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What does NAB stand for?

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Rank Abbr.Meaning
NABNational Association of Broadcasters
NABNational Australia Bank Limited (est. 1893)
NABNew American Bible
NABName and Address Book
NABNational Accountability Bureau (Pakistan)
NABNot a Benefit
NABNot a Bug
NABNeue Aargauer Bank (Aarau, Switzerland)
NABNanoparticle Albumin-Bound
NABNot Above
NABNational Allergy Bureau
NABNew Arrangements to Borrow (International Monetary Fund)
NABNorth Atlantic Books (Berkeley, CA)
NABNorth American Branch (various organizations)
NABNetwork Address Block
NABNovell Address Book
NABNotes Address Book (Lotus)
NABNational Association of Boards of Examiners of Long Term Care Administrators
NABNational Advisory Board
NABNational Accreditation Board (Ghana)
NABNetwork Adapter Board (computer hardware)
NABNahj Al-Balaghah (Islam; speeches and letters by Ali ibn Abi Talib)
NABNewspaper Advertising Bureau
NABNorthwest Arctic Borough (Alaska)
NABNorth American Baptist Conference (Christian organization formerly made up of German Baptist in North America and six other countries)
NABNon-Alcoholic Beer
NABNichols Air Base (Philippines)
NABNational Assessment Bank (Scottish education)
NABNorton AntiBot
NABNocturnal Acid Breakthrough
NABNational Association of the Blind
NABNational Association for Blind
NABNuisance Abatement Board (Florida)
NABNaval Advanced Base (US Navy)
NABNorth American Breweries (Rochester, NY)
NABNetWare Asynchronous Board
NABNATO Appeals Board
NABNational Alliance of Businessmen
NABNetwork Available Bandwidth
NABNew Alliance Bank (various locations)
NABNorfolk Amphibious Base (Virginia)
NABNetwork Appliance Board (various companies)
NABNo Airbag (gaming clan)
NABNaval Air/Amphibious Base
NABNavy Adjudication Board

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