  pinna,  "as-s^sg)  peddakapu* 
The  chief;  or  head,  inhabitant. 
""S>#&tf;6co,"'S>  l^tfsSx,  "^)>Se3§'sS»>  pe- 
ddatanamu,  pettanamu,  peddarri- 
kamu,  s.  Greatness.  2.  Age,  old 
age.  -Zi8S-°&  peddadora,  This  ex- 
pression literally  signifies  the 
principal  chief,  or  ruler,  and  is 
applied  generally  to  the  first  in 
authority  at  any  place,  "z&s^vi&xt 
peddakalamu,  A  long  time.  ""&&£& 
peddapani,  Important  business. 
*^£5  »£*>«"  peddanidura,  s.  Death. 
lit.  The  long  sleep. 

~^>t$o&%%\o$)  peddamanishiavu,  v.  n. 
To  become  nubile,  as  applied  to 
females.  iiSft^otJ^wa  peddapin- 
nantaramu,  s.  The  distinctions 
between  the  great,  and  the  low. 
"^)#S)#n  ^s5w  peddavinnapamuj  s. 

Deafness,  lit.  A  loud  request.  ~&£ 
&§  peddavidhi,  A  higli  road. 
^>c5csc»  peddayu,   adv.   Very,  excee- 

"^Sok^  peddintamma,  s.  A  certa- 
in village  goddess. 

"3>g",  ^&  pen,  penu,  adj.  Great, 
large.   2.  Heavy. 

"-^tf  pena,  s.  A  twist  of  rope.  2.  A 
rope  tying  one  animal  to  another. 
"Id^^cooj  penaveyu,  To  tie  two  ani- 
mals together,  with  one  rope. 

"2>tf/fo,  "^sofibj  "^tffr0^  penagu,  penu- 
gn,  penagonu,  w.  a.  To  surround, 
or  encompass.  2.  To  fight,  or  dis- 

ibrS&tt  penamu,  s.  A  fiat  thin  round 
iron  pan,  or  plate  of  iron,  used  in 
baking  cakes.&c.  "Saaigb^^s^  che- 
rrukupenamu,  A  sugar  boiler. 

"S>&  p@ni,  s.  A  twist  of  rope. 

"S>s>sx>fe3,  "s>(35sx>£,  "s>«b^Dfe5  penimiti, 
penumiti,  penumeti,  s.  A  husband. 

*a$o3oo  peniyu,  p.  w.  To  twine  ;  to 
interlace  of  itself.  "&Rfc-tfbpeimtsti, 
v.  a.  To  twist,  to  interlace  one 
with  another.  2.  vide  ^o-xSb  pen- 

"S)tf>&35  penukuva,  5.  Battle.  2.  War. 

~a#bc£)  penupu.    s.    vide  "s»o<£)pempu. 

Ibocs&peyya,  s.    A  female  calf.    adj. 

Female,  as  applied  to  horned  cat- 
-%&  pera,  s.  Honey-comb.  "atfowoX" 
pterayfga,  s*  A  bee. 

"3>e>  fto-Pellaein 



"sbtfeSb  peracjn,  .?.  Making-  in  the  in- 
jflex.  Sing.  ^jtffeS  perati,  The  back 
yard  of  a  house. 

^#"6 -So  peraretsu,  0  To  induce,  pre- 
vail upon,  or  excite. 

t>tf?oo  perasu,  ,v.  Flesh. 

1>&Xb  perugu,    a1.    Curds,    v.   n.    To 

grow,  increase,  or  accumulate.  2. 

To    be    broken,    as    applied    to 

string,  or  thread,  only. 
"S>«bs5cr»&    perumallu,  s.  Perumaul,  a 

Tamil  name  of  Vishnu, 
"Se#  perra,    adj.   Other,    another-  2. 
•    Strange,    foreign.  ~5>es-sr>£&  perra- 

.  vadu,  Another  man. 
"^ell   perrike,  s.  A  large  sack,  or 

bag.  "SeSTr°&5s5M  perrikatamu,  5. 

The   lading    of  oxen,    &c.     with 

such  sacks. 
""*)&9o&  perruku,  v. a.  To  pluck  up  by 

the  roots;  to  eradicate.  2.  To  load 

oxen,  &c. 
"^asoKb  perrugu,  v.  n.  The  porcupine, 

to  shoot  it's  quills. 
li&o-tS  pelutsa,  adv.  Excessively,  ex- 
~aoo-&>,  "2»?5-i$b  pelutsu,   pelutsu,  st 

Stiffness:  difficulty  in  being  bent. 
""S^k-eso  pelkurru,  v.  n.  To  start. 

~5>e> ,  "^f  pella,  pella,  5.  A  lump,  or 

"S^ao-sk,  "s>jf  ftc-ifc    pellagintsu,    pe 

llagintsu,  2?.  a.  vide  n?r£>o-&,  pe- 

kalintsu,  -3,9"  fto-ST&taa  peliaginohi- 
pettu,  lit.  having  eradicated,  to 
place  or  put-  To  transplant. 

"3»o  5\ex>,  "2>Ocx>  pellagillu,  pellagil- 

lu,  0.  ».  aide  ijg'yo  pekalu. 
l>ew  pellu,  adp.  Much,  excessively.  5. 
;  "$$9X>  pesalu,  s.  plu.lhQ  pulse  term- 
ed Phaseolus  radiatus,  or  green 
gram.  ~5>Stf  pesara,  adj.  Of  or  be- 
longing to  that  pulse. 


'  ~&£    peka,   *.    The   warp,    or  cross 

•  threads  in.  a  web.  The  woof,  or 
threads  which  run  the  whole 
length  of  the  web,  is  termed,  s&gp 
?6>  padugu,  q.  v. 

I  ~iifo  pegu,  s  An  entrail,  or  gut. 

\  ~i>&  pefca,  s.  A  pettah  ;  the  suburb 
of  a  large  city,  or  a  village  pro- 
tected by  an  adjacent  fort.  £.  A 
row,  or  string,  of  any  ornament. 

;  -&&p>2&  petadu,  v.  n.  To  wander,  or 
prowl  about ;  to  traverse. 

i  -&Z&  peda,  .<?.  The  dung  of  horned  eat- 

i       tie. 

I  ~£2&  pedu,  ?.  Making  in  the  nom. 
flu.  ~&&  pellu,  A  piece,  cutting, 
chip,    or  splinter,    v.    a.    vide  -i>&> 

j  penu,  -£1ds£>  petettu,  t>.  h.  To  °hip, 
or  splinter. 





~£"3sp2^d  pedevadu,   ,9.    A  man  upon 

whose  face  Lair  does* not  grow. 

~£^ex>  penllu,  s.    plu.  Sweet  cakes, 

made  of  wheat  and  sugar. 
-&<5  peda,  adj.  Poor,  indigent,  s>  A 

poor  person.  ~&SeJg's5*>  pedarrika- 
mu,  s.  Poverty*  indigence- 
~£ssb  penn,  v.  a.  To  twist,  or  entwine. 
s.  A  louse  ;  making  in  the  worn. 
plu.-  ~£e»  pelu,  ■^j&JT,«»Sbfe»  penu- 
gorrukuta,  .v.  A  disease  arising 
from  lice,  which  destroys  the  hair, 
vide,  ao.s.ew  £$&>>,  ~£;&Sio  indra- 

^J  O  CO 

luptakamu,  penupilla,  s.  A  nit. 
-Soogbsbk-  pelukukku,  To  kill  lice. 

-£*s*>  pemu,  6-.  A  rattan- reed,  or  cane. 

"&tfc£os!b3,  "^^o^o,«5a3  perantamu,  pe- 
rantramu,  s.  Married  women  go- 
ing to  each  other's  houses,  on  any 
domestic  festival. 

~iitio&TT&>  perantaln,  s.  A  wife  whose 
husband  is  alive.  2.  A  wife  who 
dies  before  her  husband- 

-^tfska  peramu,  5.  Running. 

~£es£  perima,  s.  Profundity. 

-£8SX>,  "^  perimi,permi,s.  Affection. 
2.  Friendship.  3-  Greatness. 

-£&  peru,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing.  ~^8fe5  periti,  and  in  the  nom 
plu.  -£&  pellu,  A  name  ;  an  ap- 
pellation. -&tfb>v£>  perugala,  adj. 
Famous,  renowned. 

"£&  peru,  s.  A  long  loose  necklace. 
2.  Fame,  character,  adj.  Great.  2. 
Famous,  v.  n.  To  congeal,  or 
curdle,  as  milk,  &c. 

*3tf>r°»o,  -£8^^_sJb  perukonu,  perko- 
nu,  v.  n.  To  congeal,  curdle, 
harden,  or  thicken,  v.  a.  To  com- 
mend, or  praise.  2.  To  call  one 
by  his  name.  This  verb  is  derived 
irom  both  of  the  foregoing  words, 
and  r*j&  konu,  q.  v. 

~i>&>&,  *^f5b\  perutsu,  pertsu,  r.  a. 
To  pile,  or  heap  up.  2.  To  display. 

~£"3s5™  peremu,  s.  Running.  2.  A 

~£*3sfco^r&,  '£-rd-&>&>  peremubaru,  pe 
remettu,  v.  n.  To  run.  2.  To  gallop. 

"£590  perm,  v.  n.  vide  ~i>&  peru. 

~~&vzs&x>  pelavamu,  adj  Tender,  deli- 
cate, fine.  2.  Easy,  not  difficult. 

~&znvo  pelalu,    5.    plu-    Fried  grain. 

"£ej|>o&  pelapindi,  .9.    Flour  made 

of  fried  grain. 

I  "£©g\  "&©"§  pelika,  pelike,  s.  A  rag. 

I  -£ex>  pelu,  ?;.  n.  To  be  covered  with 

eruption,   as  applied  to  the  body. 

2.    To   be  fried,     as   applied   to 

vegetables,  v.  a.  To  talk  in  a  silly 

I       manner.  ""s&ex?\  v.  a.   To  fry. 

!  -ii&ij-ih  pcshkaru,  s.  A  Peshcar,  or 

revenue  servant  under  an  Amildar. 



sb-°o&tf-P< 'Titan  :i 


"i,    pai,  ado.  vide  sSooo  payi. 

2>^s5m   paikamu,    s.    Money,  cash 

treasure.    2.     The  quarter  of  the 

coin  termed  a  club. 
2s^»  paikamu,  s.    An  assemblage 

of  cuckoos. 
"J^xjbew  paigastilu.  s.  pho.  vide  s5a» 

■^^"ews-    paidzarlu,  s.  plu.    Shoes, 

1^&>  paita,  s.   vide  Scoots  payita. 
t}  S  paidi, .?.  Gold,  vide  sSawSpayidi. 

"?»  SS'olo  paidikante,  s-  e^de  -£ooo& 
§*o"lo  payidikante. 

~g>  &s$oo2&^>  paidimudupu,.  5.  tnWe  sS 
o»Ss5c»^^),  payidimudupu,  under 
•£o»&  payidi. 

2_  ^Q&*>  paityamu,  5.  Madness,  im- 
becility. 2.  A  superfluity  of  the 
bilious  secretion.  3.  Any  bilious 
complaint.  ~£>e£o-7v«>db  paityagadu, 
A  fool,  a  blockhead.  2.  A  lunatic, 
or  madman. 

~^<5©  paidali  s.  A  woman, 
"g^  pain  a,  ady.  vidte  £o*>  payi. 
2»sS*>  painamu,  .<?.  mrfe  -ioootfsSw  pa- 

^Sfcs  paiyeda,  5.  vide  sSewfo  payita. 
jLtf  paira,  5.  wide  sso&tf  payara. 
-g,  &  pairu,  *.  Growing  corn. 


^o  pom,  5.  Gobi  £r»o;Cta>  poneattu. 
5.  A  golden  mountain. 
;  $r>o$s>x>  ponkamu,  s.  Beauty,  pro- 
portion, grace.2. Fluency,  elegance 
of  speech.  3.  Pride,  adj.  Hand- 
some, well  proportioned  ;  well 
formed,  or  well  made.  2.  Fluent, 
eloquent.  3.  Proud. 

J  '^oKO,  £-*oK?>  pongali,  pongali.  s. 
Making  in  the  inflex.  sing.  £n>oX*5 
pongati,  Boiled  rice,  mixed  with 
milk,  and  seasoned  with  sugar, 
and  other  articles  that  give  a 
high  relish.  &*o?C43£o&>;c  pongati 
panduga,  A  great  Hindoo  festival, 
at  which  this  dish  is  used. 

j  &-°o«b  poogu,  v.  n.  To  effervesce  ; 
to  boil»  or  bubble  up.  2.  To  over- 
flow. 3.  To  be  overjoyed.  4.  To 
swell  from  blows,  s.  Effervescence; 
boiling,  or  bubbling  up.  2.  Over- 
flowing. 3.  Excess  of  joy.  4.  The 

I       measles. 

I   £r°on&  pontsu,  v.  n.  To  lie  in  wait  ; 

to  lurk.  5.  Lurking. 
£r»o"?3  ponte»  Part.  With  ;  together 

with  ;  for. 
£poe£ponta,  .5.  A  way,  road,  or  path. 

2.  A  bank.  adv.  Near. 

sb^o^tfsSoo  pontanamu,    s.    A  happy 

conjunction  of  the  stars 



£p  *3\  «5c»  -Pochchemu 

$r*o&$  pondika,  s.  vide  £n>o3,s5ao 
ponkamu,  No.  1.  and  2. 2.  Regula- 
rity of  arrangement,  or  constr 
uction,  of  words. 

£poab  pondu,  v. a.  To  obtain,  procure, 

or  acquire.  %  To  be  under  the 
dominion  of  any  of  the  passions  ; 
to  experience  joy,  grief,  <fec.  3. 
To  sustain,  suffer,  or  undergo ; 
as  applied  to  misfortune,  lo~s,  or 
pain;  4.  To  enjoy  ;  as  applied  to 
happiness,  or  good  fortune.  5,  To 
enjoy  by  copulations.  Friendship. 
2  Enjoyment  by  copulation.  &*o 
fio-i&pondintsu,  v,  Caus.  To  cause 
to  obtain,  &c.  as  above,  in  all  the 
meanings  of  £r°o8b,  "^tfs6w&*©ao 
•sfo  pondu,  beramupondintsu,  To 
settle  a  bargain  ;  as  applied  to 
s^gk-g)  pokkali,    5.    Making  in  the 

inflex  sing. 

s^S^-^  pokkati,  A  temporary  fire 
place,  formed  with  loose  stones,&c. 

^S^.©  pokkili,  5.  Making  in  the 
inflex.  Sing.  &*§{,_«  pokkiti,  The 

&■*&?._  pokku,  v.  n.  To  be  sorrow- 
ful, or  afflicted.  2.  To  blister  ;to 
be  excoriated.  3.  Earth  when 
parched  to  rise  up,  on  being 
moistened,  s.  A  blister,  pimple, 
pustule,  or  pock.  ^§k_o-&po- 
kkintsu,  v.  Caus.  To  vex,  or 
torment.  2.    To  cause  to  blister 

or  rise  up.  s£p.&>"3  ew^gc^  mata- 
bailupokku,  To  reveal  a  matter,  j 
£r*X  poga,  s.  Smoke.  £r»x"3&»  po- 
gachettu,  The  tobacco  plant,  sfr* 
-tpSo  pogaku,  s.  Tobacco,  lit  The 
smoke  leaf.  ^K^?fo  pogatagu, 
lit  To  drink  smoke.  To  smoke  a 
pipe,  &c. ;  To  inhale  smoke.  £pX 
c«»  pogayu,  v.  n.  To  smoke,  or 
emit  smoke  ;  as  applied  to  fire, 
&c  In  a  burning  state.  s^>x&r»& 
pogatsuru,  To  become  black,  from 
exposure  to  smoke. 

&-*Xfiw,  &*Xb£&  pogaclu,  pogudu,  v. a. 
To  praise,  applaud,  or  commend. 
2.  To  flatter.  &r»xajr-&*)cars.e»- 
£r»X_&,  £r«>X2&  pogadika-pogadi- 
kolu-pogadta,  pogadu,  s.  Praise, 
commendation,  applause,  encom- 
ium. 2.  Flattery. 

&"*X&,  &-°Kb&  pogaru,  poguru,  s. 
Pride,  arrogance,  presumption.  2, 
The  surf  of  the  sea.  &*&&>'&*& 
pogurubotu,  s.  A  very  proud,  or 
haughty,  person. 

£r»Xex>,  £r*/fogx>  pogalu,  pogulu,  v,  n. 
To  be  very  sorrowful,  or  afflicted. 

$n>fo&  pogupu,  s.  The  seasoning  of 

sfrr'BxjSM  pochchemu,  s.  Sin.  2.  Im- 



£n>  SS'-Pottika 

£r*&>3'eo-&>  ^&>s&QonS>  potakarintsu, 
potamarintsu,    v.    n.    To  rise,  or 
swell  up,  as  a  sore-   2.   To  shoot 
out  anew;  as  lopped  trees. 

-&»&  potty,  s.  The  belly. 

^pfe5  potti,  adj.  Short ;  smalllin  size. 
£r*  &■$  $  &*>  pot  titanamu,  r.  Shortness 

£nt>x>  pottu,  s.  The  husk,  or  "pod. 

£r*%y*  pottelu,  s.  A  ram. 

£i  * " 

£r°6orii»  potlamo,  s.  A  leaf,  or  paper, 


folded  up,|"generally^in  a  square 

form  ;  for  noiding,  or  containing, 
any  thing. 

£r°da  poda,  s.  A  visit.  2.  [A  speck, 
mole,  or  mark.  3.  Figure,  shape. 

£-*&^&»  podakattu,  v.  n.  Tojfhe 
remembered,  or  recollected.  2. 
The  appearance  of  something  seen 
before,  to  present  itself  to  the 
mind  or  imagination  only,  but  not 
in  reality  to  the  eyes. 

£n>  2*7no ■&,&*&)(;!&  podagantsu,  poda- 
ganu,  v.  a.  To  see,  or  descry.  ir> 
2»-v$j-»sg)  podatsupu,  v.  n.  To  appear. 

&*&7&  podagu,  adj.  Tall,  high.  % 
Long.  s.  Height.  2.  Length. 

&^&sfca  podamu,  v.  n.  To  be  produ- 
ced ;  to  arise. 

&•*£#  podava,  s.  A  boat. 

sb-*&5$  podavu,  adj.  and  s.  vide  £r° 
&fo  podagu. 

£n>&£o1!  podasutte,  s.  A  small 

£r*&  podi,  s.  Any  ground  powder. 
2.  Snuff,  adj.  Dry.  2.  Small.  3. 
Young.  £r°g^:x$x>  podicbeyu,  To 
pulverize  ;  to  reduce  to    powder- 

^a"3g^r»i6  podibettivudu,  To  sol- 
der, lit.  Having  placed  powder, 
to  blow. 

£p&»tfb  podugu,  v.  n.  To  increase, 
or  grow  ;  to  be  heightened,  or 
lengthened,  adj,  and  s.  vide  £-°£ 

Kb,  s^clfto^D  podagu,  podigintsu, 
v.  a-  To  heighten,  raise,  exalt,  or 
increase .  s^Sso-A^tSpodug at  1 ,  adj . 

High,  tall.  2.  Long. 
^^^bAozov©  podugugubbali,  a-,  vide 

6-tfcoS^.a.  udayadri,   under  &-&cs6 

roo  udayamu. 
£p>£&-&>  podutsn,  v.  a.  To  stab,  thrust, 

or  pierce  through  ;  to  gore.  2.  To 

prick,  or  cause  pain.  3.    To  fight, 

or  combat. 

&■»£&. s5»  podumu,  s.  Powder  of  any 
kind-  2.  Snuff,  vide  &>&  podi. 

^wr  ponaka,  s.  A  large  basket? 
made  of  splinters  of  the  marshy 
date  tree,  &c. ,  for  holding  grain. 

£p  £s&»  pottamu,  5.  A  book. 

£r*  &tf,  s^tftf  pottara,  potaka,  5.  A 
bundle  of  leaves,  &c. 

^r«  $£tf  s$w  pottaramu,  s.  A  roller  or 
pestle,  for  grinding  spices,  &c. 

tn  ©££&$  pottikadupu,  s.  The  ab- 
domen, or  lower  part  of  the  belly 




£p>  ©;&&    Pottigudda, 

A    small 

piece  of  cloth,  used  for  infants.  2. 
A  kind  of  bark  garment. 

£r*e£)  pottu,  ^  Frieodsbip.  2.  Eating 
in  tbe  same  plate  together.  &*&>$ 
7&6o&  pottunagudutsu,  To  eat  to- 
gether from  tbe  same  plate,  or  leaf. 


$r*&>®    pottuvu,     s.     The    goddess 

£ps>  poda,  s.   A  bush.  ^seg»  poda- 

rillu,     A   place    overgrown    with 

creeping;  plants;  a  bower,  or  arbour. 
s^ftex?  podalu,  v.    n.    To  shine.  £p& 

So-&>  podalintsu,  v.  C'aus.  To  cause 

to  shine. 
£r&  podi,  .?.  A  quiver.  2-  The  leather 

case  used  by  barbers. 

£r?£5bKb  podugo,  v,  a.  To  cover.  2. 
To  bind,  or  cover  with  leather.  3. 
To  set  as  precious  stones.  4.  To 
sit  on  eggs.  5.  To  surround,  or 
encircle,  s.  The  udder  of  horned 
cattle-  &«»  a  ft  o  oSb  podigintsry; .  Guus. 
To  cause  to  cover,  &c  ^-^Kb^csco 
podugucheyu,  To  have  the  udder 
swelling,  or  increasing  in  size, 
from  the  augmented  secretion  of 

$r°&rS)  poduvu,  gj.  a    vide  £r>&]&  po- 

sfr*2fo  poddu,  s.  The  sun.  2.  Any  time, 

or  period,  of  the  day  or  night-   3. 
A  day. 

sb-^Sb  ponaru,  v.  a.  To  give.  v.  n. 
To  be  agreeable,  pleasant,  or 
splendid.  £r°tfao-£$b  ponarintsu,  v. 
Gaus.  To  cause  to  give.  v.  a.  To 
make  agreeable,  or  pleasant  ;  to 
make  shine. 

^°ssb^  pounu,  *.  Gold,  2.  A  ferrule,  or 
rim  of  metal,  at  the  bottom  of  a 
stick,  or  of  a  pestle,  <fec. 

£po»,  ^roowo  poyi,  poyyi,  s.  Making 
in  the  nom.  plu.  &-°oo6s»  poyilu, 
A  fire-place. 

sr^tfpora,  s.  Duplicity,  fraud,  deceit. 
2.  Pretence.  3.  A  plait,  or  fold,  in 
cloth.  4.  The  coat,  or  fold,  of  an 
onion,  &c.  5.  A  mistake,  or  error. 
6.  The  cataract  in  the  eye.  7.  A 
secret,  ^e?^^  porabovu,  To  go 
the  wrong  way?  in  swallowing. 

s^tf^  poraka,  s.    A  sweeping  broom. 

&*&&>  porada,  s.  Half  of  the  day.  2. 

A  time,  or  period. 
£n>efd&>  porayu,  v.  a.  To  obtain,  or 


£ptf«yo  poralu,  v.  n.  To  roll.  2.  To 
turn  in  sleep.  3.  To  flow  down  as 
water.  4.  To  be  afflicted.  s^SS^, 
r>8g"  poralika,  porlika,  s.  Roll- 
ing. s£r»&>£n»tfe»  mataporalu,  To  fail 
in  one's  promise. 

£r*e  pori,  adv.  Exceedingly,  very 
much.  adj.  Angry.  $r>0&n$)  pori- 
tsupu,  An  angry  look. 




d^8iT,-j&-^ro88Scr»69o^,  s^8*w&^  porigO- 
nu-poriniarrtsu,  poributstsu,  v.  a. 
To  destroy,  or  kill. 

$r>d7S*$)  poribovu.  v-  n.  To  die,  or 

&-°&fib  poruga,  s.  The  neighbour- 
hood, the  vicinity,  adj.  Neigh- 
bouring, adjoining,  adjacent.  This 
word  refers  particularly  to  what 
is  in  front,  or  on  the  left  hand. 
Me  q&fib  irugu. 

$r°&  porlu,  v.  n-  vide  £n>tfex>  poralu, 
No.  1    2.  and  3- 

&-»e>  pola,  s>  Flesh  meat.  $r>vQo&  po- 
ladindi,  A  Rakshasa,  or  giant. 

^o-Sa  polatsu,  v.  n.  To  wander.  2. 
To  be  agreeable,  or  pleasing. 

£r*e;8,  $r*v&og  polati,  polatuka,  s.  A 

£r*e>sfc»  polamu,  s.  A  field  ;  ground 
fit  for  cultivation. 

sfr-'ectfceMS'  polayaluka,  s.  A  quarrel 
between  husband  and  wife. 

£p>e>oa<o,  $r>8cx5cx>  polayu,  poliyu,  v.  n. 
To  die,  or  expire. 

&-*&£:>  polasu,  s.  vide  ^»e  pola. 

&•*£  poli,  s.  An  oblation. 

&-*D"&>tf  polimera,  s.  A  boundary,  or 

sb-^^jg)  polivovu,  v*  n.  To  miss 
aim.  2.  To  fail  in  battle. 

3r*ex>cg>  polupu,  v.  a.  To  roll,  adj*  A. 

greeable,  pleasant,  congruous- 

&-*2x>&>  polusu%   8.    The  scales  upon 


sb-°ex>  polli7,    ,?.   The    empty  ears    of 

corn,which  have  produced  no  crop. 
s^oos5cr»6oewpollumatalu,  Silly  and 

fruitless  words. 

&-*sjpova,  s.  vide  j^x  poga. 

£-"£«b-&-°;oortb,  £r>Sz&  posagu-posu- 
gu,  posuku,  v.n.  To  be  agreeable, 
or  congruous  ;  to  fit,  or  suit ;  to 
be  on  good  terms.  2.  To  happen, 
or  occur.  Seaside  ax*  viriddari- 
kiposagadu,  These  two  do  not 
agree  together. 

&*  tf£s5M  postakamu,  s.  A  book- 


i   s^^  poka,  s.  Going.  2.  Conduct. 

|  s^S'  poka,  a*.  Beetle  or  areca  nut,  in 
raw  or  unboiled  state.  sHr*^  po- 
kottu,  s.  Scissors  to  cut  areca  nut. 

I  s^g's^g  pokamudi,  s.  The  knot  of  a 
woman's  cloth. 

J   $r*-s*m>\  pokarrtsu,  v,  a.  To  destroy. 
d*!8  pokiri,  s.  A  blackguard,    adj. 

3r«§§6  pokillu,  s.  plu.  Childish  wish- 
es, or  longings. 
&*&>  poku,  s.  Going.  2.  An  opening. 
3.  Expense.  s&r«§bss&)s-Tr»j#o2&  po- 
ku vartngavundu ,  To  be  going  and 
coming  ;  to  frequent. 




s^Xtf  pogara,  $.  A  goldsmith's  tool. 

&■*&>  pogn,  a.  A  thread,  or  string. [2 
A  heap.  3.  A  crowd  or  assem- 
blage. 4.  An  ear-ring. 

£r*fr"°fc>o  pogottu,  v.  a.  To  lose.  2.  To 
be  freed  from  ;  to  get  rid  of. 

£r*\by  £j-«2y>  potsu,  podzu,  v-  a.  To 
draw  out  in  threads. 

&*&>§'_©  potakatti,  s.  A  large  knife, 
for  cutting  wood. 

£r*&>5  potari,  5.  A  brave  man;  a  hero. 

s^asfosfeew  potikandulu,  s.  pht.  A 
white  species  of  doll,  or  pige- 
on pea.  Citysus  cajan. 

£*t>x>  pom,  s.  The  swelling  of  a  river, 
&c;  the  flood  tide.  2.  A  stab,  or 
blow.  3.  Pain. 

£r*^2&  podadu,  v.  n.  To  fight,  qu- 
arrel, dispute,  or  contend.  s^>kr°&> 
potlata,  s.  A  fight,  quarrel,  or  dis- 

d*&ao,  &*&&>  podimi,  ponimi,  s.  Na- 
tural splendour.  2.  An  ornament, 
or  jewel. 

&$&  pota,  s.  Pouring.  2-  Casting,  in 

metal.  3.  The  eruption  of  the  small 
pox.  adj.  Molten,  cast  in  metal. 

sH^tfsSoo  potaramu,  s.  Pride;  boast- 

&*&>  potu,  &  The  male  of  certain 
birds,  horned  cattle,  and  plants. 
2.  A  male  buffalo.  This  word  is  also 
applied  contemptuously  to  men, 

or  even  to  women;  as.  eT'Kb^sfc 
tagnbotu,  A  drunkard,  or  drunken 
fellow.  ^(^02^00  goddubotu,  A 
barren  woman.  ^oS^^o  tindipo- 
tu,  6.  A  glutton. 
^pf^sSas  potramu,  s.  vide  s>r$e£tfs5cx> 
potaramu,  In  Sanskrit,  this  word 
denotes  the  snout  of  a  hog. 

&-*£  p6ni,*W/.  Like.  skKT^dko^^ 
sr>&>  manmadhudumbonivadu,  A 
man  like  Cupid. 

£r*2D&  pobadi,  s.  A  hint.  2.  A  wink. 
3.  A  trace. 

s^oafc  poyu,  v.  a.  To  pour.  2.  To 
cast  in  metal.  «o&,-sr>c5b  s^oacw 
ammavaru  poyu,  The  small  pox 
to  appear?  or  break  out,  on  the 
skin.  2.  To  inoculate  with  the 
small  pox.  ■jan>tfc£rSc8co  narupoyu, 
To  sow  seed,  in  order  to  obtain 
plants,  which  are  again  to  be 
transplanted.  -£)sSx>d-*ctf»  chimUpo- 
yu,  To  suppurate.  "Ssfcfcos^oacoche- 
matapoyu,To  perspire.  &-iS\£r*oc& 
utstsapoyu,  To  make  urine.  ss<& 
sb*c«5o  vadapoyu,To  strain  through 
a  cloth.  &-S0000-&  poyintsu,  v- 
Caus.  To  cause  to  pour,  cast,  or 
inoculate,  ^-^r0^  posukonu,  v. 
Comp.  To  pour  upon  one's-self. 

&stt>s»  porami,  s.  Friendship. 



ir  tfb  sSL-Paurusha 

$r*d$&xi  poritamu,  s.  War,  battle, 

s!r*&>  poru,  v.  n.  To  fight,  or  combat- 
s.  A  fight,  or  combat.  2.  A 
quarrel,  or  dispute.  3.  Enmity. 
sr*-^£c  poradu,  To  -fight-  2.  To 
quarrel,  d* -cp> ko *x»  poratamu,  5. 
Combat,  battle.  2.  Quarrel,  dis- 
pute. &*&"gfc»  porubetr.u,  To  cry 
as  a  child, 

&-*{5bss  poruva,  s.   A  sheet. 

£r*fc9^b  porradu,  5.  A  boy,  or  young 

Srtvg&j  polakamrna,  s.  A  certain 
village  goddess. 

&-s$r,  2r*8§  polika,  poliki,s.  Resem- 
blance, likeness. 

&*e»  polu,    9.    a.    To  resemble,   or 

be  like. 
d*13  pole,    adj.    Resembling,  like  : 

as    -xr>  &»$&*!$   ramunibole,  Like 
Rama.  s.  A  sort  of  flour  cake. 
sJr*l5tfos5b,  poleramma,  5.    A  certain 

village  goddess.  2.  The  goddess 
of  the  small  pox.  3.  The  small 
pox  itself. 

&*i>  poll,  5.  A  cake,  made  of  wheat- 
flour,  jaggory,  and  doll,  or  pigeon 

&*$>  povu,  v.  n.  To  go  ;  to  go  off, 
or  away  ;  to  proceed.  2.  To  be 
lost,  to  disappear.  3-  To  die.  The 
present,  perfect,  and  aorist  tenses 
of  this  verb,  may  be  affixed,  as 

auxiliaries,  to  the  infinitive  of  any 
verb,  to  give  it  a  future  significa- 
tion, as  ^.osStf^-fo-sr'N  so  vraya- 
botsunnanu,  I  am  going  to  write. 
r°OT$b,  r^o-tf-s^^)  kontsu,  kontsa- 
povu,  v.  a.  To  carry  away,  or  off. 
d-$o»?s  poyina,  Relative  past  par- 
ticiple. Gone,  lost,  past,  dead. 
&*oootf  »r>tfo5oo  poyinavaramu,  Last 
week.  %,%  i^^zr8^  okastritobo- 

vu,  To  go,  or  cohabit,  with  a 

&-*S\OT$b  poshintsu,  v.  a.  To  nourish, 
cherish,  maintain,  support,  pre- 
serve, or  protect. 

$r*i$~%ij£(r.vo  posarrekkalu,  s.  plu. 
A  particular  species  of  fish. 

s^8?>  paudzu,  s.  An  army. 

srv©   pautri,  s.  A  grand-daughter, 

either  in  the  male,  or  female  line; 

though  more  usually   confined  to 

a  son's  daughter. 

ir»^o,a^>  pautrudu,  s.  A  son's  son  ; 
a  grandson  in  the  male  line  only. 

ir*&'&&yi  paurushamu,  s.  The  mea- 
sure of  a  man,  equal  to  the  height, 
to  which  he  reaches  with  both 
arms  elevated,  and  the  fingers 
extended.  2.  The  property  of 
manhood ;  virility,  manliness. 





<sl  pra,  part.  A  Sanskrit  particle, 
prefixed  to  words  of  that  language, 
and  implying.  Progressive  motion 
(forth,  forward,  away,  &c.  )  2. 
excess,  or  excellence,  (very, f much, 

^?f&>8too  prakatamu,  adj.  Display- 
ed, unfolded,  manifest,  appa- 
rent, proclaimed,  public,  notorious, 
igj  g'  feo  s3»  ^  oabo  prakat  amuchey  u ,  To 
proclaim,  or  make  public. 

sS;£tf  ras&o  prakaranamu,  5.  An  in- 
troduction; a  proiogue.or  prelude. 
2.  A  poetical  fiction,  or  poem,  in 
which  the  story  and  principal 
persons  are  wholly  imaginary;  the 
term  is  especially  applied  to  a 
dramatic  poem.  3.  A  chapter,  or 
section  ;  a  book. 

3  TT'tfjko  prakaramu,  s.  Difference. 
2.  Similitude,  likeness,  resem- 
blance. 3-  Manner,  method,  mode. 
adv.  According  to,  conformably 
with,  ^-^tfjfco-rr0  prakaramuga, 
^  -t^sxm  prakaiamu,  s.  Sun-shine, 
lustre,  splendour,  light.  2.  Expan- 
sion, diffusion,  manifestation;  the 
word  being  equally  applicable  to 
physical  or  moral  subjects,  as  the 
blowing  of  a  flower,  diffusion  of 
celebrity,   publicity  of  an  event, 

or  manifestation  of  a  truth.  s;-s^ 
3o#b  prakasintsu  v.  n.  To  shine, 
or  glitter  ;  to  be  splendid. 
,^5  r^sSM  prakritamu,  adj.  Made, 
completed,  accomplished.  adjV.  At 
present  •,  just  at  this  time. 

^jfs©  prakriti,  s.  Nature. 

^$r*£©  prakhyati,  s.  Publicity?  no" 
toriety.  2.  Praise,  enlogium. 

^K&praggada,  s.  A  protector. 

.s5.-cfo£s$»>  prachandamu,  adj.  Into- 
lerable, insupportable.  2.  Exces- 
sively hot,  or  burning.  3.  -Bold, 
confident,  fierce,  presuming.  4. 
Wrathful,  passionate* 

.•5  &  pradza,  s.  Progeny,  offspring.  2. 
People,  subjects. 

£  s  prajna,  s.  Intelligence,  under- 
standing, wisdom,  sense,  clever- 
ness, talent. 

&sko  pranutamu,  adj.  Praised, 
celebrated,  ^faoSo-db  pranutfntsu, 
v.  a.  To  praise. 

^•3©  pratati,  s.  Any  creeping  plant. 
2.  Spreading ;  expansion. 

^^wsixj  pratalamu,  s.  The  open 
hand,   with  the  fingers  extended- 

<j5. -&*$>&»  pratapamu,  s.  Majesty, 
dignity,  the  high  spirit  arising 
from  the  possession  of  rank  and 
power.  2.  Heat,  warmth.  3.  Valour, 





^8  prati,  A  Sanskrit  particle,  pre- 
fixed to  words  of  that  language, 
and  implying,  Substitution,  (in- 
stead, in  lieu).  2.  Several,  in  or- 
der, (severally,  each,  by  each.)  3. 
direction,  designation,  (to,  to- 
wards, upon).  4.  Belonging  to,  (as 
a  part,  or  portion).  5.  Exchange, 
return,  (again,  back  again).  6.  A 
little,  &c.  s.  Any  thing  substitut- 
ed for  another  ;  a  copy.  adj.  Each, 
every.  ^  a^Si  praticlhwani,  an 

3  ®$n>vz&i  pratikiilamu,  adj.  Contra- 
ry, adverse,  cross  grained,  reverse, 
,3.8k  prati] na,  s.  Promise,  assent, 
agreement,  engagement;  determi- 
nation, resolution  ;  a  vow.  ^©^ 
"SO  o-tSbpratijnachellintsu,  To  ful- 
fil a  vow. 

<£,©$$  pratinidhi,  5 

3  9^  pratina,  s. 

e^Bx  pratijna. 

A  resemblance 

of  a  real  form;  an  image  of  a  sta- 
tue, a  picture,  &c  2.  A  surety. 
£.©$<>;*&>  pratiphalamu,   s.    Eeflec- 


tion   of  a  mirror 


prati phalintsu,  To  reflect  back  a 



s3  ©^o^s5do  pratibandhamu,  s.  Ob- 
stacle, impediment,  hinderance. 

jS.9Qoas5oa  pratibimbamu,  $.  A  re- 
semblance, or  counterpart,  of  real 
forms  ;  as  a  picture,  an  image,  a 
shadow,  c&c. 

s>  A  resemblance;  a 
•  picture. 
D«r-3  prativadi,  s.  A  respondent 

.3  8s5b  prati  ma 
figure,  image,  or  picture. 


a  defendant.  ^Ds^ao-db  prativa- 
dintsu,  p.  W.  To  answer,  or  reply. 
.sS.Ssx  pratishtha,  5.  Fame,  celebrity. 
2.  Consecration.  3.  Endowment. 
4.  Staying,  standing,  fixation.  ,£, 

©Ixo-tfb  pratishthintsu,  To  conse- 

crate.   ,  -£p . &  3 ,  8&  p  r  a  napratish- 

tha,  That  consecration  of  an  idol 
which  is  supposed  to  inspire  it 
with  divine  power. 

^_§  pratti,  s.  Cotton,  when  in  the 
pod.  vide  *£  ©  patti. 

jJS^c&sSm  pratyakshamu,  adj.  Per- 
ceptible, perceivable  ;  present,  as 
cognizable  by  any  of  the  organs 
of  sense. 
3  3ce  j£tf«Sc»  pratvuttaramu,  s.  An 
answer,  reply,  or  rejoinder. 

(^^0*^-3-° ^s5w   pratyupakaramu,    s. 
A  return  of  good  offices;gratitude. 

v^)"§c§'s5ao  pratyekamu,  adj.    Separ" 

ate,  distinct.  ($~§?%o&>  pratyekin- 

tsu,     To     separate.     *  lies' s$x>tp 

pratyekamuga,     Separately  ;    in 
private,  alone. 

^es.-LcasSao  pradakshinamu,  s.   Reve- 
rential salutation,   by  circumam- 
bulating persons,  or  objects,  keep- 
ing the  right    side  towards  them. 



55  .^So-Praiapin 


(55  "^#s&k>  pradesarnu,  5.  A  place  in 
general ;  a  country,  a  district,  <fcc. 
-qr°^5»c    pradhanamu,  adj.    Chief, 

principal,    superior,     55 -^tfsSoo^ 
ca6o  pradhanamucheyn,  To  betroth 


^Tp^jcS^,  <£  -*pS>  pradhanudn,  pra- 

dbani,  5.  •  A  prime,  or  chief, 
&  &o-SV,:o  prapanohamu,  .<?.  The 
expanded  universe.  2.  Extent, 
expanse.  3.  Copiousness,  abun- 
dance. 4.  Illusion,  or  delusion. 

,^23oe^s5oo  prabandhamu,  s.  A  con- 
nected discussion,  or  narrative. 

/£  atfstito  prabalamu,  ac£/.  Strong, 
powerful,  pre-eminent.^  a  ex)  pra- 
balu,  0.  m.  To  increase,  to  impro- 
ve; to  become  great,  or  powerful. 

,55  ^©o-&  prabalintsu,  v.  a.  To  ex- 
tend, or  augment.  This  verb  has 
also  occasionally  the  neuter  mea- 
ning of   55  20 e»  prabalu. 

\&$  prabha,  s,  Light,  radiance, 
splendour.  .^^S'bb^b  prabhakaru 
du,  The  sun. 

/Sd.^^sSm  prabhatamu,  s.  The  dawn, 

or  morning. 
5$(s^s5sSw  prabhavamu,    .9.    Majesty, 
dignity,  magnanimity,  high  spirit. 
2.  Fewer,  strength,  energy. 
,36$  prabhuvu,  s.  A  lord,  master, 
or  ruler.  <53  ^^o^^prabhutwamu, 


s.  Power,  authority,  rule,  govern- 

£  s&*ra**»  pramariamu,  5.  Measure, 
size,  dimension,  quantity  2. 
Proof,  testimony,  authority.  3. 
An  oath,  adjuration.  4.  Limit. 
5.  Cause,  motive.  ^ys5^ra^^o^ 
pramanamucheyu,  To  take  an 
oath.  ^sscr^rasfcwiiSoeooTfc  pramana- 
mucheyintsu,  To  administer  an 

55  3&r°&s5a>  pramadamu,  5.     Mistake, 

error,  inadvertence,  carelessness, 

inaccuracy    2.  Misfortune. 
j3,£o"S  pramide,    s.    The    cup  of  a 

lamp  ;  the  place  which  holds  the 

55  cese^sko  prayatnamu,  s.  Endeav- 



or  effort.  2.   Act,  action. 

s>  csfr»eas5oo  prayanamti,  6-.    Journey, 
march,  departure. 

.sS.c^tf  prayasamu,  pra- 


yasa,  s.  Trouble,  labour,  fatigue. % 
Difficulty,  embarrassment.3.  Pain 


55  o3o-og;tfs5s>  prayojanamu,  s 

2.    Motive,   origin 



Result.  4.    Occupation,  business. 

5.    Profit,   advantage.  6.    Use.  T. 

A  religious  ceremony, 
55  er^sSco  pralapamu,  s.  Unmeaning 

or  unconnected  speech.  2.  Sorrow 

/<S^r» 2>  c  -&,  ^<y S) o-do  prala pintsu,  pra 

lapintsu,     v.    n.    To    lament,    or 





v — -'    v 

.&  ^osssSm  pralayamii,  s.  The  end  of  a 
kaipa,  or  destruction  of  the  world. 
2?e>£  .S'csSs&do  jaiaprafayamu,  The 
deluge.  ^^ce3s5wrr  pralayamuga, 
adv.  In  immense  or  overpowering- 
numbers.  2.  With  vast  pomp.  3. 
In  a  most  extraordinary  manner. 

ss.ssjjtf  pravartana,  s.  Action,  busi- 
ness, worldly  interest  or  activity, 
as  opposed  to  abstract  contem- 
plation. 2-  Conduct,  behaviour- 
3  ss©sr-o3b,  (sSsS8e-e»  pravarfcin- 
tsu,  pravartillu,  To  act  or  behave. 
2.  To  be  going  on,  in  a  state  of 

To  in- 

#.    71. 


.*.sj8oo  pravardhillu 

crease,  prosper,  or 
^3 -5r*£  pravada,  s.  Bumour.  report. 
.3 ysr>&-&x>  pravahamu,  5.   A  stream, 

or  current :  the  flowing,  or  course 

of  any  thing;  continuous  passage, 
to  run  as  water. 

,*$,£> ir^onft    pravahintsu,  To  flow  : 

^Htftx*    pravesamu, 


entrance.  2.  Arrival.  3.  Advance-  \ 
ment  in  learning.    3 ,~£§o&>  prave-  1 
sintsu.  v.  n.  To  enter.  2.  To  arrive 
at.  3.  To  interfere  in. 

£  S"_gs5w  prasastarnu,    adj.  Happy,   j 
well,  right.    2.    Good,     excellent, 
best,  illustrious.  3.   Commodious. 

js,^,  ^^tin  prasna,  prasnamu,  s. 
A  (jueshon.    demand,  or  6tiquiry. 

$  3oXs*»  prasangamu,  s-  A  discour- 
se. 2.  Introduction,  insertion.  3. 
Association,  connection.  (£ ySo'ho^ 
prasaugintsu,  To  discourse  ;  to 
argue,  or  dispute. 

£  7$  §  prasakti,  6  An  occurrence* 
or  event. 

,  3  £#n  £  prasannata,  s.  Brightness, 
pellucidness,  clearness,  purhty, 
ijZ.iSX^&xi  prasannamu,  adj.  Clear.t 

transparent,  clean,  bright,  pel- 
lucid. 2.  Pleased,  delighted,  com- 
placent, gracious,  favorable. 

r&jZzS&xi  prasavamu,  s.  The  bring- 
ing forth,  or  bearing,  young.  2. 
A  flower,  or  blossom.  3.  Birth, 
production.  4.  Offspring,  posteri- 
ty, .^tfss^^-^ex)  prasavapunop- 
pulu,  The  pains  of  child-birth. 
^So^b  prasavintsu,  To  brign 
forth  a  child. 

(j3,3r°£36»  prasadamu,  s.  Clearness, 
cleanness,  brightness.  2.  Favor, 
kindness,  propitiousness.  3.  Well- 
being,  welfare.  4.  Food  offered  to 
the  deity,  or  to  a  Guru.  ,j^,-£r°ao 
-vSb  prasadintsu,  v.  a.  To  favor. 

3  &>-£&)  prasapadu,  s.  To  eat 
I    3 ,  &  &  <&*>  prasiddham  u,  adj.  A  domed 
ornamented.  2.  Famous,  celebra- 
ted, notorious. 

.3.&&  prasiddhi,  .5.  Fame,  celetmty, 


332  ,  ■&■»  ,K  tf.Prarthana 

<tf,#r*tf,  ^^r»©r  prasuta,prasutika,6". 
A  woman  who  has  borne  a  child, 
or  who  has  been  recently  delive- 

^■frvss&o  prastavamu,  *.  Opportu- 
nity, occasioD. 

&^&o%$i>  prastavintsu,  v.  a.  To 
seize  an  opportunity. 

^r&^sfeo  prastutamu,  adj.  Said,  re- 
vealed, propounded,  declared.  2. 
-Ready,  prepared.  3.  Praised,  pa- 
negyrised, s.  A  feast,  or  ceremo- 
ny, adv.  At  present. 

<5!^o-&  prasthapintsu,  v.  a.  To 
place,  keep,  or  stop. 

<3,s^6  prahari,  s,  A  wall,  raised  a- 
round  the  house. 

^H\ftfs5<x>  prakshalanamu,  s.  Wash- 
ing, cleaning. 

<^p,  pra,  adj.  Old,  ancient. 

v2^-s-°^s6»3  prakaramu,s.  A  rampart, 
or  fence;  any  enclosure,  or  defen- 
ce, in  the  form  of  a  wall,  upon  a 
raised  mound. 

v^§b  praku,ft.|  n.  To  creep. 

^2j^^>  prakudu,  s.  Dirt. 

Q^j^fr-  Prakku,  adj.  Before,  prior; 
preceeding  in  place,  or  time.  2. 
East,  eastern.  3.  Past,  gone.  adv. 

^^^pram,  s.  An  animal;  a  senti- 
ent or  living  being. 

<-£-<>  ^prata,  adj.  Old,  ancient,  vide 
^\j,  ^3  pra,  pata,  s.  vide  -^^ 
pata.  ^.g^vo  pratagilu.  To  be- 
come., old. 

^.t^-gr^sSM  pratahkalamu,  s.  The 
dawn,  the  morning. 

rZr>jjZ&>z  praptamu,  ad/.  Obtained, 
gained,  received,  procured.  ,-sr*  I, 
prapti,  s.  Gain,  profit. 

,Jr>.ae>ogb«>Oj  vjJr>,  £o?5o§oe»  prabalu- 
kulu,  praminukulu,  s.  plu.  The 
Vedas.  lit.  The  ancient  words. 

^r^a&^S'sSoa  pramanikamu,  adj. 
Speaking  truth.  2.  True  ;  of  great 
force,  credit,  or  authority,  from. 
^s^rasSw  pramanamu,  q.  v. 

r^j  s5w  pramu,  v.  a.  To  rubj  to  wash 
a  wall. 

^p,«6j6»    prayamu,   s.    Fasting  in 

order  to  die.  2-  A  state,  or  condi- 
tion, of  life  ;  as  age,  youth,  adj. 

.->  .osS3\  e£s&»  prayaschittamu,  s. 
Expiation,  penance. 

^-.tTo^rsSw  prarambhamu,  s.  vide 
estfo^sSw  arambhamu. 

^£p  tf£>s6w  prarabdhamu,  s.  Destiny, 
luck',  fortune. 

<^2jX#  prarthana,  s.  Asking,  begg- 
ing. 2.  Prayer,  supplication.  r&\, 
8o-i&  prarthintsa,  v.  a.  To  pray, 
or  supplicate. 

^ca&fb-Preyasi  33 

■in  oo  pralu,  5.  plu.  Bice.  2.  vide  «>  | 
&&ew  akshatalu,  No.  I.  And.  2. 

.■Sn>,ex>s£few,   .-2H>,er*,ex)  pralumaJu 
pralmalu,  v.  n  To  be  idle,  or  lazy. 
vide  •are»aSr»e»  palumalu. 

^-£r>  tfs5w  prasamu,  s.  A  bearded 
dart.  In  Telugu  prosody,  it  de- 
notes alliteration. 

,  •£-» ,  ^sSx>  prahnamu,  s.The  forenoon. 

.1)  Sew  pridi]u,  v.  %.  To  grow  slack, 

or  become  loose. 
&  os3s5w  priyarnu,  adj.  Dear,  belov- 
ed, desired.  2.  Dear,  or  high,  in 
price,    fbctfcofcso  priyudu,  5.  A  hus- 

5    ■ 

i  ©  priti,  s.  Joy,  pleasure,  delight, 

happiness.  2.  Love,  affection,  re- 

£,?&  pregu,  5.  meZe  -£fib  pegu. 

o^,^  preta,  s.  A  ghost,  goblin,  or 
sprite;  an  evil  being,  especially  an- 
imating the  carcases  of  the  dead. 

s5b,  J^,s5wg  prema,  premudi,  5.  Af- 


fection,  kindness,  tender  regard. 
2.  Pleasure,  sport,  pastime,  joy. 

^coSft  preyasi,  s 

.  A  wife. 

^£r*  a.Prodi 

^ISSoea,  ^"^^rasSw  prerepana,  pre- 
repanamu,  s.  Sending,  directing. 
2.  Passion  ;  or  operation  of  the 
organs  of  sense.  3.  Excitement, 
instigation.  ,~&y3  2>  c  •&,  ^j&yssSb 
prerepintsu,  preretsu,  v.  a.  To  in- 
duce, excite,  or  instigate.  <j£,"6*£ 
§b£&  prerepakudu,  s.  An  instiga- 

."&,ex>  prelu,  ?.a.  To  prattle,  or  tattle; 
to  talk  in  a  silly  manner,  vide  ~£vz 

rf>j$)  prevu,  s.  vide  ,%Kb,  "3  Kb  pre- 
gu, pegu, 

sxo  preshya,    s.    A  maid  servant. 
-.S&C2&  preshyudu,s.  A  man  servant. 

^«,c5b  proddu,  s.    vide  &n»e5b  poddu. 
^ j  ojo^  proyyi,  s.    wete  &-*©*>  poyi. 


£r*  g'  proka,  s.  A  heap,  multitude, 
or  assemblage. 

,£r$  no  proga,    5.    »«fe   &-*fib  poga, 
No.  2.  And  3. 

yfrBj  •&  protsu,  v.  a.  To  save,  pro- 
tect, support,  or  preserve. 

<&*  &  proda,  5.   A  wise,    or  skilful, 

,  &*  a  prodi,  s.  Beauty. 




<j£r«  3$)  propu,  s.  Protection;  saving. 
vide  ^r^-so  protsu. 

i&^jo&ovd  proyalu,  6-.   A  woman. 

^s  e»  prolu,  ,9.  A  city.  &-s ,e>0  8& 
/&  proludirugu,  0.  w.  e;£de  £i-g?fc 
uregu,  To  go  in  procession  about 
a  city-  This  term,  in  marriage 
ceremonies,  is  often  applied  to 
that  part  of  them  which  consists 
in  a  fictitious  procession  round  the 
city,  represented  by  some  object 
placed  in  the  house. 

<J^3>  provu,  s.  vide  ,&*,  76,  £r«7fo 
progu,  pogu.  No.  2.  And.  3. 

^  pha,    The   thirty- seventh   letter, 

and  twenty  second  consonant,  in 
the  Telugu  alphabet. 

^i«bp  hakiru,  s.  A  fakeer,  dervise, 
or  religions  mendicant. 

%&®,  %'£&>  phajiti,  phajitu,  s.  Dis- 
grace, ignominy. 

^tfsScr^ooSsfc  pharamayasfm,  s.  Order, 
commission,  direction.  2.  Pleasure, 
will.  ££s£r»©x>©x5b  pharamayintsu, 
To  give  orders  ;  to  appoint,  to  fix. 

%ir>&&$)  pharariavu,  v.  n.  To  run 
away  ;  to  desert,  or  abscond. 

%°j&>*  phalamu,  s.  The  fruit  of  any 
plant ;  fruit  in  general.  2.  Fruit, 
(metaphorically)  result,  produce, 
consequence.  3.   Prosperity,  nou- 

rishing, thriving.  4.  Gain,  proiit, 
%°r°-$r>  phalana,  s .  Such  a  one.   adj. 
Such  and  such. 

•^oofl-sp   phayid&,    s.    Profit,    gain 
advantage,  utility. 

|efo"*6  phituri,  s.  Disturbance?  in- 
surrection, rebellion.  2.  Any 
secret,  deceitful  or  underhand 

fjtfok  phirangi,  s.  vide  §)tfoft  pi- 

§dc&n>&  phiriyadu,  s.  A  complaint. 
2.  An  accusation, or  plaint,  inlaw. 
f>ao8^a  pniriyaeli,  A  plaintiff,  or 


s>  ba,  The  thirty- eighth  letter,  and 
twenty  third  consonant,  in  the 
Telugu  alphabet. 

a o*f  banka,  s.  Gum,  glue.  2.  Mux, 
or  issue,  of  matter,  adj.  Viscous, 
glutinous,  sticky.  2.  Figuratively, 
stingy.  i3«k&»cr  netturubanka, 
The  bloody  flux.  ziog<£&^  banka- 
mannu,  s.  Clay.  lit.  Glutinous 
earth.  woS'ex) •$■*/&  bankalusagu, 
v,  n.  To  bo  pfiimmy.,  or  stie&y. 




kqX&,  aoTv*tfs5c»,  ^oTT^db  bangaru, 
bangaramu,  bangaru,  s.  Gold.  adj. 
Golden.  so  o -**&&«&  bangaruniru, 
Gold  leaf.  lit.  Gold  water.  z>otv> 
ebsgre^  bangaraputa,  s.  Gilding. 
ao7r»&^&bangarukaddi,  An  ingot 
of  gold.  ^oT^&^§bex3  bangarure- 
kulu,  Plates,  or  flat  pieces,  of 

83o-7r»bb5"5?ewbangarutigelu,  s*  A  spe- 
cies of  pady.  lit.  Gold-vines. 
«o5\  bangi,  s.  The  bang,  or  ganjali, 

plant ;  a  species  of  hemp,  Cana- 
bis  sativa. 

soofeS  banti,  adv.  As  high  as  ;  up  to- 
It  is  applied  with  relation  to 
depth  only  ;  as  -s»ae>»ofe5frab  mola- 
bantiniru,  Water,  as  high  as  the 

■&ckx>  bantu,  s.  A  hero,  or  warrior. 
2.  A  loot  soldier.  3.  A  peon  ;  the 
lowest  civil  officer.  4.  At  chess, 
a  pawn.  »o&»£j£sfce  bantutanamu, 
s.  Heroism,  bravery. 

aoiF^j  banirautu,  s.  A  trooper  or 
horse  soldier  ;  but  now  generally 
applied  to  a  peon,  vide  sdo&jo  ban- 
tu, No.  3. 

» o£  banda,  s.  A  vock  or  vast  stone. 

2.  A  pestle  without  a  ferrule,  adj, 
Worn  out.  2.  Opprobrious,  obs- 
cene-   3.     Cruel.  aofiisr»o£sb  ban- 

davandlu,  s.  A  certain  class  of 
people,  who  beg  with  a  stone  in 
their  hands  ;  threatening  to  beat 
themselves,  with  it,  if  alms  are 
not  given. 

25o&&sg)  baucjaruvu,  s.  A  bag  of 

K>o2s3Se>*Saa,  aoir,eJs5»  bandavalamu, 
banclalamn,  s.  Stock,  capital,  fun- 
ds, money.  2.  The  true  extent  of 
one's  property,  or  ability. 

2aoTS^&2>i5b.\S'  bandarupitstsuka,  s.  A 

«o&  bandi,  s.  Any  wheeled  conve- 
yance ;  a  carriage,  a  cart,  &c.  2. 

A  wheel.  ao^K  Safeo  bandi-mo- 

ggaramu,  An  army  arranged  in. 
the  form  of  a  wheel.  »o&aco«»;& 
bandiyirrusu,  s.  An  axle-tree.  200 
SaSfr-  bandirikka,  *,  The  fourth 
of  the  lunar  mansions,  from  it's 
form,  like  a  cart,  or  wain.  aoSS'oo 
bandikallu,  The  wheel  of  any 
conveyance.  Stone  wheels  are 
common  in  many  parts  of  India. 

ao©  banti,  s.  A  ball  made  of  flow- 
ers, or  cloth. 

k>o&  banti,  s.  A  row,  line,  or  rank. 
^&25o©  eiabanti,  A  string,  or  row, 
of  bullocks. 

25ces^-»  bandamu,  s.  A  cord,  or  rope, 
used  to  tie  together  the  two  legs 
of    any    animal,   to    prevent  it's 



23  230  &  -Bajantri 

escape.  2.  The  rope  used  by  the 
drawers  of  toddy,  to  keep  their 
feet  together,  in  climbing  high 
palm  trees. 

23otf<y*»o  bandalamu,  s*  A  pot,  with 
a  wide  mouth. 

sooa  bandi,  s.  Imprisonment,  con- 
finement. 2.  A  captive.  aofiT9^) 
bandikadu,  s.  One  of  a  gang  of 
robbers.  2.  A  prisoner,  or  captive* 
'aofi^to  bandipotu,  8.  An  incur- 
sion of  robbers. 

2oo<&  bandu,  s.  A  hinge.  2.  A  spe- 
cies of  bird.  3.  Restraint,  confine- 
ment. 4.  Stopping,  terminating, 

aoaaS'^  bandu kattu,  s.  Conspiracy, 
league,  cabal,    plot?  plan,  scheme- 
so  o^fcar* ssb  bandukattukonu,  v  n. 

To  conspire,  cabal,  form  a  party, 
or  be  leagued  together. 

&)©ab7fo&3  bandugudu,  s.  vide  ^o#o$ 

ae"3  bande,  s.  Imprisonment,  con- 
finement. 2.  A  fine  for  a  trespass 
by  cattle- 

aofir^roo  banclobastu,  s.  Arrange- 
ment, settlement,  regulation,  ma- 

2ooe^xx*>  bandhakamu,  s.  Binding, 
confinement.  2.  Engagement.  3. 
Servitude.   tfo-£p=tf  zooms' &»  samsa- 

rabandhakamn,  The  yoke  of  mar- 

wo^  bandhana,s.  Paste,  gum,  glue; 

any  thing    sticky,    adj.    Viscous, 

£>o£tf;6oo    bandhanamu,   s-   Binding, 

tying,  imprisoning,  confining. 
£>o£tf*>  bandhamu,  s,  A  binding,  tie' 

or  fetter,  ^o^oi&bandhintsu,  v.  a. 

To  tie,  bind,   or  tighten,  v.  n,  To 

be  bound,  or  stopped,  as  urine, &c. 

wo^o^b  bandhudu,  s>  vide  ^o^^j 

ao$35g>,  aoJ^bsg^b  bandhuvu,  bandhu 
vuclu,  s.  A  kinsman,  or  relation  ; 
but  especially  a  distant  or  cogna- 
te kinsman,  and  subsequent  in 
right  of  inheritance  to  the  Saho- 
tara.£>o#3#os5c»  bandhutwamu,Be- 
lationship,  affinity. 

z>%ts*q  bakadari,s.A  dove,  or  pigeon. 

aS'k-bakka,  adj.  Thin,  lean,  meagre. 

a*   baggi,  s.  Ashes,  dust. 

softoocl  baggundi,  s.  A  red  powder, 
which  the  Hindoos  throw  at  each 
other,  during  the  Holi  feast. 

*o-i$b\,  £>-&>\-sjt£&>  batstsu,  batstsuva- 
duy  8.  A  banker,  money-changer, 
or  shroff. 

a  ^*  bach  chena,s.  Paint,  cpldxir.adj. 
I  Painted,  a^tfgs^sfcjbachclienabo- 
|  mma,  A  painted  doll,  or  puppet. 
I  aao^ew  bajantrilu,  ,v.  flu.  Musical 
!       instruments.  2.  Musicians. 




E32r>&a5  badzarru,  s.  A  range  of  shops; 

a  bazaar. 
W2§©,  wish   bajiti,    bajitu,    s.    vide 

%£®  phajiti. 
&£  bajji,  s.  A  dish  made  of  brinjal, 

the  eg&  plant,  or  solanum  melon- 

85*j^»fee»  bataniln,  s.  plu.  Peas,  Pi- 
sum  sativum. 
£>kr»-£p>?w  batasalu,  s.  plu.  A  sort  of 

baked  cake- 
«&>$  batuvu,  adj.  Round,  circular, 

spherical,  s.  A  circle,  or  sphere.  2. 

A  plain  gold  hoop  ring. 

£>&  batta,  s-  Cloth.  2.  Clothes,  adj. 
Bald.  ®&r>c&  battavu,  A  cow  spot- 
ted white. 

3ik>»o»e»  battabayilu,  s.  An  open 
plain ;  a  champaign  country,  ac?;. 
Clear,  open,  evident.  K>to»©»e>j# 
battabayilavu,  v.  n.  To  be  dis- 
covered, or  disclosed. 

2:^>»&3-5r»j£b,23,<Lr*Jg?s  battu-battuva- 
du,  batradzu,  s.  A  bard;  a  chaunt- 
er  of  praise,  and  titles. 

»fes>-rc»2&  battugadu,  s.  The  bird  ter- 
med, in  India,  the  myna. 

a2s^^s5M,  aSs^T's^^rfoo  badabana- 
lamu,  badabamukbamu,  s.  Sub- 
marine fire.  2-  A  being  consisting 
of  flame,  but  with  a  mare's  head, 
sprung  from  the  thighs  of  Oorva, 
and  who  was  received  by  the 

£)2s$x>,  ^&ex>32&  badalu,  badalupadu, 
v.a.To  be  fatigued,  tired,  weari- 
ed, or  harassed.  n&8£  badalika, 
s.  Fatigue,  tiresomeness.  s>e£8o\fc 
badaiintsu,  v.  a.  To  fatigue,  &c. 
»eSD§'6a5bs-rB?5&  badalikadirtsuko- 
nu,  To  rest  one's  self. 

2)"Cs*6»0}  K>TT,oocn>  bad  ay i,  badayf,  5. 
Pride,  arrogance,  ostentation. 

»&  badi,  8.  A  school,  ady.  As  much? 
used  in  composition  only;  thus. 
gj»\S  ibbadi,  Twice  as  much. 
s5ao^\S  mubbadi,  Thrice  as  much. 

»&1,  a&oaS  badite,  badiya,  s.  A 
large  thick  stick. 

w&£><%  badibadi,  acZu.  Repeatedly; 
one  after  another- 

a&c*&>  badiyu,  v.  a-  To  perform  anyr 
ceremony,  in  order  to  obviate,  or 
prevent,  bad  effects  from  an  evil 
eye.  This  is  done  generally,  by 
mixing  turmerick  and  fine  lime 
in  water,  placing  the  whole  in  an 
open  vessel,  and  moving  it,  with 
a  circular  motion,  all  over  the  head 
and  body. 

k>on  a£»  bannamu,  s.  A  heap,  or  qu- 
antity, of  new  brass  pots. 

w  8  sir- so  batimalu,  v.  a.  To  pray,  sup- 
plicate, beg,  or  importune. 

20&>§o  batuku,  v.  til  To  live,  or  sub- 
sist, viae  a  s&go  bratuku,  s.  Sub- 
sistence, mode  of  life,  trade,  or 





a  «£?>r  battalika,  s,  A  quiver. 

V)&>!$o  battudu,   s.    A  worshipper,  a 

23  H3600  battemu,  5.  Batta,  a  daily  al. 

lowance  in   money,   or  food,   for 

£>a>75-°j»,  £>Ser°sx>  badanami,  badal£- 
mi,  5.  Infamy,  disgrace.  2.  Blame, 

v&'Dd  badulu,  5.  Exchange,  substitu- 
tion, stead,  lieu,  retaliation,  adj. 
Substituted,  exchanged.  2.  Other. 
adv.  In  lieu  ;  In  exchange.  si&>e» 
sg>  ^s5m  baduluvuttaramu,  A  ver- 
bal or  written  answer.  £)&e»s£r<.&> 
badulumata,  A  verbal  reply.  2.  A 
contradiction-  z> &er* o»o •&>,&) a ©o-ifo 
badalayintsu,  badilintsu,  v.  a.  To 
change,  exchange,  or  substitute- 

2)8  badda,  s.  A  slit,  split,  or  opening. 
2.  Apiece,  or  slice.  3.  Split  pulse.4. 
Split  wood.  £)#«;£)  baddalavu,  To 
be  broken  to  pieces. 

25  253*  1600  baddakamu,  s.  Laziness,  in- 

^so-iSb  baddintsu,  v.  a.  To  re-mea- 

20^),  wtfbtf  baddu,  baddura,  s.  A  lie, 
or  falsehood,  ac?/.  False- 

«"3  badde,  5.  The  end,  or  selvage, 

of  a  web. 

w  &  *6c»  badrama,   .5.  ficfe  s-  tf^&x 

£>s^j6m  bannamu,  *.  Interruption 
prevention.  2.  Fraud.  3.  Disgrace, 
dishonor.  4.  Evil,  misfortune,  bad 

s^tftf  s5oa  bannasaramu,  s.  A  neck- 
lace, of  coral  and  gold  beads,  alt- 

w^9ex>  bammarillu,  v.  n.  To  be 
confused,  or  confounded. 

£>ooo&>  bayita>  adv.  This  is  the  in- 
flected irregular  ablative  oi  kooo 
&o  bayiiu,  q.  v..  And  it  deuotes- 
Out,  outside,  abroad.  £)coofeo$oe& 
bayitavundu,  lit.  To  be  out-  To 
be  menstruous;  because  Hindoo 
females,  in  that  state,  are  deemed 
unclean,  and  are  removed  from 
the  usual  dwelling  part  of  the 
house*  »©»&>&*$  bayitapovu,  To 
go  out ;  to  go  abroad.  Ka»b>~£cs&> 
bayitaveyu,  To  disclose,  or  reveal. 
£>oco£d£>2&  bayitabadu,  v.  n.  To  be- 
disclosed  ;  to  become  public. 

aooofeS  bayiti,  adj.  Outer,  outside, 
exterior.  2.  Strange,  foreign. 

s3cwtf^tfoS(»  bayiravasamu»  s.  ride 
ooKx  TS^&o  aDgavastramu. 

£>cw>ex>  bayiiu,  s.  Making  in  the  in- 
flex.  Sing.  £>ooofe§  bayiti,  A  plain, 
an  open  field,  an  empty  space  of 
ground.  2.  An  esplanade.  3.  The 
outside,  the  exterior,  4.  The  air, 




or  atmosphere.  5.  Publicity,  adj. 
Clear,  evident.  »ooeews«6  ,  »a»g»- 
"^&,  "^ew  bayiluvellu,  bayilu-de- 
ru,  delu,  v.  n.  To  go  abroad,  to 
go  out.  2.  To  set  off,  or  start.  3. 
To  be  shed.  aoooex^fcs-Sb  bayilupa- 

rratsu,  To  make  known  ;  to  reve- 
al, or  disclose.  »oo«ex>;s£b  bayilupa- 
du,  To  be  discovered,  or  disclosed. 
£>aoofc3§s$-*sj$)  bayitikipovu,  To  go 
out,  to  aDSwer  the  calls  of  nature. 

atf  S'A*  barakamu,  5.  A  load,  or  bale, 
of  cotton.  . 

»ff&>  baradu,  s.  The  bark  of  the 
tamarind  tree,  &c. 

nti&tiQ  baratarapu,  adj.  Discharged, 
dismissed,  eStf^^oofo  taraphuche- 
yu,  To  dismiss. 

»£;S4yie»  barapatalu,  5.  A  sort  of 

&tf tfr»  barama,  s.  An  auger  •,  an  in- 
strument with  which  carpenters 
bore  holes. 

2o-cr»^85aa  baratamu,  s.  An  assign- 
ment ;  a  written  order. 

»tj^«8  barabari,  s.  Equality.  2. 
Good  order,  or  arrangement,  adj. 
Right,  just,  proper. 

»8  bari,  s.  A  school.  2.  The  side.  3. 
A  line  or  boundary,  adj.  Bare, 

?o8S~Io  barikatte,  s.  A  spear  without 

«8""§  barike,    s.    A  small   stick,  or 

s»e£>  barichi,  s.  A  spear. 
£)5£§  barine,  s.  A  small  box, 
»8l  barisi,  s.  vide  ae-£>  barichi^ 
£>&Sb  baruku,    v.    a.   To  scratch ;  to 

w&2»ex>barudzulu,  s.    plu.   Small 

tinkliug  bells. 
atfbtftfsfoa  baruvasamu,  s.  Confidence. 

courage,    vide  ^rtftftfsSx*  bharava- 

a«btf>  baravu,  5.  And.  adj-  vide  a,ex> 

^  baluvu. 
®&&  barusu,  s.  Roughness.  2.  Rude- 
ness, adj.  Rough,  coarse.  2.  Rude' 

brutal,  brusque. 

sTfe  barre,  s.  A  female  buffalo. 

exyXsSw  balagamu,  s.  A  number,  or 
company,  of  relations,  or  kinsmen. 

ae>£sko  balapamu,  s.  The  soft  white 
clay  substance,  or  crayon,  like 
slate  pencil,  used  in  writing  upon 
a  black  board,  &c. 

«e>sfc»  balamu,  s.  Strength,  might, 
force.  2.  Power,  virtue,  influence. 
3.  An  army,  forces.  4.  Rigour, 
severity,  adj.  Strong,  powerful, 
stout,  robust.  2.  Efficacious.  iTsk 
tfoXa>e><6»3  chaturangabalamu,  The 
four  kinds  of  Indian  forces,  viz. 




Infantry,  chariots,  elephants  and 
horses,  hence  tftftfoXaoska  tsada- 
rangabalamu?  Chessmen. 

wSbali,  5.  A  king  and  Daitya.  %  Tax, 
royal  revenue.  3.  An  oblation,  a 
victim,  a  religious  offering  in 
general.  4.  Presentation  of  food, 
&c.  To  all  created  beings  ;  one  of 
the  five  great  sacraments  of  the 
Hindoo  religion.  5.  The  sacrifice 
of  an  animal,  or  raw  flesh,  to  the 
goddess  Durga.  6.  Fragments  of 
food,  left  at  an  oblation,  or  meal. 

2}£>^st'&,  v>~psr>&>  balijevaru,  balje- 
varu,  s.  flu.  A  very  numerous 
caste,  among  the  Sudras  of  Telin- 
gana.  The  Balaja  caste  wS'^QS'ska 
balijerikamu,  The  profession  of 
that  caste. 

sjS&>  balimi,  s.  Strength,  power, 

«2)otf»  baliyu,  v.  n.  To  become  cor- 
pulent ;  to  grow  fat,  big,  or  thick. 
2.  To  increase,  multiply,  or  be 
augmented.  w?)§)0-&  balipintsu,  v. 

#.  To  fatten,  or  strengthen.  »ew&> 
r*(&  balusukonu,  v.  Comp.  To 
grow  of  itself  fat,  big,  or  thick. 

w€»  bain,  adj.  Much,  great,  exceed- 
•  ing,  very.  2.  Mortal. 

^efcXb&e*5  baluguttulu,  s.  plu.  A  sort 
of  paddy. 

»:eN>$  balupu,  s.  Bigness,  corpulence. 

wewsS  baluvidi,  adv.  Much,  excessi- 
ve. 2.  Impetuously,  vehemently.  3. 
Severely,  strongly. 

'»e»5$,  s>%6j£  baluvu,  baluvu,  s. 
Weight.  2.  A  load,  or  burden.  3. 
A  charge,  or  obligatory  duty ; 
onus.  4.  Oppression,  or  heaviness, 
in  sickness.  5.  Importance,  conse- 
quence. 6.  Difficulty,  adj.  Heavy, 
onerous.  2.  Obligatory.  3.  Indis- 
posed. 4.  Important.  5.  Difficult. 
6.  Acute,  severe. 

&ex>a£2&  baluvudu,  s.  A  strong,  vigo* 

rous,  powerful,  or  rich,  man. 
a "3  bale,  inter]*  Look  !  lo  !  behold  ! 

»ef"*tfxo&  balodbandi,  s.  Force,  vio- 

»  e>  balla,  s.  A  plank,  or  board.  2.  A 
table.  3.  A  disease  of  the  stomach* 
v<D$F>&fo  ballaporugu,  A  table 


25  e)  balli,  s.  The  house  lizard  :  often 
consulted  as  ominous. 

a^sfcsk  ballibudu,  s.  A  vigorous,  or 
strong,  man. 

a^csasko,  «^s5m  balliyamu,  ballemu, 
s.  A  spear. 

»?"•»  »$  bala,  ball,  inter j.  Expres- 
sive of  approbation.    Bravo  !  <fcc 

a)  ff  balla,  5.  vide  goods' *fc»  kuntsamu, 

sitfooxSoo  bavantamu,  5.  Deceit. 

ttsstfa&a  bavaramu,  5.  Battle,  war. 

»&tfex>  baviralu,  5.  ^Zm.  Ornaments 
worn  from  the  tip  of  the  ear. 




sj8&  bavisi,  s.  Honor.  2.  Splendour, 
eclat.  3.  Estimation  in  public  opi- 
nion. 4.  Bank,  condition,  state.  5. 
Modesty,  shame. 

oSS  basa,  s.  A  house  ;  a  temporary 
abode,  a  lodgiDg.  atf-^ctfo,  "^&> 
r*&  basa-cheyu,  chesukonu,  To 
lodge,  or  dwell. 

k$s$&>,  vTSsstf^  basavadu,  basavan- 
na,  s.  A  sacred  bull. 

a8>a  basivi,  s.  A  female  dedicated  to 
Siva,  whose  profession  is  prosti- 

£)&)s5b«6fc>  basnmamu,  s.  Ashes* 

wfr*  basta,  s.  A  bale  of  goods. 

a  i  basti,  a$.  A  population,  a  vil- 
lage- Populous. 

£)s^>^  bah  ana,  5.  Pretence,  pretext, 
excuse,  contrivance,  evasion. 

»Sr*tfoXsfc3^d3k  bahirangamucheyu, 
v.  a.  To  make  known,  or  public. 

^Sjto  bahu,    adj.  Much,    numerous, 

many:  2.  Very  large,  great.  3.  Se- 
vere, violent. 

E)S7T»s£r-tf  tfx>  bahumanamu,  s.  A  gift 
by  a  superior  to  an  inferior.  %  Re- 
compense, reward.  3.  Honor,  adj. 
Honorable  ;  in  public  estimation  ; 
creditable,  respectable. 

25^0^8503   bahu  lama,    s.   The    dark 

lunar  fortnight;  that  of  the  moon's 
decrease,  adj.  Much,  or  many. 

sosjToss-tftfsSM  bahuvachanamu,  s.  In 
grammar,  The  plural  number. 

^stto^S,  atfoa^bahusah,  bahusa,a<fo. 
Often  ;  in  many  ways  •  for  the 
most  part. 

^oi&tfbanduva,  5.  An  earthen  pot.. 

tp®$$&>  bandhavudu,  s.  A  relation 
or  kinsman. 

■^o^sfgsSw  bandhavyamu,  s.  Affinity, 
relationship,  alliance. 

•sp-5"»  baka,  s.  A  large  trumpet,  such 
as  is  used  at  Hindoo  festivals. 

tp§,  Tpi  baki,  baki,  s.  The  residue, 
the  remainder.  2.  Balance ;  ar- 
rears, adj.  Remaining.  2.  Wide. 
"ET,§*^r»?5b  bakinoru,  A  wide  mouth* 
?j*I$o2&  bakfvunda,  To  be  in 
debt;  to  owe  a  balance,  -Er>§|$&* 

bakitlrtsu,  To  liquidate,  or  clear, 
a  balance,  or  debt. 

23^go    baku,     s.     A    short    dagger, 

poignard,  or  creese. 
■cXsfcaex)   bagamulu,     s.     phc.    Cut 

areca  nuts. 
■£T"7r>    bag4    adv.    Well,  properly, 

rightly  ;  in  good,  or  sound,  order, 

or  repair.  2.  In  good  healtji.  adj. 

Handsome,  beautiful. 

^prtb  bagu,  s.  Good,  or  sound,  state, 
or  condition.  2.  Beauty.  3.  Health. 
adj.  Good,  proper,  well,  sound,  2. 



st0  $c  sSx-Badhyamu 

Handsome.  3.  Healthy,  "spfo^cflk 
bagucheyu,  v.  a.  To  mend,  or 
repair.  2.  To  cure.  s5b-°,  <&&e-ys>fo 
m&,  maha-bagu,  adv.  Very  good; 
very  well ;  yes. 

W2T0  baja,  s.  Music  ;  musical  per- 

^2T°69obadzarru,s.  A  bazar,  or  range 

of  shops-  ^r,8r,&£»$)2otf>  badzarm- 
khabaru,  The  rumour,  or  common 
talk,  of  the  day. 

"ST'to  b&ta,  5.  A  road,  way,  or  path. 
?y&>-Zr°Q  batasari,  s.  A  traveller. 

ir&x  badava,  s.  A  common  sewer, 
for  conveying  filth  out  of  a  town. 

TgrSir  b£dige,  s.   Hire,  rent. 

^S^-^rSI,  *r°  ca'J^^  b£dise-ba"di- 
te,  badasuvu,  s.  A  hatchet,  or  axe. 

■set" "3  bade,  s-  Mud,  mire. 

•&>&&*  banamu,  s.  An  arrow.  2.  A 
Firework.  ^"S^tf^rasSw  akasaba- 
namu,  A  sky  rocket.  -^rasStw*^ 
g&Ko  bartamutodugu,  To  fix,  or 
place,  an  arrow  in  the  bow.  wn 
sSajpSofcn^ook  banamu  pray ogintsu, 
To  shoot  an  arrow.  ■wcasSsa"^^^ 
banamukalutsu,  To  fire  sky  rock- 
ets, .or  other  fireworks. 

-spwS  banafi,  s.  Making  in  the  in- 
flex.  Sing. 

TTrafeS    bariati,  A  kitchen  utensil,  of  | 
iron  or  pm$s,  used  as  a  frying  pan, 

"spwrw  ban£karra,  s.  An  iron 
mounted  mace,  or  heavy  stick. 

•ep8  bati,  adj.  Great,  large.  2.  De- 
sired, wished  for.  3.  Regretted. 

^r"&>  batu,  §.  A  duck. 

^ tf  o-isr^cua  badankaya,  s.  An  almond. 

•2r>ab  Mdu,  v.  a.  To  beat,  flog,  or 
chastise,  s.  Fees  in  grain,  paid  to 
the  village  servants,  before  the 
division  of  the  crop. 

•%r$  badha,  s.  Pain,  trouble,  afflic- 
tion, torment,  torture.  2.  Oppo- 
sition, contradiction,  -sr^o-tfc  ba- 
dhintsu,  v.  a-  To  torment,  annoy, 
or  cause  pain: 

^t^sSm  badhakamu,  s.  Any  thing 
opposing,  impeding,  or  causing 
difficulty-,  any  argument,  cr  fact, 
which  can  be  urged  in  refutation, 
or  in  contradiction  of  another  $ 
inconvenience,  annoyance.  2.  In 
grammar,  an  exception  from  the 
general  rule. 

•&»$?&  badhyata,  s.  vide  -sptfetfa  b&« 

■3j*#os5m  badhyamu,  s.  Relationship, 
2.  An  obligatory  duty.  3.  A  right, 
or  claim  to  possession,  adj.  Re- 
lated to.  2.  Incumbent  on.  3. 
Having  a  right,  or  claim.  tj»#^ss 
2&  badhyapadu,  v.  n.  To  be  obli- 
ged, or  under  obligation  to  an- 
other. ^°$fc*£fcp-i&  baclhyaparratsu, 
v.  a.  To  oblige,  or  place  another 
under  obligation. 

5r*  e -Bar 



•wtf  bana,  s.  A  large  earthen  pot, 
much  used  by  washermen, 

•epS"^  banise,  s.  A  maid  servant,  or 
female  slave. 

t^a^b  bapadu,  s.  A  brahman. 

^y£tf  bapana,  acZ/.  Of  or  belonging 
to  brahmans.  TJ"£tf-5r»2&  bapana- 
vadu,  A  brahman.-5T'^^^--^^^g*jr-, 
-srsS^a  bapanata-rbapanakka,  ba- 
panadi,  s.  A  bralimani  woman. 

•ww  b&ba,  s.  A  horse,  ww^^ 
babarautu,  Kubera,  the  god  of  ri 
ches,  whose  steed  is  the  horse. 

Wix>  babu,  s,  A  father.  2.  A  point, 
matter,  subject,  or  item. 

•EPsfco  bamu,  s.  Embarrassment}  en- 
tanglement. 2.  Birth,  production. 

•&*$  bara,  s.  A  fathom ;  the  measure 
from  the  tip  of  the  middle  finger 
of  one  hand,  to  that  of  the  other, 
with  both  arms  stretched  to  their 
full  extent,  adj.  Twelve.  &§o"sr>S 
3-*&>r*;&  ekubara  posukonu,  To 
spin  threads. 

•sp$s^&  barakadi,    5.    A  yoke   in 

which  untrained  animals  are  pla- 
ced, with  those  already  trained. 

■^tf^e)  barasala.  s-    The  ceremony, 

of  naming  a  child. 
^-cr»a  baradi,   adj.  Much,  many, 
■s^a  ban",  s.  Annoyance,  trouble.  2. 

The  front  of  an  enemv.  3.  The 

inclined  pit  near  a  deep  well, 
down  which  bullocks  are  driven, 
to  raise  the   water,  by  a  pulley. 

"5T'3tfifct5&  barisamaru,  v.  a.  To  kill. 

•3P&  baru,  5.  A  line,  row,  rank,  or 
range.  2.  An  army.  3.  The  evo- 
lution, or  exercise,  of  troops.  Tr«b 
"sr»o2&  baruvandlu,  s.  Infantry, 
•^bb^csoo  barucheyu,  To  load,  as 
a  gun,  &c. 

TSP&^cg),  ^ptf^sg)  Mrutsapu,  bara- 
tsapu,  5.  Long  cloth  ;  a  technical 
term,  applied  in  India  to  a  parti- 
cular kind  of  cotton  cloth,  woven 
in  long  webs. 

•sy&ss    baruva,    s.    A    candy,    the 

greatest  Telugu  weight,  equal  to 
about  500-lb.  Avoir. 

w&  bala,  adj.  Young,  tender.  2. 
Puerile,  childish.  3.  Foolish,  s. 
A  woman.  2.  A  girl  under  eight 
years  of  age.  ^pej&aSb  balakudu, 
s.  A  boy,  or  infant.  2.  A  fool- 

W&0&-UVOO  balintaralu,  s.  A  woman 
in  child  bed. 

•spDr  bafika,  s.  A  girl,  under  eight 
years  of  age. 

■w°Jd&>  baludu,  s.  A  boy,  under 
eight  years  of  age. 

^r»e>ctfs»  balyamu,  s.  Childhood,  in- 

trV  bali,  s.  Sorrow j  grief,  anxiety. 




^yss  bava>  s.  The  son  of  a  mother's 
brother,  or  of  a  father's  sister,  if 
older  than  one's  self.  2.  A  man's 
brother  in  law,  if  older  than  one's- 
self.  3.  A  woman's  brother  inlaw, 
if  older  than  her  husband,  vide 
s&esa,  ^tfsSbQa  marradi,  bavama- 

ridi,  A  man's  brother  in  law, 
either  older,  or  younger,  than 

■33*3  bavi,  s.  A  well. 

■3T,2)e)?r>ex>&>  baviligolusu,    s.  A  gold 

chain,  suspended  as  an  ornament 
from  the  tip  of  the  ear.  It  is  worn 
by  men  only. 

■«3*S§ex>  bavililu,  s.  plu.  Ornaments 
worn  by  female  Hindoos,  on  the 
tip  of  the  ear. 

•3T$,  TP$r"tf>  bavu,  bavukonu,  v;  a. 

To  eat  by  large  handfuls. 
^$&ib^  bavurupilli,  s.  A  male  cat. 
•ET^eosfca^oiSb  bavurumanivundu,?. 

n.  To  be  solitary,  or  deserted. 
■sr'Sx^ska   bashpamu,   5.    A    tear.    2. 

Bheum.  ejtfotf-sr'^^ew  ananda- 

bashpamulu,  Tears  of  joy. 
a^tf  basa,  s.  A  word.  2.  An  oath.  3. 

A  language. 
■zprSko  basata,  s.  Assistance,  help,  aid. 
■ET'tf-sr-ew  basavalu,  s.  A  penitent.  2. 

A  deity. 
^sHfeosSoo  bahatamu,  s.  Notoriety.  2. 

Loudness  in  readme;. 

^r»2rotfs5*>  bahiramu,  s.  The  outside* 
w$y*ti$r*%)  bahirapovu,  To  faintr 
or  swoon. 

■epstto,  ■w^w^  bahu,  bahuvu,  s.  The 
arm-  w&k>22>&>  bahujudu,  A  che- 
triya,  or  one  of  the  Raja  or  second 
pure  Hindoo  caste ;  as  produced 
from  the  arms  of  Bramha.  ■et,s£w 
:$a  bahupuri,  s.  Ornaments  for 
the  arm,  vide  ^oX&sfca,  w&K>$xn> 
w?6m  angadamu,    bahumulamu,  s. 

The    armpit.    ■sr^TxDS&tfsS*)  bahu- 

yuddhamu,    Close  fight,  personal 

struggle,  boxing,  wrestling. 

•sr>s$Toe>s5o3  bahulamu,  s.  vide  -s-°Ss- 
g-s&>  kartikamu. 

■^rs^os^  bahyamu,  adj.  External, 
outer,  outward.  2.  Public,  notori- 

SoS's&a,  £>o~3sft»  binkamu,  binkemu, 
s.  Pride,  presumption,  arrogance. 
2.  Boasting,  vaunting.  3.  Ostenta- 
tion, a o Issuer* 2&  binkemuladu, 
To  vaunt,  boast,  or  presume. 

£)otfbsg)  binduvu,  s.  A  drop.  2.  Semen 
virile  (modest).  3.  The  letter  o. 
S)oQoak  bindintsu,  To  fall  in 
drops,  as  rain. 

So "3  binde,  5.  A  metal  water-pot, 
generally  of  brass  or  copper,  but 
sometimes  also  of  silver  or  gold. 



•  abbb-Birudti 

Sowsko  bimbamu,  s.  The  disk  of  the 
sun,  or  moon.  2.  Form,  shape,  or 
figure.  3.  A  reflected  or  represen- 
ted form  ;  A  shadow. 

2)-g-*a  bikari,  adj.  Very  indigent,  or 
poor.  2.  Lean  from  disease. 

£)§#$&»  bikiramu,  s.  Alms.  2.  Begg- 

g)5\,  £)>&)$  bigi,  biguvu,  s.  Tightness, 
tension.  2.  Pride,  arrogance.  3. 
Bigidity,  austerity,  adj.  Tight.  2. 
Proud,  arrogant.  3*  Rigid,  austere, 
rigorous.  Oftcafo  bigiyu,    v.    n.   To 

be  tight.  2.  To  cease,  or  termi- 
nate. 3.  To  be  proud,  or  arrogant. 
OAooSb,  £>5\owo3b  bigintsu,  bigiyin- 
tsu,  v.  a.  To  tighten,  or  fasten. 
2.  To  stop.  DKsitoa  bigabattu,  v.  a. 
To  draw,  or  hold  in,  as  the  breath ; 
to  restrain  any  passion,  or  emo- 
tion ;  to  detain  ;  to  withhold. 

OKo&>  bigutti,  s.  Tightness,  tension. 

adj.  Tight. 

OKtf-O^T^,  S)T?  biggara,  biggira 
o  . .   .  o  o 

bigge,  adv.  Aloud.  Sft^j*3£n&n»2& 

biggiramatladu>  To  vociferate. 

,S)-i3\8S»  bitstsamu,  s.  Alms.  0-ss\7h2&> 
bitstsagadu,   A  beggar.  0%5\"3o§ 
r°^>  bitstsamettukonu,  To  beg 
alms.  0-^\s&>o"^fc>D  bitstsamnpettu,  , 
To  give  alms. 

£)ko  bittu,  s.  Excess.   2.    Firmness. 

eo         •  * 
«di>.  Much,  exceedingly,  severely. 

£)&x>fir*tf;fo  birtucloragn,  v.  n.  To  die, 

or  expire. 

©T^cwoo-Efo  bidayintsu,  p.  a.  To  en- 
close in  an  envelope- 

£)Ta^tfs&3,  £)ts<»«»  bidaramu,  bidarru, 
s.  A  herd  of  loaded  cattle.  2.  A 
heap  of  the  loads  of  cattle. 

S&obSsSm  bidiyamu,*.  Modesty ,shame 

%Zh$>  biduvu,  adj.  Empty.  2-  Free, 
unengaged,  s.  Leisure. 

&&  bidda,  s.  A  child,  offspring- 

g>  £8  bittari,  s.  vide  n^r^  praudha. 

0  25b  biddu,  tf.  ?i.  To  drop  through  a 
hole,  in  a  pot.  2.  To  die. 

€5s5b  k>  bimmata,  s.  Sorrow,  grief,  per- 

Qotfcska  biyyamu,  s.  Bice  ;  paddy 
deprived  of  its  husk. 

Otf  ta*  birada,  s.  A  peg,  or  screw  ; 
especially  such  as  tighten  the 
strings  of  musical  instruments,  or 
are  used  as  corks,  to  fasten  bot- 

OQiew  birikilu,  s.  plu.  A  necklace, 
worn  by  Hindoo  females. 

O&ab   birudu,    5.    A   brave  man  :  a 

hero.  2.Any  honorary  distinction 

as  a  star,   garter,  ribbon,   medal, 

standard;  &c  ,  conferred  for  eniin- 





ent  services  of  any  kind.  &&"&*£%> 
birudavali,  s.  The  heading,  or  ad- 
dress, of  a  letter,  in  correspond- 

a&sa&s-a^tf,  OeJtf  birrabirra-  birra, 
na,  birrina,  adv.  With  great  haste; 

&&9o&>  birrusu,  s.  Hardness,  firmness. 
2.  Roughness,  adj.  Hard,  firm- 
2.  Bough. 

0«»^sx)  birrusulu,  5.  plu.  A  species 
of  fire -work. 

£)&£»  birru,  5.  Hardness.  2.  Haste, 
speed.  3.  A  large  piece  of  wood, 
especially  when  used  to  shut  a 
door.  ©«©*«&>  birrabigiyu,  v.  n. 
To  be  in  a  hasty  passion.  2.  To 
cease  entirely.  3.  To  be  excee- 
dingly tight. 

£)e>s5<»  bilamu,  5.  A  hole,  chasm,  or 
vacuity.   2.  A  cave,  or  cavern. 

'aex^sfc-^r-  bilukumartsu,  v.  a.  To 
kill?  or  assassinate. 

Ooo^_6£»  bilkurru,  v.  n.  To  be  suff- 
ocated, vide  &>k> goe&tfj  udduku- 

©o  oJT6^  billamgodu,  s.  A  small 
stick,  used  in  play. 

s.    The  tree  gene- 

>e;qs*»  bilvamu, 

rally  termed  the   Bel.  iEgle  mar 

S^  billa,  s.  Any  thing  made  in  a 
round,  or  flat,  form  ;  as  a  tile, 
a  peon's  badge.  2.  A  bump  or 

£)#  bisa,  s.  The  internal  spring,  or 
machinery,  which  gives  motion 
to  a  watch,  an  automaton,  &c. 

£)&  bisi,  s.  The  cross  stick  at  a  door, 
&c. ,  by  which  blinds  or  tats  are 

£)&<s-*«$  bisivovu,  v.  n.  To  be  dis- 


tXi&to  bigamu,  s.  A  lock.  2.  A  key- 

£>&"?  bitike,  s.  A  chink,  crack,  or 

6fe3~3wcflco  bitikebayu,  v.n.  To  crack. 

&&  bfdu,  s.  Making  in  the  infiex. 
Sing.  $)&  biti,  And  in  the  nam 
plw.    6&    billu,    Waste    or  un. 

4  (V) 

cultivated  land.  adj.  Base,  low. 
£)&  bitu,  s.  Fear. 

&x  bida,  ad/\  Poor,  needy.  2. 
Pitiable,  piteous,  s.  A  poor  per- 
son. bzs&#&*  bidatanamu  s. Pov- 

£)tf«6a>  biramu,  s.  Heroism,  fortitude, 
bravery.  2.  Ostentation.  '6.  Va- 
unting, boasting. 

£)tp2»  biradzu,  v.  a.  To  amass  ;  to 
collect  in  a  heap. 




6eaa  blrru,  adj.  Excessive  ;  as  htso 
&  birrenda,  Excessive  beat. 

l)ftso ~^pj£  birriivovu,  v.  n.  To  be 
disgraced,  spoiled,  or  ruined. 

fcttoX"  bunga,  s.  A  long  deep  basket, 
of  wicker  work.  2.  Half  a  bul- 
lock load  ;  as  applied  to  jaggory 
and  simi]ar  substances.  3.  A  pot 
with  a  narrow  mouth; 

ttoT'k-.  bukka,  5.  An  aromatic 
powder.  •aa'»!h  bukkavadu, 
s.  A  man  who  deals  in,  or  makes, 
this  powder. 

«>Kfisx>  bugadalu,  s.  plu.  Ornaments 
worn  on  the  tip  of  the  ear  by- 
Hindoo  females. 

zw£  bugga,  s.  The  cheek  ;  the  inside 
of  the  cheek.  2.  A  bubble  of 
water.  3.  A  spring  of  water.  4. 
The  source  of  a  river,  fee. 

2X>ft  bugo-f    s.  Cinder,  ashes,  dust. 

2^23 sfoa  budzamn,  s.  The  shoulder. 

$x>23  5\o-&   budzdzagintsu,  v.    a.    To 

caress,  or  fondle.  2.  To  cajole,  or 

zxifco  butta,    s.    A  basket    of  wicker 

2X>"cr»^  budaln,  s.  The  place  where 

the  top  of  the  ear  joins  the  head. 

2»S"7C  budige,  s.  Half  of  a  bullock 
load  ;  as  applied  to  that  only 
which  consists  of  two  large  lea- 
thern jars,  or  bottles. 

i^&oi  budipi,  s.  The  swelling  from 
a  blow.  2.  Knots,  or  joints,  in  a 

woS^wS§o  y*r»o2lb,  sM&aaS&Sb  o«t°o25o 
budibudikkulavandlu,  budibudu- 
kkulavandlu,  5.  A  certain  class 
of  Siidras,  who  dress  themselves 
fantastically,  in  many  old  clothes, 
and  profess  fortune  telling  ;  they 
beat  a  small  drum,  of  the  noise  of 
which  this  word  is  an  imitation. 

wo£be£  buduta,  s.  A  child.  £»£&?£ 2& 
budutadu,  s.  A  male  child. 

■zto&z&od  budumaln,  s.  A  particular 
sort  of  paddy. 

sx>2£  budda,  s.  The  disease  termed 
the  rupture.  2.  A  bubble  of  water. 
adj.    Ruptured.    «o£Aook  budda- 

gintsu,  v.  n.  To  be  swelled.  s&»$) 
sSooaa^^o-tSbr0^  mukhamubudda- 
gintsukonu,  The  face  to  be  swel- 

vto£&vx>&  buddapunudu,  s.  A  tick, 
infesting  animals. 

sag  buddi,  s.  A  pot,  with  small 
mouth.  2*  A  bottle. 

smS  ,  ao®  buddhi,  buddi,  s.  Intellect 
sense,  understanding.  2.  Know- 
ledge, wisdom.   <3.  Advice,  admo- 




nition,  reprimand.  4.  Inclination, 
wish,  disposition.  5.  Thought, 
zooa^ss^buddhicheppu,  To  admo- 
nish, exhort,  or  advise.  2.  To 
reprimand,  or  chastise.  £>o&ir°tf# 
buddhihinata,  .5.  Stupidity.  «oS 
Hi5b\r*;6  buddhitetsfcsnkonu,  To 
come  of  one's-self  to  one's  senses. 
wjQc&tfcrtb  buddhiyerugu,  To  have 
the  use  of  one's  reason.  2.  To 
reach  the  age  of  puberty.  zxs&z&o 
e£s&»  buddhimantatnu,  adj.  Wise, 
sensible,  clever.  ®tsb&zx&!r>&  idi- 
nikubuddhigada,  This  is  not  pro- 
per in  you. 

s»!$-x«j6!»  budbudamu,  s.  A  bubble. 

«o#>J&>  tt>&<&>  budhudu,  bududu, 
5.  The  planet  Mercury.  vx>$?r>tf 
s&>,  ^oJSb-sn^sSw  budhavaramu,  bu- 
duvaramu,  Wednesday. 

£»tf-r°  buraka,  5.  A  covering  ;  a  veil. 

wotfsS o^b  burariintsu,  v.  «.  To  dis- 
regard, or  slight.  2.  To  transgress 
an  order. 

«o3b&5  a»tftf  baruda,  burada,  5.  Mud, 
mire,  E»ab8S'&>,  burudakammj, 

— o 

The  plank  in  the  ground,  across 
the  threshold.  aot&tfKboto  buruda- 
gunta,  A  puddle,  m&ti&^ij-.  buru- 
dadukki,  Ploughed  and  irrigated 
ground,  ready  for  the  seed. 

sweasss3  burrudzti,  s.  A  bastion. 

2do«  burra,  s.  A  nut,  or  shell  ;  gene- 
rally applied  to  the  nut  of  a  fruit, 
such  as  the  cocoanut,  &c,  after 
the  inner  substance  has  been 
scooped  out.  ttowafoo&i^  burramu- 
kku,  The  nose  with  open  nostrils. 

2Doer*l  bulaki,  5.  A  nose  ring. 

waDooSo  buliyu,  v.  n.  To  rejoice  in 
expectation  of  any  thing,  txvo^) 
bulupu,  s.  Rejoicing  in  expecta- 
tion of  any  thing. 

wossq  buvva,  s.  Food,  victuals,  boil- 
ed rice,  tt^&s&t&buvvakudupu, 
s.  The  ceremony  of  feeding  a 
child  for  the  first  time. 

wtfpoao8j  s^e^tfqatoo  buvvambanti, 
haribuvvamu,  s.  A  peculiar  cere- 
mony, performed  on  the  fourth 
night  of  the  marriage. 

«o^  busa,  s.  In  theatrical  language 
only,  A  younger  sister. 

^tf  busa,  s.  Hissing  ;  the  noise  of 
serpents.  woS^&o,  ooSzooSe^Jk  bu- 
sakottu,  busabusaladu,  To  hiss. 

ix>&  busi,  s.  Ashes  covering  live  coal. 

«5&<3^sg)  busivovu,  v.  n.  To  be  sligh- 
tly disgraced,  or  spoiled. 

2xn*Xtf  bugara,  8.  Grain  mixed  with 
dirt  and  dust,  after  thrashing,  and 
before  being  winnowed.  2-  Cob- 
webs, dust. 

»r*'»o£>o-;Bijmelu  ®A&  ~^&  s-Bettida 

wcn-^s^-wT^s,  «w*esj6»  butsamu,-bu, 
clii,  budzamu,  s.  A  demon,  devil 
or  evil  spirit.  2xn>-t5bej"i92&>  butsu- 
larredu,  Siva  ;  as  presiding  over- 

£xr*s»  biidzu,  5.  Mildew,  mouldy  vxrr>?P, 
iyr°&$kx)  biidzu,  biidzupatki,  v.n. 
To  become  mildewed,  mouldy,  or 

sw»  &>&'»&»  butakamu,  s.  A  lie,  or  false- 
hood. 2.  Deceit. 

wm&'S,  »r°~5  budide,  budde,  5 
Ashes-  ^t^'B^e-sSm  bndidevar- 
riamu,  Ash  colour.  wsn&'SsSiSoN  bu- 
didepannu,  s.  A  tax  payable  for 
permission  to  burn  a  corpse. 

»3-° £sfa>  butamu,  s.  A  demon,  devil, 
or  evil  spirit. 

«rf^>  Jbutu,  s.  Obscenity  ;  obscene 

«a^a  budi,  s.  Ashes  of  dung  cakes. 

sMT^a-Sw^b  biiditsarratsn,  v.  n.  To 
become  mildewed, musty,  or  moul- 

vxn>~%  bude,  s.  The  day  sacred  to 
Siva,  in  the  month  of  Mastfia. 

2*re&>  bumi,  s*  The  earth.  2.  Land, 

»n>-3a$x>  burnetii,  s<  phi.  Fictions  ; 

2.>j-»tf,  sxr*XX  bura,  biiraga,  5.  A  blow- 
ing horn.  jao-o^JT5^^  buragommu, 
5.  A  conch.  200-0 r$K^p&  buragavti- 
du,  To  blow  a  trumpet. 

ixr°$&ex)  buratillu,  v.  To  evince  par- 
tiality, or  favor. 

200^ "3  bure,  s.  A  sort  of  sweet  cake. 

2ocp>D  biili,  adj.  Sapless,  juiceless. 

2xn>&  biisi,  8,  A  cobweb. 


To  be  af- 

13o2»ftex>  bendagilu,  v. 
raid.  2.  To  wither. 

"So2s5a  bendu,  s.  The  shrub  termed 
JEschy-nomine  aspera.  The  white 
and  light  corky  wood  of  this 
shrub  is  used  in  mailing  artifici- 
al birds,  flowers*   and  other  toys. 

~3K&>  begadu,  5.  Fear.  v.  h>.  To  be 

~&%  ex>  beggilu,  v.  n.  To  be  afraid. 

"3?fotf>  beggurn,  s.  The  indian  crane. 

"SssSm  bedzdzamu,  5.  A  small  hole. 
"S^sSx-^p^o-cSb,  -icaoo  bedzdzamu- 
podutsa,  veyu,  To  bore  a  hole. 

"Sfio-afc  bettintsu,  v.  a.  To  drive  be- 
fore  one. 

!3fe3£s*x>    betiidamu,    s.     Hardness, 


stiffness,  rigidity.  2.  Severe  langu- 
age ;  violence,  farv. 




"3&»  bettu,  adj.  Scarce,  rare.  2.  In- 
tolerable,  insufferable.  "Sftaossesofo 

bectuvarratsu,  To  cause  intolera- 
ble  suffering. 

"3&rtb  bedagu,  ad/.  Great,  big,  large. 

"3&s>  bedada,   5.    Evil,    misfortune, 

trouble,  embarrassment,  difficul- 


■^Scsk  bediyu,  v.  n.  To  be  spoiled, 
or  ruined.  2.  To  separate,  or  part. 
"3&  bedda,  s.  A  clod  of  earth. 

"3re§o,  "3rao§o  benaku,  benuku,  v.  n. 
To  be  sprained,  s.  A  sprain, 

"SciKb  benagu,  5.  Beauty. 

"Scw^bsx)  benugulu,  s.  The  cross  bam- 
boos used  in  erecting  a  pandal, 
or  temporary  building  made  of 
bamboos  and  cloth. 

■3  6  betta,  s.  The  breadth  of  the 
four  fingers  of  the  hand. 

•3  e^sSco  bettamu,  s.  A  rattan  cane. 
■3  £sS»-^e»,  -fcfl&jbettamii-allu,  ne 

p  CO 

yu,  To  plait  the  rattan.  ■3-3^0  t3"°;S 
bettalatsapa,  A  rattan  mat. 

"3  8£  bettika,  s.  Any  thing  rising 
up,  or  coming  off,  in  flakes. 

"3tftf>?  "Sdb&bedaru,  beduru,  .9.  Fear, 
fright,  alarm,  terror.  2.  A  start. 
v.  n.  To  be  afraid,  to  fear.  2.  To 
start.  "Ssao-ifc,  "3a9o-&  bedarin- 
tsu,  bedirintsu,  v.  a.  To  frighten 

alarm,  or  terrify.  2.  To  startle. 
"S#8o$  bedarimpu,  s.  Frighten- 
ing. 2.  Startling. 

"Sw^S  bebbuli,  s.  A  royal  tiger. 

"StfeSb  beradu,  5.  The  bark  of  a  tree, 

IStfoak  berayu,  v.  a.  To  attain,  or 

■S8§  beriki,  aoj.  Timid. 

"3<fc§b  beruku,  5.  Distance,  reserve, 
coldness,  indifference,  adj.  Distant, 
unsocial,  cold,  indifferent. 

"3e^*5oa  bellamu,  5.  Joggory,  or  coar- 
se treacle.  2.  Membrum  virile,  as 
applied  to  children  only. 

"3D  ©-Sb  bellintsu,  v.   a.  To  coax,   or 

wheedle.    "SDo^aSjr&ex)  bellimpu- 

matalu,  Sweet  words  ;  coaxing 

"SfSo  belaku,  s.  A  glimmering  light. 
"3&§b  beluku,  v.  n.  vide  "3ra§b  bena- 
ku, s.  vide  "srsb  belaku. 
"3^n»*r»o^b    bestavandlu,  s.   plu.  A 

caste  of  fishermen,  or  palan queen 

"^7r>6  began',  s.  A  person  forced  to 
work,  with,  or  without,  pay ;  a 
pressed    cooly,    or   porter. 

"£&  beda,  s.  The  thirty-second  part 

of  the  coin  termed  a  pagoda. 
"^£e»  bedalu,  s.  plw.  Split  pulse. 



sr6  o^T^-Sontaka 

"^8S»r»;&  bedisamlnu,  s.  A  sort  of 
carp,  Cyprirms  chrysoparius. 

"3&  bedi,  s.  Purging,  looseness  of 
the  bowels,  "^artf^tf  bedikara- 
maina,  adj.  Purgative, 

"^SksSm  beradzamu,    s.   A  mean,   or 

mischievous,  person.  2.  Mischief, 

"^tfifco  beramu,  s.  Tra£Sc5  trade, 
commerce.  2.  A  bargain.  3.  The 
offer  of  a  price,  "^tf  tp&o  beragadu, 
s.  A  purchaser,  or  buyer. 

~£d-sn>o&>  berivandlu,  s.  The  Beri 

~£6&>  beridzu,  s.  The  total,  or  ag- 
gregate, of  an  account.  2.  The  as- 
sessment on  a  country. 

"^<y  bela,  s.  A  simple  ignorant  person. 

"^e»  belu,  s.  A  deception,  or  trick. 

"2§e»sg)-t&v  beluputstsu,  v.  a.  To  de- 
ceive, trick,  or  beguile. 

*^#5  besari,  s.  An  ornament  worn 
by  female  Hindoos,  on  the  out- 
side of  the  nostril. 

"&%  besi,  adj.  Odd  ;  not  even;  as 
applied  to  numbers  only.  l!&sf  ©& 
^ex>^  besikantivelpu,  Siva  ;  as 
having  an  odd  eye.  tfe"^S>  saribe- 
si,  The  game  of  odds  and  evens. 

"^jSur>tfj6x  bestavaramu,  s.  Thurs- 

"3  &>  baita,  adv.  vide  woook  bayifca. 
"3-cr«ft,  2.13^^  bairagi,  bairagi,  s.  A 

wandering    religious  mendicant* 

practising  austerities. 
"Sew  bailu,  s.  vide.  sio*>ex>  bayilu. 
"3  tfra  baisaria,  5.  The  bridge  of  the 

Vina,  or  Hindoo  lute. 

sr'oSb  bonku,  s.  A  lie,  falsehood,  or 
falsity,  v.  ft.  To  lie,  or  assert  fal- 
sely. 2.  To  pretend.  -<&•> o§o-s5b  bon- 
kintsu,  v.  a.  T@  deceive,   or  tricky 

2r°oX^s5o8  bongaramu,  s.  playing  top. 

sS^oJfo  bongu,  s.  A  large  hollow 
bamboo.  2.  A  bamboo  whistling, 
or  rattling,  in  the  wind.  3.  A. 
pole.  -£pe>i2r°Gfio  palaklbougu,  A 
palanqueenpole.  ^|-tF»sr6o7fo  dhera. 
bongu,  A  tent  pole.  •3ab&sr»©>& 
vedurubongu,  A.  bamboo  pole. 
sS^oTfos^sg)  bongupovu,  To  become 

^oeS-sS^oasss^sS,  ^S^o^r^OBSc  bon- 
da-bondamanu,  bondakoyya,  s» 
The  stocks  in  which  petty  crimi- 
nals are  confined. 

-2^0^  bonta,  s.  A  quilted  jacket.  2. 
A  ragged  patched  cloth. 

^o^-s^B  bontakaki,  s,  A  raven. 

or6  S'ft-.S  -Bokkasa 



'cT*o£-cpo»  bontarayi,  s.  A  kind  of 

light  reclstone. 

2r°o&>e>o  bontulu,   s.  plu.  The  great 

millet,  not  yet  deprived  of  it's 

&>o8  bonda,  s.  A  small  pit,  or  hole. 
2.  A  small  palmyra  tree.  2y°o££> 
<&>  bondabadu,  To  have  holes.  2^0 
tiiT0  sk  -&  bondabodutsu,  To  bore 

fir*oX$&x>  bondalamu,  s.  A  jacket, 
with  arms  which  do  not  reach 
below  the  elbow.  2.  Armour,  mail. 

2S^oS  bondi,  s.  The  hnman  body. 

2S^oae)e»  bondililu,  s.  plu.  The  na- 
tives of  the  Bondelee  country. 

23^02^  bondu,  s.  A  parcel  of  threads. 
2.  Growing  corn  dried  up,  from 
want  of  moisture,  adj.  Big,  heavy. 

iSTcS  bonde,  s.  The  edible  inner 
substance,  or  heart,  of  the  planta- 
in tree.  2.  A  string  for  fastening 
a  jacket. 

25^0^9  bompiri,  adj.  Fall,  complete- 
2T°§'?_  bokka,  s.  Any  round  small 
hole  ;  especially  such  as  are  made 
by  rats,  and  other  similar  animals, 
which  burrow  in  the  ground,  or 
such  as  are  bored  in  a  stick,  &c.  2. 
A  mouthful.  ^Sfr-'Stfefc  bokkabe- 
radu,  A  particular  species  of  snake- 
2T*S'{r.;5j6»  bokkasamu,  s.  A  treasury. 
2.  A  money  bag. 

2S-§/>_  bokki,  adj.  Sunk  in.  2.  Tooth 
less.  3.  Humpbacked;  as  2^%^ 
I5c^?5b  bokkinoru,  A  toohless  mou- 
th. ^S^fc^ofoi  bokkirrommu, 
A  sunken  chest,  or  humped  back. 

?r°§k_3p>  bokkisa,  s.  A  small  parcel. 

25^20^.   bokku,    v.    a.    To  stuff  the 

mouth  with  any  dry  grain,  &c.  , 
and  eat  it  voraciously. 

2y*-§/^tf  bokkena,  s.  A  gram,  or 
corn  bag.  2.  A  bucket,  for  draw- 
ing water  from  a  well.  3.  A 
leathern  bag,  for  baling  the  water 
out  of  a  boat,  &c. 

^rt>K&?X)  bogadalu,  5.  plu.  vide  zy>X& 

00  bugadalu. 

2r*Ko  boffo^u,  5.  Charcoal. 

2r>T&\  botstsu,  s.  A  quantity  of  hair; 


25^^  bochche,  s-  A  particular  fish* 
2.  A  large  pot,  or  jar,  with  its 
upper  part  taken  off  horizontally. 

2S°23°fib  bodzugu,  s.  A  lover,  para- 
mour, or  gallant. 

tffg  bodzdza,  s.  The  belly.  2.  A 
pot  belly.  s^ss—  -z&fo,  *s&»  bo- 
dzdza-perugu,  petto,  The  belly  to 
become  large. 

2S^6otf^ex)— 2S^eosSbtf^e»,  sr'ktf^ 
ex>    botanavrelu  -  botamanavrelu, 
bottanavrelu,    s.    The   thumb,  2. 
The  great  toe. 

tf"*  ©ir^-Bottij 


-ss^^-so  botime,  5.  A  pimple. 

sr'feo  botfa,    s.    A    large    cylindrical 

basket,  for  gram,  &c 
25^430  bottu,  a.  A  drop.  2.  An  orna- 


mental  round  patch  of  gold,  &c.» 
"Worn  on  the  forehead  by  Hindoo 
females.  3.  The  sectarial  mark 
worn  on  the  forehead.  4.  vide 
"e^DsT6^,  zT'&s^kx)  talibotru,  bo- 
ttukattu,  To  tie  the  «r-S2roft»> 
talibottu  j  To  marry. 

'^r"lo  botte,  s.  A  child,  or  infant. 

sy&aa  botlu,  5.  An  honorary  surname, 

to  •  d 

assumed  by  certain  Yydica  brah- 

^Sss  bodipa,  s.  The  knot,  or  excre- 
scence, on  trunks  of  trees. 

25°S"3o  bodime,  s.  The  pin  in  wood- 
en shoes,  which  goes  between  the 
great  toe  and  that  next  it,  and- 
which,  by  means  of  a  button  at 
its  top,  enables  the  toes  to  grasp 
the  shoe. 

s.  The  navel, 
bonige,  s.  A  small  leathern 
jar,  filled  with  any  liquid.  In  the 
plural,  this  word  also  denotes.  A 
sort  of  cake.  2.  Dry  grain  depriv- 
ed of  the  husk. 

^r3  $  botta,  s.  A  hole  in  any  metal 

vessel,  &c. 
zr*  _8  tt»    bo  1 1  i  g  a ,    ado .    E ritirely, 

wholly,  completely,  perfectly1. 

2T>&>  boddu 

zr*&  bodi,  5.  The  name  of  the  places 
in  a  river,  or  creek,  where  small 
vessels  are  fastened,  and  get 
repaired,  m  the  manner  of  a  dock. 

2r*x£tfb££b  bonugupadu,  v.  n.  To  be 
encompassed,  or  surrounded. 

3S"&)  boppi,  5.  The  swelling  arising 
from  a  blow. 

BS^atx  bobba,  5.  A  loud  noise,  or 
disturbance.  2.  A  blister,  or  pust- 
ule, s.  A  lion.  sr^ac-rSb  bobba- 
rintsa,  v.   n.  To  cry,  or  call  out. 

?^»xtf  bobbara,  s.  The  rind,  or  bark, 
of  roots,  &c. 

er°2^ex3E-bobbarlu,  s.  plu.  A  black 
species  of  pulse. 

sr^S-g^cas  bobbilikaya,  5.  An  orna- 
ment worn  by  Hindoo  females  on 
their  toes. 

ss^s&boma,  s.  The  eye-brow,  ss^ssb 
sfcocl  bomamudi,  Knitting  the 
eye-brows,  in  anger. 

2r=S)o"l  bomike,  s.  A  bone.  ?:ide  3 
!&Ȥ'  emuka. 

wsn&g&x),  ^So.d^sSco  bomidikamu, 
bommidikamu,  s.   A  helmet, 

tr0^,  bomma.  5.  Bramha,  the  crea. 
— & 

tf^c^     bomma,    s.    An    image,     or 
statue.   2-    A  picture.  3.    A  pup- 
pet or  doll.  4.  An  idol   not  e<  li- 




secrated.  5.    vide  ?yj&,  i?r>&,bex> 

boma,  bommariilu,  $.  A  doll  house. 

?r°s5o,£7-fc>  bommalata,  5.    An  ex- 

hibition    of  puppets,    moved   by 

-$*>Q~7\  borige,    s.    A  hoe,    used  for 

digging  up  grass. 
«y°Ocss5-'2rt,6sc«5,  25^"%   boriya,  borri- 

ya,  borrre,  s.   A  hole  ;  such  as  is 

made  by  large  rats,  &c. 
vy&TSbew    borugulu     s.    plu.  Fried 

*r»{fc&>  bornsu,  .?•    A  wide  mouthed 

earthen  pot,  for  frying  grain. 
?s^e£>   borra,  s-  A  pot  belly. 
2r"e)    bolli,    s.    The  white  leprosy. 

adj.  Spotted  white. 
zy*$)4c$&to  bollitanamu,  s.  vide  zr°8 


?r°er>  bollu,  s*    A  lie,  or  falsehood. 
adj.  False.    0.  #.    To  tell  lies.  2. 
"  To  boast.   ss^ewwaso^a  bollulamari, 

A  liar. 

«y*§  bold,  5.  A  pot.  2.  A  native 
ship,  or  vessel. 

^"1  boke,  s.    &  bone. 

*y*fe8  boti,  adj.  Like,  resembling, 
equal  to.  s.  A  woman. 

^^ex)  bodalu,  s.  plu.  Particular 
animals  of  that  class  which  gene- 
rally have  horns,  but  which  them- 
selves have  none. 

&*&  bodi,  adj.  Bald,  shaven,  s.  Any 
person  whose  head  is  bald,  or  has 
been  shaven;  as  a  Hindoo  widow, 
or  some  of  their  religious  mendi- 
cants. 2.  vide  zyZn  boni,  No.  1. 
&S&0&,  ^S^oaco  bodintsu,  bo- 
dicheyu,  To  sbave.«y*Saoz&,b6di- 
yeddu,  A  bullock,  without  horns. 

sS^&s&'S  boclimidde,  AJiouse, 

without  an  upper  story. 

•jT6^  boni,  s.  A  tender  bodied  female; 
as.^sS^eS  puboni.  A  female  whose 
body  is  as  tender  as  flowers.  2. 
The  payment  of  ready  money,  by 
the  first  customer  who  bargains 
in  the  course  of  a  day,  with  any 
shop-keeper.  Until  a  Hindoo  shop- 
keeper gets  paid  in  ready  cash 
by  some  one,  for  the  purchase 
made  by  him,  he  deems  it  inaus- 
picious to  give  goods  on  credit  ; 
and  in  reply  to  a  customer  ask- 
ing goods  on  credit,  will  say.  tt»So 
oooo-^sy5^  -s**^ 25b  nakuyinkaboni- 
kaledu,  I  have  not  yet  had.  zr5^ 

sS^esb  bodu,  s.  The  coarse  sack  cloth, 
in  which  leathern  oil  bottles  are 
placed,  when  loaded  on  a  bullock. 
2.  Care.  3.  Nourishing. 

^"3  bode,  *.  A  small  water  chan- 
nel 2.   The  wooden  capital  of  a 

pillar.  2rs-3r°cj6§b6dekoyyaJ  The 

lower  part  of  the  door  frame,  pla- 
ced in  the  ground,  at  the  thresh- 
old. ^"Sibk)  bodepita,  vide  ^"a 
bode,  No-  2. 
?<$*$  bodha,  .v.  Wisdom,  intellect, 
understanding.  2.  Awakening,  ar- 
ousing, sr^tf  bodhana,  s.  Instruc- 
tion, teaching.  2.  Persuasion,  ex- 
hortation. 3.  Advice,  admonition. 
4.  Excitement,  inducement.  ^^ 

§o2&  bodhakudu,  A  person  who 
teaches,  persuades,  admonishes, 
or  excites,  sy*#<32&,  ^^es^  bo- 
dhapadu,  bodhaavu,  v.  ?i.  To  be 
understood,  or  become  intelligi- 
ble. s&^-sSwtfb,  "^coco,  sr^otfb  bo- 
dha-parratsu,  cheyu,  bodhintsu, 
v.  a.  To  render  intelligible  ;  to 
explain,  to  inform.  2.  To  persuade 
or  exhort.  3.  To  advise,  or  admo- 
nish. 4.  To  excite,  or  induce. 

#*tf  rt  H  bonagatte,  s.  A  female  slave. 

2S^?Ss5»  bonarnu,  s*  Food,  boiled  rice. 

2S**;&  bonuj  s.  A  trap. 

23^ &&•<&*&>  boyavadu?  s.  A  huntsman, 
or  bird-catcher. 

sS^ooct)  boyi,    s.  A  title  assumed  by 

the  mootaraja,and  the  palanqueen- 
bearer  castes.  2.  A  palanqueen 
2$^cocp»2sb  boyidu,  s.  A  title  assumed 
by  the  caste  of  cow-keepers,  or 


. a. s^» -Brahma 

sS^tf  bora,  s.  The  breast,  or  bosom, 
•ss^tfftyo,  ^tf  a^b  boragilu,  Borla- 
badu,  v.  n.  To  lie  on  the  face,  or 
breast.  2.  To  be  turned  topsytur- 

sT^^cocc,  «y*8oifc  barlaveyu,  bor- 
lintsu,  v.  a.  To  turn  topsyturvy. 

iS^&tf  bo r una,  adv.  With  great 
haste,  speed,  or4noise. 

^ex)  bolu,  adj.  Hollow. 

^"eJ  bole,  s.  A  broken  earthen  ves- 

sySfr  bo  si,  adj.  Toothless. 

S^XbS  baaguni,  s.  A  Copper,  or 
brass,  pot;  in  shape  like  a  bason. 


^skSo,  ^ab&j  bratuku,  braduku,  ». 
n~  To  live,  exist,  or  subsist.  2. 
To  survive.  3.  To  be  delivered, 
or    saved,   s.   vide    ««&§Oj  jcv&ogb 

"3tfc$  batuku,  bratukuderavu,  The 
means  of  livelihood.  ^  ©go-sfc  bra- 
tikintsu,  v.  a.  To  restore,  or  save, 
life  j  to  resuscitate,  or  revive  ;  to 
save,  or  deliver  from  danger.  2.  To 
support,  maintain,  or  nourish, 
i^,^  brahma,  s.  Bramha,  the  first 
deity  of  the  Hindoo  triad,  and  the 
operative  creator  of  the  world.  2. 
An  officiating  priest. 





^r>8  brahmachari,  s.  The  Brah- 
machari, or  religious  student. 
.s^sSoo  brahmamu,    s.  The   divine 

/     — 6, or  essence,of  the  world,  from 
which  all  created  things  are  sup- 
posed to  emanate,  and  finally  to 
'return  ',  the  unknown  god.  2.  The 
practice  of  austere  devotion.  3. 
The  Vedas.    4.  Holy  knowledge. 

. -3J*  Q  brati,  adj.  Great,  large,  big. 
vide  T.  ^r°a  b£ti. 

^°,sj^c3o^>  brahmanudu,  5.  A  man 
of  the  first  Hindoo  tribe,  or  of  the 
order  of  priesthood  •,  a  brahman. 

.-^.^n.zh  brahmani,  $.  The  wife  of  a 

brahman,  or  a  woman  of  the  bra- 
manical  tribe. 
V^Tj^^S1605  brahmanyamu,  s.  An 
assembly  of  brahmans.  2.  The 
state,  quality,  or  business,  of  a 


fp.&oo   bridilu, 
loose,  or  slack. 


To  die. 


v,  n* 


,r*  n5b    brotsu,    v.    a. 
save,  or  protect. 

To   become 

To  sink.  2. 

To  nourish; 

$  bha,  The  thirty- ninth  letter,  and 

twenty-fourth  consonant,  in  the 
Telugu  alphabet. 

tfcK&»  bhangamu,  s.  A  wave.  2. 
Breaking,  splitting  ;  a  bit,  or 
piece.  3.  Defeat,  discomfiture, 
degradation.  4.  A  chasm,  fissure, 
or  division.  5.  Dishonesty,  deceit, 
fraud,    circumvention,    cheating. 

tfoKXtio   bhangapadu,  v.    n.    To  be 

deceived.  2.  To  be  defeated,  otis- 
honored,  or  degraded. 

9'oXo5&d-&— $ro7C3>fca3,  ^Tofto-sSb  bhan- 

gaparratsu-bhangapettu,  bhangin- 
tsu,  v.  a.  To  deceive.  £.  To  defeat, 
dishonor,  or  degrade. 

3To5\  bhangi,  s.  Manner,  mode,  way. 

tfofctf&x)  bhanguramu,  adj.  Crook- 
ed, bent.  2.  Perishable. 

^roSatfafca  bhandanamu,  s.  War?  bat- 
tle. 2.  Armour,  mail. 

^oTa^tf  s$Mbhandaramu,  5.  A  treasurj-. 
2.  A  money  bag. 

tf  Sfr-S'  bhakkika,  s:  manner,  mode, 

p  §  bhakti,  s.  Service,  worship.  2. 
Zeal,  devotion,  piety.  3.  Faith, 
belief.  4.  Affection.  5.  A  part,  or 

$>X#K  bhagabhaga,  s»  The  crackling 
of  fire: 

$'  tf.ifcc-Bhadramii 


^f  S  &c-Bh  a  v  i  sh  y  a 

3TXtfo$&£&,  ^x^&^bhagavantudu, 
bhagavanudu,  s.  God ;  the  supre- 
me being.  2.  Siva.  3.  Vishnu.  4. 
Boodha.  5.  Any  adorable  male. 

$rK#8  bhagavati.  «.  The  goddes 
Parvati,  wife  of  Siva.  2.  Any  god- 

^rftso  bhagini,  s.  A  sister. 

$76  tf  bhagguna,  adv.  Suddenly,  all 
at  once,  as  applied  to  fire,  or 
anger,  sjf/fbs&ab  bhaggumanu,  To 
be  afraid  ;  the  heart  to  palpitate. 

qr&tf  bhajana,  s.    Worship,  homage, 

adoration.  $•#  o  >&,  $r  £  o*>  o  ■&  bha- 

jintsu,  bhajiyintsu,  v.  a.  To  serve, 
or  worship  ;  to  pray. 

$&»2&bhatudu,  s.  A  warrior,  soldier, 
or  combatant.  2.  A  messenger. 

S5toa  bhattu,  s.  A  surname,  denoting 
excellent  or  chief*  assumed  by 
certain  learned  brahmans. 

$too—qfbxi-sn!h*  $*,kr»  g»  bhattu-bha- 
ttuvadu,  bhatradzu,  5.  vide  at» 

^rgfctin  bhatyamu,  s.  Batta.  vide 
v>  15s5s>  battemu. 

tf^Xj s5a>  bhadrarnu,  s.  Cafe,  atten- 
tion, precaution,  watchfulness.  2. 
Safety,  security.  3.  Happiness, 
prosperity,  fortune,  adj.  Careful, 
attentive,  watchful.  £.  Safe,  se- 
cure. 8.  Happy,  prosperous,  lucky, 
propitious.  Interj.  Take  care ! 
beware !  be  on  your  guard  ! 

^rocSsfcs  bhayamu,  s.  Fear,  alarm, 
fright,    dread,   timidity,   feasors 

s5ao— 3TcXfr»c^*Sc»,  fc^tftf'i-Soo   bha- 

yankaramu-bhayanakamu,  bha- 
yavahamu.  adj.  Terrific,  fearful, 
formidable,  frightful,  dreadful.  <$r 
c*£3^  bhayapaclu,  To  be  afraid; 
to  fear.  fcso^toa.  tfross^sas-tSb  bha- 
yapettu,  bhayaparrutsu,  v.  a.  To 
intimidate  ;  to  frighten. 

^tfrasSw  bharanamu,  s.  Cherishing, 
maintaining,  nourishing,  suppor- 
ting. 2.  Wages,  hire. 

^rtfssSsSaa    bharavasamu,    s.    Trust, 

confidence,  dependence  on,  faith. 
2.  An  assurance,  or  pledge  of 
good  faith. 

^8o-s5b,  3r9©»OT&  bharintsu,  bha- 
riyintsu,  v.  a.  To  carry  a  load. 
2.  To  bear,  or  sustain.  3.  To  main- 
tain, or  support. 

^  J£  bharta,  s.  A  husband.  2.  A  lord, 
or  master. 

3Te>  kx»  bhallamu,  s.  A.  kind  of  arrow. 
2.  A  bear. 

iSooS'sfco,  tfvcr>ggx>  bhallukamu,  bha- 
llukamu,  s.  A  bear. 

$-^*-?jfS>-3fI>tf,  ^Ibhala-bhali-bhalira, 

bhali,  interj.  Expressive  of  praise, 
or  commendation, 
ijrasxc  &>  bhavishyattu,  adj.  Future, 
about  to  be.  # a &e«r» ^oxko  bha- 
vishyatkalamu,  The  future  tease. 




^fcsxosfoa  bhavishyamu,  s.  Prosperi- 
ty, welfare.  2.  Rank,  distinction. 

qrZ  *6a>  bhasmamu,  s.  Ashes.  2.  Calx- 

^r&ra,  ^&pa85»bhaksliaria,bhaksha~ 
naniu,  s.  Eating,  feeding. 

$- JL&tfw  bhakshitamu,  adj.  Eaten. 

$-&<?**»  bhakshyamu,  5.  Dressed 
food  ;  food.  %  A  cake. 

^rjuo-tf)  bhakshintsu,  v.  a.  To  eat. 

^o^s5w  bhandamu,  5.  An  earthen 
pot.  2.  Any  vessel.  3.  Capital, 
principal.  4.  Harness. 

^ot3-tt>&sS»  bhandagaramu,  s.  A 
store  room,  a  place  where  house- 
hold goods  are  kept.  2.  A  treasury. 

!TXx5»  bhagamu,  s.  A  portion,  share, 
or  part.  %  A  side.  jpKO  bhagari,A 
partner.  -g-*tfgsp»)(s*»e»  karyabha. 
gamulu,The  various  departments 
of  business. 

?pfto*fc  bhagintsu,  v.  a.  To  divide  or 

^TPtf *>*>  bhagaramu,  5.  Subtraction, 
or  division,  in  arithmetic.  ^-77*80 
4fc  bhagarintsu,   To  subtract,   or 

^Ktfg^  bhagavatamu,  s.  The  fam- 
ous Hindoo  poem  termed  the  Bha- 
^vat  Geeta.  2.  A  dramatic  repre- 
sentation of  any  part  of  the  vari- 
ous incidents  celebrated  in  that 

1  ^XX&Zsq  bhagavatudu,  s.  A  pious 
I  man-  2.  In  the  plural,  it  also  de- 
|       notes  actors. 

*$r»K'os&»  bhagyamu,  s.  Destiny,  for- 
tune, good  or  ill  luck.  2.  Prospe- 
rity, felicity.  3.  Biches,  wealth. 
^Xetfo^sfco  bhagyavantamu,  adj. 
Fortunate,  happy,  prosperous.  2. 
Rich,  wealthy. 

^p&>  bhata,  s-  A  road.  3rk>-£r°Q*6,  ^ 
tv>i**Q  bhatasvaru,  bhatasari,  A 
traveller-  vide  zrts  bat  a. 

W feo^sSw  bhatakamu,  s.  Price,  espe- 
cially paid  for  the  use  of  any 
thing,  or  person-,  wages,  hire,  rent. 

$r«s6,  ^otici  bhama,  bhamini,  s.  A 
passionate  woman-  2.*  A  woman. 

sptf&sfca  bharatamu,s.  The  Mahabha- 
rat,  an  epic  poem. 

^ptf©  bharati,  s.  A  name  of  Saras- 
wati,  the  patroness  of  the  arts.  2. 

ip* X&x>  bharamu,  s.  adj.  vide  ®oo& 
balnvu,  z,gQ&r*£iF'ti$Sx>-£cs&  oka- 
rimldabharamuveyu,  To  throw  the 
responsibility  on  one.  Sj&s^tfsSaa 
-tp&oZso  oUubharamaganundu, 
The  body  to  be  oppressed  by  sick, 
ness.  ^^§o45b,  ^tffto-tf)  bharakin- 
tsu,  bharagintsu,  To  be  ill,  from 
overwork.  #<&^tfl\crs5^tfs*»Bcro£> 
nannurakshinche  bharamu  midi, 
The  onusof  supporting  me  is  yours. 




^9  bhari,  adj.  Great,  tall.  2.  Impor- 
s^tfo  bharya,  s.  A  wife. 

^ss  bhava,  s.  vide  -wzs  bava. 

e^sstf  bhivana,  s.  Mental  perception, 
recollection,  the  present  consci- 
ousness of  past  ideas,  or  percep- 
tions. 2.  Religions  and  abstract 
meditation.  &&zr»ss tf7r*55oo-£fc  bi- 
ddabhavanagayentsu,  To  view,  or 
consider,  in  the  light  of  a  child. 
7¥0sSiti$-&)Z*&  bhavanachesukonu, 
To  imagine,  or  figure,  to  one's-self. 

^•sSsSm  bhavamu,  s.  State,  or  con- 
dition, of  being.  2.  Natural  state 
of  being,  innate  property  dispo- 
sition,   nature.  3.    Meaning,  pur- 

*  pose,  intention.  4.  Mind,  soul.  5. 
State,  or  affection,  of  mind  ;  emo- 
tion, passion,  sentiment,  especi- 
ally as  an  object  of  amatory  and 
dramatic  poetry. 

s^S  bhavi,  s.  vide  tt>&  bavi. 

5T°sl  bhasha,  s.  Speech.  2.  Saraswa- 

ti,   the  goddess  of  speech.  3.  A 

language.  4.    The  dialect  of  any 

^Ixo-iSo  bhashintsu,  ©.  a.  To  speak, 

converse,  or  talk. 
^Ix^sSoi  bhashitamu,  s.  Speech.  s*r»tf> 

q*&tiF"&*o&tfiAx>  marubhasha,bha- 
shantaramu,  lit.  Another  langu- 
age. Interpretation,  or  translation, 
from  one  language  into  another. 
^•&fas6w  bhashariamn,  s.   Speech. 

S^\  a&»  bhinnamu,  adj.  Split,  broken, 
torn,  rent,  mutilated,  disfigured. 
2.  Divided,  distinguished,  other, 
different.  3.  Blown,  budded,  ope- 
ned. 4.  Joined,  connected. 

$&,  $£xs$x>  bhiksha,  bhikshamu,  s. 
Service.  2.  Hire,  wages.  3.  Beg- 
ging, asking.  4.  Alms. 

§&&>&  bhikshakudu,  s.  A  mendi- 
cant, or  beggar. 

$<£$>£&  bhikshudu,  s.  The  Sanyasi, 
or  religious  mendicant ;  the  brah- 
man who  has  entered  the  fourth 
stage  in  life,  and  subsists  entirely 
on   alms.  ^&.-7r°£&    bhikshagadu, 

A  beggar. 


fiS'tfska  bhikaramn,  adj.  Terrible, 
fearful,  formidable,  frightful. 

f>@,  §&>  bhiti,  bhitu,  s.  Fear,  appre- 

f)Sex>,  hdop    bhitilu,    bhitillu,  v.  n. 

To  be  frightened,  or  afraid.  $i?4m 

adj.    Afraid,    frightened,    fearful, 

3£807Ca&&3-<$03oX8539,    ^OZSKsSto  bhu- 

jangamamu  -  bhujangamu,    bhu- 
jagamu,    s.   A  serpent,   or  snake. 
^?ssx>9   bhujamu,  s.    The  shoulder. 
2.  The  arm. 

"^tfsSw-  -Biiedamu 



-$o£o  ■&,  ^SsSoooc-sfo  bhujintsu,  bhu- 

jiyintsu,  0.  «.  To  eat. 
36  g>  blmvi,  s.  The  earth. 

^n  bhu,  s.  In  composition.  The 
earth  ;  as,  ^g'o^sSw  bhukampamu? 
An  earthquake,  $3r*38  bhupati, 
A  king,   or  sovereign. 

s^e£s&»  bhu  tarn  u,  s.  A  goblin g, 
ghost,  or  malignant  spirit,  haun- 
ting cemeteries,  lurking  in  trees, 
animating  carcases,  and  deluding, 
or  devouring,  human  beings. 
adj.  Been,  become,  gone,  past. 
jpjr°<£-g-*e)<6M  bhutakalamu,  '  The 
past,  or  perfect,  tense  of  the  verb. 
sjG^Soss  bhutadaya,  Universal 

sjG-ojto  bhumi,  s.  The  earth,  universe, 

or  world.  2.   Land,  soil,  ground. 

3.  A  place,  or  site. 

$5-°txras63o,  #j-*n  bhushariamu,  bhu-' 
sha,  s.  Ornament,  embellishment. 
2.  A  trinket,  or  jewel.  ^Sx^sSoo 
bhushitamu,  adj.  Adorned,  deco- 
rated, dressed. 

Ip&sfca  bhedamu,  s.  Dividing,  sepa- 
rating. 2.  Tearing,  rending-,  break- 
ing, &c.  3.  Distinction*  difference. 

4.  Kind,  sort,  species.  5.  Disunion, 
discord,  disagreement. 

"f  ao-&>  bhedintsu,  v.  a.  To  separate, 
divide,  or  disunite.  2.  To  break, 
or  tear.  3.  To  pierce,  v.  n.  To 
differ  from.  2.  To  be  purged.  3. 
To  change,  or  alter. 

"S  Qe>o,.  25aex>  bhedilu,  bhedillu,  v.  n. 

To  be  separated,  or  disunited.  2. 

To  be  torn,  or  rent, 
"^a  bhedi,  5.  vide  if  a  bedi. 

"^a  bheri,  s.  A  kettle  drum. 

ipo^c&s  bhoncheyu,  v.  a.  To  eat 
from  ^etfa&M    bhojanamu,    q.  v. 

ipK&xi  bbogamu,  s-  Enjoyment.  2. 
Pleasure.  3.  Wealth.  4.  Nourish- 
ing, cherishing.  5.  A  snake's 
body.  6.  &  snake's  expanded 
hood.  7.  A  crop. 

c^Ao-tfb  bhogintsu,   v.  a.    To  enjoy; 

particularly    as    applied   to    any 
carnal  or  sensual  pleasure. 

^Xex&s  bhogyamu,  5.  Enjoyment, 
or  usufruct;  especially  of  land,  &c. 
Given  in  pledge,  or  on  mortgage. 
2.  A  crop.  adj.  Fit  to  be  enjoyed, 
agreeable,  delicious. 

s£T*8tf*s»  bhojanamu,  ,9.  Food.  2.  A 
repast,  or  meal.  3.  Eating. 

^sseska  bhojyamu,  s.  Food.  adj. 

?pth  bhoru,  6*.  A  great,  or  Iced* 




.$\«&,  ■  $* s&iSm  bhrama,  bramamu,  s. 
Whirling,  going  round.  2.  Error, 
ignorance,  mistake,  misapprehen- 
sion, illusion.  3.  Confusion,  or  per- 
plexity of  mind.  4.  A  temporary 
aberration  of  reason,  delirium. 
5.  Astonishment,  surprize.  6. 
Desire,  wish. 

^r.skoooo,  ,$'. socxfcobhramayu,  bhrami- 



yu,  v.  n.  To  err.  2.  To  be  in  con- 
fusion, or  perplexity  ;  To  lose 
one's  presence  of  mind.  .3.  To  be 
^&oo-&>,  ^Sfcc»oo4fc  bhramintsu, 
bhramiyintsa,  v.  a.  To  throw  into 
confusion,  or  perplexity.  2.  To 
turn  round,  v.  n.  To  wander,  or 
turn  round.  2.  vide  tft&a&s,  C^8^ 
s&^fcoDo  bhramayu,  bhramamatalu, 

Words  void  of  reason  ;  raving  ? 
<%jfs&*  b  hr  ash  tarn  u,  adj.  Fallen.  2. 
Figuratively,  vicious,  depraved  ; 
fallen  irom  virtue. 

^oD  bhranti,  s.  vide  & .s&  bhrama* 
»po8f  o8  v  an  tibh  ran  t  i,  lit- 
Vomiting  and  delirium.  The  dise- 
ase in  which  both  vomiting  and 
purging  take  place  ;  cholera  mor- 
bus, either  spasmodic.or  otherwise. 

\^T&  bhrata,  s.  A  brother,  a  uterine 

a&  ma,  The  fortieth  letter,  and 
twenty-fifth  consonant,  in  the 
Telugu  alphabet. 

^>o§o  manku,  s.  A  wicked  person. 
adj.  Wicked. 

skoltf  mankena,  s.  A  basket  made 
of  rattan  work,  in  which  water 
pots  are  placed,  when  loaded  on 

sfcoXe>s5cw  mangalamu,  s.  An  earthen 
vessel,  in  which  grain  is  scorched. 

sfeoXasr^,  skoKD  mangalavadu, 
mangali*  s.  A  barber.  gboXuS'j^ 
mangalakatti,  s.  A  razor- 

sboXS'sSoo,  sSboKwsSw  mangalamu,  man- 
galamu, s.  Happiness,  good  for- 
tune. 2.  Preserving  property ;. 
taking  care  of  what  has  been 
gained  ;  prudence,  carefulness. 
adj.  Happy,  lucky,  fortunate,  pro- 
sperous, faring  well.  *boXiff&r»*2, 
&x,  mangalasiitramu,  s.  vide  -spg) 
2S"°&»  talibottu. 

sfcoX $ !&»&&&  mangalavaramu,  s.  Tu- 

^o-^sSw  mantsamu,    s.   A  bedstead, 
s&  o  tf  j&  sS  ~? j  e>3  mantsapupaf.telu. 
The  four  pieces  of  wood,  forming 
the  Frame  o"a  bedstead. 




jjootD  manchi,  adj.  Good,  excellent, 
virtuous,  proper.  2.  Handsome, 
pretty.  3.  Fine,  nice,  commodious. 
4.  Much,  great,  severe,  violent, 
heavy,  ssbo-oa  manchidi,  adv.  Very 
well  •  very  good.  sSbo-Ssr0©  man- 

chijati,  A  high  tribe ;  a  pure 
caste  ;  a  fine  sort,  or  kind.  sfco-S) 
•&*a5»  manchipamu,|The  Cobra  da 
Capello,  or  hooded  snake.  The 
Hindoos  term  it  the  good  snake, 
though  its  bite  is  nearly  mortal, 
out  of  superstitious  dread  of  it; 
and  they  rather  endeavour  to 
propitiate  it,  than  to  destroy  it.sfco 
%>??»$  rnauchivana,  Heavy  rain. 
sSbo-S)"3^\  manchidebba,  A  violent 
or  severe  blow.  s&o-©tfr>13  manchi- 
nune,  lit.  Good  oil.  The  oil  of  the 
sesamum  seed.  a&o5tf?te»  manchi 
tanamu,  5.  Goo'dness,  excellence. 
2.  Reconciliation.  3.  A  friendly 
footing,  or  good  terms,  with 

sfco-&>  mantsu,  s.  Dew.  2.  A  fog,  or 
mist.  3.  Snow.  adj.  Snowy. 

3&0-&  mantsu,  v.  a.  To  preserve,  ma- 
intain, nourish,  or  cherish. 

260  "S  manche,  s.  A  sort  of  stand,  or 
shed,  erected  on  four  long  posts, 
iii  a  field  ;  for  holding  persons 
who  watch  over  the  ripe  grain.  2. 
A  shelf.    3.  A  platform-  K&sSao^ 

gadamanche,  A  stand  ;  as  applied 
to  that  generally  used  in  Hindoo 
houses,  for  holding  any  thing. 
sftosr^  manjali,  s.  A  certain  weight, 
as  applied  to  diamonds  only  ;  I 
believe  it  to  correspond  with  a 

sSbofio  manta,  s.  Blaze,  flame.  2.  Sore, 
or  acute,  pain.  3.  Fury,  wrath.  4. 
Ardor,  heat,  inflammation.  *»2&^ 
s5bo&>  kadupumanta,  lit.  Belly 
flame.  Jealousy.  2.  Envy.  s5bo&> 
s&t,8  mantamari,  A  furious,  or  pas. 
sionate  person. 

sSbo&g'sSw  mantakamu,  s.  A  sort  of 
cake,  made  of  wheat  flour,  but 
without  sugar. 

sSbo&5*£sfo>,  sfco&sSsSw  mantapamu, 
mandapamu,  s.A  temporary  build- 
.  ing  -}  an  open  shed,  or  hall,  ador- 
ned with  flowers,  and  erected  on 
festival  occasions  ;  as  at  marriage, 
&c.  2.  An  open  temple  or  open 
building,  consecrated  to  a  deity. 

sfcofeS  manti,  adv.  vide  £>ofe5  banti. 

s&o2*  manda,  s.  A  bough.  2.  A  vessel 
for  scorching  grain.  3.  The  ankle. 
e£e>sfco&  talamanda,  The  skull. 

sSbo&XzH   mandagabba,  s.  The  large 

black  scorpion. 
s&o£tfs5»  mandanamu,  s.  Ornament, 

decoration.  2.  Trinkets,  jewels. 




s5bo£e>s£»  mandalamu,  s.  The  disk 
of  the  sun  or  moon.  2.  An  orb,  a 
circumference  in  general  ;  the 
circle  bounding  the  view,  the 
sensible  horizon.  3.  A  ball,  a 
globe.  4.  A  wheel.  5.  A  province, 
region,  or  district. 6.  A  heap,  quan- 
tity, multitude,  or  assemblage.  7. 
A  sweet  meat.  8.  The  period  of 
forty  days.  cSboe£"#$V&£&  manda- 
les'varudu,  A  king,  or  supreme 
prince,  governing  a  8fco£e>s5» 

mandalamu,  q.  v.  No.  5. 
s5bo2sO    mandali,    s.    An    assembly, 

flock,  or  multitude.  2.  A  dog.  3., 

A  cat.  4.  A  snake. 
:& ocl  mandi,    s.   A  wholesale  shop. 

2.  An  attitude  in  shooting  ;  the 
right  knee  advanced,  the  left  leg 
retracted.  In  the  plural,  it  also 
denotes  a  sort  of  sweet  cake. 
sfco2&  mandu,  v.  n.  To  blaze.  2.  To 
smart,  or  give  acute  pain.  3.  To 
be  in  a  fury,  or  violent  rage,  s&o 

So-ift  mandintsu,  v.  a.  To  inflame; 
to  put  in  a  blaze.  2.  To  put  in  a 
furious  rage.  g^^sfco^b  kadupu- 
mandu,  p,  n.  lit.  The  belly  to 
blaze  or  burn.  To  be  jealous,  or 
envious.  2.  To  be  most  severely 
afflicted.  &§6s$oo2&  ollumandu,  v.?i. 
lit.  The  body  to  blaze,  or  burn. 
To  feel  great  anger. 
s6oo"3  mande,  s.  A  heap  of  the  un- 
thrashed  ears  of  the  srreat  millet. 

j&oe£tfj6M    mantanamu,  s.    A  secret- 

2.  A   retreat,    or    concealment. 

3.  Secret    consultation,    private 

s&o^j sfc»  mantramu,  s.  A  division  of 
the  Yedas.  2.  A  mystical  verse* 
or  incantation.  3.  A  formula  sacred 
to  any  individual  deity.  4.  Secret 
consultation,  private  advice.  5.  A 

s&o.S  o-vSb  mantrintsu,  v.  a.  To  utter 
incantations  ;  to  charm,  or  en- 
chant. 2.  To  advise,  or  give 

sSbo^-7r°2&,  sSbo^o^a  mantragadu, 
mantra vadi,  s.  A  conjurer.  sSbo.el 
c^eT'coo^)  mantra  putayittu,  An 

56bo^-Sr°$  mantrasani,  s.  Amid  wife. 

s£o  8    mantri,    s.    A  counsellor,   or 

adviser.  2.  A  king's  counsellor  or 
minister.  3.  The  queen  at  chess. 

s£o£  manda,  -s.  A  flock  or  herd,  of 

skossfca  mandamu,  adj.  Slow,  tardy. 
2.  Dull,  stupid,  heavy.  3.  Fool- 
ish. 4.  Thick,  s.  Thickness.  2. 
Indigestion,  loss  of  appetite,  s&ozs 
%o&  mandagintsu,  To  become 
dull-  2.  To  lose  one's  appetite. 
vide  eig'D  akali.  &o&&>  mandudu 
s.  The  planet  Saturn,  from  his 
slow  motion.   cSbcfa'^xbr^x  manda- 



ssb  Kb-Maggu 

pumanishi,  A  stupid  person,  jfcotf 
s5oD  mandamati,  Dull  comprehen- 
sion. 2.  Forgetf nlness.  s&e>-cr>5W 
niandagni,  lit.  Dull  fire.  Want 
of   appetite,     or   digestion. 

s£o&So-&  mandalintsu,  v.  a.  To 
mention,  say,  or  speak  ;  as  appli- 
ed to  an  inferior  addressing  a  su- 

s&oes&sfci  mandasamu,  s.  A  high  box. 
sfto-sr'tfsSM    mandaramu,  s.    Cloudy, 

or  dark,  weather, 
s&oa  mandi,  s.  flu.  People,  persons; 

as    ^-^sfeoa    sanamandi,     Many 

people.  This  term  is  affixed  to  all 
the  neuter  numerals,  from  jive 
inclusive  upwards,  to  make  them 
masculine  or  feminine  ;  as  t9owab 

^oasr1^  ayidumandi  doralu, 
]?ive  gentlemen. 

s&oatfx4»  mandiramu,  s.  A  house.  2. 
A  city,  or  town. 

s&oab  mandu,  s.  Medicine,  physic. 
2.  Gunpowder,  adj.  Scarce,  skoefc 
ejo^o^mandulavandlu.s.»^M.  Dru- 
ggists.&S)&o2fcnilimandu,s.  Indigo, 
tfe^s&oefc  nallamandu,  s.  Opium, 
sse;^),  ~S>k»s5botf>  valapu,  pettuman- 
du,  Love-powder. 

?&o"S"&>e>sSw  mandemelamu,  s.  Negli- 
gence, carelessness-  2.  Familiar 

sk^tf ska  makaramu,  8*  An  alligator. 
2.  The  sign  in  the  zodiac  termed 
Capricornus.  3,  One  of  Cubera's 

tfcg'a  makari,  s.  vide  afcS'tf  sSw  makara- 
mu, No.  1. 

g6§<y  makila,  5.  Dirt,  filth,  impurity. 

adj.  Dirty,  unclean,  impure. 

sSbSbeosSw  makutamu,  s.  A  crest,  a 
head  dress,  a  crown,  a  tiara. 

s&Sb^s^  makkuva,  s.  Affection,  love. 
2.  Desire,  lust.  3.  Wish,  inclina- 

s£1k_ex>  makkelu,  s.  plu.  Bones. 

s5b4)s5b  makhama,  5.  A  tax,  or  assess- 
ment,  for  any  religious  purpose. 

jfcft  maga,  adj.  Male,  vide  -»»X'-sfcK&> 
S»,  5fcXfe3s»  moga-magatami,  ma- 
gatimi,  5.  Manhood.  2.  Bravery, 

8&\'£b  magadu,  s.   A  husband,  vide 

*^»Kb2&  mogudu. 
sbX-frov  magasala,   s.    A  place  with 

seats,  in  front  of  the  house. 
S&XC&  maguda,   adv.  A  gain.  s&Ko£b 

magudu,  v.  n.  To  return.  s5bKbcl©-i5b 

magudintsu,  v.  a.  To  turn  another 

s&Tto  maguva,  s-  A  woman. 
s5bK  s5w  maggamu,  s.  A  loom, 
jftfo  maggu,    v.   n.   To  become  soft, 

as  applied  to  fruit,  2.  To  be  spoilt, 



s5b  kx>  -Mat  tu 

55b  ^v  matstsa,  s.  A  mole,  freckle,  or 
spot  on  the  skin.  2.  A  scar.  $&> 
sk-t5\  puttumatstsa,  5.  A  natural 
mole,  or  spot  on  the  body  -,  one 
with  which  a  person  is  born. 

sSb-^tfsSM  matstsaramn,  '*.  Malice, 
hatred,  envy.  s$b-i5\aoo5b,  c5b-S\*5*£t» 
matstsarintsu ,  matstsarapattu,  To 
entertain  malice,  hatred,  or  envy, 

tib-OxS*,  sk©\1machchika,  machchikej 
s.  Fondling;,  caressing.  2.  Love, 
attachment,  affection. 

ssb-i&K  matstsu,  s.  An  upstair-house. 
2.  A  sample.  3.  A  model,  s&iixe) 
76  a  matstsulagudi,  A  string*  of 
little  samples  of  gold,  of  different 
degrees  of  ascertained  purity,  by 
comparison  with  which  the  purity 
of  other  gold  is  defined.  sfcsk\&-»S 
matstsupodi,  s.  An  enchanting 
powder,  which  allures  the  person 
on  whom  it  is  thrown  to  follow 
the  person  who  throws  it.  sSo^b. 
&-°clj  s5oT&\-tfsx->  matstsupodi,  ma- 
tstsu-tsallu,  To  sprinkle  that  pow- 

ssb3bvrj§  matstsukatti,    s.     A  large 

wood  knife. 
s£"^\s5xmachchemu,  s.  ^[fctS  ma- 

chchekanti,  A  woman,    lit.   Fish- 
s&ssl)  majili,    s.   A  stage,  or  halting 

place,,  in  travelling. 

sk2*>So-i&  madzukuru,  adj.  Before 
mentioned,  aforesaid. 

s&«tfsSw  majjanamu,  s.  Bathing,  ab- 
lution. 8£>K^-F"ej  majjanasala,  A 
bathing  room. 

^b^x"  majjiga,  s.  Buttermilk,  vide  -He) 

s5bc5b^    majhjha,  interj.  Expressive 


of  praise,  or  commendation. 

oSofeot&w  matamu,  s.  vide  sfc&sfo  ma- 

sfcfeo  matta,  s.  A  young  palmyra  tree. 
2.  A  bough  of  any  palm  tree,  as 
the  cocoanut,  &c.  3.  A  leaf  of  the 
aloe,  or  of  cabbage,  or  of  similar 
plants,  or  vegetables. 

s&feo^o^mattagintsu,  v.  a.  To  lessen, 

diminish,  or  depress.    2.   To  cut 
into  small  pieces. 

&>&>  fo&lo  mattagudise,  5.  A  jDarticu- 
lar  fish. 

s&fea4»j3rr  mattapalaka,  s.  A  measu- 
ring yard. 

s5b^553o,  &toir>&  mattamu,  jnattapi- 
ti,  adj.  Short,  small. 

sSbfeS  matti,  s.  Earth,  soil.  adv.  Since 

s&&3  mattu,  s.  Limit,  bound.  2.  Mea- 
sure,  extent.  3.  Capacity,  either 
as  applied  to  measurement,  or 
figuratively  to  men,  as  denoting 
their  ability,  or  powers  of  mind. 




C3  *    " 

sfe&»lx)&9cmattumirru,v.0.  To  exceed, 
to  transgress.  s5bfc»-*^^b>  <^£>  nia- 
Uu-padu,  avu,  v.  n.  To  decrease; 
abate,   or  grow   less.    sfc&o^Mo^Sb 

mattuparrutsu,  v.  a.  To  decrease, 
moderate,  diminish,  or  make  less. 

s5b&x>§b,  s&fcwSos&N  mattuku,  mattuku- 
nnu,  Until,  till,  as  far  as,  as  much 
as,  to  such  an  extent.  s&bmr>  ma- 
ttuga,  adv.  Temperately,  sparing- 
ly. ssbfcB-r^ssboeSo  mattuganundu,  v. 
n.  To*fit.  2.  To  be  sufficient  for. 

s5b&o  mattu,  v.  a.  To  trample.  s£&3& 
er»&>  mattimalladu,  To  trample 
all  over. 

s^"|o,  s5b43  oss  matte,  mattiya,  s.  A 
ring,  worn  on  the  second  *toe. 

sfc&sfco  mathamu,  s.  A  school,  college. 

s5o2*^  madaka,  s.  A  yoke  of  oxen, 
with  a  plough  and  all  the  other 
implements  of  husbandry  apper- 
taining thereto,  vide  etfr  araka. 

sfc&ef  madata,  s.  A  fold,  or  plait. 

sfc2£e£-"ata>,  -£c&>  madata-pettu,    ve- 

yu,  p.  a.  To  fold,  to  double  up. 
s&&©  madati,  s.  A  woman. 

sfc&ab.  sSbS"3o  madama,    madime,   s. 

The  heel  of  the  human  species 

sfcgss  madava,   s.   A  small  dam,  or 

dike,  for  stopping  water. 

s& &  madi,  s.  A  garden-bed,  or  plot. 
2.  A  paddy  field.  3.  Purity,  adj. 
Pure,   sfcg^feo  madibatta,    A  pure 

CO  ...  a 

cloth.  5&&&*<$o&>  maditovundu, 
To  be  in  a  pure  dress,  -sr^ooskg 
kalumadi,  s.  Urine.  vides^ex>  kalu. 

sSb&cs&  madiya,  adj.  Stupid,  dull. 

sfc&otfo    madiyu,    v.    n.     To  die,  or 

expire;  to  be- destroyed.  ssbSowo 

■xfo,  sfcs&sg)    madiyintsu,   madupu, 

v.  a.  To  kill,  assassinate,  or 

s6&or>ex>j  s£gecx<»ex)  madivalu,  madi" 
yalu,  5.  A  title,  assumed  by  the 
caste  of  washermen. 

c&&>7&  madugu,  s.  A  deep  or  hollow 
place,  in  the  bed  of  a  river,  or 
tank.  2.  Purity,  vide  ska  madi, 
No.  3.  And.  4.  a$.  Pure. 

s&c&ifc  madutsu,  ».  a.  To  fold,  plait, 
or  bend,  &&>%>  madupu,  s.  A 
fold,  or  plait.  2.  A  fold  of  beetle 
leaf,  &c.    -^-°ews&&>-&   kalumadu- 

tsu,  To  make  urine,  lit.  To  bend 
the  leg. 

sSb^b^  8  madupukatti,  5.  A  folding, 
or  clasp  knife. 

j&^b^  maduvu,  5.  0^£  ;fc2&76  ma- 
dugu.  NO-    1; 

s£>&  maddi,  s.  The  lees,  sediment, 




or  refuse,  of  any  liquor,  adj.  Dull, 
stupid.  2.  Aukward,  clumsy. 

&£h  maddu,  s.  Great  heat.  adj. 
"Very  hot. 

sfc£b*r  8  maddukatti,  s.    A  hatchet. 

s&w7r°#5tftfc»  managasanamu,.s.  Smoo- 
thing the  ground   with  wet  clay. 

sfcrartb  managu,  p.  n.  To  be  bent ;  to 
be  inclined  down. 

sSbra£  rnanata,  s.  A  fold. 

skeS  mani,  s.  A  gem,  or  precious 
stone.  2.  The  sting  of  the  scorpion. 
s5b«Sg'to3)  s&^ao^stoo  manik attu, 
mariibandhamu,  5.   The  wrist,  lit. 

The  place  where  precious  stones 
are  bound. 

s&£§X-,sfcj3i??  &£>&*  maniga-manige, 
maniha,  s.  A  shop.  ssb^s^sfco  ma- 
nihamu,  s.  Merchandize,  trade. 

sfctSccSsxx)  maniyamu,  s.  The  superin- 
tendence of  a  village,  or  of  a  Hin- 
doo temple.  tfrSabivzh  maniya- 
gadu,  The  superintendent  of  a 
village,  or  of  a   Hindoo   temple- 

s&tsoKo  manugu,  v.  n.  To  be  folded, 
or  bent,  ssbeso^b  manutsu,  v.  a.  To 
fold,  or  bend. 

s$b£3o?fo,  s5bfso^)  manugu,   manuvu,  s. 

A  maund,  or  Telugti  weight, 
containing  eight  viss.  and  of  which 

twenty  make  one  candy.  2.  The 
multiplication  of  any  thing  by 
itself,  as  defined  by  the  English 
word  fold  ;  as  five  fold,  six  fold, 
&c.  3»  A  pure  cloth,  as  applied  to 
the  first  of  the  two  words  only. 

s5bwofio£o;$<>£x>  manugubuvvulu,  s.  A 
sort  of  sweet  cake,  made  of  wheat 
flour,  sugar,  and  butter. 

sfe^&o  matamu,  s.  Purpose,  inten- 
tion, wish,  mind.  2.  A  religious 

85b"er°2oo,  s&-eT,2^  matabu,  mattabu,  s. 
A  large  sort  of  blue  light. 

s5b©  mati,  s.  Understanding,  intell- 
ect, mind, common  sense.  2.  Wish, 
will,  desire,  inclination.  3.  Ad- 
vice, counsel. 

skSo-vfc  matintsu,  v%  a.  To  value,  or 
appraise,  vide  sfcSo-ifc  madintsu. 

s&sr>  matta  ,s.Intoxication,  drunken- 

s5b  9e»,    s5b  Sex>     mattilu,    mattillu, 

v.  n.  To  be  intoxicated,  to.  be 

&&>  mattu,s.Intoxi cation,  drunken- 
ness. 2.  Pride,  arrogance,  3.  Rut, 
as   applied  to  that  of  elephants, 

sSbe&JT'tf)  mattuo-onu,  v.  n.  To  be 
intoxicated.  $  x  ssb^o  nidramattu 
s,  The  drowsiness  of  sleep. 

ska'  «k-Maddatu 



s5b &\ti£x,  matsaramu,  s.  Envy, 
animosity,  impatience  of  ano- 
ther's success  or  prosperity.  2. 
Passion,  anger. 

s5b£\  csSoo  niatsyanra,  s.  A  fish. 

sjbssfeo^>^>nb,  sSbssjg) "fa 553Kb  madataye- 
nugu,  madaputenugu,  s.  An  ele- 
phant in  rut. 

ssbtfsSoa  madamti,  s.  Joy,  pleasure, 
delight.  2.  The  juice  that  exudes 
from  an  elephant's  temple,  when 
in  rut.  3.  Spirituous  or  vinous 
liquor.  4.  Inebriety,  intoxication. 
5.  Pride,  arrogance.  6.  Insanity, 
madness.  7.  Desire,  love. 

s£>"cr°%>OT&  madalintsu,  v.  n.  To  grow, 

or  shoot  out,  well,  or  strongly. 
s&a  madi,  5.  Mind. 
sfcao-rSb  madintsu,  v.  n.  To  be  joyful. 

2.  To  be  proud,    or  arrogant.  3. 

To  be  intoxicated.  4.  To  be  in  rut. 
sftao-db  madintsu,  v.  a.  To  appraise, 

estimate,    or  value,  vide   &®o& 

s&abtfb,  sSb&tfM  raadugu,  madumri,  s.   \ 

The  stone  sluice  of  a  tank,  whence  \ 

the  water  flows  to  the  fields. 

s&&&  maduru,  6.  Making  in  the 
iniiex.  Sing,  86**3  maduti,  Thatch, 

placed  on  the  top  of  a  wall,to  pro- 
tect it  from  the  wet. 
5&g&»  maddatu,  s.  Help,  assistance, 
aid,  succour. 

s&s-^csSw  maddikayalu,  s.  plu.  A 
kind  of  loose  ear-ring. 

s5b"Be>  maddela,  s.  A  small  drum* 
beat  with  the  fingers,  used  at  na- 
tive dances. 

sftKotfoo  madyamu,  s.  Wine  ;  vinous, 
spirituous,  or  fermented  liquor. 

s£>$dSs6m  madhnramu,  adj.  Sweet, 
pleasing,  agreeable  delicious. 

sfcj£>jg)  madhuvu,  s.  Spirituous  liquor, 

wine,  <fec.  2.  Honey. 3.  The  nectar 
or  honey  of  flowers.4.  The  month. 
^3  ,^.s5m   chaitramu,  a.  v.  5.  The 

n — *> — J  -L 

season  of  spring.  6.The  name  of  a 

demon  slain  by  Vishnu. 
sk£e£»  madhyamu,  adj.  Mean,  low. 

vile.   2.  Middling.  5,    The  waist, 

middle,  or  centre.  2.  The  middle 

sfc#sfc£&  manamadu,  s.   A  grandson. 

s£^s$b-o-*e»  manamaralu,  s.  A  grand 

sfctfako  manamu,  pro.    We.  This  pro- 
noun is  used  by  the  first  person  on- 
ly, but  applicable  to  the  first  and 
second  persons  conjointly,  to  the 
exclusion  of  the  third  person, 

sb^sSoo-sk^jSo,  a&tf&!\  manamu-mana- 
su,  manassu,  s.  The  mind  ;  or, 
considered  as  the  seat  of  percep- 
tion and  passion,  the  heart.  2. 
Inclination,  wish,  desire. 

sfctfS),  s£>*>3  manavi,  manivi,  s.  A 
request,  or  solicitation. 

sfc"3r«£\ .  MancvK 



s&S§  maniki,  s.  Existence,  living, 
sfcsoiss&o  manikipattu,  5.  A  house. 

s5bS)cs67r»^b  maniyagadti,  s.  vide  «*£ 
a&i^zh  mariiyagadu,  under  ^^ 
oc3&»  ma ni yam u. 

sfcSft,  ssb$?\  manisi,  manishi,  s.  A 
person  ;  applied  either  to  males, 
or  females.  ese&s5b$!\  adumanishi, 
s.  A  woman. 

a&so  manii,  v.  n.  To  live,  or  exist. 
&&&,'  ssbss sg>  manutsu,  manupn, 
#.  c.  To  preserve,  revive,  or 

s6£3sp2&  manujudu,  .9.  A  man. 

sfcaolboa,  sasbOS  manupenti,  manu- 
bidi,  5.  The  female,  or  white 
footed  antelope.   sksb^&o  manu- 

botu,    s.    The   male,     or     white 
footed  antelope. 

s&&£),  s6;&s5m  manuvu,  manumu,  s. 
The  settlement  of  a  marriage,  2. 
A  husband.  s5cr- ?5j s5b vss s5^  mariima- 
numu,  The  marriage  of  a  woman 
with  a  second  husband/ 

s6sfis5s>g£&  manushyudu,  s.  A  man. 

a&^?ej&o  manojnaniu,  adj.  Beauti- 
ful, handsome,  lovely,  pleasing, 

s&^tf^sSw     maiioratkamu,    s.    Wish 

&  S^sT)  _2?  ssb^sJSs-  manovritti,  ma- 

navarti,  s.   Daily  house  expense. 

jfc^s^s&w  manoharamu,  adj.  Beau- 
tiful, lovely,  pleasing. 
skS^  manki,  s.  frfife  ^>a§  maniki. 

afrs^tf  mannana,  s.  Civility,  polite- 
ness, respect* 

a&TT^  mann£,  s.  Prohibition.  2. 
Hindrance,  prevention. 

1**^0  4fc  mannintsu,  *.  a?.  To  excuse, 
pardon,  or  forgive.  *>s^0$  ma- 
nnimpu,  s.  Pardon,  forgiveness. 

sfc^fr^  mannigono,  v.  a.  To  kill, 
or  slaughter. 

&*%,  mannu,  V-  n.  vide  ssb^  manu. 

&>sb^  mannu,  s*  Making  in  the 
infiex.  Sing.  &ces  manti,  Earth, 
land,  soil,  dirt.  2.  The  white 
footed  antelope.  In  it's  second 
meaning,  the  inflexion  is  regular. 
sfc^,  sSb^oTTtf)    mannu,    manne- 

varu,    s.   <plu.  Zemindars,  propri- 
etors of  land. 

jfcs^  mappu,  v.  a.   To  break  in,  or 

train,  an  animal. 
i  sim^mabbu,  5.  A  cloud.  2.  Darkness- 

ȣ,sfca^  nidramabbu, Drowsiness, 

or  heaviness. 
s&s&£,  ^bs&-5^^»ix>  mamata,  maraaka- 

ramu,  s.  The  interest,  or  affection, 

entertained  for  other  objects,  from 

considering  them  as  belonging  to, 

or  connected  with,  one's- 


2&<36s5m  m  a  y  a  m  u  ,  T  h  i  s  is  a 
Sanskrit  affix, ;  which  serves  to 
iorm  adjectives,  attributive  of 
that  of  which  a  thing  is  chiefly 
made,  or  consists  ;  as  tfoessrJ&ct&a&w 
svariiamayamu,  Golden.  e$\ca;fco3S 
;6w  trin amayamU;  Made  of  grass. 
3ti&a&£x>  saramayamu,  Made  of 
reeds,  or  arrows. 

£oooo£sSs>  mayinamu,  s.  Wax.  j&cootf 
$&  ©  mayinapuvatti,  s.  A  wax- 

sSoooov  niayila,  5.  Dirt,  foulness,  un- 
cleanness.  2.  Imaginary  impurity. 
adj.  Unclean,  foul.  2.  Impure. 

s&cs&rstfs&a  mayuramu,  s.  The  pea. 

s£tf  mara,  s.  Any  thing  of  a  spiral 
form.  s&tf-£o§b  maraineku,  5.  A 
screw,  lit.  A  spiral  nail.  2$otf&&n 
maratsutfcu,  s.  The  screw  of  any 
jewel,  or  ornament,  which  among 
the  Hindoos  is  used  instead  of 

s5btf S"  maraka,  s.  A  stain,  spot,  or 
blot.  2.  A  kid. 

j&tf^sSM,  s&tf&s'xSao  marakatamn,  ma- 
ratakamu,  s.  An  emerald. 

sktf -£-*£&  marakadu,  5.  The  native 
commander  of  a  vessel. 

sfctfrtb  maragu,  v.  a.  To  desire,  or 
have  a  violent  inclination.  2.  To 

370  &8fr\.Marigo 

love.  v.  n.  To  be  inched,  or  devo- 
ted  to.  2.  To  be  qualified,  experi- 
enced, or  accustomed  to.  3.  To  be 
trained.  4.  To  boil  up.  &ti'ho& 
maragintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause  to 
desire,  or  love.  2.  To  make  incli- 
ned, devoted,  qualified,  experien- 
ced, or  accustomed.  3.  To  train. 
4.  To  make  boil  up. 

^tfre^maranama,  .9.  Death,  demise. 

s&tfesex)  maradalu,  s.  vide  s&zs&oo  raa- 

sfttfs^ik  marammatu,  s.  Bepair, 

s&tfoo  maralu,  v.  n.  vide  s^ew  ma- 

s5b-cpfeo'^'?'s5o5  maratldesamu,  s.  The 
Mahratta  country.  s&tt>&&>  ma- 
ratilu,   s.  plu.  The  Mahrattas. 

s&8  mari,  adv.  More,  further,  else, 
again,  s^fi-^  marivoka,  adj.  An- 
other. s&a^K  marinni,  Besides,  also, 
moreover.sSDQoSoSto  mariyemi,  What 
more  ?  what  else  ?  s56~3£a"e5tfb  ma- 
remiledu,  Nothing  else,  nothing 
more,  nothing  further. 

s£6l?  marige,    s.    A  vessel,  made  of 

a  certain  soft  white  stone. 
s5bQ7r°3oj   marigommu,  5.  The  Calin- 

gala,  or  outlet,  by  which  the  sur- 
plus water  flows  out  of  an  artifici- 
al Jake. 

sfcir«s-2&  -Marnadu 



s&6&  maridi,  s.  vide  s&esa  marradi. 

s&ecsj-otf  mariyada,  s.  vide  k»-cp»<?& 

s5otf>  maru,  acZ;.  And  adv.  vide  ssbeas 

s£>i£tfb  marugu,  s.  Shelter,  cover;  a 
screen  or  shade,  any  thing  that 
covers  another,  vide  ^&>o  tsatu, 
v.  a.  And  n.  vide  sgbb'/fb  maragu. 

s&ebi&j  sSd5©^^)  marntsu,  marichi- 
povu,  v.  a.  To  forget,  vide  j&fes-db 
marratsu,  sfceSjo-Jk  maripintsu, 
v.  Cans.  To  cause  to  forget ;  to 
divert  from  a  purpose,  to  amuse 
Avith  an  underhand  design. 

sk&og),  s5btf;g)  marupu,  marapu,  v.  a. 
To  teach, instruct,  qualify,  or  ex- 
ercise ;  to  break  in,  or  train.  5. 
Forgetfulness.  Hoo^sfctfcc&ex)  teru- 

pumarupulu,    The  loss    of   one's 

sfctfcew  marulu,  s.  Love.  2.  Lust. 

s5bBbss"  maruva>  5.  Dumbness,  adj. 

sktfk_&>8fo»  markatamu,  s.  A  monkey, 
or  ape. 

&$  tf  s5*>  mardanamu,  s.  Bubbing  the 
body. 2. Rubbing,  grinding,  poun- 
ding, &c.  ska  o-^b  mardintsu,  v.  a. 
To  beat,  pound,  grind,  or  rub. 

sSd^e-^)  marnadu,  s.  vide  s&&9oi3~t>&> 
marrunadu,  Under,  sfcaw  marru. 

s5btfsk>  marmamu,  5.  A  joint,  an  ar- 
ticulation of  the  body.  2.  A  vital 
member,  or  organ.  3.  Secret  mea- 
ning, or  purpose  ;  a  secret,  any 
thing  hidden,    or  recondite.  sk£^ 

marmi,  $.  One  that  conceals  a  se- 
cret.   , 

s6-tPc£  maryada,  s*  Continuance  in 
the  right  way,  propriety  of  con- 
duct, steadiness,  rectitude.  2.  A 
boundary,  a  limit.  3.  A  bank  or 
shore.  4.  Respect,  civility,  polite- 
ness. 5.  Usual  custom,  or  establi- 
shed habit. 

sfcfcs  marra,  s.  vide  s&#  mara.  2.  In- 
attention, forgetfulness. 

s&es&ss  marrakuva,  s.  Inattention, 

sfc63-7r>ex)  marragalu,  s.  A  stilt,  or 
wooden  ]eg. 

s&esKb  marragu,  v.  n.  To  boil,  vide 
c&tfKo  maragu,  No.  4. 

s&eaKoss3  inarragudzdzu,  s,  A  dwarf. 
adj.  Dwarfish. 

s& ts  -»5b ,  &>  fcf>  £) 2r*  ^mar r atsu,ma rr achi- 
povu,  z>.  a.  To  forget.  a&«-0"3^s> 
marrachiteppuna,  acfo\  Inconside- 
rately. s5oea§>o-&  marrapintsu,  0. 
Ctas.  To  cause  to  forget ;  to  di- 
vert from  a  purpose  ;  to  amuse 
with  some  sinister  design.  sftef>$p 
marrapu,  s.  ForgetMnes 




ssbes&ex)  marradalu,  s.  The  daughter 
of  a  mother's  brother,  or  of  a 
father's  sister,  if  she  be  younger 
than  one's -self, 

s6e=>a  marradi,  s.  The  son  of  a 
mother's  brother,  or  of  a  father's 
sister,  or  a  man's  brother-in-law, 
if  younger  than  one's-self.  vide 
■spss  bava. 

sfcfcseo  marralu,  v.  n.  To  return,  s&es 
So-tft  marralintsii,  v.  a.  To  turn 
back  ;  to  recall,  ssbesy  marrala, 
adv.  Again. 

sfceJ  marri,  adv.   vide  sfcD  mari. 

skeBl?  marrige,  s.  vide  s&SU  marige. 

skeaa  marru,  ad/..  Other.  2.  Next. 
Mc$>i  In  return.  s&Wgy&i  marru- 
nadu,  Next  day. 

&**»?&  marrugu,  s.  Shelter,  cover. 
vide  ak&fo  marugu. 

c^eao z&)  marrupaclu,  v.  n.  To  disap- 
pear, or  vanish. 

<&*&$  marruva,  s.  An  earthen  pot. 

s5ofts»sg  marruvu,  s.  Retreat,  shelter, 
cover.  2.  Armour,  mail,  vide  &eo> 
Xo  mrrugu. 

s&e)  mala,  5.  A  mountain. 
s&°>g  malaka,  s.  A  twist  j  a  curved 

s5o(uX  malaga,  s.  A  herd  of  carriage 
bullocks,.  &c.  "With  empty  sacks 
upon  them. 

ska  fib  malagu,  v.  n.  To  turn  round 
from  disgust. 

ckfy-rftj  s&ex>-&  malatsu,  malutsu,  v.  a. 
To  carve,  or  polish,  stone.  2.  To 
winnow  grain. 

s&'j&alk)  malapabarrre,  s.  A  female 
buffalo,  which  gives  milk  after 
her  calf  is  dead. 

sfcysgr^^cck  malap'jpucheyu,  v.  a* 
To  enclose  in  an  envelope. 

s5be)S5b-i;s5oft5^b,  a&<ys5bE)s5j^2&  malamala- 
marragu,  malamalamadu,  v.  n. 
To  barn  fiercely,  or  violently. 

s6<y&>3  malamu,  s.  Excretion  of  the 
body  ;  as  serum,  semen,  blood, 
marrow,  urine,  fasces,  ear-wax, 
nails,  phlegm,  tears,  rheum,  and 
sweat.  2.Sin.  3.  Dirt,filth.4.Dregs, 
sediment.  5.  Bust,  a&ssforc^rr^ex) 
malamutralu,  Human  excrement 
and  urine. 

5&<ycSco  malayu,  v.  n.  To  wander,  or 
roam.  &>vox>g  malayika,  s.  Walk- 
ing for  pleasure,  or  amusement. 

j&y^tftfx*  malaramu,  s.  A  string  of 
glass  armlets,  such  as  are  worn 
by  Hindoo  women. 

sfce)  cs6-Malliya 



s&Stfs&o  malinamn,  adj.  Dirty,  filthy, 
foul.  2.  Black.  3.  Vile,  bad.  4. 
Foul,  figuratively,  soiled  with  cri- 
me or  vice,  sinful,  depraved,  s. 
Fault,  defect.  ^D^sSx^o^b  mali- 
namukhudu,  s.  The  god  of  fire. 
2.  The  black  faced  monkey.  3. 
A  vile  or  wicked  man.  4.  A  dead 
man,  a  ghost. 

skwo^jfc  malukaru,  s.  The  cold,  or 
winter,  season. 

sfcooflb  malugu,  v.  n.  To  be  extin- 
guished, sfcsosg)  malupu,  m  a.  To 
extinguish.  2.  To  turn,  or  drive, 

j&ewflbex)  malugulu,  s.plii.  The  joints 
of  the  back-bone,   near  the  waist. 

sfcoo-&r6£>:>  malutsiilu,  s.  The  second 
pregnancy.  2.  The  second  child. 

sSbewsssf^xSM  malupakkamu,  s.  The 
dark  lunar  fortnight. 

s&v  malla,  s.  A  little  shallow  ear- 


then  vessel. 
s5be)  tffc$-&  mallatsarratsu,    v.  a.  To 


beat  the  open  hand  on  the  shoul- 
der, or  thigh  ;  as  the  Hindoo 
wrestlers  do. 

sfce>  8  malladi,  5.  Heat,  closeness. 


2fce^&>  malladu,  v.  ??.  To  wrestle. 


ske)  ob&,  s5b"e3  malliya,  malle,  s.  The 
jasmin  plant.  sfcjgsw  mallelu,  The 
plural   of  this  word  also  denotes 

tie  irs3cts  produced  in  the  worst 
kmi  of  small  pox,  which  the 
Bi  idoos,  afraid  of  offending  the 
goddess  who  presides  over  that 
disease,  do  not  term  insects,  but 
jasmine  flowers. 

s&e»  mallu,  s.  A  monkey. 
sfo'SgsoTfo&malledzanguni,  s.  A  heron. 
s5bl>~7?  malige,  s.  A  shop- 
sat*.  &>w  rnaili,  malla,  adv.  Again 
another   time.    ssb&    mallu,  v.  n. 


To  return,  to  turn  back,  or  about; 
to  come   back.  &§  0-&>  mallintsu, 


v.  a.  To  turn,  or  drive,  back,  or 
about  ;  to  recall,  or  bring  back. 

s&^sSm  masakamu,  s.  A  musqnitoe. 

s&-£c£*>  m  a  s  h  a  1  u  ,    s.  A  torch,  or 

flambeau.  s5b^e)\,  &-&?&•<&* &>!&&. 

shalchi,  mashaljivadu,  s.  A  masa- 

Ijee  or  torch-bearer. 
s5box«  s&o>  mashi,   masi,    s.    A  black 

powder.  2.  Ink.  adj.  Black. 
&>s&  mashtu,  s.   Sediment. 

to  •     ; 

&%g  masaka>  s.  Dimness  of  sight. 
sSbr57fb  masagu,  v.  n.  To  be  extended. 

2.  To  be  furious,  or  enraged. 
s&Stfsfoa  masanamu,  s.  A  sepulchre  ; 

a  burning,  or  burying,  place. 
sfcStf  masara,  s.  Grey  colour. 
sfc£ex>,  sfc&>e»   masalu,  masuln,  v.  n. 

To  wTander,  move,  or  turn  about. 

2.  To  idle  away  time.  3.  To  boil 

up  violently. 





s$b-£r>a-°  masala,  s.  Spicery,  seasoning. 
s5bt)25b  masfdn,  s.  A  mosque. 

ssb  ^sSw,  s5b  75&xi  mastakarnu,  masta- 
mu,  s.  The  head  ;  the  skull. 

s&<&  niastu,  adj.  Abundant,  plenti- 

5&s^>k&  mahajjaru,  s.  A  general  cer- 
tificate, signed  by  all  present- 

sfe^sk  mahattu,  ac?jf.  Great,  large, 
bulky.  2.  Best,  excellent,  illustri- 
ous. 5.  Glory,  greatness. 

a&sj-»  &qs5»5.  rnahatvamu,  s.  Greatness, 
.  — n*^ 
either  in  bulk,  or  rank. 

s5bs^7r°2^>  mahanadu,    s.  A    general 

convocation  of  the  aboriginal  casts 

of  the  country. 

$&s$-»&p\w  niahassulu,  s.  Produce, 
particularly  of  the  land-  the  crop. 
flu.  Mahasooldars,  officers  employ- 
ed to  protect  the  crops  from  depre- 

s&srS-^sxS*^  maharashtramu,  adj. 
Mahratta.  s.  The  Mahratta  langu- 

s&an>o6,  skgras&sko  mahima,  mahima- 
%mu,  s.  Magnitude,  as  one  of  Si- 
va's attributes  ;  illimitability.  2. 
Greatness  in  general,  literal,  or 
figurative  ;  glory,  power. 

a&Srx&.&»  mahishamu,  s.  A  buffalo. 
s5bSr-«>^x  mahishi,  s.  A  female  buf- 
falo. 2.  The  wife  of  a  king,  but 
especially  the  one  who  has  been 
consecrated,  or  crowned ;  a  queen. 

s*r°  ma,  s.  A  name  of  Lakshmi,  the 

goddess  of  prosperity,  and  wife  of 

s5j^o^s6m  mamsamu,  s.  Flesh. 
s5on.go  m6ku,  s.  A  tree  in  general. 
sj^-t^eS  magarii,  s.  Lands  artificially 

55^-7^$   magani,  s.  Side,  direction  ; 

as  «$r»sg)£-8&»-7P»turpumagani,The 

eastern  side. 
&»~7r>c&  magaya,5.  Mango  pickle,  of 

a  pungent  taste. 
&*fo  magu,  v.  n.  To  ripen. 

sfc*fc>  mata.5- A  word,  an  expression. 
2.  Speech.  3.  A  language.  4.  A 
promise-  &*br°&>  matladu,  v.  a. 
To  speak,  converse,  or  discourse. 
£5o-»&e£-£o  matatappu,  To  fail  in 
one's  promise,  sft-o&s^x  matava- 
tstsu,  Blame  to  come.  &r»b>ox&\ 
matayitstsu,  To. give  a'  promise. 
s*r»feo-^a  matakarij  A  talkative, 
also  an  eloquent,  person.  sSr»fo-!> 
&>j  &$&>  mata-pfku,  tfyu,  To  fish- 
out  secrets.  ! 




s£ni>5 ssa-o ts§  matimatiki,  adv.  Often, 

ssjx^oo  matii,  s.  A  remedy.  2-  Ambush. 
3.  A  time,  period,  or  occasion.  4. 
A  piece  of  metal,  put  in  to  mend 
a  vessel,  v.  a-  To  conceal,  or  hide, 
s5Jp>&»*oj£&  matupadu,  v.  n.  To  dis- 
appear, or  vanish.   sfr-toasSbeaoflb  ma 

tumanngu,To  be  hushed,  or  silent, 
at  night. 

a*r»&  mada,  s.  Half  of  the  coin  term- 
ed a  pagoda 

s$r»2»*o34»,  &*dk>~6i>x>  madapattu,'madu 
pattu,  5.  The  crown  of  the  head. 

sfr»e&  niadu,  v.  n.  To  be  burnt,  or 
scorched,  black.  ss-rodSb-tfb,  s5>2&\ 
madutsu,  madtsu,  e?.  «.  To  burn, 
or  scorch,  black.  -acoXsfcos&^&n 
mogamumldtsu,  To  be  sulky.  s5^. 
&>^3§k_,  sStd^o  niaduchekka,  raa- 
du,  Burnt  rice. 

Sor-S^-  madki,  s.  Manner,mode.  2. 
Similarity,  likeness. 

^xro^rcsSoo  manikyamu,  s.  A  ruby,  or 

3or«s£  mata,  5.  A  mother.  2.  A  name 
of  Parvatee,  the  wife  of  Siva. 

s£-oir»!>s^e»  matapitrilu,  s.  fhi.  Par- 
ents ;  mother  and  father. 

s^'ST's&srco^  matamahudu,  s.  A 
m  ater  d  al  g  randf  at  her . 

ssor*<r°8&Sr»  matamahi,  s.  A  maternal 

s$cr»&>  matu,  5.  Checkmate,  at  chess. 
2. A  Yemedy-jvide  xZnt>x>  matu,ISo.l. 

s5cr»^  matra,  adj.  Little,  s.  A  short 
syllable.  2.  A  pill. 

s£r»e£vtfcs&»  matsaryamu,  s.  aicfe  skd\ 
»o5w  matsaramu. 

Bcn-al?  madige,  adj.  Of  or  belong- 
ing to  the  Chundala,  of  chuckler 

«5>»a&,  ss^  a  madiri,  madri,  s.  A 
pattern,  sample,  or  specimen,  adj. 
Similar,  like. 

s£r»^SosSc»  madhuryamu,  s.  Sweet- 
ness of  flavour,  or  disposition. 

sScrotf  mana,  s.  A  certain  measure  of 
capacity,  of  which  sixteen  make 
one  toom,  the  greatest  Telugu 
measure  of  capacity. 

s5j-»tf  s5*>  inanamu,  s.  Measure  in  gene- 
ral, whether  of  weight,  length,  or 
capacity.  2.  Arrogance,  haughti- 
ness, pride.  3.  Civility.  4.  Honor. 
In  the  peninsula,  this  last  is  the 
common  meaning.  aSr^^roK'sfea  ma- 
nabhangamu,  s.  Disgrace,  disho- 
nor, sfc^ss,  sSr- &»  manavati,  ma 
nini,  s.  A  woman;  as  owing  pe- 
culiar attention  to  the  preservati- 
on of  her  honor.  s6*#rv>2&  manas- 
thudu,  A  man  of  high,  or  strict, 

s5cr»($s#£&  maiiavuclu,  s.  A  man. 

sSjO^jSm  manikamu,*.?ic/e  ^£r§s5a> 




s5r*&*~§  man  ike,  s.  vide  s&*$  niana- 
s*r»$&  manisi,  s.  vide  &,%l>  manisi. 
sso-ofss  nianu,  s-  Making  in  the  inflex 
sing,  ssj^so,  s5^s&  mani,  manu,  A 
tree.  2.  Wood.  adj.  Fit,  proper, 
worthy,  v.  a.  To  quit,  abandon, 
leave  off,  desist,  or  refrain  from  ; 
to  renounce,  or  relinquish,  v.  nt 
To  be  healed,  or  cured. 

sSr»s6^)— sfr-sfcp  sScr»«sb-£5o  manupiT^man- 
pu,  manutsu.  v.  Caws.  To  cause  to 
quit.  &c;  to  appease,  to  stop.  p. 
«.  To  heal,  or  cure.  s6-°S)S>o-&  ma- 
nipintsu,  V.  Cans.  To  cause  to 
heal,  or  cure. 

s£r.3oSx!633  manushamu,    ,?•  Honor. 

jft-^esSro  manyamu,  adj.  Bespectable, 
venerable,  .s.  Lands  either  liable 
to  a  trifling  quit  rent,  or  altoge- 
ther exempt  from  tax,  x&™-$oir>&> 
manyagadu)  s.  A  man  holding 
such  lands.  Stfg^tfcsfco  sarvama- 
nyamu,  s.  lands  exempt  from  all 
tax  "whatever. 

&*&  mapu,  s.  Evening,  night  ;  as. 
~5$s5or°$  repumapu,  Morning  and 
evening.  2.  Foulness,  dirt,  impu- 
rity. In  the  first  meaning,  this 
word  makes  its  inflex.  Sing.  s^g 
43  mapati,  v.  a.  To  destroy,  or  ef- 
face. 2.  To  make  foul,  or  dirty. 

XtvZ&  mapu,  5.  Pardon,  forgiveness.  2. 

s^^Kb,  a^^7>  mabagu,    maba,   adv. 

Very  well ;  very  good. 
j£r»s&  mama,  s.  A  father-in-law.  a5cr»^ 

sso^s^b  mamamama,    «•    A  name  of 

tfr*&xrozx>  mamulu,    5.   Usage  ;  anci- 
ent, or  established,  custom. 
s£r*os5  may  a,  s.  Fraud,  trick,  deceit, 

deception,  illusion.    2.   Juggling. 

3.  Understanding,  intellect,  &r>a& 

*r*&  mayaladi,  A  deceitful  female. 

55crro8&er°^b.  mayaladu,   A  deceitful 

&natir>&  mayavi,     s.    A  juggler,  or 

s£p>csos5qo  mayamu,  5.  Disappearance, 

vanishing.  s*r»  «&»&$,  afc-.o3STfc&*$ 

mayamavu,  mayamaipovu,    v.   w. 

To  disappear  or  vanish. 

zfactio  mayu,  9.  ».  To  be  destroyed, 
or  effaced.  To  become  foul,  dirty, 
unclean,  or  impure,  vide  &r?&  ma- 
pu, v.  a.  s6-s^b*t*coSo  matstsamayu, 
lit.  A  spot  to  be  destroyed.  To  be 
entirely  destroyed,  or  effaced  ; 
so  that  not  a  vestige,  or  mark,  re- 
mains. 6vgr*ctixs  taiamayu,  'Th© 
head  not  to  be  cleaned,  at  the 
usual  time.  z$vgT*%ftsr>&,  talama- 
sinavadu.  A  poor  helpless  man; 
as  being  unable  to  command  the 
comfort  of  a  clean  head . 




sScn»^rts5pa  maranamu,  s.  Killing 

s£r»Tr°6os$s>  maratama,  s.  The  mista- 
king one  for  another. 

afr^S^io  marfphattu,  ,<■.  Charge,  pos- 
session ;  as  o^sS^&risSr^^e&^&fa-* 
so  v&nnivinimariphattu.  chesina- 
nu,  I  have  delivered  that  man  to 
this  man's  charge.  s*r.§£i£>tf  mari- 

phattuna,  adv.  By  means  of, 
through  the  means  of. 

a$r»?5b  maru,  #.  w.  To  be  changed,  al- 
tered, or  turned  into  a  new  form. 
s.  Buttermilk.  2.  A  second  course 
of  dishes  at  dinner.  3.  A  time  ;  as 
•"3c£&s*r»&>rendumarlu,  Two  times, 

twice.  *£r»«fcx  martsu,  v.  a.  To  chan- 
ge, substitute,  alter,  or  turn  into 
a  new  form.  2.  To  exchange.  3. 
Among  the  Vaishnavas,  to  serve 
up  food. 

s&-»tfcj  marpu,  s.  Exchange. 
a5j-**5b^tfa>  marutamu,  5.  Air,  wind. 
s5^bb5&&,  gr  &>&>  marutaru,marturu, 

s.plu.  Enemies,  foes. 
:6-»&k_s5s>   markamu,   s.   Exchange, 

particularly  of  money. 

sfcntf  sfco  rnargamu,  s.  A  way,  road,  or 

path.  2.  Means,  manner,  mode. 

s5^&\  marpu,  s.  vide  under.  ;&-»& 
maru,  v.  a.  To  kill,  or  slaughter. 

tfj»«to  marrata,  adj.  Substituted,  al- 
tered, changed,  adv.  In  lieu  of. 

£^r.ia>  marru,  adj.  Another,  other .  2. 

Substituted,  altered,  changed  ;  as. 
s£r»eeo&p>ig)    maiTiirupu,    Another 

shape;  anew,  or  altered,  form. 
2.  Turned,  averted.  3.  Bepiying, 
rejoining,  answering  ;  as  t^&w 
s5ir-^  marru mata,  An  answer,,  or 
reply,  adv.  Again.  s.  A  time  ;  as, 
stos5^>  fe£»  mummarru,  Thrice.  0. 
n.  To  shew  prowess  in  battle.  &. 
ea>r»;&,  s^feT6^^  marrukonu,  ma- 
rrkonu,  To  attack,  or  oppose,  in 
battle,  a&»g3»2fo  marradu,  To  op- 
pose in  argument,    or  reasoning. 

*fr»«»a©  marru  dalii,  s.  A  step- 
mother. s5in»«»*^^o  marrupadu,  To 
disappear,  to  vanish.  s£r»&9osSbtf>$, 
marru manuvu,  5.  vide  s5a^dbs5c>ss> 
ska  mirurnanumu,  Under.  s&|& 
^  manuvu. 

^ca^  marrpu,  v.  a  vide  &•&£  marpu. 

s*r.e>  mala,  5.  A  garland  ;  a  string, 
or  wreath,  of  flowers.  2.  A  neck- 
lace. 3.  A  string  of  beads,  a 
rosary,  ^o^ss^e)  kanthamala,  s.  A 
necklace.  2.  The  scrofula,  eSt-^ 
-g^&JSo  malakarudu,  s,  A  flower 
seller  ;  a  florist,  a  gardener* 

&nv  mala,  adj.  Of  or  belonging  to 

the  Paria  caste.  s^£)-ircSmalak:Jc:, 

s.  lit'  A  paria  crow.  A  raven. 




s5o^?5    mali,  s.     A  time  ;   as.    ^s^O 

okamali,  Once. 
sfc,3>s»  mali  mi,    s.    Familiarity  with 

children.    % 
s$r»sx>  malu,  p.  a.  To  leave,  or  quit. 

3$S;*r»S>tf>  r*ws*fe)tf  panikimali- 
na.  korramalina,  adj.  Useless. 
■d-*e)os5j-oex>  paluma-ln,  To  be  idle, 
or  lazy. 

z&=zx>fo  malugu,  v.  n.  To  be  dis- 

s£r»"3  male,  s.  A  chaplet,  wreath? 
or  garland  of  flowers. 

s*r»f>;C  maliga,  s.  A  building.  This 
word  is  tised  among  the  Vaishna- 
vas,  with  the  word  ©&>  tiro,  pre- 
fixed to  it,  to  denote  a  house  ;  as 
*£  sstf  »r>  e  3  So  s^PK^r^^devarava- 
ritirumaligayekkada,  "Where  is 
your  honor's  house  ?  -j§e>s&»Prt  ne- 
lamaliga,  A  subterraneous  abode. 

s&*oSfe§&>  mavatidu,  5.  An  elephant 
driver,  usually  termed  AMahowt- 

s£n>a  mavi,  s.  The  after-birth.  2.  A 
mango  tree. 

zfr>z&  mavu,  s.  Ahorse.  2-  The,  co- 
vering a  mare; 

?&*%$  masika,  s.  A  patch. 

ss^lx  mashtf,  5.  »ide  s5j» 35 fe§ e&  mava- 

t^^S'^  masakairlma,  s.  A.  woman 
who  has  no  breasts,  and  who  is 
never  m,enstruous. 

&n>Z&&  masamu,  s.   A  weight  equal 

to  five  sixteenths  of  a'pagoda. 
s5on>^s5a>  masamu,  s.  A  month,  either 

of  the  lunar,  solar,  or  any  other 

computation  of  the  year. 
s5cr°&  masi>  s.  vide  &>%%  manisi. 
ss^&g  masika,  s.  A.  patch,  vide  sS^s* 

masika,  In  the  plural,  this  word 

also  denotes  Embarrassment, 

sfroftssko    masikamu,  adj.    Monthly. 

s.  A  ceremony  of  the  Hindoos. 

Si3oK2fl  mingada,  s«  The  cream  of 

saoflo  mingu,  v>  a.  To  swallow. 
aoo«b£o  mingudu,  5.  Swallowing. 
aXsooftb  digamingu,  To  swallow 
down.  2.  To  suppress  ;  as  ^S^sfcs 
aXaso^TT'^  duhkhamu  digamin- 
ginadu,  He  suppressed  his  grief. 

£ao-&  mintsu,  v,  n.  To  be  above, 
over,  or  beyond  ;  to  exceed,  or  be 
excessive.  2.  To  be  high,  proud, 
or  arrogant.  3.  To  increase;  to  be 
exorbitant.  4.  To  elapse,  or  expire; 
to  be  gone  bye,  beyond  recall,  v. 
a.  To  excel,  or  surpass.  2.  To 
transgress,  s.  Excess.  2.  Light- 




£oo-&£fo  mintsudala,  adj.  Excessive, 
much.  "^oooSdo^  cheyimintsu,  To 
beat  j  to  give  the  first  blow.  ss»0 
sbSoo-ift  mundumintsu,  To  go  for- 
ward, or  in  front.  2.  To  be  preci- 
pitate, or  inconsiderate.  -^Saoo-do 
panimintsu,  Business  to  go  bye, 
or  be  beyond  recall. 

8tto#-?r»2&-£»o£<&,  £oo2s&£&  minda- 
gadu-mindadu,  mindagfdu,  s.  Av 
gallant,  or  paramour.  £oo2Se/3cp>5 
mindalakori,  s.  A  lascivious  fe- 
male, within  thirty- six  years  of 

ao3k_6os&3,  sx>gbk_k>s5co  mikkatamu, 
mikkutamu,  *.  Excess,  abundan- 
ce, adj.  Excessive, 

sx>§fr-©,  sx>76e>  mikkili,  migula,  adv. 
Much,  exceeding"^,  excessively 

Sto^DSX)  migulu,  v.  n.  To  be  over,  or 

above  ;  to  be  left,  or  remain. 


a  residue,  s.  Remainder,  residue, 
remnant.  s»7foe;13&»    migmlabettu, 

eo  *  - 

v.  a.  To  save  or  lay  up  the  rem- 
nants. soXer*,  Softool  migala,  mi- 
gula, adj.  Remaining.  sfoaoabS^Tfosx) 
mundumigulu,  To  go  before,  or 
in  front.  2.  To  be  precipitate,  or 

£o&r«8  mitari,  s.  A  cunning  person. 
2.  A  woman,  adj.  Hard,  cruel. 

ao&>  mitta,  s.  High  or  raised  ground, 
ad/.  High,  raised.  sx>&^o&>  mitta 
pandlu,  Teeth  which  iut  out.  £ok> 
sxiew  mittamirrru,  Very  high 
ground.  ao^sSb-^-^s^sSw  mittama- 
dhyahnamu,  Full  mid-day. 

ffiofe3££&,  SX>clfts5£o  mittipadu,  midisi- 

padu,  v.  n.  To  jump,  leap,  or  hop 

along.  2.    To  be  puffed  up  with 

.pride,  or   insolence.  aoSftsa-ff^fcx 

midisipaditsatstsu,    To    die    sud- 

s»-s-°oob-w  mithayi,    s.  Any   sweet- 
ao&aocler'Sk  midimidiladu,  v,  n.   To 

be  excessively  hot,  as   applied  to 
-  the  sun. 
cX>&>§b,  SXitsosb  miduku,  miriuku,  v.nm 

To  grieve,  mourn,  or  lament. 
£££&-&>  midutsu,  v.  a*  To  pour  drop 

by  drop. 
s»go^,  sx»2s^  miduta,   mi  data,    s.   A. 

grass  hopper, 
^eso-^^oewj  g^f^NKoex)    midtinagulu, 

mirmagulu,  s.  plu.  A  sort  of  small 
deadly  snake,    which    springs    at 
the  object  it  attacks. 
SfccaS'ao-sk  minakarintsu,  v.  n.  To  be 

quite  at  a  loss  .what  to  say,  or  do. 
£0£3o§o  miriukus.Glimmering,  spark- 
ling- Stoewgos&tfo  miiuikumanu,  To 
glimmer,  or  sparkle.  s»rao3o^&>r» 
&  minukuchesukonU;  To  dresi 




ornament  one's-self,  in  a  showy 
manner.  £o?3o§btfcx£o  minukuche- 
yu,  To  polish,  to  burnish. 

Sxnoofomy  minugurru,  5.  A  spark  of 
fire.  £0^  ;&  w  ^  &  fo  minugurrupu- 
rugu,  The  firefly. 

®*  CTdk.&  ^ivnalli,  s.  A  flea. 

Sfctfsfea  mi  tarn  u,s.  Measure.  2.  Mode- 
ration, temperance,  forbearance. 
3.  Limitation,  bounds,  adj.  Mode- 
rate, temperate. 

$x)8  miti,  s.  Measuring?  measure.  2. 
Limit,  bound. 

s^>j>  mitti,  s.  Death. 

sx>^,^o  mitriidu,  s.  The  sun.  2.  A 
friend,  or  ally. 

sa>j3>  s>Dgfl8&  midde,middiya,s.A  ter- 
raced house, or  one  with  a  flat  roof. 
2.   A  house  with  an   upper  story. 

sx^sH  minaha,  s-  Deduction,  sub- 

S»^b^bew  minukulu,  .5,  ^w.  The  sci- 
ences- 2.  Glittering,  flashing. 

Sto(3os5oaex)  minumulu,s.<p/&  The  black 
pulse,  termed  Phaseolus  mungo. 
£d<&sS,  S»^«S  minupa,  minapa,  adj. 
Of  or  belonging  to   that  pulse. 

Sds^s  minnaka,aefa;.Silently  ;  quiet- 
ly j  without  emotion  of  any  kind. 

aos&Nj  Sosfc  minnn,  minu,  s.  Making 
in  the  inflex.  Sing,  s»ofc8  minti, 
The  sky  or  atmosphere.  aoso&K"^ 
t»$  minusigavelupu,  5.  A  name  of 

Siva  ;  as  having  the  sky,  to  form 
the  lock  of  hair  on  the  crown  of 
his  head.  aasG^-sr-g'  minnuvaka, 
The  heavenly  Ganges. 

s&s&^&s&o  mimmatamu,  s.  Excess,  a- 
bundance.  adj.    Excessive. 

£»tfs5  mirapa,  adj.  Of  or  belonging 
to  the  chili,  or  red  Cayenne  pep- 
per plant.  sx>tf sS-5-°c*6  mirapakaya, 
It's  pod. 

£ott>3  miras'i,  s.  Meerasi,  or  heredi- 
tary property  in  the  land.  This 
term  is  equally  applicable  to  the 
hereditary  property  of  the  village 
officers,  in  the  lands  which  they 
hold  exempted  from  tax,  or  liable 
to  a  small  quit  rent  only,  as  to  that 
of  the  villagers,  or  ryots,  in  the 
land  paying  full  tax,  which  they 
hold.  SoTr>$T5*&&)  mirasidarudu, 

A  Meerassidar,  or  holder  of  mee- 
rasi property. 

S»3c5J585o3,  sxrssfc*  miriyamu,  miremu, 
s.  Used  chiefly  in  the  plural  s»8 
co5-»ex>  miriyalu,  Black  pepper,  ao 
8c*sSsg)£r°&  miriyapu  podi,  The 
powder  either  of  black  pepper,  or 
of  the  chili  or  red  Cayenne  pepper. 

S»eST&r°^  mirritsupu,  s.  An  upward 
view  ;  looking  upwards. 

SX>6soSX>to3  mirrumitlu,  s.  plu-  Dazzl- 
ing.  sx>MoSX>£a?r';sb  mirrumitlugonu, 
v-  n.  To  be  dazzled. 





&d&*>  mirru,  5.  Making  in  the  inflex. 

sing,    g^o  e^  mirrti,  Kaised  or  high 

£»<ys»u  milamila,  s.  Glittering,  spark- 


aoP  j  so 9  Kala  milli,  miiligarite,  s.A 
very  small  iron  spoon. 

SX)?SSX>*S  misarnisa,s.Glittering,  sparkl- 

sa?bs»  misimi,  s-  Fresh  lustre. 

So&Sko&ew  misimintalu,  s.  Want  of 
lustre,  unfavorable  change  of 


g*r»ft£  migada,  5.  The  cream  of  millc. 
sxnX&tf&M  rnigadagattu,The  cream 


to  form  on  the  surface  of  milk- 
sxroKS"  -ao^s5c»  mlgallarnekamu,  s.  A 

fabulous  animal,  with  eight   legs. 
sxr*-7r>ex>  migalu,  5.  The  instep  of  the 

foot ;   the  rising  upper  part  of  it. 
sxr«"£ewK  mijeyyi,  s.  The  back  of  the 

Do-*  feo  mita,  s.  A  lever. 

ar»fe*>  mitu,  v.  a.  To  fillip,  or  strike 
with  the  nail  of  the  linger 
against  the  thumb.  &£3©or&o  vine- 
mitu,  To  strike  the  strings  of  the 
Vina,  or  Indian  lute.  tfjr°iroor» 
txnkxi  rupaylmitu,  To  toss  up  a 
rupee.  Tr&sxntix*  gollumitu,  To 
fillip  the  nails  of  each   finger,  as 

from  listlessness.  s.  A  fillip.  2.  Ag- 

arotf,  »r»£?5o  mida,  mldanu»  postpo- 
Upon,  on,  over,  above.  2.  Against. 
3.  Of,  respecting,  regarding.  4. Af- 
ter, beyond.  5.  ln.6.By,  by  means 

of.7.At  S.with.  s5o-^p>c^n  c£x>2Sl$s6x> 
■&>&  madhyahnammidanenuvasta- 
nu,I  shall  come  after  midday  3^ gxri 
sikamida,In  future.  &tncx&o$xr*z$Z3 
tf^obSss'S  ssbupayammidaapamche 
yavalenusThis  affair  must  be  effect- 
ed by  stratagem.    -&*s5$e3<ytfoo»r» 

&'Tr*tfej3£a  ipanialasyammidaka- 
valasinadi,  This  must  be  done  at 
leisure.  "j$;&*r>aftoc<sX-cr>s>§^a» 
TCP'sfc  nenuvanimldadzagadanikipo 
yinanu,  I  went  to  quarrel  with 

ocr»a  midi,  adj.  Upper  ;  being  above. 

ao-»2fcinidu,  s.  Top,  or  head.  2.  Futu- 
rity. 3.  Any  thing,  particularly 
money,  tied  up  in  a  knot,  and 
vowed  to  be  presented  at  a  future 
period  to  some  deity. 

sambo  miru,  v.  a.  To  exceed,  or  trans- 
gress, v.  n.  To  be  haughty.  This 
word  is  also  the  plural  of  the  pro- 
noun, $><$  nivu,  Thou. 

sxp>£35c»  misamu,  s,  A  mustachoe,  or 




whisker.   It  is  generally  used  in  | 
tlie  plural.  §bo£r°^  misalu. 

Sfcn>Stfss*>  misaramu,  .v.  Excellence. 
adj.  Excellent.  2.  Proud,  - 


s5w  mu,  adj.  Numeral.  Three.  This 
is  a  contraction  of.  skr*^  mudu, 
three  q.  v. ,  and  is  used  in  compo- 
sition only,  being  prefixed  to  the 
word  with  which  it  is  joined, 
which  then  doubles  the  first  con- 
sonant •,  thus,  &xr*tso  mudu,  And 

2zK&»  jagamu,  The  world,  make 
sScwk  Ksfeoex>  mujjagamulu,The  three 
worlds.  j6»3-:s\sre;s5w  mutstsavala- 
mu,  Three  eighths  of  a  pagoda,&c. 

skioXS  mungara,  s.  A  nose  ring, 
worn  by  Indian  women. 

sSwoXe>  mungala,  adv.  In  front,  op- 
posite. j63ooKD  mungali,  adj,  Op- 
site,  fronting. 

s&»o-7r>s5a>-£)"3  mungamuchire,  s.  A 
particular  kind  of  silken  female 

s5K>o-7^2S»eb>foe>3  mungamurugulu,  s. 
plu.  A  kind  of  golden  bracelets. 

s5*>o$\,  sSwofttf  mungi,  mungisa,s.The 
mungoose.  Viverra,  ichneumon. 

s5x>oftI)  mungili,  s.  Making  in  the  in- 
flex.sing.  {6tt>oftfe5  mungiti,  And  in 
the  nom,  plu.    *x»oft^  mungilln, 

The  court  yard,  enclosed    within 
a  native  house. 

sSaooKb^ex)  mungurrulu,  s.  plu. 
Curls,  or  ringlets,  of  hair. 

s5»>o'7fa-*2>  mungopi,  adj.  Hot-headed, 
or  hasty. 

&xo%)^0&,  &»o%x>ro&  munchikonu, 
muntsukonu,  v.  a.  To  surround. 
2.  To  cover,  as  applied  to  heaps 
of  insects,  flies,  &c.  Collecting 
upon  any  thino\  3.  To  take  out, 
or  draw  up,  any  liquid.  4.  To  dip, 
as  a  pen  in  ink,  &c. 

s5wo^5b  muntsu,  v.  a.  To  dip,  immerse, 
or  sink  under  any  liquid.  Figura- 
tively, to  ruin  ;  to  vex,  or  annoy. 

sSMog^tfc  mundzuru,  s.  The  eaves  of 
a  house. 

s5k»o!3  munje,  s.  The  unripe  kernel 
of  the  palmyra  fruit,  so  long  as  it 
is  soft,  and  edible. 

sfoaolgaxo  munjeyyi,  s.  The  wrist. 

s5a>o&  munda,  s.  A  widow.  2.  A 
whore.  &XiOd9Sxr*&&>  mundamoyu, 
To  become  a  widow.  2.  To  be 
ruined.  s5wo2si3croa»o-&  mundamo- 
yintsu,  To  make  any  married  fe- 
male a  widow.  2.  To  ruin.  s5wo2s 
•3o-°?>mundam6pi,s.  A  widow. 

s5wo^  munta,  s.  A  small  earthen  pot,     I 
or  pitcher.  2,  vide  &*$  m^na, 



j5m  i.Mukti 

tf»o^ESJnS5o&  mutamamidi,  s.  The  cu- 
slioo  nut  tree.  Anacardium  occi- 
dental e. 

j6moX&5  mundarra,  s-  Making  in  the 
inflex.  Sing,  si»os>el>,  sfcoo&a  mun- 
darri,  mundati,  The  front.  2.  For- 
mer or  past  time.  3.  Futurity,  adv. 
Before,  in  front.  2.  First,  in  the 
first  instance.  3.  Formerly,  previ- 
ously. 4.  Hereafter,  in  future. 

s5s>o£e3,  sSa>oSfc3  mundarri,  mundati, 
adj.  Fronting,  opposite.  2.  Former, 
previous,  past.  3.  Future.  As  this 
word  implies  both  past  and  future 
time,  it's  precise  meaning  is  to  be 
found  by  reference  to  the  context, 
and  chiefly  to  the  tense  of  the 
verb.  s6«>o£c»g3sjs5b^  mundarrikiva- 
tstsu,  lit.  To  come  in  front.  To  be 

sSwotfc  mundu,  s.  adv.  And.  adj.  vide 
sSaooJSfcemundarra.  sSsoo&'StfS'  mun- 
duvenaka,  Fore  and  aft  ;  for- 
wards and  backwards  ;  past  and 

sko&k_  mukka,  s.  A  piece,   portion, 

fragment,  or  part. 
sfcaS'k-ofeS  mukkanti,    s.    A  name   of 

Siva  ;  as  having  three  eyes. 
aSbo^k-tf  mukkara,  s.  A  nose  ring, or 

ornament, worn  by  Indian  females.. 

&x>-g*lr-'£o&><z&>  mukkakaladirru,i\  n. 

To  be  clever,  or  experienced,  lit. 
To  be  thrice  heated. 

sSw-r^ew  mukkalu,  s.  Three  quart- 
ers of  any  whole. 

s5x§k_fe3  mulduti,ac/;'. Noseless-,  want- 
ing the  nose. 

s^xS/y-S  mukkidi,  5.  An  epidemic 
disease,  adj.  vide  s&aS^tfmukkiti. 

s$m§o>_  inukkn,  s.  The  nose,  bill,  or 
beak.  2.  The  end,  or  point,  v.  a. 
To  strain  in  easing  nature,  v.  n- 
To  become   spoiled,  or   damaged. 

sfcogb^go&w  mukkukuttu,  To  per- 
forate the  nose.  xSxSb^-fejfo  muk- 
kuehiclii,  To  blow  the  nose.  *&Ȥb 
&* ejs5w  mnkkudiilamu,  The  bridge 
of  the  nose.  ssMSa{r.tf0<ip,ex>  muk 
kurandhralu,  The  nostrils.  &*&)_ 
^a  mukknpodi,  Snuff,  ^.^ss^go 

tsannmukku,  The  nipple  of  a  fe- 
male's breast. 

s^go^-feo^^o^  mukkutapupanche,  s. 

A  peculiar  kind  of  silken  garment. 
j&aSo^ex)  mukknlu,  s.  plu.Yevy  small 

broken  rice. 
j&o§o^_^  mukkusa,  s.  A  measure  of 

capacity,    equal  to  three   fourths 

of  the  Toom,   the  largest  Telugu 

measure  of  capacity. 

*S»  £$0  muktasari,  adj.  Abbreviat- 
ed, abridged,  brief. 

s5m  §  mukti,  s.  Final  beatitude,  the 


delivery  of  the  soul  from  the  body, 
and  exemption  from  further  trans- 

aSwTfc-Muggu  334 

migration  ;  the  absorption  of  the 
emancipated  spirit  into  it's  great 
primary  source  ;  identification 
with  God. 

*5c»3)sSp>£~  mukhamal,  s.  Velvet. 

s5m$>s5k>  mukhamu,  s.  The  month.  2. 
The  face,  or  countenance.  3.  The 
entrance  to  a  house.  4.  Com- 
mencement. 5.  A  means,  an  ex- 

taramu,  mukhantaramuga,  adv. By 
means  of,  through. 

t5w4r»€)V  mukabila,  s.  Comparison, 
collation,  confronting. 

tiMqpcsta  mukhyauiu,  adj.  Chief,  pri- 
mary, principal.  2.  Urgent. 

sSwKsSw  mugamu,  s.  The  face. 

tfx>ftcsft>  mugiyn,  v.  n.  To  be  finished, 
ended,  or  terminated.  s5w5\o-i&  ma 
gintsu.  vt  a.  To  finish,  end,  or 
terminate-  sfcofto^  mugimpu,  s. 
End,  conclusion. 

J&3  76&,  :6*>Kbtf>  muguru,  mugguru, 
numeral.  Three  persons.  This  is 
the  masc.  And  fern.  Form  of  s&r» 
2&  mudu,  Three  q.  v. 

aSsoKb  muggu^s.  Flour,  or  powder,  of 
any  kind,  used  by  Hindoos  in  or- 
namenting the  floor  of  the  house. 
v.  n.  To  ripen.  2.  To  be  spoilt,  or 


jSkjK',  a&wHbtf  mugdha,  muguda,  s.  A 
stupid,  ignorant,  foolish,  or  sim- 
ple  female. 

s$x>t5\&   mutstsata,  s.  Conversation, 

conference,  discourse. 2.An  expres- 
sion. 3.  A  circumstance.  4.  Beau- 
ty. 5-  Childish  play.  adj.  Beauti- 
ful, elegant,  handsome,  fair.  *&» 
i5\i3c$e&  mutstsatapadu,  To  feel  a 
strong  inclination,  or  desire,  for 
any  thing. 

iSa>«Hel>e£tfi6c»  muchchirritanamu,  s. 
Perturbation,  sorrow,  grief. 

ska^KS-r"  muchchilika',  s.  A  penal 
agreement  in  writing. 

s$M-£h£Kbofc>  muchchiligunta,  s.  The 
back  of  the  neck. 

sfa>-£)\e>o,  s£»£K®o-tft  muchchilu,  mu- 
chchilintsu,  v.  a.  To  steal. 

sfeo-tSn  mutstsu,  s.  A  thief,  or  robber, 
adj.  Deceitful. 

^■Ssmuchche,  adj.  Of  or  belonging 
to  the  Muchi  caste,  who  are  ge- 
nerally painters,  trunk-makers, 
saddle-makers,  paper  cutters,  &c. 
s.  Generally  used  in  the  plural, 
sSm^ksw  muchchelu,  Shoes,  j&w^x 
•sr»2&  muchchevadu,  s.  A  muchi 
man.  s5M"3\2oo-7r>tf>  muchcheban- 
garu,  Gold-beaters  leaf. 

skaa-cr*  mudzara,  s.  Kemission,  de- 
duction.  2.  A  visit. 




s5x£x°2»  ijuUf&]a,  s.  Lumps  of  dried 

dung-,  used  for  fuel. 
&x>to&  muttadi,  s.  A  siege,  or  block-  I 

ade.  2.  Surrounding,  environing, 

encompassing-.   axo&>g"^;s&>  .murta- 
diveyu.  To  besiege. 

sSocfeS  -s"*^  ~£:^^°&  inuuikalluvesuko-   ! 

£J        ro  . .        ■ . 

ntti  *.   «•  To  kneel  down. 

sSxta  muttu,  v.  q.    To  touch.  2.   To 

arrive  at,    to  reach.  3.    To  bite  as  j 
applied  to   snakes  only.  v.  n.  To 
be  received  :  obtained,  or  paid.  s. 
The  menses,  adj.  Menstraous. 
sSxeo-^j  mufc-avu,  v.  n- 1  o  be  menstru-  \ 
ous.    i5x*,3  tfag'   mutiatsavika,    A 

to  • 

room  separate  from  the  house, 
to  which  females  retire  when 
*6:>ofe3oik  rnuttintsu,».  Cans.  To  cause 
to  touch.  2.  To  cause  to  arrive,  or 
reach  ;  to  deliver,  v.  a.  To  give  ;  \ 
to  pay.  2.  To  kindle,  or  light. 

s5x^r°s>D  muttukoniij  v.    Comv.    To  ; 

g^tfrfxiw,  sS&sSx&a  koramuttu,  pani- 

muttu, 5.  Tools,  implements,  mate- 

ssoolo  matte,  5.  The  beak,  or  bill,  of 
birds.  2.  '1  he  snout  of  the  hog. 
3.  The  kernel  of  a  nut  ;  a  fruit 

s63>£-5ex>  mudatahi,  s.  plu.  Wrinkles. 

2.  Knots  in  spinning,  or  twisting. 

3.  Crumpling  of  paper,   kc. 

s5ȣ,  *%>^<s6  Wiudi?  mucliva,  s.  A 
Knot,  fexg-^^f  mudikalia,  adj. 
Knock-kneed  ;  having  the  knees 
touching  each  othe r.  &x  h  oe&  a  e5b  ^> 
mudiyavidupu,  s.  lit.  A  knot- 
opener.  A  pick  pocket.  ss»il;sak 
mudivadu,  v.  n-  To  be  tied  in  a 
knot.  2.  To  succeed.  ^sx^sSxg 
1bfe»  boraalumudipettu,  To  knit 
the  eye-brows. 

sSx-a^^x  ex>  mudijonnalu,  5.  jpZw. 
The  great  millet,  or  Holcus 
saccharatus,  in  it's  husk. 

s5oaS»^  mudibatta,  s.  A  plain  cloth, 
without  any  border. 

sSx&s/fo  mudugu,  v.  n.  vide  rSxcsoTto 
mil  nu  gu. 

s5oo^D\5b  mudutsu,  v.  a.  To  tie  up  in 
a  knot,  or  bundle.  2.  To  dress  or 
ornament  one's-self,  with  flowers. 
?;.  To  bend,  as  applied  to  any 
member  of  the  body.  tfx2&-&rB£b 

mudutsukoirmr-  Camp.  To  tie  in  a 
bundle,  or  knot,  for  one's  own  use. 

2.  To  dress  one's-self  with  flowers. 

3.  To  bend  one's  own  limbs.  4.  To 
shrink,  shrive!,  or  close  up. 

s5>:^^),  kjoc^  mudupu.  muclpu.  §. 
A  bundle  of  money,  jewels,  &c 
2.    Ornamenting   one's-self  with 


s£»do3a  ttiudlisu,  S.    A  hone. 

•s5?o  s~l -Mil (tike 



sxwTi^sSso  mudekamu,  s.  A  coin,  of 
the  value  often  cash. 

sfc»g  mud cli,  s.  The  buttock.  2.  The 
anus.  sSM&c^ptf  muddipusa,  s.  The 
end,  or  last  joint  of  the  back  bone. 

s*x>F3§'Tr=xx>sex)  munakaramulu,  s.  plu. 
Trouble,  annoyance. 

sSwreotfb  munugu,  v.  n.  To  sink.  2. 
To  be  drowned.  3.  To  dive,  ssaerao 
rtbr^sb  munugukomi,  v.  Comp.  To 
lie  bent  up,  with  in  a  narrow 
space.  oT'^o23^^j<§^s5ooES^?rodb  va- 
duappulatomuniginadu,  lit.  He  is 
sank  by  debt.  He  is  over  head 
and  ears  in  debt.  sSao^Ao-ESb  muni- 
gintsu,  v.  a.  To  immerse,  or  cause 
to  sink  ;  to  drown  another. 

sta reo33  muntitsa,  v.  a.  vide  sSao^b-iSb 

v&»&7$&  mutasaddf  >  s.  A  writer, 

accountant,  or  clerk. 
a5ao&>sf,  *5c»$$3f  mutuka,  mutaka,  adj* 

Coarse.  2-  Opprobrious,  abusive. 
aSw  e£ss,  sSw  eSss&D   muttava,   mutta- 

vatalli,  5.  A  grand  mother.  &.  A 

great   grand   mother.  3.    An   old 

woman.    The  first   word   only  is 

used  in  this  last  sense. 

i^oiF0^  muttata*    s.    A  great  grand 

s$w  Sl§  muttike,  §.  p'wte  &•»&&  mu- 


*x»   ©TJ*-i5"<Br»o2&,sS»   © xr> 23° gx> mu ttira- 

D  M  o 

tsavandlu,  muttiradzulti,  s.  phi. 
The  caste  ol  Muterazus,  one  of 
the  Telugu  subdivisions  of  the 

*foo  Hsfco— &k>  9oK3s53o,  sSooe£o£»  mutte- 

mu  muttjyamn,  mutyamn,  s.  A 
pearl,  s&w  H^©^  muttepuchippa, 

A  pearl  oyster   shell  ;  mother  of 
{6:»j|tf,  sSwl^esboS  muttaida,  muttai- 

duva,  s.  A  woman  whose  husband 
is  alive. 
sdxitr*3>  muttovu,  s.    Saras wati,  the 

patroness  of  learning.  %  A  grand 

s6wa  mndi,  adj.  Old,  ancient.  s5c»a^ 
tfsSoo,  ^ooaso  muditanamu,  mudimi, 
s.  Age,  decrepitude,  sfcoaocfc  niu- 
diyu,  0.  w.  To  grow  old.  &x>&g&> 
mndukadu,  s.  An  old  man.  £»&£ 
mnduka,  5.  An  old  person. 

8$m&>?6  mudugu,  s.  Coarseness.  2. 
Opprobrious  or  abusive  language- 
adj.  Coarse.  2.  Opprobrious' 

sS^tibtfc  muduru,  v.  n.  To  be  mature  ; 

to  arrive  at  the  period  of  full 
growth,  or  maturity.  2.  To  in- 
crease, s.  Maturity  ;  full  growth, 
or  age.  adj.  Matare  ;  fully  grown. 
2.  Old,  relatively  only  with  others. 
tfcw&tf&tfsS^eo  mnduraksharamulur 
Matured  or  settled  hand  writing:* 



*5x>  25  S'- Mud raka 

tfwsbtfa,  s^&SS  mudusari,  mudusali, 
s.  An  old  person,  adj.  Old.  ^ide 
*5wtfS)  musali.  s$x&Z£)&#ss»  mudu- 
salitanamu,  s.  Old  age. 

sS»25,  s6^c5-Treex)  mndda,    niuddaralu, 

s.  vide  sSxK  niu2;dha. 
«bo£5  mndda,  s.  A  lump,  an  unshapen 

mass.  sk^sTsfesSwmuddakavvamu, 
A  peculiar  churning  staff,  .with  a 
lump  of  wood  at  the  point.  s5w25-£ 
^  muddapappu,  A  sort  of  pease 
pudding,  lit.  A  lamp,  or  mass,  of 
split  pulse. 

«5x25^s5b,^»r»o^o  m  u  d  d  a  k  a  m  m  a- 
ravandlu,  s.  p^w.  The  caste,  collec- 
tively >  who  smelt  iron. 

sS»25r*DS»    muddakolimi,  s%  A  forge 


for  smelting  n*on. 
sSoots^oxj,  sSx-zt'omts*^  muddayi,  mu- 
ddayidaru,  s.  A  defendant  at  law. 
The  term  is^oao  dayi,  is  used  to 
denote  a  plaintiff  •  and  this  word, 
which  also  in  the  original  has  the 
same  signification,  in  Telugu  is 
used  to  denote  the  defendant. 

sSxg  muddi,  s.  Calamity,  misfortune. 

2.  Peril,  danger. 
s&oaac6  muddiya,  s.  A  woman. 
*5m25o  muddu,  5.  A  kiss.  2.  Affection 

or  kindness,  especially  towards 
children.  3.  Joy.  adj.  Dear,  affec- 
tionate, kind.  2.  Handsome* 
delicate,  3.  Joyful.  s5y,*bfe:»©,\tfs*>5 

muddtitungaramu,  s.  A  ring,  worn 
for  ornament,  on  the  little  finger. 
£:»?&-£: few r'rfo,  *Si»Trodb  muddupetfu- 
konn,  muddadu,  2?.  a.  To  kiss.  ss*> 
a-dbx,  s5^2Sb *!>&*>  mudditstsu,  mud- 
dupettu,  To  give  a  kiss.  s5»gtf^ 
mudduvatstsu,  v.  n.  To  be  de- 
lighted. 2.  To  he  handsome  ;  as 
■sr*  &>$&-<>  ]£>  -(3^&)i&K&3tioc&  vanni- 
tsuste  nakumudduvastundi,  When 
I  see  him,  I  am  quite  delighted. 
-c3^&);ft»2fc 35 -$-*&>  vadurnudduvas- 
tadu,  He  is  verv  handsome.  &»& 


vo&w&X&x)     muddulumuta  gattu, 

To  be  exceedingly  beautiful,  lit 
To  tie  a  load  of  kisses. 
sko55b23b  muddudu,  s.  An  idiot. 

o  • 

sfcc^e/fosk  mu  ddulagumma,  s.  A 
woman;  as  if  a  string  of  kisses. 

*Scu<£k  mudra,  s.  A  seal,  or  signet.  2 
The  impression  of  a  seal;  a  stamp, 
or  print.  {&»<©,  c-i&,  s6»,25  "^cooc  mu- 
drintsu,  lmidravcvu,  To  seal. 

sfca^-^&g',  r*e>  mudra-palaka,  kola, 
»\  A  wooden  stamp,  for  sealing 
heaps  of  corn,  <fec  &»  25  ssb^k  mu- 

dramanishi,  5.  A  person  who  seals 
heaps  of  corn,  <fec. 
tfw^S'efe-  jmudrakarta,  5.  A  man 
entrusted  by  a  Guru,  or  other 
priest,  with  his  seal,  and  deputed 
by  him  to  settle  disputes  of  caste, 
&c.j&»  es  &&"^a-ixmudratisiveyu.To 
unseal ;  to  open  a  seal. 



Soil  "»>o  ■ 


sSw.a.b"  mudrika,  s.  A  ring'  on  which 
characters  are  engraved. 

s&atfs  munaka,  s.  An  immersion,  or 

s5w;o  muni,  s.  A  holy  sage,  or  saint; 
a  pious  and  learned  person,  en- 
dowed with  more  or  less  of  the 
divine  nature. 

s5s><o  muni,  s.  The  end,  or  point.  2- 
The  beginning,  or  commencement, 
sfca&ssno  munipalhi,  The  point  of 
the  tooth.  s5:a$s5^s3)  munimapu, 
The  commencement  of  the  eve- 
ning. s&asr*e>  munikola,  s.  A  goad. 

s5s>$s&tfs&&>  munimanamadu,  s.  A 
great  grand  son.  2.  The  male  of 
the  fourth  generation,  in  lineal 

s53>$£btfs&Tr,ex>  munimanamaralu,  s. 
A  great  grand  daughter.  2.  The 
female  of  the  fourth  generation,  in 
lineal  descent- 

tfx>%c&&s  muniyedu,  s.  The  year  be- 
fore last. 

sS^siv    munishf, 

A  muushi,    or 

teacher  of  any  language. 

*&»;£>  munu,  aclj,  Former,  adv.  For- 
merly. In  this  last  sense,  it  is 
sometimes  written  8&»s&^  munna. 

a5o3ssbr,»  munukoni,  ado.  Before,  in 
front,  first.  2.  In  former  times, 

*5<v,;&?6  munugu,   v.  n.    vide   sSxc^Xb 

sS^&tffeS  munupati,  adj.  Former. 
s6ws&^)  munupu,  s.    Making   in   the 

inflex.    Sing.    &»x>t$&   munupati' 

Former  times-  acfo.  Formerly,  be- 
sSxaaaoo  munumu,  s.  A  field  of  grain, 
of  which  part  has  been  cut.  2.  The 
front,  or  van,  of  an  army.  3.  Auy 
thing  opposite. 

;6»fc^«b  munnfru,  5.  Making  in  the 
inflex.  Sing,  sfe^a  munnlti,  The 
sea.s5co^feSos5A  munnitiyaggi, Sub- 
marine fire  ;  a  being  consisting  of 
flame,  but  with  a  mare's  head, 
sprung  from  the  thighs  of  Oorva, 
and  received  by  the  Ocean. 

«fc)^PN  6m  munnurru,  a  Numeral  adj. 

&  sub.  Making  in  the  inflex.  Sing. 
s5a>s&*c\  feSl  munnutiki,  Three  hun- 

a5w^a  muppadi,  adj.  Thirty. 

tf»-5r^©S'  inuppatika,5.  A  three  quar- 
ter part  of  any  whole. 

j6»*^s$  muppavu,  s.  Three  quarters 
of  the  coin  termed  a  pagoda,  or  of 
the  weight  or  measure  termed  a 

{6>»^8  muppiri,  s.  Three  twists,  adj. 
Thrice  twisted. 

afer^niuppu,  s-  Old  ago.  2,  Deceit, 
fraud.  3.  Misfortune, 




**>!£_£•>  ik&^iauppai,  muppliai,  nu- 
meral. Thirty. 
s*»^&,  ^^&mubbacU,mummadi, 

*'.  Three  fold.   adj.  Treble.  awsfo, 
ao^mummadintsu,  To  multiply 

by  three. 

j&isk  tfsb&>  mummanamadu,  s.  vide 
tf8a»«fc£s&2&  munimanamadu. 

«Saa-s6jtf6»  mummararau,  s.  Vehe- 
mence, excess,  violence  ;  especial- 
ly of  pain,  or  disease,  the  ele- 
ments, the  sea  &c.  ^^80^ 
raummarintsu,  To  grow  vehement, 
excessive,  or  violent;  especially 
as  applied  to  disease  or  pain. 

tfcos5a-°,«»  mummarra,  s.  Making  in 
the" inflex.  Sing.  sfe>s53^&  mumma- 
ti,  Three  times,  adv.  Thrice. 

sS»-a»  $-5F>ex)  mummonavala,  s.  lit. 
An  instrument  with  three  points. 
A  Trident. 

sSwcsSoe  muyyu,  v.  a.  vide  s&r*cs£3 

s5K>tfs5!»tfer>£sb  muramnraladu,  v.  n. 
To  evince  anger. 

s5ao8§  muriki,  5.  Filth,  dirt,  nastiness. 
adj.  Dirty,  soiled,  unclean. 

*5c»8-£>s5w,  s3^?5b^)  muripemu,murupu, 
s.  Exultation,  joy,  gladness.  s5m 
8ccco  muriyu,  e.  n.  To  exult,  or 
rejoice.  2.  To  evince  a  strong  de- 

ska&Ko  murugu,  v-  n-  To  putrify  ;  to 
become   rotten,    or    putrid,   s.  A 
bracelet.  2.    An   ornament   worn 
on  the  tip  of  the  ear. 
s53obb5g)  muruvu,5.  Beauty. arf/. Beauti- 
85»fels5Mfe§  murrimurri  adj.  Very  lit- 
tle, inconsiderable;  as,  sS^eJs^&S 
4b  3"  &  murrimurri chikati,  Inconsi- 
derable darkness. 
sSM^a  murru,  s.  A  piece,  or  bit.  **»&§ 
da&a  murriyu,?.a.  To  cut  into  piec- 
es, or  bits. 
s5aa«»,  sSooMo^ex)  murru,  murrubalu> 
s.  Milk  for   the  first   seven    clays 
after  birth. 
£»©§,   sSao^k-  muliki,   mulki,  s.  An 
arrow.  2.  The  point  of  an  arrow. 
sSasex),  sS^ew  mullu,   mulu,  s.  Making 
intheinflex.    Sing.  &oofe3  munti? 
And  in  the  nora.  plu-  s&»o£3o  mun 
dlu,A  thorn. 2. A  spur.  adj.  Thorny, 
s5ooew*!o-»<y  rnulukola,  s.  A  goad,  sfeoo 
2s-o3oa  mundlapandi,  The   porcu- 
pine. s6»3e>3-7^)T5b\r*ab,  -p^bx)  mullu- 
gutstsukonu,    natu,    A   thorn   to 
pierce,  or  prick. 

*5m"c3  mulle,  5.  A  bag,  or  bundle,  of 

money,  or  jewels.    2.  Property  in 
s$*>sSQ§r£"2  muvvakocle, 
i       in  training. 

s.   A  bullock 




&»ss^&>  muvvalu,  s.  phi*  A  kind  of 

foot  ornament. 
*&»?#q&  muvvuru,  numeral,  vide  s&o 

7fo&  moguru. 

a5a>sS.y.tfs5Mmuslikaramu,  adj.  Obsti- 
nate, stubborn,  s.  Obstinacy. 

s5o3?x  mushti,  5.  The  fist,  the  clench- 

ed  hand.  2.  The  hilt,   or  handle, 

of  a  sword.  3.  A  handful  of  grain 

given  as  alms.  <&K>%\-tfex>&>  mushti. 

chanudu,  A  wrestler,  boxer, 
s&otftfb,  ska&>&  musaru,  musuru,  v.  a- 

To  collect,  or  gather,  in  a  crowd; 

to  settle  upon  any  object,  as  flies, 

or  insects  ;  to  surround. 

stotfwsSw  rnusalamuys.  A  pestle,  par- 
ticularly a  wooden  one,  used  in 
cleaning  rice. 

sfcotfg)  musali,  s.  An  old  person,  adj. 
Old,  aged.  *&»tf8e£tf s*»  musalitana- 
mu,  Old  age. 

*S»6ogo,  **»&>Kb  musuku,  musugu,  s* 
A  veil.  2.  A  cover  of  cloth.  *$»;& 
Xo£2&  musugupadu,  v.  n.  To  be 
veiled  or  covered. 

s5x>6o&  musuru,  s.  A  constant  or 
continued  rain.  v.  «.  vide,  sSwtftfc 

**» ^25 &  mnstadzaru,  s.  A  renter,  or 

«6»^&mnstadu,a$.  Prepared,  ready- 

s&iSmre  j?;5m  rnuhurtamu,  s.  A  divi- 
sion of  time,  the  thirtieth  part  of 
the  day  and  night.  Or  an  hoar  of 
forty-eight  minutes.  2.  A  period 
selected,  and  fixed,  for  any  impor- 
tant ceremony  ;  as  for  a  marri- 
age, &c. 

2fcn>?f  muka,  s.  An  army.  2.  A  mul- 
titude, concourse,  or  assembly. 

S5b3-Ȥb2&  mukuclu,  s.   Making  iri  the 

index.  Sing.  &n>&&  mukuti,  An 

earthen  plate,  used  for  covering 

j5bx*xmuga,  s.  Dumbness,  adj.  Dumb. 

s&reKo  mugu,  v.  a.  vide  ss&otftfc  musaru- 

s&n>&r^-&  mutstsutsu,*.  a.  To  smelh 

by  applying  to  the  nose. 

ssbr^ta  muta,  s.  A  bundle,  parcel,  or 

package  ;    a   load  carried  by   a 
man ;  a  bale. 

skrefeosSw  niutamu,  s*  A  lump  of  dried     v 
dung,  used  as  fuel. 

s&re2&  mudu,  numeral  adj.  or  sub. 
making  in  the  inflex.  Sing.  5fcr»*3* 
s5»r»clfe5  miiti,  miiditi,  Three.  v>  n. 
To  be  ended,  or  terminated ;  as 
o^{0sesoaco;#s5cxr«>goa  vanikiayuvu- 
mudindi,  His  life  is  ended.  2.  To 
happen,  or  occur ;  as,  ^t&tfxrt&j 
chetumudu,  lit.  Ruin  to  occur.  To 
be  ruined?  or 'destroyed. 



sSw-e  ^ 

s&r*^a&»  miidhamu,  adj.  Foolish,  ig- 
norant. sSa-e^qsiM  mudhatwamu, 
s.  Ignorance. 

s&n>^  miita,  s.  A  cover,  or  top,  for 
shutting,  or  closing  up,  that  on 
which  it  is  placed.  2.  Shutting, 
closing,  or  covering,  s5kt»c£s5^  mii- 
tapadu,  To  be  shut-  "^^ewsftx^sS 
sso  chevulumutapadu,  lit.  The  ears 

to  be  shut.  To  be  in  a  state  of  in- 

$&r«i$*2De;  miltaballa,  s.  A  plank  at 
the  point  of  a  shelving  roof,  to 
cover,  or  conceal,  the  beams  which 
support  it. 

sxxr°&  inuti,  s.  Tiie  mouth. 
£xn>,&jt&>3  mutramu,    s.    Urine-   s&ra 

^©.o-ufe  miitrintsu,  v.  a.  To. urine, 

to  make  water. 
s&rosSo-vk  mudalintsu,  v.  a.  To  re- 
mind, to  caution. 
'0&xr>$  muna,   s.  The  chaff  of  castor 

oil  seeds. 
&xn>$)  mupu,   s.    The  upper  part  of 

the  back, 
sfer^tf  &»  mupuramu,  s.  The  hump 

which  Indian  cattle  have  on  the 


$xr°G&>  muyu,  v.  a.  To  shut,  or  close- 
2.  To  cover.  3.  To  spit.  ;sbcr»cxx>o-t& 
miiyintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause  to 
shut,  (fee.  s&r*coor*rfc  miisukonn,  v. 

Comp.  To  shut,  &c,  for  one's  own 
use,  or  benefit,  or  any  member  of 
one's  own  body.  v.  n.  To  shut  of 
itself.  g'o£?bs5b3-»6oroR$b  kandlumu- 
sukonu,  lit.  To  shut  the  eyes.  To 
die.  ikr*&5b3r°&)r,>£b  norumusuko- 
nu,  To  hold  one's  tongue,  to  be 
silent,  lit.  To  shut  the  mouth. 

ssbcrrtf  mura,  s.  A  cubit,  the  measure 
from  the  point  of  the  elbow,  to 
the  extremity  of  the  fingers. 

^bj^6^^_^b  inurkonu,  v.  a.  To  smell, 
by  application  to  the  nose. 

?5b3-°tf  ssao  miirkhamu,  adj.  Foolish, 
ignorant,  stupid,  idiotic.  2.  Obsti- 

s&r°&  murkhu,  s.  An  idiot.  2.  An 
obstinate  person. 

s&r°Sv  murchha,  s.  A  swoon,  or  faint. 
s&r»eN!yo  murchhillu,  v.  n.  To 
swoon  or  faint.  s>bx*8\e^K85M  mu- 
rchharogamn,  The  epilepsy-  sfer«>8\ 
^-s^  murchhapovu,  To  swoon 
away.skr»tf\He)cvk>  murchhateliyu, 
To  recover  from  a  swoon. 

gxn>  tfsfco  murtamu?  s.  vide  sSoosrwr* 
tfxxw  muhurtamu. 

sixn>  tfs$x>  murtamu,  adj.  Fainting, 
fainted,  losing  sense  or  concious- 
ness.  2.  Solid,  material,  endowed 
with  form  or  shape. 

sSw-t  n  g'  -  M  u  shak  a 




s&r°e>  mil  la,  s.  A  point  of  the  com- 
pass; a  quarter,  or  direction.  2.  A 
corner.  3.  A  braid,  or  tress,  of  a 
female's  hair.  4.  A  retreat.  5.  A 
herd  of  loaded  cattle.  6.  A  heap 
of  the  loads  of  cattle. 

s>w-o2;s5w  mulamu,  s.  A  root ;  the  root 
of  a  tree.  2.  Origin,  commence- 
ment. 3.  Capital,  principal.  4-  llie 
original  text  of  any  work,  as  op- 
posed to  the  Tika,  or  comment. 
5.  Means,  6.  Csase.  adj.  Main, 
principal,  original. 

sSbcp^jskoT^  mulamuga,  adv.  By  means 

of,  through.  $o^y^-$xr°v-5r»£§i$xrr> 

v&og  mulamu »  mulavyadhi,  muia 
sank  a,  *'.  The  disease  termed  the 
piles,   ^oo^ej^^iooo  muladhanamu,  5. 
Capital,  principal,  stock. 
sSocroyofib  mulugu,  v.   n.  To  groan,  to 

moan,    to  make   any  noise   from 
pain.  s.  A  groan,  or  moan. 

ssbcr*  ve  s6oo    mulyamu,     5.     Price.     2. 

Wages,  hire. 
7ten>%>  rnuli,  s-   Maim,  or  defect,  adj. 

Maimed,  broken,  cut  off. 
s5oo-t>s5  nniva,  s.  Dumbness,  adj.  Dumb. 

vide  s$xn>X  muga. 
sSoo^js.,  ssbare js  m  li  s  h  a ,  musa,  s.  A 

crucible.   2.  A  mould. 
5&r°  is^  aw    mushakamu,  s.  A  rat,  or 




mrigamu,  s.  An  animal   in 


general.  2.  A  deer,    or    antelope, 
sfcv  ©§",    ^\^>    mrittika,    mrifctu,    5. 

Earth,  clay,  soil, 
skv&ocjg)  mrityuvu,  s.  Death. 

sfc\25oXsS»  mridangamu,  5.  A  tabor, 
or  small  drum. 


*3oo^o  menclu,  s.  Abundance,  excess. 
ad?\  Abundant,  excessive. 

-goo©  menti,  s.  Commonly  used  in 
the  plural  -soo^oew  mentnlu,  Fenu- 
greek. Trigonella  fasnum  gra^cum. 

•goS'ska,  *So\'s5oo  mekamu,  megamn,  s. 
vide  86vX*&»  mrigamu, 

•So So j,-  mekku, 

a.  To  eat. 

*soi^>  ■so^r'sb  metstsu,metstsuko 
nu,  v.  ot.  To  applaud,  approve, 
praise,  or  commend.  The  former 
word  also  denotesas  a  s.Applause, 
commendation,  approbation,  vide 
-go-^o,  meppu. 

•gofeSI  metike,  s.  The  noise  arising 
from  cracking  the  joints  of  the 
fingers,  &c.  -aotflaoS&iSa  metike 
luvirutsu,  To  make  that  noise,  by 
pulling  the  lingers,  &c. 

•g»fc>  mctta.s.  Raised,  or  high,  ground; 
ground  not  irrigated  artificially. 

-^c  ^7v-Metta,ga 




•Sofco  mettu,  v.  a.  To  trample,  to 
tread,  s.  The  step  of  a  stair  2.  A 
step,  or  degree.  3.  A  custom 
house,  or  place  .where  toll  is  levi- 
ed. 4.  The  total,  the  whole.  5. 
Curds  with  a  proportion  of  water. 
6.  A  stop  of  the  Vina,  or 
Hindoo  lute.  This  noun,  in  it's 
irregular  plural  "Sd^m  metlu,Also 
denotes  Shoes,  slippers,  or  sandals. 
"SotuS*  mettuku,  adv.  lit.  To  the 
step,  to  the  whole.  At  least,  at 
any  rate.  2.  At  last,  in  the  end. 

s^ti  meda,  s.  The  neck.  •2»&r*o§bex> 
medakonkulu,  s.  plw  The  collar 
bones,    -?x>ci£r°o$  medapompu,   ,9. 

The  back  of  the  neck.  -gb&sbX'&o 
medanugaf.tu,  lit.  To  tie  on  the 
neck.  To  force,  constrain,  or  obli- 
ge. -ao^£^*jo  mecjabattinuku, 
To  push  by  the  neck.  -30&/&&  me 
dagudda,  A  neckcloth.  *ao£&p>e)o, 
"saorso-*,  ex>  rnedanulu,  mennulu,  lit. 
Neck  threads.  An  ornament  sus- 
pended from  the  neck,  made  of 
gold  311  threads  plaited  together - 

"SoSo^s  metuku,  s.  A  grain  of  boiled 
rice.   2.  Boiled  rice    collectively. 

"2jo^o^>  inetuvu,  adj.  Soft,  mild. 

-5o_J  metta,  .7.  Bedding  ;  any  soft 
staffed  substance. 

•&  ^tv*  mettaga,  adv.  Softly.  2. 

Tte  &#  mettana,  s.  Softness,  meek- 
ness, mildness.  2  Tardiness,  slow- 

-Bo  &a  mettani,  adj.  Soft,  meek,  mild. 
2    Slow,  tardy. 

•SaeSo  mettu,  v.  a.  To  smooth  a  sur- 
face, by  plastering  it  with  mud. 5. 
The  mud  thus  used.- 

-&>&&}  medadu,  s.  Making  in  the  in- 
flex.  Sing.  *2»&feS  medati,  The 

■aa^ex,  -soe^ex)  medalu,  medulu,  vn. 
To  move,  or  shake.  2.  To  wander, 
or  go  about.  &-°§'<yo*3D*&ew  rukalu- 
medulu,  Money  to  be  in  hand,  -go 
a&o-ik  medilintsu,  v.  a.  To  move, 
stir,  or  put  in  motion.  ^db^BDo 
•15b  norumedilintsu,  To  speak.  2. 
To  be  eloquent,  clever,  or  able. 

•Sozfcgi  medukiv.flzWe-so&agb  metukti. 

"Sosfc)(b  medugn,  v.  n.  To  be  pound- 
ed. 2.  To  be  inured  to,  to  be  well 
versed  in- 3. To  associate  with.  -2© 
26 ^>  m'ednpu,  v.  a.  To  pound,  or 
grind.  %  To  inure,  to  qualify.  ,v. 
Any  tiling  mixed  with  flour,  to 
thicken  it  in  baking. 

-Socfcjg)  meduvu,  adj.  vide  "Sd^o^  me- 

•ao^jo  meppu,  s.     Approbation,   ap- 
proval,   commendation.    -s©?ko-& 



■ssae)  tf-Mellana 

meppintsu,  v.   Cans,  To    cause  to 
approve,  or  applaud,  -s^i^o^r6^ 

mepj  onu,  v.     Caus-    Oomp 

Xo  o.iiise  to  approve,    or  applaud, 
one's  self,    vide  -gc^bx  jnetstsu. 

*a>o»  meyi,  s.  The  body.  2.  Time, 
period  Postpos.  Used  in  books 
only.  By,  by  means  of. 

-2»o»r>xo  meyikoDU,  v.  a.  To  seize, 

or  fake  hold  of. 
Ibbfeoc'  meyyu,  vide  -&,csk>  meyu. 
'gntfg  meraka,    s-    -i-.aised,  or  high, 

*3o5"s»tf  meramera,  s.  Perplexity.  2. 
•  Doubt,  suspicion. 
-Satf'5»?5'ir°£fo  roerameraladu,  v.  n.To 

feel  pain,  as   the   eye  when    any 

sriialf  substance  enters  it. 

-3otf;5;$  ineravadi,  s.  A  procession 
through  the  streets. 

•Jte812)  itffc'&o  merikebiyyamu,  s  Un- 
broken rice.  "So  e  "S.s^ofeS -5^  r^0  me- 
ri:  elavantJVr  n  la,  5.  flu.  Men 
perfect,  either  in  body,  or  mind 

*g©8.-jMo  Sn^jr&o  meriyu,iuerrayu,  #.??. 
To  lighten,  as  lightning.  2.  To 
glitter,  glare,  or  slrne.  -srj5§>o-& 
meripintsu,  v.  Caus.  To  cause  to 
lighten,  or  to  shine,  &c 

•&>#&>  merugu,  s.  Polish,  brilliance, 
shining,  brightness,  gleam,  lustre. 
2.  Oil.  3.  Ghee.  *a»»joAb^43»  meru 

gubettu,  v.  a.  To  polish.  •**>*> Kb sb 
^)^<b?fo  meruginlupurugji',   The  fire 


"2»&$,  ■gtoaso^i  merupu,    rnerrupu,  s. 

Lightning.  2.  Glittering,  shining, 

•aa&*v»  merumu,  s.  Lightning.  ©.  w. 
'I'o  lighten  as  lightning. 

-Sofe5^K>oPx>  merramulu*  s.plu.  Exhibi- 
tions of  tumbling. 

"So'-L&exj  melakalu,6\|5?w.  Trick s,frands. 

"So  -  ac,  "^,ewfib  melagu,melugu,«;.  w.  To 
associate  with.  2.  To  act  accord* 
ing  to  another's  wishes.vide  7bw& 

•ao e: a,  -3ow&>r  melata,  melatuka,  5 
A  woman. 

•3oe.$$)  melapu,  e\  a.  To  cause  to 
associate  with.  2.  To  cause  to  act 
according  to  another's  wishes.  5 
Association  with  others.  2.  Con- 
duct, behaviour.  3.  Cleverness, 

*So©,  ■ao«"§  meli,  inelike.  s.  A  twist 
-got)  mella,  s.  A  squint,  squinting, 
acfy'.  Squinting. -goo  ^o^  mellakan 
ti,  adj.  Squint  eyed,  s-  A  crow. 
-2o^T&r»sg);&ro-tfc  mellatsuputsutsu, 
To  squint,  lit.  To  look  a  squinting 

•aoe)  tf  m  ell  ana,  $.  SI  own  ess.  2-  Gentle- 


ness,  -«»£)  7T1,  -ao?)  7r*  mellaga,  me- 




Uiga,  adv.  Slowly.  2.  Softly.  *s»e> 
a  mellani,  adj  Slow.    2.  Gentle. 

-Sotr*  mella,  s-   A  hall. 

-Sa&SosS'  melukuva,  5.  Wakefulness  ; 
watchfulness.  2-   An  expedient,  or 

,  stratagem  -ao&^sKe)  melukuvaga 
la,  adj  Watchful,  on  one's  guard, 
careful,  cautious  2.  Artf  J,  clever 
-3o&Sbsf"^£)o<J$o  melukuvagavun- 
du  To  be  watchful,  or  cautious  ; 
to  be  on  one's  guard,  "ao^&ssss^o 
meln  kuvapa  lu,  To  be  roused. 

"SoiS/fo,  -g»J$^>  mesaga,  mesavu,   v.  a- 

To  eat. 
*3a^^ao  mehanatu,  s    Labour,   toil, 
trouble,  exertion,  pains,  difficulty. 

•&>  me,  s.  The  body. 

"&^  meka,  s.  A  goat.  -^qS'&ocI  meka- 
dindi,  s.  A  wolf.  -&>§-&**&>  meka- 
potu,  5.  A  he-goat,  -gng-xr**  me- 
karasi,  s.  The  sign  Aries,  in  the 
zodiac.  -&o&£ptfs»o  mekasoramu,  5. 
One  of  the  seven  primary  notes  of 
music.  ■&$&«  mekapilla.s.Akid. 

"5»o*9-&g'peutimeka.  j.  A  she-goat. 
t&>&  meku,  5.  A  nail,  tent    pin,  or 

-&>r,tf>  mekonu,  v.  a.  vide -ga0x>r,& 

•&*>  megu,  v.  a.  vide  -&>&>  mettu. 

-fe^sfco,  •&>£»<!&  raeghamu,mfghudu, 
5-.   ^  cloud- 

iozr'  mija.  «v.  A  table. 

itofeS  mod,  a$.  First,  chief,  excellent, 
noble,  s.  A  heap.  2.  The  chief,  or 
head,  of  a  body,  especially  of  un- 
der ryots. 

-£xi&  mJ.ia,  3-  A  house  of  two  or  more 

"SSod  me-.ji.  s.  The  glomerous   fig  tree. 

Ficus  glomerata.  2.  That  part  of 
the  plough-haudie  which  joins  in- 
to the  plough,  -&>&^s  melit -ka, 
s  Thar  part  of  the  plough-handle 
which  is  held  in  the  hand.  -&>3&*> 

meflisila,^.  The  naii  or  p  n,  which 
fixes  the  handle  to  the  plough 

~£x>&  met  a,  s.  Pasture,  forage,  food 
for  any  animal.  2.  Grazing-  vide 
-gocsabo  rneyu 

-§x>£Q  metari,  s.  An  eater  2  A  mais- 
try,  or  head  of  the  lower  castes, 
such  as   of  the    palankeen    bo}'s, 

washermen,  cowherds, toddy  draw- 
ers, &c. 

■&&3b.&>  medakudu,  5.  A  meek,  or 
mild  man.  io?,5oa'^  m'dakuralu, 
s.  A  meek,  or  mild  woman.  --^^^ 
rS'^j  madatanamQ,  s.  Meekness, 

-&&&  mcd&iw, adj.  Of  or  belonging  to 
that  peculiar  caste  who  cut  bam- 
boos, and  live  by  selling  them,  or 
bast  ets,  &c.  Made  of  them. 


*&oaa  medini,  s.  The  earth. 
-£o*  mena,  adj.    Connected  through 
a  paternal  aunt,or  a  maternal  un- 
cle.   -&>#  Tfo^-x)    monagodalu,  5. 
The  daughter  of  a  man's  sister,  or 
of   a    woman's    brother.     ;&>tf«o>& 
meualludu,   s.\  The  son  of  a  man's 
sister,  or  of  a  woman's  brother. 
-    "&s^_g    menatta,    s.    A    paternal 
aunt,    or  the  wife  of  a  maternal 
uncle.  i&o»sir»s5o  inenamama,    s.    A 
maternal  uncle.  iibtf^s>  menaba- 
va,s.  The  son   o^a  paternal  aunt, 
or  of  a  maternal  uncie,  if  older 
than  one's  self.   If  he  be  younger 
than  one's-self,  he  is  termed   -J^ 
^Q.  menamarradi.  -^ssa^  me- 
navariine,    s.   The  daughter  of  a 
paternal  aunt,   or  -  of  a  maternal 
uuc;e,  if  Older  than   one's-self.  If 
she    he  you  ger  than    one's-self, 
she  is  termed  -&, <  s&^s^   mena- 
Tfeto  mmu,  s.  The  body. 
*&>-£a  mepari,  s.  An  eater. 
"&>crt»  meyu,  n.  a.  To  eat  food,  as  ap-  ' 
plied  to  any  animal  ;  to  graze,  or 
eat  grass.  1*0^  mepu,  v    bans    To 
cause  animals  to  eat  ;  to  feed,    or 
graze,  cattle,  &?c.  s.  vide  %£  m£ta. 
"&>>c-&>  mepintsu,    v.    Cans.    To 
cause  another  to  feed  animals,  or 
to  tend  cattle  ij 



1&>S  mera,  s.  A  limit,  or  boundary. 
2.  An  instalment,  3.  A  quantity  of 
corn,  given  from  the  thrashing 
floor,  to  the  hereditary  servants 
of  the  village,  as  their  establish- 
ed fees  of  office. 

-ix>63&  meruvu,  s.A  bead,  suspended 
from  the  clasp  of  a.  necklace. 

-£o»;*v>o  melamu,  s.  Laughter,  ridicule. 
-sb»j37-<^o  melamadu,  To  laugh  at? 
to  ridicule. 

-5fcD£D  rMimi,  s.    Pure  gold.  2.   Ad- 
vantage, profit, 
-skew  melu,  s.  Goodness,   excellence. 
2.  Worthiness,  fitness.  3.    Happi- 
ness, prosperity-  4-  Kindness,  be- 
nefit. 5.  Success,  adj.  Good,  bet- 
ter, noble,  excellent  2.   Fit,  pro- 
per. 3-   High,  lofty,   adv.  Above, 
up,    interj    Expressive  of  appro- 
bat, on.   -ioexr&w  mehikattu,  s.  An 
awning.  -&D<yoTr"1  melurasi,    s.    A 
heap   of  grain   ready,    or   fit,  for 
measurement.  -&>eo^cxft>  m'miche- 
yu,  To  do  a  kindness,    or  favor  ; 
to    bestow,  a  benefit.   "i»*yc^o&>?&> 
meluyerugu,  To  be  grateful. 
"So  sx  £~*  &  --fa  er*  Cr_  <& ,  -£a  v^  «•>  mel  u  ko_ 
nu-melkonu,  melkanu,    v.   n.    To 
awake  of  one's  self,  to  be  awake. 
2.  To  be  on  one's  gaurd.  3.  To  be 
roused. iiewrtv^j  meiukolupu,  To 
awake  another.   ^wVvojfavd  me- 

•So  Q  -Maitri 




lukolupulu,  s.  plu.  Songs,  used  to 
awake  the  great. 

*&>ex>£>o©  melubanti,  6-.  An  excellent 
person.  2.  A  piece  of  good  writ- 
ing, to  be  copied  by  a  person  lear- 
ning to  write,  adj.  Excellent. 

-ioS'tfoo  melamu,  s.  A  band,  set,  or 
company  of  dancers,  or  of  singers. 
2.  The  music  used  by  them.  i&$ 
-**£o  melagain,  s.  A  musician,  or 

"&>?£> o-&>  melavintsiv  v.  a.  To  mix. 
2.  To  unite  in  harmony  the  sound 
of  various  instruments. 

-So  mai,  s.  The  body.  i&>5\e=>jg)  maigi 
rrapu,To  stretchout  the  members 
of  the  body,  »s  when  first  awake, 
■aasg-*^  maiputa,  s.  vide  &cKtj°K 
sSoo  angaria  gamu  ^sfcis^  maima- 
rrapu,  s.   Armour  ;  mail. 

-acg'sSx)  maikamu,  s.  Intoxication.  2- 
Insensibility    3.  Drowsiness. 

-Sor"s>a  maikonu,  p,  a  To  agree  ;  to 
consent.  ikr^maikolpu,^  Calls. 
To  cause  to  agree,  or  consent. 

-SosT'eb  maijaru,  s.  That  end  of  a 
Hindoo  female's  garment,  which 
is  thrown  over  the  shoulder.  2. The 
ornamented  border  which  runs 
across  that  end.  , 

i&>,s    maitri,. s.  Friendship. 

"2D-cr».tf<$>3  maidanamu,  x.  A  plainer 

open  field, 
•go^maidu-.s  An  enchanting  powder, 

which  allures  the  person  on  whom 

it  is  thrown,  to  follow   the    other 

who  throws  it. 

*Sotfxx>o  mainamu,  s.  Bees;wax.  "5»^ 
j&s  8  mainapuvatti,s.  A  wax  can- 

— a 

tsbv  maila,  s.  &  adj.  oide  's^ocos)  ma 

■Sotido  «fs5x?  mailatuttamu,  s.  vide  & 

o —  o 

owej»o  <i<6*>  mayilatuttarnn. 

TcooS  mondi,  adj.  Stubborn,  obsti- 
nate, perverse.  2.  Maimed,  defec- 
tive. -£)jocS-"acooJ£o,  "Scoc&^tfsfca 
mondi  -mondu,  monditanamu,  s. 
Stubbornness,    obstinacy. 

-aa>o"3*c»  mondemu,  s.  A  headless 
trunk,  or  corpse.-a»o"2^>-Jv*85>amon. 
depugimu,  s.  The  moon's  ascend- 
ing node,  personified  as  the  giant 
Rahu,  without  a  head. 

-assies s*r-  mokaddama,  s.  Matter,  af- 
fair,  subject,  business  ;  cause,  in 

-aȤ"tf**o  mokaramn,  s.    A  post,    or 

*    pillar.  -ac^Qgo^tf  mokaritumme- 

da,  s.  A  large  black  bee,  which 
makes  it's  nest  in  wooden  posts, 
and  pillars. 

-ax.^^-Mokhasa  x  .  3D  8 

iScoS^ao  mokarraru,  adj.  Certain,  in- 
fallible, established  fixed.  2.  Ap- 

-a»-r*6ir»  mokablla,  s.  Comparison 
collation,  confronting. 

-s^-g-".^  mokamu,s  Dwelling  ;  place 
of  residence. 

"Soo^  mokka,  s.  A  germ,  or  young- 
plant.  2.  bluntness.  3.  Disgrace. 
•^oo^r^^  mokkabovu,  v.  n.  To 
be  blunt.  2.  To  be  disgraced  -&» 
S^-^^o  mokkachedu,  v.  n.  To  be 
disgraced-  ~2co3'(r.':3ea-&>  mokkache 
rratsu,  v.  a.  To  disgrace. 

-aoaS'k-af^^N  mokkadzonna,s.  A  large 
species  of  the  great  millet. 

-&x>3k_dJ!&  mokka  tidu,  s.  An  obsti- 
nate man.2.  An  elephant,  without 

-SxaZij-Zgo  mokkadu,  s.  A  clever,  able, 

or  strong,  man- 
's^ sf  i^ v s*» ,  -a» g^-tf si»  mokkalam' i , 
mokkaramu,  s.    Obstinacy,  stub- 
bornness.  ■ 
-Soa&k-  mokku,  v.  a.    To  prostrate 
one's-self.  5.  Prostration,  salutati- 
on .  *a?o  Sc^  r*  ^mok  k  u  k  onu  ,v  ■  Comp . 
To  vow.  -a»&k_»&  mokkubadi,  s. 
A  vow. 
~2xx>qr*  -£r»  mokhasa,    adj.    Rent  free, 
exempt  from  tax. 

-&xK  moga,-  «$'.  Male.  .?.  The  point, 
or  commencement.  2.  The  mouth 
of  a  ri » er,  &c  -aa-.  x  a  a  $fe  mogata- 
namu,  .?.  Manhood,  manliness.  i&» 
X«j-»£fo  mogavadu,  s.  A  man,  ^xa 
Xa  mogadi-,  a-.  The  male  of  any 

-3»XtS  mogada,  s.    A  bnd. 

-&»X*fc»  moaamu,  s.  The  face,  visage, 
or  countenance.  -a»Xsjj»fc>i6»  moga 
matamu,  a*.  Complaisance1,  -s>x>x*»> 
3  8^0  3a  roogamutappiutsu,  To 
disappear,  or  abscond. 

-aooft  mogi,  s.  A  time,  generally  used 
with  ^^(y-  okka,  Prefixed  ;  as  z, 
S^-SodA  okkamogi,  At  once,  to- 
gether, at  one  time- 

"aoo^btSb,  "Sao«b<^  mogutsti,  mogud- 
tsu,  v.  h.  To  close,  or  shut  up. 
especially  -as  applied  to  flowers,  or 
the  members  of  the  body, 

-sco  fo£&  mogudu,  s.  A  husband,  vide 
j&Xek)  magadu. 

-a»«bex>  mogulu,  s.  A  cloud,  -soafiboo 
■2T»e  moguludari,  s   The   sky,    or 

sasK  mogga,  s.  A  bud. 
TtaiX  Stfoa  moggaramu,  .?.    The  array 

of  an  army. 

v.  n.  To   incline,   or 

-^fo  moggu, 

lean,  to  one  side.  2.  To  trip.  3.  To 




consent,  or  agree.  4.  To  interfere..? 
Learn, ng,orincH  ling,  to  one  bide. 

-Sjoo&w  iuoi.tu.  c  a  To  beat  with" the 
fist  01 1  a  hard  body,  so  as  to  pro- 
duce m  noi^e-  5.  A  blow  of  this 
kind.  It  is  also  termed  -ac&^-ycxss 

t&»  &  mOtta^.The  corner  of  the  wail, 
near  a  door. 

-Sa->  ^sw  m'ottamu,  s.  The  total  or 
'whole.   2.   A  flock,  or  mulikud'e. 

Tkc&>  mottn,  v.  a.  To  smitei  beat,  or 
strike.  -200  Soak  mottir,fcsn>.  Oaus. 
To  cause  to   smite,   &c    -&5&£»-sfi 


mottukonu.a.C'o??^?.  To  beat  one's- 
self.  especially  upon   the   mouth, 
in  token  of  grief.  8.  To  grieve,or 
-Sx»8ew  mod-ilu,  s.  Making  in  the  in- 
flex.  S>ng  -^oafeB  modtti,  The  be- 
gi idling,   or   commencement;    the 
iirst.  2    Origin,  source.  3.  Princi- 
pal, cap.t- l,:>s  opposed  to  interest. 
4.  The  iirst,  ch;ef,  or  principal  a- 
mong  many.  5.  The  base  of  a  tree. 
The   inflexion  -ga> :  *8   modati,   Is 
much  used  as  an  adj.   To  denote. 
First,    foremost,   prior.    2    Ch.ef, 
principal,  original,. adv. Since,  from 
that  time  forwards,  from  one  ex- 
tremity to  the  other.  2.  Even. 
"a»ae»3  3>x,  Tta5S>w"Si»  modabiche- 
yu,  mod Tubettn,  v.  a.  To  begin. 
-3eos"£3  £  modalaina,  Other,similar, 
et  cetera. 

-a»a«x),  "Sa^d«oT*»  mod^ln,  modalu- 
koni,  adv.  From,  since,  forwards. 
qa_TS»tfeK,  la^fcexyTS  idi-modalu, 
modalukoci,  Henceforth-  -sojSs» 
"3  %  modaluchedu,  To  be  totally 
ruined,  or  spoiled,  s^-aootfeo  vad- 
dimodalu,  principal  and  interest. 

"acoasx'  &  modavagaddi,  5.  The  grass 
termed  Saccharam  cylindricum. 

-5x»fc^)  modava,  s.  A  milch  cow. 

-&,»&  modda,   s.    A  block,  or  beam, 

of  wood  ;  a  tree  ciit  down  and 
deprived  of  it's  branches.  2.  A 
blockhead,  adj.  Blunt.  2.  Stupid, 
-aostf  inona,  s.  The  point,  end,  or 
extremity.  2.  An  army.  -»»tf-7r>£& 

monagaiu,  «.  A  general,  or  leader, 
of  an  ariiiy. 

SbxXcXx  monayu,  v.    w.  To  rush  in. 

Tkatf-s  monna,  s.  Making  in  the  in- 
flex.  Sing.  -saosr^feB  monnati,  The 
day  before  yesterday. 

-Sw"^  moppe,  s.  An  idiot.  2.  An  ob- 
stinate person. 

-Sooo»ex,  -5^5c«x.ex)  moyilur  moyulu,«. 
A  cloud. 

-a»tf,  "Swfes  mora,  morra,  5.  A  loud 
cry,  or  complaint.  ismS"2>&»  mora" 
pettu,  To  cry  aloud,  to  complain. 

-soo^do  mora,lu,  adj.  Rough,  mgged. 

-^o^ssao  moramn,  s.  Calx,  gravel.  -s» 
#•£"&<>>  morapanela,  s.  Calcarious 




"Sjotfoooo  uiorayu,  v.  n.  To  emit  sound. 
-s^^owo-tfe  morayintsu,  v.  a.  To 
make,  or  cause,  to  sound. 

ibxdli  morite,  s.  A  small  winnow- 
ing basket,  used  by  children. 

■"gwj&fo,  Ttoc-eeXb  morugu,  morragu, 
v.  n.  To  bark,  as  a  dog.  2.  To 
shade.  Or  cover,  the  eyes,  or  face. 
s    A  bark,  barking. 

-aoo&sS'  morraka,  s.  Defect,  deficien- 
cy} maim. 

-a»e$gb  morraku,  s.  An  idiot.  2.  An 
obstinate  person,  adj.-  Obstinate 

-s-yfcs^r6^)    morrabovu,    v-    n.    To  be 

blunt.    2.    To  be  disregarded,   or 

■a»ef»"Sa3&5er»^5  "Sa3ft*en>^o  m  or  rain  o- 
rraladu,  morraladu,^.  n.  To  evince 

TBosft^g*,  "2»p45  morrika,  morrri,  s.  vide 
-g^esr  morraka,  The  latter  of 
these  two  words,  -aooe-3  morri,  Is 
also  an  adj.  Denoting-Defective, 
maimed,  deficient. 

-Stofes    morrra,    s.    An  outcry  :    cla- 

'  mour,compIaint.  ^ao-oc'StaafeS"6  ku- 
y3r6morrro,  A  very  loud  and  cla- 
morous cry.  vide  -scotT  mora." 

-scx^ej  mola,  s.  The  waist.  2.  A  large 
nail,  orpin.  Tsoo^ir0^  molatadu, 
.9.  The  small  string  round  the 
waist,  which  every  Hindoo  Wears, 
and  whence  is  suspended  the  Jan- 

goti,  or  waist  cloth,  -soaw^rt-w 
molantiln,  *.  A  female's  zone,  of 
gold  or  silver,  and  sometimes  set 
with  precious  stones. 

~9m*g  molaka,  s.  A  germ,  or  sprout. 
2.  The  hard  substance  in  a  bile, 
which  causes  the  sore.  "a»fug'£>o7r> 
&>  molakabanga'ru,  s.  Gold  sup- 
posed to  be  produced  by  snakes, 
and  other  animals. 

•aooeT^oabo  molaveyu,  ,v.  a.  To  sow. 
lit-  To  throw,  in  order  to  sprout. 

-*>»er»s*r»  molama,  adj.  Plated,  cover- 
ed with  gold,  or  silver,  a.  Plating, 
gilding.  2.  Any  external  applica- 
tion to  a  sore. 

-aa><yon&   molutsu,  v.  n.   To  sprout' 

germinate,    vegetate,   or  grow.  2. 

To  rise,or  appear,as  applied  to  the 

stars  of  heaven. 
"Sxa^c-    movvu,    s.   The    tender   or 

young    leaves    of   the    palmyra, 

or  other  palm  trees. 
-so3^D  mosali,  s.  An  alligator.  sa?z& 

xr*%  mosalirasi,  s.  The  sign  Capri- 

cornus,  in  the  zodiac. 
"Soos^eb  moharu,  s.  A  seal. 
-?\x>£-oo6  mohuri,  *.  A  gold  Mohur,  or 


"So-»S'  moka,  s.  A  germ,  or  sprout. 

•s^  a- Modi 

40 1 

"ar»"Sjtoo-M  ope  ttu 

-fVr»-^ew  mokalu,  s.  Making  in  ike 
inflex.  Sing,  -s^-s^tf,  -ar--**©  mo- 
kafii  mo  kali,  The  knee.  '&r°-3-efe5 
-os5j  mokatiehippa,  5.  The  pan  of 
the  knee.  -ar°-^e)o£:--ar»-r'eo-&>, 
"Scr« s'Oyo  mokalintsu-mokarintsu, 
mokarillu,  v.  n.  To  kneel. 

•^-•So  moku,  s.  A  cable,  or  thick 

Hxr>fo  moga,  v.  n.  To  emit  sound,  as 
a  bell,  &c- 

"S^C^ako  mochanamu,  s.  Liberation, 

-sr»-&  inotsu,  v.a.  To  bear,  or  car- 
ry, a  burden. 

•^r»'3o»g  mocheyyi,*.  Makiog  in  the 
inflex.  Sing.-sr-^o  mocheti,  The 

-s^fc  mota,  3.  vide  r&*3  kapile,  t*t» 
&>*?>#  motabana,  s.  The  large  buc- 
•  ket,  in  which  water  is  drawn  up 
from  wells. 

-sj^fc>  mota,  adj.  Dull,  stupid,simple. 

-ar°&3  motu,  s*  A  stupid  person,  a 
blockhead.  2.  A  stallion.  3.  The 
trunk  of  a  tree  when  felled,  adj. 
Stupid,  ignorant,  dull. 

-a^^rwo  modamu.  s.  Cloudiness. 

7&r»fi  modi,  .*.  The  thick  part  of  the 
long  pepper  vine.  2.  Any  biting 
placed  by  a  conjurer  to  try  the 
ability  of  another. 

~&r>&i  modn,  s.  The  trunk  of  a  felied 
tree.  2-  Raised,  01  high,  ground. 
■^fer-&f&0r-&£>  modu-charratsu, 
paclu,  v.  n.  To  be  motionless. 

-&r>&  mota,  s.  A  load.  2.  A  sound,  a 

-&r°£tf-kr>  motaraph.i,  s.  The  Molifcur- 

fa  tax,  levied  on  traders,  mer- 
chants, and  artisans. 

'3^ &>£>§,  -aa^&320&  motubari,  motu- 
baru,  adj.  Confidential,  reputable, 

'sbr'X  moda,  s.  A  bundle  of  leaves. 

~&t*8&x>  mcdamu,  s.  Joy,  delight, 
pleasure,  happiness.  -ar-ao-do  rao- 
dintsn,  To  rejoice,  to  be  happy. 

i^tfo    nuklu,    v*  a.  To  beat.  sx^& 

r*?Somodukonu.  v.  Comp.  To  beat 

^j^-^ps  mopadi,  s.  Banger,  risk. 

-Scp»I)  mopi,  s.  A  widow. 

sxr>%)  niopu,  s.  A  large  bundle,  or 
load.  2.  A  burden. 

sjvQ  mopu,  v.  a  To  load  a  burden 
on  another.  2.  To  put  upon,  or 
charge  against,  another.  3-  To 
prop  up.  i&r^r,tf>  mopukonu,  v. 
Comp.  To  load,  or  take  upon  one's- 
self. . -ao'jgp-sj  mopudala,  s.  A 
charge,  or  accusation  :  a  load. 

-^~^*»  rnopettu,  v.    a.  To  braee  a 



•sbj^  &«  sSx  -M  6  ham  u 


afos  &_ifK)igga 

-ar»*S»  momu,  s.  The  face,  or 

lectio  moyu,  v.  a.  To  bear,  sustain, 
or  carry,  a  burden.  i5cp>o<»ot&  mo- 
yintsu,  v.  Cans.  To  cause  to  bear, 
&c. .  A  burden.  -Sxr^r*^  mosu- 
konu,  -v.  Cc/mp.  One's-self  to  bear, 
■  &c>  A  burden,  pick  -3>cr°ig)  mopu, 

-s^>tf  mora.  s.  The  face,  or  counte- 

•ar»»*nS'  rnorapaka,  s.  A  house,  of 
which  the  roof  is  made  of  grass, 
leaves,  prats,  &c,  and  not  of  wood. 

-s^&>  mom,  s.  The  coagulated  blood, 
suffused  under  the  skin,  after  a 

-ar»a  movi,  s.  The  under  lip. 

sxr°7$&x>  mosamu,  s,  Fraud,  deceit, 
treachery,  trick,  ~s>st>$-k*&)  mosa- 

gadu,  A  deceitful  or  treacherous 
man.  ~axr>ZK  1%  mosagatte,  A 
deceitful  or  treacherous  woman. 

.     o&o,  -Sj-*3~S>ko  mosagintsti  -  mosa- 

'  CD  ° 

putstsu-mosamucheyu,  mcsape- 
ttu,  v.  a.  To  deceive,  delude,  or 
betray.  -&r>7$$r*<$)  mosapovu,  v.  n. 
To  be  deceiver]. 

^r>7Sa  mosu,  s.  The  sprout  of  any 
edible  root. 

"Bxr>&a>i  mohamti,  s.  Love.  2.  Fas- 
cination. 3.  Loss  of  consciousness, 

a.swoon.  •^p.^o-iSb  mohintsu,  v.  a. 
To  love. 

•a^s^^jfeo  moharamu,  5.  The  array 
of  an  army.  -g^s^eo-ifc  moharin- 
tsu,  To  prepare  for  battle.  ' 

ikr.gS-o-cp  mohara,  s  All  the  pieces 
at  chess,  with  the  exception  of 
the  pawns. 

i5cr>Sr*&  mohini,  s.  A  fairy. 

-s>3-Hs5w  mokshamu,  s.  Beatitude, 
bliss,  salvation  ;  the  exemption 
of  the  soul  from,  further  transmi- 


,s£>,otfb    mrandu, 

To  burn   ;   to 

consume,  vide  s$bo£&  mandu. 
,s5b.7fb  mrag;°;u,  v.  n.  To  decrease.  2- 

To  become  very  soft,  as  applied 

to  fruit.  3.  To  be  overboiled,  as 

applied  to  food. 
,s$5,^\  mrabbu,  5.  vide  sfcao*  mabbu 


•5*r».sfc  mranu,  s.  viae  x£n>33  manu. 
.s&-*  ,^^0  mranpaclu,  v.  n.  To  remain 
motionless,  like  wood. 


mringu,    v.    a.    ride    £ooHb 


iS&O  j 
s&>  76  mruggu,  s.  vide  jfcoKb  mugger 

casaTx  s6x-Yatnaniu 


a&,  ^5-Yabhj 

s&o  «Ks»    mruchchimi,    s.      Theft, 

s&o,-SKex>    mruchchilu,    v*     a.    vide, 

s5m-£kod  muchchilu. 


mrutstsu,    5.    vide    *S»-i5b\ 

raco-So^-.  mrokku,  s.  And  verb,  wde 

-g>ȣok_  mokku. 
.-3a>,7(b    mroffffu, "  v.    n.    vide  -s»76 


r3cp>  Komrogu,  v.  n.  vide  s>j*i&m6g[i. 
s^.&^a   mroyu,   v.  n.  t>iq\e     -§xr>fo 

-sen*  &  mrola,  adv.  Before  ;  in  front. 


oa5  ya,  The  forty-first  letter,  and 
twenty-sixth  consonant,  in  the 
Telugu  alphabet. 

daSess^^sS^b  yajanianudu,  s.  An  em- 
ployer of  priests  at  a  sacrifice  ; 
the  person  who  institutes  it's 
performance,  and  pays  the  ex- 
pense of  it.  2.  A  lord,  or  master. 
3.  An  owner,  or  proprietor.  4. 
A  husband. 

ceS«  tfoo  yajnamu,  s.  A  sacrifice. 

ob&^sSm  yatnamu,  s.  Effort,  exer- 
tion, endeavour  ;  perseverance, 
energy,  2.  Intention,  disign,  pur- 

os3"qr°  #£-***>  yathardhamu,  6'.  Truth, 
verity,  adv.  Truly,  adj.  True,  real. 

ct6"^Sx36oi— oBi  "q$  !k  e£  «6co ,    cs6lp-Z5\i6M  ya- 

theshtamu-yathepsitamu,    yathe- 

chchhamu,%  adv.  At   one's  will,  as 

one  pleases. 
0333Sqtf35M  yavvanamti,  s.  vide  d&>z$ 

<6&n  yauvanamu. 
osS^sSm,  «62'&>\  yasamu,  yasassu,  s. 

Fame,    renown,    celebrity,  glory, 


cc6n»Xs5w  yagamu,  s.  vide  ^2=  *>m 

crtnir>$  yagani,  s.  A  coin,  in  value 
equal  to  ten  cash. 

tifrrt  yatsa,  adj.  vide  as  esa. 

cx&*TS£i$x>  yachakamu,  s.  Begging, 
asking,  adj.  Begging. 

co^-irsb^b  yschakudu,  s.  A  beggar, 
or  mendicant. 

car»e£sko  yatamu,  s.  vide  a^s5w  etamu- 

cssj+i&j  yatra,  s.  Travelling,  moving, 
proceeding,  marching.  2.  A  pil- 
grimage. 3.  The  procession  of  an 
idol,  at  any  holy  festival  ;  or  the 
festival  itself. 

csj"»&<&  yadastu,  5.  A  memorandum. 

cofr*a  yadi,  s.  Recollection,  memory, 

cc5"2^  cefr^  yabhai,  yabai  Nume- 
ral, adj.  And  sub.  Fifty,  vide  S)aa 




tfo  So-Rank  u 

c»fr»»   yala,    adv.    Why,   wherefore, 

vide  Syi  ela- 
ecS*e>§oe>o  yalakulu.  s.  plu.  Cardamom 

seeds:  vide  &e>  ela. 
cc6-»sy«&>  yavattu,  adj.  All,   entire.  5. 

The  whole.  adf^  Wholly,  entirely, 

cefr»?S  yasa,  adj.  vide  $3  esa. 

csfo  s'sSm  yuktamu,  &c.  ad?.    Right, 

— o 

proper,  fit.  2.  Joined,  or  united 
with.  s.  Propriety,  fitness. 

c&\>  I  yukti,  5.  Propriety,  fitness.  2. 
Inference,  deduction  from  circa  in- 
stance, or  argument.  3,  An  ap- 
proved or  good  argument,  or  plea. 
4.  An  excellent  expedient,  a  hap- 
py thought.  5.  Advice,  counsel. 

d£oK&»  yugamu,  s.  A  pair,  couple, 
or  brace.  2.  A  yoke.  3.  Age,  as 
applied  to  that  of  mankind.  4.  An 
age  of  the  world. 

ctfoX,©  yugmali,  s.  A  woman. 

cxftjtf  3&0  yuddhamu,  s.  War,  battle, 
9       *  • 

combat,  contest.   cafostfoXtfw  yu- 

ddharangamu,  The  field  of  battle. 

&ot*Ij-zk>  yekkalu,  s.  The  Telugu 
multiplication  table. 

oto^^-  yokka,  postpos.  Of.  The  sign 
of  the  genitive  case. 

^cr™5\  yogi,  5.  A  devotee  ;  an  ascetic 

in  general.  % 

3^^  yogyata,  s.  Ability,  clever 

ness,  merit.  2.  Worthiness,  fitness- 

Skn.K'csSao  yogyamu,  adj.  Worthy 
fit,  proper.  2.   Clever,  skilful. 

afc^-Eftf    yochana,    s.   Consideration, 

deliberation,  reflection.2.  Counsel, 
advice.  3.  Expedient,  means. 

obzrv£)o:&>  yochintsu,  v.a.  To  consider, 

or  deliberate. 
cScr*s^s5M    yojanamu,    s.    A  yojana 

or  native  league.  2.   vide  s^-s^ 


dS^sftfsSw    yauvanamu,    s.     Youth, 

manhood.  d&>sSt6vgLm6M  yauvana- 

lakshanamu,  s.  Beauty.  2.  The 
breast,  the  bosom. 

-tf  ra,  The   forty-second  letter,  and 

twenty-seventh  consonant,  in  the 
Telugu  alphabet. 

tfos'o  ranku,  s.  Adultery,  fornication, 
debauchery,  vide  woSo  rrankn. 
tfoSbewX&w  rankuluo-attu,  To  im- 
pute  adultery,  or  fornication,  to 
any   °ne.    tfo5vvj~*&    rankuladi,  s. 

tf  §-Rakti 



A  loose  female.  tfoSo^tftfw  ranku- 
tanamu,  s.  Whoredom. 

tfo~3  ranke,  s.  A  roar  ;  bellowing, 
or  lowing. 

tfe>X8o-&,  tfoXSotfo  r  angarintsu, 
rangalintsu,  v.  a.  To  blend  or  mix 
together,  with  the  finger,  any- 
solid  and  liquid  substance. 

tforto  rangu,  s.  Colour,  paint,  tint, 
dye.  2.  Lustre,  shining.  tfo7r>2§ 
$)&>  rangajivudu,  s.  A  painter. 
tfoKs£>  rangavalli,  s.  The  painting 
the  floor  with  figures.  tfo-7r»ax>o 
•&— tfoXb^cxSoj  tiofc>a<3&i  rangayin- 
tsu-rangucheyu,  ranguveyu,  To 

#o&  fane]  a,  5.  A  widow. 

tf  o«S»  rantu,  .5.  A  noise  •  clamour. 

tf  o^,?6»  randhramu,  s.  A  hole,  fis- 
sure, cavity,  or  chasm. 

tfosSsfca  rampamu,  s.  A  carpenter's 
saw.  vide  eso*£*5c»  i  r  am  p  a  m  u. 
tf©;S-7r*d&  rampagadn,  A  person 
who  worlds  with  a  saw  ;  a  sawyer. 

tfSo^-  rakku,  v.  a.  To  scratch,  or 
tear  with  the  nails,  or  talons.  s% 
A  scratch,  or  tear, 

tfr*k_s*>  rakkonu,   v  n.    To  extend. 

2.  To  grow. 
tf  « »Sx>  raktamu,    5.    Blood.  2.  The 

colour  red.  adj.  Bloody.  2.  Red. 
#  §  rakti,  5.  Affection,  attachment. 

2,  Excessive  joy,  or  pleasure. 

tifovo  ragulu,  v.n.  To  burn,  or  flame 
tfftSo-db  ragilintsu,  v.    a.  T0 
kindle,  or  light,  a  fire.  ^^be»r*^b» 
tf  Kbe^^-ao  ragulukonu,  ragulkonu, 
v.   Gomp.  To  take  fire  of  itself. 

tf-e$\  ratstsa,  s.  A  court  of  audience- 
2.  Betraying,  or  divulging,  a 
secret.  3.  A  quarrel,  or  dispute. 
tf-S\ae>  ratstsaballa,  s.  A  plank, 
used  as  a  seat- 
J   tfa&iSM  rajatamu,  s.  Silver.  2.  Gold. 

adj.  White, 
tf g^  raja,  5.  Permission,  leave  ;  leave 

of  absence. 
#^?jo    radzdzulu,   s.    plu.   Vain,   or 

useless,  words. 
tf|^&   rattacli,    s.    The  exposition  of 

another's  vices,  or  faults. 
tf&»  rattu,  Sj  Betraying  ;  divulging 

a  secret. 
tfca&o  ranamu,  s.  War,  battle,  tin 

X\sJ*a5M  ranagilhamu,  s.  A  house, 

built   over   the   gate    of    a   fort. 

tin&o&v&ioi  tfciSoKxS*)    ranaman- 

dalamu,  ranarangamu,  s.  The  field 

of  battle. 
tfrcsk)    ranamu,  s..    vide   s.    ^nafea 

tf&tfaSw  ratanamu,  s.  vide  s.  tfe£x  ;6w 

tf£s5:»   rathamu,   s.    A   car,    01  war 

chariot.   2.  The  car  of  an  idol.  3. 

Any  carriage,  or  vehicle. 



tfsS-o  c-Rahada 

tf&tf\8*s»>,  tfatf^tfaSw  radachchha- 
damu,  radanachchhadamu,s.  The 

#  a  raddi,  s.  A  disturbance,  or  noise. 

2.  A  report  unfavorable  to  one's 
character.  3.  Betraying  ;  divulg- 
ing a  secret. 

#ab  raddu,  s.  Rejection,  repulsion  ; 
setting  aside,  disallowing.  2.  Res- 
cission. 3.  Rendering  null  and 

tf^o-ift  rappintsu,  v.  Cam.  oftf-t5o^ 
vatstsu,  To  comei  q.  v.  To  cause 
to  come  ;  to  send  for. 

tfs&^osbska  ramaniyamu,  adj.  Beauti- 
ful, pleasing,  charming. 

tfafcosSw  ramyamu,  adj.  Charm  ing, 
pleasing,  delightful.  2.  Commodi- 
ous, agreeable. 

tfsfceao^)  ramanuclu,  s.  A  husband. 

tfs5cr>tfcS>  ramarami,  adv.  At  a  guess  ; 
on  an  average  ;  more  or  less. 

tisnoxb,  tfSko*>oa&  ramintsu,  rami- 
yintsu,  v.  a.  To  copulate. 

tfs  rava,  s.  A  diamond,  vide  &>$  rra- 

va,  2.  A  small  particle  of  any 
thing  ;  small  shot-  tfssoe*  ravanta, 
lit.  As  much  as  a  particle.  5.  A 
very  little,  a  trifle,  adj.  Very 
little,  some, 
tftfras&o  ravariamu,  s.    An  ornament 

,    of  any  kind. 

tfstf  £  ravarava,  adv.  Quickly,  hasti- 
ly, precipitately. 

$T>r>7r°  ravana,  s.  A  pass,  or  passport. 
adj.  Dispatched,  sent  off,  forwar- 
ded.    . 

tfSS'  ravika,  s.  vide  eaSS'  rravika. 

tf;$ex>  ravulu,  v.  in.  vide  tiTfa&i  ragulu. 

tf"^&>  ravesu,  s.  Established  or  custo- 
mary fees.  $-£ioz<i3&>?x>  ravesuaku- 
lu,Fine,  or  excellent,  beetle  leaves. 

tfss^  ravva,  s.  vide  estfo  rrawa. 

tftf-sr'S  rasadadi,  s.  The  sugarcane. 

tftfsfca  rasamu,  s..  Juice,  sap,  exuda- 
tion, fluid,  liquid..  2.  Mercury  or 
quicksilver.  3.  Flavour,  taste,  sa- 
vour ;  as  sweet,  sour,  &c. 

tit&oj*&i6x>  rasavadamu,  s.  Alchymy. 
Stf*r»a  rasavadi,  s.  An.alchymist- 

tf&,  tf&S"  rasi,  rasika,  s.  The  pus,  or 
matter,  of  a  sore.       ' 

tf  frS'd'Qsfoa  rasikatvamu,  s.  Possession 

of  taste,  as  regards  literary  com- 
position, or  female  dress. 

#&&£&  rasikudu,  s.  A  man  of  taste, 
especially  as  regards  literary  com- 
position, or  female  dress. 

tf&>  rastu,  s.  Store  of  grain,  or  pro- 
visions, laid  up  for  an  army. 

tf&*lr°,  tfs^&w  rahata,  rahatu,  s.  The 
being  much  frequented,  or  used. 

tfs^^spS  rahadarf,  s.   The  collection 

of  duties  on  the  high  roads.  ti&> 

■2T»6-u)fe5  rahadarichiti,  A  passport, 

specifying  these  duties  to  have 
been  paid. 





tf^;5cs&»  rahasyamu,  s.  A  secret,  a 
my&tery.  adj.  Secret,  private. 

tf&^jfc,  tiox&>  rahitu,  rayitu,  s.  A 
ryot,  or  cultivator. 

tf&  raksha,  s.  Preserving,  saving, 
protecting.  2.  An  Amulet.  3.  The 
actual  cautery,  often  applied  by 
the  native  doctors,  as  a  cure  to 
diseases  of  various  kinds. 

tfjk«£ssc»  rakshitamu,  adj.  Preserved 
saved,  protected,  tf&ca  raksharta, 
s.  Preservation,  protection- 

tf  JLo-ifo  rakshintsu,  v.  a.  To  preserve, 
save,  or  protect. 

ip  ra,  5.  A  stone.  2.  A  king. 

TTg*,  -&%&  raka,  rakada,  s.  Corning, 

approaching,  arrival,  tp  §"&*:$  ra- 

kapov-u,  v.  n.  Not  to  come,  or  ar- 

IPX***  ragamuj  s.  A  mode  in  music, 
of  which  the  Hindoos  reckon 
many,  and  frequently  personiiy 
them  in  poetry  and  mythology.  2. 
Mental  affection  in  general  ;  as 
sorrow,  joy,  &g.  3.  Envy.  tpX"3oSx 

sfcoex>  ragadveshamulu,  s.  j)lu.  En- 
vy and  hatred. 

-*r>%  ragi,  s.  Copper. 

Ty^^?)^  raffidibilla,  s.  A  circular 
ornamented  plate  of  gold,  worn  by 
Hindoo  females,  on  the  crown  of 
the  head. 

TPftew,  tt^oo  ragilu,  ragillu,   v-    a& 

To  shine.  2.  To  be  glad,  to  rejoice. 

Tpftboo   ragulu,   s.    plu.    The  grain 

termed  at  Madras  Natchenny,  or 
raggy.  Cynosurus  coracanus. 
-xr>  tf  ratsa,    adj.  Of  or  belonging  to 

the  caste  of  Ratsa  wars,  found 
chiefly  in  the  northern  ci rears. 
They  are  originally  descended 
from  the  Raja,  or  Kshatriya  castes 
in  the  north  of  India. 

tp-S"~s^^j6o3  ratsakaryamu,  s.  Affairs 

of  state.  2.  News,  information. 
-o-*-i5bratsu,  v.  a.  To  rub.  2.  To  cover 

with  any  substance  *,  To  white- 
wash. 3.  To  file.  ir>&r*&  ratsu- 
konu,  v.  Corny.  To  rub  one's-self 
against  any  thing. 

-epx&p>£)  ratsuli,  s.  A  prince,  or  prin- 

TP2»  raja,  adj..  In  compos.  Royal  ;  of 
or  belonging  to  a  king.  2.  Emi- 
nent,chief,  excellent,  -cps^s^  ra- 
jatvamu,  s.  Royalty. 

•TPK-^rO  rajadhani,  s.  A  metropolis 
or  royal  residence. 

-&•&&?&>  rajanyudu,  s.  A  man  of  the 

regal,  .  or  military?  tribe;  being 
the  second  pure  Hindoo  caste- 

*a*8r£&2i  rajapatni,  s.  A  queen. 

tp&^Xe-sSm  rajamargamu,  s.  The 
high  way. 



tp  s^cdS-Rainaya 

^gjfts)  rajaniti,  s.  Justice,  and  other 
conduct  becoming  a  king,  -o^esxt* 
2?  rajaradzu,  5.  The  king  of  kings; 

an  emperor, or  universal  monarch. 

2.  Kubera,  the  god  of  riches. 
tp^oKsSw  rAjangamu,  s*  Regal  state. 
Tr>ejtfs»oex>  radzanamulu,  s.  plu.    A 

•  superior  kind  of  paddy. 
■tt>&  raji,  adj.    Satisfied,  contented, 
agreed,  pleased,  willing.  ir'-S^r'sir* 

rajlna'ma,  s-  A  written  agreement; 
an  acknowledgment  of  a  cause  be- 
ing finally  settled,  given  by  the 
TP2»  radzu,*  A  king,  prince,  or  sove- 
reign. 2-  A  man  of  the  regal,  mili- 
tary, or  second  pure  Hindoo  tribe. 

3.  A  master  or  lord. 

T7»zy»  radzu,  v.  n.  To  take  fire  ;  to 
begin  to  burn,  tpk^ooos  rajaveyu, 
To  kindle,  light,  or  set  on  fire. 

tpeokSm  rajyamn,  5-  A  kingdom, 
country,  or  province.  2.  The  ad- 
ministration of  sovereignty. 

°ry  h  sto ,  -ct*  to\  s5w  rattamu ,  ratnamu 
s.  A  spinning  wheel. -XT' fc)»5o3«2^gb 
rattamuvaduku/To  spin..tfoSoe>-cr» 
&oiSx>  rankula-rattamu,  s.  A  whirl- 
ing  machine,  in  which  the  lower 
classes  amuse  themselves,  at  festi- 
vals, <fcc. 

tt»&>  radn-j  5.  A  post,  or  pillar. 

-cr»c9  rana,   5.    Brightness,   lustre.  2. 

Affection,  -cr^o^  rariintsu,    v.  n. 

To  shine,  to  be  splendid. 
tp&  rani,  s.  A  queen.  2.  A  wife.  tt» 

& -s^ZsSo*  rSnivasamn,  s.A  seraglio. 

2.  Residence  in  a  seraglio. 
-u"ex>£  ranuva,  s.  An  army. 
-u*6  rata,  s.  vide  ^   g^vrata. 
tt>B  rati,  adj.   Made    of  stone.  -o»© 

Tfoo'S  ratigunde,5.Aheart  of  stone; 

bravery,  ncr-d^s^  rati  vuppu, Rock 

tt>^  ratri,  s.  Night.  v$inr>  Q    ar- 

dharatri,  s.  Midnight.  -&»  ©  o^K$6 

ratrimbagallu,  Night  and  day. 
tt»!>&— tp^)S,  -cr°c»o<S  rapidi-rapudi, 

rayidi,  s.  Rubbing.  2.  Filing. 
-cpwto>  rabattu,  ^.  <x.  To  recover,  or 

TT°woex5^b  rabulugu,  s.  A  heron. 
■xr>'i3n>&  rabodi,    s.    Powder,   either 

produced  by  rubbing,  or  filing,  or 

from  stone. 
-(yeS^S,  -<r"&*&  rabodi,  raboni,  s.  A 


A  species  of  paddy. 
T7'i5a-»cs55eBi6s>   ramayanarnu,    s,    The 

second  epic  poem  of  the  Hindoos, 

recording  the  adventures  of  Rama, 

the  son  of  Dasaradha,  sovereign  of 

Oude,   written  by  the  poet  Val- 






tj»ch5o--S*  rayantsa,  tf.  wide  -rr'sss^otf 
rajahamsa,  No.2.  Under  -u^  raja. 

Tr»cx6^b  rayadu,  s.  Master,  lord.  2.  A 
title  assumed  by  many  as  a  sur- 
name. It's  plural  Tr>cz&od  rayalu, 
was  the  title  assumed  by  the  last 
Telinga  dynasty  ;  the  kings  of 

tt>  cs&  u°8  sfco ,  tt»  cs&trti  s5x>  rayabaramu, 
rayabharamu,  s.  A  negociation  ; 

TPoc6^s5Do^r>e6  rayasamuvaru,  s.  A 
Rayasam,  or  native  secretary. 

-tPooorayi,  s.  Making  in  the  infle^. 
Sing.  -xrB  rati,  And  in  the  nom, 
•phi.  -0-0  §6  rallu.A  stone. tpooo^ccco 
r&yiveyu,  lit.  To  throw  a  stone. 
To  obstruct,  or  prevent.  -c^o«»«S2& 

rayipadu,  lit.  A  stone,  to  fall.  To 
be  obstructed,  or  prevented.  q\&~% 
-u-*o»  itikerayi,  s-  A  brick.  €5§otp» 
o»  akurayi,  lit.  A  leaf  stone,-a  file. 
tpomS^    rayirappa,  Stones,  &c. 

-cr>c»»  rayu,  v.  a.  V'de  -&*&  ra'tsu, 
2.  vide  ^oj  <&»  vrayu.  .3.  To  be- 
come hoarse. 

Ty°ctf»e&  rayndu,  s.  The  title  assum- 
ed as  a  surname,  by  the  Velma 
caste,  in  the  Northern  circars. 

-o-*-o^2»  raradzu,  s.  vide  -u-*aj-cr>2» 
rajaradzu,  No.  J.  Under  -^8  raja. 

^■^^)  varapu,  s.  Sard,  or  continu- 
al, rubbing, 

-d^sx)  ralu,y.?z.To  fall,  or  drop,  down; 

applied  particularly  to  leaves,  tt* 

v   ex>T5b--o'*ew^),TPe;?r'&>3  ralutsu-ralu 

pu,  ralagottu,  ?;.  «.  To  knock  off; 
to  cause  to  fall,  or  drop  down. 

-cr*S)o3b  ravintsu,  v.  Caus.  To  cause 
to  come  ;  to  send  for. 

*d^>2)"6§',  *cr»^,§b  ravireka,  ravreku,s. 
An  ornament  suspended  from  the 
hair,  on  the  forehead  of  children. 

tps£  ravu,  s.  vide  -o^ccbo^b  rayudu, 
2.  vide  -xr>c&&>  rayadu,  No.  2. 

tp§,  tp&  rasi,  rasi,  5. A  heap*  stack* 
pile,  quantity,  or  multitude.  2.  A 
sign  of  the  zodiac.  -cr^&^oeao  rasi- 
poyu,  To  heap,  or  pile  up. 

tp^.S«5m  rasktramu,  s.  An  inhabited 
country,  realm,  or  region. 

80  Kb  ringu,s.Tke  fluttering  of  wings. 

ar^-  rikka,  s.  A  star. 

8  <$  ritta,  adv.  vide  s.  8  s'sfco  rikta- 
mu,  2.  Useless. 

8*^^rippuna,flrfi7.  Suddenly,  abrupt- 
ly. 2.  Quickly,  speedily. 

as^  rimma,  s'.  Sickness."  2.  Evil, 

6©  rxti,  s.  Manner,    mode,    method, 

way.2.  Brass;  pale  brass,  prince's 





Jibe 23  rundza,  s.  A  sort  of  brazen 

&■©  ruchi,  5.  Taste,  relish. 2.  Desire, 
wish.  3.  Lustre,  light,  4.  Beauty. 

tfc-So-ab  ruchintsu,  v.  n.  To  yield  a 
taste*  or  relish.  2.  To  be  to  one's 
liking-.  bb-bt&ro-Eb  ruchitsutsu,  To 
try,  lit.  To  see,  the  taste  of  any 

tfcxDS'tfsScw  ruchikaramu,  adj.  Delici- 
ous to. the  taste. 

&>2?>$)  rndzuvu,  s.  Proof,  conviction. 
adj.  Proved,  established. 

&>  &  rutta,s. Destruction,  ruin,  havoc. 

adj.  Destroyed,  mined. 

&&  ruddu,  v.  a.  To  rub  any  thing 
on  the  body,  in  order  to  clean  it. 

to^s^So  rudrabhunn,  s.  A  cemete- 
ry, or  place  where  the  dead  are 
burnt,  or  buried. 

t»$tfs5oo  rudhiramu,  s.  Blood. 

tf^,  &$o  ruppu,  ruvvu,  v.  a.  To 
throw,  or  fling,  vide  eso^  rruppu. 

tfj^v  rubbu,?.  a.  To  grind,  in  a  mor- 
tar, any  thing  first  moistened  in 

tf>mxan>^.s&»  rubbupotramu,  s.  The 

stone  pestle  used  therein.   ^bexuS"* 
ex>  rubburolu,  s.  A  mortar   made 
of  stone. 
&$*r°e>)  *5bsSr*ex>  rumala,  rumalu,  s.  A 
handkerchief,  or  towel. 

(5osTq  ruvva,  jt.A  coin*-  in  value  equal 

to  five  cash, 
ifc&nska  rusumu,  s.  Customary   fees. 

&r*r  ruka,  5.  Money   in    general.  2. 

The  small   coin   termed  a   fanam, 
either  of  gold,  or  silver.   ' 
&-»<£&»  rudhamu,  adj.  True,  certain, 

ascertained.  2.  Public,  common, 
famous,  notorious.  3.  Budded, 
blown.  4.  Born,  produced. 

&^-£*&>o  rupamu,  s.  Figure,  form, 
shape.  2.  Appearance,  semblance, 
3.  Beauty. 

&r»ss>o&>£jo  rupavantudu.  s.A hand- 
some man.  ex>ssss©  riipavati,   s.A 

1    beautiful  female. 

0cr>->axn>  rupayjf,  s.^A  rupee. 

ecr^o-&>  riipintsu,  v.  a.  To  prove,  or 
demonstrate-  2.  To  corroborate, 
or  confirm. 

tfr>$  rupu,  s-  wcfe  &»$&>  rupamu. 
2.  Manner,  mode,  way-  &r>$tf^c& 
rupumapu,  To  kill  or  destroy. 

tfr°£>J5b-<»  rubaru,  tfefo.  Face  to  face  ; 
before  ;  in  one's  presence. 

8jt&  ruksha,  s.  Fever, 

-8D6x°w§o^£g)  rentalakubovu,?;.  nMt, 
To  go  to  two.  To  go  to  ease  na- 
ture. This  phrase  is  derived  from 
the  custum  in  Hindoo  schools  of 




the  children  holding  up  one  fing- 
er when  they  want  to  go  to  urine, 
and  holding  up  two  fingers,  when 
they  require  to  ease  the  other 
necessities  of  nature. 

*3o2&  rendu,  numeral.  adj.&  s.  Mak- 
ing in  the  inflex.  Sing. -30  e8,  "5o5o 
45  renti,  rendinti,  Two,  *3o£bs$s& 
rendupadu,  v.  n.  lit.  To  be  two. 
To  disagree ;  to  become  disuni- 
ted, or  divided.  -do&}&vtf>  rendu- 
talatsu,  lit.  To  think  two.  To  be- 
tray. -3ofe3§£r*c$  rentikipovu,  vide 
"3o&p><ySo2S'*jg)  rentalakubovu. 

•Btfb^  retstsu,  v.  n.  To  low,  as  cattle- 
2.  To  be  proud,  or  ostentatious. 

-36o  retta,  s.  The  upper  part  of  the 
arm.  2.  Dung  of  birds. 

*3g  retti,s.Double  fold,  adj,  Double. 
sfcr^-Stoa  muduretlu,  Three  fold. 

•Sgo^b  rettintsu,  v.  a.  To  double. 2- 
To  oppose.  3.  To  repeat. 

^fc»  rettu,s.  A  very  coarse  long  cloth. 

-Ba  reddi,  s.  The  Keddy,  or  prin- 
cipal aboriginal  Telinga  caste  of 
cultivators.  2.  The  head  of  a  vil- 

■^■£*3"6tfb»&  reparepamanu,    v.   n.  To 

be  hungry. 
"BsSj  reppa,  s.  vide  ~%z^  rreppa. 
*38~§  revike,  s.  vide  &&g  rravika. 

~8,  "6o»  re,  reyi,    s.    Night,    ^^g'^ 
rejlkati,  s.    Night-blindness,  adj. 
Blind  at  night.  -^zoKex)    rebagalu, 
Day  and  night. 
-655oo£  reyenda,  s.  Moonlight. 
~&g  reka,  s.  A  line,  streak,  or  stripe. 
~3§b  reku,  s.  The  leaf  of  a  flower.  2. 
A  sheet,  or  plain  cloth,  used  as  an 
upper  garment.  3.  A  thin  plate  of 
|       metal. 

|  ^~§f&  rekettu,  v.  w.To  be  increased. 
)  "6?C£,  i5K&  regada,  regadi,  s.  Making 
J  in  the  inflex.  Sing.  ~£k&  regati,A 
rich  black  loam,  or  soil  in  which 
cotton  is  usually  planted  in  the 
peninsula  of  India ;  thence  com- 
monly termed  cotton  ground. 

"SXb  regu,v.n.  To  increase  in  degree, 
power,or  influence ;  to  be  excited- 
S  ■&  retsu,  v.  a.  To  excite,  or  set 

"^rao^  renuvu,  s.  Dust. 

"6-^r^  repakada,  s.  The  morning,  or 

-^  repn,  5.  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing.  "3;5fe3  repati,  To-morrow.  2. 
The  morning,  or  day  before  mid- 
day. "6$5&*;g>  repumapu,Morning 
and  evening. 

*6x&-fv  revatinela,  s.  vide  SX&  re- 



8"%.  sSm  -Roshamu 

~8  $  revu,  s.  A  harbour,  or  port.  2; 
A  ford.  8.  A  beach  or  bank.  4. A 
washing  place.  -gsgss&»  revupattu, 
v-  n.  To  arrive  in  port. 

8^o5  rondi,  5.  The  haunch. 

S"*o-£  rompa,  s.  A  catarrh,  or  cold. 

8**o I)  rompi,  5.  Mud,  clay. 

^^(j-sSm  rokkamu,  s.  Ready  money, 
cash.  2.  Wealth,  riches,  proper- 

S^xb^  rotstsu,  5.  vide  8"*oS>  rompi. 

6^*lo  rotte,  5.  Bread.  2.  A  loaf. 

e^&^cwog  roddacheyyi,  s.  The  left 

£r>#  roda,  s.  An  outcry,  or  noise. 

e"6^  rommu,s.?r^e  er^o  lTommu. 

6  — 6 

8^oj6q  royya,  s.A  prawn,  or  shrimp. 
8^0000  royyi,  s.  Making  in  the   in- 
flex.  Sing.  6^©  roti,  The  ashes  on 
.    live  coal. 

#**  ro,  s.  Wealth,  riches-  2.  Yalue, 
price.  This  word  is  also  affixed  to 
nouns,  as  a  vocative  particle;  thus, 
ssg'k-S"*  akkaro,  0  elder  sister.  e> 
c^6^  annaro,  0  elder  brother. 

erV&aofi  rokatibanda,  s,  A  large 
pestle,  without  any  iron  ferrule 
at  the  end.  2.  A  species  of  black 

8"*r£>  rokali,.?.  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing.  6^r«  rokati,  And  in  the 
nom.plu.  8^0  36  rokanllu,  A  large 

6^Ks6oo  rogamu,  s>  Disease,  sickness. 
%)o^6*Xsxk>  punllarogamu?  The 
venereal  pox. 

8^ft  rogi,  s.  A  patient  ;  a  sick  per- 

6^83°  rodzu,  v.  n.  To  pant.  s.  Pan- 
ting, breathing   hard.    2.  A  day. 

&*&  r6ta,s.Uncleanliness,  dirt,  filth. 
2.  Human  ordure.  3.  Disgust, 

$"*##  sfcw  rodanamu,s.  Weeping,  cry- 
ing, lamentation, 

e^KbsSw  romamu,  s.  Hair  ;  a  hair. 

8"sc*£>  royu,  v.  a.  To  hate,  or  dislike. 
v%  n.   To  be  wearied,  or  tired. 

O^osswaso  ts&>  royabaya  adu,  To 
affront,  or  outrage. 

8"%£'s53o  roravamu,  s.  vide  B^&sssSm 

a^ex)  rolu,  s-   Making  m  the  inflex. 
Sing.  S^feS,  6^00  roti,  rolu,  A  mor- ' 
tar  for  pounding  any  thing. 

6^ss.x5oa  roshamu,  s.  Anger,  wrath. 
8^S\o5$b,  6^sx«^b  roshintsu,  rosha" 
padu,   v.  n.  To  be  angry.  6^&7r> 
2&  roshagadu,  s.A  passionate  mai], 



^&  rautu, _s.   A  stone.  2.  A  rider. 
^  <£,**»  raudramu,    adj.     Terrible, 

terrific,  fearful.  2.  Sharp,  acute.  3. 

wrathful,  violent. 

es  rra,   The   forty-third  letter,  and 
twenty-eighth  consonant,  in  the 
Telugu  alphabet. 
esoSo  rranku,  s.  Adultery,  vide  tfoSb 

eso&>  rrantu,  s.  A  festival.2.  A  play. 

3.  An  outcry. 
^otfsSw  rrampamu,  s.  A  saw. 
eso&ew  rrampillu,  e>.  n.  To  weep,  or 

cry,  violently. 
ef>o*S>  rrampe,  s.  An  awl. 
65  &a  rrattu,  s.  Ill  fame  ;  disgrace. 
&$s?rrava,  s.  A  diamond.    2.  A  smal1 

particle,  vide  tfsr  rava. 
fc5S5&3^er°2^b  rravarravaladu,  v.  n.  To 

evince  anger. 
65S58  rravali,  s.  Sound.  2.    Any  of 

the  musical  notes. 

eass'   rravika,  5.  A  sort   of  bodice, 

worn   by   females,    like   a  small 

close  jacket,  to  confine  the  breasts. 

e*ttg  rravva,  s.  Ill  fame,  disgrace.  2- 

■  Abuse, 

es*  rra,  s.  A  stone. 

e^K  rraga,  5.  A  deceitful  female. 

es^coa  rrayi,  s.  Making  in  the  in£Lex# 

Sing.  tt>8  rati,  A  stone,  vide  tx»o» 


aJg'sko  rrikamu,  particle,  affixed  to 
adjectives  or  substantives,  to  ex- 
press their  abstract  rneaning  ;  as, 

"S)£5eJSsfe3  peddarrikamu,  s.  Great- 

ness.  ■tfbk&SS'sSx)  tsuttarnkamu,  s. 

feflr.j-ew    rrikkalu,    s.     $lw.    Cries; 

eJ-S5\  rritstsa,  adj.  Motionless. 
e8$s  rrivvu,  5.  The  fluttering  sound 

of  birds, 
e^tf  r-r  i  v  v  u  n  a  ,  adv.  Quickly, 

hastily.  - 

«»^,  e»^S  rruppu,  rruvvu,  *.  o.  To 
throw,  or  fling,  vide  &^  ruppu. 

-^r^  rrekka,  5.  A  wing.  2.  the 
shoulder  blade.  3.  Half  a  plantain 
leaf.  -^SV^ex)^  rrekkalatalupu, 
s.  A  folding  door. 



aS'k— Lakka 

Istf^  rreppa,  ».  The  eye-lid.  1^ 
-2p&>d  rreppapatu,  s.  A  wink.  "feg. 
fer» ex>v  rreppavaltsu,  To  wink. 

1s»\,  ~^>&,  rrebba,  rremma,  5.  The 
branch,  or  bough,  of  a  tree. 


"tsSoew  rrekulu,  s.  plu.  Feathers. 

"ig^)Sor^_  rretsukukka,  s.  A  small 
wild  animal,  described  as  resem- 
bling a  dog,  but  climbing  up  trees, 
and  famed  for  destroying  tigers. 

%>Zfo  rredu,  .9.  A  king. 

feS^sSo  rroppu,  v.   a.  To  drive  away. 

2.  To  beat.  3.  To  grumble. 
fcT°s5w      r  r  0  m  m  u ,    5.    A  female's 

breast.  2.  The  breasl,  or  bosom. 

e^d  rrota,  s.  vide  &*£  rota, 
e^d&j  rroyu,  v.  a.  To  seek,  search, 

or  look  for. 
e^ex)  rrolu,  v.  n.  To  weep,  or  cry 


o  la,   the   forty-fourth  letter,   and 

twenty-ninth   consonant,  in  the 
Telugu  alphabet. 

ejoS'caxSM}  oo$)r3&»  lankauamu.    ]an- 

khanamu.  s.  vide  oo^tfsSw  langha- 

namu.  No.  1  &c  2, 

cyo3o-&  lankintsu,  v.  a.  Or  e>o§o-sfc 
r'Xb  lankiotsukonu,  v.  Gpmp.  To 
catch,  seize,  or  take,  .by  artifice. 

00"^  lanke,  s.  The  rope  fastening 
two  animals  together.  2.  The  ty- 
ing them  together. 

ejo"il)6o  lankepita,  s.  A  small  piece 
of  wood,  tied  to  the  neck  of  a 
bullock,  &c. 

e>oK&>  langaru,  s.  An  anchor.  (yoKtfb 
^ocm  langarucheyu,  To  anchor. 
ejoKtfc&ccfo  langarutlyu,  To  weigh 

oo-E'sSdo  lantsamu,  s.  A  bribe. 

e>oK,  vo££  lanja,  lanjika,  s,  A  pro- 
stitute ;  an  adulteress  ;  a  kept 
woman.  cyoaeJ^sfca  lanjarrikamn, 
s.  Prostitution. 

woS,  e>o&  landi,  landi,  s.  A  mean, 
obstinate,  or  wicked,  person. 

oo£k>  lampata,  s.  Indisposition,  dis- 
order. 2.  Fatigue.  ejos5&>£&>  lam- 

patapadu,  v.  n»  To  be  indisposed, 
or  fatigued. 

aosSeT0  lampata,  s.  The  son  of  a  fe- 
male slave. 

e>§3,  e;^  lakini,  lakhini.  s.  A  reed 

e)3b*5a>§  lakumuki  s.  A  small  bird. 

e>r*6  lakorf,  5.  A  sort  of  weapon. 

u^lr-  lakka,  s-  Lac,  the  red  animal 
dye  ;  it's  nest?  of  a  resinous  sab- 




stance,  is  used  as  sealing  wax.  2. 
A  lac,  or  one  hundred  thousand. 
adjl  Painted,  lakered. 
e>*>'k_tfj6*>  lakkanamu,  s.  o&easSoo  lak- 


e;7P>otf&>  lagayatu,  s.  Commence- 
ment, beginning  <Dir>d&&&o-&  la- 
gay  atununchi,  From  a  long  time 

e>fib;#  laguvu,  adj.  vide  o$c»^  laghu- 
vu,  Except  No.  6.  s.  vide  The  same 
word  No.  3. 

oK  lagga,  $.  Escalade.  ejKe»-^§o^_, 
S  sSko  laggalu-ekku,  pattu,  To  scale, 

as  a  fort,  &c. 
e>K  sd»  laggamu,  s.  vide  a  A  sfcolagna- 

mu?  No.  2. 
ejAb    laggu,    s.   Welfare,    prosperity, 

happiness.  2.  Food,  victuals, 
vK^&x  lagnamu,   s-  The  rising  of  a 

•  sign,  it's  appearance  above  the 
horizon  ;  The  oblique  ascension 
or  the  divisions  of  the  equator, 
which  rise  in  succession  with  each 
sign,  in  an  oblique  sphere.  2.  A 
4  period  selected  for  any  auspicious 
ceremony,  such  as  marriage,  &c. 
adj.  Attached  to,  intent  on-  2. 
Joined  to,  connected  "with, 
acpootf)  laghuvu,  adj.  Light,  not  heavy 

2.  Better  in  health.  3.  Less  severe, 
abating,  on  the  decrease  ;  as  ap- 
plied to  disease.  4.  Slight.  5. Tri- 
vial, trifling.  6'  Swift,  quick,  s.  A 
short  vowel. 

v-t)£$6x>     latstsanamu,     s.     vide    s. 

ej&rasSw  lakshanamu. 
e)0}  lachcbi,  s,  vides.  <yjL  lakshmi. 
<l>k,  £>«     lajja,    ladzdza,   s.    Shame, 

modesty,    bashfulness,    timidity. 

ej2T>&3)    lajjaltivu,    adj.    Bashful^ 

or  modest.  e>^^^oo  lajjitama,  adj. 

Abashed,  agoofc  lajjintsu,  v.  n.  To 

be  ash  am  eel. 
e)Z5^oxr-o  ladayi,  s.  A  battle,  or  fight. 
o  &  latta,  s.  Casualty,  misfortune. 
«&>§'  lattuka,  s.  Lac  ;  the  red  animal 


a&  ,  z>~3  laddi,  ladde,  s.    The    dung- 
ed       o  ° 

of  horses,  asses,  elephants,  or  ca- 

ejo«5s5c»  layamu,  s.  Destruction,  loss# 

2.  The  root  of  the   Andropogon 
muricatum  or    cuss-cuss   grass.  e> 

oaoo-tSb  layintsrj,  v.  n.  To  be  des- 

e)ej-«&>3$»  lalatamu,  s.  The  forehead 
ejyfcoS^&x),  ©*>  lalatalikhitamu^ 
lipi>  That  which  is  written  on  the 
forehead ;  destiny. 

ejssoKsfco  lavangamu,  s,  A  clove,     o 
ssoXsSk*  lavang  ap  att  a,  j\  Cinnamon. 

ejs5ras5M  lavariamu,  5.  Salt.  adj.  Salt, 

asssSw  lavamUjS. Reaping,  adj.  Little, 
or  small. 

er»  fto  -Lagu 

-4  JO 


v&  Jaksha,  s.  A  lac,  one  hundred 

&&£**»<>  lakshanamn,  5.  A  sign,  or 
mark.  2.  An  indication,  a  predi- 
cate, any  thing  by  which  an  ob- 
ject is  designated,or  distinguished. 
3.  A  rule  in  science.  4.  Perfecti- 
on in  outward  form,  or  shape. 

<yjlj  lakshmi,  s.  Lakshmi,  the  god- 
dess of  wealth  and  prosperity,and 
wife  of  Vishnu.  2.  Prosperity, 
success,  fortune,  riches,wealth.  3. 
Turmerick.  <yJL  StfsSw  lakshmika- 
ramu,  adj.  Prosperous,  success- 
ful, fortunate,  rich.  e>JL  ssoe*^ 
lakshmivantamu,  adj.  Fortunate, 
rich,  wealthy.  <yjL  K^tfsSao  laksh- 
mivaramu,s.  Thursday,  or  Friday. 

e)&Q*5»  lakshyamu,  s.  A  mark?  or 
butt.  2.  Aim.  3.  Care,  regard, 
respect.  e&csSxT5>4a>  lakshyamupe- 
ttu,  v.  a.  To  aim.  2.  To  esteem, 
regard,  value,  or  respect.  -$&■&*$ 
lo&csSajlStfb  "nenuvanikilakshya- 
muledu,  He  dos  not  care   for,    or 

mind,  me. 


er'S'ex)  lakalu,  s.  plu.  Small  pieces  of 
stick,  used  by  indian  weavers- 

o^fo  lagu,  v.  a.  To  draw,  pull,  or 
drag.  *■  Mode,  manner,  way.  2. 
Short  drawers,  reaching  only  to 
the  middle  of  the  thigh,  3.  Tum- 

bling, jumping.^er°?&ilagu,Thu,s, 
in  this  way.  ts^Kb  alagu,  In  that 
way.  aer°fio  elagu,  How?  in  what 
way  ? 

u-»5»tfs*»  laghavamn,  ,v.  Lightness, 
sliglitness,  delicacy.  2.  Easiness, 
facility.,  £*  tfe^>fc>s5<6w,  £tfer° $0555603 
hastalaghavamu,  karalaghavamu, 
Slight  of  hand. 

er°-6  lachf,  s.  The  sack  for  loads, 
placed  upon  horses  or  asses. 

er^-ift  latsu,  v%  a.  To  wish,  or  long 

yil^oa  ladamu,  s-  A  horse-shoe.  v-° 

&&kV$x>  lariamukottu,  To  shoe  a 

en>"S  lade,  s.  A  sore  on  the  back  of 
any  animal  of  burden,  produced 
by  it's  load.    . 

er*£j6*>  latamu,  s.  A  rod,  or  switch. 

er>©  lati,  s.  A  stranger. 

er^s&o,  wtto*  labhamu,  labamu,  s. 
Gain,  profit,  advantage.  2.  Inte- 
rest on  money.  er»$r£-&pe»  labha- 
nashtalu,  Profit  and  loss. 

er*os5s5w  layamu,  s.  A  stable. 

er°ctf»  layu,  v.  a.  To  approach. 

<y-"<utf,er°e>«Ss5M  lalana,  lalanamu,  5. 
Caressing,  fondling.  er*?)Q33  lahn- 
tsu,  v.  a.  To  caress,  or  fondle- 
er»8£*SM'lalitainu,  a<#.  Caressed, 




•:-?)  lali,s.  The  lullaby  sung  to  chil- 

u-otfwsfca  lavartamu,  s.  A  list  of  sol- 
diers, &c.  £P>tfra^»to3^csfi>  lavana 
muvrayu,  To  enlist  soldiers,  &c. 

£^55r90s5»  lavanyamu,  s.  Beauty, 

er°2>8  lavari,  s>  A  big,  robust,  strong, 
or  corpulent  person. 

er*$  lavu,  *.  Strength,  robustness, 
bigness,  largeness,fatness,  2.  Size, 
dimensions,  «d/\  Strong,  robust, 
big,  large,  fat. 

er»«g>ex>  lavulu,  s.  plu.  Feathers. 

tnh^Q  lahiri,  5.  Drunkenness,  intoxi- 


OoKsfea  lingamn,   s.    A  mark,  spot, 

stain,  sign,  or  token.2.  The  penis. 

'3/JFhe  phallus,  or  Siva  under  that 

emblem.  4.  Gender. 
S§k-  likki,  s.  A  small  sickle. 
8£po£b,  ©spox>o-&>  likhintsu,    likhi- 

yintsn,  v.  a.  To  write. 
$$*£«&»  likhitamu,  adj.  "Written.  2. 

Drawn,     delineated,    painted,    s. 

Scripture,  writing,  manuscript. 

Stt6^  ligadu,  adj.  Inferior.  2.  De- 
fective, wanting.  3.  Poor.  s.  Infe- 
riority. 2.  Defect.  3.  Poverty,  dis- 

©S>  lipi,  s.  Writing  in  general,  hand- 
writing, a  writing.  S2>-r»tf>2&  lipi- 

karudu,  s.  A  scribe,  or  writer. 
D£K  libbi,  8.  Wealth,  riches. 
8$  libhi,  s,  vide  sa  lipi. 

)e>  lila,  5.  A  branch  of  feminine  ac- 
tion* proceeding  from  love,  or  the 
imitation  of  a  lover's  manner, 
speech,  gait,  &jc,  by  his  mistress, 
to  pass  the  time  in  his  absence..  2. 
Play,  sport,  pastime- in  general.  3. 
Amorous  or  wanton  sport. 

&r>&  liiti, 


Plunder,  sacking. 

"SoS"  lenka,  s.  A  servant,  or  peon. 

*3Sfr-  lekka,  s.  An  account.  2.  Arith- 
metic, reckoning.  3.  Figuratively, 
regard,  esteem,  as  ;  *3§k_^ctf»  le- 
kkacheyu,  v.  a.  To  reckon,  to 
count.  2.  To  regard,  mind,  or 
esteem/3  S/^o-s&lekkintsii,  v.  a.  To 
reckon,  to  count ;  to  make  up  an 

■^tfv  lessa,  adv.  vide  ->x°-if>  baga,  s. 
<fc  adj.  vide  wfo  bagu. 

■3^-7^,  "3sr^  lessaga,  lessa,  adv. 
■*r  7r>  baga. 




15  le,  adj.  A  contraction  of  -$g  leta, 
q.  v.  inierj.  Get  up !  up  with  you! 
In  this  sense,  it  is  a  contraction 
of  the  imperative  of  the  verb  -£& 
letsu,  q.  v. 

ife  leka,  s-  This  is  the  negative  ver- 
bal participle  of  Sex>7fo  kalugu,  q- 
v.  ;  affixed  to  a  notin  substantive 
it  denotes.  Without.  2-  Or,  or 
if  not;  as,  ;&«&•»  13  if  £n^?5b  gnrrra- 
mulekapolenu,  I  cannot  go  with- 
out a  horse.  ^^^"^§"^"3  ^p»  idai- 
nalekaadaiua-,  Either  this,  or  that; 
this,  or  if  not,  that.  Added  to  the 
infinitive  of  any  verb,  it  .denotes 
unable;  as,    t§cb&i5s  cheyaleka, 

Unable  to  do.  •xr'lSg'  rale'ka,  Un- 
able to  come,  15  £&-*"<§  lekapote, 
adv.  Otherwise,  if  not.  ite^o^ 
lekavundu,  To  be  absent. 

■#$>  lekha,  s-  A  letter.  ^^0o  lekha- 
kudu,  s.  A  writer,  or  scribe.  S$) 
tf  *s»  lekhanamu,  s.  "Writing,  scrip- 

13  K  legat,  .?.  A  sucking  calf. 

l5Kfe2o5^^)  legatiyavu,  5.  A  cow,  new- 
ly with  call. 

"^•&>  letsu,  p.  n.  To  rise,  get  up,  or 
arise,  vide  ~§&  lepu.  ■ 

"e5tolet,a,  is.  The  bough,  or  branch,  of 
a  tree. 

"e5feo"a»K*foa  letamogamu,  s.  Turning 

the  face)  retreating. 
"3  a  ledi,  s.  An  antelope,  iffis'o^  le- 

dikanti,    s.    lit.  Antelope  eyed.  A 

female  with  the  vivid  glance  of 

the  antelope. 

"e5i£  leta,  adj.  Tender,  soft,  young.lS 
e^c9?5s5s>,  "ef^etis'stoo  letatanamuje- 
tarrikamu,  5.  Infancy,  youth. 

13sbledu,  adv.  This  is  the  neuter 
third  person  singular  of  the  nega- 
tive aorist  of  &'tx>fto  kalugn,    q.   v. 

Besides  the  power  which  is  there 
explained  to  belong  to  that  aorist, 
as  an  auxiliary  verb,  when  conju- 
gated through  it's  several  persons, 
this  word  used  indeclinably  as  an 
adverb  has  two  senses  peculiar 
to  itself.  1st,  placed  after  a  nomi- 
native of  any  of  the  three  persons 
and  the  infinitive  of  any  verb,  it  is 
a  simple  negative  particle  denying 
the  action  of  the  verb  with  refer- 
ence to  the  past  time  only  ,  as. 
^(^oas^nemicheyaledu.  1  did 

not  do.2dly,used  independently  of 
itself,  it  is  a  simple  negative  par- 
ticle,denying  existenee,uppiicable 
to  all  persons,  but  without  refer- 
ence to  any  time,  and  opposed  to 
~s*»&  kadu,  which  denies  essence, 
quality,  &e-  The  contrary  of.  "^«b 
]edu;  there  is  not?  is  g&  kaddu, 
There  is  ;  but  the  contrary  of 
s-r&  kadu,  is  t? $j&  aynnn,  q.  v. 

&+  a-Lotti 



~3$)  lepu,  v.  a.  To  cause  to  arise* 
or  get  up  ;  to  raised  rouse,  or 
awake  another.  This  is  the  causal 
form  of  !$&>  letsu,  q.  v. 

"e5sk  lema,  s.  A  woman. 

"efao,  "e$&ocl  lemi,  lemid-i,  s.  This  is 
the  negative  verbal  noun  of  sTewfo 
kalugu,  q.  v.  Denoting  Non- 
possession,  non-existence*  and 
thence  poverty. 

"eS^sSx)  les'amu,  s.  A  small   quantity. 

adj.  Small?  little. 
"e5sfr«i&»,  TJs^eska   lehamu,    lehyamu, 

s.  An  electuary,  in  medicine. 


e/^ofto  longu,  v.  n.  To  become  low, 

or  humble.  2.  To  yield. 
er°-ifcy  er^a»  lotstsu,    lodzdzu,    0$. 

Inferior,  less,  deficient. 
v^&lih— er»J3&4j,  ^"fossofio  lotipita- 

lottipitta,  lottenugu,  's.  A  camel. 
er°&)S'ss«N    lottakannu,    5.    A  sunken 

e^&j^od&o  lottaveyu,  v.  %.  To  prove, 

or  render,   false,  2.  To   click,  or 

smack,   the   tongue   against  the 


er**3  lotti,  s.  The  .small  earthen 
pot,  used  in  collecting  fermented 
juice  from  palm  trees.  er°t3  sfoj-iftv 
lottimutstsu .  s.  A  drunkard. 

er°&"2:&x>  lodapettu,    v.    a.    To   mix 


any  liquid. 

er°d&£  loduta,  5.  The  span  from  the 

point  of  the  thumb,  to  that  of  the 

er5  16,  postpos.  In.  The  sign  of  the 
local  ablative,  adj.  Inner,  inward, 
inside.  er*^owe  lojeyyi,  s.  The 
palm,  or  inside,  of  the  hand. 

er^&w  lokamu.  s.  A  world,  a  divi- 
sion of  the  universe.  In  general, 
three  lokas  are  enumerated,  or 
heaven,  hell,  and  the  earth. 

er*§oss"  lokuva,  adj.  Subordinate, 
inferior,  subject  to.  er*sbss^r<x>r°a6 
lokuvachesukonu,  To  reduce,  or 
bring,  under  one's  authority. 

erf'Scr*  s^tfs&o  lokotfcaramu,  adj.  Ex- 
cellent, elegant,  pleasing,  or 
agreeable,  to  all. 

&~*K&    logada,    s.    Making   in   the 

innex.  Sing.  er*Xfc3  lcgati,  Former 

times,    adv.    Formerly.    £.    Pre- 

ts^Kd,  logadi,  adj.  Former,  previous, 

&+-K*\6g&,adv.  Formerly,  previously. 

2.  Inside.  3.  Within,    as  applied 

to  time,  or  any  fixed  period.  4. 

Mean  time,  while,  whilst.   5.  In 

the  course  of.  ' 

er*?fr  s&c  -Lobhamu 



€j^5\D  IxSgili,  f.  Making  in  the  inflex. 

Sing,  er5*^    logiti-,  The   interior 

of  a  house. 
<^rto  logu,  «?.  fii  To  retire,  retreat, 

or  go  back. 

er^-Ctfsfeo  lochanamu,  s.  The  eye.  &> 
er^tf  sSw  sulochanamli,  s. 
Spectacles,  or  glasses,  for  the  eye. 

er*&jo  16 tu,  s.  Loss,  detriment. 

er^gb^ss  lotakkuva,  adj.  Remain- 
ing, s.  Remainder,  residue. 

er*«&  lotu,  s.   Depth,  adj.  Deep. 

er*S>  loni,  adj.  Inner,  inward,  inside. 

?!**(&  lonu,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing.  er*$  loni,  The  interior,  or 

er*-£&>  lopadu,  v.  n.  To  submit,  or 
yield.  e^sSesoSb  loparratsu,  e\  a. 
To  reduce  within  one's  power. 

<2T*s$&»  lopamu,  s.  Rejection,  cutting 
off  in  general,  especially  used  as 
a  grammatical  term,  for  dropping 
letters,  syllables,  &c. 

er*Sa  lopala,  5.  Making  in  the  in- 
flex. Sing.  er*sSD  lopali,  -The 
inside,  or  interior  ;  the  inner,  or 
inwarcl  part.  adv.  Inside,  within, 
postpos.  Within,  among.    . 

er^sftw  lobhamu,  5.  Covetousness, 
avarice,  er^Sps^i&o  lobhitwamu,  s. 
Covetousness,  parsimony.  sr*p  16- 
bhi,  s,  A  covetous  man  ;  a  miser. 

er*^&»  lomamu,  s.  The  hair  of 
the  body. 

er*«so  loya,  s.  A  deep  pit,  or  crater, 
on  the  top  of  a  mountain. 

er*£>  lovi,  s.  A  large  brass  water  pot. 

er^sS  lovidi,  adv.  vide  zr*x&  logada- 

€^"3  #tf»  lovainamu,  s.  Former  par- 
ticulars, or  circumstances,  adv. 
Formerly,  before. 

IPSg'sfea  laukikamu,  adj.  Mundane, 
secular,  worldly ,human,  what  pre- 
vails amongst,  or  is  familiar  to, 
mankind.  WB&&>  laukikudu,  s. 
secular,  as  opposed  to  a  spiritual 
man  ;  one  of  the  secular,  as  op- 
posed to  the  regular*  or  religious 

a"  va,  The  forty -fifth  letter,  and  thir- 
tieth consonant,  in  the  Telugu  al- 

ssosf  vanka,  $.  Crpokedness,  tortuo- 
sity. 2.  A  side,  quarter,  or  direc- 
tion. 3.  A  watercourse.  4.  Pretence. 
5.  Blame,  adj.  Crooked,  tor- 
tuous, twisted.  tfoS'sSr-kew  vanka- 
matalu,  lit.  Crooked  words,  Irre- 
levant expressions.  7r>tfo£&r»&> 
navankatsiidu,  Look  towards  me. 
£>£  $q$  tallivanka,  The  mother's 



sfo*S- Vanti 

side,  "^^o bbss o^XSm  netturuvanka- 
gattui  Blood  to  flow,  like  water 
in  a  water- course. 

sSoS'tf  vankara,  adj.  Crooked,  tortu- 
ous, twisted,  uneven,  s.  Crooked- 
ness, a  bend  or  curve.  2.  Blame. 
3.  A  fault 

sffoS'fS^tfxeo  vankasannamula,  & 
plu,  A  species  of  paddy. 

So-s-°c*6  vankaya,  s.   The  vegetable 

usually  at  Madras  termed  Brin- 
jal  ;  the  egg  plant,  or  Solanum 

Sol  vankl,  s.  An  armlet  of  a  waving 
form,  worn  by  Hindoo  females. 

Sol  vanke,  s*  vide  a,ol  onke. 

scX  vanga,  adj.  Of  or  belonging  to 
the  Brinjal,  or  egg  plant,  s.  A  crop 
of  that  plant. 

SoX&sSao  vangadamu,  s.  A  family,  or 

SoX&sfco  vangasamu,  s.  vide  s.  soS" 
s&o  vamsamu. 

So  Kb  "v an gu,  v.  n.  To  bend  down,  or 
stoop.  2.  To  become  low,  or  hum- 
ble.  softooSb  vangintsu,  v.  a.  To 
bend  or  make  crooked  ;  to  cause 
to  stoop.  2.  To  humble,  lower,  or 
reduce.  soX"5>&»,  soX~^c&o  vane;a- 
pettu,  vangaveyu,  To  force  to 
stoop,  or  bend. 

so*S\  so-tfsSw  vantsa,  vantsamu,  s. 
The  ace,  in  dice. 

So-tftf,  Sc-^tfafo)  van  china,  van- 
chanamu,  s.  Delusion,  trick,  de- 
ceit, cheating,  fraud.  Xotf&eh 
vanchakUilu,  s.  A  rogue,  cheat, 
deceiver,  knave,  or  impostor.  so£> 
e£sfo>  van  chit  amu,  adj.  Tricked, 
deceived,  cheated,  so -©oik  van- 
chintsu,  To  deceive. 

So-iSb  vantsu,  v.  a.  vide  softo-tfo 
vangintsu,  Under,  sjo^j  vangu,  2. 
To  pour. 

So'S  vanche,  5.  vide  2j<5  odi,  No.  2. 

So£o  vanta,  s.  Cooking,  or  dressing, 
food.  2.  Any  thing  cooked,  dress- 
ed, or  prepared.  3.  Dried  dung  of 
cows,  &c.  ?  used  as  fuel. 

Sckoaoex)  vantayillu,    s.    A  kitchen. 
Sokes' >_.  vantalakka,A  cookmaid. 
Soto«r*^vantavadu,  s.  A  cook. so 
So^Seaogo,  #0b§b  vantacherruku 
saruku,  s.  Fuel. 

So&>  =  s5m  vantakamu,  s.  Food,  victu- 
als, boiled  rice. 

SofeB  vanti,  adj.  In  composition  only, 
affixed  and  not  preceeding  the 
word  with  which  it  is  connect- 
ed. Such,  like.  tt'So*5  navauti, 
Such  as  me.  ci&3So*3  etu vanti 
What  like  ?  wk^sotS  atu  vanti, 
Such  as  that,  like  that-  s^&osots 
ituvanti,  Such  as  this,  like  this. 




3Sc£&  van d ii  v.  a.  To  cook  ;  to  dress, 
or  prepare,  food.  sSo&o-i&  vandin- 
tsu,  v.  Gaus  To  cause  to  cook.  &c. 

ssotf  vanta,  s.  Vexation,  grief. 

sJo&'Sccfo  vantaveyu,  v.  a.  To  direct, 
or  cast,  the  eye,  in  a  wanton 
manner  ;  to  glance  wantonly. 

ssosk  vantu,  s.  A  share,  or  portion. 

2.  A  turn  by  rotation. 
s$a"§tf  vantena,  .?.  A  bridge/ 
xots  vanda,  s.  A  hundred. 
sso£tfs&a  vandanamu,   5.    Obeisance 

to   a   brahman,    or   superior,   by 

touching  the  feet,  &c.  ;  reverence, 

worshipping,    adoring  •,    respect, 

#o stf  vandara,  5.  A  piece,  fragment, 

or  bit. 
tfotfb,  tfosbtfb  vandu,  vanduru,  v.  n. 

To   grieve,    to  be    sorrowful    or 

tfojsfetfc   vandurn,    s.   Sorrow,    grief, 

sTo$  vampu,    s.     Crookedness  ;    a 

bend,  or  curve.  e£e>sSo«&e>D  talavam- 

pulu,    lit.  Bendings  of  the  head, 

#o<rs5M  vamsamu,  5.  Race,  lineage, 

family,  extraction.  %    A.  bamboo. 

sSo-sr^Qs-  vamsanarti,  s.    A  rope, 

or  bamboo,  dancer.  zSQfp>&rtd\&i6x> 

vamsanucharitramu,  s.  A  chroni- 

cle, or  genealogical  history,  ssc^ 
»?>  vamsavali,  s.  Genealogy,  ssotf 
%&e-  vamsakarta,  s.  The  original 
progenitor  of  any  race. 

s5r-2>$>,  ssrfr-.  vaka-vakha,  vakka, 
Numeral,  vide  &§"  oka. 

#§ex>  vakil n,  s*  An  agent,  ambassa- 
dor, or  representative. 

s>?fk_  vakka,  5.  Areca  nut.  2.  A  bit. 
or  piece,  of  any  hard  substance. ss 
^k_er>§bex>  vakkalakulu,Areca  nufc 
and  beetle  leaf  ssg^Do-db  vakka- 
lintsu,  v.  a.  To  split,  or  break,  in 

ssr^-cavkkaria,  s.  videt^y^ziokk^r^. 

s3'k_tf&o  vakkaramu,s.  vide  #  sTs5*> 
vakramu.  2.  vide  ss  s'Ssfra  vaktra- 



tf-5-*k_t3oo5b  vakkanintsu,  v.  a. 
Zj-3^_ {3o-l5b  okkanintsa- 

x^j&n  vakramu,«cy.  Crooked,awry, 
distorted,  curved,  bowed,  bent.  2. 
Cruel,  malignant,  xr^otfb  vakrin- 
tsu,  e>.  rc.  The  planets  to  move  in 
an  irregular  course. 

XX  vaga,  s.  Melancholy,  grief,  vexa- 
tion. 2*  Foppish  gestures.  3.  A 
sort,  or  kind.  4.  Manner,  mode, 
'way,  means.  sstf-s-*&>,  #Ker°2&  va- 
gakaclu,  vagaladu,s.  A  fop.  tfXer* 
&  vagaladi,  s.  An  affected  female; 
a  coquette. 




»Xt6  vagatsu,  v.  n.  To  grieve.  2. 
To  ponder,  or  consider.  ssxj^.vaga 
pu,  s.  Grief,  affliction. 

sJX"3/fo  vagadegu,  0.  ^.  To  be  final- 
ly settled,  or  decided.  ^Oo-^ 
vagadentsu,  <v.  a.  To  decide,  or 
.settle,  finally. 

s$X&  vagaru,  s-  And  adj.  vide  2o»Xdb 

S)K*fc\  vagartsu,  v.  n.  vide  2oK"db\  o- 

ss-^tfs&a  vachanamu,6'.Speecli,  speck- 
ing. 2.  A  sentence,  dictum,  or 
aphorism.  3.  Prose.  s^o-tfo,  tf£) 
omot5o  vachintsu,  vachiyintsu,.?  a. 
To  say,  to  speak. 

S5n5bv  vatstsu,  v.  «.  To  come.,  2.  To 
arrive,  happen,  or  occur,  sssfc^ 
vatstsunu,  And  -cr»&  radii,  The 
third  persons  neuter  of  the  affir- 
mative and  negative  aorists }  of 
this  verb,  are  respectively  added, 
as  auxiliaries,  to  the  infinitive  of 
any  verb,  to  denote  liberty,  or  the 
want  of  it  ;  may  or  may  not.  76sx> 
~£s&-<r>&  nenucheyaradu,    I   may 

not  do.  Any  part  of  this  verb, 
when  affixed  to  the  present  verbal, 
participle  of  another,  gives  to  the 
action  expressed  by  that  partici- 
ple the  meaning  of  long  habit,  or 
continuance.  acro&^oSj^TT0;*"^ 
nn'rupampiaturavalenii,  You  must 

continue  to  send,  eA^&ca-o&is-tfb*' 
3b  abhashavanikivatstsunu,He  un- 
derstands that  language,  lit.  That 
language  to  him  comes.  ^Ocxfioo 
■^g'SosSe^^&itfakvai       ibiyyam- 

okasamvatsaranikivatstsunu,  This 
rice  will  last  (lit.  Will  come  )  for 
a  year.  ^§2^  ollikivatstsu^zt. 
To  come  to  the  body,  To  be  sick- 

S52T1  vadza,  5.  Deduction,  subtrac- 

ss^sSm  vajramu,  s.  A  diamond.  2.  A 
thunderbolt;  the  weapon  of  In- 
dra.  sJ^^s^tfoa  vajradehamu,  A 
strong  constitution  of  body. 

tf^sSw,  s>gtfsxx>  vajramu,  vajjiramu, 
s.  Glue. 

ssaoifc  vatintsu,  v.  n.    To  starve. 

£k> tfa>  vattamu,  s.  Premium  to  the 
receiver,  and  discount  to  the 
payer, or  profit  and  loss  respective- 
ly, by  exchange. 

2?<3  vatti,  adj.  Empty,  void,  blank, 
plain,  bare.  2.  Useless.  3.  False, 
untrue.  4.  Mere,  quite.  &&c&»%) 
vattiyavu,  s.  A  dry  cow.  ss^-^to 
vattikalu,  s.  The  shinbone-.  e^asj 
t5  es»\tf  adivattidabbara,  That  is 
a  downright  falsehood. 

s5fco  vattu,  v.  n.  To  be  drained,  or 
dried  up.  s.  Drying  up,  or  drain- 
ing. 2.  The  joining  of  two  pieces 
of  wood.  3.  Ail  adjixrationi 




Ca  '  ' 

Sir^oS'^  vatnalakarra,  5.   A   pole,  I 

on  which  sacks  of  grain,  &c.  Are  | 

55,^0  tf  vatrana,  s.  Roundness.  a" .&>. »  | 

vatrani,  arf?.  Round. 
s$,k>,"s>4*>  vatrapettu,  ?;.  a.  To  mind>  1 

regard?  or  evince  respect. 
#£ys£»vatramu,s.A  purse  for  beetle 

leaf,  &c. 
sy.fl'ejo  vatrillu,  v.  n.  To  be  agree- 

able,  or  pleasant. 
s»  ^j^).  ss £*>,£>  va?ruvu,vatruva,  «cZ/> 

Round,  circular,   tf'^^tfoS,  tf^ 

&,&  vatrUvusudi,vatrusudi,  s.The 

letter  y  #  & .o-&>  vatrintsu,    0.    a. 

To  make  round,  or  circular. 
#£  vada.  s.  The  hot  or  land  wind. 

2.  A  sort  of  cake. 
s5&j  ss&ceS-S'fcw    vada,    vadiya-kattu, 

v.  a.  To  filter,  or  strain. 
sS&Sb  vadaku,  s.The  northern  point. 
ss&&  vadaku,  v.  n.  To  tremble,    or 

x&Kodk)  vadagandlu,  s.    plu.  Hail. 

ss£fir*ex>  vadadolu,  s.  A  leathern 
dress,  worn  by  huntsmen.  2.  A 
leathern  rope,  used  by  the  toddy 

£&-&•&$  vadapappu,s'.A  sort  of  mess, 
prepared  from  the  grain  termed 

green  gram,  split   and  soaked  in 

water,  with  salt,    pepper,  assafoe- 

tida,  &c. 
£&zr*a&>  vadapoyu,  v.  a.  To  strain, 

or  filter. 

ss&sko<§  vadamudi,  s.  A  name  of  Bhr 

ma,  the  second  of  the  Pandu  prin- 

ss&eo  vadalu,'*;.  n.  To  fade,  or  wither. 

g&$,  oS&$)  vadavu,  vaduvu,  s. Man- 
ner, mode. 

ss&  vadi, s, Quickness,  rapidity,  brisk- 
ness, sharpness.  £.  Severity,  vio- 
lence. 3.  vide  z>&  odi,  No.  2.  4- 
vide  c*6&  yati,  No.  2.  ss&Kv?r>z& 
vadigalavadu,  A  clever,  quick,  or 
brave  man. 

£&ossar«e£  vadiyapota,  s.  Filtering, 

tfcaotfoa  vadiyu,  v.  n.  To  drip  down. 
2.  To  be  expended. 

ss&^<y,  s^S^ej  vadisala,  vadisala,  s. 
The  weapon  termed  a  sling. 

z$ik&>  vadukuj  v.  a.  To  spin. 

ss&>fo  vadugu,  s.  vide  &*£tfos5tfs5*> 
upanayanamu,  2.  vide  gbotgo  va- 

ss&,  ss&  vaddi,  vaddf,  s.  Interest  on 
money.s&%ss&  vaddikivaddi,Com- 
pound  interest. 

ss  sex- Vadalu 



s<2oifc  vaddintsu,  v-  a.  To  serve  up 

a  meal  ;  to  place  food  before  one. 

ss ££  vaddana,  s.   Distribution  of 

a  meal. 
?s&  i&*&>,  sf £oft  vadlavadu,vadlanm, 

5.  A  carpenter. 
s5^o  vadlu,  5.  «/#.   Padd}-. 

CO  • 

s5ra&,  55?30§b  vanaku,  vanuku,  v.n.To 
tremble,  or  shiver.*.  Tremor  trem- 
bling, shivering,  #$§0^  vanikin- 

tsu,  v.  a.  To  shake  ;    to  cause  to 

asslecsfco  vanijyamu,  s.  Traffic,  trade, 

a'  D  vatti,  s.  The  wick  of  a  lamp,  or 

candle,  -aotfjg)  ss  8  mainapuvatti, 

s.  A  wax  candle,  -g-etf^ss  &  kara 

pn vatti,  A  seton?  when  applied  to 

a  sore. 
s>^  vatsa,  s.  A  child. 
s5fy  ska  vatsaraniu,  5.  A  year. 
5S£tf>,  s5efc&  vadaru,vaduru,  z>.  ».  To 

prattle,  or   chat.  2.  To  grumble- 

s»is«)2y*d5'  vadarubotu,  s.  A  chat- 
\   terer.    s5s&ex>    vadarulu,    s.    #£#. 

Tattling,  babbling, 
sstfexi,  sjzsbew  vadalu,  vadulu,  v.  ?i.To 

become  loose,  or   grow   slack.  2. 

To  be  expended,   as  money,  v.  a. 

To  quit,  give  up,  or  renounce. 

dilintsu,  vadaltsu,  v.  a.  To  slack- 
en, loosen,  untie,  or  liberate.  2. 
To  cause  to  expend. 

55813,  tfaftcsfi  vadine,  vadiniya.  5. 
The  daughter  of  a  mother's  brother 
or  of  a  father's  sister,  if  older  than 
one's- self.  2,  The  elder  sister  of  a 
wife,  or  husband  ;  or  an  elder 
brother's  wife. 

sJeSbe>o,  adj. -  Loose,  slack,  v.u. 
&  a  vide  s5«^o  vadalu. 

oS&voV&  vadulukonu,  v.  a.  To 
abandon,  or  relinquish. 

55 tf  vadda,  postpos*  vide    2o&  odda. 

5526  vaddu,  A  corrupted  form  of 
s5«ycfc,  35e)35&  valadu,valavadu,  The 
third  person  neuter  of  the  ne- 
gative aorist  of  the  verb  5500200 
valayu  ;  Affixed,  as  an  auxiliary, 
to  the  infinitive  of  another  verb, 
it  denote's  obligation  or  necessity 
negative  of  it's  action,  must  not  ; 
but  having  rather  an  imperative, 
than  an  indicative  meaning;  it 
may  generally  be  translated  Do 
not,  do'nt.  -*rss&  ravaddu,  Do'nt 
come,  sr, &&*%.&  varupovaddu, 
They  must  not  go.  Used  indepen- 
dently by  itself,  it  may  be  often 
translated  No  ;  it  is  not  necessary, 
or  required  ;  I  do  not  want  it,  &c. 

55 £  vadha,  s.  Murder,  killing.  sr$0 

•&,  35  9a»oa5bvadhintsu,  vadhiyin- 
fcsu,  v,  a.  To  murder,  or  kill. 




stiff* &  vadhiiti)  ,9.  A  young  woman. 

5>e^&>  vadhyudu/'s.  A  man  deserv- 
ing of  death. 

x>#s*»,  sfSczx)  vanamu,  vanambu,  s. 
A  forest,  or  wood.  2.  A  grove,  or 
garden.  3.  Water. 

#£&  vanaru,  v.  n-  To  grieve,  or  be 
afflicted,  s.  Melanchoty,  grief. 

sss>e£  vanita,  s.  A  woman. 

tf^ods,  ssis^  vanniya,  vanne,  s. 
Colour.  2.  The  lustre  of  metal,  or 
ge?>;s.  3.  Affected  airs,  or  gestures. 
adj.  Coloured,  painted.  ^"^^2 
vannekatte,  s-  An  affected  female, 
a  coquette,  ssis^ -s^efo  vannekadu, 
s,  A  fop,  or  coxcomb.  ssis^o^ewflb 
vannelapulugu,  <:■  The  pheasant. 
lit.    The  painted  bird. 

sssfctf  s$>3  vamanarnu,  $.  Vomiting. 

ss^vammu,<X(i/.Of  no  effect,useless. 

ssobs&j  ssdtS^S  vayasu,  "vayassu,  .?. 
Age,  time  of  life.  2.  Puberty, 
youth.  soastfoSw  vayasthuclu,  5.  A 
man  in  the  prime  of  life.  £o&Zq 
vayasya,  s-  A  female  friend-  ssass 
&!&!&>  vayasyudu,  .5.  A  friend,  or 

#gb&*0  vayali?  s-  A  car,  or  chariot. 

^coo^sSso  vayinamu,  s.  The  particu- 
lars, or  detail,  of  any  thing.  sScoo 
ti  ^w7v»  vayinamuga,  g^u.  At  large; 
narlicularlv  ;  in  detail. 

ssS  vara,  $.  A  term,  or  limit,  sstfgo, 
***&*&,  varaku,  varakunnu,  Un- 
til, till,  to,  up  to. 

stf  vara,    s.  A  scabbard,  or  sheath. 
vide  2oea  orra.  s>tf2$r>atf>o  varaduyu, 
To  unsheath,  or  draw,  out  of  the  4 

^S&  varaku,  adv.  Until,  vide  T.  s>s 

sstfX©o-&  varagalintsu,  v.  *z.  To 
shine,  or  glitter. 

sstf&>e>o  varatalu,  s.  plu.  Lumps  of 
dried  dung. 

sstftf  varada,  s.  A  torrent,  or  flood. 

sstf$,  ss&sg)  varapu,  varupu,  s.  A 
drought,  or  want  of  rain. 

ssSsSco  varamu,  s.  A  boon,  favour 
blessing,  or  supernatural  gift ;  es- 
pecially granted  by  a  deity,  or 
brahman,  adj.  Best,  excellent." 

tftfso  varalu,  s.  plu.  The  large  cir- 
cular rings  of.burnt  earth  sunk 
in  a'  small  well,  to  prevent  the 
earth  from  falling  in. 

astftf  varava,  s.  A  channel  of  supply, 

*to  an  artificial  lake. 
sstf$  varavu,  s.  Income,  profit,  pay. 
##$£&  varavu  du,  s.  A  servant,  astfjg) 

feorfeo  varavutamu,  s.  Service. 

ss&tf  varasa,   5.   A  line,  or  row.    2. 

Order,  arrangement,  3.  Relation- 
ship.   4.   A  gift   presented   by  a 




procession  of  relations.  5.  A  turn 
by  rotation.  6.  A  time,  as  once, 
twice,  &c. 

55^^€-sj-d?,  sstfsrca  varaha-vara,  va- 
rahani,  5.  The  gold  coin  termed 
a  pagoda. 

ss 5  vari,  s.  Paddy. 

sS 8oo5b)55 80000 -do  varintsu,  variyintsu, 
v.  a.  To  desire,  wish  for,  or  covet. 

sei^ao  varigelu,  s.  phi.  vide  sSo^sSm 
e>o  varakamulu. 

ss&fib  varugu,  5.  Vegetables,  or  fruit, 
preserved  in  a  dried  state^  2. 
Leaning,  or  inclining  to  one  side, 
■  v.  n.  vide  z>KT&  oragu. 

S)&2»  varudzu,  s.  The  ridge,  or  dam, 
dividing  one  irrigated  piece  of 
ground  from  another. 

sJSbdb  varudu,  s.  A  hasband.  2-  A 
bridegroom.  3.  A  son-in-law. 

S&3  varusa,  s.  vide  xtirs  varasa,  s>tf> 
»#-**  varusaga  adv.  Regularly,  in 
good  order. 

XX  &*>  vargamu,*.  A  class,  or  tribe. 

% '  A  multitude  of  similar   things. 

3.  A  chapter,  or  section.  s'ktfsSS  *5<x> 

kattuvargamu,  s.  A  dress,  or  suit 

of  clothes. 

Seas-tf,  stosr-tfsSw  varnana,  varna- 
namii,  s.  Praise,  panegyric.  % 
Describing,  expatiating,  explain- 
ing, pointing  out  qualities,  or  ex- 
cellencies. sSsSs-ooSb  varnintsu,  v. 
a.  To  praise,  or  describe. 

g&sr&xi  varnamu,  s.  A  tribe,  class, 
caste,  or  order.  2.  Colour,  hue, 
tint.  3.  The  order  or  arrangement 
of  a  song,  or  poem.  4.  A  musical 
mode.  5.  A  letter  of  the  alphabet. 

sSe£sr-§'s»a  va  rtakam  u,  s.  Traffic, 
trade,  commerce.  2.  A  horse's 
hoof.  3.  A  sort  of  quail.  s5&s-§oSk 
vartakudu,  s.  A  merchant,  or 

3$££-s*r»tf»Sw  vartamanamti,  s.  News, 
intelligence,  information;  intima- 
tion, notice.  2.  In  grammar,  the 
present  tense. 

3S8s-o-*Sa-5S9E-e»N,  sSlfcroo    vartintsu- 


vartilu,  vartillu,  v,  n.  To  act,  or 
behave.  2.  To  be  going  on,  in  a 
state  of  action. 

35&.£-sSm  varshamu,  s.  A  year.  2» 
Rain,  sslxs-o-db  varshintsu,  v.  n. 
To  rain.  tf  s&s-sSotfBavarshopalaniu, 
Hail.  sszLs-tSxi&Qcs&i  varshamu- 
kuriyu,  Rain  to  fall.  3Ssxs-s$»-3 
Scc$»yarshamuveiiyu,Rain  to  stop. 

ss&&  varradu,  s.  An  old  jackal. 

ss"ea^,  55&5c$  varrata,  varrada,  s. 
Flood,  deluge,  torrent,  or  inunda- 

ssoatx)  varralu,  v.  n:  To  shine. 
s5^  Yarrra,  s.  A  pungent  taste. 
Sew  varrru,  s.  A  heap,  or  quantity. 
adj.  Much, 





s5"e»  vala,  s.  A  net.  a'a-ioaoo,  Ltio  va- 
la-veyu,  odcln.  To  throw,  or  cast, 

a  net. 

3S00&  valanti  s.  A  clever,  or  skilful, 

sJe>"^8sJK'£x>  valakarivagalu,  s.  plu. 
The  airs,  or  gestures,  of  an  affect- 
ed female. 

£<d1C&  valagonu,  v.  a.  To  surrouud, 
•  or  encompass  ;  to  walk  round. 

ssej-vfo  valatsu,  v.  a.  To  love.  v.  n.  To 
smell,  or  emit  perfume,  sw^o^ 
valapintsu,  v.  Caus.  To  cause  to 

Xo&  valadu,  vide  #&>  vadd'u. 

£v$  valana,  postpos.  vide  35  o  valla. 

sssysS  valanu,  s.  An  expedient,  stra- 
tagem, method,  manner.  2.  Beau- 
ty, excellence. 

tfasSfy  valapala,  s.  Making  in  the  in- 
Hex.  Sing.  sjosss,  sse^a  valapali, 
valapati,  The  right  side. 

Xv-A®  valapali,  adj-  Right,  #e)£k> 
valapata,  adv.'  On  the  right  side. 
z5t)Zv%vs  valapalagilaka,  s.  The 
letter  g-  which  is  always  Written 
on  the  right  side  of  the  syllable 
before  which  it  is  pronounced.  . 

zs <y^>  valapu,  s.  Love,  affection, 
fondness.  2.  Smell,  fragrance. 

s5e)«x»  valamu?  s.  Size,  dimension.  2. 
BignesSj  fatness  adj.  Big,  fat. 

s$e>s&»9  valamuri,    s.     The  conch  of 

ssoo&sSdo  valayamn, .?.  A  bracelet,  or 

armlet.  2.  An  inclosure. 
ssvosv  valayu,  v.  a.  To  wish,  want, 

desire,  or. covet.  ss"3sfc,  ssas^a  va- 
lenu,  valasinadi,  The  third  person 
of  the  past  tense,  and  ss<ycc&;& 
valaynnu,  The  third  person  of 
the  affirmitive  aorist,  of  this  verb, 
are  affixed,  as  auxiliaries,  to  the 
infinitive  of  any  verb,  to  denote 
obligation,  or  necessity,  without 
reference  to  any  particular  time, 
and  may  be  translated  by  the 
English  word  must. 

#e>-cP2?>  valaradzu,  s,  A  name  of 
Kama,  the  Hindoo  Cupid.  zs&ir> 
2»7&r2&  valaradzusudu,  s.  Siva  j 
as  his  enemy. 

sJcjsSe>5Sj2&\,  s5e)S5e)er>2&  Valavalayed- 
tsu,  valavalaladn,  v.  n.  To  weep 
or  cry,  very  violently,  or  loudly. 

sjotf  valasa,  s.  The  fleeing,  or  re- 
moving, of  people  from  their 
homes,  from  fear.  sswtf-^ctfa,  &•*;£ 

valasa-tiyu,   povu,   v.    n.    People 
to  flee  from     their   homes,   from 
ss©  vali,  adj.  Cold.  cool.  s.  Cold,  ss© 

©^  valitippa,    .9,   The  snowy?  or 
Himalaya,  mountains. 
35  ©*&/&»  valipenms.Open  texture,  of 
cloth,  etc.  v     • 

5515,^  -Vaiietra 




sSdcSo  valiyu,  v.  a.  To  love, 

s$-<yo&  vaiuku,  v.  Wi  vide  z,ex>§b  oluku. 

ssex>tf  valuda,  adj.  Great,  big.  s. 
Greatness,  Bigness. 

s5ex>s5  valuva,  s.  A  cloth. 

5513  vale,  adj.  Like,  resembling,  si- 

ss"3s&  valenu,  vide  Under,  stoctfo  va- 


ssers  valna,  postpos.  vide  ssatf  valana. 

sre,  valla,  postpos.  By,  by  means  of, 
with,  from.  5.  Stratagem,  expedi- 
ent. 2.  Convenience,  adj.  Conveni- 
ent. 2.  Possible,  are^CS  valla- 
malina,  «$.  Impossible.  2.  Much, 
excessive,  large. 

tfo  -r-efe  vallakadu,  s.  Making  in 
"the  inflex.  Sing.  sSe^T**3  vallaka- 
ti,  A  cemetery,  or  place  for  burn- 
ing, or  burying,  the  dead. 

s5o  &  valladi,  &  Misfortune,  evil-  2. 
Plunder,  booty. 

s5e)  o-i5b  vallintsu,  v>  a-  To  learn,   or 


get  by  heart ;  to  repeat  from  me- 
5>15  valle,  adv.  Yes;^ood,well,  right, 

no  ° 

&c,  expressing  approbation,  or 
consent,  s.  Repeating  from  me- 
mory, or  learning  by  heart. 

5515  "eT\&>  valletradu,  s.  A  noosed 
rope  ;  a  noose.  ss]3  ,-g^  2&-zy«ex^ 
vaUetradudalpu.s.  Varuna,  whose 
weapon  is  the  noose- 

55?^)  valavu,  s-  Manner,  mode,  me- 
thod- 2.  Expedient,  stratagem-  3. 
vide  z*$$)  olavu. 

s&*r»2&,  ss§6  55 -53*  &>  valluvadu,  val- 

OO  '  IV)  ... 

luvavadu.  5.  A  man  of  a  caste, 
among  the  parias,  or  outcasts, 
superior  to  the  rest  of  that  tribe, 

j       and    considered  as  priests. 

;  55rs5c»  vasamu,  s.  Possession,  custo- 
dy, charge.  2.  Subjection,  submis- 
sion- 3.  Authority,  supremacy.  ss§ 
S'tfrotfaa  vasikaranamti,  Subduing, 

overpowering,  or   obtaining  pos- 
session of,  by  charms,    drugs,   or 
i       incantations. 

•  sS'Tesko  vasyamu,  adj.  Dependent  on' 
humbled,  overpowered. 

ss?Sqs£s5»  vasantamu,  s.  Water,  mix- 
ed with  turmerick  and  fine  lime. 
i  55^8  vasati,  s.  A  house,  dwelling, 
or  residence.  2.  An  allowance  • 
pay-  adj,  Commodious,  agreeable. 

sstf&»  vasamu,  s.  vide  ss-rsko  vasama- 

s^^er0  vasala,  s,  One  piece  of  wTood, 
joined  to  another. 

s5-Sr°TT°  vasara,  s.  A  veranda. 

s5&  vasi,  5.  A  thorn.  2.  A  spike. 

ssftonSb,  s5&c»oo-&>  vasintsu,    vasiyin- 

tsu,  v.  n.  To  dwell,  reside,  or 

55&pe>o  vasulu,  s. Collection,  acquis 


ID -Vale  ill 



8>#o$  vastuvu,  s.  Thing,  article, 
matter,  substance.  2.  Natural  dis- 
position, essential  property,  na- 
ture, essence. 

ss  tf^sfco  vastramu,  s.  Cloth,  clothes, 
raiment,  estf^sj  tfStfao  annavastra- 
equ,  Food  and  raiment,  sj  ?s^*7^l> 
s£s63o  vastragalitamu,  s.  ^training 
any  powder,  through  a  dry  cloth. 

#gr*o-&,  s$Sj-°a»o-&x  vahintsu,  vahi- 
yintsu,  v.  a.  To  bear,  support,  or 
sustain.    ? 

35^  vahf,  5.  A  book  ;  an  account 

•sr>  va,  *.  The  mouth. 

■spo'lfc  vantsu,  9.  a.  To  bow  down ; 
to  bend. 

■sr> o^  vanchha,  s-  Wish,  desire.  2. 
Love,  attachment.  ■5r»o-^o-i5i>  vau- 
chhintsu,  To  desire,  long,  or  wish. 

"sr^oS  vanti,  .«?.  Vomiting. 

■s^S  vaka,  5.  A  river. 

•so^tf  vakara,  5.  lietching  to  vomit. 
vide  ^§"5o -do  okarintsu. 

•sy^SI)  v&kili,  s.  Making  in  the  inflex. 
Sing.  sr%a  vakiti,  A  door.  2.  The 
threshold.  •s^lfeSUoS'ex)  vakitilen- 
kalu,  s.plu.  Porters,  door-keepers. 

•5T>&,  •sr'Sb^  vaku,vakku,  s,  A  word. 
2.  Speech.  ot^&w^sSm  vakpatu- 
twamu,  s.  Elegance  of  speech-  -st* 
g\sr6cB5£x>  vaksahayamu,  Verbal 
recommendation.  s^y(  ^tfwvagda 
ttamu,  A  promise,  lit.  That  which 
is  given  by  word. 

<ep>7P>oSsfc>3  vagvadamu,  s.  A  verbal 
dispute,  or  altercation  ;  an  argu- 
ment. *j-»2^ejs6e»  vajnmulamu,  5, 
A  deposition. 

■sr^cs&a  vakyamu,  s.  A  sentence.  2. 
A  rule,  or  aphorism. 

■53-* XX  vagara,  s.  A  painting   brush. 

■sT'X^sfea  vagallamu,    s.    The  circle 


round  a  thrashing  floor. 
•r°7fo  vagu,  s.  An  army.  2.  A  torrent, 

or^current,  of  water,  v  .w.To  sound. 
v.  «.  To*  chatter,  or  prattle. 

•st»"7?  vage,  5.  The  rein  of  a  bridle. 

o^-s'rsSM  vachakamu,  s.  Reading 

o^-S'fedo^  vatsarratsu,  v%  a.  lit.  To 
beat  the  mouth.  To  beg  alms.  In- 
dian beggars,  or  complainants, 
often  beat  the  mouth,  with  a  loud 
cry,  to  attract  attention. 

sp>^r>e»2&  vachaluduj  s.  A  talkative 

oT^arss**  vachikamUjS.News,  tidings, 

o^-ift  vatsu,  v.  n.    To  swell.    2.    To 

have  a  longing,  or  desire  for.  v.a. 
To  sound. 




*r>:&r>&  vatsura,  s.  The  eaves  of  a 

•srtssf),  «p^\  vajibf,  vajbf,  adj.  Just, 
expedient,  proper,  right,  reason- 

BP&>s5*3  vatamu,  5.  Convenience.  2. 
Means,  expedient,  %r»teS2&  vata- 
padu,  To  be  usual,  customary,  or 

■sr>fe5,  -syfeSrv^ti,  vatika,*.  A  garden, 
or  orchard. 

■sr>&  vada,  s.  A  street.  2.  vide  £,£ 
oda.  ^p.fig'toa  vadakattu,  A  street, 
or  range  of  nouses. 

■s^g-T^S  vadagali,  s.  Wind,  blowing 
from  some  point  intermediate 
between  the  four  cardinal  points 
of  the  compass. 

w&  vadi,  s:  Sharpness,  as  applied 
to  weapons  or  instruments,  adj. 
Sharp.  ^S^esb  vadichedu,To  be- 
come blunt.  ^&s&K2&  va*dimaga- 
du,  s.  A  brave,  or  valiant  man. 

■sr^r,  «^S"i  vadika,  vadike,s.  Prac- 
tice, experience.  2.  Habit,  custom. 
3.  Use.  adj.  Customary,  usual, 
habitual.  2.  Versed  in,  experi- 
enced in.  3.  Used,  made  use  of. 

■s^^b  vadu,  pro.  He,  that  man.  This 
is  the  masculine  remote  demon- 
strative pronoun  of  the  third  per- 
son. Nouns, denoting  the  agent,are 

often  formed  by  adding  this  word 
to  the  inflexion  of  a  substantive 
noun  ;  as  Qo&?r>&)  intivadu,  lit. 
He  of  the  house.  The  house-owner. 
•pr>sr»&>  navadu,  My  man,  relation, 
or  servant. 
us* &  vadu,  v.  n.  To  wither,  or  fade. 
v.  a-  To  make  use  of.  2.  To  talk, 
speak,  or  tell,  -sr-^br^so  vadukonu, 
v.  Comp.  To  make  use  of,  for  one's 
own  benefit.  2.  To  be  generally 
talked,  or  spoken  of;  to  be  the 
common  talk. 

•sr>&  vata,  s.  The  actual  cautery.  2. 
The  mark  which  it  produces. 

•smiles  vaterra,  s.  The  lower  lip.  litm 
The  skreen  of  the  mouth. 
I  ■5r>2Sj6oo  vadamu,  s>  Discourse,  disser- 
tation, discussion,  dispute,  argu- 
ment. tf?So^>c5sS»  rasavadamu,  Al- 
chymy.  lit  Mercurial  dispute. 

■sr>a  vadi,  s.  A  plaintiff,  or  complai- 

■5r»e>on5b  vadintsu,  v.  a.  To  argue, 
debate,  dispute,  or  discuss. 

o^>*es*»,  0^*3 as*  vadyamu,vaddemu, 
s.  Any  musical  instrument.  2- 

?r><S  vana,  s.  Rain.  adj>  Rainy.  «r># 
-tr&o  vanapamu,  s>  lit  A  rainy 
shake-   The    common    red  earth 




worm.  ^n-tfXb5oa£o  vanaguriyu^.w. 
To  rain.  o3^?5"3Doa^  vanaveliyu; 
To  stop,  or  cease,  raining; 

•sr>tftfs5ao  v^naramu,  s.  A  monkey,  or 

•5r>s5b  vanu,  p.  a.  To  create- 

■kp>  $$>  vapu,  s-  A  swelling,  or  protube- 
rance, s^^-ftofrvo  vapudevulu,  sm 

-sr^Eg)  vapovu,  v.  n-  To  cry  aloud. 
2.  To  chatter  or  talk  icily. 

•sr*£o  vami,  s.  A  heap  of  straw- 

-xp>o35tf  j6m  vayanainu.s.  Sweet  meats, 
or  cakes,  the  eating  of  which  is 
no  breach  of  a  religious  fast- 

«r°css£3fo>  vayasamu,  s.  A  crow,  *r»oc& 

^xr>B    vayasar^ti,    It's    enemy, 

the  owl. 
•scpooo  vayi?  s.   Making  in  the  iuflex. 

Sing.  *n>8,  vati,  The  mouth.  2. 
The  edge  of  any  cutting  instru- 
ment. 3-  Such  a  quantity  of  grain 
as  a  mortar  can  contain  at  once. 
In  this  last  sense,  the  inflexion  is 

■5^cooo-&  vayintsu,  v.  a.  To  beat, 
sound,  or  piay  upon  any  musical 
instrument,  except  wind  instru- 
ments, to  which  is  applied  the 
verb.  &&&>  uclu,  p.  v.  2.  To  beat, 
or  give  blows. 

w-*o»-cr»  vayida,  s:  An  instalment, 
or  term  of  payment. 

-sr°oeooS$'oXs$xew  vayuviiangamulu, 
s.  plu.  A  sort  of  medical  plant, 
used  as  a  vermifuge. 

■5r>ccfcoc&  vayuvu,  s.  vide  ■sr'&sko,  va- 
tamu.  $y>G&>$)ro&  vayuvukonu,  To 
be  flatulent.  ■sr*o$»&)x%s&>o&  va- 
yuvupattemandu,  Medicine  which 
dissipates  flatulency. 

oT*tf  vara,  s.    A  bundle   of  thread, 

for  weaving,  containing  eight 
Panjams.  2.  Variance,  difference; 
esnecially  in  accounts.  3.  A  side, 
or  corner,  adv.  Aside. 

or*  tfg'   varaka,    adv.    Constantly, 

o3-°tf5fs$a>  varakamu,  s.  vide  G-  tis^b 
>  takavi. 

«r>tf&  varadi,  s.  Tendency. 
eT'^^b    varadu,    v.    a.    To   quit, 

abandon,  or  leave  off. 
■sr-tiri  varara,    adv.     Fairly,    well, 

i  agreeably: 
sptfipg'   varapaka,  s.  The  veranda? 

or  portico,  of  a  house. 
sr»tfs5oo    varamu,    s.     A  day   of  the 

week.  2.  A  multitude,  or  quantity. 

3.  A  time  ;  as 'once,  twice,  &c. 
•s^-c^a  varadi,  a.  vide  xo~&tS  vantena. 

sr»eoifc  varmtsu,    v.     a.     To  drive 
away.   2.  To  defend,  or  ward  off 
to  guard*  8.  To  prevent,  or  oppose. 




•sr»8e9  variria,  s.  A  leathern  cable. 

sr>dtd»>b>  varinapita,  s.  A  piece  of 
stick,  used  in  fixing  the  yoke  to 
the  plough. 

»p&  varu,  s.  A  leathern  belt,  or 
strap,  v.  n.  To  be  strained  of 
water,  as  applied  to  boiled  rice. 
v.  a.  To  strip,  or  cut  off?  the  edge 
of  palm  leaves.  2.  To  heap  up. 

■sr>tfbsSsSx>  varuvamu,  s.  A  horse. 

•5T**fc\,  ■«r>&T&  vartsu,  varutsu,  v.  a. 
To  wait  for.  2.  To  strain  off  the 
water  from  boiled  rice.  3.  To 
offer  up  daily  prayers.  «p»«oi 
varpu,  s.  Straining  rice  as  above. 

*r»  tf  varta,  s.  Tidings,  intelligence, 
news.  2.  Conversation.  ■&*j>zr>&> 
vartaladu,  To  speak,  or  converse. 

•5F>X£&x>  vardhakamu,  s.  Old  age. 
2.  An  "assemblage  of  old  men. 

*r»e>sSw  valamu,  s.  A  tail. 

sr>zr*cx&&>o  valayamu,  adv.  Always 

■sr»sx>  valu,  v.  n.  To  bend,  or  incline 
down.  2.  To  light  down,  or  perch, 
as  a  bird,  &c.  s.  A  sworcl.  2.  A 
slope,  adj.  Long.  2.  Sloping.  3. 

o3-»ew-&>,  or*e»\  valutsu,  valtsu,  v.  a. 
To  slope?  lower,  or  incline  clown. 
2.  To  wink,  or  shut,  the  eyes.  ?.. 
To  place  one  thing  mo  as  10  slope, 
incline,  or  lean,  against  another. 

tt»v  ofeS  valganti,  s.  A"  woman  having 

'  large,  or  long  eyes.  « 

-sr>Z)  vavi,  s.    Relationship,  -5r«£)«£*£o 

vavitappu,  To  commit  incest,  lit' 
To  neglect  relationship. 

sr>£9  vaviri,  adj.  Very  much.  2. 

■5T*$$<6x>  vavuramu,  s.   Ahorse. 

vr»tf&  vasana,  s.  vide  »r>"S>tf  vasena. 

o3^^,  *r>&  vasi  vasi,  adj.  Better, 
either  in  health,  or  as  to  quahMy; 
preferable,  s.  Preference.  ??»&&$) 
vasiavu,  v.  n.  To  be  cured,  s^^ 
ctf»  vasicheyu,  v.  a.  To  cure. 

w^v^sSm  vasagrihamu,  s.  A  bed 

■sr»r5tf  vas  ana,  s.  Smell,  odour, 
fragrance,  scent,  flavour;-  2.  The 
present  consciousness  of  past  per- 
ception. isr>Xc$T$jT>:&)  vasanatsutsn, 
v*  a.  To  smell  ;  to  try  the  smell. 

•sjrtfsScw  vasamu,  s.  The  rafter  of  a 
building,  -o^^^co&o  vasapoyu,  To 
place  the  rafters  on  a  building. 
|  o^-dro&o^c^&s  vasabantravutu>  s.  A 
peoD  or  the  lowest  civil  officer, 
nominated  to  superintend  cultiva- 

sr-!o#  vasena,  s.  A  cloth  cover,  for 
j  a  jar,  &e.  ;  particularly  that  in 
|       which   rice  is  boiled  by  steam.  -^ 




^gbz&tfaaex)  vasenaku  dumulu, 

-Cakes  prepared  in  steam. 
•sr»_gtfes5c»    vastavyamu,    adj.   True, 

real.  s.  Reality,  truth. 
^s^tf&a  vahanamu,  s.  A  vehicle,  or 

conveyance  of  any  kind  ;  a  carri- 
age, car,  horse,  &c 
■sr»$r»?>  vahini,  $>  An  army,  or  force. 

2.  A  river.    <Kr-Sr*£>ss&  vahinipati, 

The  leader  of  an  army. 

©  vi,  p^-  A  Sanskrit  particle,  pre- 
fixed to  words  of  that  language, 
and  implying,  Certainty,  ascer- 
tainment. &c. 

CoX^sSw  vingadamu,  s.  Separation, 
parting.  2.  Beauty.  3.  A  wonder. 
adj.  Separate,  apart.  SoK&oift, 
SoX'Poift  vingadintsu,  vingalintsu, 
v.  a.  To  separate,  or  divide.  2.  "To 
arrange,  or  put  in  order. 

&o-&  vintsu,  p.  «.  To  break. 

So£-°ifctf.  sosr»2fctf**»  vijamara,  vin- 
jamaramu,  5.  A  .chowri,  the  tail  of 
the  Bos  granniens,  used  to  whisk 
off  flies,  &c. 

SofcB  vinti.  adj.  Of  or  belonging  to  a 
bow.  vide  aex>  villu,  &o&v&  yin- 
tirasi,  s.  The  sign  Sagittarius,  in 
the  zodiac. 

•>o£  vinta,  s.  A  'Curiosity,  or  wonder. 
adj.  Surprizing,  wonderful,  mar- 
vellous', curious  \  strange',  foreign. 

So«b  vindu,  5.  An  invitation  to  an  ' 
entertainment,  or  the  entertain- 
ment itself,  2.  A  relation  either 
male  or  female,  Sotfb^oebo  vindu- 
cheyu  To  give  an  entertainmeut. 
Sotfe§bS>oo-&>  vinduknpilutsu,  To 
invite  to  an  entertainment. 

&gtf&&»e>rt»ex>  vikaranidulamulu,  s. 
s.  pho.  The  cross  lower  beams  of 
a  shelving  roof. 

srfro-vfc-aS'&eK),  SSf&w  vikasintsn, 
vikasillu,  vikasilu,  v.  v..  To  blow, 
or  expand,  as  a  flower. 

a-ytfsdK)  vikaramu,  s.  Change,  trans- 
2.  Sickness,  disease  ;  change  from 
a  state  of  health.  3.  Ugliness,  adj. 
Ugly.  2.  Unnatural. 

a>3\  «r»-^tfs5»  vikritakaramu,  adj- 
Ugly,  deformed,  disgusting. 

aSo^-  vikku,  v-  n.  To  stretch  out 
the  limbs,  as  on- first  wa tang. 

&  S'.c&sta)  vikrayamu,  5.  Selling,  ven" 
dmg.  »,!§,€>>  S>^oa33o&>  vikreta, 
vikrayakudu,  s.  A  seller,  vender, 

-  or  dealer..  »^  ooooifc  vikrayintsu, 
v.  a.  To  sell,  a  ~i .o&sSm  vikreya- 
mu,  adj.  Vendible,  saleable. 

S 4^0  9  vikhyati,  s.  Fame,  celebrity, 
notoriety.  &qr>?3s$x>.  vikhyatamu, 
adj.  Famous,  notorious,  known. 




»^£6»  vighatamu,  s.  An  impedi- 
ment, obstacle,  or  hindrance  ;  a 
pr  ohib  it  ion.  a  ^  $  s&o  "^  oboo  vighata- 
mucheyu,  To  hinder  or  impede. 

a^xsSw  vighnamu,  s.  Hindrance^ 
obstacle,  impediment. 

a^tfra  vicharana,  s.  Investigation, 
inquiry.  a^tfs*»  vicharaniu,  s.  In- 
vestio-ation.  reflection.  2.  Grief, 

3^r38c"t&  vicharintsu,  I?.  a.  To  in- 
vestigate, or  inquire  into  ;  to  re- 
flect. 2.  To  condole  with  ;  to 

s^tfrt^sr-  vicharanakarta,   s.    An 
inquirer,  a  superintendent. 
&■&**•&&    vicharapadu;    To     be 
sorrowful,    s^-eo^)   vicharimpu, 
s.  Inquiry,  examination. 

S-agsfcj  vichitramu,  5.  Anything 
variegated,  beautiful,  or  wonder- 
ful, adj.  Variegated,  beautiful,  or 

atS\  vichcha,  s.  A  small  ball  of 

a-S\«»a  vitstsalavidi,  adv.  Accord- 
ing" to  one's  own  uncontrolled  in- 
clination  ;  at  will,  or  pleasure. 
S>tf\ptf\tx>  vitstsavitstsalu,  s.  Dis- 
persion on  all  sides  ;  scattering 

©■&}  vitstsu,  v>  n.  To  become  open, 
or  loose  ;  to  burst ;  to  be  cracked, 
or  broken,  v.  a.  To  open,  or  loosen; 
to  untie-,  to  undo.  ©•vSbxS'jS  vitstsu- 
katti,  5.  A  drawn  sword. 

S^Kccfo  vichcheyu,  v.n.  To  come. 

&22G&&x>  vijavamu,  s.  Conquest,  tri- 
umph, victory.  aacBSsfc^ctfjo  vija- 
yamncheyu,  To  go.  2.  To  come. 
This  phrase,  of  two  such  opposite 
meanings,  is  used  only  when 
speaking  of  the  great. 

£e?\o$o-&    vijrimbhintsu,    v.   a.   To 

unfold,  or  display. 

&sr,;Stfskd  vijnapanamu,  s.  An  ad- 
dress, representation,  communi- 
cation, solicitation,  or  application. 
ss-"2>o*fr  vinjapintsu,  To  repre- 
sent, address,  communicate, apply, 
or  solicit.Thesetw^o  words  are  used 
with  reference  to  the  communi- 
cation of  an  inferior,  to  a  superior. 

S&tt6^  vitak&du,  s.  A  gallant  or 

a&£&3s5M  vitatatamu,  adj.  Topsy- 

aefoe>  vidadala,  s..  Release  ;  setting 
at  liberty, 

s£  vidi,  s.  The  cotton  produced  from 
one  pod.  &  Time,  opportunity,  oc- 
casion,   adj.    Unloaded,    untied, 

.    loose.  aaw&>  vidibadu,    v.    n.   To 




setoff.    2.   To  break  loose.  a&7T» 
vidiga,   adv.    At  liberty,  idlo,  un- 
&&««,     a&sfcfc*)  vididala,  vidimattu, 

eo  ... 

,9.  A  halting  place. 

a&a  vididi,  s.  A  lodging,  or  tempo- 
rary residence. 

a8s5a>&  vidimudi,  s.  Wealth,  riches. 

J&&033x5»  vidiyamu,  5.  Beetle,   with 

areca  nut,  &c. 
a&oaco  vidiyn,   v.   n.   To   reside,  or 

a£&  vidu,  v.    n.   To  become   loose, 

slack,  separate,  or  untied  ;.  to 
part,  asSb-db  viclutsu,  v.  a.  To 
loosen  or  slacken ;  to  untie,  or 
undo.  2.  To  leave,  quit,  relin- 
quish, abandon,  or  give  up.  3.  To 
depart.  4.  To  shoot,  or  discharge. 
P.  n.  To  cease,   or  terminate.  a& 

2>o-tfb  vidipintsu,  v,  Caus.  To 
cause,  to  loosen,  fee. ;  to  release. 
8&-S)~5)to3  vidichipettu,  To  leave 
off,  to  quit  entirely. 

&&F*£&  vidanadu,  v. a.  To  discharge, 
or  dismiss.  2.  To  abuse  ©&>$  Yif 
dupu,  s.  Quitting,  leaving5  relin- 
quishing, abandoning. 

a2&#_  a£££  viduta,  vidata,  s.  In 
composition.  Time ;  as,  &gae&# 
okaviduta,  Once,  &c 

£^oes?j  vidudala,  ,v-  vide  a&£«y  vida- 

£*&&•»,  a£os*»  videiuu.    vidyamu/s. 

-yicZe  a&cBSsto  vidiyamu. 
a<5£r>tfs*»  vidduramu,   s.    Obstinacy. 

adj>  Obstinate. 
SSo&sfca  vitandamu,    s*    Criticism  ; 

refutation,    subverting  another' 

opinion,    and   establishing   one's 

air0,  a£    vit&,  -vita,    adj.    Useless, 

air0  So  vitaku,  s.  Being  without  mo- 
tion* s«re§o^^b  vitakupadu,  v-  ». 
To  become  motionless, 
a  &tf*w>  vittanamu.,  s.  A  seed." 

©&>  vittu,  s.  A  seed.  v.  a.  To  sow. 
a  ©0-&  vittintsu,  v. Caus.  To  cause 

to  BOW. 

aaSonfc-atfooy  aa©oofc  vidalintsu- 

-  vidaltsu,  vidilintsu,?.  a. To  shake, 
or  beat  out  the  dust  fr©m  any 
thing.  2.  To  reject  with  anger. 

8£e,  a  "3  vidya,  vidde,  s.  Science, 
knowledge,  learning.  2.  A  langu- 
age, or  tongue.  3.  An  art.  4.  Jug- 
gling. &T3r*c§£-  vidyai*thi,a<^'.  De- 
sirous of  acquiring  science,  s.  A. 
student.  aacu^eSo  vidyaladu,  To 
juggle  ;  to  play  tricks  of  legerde- 

a"WVo&>2&  vidvamsudu,  5.  A  learn- 
ed man;  a  man  of  letters, a  pundit. 
a-ar»<^o;6oTr>ex>    vidvamsuralu,    «•    A 

i       learned  woman. 

a  ;& -Vijiu 



S>£jfc»  vidhamu,    s.    Manner?  way> 

mode.  2.  Kind,  sort. 
a#s  vidhava,  s.  A  widow. 
3$  vidhi,    s.  Bramha,  the  creator. 

2.  Destiny,  fate,  luck.  3-  A  sacred 
precept,  act,  or  rite,  prescribed  by 
the  Vedas,  effecting  certain  con- 
sequences. 4.  A  decree,  order,  or 
command.  5.  An  act,  or  action. 
»$o-i&  vidhintsu,    v.  a.    To  order, 

command,  ordain,  or  prescribe. 
Stfg'a  vinakari,  s. Hearing,  listening- 
StfctfSska  vinayamu,  s.  Humility,  sup- 
plication. 2.   Mildness.   3.  Reve- 
rence,   obeisance.    4.    Politeness, 
S^r%  a 73-* tt»  vina,  vinaga,  adfc. With- 
out, except.  STPoooo-db  vinayintsu, 
v-  a.  To  except,  or  excempt. 
apj^rfw  vinasamu,  s.Buin,  destruc- 
tion,  annihilation.  &  Disappear- 
ance, loss. 

S>§,  S£§a  viniki,  vini'kidi,  s.  Hear- 
ing, listening. 
SS^o-'X't&a  viniyogamu-  s>  Giving,  or 
parting  with,  any  thing,  for  a 
consideration,  or  in  expectation  of 
some  advantage. 
£sa  vinu,  s.  The  sky.  p.  a.  To  hear. 
as6nfc-£$g>oa$b,  aso!)0\5b  vinutsu- 
vinipintsu,  vinupintsu,  v.  Caus. 
To  cause  to  hear.  The  two  latter 


forms,  however,  as  well  as  atfss&x , 
£#£>£&  vinavatstsu,  vinabadu, 
Used  impersonally  wTith  the  dative 
case,  denote  to  be  heard-    tt»Sos 

»l)o-£)oSnakuvitripinchindi,I  have 
Ssfc©  vinuti,s- Praise,  commendation- 

S);£8o\fo  vinutintsu,  v. a.  To  praise, 
or  commend. 
a*^r»««5oo  vinodamu,    s.    Eagerness, 

vehemence.  2.  Play,  sport,  pas- 

Sr^x  £#*&»  vinnadanamu,  s.  Sorrow, 
grief,  affliction,  as£s  sr^  vinnabo 
vu.  To  be  sorrowful,  or  afflicted. 

a £^j6sSm  vinnapamu,  s.  vide  &&*-£$ 
s5oo.  vijnapanamu.  atf^Sotfb,  3?^ 
So^Jb  vinnapintsu,  vinnavintsu,  e>. 
a.  To  represent,  address,  or  soli- 
cit ;  to  make  application. 

SfS^eaaka  vinnanamu,  s.  Worth, 
worthiness,  adj.  Worthy. 

©(33^  vinnu,  s>  The  sky. 

»-£8^k5m  viparitamu,  adj.  Contrary 
opposite,  reverse,  inverse. 

5)*^  vippu,  v.  a.  To  untie,  or  loosen- 
adj.  Extensive,  large. 

a^^b  viprudu,  s.  A  brahman. 

Cf  ?  vibhakti,  s.  In  grammar,  The 
case  of  a  noun- 

Sjjr^o-tfo  vibhajintsu,  v.  a.  To  divide, 
share,  or  make  a  partition. 




&##*&>  vibhavamu,  s.  Substance, 
property,  wealth,  riches. 

a^Ksfca  vibhagamu,  s-  Share,  part, 
portion.  a^5\o"-&  vibhagintsu,tf.«. 
To  divide,  or  share. 

Ss5b^  vimars'a,  s.  Inquiry,  investi- 
gation, examination.  Ss&e^o-db 
vimarsintsu,  v.  a.  To  investigate. 

Ssfc^tfako  vimanamu,  s.  A  car,  or 
chariot,  of  the  gods,  sometimes 
serving  as  a  seat  or  throne,  and 
at  others  carrying  them  through 
the  skies  self- directed,  and  self- 
moving.  2.  Any  car,  or  vehicle.3. 
A  horse.  4.  A  palace  ;  the  palace 
of  an  emperor  or  supreme  mo- 

£>cxfc>Qsko  viyyamu,  s.  Connexion  by 
affinity,  or  marriage.  g>cs$e«&Ty*ex> 
viyyapuralu,  s.  The  connexion  of 
mothers-in-law  to   each  other.  & 

OSSOO&S&  viyyankudu,s.  The  con- 
nexion of  fathers-in-law  to  each 
other.  acsScsfcoab  viyyamandu,To 
become  connected,  by  marriage. 

atfK»2&viragabadu,tf.ra.To  be^proud, 
or  arrogant.  StiTCwkxt  viragabatu, 
s.  Pride,  haughtiness. 

aff&tf  viravira,  s.  Heat,  ardour,  in- 
flammation. atfsSsSbsfc  viravirama 
nu,  «.  n.  To  be  inflamed. 

atftfsfea  virasamu,  s.  Kupttire,  or  dis- 
agreement, among  friends. 

»tfs£*xk>  virahamu,  s.  Separation ; 
parting,  especially  of  lovers. 

3-cp!fs$M  viralamu,  s.  A  tax,  or  im- 

S-tr»S>  virali,  s.  The  pain  of  separa- 
tion, from  a  husband,  or  lover. 

88  viri,  s,  A  flower. 

sasS^S,  aezr5^  viribodi,  viriboni,  s. 
A  woman. 

©9osao  viriyu,  v.  n.  To  expand,  or 
blow,  as  a  flower  ;  to  crack,  as 
lime-stone,  when  burnt.  tfe>a8o& 
2S^&  §*";$>  talaviriyabosukonu,  To 
wear  the  hair  all  dishevelled. 

S&7&  virugu,  v.  n.  To  break,  or  be- 
come broken-  2.*  To  be  defeated. 
3.  To  curdle.  &&•&  virutsu,  v.  a. 
To  break,  or  reduce,  to  pieces,  2. 
To  kill,  or  destroy,  as  applied  to 
mercury  when  mixed,  or  amalga- 
mated with  other  medicines.  3. 
To  counteracts  applied  to  poison. 
sa©^6»  virichikattu,  v.  a-  To 
pinion. a tfX5T*&»  viragagottu,  v.  a. 
To  rout,  or  defeat. 

3&>fo2k  virugudu,  s.  A  remedy;  a 
counteracting  remedy. 

a8"*$>s5»  virodhamu,  s.  Enmity, 
animosity.  2.  Opposition,  contra- 
diction. S.  Prevention,  hindrance. 
'  SS"*$o-i5b  virodhintsu,  To  oppose, 
withstand,  or  contradict.  2-  To 
prevent  or  hinder. 




£-&"*"$  virodhi,  s.  An  enemy,  or  op. 

■»e3s>,  Sagaavirrivi,  virrividi,  s.  Ex- 
tent, adj.  Extensive,  large. 

£g£>?6  virrravigu,  v-n.  To  be  puffed 
up  ;  to  be  large,  big,  or  proud. 

Se)S)o^5b  vilapintsu,  v.  n  To  lament  ; 
to  be  in  grief,  or  affliction. 

£e>s>  vilava,  s.  vide  *Se>  vela. 

SaSej^fewr*^,  3wg)<yer*£b  vilavilao^O- 
ttukonu,  vilavilaladu,  y.  w.  To  be 
convulsed,,  or  in  convulsions. 

&o&t*i6»  vilakshanamu,  adj.  Other. 
2.  Unprecedented,  extraordinary. 

Ser*3S<6s>  vilapamu,  s.  Lamentation, 
weeping,  grief,  distress. 

£>er*g>o-i$b  vilapintsu,  v,  n.  vide  &e> 
^o-ifc  vilapintsu. 

Ser*;5sk»  vilasamu,  5.  One  kind  of 
feminine  action,  considered  as 
proceeding  from,  and  indicative 
of  amorous  sentiments ;  change 
of  place>  posture,  gait,  or  look,  on 
the  approach  of  the  lover ;  as, 
hiding  at  his  approach,  assuming 
a  look  of  displeasure,  &c.  2.  Spor;t, 
pastime,  play  ;  especially  amor- 
ous pastime,  dalliance,  wanton- 

ae»i5b  vilntsu,  v.  a.  To  sell. 

sexjsr  viluva,  s~  vide  "Sa  vela- 

&e>  d'jfsSw  villamgamu,  s.  A  claim,  or 
dispute.    SCqOo  oTC^aiT'  sarvavi- 

llangasuddhiga,  Without  any 
the  smallest  claim.  This  is  a 
phrase  in  bills  of  sale,  transfer- 
ring property  without  any  the 
smallest  reservation,  or  future 

Sew,  aewvillu,  vilu,  s.  Making  in  the 
iuflex.  Sing-  SofeS  vinti,  And  in  the 
nom.  plu.  So^b  vindlu,  A  bow. 
SaxD-s^^b  vilukadu,  s.  An  archer, 
aew-cpft  vilurasi,  The  sign  Sagit- 
tarius. sj&(r'Sto  villekkubettu 
To  brace  the  bow.  a^go^ao^ 
villekkndintsu,  To  unbrace  it. 
sxyoStfc  viluvidya,  s.  Archery. 

S)£tfsx»  vivaramu,  5.  Particulars,  de- 
tails ;  explanation,  a  descriptive 
account.  &xdo&  vivarintsu,  v.  a. 
To  particularize  ;  to  describe. 

$  sr»2S}  So3-»£o5m  vivada,  vivadamu,  s. 
A  contest,  dispute,  or  quarrel.  2. 
litigation,  a  lawsuit. 

&*r»^s53a  vivahamu,  s.  A  marriage, 
or  wedding-,  matrimony,  wedlock. 

2)"^§'s5k>  vivekamu,  s.  Discrimination, 
judgment  ;  the  faculty  of  distin- 
guishing things  by  their  proper- 
ties, and  classing  them  according 
to  their  real,  not  apparent,  na- 
ture ;  in  the  Vedanta  system, 
it  is  applied  to  the  power  of  sepa- 
rating Bramha,  or  the  invisible 
spirit,  from  the  ostensible  world; 
truth,  from  untruth  5  or  reality, 




from  illusion.  a^sfoaH-iS-nr6^  vi- 

vekamutetstsukonu,  Oners-self  to 
acquire  this  faculty. 

&"^ §a  viveki,  s.  A  person  who  has 
acquired  it.  &"^8o-i&  vivekintsu, 
To  communicate  to  another  the 
means  of  acquiring  it. 

8  £$£)o-ifo  vivechintsu.  v.  a.  To  exer- 
cise this  faculty  ;  to  discriminate, 
to  distinguish. 

JbtfExSM  visadamu,  adj.  Pure,  clear, 
white  ;  evident,  apparent,  mani- 
fest, atfassw-tk  visadaparratsu, 
v.  a.  To  explain,  make  clear,  or 

s^^jfoo    v  i  s  a  1  a  m  u  ,    adj.  Great, 

stupendous,  large  ;  spacious,  ex- 
tensive, broad. 

a*^Kxw»&3  vises  h  an  amu,  s.  In 
grammar,  An  adjective. 

2)"^sx»5(»  visesbamu,  s.  Distinction, 
diiference.  2.  In  logic,  the  peculiar 
attribute,  predicabile  proprium. 
H:  Any  thing  extraordinary,  or 
unusual.  4.  Detail,  particulars.  5. 
A  charitable,  or  virtuous,  action. 
adj>  Different,  distinct.  2.  Ex- 
traordinary, unusual.  '6.  Much, 
great.  4.   Charitable. 

s"#l\o-&>  viseshintsu,  v.  a.  To  state 

.     in  detail  ;  to  particularize. 

»*^sxei6c»  viseshyamu,s.  In  grammar, 
A  substantive. 

&  #"  j&sjoj  visramamu,  s.  Rest*  repose. 
SfosSw  visvamu,  s.  The  universe,  or 

st'pSA)  visvasamu,  s.  Trath,  faith, 

confidence.  2.  Kindness,  favor. 
«>sx.s5c>3   vishamu,  s.  Poison,   venom, 

virus.  2.  Water. 

2>  &.«&&»  vishayamn,  s.  An  object  of 

sense  ;  as  colour,  form,  flavour, 
odour,  and  sound.  2.An  object 
in  general.  3.  Respect,  relation  • 
in  such  phrases  as,  in,  this  respect, 
in  that  respect.  Postpos.  Respect- 
ing, regarding. 

a^ssfco     yishadamu,    s.     Sadness, 

lowness  of  spirits,  dejection. 

StftfS'fcs,  ££&>£«>  visanakarrra,  visa- 
ed c3 

rukarrra,  s.  A  fan  ;  a  punka. 

stfs'ba  visamu,  s.  vide  ssxjSwvishamu. 

atftfc,  a&tfb  visaru,  visuru,  v.  n.  To 
blow  as  the  wind.  v.  a.  To  fan. 
2.  To  grind.  3.  To  brandish  or 
flourish  about  a  sword,  &c.  4.  To 
shake  or  swing  about  in  the  wind. 
&%&~£o&>  visiriveyu,  To  sling,  or 
throw  from  a  sling. 

a&§b,  s;oc$  visuku,  v  i  s  u  v  u  ,  s- 
Fatigue,  weariness,  tiresomeness- 
v.  n.  To  be  fatigued,  or  tired. 

Sftlo-^b  visikintsu,  v.  a.  To  tire,  or 





a  £9— a  Stf,  a  £-cr°3o  vistari-vistara, 
vistaraku,  s.  A  clish,  or  plate, 
made  of  fresh  green  leaves,  sewn 
or  stitched  together. 

a  tfao-db— a  #Qw,  a  tf6ex>  vistarin- 
tsu-vistarilu,  vistarillu,  0.  n.  To 
extend,  spread  out,  or  expand.  2. 
To  dilate.  The  first  of  these  three 
verbs  is  also  used  in  an  active 
sense,  in  the  two  meanings  al- 
ready given  ;  and,  also  in  that 
sense,  denotes,  to  publish,  or  make 

S"£r°tfs5a>  vistaramu,  s.  Abundance, 
a  great  deal,  plenty.  2.  Diffusion, 
extension,  adj.  Abundant,  much, 
ample,  large,  great. 

a  £>c3e-s5m  vistirnamu,acy.  Expand- 
ed, wide,  great,  large. 

a &>  vistu,  s.  Surprize,  wonder. 

aSro&sfca  vihitamu,  s.  Friendship, 
intimacy,  adj.  Amiable,  friendly, 
intimate.  2.  Proper,  fit. 


a^  vika,  s.  Courage,  boldness. 

aXb  vig'j,  v.  n.  To  retire,  go  back, 

or  retreat.    2.    To  become  large, 

or  big. 
a  3b    vltsu,  ».  n.  vide    a3&  visaru. 

Except  the  active  meaning  No.  2- 
a»3  viti,  s.  Eavage,  plunder. 
a<S«6sfco-a'3&»,  a^sSw    vidiyamu- 

videmu,  vidyamu,.?.  vide  a&csfcsfco 


a^b  Yidu,  s.  A  city.  2-  An  army. 
In  the  former  sense,  it  makes  in 
the  inflex.  Sing.  &a  viti,  «,  a.  To 
quit,  or  relinquish,  v.  n.  To  be 
separated, loosened,  or  unfastened. 

a&>  vldu,  pro.  He,  this  man.  This 
is  the  proximate  demonstrative 
pronoun  of  the  third  person  mas- 

acS^V-fSo  vidkonu,  v.  Comp.  Of  &&> 
vidu,  q.  v.  To  give  up,  leave, 
quit  or  take  leave,  a^^jo^  vi- 
dkolupu,  v.  Comp.  Caus.  To  send 
away,  or  dismiss. 

a&oJsb  vidvadu,  v.  n.  To  be  exchan- 
ged, by  mistake. 

aw  vina,  s.  The  Hindoo  Vina,  or 
lute,  a  fretted  instrument  of  the 
guitar  kind,  usually  having  seven 
wires  or  strings,  and  a  large  gourd 
at  each  end  of  the  finder  board  ; 
the  extent  of  the  instrument  is 
two  octaves  ;  it  is  supposed  to  be 
the  invention  of  Narada  the  son 
of  Bramha,  and  has  many  varie- 
ties enumerated  according  to  the 
number  of  strings,  &o. 

tts  vine,  s.  vide  So  vina.  2.  A  box 

for  musk. 
aHo-3b  -vitentsu,  v.  n.    To  blow  as 

a?,  a  a  vidhi,  vidi,  .?.  A  street.  2.  A 

row  or  line-  3.  A  road. 

a  ifc-Vise 


h&&>  vmulu,  s.  plu.  The  ears.  &$,$> 

,  s'otS  vinulakanti,  s.  lit.  Ear  eyed. 

A  serpent;  because  it  is  supposed 

to__  admit    sounds    through     the 

orifice  of  the  eye. 

S$  vfpu,  s.  The  back.  £>$*&•*?& 
viputsupu,  To  turn  the  back  ;  to 

iDtfrasSw    viranamu,    s.    A  species  of 

&tfsk"^syew    viramaddelalu,    s.     plu. 

Ornaments  for  the  middle  toe. 
§)tf&x>%\?yQ&)    vframushtivandlu,  s. 

#>Zu.  A  particular  cl-ass  of  itinerant 

beggars, who  practise  incantations. 
!)&£&  virudu,  *•  A  hero,  warrior,  or 

champion  ;  a  brave  man. 
Sedfi  yirradi,  s.  A  foolish,   or  silly, 

he$&)   vllpadu,   v.  n.   To   succeed. 

&e>\w-ifc  vilparratsu,  v.  a.  To  cause 

to  succeed;  to, arrange. 
&^tf  vivena,  s,  A  fan. 
£)^s5cw  visamu,  s.  The  sixteenth  part, 

or   fraction,  of  any  thing.    2.   A 

i>3tf  visara,    s.    A  little,   or   small 

bxtivsrs®  visarabovu,  v.  n.  To  begin 

to  spoil. 
fh  vise,  3.    The  weight  termed  a 

a  viss. 



tfv^°o^85oa  vrittantamu,  s.  Tidiugs, 
news,  intelligence.  2.  Detail,  par- 
ticulars. 3.  An  event,    or    occur- 
I  ss\  ©  vritti,  s.  Livelihood,  profession, 

means  of  acquiring  subsistence-  2. 
sjx-qr*,  ss\$    vritha\     vrritha,     adj. 

Yain,  useless,  fruitless,  adv.  In 

ss\%  $otfo»  vnddhatvamu,  5.  Old  age. 

55\T^fios5w  vriddhapyamu,s.  Old  age. 

sS\&  vriddhi,  s.  Increase,  augmen- 
tation, extension,  enlargement.  % 
Prosperity,  success.'  3.  Interest, 
usury ;  especially  returning  the 
principal  with  a  proportionate 
increment,  as  in  the  case  of  seed 
corn  lent. 

tf\2Sb,  #\&>&>  vriddhu,  vrriddhuda, 
s.  An  old  man.  e\  26-0*00  vriddhu- 
ralu,  s.  An  old  woman. 

sTs&.$s5w  vrishabhamu,  s.  A  bull.  2. 
The  sign  Taurus,  adj.  In  composi- 
tion only,Pre-eminent,  excellent. 


•3o?C?>  vengali,  s.  A  foolish,  or  silly, 

■Sofcj  venta,  adv.  With,  along  with, 

in  company  with.  2.  Behind,  after; 

as  regards   situation,   bat  never 





applied  to  time.  "3c&>tfo&o  venta- 
nantu,  To  go  or  follow  close  be- 
hind. -3060  a  do  ventabadu,  To  fol- 
low, or  accompany. 

"3  0*3  venti,  s.  A  straw-rope. 

"3  o  & '"T'obS  ventrakaya,    5.    A  crab. 

"So^^  ventruka,   s, 

A  hair  ;  more 

generally  used   in    the  plural  to 
denote  The  hair  ;  as,   Sotsi.gvo 

ac$q  ventrukaluduvvu,  To  comb 

the  hair. 

"3o  ^ss  ventruva,  s.  A  species  of  the 
muugoose,  or  Yiverra  ichneumon. 

"SoS  vendi,  s.  Silver,  adj.  Silver,  adv. 
Agaio,  once  more. 

"3oSoc6o  vendiyu,  adv.  Again,  once 

-3o*tizr>&    vemparaladu,    v.  n.  To 
.grope  ;  to  search  for. 

%oag  vembadi,  adv.  vide  "3o&  venfca. 
•SoaSoT^b  vembadintsu,  v.  a.  To 
follow,  or  accompany. 

"Sg'k-.tfsfco  vekkasamu,  s.  Dislike,  re- 
pugnance. 2.  Repletion  of  food.  3- 
Severity.  -3s'k_tfs5bag)vekkasamavu, 

v.  n.  To  dislike.  2.  To  be  full  to 
repletiou.  3.  To  be  severe,  or  dis- 

"3§k_Qc-i5b  vekkirintsu,  v. a.  To  mimic, 
jeer,  mock,  ridicule,  or  laugh  at. 
"3§fr-6o3  vekkiriuta,  s.  Mimicry, 
jeering,  ridicule. 

"3  §6-8  vekkili,  s.  v'ide  ^So^-  vekku: 

3§bk-  vekku,  s.  The  hiccup,  or  hic- 
cough, v.  n.  To  hiccup.  '3§(r."3§(r- 
^o&xofc  vekkivekkiyedutsu,  To 
sob,  in  weeping. 

"3X&»  vegatu,  s.  Harshness  of  taste." 
2.  Satiety,  repletion. 

"3Xd&  vegadu,  5.  Being  without  mo- 
tion, 2>  Surprize,  astonishment. 

"3K  as5M  veggalamu,  s.  vide  "3§k_tf  s5w 

■3-^  vetstsa,  s.  Heat.  2.  Fever,  adj- 
Hot.  -t      > 

"3  xS^estfsk),  "3tf\tf  vetstsadanamu, 
vetstsana,  s.  Heat,  warmth.  "3-J5\a 
vetstsani,  adj.  Hot,  warm. 

"3-x5\56»3  vetstsamu,  s.  Expenditure, 
expence.  2.  Purchasing  trifling 
articles  on  credit.  "3-25\-7r°2k  ve- 
tstsag&du,  s.  An  extravagant,  or 
dissipated,  man  ;  a  gallant. 

"3-s^^  vetstsallu,  v.  a.  To  scatter, 
or  cast  about. 

"32»  vedzdzu,  s.  A  physician. 

•§feo  vefcta,  5.  Heat  of  the  body. 

-3*3  vetti,  s»  The  performiug  the 
lowest  village  offices,  such  as 
cooly,  or  porter's,  work  ;  Sealing 
the  grain  heaps,  &c. ,  without 
pay,  in  consideration  of  fees  in 
grain,  or  of  lands  enjoyed  free  of 
assessment.  "sa^a^  vetti  vadu,  A 
man  thus  employed, 




3dotf  vedada,  adj.  Extensive,  large, 
wide.  ^dfei^sSw-Satrskovedadamo 
rnumekamu,  s.  The  lion. 

-£&(x>  vedalu,  v.  n.  To  set  out. 

"3&sx)sg),  "S^  vedalupu,  vedalpu,s- 
Breadth,  adj.  Broad. 

"S&SexDSk  vedaviltudu,  s.  Kama,  the 
Hindoo  Cupid. 

3raKo  venagu>  s.  A  foolish,  or  silly, 

13 £§o,  "3*fc§o  vetaku,  vetuku?  v.  a. 
vide  "3cS§b  vedaku. 

"3*  veda,  s,  The  sowing  of  seed.  2. 
The  rutting  season,  3.  Grief,pain. 
■3 a^aso  vedagorrru,A  sowing  ma- 
chine. srsr0^  vedavu, A  cow  ready 
for  the  bull. 

"3&§c,  3&S0  vedaku,  veduku,  yaJLO 
search,  look,  or  seek  for. 

"Zz-tfoz  vedatsaUu,  v.  a.  vide  "3-s\ex> 

*3<&t5j  veduru,  s.  The  bamboo,  adj. 
Of  or  belonging  to  that  plant.  "3ab 
&z?*ofo  vedurubongu,  s.  A  bam- 
boo pole. 

"3£as.  "3$£TT>ex>  vedhava,  vedhavara 
lu,  s.  A  widow. 

3tf  £  venaka,  postyos.  Behind*  after; 
either  as  refers  to  situation,  or 
time.  s.  Former  times.  •stfg'feSve- 
nakati,  adj.  Former,  previous.  2> 
Subsequent,  following.  ^tfr&j  "3  ' 

tf&k--^^)  venakaku,   venakku- 

bovu,  To  retire  or  withdraw. 
~3tfghcx&)  venakadiyu,  v.  n.  To  draw 
back,  retire,  retreat,  retract,   or 
prevaricate.  -stf^-aSo^   venaka- 

chikku,  To  hang  behind.  "3$£to&i 
venakabadu,  To  fall  behind.  2. 
To  remain  as  a  surplus.  •Stf&^ocSo 
venakaveyu,  To  throw,  or  keep, 
behind.  2.  To  save  a  surplus.  -3^ 
Sojj-owiSb^  venakkuyitstsu,  To  re- 
turn, or  give  back.  "Stfrsfcootf^ 
venakamundavu,  lit.  The  back  to 
be  in  front.  To  be  in  confusion.  2. 
To  be,  as  to  time,  a  little  earlier 
or  later.  "Ssteiftf  venakavena,  s. 
The  back. 

"3^}  "S^^r^  veniia,  vennapusa,  5. 

"3tf^sfca  vennappamu,  V.  A  sort  0% 
sweet  cake. 

"Safc^,  "3;&  vennu,  venu,s.  The  back. 
%  An  ear  of  corn.  "3$\ -Sbx  venni 
tstsu,  To  retire,  or  retreat.  "3^ 
3$Ttf,  "STS^sSxr  vennupusa,  venne- 
muka,  s,  The  back  bone.  "3sfcesXb 
ew-'Ss^^,  •37r^Le&    venudagulu- 

vennadu,  vennadu,  To  follow,  or 
"3afc^)1o,  3«Sn  eas  vennupatte,  ven- 

nubadda,  s.  The  main  and  middle 
beam  of  a  shelving  roof,  support- 
ing those  on  each  side  of  it. 







venneia,  s 


Moonlight.  76 g 


"S"^>  ejTvccco 


gayu,  Moonlight  to  shine. 

"3  owe,  "Scaoveyyi,  \Q\i,numeral  adj. 
fe  s.  A  thousand. 

*3sse  veravari,  s.  A  clever,  skilful, 
or  adroit  person. 

"Stfafi  veravidi,  s.  Contrivance?  ex- 
pedient-, method,  adroitness, 

"38" $  verayu,  s*  Contrivance,  ex- 
pedient, I  method ,  adroitness.  2. 
Skill,  cleverness. 

Sti%  verasi,  s.  The  total,  or  whole. 
adj.  Total,  entire. 

-3es  \erra,  5.  Fear.  -Sestfesifr.  verra 
tsarratsu,  "Sea-rfc,  "3a£»-&  verratsu, 
verrutsu,  i7.  %.  To  fear,  or  be 
af  raid .  "3  es  S>  o3b,  "3  el  a  o  45b  verrapin- 
tsu,  verripintsu,  v.  a. To  frighten, 
or  terrify.  -3-5^,  "Seas^  verrapu, 
verrupu,  *.  Fear. 

"3&5^b  verragu,  5.  Surprize,  astonish- 
ment, wonder.^esJT'cssb  verragon- 
du,  v.  n.  To  be  astonished,  or 

"Ses^ssb,  verrabomma,  s.  A  scare- 
—&  » 

•3^  verri,  adj.  Mad.  2.  Foolish,  sill  v. 

3.  Inferior  in  it's  species,  a.  Mad- 
ness. 2.  Folly. 
"3fe§&$6  verrinilln,  s.  The  liquor  ex- 
tracted  from  the  palmyra*    date, 
or  cocoanut  tree. 

•35;  vela,  s.  Price,  value,  rate. 

"3<yoe-"3e;a,  "3e>2fc§'  velandi-veladi, 
veladuka,  s.  A  woman. 

"3e;s$e>  velapala,  5.  The  outside.  It's 
inflexion  is  "3e;s5feS,  "3ej"£D  velapa- 
ti,  velapali,  Also  used  as  adjec- 
tives, to  denote  Outer,  outside. 

"3ejsSb  velama,  adj.  Of  or  belonging 

to  the  Fellama  caste,  one  of  the 
principal  of  the  Telugu  Sudra 

"3^ce^>e»  velayalu,  s,  A  courtezan, 
or  harlot. 

3e>coco  velayu,  v.  n.  To  be  pleased. 
2.  The  deity  to  vivify  an  idol.  3. 
To  shine,  or  be  splendid.  "Sejcooo 
■i&  velayintsu,  v.  a.  To  render 

~3y~3vzr6$  velavelabovu,  v.  n.  To 
become  pale,  or  stupified. 

■3er°&^  velartsu,  v.  a.  To  lose. 

"3©  veli,  s.  Whitness.  2.  Excommuni- 
cation, or  exclusion,  from  caste. 
adj.  White.  2.  Outer,  outside,  -3 
8-^cfloo  veliveyu,  v.  a.  To  eject,  or 
excommunicate,  from  a  caste,  or 
sect,  "ssr'ek  velikottu,  To  drive 

■3£§eja2&  velikilabadu,  v.  oh  To  re- 
cline,  or  lie  on  the  back. 

"3S-7r°tfsko  veligaramu,  5. Borax,  used 
in  soldering,  and  in  medicine  also 

*3Dtf8  velitsavi,  s.  Adultery. 




"3S©  veliti,  s.    Deficiency.   2.    Vul- 
garity, lowness-  adj.  Inferior,  less. 

Low,  vulgar.  3.    Deficient.   4. 

Open,  having  interstices. 
"3D  8?^  velitippa,  s.  The  paradise  of 

"3S&dS   velimicli,   s.*  The   ashes   of 

dried  dung  cakes. 
"SScsSo  veliyu,  v.  n.  Rain  to  stop.  2. 

Colour  to  fade.    3'    vide,   •a^acco 

velayu,  No.  2. 
"3e)jcn>as  velivada,   s.    A   village   of 

Pariars.  lit'  An  outer   street ;  as 

these     outcasts     dwell     in     the 

suburbs  only. 

"SS"^)  velise,  s.  That  part  of  a  beam 
which  juts  out  beyond  the  wall. 

"Sejo^b  velugu;s. Light,  lustre,  bright- 
ness, shining,  v.  n.  To  shine,  or 
give  light.  "SSfto-xfr,  "Sewfto-vk  veli. 
gintsu,  velugintsu,  v.  a.  To  make} 
or  cause*  to  give  light  ;  to  kindle, 
or  light,  a  flame.  "3e»7fce>a3§ficr<'2& 
velugnlayekimidu,  s.  The  sun. 

•3ex>7&  velugu,  s.  A  hedge. 

•Ssw^baotf  velugubanti,  s.  A  bear 
vide  ^ewrtbr0^  elugugoddu. 

■SswXbir'25a,  "Sew^oT^ca&o  velugura- 
dzu,  velugurayu,  v.  n.  To  become 

*3exs"tfc)  "3e>^  velutsu,  veltstt,  v.  a. 
To  wind  thread. 

■gett&>&,  "Sewtfo  veluturu,  velturu,  s. 

Light,  lustre,  shining. 
*3ew£e>  velupala,   s.  vide  •3e>?3<y  vela- 

"3ewtf£s5we»  veluvadamulu,  s.  plw.A 

sort  of  paddy. 
"Sewss&o  veluvadu,  v.  n.  To  set  out ; 

to  go  out.  -a?x>s$do&  veluvarintsu, 

«'.  a.  To  drive  away. , 
"So    vella,  5.  The  colour  white,  adj. 

•3o"3°j£e>  vellavelakala,  adv9  On  the 

back  ;  by  the  back. 
"3S>  ,  "Sooss  velli,  velluva,  s.  A  flood, 

en  en 

or  inundation  ;a  stream,or;current. 
"a^aaoo&o  velliviriyu,   0.   n.  To  be 

spread  a  broad,  or  become  no- 
"3ex>£>  vellulli,  s.  Garlick. 

CO  c*> 

"S&jg)  velupUj .?.  Breadth.  «c?/.  Broad. 

"3&-an>&  velupati,  <&$.  Broad,  vide 

"32£e»?g)  vedalupu. 
•3  &  vellu,  v.  w.   To  go,  proceed,  or 

depart.  2.  To  flee,  or  run  away. 

-3%)  otfb-"^  "^csfr,  -sr  ^Am  vellin- 

rn  m  en         CO 

tsu- vella  jeyu,  vellagottu,  0.  a.  To 
drive  out,  or  away.  r^^)"Sg  ka- 
dupuvellu,  The  bowels  to  be 
loose,  or  out  of  order.  "S^XSc^ 
vellagakku,  v.  a.  To  vomit.  2.  To 
disgorge,  or  give  back  under  con- 
straint. "3  $s*  •&* 2&  vellanadu,  v.  a- 
To  promise,  or  declare,  publicly 




~3-£<**&tt>  vevyerrnga,  adv.  Sepa- 

-3#  vesa,  s.  Haste,  speed. 

-^tftfsS&a  vesanamu,  s.  vide  ss^tfsks 

•3?S«,  "3 £"5  vesala,  vesale,  s.  A  small 
earthen  pot,  with  a  wide  mouth. 

~i  ve,  acZi.  A  thousand.  2.  Frequent, 
often,  many,  much ;  as  "^sso^eso 
vemarru,  Often  times,  adv.  Quick- 
ly, hastily. 

Ho^ate  vencheyu,  v.n.  To  come,  or 
go?  as  applied  to  the  great  only, 
"io^sg)  venchepu,  s.  Coming,  or 
going,  as  so  applied. 

io^to  vend  ram  u,  s.  The  heat, 
either  of  the  sun,  or  of  any  pun- 
gent taste. 

~£g&  vekati,  s.  Pregnancy,  adj.  Preg- 
nant, as  applied  to  women  only. 

■iS  veki,  s.  Fever. 

a&ss  vekuva,  s.  The  morning,  or 

isbszfoM  vekiivadzamu,  s.  The 
morning  watch  ;  the  dawn  of  day. 

-£k&»  vegamu,  s-  Haste,  quickness, 
speed,  velocity.  %  Violence,  im- 
petuosity, severity,  sudden  im- 
pulse. <7c/j.  Quick,  speedy.  2.  Vio- 
lent, severe,  impetuous,  adv. 
Quickly,  speedily. 

■^AooSb  vegintsu,  v.  n.  To  wake  of 
one's-self;  to  watch  without  sleep-* 


"^5\osg>  vegimpu,   s.    The   ceremony 

performed  on  the  consummation 

of  a  marriage. 
"^AtfaSw  vegiramu,    5.    Haste,  speed, 

•^Tfo  vegu,  s.  Spying,  secretly  prying 

into.  adj.  Of  or  belonging  to  the 

dawn  of  day.   v.  n.  To  dawn.  2. 

To  be  fried.  3-  To  watch  without 


"ifo^^b  vegutsutsc,To  spy.  Ufa 
o»r*&>  vegulavadu,  s.  A  spy. 

"3i&  vetsu,  v%  a-  To  fry,  or  grill.  2- 
vide  £>•&  etsu. 

■^43  veja,  .<?.  Hunting,  the  chase.  2. 
A  sheep,  or  goat,  for  slaughter.  •£ 
teT°&)  vetakaclu,  s.  A  huntsman, 
or  hunter,  "3  &>&£".>,_  vetakukka,  s- 
A  hound,  or  dog  trained  for  the 
chase.  "3~£j-°&>  vefcadu,  To  hunt. 

"ieoo  vetu,  s.  A  blow,  or  stroke.  2. 
The  firing  of  fire  arms.  -3^2^ 
vetladu,  To  fight. 

•^S  vedi,  6-  Heat.  adj.  Hot,  warm. 
-£&-£&£  v,ecjive]pu,  s.  The  sun.  lit. 
The  hot  deity. 

~£&§*v  vedikola,  s,  vide  £}&r*i>  edi- 
fr  61a- 



^2x: -Vela 

"£&Zx)  -vedimi,  s.  Heat,  warmth. 

"^^b  vedu,  v.  a.  To  beg,  pray,  or  so- 
licit. 2.  To  wish,  or  desire.  -£& 
r*s&  vedukonu,  v„  Comp.  To  beg, 
or  solicit,  for  one's-self.    • 

-£ekg  veduka,  s.  A  spectacle,  or 
show.  2.  Pomp.  3.  A  curiosity.  4- 
Eagerness,  adj.  Pompous.  2.  Cu- 
rious. 3-  Pleasant,  amusing, happy, 
pleased.  "^^oS'sS^b  vedukapadu, 
To  be  happy,  or  pleased. 

"^J&S'S'IS  vedukakatte,  s.  A  courte- 
zan ;   an  adulteress. 

"£&$-&*  tk  vedukakadu,  s.  A  gallant, 
or  lover. 

"^Jx  &  venniliu,  s.  Hot  water. 

~i&  veta,  s.  Throwing,  casting.  2.  A 
throw7,  or  cast* 

"^estf  vedana,  s.  Perception,  sensa- 
tion. 2.  Pain,  agony,  distress.  3. 

-^&sSw  vedamu,  s.  Yeda.  The  generic 
term  for  the  sacred  writings,  or 
scriptures,  of  the  Hindoos,  sup- 
posed to  have  been  revealed  by 

"^&efc  veduru,  s.  Madness,  folly,  adj. 

Mad,  foolish. 
-£■$  vena,  adj.  In  composition,  Many; 

as,  "itf"^*x>   v  e  n  a  v  e  1  u  ,    Many 

"£$  vepu,  s.  Frying.  - 

^$J&  vepudu,  5.  A  frying  pan.  adj. 

Fried,  baked,  dressed. 
l§aSbe£»,  -£&»<&*    vemarru,    vemarru, 

adv.  Often,  constantly, 
"^cooveyi, Numeral.  adj.s.A  thousand. 

"^tfsfc,  "^tfxSw  verami,  veramu,  s. 
Natural  enmity,  as  that  of  the  cat 
to  a  mouse,  &c 

"^&  veru,  s.  A  root  in  general. 

~£~6  vere,  adj>  Separate,  different, 
distinct,  other,  another. 

-£<&&  verradi,  s.  Madness.  2.  A  mad 
person,  adj.  Mad. 

H&y-i  verru,  5.  Separation,  division. 
-i&5»££&  verrupadu,  v.  n.  To  be 
separated,  or  divided  ;  especially 
as  applied  to  a  Hindoo  family 
separating,  and  each  member 
,  taking  his  distinct  portion  of  the 
paternal  property,  iie^s  verroka, 
adj.  Another,  other. 

^ejsSw  velamu,  s.  A  sale  by  auction. 

"^£>SX>  velimi,  s.  A  burnt  sacrifice. 

-^ex>  velu,s.  Making  in  the  inflexion. 
Sing-  -£q  veli,  A  finger,  or  toe-  2. 
It  is  also  the  plural  of  ^000  veyi, 
q.v.v.n-To  hang,  or  to  be  suspend- 
ed. ^er°2&  veladu,  v.  n.  To  hang. 
*y,feaafci5"^ex>  botamanavelu,  s.  The 
thumb,  or  great  toe-  ©65"3tf"3e» 
chitikenavelu,  s.  The  little  finger, 
or  toe.  tf&£D"^*yo  nadimivelu,  8. 
The  middle  finger,  or  toe. 



"3  tf afca-Vairamu 

"3ex)-&,  ~£ex>\  velutsu,  veltsu,  v.  a.  To 

offer  up  a  burnt  sacrifice. 
"iex>£),  "^s»j  velupu,  velpu,  5.  A  god, 

or  deity,  adj.   Of  or  belonging  to 

the  deity,  or  to  heaven. 
"^sx^e;^p>s>  velpulasani,  s.    A  female 

fortune  teller. 
H$  vela?  8.  A  time,  period,  or  oppor- 
tunity. -&>  -£$  i  vela,  s.  To-day.  2. 

This  time.  e3  *^f  a  vela,s.  That  day. 

2.  That  time. 
~£v*r§j-»$&»  velakolamu,  s.  Playing, 

jokiDg,  trifling. 
-^a«6  veviilu,  s.  plu.  The  vomiting, 

and  other  signs  of  pregnancy- 
"^zT'sSm  vevudzamu,    s.    vide  "^Sbs- 

zr'iko  vekuvadzamu. 
~£$&>  vevaru,Numeraladj.  &  s.  plu- 

A  thousand  persons. 
~£#?  v  e  s  y  a ,    s.    A  prostitute,  or 

^sIsSm,  ^3sfe>  veshamu,  ve'samu,  5. 

Disguise,  a  mask-  2.  Ornament, 
dress,  decoration. -itxako^octo  ve- 
shamu veyu,  To  put  on  a  disguise- 
^sl-qr»a  veshadhari,  *•  A  person 
in  disguise  ;  a  mask. 

-££?£  veshtuva,  s.  Used  by  the 
Vaishnavas     only,    A    garment. 

"isSo*,  "3?sa  vesangi,  vesavi,  s.  The 
summer,  or  hot  weather.   - 

-SSfco  vesata,  s.  Fatigue.  %  Vexation- 

"^2dos5c»  vesadamu,  s.  A  mule. 

"^^690,  ~£-fr>c&i  vesarru,  vesarru,  v.  n. 

To  be  fatigued,  or  tired.  2-  To  be 
vexed ;  to  fret. 

Hs^oo   vevalu,    s.    ^lu.    vide   "^a& 

veviilu . 

^4>9  vaikhari,s.  Conduct-  2.  Manner. 

"3  -&  vaitsu,  v.  a.  To. throw,  or  flino-. 

^£sy>tfcsSoo  vaiduryamu,  s.  The  lapis 

^3tfos*»  vaidyamu,-  s.  f  Medical  aid, 
advice,  or  prescription.  2.  The 
science  of  medicine. 

13afco£&,  2_25bnb^b  vaidyudu,  vaiddu- 
gudu,  s.  A  physician. 

"3  ■$&*  vainamu,  s.  Detail  ;  parti- 
culars. 21  Convenience.  3.  Affair, 
circumstance.  4.  Cause,  reason. 
5.  Manner,  way. 

•3  i&  vaipu,  s.  A  direction,  side,  or 
quarter.  2.  An  expedient.  3.  Con- 

"3  ^rsssfo),  2.^X5503  vaibhavama,  vai 

bhogamu,    s-  Wealth,    riches.   2. 

■3  tf  6»  vairamu,  5,  Enmity,   hatred, 
hostility.    £tf»-<y<>«$£s5oo,  j^sso© 
vairaniryatanamn,  vairasuddhi,  $. 
Revenge,  retaliation, 

tfessrC-Vyavaha  450 

^TPtfos&u  vairagyamu,  s.  The  abs- 
ence of  worldly  passion,or  desire. 
2.  The  profession  of  religious 

g_ -ct-°s6  vairanu,acy.Desolated,waste, 
depopulated,  ruined, 

2_  o  vairi,  s.  An  enemy-  2,  A  hero. 

;3?s&o  vailamu,  .9.    Haste,  speed. 

3  s!5Js6m  vaishuavamu.  5.  The  sect 
of  Vishnu. 

"3  ?xs&«fo  vaishnavudu,  s.  A  follower 
of  Vishnu,  one  of  his  sect. 

x .-sSk- Vratstsu 

sss&^ti&v  vyabhicharamu,  s.  Pro- 
stitution. 2.  Erring,  straying,  sso 
$-8"6o"tfc  vyabhicharintsuj  To  go 

•setf  s&o  vyarthamu,  adj. Useless,vain, 
fruitless,  uuprofitable,  unmean- 

tfotf-£r*o3Ssk>  vyavasayainu,  s.  Effort, 
industry.  2.  Cultivation.  #e3S>» 
ocssfco^ccfo  vyavasayamucheyu,To 

3Setfsretf*SM  vyavaharamu,  s.  Law- 
suit, litigation. 2. Civil  administra- 
tion,management  of  public  aflairs. 
3.  Usage,  custom.  4.  Profession, 
business.  sfrosss^Qo-ift  vyavaharin- 
tsu,  To  make  use  of.  2.  To  dispute, 
or  litigate.  tfcsssr6tf«fc»^cx&>  vyava 
haramiicheyu,  To  administer,  or 
conduct  public  affairs.    , 


sfotftfsMo  vyasanamu,*.  *Sorrow,griel 
2.  Calamity,  misfortune. 

-sr^tf casks  vyakarariamu,  s.A  gram- 

•5^>c3b<ysS»  vyakulamu,  adj.  Perplex- 
ed, confounded,  bewildered. 

snc^crfsSoa,    -sr-c^   vyakhyanamu, 

vyakhya,  s-  A  comment,  or  gloss; 
explanation,  exposition. 

■5r>og?6c»  vyajamu,  s.  A  pretence.  2, 
Fraud,  deceit,  cunning. 
ese&»  vyajyamu,  5.  A  law-suit* 
dispute,  or  quarrel,  •sr^eos^sb 
vyajyamadu,  To  dispute.  ot*o8»o**» 
&«b^  vyajyamutfrtsu,  To  settle  a 
dispute.  -5r»ceje -§-»£&  vyajyakadu, 
A  quarrelsome,  or  disputing,  man. 

•kpc$  vyadhi,  s.  Sickness,  illness? 
disease,  malady. 

w<^rS85»  vyaparamu,  s.  Trade, 

^{j-  vrakka,  5.  vide  jjr^_  vakka^ 

No  2. 
^§^_€io-t5b  vrakkiliutsu,  v.  a.  vide 

ss 2(j-8ci&  vakkilintsu,   Under.  s$ 

S"$_  vakka. 
^•iSbx  vratstsu,   v.  a.  To  tear  open, 

or  in  pieces. 

r&>j&-&°&>  vr£takadu,  s.  A  scribe, 



^tfri»  vratamu,  s.  Any  meritori- 
ous act  of  devotion ;  the  voluntary 
or  vowed  observance,  or  imposi- 
tion of  any  penance,  austerity, 
or  privation  •,  as  fasting,  conti- 
nence, exposure  to  heat  and  cold, 
<fec,  ST  8  vrati,  s.  One  who  per- 
forms a  ^gafea  vratamu. 

£,dB5ri»  vrayamu,  s.  Expense,  ex- 

^«s3e<yo  vrayyaln,  s.ptu.  Slices,  frag- 
ments, bits,  pieces,  splinters,  <fec. 

^cctxc  vrayyu,  v.  n.  To  be  broken 
in  pieces,  or  bits. 

{js^J  6  vrata,  s.  Writing,  hand-writ - 



^b,vritstsu,$. Excessive  eagerness. 

writer,  or  accountant. 
cjcoo  vrayu,  v.  a.  To  write.  2.  To 

delineate ;  to  draw,  or  paint. 
,-s^  .oooo-ifc  vrayintsu,  v.  Cans.  To 
cause,  or  make,  to  write.  ^^^ 
r°3b  vrasukonu,  v.  Comp.  To  write 
on  one's  own  account,  or  for  one's 
own  benefit. 

•sr*  e»  vralu,  s.  plu.  Letters  of  the 
alphabet.  2.  Writing,  "^.-srvew 
che  vralu,  s.  Signature,  lit.  Hand- 


-£  >**»   vrekamu,   5.    Wonder,  sur- 
prize. 2.  Excess.  3.  Weight,  heavi- 
-£  rtb  vregn,  s.  Weight,  heaviness. 

-£  to  vretu,   *.   A  blow,   vide  "i&o 

^dtfo  vreyu, 

-u.    a.     To  throw,  or 
fling,  vide  "3ccfc>  veyu. 
^er-^o  vreladu,  *.  w.Tobe  suspen- 
ded, or  hanging,  vide  -£v-Zk  ve- 
ladu,  Under,  "ioo  velu. 
■3  ex>  vrela,  v.  «*  &  s.  vide  ^ex> 

^  8j  vrelmidi,a<fo.  In  an  instant; 
Hna.  crack  of  the  fingers. 

*  sa,  The  forty-sixth  letter,  and 
thirty-first  consonant,  in  the  Te- 
ln^u  alphabet.  . 

3-osr  sanka,  s.  Doubt,  uncertainty, 
suspicion.  2.  Fear,  awe,  terror, 
apprehension. #o§£s*»  sankitamu, 
adj.  Alarmed,  frightened. 2.  Doubt- 
ful. 3fo§otf>,  *oS*^  sankmtsu, 
sankapadu,  To  doubt,  hesitate,  or 
suspect.  Vott>*%  _§  ^HfeMnvn- 
tti,  *  *fc:  Dispelling  doubt,  Easing 
nature.  %  Human  excrement. 

«»  s5a»-§abdamu 



#c$)s5a»  sankhamu,  s.  A  conch,  es- 
pecially as  used  by  the  Hincloos 
either  in  libations,  or  when  per- 
forated at  one  end,  as  a  horn.  In 
this  sense  often  written,  ^ospo 
sankhu,  2.  One  of  Onbera's  trea- 
sures. 3.  The  number  formed  by 
the  addition  of  sixteen  cyphers  to 

#"©5»&<nn>&b  s'ambadivadu,  s.  A  fisher- 

^Sb^sSoa  sakunamu,   s.  An  omen,  or  | 
augury,'    especially    as    derived 
from  the  flight  of  birds. 

$  I  sakti,    s.    Power ;  regal  power 

as  resulting  from  majesty,  per- 
severance, and  counsel.  2.  Power, 
strength,  prowess,  force,  ability. 

STcsfca  sakyanra,a$.  Possible,  practi- 

¥l<9  &&  saga,  sagha,  s.  Heat,  either 
internal,  or  external. 

#5£s5w  satamu,  s.  A  hundred,  adj-  A 
hundred.  %  Many. 

«\efc,2&.  *\&y&  satrudu,  s'atruvu,  s. 



An  enemy,,  foe,  or  adversary. 
tf^&QS^  satrutwamu,  s.  Erimi- 
S'tfX'ex)  sanagalu,  s.  plu.  The  pulse 
termed  Chenna,  or  Bengal  horse 
gram.  Cicerarietinum. 

^«^»sabdamu,  s.  Sound  in  general, 
noise.  2-  A  sound  ;    a  word.  3.  A 

voice.  ^g^sS-psfe*  sabdagrahamu, 

The  ear.   #&<?*  $<)&»  s'abdasastra-  / 

ma,  s.  Grammar.  <T£)o-&  sabdintsu, 

v.  n.  To  sound,  or  emit  sound. 

S^tf,  s"  *r   sabbara,  sabhra,  s.  Evil, 

misfortune,  injury,  adj.  Unfortu- 
nate, bad,  wicked. 

■raastf*s»  sayanamu,  s.  Sleep.  2.  A 
bed,  or  couch.  ^ocs3»o-t$b  sayanin- 
tsu,  v.  n.  To  rest,  recline,  or  lie 
down. . 
^oasg  sayya,  s.  A  bed,  couch,  or  sofa- 
S'tfeasSM  saranamu,  s.  A  house.  2. 
Refuge,  asylum.  3.  Protection, 
aid.  4.  Quarter  in  battle. 

S'tfeao  saranu,  s.  vide  $&zz&x  sarana- 
mu, No.  *2.  &.  3. 
#Stf  s*»  sariramu,s.  The  body.  2.  The 

constitution,     temperament,     or 

S'tf^  sarkara,  s.  Sugar.  2.  gravel. 

«"tfk_9ejxfoo    sarkarilamu,    s.    Soil 

abounding  in  gravel. 
&v$)  salavu.  s.  Order,  command.  2. 

Leave,   permission.   3.    Expense, 

#<yc«to»  salyamu,  s.   A  bone.    2.    A 

$vp>  salla,  5.  Muslin  cloth.  2.  Any 


cloth  without  a  border. 
-rsss6»  savamu,  's.  A  corpse,  or  dead 





$  S^s&»  sastramu,  s.  A  weapon,  or 
surgical  instrument,  in  general 
-r  ZiS  abc£fo  Sastravaidyudu,  s.  A 


^oe^s5»,  ^o©  santamu,  santi,s.  Pati- 
ence, endurance ;  meekness,  mild- 
ness, calm,  tranquillity-  The  for- 
mer word  is  also  an  adj.  Patient, 
meek,  mild,  &c 

^sakha,  s.  A  branch.  2. A  bough, 
or  branch,  of  a  tree.  ^^ntfXtfsSw 
sakhanagaramu,  s.  A  suburb,  lit. 
The  branch  of  a  city. 

§r°$£  sata,  s.  Action,  or  deed.^2.  Con- 
duct, behaviour.  3-  A  ceremony 
for  the  dead. 

^  <s-»  sana,  s.  Much,  plenty,  abun- 
dance, a  great  deal.  adj.  Many, 
numerous, very,  long.  adv.  Greatly, 

^•SjsSm  sapamu,  s.  A  curse,  maledic- 
tion, or  imprecation.  2.  An  oath- 
^2>OTk  sapintsu,  v.  a.    To  curse. 

^•2T?3o  sabasu,  inter j.  Bravo  !  ex- 
cellent ! 

j?°e)  sala,  s-  A  hall,  a  chamber.  2.  A 
line,  or  avenue,  of  trees. 

^ooss,  ^exr»  Saluva,  salu,  s,  A  shawl, 
especially  those  from    Cashmere. 

i^o&jSoo  sasvatamu,  adj.  Eternal, 
perpetual.  v#£&&>  sasvatudu,  s. 

^Srfsfeo  sasanamu,.?.  An  order,  edict, 
or  command.  2.  A  royal  grant  of 
land,  or  of  privileges  ;  a  charter, 
&c. ,  usually  inscribed  on  stone, 
or  copper.  3.  A  writing  ;  a  deed, 
a  written  contract,  or  agreement. 

'ytfew  sasalu,  s.  plu.   Grains  of  rice 

mixed  with  turmerick,  &c.  Used 
on  auspicious  occasions. 

y'tfSsfao   sastramu,    s.     Scripture; 

science;  institutes  of  religion,  law, 
or  letters  ;  especially  considered 
as  of  divine  origin,    or  authority. 

§-r°  sika,  s.  A  coining  die  ;  an  im- 
pression ;  a  stamped  coin. 
3 $)#**»  sikharamu,  s.The  point,  top, 

peak,  or  summit  ;  especially  of  a 
tree,  or  mountain. 

s&tfsSoo  sibiramu,  s.  A  camp,  or  en- 

3tf;&K,  stfsfco  sirassu,  siramu,  s.  The 
head.  2.  The  top  of  a  tree.  $tf-£p» 
5S8r»o-t5b  sirasavahintsu,^.  To  car- 
ry on  the  head.  To  obey  implicit- 

$-rr°  sira,  s.  Ink. 

3e>  sila,  5.  A  i  stone. 

Se^sfco  silpamu,  s.  An  art;  any 
manual,  or  mechanical,  art.  3©^, 
Se^^Sb^c  silpi,  silpakarudu.  s. 
An  artisan,  or  mechanic. 



454  $\  01^0  o-Sringario 

$&$  sisuvu,  5.  A  child,   infant,  or 
babe.  2.  The  young  of  any  animal. 

«skc£&  sishyudu,s.  A  disciple,  pupil, 
or  scholar. 

%&.  siksha,  s.  Instruction.  2.  Punish- 
ment, correction,  chastisement.  $ 
<!,&>&}  sikshitudu,  s.  A  learned 
man.  2.  A  man  who  is  punished. 
3Jko-&  sikshintsu,  v.a.To  punish, 

or  chastise.  2.    To  teach,    or  in- 


4  cjxkj6»  SighramU,  s*  Speed,  velo- 
city,expedition,  diligence,  promp- 
titude, haste.  adj.Quick,  speedy. 
adv.  Quickly,  swiftly,  speedily. 

$#sk»  sitamu,  s*  Cold,  chiilness.  adj. 
Cold,  chill. 

$e>s£w  silamu,  s.  Nature?  quality, 
disposition.  2.  Good  conduct, 
steady  observance  of  morals. 

^e>3Soe$$5c»  silavantamu,  adj.  Of  a 
good,  or  amiable    disposition. 

*&G&  suntha,  s.  An  ignorant^  illiter- 
ate, or  stupid,  person" 

^s5m  suddhamu,(Xc?/.Pure,  purified, 
clean  cleansed.  2.  Faultless,  cor- 
rect. 3.  Entire,  complete,  s.  The 
bright   lunar   fortnight.     #o£o7r> 

suddhanga,  adv.  Entirely,  wholly, 
completely,  perfectly. 

*&a  Suddhi,  s.  Purity,  purification, 

^j&o  subhamu,  s.  Welfare,  happi- 
ness,good  fortune.  2.  Any  auspici- 
ous ceremony,  adj.  Happy,  well, 
right,  fortunate,  auspicious,  pros- 

&>"  $\  sfc»  subhramu,  adj.  White-  2* 
Pure,  clean,  s.  The  colour  white. 
2.  Purity,  cleanliness.  &i^o&&> 
subhramsudu,  s>  The  moon;  from 
her  white  rays. 

nfr*&&>  siirudu,  s.  A  hero.  ^^a» 
Suratvamu,  $.  Prowess,  heroism, 

^r>ei  sula,  s.  Pain,  ache- 

$\  oTftfs**  sringaramu,  *  The  pas- 
sion, or  sentiment  of  love  ;  as  an 
object  of  poetical  description,  or 
dramatic  representation. 2. Beauty. 
3.  Ornament,decoration,  embellish- 
ment. ^xot^Sss©  sringaravati,  A 
female  ;  as  being  ornamented. 

s\q-7t*8o-Sq  sringarintsu,  v.  a,  To 
adorn,  or  decorate. 

#\oTr>eo  ■&>£"•;&  sringarintsukonu,  v. 
Comp.  To  adorn,or  decorate  one's 
own  person. 






**£$  sepu,  s.  Time,  period, 
"f  sixfco   seshamu,,  s.  The  remainder, 
rest,  or  residue, 

1      ■ 


"J_efcs5w  saityamu,  adj.  Cold,  fresli. 

5.  A  cold, 
^sssfco  saivamu,  &•.  The  sect  of  Siva. 

adj.  Of  or  belonging  to  that  sect, 

or  deity. 


S'Vafca    sokamu,  s.    Grief,   sorrow, 

$*$Xi6to  sodhanamu,  s.  Search, 

examination,  research.  2.  Refining, 
$*§o-&  sodhintsu,  v.  a.  To  search, 

or  examine.  2.  To  try.  3.  Ta 
refine,  or  cleanse. 

f*^So^o  sodhakudu,  s.  An  examiner, 
critic,  or  visitor  ;  scrutator. 

•T^tfsSoo  sobhanamu,  $.  The  con- 
summation of  a  marriage.  2.  The 
ceremony  on  that  occasion,  adj. 
Propitious,  splendid,  auspicious. 

•S^o-ik— <T*$,ex>,  -r^exD  sobhintsu-s'o- 
bhilu,  sobhillu,  v.  n.  To  shine,  to 
be  splendid. 

•T5^  Sosha,  s.  Fainting  from  weak- 
ness, ^sj^jg)  soshabovu,  v.  n.  To 

^°^gs!boSauryamu,s. Strength,  powers 
heroism,  valour,  prowess.. 

sf^tfsSoo  smasanamu,  s.  A  cemetery  ? 
or  place  where  dead  bodies  are 
burnt,  or  buried. 


.•rssraddha,    s.    Faith,   belief, 
,    devotion,    confidence.    2.    Wish, 

desire,  strong  inclination. 
.<T  tt*$o$)  sraddhaluvu,  s.  A  woman 
longing    for    any    thing  ;    as   in 
pregnancy,  adj.    Faithful,  believ- 
ing. 2.    Desirous. 

<S\5&,  ^ribsfco  srama,  sramamu,  s. 
Labour,  toil,  fatigue,  weariness, 
difficulty,  trouble,  distress. 

'  &°j£  &x>  sraddliamu,  5.  A  funeral 
ceremony,  observed  at  various 
fixed  periods,  and  for  different 
purposes,  consisting  of  offerings 
with  water  and  fire,  to  the  gods, 
and  manes  ;  and  gifts  and  food  to- 
the  relations  present,  and  assisting 
brahmans.  It  is  especially  perform, 
ed  for  a  parent  recently  decease^, 
or  for  three  paternal  ancestors,  or 
for  all  ancestors  collectively,  ariC[ 
is  supposed  necessary  to  secllre 
the  ascent  and  residence  of  ±\ie 
souls  of  the  deceased,  in  a  wor]^ 
appropriated  to  the  manes. 




£  s'ri,  s.  Lakshmi,  the  goddess  of 
riches,  plenty,  and  prosperity, 
and  wife  of  Vishnu. 


^cb&k*»,  ^oss&^s'reyamu,  sreyassu, 
s.  Virtue,  or  moral  merit.  2.  Final 
beatitude,  the  delivery  of  the  soul 
from  body,  and  it's  exemption 
from  further  transmigration.  3. 
Good  fortune,  prosperity.  ' 

,*f  ,^s5x  sreshthamu,  adi\  Best,  most 
excellent,  pre-eminent. 


-rVafea  slokamu,  s.  A  verse,  or  stanza- 
2.  Fame,  celebrity, 

&.  sha,  The  forty-seventh  letter,  and 
thirty-second  consonant,  in  the 
Telugu  alphabet. 

&.&Sbek  shaddakudu,  s.  vide  %&&&> 

s^lx  shashti,  s.  &  adj.  Sixty. 

slsxsdao  shashihamu,  arf?'.  Sixth. 

To  * 

tf  sa,  the  forty-eighth  letter,  and 
thirty-third  consonant,  in  the 
Telugu  alphabet.  It  is  substituted 

for   initial   -C   cha,   when   words, 
beginning    with  -0"  cha,   are    pre- 
ceded by  nouns  in  the  nominative 
case,  even  when  used  accusatively, 
or  by  any  part  of  the  verb  endiug 
in  &>,  du,  ab  du,  and  a  di,  or  by 
the  words  ts^^o,  q$*&  appudu, 
ippudu,  and  ^^^.  eppudu, 
tfo    sam,    particle    in    composition 
only,    with,   together   with,  &c, 
Being     the     optional     form     of 
writing.  $&  sam. 

7$og&>&K>  sankatamu,  s.  /Trouble* 
misfortune.  2.  Difficulty.  3.  Ill- 
ness, indisposition,  pain.  adj. 
Narrow,  contracted. 

Sorts  sankati,  5.  A  sort  of  coarse 

tfoStfsfoo  sankaramu,  s.  Sweepings, 
dust.  2-  Mixing,  blending.  3.  A 
mixed  caste,  or  race-,  one  proceed- 
ing from  promiscuous  intercourse. 

SSo§oe>sko  sankulamu,  adj.  Confused, 
crowded,  impervious.  2.  Inconsis- 
tent, contradictory. 

#o"§<y  sankela,  s.  A  fetter,  or  iron. 

tfo"§a-»-cf!6M  sankochamu,  s>  Shrivell- 
ing up,  contracting.  2.  Hesitation, 
timidity,  modesty,  tfor^o-ift  san. 
kochintsu,  v.  a*  To  Shrivel  up,  or 
contract.  2-  To  hesitate,  &c. 




»o^-s-^o8,  So^sfcosSw  sankranti, 
sankramanamu,  s.  The  actual  pass- 
age of  the  sun,  or  other  planetary- 
body,  from  one  sign  of  the  zodiac, 
into  another. 

So$>e  sankhya,  -s.  Number  in  gene- 
ral. 2.  A  number,  or  numeral.  3. 

-£oK&*Joa  sangadamu,  5.  Help,  assist- 
ance, aid. 

SoXS  sangadi,  *.  A  kind  of  boat, 
constructed  of  two  trunks  of  the 
palmyra  tree,  hollowed  out.  2. 
Friendship.  3.  A  friend. 

£o?0  sangati,  s.  Association,  union. 
2.  Subject,  matter,  affair,  business, 
circumstance,  occurrence,contents 
of  a  writing. 

•£oXafc*5»  sangamamu,    s>    Meeting* 

union,  junction,    association.    2. 

Copulation,  coition.  3.  Confluence, 

as  of  rivers.  4.  The  adaptation  of 

two  things  to  each  other. 
SoKsba  sangamu,  s.  Union,  junction, 

*£oXSifeo  sangaramu,  s.  War.  battle, 

combat.  2»  Promise,  assent. 
-(Oott»£,  Sotv°8  sangadi,    sangati,   s. 

A  friend,  companion,  or  comrade. 
-(Ooft#*s»i  sangitamu,  s.  Vocal  music; 

a  song,  singing. 
So'?kr'&   sangoru,   s.  Half  of  the 

whole  produce  of  the  crop. 

So  Xsfr'sfco  sangrahamu,  s.  Collection, 
acquisition,  amassing.   2.    Compi- 
Abridgment.  4.  Taking, 


lation.  3 

sangrahintsu,To  acquire,or  amass. 
So^Tr0  jfcsfcw  sangramamu,    s.    War? 

battle,  combat. 
So«fc*ko  sanghamu,    s.  A  multitude, 

or  number  of  living  beings. 
?5c$bn»^«6a>  sanghatamu,   s.    A  flock, 

multitude,  heap,  or  quantity. 
So-CStfcjg)  santsakaruvu,  s.  Earnest 

tfonyffttcw  sanch£ramu,s.  Traversing, 

wandering,     roaming.      So-tfeotf) 

sancharintsu,  v.  n.  To  wander,  or 

roam  about. 
So©,  Sol)  sanchi,  sanchi,  s.  A  purse, 

or  bag. 
So  OS',  So-Sfl  sanchika,    sanchike,  s. 

A   section,    or   part    of  a    book, 

written  on  palmyra  leaves. 
So-tfb  santsu,  s.  Knowledge  of  finesse, 

or  niceties. 
Sees  sandza,  5.  Twilight,  evening. 

tfoss  sanjna,  5.  A  gesture,  token,  or 

sign.  2.  The  technical  name  of  any 

affix,  in  grammar. 

•£o£  santa,  s.  A  fair,  or  market  day. 

J  SosJS'****  santakamu,  s.  Signature. 

Soc^sfoo    santatamu,   adv.    Always' 

constantly,  aternalty. 





Xo&Q  santati.  5.  Race,  lineage.  2. 
Offspring,  progeny,  issue. 

3oe££  santana,  s.  Agreement  or  con- 
cordance^. Obtaining,  procuring. 
3.  Joining,  junction. 

•^o&Qo-tk  santarintsu,  v.  a.  To 
nourish,  or  feed. 

tSo'S s5s-^santarparia,«v-Tlie  ceremony 
of  feeding  brahmans. 

tfo^SsScw,  £o&*£&>*  santasamu,  san- 
tosamu,  s.  vide  $o&^&.&x>  santo- 

•^o'e^^sfea  santanamu,  5.  Offspring, 
progeny,  issue.  2.  Race,  lineage. 

tf0€3"°aSsfca  santapamu,s.  Heat,  burn- 
ing heat ;  torment,  pain,  dis- 
tress, tfo'sr'ibo-ik  santapintsu,  To 
be  afflicted,  or  be  in  distress. 

tfo&>  santu,  s.  vide  tfo^r*tf?6ao  santa- 
namu, No.  1. 

#0  £**&.«$»  santoshamu,  s.  Joy,  de- 
light, pleasure,  satisfaction,  happi- 
ness, gladness.  ^cxS^Sxo-tk?  ZoS* 
gxew  santoshintsu,  santoshillu,  v. 
n-  To  rejoice,  to  be  pleased,  glad, 
delighted,  or  happy.  j5o&>sxkx» 
santu  shtamu,  adj.  Delighted, 
pleased,  satisfied. 

#oS&  sandadi,  s.  Noise,  clamour, 
To  make  a  noise. 

tfotf^AxSoo  sandarbhamu,  s.  Conveni- 
ence. 2.  Opportunity.  3.  Occur- 

?So &#£-#**»  sandarsanamu,  s  Look- 
ing, seeing.  tfocSSsrosSb  sandar- 
Sintsu,  v.  a.  To  Look,  or  see. 

SoaKsSoa  sandigdhamn,  adj.  Doubt- 
ed, questioned,  s.  Doubt. 

7$oQa&z&>  sandiyamu,  s.  vide  3ot§s$* 
a6oo  sandehamu. 

tfoaS  sandili,  s.  Making  in  the  in- 
flex.  Sing.  Either  j5o&*5,  tfo©8 
sanditi,  sandili,  The  arm,  from  the 
shoulder  to  the  elbow. 

tfoaStf o£  sandilidanda,  s.  An  orna- 
ment worn  upon  the  shoulder,  or 
upper  part  of  the  arm. 

#o*fc  sandu,  s.  A  lane,  or  narrow- 
street.  %  A  cleft,  or  opening.  3. 
An  intermediate  space  of  time.  4. 
A  direction,  side,  or  quarter.  5. 
An  opportunity. 

-£ O83o a Tfo ex>,  tfo2kfc"°ft3o  sandudagulu 
sadugottu,  v.  n.  Evil  spirits  to 
affect  children. 

-joo'^S'aSao  sandesamu,  s.  News,  ti- 
dings, information  ;  sl  message. 

-£o~&&*iSto  sandehamu,  s.  Doubt,  un- 
certainty, scruple,  hesitation,  sus- 
picion. ;5o"^2^>o-sfc  sandehintsu,  v. 
n.  To  doubt,  hesitate,  or  suspect. 

^o^Kfoo  sandramu,  s.  vide  tfs$w  *  ;6*> 

i>  o^^-Sampanna 



^o-qr^sfeo  sandhanamu,  s.  Mixing, 
joining.  2.  Combination,  associa- 
tion, intimate  union.  tfo-qr»»o-& 
sandhanintsu,  v.  a-  To  join,  or 
unite.  jSo-i?-«>s>^sS»  sandhanitamu, 
adj.  United,  bound. 

*<oo$  sandhi,  s.  Union,  junction,  con- 
nexion, combination.  2.  Peace, 
making  peace,  pacification.  3.  A 
hole,  or  chasm-  4.  A  hole  made  in 
a  wall,  or  underneath  it,  for  hos- 
tile, or  felonious  purposes.  5.  The 
union  of  letters,  to  avoid  disso- 
nance, or  hiatus. 

3o§o-&  sandhintsu,  v.  a.  To  join,  or 
uni  te.  2.  To  fix,  or  place  ;  as  an 
arrow  on  the  bow.  v.  n.  To  meet. 
tfo9e£s5w  sandhitamu,  adj.  Joined, 
fastened,  tied. 

tfo#e  sandhya,  s.  Twilight.  2.  The 
daily  prayers  and  ceremonies  of 
the  first  three  pure  Hindoo  tribes, 
especially  of  the  brahmans.  Zo$* 

■sr-eox  sandhyavartsn,  To  perform 
these  ceremonies. 

tfo*£  8-tfos5&>,  XoZ£  sampatti,  sam- 
pattu,  sampada,  s-  Success,  pros- 
perity ;  increase  of  wealth,  power? 
or  happiness. 

tfotf^sfco  sampannamu,  adj.  Accom- 
plished, completed,  effected,  ob- 
tained. 2.  Prosperous,  fortunate, 
thriving,  happy. 

?So-a-*ao-tfb  sampadintsu,  v.  a.  To  pro- 
cure, obtain,  acquire,  get,  or  earn* 
$o-ir>&tf,  sSo-2r>£<?35oo  sampadana? 

sampadyamu,  s. Acquisition  ;  earn- 

^o^wr^  sampurnamu,  adj.  Com- 
plete, finished,  whole,  entire. 

tfoc«a.d  samprati,  .?.  A  person  who 
aids  a  village  Curnum. 

rSo  s5  -5T°c*6<6do  sampradayamujs.  Tra- 
ditional doctrine  ;  what  has  been 
transmitted  from  one  teacher  to 
another,  and  is  established  as  of 
sacred  authority.  2.  Usage,  custom. 

tfQ£>c$s5o>  sambandhamu,  s.  Connexi- 
on, relation  ;  affinity  either  natu- 
ral, or  essential. 

tfo^tfsSaa  sambaramu,  s.  A  festival. 
2.  Joy. 

*£oa?<aao  sambalamu,  s.  Wages,  sala- 
ry, hire. 

rSosrtib  sambaru,  s.  Spicery. 

jSo"$s*?g>ex>  sambavulu,  s.  plit.  A  parti- 
cular species  of  paddy. 

tfo;?r^s*x>  sambhavamu,  s.  Birth, 
production.  2.  Cause,  origin.  g0^r 
So-db-JSo^rSex),  tfo^r&ex)  sambha- 
vintsu,  sambhavillu,  sambhavilu, 
v.  n.  To  be  born.  2  To  happen,  or 

tfo^SsSao  sainbharamu,  5.  Provision.; 
preparation;  getting  every  thing- 
ready,  or  complete. 



i>  3  8  o  •sfc-Sakilintsu 

^o^ptftf  sambhavana,   s.    Honor.   2. 
A  present,  or  reward,  tfo^ao-tf* 

sambhavintsu,    To  honor,    to  re- 
-£o3r>sx.ff»SM  sambhashariamu,  s.  Con- 
versation, discourse  So^sx^^obSo 
sambha^hauacheyu,  To  converse, 
or  associate  with. 
•^o^X6»   sambhogamu,    5.    Enjoy- 
ment, pleasare,  delight.   2.  Copu- 
lation,   coition.  So^fto-ab,  So^K 
jA»"^cflfo   sambhogintsu,  sambho- 
gamucheyu,  v.  a.  To  copulate. 
So.^sSatfoa  sambhramamu,  s.    Fear, 
terror.    2.   Flurry,    confusion.    3. 
Honor,  respect.  4.  Joy,  pleasure. 
5.  Grandeur.  %otf)'&>o-&  sambhra- 
mintsa,  v.  n.  To  be  elated, 
tfocfl&a  tfrix>,  ^ooo&a^sfea  samyuktamu, 
samyutama,    adj.     Compounded, 
united,  joined,   annexed.  2.    En- 
dowed with,  possessed  of. 
-$oS>^>Xt5x>  samyogamu,  3.  Intimate 

union,  or  association. 
*£ocw>cK)o&  sanyyibuddi,  s.    An  ink 

tfoffeur*  samrakshana,  -s.  Support, 
maintenance*  nourishment.  £otf 
JLo-tfb  samrakshmtsu,p.  a.  To  sup- 
port, nourish,  cherish,  or  maintain. 
«£©3$d\tfs6<M  samvatsaramu,  s-  A  year. 
»os5^xT^a  samvatsaradi,  s.  The 
new  year's  day. 


-joowss5<»  samvadamu,  s.  Communi- 
cation of  intelligence,  or   news 
tfo«r,ao'&  samvadintsu,  To  com- 
municate, or  talk. 

-o>o$fcB&s5»>  samsayamu,  s.  Doubt,  un- 
certainly, scruple,  suspicion.  So 
tfooocAfc  samsayintsu,  To  doubt,  or 

-£o**tf36:»,  tSoX\&  samsaramu,  samsri- 
ti,  s.  A  family.  2.  A  wife,  tfoi^a 
samsari,  s.  A  man  who  has  a  fa- 

-(OoSjy-  \&  **»samskritamu,a/.  Wrought, 
artificially  made.  2.  Finished.  3. 
Adorned.  4.  Excellent,  best.  5. 
Prepared,  s.  Language  gramati- 
cally  correct;  the  Sanskrit  tongue. 

foo-^r'tfska  samsthanamu,  s.  A  large 

hereditary  landed  estate. 
tfosr6tf**»samharamu,  s.  Destruction, 

annihilation,  killing.  2.  The  end 
of  the  world,  tfoss^eo-tfc  samharin- 
tsa,  p.  a.  To  kill,  destroy  or  anni- 

«£oli\*£tfw  samkshepamu,s.  Abbrevi- 
ation, abridgement,  adj.  Abridg- 
ed. rSo^Jio^  sankshepintsu.  v.  a. 
To  shorten,  or  abridge. 

•jSSwtfoo  sakalamu,  adj.  All,  entire, 
whole,  s.  The  aggregate, or  whole. 

-£§©o-&  sakilintsu,  v.  n.  To  neigh. 
3§8o£  sakilinta,  s.  A  neigh,  neigh- 




-£?p,  tfSoss  sakhi,  sakiya,  5.  A  wo- 
man's female   friend,  a  confidant. 

3ap>2&  sakhudu,  s.  A  friend. 

-£$>cs$do  sakhyamu,  s.  Friendship. 

■£K&»,  3Xb&»  sagatu,  sagutu,  5.  vide 
3§b&x>  sakutu. 

ZK&x>  sagamu,  s.  The  half;  a  moiety. 

#Kb  saggu,  v.  n.  To  be  degraded. 
2.  To  grow  feeble-  3.  To  be  dimi- 
nished, or  decreased. 

j5zj  sadzdza,  5.  A  bed,  or  couch. 

Z?*°x>  sadzdzalu,  s.  plu.  The  grain 
termed  Holcus  spicatus.  vide  Xo 
1aex>  gantelu. 

■^zf-g^tfrico  sadzdzakaramu,  s.  Resin 
in  general.  2.  The  resin,  or  exu- 
dation, of  the  Sal  tree. 

-£&  sata,  s.  An  untruth,  or  lie.  ad?'. 
False,  untrue. 

-$&°x>  sadalu,  v.  n.  To  become  slack, 
or  loose.  2.  To  be  degraded,  or 

-£&  sadi,  s-  Noise,  clamour.  2-  No- 
S5o-2b  sadintsu,  v.  a.  To  pound,  or 
beat,  rice,  so  as  to  deprive  it  of 
it's  husk.  2.  To  beat.  -£Sojg)£w 
sadimpulu,  5.  plu.  Rice  beaten  as 

•<o&>fibyo  sadugulu,  s.  plu.  The  joints 
of  the  hip. 

-£2S*  sadda,  s.  Regard,  esteem,  honor. 
*££"3otfx>  saddacheyu,  v.  a.  To  es- 

teem,    regard,  honor,   respect,  or 

care  for. 
-£2SSb2k  saddakudu,  s.The  husbands 

of  two  sisters  stand  to  each  other 

in  the  relation  defined    by  this 

•{oreorto  sariugu,  v.  n    To  grumble,  or 

-£<>r  sat,  adj.  In  composition  only, 

Good,    virtuous  ;    as    js«r,>   tfos*» 

satkaryamu,  A  good  or  virtuous 

%&  sata,  s.  The  number  seven,  as 
applied  to  dice. 

■££*»  satamu,  adj.  Eternal.  2.  Cer- 
tain, permanent. 

•£$  sati,  s.  Parvati.  2.  A  virtuous  wo- 
man. 3.  A  woman  in  general. 

X  &  satta,  s.  Juice,  sap,  essence-  2. 
Result,  effect,  use.  3.  Power,  abi- 

■£  ©  satti,  s.  vide  &  §  sakti. 

-£e&  sattu,  s.  Being,  existence,  adj. 

Excellent,  good,  virtuous. 
-£&>  sattu,  s.  Pewter.  2.    Sediment* 

£&>;$,    #«&>;*    sattuvu,    sattuva,    s. 

Strength,  force,  capability. 
•jjI^dsSx)   satyamu,   s.    Truth.    2.    An 

oath.  3£o3-tf;6o2k>satyavachasudu, 

s.  A  sage,  saint,  or  seer. 




*£^**h,  r$  ^Qako  satramu,  sattramu, 
s.  A  sacrifice.  2.  A  choultry,  or 
halting  house  for  travellers.  #  & 

^o  satrasala,  s.    A   choultry   in 

which  food  is  daily  distributed  m 
^Ss&esowa^ccSi   sadamadambucheytt, 

v*  a-  To    kill,  murder,  or  assassi- 
^£S5lr»sadarahi,ac?y.  Beforemention- 

ed,  aforesaid. 
-£cr>  sad  a,  ado.  Always,  at  all  times. 

$-gt>k®  sadagati,  s.  The  wind. 
^J5b  saddu,  s.  Sound,  noise,    inter j. 

Hush  !  silence  ! 
^-qr>o  sadhya,  adv.  At   this  present 

instant ;  at  present. 
•$c$Xod  sanagalu,  s.  jplu.  vide  tf^Koo 

^\  sa,nrm,s.vide  tfcsi  sanjna,  No.l. 

^>tf\  sanna,  adj.  vide  skTn&m.  sanna 
mu.  -$tf\  tfr*«x>ssd&§b  sannanuhwa- 
duku,  lit.  To  spin  thin  threads. 
To  become  lean. 

^tf^tfa  sannadu,  s-.  A  written  order, 
deed,  or  grant. 

<$$\&x>  sannainu,  s.  Thinness,  lean- 
ness. 2.  Fineness.  3.  Smallness. 
adj.  Thin,  lean.  2.  Fine.  3.  Small, 
little,  narrow.  cStf^ftoafo,  tftf^  *ew 
sannagintsu,  sannagilu,  v.  n.  To 
grow  thin,  or  emaciated  •,  to  be 

^P^L^tfcu  sannahamu,   s.    Armour, 

mail,  accoutrements.  2.  Prepara- 

"e^^ew  sannikallu,  s.  A  stone  on 
which  articles  are  bruised. 

•jS^Tptfrfoo,  ^n^  sannidhanamu, 
sannidhi,  s.  Presence.  2  Proximi- 
ty. 3.  Appearance,  perceptibility. 

it^ir*  & &x>  sannipatamu,  s.  A  mor- 
bid state  of  the  three  humours. 

*(0-jr»N  ofo  sanyasi,  s.  A  Sanyasi,  or 
brahman  in  the  fourth  prescribed 
stage  of  life  ;  that  of  the  religious 

♦£Ar^tfsfc»  sanmanamu,  $.  Homage, 
honor,  politeness.  #-sr>o>o-i$b  sa- 
nmanintsu,  To  honor,  or  pay  re- 
spect to. 

-£sSvk5c»  sappamu,  s.  vide  s.  «Stf\**» 

~£k\o?&>  sabbandu,  s.  Abuse,  of  the 
vilest  or  most  obscene  kind- 

-$zx)s  sabbu,  s.  Soap. 

*<o^v€)cs6e3ifc»  sabbubiyyamu,  s.  Sago. 

-£$  sabha,  s.  An  assembly,  or  meet- 
ing. 2.  A  house.  3.  A  royal  court  ; 
an  assembly  of  wise  and  learned 
men.  3^#«k2&>,  $$&>&>  sabhasa- 
dudti,  sabhikudu,  s.  One  of  a  com- 
pany, or  assembly.  7$ip£r*&>  «a- 
bhakiidu,  An  assembly  to  collect. 

is&  tf-Samarta 



or  meet,  #$fSr»«b^sabhakurtsu,  To 
assemble  a  meeting,  -^^e^onfc 
sabhakurpintsu,  v.  Caus.  To  cause 
a  meeting  to  be  assembled.  3 #80 
2&  sabhyudu,  5.  One  who  is  fit  for 
an  assembly. 

•£skSfcx>  samakattu,  v>  a.  To  prepare, 
to  put  in  array,  to  keep  in 

3s&§cp>2k,  SsfcSj^tfb  samakudu,   sama- 

kuru,  v.  n.  To  conspire,  coincide, 
or  agree.  2.  To  succeed.  3.  To 
happen,  or  occur.  jSskgro&N  sama- 
kurtsu,  v,  a  To  cause  to  agree, 
or  coincide,  succeed,  or  happen. 

SsksSw  samamu,  adj.  Like,  similar. 
2-  Equal.  3.  Equable,  uniform. 
#sSojtoo^cecosainamucheyu,To  level, 
or  equalize.  tfsfc&j^aSoa  samachi- 
ttamu,  s.  An  equable  temper. 

tfsfcaflbs&o  samayamu,  s.  A  time,  or 
opportunity;  season  fit,  or  proper 
time  for  any  thing.  2.  Leisure. 
3.  An  oath.  4.  A  confederation, 
or  engagement. 

tf 3k 35bo  samayu,  v.  n.  To  die,  or 
expire.  2.  To  be  diminished,  ex- 
pended, or  worn  out.  £K»a»o-t5b 
samayintsu,  v.  a.  To  kill.  2.  To 
wear  out. 

-^sSbtfsfco  samaramu,  s.  Battle,  war, 
combat,  conflict. 

•£sk j£  samarta,  *.  The  first  appear- 
ance of  the  menses. 

•£sfetf  rix>  samarthamu,  adj.  Powerful, 
strong.  2.  Able,  capable.  3.  Per- 
fectly versed  in,  or  master  of. 

*£s5o_gsSx>  samastamu,  adj.  All,  whole, 

entire,  complete.    2.    Compound, 
•£ssb&si»,     tfsfc&sSbafco    samakshamu* 

samakshamamu,  s.  Presence,  sight. 
adv.  Before,  in  presence,  or  in 
sight  of. 

•(OsSr*^  samakhya,  s.  Fame,  reputa- 
tion.2.  Confederation,  convention. 

£8£n>^tfs5oa  sarnacharamu,  s.  News, 

tidings,  intelligence,  information. 
2.  A  message.  3   An  occurrence. 

Ss5b^aa6oo  samajamu,  5.  A  crowd,  flock 
or  multitude. 

tf3j*-^-*tf»cx>  samadhanamu,  s.  Con- 
ciliation, agreement,  consent.  2. 
Tranquillity,  peace.  3.  Reconcil- 
ing differences. 

tfs5o-$  samadhi,  s.  Deep  meditation, 
restraining  the  senses  and  confin- 
ing the  mind  to  contemplation  on 
the  true  nature  of  the  spirit.  2. 
Reconciling  differences-  3.  Perse- 
verance in  a  difficult  undertaking. 
4.  A  grave,  or  tomb 

2s5cp>tf26»3  samanamu,  adj.  Like,  simi- 
lar. 2.  Equal,  s.  One  of  the  vital 
airs  supposed  by  the  Hindoos  to 
exist  m  the  human  hody  ;  it's 
place  is  supposed  to  be  near  the 
navel,  and  it  is  considered  essen- 
tial to  digestion. 




3s£n>  j>  samapti,  s.  End,  conclusion. 
3ajj*£o\56  samalintsu,  v.   a.  To  man- 
age. 2.  To  control. 
sss*n-£sfc»  sainasamu,  s.  In  grammar, 

Composition  of  words,  formation 
of  compound  terms. 

£&)*£**»  samfpamu,  adj.  Near,  proxi- 
mate, contiguous,  s.  Proximity, 

?SsSdo^s5c»  samukhamu,  s.  Presence, 

;$Kfoo&cs&«»o,  ^sfoozr'osssso)  samudaya- 

mu,  samudayamu,  s.  A  multitude, 
number,  heap,  or  quantity. 
Ssfco-epoaoo-dD  samudayintsu,  v.  a.  To 

console,  or  condole  with.  2.  To 
pacify,  or  allay  any  passion. 

#j6x>-sr»tfb2k  samuddarudu,  s.  The  Su- 

perintendent    over  several   villa- 

^sSm^sSm,  tfsfco^&j  samudramn,  sa- 

mudrudu,  s.  The  sea,  or  ocean. 
«S£xn>sS-°tfw    samuhamu,   s.    A   flock, 

crowd,    or  multitude  ;  a  heap  or 

3s»s&   samriddhi,   s.   Thriving,  in- 

crease,  prosperity,  success. 
%&>  ©  sammati,  s.  Consent,   assent, 

accord,  acquiescence,  compliance. 

2.  Pleasure,    command.  £s&,3o-& 

— * 

sammatintsu,  To    consent,    or  a- 
^6s^fi«5oo  sammadamu,  s.  Jo}^,  plea- 
sure, happiness. 

^•So^,  #&kcb&  samme,  sammiya.  s. 
Confederation,  convention,  league. 

*£"^fc*  sammeta,*.  A  sledge  hammer. 

tfcar«o  say  am,  adj.  Own  ;  as  *r*&>-7j-* 
Sb-^oo^o^sSx^^  vadunakusayam- 
tammudu,  That  man  is  my  own 
younger  brother. 

Soooo-iSb  sayintsu,  v.n-  To  agree  with; 
to  be  agreeable  to- 

•jooooK  sayiga,  s.  A  wink,  or  sign. 

tfooo&sSw  sayitamu,  adv.  vide  $&*&&& 

-£©»&>£b  sayitudu,  s.  vide  ;sa#\2k 

-£c8^q&>,  tf5kr°c&>*fcc>  sayyata,  sayyo- 
tamu,  s>  Touching  with  the  hand, 
or  finger,  in  play,  or  joke. 

£a5cr*£$£  sayyodhya,  s.  Friendship. 

•£&&  saraku,  s.  Esteem,  regard,  care 
for.  tftfSbt>oaoo  sarakuseyu,  To  re- 
gard, esteem,  or  care  for. 

*<otf;fo  saragu,  s.  Swiftness,  speed.  #tftf 

saraga,   adv.    Speedily,    quickly, 

%tiz>&  sarabadi,  5.  Friendship. 

StfsSoo  saramu,  s.  A  pond,  or  pool.  2. 

A  string  of  pearls,    or  wreath  of 


JStfiftfw  saralamu,  adj.  Candid,  sin- 
cere, honest.  2.  Straight,  upright. 
3.  Easy,  simple. 




JStftfew  saralalu,  s.  plu.  In  grammar, 

The  soft  consonants,  viz.  x  s  &  $  w 

gaja  da  daba. 
&tf-£  sarasa,  acfo.  Near. 
-£tf*(Od(»  sarasamu,  «$.    Juicy.  5.   A 

tftf3o-3tf&>\,   3tf&    sarasu,    sarassu, 

sarasi,  s.  A  pond,  or  pool.  tftf  && 

^»j6x>  sarasiruhamu,  A  lotus. 
^xp^),  SJ-cr-w)  sarapu,  sarabu,   s.    A 

shroff,   money  changer  or  banker. 
Sxp'^^oi  saralamu,  adj.  Fit,    proper. 

2.   Easy,  convenient. 
S-o^SQ  sarasari,  5.  An  average. 
$d  sarit  adj.  Right,  proper,  fit,  just. 

2.  Equal.  3.  Even,  not  odd.  ado. 

Expressive  of  assent.  Good,  very 

tfS^oaoo  saricheyu,  v9  a.  To  put  in 
order,  or  arrange.  2.  To  level,  or 
make  even.  3.  To  complete,  or  fi- 

#8&r*$  saripovu,  v.  n.  To  be  finished 
or  completed,    tfe^c&o,    se^^bx 

saricheyu,  sariputstsu,  v.  a.  To 
adjust  ;  to  arrange,  or  put  in  or- 
der. 2.  To  distribute,  so  that  no- 
thing remains.  3.  To  finish,  con- 
clude, or  complete.  s8*£^o  saripa- 
du,  v.  n.  To  be  on  good  terms.  2. 
To  fit,  or  suit.  8.  To  be  right,  or 
proper.   4,   To   agree  with  one's 

wishes,  habits,  taste,  <fcc.  ;  to  be 
pleasing  or  agreeable.  5.  To  be 
complete.  Zd&r°TS)  saritsutsa,  v.  a. 

To  examine,  or  compare,  care- 
fully.   _   _  ■ 

#87r»  sariga,  adv.  Properly,  rightly, 

correctly.  2.  Equally.  3.  In  good 
order.  4.  Completely,  fully,  per- 

35X"  sariga,  s.  Gold,  or  silver,  lace. 

38 "ft  sarige,  s.  A  gold  necklace.  2. 
gold,  or  silver,  lace. 

38"S)&-^81br3,  -^s^tfsariperji-saripe- 
na»  saripena,  s.  A  sort  of  gold 
chain,  or  necklace. 

S8l!fr  saribesi,  s.  Odds  and  evens. 

#8s^£$b  sarihaddu,  s.  Boundary,  ex- 
tremity,  frontier,  limit. 

3&§b  sarnkn,  &■.  Goods,  articles, 
commodities,  merchandize. 

*£&-cf-^,  saruchashma,  5.  A  super- 

i>&&,  -$&>&>  sarudu,  sarusu,  v.  a.  T«i 
arrange.  2.  To  distribute  what 
is  enough  for  a  few  only,  in  equal 
shares,  amongst  many,  -^So^or6^ 
sarnsukonu,  v.  Gomp.  To  arrange, 
<£c,  for  one's  own  benefit. 

tf&ex>  sarulu,  s.  plu.  Chaplets,  or 
wreaths  of  flowers. 

^"g?oo  saresu,  s.  Glue. 

*£^k-&sarkaru,  s.  The  government. 
2.  A  district  comprehending  seve- 

ral Purgunas. 





tf^aSoo    sarpamu,    s.     A   snake,    or 

^SosSao   sarvamu,    adj.    All,    entire, 

whole,  complete,  universal. 
^s^sm  sarrabu,  8.  vide~$-m£)  sarapbu. 
-f>z.t  salaka,    6-.   A  small  sack.   2.  A 

quantity   in   capacity,    equal   to 

two  and  a  half  tooms. 
^K^ptf  salagapara,AHincloo  spade, 

or  hoe. 
*^2jKs5w  salagamu,  5.  Human  ordure. 

•^K^^  salagani&clu,  To  feed  on 

^£>sr€  salaha>   s.   Peace,   concord.  2. 

Advice,  counsel. 
^y^r  salaka,  s,  A  sledge  hammer. 
^j^^Ss^,  *£er°£>tfc»  salapamu,  salaba- 

mu,  s.  A  pearl  fishery. 
•£y-*«5x>    saUran,    6-.    The    usual 

Musalman     salutation   ;     safety, 

blessing,  peace. 
^De)s5w  salilamti,  5.  Water. 
^9&iQ  salupn,  v.  a.  To  make,  or  do. 

2.  To  wage,  Or  carry  on.  v.  n.  To 

give    severe  pairs,    s-    Severe,  or 

acute?  pain. 
-Zzn^&n  sallapamu.  s.  Conversation, 

familiar    discourse.  <5e^g>o-i5c>    sa- 

llapintsu,    To    converse,   or   talk 

~{>ti%)  salupu,  v.  n.  To  grumble.  2.  To 

give  acute  pain.    s.    Severe  pain, 

also  termed  ^tidotf  salaparinta. 

*£&  sallu,  v.  n.  To  become  slack,  or 

loose,  adj.  Loose,  slack.  ^oaSo^*^ 

vayuvusallu,  Wind  to  escape  be^ 

*(j#®  savati,  s.  The  wives  of  the 
same  husband  stand  to  each  other 
in  the  relation  denoted  by  this 
word.  -£5>s^  savatitalli,  A  step- 

i>s&>  savatn,  s-  Specimen,  sample, 
or  pattern.  2.  A  sort,  or  kind.  adj. 
Like,  similar. 

i>£&n  savarana,  s.  Requisite  imple- 
ments, articles.  &c. 

^6o-^s  savarintsu,  v.  a.  To  supply, 
or  furnish.  2.  To  arrange,  or  put 
in  order.   3.  To  prepare. 

*£ss'^7r°  savasavagai,  adv.  As  if  ob- 
serving, but  pretending  not  to 
see  ;  as  if  winking  at. 

^sr*S  savari,  s.  A  conveyance  .of  any 
kir/d;  but  especially  a  palanqueen. 

^spoDsavHu,  s."A  question,  or 

"o>5gtfs§&-5j  savurapukuppe,    s.    An 

ornament     worn  by  Hindoo    fe- 
males, on  the  Lair, 

fS^tfsfco,  -(6&tfsSw  savuramu,savaramu, 

s.  The  hair  of  the  Bos-grunniens. 

-£R>  sasi,    s.  Grain,  corn.    2.    Relish. 

3.  Health. 
•£^,-.3  saskani,    s.    An   imaginary 
coin,  of  the  value  of  forty  cash. 




tfs$*XsSbtfo5w  sahagamanamu,  s.  The 
burning  of  a  widow  alive,  with 
her  dead  husband 

7$&>\S&'&  sahacharudu,  s.  An  atten- 
dant,companion,  or  contemporary. 

^^-assScx)  sahajamu,  5.  Nature,  dis- 
position, adj.  Natural,  innate.  2. 
Proper.  3.  True. 

Ss$*tft5s»,  Ss^sdMsahananiu,  sahamu, 
s.  Patience,  quiet,  resignation. 

^^•sp^sfca  sahavasamu,  s.  Associa- 
tion, friendship. 

tfsfro .tf.s&o  sahasramu,  s.  A  thousand. 

tfsrCos&ska  sahayamu,  s.  Assistance, 
succour,  aid.  2.  Protection. 

»5xScB5o2&  sahayudu,  s.  An  assistant, 
companion,  follower,  or  adherent. 

tfSr»onfc,  ^Ln>o»oo5b  sahintsujsahiyin 
tsu,  v.  a.  To  suffer,  support,  en- 
dure, or  bear.  2.   To  pardon. 

tfSr>c£s$M  sahitamu.  adv.  With,  along 
with.  2.  Even,  also.  adj.  Accom- 
panied, in  company  with. 

•$~z&vt*&i&&>  sahodarudu,.?.  A  brother 
of  whole  blood,  one  by  the  same 
father  and  mother. 

■£p>  sa,  adj.  In  composition,  Half;  as, 
•£r°-&>(SS  samenu,  The  half  body. 

■SrooX^csSw  sangatyamu,  5.  Associa- 

ir*oK&*  sangamu.  adj.  Perfect,  com- 
plete. Hr>ol$<r>ir>oKi6x>  sangopauga 
mu,  Complete  from  beginning  to 

^o^Je^  sambrani,  s.  Benzoin.^n»o 
^.tgg  Q  sambrani vatti,  s.  A 
kind  of  candle,  made  chiefly  of 
benzoin,  and  producing  the  fra- 
grance of  frankincense. 

•>§8  sakiri,  s.  vide  •>!>,  sakshi. 
■£r°*o  Baku,  v.  a.  To  foster,  cherish, 

or  nourish.  2>    To   bring    up,    or 

educate- 5.  A  pretence. 
tr*X-cr°ti  saganara,  s.  The  aloe. 
>Xtfs5^  sigaramu,    s.    The  sea,    or 

-fr*K&&x>    sagaramu,    s.    The    large 

leathern  bottle,   or  bag,  used  in 

conveying  oil,  ghee,  &c,  in  India. 

>>Kb  saga,  s.  vide  $o3<sr<»e>jSa>  bhin- 
divalamu-  2.  Cultivation,  adj. 
Cultivated,  v-  n.  To  go  on,  pro- 
ceed, or  advance.  2.  To  expand, 
spread  out,  or  become  elongated ; 
as  red  hot  iron,  by  beating.  3.  To 
take  effect,  to  be  of  considerable 
duration.  ■£r°x;6oc&  sagadfyu,  v.  a. 
To  draw  out,  or  elongate.  2.  To 
importune.  ^xfr*°i»  sagagottu,To 
beat  out,  to  elongate  by  beating. 
•£n>X^csfco  sagaveyu,  To  send  off, 
or  away.  ^p>5\o3b  &&gmt$Tiyv>Caus. 
To  cause  to  go  on,  advance,  or  pro- 



■&•  is^o  -  Samany  a 

ceed ;  to  carry  on.    2.    To   cause  I 
to  take  effect,  to  establish.   3.  To  ! 
•£p>Xb»cl  sagubadi,  s.  Cultivation. 

•£p>4j-=»"go-»fe5^5'Ax>,   ,an»&r»"^tf**»  satako 

tiberamu,  sataberamu,  8.  Barter. 

^r>feS  Rati,  adj.  Like,  similar,  equal. 

•&•  cT0  s>  satani,   c2<^J-  Of  or  belonging 

to  the  Satani  caste?  who  worship 
Vishnu  exclusively. 

•£n>i&>  satu.  s.  A  number  of  travellers. 

■^•sr»  s  a  d  a  *  ac£/.  Plain,  un orna- 

^r»a\^c^>  sadrisyamu,  ^.  Resem- 
blance, similarity. 

■£r>$g'j6s>  sadhakamu,  5.  Practice, 
exercise,  usage-  %  A  document. 
3-  An  instrument.  4-  Any  thing- 
eaten  with  rice. 

-&>§<$  sadhana,  5.  Denial.  2-  Pract- 
ice, usage. 

ir>$i$&x>  sadhanamu,  s.  Contrivance, 
expedient,  means.  2.  Instrument, 
agent.  3.  Cause.  4.  The  penis-  5. 
Premises  leading  to  a  conclusion, 
6.  Authority  for  the  use  of  a  word. 

T^-jptfcas&w  sadharanamu,  adj.  Com- 
mon, general,  applicable  to  all. 

•£t°§ot&  sadhintsu,  v.  a-  To  succeed 
by  dint  of  perseverance  ;  to  take, 
or  conquer.  2.  To  deny. 

3p>#>,  •&>&>  sadhu,  sadu,  adj.  Good, 
virtuous,  pious,  pure.  2.  Proper, 
right,  fit.  3.  Excellent.  4.  Hand- 

some, pleasing.  5.  Well" born.  6. 
Tame,  docile,  not  vicious,  as  ap- 
plied to  tame  animals. 

7tf-°#e<6M  sadhyamu,  adj.  Possible, 
practicable.  2.  Curable. 

ir*$>o&i  sadhyudu,  s.  An  inferior 
deity,  or  demi-god. 

■fro  sani,  s.  A  lady,  a  female  of  rank 
or  respectability.  It  is  used  chief- 
ly as  an  affix  ;  as,  £-*#-£*$  dorasa 

ni,  Alady.  tr>%sr>o>k>  sanivandlu, 
s.  plu.  Dancing  girls,  prostitutes. 
sfco^«^&  mantrasani,  s.  A  mid- 
wife. "5S^r»?)  reddisani,  s.A  Rhed- 

,     ,         .to 

dy  s  wife. 

•£r°s>H  sanike,  s.  An  earthen  vessel, 
or  deep  plate- 

-&>£&,  sapadu,  v.  a.   To  eat. 

i>$>  sapu,  adj.  Clean,  pure,  clear. 

■&>&&>  sabitu,  adj.  Proved,  establi- 

•Zr>&>o&&n  samantamu,    s.    Power, 

i^&>  ft  samagri,  s.  A  thing,  article, 

material,  or  implement. 
i^s&>  tic  £<x>  samarthyamu,    s.    Power, 
strength.  %    Ability,    adequacy, 
cleverness,  capability. 3.  Prowess. 

■£r°s£r*s6  samanu.  5.  Things,  articles, 

materials,    furniture,    apparatus, 
tools,  instruments. 
•&■<»•&* tfcs6w  samanyamu,ac?j. Common, 





■£r°&)  sami,  s.  vide  ifr°^zx>  swami. 
•^sd^-^SdII,  ^"So°3  s iinita- samite, 

sameta,  s.  A  proverb,  or  common 

saying-  2.  A  parable. 
"^»r»sScstoo  samfpyanm,  s.  Proximity. 
-^^500  sainu,  s.  Any  bodily  exercise; 

as  fencing,  &c. 
^r° 6sj ,a,r j5»    samudnkamu,    5.  The 

interpretation  of  spots  on  the 
body.  2.  A  book  on  that  subject. 

•>°skosto>  samyamu,s.  Equality,  same- 
ness. 2.  Likeness,  similarity. 

"%rOyc&°j23?&so  samrajyamu,  s.  Imperi- 
al rule. 

^n,o56o~5*,,e;853o— •£p>055o  $  s6oo,  ^cfiSo^ 
tfafcp  s&yankalanm-sayantramu,sa- 

yantanamu,  s.  The  evening. 
-£r»c*65dcx>   sayamu,  s.  vide    -^srCetsSsfco 

■^r»ccSn»s^\  sSw  sayahnamu;  s>  Evening. 
■£r»a»ysr*o2&  sayilavandlu,  5.  vide  «.-> 

S2»SScjr_ejsr'o^b    budibudikkula- 

•£r*tf$  sarathi,  s.   A  charioteer. 

i>ti&x>  saramu,  5.  The  pith,  or  sap? 
of  trees.  2.  Strength,  vigour.  3. 
The  essence  of  any  thing.  4. 

?S-oir>aooj->'Tr>  sarayi,  sara,  s.  Spiritu- 
ous liquor,  of  any  kind. 

■£p»a  sari,  s.   In  composition,  A  time, 

or  turn,  in  rotation  ;  as  Zjgfnd 
okasarj,  Once,  &c. 

1<r>&>-5r>~6ote  saruvapanla,    .?.    A  crop 

i  n  low  wet  ground. 
•£p&;g>  saruvu,  s-  A    ridge,   or  small 

£p-g  sare,  5.  Presents  to  a  daughter 

when  sent  to  her  husband's  house. 
2.  A  pawn,  or  piece,  at  the  game 
of  Sogetaloo.  3.  A  potter's  wheel. 

"Zr>~5-fr>~d,  -fr°~d£>  saresare,sareku,aefo. 

Often,  frequently. 

^Ssko  sirthamu,  5.  A  multitude  : 
*    .  .  . 

espicially  of  similar  animals,  or  of 

travellers  ;  a  caravan. 
-£r>tf-5r*;$ToS&>    sarthavahudu,     s,     A 

trader,  or  merchant. 
^<y  sala,  s.  A  hall.    2.  A  stable;  3. 

An  avenue. 

s5«x»  salagramamu-saligravamu,sa- 
lagravamu,  s.  The  Salagramam, 
or  stone  sacred  to  Vishnu,  said 
to  be  found  in  the  bed  of  the  river 

■>>&&, sHr>'&$)&1&  salidu,  salepuru- 
gu,  s-  A  spider. 

>?^^  salevadu,  s.  A  weaver. 

-£r«35'-3rxS"s53o  savakasamu,  s.  Leisure. 

•>5S-qr»rfs5oo  savadhanamu,  adj.  Di- 
recting the  attention  to  one  ob- 

-£p>3T6-£i*»  savasamu,  s-  vide  £s3-»»r» 
*£&»  sahavasamu. 




■^•^?o?Cs5ao  sashtangamu,s.  Prostra- 
tion  to  the  ground,  so  as  to -touch, 
it  at  once  with  eight  different 
members  of  the  body  ;  viz.  The 
two  hands,  the  two  feet,  the  breast, 
the  forehead,  and  the  two  shoul- 

•£p&>$ex>  sasuvulu,  s.  plu.  vide  esur* 
ex>  aValu. 

T^s^Ssfco  sabasamu,  s.  Violence  ;  the 
perpetration  of  any  act  of  rapine, 
or  aggression. 
-A   i**&*o&?6xi  sahayyamu,    .9.    Assist- 
ance, aid,  succour.  2.  Friendship. 

^Sr»£§  sahird,  s.  A  groom*     . 

<3-°l!roS£eskK>  sahityamu,  s.  Classical 
knowledge.  2.  An  implement. 

■fr>&x>-?r>&  sahukaru,  s-  A  Soucar,  or 

•^1^  sakshi,  s.  A  witness,  an  evi- 

ftoKtfw  singamu,  s.  vide  gjos^^sim- 

fto-7r>&  singarii,  5.  A  bow. 
Jbo*7r>tfs5c»  singaramu,   s.    vida  3\o7r» 

tf*x»  sringaramu. 
Sjos^j5m  simhamu,  s.  A  lion. 
ftosS-sfStf £w  simhasanamUj^.A  throne, 

as  in  India   being  supported   by 

&g*  sika.  s.  vide  $$>  sikha. 

S)"^5^  sikka,  s.  A  seal,  or  stamp.  2. 
Their  impression. 

S>X  siga,  s.  vide  %$  sikha.    N.  2. 

%fo  siggu,  5.  Shame.  2.  Modesty, 
timidity.  3.  Disgrace.  ftfos^Stf 
siggumalina,  a<#/.  Shameless,  im- 
pudent. &?fo;S£&  siggupadu,  v.  n. 
To  be  ashamed. 

&£<&»  sidamu,  s.  A  flag,  or  banner. 

%-cr>c&i6x>  siddayama,  s.  Saving  in  ex- 

&-g  sidde,  s.  A  large  leathern  bottle, 
used  for  oil,  &c.  In  India.  2.  A 
brazen  oil  bottle. 

&£>s5m  siddhamu,s,  A  state  of  readi- 
ness, or  preparation,  adj.  Heady, 
prepared.  2.  True,  certain. 

?>-e3^o^s5oosiddhantamu,5.  Demonstra" 

ted  conclusion,  established  truth- 
2.  A  famous  Sanskrit  work,  on 

&&  siddhi,s.  Fulfilment,  accomplish- 
ment, completion.  2.  Kesult,  ef- 
fect 3.  Success.  &&0-&  siddhintsu, 
v.  n.  To  succeed,  or  take  effect  ; 
to  be  accomplished. 

h-trooJ7x>,  ^fpnco-D  sipayi,  sipayf,  s 
An  indian  soldier. 

&S)tf«5w  sibiramu,  s.  A  camp. 

?>S)X  sibbi,  s.  A  brazen  cover-  £tp2?» 


&£k  taradzusibbi,  The  scale  of  a 




&£k©  sibbiti,  s.  Shame.  2.  Modesty. 
&"S\s*»  sibbemu,  s.  A  blotch,  or  scab. 
fixr>  sira,  s.  Indian  ink. 
fca  siri,  5.  vide  A.  sri,  No.   1,  2.  &  3. 
&e»Kb   silugu,   s.    Danger,   peril.    2. 

Calamity,  misfortune- 
&g>  sillu,s.  /?/&.  A  kind  of  spear,  used 

in  urging  on  .the  elephant.   . 

ft  £  oft  sivangi,  s.  The  leopard. 

%&>  istu,  5.  mcfe  $&>sistn,  Under. 
&£o  dastu,  I  cannot  trace  the  de- 
rivation of  this  word.  As  opposed 
to  s3o  dastu,  Money  in  hand,  it 
denotes,  money  outstanding  un- 
collected ;  but  when  used  with- 
out 'reference  to  that  word,  it  de- 
notes a  fixed  assessment  in  money, 
as  distinguished  from  a  variable 
tax,  or  assessment  in  kind. 


-rtW$u&xi  sitaphalamu,  s.  The  cust- 
ard apple.  Annona  squamosa. 

&efftfvx>  sidivamu,  s.  The  slough  of 
a  serpent.  2.  Poverty,  indigence. 

&jSb  sfm a,  s.  A  boundary,  or  limit.  2 
A  country,  or  district,  and  hence 
applied  to  designate.  3.  Europe. 
^>s56r3cr»S  simakodi,  5.  A  turkey. 
lit.  A  European  foul. 

fbj&oel'tfcw  simantamu,  s.  A  separation 
of  the  hair  on  each  side,  so  as  to 
leave  'a  distinct  line  on  the  top  of 
the  head,    2.    A  purificatory  and 

sacrificial  ceremony,  performed 
in  the  sixth  or  eighth  month  of-  a 
Hindoo  female's  pregnancy. 

f»e>  sila,  s.  A  nail,  pin,  peg,  clasp,  or 
screw,  of  wood  or  metal. 

7be>s6o£  sllamanda,  s.  The  ankle. 

§>7$i&x>  sisamu,  s.   Lead.  2-  poetry  of 

a  particular  measure. 
&■$■»  sisa,  s.  A  bottle,  glass,  or  phial. 


&>  su,  A  particle,  and  prefix,  analo- 
gous to  good  well,  or  the  Greek 
Eu,  and  implying  reverence,  wor- 
ship, honor.  2.  Assent.  3.  Increase, 
prosperity.  4.  Excess,  exceeding. 
5.  Pain,  distress.  6.  Pleasure,  de- 

&oo&£»  sunkamu,  s.  Toll,  customs. 
&>o56  sunkari,  s.  A  collector  of 
customs,  or  toll.  i&oS'e^o&a  sunka- 
rimettu,  A  custom  house. 

jSaocf  sunta,  s.  A  little,  adj.  Little 
short,  trifling. 

?5oc&6's&o  sundaramu,  adj.  Beautiful- 
handsome.  £oo&8  sundari,  A  beau, 
tifui  female. 

£oS«ako  sukaramu,  adj.  Easy,  practi- 
cable, attainable. 

£o&s&*tfsfco  sukumaramu,  adj.    Soft, 

smooth,  tender.  2.  Young,  youth- 
sfo3\«*s5c»    sukritamu,    s.    Virtue, 
moral  merit.  2.  Fortune,  atispici- 


472  &>tfcX.Suranga 

i&sp&K-'&gi&xi,  K3oKsS»  sukliamu,  su- 
kainu,  sugarnu,  s,  Happiness,  plea- 
sure, delight,  joy.  2.  Health,  wel- 
fare, adj.  Happy,  &c.  2.  Healthy. 
#o£>  sukhi,  s.  A  pleasant,  happy, 
or  healthy  man.  £oi£>o-t$b,  joogpcx»o 
-do  sukhintsu,  sukhiyintsu,  To 
feel  pleasure,  or  joy ;  to  be 
happy.  rSosf)  ss  tfsssko  sukhaprasava- 
mi],  A  safe  and  easy  delivery,  in 
child-birth.  &$)Sog'fc>sfe>  sukha- 
sankatamu,  lit  The  pain  from 
pleasure.  The  venereal  disease. 

#os;£2&  sujanudn,  s.  A  good,  virtu- 
ous, or  respectable,  man. 

fSog  sudi,  s.  A  whirlpool.  2.  Curled 
hair.  ?3o&-7v°D  sudigali,  A  whirl- 
wind. i&&ir3&  sudigonu,  To  sur- 
round, or  encircle.  &>acc&>  siuli- 
yu,  To  whirl  round.  &o£s5C&  sudi- 
vadu,  To  become  confused  in 
battle,  joo&sroew  sudivalu,  &.  A  mis- 
sile weapon. 

foclcsft  sudiya,  s.  Haifa  load  of  beetle 

&&>-7r°&o  sudugadu,  s.  A  cemetery, 
or  place  for  burning,  or  burying, 
the  dead. 

tSo^dsSm  sudumu,  s.  A  flock  of  one 
hundred  sheep. 

&>&  suta,  adv.  Since,  from.  2.  Even, 

Too®  suti,  s.  vide  s    & >  ®  srati,  No.  3. 

&&>&)  sutudu,  s.  A  son. 

roD  "3  sutte,  s.  A  hammer. 

&>&  suda,  5.  The  point,  or  end,  of  any 

6o#  sudda,  s.  A  sort  of  white  clay, 


or  pumice  stone. 
&>a  sudd'i,  5.  vide  &>a  suddi. 
KSoO  suddi,   s.   The  moral  of  a  fable, 

or  tale. 
Kx>^o»oi5b  sunayintsu,  v.  a.  To  plait 

footf^    sunn  a,   s.    A  cypher.    2.    The 

letter  o  jSos^-^fcw  sunnapettu,  lit. 

To  put   a  cypher.  To  refuse,  or 

decline  to  give. 
&>?^5  sunnati,  s.    Circumcision.  2. 

The  traditions  of   Mahammad. 

X»#\  j&»  sunnamu,  s. Lime,  or  mortar. 
toz*\  Qs^osS  sunnapukaya,  The 
chunam  box  used  by  Hindoos,  iu 
which  a  little  fine  lime  is  kept,  to 
be  rubbed  on  the  beetle  leaf, 
before  it  is  chewed. 

^SK  sunni,  s.  Powder  of  any  kind. 

Kx»  sura,  5.  Spirituous,  or  fermented, 
liquor,  adj.  In  composition  only, 
Of  or  belonging  to  the  deities,  or 
gods;  as,  ;&s  sicsgek  surajyeshthu- 
du,  s.  Bramha,  the  creator. 

fOotfoXsSao  surangamu,  s-  A  hole,  such 
as  is  made  by  rats,  or  by  burglars* 
or  in  blasting  rock^. 



«£r*  & ,  afix  -S  u  k  slimamu 

&>tf  tt>$  suragali,  s.  A  whirlwicd. 

7x>Vfo  suragu,  v.  n*  To  flee. 

SoSfe3  surati,  s.  A  fly  brush,   usually 

made  of  the  tail  of  the  Bos 

£oSex>  suralu,  s.  pin-  The  gods,  or 
deities.  &o-cr>8  surari,  5.  An  asoor, 
or  infernal  being. 

£oir»§>o-&  suralintsu,  v.  a.  To  throw 
away,  in  disdain. 

&o9oe&,  jfc-a  suriya,  sure,  s>  vide  -^beg* 

rfc&rtb^o^SV-  surugucluchekka,  s. 
Red- wood- 

&>~3-3r*tfsSM  surekaramu,  s.  Saltpetre. 

jooej^rasco  sulabhamu,  adj.  Easy  • 
feasible,  attainable ;  of  easy  acqui- 
sition, or  attainment. 

tfoer^-c'tfsSDo  sulochanamn,  s.  Specta- 
cles, or  eyeglasses. 

£o&$,  z»oo$)  s  til  uvu,  suluvu,  s. 
Facility.  2.  Lightness,  as  opposed 
to  heaviness.  3.  An  expedient,  or 
means,  adj.  vi^e^ej^s>x  sulabhamu. 

?5oS5cbs-s5c»  suvarriamu,  s.  Xjrold.  adj. 

Of  a  fine  colour. 
#o£o    suvvi,    inter j.    This    is    the 
chorus   used  by  women,    at  the 
close  of  their  songs,in  beating  rice 

<&n>£tfs5*>  siikaramu,  s.  A  hog. 
tfretf^  suchana,    s.    A  hint,  gesture, 
or  gesticulation  ;  conveying  inti- 

mation by  signs,  ^ffrjfca  sucha- 
kamua^/.  Conveying  meaning  by 
gestures  or  signs.  £r*£)o-&  suckin- 
tsu,  To  hint,  by  signs  or  gestures. 

£r>a  suti,  s.  Aim.  %  An  expedient. 

&n>3X*5ooe»  sudigamulu,s.  plu 
Bracelets  of  a  peculiar  make. 


&n>&>  sudu,  s.  An  enemy,  or  foe. 

c$3-^Ss5m  sutakamu,  s.  The  imaginarv 
pollution,  proceeding  from  the 
birth  of  a  child,  or  from  the  death 
of  a  relation.  2.  Mercury,  or 

&r^s5w  sutramu,  s.  A  thread.  2. 
An  expedient,  or  contrivance.  3.  A 
rule,  a  precept,  in  morals  'or 
science  ;  a  short  obscure  and 
technical  sentence,  enjoining  some 
observance  in  law  or  religion,  or 
intimating  some  rule  in  grammar 
logic,  <fcc.  4.  An  opinion,  or  decree, 
in  law. 

f$raScfc»TT°oM  sudanturayi,  s.  The 

&p&  sudi,  s-  A  needle. 

$t°XZ®  surakatti,  s.  A  small  knife. 

^"3  sure,  s.  A  side,  or  direction. 
c^-6^56    surepanu,    s.    A  kind    of 

triangular  parasol. 
$tt>&^,i6x>    siikhmamu,  adj.  little, 

small,  minute,  atomic.  2.  Subtle. 

3,  Thin,  fine. 


"SycCx-Selayu  . 


•  tfe  sSx-Sevyamu 


%,9o\  srishti,  s.  Creation,  creatine- 
2.  Nature,  natural  property  or 
disposition.  Sv^sSw  srishtamu,^'. 
Created,  made.  js^o-&,  J^go-sfc 
srishtintsu,  srijintsu,  v.  a.  To 
create,    make,    or   form. 

srishtimpu,  $.  Creation. 


e)  & 

^r,  "S>X  seka,  sega,  s.  Warmth.  IbK 
S^XsSoo  segarogamu. 

"X>3V»gfo  sekalatu,  5.  AVoollen  cloth. 

Hih  o-ifc  seggintsu,  9.  ?z.  To  evince 
disgust,  or  horror. 

lo?3  sedzdza,  s,  A  bed,  or  couch.  2. 
a  basket. 

"£)£  setti,  *.  The  title  assumed  by  all 
members  of  the  Beri,  Comtee,  or 
±>alajee  castes,  who  trade  as  merch- 
ants, and  usually,  at  Madras, writ- 
ten Chitty. 

*£>tfXe>o  senagaiu,  s.  plu.  v:de  $<$)(££> 

liVfo  seragu,  s.  Danger?  calamity, 

H}$k&  serabadi,  s.  Friendship. 

~%>vX  selaga,  s.  A  cant  word,  used  in 

measuring, to  denote  either  a  score, 

or  one  hundred. 
^Tfo-^  selagola,  5.  A  goad. 
1)vo&>  selayu,  v.  n.  To  run  about,  as  j 

applied  to  cattle. 

~fca^&  selayeru,  5.  A  cascade. 
"5>«8    selavi,  s.   The   corner   of  the 

mouth . 
~&2>jgj  selavu,  s.  vide  &&$  salavu. 


t>ft  segi,  s>  Evil,  harm. 

"$&>$  setuvu,  s.  A  bridge.  2.  A  cause- 
way, bank,  or  mound. 

i>&  seda,  s.  Fatigue.  2.  Rest.  t,sci&\ 
sedadertsu,  To  refresh  another. 

t>tf§**»  sedyamu,  s.  Agriculture, 
cultivation,  t>tfeTr>&>  sedyagaclu, 
A  cultivator. 

"£tf  sena,  5.  An  army. 

t><§  sepu,  s.  Making  in  the  inflexion 
sing.  ii$&  sepati,  A  space,  period, 
or  interval,  of  time;  the  time  or 
duration  of  any  event,  action,  or 

t>ssbs*»  semamu,  s.  vide  ^,s5bs6x>  kshe- 

"£&  seru,  5.  The  measure  of  capacity, 
or  weight,   termed  a  seer. 

Hiss  seva,  s.  Service,  servitude,  wor- 
ship, devotion,  zeal.  t>ss§b£k  seva- 
kudu,  s.  A  servant,  or  attendant  j 
a  man  devoted,  or  attached  to. 
"&aoifr  sevintsu,  v.  a.  To  serve,  or 
attend.  2.  To  serve,  worship,  or 
t>*g*5w  sevyamu,  s.  Ploughed  land. 




— 8 

Oi£  sesa?  s.  The  place  ♦  where  the 
hair  parts,  when  combed  down  on 
each  side  of  a  female's  head. 

~&tfe»  sesalu,  s.  plu.  A  quantity  of 
rice,  thrown  on  the  heads  of  the 
bride  and  bridegroom,  daring  the 
marriage  ceremony. 

Js  r**»  saikamu,   aclj>  Small,   little* 

minute.  2.  handsome. 
"=5  x  saiga,  s.  A  sign,  hint,  token,  or 

1>  •&  saitsu,  v.  a.  To  endure,  bear, 

or  suffer. 
"S>£s5m  saitamu,    adv.   vide  #gr*e£s5c» 


"^  ©"S^o   saidodu,  s.   A  brother,   or 

2^$Sbdb  sainikudu,  s.  A  guard,  cen- 

tinel,  or  piquet. 
lo  tfosfco  sainyamu,  5.  An  army. 

2>_tf»  sairana,  s.  Patience.  lo9o-t5b 
sairintsu,  v.  a.  To  endure,  bear, 
or  suffer. 

&*o*S  sonti,  s.  vtde  3oo©  sunthi. 

^oe£s$»  sontamu,  aJi.Of  or  belong- 
ing to  one's-self, 

d*o?&  sompui  5.  Beauty,  elegance 
harmony,  adj.  Beautiful,  hand- 
some, elegant,  harmonious,  ^po^p 
&  somparujTo  be  beautiful,agree- 

able,  or  pleasant,  j^olbyo  sompil- 
lu,  v.  n.  To  shine.  2.  To  be  hand- 
some? or  beautiful. 

£n>5ok_  s°kku,  s.  gjtfe  -^Sb^  tsokku, 
v.  n.  To  reel,  or  stagger;  to  be 
intoxicated,  or  stupified  ;  to  be 
faint.  £r°§k_o3b  sokkintsu,  v.  a.  To 
cause  to  reel,  &c. 

#-°K&r>ex>  sogatalu;  s.  A  sort  of  Hin- 
doo backgammon. 

£n>Xcj&sogayu,#.^.  vide  ^5o^_  sokku. 

'c^pKjoo,  ^^d^o  sogasu,sogusu,5.  Beau- 
ty, comeliness,  elegance,  adj. 
Beautiful,  handsome. 

^°§s  SoJJa>  *•  Bice,  or  broken  rice, 
boiled,  after  having  been  first  well 
heated,  in  a  dry  state. 

£r»*o  sotta,  adj.  &  s.  vide  ^ &>tsotta. 

£n>3o  sottujj.  Property,  goods,  estate* 

£-»#  soda,  5.  A  funeral  pile,  or  a 
place  for  burning  the  dead.2,The 
fire  used  at  the  funeral  pile.  3. 
Any  distressing  intelligence. 

&rtf  sona,  s.  A  cascade.  2-  vide  && 

jJps^  sonna,  s.  Gold,  j^tpn^  sonna 
rri,  s.  A  gold,  or  silver,  smith. 

^TT^ow-o  sonnayf,  s.  A  sort  of  In- 
dian clarionet. 

£-&soKo  sobagu,  s.  Be  Beauti- 

&**<>,  8>cx>  sommasilla.'y,  n,  To  swoon, 

— 0         CO 

or  faint. 




tfr*;^  sommu,  s.  Property. 2.  Riches, 

wealth-  3.  A  jewel,  or  ornament. 

£"*#£>  soradi,  s.  A  row   of  trees,  &c. 

2.  Successive  order.  3.  Abundance, 

^Sacr*^  soramfnu,  s.  A  shark. 

£ptf s5w  soramu,  s.  vide  tf^tf tfoo  swara 

^re&Tpgo  sorugaku,  s.  A  dry  leaf. 
£p  &Ko  sorugu,   5.    The  drawer  of  a 

table,  or  box.  2.  A  dry  leaf.  0.0. 

To  be  inclined?  to  fall  down  from 


^roeeofc  solayu,  v.  n.To  be  in  a  lan- 
guishing, feeble,  or  fainting,  state- 
£-*e>^  solapu,  s.  Feebleness,  faint- 

&*&  soku5s.  An  evil  spirit,  or  Titan. 

&*So  sdku,  v.  To  touch.  2.  To  con- 
tract by  touch  ;  to  be  affected  by 

£rS)C  soga,  adj.  Long. 

^^bsS^fc^  sodumuttu,  v.n.  To  reach 

the  sky,  or  the  head. 
&*$&&o   sodarudu,  s.  A  brother  of 

whole  blood  ;    lit    Of  the   same 


&*a>  &*"S  sodi,  sode,  s.  Fortune- 

^"3r  J  sodekatte,  s.  A  female  for- 

£-Stf^s$»  sodyamu,  s-  And  adj.  vide  s. 

tS^oj&o  chodyamu. 
&*#'  sona,  s.  Rain ;  thin,   but   long 

continued  rain. 

&*fr°#s&a  sopanamu,  s.  A  stair,  or 

£r&$  sopu,  s.  Caraway  seed. 

&*&£&»  sobanamu,  5.  *?wfe  jb^^jtfsSw 

£p£"3  sobe,  .5.  A  blotch,  or  scab. 

£-5s5bo3-«tf*fc»  somavaramu,s.  Monday. 

j^s^a  somari,  5.  An  idle,  lazy,  per- 
son. d*s&»d*^«k»  somaritanamu, 
s.  Idleness,  laziness. 

£r*sk3  somu,  5.  vide  s.tfo^sfea  sukhamu. 

^Sc5w2^  somu  da,  s.  The  moon-  2. 
Siva.  3.  Cubera. 

&*tfwXo£  sorariaganta,s.  Making  the 
nom.  pho.  Either  regular,  or  £-*£ 
caKo^b  soranagandlu,  A  hole  in 
the  wall,  or  ceiling,  used  both  as 
a  window,  and  a  chimney. 

*c0  sola,  5.  The  third  subdivision, 
of  the  toom,  the  greatest  Teluga 
measure  of  capacity,  of  which 
this  word  consequently  denotes 
the  sixty-fourth  part. 

£*e>o  solu,  v.  ».  To  reel,  stagger,  or 
be  faint. 

iro%«g*x»,  »  Beauty, 



-£r>gtfo6to    saukaryamu,    s.    Health* 

good  condition.    2,  Convenience. 

adj.  Healthy,   in  good  condition, 

•£-*$>cx5<x>    sankhyamu,    s.    Pleasure, 

-i^stfcsSa)  saujanyamu,  s.  Goodness, 

■^^Kcaoo  saubhagyamu,  s.  Auspici- 

ousness,    good    fortune.    2.    The 

fourth  of  the  astronomical  Yogas. 
^r-55bcs5w  saumyamu,ac/?.Mild,  gentle, 

•^>«'s5a-oc^353o  sauramanamu,s.The  solar? 

in  contradistinction  to  the  lunar, 

i^ebsauru)  s.  Beauty,  adj.  Beautiful. 

iPtHtf  s5xsauhardamu,  s.  Friendship. 

tfo^sSw  stambhamu,  s>  A  post,  or 
pillar.  %  Insensibility,  want  of 
feeling,  or  excitability.  #o^)o-i& 
stambhintsu,  To  cease,  or  stop. 

jotfsSw  stanamu,  s.  A  woman's  breast. 

jgsfcsSw  stanyamu,  s.  Milk. 


->tf  *$»  stananiu,  s.  vide  •&>£$&* 

^S,  jSssskostuti,  stavaniu,  s>  Praise, 
flattery,  encomium)  eulogium, 

sfc&oifc,  c&8o«>o-&  stutintsu,  stutiyin 
tsu,  v.  a.  To  praise,  flatter?  com- 
mend, or  approve. 

-&>£c&x>    stutyamu,    adj.    Laudable, 


&*els&»  stotramu,  s.  Praise,  flattery, 

applause,  commendation,  ^ps  ©  o^ 

stotrintsu,  To  praise,  commend,or 

iS  stri,  5.  A  woman,  adj.   Female, 

#<ys5a>,  7S$&x>  sthalamu,  sthalamu,5. 
A  place,  or  site.  2.  Soil,  dry  or 
firm  ground.  3.  Kesidence. 

tS  stfa6x>  sthaviramu,  adj.  Old,  aged. 
2.  Firm,  fixed. 

■&>#&*  sthanamu,  s.  Place,  spot,  site, 
situation.2.  A  house,  or  residence. 

->a&C&  sthanikudu,  5.  A  fixed  wor- 
shipper,  in  a  Hindoo  temple. 

•>•£#,  -3n>o5tfxko  sthapana>  sthapana- 
mu,  s.  Fixing  or  concentrating 
the  thoughts.-£r°2>e£ss«>  sthapitamu, 
adj.  Firm,  steady,  established. 
-£r°S>o-i&  sthapintsuj  e\  a.  To  esta- 
blish, make  good,  or  confirm*  2. 
To  place,  or  deposit. 




-£r°o»  sthky'hadj. Permanent,  steady, 
firm,  invariable. 

•>°caoo§o£b  sthayukudu,  s.  The  over- 
seer of  a  village. 

•£n>2)  sthali,  s.  Any  small  potj 

-£p>tfSs5»  sthavaramu,ad/.  Fixed,  sta- 
tionary, stable,  immoveable;  real, 
as  applied  to  property. 


ft©  sthiti,  s.  Condition,  state.  2. 
Property,  wealth.  $3^8  bhusthi- 
ti,  Landed  property,  ft3a5bo&>2& 
sthitimantudu,A  man  of  property. 

fttfs5s>  sthiramu,  adj.  Firm,  fixed, 
steady?  immoveable,  stable.  2. 
Permanent,  durable. 

^e>^sthulamu,0^'.  Big,  corpulent, 
bulky,  s.  A  tent. 


■£r»x  #«£»,  -^StfssSw  snanamu,  snapa- 
namu,  s.  A  blution,  bathing. 


^v^sSm  snehamu,  s.  Friendship,  in- 
timacy, affection,  kindness.  2.  Oil, 
unguent.  ~&y§r>o-&>  snehintsu,  v.  a> 

To  cultivate,  or  court,    another's 
"^x  !r*&>2£  snehitudu,    5.   A  friend, 
companion?  or  comrade. 

"c^tfj sparsa,  s.  Contact,  touch- 

•^8\tfi5»  sparsanamu,  5.  Touch,  con. 
tact.  2.  The  wind,  or  air. 

•(OjSxsSm  spashtamu,  ad/\  Clear,  evid- 
ent, manifest,  apparent*  conspicu- 
ous, easy,  intelligible. 

*^t5^s&3  sphatikamu,  s.  Crystal. 

7oo\&j5»  sphutamu,ae?/.  Blown,  open 
ed,  expanded.  2.  Apparent,   evi- 
dent, manifest. 

^eo45b,  ^8oooo45bsphurintsu,sphu- 
riyintsu,  v.  n.  To  recollect,  or  re- 
member. %  To  be  manifest,  or 

is$\kz£&to  sphotakamui  s.  A  boil,  or 
tumor  ;  hence,  in  Telugu,  used  to 
denote  the  small  pox. 

7$  tin  smarana,  s.  Recollection,  me- 

— 4 

mory*  ?$  ***<+-  *  fi««nA 

8o-t5b,  tf,8©»o-ifc   sn 
— » 

tsu,  smariyintsu,  v.  a*  To  think. 
2.  Recollect,  or  remember.  3,  To 
invoke,  or  meditate  on. 

^£  ^  ***  -Swap  nam  u 


*^eS  d^-Swasthamu 
1  ^  cp 


#  vS  smriti,  5-  Recollection,  remem- 
brance, memory.  2.  Law,  The 
body  of  law  as  delivered  original- 
ly by  Menu,  laws. 

•>?e)So2&,  Hr>evo&>  syalakudu,  sya- 
ludu,  5.  A  wife's  brother.   . 


^  Kb  sraggu,  v.  n. 



^,So^-  srukku,  v.  n,  To  become  less, 
weak,  or  fatigued,  s.  Fatigue. 
^Ik-oifc    srukkintsu,    v.   a.  To 

make  less  ;  to  weaken,  or  fatigue. 


"fooe£s*»  swantamu,  adj.  One's  own; 
proper,  private,  peculiar,  belong- 
ing to  one's- self. 

*£-i5\ss»  swachchhamu,  adj.  Pure^ 
transparent,  pelucid. 

*£c2ss&&>  swajanudu,  5.  A  distant 

•fo«$o.#.*Soo  swatantramu,  a$.  In- 
dependent, free,  selfwilled.  s.  In- 

^p^sdooswatvamu  s.  Self-existence, 

iudependent  being.  2.  Own  right, 
or  property, 
•fo^sfco  swapnamu,  A  dream.2. Sleep. 
"cS^^Ksfr    swapnamuganu,    To 


•fo^tfife©  swabhavamu,  s.  Nature  ; 
natural  state,  property,  or  dispo- 

•^otfo-SrS'sSw  swayampakamu,  s.  Ar- 
ticles requisite  for  the  prepara- 
tion of  food.  2.  Cooking  or  prepa- 
ring food.  ^oboo^pI  swayampaki, 
5.  A  cook. 

-^a6osstfsSa>  swayamvaramu,  s.  The 
ceremony  of  a  young  female  se- 
lecting her  own  husband,  from  a 
large  assembly  of  young  men. 
•^oBSosrtf  swayamvara,  s-  A  girl 
who  selects  her  husband. 

•£gtfs6c»  swaramu,.s.  Sotmd.  2.  A  mu- 
sical note.  3.  Vocal  sound,  the 
voice.  4.  An  accent.  5.  Air,  breath 
through  the  nostrils,  o'.  In  gra- 
mmar, a  vowel. 

Heaven.  Indra's 


tf  sko  swargamu, 

-<o-tfr»3sfco  swanipamu,  s>  Natural  fi- 
gure,  shape,  form,  state,  or  -pnv- 
pose.-£Q&r«*£fy?tfsx>o  swarupanas'a 
namu,  s.  lit  Destruction  of  the 
natural  form.  Disgrace. 

*<btf  tfoo  swarnamu?  s.  Gold. 
^e^j6w  swalpamu,  adj-  Very  small, 

or  few  ;  trifling. 

swasti,A'.  A  particle,  expressive 

of  benediction,  or  approbation. 
-^^sSaD,  ^»co^sSm  swasthamu.swanta 

mu,   s.  The   mind,   or   facult}^  o* 

thought  and  feeling. 





7<r>o&ots$jQ&»  swatantryamu,  s.  Inde- 

at°o£d  sw-ami,  s.  A  god,  or  deifcy.  2. 
A  chief,  lord,  or  master.  3.  A 
husband.  4.  A  king,  or  governor. 
5.  An  owner,  or  proprietor.  3^s» 
' £^  ^tfaaswamidrohamii,  Treason; 
treachery  to  a  superior- 

-fro^ti^&xi  swarasyamu,  5.  Principal 
or  chief  aim,  object,  intention,  or 
meaning,  lit.  It's  own  juice,  adj. 
Pleasing,  delicious. 

fbq-r'tfsko  swlkaramu,  s.  Adoption. 
%ogdo&  swikarintsu,To  adopt. 

"£q£s&»  swTcdamn,s.  Sweat,  perspira- 
tion. 2.  Warmth,  heat. 

&*  ha,   The  forty-ninth  letter,  and 

thirty-fourth     consonant,  in  the 
Telugu  alphabet. 

A  swan  ;  a  fabulous  bird  of  that 
species,  thought  now  to  be  ex- 
tinct. 2.  One  of  the  vital  airs.  s^»o 
-£s3r°s^s5o£o  hamsavahanudu,  s. 
Bramha  ;  as  having  the  swan  for 
his  vehicle. 
s^o£o£o  hamsudu,  s.  The  sun. 

'0*£&x>  hamsa,  hamsamu,   s. 

s^s^fessSw  hadzarramu,  s.  The  gate 
of  a  mansion.  2.  A   royal  court. 

s^fc>sSw  hattamu,  s.  A  market,  or  fair. 

s^g«5oa  hathamu,  s.  Violence,  rapine. 
&>7sr>&lr.Qo&  halhatkarintsn,  To 
violate,  or  force. 

zfr-w&oir*  hathattuga'.a^. Suddenly. 

£*£&»  hatamu,  adj.  Killed,  beaten, 
destroyed.  2.  Disappointed.  £->£ 
sSw^ooco  hatamucheyu,z?.c  To  kill, 
destroy,  or  ruin. 

s^«&>  hattu,  v>  n.  To  be  joined,  or 
attached.  2.  To  be  obtained,  as 
applied  to  a  situation,  or  employ- 
ment. &>  ®ot&  hattintsu,  v.  a.  To 
join,  unite,  or  attach:  2.  To  bes- 
tow, or  give,  an  employment. 

s$*£g  hatya,  .s.  Murder,  slaughter 

s5-ȣ(oo  hadanu,  5.  An  opportunity. 

sj-*o35s$m  hayamu,  s.  A  horse.  s^«6 
sr>&*&&}  hayavahanudu,  5'.  Cube- 
ra,  whose  vehicle  is  the  horse. 

s^tfrcs&o  haranamu,  s.  Taking,  ac- 
cepting, seizing,  carrying  off.  2. 
A  special  gift,  as  a  nuptial  pre- 
sent, &c. 

s^tfjdw  haramu,  adj.  Expelling,  de- 
livering; counteracting  evil  effects. 
s^Qo^b,  5^8o»o-&  harintsu,  bari- 
yintsu,  v.  n.  To  expel,  deliver, 
take  away,  or  counteract  evil  ef- 

sS*o  r*-Hallako 



fects.  2.  To  be  digested,  v.  a.  To 
carry  off,  or  usurp.  s^Sot&r°s6  ha 
rintsukonu,  v.  Comp.  To  possess 
a  strong  power  of  digestion. 

s5^5  hari,  s.  A  lion.  2.  A  snake,  or 
serpent,  3.  A  monkey.  4.  A  horse. 
6.  Vishnu.  7.  Yama.  8.  Indra.  9. 
Air,  wind.  10.  The  moon.  11.  The 
sun.    12.   Green  colour. 

s^ejrSo  harigolu,  s.  A  basket  boat, 
such  as  is  used  on  the  Tambudra, 
and  other  rivers  in  the  Deccan. 

s£*8-J5*oas#s$»  harichandanamu,  s.  A 
yellow,  or  very  fragrant  species 
of  sandal-wood.  2.  One  of  the 
trees  of  paradise. 

s$-»5«rD£'sSc»,  sfroea £«&»  hari talamu,  ha 
ridalamu,  s.  Yellow  orpiment. 

^5-sr>e3«3c»  harivanamu,  s.  A  small 
metal  plate. 

t^bbjg)  haruvu?  5.  Contrivance,  meth- 
od, address. 

^-ck-.-cr*  harka"ra,  s.  A  messenger, 
courier,  or  spy. 

s^&e-sSm  harshamu,  s.  Joy,  gladness, 
happiness,  s^o\s-o-*fc  harshintsu. 
To  rejoice.  s^^s-^jSm  harshitamu, 
adj.  Rejoiced. 

s^e>s*>a  halamu?  s.  A  plough. 

s^er»5^e>^»  halahalamu,  s.  A  sort  of 

poison.  2.  The  saliva  of  a  horse. 
iy*ej  r*er*tf  tfw,  s^e>  rer*e>sfc»  hallakol- 
laramu,  hallakallolamu  $.  Tumult, 
confusion,  disorder. 

sJ«e>o«o  hallulu,  s.  plu.  In  grammar, 

The  consonants. 
&>  Z<3&  hastamu,  s.  The  hand.  2.  A 

cubit.  3.  The   elephant's    trunk. 

s3-°  X&v&x>  hastatalamu,  The  palm 

of  the  hand.  s^-^I^Q  hastakshari, 


s.  Hand  writing?  signature. 
&°  %  hasti,  s.  An  elephant. 

sfr*$  hani,  s.  Loss,  privation.  2.  Da- 
mage, harm.  3.  Ruin.  4.  Aband- 

sr6o«    hayi,    s.    Happiness,     quiet, 

peace,  adj.  Happy. 
&€S3  harati.  s.  vide  «tf©  6rati. 
sj-stfs&u  h£ramu,    s.  A  necklace,   or 

&6tr°&>oi&»  halahalamu,  5.  A  sort  of 

poison,  or  venom. 
&c§>  haii,  s.  Joy,  gladness. 

§r*6SS  himsa,  s.  Injury,  mischief.  2. 
Murder,  killing.  3.  Trouble,  diffi- 
culty, gs^  tfoo  himsramu,  ad/. 
Mischievous,  hurtful*  injurious. 
gr>o&o-&  himsintsu,  v.  a.  To  in- 
jure. 2.  To  kill. 

gr%e£skc,  Sr°eS£)  hitamu,  hitavu,  s.  An 
agreeable,  suitable,  or  obliging, 
service]  adj-  Agreeable?  fit,  accep- 
table, suitable- 

&>&)&>  hitudu,   *.  A  friend. 





Ir*tf  s*»  hinamu,  adj.  Dificient,  defec- 
tive. 2.  Vile,  low,  base.  3-  Left, 

ir°tfi&»  hiramu,  s-  A  diamond. 


#roo-rBtfsfe>,  sStooS'n©  hunkaramu, 
hunkriti,  s.  A  roar,  or  loud  noise- 
sSroo^eoiSi)  hunkarintsu,  To  roar 

jfoog,  sfcooci  hundi,hundi,  s  A  bill 
of  exchange- 

«frw&r«srwfe5  hutahuti,  s.  Great  haste* 

sfo>«f§k_,  sttoSToS  hulakki,  hulanki,s. 

A  lie,  or  falsehood. 


7fr\tso&>Gx>  hridayamu,  s,  The  mind. 
the  seat*  or  faculty  of  thought  or 
feeling,  2.  The  heart. 

2^\£cs6m  hridyamu,  adj.De&r,  belov- 
ed, cherished. 

krK&  heggallu,  s.  phi.  Eunuchs. 
5^ -areas'    hetstsarika,   s.   Gladness, 

pleasure.  2.   Caution*  precaution. 
Sr*\fcx  hetstsu,  v.  n.  To  increase,  or 

become   augmented,    adj.    More' 

much,  -^suo-ik  hechchmtsu,  v,  a. 

To  augment,  or  increase. 

"ir*&>;$    hetuvu,    s.    Cause,   reason, 

origin,  motive. 
~ir>TT°$rj5a>  heralamu,acfy\Much,many. 
~ir>$<S&x>    helanamu,  s.   Disrespect, 

disregard,  contempt. 

-=roo&-3-*a  hontakari,   s.   A  person 

who  deceives  one,  in  one's  own 
-5&n»oasex>  hoyalu,   s.    A  gesture,    or 
affected  gait, 

■^Sror^  s5b  sibah  omamUjf.  Aburnt  offering ; 
the  casting  of  clarified  butter,  &c. 
into  the  sacred  fire,  as  an  offer- 
ing to  the  gods,  accompanied  with 
prayers  or  invocations,  according 
to  the  object  of  the  sacrifice. 

ijTor°tf  hora,  s.  An  hour  ;  the  twenty- 
fourth  part  of  a  day. 

"?ror»Sh6ra,$.  Expedient,  contrivance, 
2.  A  person  clever  at  expedients. 

vj^/"pjg'«fr»  hrasvamu.  adj.  Short, 
little,  low.  s.  In  grammar,  A  short 

tf  la,  This  is  the  fiftieth  letter,  and 
thirty-fifth  consonant,  in  the 
Telugu  alphabet ;  but  no  words 
in  the  language  begin  with  it. 




J\  e£.  1600-Kshetramu 
> — / 

&  ksha,  The  fifty-first,  or  last  letter* 

and  thirty-sixth  consonant,  in  the 
Telugu  alphabet. 

&ras*»  kshanamu,  s.  An  instant,  or 
moment,  of  time. 

&  £  aw  kshatramu,  5.  The  second 
pure  Hindoo  tribe,  the  regal  or 
military  caste.  &  &  cafr*f3  kshatri- 
yarii,  A  female  of  that  tribe.  &,©, 
cc6o2&  kshatriyudu,  s.  A  man  of 
that  tribe. 

&sfc  kshama,  s.  The  earth.  2.  Pati- 
ence. 3.  Pardon,  forgiveness. 

&sks5»  kshamamu,  8.  Patience.  2. 
Pardon,  forgiveness,  adj.  Patient. 
2.  Able,  capable.  &£»o-tfc  ksha- 
mintsu,  v.  a.  To  pardon,  or  forgive. 

&cc&&»  kshayamu,  s.  A  destruction 
of  the  world.  2.  Loss,  waste.  3. 
A  house,  or  a-bode. 

ZS£o8kshanti,s.Patience,  forbearance. 
&«fes$»  kshamamu,  s.  A  famine. 
3£tf«i»   ksharamu,  s.  Salt.  2.  black 


JL©  kshiti,  s.  The  earth.  2.  An 
abode,  or  dwelling.  3.  Wane,  loss, 
destruction.  4.  the  period  of 
the  general  destruction  of  the 


J\ casks  kshinamu,  adj.  Thin,  emacia- 
ted, feeble,  slender,  less. 
JLtf  sfc>  kshiramu,  s.  Milk.  2.  Water. 

<3*?«k,&p£  kshuttu,kshudha,  s.  Hun 

^p^sfea  kshudramu,  adj.  Small, 
little.  2.  Mean,  low.  3.  Mean, 
niggardly,  avaricious.  4.  Cruel. 
5.  Poor,  indigent.  ^^j^exD^ss^ 
kshudralucheppu.  To  tell  tales  of 
any  one.  &?{iE*Jvoi$aSo  kshudra- 
lucheyu,  To  intrigue,  or  conspire 

&$Q  kshuri,  s.  A  barber. 

<E$r>ea£  kshunata,  s.   Disgrace. 

"|^^g?>^o  kshetradzuda,  s.  A  son 
born  of  the  wife,  by  a  kinsman, 
or  person  duly  appointed  to  pro- 
create issue  to  the  husband. 

%.,£  &&>  kshetrajnudu,  s.  The  soul 

the  emanation  of  divinity  residing 
in  the  body. 

Tt^sSw  kshetramu,  s.  Afield.  2. 
The  body.  3.  A  wife.  4.  A  pure, 
or  sacred,  spot  •,  a  place  of  pilgri- 
mage, as  Benares,  &c.  5.  A  geo- 
metrical figure* 





"gx^S^^aSaa   kshemakaramu,    adj. 

Auspicious,  propitious  ;  conferring 
good  fortune,  or  happiness. 
"il\sksi»  kshemamu,  s.  Happiness- 
well  being,  welfare,  health.  2. 
Preserving,  protecting,  keeping 
what  is  acquired.  3.  Final  eman- 
cipation, or  eternal  happiness. 
adj.  Happy,  well,  in  good  health, 

Sf  3  kshdni,  s.  The  earth. 

3£tfs5s>  kshauramu,  s. Shaving. 

— 6 

Z^    ksba,    s.    The   earth.    &  $\  &> 

kshmabrittu,  s>  A  king  ;  as  pro- 
tecting ifc. 

"<I^e&  kshveda,  s.  A  war  whoop,  or 

battle   cry.  2.  A  bamboo    rod,  or 



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