• Metabolomics for investigating disease process

    Malaria is considered to be one of the major killers in large part of the world. We believe, systems biological approaches may provide us specific insights to the mechanism of disease progression, since this involves the joint biological network of host and the parasite...

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  • Imaging Protein Dynamics at Work

    Molecular fluorescence, when observed with a time resolution of a few picoseconds, becomes a powerful tool for revealing the ‘wiggling and jiggling’ which makes the biological world ‘living’. With the state-of-the-art laser technology available today one can observe dynamics of molecules in ultrafast timescales with high sensitivity and selectivity. …..

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  • Dendritic Fibrous Nanosilica for Catalysis, Energy Harvesting, Carbon Dioxide Mitigation, Drug Delivery, and Sensing

    NanoCat Group has developed next-generation nanocatalysts via the morphological control of nanomaterials, particularly dendritic fibrous nanosilica (DFNS).....

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  • Tracking the molecular players in neurodegenerative disorders

    In the department of chemical sciences, we investigate biophysically tractable yet biologically interesting systems, using (mostly) spectroscopic and imaging tools, most of which we build ourselves. Our recent focus has been on two problems: protein misfolding/aggregation, and vesicular neurotransmission....

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  • Chemistry driven by delocalized molecular motions

    Chemical reactions are often conceptualized by making and breaking one bond at a time. The idea of localized bond alterations inhibits intuitive thinking about the structure as a whole. The Dasgupta group is focusing on creating a theme using collective motions existing in the molecular structure to drive selective and efficient chemistry...

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About the Department

Scientists at the DCS explore the link between living systems and the physical laws that govern nature. They study molecules ranging in size as small as water and as large as a virus. The laws that govern interaction in molecules are best studied in well-defined and isolated small molecules. This information becomes applicable to design novel materials with exotic properties, of value to chemical and solar energy industries and to medical applications. To understand working of biological systems, studies are made on structure, dynamics and function of biological molecules. TIFR is a leader in state-of-the-art experimental techniques such as high field NMR, ultrafast lasers and single molecule methodologies.

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