C1.2. Articole indexate BDI Lista articolelor publicate in reviste din strainatate indexate BDI sau in reviste categoria B+ (CNCSIS) (pentru personalul de predare si cercetare stiintifica cu norma de baza/titular in cadrul universitatii) Nr. Numele autorului/ autorilor Prof. Univ. Dr. Achim 1 Ionel 2 Conf. Dr. Laura Pana 3 Lect. Dr. Bruno Stefan Titlul lucrarii Industrial Design, mag TripleC: Cognition, Communication, Co-operation, 4(2): 254-264, Artificial Intelligence and Moral 2006, ISSN 1726670X Intelligence Scurta istorie a inchisorilor Institutional reform the European Union Revista de Stiinte Penale, editata de Institutul de Reforme Penale din Chisinau, Republica Moldova Revista Român ădeă Sociologie 5-6 Geopolitics, History volume 1(2). Anul publicarii Domeniul de ierarhizare pentru care au fost raportate aceste date 2006 UPB Inginerie si Management 2006 UPB Inginerie si Management 2006 UPB 2009 UPB THE DECONSTRUCTION and International Relations Geopolitics, volume 1(2) History 2009 Inginerie si Management Inginerie si Management UPB Inginerie si Management and International Relations Geopolitics, History Numele bazei de date UPB 2009 THE GEOPOLITICS Afilierea institutionala a autorului/ autorilor 2006 Shaping a new world order OF THE MODERN STATE AND THE FORMATION OF GOVERNMENT NETWORKS Paginile Inginerie si Management and International RelationsISSN:19 48-9145 Geopolitics, History volume 1(2) Banciu Angela Paun Stefan Numarul volumului New tendencyes in the contemporany design, in Industrial Design , Din confesiunile unui jurissociolog Conf. Dr. Iancu Filipescu 4 5 Numele revistei vol.1, nr.1 2009 and International Relations Geopolitics, STATES AND THE EFFICACY History vol.1, nr.1 2009 OF EUROPE’S BORDERS UPB 6 MARGHESCU 7 GEORGETA OF POWER 11 BAZAC ANA THE MEDIA CULTURE AND THE EDUCATION ŞAPTEăFAZEăDEăISTORIEă SOCIAL ăTURBULENT ăAă SOCIOLOGIEIăROMÂNEŞTI SINDROMUL BURNOUT CA FUNC IEăAă PERSONALIT IIăŞIă CREATIVIT II VALORILE ÎNTREPRINZ TORILORăŞIă POTEN IALILORă ANTREPRENORI DIN MEDIUL RURAL LA REVOLTE ET LA LUTTE: ALBERT CAMUS ET JEANPAUL SARTRE EN DEDANS ET EN DEHORS DE L"EXISTENTIALISME 12 Filipescu Iancu H.H.Stahl - sociolog al istoriei 8 FILIPESCU IANCU 9 BALGIU BEATRICE ŞTEFANăEUGENă 10 BRUNO 13 Filipescu, IancuS. Chelcea Convorbire cu H.H.Stahl, 14 Bruno Stefan Istoria si reforma inchisorilor romanesti 15 Cernica Viorel The Icon" as a Revelation of the Divine 16 Pan ăLaura Viziunea sistemică şi metodologia structurală în opera lui Traian Herseni, 17 Georgeta Marghescu TraianăHerseniăşiăvoca iaă transdisciplinarit ii 18 Dragomir Alexandrina Ligia Stoica, Carolina Constantin, Olimpia Micu, Ioana Lacatusu, 19 Gabriela Oproiu UPB Inginerie si Management UPB Inginerie si Management 2010 UPB Inginerie si Management 2010 UPB Inginerie si Management 2010 UPB Inginerie si Management UPB Inginerie si Management and International BULETINUL UNIVERSITATII PETROL-GAZE DIN PLOIESTI SERIA STIINTELE EDUCATIEI 2010 SOCIOLOGIE ROMANEASCA REVISTA DE PSIHOLOGIE A ACADEMIEI ROMANE REVISTA ROMANA DE SOCIOLOGIE REVUE ROUMAINE DE PHILOSOPHIE Sociologie Româneasc , nr.56, 2006 Sociologie Româneasc 5-6, Revista Romana de Sociologie a Academiei Romane nr. 1-2, Buletinul Universitatii Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti vol LVIII nr. 1 Pentru o teorie a comunicarii în comunicare , Revista română de sociologie, Serie nouă RevistaăRomân ă de Sociologie, Serieănou RevistaăRomân ă de Sociologie, Serieănou Separation from aqueous system by reduction-precipitationflotation Global and Regional Environmental Protection UPB Inginerie si Management Inginerie si Management 2006 UPB Inginerie si Management 2006 UPB Inginerie si Management UPB 2006 nr. 1-2 2007 UPB Inginerie si Management nr. 1-2 2007 UPB Inginerie si Management nr. 1-2 2007 UPB Inginerie si Management Vol 1 2010 UPB Inginerie si Management 20 G. Oproiu Trausan-Matu, S.; Mihaila, D.; Cristea, V. Removal of fluoride ion from liquid media by flotation. Kinetic aspects, Personalizarea secventierii intr- RevistaăRomân ă un mediu de invatare bazat pe deăInterac iuneă cunostinte, Om-Calculator VOL.I 2010 2006 UPB 21 Posea, V.; Gartner, A.; Trausan-Matu, S. Sisteme de recomandare pentru imbunatatirea interfetei unei platforme de e-learning RevistaăRomân ă deăInterac iuneă Om-Calculator 2006 UPB 22 Irina Mocanu An Indexing Scheme for Content- Buletinul UPB, Based Retrieval of Images by Seria C Shape Inginerie si Management UPB 2006 Index Copernicus, HCIIngineria sistemelor, Bibliography, calculatoare si CNCSIS B+, tehnologia informatiei Index Copernicus, HCIIngineria sistemelor, Bibliography, calculatoare si CNCSIS B+, tehnologia informatiei UPB 23 Bucur, Ion I. Partitioning Combinational Circuits for k-LUT based FPGA mapping Univ. Politehnica of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin, Series C : Electrical Engineering, ISSN 1454-234x 2 Univ. Politehnica of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin, Series C : Electrical Engineering, ISSN 1454-234x 3 2006 91-100 Bucur, Ion I. Analytical Approach of Undetectable Bridging Faults in Combinational Circuits 2006 6γă–ă74 A. Florea Latinité en Europe de l'Est : les apports de l'ingénierie linguistique Lexi Praxi 2006 (colloque de l‟AILF,ă Association des Informaticiens de Langue Française) 2006 24-28 UPB 26 Sorin Adrian Ciureanu 27 Method for the testing of Co-rich Conferinta amorphous films internationala de magnetism 2006 Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://dtil.unilat. org/actualites_0 6/actu_142_06_ es.htm UPB 25 UPB Paris, France, 23 juin 2006, manifestare organizata cu prilejul Sommet de la Francophonie Bucuresti, Romania, Mai 2006 http://rochi.utclu http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# UPB 24 http://rochi.utclu Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei STEFAN TRAUSANMATU, GERRY STAHL, JOHANN SARMIENTO SUPPORTING POLYPHONIC COLLABORATIVE LEARNING E-SERVICE JOURNAL, 2007, INDIANA UNIVERSITY 28 PRESS A. M. FLOREA, E. A NEGOTIATION LEARNING International KALISZ MODEL FOR OPEN MULTIJournal of AGENT ENVIRONMENTS Computing Anticipatory Systems (IJCAS) ISSN 137329 5411, 2007 GEORGE IORDACHE, A DECENTRALIZED Multiagent and SIMONA BOBOILA, STRATEGY FOR GENETIC Grid Systems, FLORIN POP, C. SCHEDULING IN Volume 3, STRATAN, V. CRISTEA HETEROGENEOUS Number 4, ISSN: 30 ENVIRONMENTS 1574-1702 Hosu, V.; Trausan-Matu, Metoda de recomandare bazata RevistaăRomân ă S. pe rang, considerând satisfactia deăInterac iuneă utilizatorilor Om-Calculator 2007 2007 2007 2007 UPB RevistaăRomân ă deăInterac iuneă Om-Calculator 2007 RevistaăRomân ă deăInterac iuneă Om-Calculator 2007 UPB UPB UPB 33 POPESCU CORNEL, CULEA GEORGE, ALEXANDRESCU DRAGAN CONTROL OF INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENTS USING EMBEDDED APPLICATIONS BUCUR I. ION PERFORMANCE MAPPING OF K-LUT BASED FPGAS 34 35 MODELLING AND OPTIMIZATION IN THE MACHINES BUILDING FIELD UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES C ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA C INGINERIE ELECTRICA 2007 Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www2.ulg. HAOS/IJCAS/IJ CAS_CONTEN T.htm Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.iospr ad.php?isbn=15 741702 UPB 32 Posea, V.; Trausan-Matu, Sistem de mentinere a sirului S. ideilor în dezbaterile din dialogurile pe web http://muse.jhu.e du/journals/eser vice_journal/ UPB 31 Rebedea, T.; Dragan, A.; Vizualizarea contributiei Alexandru, C.; Trausan- participantilor în conversatiile Matu chat Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei Index Copernicus, HCIIngineria sistemelor, Bibliography, calculatoare si CNCSIS B+, tehnologia informatiei Index Copernicus, HCIIngineria sistemelor, Bibliography, calculatoare si CNCSIS B+, tehnologia informatiei Index Copernicus, HCIIngineria sistemelor, Bibliography, calculatoare si CNCSIS B+, tehnologia informatiei http://rochi.utclu http://rochi.utclu http://rochi.utclu UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei 2007 UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# Gartner, A.; Rosiu, A.; Polyphony, un sistem de chat Onofreiciuc, C; Trausan- bazat pe cunostinte Matu, S. RevistaăRomân ă deăInterac iuneă Om-Calculator 2007 UPB 36 I. BUCUR, C. POPESCU COMBINATIONAL CIRCUITS The 5th OPTIMIZED BY Information PARTITIONING Systems and Operations Management Workshop, Romanian American University, Marchăăβ8ă–ăβ9,ă 2007, Bucharest, Romania, pp.237250, ISBN: 978973-129-057-7 2007 V. CRISTEA, F. POP, C. DISTRIBUTED OPTIMAL STRATAN GENETIC ALGORITHM FOR GRID APPLICATIONS SCHEDULING 2007 BUCUR I. ION EGEE User Forum 2nd Edition 2007, Manchester, UK, ISBN: 978-929083-303-1 OPTIMAL LOGIC DESIGN OF Proceedings of K-LUT BASED, FPGAS The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Modeling a Can-Based Road Traffic Monitoring System 2007 39 M. Mocanu, V. Lungu 40 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 http://rochi.utclu UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei 37 38 Index Copernicus, HCIIngineria sistemelor, Bibliography, calculatoare si CNCSIS B+, tehnologia informatiei UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://indico.cer Id=7247 Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf UPB UPB C. Stefanescu, N. Cupcea, A. Surpateanu Message Logging Solutions for Fault Tolerant Computers and Software Reliability 41 C. Stefanescu, N. Cupcea, A. Surpateanu Microcontroller-Based System for Liquid Level Measuring 42 C.E. Nitipir, A. Petrescu Haerdware Accelerator for Gate Array Placement 43 C. Stefanescu, N. Cupcea, A. Surpateanu 44 High Efficiency Power Quality Monitoring Solutions for Dedicated Virtual Instrumentation Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf UPB UPB UPB F. Pop, V. Cristea 45 D. Tudor, Fl. Pop, V. Cristea, V. Cretu Intelligent Strategies for Dag Proceedings of Scheduling Optimization in Grid The 16th Environments International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Towards an IO Intensive Grid Application Instrumentation in Mediogrid Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Locality Sensitive Search: A Fast Proceedings of Approach The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 46 V. Cristea, St. TrausanMatu, V. Posea, A. Gartner 47 Fl. Radulescu 48 Towards an Evaluation METHODOLOGY FOR COLLABORATIVE LEARNING UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf UPB UPB UPB Cr. Giumale Common-sense Reasoning and Hypothesizing with Constraints 49 C. Odubasteanu, C. Munteanu, C. Tudose Algorithms for Pipelined Parallelism Scheduling Problem 50 C. Marinescu, N. Tapus The Problems of Time Stamping Revisited 51 R. Diaconescu, C. Collaborative Route Planning in Gorgorin, V. Gradinescu, Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks V. Cristea 52 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf UPB UPB UPB A. Foldi, A. Moldoveanu, Mobile Web Service Agents for Fl. Moldoveanu, A. Mobile Applications Soceanu Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Strategies for Optimizing Shared Proceedings of Traffic Protection in G/Mpls The 16th Networks International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 MODERN APPROACHES IN DETECTION OF PAGE SEPARATORS FOR IMAGE CLUSTERING 2008 53 R. Rughinis 54 COSTIN-ANTON BOIANGIU, D.C. CANANAU, A.C. SPATARU 55 COSTIN-ANTON BOIANGIU, A.I. DVORNIC METHODS OF BITONAL IMAGE CONVERSION FOR MODERN AND CLASSIC DOCUMENTS 56 COSTIN-ANTON BOIANGIU, A.C. SPATARU , A.I. DVORNIC, D.C. CANANAU NORMALIZED TEXT FONT RESEMBLANCE METHOD AIMED AT DOCUMENT IMAGE PAGE CLUSTERING COSTIN-ANTON BOIANGIU, B. RADUCANU LINE DETECTION TECHNIQUES FOR AUTOMATIC CONTENT CONVERSION SYSTEMS 57 58 WSEAS TRANSACTION S on COMPUTERS, Issue 7, Volume 7,ăpp.ăă1071ă–ă 1080, July 2008, ISSN: 1109-2750 WSEAS TRANSACTION S on COMPUTERS, Issue 7, Volume 7,ăpp.ăă1081ă–ă 1090, July 2008, ISSN: 1109-2750 WSEAS TRANSACTION S on COMPUTERS, Issue 7, Volume 7,ăpp.ăă1091ă–ă 1100, July 2008, ISSN: 1109-2750 WSEAS TRANSACTION S on INFORMATION SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS, Issue 7, Volume 5,ăpp.ăă1β00ă–ă 1209, July 2008, ISSN: 1790-0832 2008 2008 2008 UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.worl s/computers/co mputers2008.htm Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.worl s/computers/co mputers2008.htm Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.worl s/computers/co mputers2008.htm Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.worl s/information/inf ormation2008.htm UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB COSTIN-ANTON BOIANGIU, B. RADUCANU 3D MESH SIMPLIFICATION TECHNIQUES FOR IMAGEPAGE CLUSTERS DETECTION 59 COSTIN A. BOIANGIU, ANDREI C. SPATARU, ANDREI I. DVORNIC, ION BUCUR USUAL SCENARIOS AND SUITABLE APPROACHES USED IN AUTOMATIC MERGE OF SCANNED IMAGES 60 COSTIN-ANTON BOIANGIU, DANCRISTIAN CANANAU, BOGDAN RADUCANU, ION BUCUR A HIERARCHICAL CLUSTERING METHOD AIMED AT DOCUMENT LAYOUT UNDERSTANDING AND ANALYSIS 61 DUCA LAURENTIU AN OPEN SOURCE FPGA LOGIC ANALYZER WSEAS TRANSACTION S on INFORMATION SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS, Issue 7, Volume 5,ăpp.ăă1β00ă–ă 1209, July 2008, ISSN: 1790-0832 2008 NAUN INTERNATION AL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS, 2008, Pag 340349, ISSN: 19984308 NAUN INTERNATION AL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICA L MODELS AND METHODS IN APPLIED SCIENCES, 2008, Pag 413422, ISSN: 19980140 UPB, Sci.Bull., Series C, Vol. 70, No. 3, 2008, pag. 101, ISSN 1454234x 2008 Buletinul stiintific al universitatii „Politehnica”ădină Timisoara, seria Automatica si Calculatoare, vol 53 (67), fasc . 3, 2008, pg. 131, ISSN 1224-600X 2008 2008 2008 UPB 63 HEURISTICS FOR PIPELINED PARALLELISM SCHEDULING PROBLEM IN PARALLEL QUERY OPTIMIZATION Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.naun .org/journals/co mputers/ ml Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.naun .org/journals/m3 as/2008.htm Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei UPB UPB UPB 62 CARMEN ODUB ŞTEANU,ă C LINăMUNTEANU,ă C T LINăTUDOSE Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.worl s/information/inf ormation2008.htm UPB CARMEN ODUB ŞTEANU,ă C LINăMUNTEANU,ă SIMONA CARAMIHAI, FLORIN ANTONESCU SOFTWARE APPLICATION FOR HYBRID SYSTEM MODELLING AND SIMULATION USING HYBRID 64 Secasiu, O.; Posea., V.; Trausan-Matu, S. Aplicatie bazata pe web pentru gestiunea dezbaterilor online Buletinul stiintific al universitatii „Politehnica”ădină Timisoara, seria Automatica si Calculatoare, vol 53 (67), fasc . 1, 2008, ISSN 1224600X 2008 RevistaăRomân ă deăInterac iuneă Om-Calculator 2008 UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei UPB 65 Chiru, C., Trausan-Matu, Algoritmi de generare de S.; Rebedea, T. paronime pentru corectarea malapropismelor RevistaăRomân ă deăInterac iuneă Om-Calculator 2008 UPB 66 Dascalu, M.; Chioasca, E.; Trausan-Matu, S. ASAPă–ăSistemăavansatădeă evaluare a participantilor la un chat RevistaăRomân ă deăInterac iuneă Om-Calculator 2008 UPB 67 Rebedea, T.; Chiru.; Trausan-Matu, S. Portal Web de stiri autonom bazat pe prelucrarea limbajului natural RevistaăRomân ă deăInterac iuneă Om-Calculator 2008 UPB 68 Chriu, C.; Rebedea, T.; Trausan-Matu, S. O imbunatatire a performantelor algoritmului KNN in sistemele de recomandare pe web RevistaăRomân ă deăInterac iuneă Om-Calculator 2008 UPB 69 Trausan-Matu, L., Canciu, A.; TrausanMatu, S. 70 Analiza imaginarului din text RevistaăRomân ă deăInterac iuneă Om-Calculator 2008 UPB Index Copernicus, HCIIngineria sistemelor, Bibliography, calculatoare si CNCSIS B+, tehnologia informatiei Index Copernicus, HCIIngineria sistemelor, Bibliography, calculatoare si CNCSIS B+, tehnologia informatiei Index Copernicus, HCIIngineria sistemelor, Bibliography, calculatoare si CNCSIS B+, tehnologia informatiei Index Copernicus, HCIIngineria sistemelor, Bibliography, calculatoare si CNCSIS B+, tehnologia informatiei Index Copernicus, HCIIngineria sistemelor, Bibliography, calculatoare si CNCSIS B+, tehnologia informatiei Index Copernicus, HCIIngineria sistemelor, Bibliography, calculatoare si CNCSIS B+, tehnologia informatiei http://rochi.utclu http://rochi.utclu http://rochi.utclu http://rochi.utclu http://rochi.utclu http://rochi.utclu COSMIN ATANASOAEI, FLORICA MOLDOVEANU, EXTENSIONS TO THE MLS METHOD FOR IMAGE DEFORMATION 71 ALIN MOLDOVEANU, A 3D VIRTUAL MUSEUM FLORICA MOLDOVEANU, ALEXANDRU SOCEANU, VICTOR ASAVEI 72 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES C ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA C INGINERIE ELECTRICA UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES C ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA C INGINERIE ELECTRICA 2008 2008 UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# UPB NIDAL TURAB, FLORICA MOLDOVEANU IMPACT OF VARIOUS SECURITY MECHANISMS ON THE WLAN PERFORMANCES 73 ALIN MOLDOVEANU, FLORICA MOLDOVEANU, VICTOR ASAVEI MORE SCALABILITY AT LOWERăCOSTSă–ăSERVERă ARCHITECTURE FOR MASSIVE MULTI-PLAYER 3D VIRTUAL SPACES 74 POWERED BY GPGPU ALIN MOLDOVEANU, MÉGA MUSÉE VIRTUEL FLORICA MOLDOVEANU, VICTOR ASAVEI 75 M. IVANESCU, M. A DISTRIBUTED FORCE FLORESCU, NIRVANA AND POSITION CONTROL POPESCU, DECEBAL FOR A TENTACLE POPESCU MANIPULATOR 76 C LINăMUNTEANU,ă IMPLEMENTATION OF SIMONA CARAMIHAI, DECISION SUPPORT CARMEN SYSTEMS FOR ODUB ŞTEANU,ă COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS FLORIN ANTONESCU 77 CARMEN PIPELINED PARALLELISM ODUB ŞTEANU,ă SCHEDULING IN C LINăMUNTEANU HOMOGENEOUS AND HETEROGENEOUS ENVIRONMENTS 78 S.Petrescu, A.Boicea, R.Rughinis 79 Real time traffic monitoring based on travel time Minimization UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES C ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA C INGINERIE ELECTRICA International Journal of Mathematics and Computers în Simulation, 2008/2009 CIFA, 2008, Bucarest, Romania 2008 2008 2008 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Corea, 6-11 iulie 2008 2008 The 6th Industrial Simulation Conference, Lyon,ăFran a,ă911 iunie 2008 2008 The 6th Industrial Simulation Conference, Proceedings ISI, pp.ă47ă–ă51,ă Lyon,ăFran a,ă911 iunie 2008 2008 IFAC‟08ă International Workshop on Logistics, pp 4147 , Santiago Chile 2008 2008 UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.univ k/journals/cc/20 07.html Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cifa2008.e Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei ews/17th-ifacworld-congress Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.euro node/511 Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.euro node/511 Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB CarmenăOdub şteanu,ă C linăMunteanu Parallel query optimization: pipelined parallelism scheduling and golden number Buletinul Vol 71, Partea 3 Stiintific al UPB, seria C 2009 105-120 UPB 80 Ciprian Dobre, Florin Pop, Valentin Cristea Simulation Framework for the Evaluation of Dependable Distributed Systems 81 Florin Pop, Valentin Cristea Decentralized Meta-Scheduling Strategy in Grid Environments Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, Scientific International Journal for Parallel and Distributed Computing (SCPE) International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (IJGUC) 10(1) 2009 13-23 3(1) 2009 185-193 Economy Journal 12 (1) - Series Management Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Nicolae Tapus Efficient Offline Algorithmic Techniques for Several Packet Routing Problems in Distributed Systems Acta Universitatis Apulensis MathematicsInformatics Efficient Gaussian Elimination on a 2D SIMD Array of Processors without Column Broadcasts UPB Scientific 71 (4) Bulletin - Series C 2009 46-55 2009 111-128 2009 83-98 86 Methods of adjusting MPLS network policies Buletinul 3/2009 tiin ificăalăUPB,ă Seria C 2009 121-132 Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.wile l.asp?ref=10586407&site=1 Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.emis .de/journals/AU A/acta18.html Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# UPB UPB 85 Rughini ,ăR zvan,ă Deaconescu,ăR zvan Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.inde owse/index.php? journalID=108& year=2009&vol =1&issue=3 UPB 84 Mugurel Ionut Andreica http://www.scpe. org/index.php/sc pe/issue/view/84 UPB 83 18 Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei UPB 82 Madalina Ecaterina Using Financial Ratios to Andreica, Mugurel Ionut Identify Romanian Distressed Andreica, Marin Andreica Companies Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# UPB Rughini ,ăR zvan,ă Deaconescu,ăR zvan Optimization strategies in MPLS Buletinul 1/2009 Traffic Engineering tiin ificăalăUPB,ă Seria C 2009 91-102 UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei ia2009_4/index. html Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei 87 Deaconescu,ăR zvan,ă Milescu, George, Aurelian,ăB.,ăRughini ,ă R zvan,ă pu ,ăNicolae 88 ŞerbanăDr g nescu,ă Nicolaeă puş, A Virtualized Infrastructure for Automated BitTorrent Performance Testing and Evaluation International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements Costulădeăperforman ăală Revista Romana program riiăorientateăpeăaspecteăă de Informatica si Automatica 2-3/2009 2009 236-247 2009 UPB UPB 89 A. Boicea Spatial Database for Geographic Journal of Information System (GIS) Communication Applications and Computer, David Publishing ,CE9011704, USA 2009, 2009 UPB Indexata de Library of U.S Congress si regasita in baza de date Database of EBSCO, MassachusettsUSA, American Federal Computer Library Center, OCLC–USA,ăă Chinese Scientific Journals Database, VIP Corporation, Chongqing, China Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei 90 A. Boicea Optimizing the Execution Plan in Journal of an Oracle Database American Institute of Physics, vol 1117, ISBN: 9780-7354-0654-4, pp 89-94, USA 2009 2009 Ch.A.M.P.ă–ăSistemăpentruă RevistaăRomân ă evaluareaăşiămodelareaă deăInterac iuneă contribu ieiăparticipan ilorălaăună Om-Calculator Chat 2009 Oăabordareăbazat ăpeăontologiiă RevistaăRomân ă în proiectarea unui sistem deăInterac iuneă interactiv de management al Om-Calculator competen elorăpentruăcompaniileă de IT 2009 UPB 91 Dascalu,ăM.;Tr u anMatu S. UPB 92 Niculescu,ăN.;ăTr uşanMatu, S. 93 Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# http://www.iaria ems_and_measu rements/tocv2n2 3.html UPB Ofera serviciu de publicare pentru Society of Physics Students, Sigma Pi Sigma, Corporate Associates si alte 25 societati Ingineria sistemelor, stiintifice si calculatoare si profesionale tehnologia informatiei Index Copernicus, HCIIngineria sistemelor, Bibliography, calculatoare si CNCSIS B+, tehnologia informatiei Index Copernicus, HCIIngineria sistemelor, Bibliography, calculatoare si CNCSIS B+, tehnologia informatiei vlet/GetabsServl et?prog=normal &id=APCPCS0 0111700000100 0089000001&id type=cvips&gifs =yes&ref=no http://rochi.utclu http://rochi.utclu Tr uşan-Matu,ăS.;ăPosea,ă Utilizarea instrumentelor V.; Traian Rebedea, T. informatice colaborative de interfa areăînăînv mânt,ăînă Interac iuneăOm-Calculator RevistaăRomân ă deăInterac iuneă Om-Calculator 2009 UPB 94 FLORIN POP, VALENTIN CRISTEA 95 Niculescu,ăC.;ăTr uşanMatu, S. OPTIMIZATION OF SCHEDULING PROCESS IN GRID ENVIRONMENTS UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES C ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA C INGINERIE ELECTRICA Sistem interactiv de management RevistaăRomân ă alăcompeten elorăbazatăpeă deăInterac iuneă ontologii, pentru companiile de Om-Calculator IT 2009 A Comparison Between Wireless UNIVERSITY Vol 71, Nr. 1 Lan Security Protocols POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES C ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA C INGINERIE ELECTRICA 2009 2009 97 http://rochi.utclu Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# UPB UPB 96 NIDAL TURAB, FLORICA MOLDOVEANU Index Copernicus, HCIIngineria sistemelor, Bibliography, calculatoare si CNCSIS B+, tehnologia informatiei UPB Index Copernicus, HCIIngineria sistemelor, Bibliography, calculatoare si CNCSIS B+, tehnologia informatiei ULRICH Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://rochi.utclu http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# JALAL FRIHAT, Impact Of Using Upper Layers FLORICA Security Techniques In Ad Hoc MOLDOVEANU, ALIN Wireless Networks MOLDOVEANU UNIVERSITY Vol 71, Nr. 2 POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES C ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA C INGINERIE ELECTRICA UNIVERSITY Vol 71, Nr. 3 POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES C ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA C INGINERIE ELECTRICA Systems Conference, 2009 3rd Annual IEEE, ISBN: 978-14244-3462-6 2009 NICOLAE GOGA, SIEWERT MARRINK, Multiscaling Algorithms for STEFANIA Molecular Dynamics Simulations COSTACHE, FLORICA with GROMACS MOLDOVEANU Systems Conference, 2009 3rd Annual IEEE, ISBN: 978-14244-3462-6 2009 Ciprian Dobre, Florin Pop, Valentin Cristea 3rd International Workshop on High Performance Grid Middleware 2009 453-460 98 JALAL FRIHAT, FLORICA MOLDOVEANU, ALIN MOLDOVEANU General Guidelines for the Security of a Large Scale Data Center Design 99 NICOLAE GOGA, STEFANIA A formal analysis of ISO/IEEE COSTACHE, FLORICA P11073-20601 standard of MOLDOVEANU medical device communication, 2009 2009 UPB UPB UPB ULRICH 102 UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://ieeexplore eabs_all.jsp?arn umber=4815756 Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://ieeexplore eabs_all.jsp?arn umber=4815756 Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://hipergrid. grid2009/ ml INSPEC INSPEC 101 DistHash: A robust P2P DHTbased system for replicated objects Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# ULRICH 100 UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# 28 May, Bucharest, Romania Valentin Cristea, Ciprian Dobre, Florin Pop, Corina Stratan, Alexandru Costan, Catalin Leordeanu Models and Techniques for Ensuring Reliability, Safety, Availability and Security of Large Scale Distributed Systems 3rd International Workshop on High Performance Grid Middleware 2009 401-406 Alexandru Costan, Florin Pop, Corina Stratan Ciprian Dobre, Valentin Cristea An Architectural Model for a Grid based Workflow Management Platform in Scientific Application 3rd International Workshop on High Performance Grid Middleware 2009 407-414 Adina Magda Florea, Eugenia Kalisz, Andrei Olaru Levels of Emergent Behaviour in 9th International Agent Societies Conference CASYS‟09ăonă Computing Anticipatory Systems, American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings UPB 28 May, Bucharest, Romania 103 UPB 105 Irina Mocanu, Lorina Genetic Algoritms Viewed as Negreanu, Eugenia Kalisz Anticipatory Systems 106 Lorina Negreanu, Eugenia Kalisz, Irina Mocanu 107 Rebedea, T.; TrausanMatu, S 9th International Conference CASYS‟09ăonă Computing Anticipatory Systems, American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings 2009 pages 111-120 Anticipatory Models of Software 9th International Reliability Conference CASYS‟09ăonă Computing Anticipatory Systems, American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings 2009 pp. 157-162 Computer-Assisted Evaluation of CSCL 2009 CSCL Chat Conversations Proceedings 2009 UPB UPB UPB 109 CSCL 2009 Proceedings 2009 Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://hipergrid. grid2009/ ml Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www2.ulg. HAOS/CASYS2 009.htm Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www2.ulg. HAOS/CASYS2 009.htm Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www2.ulg. HAOS/CASYS2 009.htm Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.isls. org/cscl2009/ Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.isls. org/cscl2009/ August 3-8, 2009, HEC-ULg, Liège, Belgium August 3-8, 2009, HEC-ULg, Liège, Belgium August 3-8, 2009, HEC-ULg, Liège, Belgium UPB 108 Posea, V.; Trausan-Matu, Supporting collaborative S.; Mossel, E.; learning across social media Monachesi, P. applications http://hipergrid. grid2009/ ml 28 May, Bucharest, Romania 104 2009 pages 81-88 Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei UPB Florin Pop, Ciprian Dobre, Alexandru Costan, Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Eliana Tirsa, Corina Stratan, Valentin Cristea Critical Analysis of Middleware Architectures for Large Scale Distributed Systems 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 Mircea Bardac, George A Distributed File System Model 17th Milescu, Razvan Rughinis for Shared, Dynamic and INTERNATION Aggregated Data AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 Razvan Deaconescu, Razvan Rughinis, Nicolae Tapus 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 Proof-based Patterns for the 17th Optimality of Greedy Algorithms INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 110 Alexandru Costan, Corina Stratan, Eliana Tirsa, Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Valentin Cristea Towards a Grid Platform for Scientific Workflows Management 111 112 113 Lorina Negreanu, Cristian Giumale, Irina Mocanu 114 A Virtualized Testing Environment for BitTorrent Applications UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Irina Mocanu, Lorina Negreanu Semantic Image Analysis 115 Andrei-Horia Mogos, Adina Magda Florea Comparing Two Complexity Functions using g(n) 116 Laurentiu Bucur, Serban Petrescu, Adina Florea A Neural Model for Traffic Prediction in Large Networks 117 Alexandru Boicea, Applications with Geographic Serban Petrescu, Nicolae Databases Cupcea, Florin Radulescu, Dan Ungureanu 118 Dan Ungureanu, Mircea Intertransaction Association Petrescu, Alexandru Rules Mining: Rule Discovery Boicea, Florin Radulescu and Evaluation 119 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti R zvanăT t roiu,ăDană Tudose Remote Monitoring and Control of Wireless Sensor Networks 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 Razvan Rughinis, Razvan Analysis of a QoS-Based Traffic 17th Deaconescu Engineering Solution in GMPLS INTERNATION Grid Networks AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 120 Andreea Leta, Razvan Deaconescu, Razvan Rughinis Extending Packet Altering Capacities in Simulated Large Networks 121 AdrianăSurp eanu,ă CostinăŞtef nescu,ă Nicolae Cupcea Intelligent Implementation of a Microcontroller-based ClosedLoop Process Control System 122 Florin Pop, Alexandru Costan, Ciprian Dobre, Valentin Cristea 123 124 Prediction Based MetaScheduling for Grid Environments UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Eliana-Dina Tirsa, Alexandru Costan, Nicolae Tapus Offline Algorithms for Several Network Design, Clustering and QoS Optimization Problems 125 Florica Moldoveanu, Alin Moldoveanu, Alexandru Soceanu, Costin Boldisor An Emulator Platform for Teledialysis Research 126 Florin Radulescu, Alexandru Boicea, Dan Ungureanu Using Fastmap for Distance Estimation in Web Search Engines 127 Mariana Mocanu, Vasile Lungu Analysis of Trends in Development of Software Intensive Systems 128 Emil Slusanschi, Alexandru Herisanu, Nicolae Tapus 129 Breaking the Teraflop Barrier with the HPC Challenge and HPL Benchmarks on the NCIT Cluster 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Ciprian Dobre, Florin Pop, Alexandru Costan, Mugurel Andreica, Valentin Cristea Robust Failure Detection Architecture for Large Scale Distributed Systems 130 Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Eliana-Dina Tirsa, Nicolae Tapus, Florin Pop, Ciprian Mihai Dobre Towards a Centralized Scheduling Framework for Communication Flows in Distributed Systems 131 Sorin Stelian, Emil Slusanschi OpenMP Parallelization of the C++ SUMO Traffic Simulator 132 Laurentiu-Cristian Duca SBC System Implemented on FPGA Technology 133 Victor Asavei, Florica Moldoveanu, Alin Moldoveanu 134 Ray Tracing as GPGPU 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Iacob Petrescu, Dragos A Generic FPGA based Popescu, Adrian Petrescu Associative Processor 135 Ion Bucur, Costin Stefanescu, Adrian Surpateanu, Nicolae Cupcea Power-Aware and Optimal Depth Mapping of LUT based FPGA Circuits 136 Dragos Popescu, Adrian- Block Cipher Implementation Cristian Petrescu using Reconfigurable Hardware 137 Vlad Posea, Stefan Trausan-Matu Bridging Ontologies and Folksonomies using DBpedia 138 Cristian Giumale, Lorina Negreanu 139 Time-Dependent Story Interpretation 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Valentin Cristea, Ciprian Dobre, Florin Pop, Corina Stratan, Alexandru Costan, Catalin Leordeanu, Eliana-Dina Tirsa Models and Techniques for Ensuring Reliability, Safety, Availability and Security of Large Scale Distributed Systems 140 Valentin Cristea, Ciprian Dobre, Florin Pop, Corina Stratan, Alexandru Costan, Valentin Cristea An Architectural Model for a Grid based Workflow Management Platform in Scientific Applications 141 Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Eliana-Dina Tirsa, Nicolae Tapus Data Distribution Optimization using Offline Algorithms and a Peer-to-Peer Small Diameter Tree Architecture with Bounded Node Degrees 142 Andrei Olaru, Adina Magda Florea Emergence in Cognitive MultiAgent Systems 143 Andrei-Horia Mogos, Mugurel Ionut Andreica 144 Approximating Mathematical Semantic Web Services Using Approximation Formulas and Numerical Methods 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Andreea Urzica, Claudiu Tanase Mapping BPMN to AUML: Towards an Automatic Process 145 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 GORGAN DORIAN, BACU VICTOR, RODILA DENISA, POP FLORIN, PETCU DANA EXPERIMENTS ON ESIPENVIRONMENT ORIENTED SATELLITE DATA PROCESSING PLATFORM EARTH SCIENCE INFORMATICS 2010 POP FLORIN, DOBRE CIPRIAN, STRATAN CORINA, COSTAN ALEXANDRU, CRISTEA VALENTIN DYNAMIC METASCHEDULING ARCHITECTURE BASED ON MONITORING IN DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS INTERNATION AL JOURNAL OF AUTONOMIC COMPUTING 2010 THE DYNAMICS OF NETWORK TOPOLOGY, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES 2010 U.P.B. SCI. BULL., SERIES C, ISSN 1454234X, VOL. 72, ISS. 4 2010 SCALABLE COMPUTING: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE, ISSN 1895-1767, VOLUME 11, NO. 1 (MARCH 2010), PAG. 3342 2010 SCALABLE COMPUTING: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE, ISSN 1895-1767, VOLUME 11, NO. 4 (DECEMBER 2010), PAG. 393399 2010 UPB UPB May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN BUSINESS EXPERTS AND SOFTWARE AGENTS:BPMN TO AUML TRANSFORMATION UPB UPB 150 A. OLARU, A. M. FLOREA 151 A GRAPH-BASED APPROACH TO CONTEXT MATCHING UPB UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.inde owse/index.php? journalID=110& year=2010&vol =1&issue=4 Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://iopscience Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scpe. org/index.php/sc pe/issue/view/88 Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scpe. org/index.php/sc pe/issue/view/91 IOP Publishing SCOPUS 149 A. OLARU, C. GRATIE, CONTEXT-AWARE A. M. FLOREA EMERGENT BEHAVIOUR IN A MAS FOR INFORMATION EXCHANGE http://www.sprin ent/18650473/3/4/ Inderscience 147 VOICU RAMIRO, LEGRAND IOSIF, NEWMAN HARVEY, BARCZYK ARTUR, GRIGORAS COSTIN, 148 DOBRE CIPRIAN A. URZICA, C. TANASE, A.M. FLOREA Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei SPRINGERLINK 146 UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf EBSCO EBSCO MUGUREL IONUT ALGORITHMIC SOLUTIONS ANDREICA, NICOLAE FOR SEVERAL OFFLINE TAPUS CONSTRAINED RESOURCE PROCESSING AND DATA TRANSFER MULTICRITERIA OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS SCALABLE COMPUTING: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE 2010 ANDREI OLARU, CRISTIAN GRATIE, ADINA MAGDA FLOREA ComSIS (Computer Science and Information Systems), Volume 7, no. 3, June 2010, pag 643-660 Politehnica vol. 72, issue 2, University of pp. 3-16. (ISSN: Bucharest (UPB) 1454-234X) Scientific Bulletin, Series C - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2010 REVISTA num răspecial ROMANA DE INTERACTIUNE OMCALCULATOR EGU General Assembly 2010 2010 UPB EBSCO 152 EMERGENT PROPERTIES FOR DATA DISTRIBUTION IN A COGNITIVE MAS 153 Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Nicolae Tapus , "Practical Range Aggregation, Selection and Set Maintenance Techniques", , 154 Dascalu, M., TrausanMatu, S., & Dessus, P. Evaluarea si sumarizarea automata a conversatiilor chat 155 BACU VICTOR, GORGAN DORIAN, RODILA DENISA, POP FLORIN, NEAGU GABRIEL, PETCU 156 DANA A. H. MOGOS, A. M. FLOREA GPROCESS AND ESIP PLATFORMS FOR SATELLITE IMAGERY PROCESSING OVER THE GRID A METHOD FOR SEMANTIC WEB SERVICE COMPOSITION BASED ON PATTERN MATCHING 157 ALEXANDRA OLTEANU, ALEXANDRU V. TEF NESCU,ă COSTIN-ANTON 158 BOIANGIU ADAPTIVE BINARIZATION METHOD WITH VARIABLE WINDOW SIZE 2010 2010 Proc. 5th International Conference on Knowledge Management: Projects, Systems and Technologies, 1213 November 2010, Bucharest, Romania, pages 179-184 2010 GHC_2010_Proce edings 2010 Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scpe. org/index.php/sc pe/issue/view/88 Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei Vol7Num3.htm Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://rochi.utclu Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://meetings.c u2010/ Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://gracehopp UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB 02-07 Mai, Viena, Austria 12-13 Noiembrie, Bucuresti, Romania 28 Septembrie - 2 Octombrie, Atlanta, USA ANDREEA SANDU, EMIL SLUSANSCHI, ALIN MURARASU, ANDREEA SERBAN, ALEXANDRU HERISANU, AND 159 TEODOR STOENESCU Petrescu C., Lupu C. TOWARDS EFFICIENT VIDEO COMPRESSION USING SCALABLE VECTOR GRAPHICS ON THE CELL/B.E. Control and optimisation for the cowper of a steelmaking plant "Third International Workshop on Multicore Software Engineering (IWMSE10)" University 68(no.2) Politehnica of Bucharest, Scientific Buletin Series C: Electrical Engineering 2010 University 68(no.3) Politehnica of Bucharest, Scientific Buletin Series C: Electrical Engineering 2006 53-63 WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications 2007 23-29 2006 79-91 UPB UPB 1 Mai, Cape Town, Africa de Sud Multi-models adaptive control UPB Markov models for immune mechanism analysis 4(no.1) UPB Internet base remote control of University 69(no.3) an air-low and temperature plant Politehnica of Bucharest, Scientific Buletin Series C: Electrical Engineering 2007 131-144 Multiple models control systems University 70(no.1) –ăswitchingăsolutions Politehnica of Bucharest, Scientific Buletin Series C: Electrical Engineering 2007 105-118 Boolean differential calculus applied in logic testing 2007 209-216 UPB UPB B+ Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei 164 Bucur I., Dragoicea M., Constantin N 165 Studies in Informatics and Control 16(no.2) Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# B+ 163 Lupu C., Petrescu C. Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.worl s/information/inf ormationjanuary2007.doc BDI 162 Petrescu C., Lupu C., Matei I. Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# B+ 161 Ciufudean C., Satco B., Nitu C. Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# B+ 160 Lupu C., Petrescu C. Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.ipd.u ticore/iwmse201 0/ UPB BDI Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# m/cgibin/jrnlst/jlresult s.cgi?PC=MAS TER&ISSN=12 20-1766 Popescu D, Voinea V, Dimon C 166 P.Borne, D.Popescu, C.Lupu Advanced Control for Steel Plant Proceedings of Heating Installations The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Multi-model Adaptive Control Systems Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 167 I.Dumitrache, A.M. Stanescu Collaborative Networks for Complex Adaptive Systems 168 J.Culita, S. Caramihai, C. Hybrid Petri Net Model Based Munteanu Decision Support System 169 UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf UPB UPB UPB D. Stefanoiu, J. Culita Times Series Prediction and Compression Through Wavelet Packets 170 M. Guran, Gh. Popescu A Multimedia Support for the Simulation of Navigational Processes 171 C. Pop, I. Bratie, O. Forest Watcher - An Embedded Choudary, M. Gheorghe, System for the Protection of D. Popescu Forests 172 C. Buiu, Fl. Cazan, R. Ciurlea 173 Developing of a Service Robot to Recognize and Sort Waste Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf UPB UPB UPB A. Udrea Autonomous Electric Vehicle Control-Software and Applications 174 I. Dumitrache, I. Mihu, M. Voinescu A Hybrid Medical Decision Support System 175 M. Dragoicea Intelligent Transportation Systems for Disabled People 176 F. Halal, I. Dumitrache 177 Genetic Optimization of Fuzzy Controllers for Mobile Robots Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf UPB UPB UPB C. Nitu, V. Krapivin, V. Soldatov The Gims-Based Method for Vegetation Microwave Monitoring 178 C. Nitu, V. Krapivin, V. Soldatov An Adaptive Geoinformation Technology Based Approach to Monitoring and Prediction of the Natural Disasters 179 V. Lupu, C. Lupu Using the Neural Network to Prevent Waste Material Pollution Near the Urban Settings or Transfrontier Area 180 V. Krapivin, G. Philips, C. Nitu 181 A Remote Sensing-Based Modelling System to Study the Aral-Caspian Water Regime Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf UPB UPB UPB C. Nitu, A. Dobrescu Distributed Network for Proceedings of Increasing the Energy Efficiency The 16th in Irrigation International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 L2 - Norm Order Reduction Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 A. Nakrachi, D. Popescu, Multivariable Remote Control on Proceedings of C. Dimon, C. Chera Didactical Platform The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 M. Tanase, Lucian Burja, Towards a Governmental D. Mazare Platform for Citizen Safety and Crisis Management using Advanced Mobile Technologies Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 University 70(no.4) Politehnica of Bucharest, Scientific Buletin Series C: Electrical Engineering 2008 61-74 182 C. Popeea, B. Jora 183 184 185 Culi ăJ.,ăŞtef noiuăD.,ă Ionescu F. 186 Semi-empirical methods for bearings diagnosis UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# UPB UPB UPB UPB B+ Filip F.Gh., Popescu D., Mateescu M. Optimal decisions for complex systems-software packages Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 76(no.6) 2008 422-429 UPB 187 Lupu C., Petrescu C., Ticlea A., Dimon C., Udrea A., Irimia B. Multi-model system with nonlinear compensator blocks University 70(no.4) Politehnica of Bucharest, Scientific Buletin Series C: Electrical Engineering 2008 97-114 Design procedure for inverse University 70(no.3) model command: control method Politehnica of for nonlinear processes Bucharest, Scientific Buletin Series C: Electrical Engineering 2008 87-100 Multiple-models control systems University 70(no.1) –ăswitchingăsolution Politehnica of Bucharest, Scientific Buletin Series C: Electrical Engineering 2008 105-117 Signal compaction by maximum verisimilitude 2008 59-74 UPB UPB UPB University 70(no.3) Politehnica of Bucharest, Scientific Buletin Series C: Electrical Engineering UPB 6 WSEAS Transactions on Systems 8(no.4) WSEAS Transactions in Mathematics 8(no.7) 2009 251-262 UPB 195 Stefanoiu D., Culita J., Ionescu F. 196 A cutting plane method for solving convex optimization problems over the cone of nonnegative polynomials Fast methods for identification of vibration defect Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.worl s/systems/index. html http://www.worl s/mathematics/in dex.html Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# BDI Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei 194 Necoara I., Caraus I. Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# B+ 191 Total M. Tanase, Lucian Burja, D. Mazare 192 2009 193 Lupu C., Udrea A., Stabile algorithms switching for Popescu D., Flutur C. multiple models control systems Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# B+ 190 Ştef noiuăD.,ăCuli ăJ. Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# B+ 189 Lupu C., Petrescu C. Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# B+ 188 Lupu C., Petrescu C., Ticlea A., Dimon C., Udrea A., Irimia B. Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://scientific.t homsonreuters.c om/cgibin/jrnlst/jlresult s.cgi?PC=MAS TER&ISSN=03 78-4754 BDI University 71(no.1) Politehnica of Bucharest, Scientific Buletin Series C: Electrical Engineering 2009 269-278 2009 33-44 UPB UPB BDI B+ Dan Stefanoiu, Janetta Culita Kalman Filtering of Distributed Time Series 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 Robust Control and Optimization 17th for Thermo-Energetic INTERNATION Installations AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 197 Catalin Chera, Dumitru Popescu, A Nakrachi, Genevieve DauphinTanguy Whitney Forms for an Infinite Dimensional Port-Hamiltonian System Approximation 198 Andreea Pintea, Dumitru Modelling and Control of Wind Turbines Popescu, Pierre Borne 199 Ciprian Lupu, Andreea Control for Nonlinear Processes Udrea, I Bechir, C. Sandu with Hysteresis 200 Tudor Bogdan Airimitoaie, Catalin Dimon 201 UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Bogdan Sicleru, Bogdan Dumitrescu 202 Ciprian Lupu, Andreea Udrea, Ilknur Bechir, Ciprian Sandu SeDuMi Pol - a Preprocessor for 17th Optimization with Positive INTERNATION Polynomials AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 Adaptive Control for Nonlinear Processes 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 203 Stefanoiu Dan, Schiopu Ionut, Petrescu Catalin A Comparison Between Some Wavelet Based Compression Techniques, Applied to YCoCg Images 204 Ioan Dumitrache, Ioana Mihu, Monica Voinescu An Agent-Based Approach for Medical Diagnosis 205 Ioana Mihu, Octavian Arsene 206 Advanced Techniques for Monitoring & Diagnosis of IT Infrastructure UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Anda Sabena Dobrescu, Alexandru Dumitrascu Fuzzy Expert System Designed for Temperature and Humidity Control 207 Alexandru Dumitrascu, Dan Stefanoiu, Anda Sabena Dobrescu Intelligent Control and Monitoring Systems for Greenhouse Environment 208 Lupu C., Udrea A., Popescu D., Petrescu C. Numerical stability of adaptive control algorithms 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 University 72(no.2) Politehnica of Bucharest, Scientific Buletin Series C: Electrical Engineering 2010 61-72 UPB UPB UPB May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti 62(no.1) 2010 26-40 UPB ICIC Express Letters, Part B : Applications 1(no.2) Scientia Pharmaceutica 78(no.2) 2010 169-174 UPB 2010 233-248 University 71(no.3) Politehnica of Bucharest, Scientific Buletin Series C: Electrical Engineering 2010 147-160 University 71(no.3) Politehnica of Bucharest, Scientific Buletin Series C: Electrical Engineering 2010 173-186 UPB UPB 214 Fuzzy control of autonomus mobile robots UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://bmif.unde. ro/ Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.ijicic .org/icicelb.htm Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scip sp?id=68 Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# BDI SCOPUS B+ 213 Obe O., Dumitrache I. Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# BDI 211 Avram S., Buiu C., Duda- 3D-QSAR design of new Seiman D., Duda-Seiman escitalopram derivatives for the C., Mihailescu D.F. treatment of major depressive 212 disorders Issa F., Dumitrache I. Hybrid geno-neuro system for optimization of control solution selection in multi mobile robots http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf B+ 210 Pais A.L., Moga A., Buiu An integrated framework for C. emotion recognition and expression using robot artists Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti 209 Pais A.L., Moga A., Buiu Emotions and robot artists: state- BMIF Journal C. of-the-art and research challenges Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf B+ Olaru S., Dumur D., Dumitrache I. On the feasibility of constrained generalized predictive control University 72(no.4) Politehnica of Bucharest, Scientific Buletin Series C: Electrical Engineering 2010 66-76 WSEAS Transactions on Systems 2006 p. 1932-1939 UPB B+ Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei 215 Dan Popescu, Radu Dobrescu, Valentin Avram, Stefan Mocanu Dedicated primary Image Processors for Mobile Robots, Issue8, vol.5 UPB SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei 216 Dan Popescu, Maximilian Fractal and texture features in Nicolae, Daniela Crisan, tumour detection Nicoleta Angelescu WSEAS Issue 10, vol.2 Transactions on Signal Processing 2006 Daniela Andone, Radu Application of fuzzy model Dobrescu, Andrei Hossu, predictive control to a drumMatei Dobrescu boiler Transactions on Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering Volume 13, Number 4 2006 p. 347-359 R. Dobrescu, M. Dobrescu, S. Mocanu, S. Taralunga A Fractal Estimator for Comparing Predictors Performance in Lossless Image Compression Improved Content Based Image Retrieval Techniques with Fractal Discriminator WSEAS Transactions on Systems Issue 5, Vol. 5 WSEAS Transactions on Systems Issue 12, Vol. 5 A model of the immune system based on Scale Free Networks WSEAS Transactions on Systems Issue 1, Vol. 6 R. Dobrescu, C. Vasilescu, L.Ichim Fractal and scaling analysis in tumor growth evaluation WSEAS Transactions on Systems Issue 1, Vol. 6 R. Dobrescu, M. Dobrescu, S. Mocanu, S. Taralunga Client-Server Architecture for Parallel Image Processing WSEAS Issue 9, vol.2 Transactions on Signal Processing M.St. Vlad, V. Sgarciu A RFID System Designed for WSEAS Intelligent Manufacturing Process Transactions on Information Science and Applications UPB SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei 217 UPB SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei 218 219 R. Dobrescu, M. Dobrescu, L.Ichim 2006 pp. 989-994 UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.worl s/systems/index. html http://www.worl s/systems/index. html http://www.worl s/systems/index. html http://www.worl s/systems/index. html http://www.worl s/signal/ ml Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.worl s/information/inf ormationjanuary2007.doc SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.worl s/information/inf ormationjanuary2007.doc SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.worl s/computers/ SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei 2006 p. 2781-2788 UPB SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei 220 R. Dobrescu 2006 pp. 117-124 UPB SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei 221 2006 pp. 102-108 UPB SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei 222 2006 pp. 1181-1188 UPB SCOPUS 223 vol.4 2006 pg.36-41 UPB SCOPUS 224 225 V. Sgarciu, M.St. Vlad Secure Personal Identification System using Java Cards WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications 226 S. Mocanu, S. Taralunga Cluster based simulations of Scale-Free Network Immunization Strategies WSEAS Transactions on Computers http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# http://www.worl s/systems/index. html http://www.worl s/signal/ ml vol.4 Issue 2, vol.6 2007 pg.203-208 2007 p. 268-274 UPB UPB STATISTICAL FEATURES BASED METHOD FOR D.Popescu, N.Angelescu, TEXTURED IMAGE CLASSIFICATION 227 I.Caciula, I.Udroiu S.S. Iliescu, I. Fagarasan, Modelling and Simulation of Gas V. Popescu, C. Soare Turbines 228 Th. Borangiu, F.D. Anton, N. Ivanescu, S. Tunaru, A. Dogar 229 A.C. Cosoi, M.S. Vlad, V. Sgarciu 230 St. Mocanu, C. Negoiescu, R. Caprescu 231 16-th Int.Conf.on Control Systems and Computer Proceedings Science Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 pp 28-32 2007 Intelligent Job Shop Assembling Proceedings of with Holonic Robot Control The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Image Retrival System Inspired from Antispam Filters Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Image Comparison Using Fractal Proceedings of Techniques The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 UPB UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf UPB UPB UPB S. Lesecq, S. Gentil, I. Fagarasan Fault Isolation Based on Wavelets Transform Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 A Remote Control System for a Proceedings of Radioguided Vehicle-Like Robot The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 State-space Partition and the Lattice Paradigm in Biological Modeling Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 232 A. Cazan, A.L. Varbanescu, R. Varbanescu 233 R. Dobrescu, L. Ichim, V.E. Oltean 234 R. Dobrescu, L. Ichim, D. Crisan 235 Computer Modelling of TwoDimensional Tumour Growth UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf UPB UPB UPB V.E. Oltean An Approach for Executions Continuation in Zeno Hybrid Systems 236 M. Rusu, R. Dobrescu Fractal Theory and Morphogenesis 237 R. Dobrescu, M. Nicolae, Analysis of Routing Protocols D. Popescu, R. for Wireless Sensor Networks Varbanescu 238 M.St. Vlad, R. Tatoiu, V.Sgarciu 239 Product Traceability Simulation with Contactless Smart Cards Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf UPB UPB UPB M. Argesanu, V. Sgarciu 240 S. Taralunga. M. Hagiu, I. Hagiu, R. Urlich Remote Control Device Manager Proceedings of for Smart Transducers Based on The 16th HART Communication Protocol International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Parallel Processing Procedure for Simulation of Scale Free Networks Traffic Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science CSCS16, 22-25 May, ISBN 978-973718-741-3, pp.66 –ă71,ăβ007 2007 241 R. Ulrich, B. Droasca Voronoi and Fractal Complex Network 242 L. Dobrica 243 An Approach to a Systematic Analysis of Product Line Architectures Scientific Bulletin, University POLITEHNICA NICULESCU-FAIDA Bucharest, Series Oana, ILIESCU S.St., Vehicle stability study on curved C: Electrical F G R ŞANăIoana,ă Engineering Nr.2, Vol 70 244 NICULESCU-FAIDA, A. trajectory 2008 pp. 121-133 UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 6_2007.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# UPB UPB UPB UPB SCOPUS F G R ŞANăIoana,ă COSTINAS, S., 245 ILIESCU S.St. ILIESCU S.St., Ioana F G R ŞAN,ăV.ă 246 POPESCU, C. SOARE Total L. Dobrica 247 2009 248 Scientific Bulletin, University POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Series Monitoring and Diagnosis Methods for High Voltage Power C: Electrical Engineering Transformer Nr.3, Vol 70 Scientific Bulletin, University POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Series Gas Turbine Modelling for Load- C: Electrical Frequency Control Nr.4, Vol 70 Engineering 3 Radu Dobrescu, Loretta 249 Ichim Device and Method for Acquisition and Automatic Data Processing in Virology Int. Journal Transactions on Mass-Data Analysis of Images and Signals D.Popescu, R.Dobrescu, 250 M.Nicolae, A.Iordan Communication and processing consideration for alerting systems implemented through mobile sensor networks WSEAS Transactions on Communications Rapid Deployment Automation using RV Equipment Journal for Fluid Power, Automation and Mechatronics Ventil, Slovenia Anton, F.D., Borangiu,Th. 251 si Silvia Anton Nasui Dorel, Oprea Bogdan, Ene Cristian, Rancea Irina, Sgarciu Valentin, Tanase Cristian, and Negulescu 252 Cristian A.D. Ionita, J. Estublier, 253 Th. Leveque, T. Nguyen Volume 1, Number 2 Volume 8, Issue 3 15/2009/4 The International Journal on Advances in Wireless Monitoring of a Internet Computerized City Using Technology vol.2, nr.4 SafeMobile Units e-Informatica Software Engineering Bi-dimensional Composition with Domain Specific Languages Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1 4+1 Views for a Business A.D. Ionita, M. Florea, L. Cooperation Framework Based on SOA 254 Jelea IAENG International Journal of Computer Science Volume 36 Issue 4 ALABA, O.B., Ioana F G R ŞAN,ăR.ă DOBRESCU, S.St. 255 ILIESCU Scientific Bulletin, University Politehnica Bucharest, Series C: Electrical vol. 71, nr. 3 Engineering System Analisys for E-Learning Grids 2008 pp 37-46 2008 pp. 13-20 2009 210-213 2009 363-372 2009 350-357 2009 2009 27-41 2009 332-343 2009 pg. 71-79, UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei ournal/massdata/ SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.worl s/communicatio ns/index.html SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.iaria rnet_technology/ index.html wiki/eInformatica SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.iaen Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# SCOPUS SCOPUS F G R ŞANăIoana,ăS.ă St. ILIESCU, Iulia DUMITRU, Nicoleta Modular System for Process Control Testing 256 ARGHIRA WSEAS Transaction on System and Control Colesca Sofia Elena, 257 Liliana Dobrica Conceptul de e-sanatate Revista ECONOMIA. Seria MANAGEMENT Vol.12, Nr. 1 Colesca Sofia Elena, 258 Liliana Dobrica Managementulăinforma ieiăînă organiza iileădinădomeniulă s n t iiă Revista ECONOMIA. Seria Vol.12, Nr. 1 MANAGEMENT Special Managementul datelor geografice în sistemele GIS Revista ECONOMIA. Seria Vol.12, Nr. 2 MANAGEMENT Special Dobrica Liliana, Colesca 259 Sofia Elena Issue 4, Volume 7 UPB SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN, SERIES C: ELECTRICAL Feedback control systems Volume 71, Issue synthesis by using the root locus ENGINEERING 2 260 STRATULAT Florin Radu Varbanescu, System for Image to Sound 17th Maximilian Nicolae, Conversion with Applicability in INTERNATION Alexandru Iordan, Stefan the Orientation of the Visually AL Arghir Impaired People CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 261 Ioan Dumitrache, Ilie Fuzzy Control Strategies for 17th Catana, Valentin Magnetorheological Dampers INTERNATION Panduru, Monica Patrascu AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 262 Nicolae Constantin, A New Locally Learning 17th Silviu Dumitriu Technique for Functions INTERNATION Approximation AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 263 2009 pp.329-338 2009 pg. 204-215 2009 pg. 133-138 2009 pag. 196-207 2009 2009 2009 2009 UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.worl s/control/index.h tml SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei eveconomia/ SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei eveconomia/ SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei eveconomia/ Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf SCOPUS May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Silviu Dumitriu, Constantin Nicolae 264 Irina Rancea, Valentin Sgarciu, Daniel Dichiu Controller Design Technique 17th Based on Synchronous INTERNATION Generator Multimodel Approach AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 A Case Study about Information Security Management Systems 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 Online Credit Card Transactions 17th System INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 Issues in Designing CrossDomain Reference Software Architecture for Embedded Systems 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 265 Adriana Olteanu, Dorin Carstoiu, Alexandra Cernian, Mihu Olteanu 266 Liliana Dobrica, Traian Ionescu 267 Dorin Carstoiu, Alexandra Cernian, Adriana Olteanu 268 Automatic Evaluation of Biomedical Data within a Gait Analysis Lab UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Liliana Dobrica, Radu Pietraru 269 Ioana Fagarasan, Sergiu Iliescu, Calin Soare, Doina Ilisiu, Florin Biliboaca, Nicoleta Arghira Integrating Security Concerns in 17th Embedded Software Architecture INTERNATION Development AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 Power Generation Unit Models for Load Frequency Control Simulator 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 270 Alexandru Catalin Cosoi, The Romanian Blogosphere as a Bogdan Dumitru, Social Fractal Valentin Sgarciu , Madalin Stefan Vlad , Maria Corduneanu 271 Radu Dobrescu, Traian Ionescu, Viorel-Puiu Paun, Dan Popescu Fractal Interpretation of Blood Vessel Formation in Polymer Implants 272 Virginia Ecaterina Oltean, Radu Dobrescu, Loretta Ichim 273 On Discrete Event Abstractions and Control Law Implementation in a Class of Piecewise-Linear Systemsă–ăaăCaseăStudy UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Dorin Constantin Nedea, Valentin Sgarciu Image Watermarking Schemes based on SVD-DCT and SVDDWTă–ăRobustăbutăAmbiguous 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 Interconnection of Mobile 17th Sensor Network Nodes for Allert INTERNATION System Application AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE 2009 Real Time Data Acquisition and Distribute Module 2009 274 Nicolae Maximilian, Dan Processing and Communication Popescu, Radu Functions Implementation of a Dobrescu, Stefan Mocanu Mobile Sensor Node for WSN Applications 275 Dan Popescu, Radu Varbanescu, Alexandru Iordan, Stefan Arghir 276 Dan Popescu, Radu Dobrescu, Constantin Vasilescu, Nicolae Maximilian 277 R ILEANU,ăS.,ă BERGER, TH., SALLEZ, Y., BORANGIU, TH. AND 278 D. TRENTESAUX DOBRICA LILIANA, IONESCU TRAIAN, DOBRICA LEONARD, COLESCA SOFIA 279 ELENA 17th INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE THE OPEN-CONTROL CONCEPT FOR HOLONIC MANUFACTURING INTERNATION AL JOURNAL OF MECHANICS AND CONTROL SOLUTIONS BASED ON GIS TECHNOLOGY IN COMPONENTS OF URBAN MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS UPB SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN, SERIES C: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 2010 2010 UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://cscs18.nci rogram_CSCS1 7_2009.pdf Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.joma Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti May 26-29, 2009, Bucuresti SCOPUS SCOPUS R.DOBRESCU, D.POPESCU, M.NICOLAE, AND 284 S.MOCANU UPB SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN, SERIES C: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING COMMUNICATI ONS IN SERVICE BASED COMPUTER DEVELOPMENT OF A CROSS AND DOMAIN REFERENCE INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE SCIENCE DAAAM INTERNATION AL SCIENTIFIC HEURISTIC IMAGE VOL.8, BOOK RECOGNITION REMOTE MONITORING OF PARAMETERS FOR A DAAAM PRESSURE TRANSDUCER INTERNATION THROUGH HART PROTOCOL AND LABVIEW AL SCIENTIFIC BOOK VOL.8, ENVIRONMENT INTERNATION AL JOURNAL HYBRID WIRELESS SENSOR OF BIOLOGY NETWORK FOR HOMECARE AND ISSUE 2, MONITORING OF CHRONIC BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING VOLUME 3 PATIENTS V.E.OLTEAN, R.DOBRESCU, D.POPESCU, 285 M.NICOLAE HYBRID MODELLING AND SIMULATION APPROACHES FOR A CLASS OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS D.POPESCU, R.DOBRESCU, C.VASILESCU, 286 M.NICOLAE ACQUISITION, PROCESSING AND COMMUNICATION MODULE OF A WSN-BASED SYSTEM FOR ENVIRONMENT U.P.B. SCI. VOL. 72, ISSUE MONITORING BULL, SERIES C 2 R.DOBRESCU, M.DOBRESCU, S.MOCANU, 287 D.POPESCU MEDICAL IMAGES CLASSIFICATION FOR SKIN CANCER DIAGNOSIS BASED ON COMBINED TEXTURE AND FRACTAL ANALYSIS DOBRICA LILIANA, IONESCU TRAIAN, DOBRICA LEONARD, COLESCA SOFIA 280 ELENA DOBRICA LILIANA, 281 OVASKA EILA COSOI, A. C.; VLAD, 282 M. S. & SGARCIU, V. RANCEA I., SGARCIU 283 V., STAMATESCU G. D.POPESCU, 288 D.PATIRNICHE SPATIAL DATA ACQUISITION, MANAGEMENT AND VISUALIZATION IN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS CONTROL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED INFORMATICS VOLUME 12, NUMBER 1 WSEAS TRANSACTION S ON BIOLOGY AND ISSUE 3, BIOMEDICINE VOLUME 7 FPGA IMPLEMENTATION OF VIDEO PROCESSING-BASED U.P.B. SCI. VOL. 72, ISSUE ALGORITHM FOR OBJECT TRACKING BULL, SERIES C 3 2010 2010 2010 PP. 377-384 2010 PP. 779-786 2010 2010 2010 P. 27-36 2010 PP. 223-232 2010 P. 121-130 UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.sprin 899 EBSCO Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.daaa ook/Book.htm EBSCO Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.daaa ook/Book.htm EBSCO Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.naun .org/journals/bio / SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.ceai. p/ceai SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# SCOPUS Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.worl s/biology/ Ingineria sistemelor, calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei http://www.scien tificbulletin.upb. ro/SeriaC__Inginerie_Elect rica_si_Stiinta_ Calculatoarelor. php# SCOPUS 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 J. Univ. Chem. Technol. Metallurgy, C.ăC p în ,ăC.ăM.ă ISSN 1311-7629 Simonescu J. Univ. Chem. Technol. C.ăC p în ,ăC.ăM.ă Copper Reduction in Silicate Metallurgy Simonescu Glasses UPB, Sci. A. Miron, C. Bulletin Seria B Modrogan,O. Orbulet, C. Treatment of acid blue 25 Chimie si Stiinta Costache, I. Popescu solution by electrocoagulation Materialelor E. Diaconu,A. Miron, C. UPB, Sci. Modrogan,O. Orbulet,A. Forecasting the sorption of Bulletin Seria B Miron, C. Modrogan,O. phosphate in soil with artificial Chimie si Stiinta Orbulet, Materialelor neural networks Leaching behavior of cement UPB, Sci. Bulletin Seria B C. Bobirica, L. Bobirica, based solidified wastes containing hexavalent T Chimie si Stiinta R. Stanescu,I. Chromium Materialelor Constantinescu UPB, Sci. BulletinSeria B GC/MS studies on alcohol G. Epure, N. Grigoriu, L. derivatization procedures applied Chimie si Stiinta Materialelor Filipescu to Lewisite 1 UPB, Sci. BulletinSeria B M.Niculescu, Ionita A. due to the increased instability of Chimie si Stiinta Materialelo Filipescu L. some ethers Bul. Of Univ. of Agricultural Sciences and Removal of nitrate and veterinary hexavalent T chromium from medicine Cluj C.Modrogan, A. Miron, groundwater using zerovalent Napoca O. Orbulet, C. Costache iron - A laboratory of study Researches regarding the obtaining of phosphatic nitrided glases 359-362 UPB-0,5 CNCSIS 44(2) 2009 139-142 UPB-0,5 CNCSIS Stiinta si ingineria mediului 72 2010 93 UPB1.0 CNCSIS Stiinta si ingineria mediului 72 2010 175 UPB1.0 CNCSIS Stiinta si ingineria mediului CNCSIS Stiinta si ingineria mediului CNCSIS Stiinta si ingineria mediului CNCSIS Stiinta si ingineria mediului UPB 1.0 CNCSIS Stiinta si ingineria mediului 72 2010 72 2010 72 2010 67(2) 2010 121 UPB1.0 57 UPB 0.33 99-114 UPB 0.66 U.P.B. Sci. Bull , Series B: 68(1) Chemistry and Materials Science 2006 39-47 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie chimica Roxana Lucia Dumitrache, I. Teoreanu Melting behaviour of feldspar porcelain glazes Buletinul UPB seria B 68(1) 2006 3- UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica T. Dobre, Laura Calota, Oana Parvulescu, G.Iavorschi Use of experimental breakthrough curves for ion exchenge process optimization U.P.B. Sci. Bull , Series B: 68(4) Chemistry and Materials Science 2006 13-26 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie chimica U.P.B. Sci. Bull , Technological study of an Series B: 69(3) aerobic bioprocess for a bacterial Chemistry and pharmaceutical preparation Materials Science 2007 19-26 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie chimica U.P.B. Sci. Bull , Series B: 69(1) Chemistry and Materials Science 2007 3-10 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie chimica 299 C. Ungureanu, A. A. Chirvase, O. Muntean, I. Nagy, A. Onu, A. 300 Salageanu C. Ciuculescu, T. Dobre, C. Margeanu, J.J Kelly 301 2007 Liquid-liquid extraction by T. Dobre, Tatiana continuous solvent recycling for Ofiteru, Aurelia Sturzoiu acetic acid separation 297 298 42(4) Stiinta si ingineria mediului Source term of apent fuel in wet storage Mariana Prodana, Daniela Ionita, Ioana 302 Demetrescu 303 304 305 306 307 308 Coroziune si protectie anticoroziva 1 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE BUCHAREST, M d linaăLauraăPopescu,ă COLLAGEN SCIENTIFIC Roxana Mioara Piticescu, CONCENTRATION ON THE 70(4) BULLETIN Aurelia Meghea, Viorica GRAIN SIZE OF SERIES B: HYDROXIAPATITEă–ă Trandafir COLLAGEN NANOPOWDERS CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE Synthesis and Structural M.-D.ăŞerb,ăB.ă Characterization of Tris[4-(2Calmuschi-Cula, F. U.P.B. Sci. Bull., 70 (4) Pyridylmethyleneamino)Dumitru, C. Guran, U. Series B Phenol]Manganese(II)Bis(Perchl Englert orate) D.I.Caval, Electrochemical study of new U.P.B. 70 E.M.Ungureanu,I.Jitaru, dipyridine cysteine complexes Sci.Bull.,Series B L.Alexandrescu,D.Giol UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, Influence of zinc salts on the Georgeta Voicu, Maria Portland cement properties with SCIENTIFIC Georgescu, Anca 70(2) BULLETIN or without slag Zahanagiu SERIES B: addition CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE / UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, A.ăLungu,ăC.ăGhi ulic ,ă Structural analysis on SCIENTIFIC S. Gârea, G. Voicu, H. photopolymerized commercial 70(1) BULLETIN Iovu, C. Neagu dental composites SERIES B: CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE / UPB SCIENTIFIC ORIGINAL ACTIVE C.BORLESCU, BULL. SERIE B COMPLEXES USED IN ANTIGIURGINCA MARIA , 70 : CHEMISTRY WRINKLE/ANTI-AGEING I. DEMETRESCU AND COSMETIC PRODUCTS MATERIALS SCIENCE St.O. Dima, T.Dobre, A. Sarbu, M. Ghiurea, Corina Bradu 309 Caracterizarea Aliajului Ti7Al3V2Mo2Fe si a Potentialului sau de Utilizare ca Aliaj Dentar, U.P.B. Sci. Bull , Proofs for molecular imprinting Series B: of an acrylic copolymer by phase 71(4) Chemistry and inversion Materials Science 2007 44-49 UPB SCOPUS Ing. Chim. 2008 37- UPB Scopus INGINERIE CHIMICA 2008 45-51 UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica 2008 3 - 11 UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica 2008 11- UPB Scopus Inginerie chimica 2008 3 UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica 2008 PP. 3-10 UPB SCOPUS Ing. Chim. 2009 21-30 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie chimica * pentru personalul de A comparison between the reverse-flow operated packed bed and steady state monolith M. Bosomoiu, Gr. Bozga bed reactors for catalytic combustion of methane in lean 310 mixtures U.P.B. Sci. Bull , Series B: 71(1) Chemistry and Materials Science 2009 51-64 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie chimica Banu I., D. Stanciu, J. P. Puaux, Gr. Bozga A study of L-lactide ringopening polymerization in molten state U.P.B. Sci. Bull , Series B: 71(2) Chemistry and Materials Science 2009 37-48 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie chimica Ene, C.P., Diacu, E. High-performance liquid chromatography method for the determination of benzoic acid in beverages UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series 71(4) B: Chemistry and Materials Science 2009 81-88 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica Diaconu, I., Nechifor, G., Membranary techniques used at Nechifor, A.C., Ruse, E., the separation of some phenolic Eftimie Totu, E. compounds from aqueous media UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series 71(4) B: Chemistry and Materials Science 2009 61-70 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series 71(4) B: Chemistry and Materials Science 2009 41-52 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series 71(3) B: Chemistry and Materials Science 2009 37-54 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica Josceanu, A.M., Remote control experiments in Postelnicescu, P., Dumitrescu, A.M., Plesu, chemical engineering education 316 V., Stefan, C. Chemical Engineering Transactions 2009 773-778 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica Harai Eva, Kapas A., LanyI Sz., Abraham Beata, I. Nagy, O. 317 Muntean, Biohydrogen production by photofermentation of lactic acid using thiocapsa roseopersicina U.P.B. Sci. Bull , Series B: 72(4) Chemistry and Materials Science 2010 13-20 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie chimica Selective recovery of gold from hydrochloric solutions with Amberlite XAD-7 ion-exchange resin, U.P.B. Sci. Bull , Series B: 72(3) Chemistry and Materials Science 2010 233-246 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie chimica Surface perspective of a TiO2 nanoarchitecture U.P.B. Sci. Bull., 72 Series B, 2010 91-98 UPB SCOPUS Ing. Chim. Lead pre-concentration using solid phase extraction UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series 72(1) B: Chemistry and Materials Science 2010 139-146 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica E-Learning today Chemical Engineering 21 Transactions 21, pp. 1057-1062 2010 1057-1062 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica 311 312 313 Potentiometric studies on methyl pyridine derivatives of 14Ion, A.C., Costa, J., Ion, membered tetraaza macrocycles I.,ăGherase,ăD.,ăCule u,ăA.ă as selective ionophores for heavy 314 metals B l cianu,ăF.D.,ăBartos,ă R., Nechifor, A.C. Organic-inorganic membrane materials 315 A. Filcenco Olteanu, T. Dobre,ăRăR dulescu,ăEă Pan uru,ăR.IăPan uru 318 Claudiu Constantin Manole, Andrei Bogdan 319 Stoian, Cristian Pîrvu Cule u,ăA.,ăIon,ăA.C.,ă Ion, I., Luca, C. 320 Josceanu, A.M., Dumitrescu, A.M., Danciu, T., Isopescu, R., Postelnicescu,ăP.,ăPleşu,ă 321 V., Stefan, C. 18 personalul de predare si cercetare stiintifica asociat, in sensul definit in cadrul chestionarului online al UEFISCDI UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series 72(3) B: Chemistry and Materials Science 2010 145-162 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica UPB Scientific Improvements in the Bulletin, Series Valentin,ăP.O.P.,ăVâjial ,ă 72(1) confirmation of stanozolol abuse B: Chemistry and I., Zorio, M., Radu, G.-L. in doping control Materials Science 323 2010 57-66 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica UPB Scientific Reflectance spectroscopy as a Bulletin, Series Petrişor,ăC.,ăRadu,ăG.-L.,ă useful tool for monitoring apricot 72(1) B: Chemistry and Bälan, V., Câmpeanu, G. fruit quality and ripening Materials Science 324 2010 75-80 UPB 0,5 SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica 2010 67-74 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica 325 UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series 72(1) B: Chemistry and Materials Science Diaconu, M., Tache, A., Structural characterization of Ana-Maria, S., Eremia, chitosan coated silicon V., Gatea, F., Litescu, S., nanoparticles -A FT-IR approach 326 Radu, G.L. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series 72(3) B: Chemistry and Materials Science 2010 115-122 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica Stoian, M.G., Galan, E., A bank robbery - A puzzle Andreescu, G., Nechifor, solved by forensic chemistry G. examination 322 Litescu, S.-C., Tache, A., Electrochemical evaluation of Eremia, S.A.-M.V., Albu, polyphenols preservative effect C., Radu, G.-L. against lipoperoxidation Ficai, A., Andronescu, E., Voicu, G., Pall, S. Methodology of in vitro characterization of human uroliths UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series 72(1) B: Chemistry and Materials Science 2010 47-56 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica Gh. Juncu A numerical study of laminar flow past two circular cylinders in-line at low Reynolds numbers Anal. Univ. Bucureşti,ăSeriaă Matematica 2006 77-86 UPB CNCSIS (B+) Inginerie Chimica O. Raducan, A. Woinaroschy and V. Lavric Optimal control of a wastewater activated sludge system U.P.B. Sci. Bull, Series B: 68(2) Chemistry and Materials Science 2006 3-14 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica C.L. Gîjiu, J. Sanchez, R. L‟étudeăexpérimentaleădeălaă Isopescu, R. Dima, O. perméation des gaz à travers les Muntean membranes zéolithe U.P.B. Sci. Bull, Series B: 68(4) Chemistry and Materials Science 2006 3-12 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica Buletinul UPB seria B 68(3) 2006 21-32 UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica Buletinul UPB seria B 68(4) 2006 45-54 UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica 68(2) 2006 35- UPB -1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica 327 328 329 330 M. Bulearca, A.Bulearca, Synthesis of reactive dyes based 331 I.Sebe on epychlorohydri ne POLYMER COMPOSITES BY RECLAIMING RUBBER WASTES RESULTING FROM ZUGA D, CINCU C. FINISHING THE RUBBERIZED ROLLS USED 332 IN PRINTING INDUSTRY Correlations mechanical strength D. Radu, Corina Ibris - granulometric uniformity 333 degree for portland LV Annals of West University of Timisoara, revist ărecunoscut ă cement CNCSIS categoria B, vol. 334 15, no. 2, pp. 127 SYNTHÈSEăDEăL‟ALCOOLă POLYVINYLIQUE AU DEGRÉ D‟HYDROLYSEăDIRIGEABLEă –ă1γ6,ăβ006; PARăL‟ALCOOLYSEăDUă POLYVINYLACÉTATE EN 335 SOLUTION HOMOGÈNE M. NADASAN, T. VISAN REGARDING OPTICAL TRAPPING FORCES ON MICROPARTICLES M. CATRINCIUC, O. IULIAN, I. NITA ,G. IOSIF VISCOSITIES, DENSITIES AND CORRESPONDING EXCESS PROPERTIES OF SYSTEMS WITH WATER, 1,4 DIOXANE AND DIETHYLENE GLYCOL AT 303.15 K 336 337 CYCLIC VOLTAMMETRY AND ELECTROCHEMICAL N.ăIBRIŞ,ăM.ăBUDA,ăD.ă IMPEDANCE BISTRI EANU,ăT.ă SPECTROSCOPY OF SILVER VIŞAN ION IN PHOTOGRAPHIC WASTES 338 D.I.ăV IREANUăANDă S.ăC PR RESCU 339 D.I.ăV IREANU,ăS.ă C PR RESCU,ăA.ă COJOCARU AND I. 340 MAIOR D.I.ăV IREANU 341 Buletinul UPB seria B 68(1) 2006 31-38 UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica Buletinul UPB seria B 68(2) 2006 25-34 UPB 0,8 Scopus Inginerie Chimica 2006 15-25 UPB Scopus INGINERIE CHIMICA UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC 68 (2) BULLETIN SERIES B: CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE ANALELE UNIVERSITATII OVIDIUS. SERIA CHIMIE / OVIDIUS UNIVERSITY ANNALS OF CHEMISTRY ANNALS OF WEST UNIVERSITY OF TIMISOARA SERIES OF CHEMISTRY SCI. AND TRENDS AND PROSPECTS TECHN. OF FOR THE USE OF BIODIESEL ENVIRON. PRODUCTS PROTECTION, VOL. 12 SCI. AND IREVITALISATION OF TECHN. OF SEALED LEAD ACID ENVIRON. RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES PROTECTION, VOL. 12, NR.1 SCI. AND ION SELECTIVE TECHN. OF ELECTRODES FOR ENVIRON. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, ANALYSIS VOL. 12, NR.2 2006 UPB INGINERIE CHIMICA 2006 UPB INGINERIE CHIMICA 12 2006 UPB INGINERIE CHIMICA 12(1) 2006 UPB INGINERIE CHIMICA 12(2) 2006 UPB INGINERIE CHIMICA Technology-pedagogy Josceanu, A.M., Onofrei, relationship in developing eR., Isopescu, R., Plesu, learning systems for chemical V., Zelch, O. engineering education 342 C.M. COROBEA, D. POLYCLAY HIBRIDS DONESCU, GH. HUBCA, C. RADOVICI, SYNTHESIS FROM WATER DISPERSION M. GHIUREA, V. 343 STEFAN 344 CHISA 2006 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering Buletinul UPB seria B 2006 68(3) UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF TURCANU CARUTIU BUCHAREST, CONTRIBUTION TO DANIELA, MURARIU SCIENTIFIC AUTHENTICATION OF ALINA, GIURGINCA 69(4) BULLETIN VICTOR BRAUNER ART MARIA, RAU ILEANA, SERIES B: WORKS MEGHEA AURELIA CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS 345 SCIENCE TEHNOLOGIILE ENERGIEI ASSESSMENT THE NOXES PRODUCEREA, RADUCANU ALICE, HAVING CONTINUOUS TRANSPORTUL SUVERGEL AURICA, IMPACT UPON THE HEALTH SI STANCA ANGELA, OF EMPLOYEES FROM DISTRIBUTIA MEGHEA AURELIA POWER PLANT CET ENERGIEI ELECTRICE SI 346 TERMICE UNIVERSITY INNOVATIVE METHODS TO POLITEHNICA ADVANCE IN NEW OF MATERIALS DESIGN; BUCHAREST, BRANZOI, V., PILAN, ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENTIFIC BEHAVIOUR OF 69 (2) L., GAUTIERI, A., BULLETIN PRUNA, A., IONITA, M. POLYANILINEă–ă SERIES B: POLYPYRROLE COMPOSITE CHEMISTRY COATINGS OBTAINED BY AND ELECTROSYNTHESIS MATERIALS 347 SCIENCE UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, BRANZOI, V., ASPECTS CORROSION AND SCIENTIFIC CAMENITA, I., 69 (3) ITS INHIBITION IN COOLING BULLETIN BRANZOI, F., WATERS SERIES B: BONDAREV, A. CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS 348 SCIENCE UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica Scopus Inginerie Chimica 2006 33-46 UPB 2007 25-33 UPB INGINERIE CHIMICA UPB INGINERIE CHIMICA 2007 2007 21-35 UPB scopus INGINERIE CHIMICA 2007 9- UPB scopus INGINERIE CHIMICA SAVA BOGDAN ALEXANDRU, VISAN TEODOR RAMAN AND FTIR STUDIES OF SOME SOL-GEL BASED GLASSES IN THE ZNO-TIO2SIO2 SYSTEM, Ion, A.C., Ion, I., Barbu, L. Chemically modified electrode for NO2 - determination in environmental applications G. Isopencu, A. M. Mares, G. Jinescu Interparticulare forces in powdery materials beds 2007 11- UPB 2007 57-66 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica U.P.B. Sci. Bull, Series B: 69(3) Chemistry and Materials Science 2007 27-34 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica New environmentally friendly adsorbents used for petrochemical wastewater tratment Ovidius University Annals 18(2) of Chemistry 2007 152-156 UPB Conversion of the solid drilling wastes in non polluting useful materials Ovidius University Annals 18(2) of Chemistry 2007 156-160 UPB CNCSIS Inginerie Chimica Buletinul UPB seria B 69(4) 2007 19-24 UPB scopus Inginerie Chimica U. P. B. Sci. Bull., Series B 69 2007 pag. 3 UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica Journal of Ion 18(4) Exchange (Japan), 2007 162-167 UPB 0,66 Scopus Inginerie Chimica Ecologie Industirala 2007 57-61 UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica 349 350 351 Petre CHIPURICI, Ioan CALINESCU, Adina Ionuta GAVRILA, Radu AVRAM, Trifan ADRIAN, Georgeta PREDEANU, Silviu LAMBESCU, Valerica 352 SLAVESCU Ioan Calinescu, Petre Chipurici, Ion Iliuta, Adrian Trifan , Rodica Stanescu, Constantin Bobirica, Dumitru 353 Niculae, Liviu Mititeanu M. Miu, C.Panaitescu 354 S. I. Rosca, E. M. Ungureanu, M. G. 355 Alexandru Ana Maria S. Oancea, Claudia Drinkal, 356 Wolfgang H. Höll 357 F.Mandea, M.Ghimis, I.Jitaru F.Mandea, M.Ghimis, 358 I.Jitaru UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC 69 BULLETIN SERIES B: CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series 69(2) B: Chemistry and Materials Science Chemico-technical and energetical characterization of some coals used for burning in Paroseni power plant Anodic oxidation og phenoxyacetic and 2[(phenyliminomethyl)]phenoxy acetic acids Langmuir and Surface Complexation Models for Ion Exchange Equilibria on Strong Acid Resins Chromate-free pretreatment for new galvanized steel and aluminium Pretratament fara crom pentru otel galvanizat si aluminiu 7 INGINERIE CHIMICA Inginerie Chimica U.P.B. 69 Sci.Bull.,Series B 2007 UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica Ioana Jitaru, EleonoraSynthesis and Characterization U.P.B. 69 Mihaela Ungureanu, of new Mn(II,III) and Fe(III) oxo Sci.Bull.,Series B Maria-Gabriela Alexandru polynuclear complexes 359 2007 UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica Voicu, S.I., Aldea, F., R dut,ăM.,ăNechifor,ăG.ă Nanostructured polysulfone composite membranes UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series 70(3) B: Chemistry and Materials Science 2008 39-46 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica Ion, A.C., Ion, I. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series 70(3) B: Chemistry and Materials Science 2008 31-38 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica 361 Electrodic membranes selective for Ag+and their applications in vitamin content potentiometric determination A. C. MITUS, G. PAWLIK, ILEANA 362 RAU, F. KAJZAR, COMPUTER SIMULATIONS OF POLED GUEST-HOST SYSTEMS NONLINEAR OPTICS QUANTUM OPTICS 38 2008 141-162 UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica Tanase Dobre, Cristina Ciuculescu, Anicuta 363 Stoica si Marta Stroescu Int. J. Nuclear Modelling of water consumption Energy Science in a spent fuel storage facility and Technology 4(1) 2008 45-64 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica 360 Amalia Gheorghe, Emulsion liquid membranes Anicuta Stoica, Octavian stability Floarea U.P.B. Sci. Bull, Series B: 70(3) Chemistry and Materials Science 2008 23-30 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica Mihaela Mihai, Gabriel Dabija Cationicăpolyelectrolytesă–ă anionic surfactant complexes used in the coagulation flocculation processes U.P.B. Sci. Bull, Series B: 70(4) Chemistry and Materials Science 2008 153-168 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica S.I.Rosca, R.Stan, E.M.Ungureanu, G. Stanciu, S.Rosca, 13C- and D- labelled 3phenylpropionic acids: syntheses U. P. B. Sci. Bull., Series B and characterization by NMR and MS spectra, 70 2008 77 UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica 70 2008 3 UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series 70(3) B: Chemistry and Materials Science 2008 31-38 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica Recent Advances in Ion Exchange Theory and Practice, 2008 479-486 UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica Recent Advances in Ion Exchange Theory and Practice, 2008 427-434 UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica 364 365 366 Synthesis of nanostructured R. Stan, C. Ott, S. Rosca, silica mediated by A. Badanoiu, S. Stoleriu, organogelators derived from d367 G Voicu sorbitol. Ion, A.C., Ion, I. 368 Electrodic membranes selective for Ag+and their applications in vitamin content potentiometric determination Polymeric Ion Exchangers based Carmen M Iesan, Francis on Styrene-Divinylbenzene Matrix. Textural and Structural Boodoo, James A Dale, Modifications after Grafting Ana Maria S Oancea Different Functional Groups 369 Corina M Bohdana, Daniela S Cantea, James A Dale, Eugen Pincovschi, Ana Maria S. Silica Removal from Natural Waters on a New OrganicOancea Inorganic Hybrid Ion Exchanger 370 U. P. B. Sci. Bull., Series B L.C.Chioaru,I.Jitaru, M.Bicher 371 RAU I 372 MEGHEA A, RAU I 373 RAU I 374 MEGHEA A 375 CALINESCU I 376 Lucre iaăMiu,ăMariaă Giurginca, Aurelia Meghea Synthesis and characterization of U.P.B. new precursors for lanthanum 70 Sci.Bull.,Series B nickelate perovskite SECOND HARMONIC GENERATION TECHNIQUE AND ITS APPLICATIONS NONLINEAR OPTICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF FUNCTIONALIZED ORGANOMETALLIC COMPLEXES USING THG AND Z-SCAN TECHNIQUES COMPUTER SIMULATIONS OF POLED GUEST-HOST SYSTEMS REMOVAL OF THE HERBICIDE 2,4DICHLOROPHENOXYACETA TE FROM WATER TO CALCINED LAYERED DOUBLE HYDROXIDES GASEOUS POLLUTANTS REMOVAL BY COMBINED IONIZING AND NONIONIZING RADIATION TREATMENT UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics 2008 UPB INGINERIE CHIMICA Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics 2008 UPB INGINERIE CHIMICA Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics 2008 UPB INGINERIE CHIMICA Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics 2008 UPB INGINERIE CHIMICA WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development 2008 UPB INGINERIE CHIMICA 70 (4) 2008 51- UPB scopus INGINERIE CHIMICA Anal. Univ. Buc.–ăChimieă (s.n.), 18 2009 65-71 UPB CNCSIS Inginerie Chimica KINETICS AND MECHANISM OF THE DISAPPEARANCE Anal. Univ. OF RADICALS FORMED Buc.–ăChimieă DURING THE RADIOLYSIS (s.n.), OF POLYACRILAMIDE, 18 2009 73-81 UPB CNCSIS Inginerie Chimica Materiale Plastice 46 2009 394-398 UPB CNCSIS Inginerie Chimica Materiale Plastice 46 2009 140-143 UPB CNCSIS Inginerie Chimica STUDY ON THE ROMANIAN HISTORICAL PARCHMENT BY MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY TECHNIQUES Iulia Contineanu, M. A DSC STUDY OF alphaContineanu,ăAnaăNeacşu,ă AMINOBUTYRIC ACID 379 Şt.ăPerişanu GAMMA IRRADIATED 380 15 - 22 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES B: CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 377 378 M. Contineanu, Ana Neacşu,ăŞt.ăPerişanu,ă Iulia Contineanu 2008 Polypyrrole as conducting M. Mîndroiu, C. Pîrvu, S. polymer coating on Ti6Al7Nb Popescu, I. Demetrescu 381 alloy Ternary biopolymeric films R Popescu, A Morega, D based on collagen gel, Iordachescu , I polyethylene glycoland 382 Demetrescu hydroxyapatite Estimation of the transfer times of radionuclides in geological layers of Saligny site 2009 13-20 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica 383 U.P.B. Sci. Bull, Series B: 71(4) Chemistry and Materials Science T. Dobre, Oana Cristina Analysis of sol evolution in solPârvulescu, G. Iavorschi, gel synthesis by use of Anicu aăStoica,ăMartaă rheological measurements 384 Stroescu U.P.B. Sci. Bull, Series B: 71(3) Chemistry and Materials Science 2009 55-64 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, 5(3) Economic & Social Sustainability, 2009 1-8 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica Design and And Control Of Integrated Styrene-Aniline Production Plant Chemical Product and Process Modeling 2009 art.19 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica , SO2 and Nox removal by microwave and electron beam processing Journal of Microwave Power & Electromagnetic Energy 43 2009 44-50 UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica Colorants with mixt naphthoquinone-azomethine cromophore-synthesis, characterization and in vitro toxicity analysis Buletinul UPB seria B 71(3) 2009 91-104 UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica Microwave assisted catalytic dechlorination of PCB Buletinul UPB seria B 71(4) 2009 71-80 UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica Nicoleta Grigoriu, Gh. Hubc ,ăCristiană Boscornea, Doina T r b şanuăMih il ,ă 390 Monica Robu JERCA, V.V. , NICOLESCU, F.A. , VASILESCU, D.S. , ALBU, A.M. , 391 VULUGA, D.M. NICOLESCU AF, JERCA VV, ALBU AM, VULUGA DM, 392 VASILESCU DS Studies on the template synthesis of some phthalocyanines on Buletinul UPB ferrites support and their seria B characterization using Mössbauer spectroscopy 71(1) 2009 65-74 UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica Buletinul UPB seria B 71(2) 2009 21-36 UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica Buletinul UPB seria B 71(1) 2009 75-82 1 UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica Constanta Dascalu, Ruxandra Atasiei, Matei 393 Raicopol Evaluation of the Debye length U. P. B. Sci. for a nematic liquid crystal Bull., Series B aligned with conducting polymers Jinescu Gheorghita, Dogaru Daniela Alexandru Woinaroschy, Sustainability-Based Vasile Lavric, Irina Dana Optimization of Bioprocesses Ofi eru Design and Retrofit 385 O. Partenie, V. van der Last, C. S. Bildea, P. 386 Altimari D. Ighigeanu, I.Calinescu, Diana Martin, C.Matei, Anca Bulearca, Adelina 387 Ighigeanu Paula - Roxana Ionescu Mocanu, Gheorghe Hubc ,ăCristiană Boscornea, Stefan Tomas, Liliana Isfan, Anca 388 Nicoleta Mocanu Adrian Trifan, Ioan 389 C linescu SYNTHESIS AND STRUCTURE OF 2-ETHYL-2OXAZOLINE MACROMONOMERS WITH STYRYL END-GROUPS POLY(MALEIC-AMIC) STRUCTURES FOR POTENTIAL NOLINEAR OPTICAL APPLICATIONS Determination of the Technical Chira,ăN.;ăTodaşc ,ăC.;ă Quality Indices of Vegetable Nicolescu,ăA.;ăP unescu,ă Oils by Modern Physical 394 G.;ăRoşca,ăS.,ă Techniques U. P. B. Sci. Bull., Series B 71 2009 71 UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica 71 2009 pag. 3 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica * pentru personalul de predare si cercetare stiintifica cu norma de baza/titular in cadrul universitatii universitatii M. Alexie, F. Dumitru, D. Manzu, T. NegreanuPirjol, C. Guran 2009 65-77 0,75 UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica 395 Synthesis, characterization and biological activity of phenol-2,6- U.P.B. Sci. Bull., 71(3) pyridinediamide complexes with Series B Fe(III) and Mo(VI) D. Manzu, T.NegreanuPirjol, F.Dumitru, C. Guran, U.P.B. 71 Sci.Bull.,Series B 2009 49 -58 0,75UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica 396 Synthesis, characterisation and biological activity of some Cr(III), Fe(III), Cu(II) and Mn(II) complexes of N,Oaminoethanol, tetrachlorocyclotriphosphazene C.I. Covaliu, C.Matei, A.Ianculescu, I.Jitaru, 397 D.Berger Fe3O4 and CoFe2O4 nanoparticles stabilized in sodium alginate polymer U.P.B. 71 Sci.Bull.,Series B 2009 53-60 UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica UPB http://web.ebscoho ?vid=10&hid=2&s id=45d26c428dd0-42cf-952508c831230d74%4 INGINERIE CHIMICA 0sessionmgr14&b data=JnNpdGU9Z Whvc3QtbGl2ZQ %3d%3d#db=8gh &AN=44457714 IOSUB, ION, IOSUB, SILVIA, GRIGORIE, VICTOR, MEGHEA, AURELIA ENVIRONMENT AL ENGINEERING NOISE POLLUTION AND HEALTH IMPACT IN URBAN & MANAGEMENT ARGES AREA JOURNAL (EEMJ) 2009 398 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BARBINTA BUCHAREST, PATRASCU MARCELA EFFECTS OF QUERCITIN ON SCIENTIFIC ELISABETA., ARTIFICIAL LIPID BULLETIN DRAGUSIN MARIA, MEMBRANES SERIES B: TUGULEA LAURA, CHEMISTRY MEGHEA AURELIA AND MATERIALS 399 SCIENCE UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF UNGUREANU BUCHAREST, ELEONORA ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENTIFIC MIHAELA, A.C. STUDIES ON 1BULLETIN RAZUS, L. BIRZAN, M.- AZOPHENYLAZULENE SERIES B: S. CRETU, D. GIOL, CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS 400 SCIENCE 71(1) 2009 41 UPB scopus INGINERIE CHIMICA 71(2) 2009 3 UPB scopus INGINERIE CHIMICA 402 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC 71(4) BULLETIN SERIES B: CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series 71(1) B: Chemistry and Materials Science 71(4) 2009 31 UPB scopus INGINERIE CHIMICA 403 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES B: CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE Anal. Univ. Buc.–ăChimieă (s.n.), 19 2010 69-77 UPB CNCSIS Inginerie Chimica Anal. Univ. Buc.–ăChimieă (s.n.), 19 2010 79-86 UPB CNCSIS Inginerie Chimica U.P.B. Sci. Bull, Series B: 72(2) Chemistry and Materials Science 2010 21-36 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica Characterization of composite Loredanaă–ăMihaelaă materials based on biocellulose Dobre,ăAnicu aăStoica,ă membranes impregnated with Marta Stroescu, S. Jinga, silver particles as antimicrobial Iuliana Jipa, T. Dobre agent 407 U.P.B. Sci. Bull, Series B: 72(4) Chemistry and Materials Science 2010 55-64 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica Thresholded operating Stoenica, Mirela; LavriC, parameters impact upon the V. biological wastewater treatment facility 408 U.P.B. Sci. Bull, Series B: 72(3) Chemistry and Materials Science 2010 123-136 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica FEDELES ANCA, CIOCIRLAN OANA, IULIAN OLGA EXCESS PROPERTIES IN DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE + 1BUTANOL AND 1,4DIOXANE+1-BUTANOL BINARY MIXTURES AT 298.15 K Ion, A.C., Ion, I. Short remarque on the provenience of nanoparticles in environmental samples 401 BRANZOI VIOREL, IORDOC MIHAI, BRANZOI FLORINA SURFACE CHARACTERIZATION AND CORROSION BEHAVIOUR OF TI BASED ALLOYS IN FETAL BOVINE SERUM CALCULATION OF THE DOSE RATE IN AN M.ăContineanu,ăŞt.ă EXTERNAL POINT OF A Perişanu,ăAnaăNeacşu CYLINDRICAL GAMMA 404 RADIOACTIVE SOURCE Iulia Contineanu, M. AăDSCăSTUDYăOFă Contineanu,ăAnaăNeacşu,ă AMINOBUTYRIC ACID 405 Şt.ăPerişanu GAMMA IRRADIATED F.Tache, T. Dobre, A.Tache Hybride composite for high demanding applications 406 2009 99- UPB scopus INGINERIE CHIMICA 2009 13-20 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica Experimental Study of Vocs Adsorption Onto Fixed Bed Activated Carbon, 2010 1241-1246 UPB CNCSIS (B+) Inginerie Chimica 409 Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Fascicula ECOTOXICOLO VIII(9) GIE, ZOOTEHNIE SI TEHNOLOGII DE INDUSTRIE ALIMENTARA Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy for Characterization of Antimicrobial Films Containing Chitosan 2010 1234-1240 UPB CNCSIS (B+) Inginerie Chimica 410 Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Fascicula ECOTOXICOLO GIE, VIII(9) ZOOTEHNIE SI TEHNOLOGII DE INDUSTRIE ALIMENTARA 2010 55-63 3 UPB Scopus Inginerie Chimica Buletinul Institutului 56 Politehnic din Iasi 2010 147-155 UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica Buletinul UPB seria B 2010 101-112 UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica Tanase Dobre, Oana Cristina Parvulescu, Gustav Iavorschi, Marta Stroescu, Anicuta Stoica Stoica-Guzun Anicuta, Loredana Dobre, Marta Stroescu, Iuliana Jipa New Hydrophylized Catalysts Buletinul A.I. Gavrila, P. Chipurici, Based on Phthalocyanine Institutului 56 L. Papahagi Structures Modified with Peptide Politehnic din Iasi 411 P. Chipurici, I. Calinescu, Wastewater Treatment by G. Predeanu, A. Gavrila, Adsorption on the Multipurpose Carbon Materials 412 A. Bulearca AncaăMihaelaăBulearc ,ă Model studies of NOx and SOx IoanăC linescu,ăVasileă reactions in flue gas treatment by 413 Lavric electron beam UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES B: CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 2010 UPB Scopus INGINERIE CHIMIE ETHANOL EXTRACT OF FAGUS SYLVATICA LEAVES JOURNAL OF AS AN ECO-FRIENDLY SUSTAINABLE INHIBITOR FOR CARBON ENERGY STEEL CORROSION IN ACIDIC SOLUTIONS 2010 UPB Scopus INGINERIE CHIMIE CHARACTERIZATION OF CORROSION AND SCALE PROCESSES IN COOLING SYSTEMS 2010 UPB Scopus INGINERIE CHIMIE THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF SOME FEROIU,ăV.,ăGEAN ăD,ă CHLORO-FLUOROHYDROCARBONS FROM SECUIANU C CUBIC EQUATIONS OF STATE 414 A.COJOCARU, I.MAIOR, D.I.VAIREANU, C.LINGVAY, I.LINGVAY, S.CAPRARESCU, 415 G.E.BADEA MAIOR I., COJOCARU A.,ăV IREANUăD.ăI.,ă LINGVAY I., LINGVAY 416 C.,C PR RESCUăS. 72(1) JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE ENERGY 417 418 419 420 421 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF REFRACTIVE INDEX IN BUCHAREST, BINARY AND TERNARY O. IULIAN, A. SCIENTIFIC MIXTURES WITH ŞTEFANIU,ăO.ă DIETHYLENE GLYCOL, 1,4- BULLETIN CIOCIRLAN, A. SERIES B: DIOXANE AND WATER FEDELES CHEMISTRY BETWEEN 293.15 - 313. 15K AND MATERIALS SCIENCE UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, ZNO:MN SUBMICRON SCIENTIFIC MA.SIMA, T.VISAN, WIRES PREPARED BY BULLETIN M.SIMA, E.VASILE ELECTROCHEMICAL SERIES B: SYNTHESIS CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF PRELIMINARY STUDIES OF BUCHAREST, SILVER COATINGS SCIENTIFIC A.FLOREA, A.PETICA, FORMATION FROM BULLETIN L.ANICAI, T.VISAN CHOLINE CHLORIDE BASED SERIES B: IONIC LIQUIDS CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF SYNTHESIS AND BUCHAREST, CORROSION SCIENTIFIC CHARACTERIZATION OF P.PRIOTEASA, ELECTRODEPOSITED NI-MO BULLETIN L.ANIC I,ăT.VIŞAN SERIES B: ALLOYS OBTAINED FROM CHEMISTRY AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA ELECTROCHEMICAL OF IMPEDANCE BUCHAREST, SPECTROSCOPY SCIENTIFIC A.C.MANEA, M.BUDA, INVESTIGATIONS OF BULLETIN T.VIŞAN TANTALUM AND ITS SERIES B: PASSIVE FILMS IN SOME CHEMISTRY ACIDIC SOLUTIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 72 2010 UPB Scopus INGINERIE CHIMIE 72(1) 2010 27 UPB Scopus INGINERIE CHIMIE 72(2) 2010 115- UPB Scopus INGINERIE CHIMIE 72(4) 2010 11- UPB Scopus INGINERIE CHIMIE 72 2010 UPB Scopus INGINERIE CHIMIE 422 423 424 425 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, MODELLING MESOSCALE SCIENTIFIC M. IONITA, N. DIFFUSION PROCESSES IN A BULLETIN 72 DONISAN, V. BRANZOI BIOIARTIFICIAL MEMBRANE SERIES B: CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF ELECTROCHEMICAL BUCHAREST, M.-L. SOARE, M.-R. STUDIES ON SOME SCIENTIFIC BUJDUVEANU, E.-M. INDOLIZINE 72(3) BULLETIN UNGUREANU, E. CARBOXYLATES WITH SERIES B: GEORGESCU POTENTIAL APPLICATION CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, R. WEISZ, C.A. ETUDE SUR LA SCIENTIFIC AMARANDEI, E.-M. RECONNAISSANCE DES 72 BULLETIN UNGUREANU, L. ANIONS PAR DES SERIES B: BIRZAN METHODES SPECTRALES CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE BULETINUL STIINTIFIC AL UNIVERSITATII POLITEHNICA DIN TIMISOARA, ROMANIA, THE DEVELOPMENT OF SERIA CHIMIE EXPERIMENTAL METHODS SI INGINERIA FOR ESTIMATING THE MEDIULUI/ MAGNETIC ENERGIES OF CHEMICAL N.BONCIOCAT, A. ANTI-OXIDANT DRUGS AND BULLETIN OF COTARTA THEIR THERAPEUTICAL POLITEHNICA APPLICATIONS IN THE UNIVERSITY DOMAIN OF BIOLOGICAL OF AND PHARMACEUTICAL TIMISOARA, SCIENCES. ROMANIA, SERIES OF CHEMISTRY AND ENVIRONMENT AL ENGINEERING 2010 UPB Scopus INGINERIE CHIMIE UPB Scopus INGINERIE CHIMIE 2010 UPB Scopus INGINERIE CHIMIE 2010 UPB Scopus INGINERIE CHIMIE 2010 29- B. CURSARU, P.O. ST NESCU,ăM.ă TEODORESCU 426 DEGERATU CRISTINEL-NICOLAE, ZAHARIA CATALIN, TUDORA MIHAELA RAMONA, TUCUREANU CATALIN, HUBCA GHEORGHE, SALAGEANU AURA, 427 CINCU CORNELI STANCIU, N. D., ALBU, A.-M., VULUGA, D. M., M. 428 TEODORESCU THE STATES OF WATER IN HYDROGELS SYNTHESIZED FROM DIEPOXYBuletinul UPB TERMINATED seria B POLY(ETHYLENE GLYCOL)S AND ALIPHATIC POLYAMINES 72(4) THE INFLUENCE OF POROSITY UPON CELLS Buletinul UPB ADHESION ON seria B POLYHYDROXYALKANOAT ES FILMS 2010 99-114 2010 UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica PROTON EXCHANGE MEMBRANES FROM POLYELECTROLYTES BASED ON CELLULOSE CONTAINING COMPOSITES Buletinul UPB seria B 72(1) 2010 13-26 UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica NEW POLYMERS WITH ENHANCED ACTIVITY FOR POTABLE WATER TREATMENT Buletinul UPB seria B 72(2) 2010 93-102 UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica NATURAL FIBRES MODIFIED BY CHEMICAL METHODS FOR APPLICATION IN BONE PATHOLOGY Buletinul UPB seria B 72(4) 2010 155-162 UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica ELECTROINSULATING VARNISHES BASED ON UNSATURATED POLYESTERS Buletinul UPB seria B 72(4) 2010 45-54 UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica MODIFICATION OF PVC FOR Buletinul UPB POLYMER MATRICES WITH seria B SPECIAL PROPERTIES 72(2) 2010 127-140 UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica 72(3) 2010 163-174 UPB 1 SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica 433 Ethylenediamine functionalization effect on the thermo-mechanical properties of Buletinul UPB seria B epoxy nanocomposites reinforced with multiwall carbon nanotubes Mihai Dimonie, Maria 434 Râp Biodegradable blends based on PHB and wood fiber 72(3) 2010 3-10 UPB 1 SCOPUS Inginerie Chimica ARMEANU MIHAELA, CRISTEA TIBERIU, ZAHARIA CATALIN, 429 CINCU CORNELIU MIRCEA EDUARD, ZAHARIA CATALIN, CINCU CORNELIU, MICULESCU FLORIN, HUBCA GHEORGHE, DEGERATU NICOLAE430 CRISTINEL ADRIANA CIUCU, FLORICA RIZEA, LIVIA MARIA BUTAC,ALEXANDRA MOCANU, EDINA 431 RUSEN CLAUDIU L Z ROAIE,ăEDINAă RUSEN, BOGDAN M RCULESCU,ă TEODORA ZECHERU, 432 GHEORGHEăHUBC Celina-Maria Damian, Andreea-M d linaă Pandele, Horia Iovu Buletinul UPB seria B IOAN DAN-LIVIU, DUŞESCUăIOANA,ă ZAHARIAăC T LIN,ă HUBCA GHEORGHE A STUDY REGARDING THE ELASOMERS-BASED ADHESIVE ASSEMBLY Buletinul UPB seria B DISPERSION POLYMERIZATION OF AN AZO-MONOMER AND METHYLMETHACRYLATE IN THE PRESENCE OF OXAZOLINE MACROMONOMER PROC. OF SPIE, VOL 7838 72(3) 2010 67-76 UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica 2010 78381H-1 UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica 2010 78381B-1 UPB 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica 2010 11 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica 72 2010 25 1 Scopus Inginerie Chimica U.P.B. 72 Sci.Bull.,Series B 2010 145-154 UPB 0,6 Scopus Inginerie Chimica 435 V. V. JERCA, ADRIANA. NICOLESCU,, D. SORIN. VASILESCU AND D. MIRCEA. 436 VULUGA,. F. A. NICOLESCU, V. V. JERCA, I. DANCUS, SIDE-CHAIN POLYMERS A. PETRIS, VALENTIN BEARING AZO- MOIETIES PROC. OF SPIE, VOL 7838 IONEL VLAD, D. S. FOR NONLINEAR OPTICS VASILESCU AND D. 437 M. VULUGA,. Matei Raicopol, Roxana Solid-phase suported chiral U. P. B. Sci. Lehadus, Cristina Ott, 72 tricarbonyl-chromium complexes Bull., Series B Raluca Stan, Sorin I. 438 Rosca Nicoleta M. Sulca, Ana Dibenzylidene sorbitol V. Munteanu, Roxana G. derivatives for improving dental Popescu, Adriana Lungu, materials properties 439 Raluca Stan, Horia Iovu Simona Antonescu, Elena New complex compounds of Bacu,ăNicolaeăSt nic ,ă Fe(III) and Cu(II) -with Ovidiu Oprea, Cornelia phenothiazines derivatives 440 Guran E. I. Scarlat, C. P. Cristescu, Cristina Stan, A. M. Preda, Liliana 441 Preda, Mona Mihailescu E. I. Scarlat, C. P. Cristescu, Cristina Stan, A. M. Preda, Liliana 442 Preda, Mona Mihailescu Camelia Talianu, Anca Nemuc, Doina Nicolae, 443 C.P. Cristescu 444 S Popescu, C. Stan U. P. B. Sci. Bull., Series B Coloured chaos in the ROL-USD exchange rate via time-frequency analysis Sci. Bul. UPB, A 68(1)49 Evidence Of The Theoretical Self-Similar Behaviour In The Shape Of The Romanian Exchange Rate Rol-Usd Dust Event Detection From Lidar Measurements Surface Tension Of SelfConfined Space - Charge Structures In Plasma Inginerie industriala 2006 UPB Inginerie industriala Sci. Bul. UPB, A 2006 UPB Sci. Bul. UPB, A Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, Sectia Matematica, Mecanica, Teoretica, Fizica Lii (Lvi) 2006 UPB Inginerie industriala Inginerie industriala 2006 71-80 UPB Nicolae Puscas, G. Constantin (Vasile), B. 445 Savu Gain and noise theoretical analysis of Er3+-dopped Ti:LiNbO3 straight waveguide amplifiers Ioana Ivascu, I. 446 Dorobantu, D. fologea The piezoelectric crystal immunosensors 447 448 449 450 451 Scientific Bulletin Polytechnic University Bucharest, Series A. Applied Math. And Phys Vol. 68, no. 1 UPB Sci Bull Series A, vol. 67, 77-78 nr. 3 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES B: CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA B: CHIMIE SI BEHAVIOUR OF MATIES STIINTA C. MOTOC, A.L. PAUN, UNDER ELECTRIC AND MATERIALELO V. PAUN MAGNETIC FIELDS R SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN, SERIES A: EMIL PETRESCU, MAGNETIC FIELD INDUCED APPLIED MATEHEMATIC ELEONORA RODICA FERROMAGNETICS AND BENA, CORNELIA FERROCHOLESTERIC PHYSICS, VOL MOTOC, CRISTINA TRANSITION IN 69 NO. 4 CIRTOAJE HOMEOTROPIC CELLS THE INFLUENCE OF SPOT U.P.B. SCI. IONU ăVL DOIU,ă DIAMETER, FLUENCE AND BULL. SERIES MIHAI STAFE, ION M. WAVELENGTH RATE OF A, VOL. 69, NO. POPESCU ALUMINIUM 3, 81-87 GEORGIANA C. U.P.B. SCI. VASILE, NICULAE N. LASSERS MEASUREMENT BULL., SERIES PUŞCAŞ,ăIONăM.ă OF ER3+:TI:LINBO3 A, VOL. 69, POPESCU OPTICAL WAVEGUIDES NO.3, 7-16 BINDING ENERGY OF A HYDROGENIC DONOR IN A UPB SCI.BULL., SERIES A, E.C. NICULESCU, GAAS QUANTUM-WELL VOL.69, NR.4, L.BURILEANU, M. WIRE UNDER AN INTENSE 2007, P.81-88 CRISTEA LASER FIELD RADIATION Inginerie industriala 2006 63-71 UPB 2006 77-88 UPB Inginerie industriala Inginerie industriala 2007 UPB Inginerie industriala 2007 UPB Inginerie industriala 2007 UPB Inginerie industriala 2007 UPB Inginerie industriala 2007 UPB 452 453 454 455 456 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES B: CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA B: CHIMIE SI BEHAVIOUR OF MATIES STIINTA C. MOTOC, A.L. PAUN, UNDER ELECTRIC AND MATERIALELO MAGNETIC FIELDS V. PAUN R SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN, SERIES A: EMIL PETRESCU, MAGNETIC FIELD INDUCED APPLIED MATEHEMATIC ELEONORA RODICA FERROMAGNETICS AND BENA, CORNELIA FERROCHOLESTERIC PHYSICS, VOL MOTOC, CRISTINA TRANSITION IN 69 NO. 4 CIRTOAJE HOMEOTROPIC CELLS THE INFLUENCE OF SPOT U.P.B. SCI. DIAMETER, FLUENCE AND BULL. SERIES IONU ăVL DOIU,ă A, VOL. 69, NO. MIHAI STAFE, ION M. WAVELENGTH RATE OF ALUMINIUM 3, 81-87 POPESCU GEORGIANA C. U.P.B. SCI. VASILE, NICULAE N. LASSERS MEASUREMENT BULL., SERIES OF ER3+:TI:LINBO3 PUŞCAŞ,ăIONăM.ă A, VOL. 69, OPTICAL WAVEGUIDES POPESCU NO.3, 7-16 BINDING ENERGY OF A HYDROGENIC DONOR IN A UPB SCI.BULL., GAAS QUANTUM-WELL E.C. NICULESCU, SERIES A, WIRE UNDER AN INTENSE L.BURILEANU, M. VOL.69, NR.4, LASER FIELD RADIATION CRISTEA 2007, P.81-88 ELECTRIC FIELD AND INTENSE LASER RADIATION EFFECTS ON THE ECATERINA U.P.B. SCI. INTERBAND TRANSITIONS BULL., SERIES NICULESCU, ANCA A, 70 (2), 63-70 457 IORGA, ADRIAN RADU IN QUANTUM WELLS, Inginerie industriala 2007 UPB Inginerie industriala 2007 UPB Inginerie industriala 2007 UPB Inginerie industriala 2007 UPB Inginerie industriala 2007 UPB Inginerie industriala 2008 UPB ECATERINA NICULESCU, ADRIAN 458 RADU, ANCA IORGA M. CRISTEA 459 M. CRISTEA OPTICAL STARK EFFECT IN SEMICONDUCTOR QUANTUM WELLS: A COMPARATIVE STUDY UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES B: CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA B: CHIMIE SI STIINTA MATERIALELO R SOME ASPECTS REGARDING THE ACTIVATOR LAYER articol DESTRUCTION AT THE HID LAMPS ELECTROD-PLASMA INTERACTION BORDERS CONDITIONS INFLUENCE ON THE HID LAMPS TEMPERATURE PROFILE articol 460 461 D.Manaila Maximean, 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 D.Manaila Maximean, Developments during the last two decades in material Science Education in Romania Developments during the last two decades in material Science Education in Romania articol Inginerie industriala 2008 Constanta Maritime University Annals, Year XI, vol 13, 154-157 (2010). ISSN 1582-3601 Constanta Maritime University Annals, Year XI, vol 14, (2010).ISSN 1582-3601 J.of Materials Education J.of Materials Education Einstein equations for (h; v)-Berwald BJGA Balan V., N. Brinzei Balan V., Nicola I.R. Linear and structural stability of a ceIJMMS Trencevski K, Celakoska E.On a parametrization of the PoincaJournal of Pure and Balan V., Olteanu A., Oltean On Newton0 method for convex opAn. Univ. Bucharest Balan V., Ikeda S Structural considerations on the theo Sci. Bull.Univ. Politeh Wanda Morariu A Class of Modules with Primary Dec Math. Rep. Solving some special functional eqRev. Roumaine Math A. Olteanu, O. Olteanu A. Olteanu, O. Olteanu Solving some special functional eqAnnals of University Constantin Udriste, Ariana Determination of metrics by boundBalkan J.Geom.App H.D. Heike, C. Tarcolea, M.The Fiducial Approach Economic Quality C Periodical solutions of Poisson-grad Tensor, NS C. Udriste, I. Duca C. Udriste, G. Bercu Complexity analysis for logarithmicTensor, NS M. Neagu, C. Udriste A Riemann-Lagrange geometrizatioBJGA 11 (2) 30(1) 51 (3) 68 (4), Ser A 8(58) 51 33 11 2 67 (3) 67 (30 11(1) UPB 2010 Inginerie industriala UPB 2010 Inginerie industriala UPB 2007 UPB Inginerie industriala 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB Inginerie industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala 20-27 1-15 pp 109-117 277-290 3-8 pp 131-143 217-225 226-234 87-98 Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 I. Duca, C. Udriste V. Balan Oltin Dogaru A. Halanay, I. Ursu, Some inequalities satisfied by perioBJGA 11(2) Constant mean curvature submanifoAn. St. Univ. "Al.I.C thematics, suppliment Construction of a function using its Note Di Matematica 27(1) Stability of equilibria in a model foMathematical Repo 9(59) Some remarks on the stability of theă“dead-ocean” Bull. Math. Soc. steady- state in a plankton Sci. population model Math. Roumanie 50(98) A. Halanay Wanda Morariu Irreducible Components of modulesMath.Rep 9(61) J.ăM.ăMih il ,ăO.ăOlteanu,ăC.ăUdrişte Markov-type and operator-valued m Rev. Roumaine Math 52(4) J.ăM.ăMih il ,ăO.ăOlteanu,ăC.ăUdrişte Markov-type moment problems foRev. Roumaine Math 52(6) Solving some functional and operato U.P.B. Sci. Bull. 69(4) O. Olteanu, C. Radu V. Prepelita, Stability of a class of multidimensio Mathematical Repo 9(59) GI Sebe A family of limit distributions in thMath. Pannonica 18(1) H-D Heike,C.TARCOLEA,Fiducial Inference Buletin Stiintific,U. 1 V. Balan, C.S. Stamin State-space exact linearization and JAMC 29 C.Udrişte,ăO.ăDogaruăandăI.Null evyLagrangian forms and Euler-LJournal of Advance 1 Solving some functional and operato APPLIED SCIENC 10 A. Olteanu, O. Olteanu Ariana Pitea Determination of metrics by bound WSEAS Trans. On 7 Ariana Pitea, C. Udriste Determination of metrics by boundWSEAS Trans. On 7 Ariana Pitea Energies along affine mappings Bull. Univ. Tr. Braso 14(49) C. Udriste, G. Bercu and M.2D Hessian Riemannian structures J. Adv. Math. Studies 1 G. Bercu and M. PostolacheHessian structures via invariant calcu Bull. "Transilvania" 15(50) V.ăPrepeli Structural properties of Linear GenWSEAS TRANSAC 3(9) V.ăPrepeli A Study of the Observability of MuWSEAS TRANSAC 12(3) M.Iosifescu,G.I.Sebe On the metrical theory of a prculiarRev. Roumaine Math 53 Gh.Voicu,C.Tarcolea,T.Casan Eulerian and Weibullean FunctionsJournal of Agricultu 4 Non-classical Lagrangian DynamicsWSEAS an Transactio 7, 1 C. Udriste C. Udriste, D. Opris Euler-Lagrange-Hamilton Dynamics WSEAS w Transactio 7,1 C. Udriste, D. Zugravescu, Nonclassical Electromagnetic Dynam WSEAS Transactio 7,1 C. Udriste, T. Oprea, H-convex Riemannian submanifoldBJGA 13, 2 Balan Vladimir, Nicola Ilean Berwald-Moor metrics and structurApplied Sciences 11 Balan Vladimir, Pitea ArianSymbolic software for Y-energy exDGDS 11 V. Catana Essential spectra and semigroups o Complex Variables an 54 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 50-60 61-66 131-137 47-54 405-428 655-664 57-68 87-98 135-147 271-281 143-156 193-198 40-44 45-50 263-270 135-142 25-32 701-711 1024-1034 465-477 349-354 12-18 pp 19-30 31-39 112-119 19-34 41-53 UPB UPB UPB UPB Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. Zbl. Math. ZENTRALBLAT T MATH Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Craiu, Mariana; Bercia, Rom 507 A bivariate copula model for the failu BSG Proceedings 14 2007 52-57 UPB;UPB 508 Craiu, Mariana; Bercia, Rom A bivariate distribution in insuranceUNIVERSITY POL 69 2007 3-8 UPB;UPB Seminarul de modelar Nr. 17 2008 ISSN 1843-5416 PUB,ULB,ENSAI 509 Stefan, M, Droesbeke, J.J., EstimationsărégionalesăetădépartementalesăduăNombreădeărecoursăauăgénéralisteădansăl‟EnquêteăDécennaleăSantéăβ00β/β00γ 510 511 E. Braileanu Erreurs de troncature et d'arrondi UPB Sci. Bull I. Bucurescu, M. M gureanu Some remarks about the abstract families of fuzzy languages Inferences in a copula model for bivariate survival data Mariana Craiu, Corina 512 Cipu, Laura Pânzar 513 514 Mariana Craiu M. Craiu, R. Craiu I. Bucurescu, M. 515 M gureanu 516 IONESCU, AM Copula model in insuranc Bayesian inference for copula models On the *fold fuzzy contextual grammars with choice UPB Sci Bull Series A UPB, Sci.Bull. Series A UPB, Sci.Bull. Series A UPB, Sci.Bull. Series A UPB Sci Bull Series A 2 2006 UPB Inginerie industriala 68 2006 UPB Inginerie industriala 2006 3-12 UPB Inginerie industriala 2007 UPB Inginerie industriala 2008 3-11 UPB Inginerie industriala 2008 2006 279-284 UPB UPB Inginerie industriala Inginerie industriala 68/1 4 70 70/3 Some remarks on $f-$structures with Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. 49(97) Inginerie industriala Inginerie industriala Inginerie industriala ZMATH 517 IONESCU, AM; VILCU, GE Curvature properties of almost $C-Bull. Transilvania Un 14(49) 518 IONESCU, AM; VILCU, GE A note on paraquaternion manifoldMissouri J. Math. Sci 519 IONESCU, AM Nullity conditions on curvature of BSG Proceedings Journal of Information Initial value problems for Szstems and nonlinear differential equations M. CÎRNU, F.D. Frumosu solvent bz differential transform Operations Management method, II 520 3/2 Journal of Information Szstems and M. CÎRNU, I. Badralexi Operations New methods for solving Management algebraic equations 521 4/1 Journal of Information Szstems and M. CIRNU Linear discrete convolution and Operations its inverse. Part. I. Convolution Management 4/1 522 Journal of Information Linear discrete convolution and Szstems and 4/2 M. CIRNU Operations its inverse. Part. II. Management Deconvolution 523 Computational Andreea Rodica Sterian, "Computer Modeling of the Coherent Optical Amplifier and Science and its Applications Laser Systems", ICCSA 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 19 17 2007 127-132 2007 213-218 2010 104-106 UPB; UPG/UB UPB; UPG/UB UPB ZMATH ZMATH CNCIS Inginerie industriala Inginerie industriala Inginerie industriala 2010 381-387 UPB-UPB Inginerie industriala 2010 138-141 UPB-UPB Inginerie industriala 2010 129-137 UPB Inginerie industriala UPB Inginerie industriala 2010 43-55 UPB Inginerie industriala 2007 436-449 UPB Stefan Marius Inginerie industriala Hierarchical bayesian estimation ofarticol 2008 67-91 Stefan Marius Small area estimation of the numberarticol 2009 111-119 UPB Inginerie industriala Stefan Marius Prediction of a small area mean forarticol 2009 22-31 UPB Inginerie industriala Stefan Marius,Adrian-StreinRegional estimation of the body mass articol 2010 303-311 UPB,UMF Inginerie industriala Gh. Voicu,T.Casandroiu,C.Testing Stochastic Models articol 2009 95-101 UPB Inginerie industriala UPB Inginerie industriala Meghea, Irina; Mihai, Mihae Statistical analysis of hourly groundRICCCCE XVI 2009 UPB Inginerie industriala Mihai, Mihaela; Meghea, IrEffect of thermal inversion on BuchRICCCCE XVI 2009 UPB Inginerie industriala Meghea, Irina; Mihai, Mihae Modelling study for forecasting of InternationalăSymposiumăSIMIăβ009ă-ă“THEăENVIRONMENTăANDăINDUSTRY” ProceedingsăofăInternationalăSymposiumăSIMIăβ009ă-ă“THEăENVIRONMENTăANDăINDUSTRY” 2009 UPB Inginerie industriala Mihai, Mihaela; Meghea, IrA new class of Coagulants-floculanInternationalăSymposiumăSIMIăβ009ă-ă“THEăENVIRONMENTăANDăINDUSTRY” ProceedingsăofăInternationalăSymposiumăSIMIăβ009ă-ă“THEăENVIRONMENTăANDăINDUSTRY” 2009 UPB Mihai, Mihaela; Meghea, IrA new class of Coagulants-floculanInternationalăSymposiumăSIMIăβ009ă-ă“THEăENVIRONMENTăANDăINDUSTRY” ProceedingsăofăInternationalăSymposiumăSIMIăβ009ă-ă“THEăENVIRONMENTăANDăINDUSTRY” 2009 Inginerie industriala UPB Inginerie industriala O.ăI.ăŞandru,ăV.ăVl d reanu,ăA.ăŞandru Discrete mathematical filters of vidSISOM 2009 and Ses Proceedings of SISOM 2009 UPB Inginerie industriala O.ăI.ăŞandru,ăA.ăăŞandru Mathematical filters of video inform Tensor N. S 71 2009 Adriana Balan/ A. Kurz On coalgebras over algebras Electronic Notes in 264 2010 47-62 UPB Inginerie industriala S.Balea, A. Halanay, I. UrsuCoordinates transformation and stab Applied Mathematics Stu 73 2010 3625-3643 UPB Inginerie industriala INGINERIE Effects of averaging on SODE Balan, V.; Bibic, SimonaAEROSPATIALA, models of dynamic cell Sci. Bull., Ser. A, 3 2006 UPB Zentralblatt Mihaela AUTOVEHICULE SI processes. (English), TRANSPORTURI 4705 Romanian Journal fo Proceedings of the R Romanian Journal fo Proceedings of the R Agriculturae Conspec Balan, Vladimir DPW method basics for CMC surfaces in Randers spaces. (English), Andrica, Dorin (ed.) et al., Modern trends in geometry and topology. Proceedings of the 7th international workshop on differential geometry and its applications Balan, Vladimir; Brinzei, Nicoleta Einstein equations for (h,v)Berwald-Moor relativistic models. (English), Balkan J. Geom. Appl. 2 2006 Linear and structural stability of a cell division process model. (English), Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. 2 2006 Geometry of shape spaces. (English), 543 Proceedings of the 5th conference of the Balkan Society of Geometers 544 Sci. Bull., Ser. A, Appl. Math. Structural considerations on the Phys., Politeh. theory of gravitational fields in Finsler spaces - II. (English), Univ. Buchar. 68, No. 4, 3-8 (2006). 540 541 Balan, Vladimir; Nicola, Ileana Rodica 542 Balan, Vladimir; Patrangenaru, Vic ăB lan,ăV.;ăIkeda,ăS. ăB lan,ăVladimir;ă Olteanu, Alina; Olteanu, 545 Octav Leiko, Sviatoslav; Balan, Vladimir 546 Rev. Roum. On Newton's method for convex Math. Pures operators, and some applications. Appl. 51, No. 3, (English), 277-290 (2006). Fuzzy sets and logic. Introduction to the theory and applications. (English), Editura Printech Anghelache Gabriel, Alecu Aurel Proceedings of Experimental Research of Motor International Vehicle Vibrations Induced by Conference the Tyre Safe Sealant MVT 2006 Anghelache Gabriel, Moisescu Raluca Numerical and Experimental ResearchăonăTruckăTireă–ăRoadă ContactăStress” 547 548 Proceedings of FISITA 2006, World Congress YOKOHAMA, JAPONIA 549 Proc. Int. Conf. "Geometry in Odessa 2006", 2227 May 2006, Odessa, Ukraine, 29-31.%ISBN 966-8164-13-x Balan V. Beil and Berwald-Moor Finsler structures notable subspaces 2006 2006 4 3 2006 2006 2006 79-86 20-27 28-33 3-8 277-290 UPB Zentralblatt UPB Zentralblatt UPB Zentralblatt UPB UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI Zentralblatt INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI Zentralblatt INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB Zentralblatt UPB Zentralblatt INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 2006 UPB FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 2006 UPB FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 2006 UPB www. Int. Conf. NGINERIE "Geometry in AEROSPATIALA, Odessa 2006", 22AUTOVEHICULE SI 27 May 2006, TRANSPORTURI Odessa, Ukraine Balan V. "Modern Trends in Geometry and Topology" (Eds: D. Andrica, P.A. Blaga, S. Moroianu), Proc. of The Seventh International Workshop on Differential DPW method for CMC surfaces Geometry and Its in Randers spaces Applications, 511 September 2005, Deva, România, Cluj University Press, 2006, 79-86. % ISBN (10) 973610-429-x, ISBN (13) 978-973-610429-9 Balan V. Proc. of The XIth International Conference "Man in The Knowledge Based Organization", 2325 November 2006, Sibiu, "Nicolae B lcescu"ăLandă Forces Academy Editors (2006), Sibiu, România, (CD version, % ISBN: 973-780951-3 & 978-9737809-51-3), 472478. 2006 UPB www.The Seventh International Workshop on Differential Geometry and Its Applications, 511 September 2005, Deva, România UPB www.The XI-th International Conference "Man NGINERIE in The AEROSPATIALA, Knowledge Based AUTOVEHICULE SI Organization", 23- TRANSPORTURI 25 November 2006, Sibiu NGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 550 551 Jacobi structural stability for a SODE biochemical model 2006 Balan V. , Stamin C.S. 552 Balan V. and Trencevski K. Proc. of The XIVth Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (Satellite Conference of Goal-asymptotic approach within ICM 2006), 17space exact linearization of the 19 August 2006, Chisinau, Hindmarsh-Rose bursting model Moldova, 2006, 26-30. % ISBN 978-9975-9690-17, 26-30 % ISSN 1843-2654 (printed) 18432859 (electronic) Analitical solutions and numerical simulation for paths on Finslerian first-order jet bundles Proc. of The 4-th International Colloquium "Mathematics in Engineering and Numerical Physics" (Menp4), 6-8 October β006,ăBucureştiă,ă România, BSG Proceedings 14, Geometry Balkan PressăBucureşti,ă România 2007, 19-24. % ISSN 1843-2654 (printed), 18432859 (electronic) Stabilization with feedback control in the Kaldor economic model Proc. of The 4-th International Colloquium "Mathematics in Engineering and Numerical Physics" (Menp4), 6-8 October β006,ăBucureştiă,ă România, BSG Proceedings 14, Geometry Balkan PressăBucureşti,ă România 2007, 19-24. % ISSN 1843-2654 (printed), 18432859 (electronic) 553 Balan V., Stamin C.S. 554 2006 2006 2006 UPB www.The XIV-th Conference on Applied and Industrial NGINERIE Mathematics AEROSPATIALA, (Satellite AUTOVEHICULE SI Conference of TRANSPORTURI ICM 2006), 1719 August 2006, Chisinau, Moldova UPB www.Proc. of The 4-th International Colloquium NGINERIE "Mathematics in AEROSPATIALA, Engineering and AUTOVEHICULE SI Numerical TRANSPORTURI Physics" (Menp4), 6-8 October β006,ăBucureştiă,ă România UPB www.Proc. of The 4-th International Colloquium NGINERIE "Mathematics in AEROSPATIALA, Engineering and AUTOVEHICULE SI Numerical TRANSPORTURI Physics" (Menp4), 6-8 October β006,ăBucureştiă,ă România, C.BERBENTE, C.MARALOI 555 C.BERBENTE, S.DANAILA 556 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ENGINEERING / REGARDING THE AERODYNAMICS OF A UNIVERSITATE A SHIP SAIL SYSTEM" POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING OPTIMAL AIRFOILS WITH / CONTINOUS CURVATURE UNIVERSITATE AT SUPERSONIC SPEEDS" A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA 2006 2006 UPB UPB SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI D. MARIN , L.RAICU, C. RADULESCU 557 DOBRE D., SIMION I. 558 DraguăVasile,ăŞtefană Burciu 559 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING GEOMETRIC SHAPE- A / DESIGN CREATIVE UNIVERSITATE RESOURCE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL STUDIULăCOMPORT RIIă ENGINEERING DINAMICE A CUPLAJULUI / ELASTIC CU ELEMENTE UNIVERSITATE METALICE FLEXIBILE TIP A MEMBRAN POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA Proceedings of Correlating handling the International productivity with transfer Conference productivity in a transport node Tehnonav 2006 UPB 2006 1 2006 UPB 207-211 UPB Dr gul nescu,ăE.ă About management for design Metalurgia Interna ional no. 7 2006 40-44 UPB Dr gul nescu,ăE.ă About management of the Metalurgia designing aesthetic shapes of the Interna ional objects in the technique no. 6 2006 44-46 UPB 560 561 EugenăRoşca 562 Rail infrastructure access charge. An European overview Proceedings of the XVI-th International Scientific Conference TRANSPORT 1 2006 III28-III31 UPB SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI http://www.univINGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, hnonav/programm AUTOVEHICULE SI e.html TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE rence_2011/en/ind AEROSPATIALA, ex.php?menu=arc AUTOVEHICULE SI hive TRANSPORTURI EugenăRoşca,ăMirceaă Roşca 563 Capital Market Evolution of Constantza Port Handling and Storage Operators Analele Universit iiă Ovidius, Seria Inginerie Mecanic The Dynamic Model of Response of the Mechanism with Proc. Of PRASIC‟06 DD-DS Fundamental 564 Characteristics 6TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON WELDING, THE BEHAVIOUR OF CUTTING AND ALUMINIUM MATRIX JOINING IONELIA VOICULESCU COMPOSITES IN WELDING TECHNOLOGIE PROCESSES S, 16AS JORNADAS TECNICAS DE SOLDADURA, 565 EUROJOIN Scientific Bulletin Marin D., Raicu L., Geometric shape - A Design University Radulescu C. creative resource Politehnica of 566 Bucharest Proceedings of the 4th International Can we apply a congestion Mihaela Popa, Dorinela Scientific pricing scheme in any large city? Costescu Conference The case of Bucharest City „Challengesăină Transport and 567 Communication“ Proceedings of Analytical Research on Energetic Moisescu Raluca, International Efficiency of a Hydro-Pneumatic Anghelache Gabriel Conference HybridăVehicle”ă 568 MVT 2006 Proc. of The 13th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics Metric structures and 2005 (CAIM'05), deformation algebras for Nicola I.R. and Balan V. 14-16 October harmonic dynamic evolution of 2005, Pitesti, Calcium oscillations România, ROMAI J. 2, 2 (2006), 115-122. % ISSN 1841569 5512 Grecu, B., Adîr, G., Banica, E. vol. VIII/ nr. 1 1 1 no.3 1 2006 2006 43-48 79-84 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 221-226 UPB INSPEC, CSA INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB INGINERIE http://www.cesol.e AEROSPATIALA, s/EUROJOIN6/16 AUTOVEHICULE SI JTS.php TRANSPORTURI UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI 006/index.php TRANSPORTURI UPB FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB www.Proc. of The 13-th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics 2005 (CAIM'05), 14-16 October 2005, Pitesti, România NGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI OPREA G., RUSE GH A DESCRIPTIVE APPROACH OF INTERSECTING GEOMETRICAL LOCI - THE CYLINDER CASE UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA Oprean Mircea Automobilul cu transmisie hibrid ă–ăsolu iaăsalvatoare? Ingineria automobilului 570 no.4 2006 UPB SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 2006 UPB Index Copernicus Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi FISITA INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 571 The 1st International Pana Constantin, Conference on Negurescu Niculae, Popa Aspects of the Use of the Motor Vehicle Marcel Ginu, Cernat Ethanol in Spark Ignition Engine and Alexandru, Soare Dorin Transportation572 MVT Popescu V., Popa M. 573 Rãducanu Petre About the actual strategies of port management and pricing Proceedings of the International Conference Tehnonav Creştereaăeficien eiăuneiăinstala iiă Revista Ecologie termice industrial 1 2006 1 2006 1-2 2006 7 pag 145-150 UPB UPB http://www.univINGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, hnonav/programm AUTOVEHICULE SI e.html TRANSPORTURI UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 574 Rãducanu Petre 575 Rãducanu Petre, Papadopol, Carmen 576 Raicea, C., Iozsa, D., Fratila, Gh. 577 Raicu L., Marin D., Radulescu C. 578 Utilizareaăpompelorădeăc ldur ă cuăcomprimareămecanic ăpentruă Revista Ecologie înc lzireăînăcondi iileăclimaticeă industrial ale României Aspecte privind strategia de utilizareăeficient ăaăresurseloră Buletinul AGIR energetice naturale în secolul XXI Conferin aă A model for theoretical studies Interna ional ă of the dynamic behaviour of MVT truck structures Proceedings, Timisoara Scientific Bulletin Design sources and artistic trends University Politehnica of Bucharest 1-2 2006 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 2 2006 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 2006 UPB Vol 68, n0.4 2006 UPB FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MOEGLICHKEITEN UND MECHANICAL GRENZEN DER CAD ENGINEERING TECHNIK. / RUSE GH., OPREA G ARBEITSTECHNIK BEIM UNIVERSITATE KONZIEPIEREN UND A ENTWERFEN POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE 579 MECANICA UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL TURBULENCE MODELS FOR ENGINEERING S.DANAILA, PREDICTING HEAT / C.BERBENTE, N.V. TRANSFER IN BOUDARY UNIVERSITATE CONSTANTINESCU LAYER FLOWS A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE 580 MECANICA Applications of the nonlinear Sci. Pap. Univ. Stamin,ăCristinaăŞtefania;ă feedback control in neural Agric. Sci. Vet. Balan, Vladimir excitation processes. (English), Med., Fac. Hortic. 581 Proceedings of the 4th International ŞerbanăRaicu,ăEugenă Train Roster Optimisation in Scientific Roşca Bucharest Underground Conference „Challengesăină Transport and 582 Communication“ no.4 2006 UPB 2006 2 1 2006 2006 UPB 125-134 617-622 UPB UPB SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI Zentralblatt INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI 006/index.php TRANSPORTURI ŞerbanăRaicu,ăMihaelaă Popa, Dorinela Costescu 583 TABARA I Proceedings of the 4th The role of transport International infrastructure on defining of Scientific transport system performances Conference for the multimodal, national and „Challengesăină continental markets Transport and Communication“ Journal of Proceedings of the 15th International DETERMINATION OF Conference on CRANK PRESS FLYWHEEL Manufacturing CHOICE CRITERIA Systemsă–ăICMaS 1 1 2006 2006 215-220 243-246 UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI 006/index.php TRANSPORTURI UPB CNCSIS B+ INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI Zentralblatt INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 584 Trenčevski,ăKostadin;ă Celakoska, Emilija G.; 585 Balan, Vladimir On a parameterization of the Poincaré group. (English), Int. J. Pure Appl. Math. 1 2006 109-117 UPB 588 The 4-th International Colloquium « Mathematics in State-space representations of Engineering and (q,r)-D hybrid systems Numerical Physics », Bucharest, October 6-8 2006 International Romanian Concerns in the Field Journal of of Electric Vehicles Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Topics in contemporary differential geometry, complex analysis and mathematical KCC and linear stability for the physics. Parkinson tremor model. Proceedings of (English), the 8th international workshop on complex structures and vector fields Balan, Vladimir J. Appl. Math. Comput. 1-2 2007 271-281 UPB Zentralblatt 589 CMC and minimal surfaces in Finsler spaces. (English), Tensor, New Ser. 68, No. 1, 23-29 (2007). Balan, Vladimir An.ăŞtiin .ăUniv.ă Al.ăI.ăCuzaăIaşi 53 2007 61-66 UPB Zentralblatt 590 Constant mean curvature submanifoldsăină(α, )–Finsleră spaces. (English), V.ăPrepeli 586 V.Racicovschi, Mihaela Chefneux, G.Danciu 587 Balan, V. 1 2006 1 2006 1 2007 131-144 UPB UPB 23-32 UPB www.The 4-th International Colloquium « INGINERIE Mathematics in AEROSPATIALA, Engineering and AUTOVEHICULE SI Numerical TRANSPORTURI Physics », Bucharest, October 6-8 2006 Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi Zentralblatt INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI ăV.ăPrepeli , 591 A. Olteanu, O. Olteanu 592 A. Olteanu, O. Olteanu The 32nd Internationally Attended Scientific Conference of the Military 16 Multidimensional ContinuousTechnical Time Linear Systems with Academy Boundary Conditions "Modern Technologies in the 21st Century", Bucharest, 1-2 November 2007. 6-th CONGRESS OF ROMANIAN Some unexpected problems of MATHEMATICI Moment Problem ANS, 2007, Bucharest, Romania. Solving some functional and operatorial equations The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems - DGDS 2007, Bucharest, Romania. 1 2007 UPB 1 2007 UPB 1 2007 UPB 593 A. Olteanu, O. Olteanu, The I.C. "Trends and Challenges in Applied Functional and Operatorial Mathematics" Equations Solved by a General ICTCAM 2007, Constructive Method and Some Matrix Rom, Remarks on the Complex Case. Bucharest, Romania, 275278. Balan V. In: "Lagrange and Hamilton Spaces. Applications", Proc. of The 13th National Seminar of Mean curvatures of Geometry, 24-25 hypersurfaces of beta-deformed September 2004, Kropina spaces Brasov, România, Ed. Edusoft, Bacau 2007, 3151. % ISBN 9738934-50-8, 9789738-934504 594 595 1 2007 2007 275-278. UPB UPB www.The 32nd Internationally Attended Scientific Conference of the INGINERIE Military AEROSPATIALA, Technical AUTOVEHICULE SI Academy TRANSPORTURI "Modern Technologies in the 21st Century", Bucharest, 1-2 November 2007. www.6-th CONGRESS OF NGINERIE ROMANIAN AEROSPATIALA, MATHEMATICI AUTOVEHICULE SI ANS, 2007, TRANSPORTURI Bucharest, Romania. www.The International Conference of INGINERIE Differential AEROSPATIALA, Geometry and AUTOVEHICULE SI Dynamical TRANSPORTURI Systems - DGDS 2007, Bucharest, Romania. www. I.C. "Trends and Challenges in Applied Mathematics" ICTCAM 2007, Matrix Rom, Bucharest, Romania INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI www.Proc. of The 13-th NGINERIE National Seminar AEROSPATIALA, of Geometry, 24AUTOVEHICULE SI 25 September TRANSPORTURI 2004, Brasov, România Constant mean curvature submanifolds in (alpha,beta) Finsler spaces, 596 Proc. of the Conference on Differential Geometry, Lagrange and Hamilton Spaces, 3-8 September β007,ăIaşi,ă România, An. St. Univ. "Al.I.Cuza" Iasi, Tom LIII, s.I, Mathematics, supliment, 2007, 61-66. %ISSN 1221-8421 New results in the geometry of Randers-Kropina Finsler CMC hypersurfaces 597 Proc. of The International Conference "Geometry in Odessa-2007", 2126 May 2007, Odessa , Ukraine, 121-123. % ISBN 978-966-389-1002 Wavelet procedures applied in ecosystem models. (English), 598 Proceedings of the 4th international colloquium on mathematics in engineering and numerical physics (MENP-4) Stabilization with feedback control in the Kaldor economic model. (English), Balan, Vladimir (ed.), 599 Proceedings of the 4th international colloquium on mathematics in engineering and numerical physics (MENP-4) Balan V. Balan V. Balan, Vladimir; Bibic, Simona Mihaela Balan, Vladimir; Stamin, CristinaăŞtefania 2007 2007 14 14 2007 2007 12-18 19-24 UPB www.Proc. of the Conference on Differential NGINERIE Geometry, AEROSPATIALA, Lagrange and AUTOVEHICULE SI Hamilton Spaces, TRANSPORTURI 3-8 September β007,ăIaşi,ă România UPB www.Proc. of The International NGINERIE Conference AEROSPATIALA, "Geometry in AUTOVEHICULE SI Odessa-2007", 21TRANSPORTURI 26 May 2007, Odessa , Ukraine UPB Zentralblatt INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI Zentralblatt INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: ON THE AERODYNAMIC MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A ENGINEERING CLASS OF AIRFOILS WITH BERBENTE C., / CONTINUOUS CURVATURE UNIVERSITATE DANAILA S. AT SUBSONIC, TRANSONIC A AND SUPERSONIC REGIMES POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE 600 MECANICA UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING A SEMI-ANALYTICAL BERBENTE C., / METHOD FOR WING DANAILA S., STOIA M. UNIVERSITATE AERODYNAMICS A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE 601 MECANICA 2007 2007 UPB UPB SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI BOGDAN C. TEODORESCU, 602 C. BERBENTE, I. C. ANDREI, E. KORODY, N. M. ENE 603 C. Udriste UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL A CROSSFEED SOLUTION ENGINEERING FOR THE ROLL-COUPLING / PROBLEM OF HIGHUNIVERSITATE PERFORMANCE AIRPLANES A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA PERIODICA POLYTECHNIC A, SERIES SPECIAL TOPICS ON MESH TRANSPORTAT MAPPING IN ION TURBOMACHINERY ENGINEERING, VOL. 34, NO. 12, PP. 59-68, Multi-Time Controllability and Observability The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems, University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 Multi-Time Controllability, Observability and Bang-Bang Principle 6th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, June 28 - July 4, 2007, Bucharest, Romania 2007 2007 1 2007 UPB 605 1 2007 INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB, BUTE UPB www.The International Conference of Differential INGINERIE Geometry and AEROSPATIALA, Dynamical AUTOVEHICULE SI Systems, TRANSPORTURI University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 UPB www.6th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, June 28 - July 4, 2007, Bucharest, Romania 604 C. Udriste SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI C. Udriste, 606 Multi-time maximum principle Plenary Lecture at 6-th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control\&Signal Processing (CSECS'07) and 12-th International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Cairo, Egypt, December 29-31, 2007. C. Udriste, M. Ferrara The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Higher-Dimensional Black Hole Systems, Models in Economics University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 C. Udriste, V. Badescu, V. Ciancio, F. Ghionea, D. Izvoranu, I. Tevy The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Higher-Dimensional Black Hole Systems, Geometric Thermodynamics University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 C. Udriste, A. Pitea The International Conference of Differential Geometry and PDE-Constrained Optimization Dynamical Problems Systems, University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 1 1 2007 2007 UPB www.Plenary Lecture at 6-th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control\&Signal INGINERIE Processing AEROSPATIALA, (CSECS'07) and AUTOVEHICULE SI 12-th TRANSPORTURI International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Cairo, Egypt, December 29-31, 2007. UPB www.The International Conference of Differential INGINERIE Geometry and AEROSPATIALA, Dynamical AUTOVEHICULE SI Systems, TRANSPORTURI University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 UPB www.The International Conference of Differential INGINERIE Geometry and AEROSPATIALA, Dynamical AUTOVEHICULE SI Systems, TRANSPORTURI University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 UPB www.The International Conference of Differential INGINERIE Geometry and AEROSPATIALA, Dynamical AUTOVEHICULE SI Systems, TRANSPORTURI University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 607 1 2007 608 609 1 2007 C. Udriste, A. Pitea Probleme de optimizari 610 C. Udriste, Ariana Pitea, Janina Mihaila Kinetic PDE on first order jet bundle 611 C. Udriste, C. Ghiu Sesiunea de comunicari metodicostiintifice a profesorilor de matematica din judetul Prahova (a XXXIV-a editie), 27.10.2007 The 4-th International Colloquium of Mathematics in Engineering and Numerical Physics, University Politehnica of Bucharest, 6-8 Oct. 2006; BSG Proceedings 14, Geometry Balkan Press (2007) Magnetic Dynamics around a Fractal Electric Circuit The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems, University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 Moment Problems of Sharafutdinov Type The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems, University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 1 2007 1 2007 1 2007 UPB 195-208 UPB UPB www.The International Conference of Differential INGINERIE Geometry and AEROSPATIALA, Dynamical AUTOVEHICULE SI Systems, TRANSPORTURI University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 UPB www. The International Conference of Differential INGINERIE Geometry and AEROSPATIALA, Dynamical AUTOVEHICULE SI Systems, TRANSPORTURI University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 612 C. Udriste, J. Mihaila 613 1 2007 www.Sesiunea de comunicari metodicoINGINERIE stiintifice a AEROSPATIALA, profesorilor de matematica din AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI judetul Prahova (a XXXIV-a editie), 27.10.2007 www.The 4-th International Colloquium of Mathematics in Engineering and INGINERIE Numerical Physics, AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI University Politehnica of TRANSPORTURI Bucharest, 6-8 Oct. 2006; BSG Proceedings 14, Geometry Balkan Press (2007), C. Udriste, M. Ferrara ODE-Constrained Optimal Neoclassical Growth The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems, University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 Economics of RoegenRuppeiner-Weinhold Type The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems, University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 Black hole geometric thermodynamics The 4-th International Colloquium of Mathematics in Engineering and Numerical Physics, University Politehnica of Bucharest, 6-8 Oct. 2006; BSG Proceedings 14, Geometry Balkan Press (2007) 1 2007 UPB www.The International Conference of Differential INGINERIE Geometry and AEROSPATIALA, Dynamical AUTOVEHICULE SI Systems, TRANSPORTURI University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 UPB www.The International Conference of Differential INGINERIE Geometry and AEROSPATIALA, Dynamical AUTOVEHICULE SI Systems, TRANSPORTURI University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 UPB www.The 4-th International Colloquium of Mathematics in Engineering and Numerical Physics, University Politehnica of Bucharest, 6-8 Oct. 2006 614 C. Udriste, M. Ferrara, F. Munteanu, D. Zugravescu 1 2007 615 C. Udriste, V. Badescu, V. Ciancio, F. Ghionea, D. Izvoranu, I. Tevy 616 C. Udriste, V. Badescu, V. Ciancio, Florian Ghionea, D. Izvoranu, I. Tevy 617 C.ăUdrişte,ăM.ăFerrara,ăI.ă evy,ăO.ăDogaru,ăA.ă Ciancio 618 The International Confference of Higher-Dimensional Black Hole Differential Geometric Thermodinamics Geometric and Dynamical Systems Neoclassical growth geometric dynamics The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems, oct. 5-7, 2007, University „Politehnica”ă Bucharest 1 1 1 2007 2007 2007 186-194 XI25-XI29 INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB Zentralblatt Math, INGINERIE Mathematical AEROSPATIALA, Reviews, Ebsco AUTOVEHICULE SI Databases, Scopus TRANSPORTURI UPB www.The International Conference of Differential INGINERIE Geometry and AEROSPATIALA, Dynamical AUTOVEHICULE SI Systems, oct. 5-7, TRANSPORTURI 2007, University „Politehnica”ă Bucharest C.Pan ,ăN.ăNegurescu,ă M.G. Popa, Al. Cernat, D., Soare Zilele academice timisene, Editia a Experimental Investigations of X-a, Simpozionul the Bioethanol Use in SI Engines international Omul si Mediul 1 2007 12 pag UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 2007 361-368 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 619 C.Pan ,ăN.,ăNegurescu,ă M.G. Popa, Al. Cernat, D., Soare Aspects of the Use of Ethanol in Addition with Gasoline in Spark Ignition Engine. 620 C.TARCOLEA, A.Paris, Markov Chains Apllications in the Manufacturing Schedule C.TARCOLEA, A.Paris, Considerations regarding the Reliability of Manufacturing System, C.TARCOLEA., A.Paris, I.Tanase Models for the reliability of Manufacturing Systems 621 622 623 Proceedings of “FUELSăβ007”,ă Technische Akademie Esslingen, Germania The 16-th International ConferenceICMaS The 4-th International Colloquium MENP-4,2007 The 4-th International Colloquium MENP-4, 2007 Journal of Battlefield Technology, vol. 10, no. 3, Cernat M., Chelaru T.V. Simulation Model for Submunition Warheads, Chelaru T.V., Cernat M Mathematical Calculation Model for Guidance Precision, Target Hit and Target Kill Probability in the Case of Close RangeHoming Missiles, Journal of Battlefield Technology vol. 10, no. 2 Some Experimental Aspects of the Ethanol Use in SI Engines 626 AMMA2007516, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 50 Bond Graph Modeling and Cruceru, D., N., Tabacu, Forward Simulation of a Parallel I., Oprean, I., M., Hybrid Electric Powertrain with Andreescu, C. Epicyclical Automatic 627 Transmission Proceedings of EAEC 11th European Automotive Congress 624 625 Constantin PANA, Niculae NEGURESCU , Marcel Ginu POPA, Alexandru CERNAT,. Dorin SOARE 1 2007 UPB 1 2007 UPB 1 2007 UPB 2007 pp.7-12 2007 Vol. V 2007 2007 NGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI NGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI British Library INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI British Library INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB FISITA INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi ACTTM,UPB UPB, ACTTM pp. 295-300 www.The 16-th International ConferenceICMaS www.The 4-th International Colloquium MENP-4,2007 www.The 4-th International Colloquium MENP-4, 2007 D. Opris, C. Udriste, Multi-Time Dynamics with Fractional Action The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems, University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 Single-Time Dynamics with Fractional Action The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems, University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 1 2007 UPB www.The International Conference of Differential INGINERIE Geometry and AEROSPATIALA, Dynamical AUTOVEHICULE SI Systems, TRANSPORTURI University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 UPB www.The International Conference of Differential INGINERIE Geometry and AEROSPATIALA, Dynamical AUTOVEHICULE SI Systems, TRANSPORTURI University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 628 D. Opris, D. Torres, C. Udriste 1 2007 629 Gh. Stan, Minea, M. Arhitectura de securitate ITS pentru transporturi multimodale 630 IONELIA VOICULESCU, VICTOR GEANTA, OCTAVIAN DONTU, STERGIOS GANATSIOS 631 THE HEAT TREATMENT INFLUENCE ON THE WELDED OT4 TITANIUM ALLOY Sesiunea de comunic riă ştiin ificeăcuă participare interna ional ă „Spa iulăSud-Estă European în Contextul Globaliz rii”ă Strategii XXI INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON TOTAL MANAGEMENT IN INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS The International Conference of Differential La construction de quelque J. Mihaila, O. Olteanu, C. Geometry and fonction par des moments donnes Udriste Dynamical Systems - DGDS 2007, Bucharest, Romania. 632 1 1 2007 Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 2007 UPB http://development INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, nolampjoin2007/e AUTOVEHICULE SI sitteet/3rd%20JOI TRANSPORTURI N%20program.pdf UPB www.The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems - DGDS 2007, Bucharest, Romania. 2007 303-309 NGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI M. Ferrara, C. Udriste Black hole models in economics 633 The 4-th International Colloquium of Mathematics in Engineering and Numerical Physics, Univ. Politehnica of Bucharest, 6-8 Oct. 2006; Tensor, 2007 The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Isothermic Surfaces as Solutions M. T. Calapso, C. Udriste Systems, of Calapso PDE University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 1 2007 UPB 1 2007 UPB 634 N. Mastorakis, C. Udriste, O. Martin Finite Difference Method for Maxwell Geometric Dynamics The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems, University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 1 2007 UPB www.The International Conference of Differential INGINERIE Geometry and AEROSPATIALA, Dynamical AUTOVEHICULE SI Systems, TRANSPORTURI University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 635 N.ăNegurescu,ăC.Pan ,ă M.G. Popa, Al. Cernat, D., Soare Some Characteristics of the Hydrogen Combustion in SI Engine 636 O.ăDogaru,ăC.Udrişte,ăC.ă Stamin 637 Lateral extrema and convexity 6th International Colloquium “FUELSăβ007”,ă Technische Akademie Esslingen, Germany The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems, oct. 5-7, 2007, University „Politehnica”ă Bucharest 1 1 2007 2007 pp.361-466 www.The 4-th International Colloquium of Mathematics in INGINERIE Engineering and AEROSPATIALA, Numerical AUTOVEHICULE SI Physics, Univ. TRANSPORTURI Politehnica of Bucharest, 6-8 Oct. 2006; Tensor, 2007 www.The International Conference of Differential INGINERIE Geometry and AEROSPATIALA, Dynamical AUTOVEHICULE SI Systems, TRANSPORTURI University Politehnica of Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007 UPB www.The International Conference of INGINERIE Differential AEROSPATIALA, Geometry and AUTOVEHICULE SI Dynamical TRANSPORTURI Systems, oct. 5-7, 2007, University „Politehnica”ă Bucharest O.Dogaru, C.Udriste, C.Stamin From curves to extrema, continuity and convexity 638 Papadopol, C., Raducanu, P- Analele Universitatii Energia Termica. Efectul de sera, Hyperion,20072008 Papadopol, Carmen, R ducanu,ăP. Aspects regarding the optimum function of some thermal installations 639 640 641 642 643 644 Proceedings of The 4-th International Colloquim „Mathematicsăină Engineering and Numerical Physics”ăoct.ă6-8,ă 2006 Bucharest, Romania, p.5862, B.S.G., Geometry Balkan Press. Buletinul UPG Ploiesti Proceedings of the XVII-th International Popa,ăM.,ăRoşca,ăE. Scientific Conference TRANSPORT Proceedings of FE Analysis of a Truck Structure JUMV Raicea C., Iozsa D., in Order to Predict its Vibration International Fratila Gh., Andreescu C. Behaviour Automotive Conference Raicea Cornelia, Iozsa The Vibration Transmissibility Proceedings of Daniel, Anghelache Studied by Using Dynamic the 11th EAEC Gabriel,ăFr il ă Transient Analysis of a Truck Congress Gheorghe, Andreescu, Structure Cristian Proceedings of the XVII-th Time Benchmarking in Urban International Roşca,ăE.,ăRoşca,ăM. Transport Quality Scientific Conference TRANSPORT Master Degree Program in Rail BasedăTransportăSafetyă–ă Necessity and Opportunity for Romanian Academic Environment 1 3 1 UPB www.Proceedings of The 4-th International INGINERIE Colloquim AEROSPATIALA, „Mathematicsăină Engineering and AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI Numerical Physics”ăoct.ă6-8,ă 2006 Bucharest, Romania 2007 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 2007 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 2007 2007 58 - 62 XI25-XI28 2007 2007 1 2007 UPB I21-I24 UPB INGINERIE http://vtu_old.vtu. AEROSPATIALA, bg/conference/200 AUTOVEHICULE SI 7/index.php TRANSPORTURI STOIA M., DANAILA S., BERBENTE C. 645 V.ăPrepeli 646 V.ăPrepeli UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL A PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING THEORETICAL ANALYSIS / OF VORTEX BREAKDOWN UNIVERSITATE ON DELTA WINGS A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA International Conference “Trendsăandă Challenges in Applied Mathematics”ă Multidimensional Continuous- (ITCAM 2007), Technical Discrete Acausal Linear Systems University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, June 20-23 2007, ISBN 978-973755-283-9. Controllability Criteria for a Class of Multidimensional Hybrid Systems 6th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, Bucharest, June β8ă–ăJulyă4,ăβ007.ă Adjoint Multidimensional Acausal Systems The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems (DGDS2007), UPB, Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007. 2007 1 1 2007 2007 UPB UPB www.International Conference “Trendsăandă Challenges in Applied INGINERIE Mathematics”ă AEROSPATIALA, (ITCAM 2007), AUTOVEHICULE SI Technical TRANSPORTURI University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, June 20-23 2007 UPB www. 6th Congress of INGINERIE Romanian AEROSPATIALA, Mathematicians, AUTOVEHICULE SI Bucharest, June TRANSPORTURI β8ă–ăJulyă4,ăβ007.ă UPB www. The International Conference of Differential INGINERIE Geometry and AEROSPATIALA, Dynamical AUTOVEHICULE SI Systems (DGDSTRANSPORTURI 2007), UPB, Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007. 647 V.ăPrepeli 648 1 2007 SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI Al.ăCernat,ăC.Pan ,ăN.ă Negurescu, M.G. Popa, D., Soare Dimethyl Eter an Alternative Fuel for a Clean Diesel 650 Differential geometry and its applications. Proceedings of the 10th international conference on differential geometry and its applications Proceedings “FUELSăβ007”,ă Technische Akademie Esslingen, Germania Anamaria Ilie, Aura Rusc 1 2008 651 Proceedings of the International Critical examination on the Conference infrastructures dedicated to the nonă–ămotorizedătripsăinătheăcityă Transportation and land use of Bucharest interaction Andreescu, C. Autoturismulăieftină-ăoănou ă direc ieăstrategic ? Ingineria automobilului 7 2008 An Attempt to Decrease the Noise Pollution of Urban Buses Using a New Exhaust Silencer REVUE ROUMAINE DES SCIENCES TECHNIQUES SERIE DE MECANIQUE APPLIQUEE 1 2008 Ingineria automobilului 7 2008 Balan, V. Constant mean curvature sumanifoldsăină(α, )-Finsleră spaces. (English), 649 1 2 2008 2008 45-55 pp.391-397 191-203 UPB UPB Zentralblatt INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI / INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB INGINERIE http://www.ingtran AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI v2008.html TRANSPORTURI UPB Index Copernicus Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB IndexCopernicus Journal Information Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB Index Copernicus Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB INGINERIE SJR, Zentralblatt- AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI math TRANSPORTURI UPB Springerlink INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI Zentralblatt INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 652 Anghelache Gabriel, St ncioiuăDanut 653 Investigation of Detachable Joints Used in Bus UpperAnghelache, G., Sorohan, Structures / Investigarea Şt.,ăMoisescu,ăRaluca,ă asambl rilorădemontabileă Andreescu, C. utilizate la suprastructurile 654 pentru autobuze Balan V. Euler-Lagrange characterization of area-minimizing graphs in Randers spaces with nonconstant potential WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics Balan V., Cristina ŞtefaniaăStamină State-space exact linearization and stabilization with feedback control in SODE economic models Springer-Verlag, JAMC BH-mean curvature in Randers spaces with anisotropically scaled metric. (English), Balan, Vladimir (ed.), Proceedings of the international conference “Differentială geometry–dynami cal systems" (DGDS-2007) 655 656 Balan, Vladimir 657 7 29 2008 2008 2008 1–1ββ 1-5 271-281 34-39 UPB BERBENTE C. 658 BOGOI A. 659 C. Tarcolea 660 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ON THE STABILITY OF / SOME VORTEXCORES UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL A ID ESTIMATION OF THE SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL IN ENGINEERING / THE VICINITY OF A UNIVERSITATE HELICOPTER USING THE A FINITE VOLUME METHOD POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA The International Conference DGDS-2008 & MENP-5 A comparison of reliability August 29 models September 02, 2008, Callatis High School, Mangalia, Romania 2008 2008 1 2008 SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB www.The International Conference DGDS-2008 & MENP-5 August 29 September 02, 2008, Callatis High School, Mangalia, Romania NGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB C. Tarcolea Statistical methods applied for materials selection The International Conference DGDS-2008 & MENP-5 August 29 - September 02, 2008, Callatis High School, Mangalia, Romania 1 2008 UPB 661 C. Tarcolea 662 C. Udriste, C. Ghiu, L. Matei 663 C. Udriste, D. Cioroboiu The 17th International THE JÖRESKOG TECHNIQUE Conference on APPLIED FOR MATERIALS Manufacturing DESIGN Systemsă–ă ICMaS, 13-14 nov. 2008, Ed Acad. Romane, ISSN 1842-3183 The International Conference DGDS-2008 \& MENP-5 Controllability, observability August 29 and bang-bang control for September 02, multitime linear PDEs 2008, Callatis High School, Mangalia, Romania. Geometric entities related by inequalities The International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis, Nonlinear systems and Chaos (NOLASC08), Corfu, Greece, October 26-28, 2008 Tzitzeica surface as minimum point of geometric functionals The International Conference DGDS-2008 \& MENP-5 August 29 - September 02, 2008, Callatis High School, Mangalia, Romania 1 2008 UPB 1 2008 UPB 1 2008 UPB 664 C. Udriste, V. Arsinte 1 2008 UPB 665 Cernat M., Chelaru T.V 666 Journal of Turbulent Atmosphere Influence Battlefield on Anti-Hailstone Rocket Flight Technology vol. 11, no. 1 2008 pp. 1-8 ACTTM,UPB www.The International Conference DGDS-2008 & NGINERIE MENP-5 August AEROSPATIALA, 29 - September AUTOVEHICULE SI 02, 2008, Callatis TRANSPORTURI High School, Mangalia, Romania www.The 17th International Conference on Manufacturing Systemsă–ă ICMaS, 13-14 nov. 2008 NGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI www.The International Conference DGDS-2008 \& INGINERIE MENP-5 AEROSPATIALA, August 29 AUTOVEHICULE SI September 02, TRANSPORTURI 2008, Callatis High School, Mangalia, Romania. www.The International Conference on Nonlinear INGINERIE Analysis, AEROSPATIALA, Nonlinear AUTOVEHICULE SI systems and TRANSPORTURI Chaos (NOLASC08), Corfu, Greece, October 26-28, 2008 www.The International Conference INGINERIE DGDS-2008 \& AEROSPATIALA, MENP-5 August 29 - September AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 02, 2008, Callatis High School, Mangalia, Romania British Library INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI A complex mathematical model for computation of the dynamic Chelaru T.V., Cernat M., launch zone for air-to-air homing 667 missiles The Stability of the Operating Parameters of Rocket Engine Chelaru T.V., Coman A.V with Solid Propellant for Low Pressure 668 Ciancio, Vincenzo; Udriste, Constantin; 669 Tevy, Ionel D. DOBRE, I. SIMION 670 D. IONITA, E. ALDEA, G. STANCIU, I. DEMETRESCU 671 Nonholonomic theory for dielectric relaxation phenomena in isotropic media EMBEDDING INNOVATIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASS –ăAăPROPOSAL EVALUATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF TIALZR ALLOYS COATED WITH APATITE OR ALBUMIN-APATITE COMPOSITE Journal of Battlefield Technology, vol. 11, no. 3 WSEAS TRANSACTION S on HEAT and MASS TRANSFER ,Issue 3, Volume 3 Mathematical and Computer Modelling Reliability and vulnerability of transport networks 672 Proceedings of the International Conference Transportation and land use interaction Transport networks reliability and vulnerability in large urban areas 673 Proceedings of the XVIII-th International Scientific Conference TRANSPORT EugenăRoşca,ăFlorină Rusc EugenăRoşca,ăMihaelaă Popa,ăFlorinăRusc Marinescu Mircea, Efficient Use of Water from COFRET 08, R ducanuăPetre,ă Great Deep Drilling with Help of Nantes 2008, Dobrovicescu Alexandru, Heat Pumps anul XIII 674 Dimitriu Sorin Mihaela Popa, Anna Dzhalevaă–ăChonkova Transport infrastructure investment and urban extension in the european south-east. The Case of Bucharest and Sofia 675 Proceedings of the International Conference Transportation and land use interaction Mihaela Popa, Raicu Serban,ăEugenăRoşca 676 Telematics, Decisions of Hypermarkets Logistics and LocationăinăDenseăUrbanăAreaă–ă Transport Safety, Effect on Streets Network International Congestion Conference 2008 SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 2008 SCOPUS, CPX, CSA, CA, IEE INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 2008 48 REVISTA METALURGIA, VOLUME 12, 2008, KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS British Library INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 2008 VOL 361-364 1 2008 2008 1 2008 4 2008 1 1 2008 2008 UPB, ACTTM 1938-1948 pp. 48-52 733-736 171-179 171-181 59-71 55-63 UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB UPB SCOPUS, CPX, CSA, CA, IEE INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB INGINERIE http://www.ingtran AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI v2008.html TRANSPORTURI UPB INGINERIE http://vtu_old.vtu. AEROSPATIALA, bg/conference/200 AUTOVEHICULE SI 7/index.php TRANSPORTURI UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB INGINERIE http://www.ingtran AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI v2008.html TRANSPORTURI UPB INGINERIE http://transportpro AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI default.aspx TRANSPORTURI N. Negurescu, C. Pana, M. G. Popa, Al. Cernat, 677 D. Soare N.Negurescu, C.Pana, M.G.Popa, Al.Cernat, D.Soare 678 Niculae NEGURESCU , Constantin PANA, Marcel Ginu POPA, Alexandru CERNAT,. Dorin SOARE 679 O. Olteanu 680 Oana Maria Dinu, CristinaăŞtef nic 681 Experimental Researhces Regarding the Direct Injection in Hydrogen Fueled S.I. Engine Proceedings SMAT2008E13 Proceedings 2th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE The control of the running of the H2-FUELhydrogen fuelled spark ignition MILLENIUM_C ONVERGENCE engine 2008, eHYDROGENIA, Academia ROMANA AMMA2007516, ACTA TECHNICA Experimental Aspects of Ethanol NAPOCENSIS, Combustion IT-9-2M Engine Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 51 he 22-th Intern. Conf. on Operator Theory,Timisoara, July 03-July 08,2008, Functional equations for Romania. holomorphic functions and some Applications of related remarks the implicit function principle, Internat. Conf. ENEC-2008, Bucharest, Romania. Proceedings of the International Estimation of spatially diverted Conference trafficăonăBucureştiă-ăConstan aă Transportation A2 highway and land use interaction PETRESCU F., GRECU B.,ăCOM NESCUăA.,ă 682 PETRESCU V. Determining the Efficiency of Geared Transmissions PETRESCU F.I., GRECU B., COM NESCUăA.,ă 683 PETRESCU R.V. Geared Transmissions Dynamic Synthesis ORV 2008 / ACAD. TEHNIC ă MILITAR NEW TRENDS IN MECHANISMS / Academica Greifswald TOME II 1 Vol. V 1 1 2008 2008 2008 pp 62-70 10 pag pp. 281-286 UPB FISITA INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, e-HYDROGENIA AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI FISITA UPB www.he 22-th Intern. Conf. on Operator Theory,Timisoara, July 03-July 08,2008, NGINERIE Romania. AEROSPATIALA, Applications of AUTOVEHICULE SI the implicit TRANSPORTURI function principle, Internat. Conf. ENEC-2008, Bucharest, Romania. UPB INGINERIE http://www.ingtran AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI v2008.html TRANSPORTURI 2008 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 2008 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 2008 2008 171-180 Raducanu Petre, Papadopol Carmen The Analyses of Posibilities of reduction of Specific Fuel Consumption in Case of a Heat Treatment Furnace, Using the Energetic Secondary Sesources of the Process R ducanuăPetre,ă Papadopol Carmen 685 The Possibilities of Recovery of Buletinul Secondary Energetical Resources Institutului in Case of a Thermal Industrial politehnicădinăIaşi Istallation ROSCA E., POPA M., RUSCA F. 686 Proceedings of the International Conference Transport network reliability and Transport vulnerability in large urban areas Mechanics transport communications 684 COFRET 08, Nantes 2008, anul XIII Simion I. Model for geometric product specification Scientific Bulletin University Politehnica of Bucharest UDRISTE C., FERRARA M. WSEAS TRANSACTION S ON MATHEMATICS 688 THE CONCEPT OF STRATEGIC MANEUVERING IN RECONSTRUCTING ARGUMENTATIVE DISCOURSE UDRISTE C., FERRARA M., ZUGRAVESCU D., 689 MUNTEANU F. STUDY ON THE RECYCLING OF BORATE SILICATE VITREOUS WASTE WITH CAPITALIZATION OF HEAVY METALS SLUDGE FAR EAST JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICA L SCIENCES UDRISTE C., OPRIS D. 690 THE DETERIORATION PROCES OF ON ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT WITH COMPONENTS WSEAS TRANSACTION S ON MATHEMATICS UDRISTE C., PITEA A 691 THREE-DIMENSIONAL ANALYSES OF MECHANICAL SUSPENSION FOR AUTOVEHICLES WSEAS TRANSACTION S ON MATHEMATICS V. Catana 692 Essential spectra and semigroups of perturbations of Mhypoelliptic pseudo-differential operators on Lp(Rn),PseudoDifferential Operators And Related Topics PseudoDifferential Operators And Related Topics,Vaxjo University June 23-27,2008 687 4 2008 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi tom LIV 2008 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi INGINERIE http://www.mtcAEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI dok_235.pdf TRANSPORTURI 3 2008 I26-I31 UPB Vol. 70, no. 2 2008 65-76 UPB 2008 39-40 2008 2008 2008 1 2008 659-662 UPB IEE, ACM INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB SCOPUS, EMBASE, Emcare INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI IEE, ACM INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB IEE, ACM INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB www.PseudoDifferential Operators And Related Topics,Vaxjo University June 23-27,2008 NGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB Minimum energy transfer and controllability in a class of multidimensional continuousdiscrete systems 693 The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems (DGDS2008), August 29September 2, 2008, Mangalia, Romania. VasileăDragu,ăŞtefană Burciu About the usage of loading units in intermodal freight transportation 694 Proceedings of the International Conference Transportation and land use interaction Victor Moise, Iulian Tab r Kinematic analysis of bevel planetary gears by using the instantaneus axis of rotation Balan, V.; Crane, M.; Patrangenaru, V.; Liu, X. Proceedings of the international conference on differential geometry and dynamical Projective shape manifolds and systems (DGDScoplanarity of landmark 2008) and the 5th configurations. A nonparametric international approach. (English), colloquium on mathematics in engineering and numerical physics (mathematics sections) ăTeodoraăGra ielaăTihan,ă MioaraăDanielaăIoni ,ă Roxana Gabriela Popescu, Dana Iord chescu Effect of hydrophilichydrophobic balance on Materials biocompatibility of poly(methyl Chemistry and methacrylate)(PMMA)Physics hydroxyapatite (HA) composites V.ăPrepeli 695 UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering 1 1 66(2) 16 2008 2008 2008 347-357 53-64 2009 UPB www.The International Conference of Differential INGINERIE Geometry and AEROSPATIALA, Dynamical AUTOVEHICULE SI Systems (DGDSTRANSPORTURI 2008), August 29September 2, 2008, Mangalia, Romania. UPB INGINERIE http://www.ingtran AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI v2008.html TRANSPORTURI ULRICH Directory; SCOPUS; INSPEC; METADEX INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB Zentralblatt INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB SCOPUS, CPX, CSA, CA, IEE INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB 696 118 2009 265-269 697 Andrei N. Maciac, MariusăV.ăB uş,ăIoană Influence of Battery Voltage on M. Oprean, Valerian Gh. Hybrid Vehicles Performances Croitorescu, Gheorghe Fr il 698 Proceedings of 8th International Conferenceă„Fuelă Economy, Security and Reliability of Automobiles” 2009 Anghelache Gabriel, Moisescu Raluca, Toma Marius On-Board System for Measurement of Vehicle Dynamic Behaviour 699 Balan, Vladimir; Manea, Adelina Leafwise 2-jet cohomology on foliated Finsler manifolds. (English), Balan, Vladimir; Nicola, Ileana Rodica Versal deformation and static bifurcation diagrams for the cancer cell population model. (English), Proceedings of 8th International Conferenceă„Fuelă Economy, Security and Reliability of Automobiles” Proceedings of the international conference on differential geometry and dynamical systems (DGDS2008) and the 5th international colloquium on mathematics in engineering and numerical physics (mathematics sections) 2009 16 2009 FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi Zentralblatt INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB Zentralblatt INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB 28-41 UPB 700 701 Q. Appl. Math. 67 2009 755-770 702 Proceedings of 8th International Conferenceă„Fuelă Economy, Security and Reliability of Automobiles” 2009 UPB FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 703 Proceedings of 8th International Conferenceă„Fuelă Economy, Security and Reliability of Automobiles” Proceedings of 8th International Conferenceă„Fuelă Economy, Security and Reliability of Automobiles” 2009 UPB FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi C. Irimia, F. Deblauwe, K. Jannens, Z. Juhos, S. Ignat Improving the localization of noise sources inside a vehicle C. Irimia, H. Van der Design engineering of complex Auweraer, D. Tohoneanu, products using the multi Catalin Vasiliu, M. Grovu functional system mock - up C. Irimia, O. Ureche, M. Grovu, A. Percescu, M. Niculescu, D. Predica 704 Reduction the acceleration level at the driver and passenger seats by optimization the frequency response function based sub structuringă–ătransferăpathă analysis 2009 C. Tarcolea 705 The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Eulerian Distributions applied in Systems (DGDS2009) Reliability October 8-11, 2009, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania 707 "The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems" (DGDS-2009) October 8-11, 2009, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON MANUFACTURI NG SYSTEMS ICMaS 2009 MACHINE TOOL NATIONAL CONFERENCE the 18th edition 5th-6th November, 2009 Bucharest, Romania ICMaS 2009, vol.4, p.335-338, Editura Academiei Romane, ISSN 1842-3138 708 Proceedings of European Computing Conference (ECC09), 115-119, Tbilisi, Georgia, June 26-28, 2009. C. Tarcolea Uni- and Multivariate Loss Functions and the Taguchi's Theory 706 C. Tarcolea C. Udriste, M. Ferrara, L. Guerrini Computer Aided Selection in Design Processes with Multivariate Statistics ODE-constrained optimal neoclassical growth, 1 2009 UPB 1 2009 2009 4 1 2009 2009 335 - 338 115-119 www.The International Conference of Differential Geometry and NGINERIE Dynamical AEROSPATIALA, Systems" AUTOVEHICULE SI (DGDS-2009) TRANSPORTURI October 8-11, 2009, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania www.The International Conference of Differential Geometry and NGINERIE Dynamical AEROSPATIALA, Systems (DGDS- AUTOVEHICULE SI 2009) TRANSPORTURI October 8-11, 2009, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania UPB www.INTERNAT IONAL CONFERENCE ON MANUFACTURI NG SYSTEMS NGINERIE ICMaS 2009 AEROSPATIALA, MACHINE AUTOVEHICULE SI TOOL TRANSPORTURI NATIONAL CONFERENCE the 18th edition 5th-6th November, 2009 Bucharest, Romania UPB www. European Computing INGINERIE Conference (ECC- AEROSPATIALA, 09), 115-119, AUTOVEHICULE SI Tbilisi, Georgia, TRANSPORTURI June 26-28, 2009. C.Pana, N. Negurescu, LPG Use in Diesel Engine by M.G.Popa,Al.Cernat,D.So Diesel-Gas Method 709 are Chelaru T.V. Pana V. Chelaru A. Dynamics and Flight control of the UAV formations 710 ATZ online autotechnology emagazine 1 WSEAS TRANSACTION S on SYSTEMS and CONTROL, Issue 4, Volume 4, 2009 2009 8 pag pp 198-210 UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, m/index.php AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI CIMEC 2009 INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 712 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA, Vol. 71, Iss. 1, 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment, CIMEC 2009, Under the patronage of WORLD ENERGY COUNCIL Nonholonomic geometry of economic systems 1 2009 UPB 713 The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2009 ) Equivalence of multitime optimal control problems 1 2009 UPB 714 The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS-2009 ) ChelaruăT.V.,ăPan ăV A solution for guidance equations in the planar case of homing missiles based on series development 711 Constantin Pana, Niculae Some Experimental Aspects of Negurescu, Marcel Ginu The Use of LPG at Diesel Popa, Alexandru Cernat, Engine ,. Constantin Udriste Constantin Udriste 2009 1 2009 pp.17-32 10 pag UPB UPB www.The International INGINERIE Conference of AEROSPATIALA, Differential AUTOVEHICULE SI Geometry and TRANSPORTURI Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2009 ) www.The International INGINERIE Conference of AEROSPATIALA, Differential AUTOVEHICULE SI Geometry and TRANSPORTURI Dynamical Systems ( DGDS-2009 ) 715 The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2009 ) Constantin Udriste 716 The International Conference of Differential Multitime dynamic programming Geometry and for multiple integral actions Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2009 ) Constantin Udriste 1 2009 UPB 717 The International Conference of Differential Von Neumann analysis of Geometry and linearized discrete Tzitzeica PDE Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2009 ) Constantin Udriste Elementary work, Newton Law and Euler-Lagrange equations 1 2009 UPB 718 The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS-2009 ) Constantin Udriste 719 The International Conference of Differential Euler-Lagrange prolongations of Geometry and Maxwell PDEs Dynamical Systems ( DGDS-2009 ) Constantin Udriste Optimal feedback controls for multitime stochastic systems 720 The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2009 ) Optimal control of electromagnetic energy 721 The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS-2009 ) Constantin Udriste Constantin Udriste Black holes nonholonomic thermodynamics 1 1 1 1 1 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB www.The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2009 ) www.The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2009 ) www.The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2009 ) www.The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS-2009 ) www.The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS-2009 ) www.The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2009 ) www.The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS-2009 ) INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 722 The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS-2009 ) 723 The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2009 ) Constantin Udriste Constantin Udriste Constantin Udriste 724 Constantin Udriste 725 Constantin Udriste 726 Riemannian convexity of functionals, Sufficient efficiency conditions for a minimizing fractional program SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Multitime dynamic programming Differential Equations, December 7-10, 2009 Proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Multivariate Analysis and Its Plenary Lecture, Multitime Application in dynamic programming for Science and multiple integral actions Engineering (MAASE-09), pp. 60-67, Istanbul, Turkey, May 30-June 1, 2009 Plenary Lecture, Multitime dynamic programming for curvilinear integral actions Proceedings of the 9-th WSEAS International Conference on Systems Theory and Scientific Computation (ISTASC-09), pg. 13, Moscow, Russia, August 20-22, 2009 1 1 1 1 1 2009 UPB 2009 UPB 2009 UPB 2009 2009 UPB 13 UPB www.The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS-2009 ) www.The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2009 ) www.SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, December 7-10, 2009 www.the 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Multivariate Analysis and Its Application in Science and Engineering (MAASE-09), pp. 60-67, Istanbul, Turkey, May 30-June 1, 2009 www. the 9-th WSEAS International Conference on Systems Theory and Scientific Computation (ISTASC-09), Moscow, Russia, August 20-22, 2009 INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI Constantin Udriste 727 Constantin Udriste, Cristian Ghiu 728 Proceedings of European Computing Plenary Lecture, Finsler optimal Conference (ECCcontrol and geometric dynamics 09), pg.19, Tbilisi, Georgia, June 26-28, 2009 The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems Controlled linear PDEs systems ( DGDS-2009 ), October 8 - 11, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. 729 Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Simulation of an All-WheelDrive Hybrid Electric Vehicle 730 Proceedings of 8th International Conferenceă„Fuelă Economy, Security and Reliability of Automobiles” ON KARMAN MODEL FOR COANDA EJECTOR WITH INCOMPRESSIBLE FLOW UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA Cristina Flaut, Florian Ghionea Croitorescu, V, Maciac, A.,ăNegru ,ăE,ăOprean,ă M., Andreescu, Cr. D. RACOTI, C. BERBENTE 731 Some properties of the graph associated with a graph G 1 2009 19 UPB 1 2009 UPB 25 2009 UPB 2009 UPB 2009 UPB www.European INGINERIE Computing Conference (ECC- AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI 09), Tbilisi, TRANSPORTURI Georgia, June 2628, 2009 www.The International Conference of Differential Geometry and INGINERIE Dynamical AEROSPATIALA, Systems ( DGDS-2009 ), AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI October 8 - 11, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. INGINERIE http://ijpam.uniud. AEROSPATIALA, it/abstracts/abstrac AUTOVEHICULE SI t%2025-2009.pdf TRANSPORTURI FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI D.L.ăBure ea,ă A.C.Cormoş 732 Proceedings of 8th International Conferenceă„Fuelă Hybrid Car Battery Management Economy, Security and Reliability of Automobiles” D.M. Constantinescu, Static and Fatigue Properties of Moldovan P., Sllekens Magnesium Alloys Used in W.H., M. Sandu, Bojin D., Baciu F., D. Apostol, Automotive Industry 733 M. Miron Building virtual models for a hybrid (thermal-electric) inovative propulsion system for Daniel DRA GNE, road vehicles using modern MariusăB UŞ,ăă simulation programs / Utilizarea Andrei MACIAC, Mircea programelor moderne de OPREAN simulare pentru modelarea unui sistem de propulsie hibrid (termic-electric) inovator pentru automobile 734 Valve model simplification and Dragne, F.D., Cancel, validation using tools from L.A., Oprean, I.M., Imagine.labă–ăAMESimă 735 Vasiliu, N. Simulation software DRAGOS ISVORANU, VIOREL BADESCU 736 DUCA M., POPESCU N., DUCA I. 737 DUCA M., POPESCU N., DUCA I. 738 ASTEROID IMPACTS THE EARTH: THE TSUNAMI HAZARD G.Danciu 740 Proceedings of The 8-th Int. Conference ESFA 2009 THE JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY Proceedings of Advanced Transmissions for Low CO2 Vehicles Electric Powertrain Vehicle with Direct and Independent Wheel Ingineria Drive / Sistem electric de Automobilului propulsie cu actionare independenta a rotilor FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 2009 UPB Index Copernicus Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 2009 UPB FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB INDEX COPERNICUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 2009 1 2009 Ingineria automobilului ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS ASPECTS OF CYLINDRICAL SERIES: PROJECTION PREPELLER APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SOME CONSIDERATIONS ON SERIES: CONICAL PROPELLERS APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS F-D Dragne, M-V Models of automotive Bataus, A-N Maciac, I-M transmissions for fuel Oprean, N Vasiliu consumtion studies 739 Proceedings of The 8-th Int. Conference ESFA 2009 UPB 1 1 2009 2009 β57ă–ăβ64 UPB 2009 UPB SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 2009 UPB SIA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 2009 UPB Index Copernicus Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi Proceedings of 8th International Some Aspects Concerning the Conferenceă„Fuelă Grad, Aurica, Panait, Tr., Reliability and Maintenance of Economy, the Braking and Rolling Systems Andreescu, Cr. Security and of Taxi Passenger Cars Reliability of Automobiles” 741 Breakthrough technologies for H. Van der Auwerarer, C. virtual prototyping in the product Proceedings of Irimia, M. Grovu COMEC 2009 creation process of automotive 742 structures ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS DESIGN AND HARAGA G., SERIES: COMMUNICATION GHELASE D. APPLIED GRAPHICS MATHEMATICS AND 743 MECHANICS UPB 2009 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 2009 FISITA SCOPUS Haraga G., Ghelase D. Creating of the primitive Shapes using AutoCAD The Annals of “DunareaădeăJos” Vol.1 2009 53-58 UPB SCOPUS Haraga G., Ghelase D. The boolean operations with cad The Annals of systems “DunareaădeăJos” Vol.1 2009 91-96 UPB SCOPUS 744 745 Scientific Bulletin Ionita S. University Politehnica of 746 Bucharest UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL WALL THICKNESSIONITA S., ANTON.I.V, SOLIDIFICATION FEATURES ENGINEERING MILITARU C, STEFAN CORRELATION OF DUCTILE / E M, CHISAMERA M, UNIVERSITATE IRON CASTINGS UNDER RIPOSAN I A MOULD TYPE INFLUENCE POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE 747 MECANICA Analyse de la structure et de la topologie des mécanismes compliants no.2 Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 2009 2009 2009 UPB UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI Iozsa, D 2009 UPB Index Copernicus Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 748 Analytical Study of the Crash Behaviour for a Truck Structure Using the Pendulum Method / Ingineria Studiulăanaliticăalăcomport riiălaă automobilului impact a structurii caroseriei unui autocamion folosind metoda lovirii cu un pendul Iozsa, D 2009 UPB FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 749 International FE Analysis of a Truck Structure Congress EAEC in Order to Predict its Crash 2009 Behavior Proceedings, Bratislava 2009 UPB FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI Iozsa, D., Stan C., Fratil ,ăGh. Analytical Pendulum Method Used to Predict the Rollover Behavior of a Body Structure Proceedings of 8th International Conferenceă„Fuelă Economy, Security and Reliability of Automobiles” ASPECTS REGARDING THE MIXED EHL CALCULATION FOR LARGE ARREA CONTACTS UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA 750 L. MORARU, T.G. KEITH, S. DANAILA 751 2 2009 UPB L. MORARU, T.G. KEITH, S. DANAILA, DAN RACOTI THE VARIATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE IDEAL GAS FLOWS AS A FUNCTION OF MACH NUMBER CONSIDERING TEMPERATURE GAS PROPRETIES VARIATION 752 MariusăV.ăB uş,ăAndreiă Study of Hybrid Powertrain N.ăMaciac,ăRoxanaăMu u,ă Feasibility by Means of 1D Ioan M. Oprean, Nicolae Simulation Vasiliu 753 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA Proceedings of 8th International Conferenceă„Fuelă Economy, Security and Reliability of Automobiles”/ă FISITA Scientific Die Berechnung der wanderluste Bulletin Mih ilescuăV,ăGhe.ăRuse und der termische Belastung der University Bauteile von Dieselmotoren Politehnica of 754 Bucharest Niculae Negurescu, Constantin Pana, Marcel Ginu Popa, Alexandru Cernat 755 Experimental and Theoretical Researches of Hydrogen Use in S. I. Engine INTERNATION ALăU.A.B.ă–ă Balkan Environmental Association (B.E.N.A) WORKSHOP “MANAGEMEN T AND SUSTAINABLE PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENT ”,ăALBAăIULIA,ă ROMANIA MAY 6-7 th, 2009 2009 UPB 2009 No.4 1 UPB 2009 2009 UPB 21 pag UPB SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI Niculae Negurescu, Constantin Pana, Marcel Ginu Popa, Alexandru Cernat Theoretical and Experimental Researches on a Hydrogen Fueled SI Engine Proceedings of 8th International Conferenceă„Fuelă Economy, Security and Reliability of Automobiles” Papadopol Carmen, Răducanu Petre Dezvoltareaăsociet iiăumane,ă rezultatăalăcercet riiăşiă progresului tehnologic Buletinul AGIR 2009 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi Papadopol Carmen, Răducanu Petre Nouaăşiăvecheaăcomponent ăaă ecologiei,ăeduca ia Buletinul AGIR 2009 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi Papadopol, C., Raducanu, P. Methods to reduce the Fuel Consumption and Pollution in Industrial Heat Treatment Processes 2009 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB ULRICH Directory; INGINERIE SCIRUS; REPEC AEROSPATIALA, (EconPapers, AUTOVEHICULE SI IDEAS, Socionet; TRANSPORTURI ScientificCommon s; Genamics) UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 756 757 Vol. 1 2009 pp 39-48 UPB 758 759 PETRESCU, F.I., GRECU, B., COM NESCU,ăA.,ă 760 PETRESCU, R.V. Raducanu, P. 761 Raicu, S. Popa Mihaela, Dragu,ăV.,ăRoşcaăE.ă Some Mechanical Design Elements Aspects Regarding the Use of a Device Based on the Ranque Effect for Conditioning of Transport Means Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, series I2009 Proceedings of COMEC 2009 / Universitatea Transilvania Brasov Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, series I2009 Reverse logistics and space allocation for recovery management in new urban settlements Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management Testing of metallic coatings deposited by vacuum electric welding for thermal barrier layers applications Metalurgia / EBSCO 2(51) 2009 2(51) 520-525 2009 No.3 (12) 2009 1 2009 37-48 762 Ruxandra Paunescu, Ioana Gherghescu, 763 Marius Vasilescu FISITA INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI SAFTA, C.-A., STOIADJESKA, M., COJOCARU, M. G. 764 Sandu A., Sandu M., Constantinescu D. M. 765 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ADJOINT SENSITIVITY / ANALYSIS OF AN UNIVERSITATE AEROELASTIC PROBLEM A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA SISOM 2009 Influence of some modifications The Symposium of local geometry on the stress of the Institute of Solid Mechanics states in adhesive bonded lap of Romanian joints Academy UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ANALYSE DE LA ENGINEERING STRUCTURE ET DE LA / SIMION, I., SIMION, A. TOPOLOGIE DES UNIVERSITATE MECANISMES COMPLIANTS A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE 766 MECANICA ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS CONSTRUCTIVE METHODS SERIES: SIMION, I., SIMION,A. IN SOLID MODELING APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND 767 MECHANICS 2009 1 2009 2009 2009 UPB 304-309 SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB INGINERIE http://www.imsar.r AEROSPATIALA, o/SISOM_Papers_ AUTOVEHICULE SI 2009/D15.pdf TRANSPORTURI UPB SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB Stoicescu Aurel On calculating stiffness of a swing axle suspension 768 Stoicescu Aurel On the optimal design of helical springs of an automobile suspension Proceedings of 8th International Conferenceă„Fuelă Economy, Security and Reliability of Automobiles” University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN Series D: Mechanical Engineering / 1 71 2009 UPB 2009 UPB 2009 UPB 769 Toma, M., Florin, A Global Estimation of the Voloac ,ă t.,ăAndreescu,ă Automobile Impact on the Cr., Petrescu Al. Environment 770 V. Catana The heat equation for the generalized Hermite and generalized Landau operators Proceedings of 8th International Conferenceă„Fuelă Economy, Security and Reliability of Automobiles” 7th International ISAAC Congress , Imperial College London , July 1318 , 2009 1 2009 V. Catana 772 1 2009 Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi Ulrich‟să International Periodicals Directory, Scopus, Inspec, Metadex, Elsevier Sciencis‟să Bibliographic Data bases, Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă Engineering autovehiculeă iă Village, transporturi Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Compendex, Mathematical Reviews-Division of the American Mathematical Society FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB www.7th International NGINERIE ISAAC Congress AEROSPATIALA, , Imperial College AUTOVEHICULE SI London , July 13TRANSPORTURI 18 , 2009 UPB www.The International Conference of Differential Geometric and NGINERIE Dinamical AEROSPATIALA, Systems(DGDS- AUTOVEHICULE SI 2009) , October 8- TRANSPORTURI 11 , 2009 , University Polytehnica of Bucharest , Romania 771 The International Conference of Differential Geometric and The heat equation , the heat Dinamical kernel and Green function for the Systems(DGDSgeneralized Hermite operator.The abstract Cauchy 2009) , October 811 , 2009 , problem for the abstract Hermite University operator Polytehnica of Bucharest , Romania FISITA WSEAS TRANSACTION S ON SYSTEMS V. Prepelita Minimal realization algorithm for (q,r)-D hybrid systems A.N. Maciac, M.V. B u ,ăI.M.ăOprean,ă Gh.V. Croitorescu Influence of Battery Voltage oh Hybrid Vehicles Performances / Ingineria Influen aătensiuniiăbaterieiăasupraă automobilului performan elorăautomobileloră hibride 773 774 LECTURE NOTES IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, 1, VOLUME 60,ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING AND COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY ANCA DANIELA IONITA APPLYING VIEW MODELS IN SOA: A CASE STUDY Anghelache Gabriel 776 University Research Laboratory at the Automotive Department, TransportăFaculty,ă„Politehnica”ă University of Bucharest / Ingineria Laboratoare universitare la automobilului Catedra Autovehicule Rutiere, Facultatea Transporturi, Universitatea POLITEHNICA dinăBucureşti” Balan V. 777 Symmetry: Culture and Science, Symmetry Festival 2009, Symmetry in the History of Numerical multilinear algebra of Science, Art and symmetric m-root structures. Technology, Part Spectral properties and 2 Geometric applications Approaches to Symmetry, Budapest, Hungary, 21, 1-3 (2010), 119-131. % ISSN 08654824 B 778 The significance of practical competition for students groundingă/ăImportan aă concursurilor aplicative în preg tireaăstuden ilor 775 u ăMarius Ingineria automobilului 8 14 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă Index Copernicus transporturi UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, SPRINGERLINK AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB IndexCopernicus Journal Information Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 2010 UPB www.Symmetry: Culture and Science, Symmetry Festival 2009, Part 2 Geometric Approaches to Symmetry, Budapest, Hungary, 21, 1-3 (2010), NGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 2010 UPB Index Copernicus Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 2009 2010 60 2010 15 2010 14 22-33 483-493 Proceedings of CONAT2010, B u ,ăM.,ăăMaciac,ăA.,ăă International Real Time Simulation of Oprean, M., Andreescu, CONgress on Drivetrain Launch Devices Cr., VASILIU, N. Automotive and Transport 779 Engineering ICOSSSE-10 The 9th WSEAS International Evolution metrics and geometric Conference on vector fields C. Corcodel, C. Udriste System Science and Simulation in Engineering, 2010, 59-64. 780 19-th International Conference on Manufacturing Systems IcmaS Regression models models 2010 22 noi. C. Tarcolea applied to manufacturing systems 2010 Machines and Manufacturing Systems Department UP 781 Bucuresti 19-th International Conference on Manufacturing Systems IcmaS New stochastic models applied 2010 22 noi. C. Tarcolea to manufacturing systems 2010 Machines and Manufacturing Systems Department UP 782 Bucuresti C. Udriste, M. Ferrara, D. Zugravescu, F. Munteanu Nonholonomic Geometry of Economic Systems Proceedings of the 4th European Computing Conference (ECC10), University Politehnica Bucharest, April 20-22, 2010 2010 1 1 1 1 2010 UPB 59 - 64 2010 UPB UPB 2010 UPB FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi www.ICOSSSE10 the 9th WSEAS INGINERIE International AEROSPATIALA, Conference on AUTOVEHICULE SI System Science TRANSPORTURI and Simulation in Engineering, 2010 www.19-th International Conference on Manufacturing Systems IcmaS 2010 22 noi. 2010 Machines and Manufacturing Systems Department UP Bucuresti www.19-th International Conference on Manufacturing Systems IcmaS 2010 22 noi. 2010 Machines and Manufacturing Systems Department UP Bucuresti NGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI NGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI UPB www.The 4th European Computing INGINERIE Conference (ECC- AEROSPATIALA, 10), University AUTOVEHICULE SI Politehnica TRANSPORTURI Bucharest, April 20-22, 2010 2010 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 2010 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 2010 pp. 170-177 783 Modalit tIăădeăîmbun t ireăaă Carmen Papadopol, Petre factorului de recuperare a Raducanu c lduriiălaămaşinileădeăfor 784 Cercetarile stiintifice asupra Carmen Papadopol, Petre universului contribuie la Raducanu, Dana Filipeanu imbunatatirea protejarii planetei 785 pamant BULETINUL AGIR, ANUL XV, NR 4, OCTDEC 2010, BULETINUL AGIR, ANUL XV, NR 4, OCTDEC 2010 Chelaru T.V., Constantinescu V.N, Chelaru A. WSEAS TRANSACTION Control system of unmanned aerial vehicle used for endurance S on SYSTEMS and CONTROL, autonomous monitoring Issue 9, Volume 5 2010 pp. 767-778 UPB SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 786 Constantin Pana, Niculae Ecologic Automotive Diesel Negurescu, Marcel Ginu Engine Achieved by LPG Popa, Alexandru Cernat, Fueling 787 Constantin Udriste 789 1 2010 17 pag UPB Multitime optimal control for linear PDEs with volume cost functional The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2010 ), 25-28 August 2010, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. 1 2010 UPB Invex energies on Riemannian manifolds 3rd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity, Ankara 2010, Chapter Book, Eds: Albert Luo, J.A. Tenreiro Machado, D. Baleanu, Nonlinear Systems and Methods for Mechanical, Electrical and Bio Systems, Springer. 1 2010 UPB 788 Constantin Udriste, Andreea Bejenaru INTERNATION ALăU.A.B.ă–ă Balkan Environmental Association (B.E.N.A) WORKSHOP “MANAGEMEN T AND SUSTAINABLE PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENT ”,ăALBAăIULIA,ă ROMANIA MAY 6-7 th, 2010 INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI www. The International Conference of Differential Geometry and INGINERIE Dynamical AEROSPATIALA, Systems ( DGDSAUTOVEHICULE SI 2010 ), 25-28 TRANSPORTURI August 2010, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. www.3rd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity, Ankara 2010, Chapter Book, INGINERIE Eds: Albert Luo, AEROSPATIALA, J.A. Tenreiro AUTOVEHICULE SI Machado, D. TRANSPORTURI Baleanu, Nonlinear Systems and Methods for Mechanical, Electrical and Bio Systems, Springer. Constantin Udriste, Armando Ciancio Euler-Lagrange prolongations of BSG Proceedings Maxwell PDEs 17 (2010), 1 2010 228-234 UPB 790 Smallest area surface evolving with unit areal speed 1 2010 UPB 791 The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2010 ), 25-28 August 2010, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. Minimal surfaces between two points 1 2010 UPB 792 The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2010 ), 25-28 August 2010, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. Performance indices with multiple magnetic evolutions 1 2010 UPB 793 The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2010 ), 25-28 August 2010, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. Constantin Udriste, Ionel Tevy Constantin Udriste, Ionel Tevy, Vasile Arsinte Constantin Udriste, Monica Pîrvan www.BSG Proceedings 17 (2010) INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI www. The International Conference of Differential Geometry and INGINERIE Dynamical AEROSPATIALA, Systems ( DGDSAUTOVEHICULE SI 2010 ), 25-28 TRANSPORTURI August 2010, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. www. The International Conference of Differential Geometry and INGINERIE Dynamical Systems ( DGDS- AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI 2010 ), 25-28 TRANSPORTURI August 2010, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. www. The International Conference of Differential Geometry and INGINERIE Dynamical Systems ( DGDS- AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI 2010 ), 25-28 TRANSPORTURI August 2010, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. Constantin Udriste, Romeo Bercia Dynamical systems in complex variable The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2010 ), 25-28 August 2010, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania 1 2010 UPB Complex Holomorphic flows 3rd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity, Ankara 2010, Chapter Book, Eds: Albert Luo, J.A. Tenreiro Machado, D. Baleanu, Nonlinear Systems and Methods for Mechanical, Electrical and Bio Systems, Springer. 1 2010 UPB Von Neumann analysis of discrete Tzitzeica PDE by second order Lagrangian dynamics The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2010 ), 25-28 August 2010, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. 794 Constantin Udriste, Romeo Bercia 795 Constantin Udriste, Vasile Arsinte, Corina Cipu 796 1 2010 UPB www.The International Conference of Differential Geometry and INGINERIE Dynamical AEROSPATIALA, Systems ( DGDSAUTOVEHICULE SI 2010 ), 25-28 TRANSPORTURI August 2010, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania www.3rd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity, Ankara 2010, Chapter Book, INGINERIE Eds: Albert Luo, AEROSPATIALA, J.A. Tenreiro AUTOVEHICULE SI Machado, D. TRANSPORTURI Baleanu, Nonlinear Systems and Methods for Mechanical, Electrical and Bio Systems, Springer. www. The International Conference of Differential Geometry and INGINERIE Dynamical Systems ( DGDS- AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI 2010 ), 25-28 TRANSPORTURI August 2010, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. Constantin Udriste, Vicenzo Ciancio, Francesco Farsaci UPB www.The 12th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Methods, INGINERIE Computational AEROSPATIALA, Techniques and AUTOVEHICULE SI Intelligent TRANSPORTURI Systems (MAMECTIS10), Sousse, Tunisia, May 3-6, 2010. UPB www.International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical INGINERIE Systems ( DGDS- AEROSPATIALA, 2009 ), October 8 AUTOVEHICULE SI - 11, University TRANSPORTURI Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. 2010 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi Proceedings of CONAT 2010 2010 UPB Proceedings of ACMEăβ010ăIA I 2010 UPB 2010 UPB FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB www.BSG Proceedings 17 (2010), 203-213 INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI Black holes nonholonomic thermodynamics The 12th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Computational Techniques and Intelligent Systems (MAMECTIS10), 162-171, Sousse, Tunisia, May 3-6, 2010. Optimal feedback controls for multitime stochastic systems International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2009 ), October 8 - 11, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. Analysing NVH performance in the design process using virtual multibody simulation Proceedings of ACMEăβ010ăIA I Engine combustion modeling from design to control Response and contribution analysis in the virtual NVH engineering process 1 2010 162-171 797 Constantin Udriste, Virgil Damian 798 Cristi Irimia, Dan Predica, Emilian Valeriu Papa, Mihail Grovu, 799 Catalin Vasiliu Cristi Irimia, Mihail Grovu, Catalin Vasiliu, Herman Van der 800 Auweraer Cristi Irimia, Mihail Grovu, Dan Predica, 801 Catalin Vasiliu 1 Cristi Irimia, Mircea The investigation of the structure Proceedings of Niculescu, Mihail Grovu, borne road noise in the car using CONAT 2010 Andi Percescu, Herman the principal component analysis Van der Auweraer 802 Cristina Stamin, Constantin Udriste Nonholonomic Gibbs hypersurface 803 Croitorescu, V, Maciac, A., Oprean, M., 804 Andreescu, Cr. Simulation of a Spark Ignition Engine with Cylinders Deactivation BSG Proceedings 17 (2010), 203213. Proceedings of WAC FISITA / FISITA 1 2010 2010 2010 203-213 UPB FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi D. Ionita, M. Dilea, A. Stioan, M. Prodana 5th International Conference Understanding the physical “Biomaterials,ă process od dossolution and Tissue deminerlization of teeth provided Engineering & from various environments MedicalăDevices”ă BiomMedD‟β010 D. Ionita, M. Dilea, A. Stioan, M. Prodana About the concentration of heavy metals in the roots of carious and non carious teeth in various environments 9-th International Conference on Durability of Composite Systems Non-motorized transportation An educational challenge for urban communities, Theoretical and Empirical Research in Urban Management (TERUM) 1 2010 UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI medd-2011 TRANSPORTURI UPB http://www.mech. INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, 10/ AUTOVEHICULE SI m TRANSPORTURI UPB ULRICH Directory; INGINERIE SCIRUS; REPEC AEROSPATIALA, (EconPapers, AUTOVEHICULE SI IDEAS, Socionet; TRANSPORTURI ScientificCommon s; Genamics) 805 806 Eugen Rosca, Aura Rusca, Anamaria Ilie, Florin Rusca 1 VOL 8 2010 2010 5-14 807 809 A MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR COMPUTING THE TRAJECTORIES OF ROCKETS IN A RESISTANT MEDIUM TAKING INTO ACCOUNTăTHEăEARTH‟Să ROTATION (I) A MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR COMPUTING THE TRAJECTORIES OF ROCKETS IN A RESISTANT MEDIUM TAKING INTO ACCOUNTăTHEăEARTH‟Să ROTATION (II) G.Danciu 810 Powertrain Design of a Light Electric Vehicle Based on its Dynamic Model Grad Aurica, Andreescu Cristian 811 A Way of Organizing the Automobile Maintenance on the Basis of the Reliability Analysis of its Components / O modalitate Ingineria deăorganizareăaăactivit iiădeă automobilului mentenan ăaăautovehiculelorăpeă bazaăanalizeiăfiăabilit iiă componentelor lor Haraga G., Ghelase D. Assembly modeling using Catia system IăDemetrescu,ăD.Ioni ,ă C.ăPîrvu,ăD.ăPor ană Present and future trends in TiO2 Mol. Cryst. Liq. nanotubes elaboration Cryst characterization and potential applications FLORENTIN MORARU, LAURENTIU MORARU, BOGDAN SCOBENIUC 808 FLORENTIN MORARU, LAURENTIU MORARU, BOGDAN SCOBENIUC MTA REVIEW 2010 MTA REVIEW EEA Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica The Annals of “DunareaădeăJos” ATM, UPB 2010 ATM, UPB 58 2010 UPB 15 2010 UPB XIV 2010 67-70 UPB . Vol 521 2010 195-203 UPB SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi Index Copernicus 812 813 SCOPUS, CPX, CSA, CA, IEE Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI I Demetrescu, R.Luca, A Cimpean, D. Ionita, D. Bojin, M Prodana 4th International Conference Investigation techniques in “Biomaterials,ă evaluation of environmental Tissue impact on the children teeth from Engineering & area with various pollution MedicalăDevices”ă BiomMedD‟β010 1 2010 Study of a disc-shape earth electrode injecting current into an exponentially increasing conductivity soil U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series C 72 2010 Automotive Hybrid Propulsion Systems EEA Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica 58 2010 UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI medd-2010 TRANSPORTURI 814 I.V. Nemoianu, E. Cazacu,ăV.ăP ltânea,ăG.ă 815 P ltânea Ioan Mircea OPREAN, Andrei Nicolae MACIAC, Marius 816 ValentinăB US Ioan Mircea Oprean, The Impact of Hybrid MariusăValentinăB uşăşiă Powertrains on the Environment 817 Andrei Nicolae Maciac Management of the Sustainable Development 819 Scientific Bulletin University Politehnica of Bucharest The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems ( DGDS2010 ), 25-28 August 2010, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. 820 Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications (JEMAA),vol 3, no 1, 2011,Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. USA, 7-13., 19420730 Experimental researches on correlation source-noise level Ion, G.C., Ion, E.E. / 0,5 generated at ventilating and air conditioning installations 818 Laura Gabriela Matei, Constantin Udriste M.Pirvan, C. Udriste M.V.ăB u ,ăA.N.ă Maciac, I.M. Oprean 821 Multi-dimensional solitons Stokes representation for the solutions of Maxwell-Vlasov PDEs Hybrid Propulsion Systems - An Effi cient Solution for Use of Onboard Vehicle Energy / Ingineria Sistemeleădeăpropulsieăhibrideă–ă automobilului Solu ieădeăutilizareăeficient ăaă energieiădisponibil ăpeăautomobil 2010 Vol. 72 no.3 2010 185-192 UPB SCOPUS Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă Index Copernicus autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 1 2010 UPB 3 2010 UPB 15 2010 UPB SCOPUS www.The International Conference of Differential Geometry and INGINERIE Dynamical AEROSPATIALA, Systems ( DGDSAUTOVEHICULE SI 2010 ), 25-28 TRANSPORTURI August 2010, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. www.Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications NGINERIE (JEMAA),vol 3, AEROSPATIALA, no 1, AUTOVEHICULE SI 2011,Scientific TRANSPORTURI Research Publishing, Inc. USA, 7-13., 19420730 Index Copernicus Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi Mihailescu C., Chelaru On accuracy of numerical T.V. Danaila S., Berbente prediction in transonicC, Sava C. supersonic flow around missiles 822 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA, Vol. 72, Iss. 3 Congresul 823 Finite Element Analysis of Truck Interna ională Tyre Modal Behaviour CONAT 2010 / FISITA N. Negurescu, C.Pana, M.G.Popa, Al.Cernat, 824 D.Soare Experimental Investigations ATZ online regarding the Direct Injection in autotechnology eHydrogen Fueled S.I. Engine magazine Moisescu Raluca, Anghelache Gabriel PETRESCU, F.I. The Movement of an Electron Around The Atomic Nucleus 825 PETRESCU, F.I., PETRESCU, R.V., 826 GRECU, B. Otto Engine Dynamics ICOME 2010 Proceedings / Fac. Mecanica, Craiova ICOME 2010 Proceedings / Fac. Mecanica, Craiova 2010 pp.185-194 2010 2 2010 10 pag UPB UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, m/index.php AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 2 2010 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 2 2010 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi Petrescu, R.V., Petrescu, F.I. Universityă“C-tină Motoareătermiceăcuăardereăintern Brâncuşi”ăAnnals Section 2 2010 255-261 UPB Petrescu, R.V., Petrescu, F.I. Motoarele termice cu ardere extern Universityă“C-tină Brâncuşi”ăAnnals Section 2 2010 248-254 UPB 827 828 PETROSANUDANAMIHAELA 829 SUR LA DÉFORMATION D'UN TUBE CYLINDRIQUE REVUE ROUMAINE DES SCIENCE TECHNIQUES, SÉRIE DE MÉCANIQUE APPLIQUÉE SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 55 2010 39-50 UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI INGINERIE ZENTRALBLAT AEROSPATIALA, T MATH AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI SOLID STATE PHENOMENA, MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS AND MATERIALS: MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS AND ROBOTICS, RADU RUGESCU, DANIELE MORTARI, STEFAN STAICU, SORIN ALDEA ORTONORMALITY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS FOR ROBOTICS AND ASTRODYNAMICS Raducanu, P 831 Aspects regarding the design of a Buletinul rotary dryer for an equipment Institutului which compresses sawdust, Politehnic din Iasi Raluca Raicu, Serban Raicu, Mihaela Popa, 832 Dorinela Costescu More efficient urban freight consignment preparation and transportation SCOPUS INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 2010 UPB 2010 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi UPB INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI 830 Sandu A., Sandu M., TerzeaăL.,ăOpa chiăGh. 833 Sandu M., Sandu A. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, , Proceedings of the International Conference of Analytical and numerical study Aerospace concerning the behaviour of Sciences single-sided bonded patch repairs „AEROSPATIALă β010” Strain gauge force sensors with multiple measuring ranges The International Symposium of the Institute of Solid Mechanics of Romanian Academy Design of a compact sixcomponent force and moment sensor for aerodynamic testing Proceedings of the International Conference of Aerospace Sciences „AEROSPATIALă β010” tom LVI(LX) Volume 2, Issue 3 1 1 2010 2010 2010 6027-6041 357-364 80-87 SCOPUS UPB http://bulletin.inca INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, ndu_v3is2_full.pd AUTOVEHICULE SI f TRANSPORTURI UPB INGINERIE http://www.imsar.r AEROSPATIALA, o/SISOM_Papers_ AUTOVEHICULE SI 2010/D17.pdf TRANSPORTURI UPB http://bulletin.inca INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, ndu_v3is2_full.pd AUTOVEHICULE SI f TRANSPORTURI UPB Index Copernicus 834 Sandu M., Sandu A., IonaşcuăG. 1 2010 Stoicescu Aurel About Motor-Vehicle Center of Gravity Position Determination / Ingineria Asupraădetermin riiăpozi ieiă automobilului centrului de greutate al automobilelor 14 2010 V. Prepelita WSEAS Adjoints 2D Hybrid Boundary ValuTRANSACTION S ON SYSTEMS 9 2010 82-93 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi V. Prepelita WSEAS Realizations of 2D Continuous-DisTRANSACTION S ON SYSTEMS 5 2010 69-78 UPB Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi 835 836 837 838 539-544 Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi Valentin N VR PESCU,ăIoanDragoşăDEACONU,ă Aurel-Ionu ăCHIRIL ,ă 839 Mircea POPESCU Venetia Sandu, Carmen Papadopol, Petre Raducanu, Dorel Turcu, Costel BEJAN SIMULATION PROGRAMME FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLES Revista Electrotehnic ă Electronic ă Automatic ă(EEA) Test bench evaluation of heavy vehicle supplementary brake systems Proceedings of International Congress on Automotive and Transport Engineering, Brasov, Romania 840 E. BORCOCI, R.IORGA A MANAGEMENT ARCHITECTURE FOR A MULTI-DOMAIN CONTENTAWARE NETWORK 841 BORCOCI, EUGEN; NEGRU, DANIEL; TIMMERER, CHRISTIAN 842 . CONSTANTINESCU, M.; BORCOCI, E 843 ZOICAN, R Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service (CTRQ), 2010 Third International Conference on , vol., no., pp.162168, 13-19 June 2010 A SIP-BASED CROSS-LAYER Communications OPTIMIZATION FOR WIMAX (COMM), 2010 HARD HANDOVER 8th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.375378, 10-12 June 2010 845 2010 77-80 2010 UPB UPB AN ENHANCED PERFORMANCE CLUSTERING ALGORITHM FOR MANET ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION OF A PREDICTABLE ROUTING PROTOCOL FOR VANETS MELECON 2010 - 2010 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference , vol., no., pp.12691272, 26-28 April 2010 Electronics and Telecommunicatio ns (ISETC), 2010 9th International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.153156, 11-12Nov. 2010 FISITA Inginerieăaerospa ial ,ă autovehiculeă iă transporturi IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 11-15 ETTI/UPB A NOVEL ARCHITECTURE FOR MULTIMEDIA DISTRIBUTION BASED ON CONTENT-AWARE NETWORKING 844 ZOICAN, R.; GALATCHI, D International Conference on Telecommunicatio ns and Multimedia,TEM U,Chania, Crete, 14-16 July 2010 58 INGINERIE AEROSPATIALA, AUTOVEHICULE SI TRANSPORTURI IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 162-168 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 375-378 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 153-156 ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica CHELLOUCHE, S.A.; ANYCAST-BASED CONTEXTNÉGRU, D.; BORCOCI, AWARE SERVER E.; LEBARS, E SELECTION STRATEGY FOR VOD SERVICES 846 ZOICAN, S AUDIO SIGNALS NOISE REMOVAL REAL TIME SYSTEM 847 LUPU, R.; STANCIU, M AUTHENTICATION AND AUTHORIZATION ARCHITECTURE DESIGN FOR HYBRID MESH NETWORKS Communications (COMM), 2010 8th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.301304, 10-12 June 2010 NICULESCU, D.; BHATNAGAR, S.; GANGULY, S CHANNEL ASSIGNMENT FOR WIRELESS MESHES WITH TREE TOPOLOGY Communications (COMM), 2010 8th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.383386, 10-12 June 2010 E.BORCOCI, D.NEGRU, C.TIMMERER CONTENT AWARE NETWORKING: A FUTURE INTERNET PERSPECTIVE NETWARE 2010,Venice/ Mestre, Italy ,18 july 2010 Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC), 2010 5th IEEE International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.267272, 5-7 May 2010 NETWARE 2010,Venice/ Mestre, Italy , 18 july 2010 Communications (COMM), 2010 8th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.379382, 10-12 June 2010 848 849 850 NICULESCU, DRAGOS FINDING MIMO 851 E. BORCOCI FUTURE INTERNET CHALLENGES 852 BORCOCI, E.; LUPU, R HYBRID WIRELESS MESH NETWORKS REQUIREMENTS COLLECTION FOR INTEGRATION IN END TO END ARCHITECTURES 853 GLOBECOM Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2010 IEEE , vol., no., pp.1513-1517, 610 Dec. 2010 Communications (COMM), 2010 8th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.2528, 10-12 June 2010 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 6-10 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 25-28 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 301-304 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 383-386 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 12-15 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 267-272 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 213-216 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 379-382 ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica R. ZOICAN 854 R.LUPU, E.BORCOCI, D.GALATCHI, T.RASHEED PERFORMANCES OF URBAN MOBILITY MODELS FOR VANETS WITH MESH NETWORKS INFRASTRUCTURE REAL-TIME INTER-DOMAIN HANDOVER REAUTHENTICATION PROTOCOL (RTRAP) 855 ZOICAN, S SPEECH DE-NOISING SYSTEM WITH NON LOCAL MEANS ALGORITHM 856 S. ZOICAN THE ANALYSIS OF THE ADAPTIVE K-NEAREST NEIGHBORHOOD (KNN) ALGORITHM FOR IMAGE DE857 NOISING STEFAN, A.; ZOICAN, S THE EVALUATION OF IMAGE NOISE REDUCTION FILTER IMPLEMENTATION WITH THE BLACKFIN MICROCOMPUTER 858 S. ZOICAN THE EVALUATION OF IMAGE NOISE REDUCTION FILTER IMPLEMENTATION WITH THE BLACKFIN MICROCOMPUTER, NICULESCU, D.; KYUNGTAE KIM; RANGARAJAN, S.; SANGJIN HONG VOICE ADAPTIVE GATEWAY PACER FOR WIRELESS MULTIHOP NETWORKS 859 860 CONSTANTINESCU, M.; BORCOCI, E.; RASHEED, T 861 WIMAX HANDOVER CONDITIONS EVALUATION TOWARDS ENHANCEMENT THROUGH CROSS-LAYER INTERACTION SIBIRCON 2010, Irkutskă–ă Listvyanka, Russia, July 11–15,ăβ010 PROC. OF INT'L CONFERENCE MOWAN/BROA DNET 2010, ISBN 978-9639995-03-1, ATHENS, OCTOBER 2010 Electronics and Telecommunicatio ns (ISETC), 2010 9th International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.315318, 11-12 Nov. 2010 SIBIRCON 2010, Irkutskă–ă Listvyanka, Russia, July 11–15,ăβ010 Communications (COMM), 2010 8th InternationalConf erence on , vol., no., pp.181-184, 10-12 June 2010 MMEDIA 2010,MMEDIA 2010, June 13-19, 2010 Athens/Glyfada, Greece Wireless Internet Conference (WICON), 2010 The 5th Annual ICST , vol., no., pp.1-9, 1-3 March 2010 Telecommunicatio ns (AICT), 2010 Sixth Advanced International Conference on , vol., no., pp.422427, 9-15 May 2010 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 25-28 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 1-9 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 9-15 ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica ROXANA ZOICAN 862 E.C. POPOVICI, T. RADULESCU 863 Ş.ăG.ăOBREJA,ăE.ă BORCOCI, S. CIOCHINA, R. LUPU, M. STANCIU 864 ANALYSIS OF A MULTI-HOP EUROCON CLUSTERING ALGORITHM 2009, SANKTFOR MANET PETERSBURG, MAI 2009 CODING SCHEME IMPACT 8TH COST 290 ON THE IP- QOS NETWORK MCM, UTILIZATION AND VOICE FEBRUARY 15QUALITY 16, 2007, MALAGA, SPAIN. AICT 2009 FUNCTIONALITY AND SCALABILITY VALIDATION CONFERENCE, MAY 24-28, FOR AN END TO END QOS 2009 MANAGEMENT SYSTEM VENICE/MESTR E, ITALY, WWW.IARIA.OR G AUTOMATION, QUALITY AND TESTING, ROBOTICS, 2008. AQTR 2008. IEEE INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , VOL.1, 2225 MAY 2008, URL: HTTP://IEEEXPL A METHODOLOGY FOR ORE.IEEE.OR TESTBED VALIDATION AND G/STAMP/STAM PERFORMANCE P.JSP?TP=&A ASSESSMENT OF RNUMBER=458 NETWORK/SERVICE 8771&ISNUMB 865 BORCOCI, E.; ASGARI, AMANAGEMENT SYSTEMS," ER=4588687 OBREJA, S.G.; LUPU, "A WIMAX RESOURCE WIRELESS R.; BORCOCI, E.; MANAGEMENT SOLUTION COMMUNICATI FRATU, O.; INTEGRATED WITH AN END ON, TO END QOS MANAGEMENT VEHICULAR SYSTEM," TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION THEORY AND AEROSPACE & ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, 2009. WIRELESS VITAE 2009, INTL CONF. ON 866 ,17-20 2009 221-224 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2008 361-364 2009 185-189 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 1 2008 2009 1234-1238 ETTI/UPB 87-91 ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica GEORGOULAS, S.; PAVLOU, G.; BORCOCI, E.; HO, K.H.; VRAKA, E.; 867 LUPU, R.; OBREJA, S.; BORCOCI, E.; MARTUFI, G.; 868 TAGLIERI, M GEORGOULAS, S.; PAVLOU, G.; BORCOCI, E.; KINHON HO; VRAKA, E.; 869 "ADMISSION CONTROL FOR END-TO- END MULTIMEDIA CONTENT DELIVERY WITH IMAGE QUALITY OF SERVICE ANALYSIS FOR GUARANTEES," I MULTIMEDIA INTERACTIVE SERVICES, 2008. WIAMIS '08. NINTH INTERNATION AL WORKSHOP ON, 7-9 MAY 2008, URL: HTTP://IEEEXPL ORE.IEEE.OR G/STAMP/STAM P.JSP?TP=&A RNUMBER=455 6895&ISNUMB ER=4556857 AUTHORIZATION SUBSYSTEM FOR WIMAX ACCESS IN A MULTIDOMAIN END TO END QOS ENABLED ARCHITECTURE ENABLING QUALITY OF SERVICE FOR END-TOENDMULTIMEDIA CONTENT DELIVERY THROUGH ADMISSION CONTROL: PLACEMENT, FUNCTIONALITY AND BENEFITS," EMERGING NETWORK INTELLIGENCE, 2009 FIRST INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON, 11-16 OCT. 2009, URL: HTTP://IEEEXPL ORE.IEEE.OR G/STAMP/STAM P.JSP?TP=&A RNUMBER=536 9990&ISNUMB ER=5369978 `BENEFITS," AUTOMATION, QUALITY AND TESTING, ROBOTICS, 2008. AQTR 2008. IEEE INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , VOL.1 2225 MAY 2008 , URL: HTTP://IEEEXPL ORE.IEEE.OR G/STAMP/STAM P.JSP?TP=&A RNUMBER=458 8770&ISNUMB ER=4588687 2008 105-108 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2008 1 2009 129-134 369-374 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica OBREJA, S.G.; STANCIU, M.; BORCOCI, E.; CIOCHINA, S.; LUPU, R FUNCTIONALITY AND SCALABILITY VALIDATION FOR AN END TO END QOS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM," TELECOMMUNICATIONS, 2009. BORCOCI, E.; LUPU, R.; OBREJA, S.; INTEGRATION OF WIMAX ACCESS MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL IN A MULTIDOMAIN SYSTEM FOR MULTIMEDIA DISTRIBUTION," 870 871 BORCOCI, E.; LUPU, R.; OBREJA, S.G.; "OVERLAY MANAGEMENT OF NETWORK SERVICES FOR MULTIMEDIA FLOWS TRANSPORT OVER MULTIPLE DOMAINS TESTBED VALIDATION," 872 OBREJA, S.G.; BORCOCI, E.; 873 "OVERLAY TOPOLOGY BASED INTER- DOMAIN QOS PATHS BUILDING," 2009 AICT '09. FIFTH ADVANCED INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , 24-28MAY 2009, URL: HTTP://IEEEXPL ORE.IEEE.OR G/STAMP/STAM P.JSP?TP=&A RNUMBER=507 2420&ISNUMB ER=5072388 142-147 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS COMMUNICATI ONS, 2008. ICSNC '08. 3RD INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , 26-31 OCT. 2008, URL: HTTP://IEEEXPL ORE.IEEE.OR G/STAMP/STAM P.JSP?TP=&A RNUMBER=469 3675&ISNUMB ER=4693626 TELECOMMUNI CATIONS,2009. AICT '09. FIFTH ADVANCED INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON ,24-28 TELECOMMUNI CATIONS, 2008.AICT '08. FOURTH ADVANCED INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , 8-13JUNE 2008 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2009 136-141 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2008 64-70 1 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2008 229-234 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica BORCOCI, E.; STANCIU, M.; "RESOURCE ALLOCATION POLICIES FOR AGGREGATED QOS ENABLED PIPES IN MULTIDOMAIN IP ENVIRONMENT," 874 IOAN, L.; NICULESCU, "TRAFFIC DEMAND G.; BORCOCI, E.; DERIVATION IN IP- BASED MULTI SERVICE CLASS ENVIRONMENT," 875 BORCOCI, E.; LUPU, R.; OBREJA, S.G.; "WEB-SERVICE BASED IMPLEMENTATION SOLUTION FOR A NETWORK SERVICE OBREJA, S.G.; BORCOCI, E.; LUPU, R.; IORGA, R.; MANAGER AT NETWORK PROVIDER," 876 877 NEXT GENERATION INTERNET DESIGN AND ENGINEERING, 2006. NGI '06. 2006 2ND CONFERENCE ON, SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS COMMUNICATI ONS, 2008. ICSNC '08. 3RD INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , 26-31 2006 236 -239 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 2008 69-74 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2008 95-102 1 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2008 308-313 AUTOMATION, QUALITY AND TESTING, ROBOTICS, 2008. AQTR 2008. IEEE INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , 22-25 MAY 2008, URL: HTTP://IEEEXPL ORE.IEEE.OR G/STAMP/STAM P.JSP?TP=&A RNUMBER=458 8758&ISNUMB ER=4588687 COMMUNICATI ON THEORY, RELIABILITY, AND QUALITY OF SERVICE, 2008. CTRQ'08. INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , JUNE 29 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica GUAINELLA, E.; BORCOCI, E.; KATZ, M.; NEVES, P.; CURADO, M.; ANDREOTTI, F.; ANGORI, E.; 878 DAN GALATCHI , SORIN ZOICAN, ROXANA ZOICAN 879 DAN GALATCHI, ROXANA ZOICAN 880 E.BORCOCI, A.ASGARI, G.KOURMENTZAS, T.AHMED, A.MEHAOUA 881 "WEB-SERVICE SOLUTION FOR INTER- DOMAIN QOS NEGOTIATION," AUTOMATION, QUALITY AND TESTING, ROBOTICS, 2008. AQTR 2008 2008-JULY 5 2008, URL: HTTP://IEEEXPL ORE.IEEE.OR G/STAMP/STAM P.JSP?TP=&A RNUMBER=456 1182&ISNUMB ER=4561159 AăDISTANCEă–ăVECTORă SYMPOSIUM PROTOCOL WITH MOBILITY ON TRENDS IN PREDICTION COMMUNICATI ONS, SYMPOTIC‟β004 , BRATISLAVA, SLOVACIA, PROCEEDINGS, OCT.2006 A ROUTING PROTOCOL FOR INTERNATION MULTI- HOP WIRELESS AL NETWORKS: DV-MP SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNI CATIONS ETC 2006 SEVENTH EDITION TIMISOARA, SEPTEMBER 2123, 2006 ADMISSION CONTROL 3RD ALGORITHM FOR INTERNATION AGGREGATED PIPES AL WORKSHOP SERVICE INVOCATION IN ONă„NEXTă MULTI-DOMAIN IP GENERATION ENVIRONMENT NETWORKING MIDDLEWARE‟ăă (NGNM06),IN THE 2007 125-131 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 2006 721-724 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2006 431-434 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2006 342-345 1 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica GEORGOULAS, ADMISSION CONTROL FOR G.PAVLOU, K. HO, END-TO- END MULTIMEDIA 9TH E.BORCOCI, E.VRAKA CONTENT DELIVERY WITH INTERNATION QUALITY OF SERVICE AL WORKSHOP GUARANTEES ON IMAGE ANALYSIS FOR MULTIMEDIA INTERACTIVE SERVICES MAY 7-9, 2008, KLAGENFURT 882 PROCEEDING E. C. POPOVICI, O. AN IEEE 802.21-BASED FRATU, S. HALUNGA APPROACH OF DESIGNING OF WIRELESS VITAE 2009 INTEROPERABILITY CONFERENCE, MODULES FOR VERTICAL 17-20 MAY, HANDOVER IN WIRELESS 2009, HYBRID ACCESS AALBORG, NETWORKS DENMARK 883 E.BORCOCI , AN INTEGRATED EUMOB‟06,ă A.ASGARI, APPROACH FOR END- TOEUROPEAN M.T.ANDRADE, END QUALITY OF SERVICE SYMPOSIUM P.BRETILLLON, OFFERING IN MULTION MOBILE T.AHMED DOMAIN HETEROGENEOUS MEDIA ENVIRONMENT DELIVERY SEPTEMBER 20, 2006, ALGHERO, 884 ITALY 2007 ROXANA ZOICAN ANALYSIS OF INTERNATION HIERARCHICAL ROUTING AL IN MANET IN A REAL-TIME CONFERENCE ENVIRONMENT ON SOFTWARE, TELECOMMUNI CATIONS AND COMPUTER NETWORKS (SOFTCOM2007) ,SEPTEMBER 27 - 29,2007, SPLIT DUBROVNIK, CROATIA 885 R.LUPU,ăŞ.ăG.ăOBREJA,ă AUTHORIZATION NEXTECH/ECU E.BORCOCI SUBSYSTEM FOR WIMAX MN09 ACCESS IN A CONFERENCE, MULTIDOMAIN END TO MALTA, END QOS ENABLED OCTOBER 2009, 886 ARCHITECTURE 2008 85-89 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 2009 82-86 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2006 120-123 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2007 533-536 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 1 2009 123-126 1 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica TELECOMMUNI CATIONS,2008. AICT '08. FOURTH ADVANCED INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON, 8-13JUNE 2008, 887 8TH COST290 E.POPOVICI, T. CODING SCHEME IMPACT RADULESCU ON THE IP- QOS NETWORK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE UTILIZATION AND VOICE AND QUALITY TECHNICAL MEETING, MALAGA, SPAIN, FEBRUARY1516, 2007 888 E. ANGORI, E. EXTENDING WIMAX 1ST BORCOCI TECHNOLOGY TO SUPPORT WORKSHOP E2E QOS QUARANTEES ON WIMAX, WIRELESS & MOBILITY, UNIVERSITY OF COIMBRA, 889 MAY 22, 2007 E. GUAINELLA, E. EXTENDING WIMAX TO CONFERINTA BORCOCI, M. KATZ, P. NOVEL AND STRINGENT BROADBAND NEVES, L.M. RIBEIRO, WIRELESS SCENARIOS: AN EUROPE F. ANDREOTTI, E. INTRODUCTION TO THE GENEVA, ANGORI, A. WEIRD PROJECT ELVETIA, 11-14 CIMMINO, J.SÀ SILVA DECEMBER 2006 890 BORCOCI, E.; LUPU, IEEE 802.16 ACCESS NETWORKING R.; OBREJA, S. NETWORK IN END TO END AND ENVIRONMENTă–ă SERVICES, EXPERIMENTAL TESTBED 2009. ICNS '09. FIFTH INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , 20891 25APRIL 2009, EDUARD-CRISTIAN MOBILE CLIENT-SERVER COMMUNICATI POPOVICI, MIHAISYSTEM FOR REMOTE ONS 2006, CATALIN DRAGOMIR ADMINISTRATION OF BUCURESTI 892 PERSONAL COMPUTER IOAN, L. NICULESCU, G. BIT LOSS PROBABILITY VERSUS LOSS PROBABILITY IN THE ADMISSION CONTROL PROCESS OF NONELASTIC TRAFFIC SOURCES 2008 133-137 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 2007 301-304 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 1 2008 165-168 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2006 675-678 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 1 2009 180-185 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2006 621-624 1 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica SORIN ZOICAN NOISE REMOVAL IN IMAGES ALGORITHM WITH EFFICIENT DETAIL PRESERVING 893 SORIN ZOICAN 894 SORIN ZOICAN, DAN GALATCHI, ROXANA ZOICAN 895 ON IMPLEMENTATION OF 14TH IEEE BI-LOOP RECURSIVE LEAST INTERNATION SQUARES ALGORITHM AL CONFERENCE ON TELECOMMUNI CATIONS (ICT2007), PENANG, MALAYSIA, MAY 3-4, 2007 PERFORMANCE SYMPOTIC06, EVALUATION OF PREJOINT IST FETCHING PROTOCOL IN WORKSHOP MOBILE AD- HOC ON SENSOR NETWORKS NETWORKS & SYMPOSIUM ON TRENDS IN COMMUNICATI ONS, BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA,ăβ4–ă 27 JUNE 2006 . E. C. POPOVICI, V. REAL-TIME MONITORING ANDREI, O. FRATU, S. DESIGN OF WIRELESS V. HALUNGA NETWORK DEVICES FOR VERTCAL HANDOVER ON MULTIMOD TERMINALS 896 THE SECOND INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ADVANCES,ISC EA2007, AUGUST 25-31, 2007 - CAP ESTEREL, FRENCH RIVIERA, FRANCE PROC. OF 2ND INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SCIENCES IN BIOMEDICAL AND COMMUNICATI ONS TECHNOLOGIE S: ISABEL, 2009, BRATISLAVA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC, NOV 24-27, 2009 2007 1223-1226 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 2007 821-824 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2006 421-424 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2009 255-258 1 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica E.BORCOCI, M.STANCIU RESOURCE ALLOCATION POLICIES FOR AGGREGATED QOS ENABLED PIPES IN MULTIDOMAIN IP ENVIRONMENT ROXANA ZOICAN , DAN GALATCHI ROUTING ALGORITHM FOR DETERMINING THE OPTIMAL DISJOINT MULTIPATHS IN MANET 897 898 NEXT GENERATION INTERNET CONFERENCE 2006, SPAIN, APRIL 2006 INTERNATION AL SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNI CATIONS ETC 2006 SEVENTH EDITION, TIMISOARA, SEPTEMBER 2123, 2006OF 7TH PROC. INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE T. CISZKOWSKI, IBIZA 2008, C.ELIASSON, POLAND, SECMON: END-TO-END M.FIEDLER, KAZIMIERZ Z.KOTULSKI, R.LUPU, QUALITY AND SECURITY DOLNY31.01MONITORING SYSTEM 2.02 2008. 899 W.MAZURCZYK E. C. POPOVICI, A. SIP-BASED APPLICATION 2ND CIOCOIU, O. FRATU, LEVEL MOBILITY FOR INTERNATION S. V. HALUNGA RECONFIGURABLE HYBRID AL WIRELESS SYSTEMS SYMPOSIUM ON APPLIED SCIENCES IN BIOMEDICAL AND COMMUNICATI ON TECHNOLOGIE 900 S: ISABEL SORIN ZOICAN THE ANALYSIS OF SPARSE- 2009, TAP ADAPTIVE FIR BRATISLAVA, ALGORITHM WITH SLOVAK UNKNOWN NUMBER OF REPUBLIC, DISPERSIVE REGIONS NOV 24-27, 2009 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SYMPOSIUM OF ELECTRONIC AND TELECOMMUNI CATION TIMIŞOARA,ă ETC2006, NOVEMBER 901 2006 2006 541-544 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2008 186-201 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 1 2009 431-434 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2006 323-236 1 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2006 575-579 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica V. ANDREI, E. C. POPOVICI, O. FRATU, 902 S. HALUNGA THE ARCHITECTURE OF A SOFTWARE MODULE, SUPPORTING VERTICAL HANDOVER IN HETEROGENOUS NETWORKS PROC. OF INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE ETAI CONFERENCE, OHRID, FYROM, SEPT 26-29, 2009 2009 182-185 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 2008 E. BORCOCI, R.BALACI,ăŞ.OBREJAă 904 ,R.LUPU ADAPTIVE ROUTING WITH INTELLIGENT PORTAL IN WIRELESS MESH NETWORKS, CONCURRENT IMPLEMENTATION OF MULTI-DOMAIN SERVICE MANAGEMENT FOR END TO END MULTIMEDIA DELIVERY M.STANCIU, 905 E.BORCOCI SIMULATION OF RESOURCE ALLOCATION POLICIES IN A MULTI-DOMAIN IP ENVIRONMENT WITH QOS CONSTRAINTS 903 ZOICAN, R.; COMPUTATION AL TECHNOLOGIE S IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING, 2008. SIBIRCON 2008. IEEE REGION 8 INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , 21-25 JULY 2008, URL: HTTP://IEEEXPL ORE.IEEE.ORG/ STAMP/STAMP. JSP?TP=&ARNU MBER=4602564 &ISNUMBER=4 602546 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) IEEE Explore (INSPEC) SORIN ZOICAN, DAN GALATCHI, ROXANA 906 ZOICAN PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF PREFETCHING PROTOCOL IN MOBILE AD-HOC NETWORKS IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica 351-354 ETTI/UPB 1 2006 1 Inginerie Electronica 1233-1236 ETTI/UPB 1 2006 COMMUNICATI ONSăβ006ăINT‟Lă CONFERENCE , BUCHAREST, JUNE, 2006 SYMPOTIC06, JOINT IST WORKSHOP ON SENSOR NETWORKS & SYMPOSIUM ON TRENDS IN COMMUNICATI ONS, BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA, 24 –ăβ7ăJUNEăβ006 Inginerie Electronica 395-398 ETTI/UPB 2006 COMMUNICATI ONSăβ006ăINT‟Lă CONFERENCE , BUCHAREST, JUNE, 2006 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 421-424 ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica 907 SORIN ZOICAN INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE COMMUNICATI ON 2006, MILITARY HE PERFORMANCE TECHNICAL EVALUATION OF THE ACADEMY, FUZZY STEP SIZE LEAST JUNE 2006, MEAN SQUARE ALGORITHM BUCHAREST 909 SORIN ZOICAN DATA DEPENDENT ADAPTIVE FILTER FOR NOISE REMOVAL FROM COLOR IMAGES ENERGY AWARE COLLABORATIVE SIGNAL PROCESSING AND CROSS LAYER OPTIMIZATION IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS (1) Radu Dogaru, (2) Manfred Glesner, (3) 910 Ronald Tetzlaff Cellular automata codebooks applied to compact image compression 908 SORIN ZOICAN 911 Mutual Information Based Measure for Image Content Characterization R Dogaru, G.N. Costache, O. Dumitru, 912 Inge Gavat A novel Feature Extraction Method for Isolated Word Recognition based on Nested Temporal Averaging D. Faur, I. Gavat, M. Datcu 2006 Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence Annals of Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Fascicle III, ISSN 1221454X Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automatic control, Informatics Inginerie Electronica 525-529 ETTI/UPB 1 WMSCI 2006 THE 10TH WORLD MULTICONFERENCE ON SYSTEMICS, CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATICS, JULY 2006 ORLANDO, FLORIDA, USA EUROCON 2009, 18-23 MAY 2009, SAINTPETERSBURG, RUSSIA Annals of Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Fascicle III, ISSN 1221454X Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automatic control, III Informatics IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 2006 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica 123-126 ETTI/UPB 2009 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica 341-344 ETTI/UPB 1 2006 11-18 Book series Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2006 III 2006 38-42 (1) UPB, (2) TU Darmstadt, (3) Univ Goethe Frankfurt UPB/UPB/UPB& 342-349 DLR UPB B+ CTI Springer CTI B+ CTI A. MIHALACHE, F. GUERIN, M. BARREAU, A. TODOSKOFF, I.C. BACIVAROV Reliability building of mechatronic systems 913 Angelica BACIVAROV 914 C. Iancu, I. Gavat, M. Datcu 915 Fault Tolerant Techniques in Submicron Logic Circuits QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Y - Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Y - Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability 2006 ETC 2006 281-287 Politehnica University of Bucharest ETC Current Topics in Book series Image Disorder Characterization Artificial Lecture Notes in Based on Rate Distortion Intelligence Computer Science QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Fl.ăB BUŞ,ăA.ăKOBI,ăT.ă Current troubles of control charts Y - Proceedings of the 10th IEEE IPLICA,ăI.C.ă application under non gaussian International BACIVAROV distributions Conference in Quality and 916 Dependability QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Y - Proceedings I. C. BACIVAROV, On the Analysis of Strategic of the 10th IEEE Angelica BACIVAROV Alliances International Conference in Quality and 917 Dependability QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Oămetod ădeăanaliz ăaăfiabilit iiă Y - Proceedings re elelorădigitaleădeă I. C. BACIVAROV, of the 10th IEEE Angelica BACIVAROV telecomunica iiăcuăintegrareaă International serviciilor Conference in Quality and 918 Dependability QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Y - Proceedings Gestion thermique pour I.C. BACIVAROV, P. of the 10th IEEE composants et modules SVASTA International electroniques Conference in Quality and 919 Dependability 315-321 Politehnica University of Bucharest; Univ. of Angers UPB/UPB/UPB& 261-268 DLR 2006 2006 322-329 Springer ETC Politehnica University of Bucharest; Univ. of Angers ETC 2006 381-389 Politehnica University of Bucharest ETC 2006 339-346 Politehnica University of Bucharest ETC 2006 365-377 Politehnica University of Bucharest ETC Ioan C. BACIVAROV, Ioan-Cosmin MIHAI On Principles of Survivability 920 921 L.IOAN LOJEWSKI GEORGE, 922 MILITARU NICOLAE S. VOICULESCU, F. GUERIN, I.C. BACIVAROV TWO MATHEMATICAL MODELS FOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF LEAKYBUCKET ALGORITHM PLANAR MICROWAVE BANDPASS FILTERS WITH TWO AND THREE-LAYER DEFECTED GROUND STRUCTURES Bayesian inference and a closed form for maximum of likelihood for Arrhenius exponential case 923 Parallel Training Algorithms for Continuous Speech Recognition V. Popescu, C. Burileanu,ăM.ăRafail ,ăR.ă Implemented in a Message Passing Framework 924 C lim nescu M. Dascalu, E. Franti, Design of a Parallel Computing L. Milea, T. Teodorescu, Based Cryptosystem T. Balan, A. Ionita 925 Nastac I.: Matei R. 926 Scaling factor effect on neural networks retraining procedure QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Y - Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability REVUE ROUMAINE DES TECHNIQUES. SERIE D'ELECTROTEC HNIQUE ET D'ENERGETIQU E WSEAS Transactions on Communications QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Y - Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability 2006 Politehnica University of Bucharest ETC 50 2006 357 - 372 ETTI/UPB rev categoria CNCSIS B+ 2006 ETTI/UPB rev categoria CNCSIS B+ 2006 393-399 ETC ETC Politehnica University of Bucharest; Univ. of Angers ETC Proceedings of the 14th European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO 2006 1 WSEAS TRANSACTION Issue 2, Volume 5 2006 S on COMMUNICATI ONS UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series 68 (Nr 2) 2006 C: Electrical Engineering WSEAS P. L.Milea, E. Manea, O. Highly Efficient Solar Cells with Transactions on Oltu Front Surface Texturisation Electronics 927 295-303 Issue 8, Volume 3 2006 2006 240-245 UPB Politehnica University of Bucharest, ICIA Bucharest, IMT Bucharest 3 - 14. UPB, Talents Technology Finlanda 437-442 Politehnica University of Bucharest, IMT Bucharest Eurasip JournalSeek INSPEC British Library Direct, Scirus ETC Proceedings of The WSEAS International Increasing solar cells conversion Conference on P.L. Milea, E. Manea, O. efficiency by front surface Volume 1 ENVIRONMENT Oltu micromachining texturisation , ECOSYSTEMS and DEVELOPMENT 437-440 Politehnica University of Bucharest, IMT Bucharest 448-454 Politehnica University of Bucharest, IMT Bucharest 2006 181 - 185 Politehnica University of Bucharest, IMT Bucharest Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Elsevier 2006 211 - 216 Univ. of Angers, UPB IEEE Xplore 2007 17-22 Politehnica University of Bucharest 2006 Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Elsevier 928 WSEAS P.L. Milea, E. Manea, O. Textured Surface Silicon Solar Transactions on Oltu, E. Franti Cells with SnO2 Antireflex Layer Electronics 929 Issue 8, Volume 3 2006 Proceedings of The WSEAS International Experimental studies on SnO2 Conference on P.L. Milea, E. Manea, O. Volume 1 thin films for 'honeycomb' ENVIRONMENT Oltu, E. Franti textured surface silicon solar cells , ECOSYSTEMS and DEVELOPMENT British Library Direct, Scirus 930 Tiplica T.; Verron V.; Kobi A.; Nastac I. 931 Angelica Bacivarov 932 Proceedings of International Conference on FDI in Multivariate Process with Computational Naive Bayesian Network in the Intelligence for Space of Discriminant Factors Modelling, Control and Automation CIMCA 2006 Proc. of the 13th International Symposium For Boundary-Scan Design for Design And Testability Techniques Technology Of Electronic Modules Prosody Modeling for an Embedded TTS System 933 D. burileanu, C. negrescu Implementation Dr gulinescuăA,ă Modelling of CMOS AMS 0.35 Lizarraga L, Mir S, um n-diffusion Photodiode 934 Sicard G, Iancu O Behaviour Mihalache A, Ionescu V. 935 CAMERALISM: and EGOVERNMENT CAMERALISM:ăIT‟Să Mihalache A, Ionescu V. RELEVANCE FOR THE NEW 936 ECONOMY ETC Proceedings of the 14th European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO 2006 1 2007 715-718 UPB UPB Scientific vol.69, nr. 3 Bulletin, Series C 2007 pp.3-15 UPB, TIMA Grenoble Modern Technologies in the XXI century 7 2007 97-103 UPB,MTA E-COMM-LINE 2007 4 2007 44-53 UPB,MTA Eurasip ETC Nastac I.; Costea A. 937 A. Oprea, C. Vertan, C. 938 Florea, L. Florea Adriana Vlad, Bogdan Badea 939 B. Ionescu, D. Coquin, P. 940 Lambert, V. Buzuloiu C. O. Dumitru, M. 941 Mitrea, Francoise Prêteux C.O. Dumitru, M. Mitrea, 942 F. Prêteux C.O. Dumitru, M. Mitrea, Francoise Prêteux, A. 943 Pathak Inge Gavat, C.O. Dumitru 944 Mihai Mitrea, Sorin Duta, and Françoise Prêteux UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series 69 (Nr 2) C: Electrical Engineering Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii Politehnica din Timisoara, Seria A Logarithmic-like Image Electronica si Processing Framework for Biomedical Image Enhancement Telecomunicatii 1583-3380 Analysing the Dependence Lectures Notes in between Variance and Mean Computer Estimated Values: A Theoretical Science (LNCS), and Experimental Approach vol. 5073, ISSN 0302-9743. A Fuzzy Color-Based Approach for Understanding Animated Journal on Image Movies Content in the Indexing and Video Task Processing Proceedings SPIE Theoretical limits in DWT video watermarking Video modelling in the DWT Proceedings SPIE domain Probability Density Function Proceedings SPIE Estimation for Video in the DCT Domain The ASRS_RL - a Research Lecture Notes in Platform, for Spoken Language Computer Recognition and Understanding Science (LNCS), Experiments ISBN: 978-3-54069840-1. Proving video stream SPIE Newsroom. watermarking viability DOI: 10.1117/2.120080 6.1174, A retraining procedure application for data prediction 2007 946 A comparative study on insertion Proceedings SPIE strategies in MPEG-4 AVC watermarking CameliaăDutescu,ăDragoşă ar lung ,ăHadiă Rahimian, Alexandru Ungureanu, Rodica Strungaru, Ilinca Gussi, 947 Mihaela Ungureanu Analiza morfologica continua a electrocardiogramei fetale extrasa din semnale inregistrate transabdominal- avantaje si limitari Angelica BACIVAROV 948 Reliability Modeling of a Complex System Considering Human Factor Obstetrica si Ginecologia LVI journal QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Y - Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability UPB, TUCS Finlanda INSPEC 2008 3-13 UPB CTI 2008 752-767 UPB CTI 2008 β00–β0γ UPB, ? CTI 2008 UPB, INT CTI 7000 2008 1-12 UPB, INT CTI 6812 2008 pp. 6812 0L: 1-9 UPB, INT CTI 5073 2008 1142-1157 UPB CTI 2008 UPB, INT CTI 2008 707509:1-9 UPB, INT CTI 2008 80-91 UPB 5073 945 S. Duta, M. Mitrea, M. Belhaj, F. Prêteux 15 - 25 7075 2008 115-120 COPERNICUS ELA Politehnica University of Bucharest ETC C. Ciuchi, Angelica Bacivarov, Ioan C. Bacivarov,ăG.ăPetric Decisional Strategies and Algorithms 949 C. Ungurean, D. Burileanu, V. Popescu, 950 C.ăNegrescu,ăA.ăDerviş 951 952 953 954 Automatic Diacritic Restoration for a TTS-based E-mail Reader Application QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Y - Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Y - Proceedings FlorentinaăLinc ,ă Risk Management in Complex of the 10th IEEE Angelica Bacivarov, I. C. High Functional Importance International Bacivarov Systems Conference in Quality and Dependability QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Un proiect de cercetare Y - Proceedings I C. Bacivarov, Angelica interdisciplinar în domeniul of the 10th IEEE siguran eiăînăfunc ionareăaă Bacivarov International sistemelor socio-tehnice reziliente Conference in Quality and Dependability QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Y - Proceedings Reliability of Optical I.C. Bacivarov, Angelica of the 10th IEEE Communication Systems. On Bacivarov, F. Guerin Transmission Quality Evaluation International Conference in Quality and Dependability ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSISTHE ROLE OF PROGRAMMABLE DIGITAL ELECTRONICS SIGNAL PROCESSORS (DSP) AND TELECOMMUNI TO 3G MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM CATIONS SORIN ZOICAN Proceedings of the 14th Unsupervised Speaker Tracking European Signal in a Speech Recognition Module Processing Conference for Multi-Party HumanV. Popescu, C. EUSIPCO 2008 Computer Dialogue 955 Burileanu, J. Caelen Contrôle rhétorique de l'ellipse sémantique en génération du langage naturel en dialogue Traitement Automatique des V. Popescu, J. Caelen, C. homme-machine à plusieurs locuteurs Langues 956 Burileanu 2008 159-163 Politehnica University of Bucharest ETC 70 2008 3-12 2008 280-288 UPB Scopus, IET Inspec ETC Politehnica University of Bucharest ETC 2008 128-136 Politehnica University of Bucharest ETC 2008 164-168 Politehnica University of Bucharest; Univ. of Angers ETC 49 1 49 2008 49-56 ETTI/UPB rev categoria CNCSIS B+ ETC 2008 UPB Eurasip ETC 2008 115-139 UPB ERIH ETC Cristea, P., Tuduce, R., Signal Representation and Nastac, I., Cornelis, J., Processing of Nucleotide Deklerck, R. and Andrei, Sequences M. 957 An Improved Algorithm for Mihalache A, Ionescu V. Reliability Analysis for 958 Integrated Network Florea Corneliu, Vertan 959 Constantin Florea Laura, Vertan 960 Constantin International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine (IJFIPM) 1 (Nr. 3) COMMUNICATI 3 ONS 2008 253-268 UPB, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Google Inc. 2008 57-65 UPB,MTA INDERSCIENCE Piecewise linear approximation of logarithmic image processing models for dynamic range enhancement Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii "Politehnica" din Bucuresti, seria C, 2009 3-15 UPB B+ CTI Automatic Hip Prosthesis Fit Estimation by Cooperative XRay Image Segmentation Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii "Politehnica" din Bucuresti, seria C, 2009 3-14 UPB B+ CTI Monica Radulescu, 961 Felicia Ionescu A dual Technique for Watermarking Color Digital Images 962 Radescu Radu Lossless Compression Tool for Limited Number of Colors Buletinul Stiintific al UPB, Seria C-Inginerie 1454-234x Electrica Scientific Bulletin, Electrical Engineering Series C, University Politehnica of Bucharest Design and Implementation of a Dictionary-Based Archiver Buletinul Stiintific al UPB, Seria C-Inginerie Electrica 1454-234x 2009 103-106 UPB CTI Geometrical Form Recognition Using One-Step Secant Algorithm in the Case of Neural Rodica Constantinescu, 964 V. Lazarescu, R. Tahboub Network Buletinul Stiintific al UPB, Seria C-Inginerie Electrica 1454-234x 2009 UPB ELA 2009 UPB ELA 2009 58-59 UPB RaduăR descu,ăCristiană 963 Bontaş Military Technology, Armaments Department, Military Equipment and Siegfried Cojocaru, Utilizarea protocolului CAN in Constantin Radoi, Stefan fieldbusurile care functioneaza in Technologies Research Agency 1582 - 7321 965 Stancescu, Svetlana Rau timp real ar lung ăD.,ăWolfăW.,ă Dutescu C., Gussi I., Obstetrica si Strungaru R., Ungureanu Abdominal signal recordings: Ginecologia assessment and analysis journal LVII 966 M. 2009 21-28 UPB 2009 49-54 UPB CTI B+ COPERNICUS CTI ELA Buletinul Ştiin ificăală Universit iiă Advanced production integration „Politehnica”ădină Timişoara,ăSeriaă service using temporary tables V.ăCorni ,ăR.ăStrungaru,ă and SQL optimization via neural Electronic ăşiă Telecomunica ii 1583-3380 networks 967 S.ăPaşca (1) Gohar O.,(2) G. M. Ungureanu and (2 ) R. 968 Strungaru Telemedicineă–ăMedicală Teleconferencing System (1) I. Oliveira, (2) Ov. EEG Signal Analysis for Silent 969 Grigore,(3) N. Guimaraes Visual Reading Classification How Useful and Credible are the Actual World Universities Rankings for the (1) N. Dragulanescu,(2) Internationalization of Higher 970 T.G.Chang,(2) S.W.Kim, Education? (1) Taralunga Dragos D.,(2) WernerWolf,(1) Rodica Strungaru,(3) Camelia Dutescu,(3) Fetal Electrocardiogram Ilinca Gussi and (1)G. Enhancement from Abdominal Recorded Signals 971 Mihaela Ungureanu UPB ELA Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Optics, ISBN 1543-0537 2009 295-307 (2) UPB ETC International Journal of Circuits, Systems And Signal Processing, ISBN 1998-4464 2009 119-126 (2) UPB ETC Higher Education in Europe, Quarterly Review of UNESCOCEPES, ISBN 0379-7724 2009 (1) UPB ETC Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Optics ISBN 1543-0537 2009 281-290 (1) UPB ETC UPB Scopus, IET Inspec ETC 2009 UPB Springer ETC Cojocaru Siegfried, The analysis of CAN and Radoi Constantin, Stefan Ethernet in distributed real-time systems 974 Stancescu Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii "Politehnica" din Bucuresti, seria C, 2009 27-34 UPB B+ ETC Oprea Alina, Mihaela Ungureanu, Sever Pasca 975 and Rodica Strungaru A Novel Approach in Mammogram Segmentation Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Optics, ISBN 1543-0537 2009 β71–β80 UPB ETC Perianu Florin, Cornita Vasile, Strungaru Rodica, Pasca Sever and 976 Ungureanu Mihaela Comparative Study of Online Color-Based Image Retrieval Algorithms in Medical Applications Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Optics, ISBN 1543-0537 2009 145-150 UPB ETC 972 Anca Manolescu, Radu Iacob 2009 15-28 C. Ungurean, D. 973 Burileanu, A. Dervis Current Mode References Based Scientific on MOS Subthreshold Operation Bulletin-PUB A Statistical Approach to Lexical International Stress Assignment for TTS Journal of Speech Synthesis Technology C, vol. 71 2009 12 International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology New Table Look-Up Lossless Compression Method Based On (IJEST), ISBN 0975-5462 Binary Index Archiving 977 Radescu Radu WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Rodica Stoian, L. A. Developing a System View Education, ISBN Perişoar ,ăR.ăF.ăPavel,ăA.ă Approach for the Multimedia Communication Systems Course 1790-1979 978 V.ăR ileanu 2009 283-290 UPB ETC 2009 237-246 UPB ETC 979 Ungureanu G. M. Perspectives on Detecting the EffectiveăBrainăConnectivityă–ă The AR Approach Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Optics ISBN 1543-0537 2009 245-256 UPB ETC Ungureanu G. M. and R. 980 Strungaru Considerations on EEG-based BCIs Applied in the Control of Intelligent Prostheses Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Optics ISBN 1543-0537 2009 257-259 UPB ETC Development of New Methods to Control the Energy Expenditure of Walking in Patients with Osteoarthritis Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Optics isbn 15430537 2009 231-244 UPB ETC Ungureanu G. M., A. Constantin and R. 981 Strungaru Arsene O.; Cristea P.; Tuduce R.; Dinca A.; Nastac I.; Nicolau D.; 982 Fulga F. Software for the local description Acta Universitatis of molecular surfaces by using Special Issue Apulensis advanced Java technologies 2009 11 - 19. UPB, University of Liverpool MathSciNet Electrochemical Sensor with Polymer Thick Film Printed Electrodes 2009 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 983 Proceedings SIITMEβ009ă–ă 15th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packages Study of environmental influences on the bEhavior of a cpacitive pressure sensor 2009 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 984 Proceedings SIITMEβ009ă–ă 15th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packages 2009 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 985 Proceedings SIITMEβ009ă–ă 15th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packages Ciprian Ionescu, Paul Svasta, Camelia Bala, Lucian Rotariu Cristina Marghescu, Ciprian Ionescu, Paul Svasta, Marina Santo Zarnik, and Darko Belavic D.ăBelavič,ăM.ăS.ăZarnik,ă C. Marghescu, C. Stencil Design of a Capacitive Ionescu, P. Svasta, M. LTCC-based Pressure Sensor Hrovat,ăI.ăLipuščekăandă S. Kocjan Detlef Bonfert, G. Klink, Pulsed Stress Behavior of K. Bock, P.Svasta, I. PEDOT:PSS Thin Films Ionescu 986 Proceedings SIITMEβ009ă–ă 15th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packages G.ăV rzaru,ăI.ăPlotog,ăN.ă Train the Trainers Hands-On D. Codreanu, T. Workshops Mih ilescu 987 Proceedings SIITMEβ009ă–ă 15th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packages I. Plotog, P. Svasta, J. Villain, Zs. IllyefalviHIsold 4P Q&R, Cost Project for Vitez, A. Pietrikova, M. solder material innovations and Branzei, F. Miculescu, D. solder joint properties assessment Contantinescu, C. Balan, T. Cucu, G. Varzaru Iaroslav-Andrei Hapenciuc, Paul Mugur Svasta UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 2009 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 2009 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 988 Proceedings SIITMEβ009ă–ă 15th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packages Inertial bridge with on board digital signal processing 2009 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 989 Proceedings SIITMEβ009ă–ă 15th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packages Stereo vision for terrain investigation 2009 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 990 Proceedings SIITMEβ009ă–ă 15th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packages UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY Iaroslav-Andrei Hapenciuc, Paul Mugur Svasta Proceedings SIITMEβ009ă–ă 15th International Ioan Plotog, P.Svasta, Electronic Module for Symposium for B.Mihailescu, G.Varzaru Controlling the Energy in a Design and and I. Busu Vapour Phase Soldering Machine Technology of Electronics Packages 991 2009 2009 Iulian Busu, P. Svasta, R. DC and thermal behavior of Bunea, D. Bonfert pedot:pss thick films 992 Proceedings SIITMEβ009ă–ă 15th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packages Correlation between the M. Branzei, P. Svasta, F. thermophysical properties, geometry and microstructure of Miculescu, M. the sac305 and sac-x typical Miculescu and I.Plotog solder joints 993 Proceedings SIITMEβ009ă–ă 15th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packages UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 2009 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 2009 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 994 Proceedings SIITMEβ009ă–ă 15th International Multi-mediaă“DFM”ăCourseăforă Symposium for Design of Electronic Design and Modules/Microsystems Technology of Electronics Packages 2009 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 995 Proceedings SIITMEβ009ă–ă 15th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packages Proceedings SIITMEβ009ă–ă 15th International Radu Bunea, P. Svasta, Thermal Investigations of Solder Symposium for N.D. Codreanu, I. Plotog, Joints used in Power Applications Design and C. Ionescu Technology of Electronics Packages 996 2009 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY MihaelaăPantazic ,ă Norocel Codreanu Radu Bunea, P. Svasta, C. Marghescu Modeling and Simulation of Pbfree Solder Joints Behaviour During Laser Soldering Correlated to the 4P Model 11th International Conference on Dialysis, Advances in CKD 997 In patients with renal disease, structural carotid artery features greatly enhance prediction of cardiovascular outcome and are linked with endothelial dysfunction irreversibility B. Ionescu, A. Marin, P. Lambert, D. Coquin, C. 998 Vertan A Content-Driven System Architecture for Tackling Automatic Cataloging of Animated Movie Databases IGIă–ă International Journal of Digital Library Systems 1 Sandu O.; Nastac I.; Radbill B.; Shapiro R.; Windston J.; Uribarri J. 2009 2009 2010 147 - 152 MSSM, UPB, RRI ASM Database ian.23 MediaFinder The Standard Periodical UPB, Univ. Savoie Directory CTI Ovidiu Grigore, Corina Impaired Speech Evaluation Grigore, Valentin Velican using Mel-Cepstrum Analysis NAUN Int. Journal of Circuits, Systems And Signal Processing 999 Ovidiu Grigore, Valentin Experimental Results Obtained Velican, Alexandra in Computer Assisted AuditoryCraciunoiu Verbal Education 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 NAUN Int. Journal of Education and Information Technologies, Vol 4, ISSN: 2074-1316 5 2010 70-77 UPB BDI CTI 1 2010 206-213 UPB BDI CTI UPB BDI CTI Journal of Physiscs: Thierry Fournel, Daniela Coltuc Robust Visual Hashing via ICA Conference Series 206 Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii Politehnica din Timisoara, Seria Costachioiu Teodor, Electronica si Vasile N. Lazarescu, Modelling Terrain Elevation Telecomunicatii 1583-3380 Rodica Constantinescu Data in MatLab QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Y - Proceedings Angelica Bacivarov, C. Building a Decisional Model in a of the 10th IEEE Ciuchi,ăG.ăPetric Complex Socio-Technical System International Conference in Quality and Dependability QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Y - Proceedings Researches Concerning the Angelica Bacivarov, I. C. of the 10th IEEE Dependability of SocioBacivarov International Technical Systems Conference in Quality and Dependability C. Ungurean, D. Hybrid Syllabification and LetterBurileanu, V. Popescu, to-Phone Conversion for TTS UPB Scientific A. Dervis Synthesis Bulletin, Series C Cornita V., Rodica Strungaru, Sever Pasca, Mihaela Ungureanu and 1006 Florin Perianu H. Cucu, A. Buzo, C. 1007 Burileanu 2010 2010 66-69 2010 ELA Politehnica University of Bucharest ETC 2010 290 Politehnica University of Bucharest ETC 72 Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Optics, ISBN 1543-0537 Medical Image Database Kernel with a NN Selection Driven Image Retrieval Algorithm Optimization Methods for Large Vocabulary, Isolated Words Recognition in Romanian UPB Scientific Language Bulletin, Series C 129 UPB 72 2010 UPB 2010 209-217 UPB 2010 3-12 UPB Scopus, IET Inspec ETC ETC Scopus, IET Inspec ETC I.C. Bacivarov, Louis Balme Media Quality Management Certificationă–ăAnăInnovativeă Approach 1008 I.C. Mihai, I.C. Bacivarov The Virtual Machines Survivability 1009 I.C. Mihai, I.C. Bacivarov E-learning Systems Security 1010 Lumini aăCopaci,ăA.ă Copaci, Angelica Bacivarov Methods to ensure Resilience in Communication Networks and P2P Overlay 1011 V.L.M. Ilian, Ioan C. Bacivarov Reliability and Safety Issues of Telepresence and Teleoperated Robots 1012 ALEXANDRU VASILE, PAUL SVASTA, ANDREEA BRODEAL ,ă EDLC CHARACTERIZATION CRISTINA PLATFORM MARGHESCU, CIPRIAN IONESCU, 1013 EMILIAN CEUCA ANDREI DRUMEA, PAUL SVASTA, BOGDAN LUPU 1014 ACCELEROMETER BASED POSITION CONTROL SYSTEM FOR HYDRAULIC APPLICATIONS QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Y - Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Y - Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Y - Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Y - Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability QUALITY and DEPENDABILIT Y - Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference in Quality and Dependability Proceedings "2010 IEEE 16th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packagesă–ă SIITME 2010" Proceedings "2010 IEEE 16th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packagesă–ă SIITME 2010" 2010 303 Politehnica University of Bucharest ETC 2010 117 Politehnica University of Bucharest ETC 2010 278 Politehnica University of Bucharest ETC 2010 286 Politehnica University of Bucharest ETC 2010 124 Politehnica University of Bucharest; INPG Franta ETC 2010 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 2010 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY BOGDAN ANTON, PAUL SVASTA 1015 BOGDAN MIHAILESCU, IOAN PLOTOG, PAUL SVASTA 1016 CIPRIAN IONESCU, IULIAN BUSU, ANDREEA BONEA, NOROCEL CODREANU, PAUL SVASTA 1017 CIPRIAN IONESCU, PAUL SVASTA, COSMINăT MAŞ,ă CAMELIA BALA, LUCIAN ROTARIU 1018 DAN TUDOR VUZA, SORIN CHITU AND PAUL SVASTA 1019 DETLEF BONFERT, HORST GIESER, KARLHEINZ BOCK, PAUL SVASTA, CIPRIAN IONESCU 1020 Proceedings "2010 IEEE 16th International WEB BASED TECHNICAL Symposium for SUPPORT ENVIRONMENT Design and FOR PCB CAD TRAINING Technology of ACTIVITIES Electronics Packagesă–ă SIITME 2010" Proceedings "2010 IEEE 16th International ASSESSMENT OF VPS Symposium for PROCESS CONTROL Design and MODULE Technology of Electronics Packagesă–ă SIITME 2010" Conference proceedings 9th ELECTROLUMINESCENT Edition LAMPS DRIVER ON International COMPATIBLE FLEXIBLE Symposium on SUBSTRATES Electronics and Telecommunicatio ns, ISETC Proceedings "2010 IEEE 16th International PORTABLE MEASURING Symposium for AND DISPLAY UNIT FOR Design and ELECTROCHEMICAL Technology of SENSORS Electronics Packagesă–ă SIITME 2010" Proceedings "2010 IEEE 16th International AN RFID TAG SIMULATOR Symposium for FOR THE FDX AND HDX Design and PROTOCOLS Technology of Electronics Packagesă–ă SIITME 2010" Proceedings "2010 IEEE 16th International PULSED STRESS BEHAVIOR Symposium for OF PLATINUM THIN FILMS Design and Technology of Electronics Packagesă–ă SIITME 2010" UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 2010 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 2010 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 2010 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 2010 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 2010 2010 I.PLOTOG, T. CUCU, B. MIHAILESCU, G. VARZARU, P. SVASTA, I. BUSU 1021 I.PLOTOG, T. CUCU, B. MIHAILESCU, G. VARZARU, P. SVASTA, R. BUNEA, I. BUSU 1022 IOAN PLOTOG, GAUDENTIU VARZARU, RADU BUNEA, IULIAN BUSU, TRAIAN CUCU AND PAUL SVASTA 1023 IOAN PLOTOG, MIHAI BRANZEI, PAUL SVASTA, MARIAN MICULESCU, TRAIAN CUCU, ANDREAS THUMM 1024 IOAN PLOTOG, TRAIAN CUCU, GAUDENTIU VARZARU, BOGDAN MIHAILESCU, IULIAN BUSU, PAUL SVASTA 1025 MIHAELA PANTAZIC ,ă NOROCEL D. CODREANU, PAUL SVASTA AND CIPRIAN IONESCU 1026 Nastac I. 1027 Nastac I. 1028 Conference VAPOR PHASE SOLDERING proceedings 9th Edition TECHNOLOGY International APPLICATIONS FOR PCB Symposium on WITH DIFFERENT FINAL Electronics and FINISHES Telecommunicatio ns, ISETC Conference proceedings 9th MULTICRITERIAL APPROACH CORRELATION Edition International OF THE SOLDER JOINTS Symposium on FUNCTIONAL TESTS Electronics and RESULTS Telecommunicatio ns, ISETC Proceedings "2010 IEEE 16th INVESTIGATION ON THE International EFFICIENCY OF THERMAL Symposium for RELIEF SHAPES ON Design and DIFFERENT PRINTED Technology of CIRCUIT BOARDS Electronics Packagesă–ă SIITME 2010" Proceedings "2010 IEEE 16th International PCBS THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES IN LEAD-FREE Symposium for Design and ASSEMBLING PROCESS Technology of ASSESSMENT Electronics Packagesă–ă SIITME 2010" Conference proceedings 9th SOLDER JOINTS Edition MECHANICAL International FUNCTIONALITY TESTED Symposium on BY SHEAR FORCES Electronics and METHODOLOGY Telecommunicatio ns, ISETC Proceedings "2010 IEEE 16th E-LEARNING PACKAGING International TECHNOLOGIES COURSE IN Symposium for THE FRAME OF THE Design and MSYSTECH EUROPEAN Technology of PROJECT Electronics Packagesă–ă SIITME 2010" Journal of An adaptive forecasting Applied intelligent model for 2 (Nr. 2) Operational nonstationary time series Research A flexible forecasting intelligent Lecture Notes in 2 model for non stationary time Management series Science 2010 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 2010 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 2010 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 2010 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 2010 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 2010 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 2010 117–1β9 UPB RePEc 2010 78-89 UPB RePEc Nastac I.; Tuduce R. An Adaptive Intelligent Model for Nucleotide Sequence Forecasting 1029 NOROCEL D. CODREANU, RADU BUNEA, AND PAUL SVASTA ADVANCED INVESTIGATIONS ON PCB TRACES FUSING IN HIGH POWER APPLICATIONS PAUL SVASTA, IAROSLAV-ANDREI HAPENCIUC IMAGE RECOGNITION FOR AERO MODEL TELEMETRY 1030 1031 Petru Lucian Milea, MPP tracking method for PV Adrian Zafiu, Marin systems, based on a three points Dragulinescu, Orest Oltu prediction algorithm Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Communications, Control & Signal Processing (ISCCSP 2010) 2010 Proceedings "2010 IEEE 16th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packagesă–ă SIITME 2010" Proceedings "2010 IEEE 16th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packagesă–ă SIITME 2010" U.P.B. Scientific Bulletin Series C, Vol. 72 Iss. 4 ss 3 - 6 UPB IEEE Xplore 2010 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 2010 UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 2010 Politehnica University of Bucharest , University of Pitesti Scopus, IET Inspec UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY UPB, MSSM ASM Database UPB IEEE Xplore DIGITAL LIBRARY 149-160 1032 RADU BUNEA, PAUL SVASTA AND NOROCEL-DRAGOS CODREANU INVESTIGATION ON THE EFFICIENCY OF THERMAL RELIEF SHAPES ON DIFFERENT PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS Proceedings "2010 IEEE 16th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packagesă–ă SIITME 2010" Sandu O.; Nastac I.; Uribarri J. Incremental Predictive Value of Noninvasive Vascular Assessments Over Traditional Risk Factors in Patients with Hypertension, Diabetes and Renal Disease American Society of Hypertension Annual Scientific Meeting (ASH 2010) 2010 LOW TEMPERATURE, LEAD FREE SOLDER PASTE, THE NEXT STEP TOWARDS GREEN TECHNOLOGIES Proceedings "2010 IEEE 16th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packagesă–ă SIITME 2010" 2010 1033 1034 TRAIAN C. CUCU, IOAN PLOTOG, PAUL SVASTA, MIHAI BRANZEI 1035 2010 331 - 338 E. BORCOCI, R.IORGA A MANAGEMENT ARCHITECTURE FOR A MULTI-DOMAIN CONTENTAWARE NETWORK 1036 BORCOCI, EUGEN; NEGRU, DANIEL; TIMMERER, CHRISTIAN 1037 . CONSTANTINESCU, M.; BORCOCI, E 1038 ZOICAN, R Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service (CTRQ), 2010 Third International Conference on , vol., no., pp.162168, 13-19 June 2010 A SIP-BASED CROSS-LAYER Communications OPTIMIZATION FOR WIMAX (COMM), 2010 HARD HANDOVER 8th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.375378, 10-12 June 2010 AN ENHANCED PERFORMANCE CLUSTERING ALGORITHM FOR MANET ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION OF A PREDICTABLE ROUTING PROTOCOL FOR VANETS 1040 CHELLOUCHE, S.A.; ANYCAST-BASED CONTEXTNÉGRU, D.; BORCOCI, AWARE SERVER E.; LEBARS, E SELECTION STRATEGY FOR VOD SERVICES 1041 ZOICAN, S 1042 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 AUDIO SIGNALS NOISE REMOVAL REAL TIME SYSTEM MELECON 2010 - 2010 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference , vol., no., pp.12691272, 26-28 April 2010 Electronics and Telecommunicatio ns (ISETC), 2010 9th International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.153156, 11-12Nov. 2010 GLOBECOM Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2010 IEEE , vol., no., pp.1513-1517, 610 Dec. 2010 Communications (COMM), 2010 8th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.2528, 10-12 June 2010 Inginerie Electronica 11-15 ETTI/UPB A NOVEL ARCHITECTURE FOR MULTIMEDIA DISTRIBUTION BASED ON CONTENT-AWARE NETWORKING 1039 ZOICAN, R.; GALATCHI, D International Conference on Telecommunicatio ns and Multimedia,TEM U,Chania, Crete, 14-16 July 2010 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 162-168 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 375-378 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 153-156 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 6-10 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 25-28 ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica LUPU, R.; STANCIU, M AUTHENTICATION AND AUTHORIZATION ARCHITECTURE DESIGN FOR HYBRID MESH NETWORKS Communications (COMM), 2010 8th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.301304, 10-12 June 2010 NICULESCU, D.; BHATNAGAR, S.; GANGULY, S Communications (COMM), 2010 8th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.383386, 10-12 June 2010 1043 CHANNEL ASSIGNMENT FOR WIRELESS MESHES WITH TREE TOPOLOGY 1044 E.BORCOCI, D.NEGRU, C.TIMMERER CONTENT AWARE NETWORKING: A FUTURE INTERNET PERSPECTIVE 1045 NICULESCU, DRAGOS FINDING MIMO 1046 E. BORCOCI FUTURE INTERNET CHALLENGES 1047 BORCOCI, E.; LUPU, R HYBRID WIRELESS MESH NETWORKS REQUIREMENTS COLLECTION FOR INTEGRATION IN END TO END ARCHITECTURES 1048 R. ZOICAN 1049 R.LUPU, E.BORCOCI, D.GALATCHI, T.RASHEED 1050 PERFORMANCES OF URBAN MOBILITY MODELS FOR VANETS WITH MESH NETWORKS INFRASTRUCTURE REAL-TIME INTER-DOMAIN HANDOVER REAUTHENTICATION PROTOCOL (RTRAP) NETWARE 2010,Venice/ Mestre, Italy ,18 july 2010 Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC), 2010 5th IEEE International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.267272, 5-7 May 2010 NETWARE 2010,Venice/ Mestre, Italy , 18 july 2010 Communications (COMM), 2010 8th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.379382, 10-12 June 2010 SIBIRCON 2010, Irkutskă–ă Listvyanka, Russia, July 11–15,ăβ010 PROC. OF INT'L CONFERENCE MOWAN/BROA DNET 2010, ISBN 978-9639995-03-1, ATHENS, OCTOBER 2010 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 301-304 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 383-386 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 12-15 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 267-272 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 213-216 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 379-382 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica ZOICAN, S SPEECH DE-NOISING SYSTEM WITH NON LOCAL MEANS ALGORITHM 1051 S. ZOICAN THE ANALYSIS OF THE ADAPTIVE K-NEAREST NEIGHBORHOOD (KNN) ALGORITHM FOR IMAGE DE1052 NOISING STEFAN, A.; ZOICAN, S THE EVALUATION OF IMAGE NOISE REDUCTION FILTER IMPLEMENTATION WITH THE BLACKFIN MICROCOMPUTER 1053 S. ZOICAN THE EVALUATION OF IMAGE NOISE REDUCTION FILTER IMPLEMENTATION WITH THE BLACKFIN MICROCOMPUTER, 1054 NICULESCU, D.; KYUNGTAE KIM; RANGARAJAN, S.; SANGJIN HONG VOICE ADAPTIVE GATEWAY PACER FOR WIRELESS MULTIHOP NETWORKS 1055 SIBIRCON 2010, Irkutskă–ă Listvyanka, Russia, July 11–15,ăβ010 Communications (COMM), 2010 8th InternationalConf erence on , vol., no., pp.181-184, 10-12 June 2010 MMEDIA 2010,MMEDIA 2010, June 13-19, 2010 Athens/Glyfada, Greece Wireless Internet Conference (WICON), 2010 The 5th Annual ICST , vol., no., pp.1-9, 1-3 March 2010 CONSTANTINESCU, M.; BORCOCI, E.; RASHEED, T WIMAX HANDOVER CONDITIONS EVALUATION TOWARDS ENHANCEMENT THROUGH CROSS-LAYER INTERACTION ROXANA ZOICAN ANALYSIS OF A MULTI-HOP EUROCON CLUSTERING ALGORITHM 2009, SANKTFOR MANET PETERSBURG, MAI 2009 CODING SCHEME IMPACT 8TH COST 290 ON THE IP- QOS NETWORK MCM, UTILIZATION AND VOICE FEBRUARY 15QUALITY 16, 2007, MALAGA, SPAIN. 1056 1057 E.C. POPOVICI, T. RADULESCU 1058 Electronics and Telecommunicatio ns (ISETC), 2010 9th International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.315318, 11-12 Nov. 2010 Telecommunicatio ns (AICT), 2010 Sixth Advanced International Conference on , vol., no., pp.422427, 9-15 May 2010 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 25-28 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 Inginerie Electronica 1-9 ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2010 2009 9-15 ETTI/UPB 221-224 1 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2008 1 Inginerie Electronica IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 361-364 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica Ş.ăG.ăOBREJA,ăE.ă BORCOCI, S. CIOCHINA, R. LUPU, M. STANCIU 1059 FUNCTIONALITY AND SCALABILITY VALIDATION FOR AN END TO END QOS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AICT 2009 CONFERENCE, MAY 24-28, 2009 VENICE/MESTR E, ITALY, WWW.IARIA.OR G AUTOMATION, QUALITY AND TESTING, ROBOTICS, 2008. AQTR 2008. IEEE INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , VOL.1, 2225 MAY 2008, URL: HTTP://IEEEXPL ORE.IEEE.OR A METHODOLOGY FOR TESTBED VALIDATION AND G/STAMP/STAM P.JSP?TP=&A PERFORMANCE RNUMBER=458 ASSESSMENT OF 8771&ISNUMB NETWORK/SERVICE 1060 BORCOCI, E.; ASGARI, AMANAGEMENT SYSTEMS," ER=4588687 OBREJA, S.G.; LUPU, "A WIMAX RESOURCE WIRELESS R.; BORCOCI, E.; MANAGEMENT SOLUTION COMMUNICATI FRATU, O.; INTEGRATED WITH AN END ON, TO END QOS MANAGEMENT VEHICULAR SYSTEM," TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION THEORY AND AEROSPACE & ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, 2009. WIRELESS VITAE 2009, INTL CONF. ON 1061 ,17-20 2009 185-189 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 1 2008 2009 1234-1238 ETTI/UPB 87-91 ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica GEORGOULAS, S.; PAVLOU, G.; BORCOCI, E.; HO, K.H.; VRAKA, E.; 1062 LUPU, R.; OBREJA, S.; BORCOCI, E.; MARTUFI, G.; 1063 TAGLIERI, M GEORGOULAS, S.; PAVLOU, G.; BORCOCI, E.; KINHON HO; VRAKA, E.; 1064 "ADMISSION CONTROL FOR END-TO- END MULTIMEDIA CONTENT DELIVERY WITH IMAGE QUALITY OF SERVICE ANALYSIS FOR GUARANTEES," I MULTIMEDIA INTERACTIVE SERVICES, 2008. WIAMIS '08. NINTH INTERNATION AL WORKSHOP ON, 7-9 MAY 2008, URL: HTTP://IEEEXPL ORE.IEEE.OR G/STAMP/STAM P.JSP?TP=&A RNUMBER=455 6895&ISNUMB ER=4556857 AUTHORIZATION SUBSYSTEM FOR WIMAX ACCESS IN A MULTIDOMAIN END TO END QOS ENABLED ARCHITECTURE ENABLING QUALITY OF SERVICE FOR END-TOENDMULTIMEDIA CONTENT DELIVERY THROUGH ADMISSION CONTROL: PLACEMENT, FUNCTIONALITY AND BENEFITS," EMERGING NETWORK INTELLIGENCE, 2009 FIRST INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON, 11-16 OCT. 2009, URL: HTTP://IEEEXPL ORE.IEEE.OR G/STAMP/STAM P.JSP?TP=&A RNUMBER=536 9990&ISNUMB ER=5369978 `BENEFITS," AUTOMATION, QUALITY AND TESTING, ROBOTICS, 2008. AQTR 2008. IEEE INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , VOL.1 2225 MAY 2008 , URL: HTTP://IEEEXPL ORE.IEEE.OR G/STAMP/STAM P.JSP?TP=&A RNUMBER=458 8770&ISNUMB ER=4588687 2008 105-108 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 2008 1 2009 129-134 369-374 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica OBREJA, S.G.; STANCIU, M.; BORCOCI, E.; CIOCHINA, S.; LUPU, R FUNCTIONALITY AND SCALABILITY VALIDATION FOR AN END TO END QOS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM," TELECOMMUNICATIONS, 2009. BORCOCI, E.; LUPU, R.; OBREJA, S.; INTEGRATION OF WIMAX ACCESS MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL IN A MULTIDOMAIN SYSTEM FOR MULTIMEDIA DISTRIBUTION," 1065 1066 BORCOCI, E.; LUPU, R.; OBREJA, S.G.; "OVERLAY MANAGEMENT OF NETWORK SERVICES FOR MULTIMEDIA FLOWS TRANSPORT OVER MULTIPLE DOMAINS TESTBED VALIDATION," 1067 OBREJA, S.G.; BORCOCI, E.; 1068 "OVERLAY TOPOLOGY BASED INTER- DOMAIN QOS PATHS BUILDING," 2009 AICT '09. FIFTH ADVANCED INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , 24-28MAY 2009, URL: HTTP://IEEEXPL ORE.IEEE.OR G/STAMP/STAM P.JSP?TP=&A RNUMBER=507 2420&ISNUMB ER=5072388 142-147 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS COMMUNICATI ONS, 2008. ICSNC '08. 3RD INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , 26-31 OCT. 2008, URL: HTTP://IEEEXPL ORE.IEEE.OR G/STAMP/STAM P.JSP?TP=&A RNUMBER=469 3675&ISNUMB ER=4693626 TELECOMMUNI CATIONS,2009. AICT '09. FIFTH ADVANCED INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON ,24-28 TELECOMMUNI CATIONS, 2008.AICT '08. FOURTH ADVANCED INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , 8-13JUNE 2008 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2009 136-141 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2008 64-70 1 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2008 229-234 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica BORCOCI, E.; STANCIU, M.; "RESOURCE ALLOCATION POLICIES FOR AGGREGATED QOS ENABLED PIPES IN MULTIDOMAIN IP ENVIRONMENT," 1069 IOAN, L.; NICULESCU, "TRAFFIC DEMAND G.; BORCOCI, E.; DERIVATION IN IP- BASED MULTI SERVICE CLASS ENVIRONMENT," 1070 BORCOCI, E.; LUPU, R.; OBREJA, S.G.; "WEB-SERVICE BASED IMPLEMENTATION SOLUTION FOR A NETWORK SERVICE OBREJA, S.G.; BORCOCI, E.; LUPU, R.; IORGA, R.; MANAGER AT NETWORK PROVIDER," 1071 1072 NEXT GENERATION INTERNET DESIGN AND ENGINEERING, 2006. NGI '06. 2006 2ND CONFERENCE ON, SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS COMMUNICATI ONS, 2008. ICSNC '08. 3RD INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , 26-31 2006 236 -239 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 2008 69-74 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2008 95-102 1 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2008 308-313 AUTOMATION, QUALITY AND TESTING, ROBOTICS, 2008. AQTR 2008. IEEE INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , 22-25 MAY 2008, URL: HTTP://IEEEXPL ORE.IEEE.OR G/STAMP/STAM P.JSP?TP=&A RNUMBER=458 8758&ISNUMB ER=4588687 COMMUNICATI ON THEORY, RELIABILITY, AND QUALITY OF SERVICE, 2008. CTRQ'08. INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , JUNE 29 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica GUAINELLA, E.; BORCOCI, E.; KATZ, M.; NEVES, P.; CURADO, M.; ANDREOTTI, F.; ANGORI, E.; 1073 DAN GALATCHI , SORIN ZOICAN, ROXANA ZOICAN 1074 DAN GALATCHI, ROXANA ZOICAN 1075 E.BORCOCI, A.ASGARI, G.KOURMENTZAS, T.AHMED, A.MEHAOUA 1076 "WEB-SERVICE SOLUTION FOR INTER- DOMAIN QOS NEGOTIATION," AUTOMATION, QUALITY AND TESTING, ROBOTICS, 2008. AQTR 2008 2008-JULY 5 2008, URL: HTTP://IEEEXPL ORE.IEEE.OR G/STAMP/STAM P.JSP?TP=&A RNUMBER=456 1182&ISNUMB ER=4561159 AăDISTANCEă–ăVECTORă SYMPOSIUM PROTOCOL WITH MOBILITY ON TRENDS IN PREDICTION COMMUNICATI ONS, SYMPOTIC‟β004 , BRATISLAVA, SLOVACIA, PROCEEDINGS, OCT.2006 A ROUTING PROTOCOL FOR INTERNATION MULTI- HOP WIRELESS AL NETWORKS: DV-MP SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNI CATIONS ETC 2006 SEVENTH EDITION TIMISOARA, SEPTEMBER 2123, 2006 ADMISSION CONTROL 3RD ALGORITHM FOR INTERNATION AGGREGATED PIPES AL WORKSHOP SERVICE INVOCATION IN ONă„NEXTă MULTI-DOMAIN IP GENERATION ENVIRONMENT NETWORKING MIDDLEWARE‟ăă (NGNM06),IN THE 2007 125-131 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 2006 721-724 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2006 431-434 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2006 342-345 1 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica GEORGOULAS, ADMISSION CONTROL FOR G.PAVLOU, K. HO, END-TO- END MULTIMEDIA 9TH E.BORCOCI, E.VRAKA CONTENT DELIVERY WITH INTERNATION QUALITY OF SERVICE AL WORKSHOP GUARANTEES ON IMAGE ANALYSIS FOR MULTIMEDIA INTERACTIVE SERVICES MAY 7-9, 2008, KLAGENFURT 1077 PROCEEDING E. C. POPOVICI, O. AN IEEE 802.21-BASED FRATU, S. HALUNGA APPROACH OF DESIGNING OF WIRELESS VITAE 2009 INTEROPERABILITY CONFERENCE, MODULES FOR VERTICAL 17-20 MAY, HANDOVER IN WIRELESS 2009, HYBRID ACCESS AALBORG, NETWORKS DENMARK 1078 E.BORCOCI , AN INTEGRATED EUMOB‟06,ă A.ASGARI, APPROACH FOR END- TOEUROPEAN M.T.ANDRADE, END QUALITY OF SERVICE SYMPOSIUM P.BRETILLLON, OFFERING IN MULTION MOBILE T.AHMED DOMAIN HETEROGENEOUS MEDIA ENVIRONMENT DELIVERY SEPTEMBER 20, 2006, ALGHERO, 1079 ITALY 2007 ROXANA ZOICAN ANALYSIS OF INTERNATION HIERARCHICAL ROUTING AL IN MANET IN A REAL-TIME CONFERENCE ENVIRONMENT ON SOFTWARE, TELECOMMUNI CATIONS AND COMPUTER NETWORKS (SOFTCOM2007) ,SEPTEMBER 27 - 29,2007, SPLIT DUBROVNIK, CROATIA 1080 R.LUPU,ăŞ.ăG.ăOBREJA,ă AUTHORIZATION NEXTECH/ECU E.BORCOCI SUBSYSTEM FOR WIMAX MN09 ACCESS IN A CONFERENCE, MULTIDOMAIN END TO MALTA, END QOS ENABLED OCTOBER 2009, 1081 ARCHITECTURE 2008 85-89 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 2009 82-86 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2006 120-123 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2007 533-536 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 1 2009 123-126 1 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica TELECOMMUNI CATIONS,2008. AICT '08. FOURTH ADVANCED INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON, 8-13JUNE 2008, 1082 8TH COST290 E.POPOVICI, T. CODING SCHEME IMPACT RADULESCU ON THE IP- QOS NETWORK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE UTILIZATION AND VOICE AND QUALITY TECHNICAL MEETING, MALAGA, SPAIN, FEBRUARY1516, 2007 1083 E. ANGORI, E. EXTENDING WIMAX 1ST BORCOCI TECHNOLOGY TO SUPPORT WORKSHOP E2E QOS QUARANTEES ON WIMAX, WIRELESS & MOBILITY, UNIVERSITY OF COIMBRA, 1084 MAY 22, 2007 E. GUAINELLA, E. EXTENDING WIMAX TO CONFERINTA BORCOCI, M. KATZ, P. NOVEL AND STRINGENT BROADBAND NEVES, L.M. RIBEIRO, WIRELESS SCENARIOS: AN EUROPE F. ANDREOTTI, E. INTRODUCTION TO THE GENEVA, ANGORI, A. WEIRD PROJECT ELVETIA, 11-14 CIMMINO, J.SÀ SILVA DECEMBER 2006 1085 BORCOCI, E.; LUPU, IEEE 802.16 ACCESS NETWORKING R.; OBREJA, S. NETWORK IN END TO END AND ENVIRONMENTă–ă SERVICES, EXPERIMENTAL TESTBED 2009. ICNS '09. FIFTH INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , 201086 25APRIL 2009, EDUARD-CRISTIAN MOBILE CLIENT-SERVER COMMUNICATI POPOVICI, MIHAISYSTEM FOR REMOTE ONS 2006, CATALIN DRAGOMIR ADMINISTRATION OF BUCURESTI 1087 PERSONAL COMPUTER IOAN, L. NICULESCU, G. BIT LOSS PROBABILITY VERSUS LOSS PROBABILITY IN THE ADMISSION CONTROL PROCESS OF NONELASTIC TRAFFIC SOURCES 2008 133-137 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 2007 301-304 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 1 2008 165-168 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2006 675-678 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 1 2009 180-185 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2006 621-624 1 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica SORIN ZOICAN NOISE REMOVAL IN IMAGES ALGORITHM WITH EFFICIENT DETAIL PRESERVING 1088 SORIN ZOICAN 1089 SORIN ZOICAN, DAN GALATCHI, ROXANA ZOICAN 1090 ON IMPLEMENTATION OF 14TH IEEE BI-LOOP RECURSIVE LEAST INTERNATION SQUARES ALGORITHM AL CONFERENCE ON TELECOMMUNI CATIONS (ICT2007), PENANG, MALAYSIA, MAY 3-4, 2007 PERFORMANCE SYMPOTIC06, EVALUATION OF PREJOINT IST FETCHING PROTOCOL IN WORKSHOP MOBILE AD- HOC ON SENSOR NETWORKS NETWORKS & SYMPOSIUM ON TRENDS IN COMMUNICATI ONS, BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA,ăβ4–ă 27 JUNE 2006 . E. C. POPOVICI, V. REAL-TIME MONITORING ANDREI, O. FRATU, S. DESIGN OF WIRELESS V. HALUNGA NETWORK DEVICES FOR VERTCAL HANDOVER ON MULTIMOD TERMINALS 1091 THE SECOND INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ADVANCES,ISC EA2007, AUGUST 25-31, 2007 - CAP ESTEREL, FRENCH RIVIERA, FRANCE PROC. OF 2ND INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SCIENCES IN BIOMEDICAL AND COMMUNICATI ONS TECHNOLOGIE S: ISABEL, 2009, BRATISLAVA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC, NOV 24-27, 2009 2007 1223-1226 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 2007 821-824 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2006 421-424 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2009 255-258 1 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB IEEE Explore (INSPEC) ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica E.BORCOCI, M.STANCIU RESOURCE ALLOCATION POLICIES FOR AGGREGATED QOS ENABLED PIPES IN MULTIDOMAIN IP ENVIRONMENT ROXANA ZOICAN , DAN GALATCHI ROUTING ALGORITHM FOR DETERMINING THE OPTIMAL DISJOINT MULTIPATHS IN MANET 1092 1093 NEXT GENERATION INTERNET CONFERENCE 2006, SPAIN, APRIL 2006 INTERNATION AL SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNI CATIONS ETC 2006 SEVENTH EDITION, TIMISOARA, SEPTEMBER 2123, 2006OF 7TH PROC. INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE T. CISZKOWSKI, IBIZA 2008, C.ELIASSON, POLAND, SECMON: END-TO-END M.FIEDLER, KAZIMIERZ Z.KOTULSKI, R.LUPU, QUALITY AND SECURITY DOLNY31.01MONITORING SYSTEM 2.02 2008. 1094 W.MAZURCZYK E. C. POPOVICI, A. SIP-BASED APPLICATION 2ND CIOCOIU, O. FRATU, LEVEL MOBILITY FOR INTERNATION S. V. HALUNGA RECONFIGURABLE HYBRID AL WIRELESS SYSTEMS SYMPOSIUM ON APPLIED SCIENCES IN BIOMEDICAL AND COMMUNICATI ON TECHNOLOGIE 1095 S: ISABEL SORIN ZOICAN THE ANALYSIS OF SPARSE- 2009, TAP ADAPTIVE FIR BRATISLAVA, ALGORITHM WITH SLOVAK UNKNOWN NUMBER OF REPUBLIC, DISPERSIVE REGIONS NOV 24-27, 2009 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SYMPOSIUM OF ELECTRONIC AND TELECOMMUNI CATION TIMIŞOARA,ă ETC2006, NOVEMBER 1096 2006 2006 541-544 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2008 186-201 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 1 2009 431-434 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2006 323-236 1 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 2006 575-579 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica V. ANDREI, E. C. POPOVICI, O. FRATU, 1097 S. HALUNGA THE ARCHITECTURE OF A SOFTWARE MODULE, SUPPORTING VERTICAL HANDOVER IN HETEROGENOUS NETWORKS PROC. OF INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE ETAI CONFERENCE, OHRID, FYROM, SEPT 26-29, 2009 2009 182-185 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 2008 E. BORCOCI, R.BALACI,ăŞ.OBREJAă 1099 ,R.LUPU ADAPTIVE ROUTING WITH INTELLIGENT PORTAL IN WIRELESS MESH NETWORKS, CONCURRENT IMPLEMENTATION OF MULTI-DOMAIN SERVICE MANAGEMENT FOR END TO END MULTIMEDIA DELIVERY M.STANCIU, 1100 E.BORCOCI SIMULATION OF RESOURCE ALLOCATION POLICIES IN A MULTI-DOMAIN IP ENVIRONMENT WITH QOS CONSTRAINTS 1098 ZOICAN, R.; COMPUTATION AL TECHNOLOGIE S IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING, 2008. SIBIRCON 2008. IEEE REGION 8 INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON , 21-25 JULY 2008, URL: HTTP://IEEEXPL ORE.IEEE.ORG/ STAMP/STAMP. JSP?TP=&ARNU MBER=4602564 &ISNUMBER=4 602546 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) IEEE Explore (INSPEC) SORIN ZOICAN, DAN GALATCHI, ROXANA 1101 ZOICAN PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF PREFETCHING PROTOCOL IN MOBILE AD-HOC NETWORKS IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica 351-354 ETTI/UPB 1 2006 1 Inginerie Electronica 1233-1236 ETTI/UPB 1 2006 COMMUNICATI ONSăβ006ăINT‟Lă CONFERENCE , BUCHAREST, JUNE, 2006 SYMPOTIC06, JOINT IST WORKSHOP ON SENSOR NETWORKS & SYMPOSIUM ON TRENDS IN COMMUNICATI ONS, BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA, 24 –ăβ7ăJUNEăβ006 Inginerie Electronica 395-398 ETTI/UPB 2006 COMMUNICATI ONSăβ006ăINT‟Lă CONFERENCE , BUCHAREST, JUNE, 2006 Inginerie Electronica ETTI/UPB 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) 421-424 ETTI/UPB Inginerie Electronica 1102 SORIN ZOICAN 1103 SORIN ZOICAN 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 SORIN ZOICAN INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE COMMUNICATI ON 2006, MILITARY HE PERFORMANCE TECHNICAL EVALUATION OF THE ACADEMY, FUZZY STEP SIZE LEAST JUNE 2006, MEAN SQUARE ALGORITHM BUCHAREST DATA DEPENDENT ADAPTIVE FILTER FOR NOISE REMOVAL FROM COLOR IMAGES ENERGY AWARE COLLABORATIVE SIGNAL PROCESSING AND CROSS LAYER OPTIMIZATION IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS WMSCI 2006 THE 10TH WORLD MULTICONFERENCE ON SYSTEMICS, CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATICS, JULY 2006 ORLANDO, FLORIDA, USA EUROCON 2009, 18-23 MAY 2009, SAINTPETERSBURG, RUSSIA 2006 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica 525-529 ETTI/UPB 1 2006 1 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica 123-126 ETTI/UPB 2009 IEEE Explore (INSPEC) Inginerie Electronica 341-344 ETTI/UPB 1 POPOVICI FELICIA UNEQUAL EDUCATION AND INT REVIEW OF RADICAL ANALYSIS, 2006 ILS, UPB IET Sebastian Marius Rosu, George Drăgoi Theănecessityăstudyă–ăDepartmentăcooperation‟săȚăDataăbase articol VOL 35 2007 117-122 ILS, UPB UDC:303.645.063;6IET Brandusa Prepelita RaileanuEducation as the Global CompetitivTransactions on AdIssue 12, Volume 5,2008 739-745 CCLM, UPB IET BRANDUSA PREPELITADigital Opportunities for Students an Transactions on AdIssue 12, Volume 5 2008 729 - 738 CCLM, UPB http://www.worldses.o IET ILS, UPB SebastianăM.ăRosu,ăMariusăGuran,ăGeorgeăDr Knowledge management goi solutionsScientificăBulletinăofăUniversityă„Politehnica”ăofăBucharest,ăSeriesăD nr. 4/2009 2009 97-112 http://www.scientificb IET ILS, UPB Sebastian Marius Rosu, GeoKnowledge Transfer & Capitalizatio International JournalVol. 37, No. 3, 20092009 345-354 UDC:165.19;001.1;6 IET CatellyăYolandaă–ăMirela (Un)translatabilityăofăITăTerminologyă–ăTheăClassroomăPerspective Proceedings of the 42009 CCLM, UPB IET CATELLY YOLANDA-MIITăINăFOREIGNăLANGUAGEăTEACHINGă–ăCOMPARINGăPEDAGOGICALăOPTIONS CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS OF "2010 CCLM, UPB http://www.lit.ugal.rIET URS DANA SORANA WORKSHOP INTERDISCIPLINAANNALES UNIVEVol 2 2010 338-346 CCLM, UPB IET BRANDUSA PREPELITAInovative Pedagogical InterventionTransactions on AdIssue 1, Volume 7 2010 11ă–ăβ0 CCLM, UPB http://www.worldses.o IET BRANDUSA PREPELITANew Horizons for e-Learning and Op Transactions on AdIssue 1, Volume 7 2010 1ă–ă10 CCLM, UPB http://www.worldses.o IET BRANDUSA PREPELITAUniversity Autonomy - the CurrentTransactions T on AdIssue 11, Volume 7 2010 359 - 370 CCLM, UPB http://www.worldses.o IET BRANDUSA PREPELITANew Skills for New Jobs. Lifelong Transactions on AdIssue 10, Volume 7 2010 335 - 346 CCLM, UPB http://www.worldses.o IET CatellyăYolandaă–ăMirela TEACHINGă“SOFTăSKILLS”ăINăTHEăNON-PHILOLOGICALăTERTIARYăEDUCATION:ăANăINTERDISCIPLINARYăPERSPECTIVE PROCEEDINGS OF2010 T CCLM, UPB IET NEGRILA, ALINA, MUSTDAS KONZEPT DES STRATEGIUNIVERSITY POLVol. 68, nr. 1/2006 2006 85-90 ILS, UPB IM Catana Simon Elisabeta Blank Identities and Subversive Lan Conference on Britis 2006 2006 57-62 CCLM, UPB http://www.unitbv.roIM BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu The Political Ambivalence of Postm University of Buchar Volume VIII, no. 4,2006 1β5ă–ă1γ1 CCLM FILS www.Literary Studies, IM BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu The Historiographic Metafiction UniversityăăBabeş-BolyaiăăCluj,ăăDepartmentăofăEnglishăLanguageăandăLiterature,ăConferenceă“ConstructionsăofăIdentityă–ăAnniversaryăSession" 1 2006 1_10 CCLM FILS www.ConstructionsăofăIdentityă–ăAnniversaryăSession,ăCluj-Napoca,ă6-8ăAprilăβ006ă IM URS DANA SORANA Contributii la raportul sacru - profan ANNALES UNIVEVol 8 Tom 1 2007 38-43 CCLM, UPB IM Catana Simona Elisabeta Postmodernist Literature versus GloConference on Britis 2007 2007 69- 75 CCLM, UPB http://www.unitbv.roIM BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu Metafiction as Fictional Self-Conscio Romanian Journal ono.4 2007 βγγă–ăβ40 CCLM FILS www.British and CoIM BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu A Typology of Spatial PresentationUniversitateaăBucureşti,ăFacultateaădeăLimbiăşiăLiteraturiăStr 1 2007 1_10 ine,ăSesiuneaăştiinCCLM ific ăanual FILSăaădepartamentuluiădeăLimb www.Alterity and IdIM ăşiăLiteratur ăenglez ,ă"AlterityăandăIdentity:ăGeographiesăofătheăMind" BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu Reality and Simulation in Theatre an Proceedings of the 3 1 2007 1_10 CCLM FILS www.theăγβndăInternationalăScientificăConferenceăofătheăMilitaryăTechnicalăAcademyățModernăTechnologiesăin IM Catelly, Yolanda-Mirela, SPECIALIZED LEXIS / COMMOAnalele UniversitatiiAn" 1, nr. 2008 418-428 CCLM, UPB IM Cosoreci, S. The Concept of Strategic ManeuverAnalele Universităţii Bucureşti, Limbi şi2008 Literaturi Străine,67-78 CCLM, UPB IM 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 Mazilu, S. Strategic Use of Dissociation in EthBucharest Working X (2) 2008 87-98 CCLM, UPB http://www.cascadilla.c IM Mazilu, S. Strategic Use of Emotional Terms in L‟analisiălinguisticaăeăletteraria XVI 2008 683-696 CCLM, UPB IM BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu Metafiction and History. A RedefinRomanian Journal ono.6, Section: Britis2008 1_10 CCLM FILS www.International CIM BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu The Writer's Liberal and AcademicBabes-Bolyai Univer 1 2008 1_10 CCLM FILS www.Babes-Bolyai”ăUniversity,ăCluj-Napoca,ăTheă5thăeditionăofătheăbiennialăconferenceăonățConstructionsăofăI IM LX,PNo. 2A / 2008 2008 89 - 94 CCLM, UPB http://www.bulletin.IM Catana Simona Elisabeta Textual Identity as Part of the NatioBuletinul Universitatii Brandusa Raileanu vol.ăAndătheăStoryăIsn‟tăOver…,ăpoetryăpROăanthologyăandăCD,ăpoetryăpăf/CTITC,ăeditors:ăprof.ădr.ăLidiaăVianuăȚăAnneăStewart vol.ăAndătheăStoryăIsn‟tăOver…,ăpoetryăpROăanthologyăandăCD,ăpoetryăpăf/CTITC,ăeditors:ăprof.ădr.ăLidiaăVianuăȚăAnneăStewart 2009 CCLM, UPB IM Analele Universităţii Bucureşti Limbi şi Literaturi Străine Partea a II-a Cosoreci, S. Selecting from the Topical Potential: a 2009 63-72 CCLM, UPB IM BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu Narrativity and Temporality as a Lan University of Buchar Volume XI, no. 7 2009 1_10 CCLM FILS www.Literary Studies, IM BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu Moral Aspects of Catholicism as a BuletinulăUniversit Vol.ăLIX,ăSeriaăŞtiin iiăPetrolă–ăGazeădinăPloieşti 2009 eleăeducatiei,ănr.11_10 CCLM FILS www.BuletinulăUniversit IM iiăPetrolă–ăGazeădinăPloieşti,ăSeriaăŞtiin eleăeducatieiăISSNă1β41-6586ă BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu A Way of Reading the Written SelfUniversity of Buchar Volume X, no. 6 2009 1_10 CCLM FILS www.Literary Studies, IM BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu Discursulădialogică–ăcategorieăfundamentalaăaăromanuluiăenglezăcontemporan UniversitateaăNationalaădeăAparareăCarolăI,ăSesiuneaădeăcomunicariăstiintificeăcuăparticipareăinternationalaă„StrategiiăXXI” 1 2009 1_10 CCLM FILS www.UniversitateaăNationalaădeăAparareăCarolăI,ăSesiuneaădeăcomunicariăstiintificeăcuăparticipareăinternationa IM BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu DECODING and RECODING DavSesiuneaădeăcomunicariăstiintificeă„Theăroleăofăhigherăeducationăandăacademicăresearchăinătheăprocessăofădevelopment.ăCreativityăandăinnovationăinăaăculturallyădiverse,ăknowledge-basedăsociety.ăNewăchallenges 1 2009 1_10 CCLM FILS www.The Departmen IM CATELLY YOLANDA-MICULTURALăCONTEXTUALIZATIONăINăTEACHINGăLEXISă–ăPEDAGOGICALăOPTIONS ANALELE UNIVEVol 2 2010 287-289 CCLM, UPB http://www.fabula.oIM CATELLY YOLANDA-MIRESPONDING TO THE WORKPDUNAREAăDEăJOS”,ăGALATIăISSNă:ă18446965 Vol 2 2010 161-168 CCLM, UPB http://www.ceeol.coIM URS DANA SORANA HUMAN PSYCHE ATTHE COREDUNAREAăDEăJOS”,ăGALATIăISSNă:ă18446965 Vol 2 2010 460-465 CCLM, UPB http://www.lit.ugal.rIM COSORECI MAZILU SIMTHE ABORTION DEBATE AS AINTERSTUDIA 6 2010 220-227 CCLM, UPB IM STOICA DIANA SILVANA THE OTHER IN A SPORT OF NAANALELE UNIVERSITATII DIN CR2010 CCLM, UPB IM CatellyăYolandaă–ăMirela CULTURALăCONTEXTUALIZATIONăINăTEACHINGăLEXISă–ăPEDAGOGICALăOPTIONS. AnaleleăUniversit iiă«ăDun UniversitateaăDun reaădeăJosă»ădinăGala reaădeăJos,ăGala 2010 i,ăFasciculaăXXIV,ăβ010,ăLexicăcomună/ăLexicăspecializată(LCă/ăLS)ăREDACTOR-ŞEFăDoinaăMartaăBEJAN, i CCLM, UPB http://www.fabula.oIM B.ăP V LOIU,ăP.ăCRISTEA. TRAINING SPIKING NEURONSUNIVERSITY POLVol. 69, nr. 3/2007 2007 93-104 ILS, UPB ISCTI BEL-ENGUIX GEMMA, AAăDIALOGUE-BASEDăSYSTEMăFORăMAN-MACHINEăINTERACTION,ăHSI‟08 IEEE XPLORE AND THE EI COMPE2008 141-146 ILS, UPB IEEE XPLORE AND ISCTI ILS, UPB George Dragoi, Sebastian Ma A Business Process Management AInternational JournalVol. 37, No. 3, 20092009 361-366 UDC:303.645.063;6ISCTI ILS, UPB Sebastian Marius Rodu, Geo Virtual Enterprise Network GeneralProceedings of the 8IEEE Catalog Numb2010 313-316 http://comm2010.ncit. ISCTI POPOVICI FELICIA UNEQUAL EDUCATION AND INT REVIEW OF RADICAL ANALYSIS, 2006 ILS, UPB IET NEGRILA, ALINA, MUSTDAS KONZEPT DES STRATEGIUNIVERSITY POLVol. 68, nr. 1/2006 2006 85-90 ILS, UPB IM Catana Simon Elisabeta Blank Identities and Subversive Lan Conference on Britis 2006 2006 57-62 CCLM, UPB http://www.unitbv.roIM BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu The Political Ambivalence of Postm University of Buchar Volume VIII, no. 4,2006 1β5ă–ă1γ1 CCLM FILS www.Literary Studies, IM BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu The Historiographic Metafiction UniversityăăBabeş-BolyaiăăCluj,ăăDepartmentăofăEnglishăLanguageăandăLiterature,ăConferenceă“ConstructionsăofăIdentityă–ăAnniversaryăSession" 1 2006 1_10 CCLM FILS www.ConstructionsăofăIdentityă–ăAnniversaryăSession,ăCluj-Napoca,ă6-8ăAprilăβ006ă IM Sebastian Marius Rosu, George Drăgoi Theănecessityăstudyă–ăDepartmentăcooperation‟săȚăDataăbase articol VOL 35 2007 117-122 ILS, UPB UDC:303.645.063;6IET URS DANA SORANA Contributii la raportul sacru - profan ANNALES UNIVEVol 8 Tom 1 2007 38-43 CCLM, UPB IM 2007 2007 69- 75 CCLM, UPB http://www.unitbv.roIM Catana Simona Elisabeta Postmodernist Literature versus GloConference on Britis BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu Metafiction as Fictional Self-Conscio Romanian Journal ono.4 2007 βγγă–ăβ40 CCLM FILS www.British and CoIM BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu A Typology of Spatial PresentationUniversitateaăBucureşti,ăFacultateaădeăLimbiăşiăLiteraturiăStr 1 2007 1_10 ine,ăSesiuneaăştiinCCLM ific ăanual FILSăaădepartamentuluiădeăLimb www.Alterity and IdIM ăşiăLiteratur ăenglez ,ă"AlterityăandăIdentity:ăGeographiesăofătheăMind" BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu Reality and Simulation in Theatre an Proceedings of the 3 1 2007 1_10 CCLM FILS www.theăγβndăInternationalăScientificăConferenceăofătheăMilitaryăTechnicalăAcademyățModernăTechnologiesăin IM B.ăP V LOIU,ăP.ăCRISTEA. TRAINING SPIKING NEURONSUNIVERSITY POLVol. 69, nr. 3/2007 2007 93-104 ILS, UPB ISCTI Brandusa Prepelita RaileanuEducation as the Global CompetitivTransactions on AdIssue 12, Volume 5,2008 739-745 CCLM, UPB IET BRANDUSA PREPELITADigital Opportunities for Students an Transactions on AdIssue 12, Volume 5 2008 729 - 738 CCLM, UPB http://www.worldses.o IET Catelly, Yolanda-Mirela, SPECIALIZED LEXIS / COMMOAnalele UniversitatiiAn" 1, nr. 2008 418-428 CCLM, UPB IM Cosoreci, S. The Concept of Strategic ManeuverAnalele Universităţii Bucureşti, Limbi şi2008 Literaturi Străine,67-78 CCLM, UPB IM Mazilu, S. Strategic Use of Dissociation in EthBucharest Working X (2) 2008 87-98 CCLM, UPB http://www.cascadilla.c IM Strategic Use of Emotional Terms in L‟analisiălinguisticaăeăletteraria XVI 2008 683-696 CCLM, UPB IM Mazilu, S. BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu Metafiction and History. A RedefinRomanian Journal ono.6, Section: Britis2008 1_10 CCLM FILS www.International CIM BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu The Writer's Liberal and AcademicBabes-Bolyai Univer 1 2008 1_10 CCLM FILS www.Babes-Bolyai”ăUniversity,ăCluj-Napoca,ăTheă5thăeditionăofătheăbiennialăconferenceăonățConstructionsăofăI IM Catana Simona Elisabeta Textual Identity as Part of the NatioBuletinul Universitatii LX,PNo. 2A / 2008 2008 89 - 94 CCLM, UPB http://www.bulletin.IM BEL-ENGUIX GEMMA, AAăDIALOGUE-BASEDăSYSTEMăFORăMAN-MACHINEăINTERACTION,ăHSI‟08 IEEE XPLORE AND THE EI COMPE2008 141-146 ILS, UPB IEEE XPLORE AND ISCTI ILS, UPB SebastianăM.ăRosu,ăMariusăGuran,ăGeorgeăDr Knowledge management goi solutionsScientificăBulletinăofăUniversityă„Politehnica”ăofăBucharest,ăSeriesăD nr. 4/2009 2009 97-112 http://www.scientificb IET ILS, UPB Sebastian Marius Rosu, GeoKnowledge Transfer & Capitalizatio International JournalVol. 37, No. 3, 20092009 345-354 UDC:165.19;001.1;6 IET CatellyăYolandaă–ăMirela (Un)translatabilityăofăITăTerminologyă–ăTheăClassroomăPerspective Proceedings of the 42009 CCLM, UPB IET Brandusa Raileanu vol.ăAndătheăStoryăIsn‟tăOver…,ăpoetryăpROăanthologyăandăCD,ăpoetryăpăf/CTITC,ăeditors:ăprof.ădr.ăLidiaăVianuăȚăAnneăStewart vol.ăAndătheăStoryăIsn‟tăOver…,ăpoetryăpROăanthologyăandăCD,ăpoetryăpăf/CTITC,ăeditors:ăprof.ădr.ăLidiaăVianuăȚăAnneăStewart 2009 CCLM, UPB IM Analele Universităţii Bucureşti Limbi şi2009 Literaturi Străine Partea Cosoreci, S. Selecting from the Topical Potential: a 63-72 a II-a CCLM, UPB IM BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu Narrativity and Temporality as a Lan University of Buchar Volume XI, no. 7 2009 1_10 CCLM FILS www.Literary Studies, IM 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu Moral Aspects of Catholicism as a BuletinulăUniversit Vol.ăLIX,ăSeriaăŞtiin iiăPetrolă–ăGazeădinăPloieşti 2009 eleăeducatiei,ănr.11_10 CCLM FILS www.BuletinulăUniversit IM iiăPetrolă–ăGazeădinăPloieşti,ăSeriaăŞtiin eleăeducatieiăISSNă1β41-6586ă BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu A Way of Reading the Written SelfUniversity of Buchar Volume X, no. 6 2009 1_10 CCLM FILS www.Literary Studies, IM BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu Discursulădialogică–ăcategorieăfundamentalaăaăromanuluiăenglezăcontemporan UniversitateaăNationalaădeăAparareăCarolăI,ăSesiuneaădeăcomunicariăstiintificeăcuăparticipareăinternationalaă„StrategiiăXXI” 1 2009 1_10 CCLM FILS www.UniversitateaăNationalaădeăAparareăCarolăI,ăSesiuneaădeăcomunicariăstiintificeăcuăparticipareăinternationa IM BrânduşaăPrepeli ă–ăR ileanu DECODING and RECODING DavSesiuneaădeăcomunicariăstiintificeă„Theăroleăofăhigherăeducationăandăacademicăresearchăinătheăprocessăofădevelopment.ăCreativityăandăinnovationăinăaăculturallyădiverse,ăknowledge-basedăsociety.ăNewăchallenges 1 2009 1_10 CCLM FILS www.The Departmen IM ILS, UPB George Dragoi, Sebastian Ma A Business Process Management AInternational JournalVol. 37, No. 3, 20092009 361-366 UDC:303.645.063;6ISCTI CATELLY YOLANDA-MIITăINăFOREIGNăLANGUAGEăTEACHINGă–ăCOMPARINGăPEDAGOGICALăOPTIONS CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS OF "2010 CCLM, UPB http://www.lit.ugal.rIET URS DANA SORANA WORKSHOP INTERDISCIPLINAANNALES UNIVEVol 2 2010 338-346 CCLM, UPB IET BRANDUSA PREPELITAInovative Pedagogical InterventionTransactions on AdIssue 1, Volume 7 2010 11ă–ăβ0 CCLM, UPB http://www.worldses.o IET BRANDUSA PREPELITANew Horizons for e-Learning and Op Transactions on AdIssue 1, Volume 7 2010 1ă–ă10 CCLM, UPB http://www.worldses.o IET BRANDUSA PREPELITAUniversity Autonomy - the CurrentTransactions T on AdIssue 11, Volume 7 2010 359 - 370 CCLM, UPB http://www.worldses.o IET BRANDUSA PREPELITANew Skills for New Jobs. Lifelong Transactions on AdIssue 10, Volume 7 2010 335 - 346 CCLM, UPB http://www.worldses.o IET CatellyăYolandaă–ăMirela TEACHINGă“SOFTăSKILLS”ăINăTHEăNON-PHILOLOGICALăTERTIARYăEDUCATION:ăANăINTERDISCIPLINARYăPERSPECTIVE PROCEEDINGS OF2010 T CCLM, UPB IET CATELLY YOLANDA-MICULTURALăCONTEXTUALIZATIONăINăTEACHINGăLEXISă–ăPEDAGOGICALăOPTIONS ANALELE UNIVEVol 2 2010 287-289 CCLM, UPB http://www.fabula.oIM CATELLY YOLANDA-MIRESPONDING TO THE WORKPDUNAREAăDEăJOS”,ăGALATIăISSNă:ă18446965 Vol 2 2010 161-168 CCLM, UPB http://www.ceeol.coIM URS DANA SORANA HUMAN PSYCHE ATTHE COREDUNAREAăDEăJOS”,ăGALATIăISSNă:ă18446965 Vol 2 2010 460-465 CCLM, UPB http://www.lit.ugal.rIM COSORECI MAZILU SIMTHE ABORTION DEBATE AS AINTERSTUDIA 6 2010 220-227 CCLM, UPB IM STOICA DIANA SILVANA THE OTHER IN A SPORT OF NAANALELE UNIVERSITATII DIN CR2010 CCLM, UPB IM CatellyăYolandaă–ăMirela CULTURALăCONTEXTUALIZATIONăINăTEACHINGăLEXISă–ăPEDAGOGICALăOPTIONS. AnaleleăUniversit iiă«ăDun UniversitateaăDun reaădeăJosă»ădinăGala reaădeăJos,ăGala 2010 i,ăFasciculaăXXIV,ăβ010,ăLexicăcomună/ăLexicăspecializată(LCă/ăLS)ăREDACTOR-ŞEFăDoinaăMartaăBEJAN, i CCLM, UPB http://www.fabula.oIM ILS, UPB Sebastian Marius Rodu, Geo Virtual Enterprise Network GeneralProceedings of the 8IEEE Catalog Numb2010 313-316 http://comm2010.ncit. ISCTI Marian V.G., Pascovici M.D. Analytical and Numerical ApproacUPB Scientific Bulletin Vol. 68, Nr. 3 2006 15-26 UPB Scopus Inginerie Economica Comparative analysis of tribological Journal of the Balkan vol. 12, no. 4 2006 404-411 UPB ISI Web of KnowledInginerie Economica Ilie Filip R dulescu,ăAl.V. Non-Newtonian Squeeze Films with TRIBOLOGIA Nr. 3 (207) 2006 pp. 163-173 UPB ISI Web of KnowledInginerie Economica MIRIC ,ăR.F.,ăDOBRE,ăG.ăOn the calculus of the gear shaft unJournal of Mechanical Vol. 9, No. 1 2006 pp. 44-58 UPB ISI Web of KnowledInginerie Economica Minculescu A., Cicone T. Optimum Design Parameters for Per AnnalsăofătheăUniversityăofăăGala Nr. 1 i,ăDun reaădeăJos,FascicleăVIII,ăTribologyă 2006 101-106 UPB Scopus Inginerie Economica A. Tache, Carmen Tache, AResearches regarding the friction g Journ. Balkan TribBook 4, Vol 12 2006 UPB ISI Web of KnowledInginerie Economica R dulescu,ăAl.V.,ăR dulescu,ăI. Rheological Models for Lithium anMECHANIKA Nr. 3 (59) 2006 pp. 67-70 UPB ISI Web of KnowledInginerie Economica A. Tudor, T. Laurian , G. PTribological Solution to reduce theJourn. Balkan TriboBook 4Vol 12 2006 UPB ISI Web of KnowledInginerie Economica DOBRE, G., DASCALIUCA new approach of general considerJournal of Mechanical Vol. 10, No. 2 2007 1450-5401 UPB ISI Web of KnowledInginerie Economica DogaruăAl.,ăDascalescuăL.,ăRadulescuăAl.,ăCananauăS.ă–ă Etudeăd‟optimisationăetădeărobustesseăpourăleăprocessusădeăseparationăelectrostatique Revistaă“Constructiaădeămasini”-ăTEHNOLOGIAăINOVATIVA,ăAnulă59,ăNr.4/β007,ăISSNă057γ-7419 Anul 59, Nr. 4 2007 49-55 UPB Scopus Inginerie Economica Load Presssure Distribution on SpuExcellenceăresearchăasăaăwayătoăE.R.A.ă–ăCEEXăConferenceăβ007,ăprăβ94,ăEd.ăTehnica,ăβ007,ăISSNă184γ-ă5904 2007 UPB ISI Web of KnowledInginerie Economica Cananau, S. MIRIC ,ăR.ăF.,ăDOBRE,ăG.On the Previsional Reliability of Me Journal of Mechanical Vol. 10, No. 1 2007 pp. 6-14 UPB ISI Web of KnowledInginerie Economica IlieăF.,ăTi ăC. 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Power variant for evaluation of Carmen solicitation of circular and plane plates with radial ribs (II) 1250 B lanăCorneliu,ă Rheological properties of blood Broboan ăDiana in simple shear flow: experimental investigations and 1251 theoretical modeling Chisacof A., Sciences Thermique et l'Analyse de Cycle de Vie des Produits, scientific bulletin Tom 51(65), of the Fascicola 1 “politehica”Univ.ă of Timisoara, Transactions on Mechanics Timisoara 56(4) / 2006 Medical Journal / SIIC Data Bases 2006 119-124 UPB IM 2006 UPB IM Scientific Fascicola 1, Tom Bulletin of the 51(65) „POLITEHNICA”ă University of Timisoara Modelling and 1 Optimization in the Machines Building Field Timisoara 56(4) / 2006 Medical Journal / SIIC Data Bases 2006 191-196 UPB IM 2006 99 - 106 UPB IM 2006 UPB IM Buletinul Tom 51, Fasc.1 Stiintific al Univ. 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Marinescu Study on efficiency and the ecological value of the DME in refrigeration and air conditioning systems Sporea, Nicoleta The evolution of pressure in melting section of closely intermeshing corotating twin screw extruder Theărail‟săresponseătoătheăactionă Bulletin Series D: of vertical sliding force Mechanical Engineering The analysis of the response time IEEE-TTTC vol2 at the start of the vehicles International equipped with asynchronous tri- Conference on phase motors Automation,Qualit y and Testing, Robotics ISBN (10) 973-713-1442 1253 1254 MAZILU TRAIAN 1255 Gabriel Popa 1256 MAZILU TRAIAN 1257 Theărail‟săresponseătoătheăactionă Bulletin Series D: of vertical sliding force Mechanical Engineering 4 68 68 CNCSIS B+, indexata BDI CNCSIS B+, indexata BDI Gabriel Popa The analysis of the response time at the start of the vehicles equipped with asynchronous triphase motors Tac ,ăC.D Study About Characteristics of a 7th International New Asbestos - Free Material Conference on Used For Tightness Assurance Technology and Quality for Sustained Development 2006 191-196 Gabriel Popa Determining the Optimal Operating Regime of the Traction Motors for Constant Power Operation of the Vehicle Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Technology and Quality for Sustained Development International Proceedings of Conference on the International Automation,Qualit Conference on y and Testing, Automation,Qualit Robotics y and Testing, Robotics 2006 pp.205-208 UPB IM Chiriac R., Apostolescu N., Dica C. 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Bernard, T. Gueorguiev, Gh. Popescu, I. D. Filipoiu, C. G. Alionte, D. Petre, H. Pop Evaluation of professional development in the mechanical engineering field based on economical education articol Mazilu Traian A dynamic model for the impact between the wheel flat and rail 1266 Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Proceedings of International Conference „Educationăandă Creativity for Knowledge Society”,ăRevistaă Megabyte (revista online http://megabyte.ut 2006 IM 2007 26-31 UPB IM 2007 45-58 UPB IM 4 2007 99ă–ă106ă UPB IM 5 2007 79ă–ă8βă UPB IM 59 2007 93 - 102 UPB IM 2007 UPB IM 2007 UPB IM 2007 219 - 224 UPB IM 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 Scientific Bulletin Series D: Mechanical Engineering Iatan, I. R., Popa, T. Annular plate with simple leaned Modelling and Carmen contours, under the action of an Optimization in uniform distrubuted pressure the Machines Building Field, MOCMă–ă1γ Ene, Gh., Iatan, I. R. Characteristically magnitudes for Bulletin working of the cannular mills Scientifique of with balls (I) VALAHIA Universityă–ă Materials and Mechanics Jinescu V. Valeriu, Contribu iiălaăcalcululădeă Construc iaădeă ProdeaăIulianaă–Marlena,ă rezisten ăalăarboriloră maşini Ion. N. Alexandru dispozitivelor de amestecare rotative,ăTehnologieăInovativ ă Cioc neaăAdrian Ecological footprint as a method U.P.B. Sci. Bull., vol. 69, no. 4, for socio-ecological systems Series C: 2007 approach Electrical Engineering/ SCOPUS si altele 69 1272 Broboan ăDiana,ăB lană Corneliu Investigations on the rheology of U.P.B. Sci. Bull 69, (3), 2007 water-in-crude oil emulsions Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science/ SCOPUS si altele 1273 Durbac ,ăăI 1274 1275 Modelling and simulation of air Pollutant dispartion MIRIC ,ăR.F.,ăăDOBRE,ă ON THE PREVISIONAL G. RELIABILITY OF MECHANICAL SYSTEMS MOCM 13 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN, 2007, VOL. 10, NO. 1, PP. 6-14 13 VOL. 10, NO. 1 2007 41791 UPB Scopus IM B ranăN.,ăB ranăGh.,ă Duminic ăD.,ăBesneaăD. Research regarding the profile of U.P.B. Sci. Bull., vol. 68, no. 4, a rotating piston used in the Series D: 2007 design of volumetric pump Mechanical Engineering/ SCOPUS si altele Ene, Gheorghe, Prodea, Iulianaă–Marlena Scurgerea materialelor pulverulenteăşiăgranulareădină bunc reă(I),ă 2007 UPB IM 1 2007 73 - 78 UPB IM 1 2007 79 - 83 UPB IM 4 2007 107ă–ă114ă UPB IM 2007 UPB IM 2007 85-92 UPB IM 2007 115ă–ă1β0ă UPB IM 2007 35-40 UPB IM 2007 143-153 UPB IM 2007 UPB IM 1276 Tehnologia Inovativ ă-ă Construc iaădeă 1277 maşini Ene, Gheorghe, Prodea Scurgerea materialelor Tehnologie Iulianaă–Marlena pulverulenteăşiăgranulareădină Inovativ ă-ăă bunc reă(II) ”Construc iaădeă 1278 maşini” Iatan, I. R., Popa, T. Solicitation states in the annular Modelling and Carmen and simple leaned plate son their Optimization in contours, under the action of the Machines some radial bending moments (I) Building Field, 1279 MOCMă–ă1γ Ciocanea Adrian, Budea Solution for reducing dissolved U.P.B. Sci. Bull., vol. 69, no. 4, Sanda, Radulescu Gabriel HYDROGEN SULPHIDE IN Series C: 2007 THE BLACK SEA by Electrical electrochimical oxidation Engineering/ SCOPUS si altele 1280 Iatan, I. Radu, Prodea, St riăădeăsolicitareăăînăăzoneleăădeă Construc iaădeă Iulianaă–ăMarlena evacuare a mediilor de lucru din maşini recipientele cu mantale de înc lzire/r cireă(I),ăTehnologiaăă 1281 Inovativ ă Iatan, I. R., Popa, T. Stresses states in ribbed and Modelling and Carmen circular plates (I) Optimization in the Machines Building Field, 1282 MOCMă–ă1γ Ene, Gheorghe The grinding charge of rotary The annals of mills „Dun reaădeăJos”ă University of Gala i,ăFascicleă XIV, Mechanical Engineering 1283 Dorin Stanciu, Mircea The Influence of Swirl Angle on International Marinescu, Alexandru the Irreversibilities in Turbulent Journal of Dobrovicescu Diffusion Flames, Thermodynamics 1284 Susan O., Panaitescu The principal risks caused by the U.P.B. Sci. Bull., vol. 69, no. 4, Valeriu fire Series C: 2007 Electrical Engineering/ SCOPUS si altele 1285 59 4 10 SEICIU, P. L., PAVELESCU, D. 1286 Mazilu Traian 1287 MAZILU TRAIAN 1288 GabrielăPopa,ă ruşă Bogdan, Arsene Sorin 1289 GabrielăPopa,ă ruşă Bogdan, Arsene Sorin 1290 Cruceanu, C., Spiroiu, M., Craciun, C. THE RHEOLOGIC HYSTERESIS PARAMETERS INFLUENCE OF THE EHD FILMTHICKNESS PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROMANIAN ACADEMY SERIES A: MATHEMATICS , PHYSICS, TECHNICAL SCIENCES, INFORMATION SCIENCE Wheel/rail interaction due to Scientific parametric excitation Bulletin Series D: Mechanical Engineering A dynamic model for the impact Bulletin Series D: between the wheel flat and rail Mechanical Engineering IMPROVING THE AXLE Mechanics DRIVE SYSTEM FOR THE Transport 3400 KW ELECTRIC Communications LOCOMOTIVE Academic Journal - Todor Kableshkov University of Transport, Sofia, Bulgaria IMPROVING THE POWER Mechanics CONSUMPTION OF THE 5100 Transport kW ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE Communications Academic Journal - Todor Kableshkov University of Transport, Sofia, Bulgaria Considerations on the Academic Jurnal Issue3/2007 Suspension of the Eddy Current Mechanics, Rail Brakes Transport, Communications 2007 UPB IM 69 2007 23-38 UPB IM 69 2007 45-58 UPB CNCSIS B+, indexata BDI 3 2007 VII 33-38 UPB 3 2007 VII 33-39 UPB 2007 VI 16-22 UPB 1291 Cruceanu, C.,Spiroiu, M., About Adoption of the Vertical Dumitriu, M. Suspension Parameters for Passenger Waggons Academic Jurnal Mechanics, Transport, Communications Issue3/2007 2007 VI 23-29 UPB Cruceanu, C., Cruceanu, A. Qualitative Aspects on the Air Pollution Due to the Railway Transportation System Academic Jurnal Mechanics, Transport, Communications Issue3/2007 2007 X 8-14 UPB Spiroiu, M., Cruceanu, C., Dumitriu, M. Study Concerning a Railway Vehicle‟săBogieă-ăCarăBodyă Relative Motion While Running in Curve Academic Jurnal Mechanics, Transport, Communications Issue3/2007 2007 VI 30-35 UPB 1292 1293 1294 Craciun, C., Spiroiu, M., Cruceanu, C., Dumitriu, M. Aspects Regarding the Adhesion Academic Jurnal Between the Wheel and the Rail Mechanics, During Braking Transport, Communications Issue3/2007 2007 VI 36-41 UPB 2007 VI 30-35 UPB 2007 UPB IM 1295 Spiroiu Marius, Cruceanu Study Concerning a Railway Catalin, Dumitriu Vehicle‟săBogie-CarăBodyă Madalina. Relative Motion While Running in Curve 1296 Mechanics Transport Communications Academic Journal - Todor Kableshkov University of Transport, Sofia, Bulgaria The 41 stIUPAC World Chemistry CongressLingotto Conference Centre-Turin,Italy 3 Neaga. C Thermal Behaviour of Some Polyacrylenketones Used to Initiate and Accelerate the Burning of Conventional and Unconventional Solid Combustibles.SO4BP60. Neaga. C Thermal Analysis of Different Types of Coal. MEDICTA 2007.The 8th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis 2007 UPB IM Neaga. C Thermal Study of Humic Acids and Others Components of Raw Coal. MEDICTA 2007.The 8th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis 2007 UPB IM M., Ceclan, R.E. 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IMPROVING THE POWER Mechanics CONSUMPTION OF THE 5100 Transport kW ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE Communications Academic Journal - Todor Kableshkov University of Transport, Sofia, Bulgaria Considerations on the Academic Jurnal Issue3/2007 Suspension of the Eddy Current Mechanics, Rail Brakes Transport, Communications 3 2007 VII 33-39 UPB 2007 VI 16-22 UPB 1304 Cruceanu, C.,Spiroiu, M., About Adoption of the Vertical Dumitriu, M. Suspension Parameters for Passenger Waggons Academic Jurnal Mechanics, Transport, Communications Issue3/2007 2007 VI 23-29 UPB Cruceanu, C., Cruceanu, A. Qualitative Aspects on the Air Pollution Due to the Railway Transportation System Academic Jurnal Mechanics, Transport, Communications Issue3/2007 2007 X 8-14 UPB Spiroiu, M., Cruceanu, C., Dumitriu, M. Study Concerning a Railway Vehicle‟săBogieă-ăCarăBodyă Relative Motion While Running in Curve Academic Jurnal Mechanics, Transport, Communications Issue3/2007 2007 VI 30-35 UPB Craciun, C., Spiroiu, M., Cruceanu, C., Dumitriu, M. Aspects Regarding the Adhesion Academic Jurnal Between the Wheel and the Rail Mechanics, During Braking Transport, Communications Issue3/2007 2007 VI 36-41 UPB 2007 VI 30-35 UPB 2007 UPB IM 2007 UPB IM 1305 1306 1307 1308 Spiroiu Marius, Cruceanu Study Concerning a Railway Catalin, Dumitriu Vehicle‟săBogie-CarăBodyă Madalina. Relative Motion While Running in Curve 1309 Neaga. C Thermal Behaviour of Some Polyacrylenketones Used to Initiate and Accelerate the Burning of Conventional and Unconventional Solid Combustibles.SO4BP60. Neaga. C Thermal Analysis of Different Types of Coal. Mechanics Transport Communications Academic Journal - Todor Kableshkov University of Transport, Sofia, Bulgaria The 41 stIUPAC World Chemistry CongressLingotto Conference Centre-Turin,Italy 3 1310 1311 MEDICTA 2007.The 8th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis Neaga. C Thermal Study of Humic Acids and Others Components of Raw Coal. MEDICTA 2007.The 8th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis 2007 UPB IM M., Ceclan, R.E. Ceclan, A., Meghea Use of Environmental Management System by SMEs 2007 UPB IM V. Apostol, N. Bernard, T. Gueorguiev, Gh. Popescu, I. D. Filipoiu, C. G. Alionte, D. Petre, H. Pop Evaluation of professional development in the mechanical engineering field based on economical education SIMI 2007 International Symposium “Environmentă and Industry" Proceedings of International Conference „Educationăandă Creativity for Knowledge Society”,ăRevistaă Megabyte (revista online http://megabyte.ut 2007 26-31 UPB IM 1312 1313 3 1314 Prisecaru T., Teodorescu Numerical model and infrared M., Prisecaru M., Petcu analysis of a hydrogen enriched C., Bleaja G., Popa E. *, gas flame Ciobanu C., Chiriac R., Dumitru P., Mihaescu L 50th International Conference of Scandinavian Simulation Society Marin Alexandru, P. Drumea, A. Mirea Optimization Of Electrohydraulic Systems Using Mechatronic Concepts Tac ,ăC.D Study about tightness of stuffing boxes 5th Industrial Simulation Conference - ISC 2007/ pozitia 112233 5th International Conference „Integratedă Systems for AgriFood Production C.Pan ,ăN.,ăNegurescu,ă M.G. Popa, Al. Cernat, D., Soare Aspects of the Use of Ethanol in Addition with Gasoline in Spark Ignition Engine Proceeding of 50th International Conference of Scandinavian Simulation Society 2007 IM 1315 1316 2007 Proceedings of 5th International Conference „Integratedă Systems for AgriFood Production 2007 281-286 Proceedings “FUELSăβ007”,ă Technische Akademie Esslingen, Germania 2007 361-368 UPB Delft, Olanda, 2007 IM IM 1317 1318 6th International Colloquium “FUELSăβ007”,ă Technische Akademie Esslingen, Germaniy UPB IM Al.ăCernat,ăC.Pan ,ăN.ă Negurescu, M.G. Popa, D., Soare Dimethyl Eter an Alternative Fuel for a Clean Diesel N.ăNegurescu,ăC.Pan ,ă M.G. Popa, Al. Cernat, D., Soare Some Characteristics of the Hydrogen Combustion in SI Engine C.G. Alionte, T. Prisecaru, D. Duminica, V. Gheorghe Instrument virtual pentru monitorizarea si comanda unui sistem utilizat pentru cresterea confortului termic Combined CFD And Infrared Thermal Analysis Of A Wood Refuse And Di-Methyl-Ether CoFired Flame 6th International Colloquium “FUELSăβ007”,ă Technische Akademie Esslingen, Germaniy 6th International Colloquium “FUELSăβ007”,ă Technische Akademie Esslingen, Germaniy Comefim 10 Proceedings “FUELSăβ007”,ă Technische Akademie Esslingen, Germania 2007 391-397 UPB IM Proceedings “FUELSăβ007”,ă Technische Akademie Esslingen, Germania 2007 361-466 UPB IM 2007 UPB IM International Energy, Exergy and Environment Symposium Proceeding of International Energy, Exergy and Environment Symposium 2007 International Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, Kyoto, 2007, Japan Paper No. JSAE 20077271 (SAE 2007-01-2040) 2007 JSAE/SAE 2007 Hydrogen Rich Gas A Possible Challenge For The Fuels Future IPA 2007 Proceeding of IPA 2007 2007 An Investigation of the Hydrogen Addition Effects to Gasoline Fueled Spark Ignition Engine SAE World Congress 2007SUA Paper No. 200701-1468, SAE World Congress 2007, Detroit, Michigan 2007 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM 2008 71-75 UPB IM 1319 1320 1321 Prisecaru T., Pisa I., Mihaescu L.,.Chiriac R, Prisecaru M., Popa E., Toma T., Dragu L., Ambrus M IM 1322 Constantin Pana, Niculae Aspects of the Use of Ethanol in Negurescu, Marcel Ginu Spark Ignition Engine Popa, UPB IM 1323 C. Dica, C. Petcu, G. Bleaja, R. Chiriac, N. 1324 Vasiliu Constantin Pana, Niculae Negurescu, Marcel Ginu Popa, Alexandru Cernat, Dorin Soare IM 1325 C linăA.,ăB lanăCorneliu,ă A new approach to determine the Proc. XVth Int. AIP 1027/2008 Wilhelm M. nonlinear parameter of the Congress Giesekus constitutive model Rheology, Edit. by Co A., Leal I.G., Colby R.H. and Giacomin A.J. / AIP Conference 1326 Proceedings Gh. Ene, C. Marin A new calculating method of the The annals of reaction support groups used in „Dun reaădeăJos”ă rotary kiln University of Gala i,ăFascicleă XIV, Mechanical Engineering, 1327 Al. Dobrovicescu, Dorin Stanciu, Elena Eugenia Vasilescu, Ion Oprea Analysis of Real Conduct and Optimisation of Gas Turbine Cycles Gh. Ene, Aspects regarding the materials grinding finnens, 1328 1329 Negurescu Niculae, Pana Aspects Regarding the Use of Constantin, Popa Marcel Hydrogen in Spark Ignition Ginu, Cernat Alexandru, Engine Soare Dorin 1330 UPB Sci. Bull. Series D, Mechanical Engineering The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA University. MATERIALS and MECHANICS, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, Universitatea Tehnicaă“ăGh.ă Asachiă“ădinăIASIă Seria Constructii de Masini 70 2008 103-116 UPB IM Nr. 1, (6), 2008 147-150.5 UPB IM Tomul LIV (LVIII), Fasc. 2, 2008, Seria Constructii de Masini 2008 71-80 UPB IM Dragomirescu Andrei, Panaitescu Valeriu Assessment of the errors due to neglecting air compressibility when designing fans U.P.B. Sci. Bull., vol 70, no. 4, 2008 Series D: Mechanical Engineering/ SCOPUS si altele 2008 UPB IM Chirita C., Marin Alexandru Building an innovative, modular, flexible, high pressure (70 MPa) hydraulically actuated equipment for fitting screwed mountings for hydro-electrical power stations U.P.B. Sci. Bull., vol. 70, no. 4, Series D: 2008 Mechanical Engineering/ SCOPUS si altele 2008 UPB IM Gh. Ene, Bunker design aspects, 2008 131-139 UPB IM 2008 365-371 UPB IM 2008 359-365 UPB IM 2008 241-246 UPB IM 1331 1332 The Scientific Nr. 1, (6), Bulletin of VALAHIA University. MATERIALS and 1333 MECHANICS T PRISECARU,L CFD Simulation of The Air Bul.Inst. MIHAESCU, CRISTINA Flowrate Balance Within A Pipe Polit.Iasi, Tomul CIOBANU, MALINA Configuration LIV(LVIII), PRISECARU, ELENA Fasc.2 POPA 1334 T PRISECARU, I PISA, CFD Simulation of The Air Bul.Inst. CRISTINA CIOBANU, Flowrate Within A Pipe Polit.Iasi, Tomul MALINA PRISECARU, Configuration In Order To LIV(LVIII), ELENA POPA Reduce/Control NOx Emissions Fasc.2 1335 Dobrovicescu A., Stanciu Comparaison entre Buletinul Tomul LIV, Fasc D., Petre Camelia, l‟optimisationămathématique,ă Institutului 2 Dobrovicescu Smaranda thermo et exergoéconomique Politehnic din d‟unăsystèmeădeăturbineăaăgaz Iaşi,ăSec iaă Construc iiădeă 1336 maşini A. Costache N. Baran 1337 FILIPOIU, I.D., ALIONTE, C., MÜLLER, ST., MÜLLER, D.A. Computation method for University establishing the contour of a new Politehnica of type of profiled rotor Bucharest , Scientific Bulletin Series D : Mechanical Engineering CONCEPTE ECONOMICE APLICATE IN DEZVOLTAREA DE PRODUSE INOVATIVE 1338 CANANAU, S 1339 SPANU, A., STOENESCU 1340 DRAGOS ISVORANU, VIOREL BADESCU 1341 DRAGOS ISVORANU, VIOREL BADESCU 1342 CONTACT MODEL FOR A ROUGH SURFACE THE ANNALS OF UNIVERSITY DUNAREA DE JOS OF GALATI, FASCICLE VIII, TRIBOLOGY / ANALELE UNIVERSITATII DUNAREA DE JOS DIN GALATI, FASCICOLA VIII, TRIBOLOGIE DIGITAL OPPORTUNITIES CHAPTER 66 IN FOR STUDENTS AND DAAAM TEACHERS: SOME INTERNATION TECHNOLOGICAL AL SCIENTIFIC SOLUTIONS AT THE BOOK 2008, B. UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA KATALINIC(ED. OF BUCHAREST ), PUBLISHED BY DAAAM INTERNATION AL ISBN 978-390509-69-0, ISSN 1726-9887, VIENNA, AUSTRIA DYNAMIC MODELLING OF INTERNATION A 4-DOF PARALLEL AL JOURNAL KINEMATIC MACHINE OF ENERGY WITH REVOLUTE TECHNOLOGY ACTUATORS AND POLICY EDUCATION AS THE INTERNATION GLOBAL COMPETITIVE AL JOURNAL ADVANTAGE. AN EOF NUCLEAR LEARNING PROJECT IN THE GOVERNANCE, UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA ECONOMY OF BUCHAREST AND ECOLOGY 70 TEHNOLOGIA INOVATIVA REVISTA CONSTRUCTIA DE MASINI 2008 9γă–ă10β UPB IM 2008 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM 2008 811-826 UPB HTTP://WWW.D IM AAAM.COM 2008 UPB HTTP://WWW.IN IM DERSCIENCE.C OM 2008 UPB HTTP://WWW.IN IM DERSCIENCE.C OM Iatan, I. R., Marin, Al 1343 Evaluation method on the residual life time of technological equipment in petrochemical plants. IIc. Case Study (Asupra unui mod de evaluare a duratei reziduale de via ăaăunorăechi pamenteă tehnologiceădinăinstala iileă petrochimice. II c. Studiu de caz ) Dobrovicescu A., Stanciu Exergetic Analysis of CO2 D, Vasilescu Elena Refrigerating Cycles Eugenia 1344 LAURIAN, T., HIP JOINT CONTACT MARINCA, L. , TUDOR PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION A:, PARVU F. PRIOR AND AFTER TRIPLE OSTEOTOMY 1345 SEICIU, P. L. 1346 INFLUENCE OF THE SLIDING SPEED ON THE ELASTOHYDRODYNAMIC REGIME The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA Universityă–ă Materials and Mechanics Nr 1(6) Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Enviromental Impact of Energy Systems THE ANNALS OF UNIVERSITY DUNAREA DE JOS OF GALATI, FASCICLE VIII, TRIBOLOGY / ANALELE UNIVERSITATII DUNAREA DE JOS DIN GALATI, FASCICOLA VIII, TRIBOLOGIE THE ANNALS OF UNIVERSITY DUNAREA DE JOS OF GALATI, FASCICLE VIII, TRIBOLOGY / ANALELE UNIVERSITATII DUNAREA DE JOS DIN GALATI, FASCICOLA VIII, TRIBOLOGIE 2008 185ă–ă187ă UPB IM 2008 1793-1800 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM Gh. Ene, C. Marin, Influence of uneven support The Scientific groups to reaction values and Bulletin of bending diagrams of rotary kilns, VALAHIA University. MATERIALS and 1347 MECHANICS, ILIE, F., TITA C-TIN INVESTIGATION OF LAYERS THE ANNALS FORMED THROUGH OF SELECTIVE TRANSFER UNIVERSITY WITH ATOMIC FORCE DUNAREA DE MICROSCOPY JOS OF GALATI, FASCICLE VIII, TRIBOLOGY / ANALELE UNIVERSITATII DUNAREA DE JOS DIN GALATI, FASCICOLA VIII, 1348 TRIBOLOGIE Broboan ăăDiana,ăBernadă Investigations of vortical Proc. XVth Int. S.,ăB lanăCorneliu structures in bifurcations Congress Rheology, Edit. by Co A., Leal I.G., Colby R.H. and Giacomin A.J. / AIP Conference 1349 Proceedings Pana Constantin, Investigations Regarding the Use Buletinul Negurescu Niculae, Popa of LPG in Diesel Engine Institutului Marcel Ginu, Cernat Politehnic din Alexandru, Soare Dorin, Iasi, Petre DESPA, Florin Universitatea BUJGOI Tehnicaă“ăGh.ă 1350 Asachiă“ăIASI MIRITA, E. LES MODÈLES DE LA NOUVELLE INGÉNIERIE 1351 Pavel D.I., Chisacof A., Panaitescu Valeriu 1352 Liquid water spray use for the fire extinguishing in room Nr. 1, (6), 2008 151-157 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM AIP 1027/2008 2008 UPB IM Tomul LIV (LVIII), Fasc. 2, 2008, Seria Constructii de Masini 2008 81-90 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA U.P.B. Sci. Bull., vol 70, no. 4, 2008 Series D: Mechanical Engineering/ SCOPUS si altele Pavel, D. I., Chisacof, A., Liquid Water spray Use for the Panaitescu, V Fire Extingushing in room 1353 RADULESCU, AL.V., ARON, M. A. METODE SI INSTRUMENTE PENTRU TEHNOLOGII ECOLOGICE SI ECOPROIECTARE 1354 Broboan ăDiana,ăB lană Modeling the vortical structures C.M.,ăMoregaăAl.,ăB lană in hemodynamics of small Corneliu, Gheorghe C., vessels and capillaries Iacob R. Scientific Bulletin of University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest 70 TEHNOLOGIA INOVATIVA REVISTA CONSTRUCTIA DE MASINI AIP 1027/2008 Proc. XVth Int. Congress Rheology, Edit. by Co A., Leal I.G., Colby R.H. and Giacomin A.J. / AIP Conference 1355 Proceedings Dragomirescu Andrei, Modular Ventilation of Urban UPB Scientific 70(4), 2008 Cioc neaăAdrian,ăBudeaă Road Tunnels using air curtaings Bulletin, Series Sanda - Part I: Concept and behavior of D: Mechanical 1356 the curtains Engineering CHISACOF, A NATURAL DOUBLING OF BULETINUL THE APPARENT SWITCHING AGIR FREQUENCY USING THREELEVEL ANPC CONVERTER 1357 KádárăR.,ăB lanăCorneliu Onset of the rheological fluid Proc. XVth Int. AIP 1027/2008 behavior in high concentrated Congress suspensions Rheology, Edit. by Co A., Leal I.G., Colby R.H. and Giacomin A.J. / AIP Conference 1358 Proceedings Gh. Ene Proiecterea sistemului elastic al Romanian review 34 alimentatoarelor vibratoare precision verticale mecanics, optic & mecatronics 1359 Dorin Stanciu, Mircea RANS Based Numerical International 70 Marinescu Simulation of External Heat Journal of Energy Convection and Losses for Techology and Transitional Subsonic Flows Policy 1360 through a 2D Turbine Passage Geiculescu o., Rajagopal Solid Polymer Electrolytes from Czech. Chem. 73 R., Mladin E.C., Creager Crosslinked Peg and Dilithium N Commun. S., Desmarteau D 1361 Mazilu Traian Some aspects about driving The Annals Fascile VIII wheel-rail contact in steady state University interaction “Dun reaădeăJos”ă 1362 ofăGala iă 2008 55-66 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM 2008 UPB WWW.AGIR.RO/ IM BULETIN_AGIR 2008 UPB IM 2008 181-188 UPB IM 2008 31-46 UPB IM 2008 1777-1798 UPB IM 2008 39-44 UPB IM Gh. Ene Some aspects regarding the vibrations generators of screens design, BESNEA,D., DONTU, O., ALEXANDRESCU, N., BECA,P. SOME PROBLEMS REGARDING THE DESIGN AND EXECUTION OF MECHATRONICS PARTS USING CNC CENTERS ALEXANDRU DOBROVICESCU, DORIN STANCIU, ELENA EUGENIA VASILESCU, ION OPREA THE ACTUATORS CONTROL BY PROBABILISTIC MATHEMATICAL MODELLING BARAN N. THE ANALYSIS OF THE EMPLOYMENT INEQUALITY BY GENDER IN ROMANIA DORIN STANCIU THE EFFECT OF THE MOLECULAR ATTRACTION FORCES IN HYDRAULICS 1363 1364 The Scientific Nr. 1, (6), Bulletin of VALAHIA University. MATERIALS and MECHANICS, BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IASI. SECTIA: MATEMATICA. MECANICA TEORETICA. FIZICA 1365 1366 1367 M rculescu.ăC.,ăB lană Corneliu 1368 Iatan, I. R., Popa, T. Carmen 1369 INTERNATION AL JOURNAL OF ENERGY TECHOLOGY AND POLICY Theoretical, experimental and ICNAAM/ AIP numerical investigations of the Conference flow generated by a 3D spinning Proceedings disk Thermal solicitations in Modelling and monolayer annular plates. I. Optimization in Temperature variation along the the Machines radius Building Field, MOCMă–ă14 2008 141-146 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA 2008 UPB IM 2008 UPB WWW.SCOPUS. IM COM AIP 1048 / 2008 2008 UPB IM 2008 1γ9ă–ă145ă UPB IM 2 KádárăR.,ăB lanăCorneliu Time dependent flow patterns in Couette-Taylor motion of pure viscous and weakly elastic polymer solutions 1370 Proc. AIP - The AIP 1027/2008 XVth Int. Congress Rheologyă–ă Monterey Aug. 2008, Edit. by Co A., Leal I.G., Colby R.H. and Giacomin A.J., Tribologia Vol.27/2008, nr.4 Finnish Journal of Tibology 2008 UPB 2008 UPB UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA 2008 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM Ilie Filip, Tita C-tin Tribological properties of solid lubricants on base of tungsten disulphide nanoparticles D. I. PAVEL, A. CHISACOF, V. PANAITESCU UN MODEL AL PROCESULUI DE DEZVOLTARE ORGANIZATIONALA Neaga. C Thermal analysis and Kinetic study of Lignites from Oltenia Region and compararision with bitouminous coals from Jiu Valley and Ural Mountain ICTAC 14 Interna ională Congress for Thermal Analysis and Calorymetry; 14-18 Sept.2008, Sao-Pedro, Brazil BirtaşăA.,ăPetcuăC.,ăDic ă On the possibility to predict the C., Chiriac R performance of a tractor diesel engine using AVL Boost simulation code The 33rd International Conference on Automotive Engineering ICTAC 14 Interna ională Congress for Thermal Analysis and Calorymetry; 14-18 Sept.2008, Sao-Pedro, Brazil IM ISI Web of Knowledge / SCOPUS IM 1371 1372 1373 1374 Neaga. C 1375 Thermal analysis and Kinetic study of Lignites from Oltenia Region and compararision with bitouminous coals from Jiu Valley and Ural Mountain BirtaşăA.,ăPetcuăC.,ăDic ă On the possibility to predict the C., Chiriac R performance of a tractor diesel engine using AVL Boost simulation code 1376 L.Bogatu, D.Besnea, D.Ovezea, N.Alexandrescu, G.Ionascu, D.Bacescu, 1377 H.Panaitopol C.Pana, N. Negurescu, M.G.Popa,Al.Cernat, D.Soare Development of a Microstereophotolithography System The 33rd International Conference on Automotive Engineering 7 France Japan Congress MECATRONICS 2008 Aspects of LPG Use in Diesel Engine by Diesel-Gas Method FISITA2008, World Automotive Congress 2008, 14-19 September, Munich, Germany/FISITA N. Negurescu, C.Pana, M.G.Popa, Al.Cernat, D.Soare Experimental Investigations Concerning the Direct Injection in Hydrogen Fueled S.I. Engine FISITA2008, World Automotive Congress 2008, 14-19 September, Munich, Germany/FISITA Gabriel Popa, Oprea Razvan, Arsene Sorin The analysis of the start up control parameters of the asynchronous electric traction motors 2008 UPB IM Proceedings of 7 France Japan Congress MECATRONICS 2008 Paper F2008-0927 2008 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM Paper F2008-09028, FISITA2008, World Automotive Congress 2008 2008 UPB IM IEEE Catalog Number CFP08DTW 2008 131-136 UPB Lviv Ukraine, 2008 IM 2008 387-392 UPB Lviv Ukraine, 2008 IM Proceedings of SPIE 2008 UPB IM Proceedings SMAT2008E13, pp 62-70, TOME II 2008 UPB IM 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 IEEE EASTWEST DESIGN & TEST INTERNATION AL SYMPOSIUM IEEE EWDTS Oprea Razvan, Gabriel The Oscilltinos of an Overhead IEEE EASTPopa, Arsene Sorin Contact Line Due to the WEST DESIGN Pantograph Raising & TEST INTERNATION AL SYMPOSIUM IEEE EWDTS Gheorghe, I. Gheorghe s.a Flexible Center for welding with International High for Industrial Application Symposium “INDLASăβ008:ă Industrial Laser Applications N. Negurescu, C. Pana, Experimental Researces SECOND M. G. Popa, Al. Cernat, Regarding the Direct Injection in INTERNATION D. Soare Hydrogen Fueled AL CONGRESS AUTOMOTIVE,S AFETY AND ENVIRONMENT , 23-25 October,2008UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA/FISIT A C.Pana, N.Negurescu, M.G.Popa, Al.Cernat, D.Soare, P. Despa, Fl. Bujgoi The LPG Use in Diesel Engine SECOND INTERNATION AL CONGRESS AUTOMOTIVE,S AFETY AND ENVIRONMENT , 23-25 October,2008UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA/FISIT A SIMEC 2008 Proceedings SMAT2008E15, pp 77-84, TOME II 2008 Gh. Ene Aspecte privind calculul ciururilorăvibratoareăiner iale,ă Sesiuneaădeăcomunic riă ştiin ificeăMecanic ăTehnic ăşiă MecanismeAspecte privind calculul ciururilor vibratoare iner iale,ăSesiuneaădeăcomunic riă ştiin ificeăMecanic ăTehnic ăşiă Mecanisme Proceedings of SIMEC 2008 2008 37-47 39535 IM Gh. Ene Asupra unor factori care influen eaz ădebitulămorilorăcuă bile Asupra unui mod de evaluare a duratei reziduale de serviciu a unor echipamente tehnologice dinăinstala iileăpetrochimice.ă Studii de caz. I Determinarea parametrilor func ionaliăşiăconstructiviăaiă transportoarelor vibratoare elicoidale Unele aspecte privind ciururile cuăsuprafa ădeăcernereăfix SIMEC 2008 Proceedings of SIMEC 2008 2008 48-57 39535 IM SIMEC 2008 Proceedings of SIMEC 2008 2008 88-101 39535 IM SIMEC 2008 Proceedings of SIMEC 2008 2008 58-69 39535 IM SIMEC 2008 Proceedings of SIMEC 2008 2008 70-79 39535 IM Unele aspecte privind SIMEC 2008 echipamentele de sortare cu band ădeătransport Flow rate of impellers with radial The 17th discharge International Conference on Manufacturing Systemsă–ăICMaS Proceedings of SIMEC 2008 2008 80-87 39535 IM Proceedings of The 17th International Conference on Manufacturing Systemsă–ăICMaS 2008 Some problems regarding the laser welding high alloy steels Proceedings of The 2 -nd INDLAS International Conference Modern Laser Applications 2008 1384 1385 1386 R. Iatan, Al. Marin, Gh. Ene 1387 Gh. Ene 1388 Gh. Ene UPB IM 1389 Gh. Ene 1390 Tac ,ăC.D 1391 D.Besnea, O.Dontu, S.Ganatsios 1392 The 2 -nd INDLAS International Conference Modern Laser Applications IM UPB IM O.Dontu, D.Besnea, Gh.Gheorghe, S.Ganatsios, Paul Beca Some special features of laser The 2 -nd welding of radioactive cells INDLAS manufactured from stainless steel International Conference Modern Laser Applications Proceedings of The 2 -nd INDLAS International Conference Modern Laser Applications Proceedings of The 53 International Scientific Colloquium Proceedings of the 8th IIR “Gustavă Lorentzen”ă Conference Proceedings of WESIC08 2008 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM 2008 UPB IM Proceedings of WESIC08 2008 UPB IM 7th World Surfactants Congress. 2008 UPB IM Int. Conference On Scientific Computing 2009 58-64 UPB IM 2009 UPB IM 2009 63-78 UPB IM 1393 H.Panaitopol, D.Bacescu, Minirobot controlled by means D.Iaschiu, S.Petrache, of an external sensorial D.Besnea equipment The 53 International Scientific Colloquium Gh. Popescu, V. Apostol, Theoretical study of a new ecoH. Pop, T. Popescu refrigerantăproposală–ăR404aăȚă dimethylether blend The 8 th IIR “Gustav Lorentzen” Conference 1394 1395 G.Charalampides, Gh.Gheorghe, D.Besnea, O.Dontu, 1396 N.Alexandrescu, P.Beca N.Baran, D.Besnea, A.Motorga Design and execution of mechatronics parts by using CNC centers Elements of computing the architecture and manufacturing technology for a new type of 1397 profiled rotor Bolocan,ăI,ăBomboş,ăD.,ă Influence of some cosurfactants Duşescu,ăC.,ăBomboş,ăD.,ă on characteristics of emulsified fuels on monoglycerides basis Bolma, I . 1398 Cruceanu, C., Oprea, R., A Model for the Dynamic Spiroiu, M., Craciun, C., Longitudinal Reactions in the Arsene, S. Body of a Braked Passenger 1399 Train TUDOR ANDREI, A WEAR MODEL OF CUTTER VLASE MONICA TOOTH ON BRITTLE MATERIAL WESIC08 WESIC08 1400 Mazilu Traian 1401 An analysis of bogie hunting instability UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA 71 V. Apostol, Gh. Popescu, An Eco-Refrigerant Study to G.M.ă ârlea,ăH.ăPop,ăT.ă Sustain The European Popescu, C. Marinescu Environmental Aquis 1402 Gh. Popescu, V. Apostol, H. Pop, C.G. Alionte, B. 1403 Popescu DOBROVICESCU ALEXANDRU An experimental stand for ecorefrigerants testing Buletin of XLI Petroleumă–ăGasă University of Ploieşti Revista Anul 13 (1), Termotehnica ANALYSE EXERGETIQUE POUR LE CHOIX DE LA DIFFERENCE DE TEMPERATURE OPTIMALE DANS LES ECHANGEURS DE CHALEUR RECUPERATEURS D‟UNăSYSTEMEă CRYOGENIQUE 1404 Al. Dobrovicescu, Dorin Stanciu, Colette Padet 1405 PASCOVICI, M D, CICONE, T, FILLON, M, DOBRICA, M B Analyse ExergetiquePour le Choix de la Difference deTemperature Optimale dans les Echangeurs de Chaleurs Recuperatoiresăd‟unăSystemeă Criogenique ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATION OF A PARTIALLY TEXTURED PARALLEL SLIDER. 1406 Gh. Ene Aspecte privind calculul tehnologic al cicloanelor pentru despr fuireaăgazelor UPB Sci. Bull. Series D, Mechanical Engineering PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS -PART J -JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRIBOLOGY Romanian review precision mecanics, optic & mecatronics 2009 78-86 UPB IM 2009 85-89 UPB IM 2009 UPB IM 2009 65-74 UPB IM 2009 UPB 34 2009 173-180 UPB IM 71 2009 45-56 UPB IM UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA 71 EBSCO IM 1407 V.V. Jinescu, I.P. Popescu Consideration about highUPB Sci. Bull., pressure reactors with cylindrical Series D 1408 symetry JINESCU, V.V. , POPESCU, I. CONSIDERATION ABOUT HIGH-PRESSURE REACTORS WITH CYLINDRICAL SYMMETRY 1409 Jinescu, C.V Determination of the friction coefficient between the polymeric granular material and the metallic surfaces of the groovesăspecificătoăextruders‟ă 1410 feeding zones Mladin Cerna, Dissipation visqueuse et Dobrovicescu Alexandru productionăd‟entropieădansăună écoulement établi de convection 1411 mixte Gh. Popescu, V. Apostol, Experimental stand for ecoH. Pop, C.G. Alionte, B. refrigerants testing Popescu 1412 P unescu,ăM.,ăTac ,ăC.D. Flanged Joint Tightness and 1413 Flange‟săRigidityăInfluence Popescu, D, Mladin, E.C. Methodology for real estate Boazu, R. Bienert, S appraisal of green value Buletin UPB, seria D, UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING / UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA 71 U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D Bulletin of the “Transilvania”ă University of Braşov MOCM 71 2(51), Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 15 8 2009 UPB IM 2009 57-64 UPB IM 2009 29-49 UPB IM 2009 559-566 UPB IM 2009 51-56 UPB IM 2009 381-386 UPB IM 2009 33-44 UPB IM 2009 UPB IM 2009 17-28 UPB IM 1414 Dorin Stanciu, Al. Dobrovicescu 1415 Dragomirescu Andrei Numerical prediction of heat transfer on transonic turbines blades at off design operating conditions Numerical Study of a Wind Turbine with Cross-flow Runner 1416 H. Pop, M. Feidt, Gh. Popescu, V. Apostol, C.G. Alionte 1417 Optimization of conventional Irreversible Cascade Refrigeration System UPB Sci. Bull. Series D, Mechanical Engineering UPB Scientific 71(4), 2009 Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering Politehnica”ă Vol 71(4), University of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin, Series D 71 POP, H. , FEIDT, M., POPESCU, G. , APOSTOL, V., ALIONTE, C.G. OPTIMIZATION OF CONVENTIONAL IRREVERSIBLE CASCADE REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS STANCIU DORIN OPTIMIZATION OF INTERNAL FORCED CONVECTION THROUGH A DUCT BASED ON THE SECOND LAW RADULESCU ALEXANDRU VALENTIN RECHERCHES EXPÉRIMENTALES SUR LE COMPORTEMENT THERMIQUE DES LUBRIFIANTS USÉS Regarding an evaluation method of the residual life duration of technological equipment from petrochemical instalations. III. Case study, 1418 1419 1420 Iatan,I. R., Marin, A., 1421 Iatan, I. R., Marin, A., 1422 Dorin Stanciu, Al. Dobrovicescu Regarding an evaluation method of the residual life duration of technological equipment from petrochemical instalations. IV. Case study Second Law based Optimisation of Internal Forced Convection through a Duct The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA Universityă–ă Materials and Mechanics MOCM UPB Sci. Bull. Series D, Mechanical 1423 Engineering Geiculescu O E.., Stanga Solid Polymer Electrolytes from Journal of M., Navarrini W, Mladin High Molecular Weight PEO and Fluorine E.C Lithium Perfluorovinylether Chemistry Sulfonate - Derived Salts 1424 Iatan, I. R., Some analysis elements of the The Scientific residual time of life of a Bulletin of horizontal digester VALAHIA Universityă–ă Materials and 1425 Mechanics, Iatan, I. R., Marin, A., Some aspects regarding the The Scientific evaluation of the residual life Bulletin of cycle of some pipelines in VALAHIA petrochemical equipment. II. Universityă–ă Case study Materials and 1426 Mechanics UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA TEHNOLOGIA INOVATIVA REVISTA CONSTRUCTIA DE MASINI 4 2009 UPB IM 2009 UPB IM 2009 UPB IM 2009 β05ă–ăβ10ă UPB IM 15 2009 β6ă–ăγ7ă UPB IM 71 2009 79-94 UPB IM 2009 UPB IM 4 2009 195ă–ă198ă UPB IM 4 2009 199ă–ăβ04ă UPB IM PASCOVICI, MIRCEA D, CICONE, TRAIAN, MARIAN, VICTOR 1427 SusanăO.,ă uleanuăC.,ă Panaitescu Valeriu SQUEEZE PROCESS UNDER IMPACT, IN HIGHLY COMPRESSIBLE POROUS LAYERS, IMBIBED WITH LIQUIDS. The functional algorithm of ventilation systems for evacuating the smoke and hot gases out of a multistory building on fire TRIBOLOGY INTERNATION AL 2009 UPB EBSCO IM U.P.B. Sci. Bull., vol. 71, no.4, 2009 Series D: Mechanical Engineering/ SCOPUS si altele 2009 UPB IM 15 2009 16ă–ăβ6ă UPB IM 60 2009 714-718 UPB IM 15 2009 51-56 UPB IM UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering European Network on Education The European and Training in Radiological Nuclear Young Protection Generation Forum 2009, 1719 May 2009, Cordoba, Spain 2009 UPB IM 2009 UPB IM Towards energy generation Technologies with reduced environmental impact 2009 27-36 UPB IM 2009 63-74 UPB IM 2009 178-182, UPB IM 1428 Iatan, I. R., Popa, T. Carmen Thermal solicitation in MOCM monolayer plane and circular plates. Variable temperature on 1429 the thickness of the plate V. Apostol, Gh. Popescu, Thermodynamic Study Revista de Chimie Regarding the use of H. Pop, E. Vasilescu, C. Marinescu, C.G. Alionte dimethylether as Eco-Refrigerant 1430 Durbac ,ăI.,ăDurbac .ăN. 1431 Mazilu Traian, Dumitriu M d lina,ăTudoracheă Cristina,ăSebeşanăMircea 1432 M. Ceclan, R.E.Ceclan, M. Coeck, P. Livolsi, S. Mobius, A. SchmittHannig , A. Luciani, F. Draaisma, M. Marco, J. Stewart, P. De Regge, 1433 J.P. Vaz, P. Zagyvai M. Ceclan, R.E. Ceclan, D. Lopes, A. Meghea, P. Baptista, N. Badea Trend and current guidelines address management systems integratedăQualityă–ă Environmentă–ăOccupatională health and Safety in the process industries Wheel/rail interaction due to the polygonal wheel MOCM Proceedings of RICCCE XVI, 912 September 2009, Sinaia, Romania; ISSN1434 2066-8341 M. Ceclan, R.E. Ceclan, Digital Business Ecosystems, Proceedings of D. Lopes, A. Meghea, P. instruments of knowledge RICCCE XVI, 9Baptista, P. Terceiro, economy 12 September 2009, Sinaia, Romania; ISSN1435 2066-8341 M. Ceclan, R.E. Ceclan, ENETRAP II - WP10: Enthusing ETRAP 2009 M. Coeck, P. Livolsi, S. and attracting young generation Transactions, Möbius, A. Schmidtwith radiation protection ISBN 978-92Hannig, E. Fantuzzi, F.S. 95064-08-9, Nov Draaisma, M. Marco, J. 8-12 2009, Stewart, P.P. de Regge, Lisbon, Portugal J.P. Vaz, I. Zagyvai, 1436 M. Ceclan, R.E.Ceclan, M. Coeck, P. Livolsi, S. Mobius, A. SchmittHannig , A. Luciani, F. Draaisma, M. Marco, J. Stewart, P. De Regge, 1437 J.P. Vaz, P. Zagyvai M. Ceclan, R.E. Ceclan, D. Lopes, A. Meghea, P. Baptista, N. Badea European Network on Education The European and Training in Radiological Nuclear Young Protection Generation Forum 2009, 1719 May 2009, Cordoba, Spain 2009 UPB IM Towards energy generation Technologies with reduced environmental impact 2009 27-36 UPB IM 2009 63-74 UPB IM 2009 178-182, UPB IM Proceedings of 12 Th NOLAMP Conference 2009 UPB 2009, Copenhagen IM Proceedings of 12 Th NOLAMP Conference 2009 UPB 2009, Copenhagen IM 2009 UPB Cambridge, IM United Kingdom, 2009 2009 41-44 UPB Greece 2009 39-48 UPB Proceedings of RICCCE XVI, 912 September 2009, Sinaia, Romania; ISSN1438 2066-8341 M. Ceclan, R.E. Ceclan, Digital Business Ecosystems, Proceedings of D. Lopes, A. Meghea, P. instruments of knowledge RICCCE XVI, 9Baptista, P. Terceiro, economy 12 September 2009, Sinaia, Romania; ISSN1439 2066-8341 M. Ceclan, R.E. Ceclan, ENETRAP II - WP10: Enthusing ETRAP 2009 M. Coeck, P. Livolsi, S. and attracting young generation Transactions, Möbius, A. Schmidtwith radiation protection ISBN 978-92Hannig, E. Fantuzzi, F.S. 95064-08-9, Nov Draaisma, M. Marco, J. 8-12 2009, Stewart, P.P. de Regge, Lisbon, Portugal J.P. Vaz, I. Zagyvai, 1440 O.Dontu, D. Besnea, I. Researches Regarding the 12 Th NOLAMP Voiculescu increase pf the optical Pumping Conference Efficiency of solid active medium Nd: YAG laser 1441 Generators I. Voiculescu, O. G. The influence of the laser Nd: 12 Th NOLAMP Dontu, V. Geanta, E. YAG working parametrs on the Conference 1442 Stanciu weld metal morphology Cavaropol D. V., Efficiency of the Water Jets on 4th Grigoriu M., Panaitescu Fire Intervention IASME/WSEAS Valeriu, Dinu D. C., International Panaitescu M. Conference on Water Resources, Hydraulics and Hydrology (WHH‟09)/ă pozitia 117710 1443 Pavel, D. I., Chisacof, A., Technology Using the Warm Democritus Panaitescu, V., A., Water Jet for Fire Extinguish, University of Lazaroiu, G., Poenaru, Management of Technological Thrace 1444 M., Clean Change 2009 Niculae Negurescu, Theoretical and Experimental International Constantin Pana, Marcel Researches on a Hydrogen Conference, Ginu Popa, Alexandru Fueled SI Engine FUEL Cernat ECONOMY, SAFETY and RELIABILITY of MOTOR VEHICLES, 1445 ESFA 2009 1 IM IM Gh. Ene Aspecte privind calculul SIMEC 2009 proiectarea dispozitivelor de ac ionareăaleăciururilorăvibratoare Proceedings of SIMEC 2009 2009 73-80 39900 IM Gh. Ene Aspecteăprivindăcalcululăăşiă construc iaăpâlniilorădeăgolireăaleă bunc relor Elemente de calcul privind maşinileădeăextrudereăaămaseloră ceramice About the sievng process of vibratory screen (I) SIMEC 2009 Proceedings of SIMEC 2009 2009 63-72 39900 IM SIMEC 2009 Proceedings of SIMEC 2009 2009 81-90 39900 IM Romanian Review Precision mechanics, optics & mecatronics 37 2010 205-208 UPB IM About the sievng process of vibratory screen (II) Romanian Review Precision mechanics, optics & mecatronics 37 2010 209-212 UPB IM 2010 441-452 UPB IM 2010 139-152 UPB IM 2010 233-243 UPB IM Buletinul tomul LVI(LX), Institutului Fasc. 3a Politehnic din Iasi, Universitatea Tehnicaă“ăGh.ă Asachiă“ăIASI Romanian 37 Review Precision mechanics, optics & mecatronics 2010 UPB IM 2010 227-234 UPB IM Romanian Review Precision mechanics, optics & mecatronics 2010 235-239 UPB IM 1446 1447 Gh. Ene 1448 Gh. Ene 1449 Gh. Ene 1450 Petrescu, Stoian; Grosu, Analyse Théorique et Buletinul Tom LVI (LX), Lavinia; Costea, Monica; Expérimentaleăd‟uneăMachineăàă Institutului Fascicola 3a Rochelle, Pierre; Dobre, Froid de Stirling PolitehnicădinăIaşi Catalina; Petre, Camelia 1451 Mazilu Traian 1452 Raducanu, P ApplicationăofăGreen‟săfunctionsă in analysis of the response of an infinite homogenous structure to moving load UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics Aspects regarding the design of a Buletinul tom LVI(LX) rotary dryer for an equipment Institutului which compresses sawdust Politehnic din Iasi 1 1453 Chiriac R., Descombes G. Assessment on the possibility of energy recovery process from the engine exhaust gases using thermodynamic analysis 1454 C. Marin, Gh. Ene Calculul bandajelor libere pe sabo i,ăcuăcontactădiscret,ădină componen aăgrupurilorădeă rezemare ale agregatelor cu tambur rotativ (I) C. Marin, Gh. Ene Calculul bandajelor libere pe sabo i,ăcuăcontactădiscret,ădină componen aăgrupurilorădeă rezemare ale agregatelor cu tambur rotativ (II) 1455 1456 37 Tudor Prisecaru, Malina CFD simulation and infrared Prisecaru, Petcu Cristian, analysis of a hydrogen enriched Elena Pop, Cristina gas flame Ciobanu, Lucian Mihaescu, Horatiu Pop 1457 E.E. Vasilescu, Gh. Popescu, C. Ionita, V. Apostol, H. Pop Comparative energy and exergy analysis of the absorption, resorption and complex absorption-resorption systems 1458 B ranăGh.,ăCatan ăI.,ă Controlling the cavitation Magheti I., Safta Carmen phenomenon of evolution on a Anca, Savu M. butterfly valve Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii Tehnice "Gheorghe Asachi" din Iasi Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii Tehnice "Gheorghe Asachi" din Iasi, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science/ Inspec, Compendex Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 3a, Combustie si gazodinamica 2010 191-201 UPB IM Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 3a, Construc iiădeă Maşini 2010 399-407 UPB IM vol. 12, 2010 2010 UPB IM Hydraulica nr 3 2010 1453-7303 UPB 2010 345-350 UPB IM Volume 72 2010 25- 34 UPB IM UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI, BULETIN STIINTIFIC SERIA D: INGINERIE MECANICA Volume 4, No.7 (Serial No.32),USA , 2010 UPB IM 2010 1..8 UPB IM 1459 A.Fatu, M Crudu, M. Hajjam, S. Cananau. A. 1460 Pascu Dobrovicescu, A., Stanciu, D., Apostol, V., Petrescu, S., Costea, M., Petre, C. Evaluation of the elastomer hyper-elastic behavior for a ucup hydraulic rod seal Exergetic analysis of a dual purpose refrigerating and heating system ASME-ATI-UIT 2010 Conference on Thermal and Environmental Issues in Energy Systems ISI Web of Knowledge / SCOPUS IM 1461 Constantin Pana, Niculae EXPERIMENTAL ASPECTS Negurescu, Marcel Ginu OF THE USE OF LPG AT Popa, Alexandru Cernat DIESEL ENGINE 1462 Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest CONSTANTIN PANA, EXPERIMENTAL ASPECTS NICULAE OF THE USE OF LPG AT NEGURESCU, DIESEL ENGINE MARCEL GINU POPA, ALEXANDRU CERNAT 1463 Niculae Negurescu, Experimental Researches of a ConstantinăPan ,ăMarcelă Hydrogen Fuelled SI Engine Ginu Popa, Alexandru Cernat 1464 Journal of Enegy and Power Engineering/ Abstrcting and Indexing Services EBSCO, CSA, ULRICH, CQVIP, CONTACT US KádárăR.,ăLiuăZ.,ăB lană Corneliu Influence of hydrodynamic activation on a polymerization reaction in a Taylor-Couette reactor U.P.B. Sci. Bull., 72(3), 2010 Series D: Mechanical Engineering/ SCOPUS si altele 2010 UPB IM Stanciu D., Dobrovicescu Intrinsic exergy analysis of 2D A., Petre C. transonic compressor passage ASME-ATI-UIT 2010 Conference on Thermal and Environmental Issues in Energy Systems 2010 1245 - 1250 UPB IM Pana Constantin, Investigatigons Regarding the Negurescu Niculae, Popa Use of the Turbocharging and Marcel Ginu, Cernat Bioethanol at SI Engines Alexandru Buletinul Tomul LVI (LX), Institutului Fasc. 4B Politehnic din Iasi, Universitatea Tehnicaă“ăGh.ă Asachiă“ădinăIASIă Seria Constructii de Masini 2010 49-56 UPB IM 2010 γ…14 UPB IM 1465 1466 1467 Stoian PETRESCU, Monica COSTEA, 1468 Charles HARMAN Petrescu, Stoian; Boriaru, Nicolae; Leontiev, Cristian; Costea, Monica; Petre, Camelia 1469 Chisacof, A., Pavel, D., Panaitescu, V. 1470 Chisacof A., Pavel D., Panaitescu Valeriu IRREVERSIBLE FINITE SPEED THERMODYNAMICS IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS Irreversible Semi-Diesel Cycle Approach based on the Direct Method from Finite Speed Thermodynamics TERMOTEHNIC A Buletinul Tom LVI (LX), Institutului Fascicola 3a PolitehnicădinăIaşi 2010 103-115 UPB IM Jet of Mist Warm Water Behaviour in Interaction With Hydrocarbon Flame Jet of Mist Water Behaviour in Interaction with Hydrocarbon Flame CONSTRUC IIă Tomul LVI (LX), DEăMAŞINI Fasc. 3a 2010 231-241 UPB IM Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi,ăSec iaă Construc iiădeă Maşini/ă IndexCopernicus 2010 UPB IM LOW INTENSITZ ULTRASOUND TREATMENT FOR ACCELERATION OF BONE FRACTURES HESLING The 2 International Conference on Innovations, Recent Trends and Challenges in Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering and New High+Tech Products DevelopmentMECAHITECH 2010 2010 UPB IM 1471 I.SAMOTA, O.DONTU, R.CIOBANU, D.BESNEA, I.AVARVAREI 1472 2 vol. LVI(LX), fasc. 4, 2010 C.DELAVET, MANUFACTURING O.DONTU, D.BESNEA, MODULAR ELEMENTS FOR I.AVARVAREI, LASER PUMPING CAVITIES R.CIOBANU The 2 International Conference on Innovations, Recent Trends and Challenges in Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering and New High+Tech Products DevelopmentMECAHITECH 2010 2010 UPB IM Buletină tiin ifică –ăUPB 2010 UPB 2010 UPB IM 2010 UPB IM 1473 Dr gu inoiu,ăD.,ă/Specht,ă Markentransfer in G. /Pascu. A. Mehrkanalsystemen aus der Sicht eines 1474 Komponentenherstellers Ciocanea Adian, Mechanical method for reducing PrisecaruT. NOx emmisions of pulverized coal combustion Bul.ăIPBăIaşi,ă Sec iaă Construc iaădeă Maşini/ăBDIă IndexCopernicus Tom LVI (LX), Fasc. 3.a, 2010 ISI Web of Knowledge / SCOPUS IM 1475 E.Stanciu, A.Pavalache, G.Dumitru, O.Dontu, D.Besnea, I.Vasile Mechanism of key hole formation in laser welding Romanian Review Precision Mechanics Optics&Mechatro nics 38 M rculescuăC.,ăB lană Corneliu Mixing process in rotating motions U.P.B. Sci. Bull., 72(2), 2010 Series D: Mechanical Engineering/ SCOPUS si altele 2010 UPB IM TingăOuyang,ăB lană Corneliu Modeling of fiber spinning flows U.P.B. Sci. Bull., 72(4), 2010 of pre-ceramics polymer melts Series D: Mechanical Engineering/ SCOPUS si altele 2010 UPB IM 2010 UPB IM 2010 UPB IM 2010 10 UPB IM 1476 1477 1478 T.C.Popescu, D.D.I.Guta, Modern instruments for analysis Calinoiu Constantin of hydrostatic transmissions U.P.B. Sci. Bull., vol. 72, no. 4, Series D: 2010 Mechanical Engineering/ SCOPUS si altele Gh.Ion Gheorghe, D.D. Palade, Magdalena Teodorescu, Eugeniu Condurateanu, Maria Marian, O. Caruntu, Irina Ene Modernization and development of the institutional management regarding the R-D-I activities in the mechatronic field and measurementătechniquesă–ă PROMECHATRONICS Romanian Review Precision Mechanics Optics&Mechatro nics Chisacof, A. Poluarea Termica a mediului o provocare pentru educatie Buletinul AGIR 1479 38 1480 1481 Mazilu Traian, Dumitriu Railway Wheelset Bending M d lina,ăTudoracheă Flexibility Cristina,ăSebeşanăMircea ICAIă‟10 Gh. Ion Gheorghe, Simona Istriteanu, Adriana Cîrstoiu Researches regarding intelligent sensors and actuators of high precision used in precision Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics domain Romanian Review Precision Mechanics Optics&Mechatro nics 38 NICOLAE BARAN, ZAID ABULGHANAM, ALEXANDRU SORIN PATULEA RESEARCHES REGARDING THE INCREASE OF THE DISSOLVED OXYGEN CONCENTRATION IN FUNCTION OF THE DURATION OF THE WATER OXYGENATION PROCESS TERMOTEHNIC A 2 CoblasăD.,ăBroboan ă Diana,ăB lanăCorneliu Rheological characterization of viscous fluids in osscilatory squeezing flow Sterpu, Ancaelena Eliza, Teodorescu, Nicoleta, Prodea, Iuliana- Marlena, Neagu Anisoara, Dumitru Anca Iuliana The Effect of Composition and Temperature on the Rheological Properties of Greases Based on Calcium Soaps 2010 122-127 UPB IM 2010 UPB IM 2010 15…18 UPB IM U.P.B. Sci. Bull., 72(3), 2010 Series D: Mechanical Engineering/ SCOPUS si altele 2010 UPB IM International Vol. 2N.1 Review of Chemical Engineering Rapid Communications (IRECHE) CONSTRUC IIă Tomul LVI (LX), DEăMAŞINI Fasc. 3b 2010 81-85 UPB IM 2010 327-334 UPB IM Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 3a, Construc iiădeă Maşini 2010 463-476 UPB IM Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 3a 2010 125-134 UPB IM Tomul LX, fasc. 3a 2010 UPB IM 2010 UPB IM 2010 UPB IM 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 Chisacof, A. 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 Thermal Sciences Role in the Curricula Improvement for Graduate and Phd Students Gh. Popescu, H. Pop, M. Thermodynamic Analysis of HC Buletinul Feidt, T. Popescu, V. Blends R290 and R600 as Eco- Stiintific al Apostol, C.A. Marinescu Refrigerants Universitatii Tehnice "Gheorghe Asachi" din Iasi C. Ionita, M. Marinescu, Thermoeconomic analysis of a BULETINUL Al. Dobrovicescu, E. E. combined heat and power system INSTITUTULUI Vasilescu POLITEHNIC DINăIAŞI Padet J, Cota R., Mladin Un autre regard sur la convection Buletinul E.C mixte Institutului Politehnic Iasi Mateescu Gabriela, Use of non-conventional Journal of Baran Nicolae, Besnea technologies for the Engineering Daniel manufacturing of some water Studies and oxygenation devices Research Mazilu Traian, Dumitriu Wheel-rail joint geometry International M d lina,ăTudoracheă Workshop on Cristina,ăSebeşanăMircea Soft Computing Applications 16 259-263 B lanăC.ăM.,ăB lană Corneliu μPIVămeasurementăandă numerical computation in obtaining velocity profiles in micro-channels U.P.B. Sci. Bull., 72(3), 2010 Series D: Mechanical Engineering/ SCOPUS si altele 2010 UPB Gabriel Popa, Arsene Sorin STUDY ON ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION MODERNIZATION OF LOCOMOTIVE LE-0403400KW. STARTING UP REGIME ANALYSYS IEEE-TTTC vol2 International Conference on Automation,Qualit y and Testing, Robotics 2010 UPB BirtaşăA.,ăVoicuăI.,ă Effects of LPG - Air Enrichment FISITA F2010-ANiculaeăG.,ăRacovi zaăA.,ă with HRG Gas on Performance 064 Chiriac R., Apostolescu and Emissions of a SI Engine N., Petcu C 2010 UPB IM BirtaşăA.,ăVoicuăI.,ă Niculae G., Chiriac R., Apostolescu N 2010 UPB IM 2010 UPB BirtaşăA.,ăVoicuăI.,ă Effects of LPG - Air Enrichment FISITA F2010-ANiculaeăG.,ăRacovi zaăA.,ă with HRG Gas on Performance 064 Chiriac R., Apostolescu and Emissions of a SI Engine N., Petcu C 2010 UPB IM BirtaşăA.,ăVoicuăI.,ă Niculae G., Chiriac R., Apostolescu N 2010 UPB IM 2010 UPB IM IM 1493 1494 1495 1496 Gabriel Popa, Arsene Sorin Hydrogen assisted combustion in International diesel engine Automotive Congress and Transport Engineering STUDY ON ELECTRICAL IEEE-TTTC vol2 TRANSMISSION International MODERNIZATION OF Conference on LOCOMOTIVE LE-040Automation,Qualit 3400KW. STARTING UP y and Testing, REGIME ANALYSYS Robotics 1497 1498 1499 AVRAM M., BANU V., BUCSAN C. 1500 Hydrogen assisted combustion in International diesel engine Automotive Congress and Transport Engineering Pneumaticădistributorsă–ăaăstudyă 2nd International regarding the development trends Conference on Innovations, Recent Trends and Challenges in Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering and New High-Tech Products Development MECAHITECH‟1 0 Bucharest AVRAM M., CONSTANTIN V., BUCSAN C. Working program for a chess playing robot 2nd International Conference on Innovations, Recent Trends and Challenges in Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering and New High-Tech Products Development MECAHITECH‟1 0 Bucharest 2010 UPB IM AVRAM M., CONSTANTIN V., BUCSAN C. The hardware structure of a 2nd International robotized system used as a chess Conference on partner Innovations, Recent Trends and Challenges in Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering and New High-Tech Products Development MECAHITECH‟1 0 Bucharest, 2010 UPB IM 2010 UPB IM 2010 UPB IM 1501 1502 DESPINAăDUMINIC ,ă Criticality assessment using MIHAI AVRAM fuzzyăriskăpriorityănumbers” 2nd International Conference on Inovations, Recent Trends and Challenges in Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering and New High-Tech Products Development MECAHITECH ฀ 10 1503 MIRICA, R.F., DOBRE, G., VLADU, M.R., 1504 On the Development of Complex 3rd International Products Containing SubConference on Assemblies Advanced Design and Manufacture (ADM 2010) 3rd International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacture (ADM 2010), Nottingham,ă8thă–ă 9th September 2010, http://www.admec. 0/KEMPaperList. pdf Popescu T.C., Guta D.I., Marin Alexandru Adjustment of Hydrostatic Transmissions through Virtual Instrumentation Technique 8th International Industrial Simulation Conference - ISC 2010 R.Ciobanu, O.Dontu, D.Besnea, I.Avarvarei, I.Voiculescu Inertial system used to analyze normal and pathological human gait ICMET 2010 O.Dontu, D.Besnea, R.Ciobanu, I.Avarvarei, Gh. I.Gheorghe Modular system used for treating ICMET 2010 fuel fluids in a magnetic field Gabriel Popa, C.Ilie, I Potarnuche, H Galos, V.Stanciu, Arsene Sorin STAND FOR TESTING ELECTRICAL MACHINES UP TO 1.500 KILOWATTS USED IN RAILWAY TRACTION IEEE International Conference on Automation,Qualit y and Testing, Robotics GH. ION GHEORGHE, P.BECA, A.VIERU, OCTAVIAăC RUNTU,ă N.ALEXANDRESCU, C. MARIN, L. CRISTEA, V. DUNCA, M. STOICA. The development of education for the viability of labour market through the innovative vectors: mechatronicsă–ăintegronicsă(mȚi) International Conference 2ND International Conference on Innovations, Recent Trends and Challenges in Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering and New High-Tech Products Development MECAHITECH‟1 0 Gabriel Popa, Arsene Sorin ANALISYS OF OPERATING MODES OF ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR LOCOMOTIVE LE O4O-3400 KW MODERNIZED 2010 UPB Budapesta, 2010 IM 2010 IEEE Catalog Number CFP1070K-PRT UPB 10-12 Sepember, 2010, Singapore IM 2010 IEEE Catalog Number CFP1070K-PRT UPB Singapore, 10-12 Sepember, 2010 IM 2010 UPB IM 2010 UPB IM IEEE Catalog number CFP1092L-CDR 2010 UPB Bologna 2010 IM Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology –ICMETăβ010 2010 UPB 10-12 Septembrie, Singapore IM 1505 1506 1507 Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology Catalog number CFP10AQT-PRT 1508 1509 International conference on ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS FOR AIRCRAFT, RAILWAY AND SHIP 1510 PROPULSION R.CIOBANU, INERTIAL SYSTEM USED TO International O.DONTU, D.BESNEA, ANALYZE NORMAL AND Conference on I.AVARVAREI, PATHOLOGICAL HUMAN Mechanical and I.VOICULESCU GAIT, Electrical Technology –ICMETăβ010 1511 AURELIAN OVIDIUS TRUFASU, CRISTINA LILIANA TRUFASU A IR METHODS TO EVALUATE SURFACE TEXTURE International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and Aerospace ICMERA 2010 VISAN, A SURVEY ON THE A.,L.,ALEXANDRESCU EVOLUTION OF N. NONCONVENTIONAL International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and Aerospace ICMERA 2010 GH.I.GHEORGHE, O.DONTU, D.BESNEA, I. AVARVAREI, R.CIOBANU EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL STUDIES REGARDING INTELLIGENT SENSORS AND ACTUATORS OF HIGH PRECISION USED IN PRECISION MECHANICS AND ROBOTICS DOMAIN International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and Aerospace ICMERA 2010 NICOLAE ALEXANDRESCU, CONSTANTIN UDREA, DESPINAăDUMINIC ,ă TUDORăC T LINă APOSTOLESCU, RESEARCH OF THE VACUUM SYSTEM OF A CLEANING ROBOT WITH VERTICALăDISPLACEMENT” Ancaelena Sterpu, Teodorescu N., Prodea I.M, Anca Iuliana Dumitru The Effect of Composition and Temperature on the Rheological Properties of Greases Based on Calcium Soaps International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and Aerospace ICMERA 2010, BUCUREŞTI International Review of Chemical Engineering Rapid Communications AVRAM M., BUCSAN, C., CONSTANTIN V., Incremental pneumo-hydraulic positioning unit 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 international salon of hydraulics, pneumatics, sealing elements, fine mechanics, tools, dedicated electronic equipments & mechatronics HERVEX 2010 Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and Aerospace ICMERA 2010 Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and Aerospace ICMERA 2010 Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and Aerospace ICMERA 2010 Proceedings of 2010 UPB IM 2010 UPB IM 2010 UPB 2010 UPB Proceedings of International Review of Chemical Engineering Rapid Communications 2010 81-85 2010 2-4 decembrie, 2010, Bucuresti IM IM IM UPB IM AVRAM M., BUCSAN, C., CONSTANTIN V. Pneumatic positioning system without proportional directional valves international salon of hydraulics, pneumatics, sealing elements, fine mechanics, tools, dedicated electronic equipments & mechatronics HERVEX 2010 2010 UPB IM AURELIAN OVIDIUS Advanced sensing systems by TRUFASU, ANDREI dslr imaging NICOLAE CUTA, CONSTANTIN NITU, MIHAI MUSCELEANU, CRISTINA LILIANA TRUFASU JSPE Industrial Application of Image Processing 2010 UPB IM VIOREL GHEORGHE, Rolling robot with radial NICOLAE extending legs ALEXANDRESCU, DESPINAăDUMINIC ,ă LAUREN IUăADRIANă CARTAL Proceedings ISRCS 2010 - 3rd International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems, 10-12 august 2010 2010 UPB IM N.BARAN, D.DUMINICA, D.BESNEA Proceedings Of 2010 International Conference On Mechanical Engineering , Robotics And Aerospace, ICMERA 2010, Bucharest, Romania, 2-4 December, 2010. IEEE Catalog Number :CFP1057L-PRT 2010 UPB IM 1518 1519 1520 1521 Researches on a new type of rotating thermic motor SANDU M., SANDU A., Design of a contact sixIONASCU G. component force and moment sensor for aerodynamic testing Proceedings of the International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIALă β010"ăINCASă–ă National Institute for Aerospace Researchă“Elieă Carafoli”ă(underă the Aegis of Romanian Academy). 2010 UPB IM SORIN KOSTRAKIEVICI, MIRCEA IULIAN NISTOR, DOINA BUCUR, CRISTIAN DOBRECI The 2nd International Conference on Innovations, Recent Trends and Challenges in Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering and New High-Tech Products Developmentă–ă MECAHITECH 2010 2010 UPB IM 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 Considerations on dental implants fixation MIHAI AVRAM, VIORELANGULAR HYDRAULIC POSITACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SERIE 2006 UPB CNCSIS B+ DANIEL BACESCU, HORIA ASPECTS CONCERNING THE DE ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SERIE 2006 UPB CNCSIS B+ COMANESCU DINU MIHA AUTOMATIC DATE STAMP ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SERIE 2006 UPB CNCSIS B+ G.IONASCU, C.RIZESCU,DEVICE FOR STUDY OF FRICTACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SERIE 2006 UPB CNCSIS B+ CRISTIAN G.ALIONTE, CELECTROMAGNETIC ACTUATACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SERIE 2006 UPB CNCSIS B+ MIHAIăAVRAM,ăDESPINAăDUMINIC ESTABLISHING ¸ăVIORELăGHEORGHE STATIC AND DYNA ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SERIE 2006 UPB CNCSIS B+ DESPINAăDUMINIC FORECASTING PERFORMANCE ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SERIE 2006 UPB CNCSIS B+ NITU CONSTANTIN, GRGRAPH METHODS FOR MECHA ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SERIE 2006 UPB CNCSIS B+ LUCIAN BOGATU, BESNEA MICROSTEREOPHOTOLITHOGRA ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SERIE 2006 UPB CNCSIS B+ DESPINA DUMINICA, BERESEARCH REGARDING THE PACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SERIE 2006 UPB CNCSIS B+ DESPINAăDUMINIC ,ăDANIELăBESNEA RESEARCH REGARDING THE PUPB SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIE 2006 UPB CNCSIS B+ N.ALEXANDRESCU SERVOREGULATORUL DE PREACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SERIE 2006 UPB CNCSIS B+ RIZESCU CIPRIAN ION RSETUP FOR FRICTION TORQUEACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SERIE 2006 UPB CNCSIS B+ DANAăRIZESCU,ăGEORGETAăIONAŞCU,ăCIPRIANăIONăRIZESCU,ăLUCIANăBOGATU,ăDANIELăBESNEA,ăDESPINAăDUMINIC STUDY CONCERNING SOME AACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SERIE 2006 CNCSIS B+ RIZESCU DANA, RIZESCSURVEILIANCE VIDEO SYSTEACTA UNIVERSITATIS APULENSIS 2006 UPB CNCSIS B+ GEORGETAăIONAŞCU,ăLUCIANăBOGATU,ăDESPINAăDUMINIC TECHNOLOGY FOR PRODUCINACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SERIE 2006 UPB CNCSIS B+ BOGDAN GRAMESCU, CTHE DYNAMIC MODEL OF A WACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SERIE 2006 UPB CNCSIS B+ DESPINA DUMINICA, DA THE INFLUENCE OF CONSTRUC MODELLING AND OPTIMIZATION 2007 UPB CNCSIS B+ G. IONASCU, L. BOGATU, MODELING, SIMULATION ANDUPB SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIE 2008 UPB CNCSIS B+ MIU S. N., BUCUR D. ENERGY COST OF THE HUMAN NONLINEAR OPTvol 39 issue 2-3 2009 UPB SCOPUS BACESCU D., KOSTRAKIMINI INFRARED VIDEO CAMENONLINEAR OPTvol 39 issue 2-3 2009 UPB SCOPUS BUCUR D., MIU S. N. PORTABLE EQUIPMENT FOR TNONLINEAR OPTvol 39 issue 2-3 2009 UPB SCOPUS ADRIANA COMANESCU,ABOUT THE FIXED SEQUENCEBULETINULăINSTITUTULUIăPOLITEHNICăDINăIAŞI,ăSEC TOMUL LVI (LX), 2010 IAăCONSTRUC UPBIIăDEăMAŞINI CNCSIS B+ NICOLAEăALEXANDRESCU,ăTUDORăC AUTONOMOUS TMOBILE LINăAPOSTOLESCU,ăCONSTANTINăUDREA,ăDESPINAăDUMINIC ROBOT Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International 2010 ,ăLAUREN IUăADRIANăCARTAL UPB BDI-IEEE Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica Mecatronica si robotica 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 DESPINAăDUMINIC ,ăFLORINăTEODORăT BENCHMARKINGULăŞIăM N SESCU,ăVALERIUSăMIHAILăSTANCIU,ăDIANAăMURAăBADEA,ăGHEORGHEăŞTEF SURAREAăPERFORMAN CALITATEAă–ăACCESăLAăSUCCES/ăQUALITYă–ăACCESSăTOăSUCCESS 11 (3/2010) EIăÎNăMANAGEMENTULăCALIT 2010 17-22IIăTOTALE UPBNESCU,ăPETREăCONSTANTIN CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica S.GANATSIOS, O.DONTU, CONSIDERATIONS ON TREATIROMANIAN REVI2010 (20), NO.38 2010 UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica G. CHARALAMPIDES, O.CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING ROMANIAN REVI2010 (20), NO.38 2010 UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica A.PAVALACHE, E.STANC EFFECT OF THE STRENGTHENI ROMANIAN REVI2010 (20), NO.38 2010 UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica PETCU DANIEL,CATRINA EFFECTIVENESS OF ACCOMMO PROCEEDINGSăOFăTHEăăROMANIANăACADEMYă–ăSERIESăB:ăCHEMISTRY,ăLIFEăSCIENCESăANDăGEOSCIENCES 40238 2010 UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica DESPINAăDUMINIC ,ăBOGDANăPOPESCU,ăTZVETELINăGUEORGUIEV,ăCRISTIANăGABRIELăALIONTE,ăHORA EURO-QLIO, AN OPPORTUNITY ROMANIAN REVI2010 (20), NO.38 2010 123-127 IUăPOP,ăGHEORGHEăPOPESCU,ăANTHONYăBATTISTUTA UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica AVRAM M., BUCSAN C.,HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE BULETINULăINSTITUTULUIăPOLITEHNICăDINăIAŞI TOMULăLVIă(LX),ăFASC.4A,ăSEC 2010IAăCONSTRUC 1...10 IIăDEăMAŞINI UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica ăAVRAMăM.,ăALEXANDRESCU,ăN.,ăBUCŞANăC. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International 2010 UPB BDI-IEEE Mecatronica si robotica O.DONTU, R.CIOBANU, INERTIAL SYSTEM USED TO AROMANIAN REVI2010 (20), NO.38 2010 UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica S.GANATSIOS, O.DONTU, INTEGRATED DESIGN SOLUTIMECAHITECH 2010 2010 UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica I.AVARVAREI, O.DONTU, LASER PUMPING CAVITIES MA International Conference on Manufactu 2010 UPB BDI Mecatronica si robotica I.SAMOTA, O.DONTU, RLOW INTENSITY ULTRASOUND MECAHITECH 2010 2010 UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica COMEAGA C.D., BOGATMANUFACTURING AND TESTIProceedings of 2010 IEEE International 2010 UPB BDI-IEEE Mecatronica si robotica D.BESNEA, N.BARAN, AMANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY MECAHITECH 2010 2010 UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica E.STANCIU, A.PAVALACMECHANISM OF KEY HOLE FOR ROMANIAN REVI2010 (20), NO.38 2010 UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica BOGDAN GRAMESCU, CMOTION GENERATION FOR A Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International 2010 UPB BDI-IEEE Mecatronica si robotica AVRAMăM.,ăBUCŞANăC.,ăCONSTANTINăV. PNEUMO-HYDRAULIC POSITIONI ROMANIAN REVI2010 (20), NO.38 2010 15-20 UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica AVRAM M., CONSTANTPNEUTORNIC POSITIONING UNI ROMANIAN REVI2010 (20), NO.37 2010 39-42 UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica AVRAM M., CONSTANTPNEUTORNIC POSITIONING UNI ROMANIAN REVI2010 (20), NO.38 2010 105-106 UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica DIANAăMURAăBADEA,ăFLORINăTEODORăT PROSPECTIVE STUDY N ON SESCU,ăPETREăCONSTANTIN,ăDUMITRUăVLAD,ăAURELăISTRATE,ăIOANAăVLAICU,ăDESPINAăDUMINIC BENC ROMANIAN REVI2010 (20), NO.38 2010 101-103 UPB CNCSIS B+ ,ăGHEORGHEăŞTEF Mecatronica siNESCU robotica TUDOR CATALIN APOSTSTUDY ON VACUUM ATTACHM U.P.B. SCI. BULL.VOL. 72 NO. 4/201 2010 79-92 UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica GHEORGHEăGHE.,ăVIERUăA.,ăC THEăDEVELOPMENTăOFăEDUCATIONăFORăTHEăVIABILITYăOFăLABORăMARKETăTHROUGHăTHEăINNOVATIVEăVECTORS:ăMECHATRONICSă–ăINTEGRONICS RUNTUăO.,ăALEXANDRESCUăN.,ăMARINăC.,ăCRISTEAăL.,ăDUNCAăV.,ăDIMITRIUăS.,ă ROMANIAN REVINR. 38 2010 UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica N.BARAN, D,BESNEA, D.THE INFLUENCE OF TECHNICA MECAHITECH 2010 2010 UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica S. PETRACHE, N. ALEXATHE REMOTE CONTROL OF AUT BULETINăUPBă–ăSERIAăD 40269 2010 UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica I.SAMOTA, O.DONTU., D. TREATMENT OF TRAUMATIZEThe 2 International Conference on Inno 2010 UPB BDI Mecatronica si robotica G.CHARALAMPIDES, O.DONT WELDING OF ACTIVE DIAMOND MECAHITECH 2010 2010 UPB CNCSIS B+ Mecatronica si robotica NEAGU,ăC.,ăROŞU,ăM.,ă A new approach to scheduling Buletin UPB seria D, Vol. 68, 2006 37-44 UPB Inginerie si CATAN ,ăM. and control of job-shop nr. 3 management production DUMITRESCU, A. Objective Look on Line Buletinul Seria D, Vol. 68, 2006 77-88 UPB Inginerie si Characteristics Universit iiă Nr. 2, 2006 management POLITEHNICA dinăBucureşti DUMITRESCU, A Objective Look on Line Buletinul Seria D, Vol. 68, 2006 77-88, UPB Inginerie si Characteristics Universit iiă Nr. 2, 2006 management POLITEHNICA dinăBucureşti,ă Gheorghe M. Competency and Creativity in International 2007 UPB Inginerie si Engineering Higher Education Conference on management Manufacturing Science and Education, European Traditions in Engineering Deciu E.R., Ostrosi E., Configuration grammar-based Proceedings of 2007 UPB Inginerie si Ferney M., Gheorghe M. design approach for product the 16th management family modeling in advanced International CAD system Conference on Engineering Design (ICED‟07),ăParis,ă Août 2007 OPRAN Constantin, ILIESCU Mihaela 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 Research concerning technological system for manufacturing biodegradable polymer composites wooden reinforced products Annals of MTeM for 2007 & Proceedings of the 8th International conference modern technologies in manufacturing Condei V., Neagu C. Object oriented application Analele development using C++ and Universitatii OpenCascade OVIDIUS Constanta, Seria Inginerie Mecanica, Analele Neagu C., Condei V. CNC Programs Tool Path Universitatii Simulation OVIDIUS Constanta, Seria Inginerie Mecanica DUMITRESCU, A., Experiment for Testing the Buletinul Concept of Product Personality Universit iiă POLITEHNICA dinăBucureşti Ghiculescu D., Producerămatrixă–ăinstrumentăforă Nonconventional Marinescu N.I., inner medium Analysis, applied Technologies Marinescu R.D. for electrodischarge machines Review manufacturers Ghiculescu D., Clientămatrixă–ăinstrumentăforă Nonconventional Marinescu N.I., concurrential medium analysis, Technologies Marinescu R.D. applied for electrodischarge Review machine Marinescu R.D., Modern conceptions regarding Nonconventional Marinescu N.I., Purdescu the creation of small and medium Technologies Cl., Dumitriu D business in nonconventional Review technologies field 2007 Vol IX, Nr.1,2007 2007 Vol. IX, Nr. 1, 2007 Seria D, Vol. 69, Nr. 3, 2007 ISSN 3454-3087, nr. 1 2007 pp.343-347 UPB Inginerie si management UPB 55-62 pag.29-34, UPB 1586 ILIESCU M., GHEORGHE M., Inginerie si management UPB Inginerie si Management ISSN 3454-3087, nr. 2 2007 pag.37-42 UPB Inginerie si Management ISSN 3454-3087, nr. 4 2007 pag. 45-49 UPB 1585 ILIESCU M., GHEORGHE M., Inginerie si management Statistic Models of Cutting Tool University vol. 69, no. Durability Function in Turning POLITEHNICA 3/2007 40C130 Thermal Spray Coatings of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin, Series D, Statistical Modeling of Surface Academic Journal no. 3 Roughness in Turning S12Mn2Si of Manufacturing Metal Spray Coatings Engineering Review 2007 Regional Economic RTD Policy Through Foresight and Mentoring 39 2006 UPB Inginerie si management Nr.5 2006 UPB Inginerie si management Inginerie si management 2007 47-54 pag. 41-46 UPB Inginerie si Management Inginerie si management UPB Inginerie si management 1587 A.Szuder,U. Marchaim, B. Buryta, V. CarabiasHutter,M. Wixed,C. 1588 Winters, A.Szuder, C Winters, 1589 Norbert Hoeptner Tom SAVU, Ian CLIFFORD, Susan RUSSAM 1590 HARNESSING University-Business Co-operation E-LEARNING LANGUAGE OUTCOMES CUE European Innovation ICT4ALL 2009 2009 UPB T. Savu Telework Education System Proceedings of ICL 2009 - 12th International Conference on Interactive Computer aided 1591 Learning Ghiculescu D., Influence of macro and International Marinescu N.I., Nanu S. microgeometry machined surface Journal of on ultrasonic aided Material Forming 1592 electrodischarge machining M.ăILIESCU,ăE.ăNU U,ă NAUN B.ăCOM NESCU International Journal of Applied Finite Element Method Mathematics and Simulation Computers in in 3D Printing 1593 Simulation, Neagu C., Mangiridis M., Model for sharing of critical Ovidius Catana C.,Ilie C resources University Annual Scientific Journal.Mechanic al Engineering Series, 1594 4.ăNEAGU,ăC.,ăROŞU,ă Calculation model of production Review of M., MAMGIRIDIS, M., costs for batch-organized Management and MELNIC, L. manufacturing case Economic Engineering, 1595 ISSN: 1583-624X MIHAIELA ILIESCU, Surface Roughness Statistic WSEAS MIHNEA COSTOIU, Models of Metallized Coatings Transactions on in Grinding Manufacturing SYSTEMS, 1596 Systems Neagu C., Mangiridis M., The use of multiagent Aademic Journal Melnic M., Ilie C. programming for scheduling the of Manufacturing load plans of critical rsources Engineering, 1597 MIHAIELA ILIESCU, Simulation of 20MoCr130 Steel AURELIAN VLASE, Drilling Process and Some InTERNATIONA DORU BARDAC, Mathematical Models L JOURNAL of Determined MATHEMATICS and COMPUTERS in SIMULATION, 2009 UPB Inginerie si management CD, ISBN: 978-389958- 481-3 2008 1339-1342 UPB Inginerie si management Issue 4, vol. 2 ISSN: 1998-0159 2008 pag. 305-312 UPB Inginerie si management Vol.X ,Number 1,2008 2008 nr. 1/vol 7 2008 Issue 9, vol. 7, September, 2008, 2008 Vol.6,Issue 4/2008 2008 Issue 1, vol. 3, 2009 2009 ISSN: 19606206, 19606214 169-182 UPB Inginerie si management UPB Inginerie si management pag. 824-833 UPB UPB pag. 107-114, Inginerie si management Inginerie si management UPB Inginerie si management 2009 UPB Inginerie si management 2009 UPB Inginerie si management 1598 Neagu C., Diaconu E. 1599 Deciu E.R., Ostrosi E., Fougeres A.J., Ferney M., Gheorghe M., 1600 Using Artificial Networks to Predict the Evolution of Consumer Loans of The Population. ăAPICă–ăuneăplateformeăintégréeă d‟assistanceăàălaăconceptionădesă familles de produits configurables, Review of Nr.3.Vol.8, Management and Economic Engineering. 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique Marseille, Août 2009 Ghionea, A., Zapciu, M., Calculus of an angular Vintilescu, A., Ghionea, positioning kinematical chain I., with electromechanical drive. Annals of the Vol. VIII, Oradea University. Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering 2009 Journee D‟Electrochimie,ă 2009 ECS transactions, Environmental 1603 Electrochemistry Topalu Ana-Maria, Research on the experimental Proceedings of Spanu Paulina, Militaru determination of the mechanical the 19th C., Cernat Marieana characteristics of polymeric International composite material Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materialsă–ă IWCMM 19, 1-4 Sept 2009, Constanta, University Press, ISBN 978-9731604 614-509-4 Neagu C., Diaconu E Using Artificial Neural Networks Review of (ANN) in Financial Forecasting Management and Economic 1605 Engineering. Ghionea, I. Optimization approach to Scientific conception of a mechanical part Bulletin of the using CAD/FEM techniques University Politehnica of 1606 Bucharest N.ăIonescu,ăA.,ăVişan,ăC.,ă Benefiting From the Teaching The First Doicin, D., Hincu Experience with TRIZ Method in International Technical and Economic Field, Conference on Strategic Innovation and Future Creation, MALTA,ăβγă–ăβ4ă 1607 Martie, 2009 M. ILIESCU, K. “ImportanceăofăRapidă University TABESHFAR, A. Prototyping to Product Design POLITEHNICA IGHIGEANU, G. of Bucharest, DOBRESCU Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical 1608 Engineering MIHAIELA ILIESCU, SignalăProcessing‟săImportanceă WSEAS BRINDUŞă in Manufacturing of a Special Transactions on COM NESCU,ăEMILă device SIGNAL 1609 NU U, PROCESSING 2009 1601 Maria Marcu, Loredana Preda, Alexandra Banu, Andrei Spataru L‟etudeăelectrochimiqueăd‟ună materiel hybride Pt/TiO2/G UPB Inginerie si management UPB Inginerie Industriala UPB 1-9 Inginerie Industriala 1602 Octavian Radovici, Micro Reactor For Alexandra Banu, C. Pirvu, Chlorophenols Electrocathalytic Oxidation, 16 1 2009 UPB Inginerie si management Nr.2.Vol.8,2009 2009 UPB Inginerie si management Scientific Bulletin of the University Politehnica of Bucharest 2009 Series D, vol.71, issue 4/ UPB Inginerie si Management Inginerie si management 2009 UPB vol. 71, Issue 2, 2009 2009 UPB Inginerie si management vol. 5, 2009, ISSN 1790-5022 2009 UPB Inginerie si management pag. 32-41, VLASE,ăA.,ăBL JIN ,ă Ov., SIME, M. Determination of the regression relation of the cutting moments for widening of the stainless steel 4NiCr180 Proceedings of the 13-th International Conference ”Modernă Technologies, Quality and Innovation ModTech 2009 International Proceedings of Conference the 13-th ”Modernă International Technologies, Conference Quality and ”Modernă Innovation Technologies, ModTechăβ009” Quality and Innovation ModTechăβ009” Academic Journal vol. 7 ISSUE Manufacturing 4/2009, Engineering, ISSN 1583-7904, 2009 pag.691-694 UPB Iaşi,ăβ009 Inginerie si Management VLASE,ăA.,ăBL JIN ,ă Ov., SIME, M. Determination of the regression relation of the cutting forces for turning of the stainless steel 20MoCr130 2009 pag.695-698 UPB Iaşi,ăβ009 Inginerie si Management Al Sahou, H., Sime, M., Vlase, A. New Functions of the Surface Roughness when Cutting the Stainless Steel 8NiCr130 and OLC45. 2009 pag. 111÷116 UPB Inginerie si management DUMITRESCU, A., Sketch for a History of Romanian Industrial Design Academic Journal vol. 7, nr. 4, of Manufacturing Engineering 2009 UPB Inginerie si management OvidiuăBL JIN ;ă Adrian MARINESCU; Constantin OPRAN Modeling the mechanical behaviour of composite sandwich plates Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering 2009 pp113-118 UPB A.,ăVIŞAN,ăN,ăIonescu,ă C., Doicin Obtaining the Product Quality: Approaches and Characteristics Academic Journal vol7/ISSUE 4 of Manufacturing Engineering 2009 p.141-146 UPB 1610 1611 International Conference ”Modernă Technologies, Quality and Innovation ModTech 2009 1612 p49-54 1613 Inginerie si management 1614 1615 Inginerie si Management Inginerie si management Marinescu N.I., Ghiculescu D., Vlase A., Bl jin ăO Modelling of EDM installations multiserving optimisation based on ultrasonic aiding, Academic Journal vol.7, Issue2, of Manufacturing Engineering 2009 pag.59-64 UPB M. ILIESCU, K. TABESHFAR, B. COM NESCU,ăV.ă GRIGORE 3D Printing Benefits in Product Design and Manufacturing Porcess Academic Journal vol. 7, no. of Manufacturing 3/2009 Engineering Review 2009 pag. 42-47 UPB Inginerie si management Doicin C, Tudoran F., Heejeong Y., Eco-Efficiency of the Energy Using Products (EUPs), Academic Journal vol. 7, issue of Manufacturing 4/2009, Engineering, 2009 pag. 43-48. UPB Inginerie si management Academic Journal Vol. 7 of Manufacturing Engineering, 2009 31-36 UPB Inginerie si Management UPB Inginerie si management 1616 1617 1618 CATAN ,ăM.,ăNEAGU,ă Scheduling of Job-Shop C., TONOIU, S. Production Projects With Microsoft Office Excel 1619 Tom SAVU1, Gabriela SAVU2, Mihaela CONSTANTIN 1620 LIQUID LEVEL ACADEMIC VOL. 7,ISSUE MEASUREMENT BY IMAGE JOURNAL OF 4/200 ACQUISITION AND PROCESS MANUFACTURI NG ENGINEERING, 2009 Catana M.,Neagu C.,Tonoiu S. Scheduling of Job-Shop Production Projects With Microsoft Office Exel. Academic Journal Vol.7.Issue 4 of Manufacturing Engineering. 2009 UPB Inginerie si management Ghiculescu D., Schultze H. P., Marinescu N.I. Comparison between gas bubble life duration at classic and ultrasonic aided EDM finishing Academic Journal 7 of Manufacturing Engineering, 2009 63-68, Breazu, A., Vlase, A., Morgan, C Calculation of Manufacturing Cost for Pistons on Conventional Machine Tools and NC Equipment. Academic Journal vol. 7 ISSUE Manufacturing 4/2009, Engineering, ISSN 1583-7904, 2009 pag. 25÷30, 2009 89-96, UPB 2010 p.17-20, UPB Inginerie si management 2010 UPB Inginerie si management 2010 UPB Inginerie si management 2010 UPB Inginerie si management UPB Inginerie si management 1621 UPB Inginerie Industriala 1622 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie si management 1623 Marinescu N.I., Ghiculescu D. Performances enchagement of Academic 7 EDM+US through finite element Journal of method. Manufacturing 1624 Engineering, Ghiculescu, D., Affinity Diagram applied at Revista de nr.1 Marinescu, N.I., Increasing Flexibility of tehnologii Ghiculescu, Daniela, Ultrasonic Electrodischarge neconven ionale,ă 1625 Nanu, S., Gonczi R., Machining Technology, 2010 Neagu C.,Dumitrescu Model of titanium alloys milling Metalurgia A.,Neacsu A.,Lupeanu M. using neural networks. International 1626 Lupeanu M.,Neagu An overview on the basic Ovidius C.,Neacsu A principles of industrial design University optimization Annual Scientific Journal,2010 1627 Neacsu A.,Neagu Modern methods in product Ovidius C.,Lupeanu M development. University Annual Scientific Journal,2010 1628 Marinescu, N.I., Relationship Diagram and Tree Revista de nr.2, 2010 Ghiculescu, D., diagram Applied at Increasing tehnologii Ghiculescu, Daniela, Flexibility of Ultrasonic neconven ionale Nanu, S., Gonczi R., Electrodischarge Machining 1629 Technology Consideratii de natura metalurgica privind domeniul de Viorel Miclosi revista Sudura Nr.4 valabilitate a calificarii procedurilor de sudare in 1630 functiune de grosime Conferinta internationala Petrescu V., Nemes T., Optical models used for the ROMOPTO vol. 6875, 2006 Popescu F. study of laser beams 2006, Proceedings of 1631 SPIE, Annals of the Conneting Fiber Oradea Optics,Management and Stanescu,C.D.,Beiu,R.M. volume V(XV) University,Roman Technological Engineering 1632 ia, Theoretical Researchs on Annals of the Technical Characteristics of Oradea Stanescu,C.D.,Voican,C. Silicon Carbide,Management and University,Roman Technological Engineering ia 1633 volumeV(XV) 2010 p. 24-27 Inginerie Industriala 2006 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 2006 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti SCOPUS, SPIE Inginerie Industriala 2006 108-112 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 2006 142-146 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala Annals of the Researchs on Applications for Oradea Stanescu,C.D.,Voican,C. Silicon Carbide,Management and University,Roman Technological Engineering 1634 ia Annals of the Optical Power Budgets for Fiber Oradea Optics,Management and Beiu,R.M.Stanescu,C.D. University,Roman Technological Engineering 1635 ia Viorel Miclosi 1636 Consideratii de natura metalurgica pivind domeniul de valabilitate a calificarii procedurilor de sudare.Metoda grafo-analitica pentru determinarea domeniului de valabilitate a calificarii functiune de grosime,la sudurile cap la cap revista Sudura ,volume V(XV) 2006 147-151 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala volume V(XV) 2006 126-130 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala Nr.1,2007 2007 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala Design Considerations 6H-SiC Annals of the Piezoresistive Oradea Stanescu,C.D.,Voican,C. volume VI(XVI), Accelerometres,Management and University,Roman 1637 Tehnological Engineering ia Annals of the Optical Fiber Photonic Oradea Beiu,R.M.,Stanescu,C.D Embedded Sensor,Management volumeVI(XVI) University,Roman and Technological Engineering 1638 ia Proceedings in the 5th International Aspect of 6H-SiC Pressure Conference on Stanescu,C.D.,Voican,C. Sensor Fabrication Advanced Manufacturing Technologies 1639 2007 Proceedings in the 5th International Considerations on Conference on Characteristics of6H-SiC Voican,C.,Stanescu,C.D Advanced Pressure sensor at 600 C Manufacturing Technological 1640 2007 Mattematical nd Technological Scientific aproach of ON-CHIP Bulletin,Series CBeiu,R.M.,Stanescu,C.D INTERCONECT Concave Electrical 1641 micromirror Engineering 137-141 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 2007 187-191 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 2007 431-434 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 2007 435-439 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 2007 11-22 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti INSPEC Inginerie Industriala Highly sensitive nano-photonic Beiu,R.M.,Stanescu,C.D., embedded sensor Proc.Intl.Conf.IE EE,Nano 2007,Hong Kong,China,2007 2007 737-741 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti IEEE Inginerie Industriala Unique in fiber photonic cystal Beiu,R.M.,Stanescu,C.D. sensor, Proc.Intl.Conf.IE EE,MWSCAS 2007,Montreal,,C anada 2007 2007 116-119 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti IEEE Inginerie Industriala Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti IEEE Inginerie Industriala 1642 1643 Beiu,R.M.,Stanescu,C.D., 1644 2007 A novel microstructured Fiber Optic sensor for small eformations 2007 revista Sudura Partea I,Nr.4,2008,Partea II,Nr5,2008 2008 1645 Inspectia intarziata a sudurilor,o conditie formulata incert si de multe ori neglijata Petrescu V., Ciudin R., Nemes T., Nederita V., Gligor A. 1646 Entrepreneurship Education The Role of the Universities in the Knowledge Economy Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis, Technical Series vol. LVI 2008 Globalization of Engineering Education - The Need for Accreditation Processes Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis, Technical Series Viorel Miclosi Ciudin R., Oprean C., Petrescu V., Nederita V. 1647 Stanescu,C.D.,Voican,C. 1648 Samer,F.,Stanescu,C.D 1649 Voican,C.,Stanescu,C.D. Annals of the Observations of 4H-SiC To 3COradea SiC Polytypee Transformation volume VII(XVII) University,Roman during oxidation ia Annals of the Modern Automatic cutting -off Oradea volume VII(XVII) Machines University,Roman ia Growth of step-free surfaces on device-size(0001) SiC Mesas 1650 Management and Technological Engineering Proceedings of the 8th Interational Reaction kinetics of Thermaly Conference on Voican, C.,Stanescu stable contact Metallization on Technology and ,C.D. 6H-SiC Quality for Sustained Development,200 1651 8 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Technical automatic cutting of Samer,F.,Stanescu,C.D., Technology and Materials Quality for Sustained Development,200 1652 8 Proceedings of Proces-Induced Morphological the International Stanescu,C.D.,Voican,C., defects in Epitaxial CVD Silicon Conference,Arad, Carbide Romania ,2008 1653 Voican,C.,Stanescu,C.D., Stamatin,I.,Andronic,A., Researchs on the Adhesion of Substratum SiC using force atomic microscopie method 1654 Voican,C,,Stanescu.,C.D., Samer ,F. Researchs on Ecosystems Voican,C.,Stanescu,C.D., Samer,F., Researchs on Wather Ecology 1655 1656 vol. LVI Proceedings of the International Conference,Arad, Romania Proceedings on International Conference ,Arad,Romania, on the International Conference,Arad, Romania Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti Inginerie Industriala 81-84 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti 2008 71-74 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 2008 306-310 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 2008 296-303 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 2008 314-320 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 2008 315-319 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 2008 315-319 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 2008 304-310 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 2008 351-355 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 2008 483-487 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 2008 489-493 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala * pentru personalul de predare si cercetare stiintifica asociat, in sensul definit in cadrul chestionarului online al UEFISCDI Viorel Miclosi 1657 , O cauza suplimentara a eterogenitatii zonei influentata termomecanic la sudarea anumitor otelluri.Nr3,2010 Considerations about Kalmann Filtration applied to surface 1658 Mihai D.E. Strajescu, E., reconstruction Methods Thermal Performance of Hybrid Injection Moulds with Molding Asproiu,ăC.ăS.,ăStr jescu,ă Zone made from Non-metallic materials 1659 E. revista Sudura Buletinul Ştiin ificăală U.P.B., Serie D Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti 2010 CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala Vol. 69 2007 UPB Inginerie Industriala Vol. 70 2007 UPB Inginerie Industriala Asproiu,ăC.ăS.,ăStr jescu,ă Influence of Mold Properties on the Quality of Molded Parts. 1660 E. Buletinul Ştiin ificăală U.P.B., Serie D Buletinul Ştiin ificăală U.P.B., Serie D Vol. 71 2007 UPB Inginerie Industriala 1661 Mihai D.E. Strajescu, E. From Wavelength to RGB Filter Buletinul Ştiin ificăală U.P.B., Bucureşti,ăSerieăD Vol. 70 2007 UPB Inginerie Industriala 2007 UPB Inginerie Industriala 2010 pp 15-24. UPB Inginerie Industriala 2010 UPB Inginerie Industriala Cazacu Dragos Alexandru, Anghel Florina, Tiberiu 1662 Dobrescu. Drilling Deeping and Boring Blocking System Functional Remodeling Using CAD Techniques Stoianovici V., G., 1663 GhioneaăA.,ăBudic ăR. Applying Lean Concept in Assembly Processes Annals of the Oradea University. Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering Volume VI (XVI) Conference Proceedings of the Academy of Romanian Volume 2 Scientists University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest Scientific CAD - CAM integration optimizing data transfer between Bulletin Series C: Electrical different integrated design Engineering and Bucur Carmen Cristiana, systems in virtual enterprise Computer Science Vol.72 enviromment 1664 Aurite Traian BuletinăŞtiin ifică Determining the endurance of Delia Gârleanu, Amza UPB, seria D, surfaces subjectid tos tain by Gh., Popovici V., nr. 1-4 Mechanical abrasion through finite elements Gârleanu G. Engineering, vol. analysis 1665 68 DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY AND X-RAY COMPUTER TOMOGRAPHY European M. Iovea, G. Oaie, O.G. INVESTIGATIONS OF Geoscience Duliu, M. Neagu, G. UNCONSOLIDATED Union General Mateiasi GEOLOGICAL SAMPLES Assembly (DANUBE RIVER, DANUBE DELTA AND BLACK SEA 1666 SEDIMENTS) 2006 2006 34-42 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti INSPEC Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala Recent results in X-Ray Safety and Radioscopy and Tomography for Security Systems improving the explosives in Europe detection technique in luggage Conference control 2006 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti Inginerie Industriala Pure Translational Tomography 9th European a Non-Rotational Aproach for M.Iovea, G. Mateiasi, M. Conference on Tomographic Reconstruction Neagu NDT - ECNDT Tu.1.4.1 1668 2006 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti Inginerie Industriala 44 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti Inginerie Industriala 2006 55-60 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 2007 741-748 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti TechnicalDataBas e: 241446 Inginerie Industriala 2007 631-636 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti TechnicalDataBas e: 241446 Inginerie Industriala 4 2007 48-54 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti Inginerie Industriala 3 2007 31-34 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti Inginerie Industriala Mihai IOVEA, Gabriela MATEIASI, Marian NEAGU 1667 M.Iovea, G. Mateiasi, M. Neagu O. Duliu 1669 O.V. Rindasu 1670 Dual Energy Computed Proceedings of Tomography and Digital the 9th European Radiography investigation of Conference on Organic and Inorganic Materials NDT - ECNDT Nanotechnologyă–ăHealthăRiskă and Safety, Revista de Tehnologii Neconventionale 60-th Annual Assembly and International Conference „Weldingăandă Materials Voiculescu,ăI.,Geant ,ă Study onTin Bronze Alloy Weld Technical, V.,Binchiciu, H., VidaDeposit Using Composite Core Economical and Simiti, I., Jumate, N., Electrode. Ecological Vasiu, R. Aspects”,ă Interrnational Institute of Welding and Croatian Welding 1671 Society 60-th Annual Assembly and International Conference Researches Concerning the „Weldingăandă Realization of the Active ăIov naş,ăR.,ăVoiculescu,ă Materials I.,ăBinchiciu,ăH.,ăIov naş,ă Surfaces Submited to Complex Technical, Wears Using Interchangeable D.,ăGeant ,ăV.,ă Economical and Binchiciu, A., Ceorapin, Modulated Elements, Welded on Ecological with Hard Batches Special C.G Aspects”,ă Consumables. Interrnational Institute of Welding and Croatian Welding 1672 Society Contribution to weld forming Metalurgia Luchian Cornelia when using ultrasonic welding International process on combined materials 1673 Implementarea sistemului de Severin, M. Calota, C. managementăalăcalit iiăînă Calitatea Popescu,ăD.ăFl mânzeanuă domeniul managementului 1674 proiectelor europene Nr.1 /2006 M. Iovea, G. Mateiasi, M. Neagu, V. Georgiou, P. Tsagkari, A. Antonakakis DEVELOPMENT OF NEW XRAY RADIOSCOPY & TOMOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT FOR NDT ANALYSIS Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on NDT, Chania, Crete - Greece 2007 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti Inginerie Industriala Proceedings of the International High accuracy X-Ray DualMihai IOVEA, Gabriela Symposium on energy experiments and nonMATEIASI, Marian Digital Industrial rotational Tomography algorithm NEAGU; Octavian Radiology and for explosives detection DULIU Computed technique in luggage control Tomography Lyon, 2007 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti Inginerie Industriala Proceedings of the International Mihai IOVEA, Gabriela On ship Drilling cores deDicated Symposium on Digital industrial MATEIASI, Marian dual-energy X-Ray Radiology and NEAGU; Octavian Tomography/Radisocopy Computed DULIU, Gheorghe OAIE equipment tomography Lyon 2007 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti Inginerie Industriala Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the Balkan Union of Physics, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2006; published in American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, 2007 437-438 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti Inginerie Industriala 2007 63-74 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti Inginerie Industriala 2008 55-60 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 1675 1676 1677 O.G. DULIU, M. IOVEA, M. NEAGU, G. MATEIASI, Dual-energy Computer Tomography and Digital Radiography Applications in Non-destructive Control of Materials, 1678 Gheorghe AMZA, Larisa Scientific Experimental research regarding BU U,ăMarinelaă Bulletin Series D: Volume 69/ 2007, optimisation parameters for MARINESCU, Angela Mechanical Number 3 ultrasonic cleaning MORARU, Claudia Engineering 1679 BORDA CorneliuRontescu, Analysis of the thermal field for IoneliaVoiculescu, G. U.P.B. Sci. Bull. TIG welding by using infrared Vol.70 , No.3 Iacobescu, C. Series D themography. Dumitrascu, Dumitru-Titi 1680 CICIC V. Moga, M. Dumitras Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration Nr.1/2008 2008 39-45 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 1681 Study of Structural Elements Influence on Acoustic Absoption Coeficient in the Case of Sandwich Composite Panels V. Moga, M. Dumitras Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration Nr.2/2008 2008 83-88 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 1682 A Physical Model for Composite SandwichăăPanels‟ăBehavioură From Acoustic Absorption Point of View Amza Gheorghe , Apostolescu Zoia 1683 Corneliu RONTESCU, Ionelia VOICULESCU, Gabriel IACOBESCU, Dumitru-Titi CICIC 1684 1685 C. Borda, M. Marinescu, D. Arsene, L. Butu I. Severin, M. Caramihai, K. Chung, G. Tasca, T. Park Contribu iiăprivindăanalizaăcuă element finit a unui sistem ultraacustic folosit la sudarea cu ultrasunete a materialelor compozite inteligente, Influence of the parameters preheating temperature and linear energy on the micrographic and macrographic characteristics of the welded joints Theoretical modeling of multidegrees of freedom ultrasonic motors" Mechanical and chemical reliability assessment of silica optical fibres Simpozionul „Durabilitateaăşiă Fiabilitatea Sistemelor Mecanice Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti 2008 Inginerie Industriala U.P.B. Sci. Bull. Series D Vol.71 , no. 2 2009 41 -52 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala Revista de Tehnologii neconventionale no3/2009 2009 9-13 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala Proc. of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Conference on Microelectronics, Optoelectronics, and Nanoelectronics vol. 58 2009 906-911 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti SCOPUS Inginerie Industriala vol. 56 2009 551-554 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti SCOPUS Inginerie Industriala vol. 56 2009 785-789 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti SCOPUS Inginerie Industriala Nr. 1/2010 2010 25-36 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 2010 448-453 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 1686 M. Caramihai, I. Severin 1687 M. Caramihai, I. Severin, H. Balan, A. Blidaru, V. Balanica 1688 Amza Gh, Balaceanu, M., Amza C.G 1689 Gabriel GÂRLEANU, Victor POPOVICI, Delia GÂRLEANU, Cornelia 1690 LUCHIAN Conference on Biological Systems Engineering, Quality Fed-Batch Bioprocess Proc. of World Control. A case study Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Computing International Conference on Medical and Breast Cancer Treatment Biological Evaluation based on Engineering, Mammographic and Echographic Proc. of World Distance Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Analele Research Throught Matematical Universit iiă Simulations Of The Ultrasonic “Constantină Welding Process Of Brâncuşi”ădină Termosetting Materials Târgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie Analele Modelarea prin metoda Universit iiă elementului finit a câmpului “Constantină termic la sudarea WIG Brâncuşi”ă 1691 Gabriel GÂRLEANU, Delia GÂRLEANU, Cornelia LUCHIAN Rebuilding Routes of Rolling Using a Specialized Installation by Build-up of Welding Contribu iiăteoreticeăşiă Larisa BUTU, Marinela experimentale privind MARINESCU, Claudia determinareaăgraduluiădeăcur ireă BORDA, Delicia a echipamentelor de mare ARSENE 1692 precizie Models in mechanical reliability A.S. Paris 1693 data Bulletină–ă Petroleum- Gas University of Ploieşti Volumul LXII No. 2/2010 TECHNICAL Series 2010 221-226 2010 CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala 2010 81-86 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti 2010 272-277 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti M. Caramihai, I. Severin, A.A.Chirvase, A. Onu, C. Tanase, C. Ungureanu WASET 2010: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Conference, Int. Therapeutic Products Conf. on Preparation Bioprocess Modeling Computer, Electrical, and Systems Science and Eng. ICCESSE 2010 2010 1747ă–ă1750 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti SCOPUS Inginerie Industriala Severin, M. Caramihai, R. ElAbdi, M. Poulain, A. Avadanii WASET 2010: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Conference, Int. Modelling silica optical Conf. on reliability: a software application Computer, Electrical, and Systems Science and Eng. ICCESSE 2010 2010 10γ5ă–ă10γ8 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti SCOPUS Inginerie Industriala WASET 2010: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Conference, Cape Town, South Africa 2010 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti SCOPUS Inginerie Industriala Luchian Cornelia 1694 Experimental research on ultrasonic Welding of material combinationsăAlă–Al Fiability and Durability Analele Universit iiă “Constantină Brâncuşi”ă Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti no. 1(5)/2010 Inginerie Industriala 1695 1696 M. Caramihai, H. Balan, I. Severin, A. Blidaru, W.I.D. Rae, C.P. Herbst, V. Balanica 1697 Breast cancer treatment quality evaluation using Computed Aided Diagnostic (CAD) software G. Apostol, Ghe. Solomon, D. Iordachescu, J. L. Ocaña Assessment of transient stress and strain field during fusion welding 1698 Conferencias 18as jornadas tecnicas de soldadura, Madrid, Spania Ileana SOARE , Cost modelling process of the Gheorghe SOLOMON , integrated quality-Environmental Bul. UPB Gabriel IACOBESCU management System 1699 Amza Gheorghe, Research on environmental Sci. Bull. Series Corneliu Rontescu, pollution when using shielded D, Dumitru-Titi Cicic, Zoia metal arc welding (SMAW) 1700 Apostolescu,ăDanăPic Contribution to Achieving a Buletinul Amza Gheorghe, Zoia Mathematical Model for Universit iiă Apostolescu,ăFloric ă Sustainable Development of a Petrolă–ăGazeădină C lină Industrial Organization Ploieştiă 1701 Manufacturing Welded Parts Rev.- Fiability & Amza Gheorghe, Zoia Durability, Ed. Use of a system design Apostolescu, Simon „Academicaă ultraacustic weldingMoranga Brâncuşi”,ăTG.ă 1702 Jiu Rev.- Fiability & Amza Gheorghe , Oana Durability, Ed. Elena Amza, Zoia Ultrasonic treatment endodontice „Academicaă Apostolescu Brâncuşi”,ăTG.ă 1703 Jiu 2010 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti 2010 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti CNCSIS Inginerie Industriala Vol. 72, Issue.3 2010 Univ. 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Politehnica din Bucuresti Lucr rileă Conferin eiă Interna ionaleă Amza Gheorghe ASRă„SUDURAă Contribu iiăteoreticeăsiă ,Corneliu Rontescu, experimentale privind impactul β010”ăTehnologiiă Dumitru Titi Cicic, Zoia de sudare si asupra mediului a procedeelor de Apostolescu, Florica recondiŃionareă sudareăcuăflac r ăoxigaz C lin prinăsudare,ăβ1ă–ă 23 aprilie 2010, Ploiesti 1705 2010 60-71 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti 2010 1478-1481 Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti M. Caramihai, I. Severin 1706 Popescu D., Cotet C.E., 1707 Parpala R.C. Intelligent techniques for fedbatch bioprocess control Key Engineering Materials Using romanian industrial case Academic Journal 4 studies in analyzing PLM of Manufacturing systems performances Engineering vol. 467-469 2007 - UPB Inginerie Industriala SCOPUS Inginerie Industriala Inginerie Industriala SCOPUS - Inginerie Industriala Mecatronica si Robotica Pupaza C., Aurite Tr., Data transfer between CAD and Academic Journal 5 2007 79-85 UPB - Mecatronica si 2007 221-228 UPB - 2008 75-84 UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si Robotica Mecatronica si - 2008 - UPB, INPG Scopus Robotica Mecatronica si - 2008 - UPB, INPG Scopus Robotica Mecatronica si 5 2010 121-136 UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si Robotica Mecatronica si of Manufacturing 1708 Ghinea M. Enciu G., Nicolescu A. 1709 Constantin G., Ghionea A. CAE Modern logistics in industrial manufacturing Feed kinematic chain of the Engineering Scientific 21 Bulletin, Serie C Komisja Budowy 28 MaszynăPană–ă Oddzial w 1710 Mitrouchev P., Iacob R., 1711 Leon J. C., Kostova S. Mitrouchev P., Iacob R., 1712 Leon J. C., Kostova S. Ionescu F., Bostan I., Dulgheru V., Arotaritei D., Constantin G., 1713 Stratulat F. Dorin Al., Dobrescu T., bridge in Gantry machine tools A group theory approach for assembly/disassembly mechanicalăsimulation:ăPartă1ă–ă Formulation A group theory approach for assembly/disassembly mechanical simulation: Part 2 Application for trajectory generation Mechatronics between dream Poznaniu International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Proceedings in Manufacturing and actual reality Analysis of cooperative robots Systems Proceedings in Manufacturing 1714 Gandila S. Systems Dorin Al., Dobrescu T., Desing optimization manipulator Proceedings in 1715 Gandila S. OptiRob Dorin Al., Dobrescu T. Method of robot fault detection Proceedings in 1716 neural nertworks OptiRob Dorin Al., Dobrescu T., Methodology for evaluation of Proceedings in failure diagnosis in design of Manufacturing 1717 Ivan I. machine tools Systems Dorin Al., Nicolescu A., Software and hardware Proceedings in architectures of the internetManufacturing based robotic systems for remote 1718 Popa S. Systems operation Predincea N. Machine-tool : structures for Proceedings in Manufacturing 1719 high speed machining Systems Nae L., Predincea N. Change management in product Proceedings C2i 1720 lifecycle management Ibraim C.R., Varban R.C, The Monte Carlo simulation for Proceedings in Manufacturing 1721 Predincea N. the parallel robots Systems Ceau Gh., Predincea N., Researches about the cutting Proceedings in edge temperature in high speed Manufacturing 1722 Tanase I. turning of quality steel Systems Paun L., Avramescu V., Theoretical aspects regarding the Proceedings vibrations reducing of the Craciunoiu St., Predincea machines tools with a nonconventional materials 1723 N. MTQi structure Piscan I., Predincea N., Finite element analysis of bolted Proceedings in Manufacturing 1724 Pop N. joints Systems - - UPB - - UPB - - UPB - - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si Robotica Mecatronica si Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si 2007 2007 2007 2009 - 2009 2010 2008 2008 2008 - - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si 2009 2010 Robotica Olaru A. 1725 Olaru A., Olaru S. Assisted research of the Proceedings TMT industrial robots kinematics with LabView instrumentation Assisted optimization of the Proceedings - - UPB - Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si 2006 electro-hydraulic servo driving 1726 Olaru A., Olaru S. 1727 Olaru A., Olaru S. 1728 Olaru A., Olaru S. 1729 Olaru A., Olaru S. 1730 Olaru A. 1731 Olaru A. 1732 Olaru A. 1733 Olaru A. 1734 Olaru S., Olaru A. 1735 Olaru A., Olaru S. 1736 with LabView instrumentation Assisted dynamic behavior optimization with LabView instrumentation Assisted research of the new mathematical model for the magnetorheological damper Assisted optimization of the dynamic behavior with magnetorheological damper Assisted research of the neural network with LabView instrumentation Assisted research of the Aerospace Society Proceedings - 2007 ICSTE Proceedings 2009 industrial robots global dynamic Manufacturing with LabView instrumentation Assisted research of the robots Systems Proceedings Fourier spectrum instrumentation Assisted research of the arm type robot trajectory errors Optimization of the industrial robot dynamic behavior instrumentation Contribution of the modeling and OptiRob Proceedings OptiRob Proceedings RobTep Proceedings - simulation rheological dampers Research of the industrial robot dynamic LabView instrumentation Some contributions of the Decom Proceedings - 2009 INCOM Proceedings - ICMENS - nano Proceedings - ICMENS - nano Proceedings in - UPB - - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si 2009 2010 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 OptiRob Proceedings - OptiRob Proceedings - OptiRob Proceedings ME - Proceedings - 1740 Olaru A. Paune D., Peli A., Olaru magnetorheological dampers Research with LabView instrumentation of the robot trajectory errors Assisted dynamic behavior optimization of the robots elements and systems with the virtual instrumentation Some contributions on the magnetorheological damper assisted research Numerical simulation of the 3D 1741 A., Ghionea A., Olaru S. Olaru S., Oprean A., 1742 Olaru A. Olaru S., Olaru A. 1743 robot and perirobot trajectory Assisted research of the new Bouc-Wen rheological damper A novel mathematical model for rheological damper OptiRob Proceedings OptiRob Proceedings EUCOMES Olaru A., Olaru S. - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - - UPB - modeling and simulation of the 1737 Olaru A., Paune D., Ghionea A., Olaru S., 1738 Peli A. Olaru A., Olaru S. 1739 Oprean A., Olaru S., 2007 2007 2007 OproTeh Proceedings 2007 2008 2008 2008 Robotica Mecatronica si Robotica Mecatronica si Robotica Oprean A., Olaru S., 1744 Olaru A. Olaru, A., Olaru S. 1745 Nicolescu A. 1746 Nicolescu A. 1747 Nicolescu A. Fourier spectrum research of the robots with magnetorheological damper Modeling and simulation of the DC servo systems with LabView instrumentation EUROP_RO an opportunity for international cooperation in robotics EUROP_RO romanian robotics technology platform: achievements and actual development status OptimumădesignăofăIR‟săNCăaxisă Proceedings - - UPB - Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si 2009 OptiRob Proceedings - OptiRob Proceedings - OptiRob Proceedings - 2009 2006 2007 OproTeh Proceedings - NC axis level OptiRob OptimumădesignăofăIR‟săNCăaxisă Proceedings - - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si –ăPartă1:ăGeneralăoverviewăonă IR‟săNCăaxisămodernădesign.ăγDă load‟sădistributionăreducingăonă 1748 Nicolescu A. 2006 –ăPartăβ:ăLoad‟sădistributionăonă guiding / bearing and driving 1749 systems level Nicolescu A., Industrial robot's NC axis driving system optimum design using advanced design software 1750 Gschwendner P. packages Oprean A., Nicolescu A., Virtual prototype and kinematics modeling for wafer manipulating 1751 Costian D. robots Popescu S.E., Nicolescu New ERP software package and 1752 A., Minciu Ct. Popescu S.E., Nicolescu 1753 A., Minciu Ct. Nicolescu A., Enciu G. 1754 Systems Proceedings in Manufacturing Systems Proceedings in Manufacturing resources management in FMC Specific features and functionalities of a new ERP software package for technological resources management in FMC Optimum design and virtual prototyping of Gantry robot for high speed machining Systems Proceedings in ASPECTS REGARDING WHEAT WETTING BEFORE GH. VOICU, S.MARCU GRINDING USING THE MECHANIC HUMIDIFIER WITH CURBED PIPES 2006 - - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si - UPB - Robotica Mecatronica si Manufacturing data base for technological Determining The Drilling Torques Regression At Drilling In Composite Materials With Vlase,ăA.,ăOcn rescu,ăC.,ăă Polimeric Matrix And 20% Glass Fibres 1755 Ocn rescu,ăM. 1756 OptiRob Proceedings in 2006 2006 - 2007 - Manufacturing Systems Proceedings 2007 2007 OptiRob Proceedings of the International Conference on Manufacturing Systems 4 MODELLING AND OPTIMIZATION vol.3, MOCM-13 IN THE MACHINES BUILDING FIELD Robotica 2009 221-224 2007 371-374 UPB Mecatronica si robotica - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 1760 MODELLING AND OPTIMIZATION vol.2, MOCM-13 IN THE MACHINES BUILDING FIELD MODELLING MATHEMATICAL MODEL AND FOR THE DETERMINATION OPTIMIZATION OF THE NECESSARY DRIVE IN THE vol.3, MOCM-13 POWER OF THE RADIAL MACHINES BLADES MIXERS BUILDING FIELD UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA NUMERICAL STUDY OF OF LIQUID-SOLID SEPARATION BUCHAREST, PROCESS INSIDE THE 69(4) SCIENTIFIC HYDROCYCLONES WHIT BULLETIN DOUBLE CONE SECTIONS SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Uneleăconsidera iiălegateădeă nivelulăpolu riiăsonoreăînă INMATEH I vecin tateaăunorăutilajeăceă efectueaz ălucr riăînămediulă urban sau rural 1761 Aspecteăcuăprivireălaăinfluen aăşiă INMATEH combaterea zgomotului în agricultur ăşiăindustriaăalimentar IPATE G., CASANDROIU T., 1757 GH. VOICU, GH.ENE, M.NICOLESCU 1758 IPATE G., CASANDROIU T., 1759 Gh.Voicu,ăN.Or şanu S.Marcu, Gh.Voicu COMPUTER SIMULATION OF LIQUID-SOLID SEPARATION HYDROCYCLONE WHIT TWO CONICAL SECTIONS I PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH CONFERENCE ABOUT THE STABILITY OF ON C. DRAGOMIRESCU, MANAGEMENT THE VIBRATIONS V. ILIESCU, G. Proceedings OF GENERATED BY THE DRAGOI INNOVATIVE SPLINTERING PROCESS TECHNOLOGIE Să(MIT‟β007),ă FIESA - PIRAN, 1762 SLOVENIA FIRST INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE S.Ş.BIRIŞ,ăE.ăMAICAN,ă ADVANCED MODELLING OF "RESEACH M. BAYER, V. STRESS DISTRIBUTION IN ISBN 978-954PEOPLE AND VL DU ,ăS.ă AGRICULTURAL SOIL 91147-3-7 ACTUAL BUNGESCU, M. UNDER DIFFERENT (vol.2) TASKS ON PRUN U TRACTION DEVICES MULTIDISCIPLI NARY SCIENCES", LOZENEC, 1763 BULGARIA 356-363 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 375-383 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 83-62 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 84-91 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice si Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 2007 92-99 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 2007 161-165 - UPB, Catedra de ISBN 978-961Mecanica, Facult. 6536-19-6 ISB Ingineria mediului 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 5/6 - UPB, Catedra de 188-192 Sisteme Biotehnice, Facult. ISB ISBN 978-95491147-3-7 Ingineria mediului S.ŞT.ăBIRIŞ,ăE.ă MAICAN, N. FAUR, V. VL DU ,ăS.ă BUNGESCU 1764 THE 5TH INTERNATION AL SCIENTIFIC FEM MODEL FOR ESTIMATE AND Proceedings OF AGRICULTURAL SOIL ISBN 978-5-888PRACTICAL COMPACTION RISK 90-046-8 CONFERENCE, RUSSIA, SAINTPETERSBURGPAVLOVSK RESEARCHES REGARDING THE PROTECTION THAT THE AGRICULTURAL AND VL DU ăV.,ăBIRIŞă FORESTRY TRACTORS S.ŞT.,ăBUNGESCUăS.T.,ă ENSURE WITHIN THE B JENARUăS., EXPLOITATION PROCESS FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF NOISE AND VIBRATIONS 1765 LEVEL Present and future in the control of the spraying machines in Nagy E.M., Vladut V., Cota C., Bolintineanu G., Romania - INMA'S concerns in view of aligning to the EUBungescu S., Biris S.S. requirements 1766 Bungescu S., Stahli W., Vladut V., Biris.S.S, Nagy E.M., Iancu T. Requirements and settlements regarding the pest and disease control equipment verification in Romania in the period of pre adhesion at EU 1767 1768 THE 15TH INTERNATION AL SEMINAR OF WORK SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE, AUSTRIA, WIEN Proceedings Second European Workshop on Standard Procedings Procedure for the ISSN 0067-5849 Inspection of Sprayers I Europe - SPISE 2 Second European Workshop on Standard Procedings Procedure for the ISSN 0067-5850 Inspection of Sprayers I Europe - SPISE 3 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme Biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 2007 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme Biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 2007 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme 140-144 Biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 2007 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme 160-166 Biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 2007 257-268 0 VOICU GH., TARCOLEA C., CASANDROIU T. EULERIAN AND WEIBULLEAN FUNCTION USED FOR SIMULATION THE SEEDS SEPARATION PROCESS ON THE SIEVES OF THE CLEANING SYSTEMS 1769 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURA L MACHINERY SCIENCE, IZMIR, TÜRKIYE, (ISSN 1306-0007) MAICANăE.,ăBIRIŞăS. 1770 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURA COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS L MACHINERY OF A WIND TURBINE'S SCIENCE, PERFORMANCES BY MEANS IZMIR, OF CFD SIMULATIONS TÜRKIYE, (ISSN 1306-0007) 4(4) 4(3) 2008 2008 349-354 - 2/3 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB 247-252 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme Ingineria mediului biotehnice, Facult. tr/ageng2008/ ISB Ingineria mediului VOICU GH., CASANDROIU T., TARCOLEA C. CONSIDERATII PRIVIND UTILIZAREA RASINII EPO 99BIN FABRICAREA ROTOARELOR MASINILOR HIDRAULICE AXIALE 1771 ACSAGRICULTURA E CONSPECTUS SCIENTIFICUS, ZAGREB, CROATIA (ISSN 1331-7768 –PRINT;ăISSNă 1γγ1-7776ă–ă ONLINE,ăISIă–ă MASTER JOURNAL LIST) 73(2) MODELLING AND ACT MODELLING OF THE VOICU GH., OPTIMIZATION PROPELLER WITH OR ŞANUăN.,ăMARCUă vol.2, MOCM-14 IN THE PALETTES FROM BUCKETS S. MACHINES WHEAT HUMIDIFIERS BUILDING 1772 FIELD MODELLING NUMERICAL STUDY OF AND LIQUID-SOLID SEPARATION OPTIMIZATION PROCESS INSIDE THE IPATE G, vol. 2, MOCM-14 IN THE HYDROCYCLONES WITH C S NDROIUăT. MACHINES DIFFERENT GENERATRIX BUILDING OF THE CONE 1773 FIELD ANNALS OF WEST UNIVERSITY OF TIMISOARA SERIES OF CHEMISTRY BIRIŞăS.ŞT.,ă BUNGESCU S. CALCULUS OUTLINES FOR THE FALLING-FILM EVAPORATOR USED IN THE SUGAR INDUSTRY OPREA G., MAGHETI I. Proceedings of The 32nd Annual A GEOMETRICAL STUDY OF Congress of the American THE ACOUSTICAL Romanian TREATMENT OF Academy of Arts AUDITORIUMS and Sciences, Boston 1774 ISBN 978-2-553014 95-101 - 2/3 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme Scopus biotehnice, Facult. ISB 323-328 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice si Catedra de Viniti Mecanica, Facult. ISB CSA Ingineria mediului 2008 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice Viniti , Facult. ISB CSA Ingineria mediului 2008 - 1/2- UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB 2008 189-192 www.meca.polymt - UPB, Catedra de, Facult. AS/archive/congre Ingineria mediului ss/32/program/call ISB 32.pdf 375-378 0.2 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB 2008 2008 Ingineria mediului EBSCO ProQuest Ingineria mediului 1775 THE FINIT ELEMENT BUNGESCUăS.,ăBIRIŞă METHOD USED FOR THE S.ŞT.,ăVL DU ăV.,ă STRESS STATE PILOCA L., IMBREA F. DETERMINATION AT THE SPRAYERS' NOZLESS 1776 International Congress "Automotive, Safety and Environment"Sectionă“Tractorsă and Agricultural Machines”,ă Craiova România ISBN 978-606510-253-8; 978606-510-245-3, 2008 http://mecanica.uc Ingineria mediului mg/content/Progra mSMAT2008.pdf The 7th International THE DECREASE OF NOISE Conference ENESCU N., VASILE O. WITH ACOUSTICS BARRIERS Acoustics and Vibration, Pitesti, 1777 Romania, he 7th International GILLICH G.R. , VIBRATION MONITORING Conference CHIONCEL C. P. , OF INDUSTRIAL PLANTS Acoustics and VASILEăO.ă,ăN STACăS. Vibration, Pitesti, 1778 Romania, 1779 S.St.Biris, V.Vladut, N.Ungureanu, G.Paraschiv, Gh.Voicu Development and experimental testing of a FEM Model for the stress distribution analysis in agricultural soil duet o artificial compaction 1780 C.O.Rusanescu, L.David, G.Paraschiv, Gh.Voicu, Solar radiation monitoring M.F.David, Marin 1781 Rusanescu RESEARCHES CONCERNING VLADUT V., DECREASING THE FORCES GAGEANU P., BIRIS AND THE ENERGY NEEDED S.ST., BUNGESCU S., FOR TILLING THE SOIL POPA L. USING ELECTRO-OSMOSYS 1782 EFFECT ADVANCED ALGORITHM FOR OPTIMAL SAFTA V.V., MURAD DIMENSIONING OF A E., HARAGA G., TOMA SIEVING EQUIPMENT FOR M.L. WASTEWATER WITH 1783 CYLINDRICAL SCREEN MURAD E., SAFTA V.V., HARAGA G., SAVA A. 1784 DOSIMETER FOR CORN KERNELS BURNERS ACSAGRICULTURA E CONSPECTUS SCIENTIFICUS, ZAGREB, CROATIA (ISSN 1331-7768 –PRINT;ăISSNă 1γγ1-7776ă–ă ONLINE,ăISIă–ă MASTER JOURNAL LIST) Bulletin UASVMAgriculture, ClujNapoca Bulletin UASVMAgriculture, ClujNapoca HERVEX 2009, 17TH EDITION, INTERNATION AL SALON, HYDRAULICS; PNEUMATICS HERVEX 2009, 17TH EDITION, INTERNATION AL SALON, HYDRAULICS; PNEUMATICS 2008 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. Inginerie mecanica inta2008.html ISB 2008 0.25 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica inta2008.html 0,00 74(1) 66 (2) 66 (2) Proceedings, ISSN 1454-8003 Proceedings, ISSN 1454-8003 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme Scopus biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului -UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 2009 -4/5 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 2009 274-281 -3/4 - UPB, Catedra de HTTP://WWW.H Sisteme Ingineria mediului ERVEX.RO/ biotehnice, Facult. ISB 295-299 -UPB, Catedra de Sisteme HTTP://WWW.H Ingineria mediului biotehnice, Facult. ERVEX.RO/ ISB 2009 2009 2009 21-29 198-203 1785 1786 1787 1788 CONFERINTA INTERNATION ALA ACUSTICA. VIBRATII. ACTIUNI MAGHETI, I., SAVU, ANALYSIS OF THE SOUND SEISMICE M., ENESCU N. FIELD IN ENCLOSURES SISTEME INTELIGENTE DE PROTECTIE , 21-24 OCTOMBRIE 2009, RESITA INTERNATION AL SYMPOSIUM C.RUSANESCU, G.PARASCHIV, DETERMINING THE ANGLES THE ENVIRONMENT M.DAVID, INVOLVED IN SOLAR AND M.RUSANESCU, RADIATION INDUSTRY, B.DAVID VOL. 1; 28-30 OCTOMBRIE 2009 THE INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY PRESENT AND FUTURE IN EFFICIENCY BIRIS S.ST.,VLADUT THE FIELD OF AND V., UNGUREANU N. ALTERNATIVE ENERGY USE AGRICULTURA IN ROMANIA L ENGINEERING, ANGEL KANCHEV UNIVERSITY OF ROUSSE 2ND INTERNATION THE ANALYSIS OF AL LUBRICANTS WHICH CAN V.VLADUT, CONFERENCE BE USED IN AGRICULTURE RESEARCH M.MATACHE, S.BUNGESCU, S.BIRIS, AND FOOD INDUSTRY. THE PEOPLE AND DEVELOPMENT OF SOME G.PARASCHIV, ACTUAL BIODEGRADABLE AT.ATANASOV TASKS ON LUBRICANTS MULTIDISCIPLI NARY SCIENCES Proceedings, VOL.I PROCEEDINGS, ISSN 1313-7735 2009 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. Ingineria mediului ISB ml 2009 -UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB HTTP://WWW.IN CDECOIND.RO/ Ingineria mediului SIMPOZION.HT M 2009 -UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB HTTP://WWW.CI GR.ORG/DOCU Ingineria mediului MENTS/EEAND AE2009.PDF 2009 -5/6 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB HTTP://MULTILI NGUAL.BIONET SYST.COM/.../C Ingineria mediului ONFERENCE_A NNOUNCEMEN T.DOC 28-30 SAVU M., ION C., IONESCU L. USE OF RECIPROCITY METHOD IN NOISE CONTROL BUNGESCU S., STHALI W., VLADUT V., BIRIS S.ST., NAGY M.E., IANCU T. VERIFICATION THE EQUIPMENT TO COMBAT PESTS AND DISEASES IN ROMANIA IN ORDER TO ELIMINATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION WITH TOXIC SUBSTANCES 1789 1790 1791 2009 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. Ingineria mediului ISB ml 2009 -1/2 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB REDUCING SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT POLLUTION BY SPRAYER MACHINES USING MONITORING SYSTEM RESEARCH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURA L SCIENCE 42(1) 2010 680-684 NEW MANURE SPREADING TECHNOLOGIES IN ROMANIA RESEARCH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURA L SCIENCE 41(2) 2010 481-484 CARMEN - OTILIA RUS NESCU,ăăILEANAă ANALYSIS OF VARIATION NICOLETA POPESCU, IN RELATIVE HUMIDITY IN MARIN RUSANESCU, AUTUMN 2009 LADISLAU DAVID Revista International Journal of Energy and Environment (ISSN: 11099577) VLADUT V., VOICEA I., MATACHE M., BUNGESCU S., BIRIS 1792 S.ST. PARASCHIV G., POPA L., ATANASESCU A. 1793 1794 ILEANA NICOLETA POPESCU, SIMONA ZAMFIR, VIOLETA FLORINA ANGHELINA, CARMEN OTILIA 1795 RUSANESCU PROCESSING BY P/M ROUTE AND CHARACTERIZATION OF NEW ECOLOGICAL ALUMINUM MATRIX COMPOSITES (AMC) STATISTICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF VOICU GH., THE COMPRESSION MOICEANU G., PROPERTIES FOR G.PARASCHIV, VOICU AGRICULTURAL BIOMASS P. USED AS A SOURCE OF BIOMASS 1796 CONFERINTA INTERNATION ALA ACUSTICA. VIBRATII. ACTIUNI SEISMICE SISTEME INTELIGENTE DE PROTECTIE , 21-24 OCTOMBRIE 2009, RESITA 2ND INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE RESEARCH PEOPLE AND ACTUAL TASKS ON MULTIDISCIPLI NARY SCIENCES Interna ională Journal of Mechanics (ISSN: 19984448) BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IASI. PUBLICAT DE UNIVERSITATE A TEHNICA GH. ASACHI IASI. SECTIA CONSTRUCTII DE MASINI 4(4) 4(3) LVI(LX) 2010 2010 2010 113-120 43-52 489-498 HTTP://MULTILI NGUAL.BIONET SYST.COM/.../C Ingineria mediului ONFERENCE_A NNOUNCEMEN T.DOC 0,00 -3/5 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB -3/4 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB -1/4 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului Ingineria mediului COPERNICUS Ingineria mediului SCOPUS Ingineria mediului Ingineria mediului C.O.RUSANESCU, M.F. ATMOSPHERIC DAVID, G. TEMPERATURE PARASCHIV, M. MONITORING RUSANESCU 1797 BIRIS S.ST., UNGUREANU N., VLADUT V., VOICU GH., MANEA M., CRACIUN V. FEM MODEL FOR DETERMINING THE INFLUENCE OF TIRE PRESSURE ON ARTIFICIAL COMPACTION OF AGRICULTURAL SOIL VOICU GH., TUDOSIE M., CASANDROIU T., BIRIS S.ST SOME ASPECTS OF PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SEEDS AND WHEAT PRODUCTS OBTAINED FROM A ROLLER MILL PREDOI MIHAI VALENTIN, NEGREA ADINA ULTRASONIC GUIDED WAVES SENSITIVITY TO FLAWS NEAR PLATE EDGE 1798 1799 1800 EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHES ON CORRELATION SOURCEION GEORGE CATALIN, ION ELENA NOISE LEVEL GENERATED AT VENTILATING AND AIR ELVIRA CONDITIONING INSTALLATIONS 1801 BRATU POLIDOR, VASILE OVIDIU 1802 EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF NEOPRENE SYSTEMS EXCITED BY INERTIAL HARMONIC VIBRATIONS BULETINUL UNIVERSITATII PETROL-GAZE DIN PLOIESTI SERIA TEHNICA / Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Technical Series BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IASI. PUBLICAT DE UNIVERSITATE A TEHNICA GH. ASACHI IASI. SECTIA CONSTRUCTII DE MASINI BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IASI. PUBLICAT DE UNIVERSITATE A TEHNICA GH. ASACHI IASI. SECTIA CONSTRUCTII DE MASINI UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SERIES: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS LXII/3A LVI(LX) 2010 2010 LVI(LX) 2010 72(2) 2010 72(3) 2010 2010 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 347-356 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 477-488 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 17-22 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 23-34 - 1/2- UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului - 1/2- UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 124-128 VASILE OVIDIU, DRAGAN NICUSOR MUFFLER PERFORMANCES MODELING WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY C.O.Rusanescu, M. Rusanescu Bulletin UASVMProcessing records of wind speed Agriculture, Clujand direction Napoca 1803 1804 ANALELE UNIVERSITATII DUNAREA DE JOS DIN GALATI FASCICOLA XIV INGINERIE MECANICA XIV 67(2) BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IASI. REDUCTION OF FINAL MURAD E., SIMA C., HUMIDITY DISPERSION OF PUBLICAT DE HARAGA G., SAFTA UNIVERSITATE BODIES IN CONVECTIVE V.V. A TEHNICA DRYING PROCESS GH. ASACHI IASI. SECTIA CONSTRUCTII 1805 DE MASINI BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IASI. ALGORITHM FOR AN PUBLICAT DE OPTIMAL SIZING OF MURAD E., MAICAN UNIVERSITATE DIFFERENT VARIANTS OF E., DAVID M.F. A TEHNICA BLENDED GH. ASACHI IASI. SECTIA CONSTRUCTII 1806 DE MASINI The 9th DANIEL MARIUS ROLLING NOISE International MIHAI , SILVIU EMIL MEASUREMENT Conferences Proceedings IONESCU, CRISTIAN IMPORTANCE IN "Noise. ISSN 1584-7284 BADEA, NICOLAE ESTIMATION OF THE Vibration", 16-18 ENESCU, IOAN RAILWAY TRACK QUALITY September 2010, 1807 MAGHETI Reşi a Salonul EROL MURAD, ENERGIE DIN CORZI DE International EDMOND MAICAN, Proceedings VI ăPENTRUăIRIGAREăÎNă HERVEX 2010, GEORGETA HARAGA, ISSN 1454-8003 VITICULTUR C lim neşti,ă101808 MIHAELA DAVID 12 noiembrie INSTALA IIăDEăUSCAREă EROL MURAD, Salonul CONVECTIV ăCUă AURELIAN International Proceedings INDEPENDEN ă CR CIUNESCU,ă HERVEX 2010, ISSN 1454-8003 ENERGETIC ăBAZAT ăPEă GEORGETA HARAGA, C lim neşti,ă10BIOMAS ăŞIăPANOURIă ADRIANăPAN IRU 12 noiembrie 1809 FOTOVOLTAICE CONSIDERENTE PRIVIND Salonul INFLUEN AăPRESIUNIIăDINă International BIRIS S.ST., MURAD Proceedings PNEU ASUPRA REDUCERII HERVEX 2010, E., MAICAN E. ISSN 1454-8003 ENERGIEI NECESARE LA C lim neşti,ă10DEPLASAREA 12 noiembrie 1810 VEHICULELOR TERESTRE 75-78 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 105-110 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 2010 -2/4 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 2010 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Ingineria mediului 2010 - 4/5 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 5 pag. Ingineria mediului ml 238-246 -3/4 - UPB, http://www.hervex Catedra de .eu/proceedings_2 Ingineria mediului Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. 010.pdf ISB 194-199 -2/4 - UPB, Catedra de http://www.hervex Sisteme .eu/proceedings_2 Ingineria mediului biotehnice, Facult. 010.pdf ISB 209-213 - UPB, Catedra http://www.hervex de Sisteme .eu/proceedings_2 Ingineria mediului biotehnice, Facult. 010.pdf ISB ENERGETIC PLANT MECHANICAL PROPERTIES GH.VOICU, IN RELATION WITH THE G.MOICEANU, PREPARATION PROCESS P.VOICU (GRINDING AND 1811 BRIQUETTING) EROL MURAD, FORCE PNEUMATIC C T LINă TRANSDUCERS WITH LOW DUMITRESCU, ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN GEORGETA HARAGA, STOCHASTIC LILIANA MEASUREMENT 1812 DUMITRESCU OPERATIONS SAFTA V.V., MURAD E., HARAGA GEORGETA, TOMA MAGDALENA-LAURA 1813 ADVACED ALGORITHM FOR OPTIMAL DIMENSIONING OF A SIEVING EQUIPMENT FOR WASTEWATER WITH A FIXE CYLINDRICAL FINE SCREEN PARASCHIV G., PAUNESCU I., STUDIU PRIVIND CONSUMUL DE COMBUSTIBIL LA OBTINEREA PATULUI GERMINATIV IN VEDEREA INSAMANTARII STROE, I.; PÂRVU, P HINGED AND TETHERED SYSTEMS IN GRAVITATIONAL FIELD 1814 1815 Salonul International HERVEX 2010, C lim neşti,ă1012 noiembrie Salonul International HERVEX 2010, C lim neşti,ă1012 noiembrie Salonul International HERVEX 2010, C lim neşti,ă1012 noiembrie PROCEEDINGS OF XXXXIX SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE AGRICULTURE BETWEEN TRADITION AND INTENSIVISATI ON 9TH ESA WORKSHOP ON ADVANCED SPACE TECHNOLOGIE S FOR ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION - ASTRA 2006, β8ă–ăγ0ă NOVEMBER 2006, ESTEC, NOORDWIJK, THE NETHERLANDS Proceedings ISSN 1454-8003 Proceedings ISSN 1454-8003 Proceedings ISSN 1454-8003 2010 2010 2010 2006 214-220 - UPB, Catedra http://www.hervex de Sisteme .eu/proceedings_2 Ingineria mediului biotehnice, Facult. 010.pdf ISB 286-290 -1/4 - UPB, Catedra de http://www.hervex Sisteme .eu/proceedings_2 Ingineria mediului biotehnice, Facult. 010.pdf ISB 180-187 -2/3 - UPB, Catedra de http://www.hervex Sisteme .eu/proceedings_2 Ingineria mediului biotehnice, Facult. 010.pdf ISB - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB - 1/2- UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB 2006 CAB International England Inginerie mecanica http://www.scienc 1540/ASTRA_200 Inginerie mecanica 6_ESA_workshop _on_robotics_and STROE, I.; PÂRVU, P. WEIGHT FUNCTIONS METHOD IN STABILITY STUDY OF HOLONOMIC SYSTEMS; 1816 INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON NONLINEAR PROBLEMS IN AVIATION AND AEROSPACE ICNPAA- 2006, MATHEMATICA L PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING AND AEROSPACE SCIENCES, JUNE 21- 23 2006, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY WSEAS 1818 The computation of muffler transmission loss by transfer matrix method Non-linear dynamic behavior of thin rectangular plates parametrically excited using the asymptotic method, Part 1: Computation of the AMPLITUDE WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics 1819 Non-linear dynamic behavior of thin rectangular plates parametrically excited using the asymptotic method, Part 2: Computation of the phase angle STUDY ON STABILITY AT WORK FOR TILLAGE AGGREGATES CERCETARI AGRONOMICE IN MOLDOVA 1817 BUGARU M., VASILE O. BUGARU M., VASILE O. BUGARU M., VASILE O. PARASCHIV G., MAICAN E., I. PARASCHIV, D. 1820 BUCUR BIRIŞăS.ŞT.,ăMAICANă E., PARASCHIV G., VL DU ăV.,ă BUNGESCU S. A MODEL FOR PREDICTION OF STRESS STATE IN SOIL BELOW AGRICULTURAL TYRES USING THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD MAICANăE.,ăBIRIŞă S.ŞT. Optimun width calculus of the reel blades from the cereal harvesting combines 1821 1822 - 1/2- UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica /a/q/g/01.htm 2006 6 (7) 2007 763-770 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. SCOPUS ISB Inginerie mecanica WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics 6 (2) 2007 271-275 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. SCOPUS ISB Inginerie mecanica 6 (2) 2007 276-280 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. SCOPUS ISB Inginerie mecanica 5-13 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 19-28 - 4/5 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 51-58 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica Transactions on Mathematics UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 2(130) 69(4) 69(4) 2007 2007 2007 MODELLING AND Calculus outlines for the falling- OPTIMIZATION BIRIŞăS.ŞT.,ăDragomiră film evaporator usedin the sugar IN THE vol.2, MOCM-13 M., Panainte M. industry MACHINES BUILDING 1823 FIELD UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF ATTENUATION OF THE BUCHAREST, I.ăMAGHE I,ăM.ăSAVU ACOUSTIC SCREEN IN 69(3) SCIENTIFIC CLOSED SPACES BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL 1824 ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE OF STUDY OF THE PASSING ION C., ION E.E., ION THROUGH THE RESONANCE BUCHAREST, 69(1) SCIENTIFIC OF THE LINEAR SYSTEMS C.G. HAVING A FINITE NUMBER BULLETIN OF DEGREES OF FREEDOM SERIES D: MECHANICAL 1825 ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF DYNAMICS ANALYSIS OF BUCHAREST, THE 3-DOF PARALLEL D.ăZHANG,ăŞT.ăSTAICU 69(1) SCIENTIFIC ROBOT WITH PRISMATIC BULLETIN ACTUATORS SERIES D: MECHANICAL 1826 ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF KINEMATICS MODELLING ŞT.ăSTAICU,ăD.C.ă BUCHAREST, OF A PLANAR PARALLEL CARP-CIOCÂRDIA, A. 69(3) SCIENTIFIC ROBOT WITH PRISMATIC CODOBAN BULLETIN ACTUATORS SERIES D: MECHANICAL 1827 ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY RESEARCHES REGARDING POLITEHNICA THE USE OF CONE OF T.ăC S NDROIU,ăGH.ă PENETRATION FOR BUCHAREST, RHEOLOGICAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENTIFIC VOICU, LI-HUA 69(4) CHARACTERIZATION OF IOANA CHIH BULLETIN SOME WHEAT FLOUR SERIES D: DOUGHS, MECHANICAL 1828 ENGINEERING 2007 90-95 - 2/3 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB 2007 15-22 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2007 29-42 - 2/3 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2007 3-14 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2007 3-14 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 3-18 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2007 Inginerie mecanica THE LAYOUT OF THE SUCCESSIVE IMPURITIES SAFTA V.V., TOMA CLEANING DEVICES FROM MAGDALENA-LAURA THE BULB AND TUBERCLE HARVESTERS 1829 GH. VOICU, T. C S NDROIU,ăG.ă STAN USING THE DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS FOR A MATHEMATICAL MODEL TO PREDICT THE SEEDS LOSSES AT THE CLEANING SYSTEM OF THE CEREALS HARVESTER COMBINES X-J.ăLIU,ăŞT.ăSTAICU,ă J. WANG KINEMATICS AND KINETOSTATICS ANALYSIS OF THE-DOF PARALLEL CUBE-MANIPULATOR GH.VOICU, S.MARCU DOUGH DIVISION IN BAKERY UNITS USING DIVA-110 DOUGH DIVISION MACHINE ŞT.ăSTAICU DYNAMICS OF A 3-RRR SPHERICAL PARALLEL MECHANISM BASED ON PRINCIPLE OF VIRTUAL POWERS M. V. PREDOI, C. C. PETRE THE INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON EVANESCENT ULTRASONIC STRUCTURAL WAVES ANALYSIS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS (ICSAM 2007), PATRAS, GRECIA 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 5TH INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE INTEGRATED SYSTEMS FOR AGRI-FOOD PRODUCTION SIPA‟07”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 12TH IFTOMM WORLD CONGRESS OF MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY, BESANCON FRANCE 69(4) 2007 67-76 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica Inginerie mecanica Inginerie mecanica 69(4) 2007 29-40 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB 69(2) 2007 3-18 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Proceeding ISBN 978-973638-348-9 Proceedings Proceedings 2007 http://www.allboo - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme ated-Systems315-318 Inginerie mecanica Biotehnice, Facult. Agri-FoodISB Production/97897 36382253 2007 - UPB, Catedra de 94-99 Mecanica, Facult. Inginerie mecanica efan+staicu+besan ISB son&hl=ro&btnG 2007 133-144 - 1/2 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB com/site/predoi02/ Inginerie mecanica internationalconfe rences Experimental Study of Increased Functional Resources in the DBAYER,ăM.,ăOL RIC .ă 110ăEngineăCrankshaftă–ă M., IPATE, G. Connecting Rod Assembly by Reworking of Parts Exposed to Wear 1835 VL DU ăV.,ăMANEAă D., BOLINTINEANU GH.,ăBIRIŞăS.ŞT.,ă BUNGESCU S., 1836 ŞT.ăSTAICU,ăD.C.ă CARP-CIOCÂRDIA, A. CODOBAN 1837 SAFTA VICTOR 1838 VOICU, GH., MOISE, V. MAICAN, E., 1839 IMPLEMENTATION STAGE OF EUROPEAN NORMS REGARDING PERIODICAL VERIFICATION OF WEED CONTROL EQUIPMENT IN ROMANIA 10TH INTERNATION AL Proceedings CONFERENCE ON TRIBOLOGY, BUCHAREST THE 5TH INTERNATION AL SCIENTIFIC AND Proceedings PRACTICAL ISBN 978-5-888CONFERENCE, 90-046-8 RUSSIA, SAINTPETERSBURGPAVLOVSK PROCEEDINGS OF THE 31 TH INT. CONGRESS OF AMERICAN ROMANIAN KINEMATICS OF A PLANAR ACADEMY OF PARALLEL ROBOT WITH Proceedings ARTS AND REVOLUTE ACTUATORS SCIENCES, SECTION: ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS , BRASOV ROMANIA FIRST INTERNATION MATHEMATIC MODEL OF AL THE MATERIAL PASSAGE CONFERENCE ON SUCCESSIVE CLEANING "RESEACH DEVICES WITH ROLLING ISBN 978-954PEOPLE AND CONVEYORS FROM THE 91147-3-7 ACTUAL IMPURITIES CLEANING (vol.2) TASKS ON SYSTEMS OF THE BULB MULTIDISCIPLI AND TUBERCLE NARY HARVESTERS SCIENCES", LOZENEC, BULGARIA THE 5TH INTERNATION MODULAR KINEMATICS OF AL Proceedings CONFERENCE THE CLEANING SYSTEM ISBN 978-973INTEGRATED FROM DROPIA-1810 CEREAL 638-348-9 SYSTEMS FOR HARVESTER AGRI-FOOD PRODUCTION SIPA‟07”,ăSIBIU 2007 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme Biotehnice, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2007 - 2/5 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme Biotehnice, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2007 2007 2007 370-374 - UPB, Catedra de http://conf.bionets Sisteme 89-93 Inginerie mecanica Biotehnice, Facult. t ISB - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme 309-314 Biotehnice, Facult. ISB ISBN 978-973638-348-9 Inginerie mecanica ION STROE, PETRIŞORăPÂRVU,ă DUMITRUăC RUNTU MULTIBODY SYSTEMS WITH HOLONOMIC AND NONHOLONOMIC CONTRAINTS B.PLOSCEANU, O.VASILE PLANETARY SAFETY CLUTCH - QUALITATIVE ASPECTS 1840 1841 THE 31ST ANNUAL CONGRESS OF THE AMERICAN ROMANIAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, BRAŞOV,ă ROMANIA PROCEEDINGS TWELFTH WORD CONGRESS IN MECHANISM AND MACHINE SCIENCE, BESANCON, FRANCE - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2007 - UPB, Catedra de 162-165 Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2007 - UPB, Catedra de http://conf.bionets Sisteme 118-122 Inginerie mecanica Biotehnice, Facult. t ISB Proceedings 2007 Proceedings FIRST INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE RESEARCH ABOUT "RESEACH CORRELATION BETWEEN G.PARASCHIV, Proceedings PEOPLE AND THE CONSTRUCTIVE AND S.ST.BIRIS, ISBN 978-954ACTUAL KINEMATICAL 91147-3-7 E.MAICAN, V.VLADUT PARAMETRES OF MILLING TASKS ON MULTIDISCIPLI MACHINES NARY SCIENCES", LOZENEC, 1842 BULGARIA RESEARCHES REGARDING THE 15TH THE PROTECTION THAT INTERNATION THE AGRICULTURAL AND AL SEMINAR VL DU ăV.,ăBIRIŞă FORESTRY TRACTORS OF WORK S.ŞT.,ăBUNGESCUăS.T.,ă ENSURE WITHIN THE Proceedings SCIENCE IN B JENARUăS., EXPLOITATION PROCESS AGRICULTURE, FROM THE POINT OF VIEW AUSTRIA, OF NOISE AND VIBRATIONS WIEN 1843 LEVEL PROCEEDINGS OF THE INT.CONFEREN CEă„RESEARCHă PEOPLE AND SOME CONSIDERATIONS Proceedings ACTUAL ABOUT THE STUDY OF ISBN 978-954N.ăOR ŞANU,ăGH.ă PARCILES MOTION ON THE TASKS ON 91147-3-7 VOICU MULTIDISCIPLI CONICAL SIEVE (vol.2) NARY SCIENCES”,ă LOZENEC, BULGARIA 1844 2007 2007 183-189 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme Biotehnice, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica ISBN 978-954- UPB, Catedra de 91147-3-7 113-118 Mecanica, Facult. http://conf.bionets Inginerie mecanica ISB t GH. VOICU, N. OR ŞANU 1845 GH.VOICU , CASANDROIU T., IPATE G. 1846 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATION AL SOME CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING THE STUDY OF CONFERENCE RESEARCH THE PARTICLES ISBN 978-954PEOPLE AND MOVEMENT ON 91147-3-7 ACTUAL PLANSIFTERS WITH (vol.2) TASKS ON CIRCULAR PLANAR MULTIDISCIPLI MOVEMENT NARY SCIENCES, LOZENEC, BULGARIA CONGRESUL STUDIES REGARDING THE INTERNATION INFLUENCE OF THE SIEVE AL AMMA-2007 OSCILLATORY PLANAUTOMOBILE, ISSN 1221-5872 PARALLEL MOTION ON THE V(50) ENVIRONMENT SEEDS SEPARATION IN AND FARM CLEANING SYSTEMS FROM MACHINERY”,ă THE CEREAL COMBINE Cluj-Napoca G.PARASCHIV, I.PAUNESCU, E.MAICAN, S.BUNGESCU STUDIES REGARDING THE OPTIMIZATION OF THE MILLING MACHINES WORKING PROCESS GH.VOICU, M.NICOLESCU VIEWPOINTS ON THE CONSTRUCTION AND WORK PROCESS OF THE PNEUMATIC IMPURITZ SEPARATORS WITH AIR RECIRCULATION I. STROE WEIGHT FUNCTIONS METHOD IN STABILITY STUDY 1847 1848 1849 1850 FIRST INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE "RESEACH ISBN 978-954PEOPLE AND 91147-3-7 ACTUAL (vol.2) TASKS ON MULTIDISCIPLI NARY SCIENCES", LOZENEC, BULGARIA THE 5TH INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE Proceeding INTEGRATED SYSTEMS FOR AGRI-FOOD PRODUCTION SIPA‟07”, 6TH INTERNATION AL CONGRESS ON INDUSTRIAL Proceeding AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS , ZURICH, SWITZERLAND 2007 ISBN 978-954- UPB, Catedra de 91147-3-7 Sisteme http://conf.bionets Inginerie mecanica 108-113 Biotehnice, Facult. ISB t 2007 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme 443-450 Biotehnice, Facult. ISB 2007 - 3/4 - UPB, ISBN 978-954Catedra de 91147-3-7 122-127 Sisteme http://conf.bionets Inginerie mecanica Biotehnice, Facult. t ISB 2007 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme 221-224 Biotehnice, Facult. ISB 2007 ISSN 1221-5872 Inginerie mecanica ISBN 978-973638-348-9 Inginerie mecanica - UPB, Catedra de 16-20 Mecanica, Facult. Inginerie mecanica ISB 0,00 STAICU ST, DAN ZHANG DYNAMIC MODELLING OF A 4-DOF PARALLEL KINEMATIC MACHINE WITH REVOLUTE ACTUATORS INTERNATION AL JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURI NG RESEARCH, INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS, CANADA, VOL. 3, NO. 2, PP. 172187, 2008 (COMPENDEX, INSPEC) VL DU ăV.,ăGANGAă M.,ăBIRIŞăS.,ă PARASCHIV G., BUNGESCU S. CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE EUROPEAN DIRECTIVES AND THE OECD CODES, USED FOR TESTING OF THE AGRICULTURAL AND FORESTRY TRACTORS ON WHEELS TRACTORS AND POWER MACHINES 1, ISSN 0354-9496, NOVIăSADă–ă SERBIA 3(2) 2008 172-187 - UPB, Catedra de COMPENDEX, Mecanica, Facult. INSPEC ISB Inginerie mecanica 1851 1852 200 HP TRACTOR ZIMBRU VL DU ăV.,ă TRACTION BAR TESTING IN MATACHE M., DYNAMIC REGIME AND B JENARUăS,ă MODELLING WITH FINIT BUNGESCUăS.,ăBIRIŞăS. ELEMENT 1853 STAICU ST. KINEMATICS OF THE 3-RRR PLANAR PARALLEL ROBOT DYNAMICS STAICU ST. DYNAMICS OF A 3-PRR PLANAR PARALLEL ROBOT COSTACHE A., BARAN N. COMPUTATION METHOD FOR ESTABLISHING THE CONTOUR OF A NEW TYPE OF PROFILED ROTO 1854 1855 1856 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURA L MACHINERY SCIENCE, IZMIR, TÜRKIYE, (ISSN 1306-0007) UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 13 2008 7-10 - 4/5 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB SC Index AGRIS (http://en.wikipedi Inginerie mecanica ) Inginerie mecanica 4(1) 2008 27-32 - 4/5 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB 70(2) 2008 3-14 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 70(3) 2008 3-18 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 93-101 - 1/2 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 70(3) 2008 C S NDROIUăT.,ă VOICU GH., MAICAN E. A MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR THE SEEDS LOSSES PREDICTION ON THE CLEANING SYSTEM SIEVES OF THE HARVESTING COMBINES STROE I., PARVU P. WEIGHT FUNCTIONS METHOD IN STABILITY STUDY OF SYSTEMS VOICU GH., C S NDROIUăT.,ă MARCU S. RESEARCHES REGARDING SIEVE OPENINGS SIZE INFLUENCE OF SEEDS SEPARATION PROCESS AT HARVESTERS CLEANING SYSTEM 1857 1858 MODELLING AND OPTIMIZATION vol.2, MOCM-14 IN THE MACHINES BUILDING FIELD 79th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, GAMM2008, Bremen, Germany Proceeding of the International Conference BIOATLAS2008, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania Journal of EcoAgroTurism, ISSN 1841-642X - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice , Facult. ISB 2008 19-26 Inginerie mecanica 2008 10γ85ă–10γ86 - UPB, Catedra de www.zarm.uniMecanica, Facult. Inginerie mecanica ISB 008/ 2008 541-546 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice bioatlas/proceedin Inginerie mecanica , Facult. ISB g.html 1859 Proceeding of the 10th International Congress on MOISE V., VOICU GH., MECHANISM SYNTHESIS OF Mechanization PARASCHIV G., THE HANDPALLETS and Energy in MAICAN E. Agriculture, Antalya, Türkiye 2008 722-727 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice Inginerie mecanica tr/ageng2008/ , Facult. ISB 1860 STROE I., PARVU P. RELATIVE MOTION OF TETHERED BODIES WITH RESPECT TO CIRCULAR ORBITS ICNPAA-2008: Mathematical Problems in Engineering and Aerospace Sciences, Genoa, Italy 2008 - UPB, Catedra de hcal/info/2008_ju Inginerie mecanica Mecanica, Facult. n25ISB 27_genoa.html STROE I., PARVU P. WEIGHT FUNCTIONS METHOD IN STABILITY STUDY OF NON-LINEAR SYSTEMS 2008 - UPB, Catedra de www.gecad.isep.ip Mecanica, Facult. Inginerie mecanica ISB 1862 NSC08, 2nd conference on nonlinear science and complexity, Porto, Portugal KINEMATICS MODELLING OF THE 3-PRR PLANAR PARALLEL ROBOT 2008 www.meca.polymt - UPB, Catedra de, Facult. AS/archive/congre Inginerie mecanica ss/32/program/call ISB 32.pdf 1863 Proceedings of the 33th International Congress of American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences,Boston, USA 1861 STAICU ST. 255-258 PREDOI M. V., PETRE C. C., SOARE M. ELASTIC CONSTANTS MEASUREMENTS USING ULTRASOUNDS 25th DanubiaAdria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, ǎeskéă Budějoviceă (Budweis),ăǎeskyă Krumlov, Czech Republic PREDOI D., DERIBLE S., DUFLO H., PREDOI M.V., PETRE C.C. PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND ULTRASONIC CHARACTERIZATION OF CALCIUM PHOSPHATE CERAMICS International Conference Acoustics' 08 Paris, ASA EAA SFA, (ISBN 978-29521105-4-9 EAN 9782952110549) 2008 2529-2533 - UPB, Catedra de www.acoustics08Mecanica, Facult. Inginerie mecanica ISB GUIDED WAVES IN PLATES WITH LINEAR VARIATION OF THICKNESS International Conference Acoustics' 08 Paris, ASA EAA SFA (ISBN 978-29521105-4-9 EAN 9782952110549) 2008 5291-5295 - UPB, Catedra de www.acoustics08Mecanica, Facult. Inginerie mecanica ISB APLICATION OF MAGHETI I., SAVU M., LAGRANGE”SăEQUATIONSă FOR THE ACOUSTICAL IONESCU L. SYSTEMS Proceedings of The 32nd Annual Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston, American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston 246-248 www.meca.polymt - UPB, Catedra de, Facult. AS/archive/congre Inginerie mecanica ISB ss/32/program/call 32.pdf THE GEOMETRICAL PARAMETERS BUNGESCUăS.,ăBIRIŞă DETERMINATION OF THE S.ŞT.,ăVL DU ăV.,ă LAMELAR MOULDBOARDS PILOCA L., IMBREA F. USED THE MODERN PLOUGHES International Congress "Automotive, Safety and Environment"Sectionă“Tractorsă and Agricultural Machines”,ă Craiova România 351-354 - 2/5 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB 1864 1865 PREDOI M.V., ECH CHERIF EL KETTANI M., HAMITOUCHE Z., 1866 PETRE C.C. (ISBN 978-8001-04162-8) 2008 215-216 UPB, Catedra de symposium-onMecanica, Facult. Inginerie mecanica advances-inISB experimentalmechanics/ 2008 1867 1868 CRAIFALEANU A., CRAIFALEANU I.-G. 1869 ALGORITHM FOR IMPROVING THE ACCURACY OF NEWMARK INTEGRATION METHOD IN THE STUDY OF ELASTOPLASTIC OSCILLATIONS The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China ISBN 978-606510-253-8; 978606-510-245-3 2008 Paper ID 14-0138 2008 http://mecanica.uc Inginerie mecanica mg/content/Progra mSMAT2008.pdf - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. Inginerie mecanica / ISB CRAIFALEANU A., DRAGOMIRESCU C., CEAUŞUăV. 1870 DRAGOMIRESCU C., CRAIFALEANU A., CEAUŞUăV. 1871 VOLCEANOV E., VOLCEANOV A., DRAGOMIRESCU C., MOTOC ST., STOLERIU ST., 1872 BECHERESCU M. ALECU A., BOIANGIU M., BURACU V. The 7th International Conference Acoustics and Vibration,ăPiteşti,ă Romania ASPECTS CONCERNING THE The 7th INFLUENCE OF THE SELF International WEIGHT OVER THE Conference FUNDAMENTAL Acoustics and EIGENFREQUENCY OF A Vibration,ăPiteşti,ă SLENDER BEAM Romania SINTERING ENVIRONMENT Proceedings 2-nd INFLUENCE ON TERNARY International ZIRCONIA CERAMICS Congress on MECHANICAL AND Ceramics, MICROSTRUCTURAL Verona, Italy CHARACTERISTICS ANALYSIS METHODS OF THE MOTION OF A RIGID BODY ABOUT ITS MASS CENTER 2008 27-30 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. Inginerie mecanica inta2008.html ISB 2008 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. Inginerie mecanica inta2008.html ISB ISBN 978-888080-084-2 (identificator 3P54-ID 778) 2008 - 1/4 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Proc.ăăofăă“γrdă Int. Conference SEMIANALYTICAL METHOD SCIENTIFING FOR VIBRATION ANALYSIS COMPUTING to COMPUTATION OF SPATIAL BAR SYSTEM ALăengineering”,ă Atena, Greece paper 120 2008 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica Proc.ăăofăă“γrdă Int. Conference SCIENTIFING COMPUTING to COMPUTATION ALăengineering”,ă Atena, Greece paper 121 2008 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2008 - 1/2 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB 2008 - UPB, Catedra de Inginerie mecanica Mecanica, Facult. inta2008.html ISB 2008 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. Inginerie mecanica inta2008.html ISB Inginerie mecanica 1873 STUDY OF VIBRATIONS OF BOIANGIU M., ALECU BARS SYSTEMS BY USING THE TRANSFER MATRIX A. METHOD 1874 THE UNIFORMITY OF THE STAN M., KOLUMBAN DISTRIBUTION OF SOUND THROUGHOUT THE V., BOHALTEA C., MULTIFUNCTIONAL HALL VASILE O., STAN A. „EUTHERPE” 1875 STROE I. WEIGHT FUNCTIONS METHOD IN STABILY STUDY OF LINEAR AND NON-LINEAR VIBRATIONS 1876 MODULAR SILENCER VASILE O., ENESCU N. MODELLING AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY 1877 The 7th International Conference Acoustics and Vibration, Pitesti, Romania The 7th International Conference Acoustics and Vibration, Pitesti, Romania, The 7th International Conference Acoustics and Vibration, Pitesti, Romania, ISSN 1584-7284 Inginerie mecanica inta2008.html SOME CONSIDERATIONS ON ELASTIC WAVES PROPAGATING IN ANISOTROPIC SOLIDS The 7th International Conference Acoustics and Vibration, Pitesti, Romania, 2008 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. Inginerie mecanica inta2008.html ISB MULTIFUNCTIONAL SYSTEM FOR THE ACUSTIC BOHÂLTEA CARACTERISTICS C.,ANDRONE C. EVALUATION OF THE ,ARSENE M. , VASILE INSULATION AND O. ABSORBTION SCREENS FOR URBAN TRAFFIC NOISE The 7th International Conference Acoustics and Vibration, Pitesti, Romania, 2008 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. Inginerie mecanica inta2008.html ISB NEGREA A., PREDOI M.V. 1878 1879 1880 0 CASANDROIU TUDOR, M.POPESCU, GH.VOICU A DEVELOPING A MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR SIMULATING THE SEEDS SEPARATION PROCESS ON THE PLANE SIEVES VLADUT V., POPA L., BIRIS S.ST., BUNGESCU S., DANCIU A. CONTRIBUTIONS TO MODELING THE THRESHING AND SEPARATING PROCESS WITHIN A THRESHING APPARATUS WITH AXIAL FLOW S.STAICU DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF THE 3-3 STEWART PLATFORM D.CHABLAT, S.STAICU KINEMATICS OF A 3-PRP PLANAR PARALLEL ROBOT 1881 1882 1883 1884 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 71(3) 2009 17-29 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica Inginerie mecanica 71(1) 2009 105-116 - 4/5 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB 71(2) 2009 3-18 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 71(1) 2009 3-16 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, R.SINATRA, F.XI, KINEMATICS OF THE S.STAICU HEXAPOD PARALLEL ROBO SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL 1885 ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF DYNAMICS OF THE BUCHAREST, D.CHABLAT, P. ORTHOGLIDE PARALLEL SCIENTIFIC WENGER, S.STAICU ROBOT BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL 1886 ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF THE ACOUSTIC MULTIBUCHAREST, O. VASILE, N. ENESCU CHAMBER MUFFLER SCIENTIFIC PERFORMANCES BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL 1887 ENGINEERING RESEARCHES REGARDING VLADUT V., RESEARCH THE OBTAINED OIL GAGEANU P., JOURNAL OF CHARACTERIZATION BY BUNGESCU S., BIRIS AGRICULTURA COLD PRESSING OF RAPE S.ST. L SCIENCE 1888 SEEDS S.BIRIS, SOME RESEARCHES RESEARCH G.PARASCHIV, REGARDING THE USING OF JOURNAL OF S.BUNGESCU, PLOUGH-BODY WITH ANTEAGRICULTURA V.VLADUT, MOULBOARD IN THE L SCIENCE 1889 D.GAFITEANU PLOUGHS BUILDINGS STUDIES AS CONCERNS THE STRATIFIED BUNGESCU RESEARCH COMPOSITE MATERIALS S.,TARCAET R., BIRIS UTILIZATION IN JOURNAL OF S.ST., VLADUT V., AGRICULTURA ENGINEERING OF THE IMBREA F. L SCIENCE MOULDBOARDS OF MODERN MECHANIC 1890 PLOUGHS Some physico-mechanical Bulletin UASVMGh.Voicu, M.F.David, characteristics of the wheat grist Agriculture, ClujS.Şt.Biriş,ăE.M.Tudosie in the breakage phase during Napoca 1891 milling process V.Moise, Gh.Voicu, M.L.Toma Structural, kinematics and kinetostatics analysis of the lifting and empting mechanism from the small containers Bulletin UASVMAgriculture, ClujNapoca M.F.David, Gh.Voicu, L.David, C.O.Rusanescu Experimental analysis considered the dynamics of mobiles agricultural aggregates Bulletin UASVMAgriculture, ClujNapoca 1892 1893 71(4) 2009 3-27 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica Inginerie mecanica Inginerie mecanica 71(3) 2009 3-16 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB 71(3) 2009 63-74 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB 41 2009 499-504 41 2009 351-356 41 66 (2) 66 (1) 66 (1) 2009 2009 2009 2009 - 3/4- UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. 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Tribological Behaviour of moybden disulphide nanoparticles 1894 1895 1896 VOICU GHEORGHE, M.F.DAVID, S.ST.BIRIS, E.M.TUDOSIE 1897 MURAD E., MAICAN E., MARIN AL., DUMITRESCU C. 1898 MURAD E., CHERECHES T. 1899 SOME PHYSICOPECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WHEAT GRIST IN THE BREAKAGE PHASE DURING MILLING PROCESS THE DYNAMICS OF THE PNEUMATIC TRANSDUCERS WITH LOW ENERGY CONSUPTION FOR MEASURING FORCES IN SLOW PROCESSES 1901 Bulletin UASVMAgriculture, ClujNapoca HERVEX 2009, 17TH EDITION, INTERNATION AL SALON, HYDRAULICS; PNEUMATICS HERVEX 2009, OPTIMIZATION OF ENERGY 17TH EDITION, CONSUMPTION BY INTERNATION AUTOMATICALLY LEAD AL SALON, PROCESSES SYSTEM OF HYDRAULICS; DRYING CONVECTION PNEUMATICS DETERMINATION OF THE STATIC AND DYNAMIC ORASANU NICOLAIE, FRICTION COEFFICIENTS VOICU GHEORGHE, FOR THE MILLING UNGUREANU PRODUCT AND THEIR NICOLETA VARIATION WITH RESPECT TO SOME PARAMETERS 1900 BIRIS S., UNGUREANU N., MANEA M., BUNGESCU S.T., VLADUT V. DAAAM INTERNATION AL SCIENTIFIC BOOK 2010 ANALELE UNIVERSITATII DUNAREA DE JOS DIN GALATI FASCICOLA INGINERIE MECANICA Int. Conference on Diagnosis and prediction in Mechanical Engineering Systems (DIPRE'09) FREE SURFACE EQUATION OF BEER WORT IN A ROTAPOOL 8 2009 797-814 0.5 - UPB, ptr. Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2009 -UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2009 192-196 -2/4 - UPB, Catedra de HTTP://WWW.H Sisteme Inginerie mecanica ERVEX.RO/ biotehnice, Facult. ISB 129-134 -1/2 - UPB, Catedra de HTTP://WWW.H Sisteme Inginerie mecanica ERVEX.RO/ biotehnice, Facult. ISB 65-70 XV(1) 2009 38- Proceedings, ISSN 1454-8003 OPROTEH AL XI-LEA SIMPOZION INTERNATION AL TINERII SI CERCETAREA MULTIDISCIPLI Proceedings, NARA, ISSN 1843-6609 ROMANIASERBIAUNGARIA, UNIVERSITATE A POLITEHNICA TIMISOARA Inginerie mecanica Inginerie mecanica 2009 Proceedings, ISSN 1454-8003 EBSCO - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB XIV 66 (1) - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB 2009 2009 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB HTTP://WWW.O PROTEH.UB.RO/ OPROTEH%2020 Inginerie mecanica 09%20PRIMA%2 0CIRCULARA.P DF 2009 -4/5 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB HTTP://WWW.A CMV.RO/J/LAN GInginerie mecanica RO/SIMPOZIOA NE/2009.HTML 77-82 2ND INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE BIRIS S.ST., MANEA RESEARCH NECESSARY POWER FOR M., UNGUREANU N., PEOPLE AND TUDOSIE M., VLADUT OIL PRESSES DRIVE ACTUAL V. TASKS ON MULTIDISCIPLI NARY 1902 SCIENCES RESEARCH SOME CONSIDERATIONS PEOPLE AND ABOUT THE STUDY OF ACTUAL GHEORGHE VOICU, PARCTICLES MOTION ON TASKS ON ORASANU NICOLAIE THE PLAN SIEVE WITH A MULTIDISCIPLI CIRCULAR MOTION NARY 1903 SCIENCES RESEARCH PEOPLE AND SOME CONSIDERATIONS ON ACTUAL ORASANU NICOLAIE, THE STUDY OF PLANSIFTER TASKS ON MOTION USED FOR GRAIN GHEORGHE VOICU MULTIDISCIPLI MILLING SEPARATION NARY 1904 SCIENCES 5TH INTERNATION THE CONTROL OF THE AL MURAD E., SAFTA CONVECTIVE DRYING CONFERENCE VICTOR-VIOREL, PROCESSES OF FRUITS AND ON HARAGA G. VEGETABLES ACCORDING MANUFACTURI TO A MODEL NG SYSTEMS, ICMS 1905 THIRD INTERNATION AL CONGRESS WEIGHT FUNCTIONS I.STROE, A. DESIGN AND METHOD IN STABILY CRAIFALEANU MODELLING STUDY OF VIBRATIONS OF MECHANICAL 1906 SYSTEMS ŞtefanăSTAICUă MODÈLE MATRICIEL EN DYNAMIQUE DU ROBOT PARALLÈLE STEWARTGOUGH Rev. Roum. Sci. Tech. - Mec. Appl. PROCEEDINGS, ISSN 1313-7735 PROCEEDINGS, ISSN 1313-7735 PROCEEDINGS, ISSN 1313-7735 -UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB HTTP://MULTILI NGUAL.BIONET SYST.COM/.../C Inginerie mecanica ONFERENCE_A NNOUNCEMEN T.DOC 2009 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB HTTP://WWW.R U.ACAD.BG/BA ER/REPORTAFT Inginerie mecanica ERCONFERENC E-1.PDF 2009 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB HTTP://WWW.R U.ACAD.BG/BA ER/REPORTAFT Inginerie mecanica ERCONFERENC E-1.PDF 2009 -2/3 - UPB, HTTP://WWW.IN Catedra de VENTICA.ORG. Inginerie mecanica Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. RO/ICMS2009/ ISB 2009 HTTP://WWW.T - UPB, Catedra de UNIMEC.ORG/C Mecanica, Facult. Inginerie mecanica MSM2009/ANGB ISB ASE.HTML 2009 102-107 54(3) 2009 187-200 54(1) 2009 67-77 54(3) 2009 201-218 54(2) 2009 125-142 1907 DYNAMICS OF A 2-DOF ORIENTING GEAR 1908 MECHANISM DYNAMICS OF THE Rosario SINATRA, FengHEXAPOD PARALLEL FengăXI,ăŞtefanăSTAICUă 1909 ROBOT ŞtefanăSTAICUă ŞtefanăSTAICUă 1910 1911 DYNAMICS OF THE 3-PRP PLANAR PARALLEL ROBOT Rev. Roum. Sci. Tech. - Mec. Appl. Rev. Roum. Sci. Tech. - Mec. Appl. Rev. Roum. Sci. Tech. - Mec. Appl. INDEX COPERNICUS - UPB, Catedra de http://journals.inde Mecanica, Facult. Inginerie mecanica ISB bstracted.php?leve l=2&id_jour=494 8 - UPB, Catedra de INDEX Inginerie mecanica Mecanica, Facult. COPERNICUS ISB - UPB, Catedra de INDEX Inginerie mecanica Mecanica, Facult. COPERNICUS ISB - UPB, Catedra de INDEX Inginerie mecanica Mecanica, Facult. COPERNICUS ISB 0,00 BOIANGIU MIHAIL, BOIANGIU ADINA 1912 INFLUENCE OF THE CONSTRUCTIVE AND OPERATIONAL FEATURES ON THE CENTRIFUGES CONTROLING THE CAVITATION G.BARAN, I.CATANA,I.MAGHETI, PHENOMENOM OF C.A.SAFTA, M.SAVU EVOLUTION ON A BUTTERFLY VALVE 1913 DAVID MIHAELA FLORENTINA, RUS NESCUăC.O.,ă DAVID L., DINU I. THE MODERNIZATION OF THEăMACă–ăγăMACHINESă FROM THE SUBSTITUTION OF THE MECHANISM OF THE PRESSING ROOM BIRIS S., UNGUREANU N.,G.PARASCHIV, MANEA M., TUDOSIE M., BUNGESCU S. ANALYSIS OF STRESSES AND STRAINS DISTRIBUTION IN THE RODS OF TRACTOR SUSPENSION MECHANISM USING FINITE ELEMENTS METHOD EROL MURAD, C T LINă DUMITRESCU, HARAGA GEORGETA, LILIANA DUMITRESCU PNEUMATIC METERING SYSTEMS FOR AMOUNT OF WATER EXTRACTED IN CONVECTIV DRYING PROCESSES CEAUŞU,ăV.,ă CRAIFALEANU, A., DRAGOMIRESCU TRANSFER MATRIX METHOD FOR FORCED VIBRATIONS OF BARS 1914 1915 1916 1917 DAAAM INTERNATION AL SCIENTIFIC BOOK 2010 25th IAHR Symposium on Hidraulic Machinery and Systems, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science BULETINUL UNIVERSITATII PETROL-GAZE DIN PLOIESTI SERIA TEHNICA / Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Technical Series BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IASI. PUBLICAT DE UNIVERSITATE A TEHNICA GH. ASACHI IASI. SECTIA CONSTRUCTII DE MASINI BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IASI. PUBLICAT DE UNIVERSITATE A TEHNICA GH. ASACHI IASI. SECTIA CONSTRUCTII DE MASINI UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 12(1) LXII/4B LVI/4B 2010 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB EBSCO Inginerie mecanica 2010 1-9 - 2/5 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB IOPSCIENCE Inginerie mecanica 41-46 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 357-362 -3/4 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica -3/4 - UPB, Catedra de Sisteme biotehnice, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2010 2010 2010 72(2) 2010 35-42 STEFAN STAICU, IULIAN TABARA, OVIDIU ANTONESCU 1918 CRAIFALEANU, A., BUTOESCU, V., DRAGOMIRESCU, C., NEBANCEA,ăŞT. 1919 OR ŞANUăNICOLAIE 1920 POPA CONSTANTIN , VOICULESCU LUMINITA, TOMA GHICA (OVANISOF) ALINA 1921 STEFAN STAICU 1922 ION STROE 1923 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF KINEMATICS AND BUCHAREST, DYNAMICS OF A 2-DOF SCIENTIFIC ORIENTING GEAR TRAIN BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA CONSIDERATIONS UPON OF THE SYMMETRICAL BUCHAREST, HORIZONTAL FLIGHT OF A SCIENTIFIC FLAPPING-WING MICRO AIR BULLETIN VEHICLE SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA REDUCTION OF THE OF ELEMENTARY BODIES TO BUCHAREST, SYSTEMS OF MATERIAL SCIENTIFIC POINTS WITH THE SAME BULLETIN INERTIA PROPRIETIES SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DÉTERMINATIONS UNIVERSITY EXPÉRIMENTALES CONCERNANT CERTAINES POLITEHNICA OF TECHNOLOGIES QUI BUCHAREST, COMPORTENT DES SCIENTIFIC PHÉNOMÈNES BULLETIN VIBRATOIRES DANS LE SERIES D: CADRE DES MACHINES MECHANICAL DESTINÉES AU ENGINEERING SÉPARATION DES SEMENCES UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF KINEMATICS OF THE BUCHAREST, CASTER WHEEL OF A SCIENTIFIC PLANAR MOBILE ROBOT BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, TRAJECTORIES IN NONSCIENTIFIC INERTIAL FRAMES BULLETIN SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 72(2) 2010 3-16 - 1/3 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica Inginerie mecanica 72(3) 2010 13-22 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB 72(3) 2010 35-48 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 72(4) 2010 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 72(4) 2010 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 72(4) 2010 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica B.PLOSCEANU, A. O. VASILE DEMONSTRATION AND METHOD FOR CALCULATING THE EFFICIENCY OF DIFFERENTIAL MECHANISM VASILE OVIDIU TRANSMISSION LOSS ASSESSMENT FOR A MUFFLER BY BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD APPROACH DRAGOMIRESCU, C., ILIESCU, V., CRAIFALEANU, A. CONSIDERTIONS ON THE MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS OF AN ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT BOAR STEFAN STAICU INVERSE DYNAMICS OF THE CINCINNATIMILACRON WRIST ROBOT DRAGOMIRESCU, C., CR IF LEANU,ăA. CONSIDERATION UPON AN OSCILLATING MECHANICAL SYSTEM 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 ENESCU N., MAGHETI ACOUSTICAL SILENCERS I., CARP-CIOCARDIA (MUFFLERS) D.C. 1929 NOISE PREDICTION FOR A ENESCU N., MAGHETI NATURAL GAS I., IONESCU S.E, COMPRESSION STATION IONESCU A.C. USING CUSTOM SOUND 1930 BARRIERS INVERSE DYNAMICS OF ŞtefanăSTAICUă THE CINCINNATI1931 MILACRON WRIST ROBOT FIABILITATE SI DURABILITATE / FIABILITY & DURABILITY ANALELE UNIVERSITATII EFTIMIE MURGU RESITA FASCICOLA DE INGINERIE ANALELE UNIVERSITATII DUNAREA DE JOS DIN GALATI FASCICOLA XIV INGINERIE MECANICA REVUE ROUMAINE DES TECHNIQUES. SERIE DE MECANIQUE APPLIQUEE ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF ACOUSTICS AND VIBRATION ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF ACOUSTICS AND VIBRATION ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF ACOUSTICS AND VIBRATION Rev. Roum. Sci. Tech. - Mec. Appl. POPESCU, R. CRAIFALEANU, A. THERMAL PERFORMANCE OF MASONRY BUILDING. CASE STUDIES 8th International Masonry Conference 2010 in Dresden DRAGAN NICUSOR, VASILE OVIDIU EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES REGARDING THE USE OF THE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES INTENDED FOR ACOUSTIC TREATMENTS OF THE CABINS The 9th International Conferences "Noise. Vibration", 16-18 September 2010, Reşi a 2 55(1) 55(1) - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2010 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2010 - 2/3- UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2010 73-87 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2010 35-40 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2010 11-16 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2010 11-17 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 2010 73-87 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB - 1/2 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB 2010 11-16 Proceedings 2010 1-6 Proceedings ISSN 1584-7284 2010 7 pag. 1932 1933 INDEX COPERNICUS Inginerie mecanica http://www.ipctstr MC_%2025Inginerie mecanica Popescu%20Rodic a%20DRESDA% 20.pdf - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. Inginerie mecanica ml ISB BRATU POLIDOR, DRAGAN NICUSOR, VASILE OVIDIU 1934 BRATU POLIDOR, VASILE OVIDIU 1935 BRATU POLIDOR, ANAă–ăMARIAăMITU,ă VASILE OVIDIU 1936 VALENTIN CEAUSU, NICOLAE ENESCU 1937 The 9th International MODAL ANALYSIS OF Conferences BECHTELăVIADUCTSă–ă "Noise. NATURAL FREQUENCIES Vibration", 16-18 AND EIGENVALUES September 2010, Reşi a The 9th CHARACTERIZATION OF International DISSIPATION CAPACITY Conferences BASED ON PARAMETERS OF "Noise. THE SYSTEM CONSISTING Vibration", 16-18 OF NEOPRENE ANTISeptember 2010, SEISMIC ISOLATORS Reşi a The 9th DISSIPATION CAPACITY International EVALUATION FOR Conferences NEOPRENE ANTI-SEISMIC "Noise. ISOLATORS UNDER Vibration", 16-18 HARMONIC DYNAMIC September 2010, EXCITATIONS Reşi a The 9th International THE INFLUENCE OF A Conferences CONCENTRATED MASS ON "Noise. THE NATURAL Vibration", 16-18 FREQUENCIES OF A BAR September 2010, Reşi a EXPERIMENTS AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION PREDOI M.V., PREDOI OF ULTRASOUND D., SOARE M. PROPAGATION IN COATED PLATES 10-th International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics (RASD 2010), Southampton, United Kingdom, 12-14 July, 2010 Proceedings ISSN 1584-7284 Proceedings ISSN 1584-7284 Proceedings ISSN 1584-7284 Proceedings ISSN 1584-7284 International Standard Book Number: 9780854329106, Synergie Lymington Ltd, 800 Wellworthy Road, Lymington, UK 2010 2010 2010 2010 6 pag. - 1/3 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica ml 4 pag. - 1/2 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica ml 5 pag. - 1/3 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica ml 7 pag. - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. Inginerie mecanica ISB ml 2010 - 1/3 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB Inginerie mecanica 0/RASD_Program me.pdf 2010 - 1/3 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB http://www.das201 Inginerie mecanica 1938 PREDOI M.V., SOARE M., PETRE C. C. 1939 OPTIMAL CHOICE OF GUIDED MODES FOR COATED PLATES INSPECTION 27th DANUBIAADRIA Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics (DAS2010), Wrocław,ăPoland,ă Sept.ăββă–ăβ5 Proceedings EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION OF GUIDES WAVES USE FOR COATED PLATES INSPECTION 1940 27th DANUBIAADRIA Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics (DAS2010), Wrocław,ăPoland,ă Sept.ăββă–ăβ5 RELATIVE MOTION OF TETHERED BODIES WITH RESPECT TO CIRCULAR ORBITS 1941 International Conference of Aerospace Sciences "AEROSPATIAL 2010", Bucharest, 20-21 October PETRE C. C., PREDOI M.V., SOARE, M. ION STROE, PETRISOR PARVU Proceedings 2010 - 1/3 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB 2010 - 1/2 - UPB, Catedra de Mecanica, Facult. ISB The 9th International Conferences Proceedings "Noise. 2010 9pag. ISSN 1584-7284 Vibration", 16-18 September 2010, Reşi a,ăISSNă 1942 1584-7284 EROL MURAD, SAFTA Salonul VICTOR-VIOREL, International TRADUCTOR DE DEBIT Proceedings HARAGA GEORGETA, MASIC PENTRU MATERIALE HERVEX 2010, 2010 235-237 ISSN 1454-8003 C T LINă C lim neşti,ă10GRANULARE DUMITRESCU 12 noiembrie 1943 1944 MIHAELA SEMENESCU,The adoption of the ecologic managMetalurgia 2 2006 1945 MIHAELA SEMENESCU,The science management - researchMetalurgia 3 2006 1946 MARIA NICOLAE, IRINAOpinions concerning pollution and Metalurgia 7 2006 1947 INC ăION,ăDOINAăR DUCANU,ăCOJOCARUăV.ăD High temperature forming processes NU Metalurgia f 9 2006 1948 COJOCARUăV.ăD NU ,ăDOINAăR Cold forming DUCANU,ăCINC processes for some ăION,ăNOCIVINăA. bMetalurgia 10 2006 Studies regarding the,ăALOMANăANGEL,ăGUOQIUăHE,ăXIAOSHANăLIU,ăZHIHUAăZHANG improvementMetalurgia o 11 2006 1949 BATALUăDAN,ăGEORGETAăCOŞMELEA INFLUENCE OF THE CONSTRUCTIVE AND MIHAIL BOIANGIU, OPERATIONAL FEATURES GEORGETA BOIANGIU ON THE NATURAL FREQUENCIES OF THE CENTRIFUGES 1950 Nicolae Maria, Vilciu Irina, Nicolae Avram Unele procese privind poluarea si utilizarea resurselor Metalurgia 8 Uneleăconsidera iiăprivindă Nicolae Avram, Parpala tehnologiileăşiăinstala iileă Diana, Calea Gh., Matei Metalurgia 8 func ionândăcuăreducereaă Ecaterina 1951 emisiilor de CO2 1952 I. Kiss, I. Riposan The durability in exploitition of theAnnals of the Faculty Tome IV, Fascicole 1953 Maria Faur, Georgeta CosmEffects of hot and cold rolling on thU.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 68, No. 1 1954 H. Ispas, M.I. Petrescu, M. Correlating the type of metal bond U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 68, No. 1 1955 G. Neagu, Fl. Stefanescu Glass particles - a complementary m U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 68, No. 1 1956 Mirela Sohaciu, Fl. Zaman,Identification by experimental simuU.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 68, No. 1 1957 Mirela Tinica, R. Saban Microscopical analysis and creep bU.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 68, No. 2 U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 68, No. 2 1958 Irina Carceanu, Georgeta CSome aspects concerning manufactu 1959 Mirela Sohaciu, Gh. Iorga, Analysis of quality and economic inU.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 68, No. 2 1960 C.D. Urban The influence of cooling rate on grain U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 68, No. 2 1961 D. Taloi New considerations regarding the thU.P.B. Sci. 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Musu-Coman, H. Ispas, Improved retention of surface treated U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 68, No. 4 Alina Vladescu, C.M. CotruCorrosion resistance of the TiN, TiA U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 68, No. 4 Maria Faur, Georgeta CosmInfluence of lead on zinc resistanceU.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 68, No. 4 D. Batalu, Georgeta Cosmelea Critical analysis ofthe Ti-Al phase U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 68, No. 4 M. Chisamera, I. Riposan, S. Complex (Mn,X)S Compounds-MaBuletinul Inst. Politeh Tomul LIII, (LVII), SOFRONI LAURENTIE, CEcological pouring procedures in tem Metalurgia 4 SOFRONIăLAURENTIE,ăCIOBANUăIOAN,ăSPERAN Ecological pouring proceduresAăSTOMFF,ăMAŞNI in tem Metalurgia ăMIHAI,ăMONESCUăVLAD 5 DOINA RADUCANU, SAVU Virtual instrumentation applicationMetalurgia 6 LOREA BOGDAN, SEMEThe automatization process of heattin Metalurgia 6 NICOLAE AVRAM, DIANA Researches concerning the improvem Metalurgia 7 FLOREA BOGDAN, BALEThe controlling process of thermal Metalurgia 7 VARLAN RADU, NICOLASimulation of the cold rolled strips Metalurgia 8 MARIA NICOLAE, IRINAResearch concreting uses of steel anMetalurgia 8 STANESCU ALEXANDRU, Aggrandizement reliability pieces uMetalurgia 8 FLOREA BOGDAN, BALEControlling the thermal treatment fMetalurgia 8 NEGULESCU IONEL, NICResearches viewing the skin-pass roMetalurgia 9 CÃLAE MANDRU, MARIResearches of the microporosity onMetalurgia 9 IRINA VALCIU, MARIA NI Studies about the granulometry of bMetalurgia 9 CÃLAE MANDRU, MARIResearches concerning the quality sMetalurgia 10 MARIA NICOLAE, VARLThe role of reverssible double skin-Metalurgia 10 CIOBANU IOAN, SOFRONI Ecological pouring procedures in tem Metalurgia 10 VARLAN RADU, PREDESC The role of the double reverssible sMetalurgia 11 NEAGUăGIGEL,ăŞTEF NESCUăFLORIN Al-SiCp composites. Production anMetalurgia 11 MARIAăNICOLAE,ăIRINAăVALCIU,ăNEGULESCUăIONEL,ăNETTYăBRANDUŞAăMILEA,ăDANAăŞERBAN The analysis of the possibilities of dMetalurgia 12 NEAGUăGIGEL,ăŞTEF NESCUăFLORIN AL-SICP Composites. CompatibilitMetalurgia 12 Corneliu Stanasila, Nicolae A new method to dry some granularU.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 69, No. 4 V. I. Popescu The quaternary carbides in ledeburU.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 69, No. 1 M.I. Petrescu, Madalina-Gab Structure and properties modificatioU.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 69, No. 1 M.I. Petrescu, Madalina-Gab Structure and properties modificatioU.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 69, No. 1 Maria Faur, Georgeta CosmInfluence of zinc microstucture its rU.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 69, No. 1 M. Butu, C.D. Urban, CarmAssesment of AlTiB and AlTiC grain U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 69, No. 1 Violeta Tsakiris, Maria PetrInfluence of purity and fabrication U.P.B. Sci. 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PENCEA, C.E. SFAT, M. PENCEA, F. VASILIU, D. MARTINOV, N. ION, S. 2011 PARVU R.STERIE, N.PANAIT, 2012 P.MOLDOVAN Marius Vasilescu, Laura 2013 Alecu Gabriel Valeriu Ghica, 2014 Mihai Buzatu 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 SEM, WAXD, EDP-XRF CHARACTERIZATION OF A BIOMASS PRECURSOR ACTIVE CARBON STUDY AND RESEARCH CONCERNING THE QUALITY OF CAST BILLETS OF 6XXX ALUMINIUM ALLOYS The evolution of high Tc superconductor materials used in electrical engineering (a review) Tensile strength of Cu-Cr alloy at elevated temperature U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 70, No. 3 2008 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie medicala U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 70, No. 3 2008 UPB SCOPUS Ingineria Materialelor U.P.B. Sci. 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Bull., Ser Vol. 70 , No. 2 NICOLAE AVRAM, VÂRL Operationalizareaunor modele statisMetalurgia 2 NICOLAE AVRAM, SABAPrincipii de dezvoltaredurabila a soMetalurgia 3 COJOCARU MIHAI, MARParticularitati ale nitrurarii ionice ap Metalurgia 3 LICURICI MIHAI, LUMINI :Evaluareaemisiilor de CO si CO2 Metalurgia 5 MAUTHNER ANDREI-IOA Analizaunor procese termice de la lam Metalurgia 7 VELICU STEFAN, MIRELMetodologie de evaluare a prelucrab Metalurgia 7 MAUTHNER ANDREI IOA Presetarea parametrilor la automatiza Metalurgia 8 VETELEANU ANA,BOT DUM Determinarea caracteristicilor triboMetalurgia 8 MAUTHNER ANDREI IOA Modelarea unor procese de la laminMetalurgia 9 RODICA STERIE,NICOLAFinisarea granulatiei aliajelor de aluMetalurgia 9 Marian Miculescu, GeorgetaăCoşmelea ,ă Thermal diffusivity of materials Mihai Brânzei, Florin using flash method applied on Miculescu CoCr alloys U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Vol. 70 , No. 2 MICROSTRUCTURAL PANAIT, N., CIURDAS, CHARACTERIZATION OF AA - 7175 ALLOY SLABS M., STEPHAN, R. U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Volume 71, No. 3, 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 147-150 55 5 5 22 5 14 20 11-17 18-21 5-9 14-20 NICOLE PANAIT, MICROSTRUCTURAL MARIANA CIURDAS, CHARACTERIZATION OF AA - 7050 ALLOY SLABS (PART I) U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Volume 71, No. 3, 2009 UPB SCOPUS Ingineria Materialelor 2027 ROBERT STEPHAN 2028 RUXANDRAăP UNESCU,ăIOANAăGHERGHESCU,ăVASILESCUăMARIUS TESTAREAăACOPERIRILORăMETALICEăDEPUSEăPRINăSUDUR Metalurgia ăELECTRIC 1 ăÎNăVIDăÎNăVEDEREAăUTILIZ 2009 25 UPB RIIăLORăCAăSTRATURIăTIPăBARIER SCOPUS IngineriaăTERMIC Materialelor ă(ăTESTINGăOFăMETALLICăCOATINGSăDEPOSITEDăBYăVACUU 2029 IOANAăGHERGHESCU,ăRUXANDRAăP ASPECTEăSTRUCTURALEăRELEVATEăPRINăMICROSCOPIAăELECTRONIC UNESCU,ăVASILESCUăMARIUSă Metalurgia 1 ăCUăBALEIAJă(SEM)ăALEăUNORăDEPUNERIăDEăALIAJEăCOMPLEXEăPEăBAZ 2009 29 UPB SCOPUS Ingineria Materialelor ăDEăCOBALTăŞIăNICHELăPEăSUPORTăDEăCUPRUăPRINăTEHNICAăW 2030 ăŞtefanăALM ŞANă,ăMariaăNICOLAEă,ăAvramăNICOLAE ฀ ăMODELAREAăSTATISTICO-MATEMATIC Metalurgia ăAăUNORăPARAMETRIIăLAăCUPTOARELEăCUăARCăELECTRICă(CAE)ăSTATISTICALăMATHEMATICALăMODELLINGăOFăSOMEăPARAMETERSăATăELECTRICăARCăDURNACEă(EAF) 2 2009 28 UPB SCOPUS Ingineria Materialelor PREDIC IONAREAăCONSUMULUIăSPECIFICăDE฀ Metalurgia ELECTROZIăLAăCUPTOARELEăCUăARCăELECTRIC฀ 3 2009 13PREDICTIONINGăSPECIFICăELECTRODES฀ UPB SCOPUS Ingineria CONSUMPTIONăATăELECTRICăARCăFURNACE฀ Materialelor 2031 Ş.ăALM ŞAN,ăM.ăNICOLAE,ăA.ăNICOLAE 2032 C. SFAT ESTIMATIONăOFăCALIBRATIONăRIGHTăLINEăTOăTHE฀ Metalurgia UNCERTAINTYăOFăSPECTROCHEMICALăANALITICAL฀ 3 2009 41 UPB RESULTS฀ ESTIMAREAăCONTRIBU SCOPUS IngineriaIEIăDREPTEIăDEăCALIBRAREăLA฀ Materialelor INCERTITUDINEAăREZULTATELORăANA 2033 I. PENCEA, C. E. SFAT SPECTROCHEMICALăANDăMICROSTRUCTURAL฀ Metalurgia CHARACTERISATIONăOFăSOMEăSTRUCTURALăSTEELS฀ 3 2009 29 UPB HAVINGăANTICOROSIVE,ăANTIEROSIVEăANDăSELFDECORATION฀ SCOPUS Ingineria Materialelor PROPERTIES฀ CARACTERIZAREAăSPECTROCH 2034 I.PENCEA,ăC.ăE.ăSF T,ăM.ăBANE,ăS.I.PÂRVU ESTIMATION OF THE CONTRIBMetalurgia 5 2009 21 UPB SCOPUS Ingineria Materialelor 2035 VIRGIL DAN AMZA, ILIESOME ASPECTS REGARDING UT Metalurgia 5 2009 28 UPB SCOPUS Ingineria Materialelor 2036 BRÂNDUŞAăGHIBAN SEM, WAXD AND ED(P)XRFS INVE Metalurgia 5 2009 45 UPB SCOPUS Ingineria Materialelor MATHEMATICAL ŞAN,ăA.ăBERBECARU,฀ MODELING LUMINI OF Metalurgia CONSUMP AăTODERICI฀ 6 2009 38 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie si management 2037 MARIAăNICOLAE,ăS.ăALM 2038 AdrianăIOANA,ăAvramăNICOLAE,ăCezarăB ELEMENTS OF METALLURGICMetalurgia LESCU 7-8 2009 20 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie si management 2039 AdrianăIOANA,ăAvramăNICOLAE,ăCezarăB QUALITYăANALYSIS‟SăOPTIONSă(QAO)ăOFăTHEăEAF฀ LESCU Metalurgia STEELS฀7-8 2009 23 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie si management 2040 MariusăVASILESCU,ăRuxandraăP QUANTITATIVE UNESCU,ăIoanaăGHERGHESCU ANALYSIS OFMetalurgia 11 2009 5 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie medicala NEURAL AND NERVOUS REFLEX NETWORKS: A NEW APPROAC TO INTEGRATED PANAIT, M.A., CONTROL 2041 MOREGA, A.M U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Ser Volume 71, No. 3, 2009 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie si management 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 I. Riposan, M. Chisamera, S. Preconditioning of Electrically Melted UPB Sci. Bull., SerVolume 71, No. 3, .V. Anton, C. Militaru, E.M.Wall Thickness-Solidification FeatuUPB Sci. Bull., SerVolume 71, No. 4 Dan Batalu, He Guoqiu Improving the corrosion resistance UPB Sci. Bull., SerVol. 71 Gabriela Popescu, P. MoldoInfluence of heat treatment on magUPB Sci. Bull., SerVol. 71 Marina Eraclia Banica, GabContributions to the nitriding chemUPB Sci. Bull., SerVol. 71 Mihai Chisamera, Iulian RipPreconditioning of electrically melted UPB Sci. Bull., SerVol. 71 DanielaăBeatriceăCoşmelea Caracterization ,ăSimonaăZamfir of the structure andUPB Sci. Bull., SerVol. 71 Raluca Ioana Zamfir The influence of the laser surface mUPB Sci. 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Bull., Ser vol. 72, 3 vol. 72, 3 Doina RADUCANU, AnnaDESIGN AND EXPERIMENTATMetalurgia 2009 115-126 2009 115-126 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 211-214 2010 UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB UPB SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS Ingineria Materialelor Inginerie medicala Inginerie medicala Ingineria Materialelor Ingineria Materialelor Ingineria Materialelor Ingineria Materialelor Ingineria Materialelor Ingineria Materialelor Ingineria Materialelor Ingineria Materialelor Ingineria Materialelor Ingineria Materialelor Ingineria Materialelor Ingineria Materialelor Inginerie medicala Inginerie medicala Ingineria Materialelor Ingineria Materialelor Ingineria Materialelor Ingineria Materialelor Ingineria Materialelor 2010 163-172 UPB SCOPUS Ingineria Materialelor 2010 193-203 UPB SCOPUS Ingineria Materialelor 2010 207-214 UPB SCOPUS Ingineria Materialelor UPB UPB 13 UPB SCOPUS SCOPUS SCOPUS Inginerie medicala Ingineria Materialelor Ingineria Materialelor 2010 2010 2010 91 85 105 115 127 137 107 115 131 139 157 167 175 187 195 207 183 203 219 Bogdan Tiganoaia, Francisc Iacob Low distortion and robust steganography on parallel architecture Cell BE using a shared color palette and a shared hash PUB Scientific Bulletin Series C, Vol. 72, SCOPUS, INSPEC, ULRICH'S INTERNATIONA L PERIODICALS DIRECTORY , ELSEVIER SCIENCES’S BIBLIOGRAPHI C DATABASES, CAMBRIDGE SCIENTIFIC ABSTRACTS 2010 2070 ValentinăR şcanu,ă Hermina Albert, Nicolae Golovanov, Valentina Persideanu Realizarea managementului schimb riiăprinăadaptareaăquasicontinu ăaăfirmeiălaămediulăs uă extern Revista Energeticaă–ă Eficien aăpie eiă nr. 4/2010, de energie în volumul 58, ISSN sprijinul 1453-2360 securit iiă aliment riiăcuă energieăelectric 2010 158-163 SC Amerilex SRL, Bucureşti Institutul de Studii şiăProiect riă Energetice, Bucureşti Facultatea de Energetic ,ă Universitatea Politehnica Bucureşti SC Amerilex SRL, Bucureşti Inginerie si Management 103-111 Politehnica University of Bucharest, S.C. Amerilex S.R.L. Bucharest, Romania Inginerie si Management 112-119 Politehnica University of Bucharest, S.C. Amerilex S.R.L. Bucharest, Romania Inginerie si Management 2071 Valentina Persideanu; Changes Study in the Electrical ValentinăGrigoreăR şcanu Energy Distribution Branch 2072 ICBEăβ010ă–ă Business and Economy, ISBN: 978-1-935494-171,ăConstan a,ă România ICBEăβ010ă–ă Business and The Romanian Electrical energy Economy, ISBN: Valentina Persideanu, DistributionăBranchă–ăHistoryă 978-1-935494-17ValentinăGrigoreăR şcanu and Present 1,ăConstan a,ă România 2073 FIRETEANU Virgiliu, TUDORACHE Tiberiu 2074 Gheorghe Andronescu 2075 Couplings of Electromagnetic Field Formulations in Finite Element Analysis of Transverse Flux Induction Heating Systems IOS Press Induction motor drive with photovoltaic array supplay Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques,Electr otechnique et Enegetique 1 2010 1 2010 27 Inginerie si Management 2006 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 51 2006 45-52 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 51 2076 Revue Roumaine des Sciences State estimators for synchronous Techniques,Electr motor drive, otechnique et Enegetique 51 2077 Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques,Electr otechnique et Enegetique Wiss.Z.Elektrotec hn,Leipzig 17 Gheorghe Andronescu Gheorghe Andronescu S.Bucurenciu, 2078 A.Dumitrescu R. Sanchez Grandia, R. Vives Fos, V. Aucejo Galindo, N. Galan, G. 2079 Abba, G. Ciumbulea Uber der nichtlinearer Kreise mit Elementen der Art y= Axm Theoretical elements for energetic models and phzsical design of electromechanical devices. Part.I: Thermodynamic Methods 50, nr.4 Rev. Roum. Sci. Tech.ă–ă Electrotechn. et Energ 51, nr.2 Theoretical Elements for Energetic Models and Phzsical Design of Electromechanical Devices. Part. II: Variational Methods on Energy, Co-Energy and Action G. Ciumbulea, X. Fernandez Lopez, R. Vives Fos, N. 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Vives Fos, V. Aucejo Galindo, N. Galan, G. Abba, G. Ciumbulea 2080 2082 Synchronous motor's state law control (2) 2006 227-237 2006 337-342 UPB 2006 1 UPB 2006 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica 2006 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2006 64-70 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica LII, 2006 3 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica 2006 365 UPB 2006 233 UPB U.P.B. 88, nr.2 Sci.Bull.,Seria C, 2006 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica U.P.B.Sci.Bull,,Se 68, nr.4 ries 2006 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2006 135 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica WSEAS A modified direct torque control S.V.Pa urc ,M.Covrig,L. Transactions on scheme for permanent magnet Melcescu Systems and synchronous motors drives 2087 Control Numerical Models for Rev. Roum. Sci. Microwave Dosimetry in Techn. Mihaela Morega Human Tissue, Related to Électrotechn. et 2088 Wireless Applications Énerg LII(LVI) 13 Issue2, Vol.1 51 2006 249-261 2089 Revue Romaine Discrete models of the induction des Sciences motors for real-time control Techniquers, devices Academie Romaine Cornelia Ionescu, Cezar 2090 Fluerasu THE NUMERIC SIMULATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC PHENOMENA ASSOCIATED TO THE EQUIPMENTS WORK CONTAINING ELECTRIC ARC FURNACES 2091 E. Cazacu , A. Moraru Diamagnetic Levitation Solution for a Cylindrical Symmetric Ring magnet P. Pencioiu, V. Turcin, A. Anghel, M.Maricaru, 2092 F.Hantila Electromagnetic Heating for Hardening Valentin NAVRAPESCU, Mircea POPESCU Morega, A.M., Ordonez, J.C., Negoias, P.A., Morega, M., and 2097 Hovsapian, R. Morega, A.M., Ordonez, 2098 J.C. Bulibenchi, Corneliu; Mihaescu Gheorghe; 2099 Popescu, Claudia; et al UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB Nouveau modele d'un petit corps magnetise Optimal electrical design of spherical photovoltaic cells Congress Center of the Czech Technical University, Prague, October 26, 2006 COMSOL Conference 2006 COMSOL Conference Inginerie electrica si energetica Constructal Design of Concurrent Power Distribution Networks Boston, October 20-21, Hyatt Regency, COMSOL Cambridge, Boston, MA, 2006 Conference 2006 COMSOL Conference Inginerie electrica si energetica Thermal Field Modeling for Electron Beam welding Apllicated to Rotor Disk's Terminals Congress Center of the Czech Technical University, Prague, October 26, 2006 2006 COMSOL Conference Inginerie electrica si energetica Computation of mutual inductance of planar inductors 2095 I.V.Nemoianu, A.Moraru Effets capacitifs des microcircuits 2096 I.V.Nemoianu 2006 489-502 Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn.–ă Électrotechn. et Énerg. Rev. Roum. Sci. 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ANALYSIS OF DIRECT KISCH, SANDA VECTOR CONTROL SCHEME ICA, ENERGETICA, VICTORINNE WITH FEM MODEL OF THE ELECTRONICA INDUCTION MACHINE 2100 PATURCA Computation method of the WSEAS H. Andrei, F. Spinei, C. sensitivities for steady state two- Transactions on Cepisca, M. Popa, S. ports circuits using the relative Circuits and Silaghi, S.D. Grigorescu values Systems 2101 WSEAS Transactions on H. Andrei, C. Cepisca, G. Circuits and Chicco, L. Dascalescu, LabVIEW measurements in steady state nonsinusoidal regime Systems 2102 V.Dogaru, F. Spinei WSEAS Transactions on H. Andrei, C. Cepisca, F. Mathematical method for Circuits and Spinei, V. Dogaru, S.D. frequency analysis of the nonSystems linear circuit elements 2103 Grigorescu, N. Jula WSEAS Transactions on H. Andrei, F. Spinei, C. Minimum dissipated power for Circuits and Cepisca, G. Chicco, S.D. linear and nonlinear electric Systems 2104 Grigorescu, L. Dascalescu circuits 2105 2106 2107 2108 Inginerie electrica si energetica 2006 UPB 5 (3) 2006 332-338 UPB, Univ. Targoviste http://www.scopus Inginerie electrica si energetica .com 5 (11) 2006 1682-1686 UPB, Univ. Targoviste http://www.scopus Inginerie electrica si energetica .com 5 (5) 2006 768-773 UPB, Univ. Targoviste http://www.scopus Inginerie electrica si .com energetica 5 (11) 2006 1620-1625 UPB, Univ. Targoviste http://www.scopus Inginerie electrica si energetica .com 2006 120-128 UPB http://www.scopus Inginerie electrica si .com energetica UPB http://www.scopus Inginerie electrica si energetica .com 8th Seminar on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering, Phase and vector analysis of Neurel-2006 Dan P. Cristea 8 H5N1 avian influenza virus Proceedings 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Reduced order electromagnetic Field Computation, models based on dual finite Daniel Ioan, Gabriela CEFC 2006 integration technique Ciuprina 12 The 7th EMC Europe International Symposium on 3D FEM model for localized SAR estimate in human exposure Electromagnetic ISBN: 84-689Morega, M., Morega, Compatibilit to microwaves A.M., Machedon, M. 9438-3 2006 ASME International, Mechanical A higher resolution, local Engineering thermal analysis of an AC Congress and armature winding of a high Exposition, temperature superconductor IEMEC-2006 motor Morega, A.M., Ordonez, J.C Article number 2006 1633162 2006 301-306 Barcelona, Spain, Inginerie electrica si September 2006 energetica 2006 Nov. 5-10, Chicago, Illinois, USA, CD-Rom IEMEC 200613825, 2006 Inginerie electrica si energetica 5th American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Global Bringing international Colloquium on Vargas, J.V.C., Ordonez, components to capstone senior J.C., Morega, A.M, design projects-preparation for a Engineering Education 2109 Luongo, C., and Shih, C. global economy WSEAS PopadiucăŞtefania,ăPopaă Romanian research projects for a Transactions on Bogdan,ăGeambaşuă highly efficient EMF protection no. 7, vol. 2 Environment and Cristiana, Topalis in national power grid HV Development/ Frangiskos substations Inspec 2110 SATURATED STEAM U.P.B. Sci. Bull., TURBINE OPERATION PRISECARU, ILIE, Series C: VOL.68, NO.3 MODELING WITH DUPLEAC, DANIEL Electrical APPLICATION AT NPP Engineering 2111 CERNAVODA. U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Effects Of Symmetrical And Golovanov N, Series C: Unsymmetrical Sags On Volume: 68, Issue 2 Lazaroiu GC Electrical Induction Motors 2112 Engineering Etude comparative entre la Buletin Stiintific commande vectorielle a flux Universitatea L. Youb, A. Craciunescu oriente et la commande directe 69-2 Politehnica din du couple de la machine Bucuresti 2113 asynchrone. Scientific Computing in Optimization of a switching Electrical strategy for a synchronous motor Engineering Vasile Manoliu 11 fed by a current inverter using a SCEE 2006, Finite Element analysis Seriesă–ă Mathematics in 2114 Industry DESIGN PROCEDURE FOR THE INPUT/OUTPUT FILTER CIRCUITS USED FOR SINGLE PHASE AC D.OLARU, CHOPPERS 2115 D.FLORICAU Bul.UPB A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE COMMAND STRATEGIES OF THE PARALLEL THREE PHASED CROITORU D., ACTIVE POWER FILTERS IONESCU FL 2116 Bul.UPB nr.2/2007 TEHNOLOGIILE ENERGIEI PRODUCEREA, CONVERTOARE STATICE TRANSPORTUL DE PUTERE UTILIZATE SI PENTRU PRODUCEREA DISTRIBUTIA ENERGIEI ELECTRICE ENERGIEI UTILIZÂND SURSE CROITORU D., ELECTRICE SI REGENERABILE DE IONESCU FL. TERMICE ENERGIE 2117 nr.8/2007 October 9-12, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Inginerie electrica si /?p=272 energetica 2006 2006 UPB INSPEC Inginerie electrica si energetica 2006 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica 2006 UPB 2007 113-129, SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2007 97ă–ă105, UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2007 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2007 UPB 2007 Inginerie electrica si energetica S.NITU, D.PAVELESCU, C.NITU, GH.DUMITRESCU, P. 2118 ANGHELITA INTERACTION OF MAGNETIC FIELD AND ELECTRIC ARC IN LOW VOLTAGE VACUUM CIRCUIT-BREAKERS G. GLÜCK, I. SINESCU, R. STOICA, O.ăDR GOESCU,ăS.ă ADINA, N. STAFIDOV, B. 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Voicu, Lucia Dumitriu, Camelia 2123 Petrescu Advanced Electrical and Computer Engineering, Academy of Technical Sciences of Steady-State Thermal Field Analysis of the Turbo-Generator Romania "Stefan Cel Mare" Rotor with Direct Cooling POPESCU M.O., POPESCU CLAUDIA, PREDESCU M., 2120 CRACIUNESCU A. MATEI (SUSCHANKOVA) MIHAELA, MIHAI PETRUTA, POPESCU CLAUDIA, POPESCU 2121 MIHAI OCTAVIAN Conference, Excellence Researchă–ăAă Way to E.R.A, October 24-26, Brasov, Romania, Mihai Iordache, Lucia 2007, Editura Dumitriu, Catalin Tehnic ,ăISSN:ă Dumitriu, Nicolae Voicu, Hybrid symbolic method for steady-state thermal field analysis 184γă–ă5904 2124 Dragos Niculae UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica 2007 73-79 UPB ELSEVIER/SCOP US Inginerie electrica si energetica 2007 237-247 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica 2007 UPB 14 Inginerie electrica si energetica 2007 UPB 2007 Inginerie electrica si energetica Lucia Dumitriu, Mihai 2125 Iordache The Scientific Bulletin of Electrical Engineering Faculty, Year 7, A New Symbolic Hybrid Method No. 1 (7), pp. 7780, 2007 for Analog Circuits Numerical Analysis of Thermal F.I. Hantila, Oana Drosu, Field Within the M. Maricaru, M. Thermographycal Procedures for Breast Tumor Detection 2126 Cupceancu, T. Leuca Analele Univ din Oradea. Facicola Electroteh 2007, ISSN-1223-2106 Steady state magnetic field G.ăGavril ,ăF.ăEnache,ăE.ă computation using the symbolic methods 2127 Cazacu Annals of Craiova University, Electrical engineering series , Year 31, No. 31, vol. I, pp. 195200, 2007, ISSN 1842-4805 Annals of Craiova University, Electrical engineering series , Year 31, No. 31, vol. I, pp. 201Study of the uniform magnetic F.ăEnache,ăG.ăGavril ,ăE.ă field domains (3D) in the case of 206, 2007, ISSN 1842-4805 the Helmholtz coils 2128 Cazacu Morega, M., Morega, 2129 A.M. Morega, A.M., Ordonez, J.C., Faur, S.C., Morega, 2130 M. V. Ionita, B. CranganuCretu, E.A. Patroi, V. 2131 Galca Electromagnetic environment generated in a TEM cell for biological dosimetry applications A Magnetically Driven MicroMixing Device and its Numerical Analysis 2007 European COMSOL Conference 2007 European COMSOL Conference Proc. of 16th Conf. on the Computation of Electromagnetic Experimental validation of Fields electromagnetic field computation in highly non linear (COMPUMAG2007) magnetic materials UPB 1 Inginerie electrica si energetica 2007 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2007 UPB 1 Inginerie electrica si energetica 2007 UPB 1 2007 Inginerie electrica si energetica 2007 23-24 October, Inginerie electrica si Grenoble, France energetica 2007 23-24 October, Inginerie electrica si Grenoble, France energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica 2007 115-116 Adaptive Hypermedia System A. Cristea, C. Stewart, T. Interoperability: A 'real world' evaluation 2132 Brailsford, P. 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Bull., Optimal operation of large Series C: hydropower reservoirs with Electrical unregulated inflows Engineering U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Suitability of Achieving a Series C: Hydropower Development at Electrical M cinăonătheăDanubeăRiver Engineering U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Transient behavior analysis. Series C: Study case: Pumping Station Electrical Galceag Engineering Pumping stations operating U.P.B. Sci. Bull., parameters upon a variable Series C: demand, determined numerically Electrical for the water distribution Engineering network of Oradea Two-dimensional simulation of U.P.B. Sci. Bull., the unsteady flow through the Series C: Achard turbine: COMSOL Electrical Multiphysics versus Fluent results Engineering U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Popa Florica , Adina Private Investment for Building a Series C: Paraschivescu, Aurelia Small Hydropower Plant at Zetea Electrical Dam Basis 2140 Vl descu,ăPopaăBogdan Engineering Modèle hybride basé sur des U.P.B. Sci. 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Bull., of the stand of hydrodynamic Series C: performances of valves, , pp 503Electrical 2144 50 Engineering U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Vu ăLianaăIoana,ă Typification Series C: Bucur Diana, Diminescu ofăSHP‟sădevelopment Electrical Mihaela Amalia 2145 Engineering Safta C.A., Baran Gh., Cazacu D.M., DARIE GEORGE, PETCU HORIA 2146 COMPUTER AIDED METHODOLOGY AND CHEMICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING FOR PREDICTION OF / ELSEVIER si COGENERATION STEAM TURBINES PERFROMANCES SCOPUS (source ID 11200153545) vol. 1 ECONOMIE D‟ENERGIEăPARăSTOCKAGEă DU FROID UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica vol. 69, no. 4 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica vol. 69, no. 4 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica VOL. 24 2007 UPB SCOPUS U.P.B. Sci. 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Bull., Series C: Electrical Engineering INTERNATION AL JOURNAL OF A CLOSED-FORMULA FOR PERFORMABILI MEAN TIME BETWEEN TY FAILURES ENGINEERING OF MINIMAL REPAIRED / SYSTEMS UNDER WEIBULL ELSEVIER FAILURE DISTRIBUTION BIBLIOGRAPHI C DATABASES, SCOPUS (source ID 17500155116) VOL 69, NR. 4 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica VOL. 69, NO.4 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica VOL. 3, NO.2 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica 2153 2154 MARCULESCU COSMIN, BADEA ADRIAN, APOSTOL TIBERIU 2155 GHEORGHE LAZAROIU, UMBERTO DESIDERI, DANA R DOI 2156 MIREA MLADIN, DANIELA MLADIN, ILIE PRISECARU-, NICOLAE DANILA, DANIEL DUPLEAC DAN VIDICAN, MARIAN BADEA, VIRGIL IONESCU, ILIE PRISECARU, 2157 DANIEL DUPLEAC GEORGE CIOCAN, MADALINA ZAMFIR, IOANA FLOREA, MARIAN ANDRONE, VIOREL SERBAN, ILIE 2158 PRISECARU SOLID WASTE TO ENERGY SOLUTIONS FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE POWER GENERATION OPTIMIZATION OF A SOFC SYSTEMS: INFLUENCE OF DESIGN OPERATION PARAMETERS ON SYSTEM EFFICIENCY PSA SUPPORT SAFETY ANALYSIS USING RELAP5 FOR THE REACTIVITY INSERTION EVENT AT TRIGA 14 MW REACTOR U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series C: Electrical Engineering VOL. 69, NO.4 U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series C: Electrical Engineering VOL. 69, NO.4 U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series C: Electrical Engineering VOL. 69, NO.4 U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series C: Electrical Engineering VOL. 69, NO.4 ISOLATION OF I AND C U.P.B. Sci. Bull., CABINETS AGAINST Series C: SHOCKS, Electrical VIBRATIONS AND SEISMIC Engineering VOL. 69, NO.4 CANDU-6 NPP LIFE EXTENSION ASPECTS 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica ZAMFIR MADALINA, GEORGE CIOCAN, MARIAN ANDRONE, VIOREL SERBAN, IOANA FLOREA, ILIE PRISECARU 2159 PETRE GHITESCU, ILIE PRISECARU 2160 ALEXANDRU CATANA, NICOLAE DANILA, ILIE PRISECARU, DANIEL DUPLEAC 2161 MELANIA BIGU, MIRCEA TENESCU, IULIAN PAVEL NITA, ILIE PRISECARU, 2162 DANIEL DUPLEAC PRODEA, IOSIF; MARGEANU, CRISTINA ALICE; AIOANEI, CORINA; 2163 PRISECARU, ILIE ELASTIC COUPLINGS WITH DAMPING FOR TO REDUCE U.P.B. Sci. Bull., THE Series C: SHOCKS AND VIBRATIONS Electrical AT EQUIPMENT AND TO Engineering ENHANCE THEIR RELIABILITY ROMANIAN KNOWLEDGE U.P.B. Sci. Bull., TRANSFER NETWORK IN Series C: NUCLEAR Electrical PHYSICS AND Engineering ENGINEERING - REFIN PRESSURE DROP VARIATION AS A FUNCTION U.P.B. Sci. Bull., OF AXIAL AND Series C: RADIAL POWER Electrical DISTRIBUTION IN CANDU Engineering FUEL CHANNEL WITH STANDARD AND CANFLEX 43 BUNDLES REACTOR, TURBINE AND FEEDWATER REGENERATIVE SYSTEM - ASSEMBLY U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series C: Electrical Engineering CANDU FUEL CYCLE U.P.B. Sci. Bull., ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY Series C: ASSESSMENTS Electrical USING THE IAEA-MESSAGEEngineering V CODE THE DETERMINATION OF THE PRODUCTION ENERGY U.P.B. Sci. Bull., COSTS ROXANAăP TRAŞCU,ă Series C: FOR DIFFERENT CORA GHEORGHE Electrical COGENERATION SYSTEMS Engineering APPLYING THE ECO-TAXES 2164 –ăCASEăANALYSIS U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Brenna M, Lazaroiu GC, DG Park: System And Control Series C: Superti-Furga G, Optimisation For Improving Electrical Tironi E Power Quality 2165 Engineering U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Esposito G, Economic Series C: Zaninelli D, Lazaroiu Estimation Of Customers Power Electrical GC, et al. Quality Perturbations 2166 Engineering Lazaroiu GC, Leva S, Venturelli M, Zaninelli D 2167 Industrial Frequency Magnetic Field Shielding: Different Theories And Comparison International Journal of Power and Energy Systems/ SCOPUS source ID 26993 VOL. 69, NO.4 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica VOL. 69, NO.4 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica VOL. 69, NO.4 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica VOL. 69, NO.4 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica VOL. 69, NO.4 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica VOL. 69, NO.4 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica VOL. 69, NO.4 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica VOL. 69, NO.4 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica Vol: 27, Issue 3 2007 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica KIEE International Dragos Ovidiu Kisck, Improved Sensorless Control for Transactions on Hong-Je Ryoo, Jong-Soo Field-Oriented Induction Motor Electrical Kim, Geun-Hie Rym, Used in Automotive Application Machines and Energy Conversion 2168 Systems, KIEE (Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers) Vector Controlled InductionDuk-Heon Kim, Hong-Je Motor with Fuzzy-Sliding Mode International Ryoo,ăDragoşăOvidiuă Transactions on Controller for Traction Kisck Electrical Applications Machines and Energy Conversion 2169 Systems KIEE International Dragos Ovidiu Kisck, Field Oriented Induction Motor Transactions on Hong-Je Ryoo, Jong-Soo for Automotive Application with Electrical Kim, Geun-Hie Rym, Modified Sliding Mode Control Machines and Energy Conversion 2170 Systems A.Craciunescu, M.Predescu, M.Grottke,M.Popescu, 2171 C.Popescu, G.Ciumbulea Gheorghe, C.M., Sandovici, L.G, 2172 Morega, A.M., Ordonez, J.C., Vargas, J.V.C., and Kosaraju, S 2173 M. STANCIU, A. BOEV, MIHAELA ALBU, B. 2174 PANTELIMON . 6-B, Nr. 5 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 4-B, No. 3 2008 132-137 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica Vol. 7-B, Nr. 8 2008 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica Building integration of 30kWp photovoltaic system at University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania Int.J.Energy Technology and Policy The Customer - Only an Information Source or Coproducer? Buletinul Ştiin ificăală Universit iiă POLITEHNICA 70 - 1 dinăBucureşti,ă Seria D: Inginerie Mecanic A finite element method (FEM) nt. J. Energy analysis and optimization of a Technologies and PEM fuel cell with interdigitated Policy flow field design PROC. OF THE 5TH INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL DYNAMIC MONITORING AND POWER SYSTEM OF HEART RATE ENGINEERING, VARIABILITY PARAMETERS EPE 2008 2008 8 no.4 2008 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2008 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 8 1/2 2008 112-123 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB 2008 Inginerie electrica si energetica ZORAN, L.F.V., GOLOVANOV, C.I., 2175 ZORAN, M.A MULTISPECTRAL AND MULTITEMPORAL SATELLITE DATA FUSION FOR COASTAL ZONE DYNAMICS ASSESSMENT PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE - THE INTERNATION AL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING Art.7110 GRIGORIE, T.L., JULA, N., CEPISCA, C., RACUCIU, C., 2176 R DUCANU,ăD EVALUATION METHOD OF THE SENSORS ERRORS IN AN INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM WSEAS TRANSACTION S ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS 7 (12), LUNGU M, LUNGU R, 2177 JULA N, CEPISCA C NEURO - ADAPTIVE COMMAND SYSTEMS FOR VERY MANEUVERABLE FLYING OBJECTS WSEAS TRANSACTION S ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS SYSTEMS FOR MOVE STABILISATION AND FOR R, JULA N, LUNGU M, AIRCRAFTS AND ROCKETS FLIGHT OPTIMIZATION 2178 LUNGU CEPISCA C POPA L., POPESCU EQUIPMENT FOR CATHODIC PROTECTION 2179 M.S.A MATEI M., POPESCU A COMPARATIVE STUDY M.O. POPESCU BETWEEN ON-GRID AND OFF-GRID EQUIPMENTS 2180 CLAUDIA, MIHAI P ON THE TRANSIENTS OPTIMIZATION AND THE 3. FULGA N. POPESCU POWER FACTOR CORRECTION OF THE M.O., POPESCU STATIC CONVERTERS 2181 CLAUDIA ANOMALIES WITH OPTICAL DORINA DRAGOMIR, TIME DOMAIN R. DRAGOMIR, S. REFLECTOMETER PUSCOCI, TELECOMMUNICATION BRANDUSA OPTICAL CABLE FOR OIL PIPELINE APPLICATION 2182 PANTELIMON R. DRAGOMIR, DORINA DRAGOMIR, SOME MEASUREMENTS S. PUSCOCI, ANOMALIES WITH OPTICAL BRANDUSA TIME DOMAIN PANTELIMON REFLECTOMETER 2183 NUMERICAL METHOD FOR THE RECTIVE POWER COMPENSATOR BASED ON SWITCHING CAPACITOR 2184 D. OLARU SINGULAR PERTURBATION DETECTION USING D.OLARU, WAVELET FUNCTION M.O.POPESCU REPRESENTATION 2185 THE BALANCING OF TOTAL LOSSES IN THREE-LEVELS VOLTAGE SOURCE CONVERTERS 2186 D.FLORICAU UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2008 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2008 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2008 WSEAS TRANSACTION S ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS 2008 Bul.I.P.Iasi 2008 UPB UPB UPB Bul.I.P.Iasi 2008 Inginerie electrica si energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB Bul.UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2008 UPB Bul.I.P.Iasi Inginerie electrica si energetica 2008 UPB Bul.I.P.Iasi Bul.UPB Bul.UPB Bul.UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2008 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2008 2008 2008 CEPISCA, C, GANATSIOS,S, ANDREI,H, GRIGORESCU,S, 2187 TAOUSANIDIS,N METHODS FOR POWER MEASUREMENT IN ENERGY METERS Bul.UPB MODERN SYSTEMS FOR INDUSTRIAL OZONE I.COLT, F.IONESCU, PRODUCTION 2188 G.MELTZER Bul.I.P.Iasi th Internatonal Navrapescu, V., Popescu, Conference on M.,Kisck, Modelling of iron losses in Power D.O., Andronescu, salient pole permanent magnet Electronics, synchronous motors ICPE'07 2189 G.,Kisck, M. Andrei,H.,Spinei,F.,Jula, 2190 N. Claudia POPESCU, Mihai Octavian 2191 POPESCU The Principle of Minimum Disspated Power and Minimum Energetical Principle - Two general Theorems of the Linear Electric and Magnetic Circuits in Stationary Regime MEDIUL ELECTROMAGNETIC AMBIANT IN CLADIRI CU PANOURI FOTOVOLTAICE L. Dumitru, M. Iordache, An efficient method for RF integrated circuit analysis 2192 C. Popescu Y Bi, N.P. Van Der 2193 Meijs, Daniel Ioan W. Schoenmaker, P. Meuris, E. Janssens, W. 2194 Schilders, Daniel Ioan UPB 2008 Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB 2008 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica 2008 352-357 Proceedings of 8th WSEAS In. Conference on Systems Theory and Scientific ComputationISTASC`08,Rodo s Island, Greece, August 20-22, 2008, pp. 75-87, ISSN 1769-2790, ISBN 978-9606766-96-1 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2008 UPB Quality-access to success Journal Proceedings International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, ISDEIV Inginerie electrica si energetica 2008 EBSCO Inginerie electrica si energetica 2008 454-457 UPB http://www.scopus Inginerie electrica si energetica .com Capacitance sensitivity calculation for interconnects by Adjoint Field Technique 12th IEEE Workshop on Signal Propagation on ISBN: 978Interconnects, SPI 142442318-7 Article number 2008 4558365 UPB http://www.scopus Inginerie electrica si energetica .com Modeling of passive-active device interactions ESSDERC 2007 Proceedings of the 37th European SolidState Device Research Conference ESSDERC07 2008 163-166 UPB http://www.scopus Inginerie electrica si energetica .com 2 Network function generation for 2195 M. Iordache, L. Dumitriu mimo systems 11th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, OPTIM 2008 P. Cristea, V. Mladenov, Neural networks for prediction WSEAS R. Tuduce, G. Tsenov, S. of nucleotide sequences by using Transactions on genomic signals Systems 2196 Petrakieva P. D. Cristea, R.A. 2197 Tuduce Morega, A.M., Morega, M., Stoian, F.D., 2198 Holotescu, S. Petruta Mihai, Claudia Popescu, Mihai O. 2199 Popescu Baran, Gh., Safta, C.,A., Bunea, Fl., Oprina, G. 2200 B ranăGh.,ăSaftaăCarmenă Anca, Bunea Florentina, Oprina Gabriela 2201 Budea Sanda, Ciocanea Adrian 2202 Constantin Calinoiu, Nicolae Vasiliu, Daniela 2203 Vasiliu, Marius Mitroi. 2204 Constantin Dragoi, Camelia Ioana Dica, Corneliu Dica 2205 Diana Maria Bucur, Eugen Constantin Isb şoiu Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, BIOCOMP Use of nucleotide genomic signals in the analysis of variability and inserts in prokaryote genomes Numerical simulation of an experimental apparatus for the evaluation of physical properties COMSOL of magnetic fluids Conference Metode clasice si moderne Asigurarea utilizate in sistemul de management al emergiei electrice calitatii U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Stages of Noises and Vibrations Series D: to a butterfly valve in working Mechanical with cavitation, pp. 15-22 Engineering U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Stages of noises and vibrations Series D: to a butterfly valve in working Mechanical with cavitation Engineering U.P.B. Sci. Bull., The influence of the suction Series D: vortex over the NPSH available Mechanical of centrifugal pumps Engineering U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Final certification test of the Series D: electrohydraulic speeed governor Mechanical RAVN Engineering U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Direct Assesment of Wind Series D: Energy Mechanical Engineering U.P.B. Sci. 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Experimental setup designed for testing a cross-flow water turbine in a wind tunnel 2207 2208 IonăGu ăDrago ,ăVasiliuă Nicolae, Vasiliu Daniela, C linoiuăConstantin 2209 Basic concepts of real-time simulation (RTS) Nistoran-Gogoaşeă Use of hydraulic modeling for oil Daniela Elena, Popescu spills. 1. Travel time D. M., Panaitescu Valeriu computation for quick respons 2210 Paraschivescu A., Florica Popa, Cornelia Codreanu, Popa Bogdan 2211 2212 Regulation of flows discharged byăPetreştiăhydropowerăplant Popa Radu, Dragomirescu Andrei, Popa Bogdan Decision Support Program for Long Term Production Planning of Hydro-Power Plants with Major Reservoirs Popa Radu, Popa Bogdan, Vuta Liana Behaviour model for dam displacement, derived by an evolutionary algorithm 2213 Use of hydraulic modeling for oil Popescu D. M., Nistoranspills. 2. Influence of response GogoaşeăDanielaăElena,ă methods on travel time in a case Panaitescu Valeriu 2214 study VasiliuăDaniela,ăC linoiuă Şerban,ăC linoiuă Constantin 2215 Numerical simulation and modeling of hydro-mechanic converters BADEA, A., NECULA, LIFE CYCLE ASSESSEMENT H., OF ENERGY PRODUCTION APOSTOL,ăT.,ăDINC ,ă USING THE NATURAL GAS C. 2216 U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D: Mechanical Engineering vol. 70, no. 4 U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D: vol. 70, no. 4 Mechanical Engineering U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D: vol. 70, no. 4 Mechanical Engineering U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D: vol. 70, no. 4 Mechanical Engineering U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D: vol. 70, no. 4 Mechanical Engineering U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D: vol. 70, no. 4 Mechanical Engineering U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D: vol. 70, no. 4 Mechanical Engineering Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering/ vol. 30 no. 11 Chinese Electronic Periodical Services U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D: vol. 70, no. 4 Mechanical Engineering U.P.B. Sci. 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Bull., ENERGETIC Series C: PATRASCU ROXANA, CONSUMPTIONS AND Electrical PRIBEANU ADRIANA ENVIRONMENT POLLUTION Engineering IN BUILDING MATERIALS INDUSTRY WITH A SIMULATION PROGRAM 2218 MONITORING AND U.P.B. Sci. Bull., FAGARASAN, I., DIAGNOSIS METHODS FOR Series C: Costinas S., Iliescu S. HIGH VOLTAGE Electrical 2219 POWER TRANSFORMERS Engineering ă“ENERGYăEFFICIENCYă U.P.B. Sci. Bull., GRIGORIU MIRCEA, PUMPING SYSTEMS, Series D: GUZUN BASARAB, IMPROVING Mechanical 2220 GHEORGHIU LAURA ăMETHODS” Engineering Aurelia Ionescu, P.V. Influence of the Halogen-Free Buletinul No ingher,ăL.ăTarko,ă Additives Concentration on Stiintific UPB, Sanda Cotescu, Lidia Fireproofed Composite Materials Seria C 2221 Av danei,ăC.ăPredu Properties, L.V. Badicu, P.V. Journal of Use of Dielectric Spectroscopy Notingher, L.M. Electrical and to Estimate the Condition of Dumitran, G. Tanasescu, Electronics Cellulose-Based Insulation 2222 D. Popa Engineering, Cristina Stancu, P. V. Notingher, P. Notingher jr, M.Plopeanu 2223 P.V.Notingher, Cristina Stancu, P. Notingher jr, Water Tree Influence on Space Charge Distribution and on the Residual Electric Field in Polyethylene Insulation, Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Bulletin of the WaterăTreesă–ăElectricalăAgeingă “POLITEHNICA”ă Factor for Power Cable Insulation University of Timisoara Bulletin of the Influence of Temperature and “POLITEHNICA”ă Water Content on Dielectric University of Properties of Mineral Oil, Timisoara VOL. 70, NO. 1 2008 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica VOL 70,NR. 3 2008 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica VOL 70,NR. 3 2008 VOL. 70, NO.4 2008 71 201 - 212 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica 2009 183-192 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2 2009 7-12 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2 2009 89-94 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 54 2009 γ69ă–ăγ76 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 54 2009 γ61ă–ăγ68 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica EEAELECTROTEHN Producereaăaccelerat ăaă arborescen elorăelectrice.ăParteaă ICA, ELECTRONICA, I-a:ăIni iereaăarborescen elor,ă AUTOMATICA, 57 2009 EEADezvoltarea arborescentele ELECTROTEHN electriceă–ăfactorădeterminantăală P. V. Notingher, M. ICA, Plopeanu, Cristina Stancu strapungerii izolatiilor cablurilor ELECTRONICA, de energie, AUTOMATICA 2227 2 2224 P.V. Notingher, L.V. Badicu, L.M. Dumitran, 2225 G. Tanasescu, D. Popa P. V. Notingher, M. Plopeanu nov.19 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2226 2009 51-58, UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica P.V. Notingher, L.M. Dumitran, S. Busoi, G. Tanasescu, E.Balescu 2228 Cristina Stancu, P. V. Notingher, P. Notingher jr, M.Plopeanu Proceedings of World Academy Ageing Assessment of of Science, Insulation Systems by Absorption/Resorption Currents, Engineering and Technology Electric Field Determination in Water Treed Samples Using the Thermal Step Method, 2229 37 2009 679ă–ă705 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica Journal of International Scientific Publications, Materials, Methods & Technologies, 3 2009 51-62, UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica Aurelă–ăIonu ăCHIRIL ,ă Ioană–ăDragoşă DEACONU, Constantin GHI ,ăValentină N VR PESCUăandă 2230 Gianfranco CHICCO, A COMPARISON OF A THREE PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR FED BY TWO DIFFERENT VOLTAGE SOURCES BEHAVIOR, U.P.B. Scientific Bulletin, Series C –ăElectricală Engineering, 71 Ioană–ăDragoşă DEACONU,ăAurelă–ă Ionu ăCHIRIL ,ă ConstantinăGHI ,ă ValentinăN VR PESCUă 2231 and Gianfranco CHICCO, ANALYTICAL COMPUTATION METHOD FOR ELECTRODYNAMIC FORCES ACTING OVER ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER WINDINGS U.P.B. Scientific Bulletin, Series C –ăElectricală Engineering 71 Succesul Proiectelor de Microelectronica Revista EEA, 57 2009 67 UPB Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal 7 2009 UPB 2232 M. Ilas, C.Ilas, S. Ionescu ConstantinăGHI ,ă Ioan–Dragoşă DEACONU,ăAurel–Ionu ă Lab Model for a Low Power CHIRIL ,ăValentină Wind Power Turbine System, N VR PESCU,ăIonă 2233 Daniel ILINA 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 M. Morega, A. Morega , A. Machedon, Microwave Applicator for Soft Tissue Hyperthermia An ad-hoc data network for medical data collection and reduction “Humanăcommonăwartăremoval:ă Faur, S.C., Morega, A.M. A FEM Model for Cryosurgery Procedure Neural and nervous reflex Panait, M.A., Morega, networks: a new approac to A.M. integrated contro Field-substance interactions in Morega, A.M., Morega, magnetically driven micro-stiring M., Faur, S. devices Che an,ăM.,ăMorega,ă A.M. CONSTANTINDANIEL OANCEA, MELANIA NAUMOF, ADRIAN NEDELCU, 2239 LEONAS CIULINARU IMPROVEMENTS ON DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS PERFORMANCES 2009 111-124 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2009 143-154 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics 39 2009 151-163 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica Bul. UPB 41 - 4 2009 205-208, UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica Bul. UPB 71 - 2 2009 131-142, UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica Bul. UPB 71 - 3 2009 159-170 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2009 2-3, UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics INTERNATION AL REVIEW OF MODELLING AND SIMULATIONS , ISSN 1974-9821 vol.2, nr.4 39 UPB 2009 Inginerie electrica si energetica MIHAELA ALBU, ALEXANDRU NECHIFOR, MIHAIL POPA, MIHAI MARIN, CATALIN CACIULEANU, ELIAS 2240 KYRIAKIDES COMMUNICATION AMONG MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL UNITS IN A DC MICROGRID NI UăSMARANDA,ă NI UăCONSTANTIN,ă 2241 ANGHELI ăPAULA Modelarea procesului de comuta ieăînăîntreruptoareădeă mare putere COSTIA.D.,POPESCU 2242 M.O., POPESCU C.L CAMPUL ELECTROMAGNETIC 2243 V.ăIoni ,ăE.ăCazacu Correction of magnetic measurements in open magnetic circuits 2244 H. Gavrila Exchange Coupled Media for Perpendicular Magnetic Recording 2245 L. Petrescu N. Voicu, Lucia Dumitriu, M, Iordache, 2246 D. Niculae The Jiles-Atheron hysteresis model in electrical engineering, Modeling of the Induction Motor Ventilation bz Electric Circuits "Modeling of the induction motor ventilation by electric circuits", UPB Sci.Bull. Series Nicolae Voicu, Lucia C, vol. 71, Iss. 4, 2009, pp.175Dumitriu, Mihai 2247 Iordache, Dragos Niculae, 182. Mihai Iordache, Mihai 2248 Dogaru, Dragos Niculae, PROC. OF CSCS17, THE 17TH INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE, ISSN 2066-4451 EEAELECTROTEHN ICA, ELECTRONICA, AUTOMATICA EEA ELECTROTEHN ICA Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Symposia Journal of Optoelectronics and Adv. Materials Symposia Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Symposia, U.P.B. Sci. Bull. Series C UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2009 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2009 UPB 2009 Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2009 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2009 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2009 UPB 2009 Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB UPB Scientific Bulletin Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica "Asupra modelarii regimurilor dinamice ale masinii sincrone", Circuit Models for Anti-Series A. G. Gheorghe, Miruna and Anti-Parallel Connections of Electrotehnica, Power Bulk Acoustic Wave Nitescu, F. Electronica, Resonators Automatica 2249 Constantinescu, Gabriel Cheregi, Florea , Journal of Hantila, Lucian Ocheana, „Qualitativeăaspectsăofătheă Electrical and quasistationary electromagnetic Electronics Mircea Arion, Gabriel field” Engineering 2250 Barbu, Inginerie electrica si energetica 2009 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2009 2009 2009 Florea Ioan Hantila, Iosif Nemoianu, Mihai Maricaru, Ioana Hantila, „Anăiterativeăprocedureăforă solvingăFEM-BEMăequations” 2251 Paula Palade, Iosif Nemoianu, Florea Ioan Hantila, Mihai Maricaru, Dan Rucinschi, 2252 Teodor Leuca, , Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering UPB 2009 “Aămethodăforăsolvingătheătimeperiodic electromagnetic field problem in ferromagnetic shielding”,ă “ăNon-invasiveămethodăforă screening and early detection of breast tumors using thermal field analysis” , Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Journal of Electrical and Electronics O. Drosu, F.Hantila, M. Engineering 2253 Maricaru, Scientific Bulletin of Electrical ă„EfficientăTime-Domaină Engineering M. Iordache, Lucia Analysis of Nonlinear Analog 2254 Dumitriu, M. Mandache, CircuitsăDrivenăbyăMulti-Tone” Faculty Journal of Electric and ST NCULESCUă Marilena, MARINESCU ăFlawăshapeăreconstructionă–ăAnă Electronics Engineering 2255 Stelian, CEREGI Gabriel experimental approach Journal of Electric and ST NCULESCUă Electronics Marilena, MARINESCU The use of Matlab in Electrical Engineering 2256 Stelian, CEREGI Gabriel Engineering JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Constantin Nitu, Materials) Smaranda Nitu, Bogdan Piezoelectric devices for power Extended Gramescu, Cristinel harvesting on mechanical Abstracts displacements Proceedings 2257 Mihalache JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials) Extended Daniel Iulian Costia, Modeling Electromagnetic Abstracts Mihai Octavian Popescu, Radiation of multiple dipole Proceedings antennas 2258 Claudia Popescu Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2009 UPB 2009 Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2009 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2009 2009 1 2009 43-44 UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica 1 2009 77-78 UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Florin Stefanescu, Florea Unidirectional Solidification of Materials) Extended Hantila, Gigel Neagu, Aluminium Alloys by Using Alexandrina Mihai, Eddy-Currents for a Controlled Abstracts Proceedings Temperature Distribution 2259 Cleante-Petre Mihai JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Study of the magnetic anisotropy Materials) of the grain oriented (GO) and Extended non-oriented (NO) silicon iron Veronica Paltanea, Abstracts sheets Proceedings 2260 Gheorghe Paltanea JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials) Extended FEM-BEM Method for Flaw Abstracts Shape Reconstruction in Marilena Stanculescu, Proceedings Ferromagnetic Bodies 2261 Mihai Maricaru JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials) Extended F.Constantinescu, A.G. A Time Step Choice Algorithm Abstracts for Transient Analysis of Circuits Proceedings 2262 Gheorghe, M. Nitescu 1 2009 79-80 UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica 1 2009 81-82 UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica 1 2009 89-90 UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica 1 2009 91-92 JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting Utilizing the Polarization Method for Solving a Nonlinear and Nano Materials) Magnetic Shielding Problem Polarization Method for Solving Extended Ioan Florea Hantila, Mihai Vasiliu, Augustin a Nonlinear Magnetic Shielding Abstracts Proceedings 2263 Moraru, Mihai Maricaru Problem JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials) Comparative Analysis of Extended Paul Dan Cristea, Rodica Mitochondrial DNA by using Abstracts Nucleotide Genomic Signals Proceedings 2264 Tuduce JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials) Extended Gabriela Ciuprina, Daniel Ioan, Alexandra Extraction of reduced parametric Abstracts circuit models for passive on-chip Proceedings 2265 Stefanescu JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials) Extended Marilena Stanculescu , Contributions to Flaw Shape Abstracts Ioan Florea Hantila, Reconstruction in Non Proceedings Destructive Testing 2266 Stelian Marinescu 1 2009 93-94 UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica 1 2009 97-98 UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica 1 2009 101-102 UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica 1 2009 103-104 2267 2268 2269 2270 JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials) Extended Mihai Rebican, Daniel Numerical modelling of a cilium Abstracts Ioan using an integral equation method Proceedings JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting Integral-FEM Simulation and and Nano Independent Component Materials) Analysis for Multiple Defect Extended Separation from Pulse Eddy Gabriel Preda, Florea I. Abstracts Currents Signals Hantila Proceedings JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials) Extended Valentin Ionita, Daniel Magnetic Torque Evaluation for Abstracts Proceedings Ioan Magnetized Nanoparticles JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials) A Three-Dimensional FEM Extended Oana Drosu, Florea Model of Breast Cancer Abstracts Hantila, Mihai Maricaru, Localisation Using Proceedings Calin Tiu Thermographical Investigation 1 2009 105-106 UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica 1 2009 107-108 UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica 1 2009 139-140 UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica 1 2009 151-152 Cristinel Mihalache, Smaranda Nitu, Florin 2271 Ionescu Varistor Modelling for PSIM Applications Simulations Electromagnetic exposure from GSM and UMTS indoor base Victor Nitu, George 2272 Lojewski, Smaranda Nitu stations Ioan Florea Hantila, Mihai Maricaru, Marilena Stanculescu, 2273 Valer Giurgiu The Numerical Calculation of HV Fuses Pre-Arcing Time in The Case of Adiabatic Process Alexandru Gheorghe, Daniela Chiriac, Florin 2274 Constantinescu A reduced order circuit model for an interdigital capacitor JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials) Extended Abstracts Proceedings JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials) Extended Abstracts Proceedings JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials) Extended Abstracts Proceedings JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials) Extended Abstracts Proceedings 1 2009 195-196 UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica 1 2009 199-200 UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica 1 2009 201-202 UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica 1 2009 203-204 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials) Navigation Path Extraction in Extended Virtual Endoscopy Based on Gabriel Preda, Radu Abstracts Solution of Stationary Current Cristian Popa, Radu Proceedings Flow Problem Cornel Marian JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials) Gabriel Preda, Radu Centerline Extraction in Virtual Extended Cristian Popa, Radu Endoscopy Based on Severe Abstracts Cornel Marian Domain Mesh Decimation Proceedings JAPMED‟6ă(6thă JapaneseMediterraneean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano Materials) Horizontal configuration of static Extended Abstracts Emil Cazacu, Iosif Vasile permanent magnet diamagnetic Proceedings levitation Nemoianu Proc. of 17th Conf. on the Computation of Electromagnetic Educational software for the Fields numerical correction of (COMPUMAGexperimental magnetization 2009) curves V. Ionita, E. Cazacu Acta Technica Napocensis of the Bunea Florentina, Oprina Technical Aeration parameters Gabriela, Ciocan G. D., University of optimization for an imposed B ranăGh.,ăIlieăC.,ă Cluj-Napoca, energy consumption Pincovschi Irina Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1 2009 205-206 UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica 1 2009 207-2008 UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica 1 2009 211-212 UPB http://japmed6.elth Inginerie electrica si energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica 2009 855-856 Vol. 52, nr. 2 2009 UPB Copernicus Inginerie electrica si energetica 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 Acta Technica Napocensis of the Diana Maria Bucur, Technical Nicoleta Octavia Tanase, C linăMihailăGhergu,ă Using standard pumps as turbines University of Cluj-Napoca, Eugen Constantin Applied Isbasoiu Mathematics and Mechanics Acta Technica Napocensis of the Technical Aerodynamic modelling of a Dragomirescu Andrei, University of cross-flow runner working in a Safta Carmen Anca Cluj-Napoca, low speed air current Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Acta Technica Napocensis of the Numerical computation of the Technical Georgescu Sandaefficiency of a hydropower farm University of Carmen, Georgescu A.model, equipped with Achard Cluj-Napoca, M., Bernad S. I. turbines, tested in water channel Applied Mathematics and Mechanics CALCUL DES PROPRIÉTÉS U.P.B. Sci. Bull., CONSTANTIN THERMOPHYSIQUES DES Series C: IONESCU, FLUIDES Electrical HORIA NECULA FRIGOPORTEURS Engineering DIPHASIQUES CALCULATION OF THE U.P.B. Sci. Bull., THERMOPHYSICAL Series C: IONESCU, C., PROPERTIES Electrical NECULA, H. OF TWO-PHASE Engineering REFRIGERANTS METHODOLOGIE D‟ANALYSEăDUăCYCLEăDEă VIE (ACV) POUR U.P.B. Sci. Bull., L‟EVALUATIONăDEă Series C: PATRASCU L‟IMPACTă Electrical ROXANA ENVIRONNEMENTAL DE Engineering DIFERENTS TYPES D‟INSTALLATIONSăDEă COGENERATION ă„APPLYINGăPETRIăNETă FORMALISM IN U.P.B. Sci. Bull., MODELLING OF GUZUN BASARAB, Series D: MONTHLY TEST OF VALVE BEDREAG ăLUMINI A Mechanical FROM ECC SYSTEM OF THE Engineering CANDU 600 NUCLEAR POWERăPLANT” EVALUATION OF THE RELAP5/SCDAP ACCIDENT U.P.B. Sci. Bull., MIREA MLADIN, Series C: ANALYSIS DANIEL DUPLEAC, Electrical CODE APPLICABILITY TO ILIE PRISECARU Engineering CANDU NUCLEAR REACTORS Vol. 52, nr. 2 2009 UPB Copernicus Inginerie electrica si energetica Vol. 52, nr. 2 2009 UPB Copernicus Inginerie electrica si energetica Vol. 52, nr. 2 2009 UPB Copernicus Inginerie electrica si energetica Vol. . 71, nr. 3 2009 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica Vol. . 71, nr. 3 2009 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica Vol. . 71, nr. 1 2009 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica VOL. 70, NO.1 2009 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica VOL. 71, nr. 4 2009 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica Pisic ,ăIoana,ă Postolache, P. 2288 Genetic Algorithm Performances U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Assessment for Optimal Series C: Location and Sizing of Electrical Distributed Generation Engineering P. V. Notingher, M. Plopeanu, 2289 EEAELECTROTEHN ăProducereaăaccelerat ăaă arborescen elorăelectrice.ăParteaă ICA, II-a:ăDezvoltareaăarborescen elor ELECTRONICA, AUTOMATICA Cristina Stancu, P.V. Water Trees Influence on the Notingher, M.Plopeanu, Power Cables Insulation R.Setnescu, A. Mantisch, Breakdown During Operation, Journal of Science and Arts, Year 10 vol.71, nr 4 2009 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 58 2010 β4ă–ăγ1, UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 1 2010 59-66 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 Scientific Bulletin of University Influence of the Surface POLITEHNICA Defects on the Cristina Stancu, P. V. of Bucharest, Absorption/Resorption Currents Series C: Notingher, in Polyethylene Insulations Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, F. Ciuprina, T. Effects of Ionizung Radiation on Buletinul Zaharescu, S. Jipa, I. the Dielectric Properties of Stiintific UPB, Plesa, P.V. Notingher, D. LDPE- Al2O3 Seria C, Panaitescu Scientific Bulletin of University POLITEHNICA C. Stoica, G. Mares, Fans motors supplying cables of Bucharest, Simona Pasareanu, P.V. for gases evacuation from Series C: Notingher tunnels during fires, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Journal of Dielectric Spectroscopy of Ilona Plesa, F. Ciuprina, Advanced Epoxy Resin with and without P. V. Notingher Research in Inorganic Nanofillers, Physics Anaă–ăMariaă DUMITRESCU, Anca U.P.B. Scientific STAN,ăDragoşă DISK-ROTOR SERVOMOTOR Bulletin, Series C DEACONU, Aurel –ăElectricală FED BY AN AC/DC CHIRIL ,ăValentină Engineering and CONVERTER N VR PESCU,ă Computer Science Mihaela ALBU, Gianfranco CHICCO Aurel-Ionu ăCHIRIL ,ă THREE-PHASE INDUCTION Scientific ConstantinăGHI ,ă MOTOR‟SăMAGNETIZINGă Bulletin of ValentinăN VR PESCUă CHARACTERISTIC BASED Electrical andăIoan-Dragoşă ON FINITE ELEMENT Engineering DEACONU, METHOD Facultyă–ăYeară10, SCOPUS 72 2010 .ă161ă–ă170 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 72 2010 .β59ă–ăβ68 UPB 72 2010 .171- 184 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica 1 72 2010 1- 5 UPB 2010 285-296 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica 2 2010 65-68 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica ConstantinăCEAUŞ,ă Aurel-Ionu ăCHIRIL ,ă Valentin N VR PESCU,ăIoanDragoşăDEACONU,ă Mircea CATRINOIU, 2297 Alessandro MARRONE ăSISTEMăDEăACHIZI IEăAă TENSIUNILOR, A CUREN ILOR,ăAăCUPLULUIă ŞIăAăVITEZEIăPENTRUăUNă SISTEM DE ACTIONARE ELECTRIC , Revista Electrotehnic ă Electronic ă Automatic ă(EEA) 58 Valentin N VR PESCU,ăAncaRevista THEăELECTRICăVEHICLEă–ăAă Simona DEACONU, Electrotehnic ă PRESENT INSIGHT FROM Aurel-Ionu ăCHIRIL ,ă Electronic ă THE FUTURE, Ioan-DragoşăDEACONU,ă Automatic ă(EEA) Gianfranco CHICCO, 2298 58 Anca-Simona STAN, Ioan-DragoşăDEACONU,ă Aurel-Ionu ăCHIRIL ,ă Valentin N VR PESCU,ăMirceaă 2299 CATRINOIU, Aurel IVANCIU, Radu PARASCHIV, Valentin N VR PESCU,ăIoanDragoşăDEACONU,ă Aurel-Ionu ăCHIRIL ,ă 2300 Mircea CATRINOIU 2301 L.Kreindler, A.Sarca, R.Giuclea Neagu, M.D., Morega, 2302 A.M.,ăMogoş,ăL 2303 Petre, M.V., Morega, A.M. Gheorghe ST, Covrig M., Danciu G., Cepisca C., GrigorescăS.,ăPa urc ăS.,ă 2304 Mateescu V., Oprea D 2010 119-122 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2010 38-42 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica MODELAREA UNUI SISTEM DEăAC IONAREăELECTRIC SERVOMOTOR DE C.C. CU ROTOR DISC ALIMENTAT DE LA UN CONVERTOR COMPLET COMANDAT, Revista Electrotehnic ă Electronic ă Automatic ă(EEA 58 MONITORIZAREA NIVELULUIăDEăAP ăDINTRUN BAZIN CU AJUTORUL UNUI PLC Revista Electrotehnic ă Electronic ă Automatic ă(EEA 58 EEA nr.3 58 2010 43-49 UPB Bull. UPB, C 72 2010 171-180 UPB “Heatătransferăbyătheăsideăwallăofă Bull. UPB, C an aluminum electrolysis cell 72 2010 211-220 UPB 2010 UPB Sisteme de comanda pentru actionarea vehiculelor electrice si hibride Intratumoral temperature monitoring” EXPERIMENTAL VEHICLE FOR RESEARCH ON THE ELECTRIC PROPULSION SYSTEMS ENERGY MANAGEMENT Journal of Sustainable Energy, 3D Numerical Model of Melcescu L., Demeter E., Permanent Magnet Synchronous Costea-Marcu I., Craiu revista EEA, Motor for Metropolitan Electric O., Covrig M. Transportat Systemsion 2305 IONESCU FLORIN, IVANOVICI CONSTANTIN, MAZILU MIOARA, POPA IONEL, CHERSIN MIHAI, DRANGA IOAN, ELECTRICAL ENERGY DOBRESCU DANIEL SAVING IN THE INDOOR LIGHTING BY USING LEDS 2306 EMILIAN Bul.UPB 2010 . 39-44, UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2010 50-53, UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 1 Inginerie electrica si energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica 58 2010 . 50-57 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB 2010 Inginerie electrica si energetica ARGATU FLORIN, 2307 CEPISCA C ELECTROTEHN MODELING DYNAMIC HIGH ICA, ELECTRONICA, INTENSITY DISCHARGE AUTOMATICA LAMP CHARACTERISTICS ANDREI,H, CEPISCA,C, GRIGORESCU S, IVANOVICI,T, 2308 ANDREI,P 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 MODELLING OF THE PV PANELS CIRCUIT PARAMETERS USING THE 4TERMONALS EQUATIONS ANDăBRUNE‟SăCONDITIONS Bul.UPB THE ROLE OF LOW VOLTAGE NETWORK AS MICLE,I; ANDREI,H; SILAGHI,H;ROHDE, U; BACK-UP FOR SILAGHI,A; CEPISCA,C PHOLTOVOLTAIC Bul.UPB ADRIAN-VALENTIN BOICEA, OPTIMAL OPERATION AT GIANFRANCO PARTIAL LOAD OF A 30 KW CHICCO, PIERLUIGI NATURAL GAS MANCARELLA MICROTURBINE CLUSTER Bul.UPB DRAGOMIR RADU, SIGNAL IMPAIRMENTS DRAGOMIR DORINA, SOURCES WITHIN HIGH PANTELIMON SPEED OPTICAL BRANDUSA TRANSMISSION Bul.UPB Mathematics in Industry, 1, Volume 14, Scientific Computing in Electrical Gabriela Ciuprina, Daniel Domain Partitioning Based Engineering Ioan, Diana Mihalache, Parametric Models for Passive SCEE 2008 and Ehrenfried Seebacher On-chip Components Mathematics in Industry, 1, Volume 14, Scientific Computing in Electrical Alexandra Stefanescu, Parametric Models of Engineering Daniel Ioan, and Gabriela Transmission Lines Based on SCEE 2008 Ciuprina First Order Sensitivities Computer field Gabriela Ciuprina, Frequency dependent parametric models of electromagnetic AlexandraăŞtef nescu,ă models for transmission line devices Daniel Ioan structures Ilie Stoichescu, Marilena Stanculescu, Teodor Leuca, Ioan Florea FEM-BEM Electrical Field Hantila, Paula Alexandra Analysis in Radiofrequency 2315 Palade, Lucian Ocheana Heating Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Oana Drosu, Ioana Hantila, Valeriu Turcin, Paul Pencioiu, Paula Palade, Mihai Maricaru, 2316 Florea Hantila Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electrostatic Purification UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2010 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2010 UPB 2010 Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2010 UPB 2010 Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2010 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2010 UPB 2010 Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2010 UPB 2010 Inginerie electrica si energetica E. Cazacu, I. V. Nemoianu, Marilena 2317 St nciulescuă Andrei, Emanuela Caciulan, Daniel Dan, Gabriela Ciuprina, Daniel 2318 Ioan I. V. Nemoianu, E. Cazacu, Veronica 2319 P ltânea,ăG.ăP ltânea Busoi, SA, Notingher, PV, Dumitran LM, 2320 Tanasescu, G Petrescu Lucian, Gavrila 2321 Horia Morega, A.M., Dobre, 2322 A.A., Morega, M., Morega, M., Morega, 2323 A.M. Dobre, A.A., Morega, 2324 A.M., Morega, M. Journal of Numerical assessements over the Electrical and parameters of static diamagnetic Electronics Engineering material levitation Matlab Based Parallel Deterministic Optimization of theăLoney‟săSolenoid Study of a disc-shaped earth electrode injecting current into an exponentially increasing conductivity soil Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2010 6 576 ACTA ELECTROTEHN ICA 409 101 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES C ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 3rd International Symposium on The influence of temperature and Electrical and Electronics electric field frequency on the dielectric properties of electrical Engineering, ISEE 2010 machines insulation systems 409 101 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, SCIENTIFIC MODELING THE SOFT BULLETIN MAGNETIC MATERIALS WITH HIGH PERMEABILITY SERIES C ELECTRICAL IN A LARGE RANGE OF ENGINEERING FREQUENCIES Numerical simulation of magnetic drug targeting with flow–structuralăinteractionăinăană European arterial branching region of COMSOL interest Conference Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Electrical and Computed SAR in human head, Power Engineering, EPE induced by different mobile 2010 phone devices Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Electrical and Power Numerical simulation using Engineering, EPE image based, realistic 2010 computational domains UPB 2010 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2010 UPB 2010 05.oct SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica 2010 COMSOL Conference Inginerie electrica si energetica 2010 UPB ISBN 978-606-130071-6 2010 39-42 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica ISBN 978-606-130071-6 2010 79-82 UPB Inginerie electrica si energetica Baran, Gh., Catana, I., Magheti, I., Safta, C.A., Savu, M., Controlling the Cavitation Phenomenon of Evolution On a Butterfly Valve IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science/ Inspec, Compendex vol. 12 3rd International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering/ SCOPUS 978-142448409-6 2010 UPB INSPEC Inginerie electrica si energetica 2325 Popescu, M.O., Popescu, C., Stefanescu, A. Smart grids- Challenges and solutions 2326 Transitory flow in a complex IOP Conference DianaăMariaăBucur,ăC lină hydroelectric scheme with Series: Earth and Mihail Ghergu, Nicoleta multiple intakes and water tanks, Environmental OctaviaăT nase,ăEugenă on-line Proceedings of the 25th Science/ Inspec, ConstantinăIsb soiu IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Compendex Machinery and Systems 2327 U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Diana Maria Bucur, Study of flow at the air-water Series D: Eugen Constantin interface Mechanical Isb soiu 2328 Engineering Diana Maria Bucur, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., NicoletaăOctaviaăT nase,ă Series D: Alternative for small hydraulic C linăMihailăGhergu,ă Mechanical turbines Eugen Constantin Engineering 2329 Isb soiu 2010 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica vol. 12 2010 UPB INSPEC Inginerie electrica si energetica vol. 72, no. 4 2010 UPB SCOPUS vol. 72, no. 1 2010 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica Dunca Georgiana, Sebastian Muntean, Eugen Constantin Isbasoiu IOP Conference Analysis of the flow field into a Series: Earth and two stages and double entry Environmental storage pump taking into account Science/ Inspec, two geometries of stator blades Compendex Dunca Georgiana, Sebastian Muntean, Eugen Constantin Isbasoiu 3D Numerical Analysis of the Impeller - Stator Interaction into a Storage Pump U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D: Mechanical Engineering vol. 72, no. 1 2010 UPB SCOPUS Georgescu A.-M., Georgescu SandaCarmen, Cosoiu C. I., Alboiu N., Hamzu Al. Velocity field in the wake of a hydropower farm equipped with Achard turbines IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science/ Inspec, Compendex vol. 12 2010 UPB INSPEC vol. 12 2010 UPB INSPEC Inginerie electrica si energetica 2330 2331 2333 2334 Georgescu SandaCarmen, Popa Radu, Georgescu A.-M. Experimental versus numerical U.P.B. Sci. Bull., results on the velocity field in the Series D: wake of a hydropower farm Mechanical equipped with three Achard Engineering turbines U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Pumping stations scheduling for Series D: a water supply system with Mechanical multiple tanks Engineering Inginerie electrica si energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica 2332 Georgescu A.-M., Georgescu SandaCarmen,ăCo oiuăC.ăI.,ă Alboiu N., Petre A.-M. Inginerie electrica si energetica vol. 72, no. 1 2010 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica vol. 72, no. 3 2010 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica 2335 Georgescu SandaCarmen, Popa Radu, Georgescu A.-M. M nescuăM.ăF.,ă Panaitescu V. 2336 Neagoe Angela, Popa Radu 2337 Application of Honey Bees Mating Optimization Algorithm to pumping station scheduling for water supply U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D: Mechanical Engineering vol. 72, no. 1 2010 Buletinul Institutului Tomul LVI(LX), Politehnic din Fasc. 2, 2010, Technologies for Monitoring Iaşi,ăSec iaă Editura Structural Damages Arising in the Functioning of Wind Turbines Construc iiădeă POLITEHNIUM Maşini/ă Iaşi IndexCopernicus Transient flows with inertial effects in water supply system of the hydropower plants U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D: Mechanical Engineering IOP Conference Negoi ăGeorgianaSeries: Earth and Claudia, Vasiliu Daniela, Modeling, simulation and Environmental VasiliuăNicolae,ăC linoiuă identification of the servo pumps Science/ Inspec, Constantin Compendex UPB SCOPUS UPB Copernicus Inginerie electrica si energetica vol. 72, no. 1 2010 UPB SCOPUS vol. 12 2010 UPB INSPEC 2339 Popa Bogdan, F. Popa Promoting SHP in Romania 2340 Popa Radu, Florica Popa, Bogdan Popa, Dragos Zachia-Zlatea International Journal of Geosciences/ BDI Ulrichs Web vol. 2, nr. 1 Energetica/ IndexCopernicus vol. 58, nr. 1 2010 UPB Copernicus vol. 12 2010 UPB INSPEC IOP Conference Optimization of the weekly Series: Earth and operation of a multipurpose Environmental hydroelectric development, Science/ Inspec, including a pumped storage plant Compendex 2010 UPB Ulrich Inginerie electrica si energetica Stoia-Djeska, M., Safta, C. A., Frunzulica Fl. 2343 Stroia L., Georgescu Sanda-Carmen, Georgescu A. M. 2344 Weekly-term optimization for a hydro power plant cascade with reversible units. Mathematical model U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D: Mechanical Engineering PAMM Proceedings in Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis of a Applied Fluid-Structure Interection Mathematics and Problem, Mechanics/ Wiley Online Library IOP Conference Series: Earth and Antiquity versus modern times in Environmental Hydraulicsă–ăaăcaseăstudy Science/ Inspec, Compendex Inginerie electrica si energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica 2341 Popa Radu, Florica Popa, Popa Bogdan, Manuela Nicolescu 2342 Inginerie electrica si energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica 2338 Nistoran Gogoase Inundation maps for extreme DanielaăElena,ăArmaşăI.,ă flood events at the mouth of the Ionescu Cristina Sorana Danube River Inginerie electrica si energetica vol. 72, no. 1 2010 UPB SCOPUS vol. 10, no. 1 2010 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica Inginerie electrica si energetica vol. 12 2010 UPB INSPEC Inginerie electrica si energetica PETRE BLAGA, HORIA NECULA, CONSTANTIN IONESCU 2345 ROXANAăP TRAŞCU,ă GEORGE DARIE, EDUARD MINCIUC, CRISTIAN R DUCANU,ăADINAă ST NCULEA 2346 THE INCREASE OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY U.P.B. 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VOL.72, nr I 2354 2355 BADEA, A., VODA, I., DINCA, C., 2356 Costea Marian, Nicoara Bogdan 2357 U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series C: Electrical Engineering U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series C: Electrical Engineering U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series C: Electrical Engineering UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica 2010 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica VOL. 72, nr 2 2010 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica Vol. 72, nr1 2010 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica Vol. 72, nr1 2010 UPB SCOPUS Inginerie electrica si energetica 2010 UPB SCOPUS IoanaăPisic ,ă Petru Postolache, Rough Set Theory and its applications in electrical power engineering. A survey IoanaăPisic ,ă Petru Postolache, A short note on the opportunity of using ADAboost algorithm in electrical power systems U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series C: Electrical Engineering VOL. 72, nr 2 Radu Porumb, Petru Postolache Influence of the failure-ondemnand parameter upon continuity of supply in electric distribution systems U.P.B. Sci. 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