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References in periodicals archive ?
First, in cultures containing a single SN that bifurcates to two different postsynaptic targets, 24-h LTF is induced at one set of SN synapses treated with five pulses of 5-HT, but not at other, untreated synapses of the same SN; further, this LTSSF is blocked by protein synthesis inhibition at synapses being treated with 5-HT.
Take a look at yourself in front of the class," says Horne, who is now a facilitator for other LTF cohorts.
Our LTF technology platform will offer the advantage of proprietary, differentiated tests that offer cost-effective, accurate results for the patient and physician.
SVV angles in PD patients with and without LTF were compared applying Mann-Whitney U test.
In "leap frog" fashion, the BSB relocated to Echo while the LTF, established at Echo, continued to provide sustainment support to all BCT and area-support units.
However, the yield offered by LTF is lower than that of the Tata Capital and Shriram Transport Finance issues.
LTF 548 served as the command and control element for 11 units, including a direct support maintenance company, a general support supply company, a cargo transfer company, a water supply company, a water purification detachment, a field artillery battery, an ordnance company, a headquarters detachment, an aerial delivery platoon, and a mortuary affairs team.
We simply want IOLTA accounts to receive the same treatment as other accounts." Currently, she says, as a fact sheet on LTF's Web site also notes, IOLTA accounts maintaining balances of $100,000 or more receive on average only .5 percent, whereas comparable non-IOLTA accounts receive between 2.5 and 4 percent.
BDO fell by 2.91 percent while SM Investments, LTF, ICTSI, Metro Pacific and Security Bank also lost ground.
The employees are on strike against the PQA and M/S Hauaneng Fuyun Port and Shipping (Pvt) Ltf, a Chinese cargo handling company, which has been given independent rights of two berths at Port Qasim for 30-year.
LTF chief executive Scott Lloyd added: "It's our job to get behind the competition and make it a success."
Major stakeholders in the Nigerian theatre space have lauded the achievements of the Lagos Theatre Festival (LTF), especially its recent ranking as the 15th most popular theatre festival in the world.